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5000 Daily use & the most helpful English to Berber Sentences

Perfect collection of daily uses of English to Berber sentences.

1Let’s try something.As-d ad neɛreḍ yiwet n tɣawsa.
2Let’s try something.Iya a’njerreb cṛa.
3Let’s try something.Iyaw a’nsayya iggen cṛa.
4I have to go to sleep.Yessefk ad dduɣ ad ḍḍseɣ.
5I have to go to sleep.Ifuk ad ẓwiɣ ad ṭṭseɣ.
6Today is June 18th and it is Muiriel’s birthday!Ass-a aql-aɣ 18 Yunyu yerna d amulli n Muiriel!
7Today is June 18th and it is Muiriel’s birthday!Ass‑u d 18 Yunyu, d ass n tlalit n Muiriel.
8Muiriel is 20 now.Imir-a, Muriel tesɛa 20 n yiseggasen.
9Muiriel is 20 now.Muiriel ɣers imaṛu 20 ilan.
10The password is “Muiriel”.Awal uffir netta d “Muiriel”.
11The password is “Muiriel”.Awal azzdad d: ”Muiriel”.
12The password is “Muiriel”.Awal ikeṛmen d: ”Muiriel”.
13I will be back soon.Ur ttɛeḍḍileɣ ad d-qqleɣ.
14I will be back soon.Day imaṛu ad dewleɣ.
15I will be back soon.Bessi bessi ad dewleɣ.
16I will be back soon.Ur ttεeṭṭileγ ara ad d-uγaleγ.
17I’m at a loss for words.Yeɛreq-iyi wawal.
18I’m at a loss for words.Jemḍen‑i iwalen.
19This is never going to end.Werjin ad ifak waya.
20This is never going to end.Cṛa‑yu ul yelli yeẓwa ad yeqda.
21I just don’t know what to say.Ur ẓriɣ d acu ara d-iniɣ.
22I just don’t know what to say.N tidet ul ssineɣ batta ɣad iniɣ.
23I just don’t know what to say.Ul ufiɣ ya batta ad iniɣ.
24I just don’t know what to say.Tidet kan, ur ẓriɣ ara dacu ara d-iniɣ.
25That was an evil bunny.Winna d yir wewtul.
26I was in the mountains.Lliɣ deg yedraren.
27Is it a recent picture?Tugna-a d tamaynut?
28I don’t know if I have the time.Ur ẓriɣ ma sɛiɣ akud.
29Education in this world disappoints me.Aswir n usselmed deg umaḍal-a yettxeyyib-iyi.
30This will cost €30.Ad d-yesqam kraḍt n tmerwin n wuṛuten.
31I make €100 a day.Rebbḥeɣ tawinest n wuṛuten deg wass.
32I may give up soon and just nap instead.Yezmer lḥal ad ḥebseɣ uqbel yerna ad qeyyleɣ.
33That won’t happen.Aya ur iḍerru.
34I’ll do my best not to disturb your studying.Ad geɣ akk ayen umi zemreɣ akken ur k-ttcewwileɣ deg tezrawin-nnek.
35I’ll do my best not to disturb your studying.Ad geɣ akk ayen umi zemreɣ akken ur kem-ttcewwileɣ deg tezrawin-nnem.
36I’ll do my best not to disturb your studying.Ad geɣ akk ayen umi zemreɣ akken ur ken-ttcewwileɣ deg tezrawin-nwen.
37I’ll do my best not to disturb your studying.Ad geɣ akk ayen umi zemreɣ akken ur kent-ttcewwileɣ deg tezrawin-nwent.
38I miss you.Jjmeɣ-k.
39I’ll call them tomorrow when I come back.Ad asen-ɣreɣ azekka mi ara d-qqleɣ.
40I always liked mysterious characters more.Seg zik ay smenyafeɣ imsudmawen imidergen.
41You should sleep.A win yufan ad teḍḍseḍ.
42I’m going to go.Ad dduɣ.
43I told them to send me another ticket.Nniɣ-asen ad iyi-d-aznen atiki niḍen.
44You’re so impatient with me.Tezgiḍ tetqellqeḍ yid-i.
45I can’t live that kind of life.Ur zmireɣ ad ddreɣ tameddurt am tin.
46I never liked biology.Werjin ḥemmleɣ tasnudert.
47It is unfortunately true.Sḥissifeɣ imi aya d tidet.
48Most people think I’m crazy.Aṭas n medden ay yettxemmimen nekk selbeɣ.
49No I’m not; you are!Uhu, ur d nekk ay yellan akka, wanag d kecc!
50He’s kicking me!La iyi-d-yekkat s rrkel!
51Are you sure?Tetḥeqqeḍ?
52Then there is a problem…Dɣa yella wugur …
53Oh, there’s a butterfly!Ah, yella uferṭeṭṭu!
54Hurry up.Ɣiwel!
55Hurry up.Ɣiwlet.
56Hurry up.Ɣiwlemt.
57Are you freaking kidding me?!D aqeṣṣer ay la tettqeṣṣired yid-i?
58When I grow up, I want to be a king.Asmi ara imɣureɣ, bɣiɣ ad qqleɣ d agellid.
59I’m so fat.Zureɣ aṭas.
60So what?Sakkin d acu?
61I’m gonna shoot him.Ad qerrseɣ fell-as.
62It would take forever for me to explain everything.Ad wteɣ leqrun i wakken ad d-sfehmeɣ kullec.
63That’s because you’re a girl.Acku kemm d taqcict.
64Let’s consider the worst that could happen.Aset-d ad nxemmem ɣef tɣawsa n diri akk ay izemren ad teḍru.
65How many close friends do you have?Acḥal n yimeddukal uqriben ay tesɛiḍ?
66How many close friends do you have?Acḥal n tmeddukal tuqribin ay tesɛiḍ?
67How many close friends do you have?Acḥal n yimeddukal uqriben ay tesɛam?
68How many close friends do you have?Acḥal n tmeddukal tuqribin ay tesɛam?
69How many close friends do you have?Acḥal n yimeddukal uqriben ay tesɛamt?
70How many close friends do you have?Acḥal n tmeddukal tuqribin ay tesɛamt?
71This is always the way it has been.Seg zik ay tteddun tɣawsiwin akka.
72Most people write about their daily life.Aṭas n medden ay yettarun ɣef tudert-nsen n yal ass.
73Most people write about their daily life.ⴰⵟⴰⵙ ⵏ ⵎⴻⴷⴷⴻⵏ ⴰⵢ ⵢⴻⵜⵜⴰⵔⵓⵏ ⵖⴻⴼ ⵜⵓⴷⴻⵔⵜ-ⵏⵙⴻⵏ ⵏ ⵢⴰⵍ ⴰⵙⵙ.
74Most people write about their daily life.Amur ameqran deg medden ttarun-d ɣef tmeddurt-nsen n yal ass.
75How long did you stay?Acḥal ay teqqimeḍ?
76How long did you stay?Acḥal ay teqqimem?
77How long did you stay?Acḥal ay teqqimemt?
78How long did you stay?Acḥal ay teqqimed?
79I didn’t know where it came from.Ur ẓriɣ seg wansi ay d-yekka.
80This is not important.Aya ur yesɛi azal.
81She’s asking how that’s possible.La tesseqsay amek ay yezmer ad yeḍru waya.
82There’s a problem there that you don’t see.Yella yiwen n wugur din, kecc ur t-twalaḍ.
83You can do it.Tzemreḍ ad t-tgeḍ.
84My physics teacher doesn’t care if I skip classes.Aselmad-inu n tsengama ur d-yeclig ma ur ḥdiṛeɣ deg temsirin.
85I wish I could go to Japan.Mennaɣ lemmer d ay zmireɣ ad dduɣ ɣer Japun.
86I hate it when there are a lot of people.Keṛheɣ mi ara ilin aṭas n medden.
87I have to go to bed.Yessefk ad dduɣ ad ḍḍseɣ.
88I have to go to bed.Ilaq ad ṛuḥeγ γer wussu.
89After that, I left, but then I realized that I forgot my backpack at their house.Sakkin ddiɣ, maca greɣ tamawt ttuɣ asga-inu deg wexxam-nsen.
90I won’t ask you anything else today.Ass-a, ur k-sseqsayeɣ ɣef wacemma niḍen.
91It may freeze next week.Yezmer lḥal ad yismiḍ mliḥ lḥal dduṛt ay d-itteddun.
92Even though he apologized, I’m still furious.Ɣas ma yella yessuter-d ssmaḥ, mazal-iyi rfiɣ.
93The police will get you to find the bullets.Imsulta ad k-ḥettmen ad d-tafeḍ tirṣaṣin-nni.
94Thanks for having explained to me at last why people take me for an idiot.Tanemmirt imi ay iyi-d-tesfehmeḍ ayɣer medden ttwalin-iyi d amenzug.
95That wasn’t my intention.Ur d ta ay d nneyya-inu.
96Thanks for your explanation.Tanemmirt ɣef ussefhem-nnek.
97Theoretically, I’m doing math.Deg teẓri, d tusnakt ay la ttgeɣ.
98If you didn’t know me that way then you simply didn’t know me.Ma yella ur iyi-tessineḍ s ṣṣifa-a, ihi ur iyi-tessineḍ akk.
99If you didn’t know me that way then you simply didn’t know me.Ma yella ur iyi-tessinem s ṣṣifa-a, ihi ur iyi-tessinem akk.
100If you didn’t know me that way then you simply didn’t know me.Ma yella ur iyi-tessinemt s ṣṣifa-a, ihi ur iyi-tessinemt akk.
101It almost scared me not to see you online for a whole day.Qrib xelɛeɣ imi ass s lekmal-nnes ur d-tbaneḍ deg Internet.
102I don’t know what you mean.Ur ẓriɣ d acu ay d-tqesdeḍ.
103My computer has got to be useful for something.Aselkim-inu yessefk ad yenfeɛ i kra.
104You wanted to tell me about freedom?Telliḍ tebɣiḍ ad iyi-d-tessiwleḍ ɣef tlelli?
105Uh, now it’s really weird…Uh, ta d taɣawsa taɣwalit s tidet …
106If I wanted to scare you, I would tell you what I dreamt about a few weeks ago.Ma yella bɣiɣ ad kem-sxelɛeɣ, ad am-d-ḥkuɣ kan ayen ay urgaɣ kra n ledwaṛ aya.
107If I wanted to scare you, I would tell you what I dreamt about a few weeks ago.Ma yella bɣiɣ ad k-sxelɛeɣ, ad ak-d-ḥkuɣ kan ayen ay urgaɣ kra n ledwaṛ aya.
108If I wanted to scare you, I would tell you what I dreamt about a few weeks ago.Ma yella bɣiɣ ad ken-sxelɛeɣ, ad awen-d-ḥkuɣ kan ayen ay urgaɣ kra n ledwaṛ aya.
109If I wanted to scare you, I would tell you what I dreamt about a few weeks ago.Ma yella bɣiɣ ad kent-sxelɛeɣ, ad awent-d-ḥkuɣ kan ayen ay urgaɣ kra n ledwaṛ aya.
110One can’t expect everything from schools.Ur tezmireḍ ad tḍemɛeḍ ad d-tlemdeḍ kullec seg yiɣerbazen.
111There are many words that I don’t understand.Llan aṭas n wawalen ur fhimeɣ.
112I don’t like it when mathematicians who know much more than I do can’t express themselves explicitly.Ur ḥemmleɣ mi ara ẓreɣ imusnaken ay iyi-yugaren tamussni, ur ssinen ad d-ssiwlen ɣef wayen ay ttxemmimen s tefses.
113You’re really not stupid.D tidet, kecc ur d amenzug.
114I need to ask you a silly question.Bɣiɣ ad k-ttreɣ yiwet n tuttra d tamenzugt.
115No one will know.Yiwen ur iẓerr.
116What did you answer?D acu ay d-terriḍ?
117No, he’s not my new boyfriend.Uhu, ur yelli d ameddakel-inu amaynu.
118It’s too bad that I don’t need to lose weight.Sḥissifeɣ imi ur ḥwajeɣ ad ḍeɛfeɣ.
119You never have class or what?!Kecc werjin teqqareḍ neɣ d acu?!
120I will play Sudoku then instead of continuing to bother you.Ihi ad urareɣ kan asudoku akken ur k-ttqelliqeɣ.
121Where is the problem?Anda-t wugur?
122I can only wait.Zemreɣ kan ad ṛjuɣ.
123It’s not much of a surprise, is it?Aya ur yessewham aṭas, neɣ uhu?
124I love you.Ḥemmleɣ-k.
125I love you.Ḥemmleɣ-kem.
126I don’t like you anymore.Ur iyi-mazal ḥemmleɣ-k.
127I don’t like you anymore.Qqleɣ ur k-ḥemmleɣ.
128I am curious.Bɣiɣ ad ẓreɣ.
130I don’t want to wait that long.Ur bɣiɣ ad ṛjuɣ anect-a akk.
131Why don’t you come visit us?Ayɣer ur d-trezzuḍ fell-aɣ?
132But the possibility seems unlikely.Maca yettban-iyi-d aya ur yezmir ad yeḍru.
133But the possibility seems unlikely.Maca, ɣef wakken ttwaliɣ, aya ur yezmir ad yeḍru.
134I shouldn’t have logged off.Ur yelli yessefk ad gezmeɣ tuqqna-nni.
135I don’t know what to do anymore.Ur ẓriɣ d acu ara rnuɣ ad t-geɣ.
136It is inevitable that I go to France someday, I just don’t know when.Terra tmara ad dduɣ ɣer Fṛansa kra n wass. Ur ẓriɣ kan melmi.
137I hate chemistry.Keṛheɣ takrura.
138I didn’t want this to happen.Ur lliɣ bɣiɣ ad yeḍru waya.
139You can probably guess what happens though.War ccek, tzemreḍ ad teẓreḍ d acu ay yeḍran war ma nenna-ak.
140What other options do I have?Batta ɣerč bla ad txiyred?
141I am not much of a traveller.Ur ḥemmleɣ ad ssikeɣ aṭas.
142Everyone has strengths and weaknesses.Yal yiwen yesɛa ayen aydeg yeẓwer ed wayen aydeg ixuṣṣ.
143How could I be a robot? Robots don’t dream.Amek ay zemreɣ ad iliɣ d aṛubut? Iṛubuten ur ttargun.
144What do you think I’ve been doing?D acu ay tɣileḍ lliɣ la t-ttgeɣ?
145My mom doesn’t speak English very well.Yemma ur tessawal tanglizit mliḥ.
146I don’t speak French well enough!Ur ssawaleɣ tafṛensist mliḥ!
147Everyone wants to meet you. You’re famous!Medden akk bɣan ad k-ssnen. Aql-ik mechuṛeḍ!
148Everyone wants to meet you. You’re famous!Medden akk bɣan ad kem-ssnen. Aql-ikem mechuṛeḍ!
149Everyone wants to meet you. You’re famous!Medden akk bɣan ad ken-ssnen. Aql-iken mechuṛit!
150Everyone wants to meet you. You’re famous!Medden akk bɣan ad kent-ssnen. Aql-ikent mechuṛit!
151Foreign people intrigue me.Ssewhamen-iyi yibeṛṛaniyen.
152Life is hard, but I am harder.Ɣas tewɛeṛ tmeddurt, nekk weɛṛeɣ ugar-nnes.
153Tomorrow, he will land on the moon.Azekka ad rsen sufella n wayur.
154I don’t speak Japanese.Ur ssawaleɣ tajapunit.
155Nobody understands me.Ula d yiwen ur iyi-yefhim.
156I suppose that behind each thing we have to do, there’s something we want to do…Cikkeɣ belli sdeffir yal taɣawsa ay nebɣa ad tt-neg, tella tɣawsa niḍen ay nebɣa ad tt-neg…
157You never have time for important things!Werjin tseɛɛuḍ akud i lecɣal ay yesɛan azal!
158Are you referring to me?D nekk ay d-tqesdeḍ?
159Thank you for helping me. “Don’t mention it.”Tanemmirt ɣef uɛiwen-nnek. “Ulac aɣilif.”
160It is up to you to decide whether we will go there or not.D kecc ara tt-id-yefrun ma yella ad neddu ɣer din neɣ uhu.
161It is up to you to decide whether we will go there or not.D kenwi ara tt-id-yefrun ma yella ad neddu ɣer din neɣ uhu.
162It is up to you to decide whether we will go there or not.D kennemti ara tt-id-yefrun ma yella ad neddu ɣer din neɣ uhu.
163Class doesn’t begin until eight-thirty.Arma d tis tamet ed wezgen ara d-tebdu temsirt.
164Class doesn’t begin until eight-thirty.Arma d ttmanya ed wezgen ara d-tebdu temsirt.
165If you don’t eat, you die.Lemmer ur tettetteḍ, ad temmteḍ.
166If you don’t eat, you die.Lemmer ur tettettem, ad temmtem.
167If you don’t eat, you die.Lemmer ur tettettemt, ad temmtemt.
168How do you spell “pretty”?Amek ara naru “pretty”?
169I’m sorry, I can’t stay long.Ssuref-iyi, ur zmireɣ ad ɛeḍḍleɣ.
170Ten years is a long time to wait.Ɣezzifet tmeṛjiwt n mraw n yiseggasen.
171One million people lost their lives in the war.Amelyun n medden ay yemmuten deg wemgaru-nni.
172Oh, my white pants! And they were new.Uh, aserwal-inu amellal! Yerna d amaynu.
173When I left the train station, I saw a man.Mi d-ffɣeɣ seg teɣsert-nni n tmacint, ẓriɣ yiwen n wergaz.
174You’re lucky because he didn’t bite you.Tesɛiḍ zzheṛ imi ur k-ikerrec.
175You’re lucky because he didn’t bite you.Tesɛiḍ zzheṛ imi ur kem-ikerrec.
176You’re lucky because he didn’t bite you.Tesɛam zzheṛ imi ur ken-ikerrec.
177You’re lucky because he didn’t bite you.Tesɛamt zzheṛ imi ur kent-ikerrec.
178Thank you very much!Tanemmirt s tussda!
179Where are the eggs, please?Anda-tent tmellalin ma ulac aɣilif?
180It’s a pity when somebody dies.D ayen yesseḥzanen mi ara yemmet yiwen.
181Oh, I’m sorry.Uh, ssuref-iyi.
182Excuse me; allow me to point out three errors in the above article.Ssuref-iyi; ma ulac aɣilif, bɣiɣ ad d-bedreɣ kraḍt n tuccḍiwin ay d-yellan deg umagrad-a.
183Do you speak Italian?Tessawaleḍ taṭalyanit?
184It’s impossible for me to explain it to you.D awezɣi ad ak-t-id-sfehmeɣ.
185I don’t want to spend the rest of my life regretting it.Ur bɣiɣ ad nedmeɣ fell-as s teɣzef n tmeddurt-inu.
186Imagination affects every aspect of our lives.Tasugint tḥuza yal udem seg tmeddurt-nneɣ.
187Imagination affects every aspect of our lives.Tasugint teqqen ɣer yal udem seg tmeddurt-nneɣ.
188You’ll forget about me someday.Kra n wass ad iyi-tettuḍ.
189I wonder how long it’s going to take.Wissen acḥal ara yeḍḍef waya.
190I can walk to school in 10 minutes.Zemreɣ wteɣ mraw kan n tedqiqin akken ad awḍeɣ s aɣerbaz ɣef uḍar.
191Do you need me to give you some money?Tebɣiḍ ad ak-fkeɣ cwiṭ n yedrimen?
192Do you need me to give you some money?Tebɣiḍ ad am-fkeɣ cwiṭ n yedrimen?
193Do you need me to give you some money?Tebɣam ad awen-fkeɣ cwiṭ n yedrimen?
194Do you need me to give you some money?Tebɣamt ad awent-fkeɣ cwiṭ n yedrimen?
195Paris is the most beautiful city in the world.Paris d nettat ay d tamdint ay icebḥen akk deg umaḍal.
196The cost of life increased drastically.Tasqamt n tmeddurt terna s waṭas.
197How do you say that in Italian?Amek ara d-tiniḍ aya s tṭalyanit?
198Would you like to dance with me?Ad tceḍḥeḍ yid-i?
199I’d like to stay for one night.Bɣiɣ ad nseɣ yiwen yiḍ.
200Come on, play with me, I’m so bored!Aha, as-d ad turareḍ yid-i, tqellqeɣ!
201Don’t you even think of eating my chocolate!Ulayɣer akk ma tḍemɛeḍ ad tecceḍ ccikula-inu!
202It’s lonely in the saddle since the horse died.Yeɣli-d lweḥc deg udaynin seg wasmi ay yemmut wayis-nni.
203Look at me when I talk to you!Ttmuqqul-iyi-d mi ara ssawaleɣ yid-k!
204What would the world be without women?Amek ara yili umaḍal war tisednan?
205Who wants some hot chocolate?Anwa ay yebɣan cwiṭ n ccikula yeḥman?
206Speak more slowly, please!Ttxil-k, ur ttḥaṛaf awal!
207And what are we going to do?Sakkin d acu ara neg?
208I have a headache.Yeqreḥ-iyi yiɣef-inu.
209I have a headache.Ikma-hi yiɣef-in.
210I have a headache.Inγa-iyi uqeṛṛuy-iw.
211I must admit that I snore.Yessefk ad steɛṛfeɣ belli sxerxureɣ.
212How are you? Did you have a good trip?Amek telliḍ? Tessakleḍ mliḥ?
213How are you? Did you have a good trip?Amek tellam? Tessaklem mliḥ?
214How are you? Did you have a good trip?Amek tellamt? Tessaklemt mliḥ?
215I don’t feel well.La ttḥulfuɣ i yiman-inu ur lhiɣ.
216She’s faking sleep. That’s why she’s not snoring.Tesmeɛreq kan teḍḍes. Ɣef waya ur la tcexxer.
217My shoes are too small. I need new ones.Irkasen-a ḥeṛsen fell-i aṭas. Ḥwajeɣ ad d-sɣeɣ wiyaḍ.
218You should have listened to me.Yella yessefk ad iyi-tesleḍ.
219Half a million children still face malnutrition in Niger.Azgen n umelyun n yigerdan ay mazal lluẓen deg Nijir.
220The train from Geneva will arrive at the station.Tamacint ay d-yusan seg Geneve ad d-tetteddu ɣer teɣsert.
221I would like to give him a present for his birthday.Bɣiɣ ad as-fkeɣ asefk i lmend n umulli-nnes.
222Why don’t you eat vegetables?Ayɣer ur tettetteḍ tidal?
223I’m undressing.La ttekkseɣ iceḍḍiḍen-inu.
224The car crashed into the wall.Takeṛṛust-nni tekcem deg weɣrab.
225The wind calmed down.Yers waḍu-nni.
226I don’t want to propose to you!Ur bɣiɣ ad am-d-ssutreɣ ad kem-aɣeɣ!
227Where there’s a will, there’s a way.Wid yebɣan ttnadin amek, wid yugin ttinin ulamek.
228Who searches, finds.Win yettnadin, yettaf.
229Rome wasn’t built in a day.Roma ur tettwabna deg yiwen kan wass.
230That was the best day of my life.D win ay d ass icebḥen akk deg tmeddurt-inu.
231I give you my word.Ṛeggmeɣ-ak.
232Don’t worry, be happy!Ur ttagad yerna ɣas fṛeḥ!
233Take a book and read it.Ddem adlis, teɣreḍ-t!
234You make me dream.Tettajjaḍ-iyi ad arguɣ.
235When you can’t do what you want, you do what you can.Ma ur tezmireḍ ad tgeḍ ayen tebɣiḍ, eg ayen umi tzemreḍ.
236When you can’t do what you want, you do what you can.Ma ur tezmirem ad tgem ayen tebɣam, get ayen umi tzemrem.
237When you can’t do what you want, you do what you can.Ma ur tezmiremt ad tgemt ayen tebɣamt, gemt ayen umi tzemremt.
238Could you call again later, please?Ttxil-k, tzemreḍ ad tɛawdeḍ ad d-teɣreḍ ticki?
239Could you call again later, please?Ttxil-k, tzemred ad d-tɛawded ad d-teɣred ticki?
240Could you call again later, please?Ttxil-m, tzemred ad d-tɛawded ad d-teɣred ticki?
241Could you call again later, please?Ttxil-m, tzemreḍ ad d-tɛawdeḍ ad d-teɣreḍ ticki?
242I accept, but only under one condition.Ad qebleɣ, maca s yiwen kan n ccerḍ.
243I accept, but only under one condition.Ad qebleɣ, maca s yiwet kan n tmentilt.
244Life is beautiful.Tecbeḥ tmeddurt.
245I can’t take it anymore! I haven’t slept for three days!Ur zmireɣ i nnig waya! Kraḍ wussan aya seg wasmi ur ḍḍiseɣ!
246Have you ever eaten a banana pie?Yella wasmi ay tecciḍ tasektit n ubanan?
247If you can’t have children, you could always adopt.Ma ur tezmireḍ ad d-tesɛuḍ igerdan, tzemreḍ ad d-tawyeḍ wid ara tṛebbiḍ.
248If you can’t have children, you could always adopt.Ma ur tezmirem ad tesɛum igerdan, tzemrem ad d-tawyem wid ara tṛebbim.
249If you can’t have children, you could always adopt.Ma ur tezmiremt ad tesɛumt igerdan, tzemremt ad d-tawyemt wid ara tṛebbimt.
250Are you for or against abortions?Kečč aql-ik akked neɣ mgal usseɣli n tdisa?
251Hey, look, a three-headed monkey!Mmuqqel kan, d iddew bu kraḍ yiɣfawen!
252Hey, look, a three-headed monkey!Mmuqqlet kan, d iddew bu kraḍ yiɣfawen!
253Hey, look, a three-headed monkey!Mmuqqlemt kan, d iddew bu kraḍ yiɣfawen!
254It’s a pity that you can’t buy miracles like you would buy potatoes.Nesḥissif imi yiwen ur yezmir ad d-iseɣ timkerriyin akken ay yezmer ad d-iseɣ lbaṭaṭa.
255I love lasagna.Ḥemmleɣ ad cceɣ talazant.
256I love lasagna.Ḥemmleɣ talazant.
257I love lasagna.Nekk ḥemmleɣ talazant.
258I was rereading the letters you sent to me.Lliɣ la ttɛawadeɣ taɣuri i tebṛatin-nni ay iyi-d-tuzneḍ.
259I don’t want to go to school.Ur bɣiɣ ad dduɣ s aɣerbaz.
260It is raining.La yekkat wenẓar.
261I was planning on going to the beach today, but then it started to rain.Ass-a ssefraɣ ad dduɣ ɣer teftist, maca iwet-d wenẓar.
262I went to the zoo yesterday.Iḍelli ddiɣ s urti n yiɣersiwen.
263We won the battle.Nerbeḥ imenɣi-nni.
264Hello? Are you still here?Azul! Mazal-ik da?
265I read a book while eating.Ɣriɣ adlis mi lliɣ ttetteɣ.
266I live near the sea, so I often get to go to the beach.Zedɣeɣ sdat yilel yerna seɛɛuɣ tagnit ad dduɣ ɣer teftist.
267Your glasses fell on the floor.Tisekkadin-nnek ɣlint ɣer lqaɛa.
268We went to London last year.Aseggas yezrin, nedda ɣer London.
269She doesn’t want to talk about it.Ur tebɣi ad tessiwel ɣef temsalt-a.
270If there’s no solution, then there’s no problem.Ma yella ur telli tifrat, ihi ur yelli wugur.
271My little brother is watching TV.Gma amecṭuḥ la yettmuqqul tiliẓri.
272To him, hunger was an abstract concept; he always had enough to eat.Ur yessin akk d acu ay d laẓ; seg zik ay yesɛa d acu ara yecc.
273He was still mad about the accident despite his wife’s conciliatory words.Ɣas teɛreḍ tmeṭṭut-nnes ad t-thedden, netta mazal-it yerfa ɣef usehwu-nni.
274Classes are starting again soon.Qrib ad d-bdunt temsirin.
275For a moment there, I thought he had gone mad.Naqal ɣileɣ tebda-t-id tisselbi.
276It caught me off guard; I didn’t know what to do.Yeɣli-d fell-i wugur-a war ma bniɣ fell-as. Ur lliɣ akk ẓriɣ d acu ara geɣ.
277I’ve changed my website’s layout.Beddleɣ asnazel n udeg-inu.
278Sorry, I don’t think I’m gonna be able to.Ssuref-iyi, ur cikkeɣ ad zemreɣ ad geɣ aya.
279Come on! Talk to me, Trang.Aha! Ssiwel yid-i a Trang.
280I won’t lower myself to his level.Ur ssidireɣ iman-inu s aswir-nnes.
281What are you talking about?Ɣef wacu ay la tessawaleḍ?
282I want a piece of candy.Bɣiɣ taḥelwat.
283When are we eating? I’m hungry!Melmi ara necc? Lluẓeɣ!
284Thank you. “You’re welcome.”Tanemmirt. “Ulac aɣilif.”
285How do you pronounce “pronounce”?Amek ara d-tneṭqeḍ “pronounce”?
286It’s difficult to have great ideas.Yewɛeṛ ɣef wemdan ad d-yesnulfu tikta igerrzen.
287She got sick this weekend.Tuḍen deg tgara-a n dduṛt.
288She got sick this weekend.Tuḍen tagara n yimalas-a.
289He’s sleeping like a baby.Yeḍḍes am ulufan.
290I want a massage. I need to relax.Bɣiɣ altaf. Ḥwajeɣ ad sgunfuɣ.
291You’re sick. You have to rest.Tuḍneḍ. Yessefk ad tesgunfuḍ.
292There’s a secret path on the left.Yella webrid uffir ɣef uzelmaḍ.
293Smith has spent years studying the effects of sleep and sleep loss on memory and learning.Smith yekka acḥal n yiseggasen yeqqar ɣef yiḍes ed yisemda-nnes ɣef ccfawat ed welmad.
294She’s asking for the impossible.La tessutur awezɣi.
295He disappeared without a trace.Yeɛreq war ma yejja-d lateṛ.
296I can place the palms of my hands on the floor without bending my knees.Zemreɣ ad sserseɣ tidikal n yifassen-inu ɣef wagens war ma rẓiɣ ifadden-inu.
297There cannot be progress without communication.Ur yezmir ad d-yili ufara war taɣwalt.
298Everyone would like to believe that dreams can come true.Medden akk bɣan ad amnen tirga tteffɣent ɣer tidet.
299The best way to make your dreams come true is to wake up.Abrid igerrzen akk ara k-yejjen ad tessuffɣeḍ tirga-nnek ɣer tidet netta d mi ara d-takiḍ.
300The world doesn’t revolve around you.Amaḍal ur la yettezzi fell-ak kan kecc.
301The world doesn’t revolve around you.Amaḍal ur la yettezzi fell-am kan kemm.
302The world is full of fools.Amaḍal yeccuṛ d imenzugen.
303Are you saying my life is in danger?Tebɣiḍ ad d-tiniḍ tameddurt-inu attan deg umihi?
304Do you have any idea what my life is like?Yella kra n takti ɣef wamek ay tga tmeddurt-inu?
305I look forward to hearing your thoughts on this matter.La ttṛajuɣ s lḥir akken ad ẓreɣ d acu ay tettxemmimeḍ ɣef temsalt-a.
306My life is hollow without him.Lemmer ur yettili yid-i, tameddurt-inu ad teqqim d tilemt.
307She was wearing a black hat.Tella teqqen arazal d aberkan.
308My heart was filled with happiness.Yeccuṛ wul-inu d lfeṛḥ.
309Sir, you are not allowed to park your car here.A Mass, ur tesɛiḍ ttesriḥ ad tḥebseḍ takeṛṛust-nnek da.
310I don’t have the strength to keep trying.Ur sɛiɣ ljehd ayyes ara kemmleɣ aneɛruḍ.
311Yes! I won twice in a row!Ih! Rebḥeɣ snat n tikkal ɣef wesref!
312I’m tired of eating fast food.Ɛyiɣ seg wucci n wucci afessas.
313Where is the bathroom?Anda-tt texxamt n tarda?
314The essence of liberty is mathematics.Tumast n tlelli nettat d tusnakt.
315I’m going to buy myself a new camera, digital this time.Ad d-sɣeɣ timseknewt tamaynut, yerna d tikkelt-a ad tili d timseknewt tumḍint.
316Who buys this type of art?Anwa ay d-yessaɣen ṣṣenf-a n tẓuri?
317What… you still don’t know how to drive?Amek … werɛad ur tessineḍ tanhaṛt?
318I want an MP3 player!Bɣiɣ ameɣri n MP3!
319While eating a pizza he was annoying his sister.Mi yella la ittett tapizza, yella la yettnaqam weltma-s.
320Where are you?Anda ay telliḍ?
321Where are you?Anda ay tellam?
322Where are you?Anda ay tellamt?
323He will make you eat dirt.Ad ak-yessecc aɣebbar.
324It’s a dead end.D abrid ur yessuffuɣen.
325You have been thinking about this problem the whole morning. Take a break; go eat lunch.Taṣebḥit s lekmal-nnes kecc la tettxemmimeḍ ɣef taluft-a. Sgunfu cwiṭ; ddu ad tecceḍ imekli.
326If I don’t do it now, I never will.Ma yella ur giɣ aya imir-a, werjin ad t-geɣ.
327All I need to know about life, I learned from a snowman.Kra n wayen ay ḥwajeɣ ad t-ẓreɣ ɣef tmeddurt, lemdeɣ-t-id seg wergaz n wedfel.
328Check that your username and password are written correctly.Ssefqed ma turiḍ mliḥ isem-nnek n yemseqdec ed wawal-nnek uffir.
329Check that your username and password are written correctly.Ssefqed ma turiḍ isem-nnek n yemseqdec ed wawal-nnek uffir akken iṣeḥḥa.
330Goodbyes are always sad.Amsifeḍ dima yesseḥzan.
331Don’t forget about us!Ur aɣ-ttettu!
332Time has passed very fast.Iɛedda wakud s tazzla.
333Which is your luggage?Anwa deg-sen ay d afecku-nnek?
334Open the cupboard to the left, the bottles are in there.Ldey taxzant-nni ay yellan ɣef uzelmaḍ, ad tafeḍ tiqerɛunin-nni din.
335That way I kill two birds with one stone.Akka, ad wteɣ sin yegḍaḍ s yiwen weẓru.
336Cut, wash and dry, please.Ttxil-k, gzem-it, ssired-it, tessekweḍ-t.
337Any chance you know where I put my keys?Ur teẓrid sanda ay rriɣ tisura-inu?
338Any chance you know where I put my keys?Ur teẓriḍ sanda ay rriɣ tisura-inu?
339Little by little, you will notice improvement in your writings.Cwiṭ, cwiṭ, ad tegreḍ tamawt la ilehhu weswir-nnek deg tira.
340Life is not an exact science, it is an art.Tameddurt ur telli d tussna tiseddit, wanag d taẓuri.
341Do you have a pen on you?Tesɛiḍ imru ɣer-k?
342Since Mario lied to me, I don’t speak to him anymore.Seg wasmi yeskerkes fell-i Mario, qqleɣ ur t-ttlaɛiɣ.
343I love trips.Ḥemmleɣ assikel.
344I love trips.Riɣ assikel.
345I’ve been waiting for hours.Acḥal n tsaɛtin aya seg mi ay la ttṛajuɣ.
346I liked this film.Yeɛjeb-iyi usaru-nni.
347She’s rolling in money.Teṛwa idrimen.
348It’s not important.Aya ur yesɛi azal.
349Why do you want to leave today?Ayɣer ay tebɣiḍ ad tedduḍ ass-a?
350Like father, like son.Am baba-s, am memmi-s.
351All cats are grey in the dark.Imcac akk d idemdamen deg tillas.
352I was expecting it!Lliɣ bniɣ ɣef waya!
353Wait in the waiting room.Ṛju deg texxamt n tmeṛjiwt.
354People who will lie for you, will lie to you.Wid ara yeskiddben akken ad k-ɛawnen, kra n wass ad d-skiddben ula fell-ak.
355People who will lie for you, will lie to you.Wid ara yeskiddben akken ad kem-ɛawnen, kra n wass ad d-skiddben ula fell-am.
356People who will lie for you, will lie to you.Wid ara yeskiddben akken ad ken-ɛawnen, kra n wass ad d-skiddben ula fell-awen.
357People who will lie for you, will lie to you.Wid ara yeskiddben akken ad kent-ɛawnen, kra n wass ad d-skiddben ula fell-awent.
358There was not a bloody soul.Ur yelli ula d yiwen n wemcic din.
359Make yourself at home.Axxam d axxam-nnek.
360I don’t want it anymore.Dayen, ur t-bɣiɣ.
361It was raining when we left, but by the time we arrived, it was sunny.Mi neqleɛ, yella yekkat wenẓar, maca mi nuweḍ, nufa-n d tafukt.
362If you eat too much, you’ll become fat.Lemmer ad tecceḍ aṭas, ad tuzureḍ.
363Would you like to come?Tebɣiḍ ad d-taseḍ?
364I knew he would accept.Ẓriɣ ad yeqbel.
365I knew he would accept.Lliɣ ẓriɣ ad yeqbel.
366I thought it was true.Ɣileɣ aya d tidet.
367I have to give back the book before Saturday.Yessefk ad rreɣ adlis-nni uqbel Ssebt.
368He jumped out the window.Ineggez seg tzewwut.
369He changed a lot since the last time.Ibeddel aṭas seg tikkelt-nni yezrin ar ass-a.
370You took the wrong key.Ur d tasarut-nni ay yessefken ay tuwyed.
371You took the wrong key.Ur d tasarut-nni ay yessefken ay tuwyeḍ.
372You took the wrong key.Maci d tasarut-nni ay yessefken ay tuwyed.
373You took the wrong key.Maci d tasarut-nni ay yessefken ay tuwyeḍ.
374You took the wrong key.Tɛerqed deg tsarut-nni ay tuwyed.
375You took the wrong key.Tɛerqeḍ deg tsarut-nni ay tuwyeḍ.
376How much is it?Acḥal-it ?
377Here is your change.Atan ṣṣerf-nnes.
378I’m sorry, I don’t have change.Ssuref-iyi, ur sɛiɣ ṣṣerf.
379I want you to tell me the truth.Bɣiɣ ad iyi-d-tiniḍ tidet.
380You arrived at the moment I left.Tuwḍeḍ-d deg teswiɛt-nni aydeg ddiɣ.
381Muiriel likes to annoy me lately.Tagara-a, Muiriel teqqel tḥemmel ad iyi-tnaqem.
382Florence is the most beautiful city in Italy.Firenze d nettat ay d tamdint ay icebḥen akk deg Ṭṭalyan.
383The film lasted 2 hours.Asaru-nni yeqqim snat n tsaɛtin.
384It’s more difficult than you think.Yewɛeṛ ugar n wanect ay tettxayaleḍ.
385It’s more difficult than you think.Yewɛeṛ ugar n wanect ay tettxayalem.
386It’s more difficult than you think.Yewɛeṛ ugar n wanect ay tettxayalemt.
387Wolves won’t usually attack people.S umata, iɣas ur ttemmɣen ɣef medden.
388Ah! If I were rich, I’d buy myself a house in Spain.Lemmer d ay lliɣ d ameṛkanti, tili ad d-sɣeɣ axxam deg Spenyul.
389I’d rather be a bird than a fish.Smenyafeɣ ad iliɣ d agḍiḍ wala d aslem.
390We’re going to eat a lot tonight so I hope you’re not on a diet.Ad necc aṭas deg yiḍ-a, ihi ssarameɣ ur la tettḍafareḍ kra n wagal.
391For once in my life I’m doing a good deed… And it is useless.Tikkelt kan deg tmeddurt-inu ay giɣ lxir … Maca ur yenfiɛ i wacemma.
392She has as many books as I.Anect ay sɛiɣ n yedlisen ay tesɛa nettat.
393Maria has long hair.Maria ɣezzif ucebbub-is.
394Maria has long hair.Acebbub n Maria d aɣezzfan.
395Please do not take photos here.Ṣeḥḥa wal ttebbit ttṣawer dani.
396It’s been snowing all night.Iwet wedfel s teɣzef n yiḍ.
397It’s been ten years since we last met.Mraw n yiseggasen aya seg wasmi ay nemlal i tikkelt tameggarut.
398It’s been ten years since we last met.Ɛecṛa n yiseggasen aya seg wasmi ay nemlal i tikkelt tameggarut.
399Could you turn on the light, please?Tzemreḍ ad tessiɣet tafat?
400She’s selling drugs at concerts.Tesnuzuy tihyufin deg yibarazen.
401I buried my dog at the pet cemetery.Nemḍel aydi-inu deg tmeqbert n yiɣersiwen.
402Will you listen to me for a few minutes?Ulac aɣilif ma tesliḍ-iyi kra n tedqiqin?
403I have to write a letter. Do you have some paper?Yessefk ad aruɣ tabṛat. Tesɛiḍ lkaɣeḍ?
404No, I’m not mad at you, I’m just disappointed.Uhu, ur rfiɣ fell-ak, maca txeyybeḍ-iyi.
405She is mad at me.Terfa fell-i.
406An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.Tiṭ s tiṭ, tuɣmest s tuɣmest.
407Are you angry at what I said?Yesserfa-k ayen ay d-nniɣ?
408Since you look tired, you had better take a rest.Imi ay iban fell-ak ɛeyyu, ɣas sgunfu.
409Since you look tired, you had better take a rest.Imi ay iban fell-am ɛeyyu, ɣas sgunfu.
410Since you look tired, you had better take a rest.Imi ay iban fell-awen ɛeyyu, ɣas sgunfut.
411Since you look tired, you had better take a rest.Imi ay iban fell-awent ɛeyyu, ɣas sgunfumt.
412You are tired, aren’t you?Teɛyiḍ, naɣ?
413You are tired, aren’t you?Teɛyam, naɣ?
414You are tired, aren’t you?Teɛyamt, naɣ?
415Are you not tired?Ur teɛyiḍ?
416You are selling him short.Tḥeqreḍ-t.
417Are you younger than him?Kecc meẓẓiyeḍ fell-as?
418All that you have to do is to wait for his reply.Ay yellan fell-ak ad teṛjud kan tiririt-nnes.
419All that you have to do is to wait for his reply.Ay yellan fell-am ad teṛjud kan tiririt-nnes.
420All that you have to do is to wait for his reply.Ay yellan fell-ak ad teṛjuḍ kan tiririt-nnes.
421All that you have to do is to wait for his reply.Ay yellan fell-am ad teṛjuḍ kan tiririt-nnes.
422All that you have to do is to wait for his reply.Ay yellan fell-awen ad teṛjum kan tiririt-nnes.
423All that you have to do is to wait for his reply.Ay yellan fell-awent ad teṛjumt kan tiririt-nnes.
424You should have accepted his advice.Yella yessefk ad tḍefred tanṣiḥt-nnes.
425Did you accept his statement as true?Tqebled awal-a d tidet?
426Did you accept his statement as true?Tqebled dakken awal-a d tidet?
427You ought to ask him for advice.A win yufan ad t-tciwṛed.
428Didn’t you write a letter to him?Turiḍ-as tabṛat?
429Didn’t you write a letter to him?Turam-as tabṛat?
430Didn’t you write a letter to him?Turamt-as tabṛat?
431You can trust him to keep his word.Ɣas eg deg-s laman. Yettaḍḍaf deg wawal-nnes.
432Can you ride a horse?Tzemreḍ ad trekbeḍ ayis?
433You will progress in proportion to your abilities.Ad tedduḍ ɣer sdat ɣef leḥsab n unnerni n tzemmar-nnek.
434You will progress in proportion to your abilities.Ad tedduḍ ɣer sdat ɣef leḥsab n unnerni n tzemmar-nnem.
435You will progress in proportion to your abilities.Ad teddum ɣer sdat ɣef leḥsab n unnerni n tzemmar-nwen.
436You will progress in proportion to your abilities.Ad teddumt ɣer sdat ɣef leḥsab n unnerni n tzemmar-nwent.
437What do you have for breakfast?D acu ay tettetteḍ d imekli n tṣebḥit?
438Do you have bread for lunch?Tesɛiḍ aɣrum i yimekli?
439Who are you waiting for?Anwa ay la tettṛajuḍ?
440Whom are you speaking of?Ɣef wanwa ay la tessawaleḍ?
441Can you tell wheat from barley?Tzemred ad tged amgerrad gar yirden ed temẓin?
442Now that you are a big boy, you may do as you please.Imir-a, mi akka ay meɣɣreḍ, tzemreḍ ad tgeḍ ayen ay ak-yehwan.
443All you have to do is to take care of yourself.Yessefk kan ad tethellaḍ deg yiman-nnek.
444You may have read this book already.Ahat ad tiliḍ teɣriḍ adlis-a.
445You should have locked, or at least closed, all the doors.Yella yessefk ad tsekṛeḍ, neɣ meqqar ad tɣelqeḍ akk tiwwura.
446You ran a red light.Tḥerqeḍ tafat tazewwaɣt.
447Can you eat raw oysters?Tzemreḍ ad tecceḍ timḥaṛin d tizegzawin?
448Are you fond of swimming?Tḥemmled aɛumu?
449Are you fond of swimming?Tḥemmleḍ aɛumu?
450Are you fond of swimming?Tḥemmlem aɛumu?
451Are you fond of swimming?Tḥemmlemt aɛumu?
452You will soon get used to speaking in public.Ur tettɛeḍḍileḍ ad tennameḍ awal sdat lɣaci.
453Can you break away from your parents?Tzemreḍ ad tɣanzuḍ imawlan-nnek?
454Do you believe in God?Tettamneḍ s Ṛebbi?
455Do you believe in God?Isk tumneḍ s Ṛebbi ?
456It’s time for you to buy a new car.D lawan ad d-tesɣeḍ takeṛṛust tamaynut.
457You had better not eat too much.Yif-it ur tettetteḍ aṭas.
458You had better take a little rest.Yif-it ma tesgunfad.
459You should give up drinking and smoking.A win yufan ad tḥebseḍ tissit ed ddexxan.
460Since you like to write letters, why don’t you drop her a line?Imi ay tḥemmleḍ ad taruḍ tibṛatin, ayɣer ur as-tettaruḍ yiwen wawal neɣ sin?
461Are you writing a letter?D tabṛat ay la tettaruḍ?
462Are you writing a letter?D tabṛat ay la tettarum?
463Are you writing a letter?D tabṛat ay la tettarumt?
464Do you know how to use a dictionary?Tessneḍ amek ara tesqedceḍ amawal?
465You must perform your duty.Yessefk ad tgeḍ aɣan-nnek.
466You should read such books as you consider important.A win yufan ad teɣreḍ idlisen ay tettwaliḍ sɛan azal.
467You must admit that you are in the wrong.Yessefk ad testeɛṛfed belli tḍelmed.
468You should have introduced yourself.Yella yessefk ad d-tqeddmeḍ iman-nnek.
469You write a very good hand.Tessneḍ ad taruḍ.
470You write a very good hand.Cebḥent tira-nnek.
471You write a very good hand.Tessnem ad tarum.
472You write a very good hand.Tessnemt ad tarumt.
473You write a very good hand.Cebḥent tira-nwen.
474You write a very good hand.Cebḥent tira-nwent.
475You should study hard so that you can pass the examination.Yessefk ad tḥeṛseḍ iman-nnek deg tezrawin akken ad d-tawyeḍ akayad-nni.
476You should study hard so that you can pass the examination.Yessefk ad tḥeṛseḍ iman-nnem deg tezrawin akken ad d-tawyeḍ akayad-nni.
477You should study hard so that you can pass the examination.Yessefk ad tḥeṛsem iman-nwen deg tezrawin akken ad d-tawyem akayad-nni.
478You should study hard so that you can pass the examination.Yessefk ad tḥeṛsemt iman-nwent deg tezrawin akken ad d-tawyemt akayad-nni.
479I wish you had told me the truth.Mennaɣ lemmer d ay iyi-d-tenniḍ tidet.
480Your hair wants cutting.Yessefk ad tgezmeḍ acebbub-nnek.
481You had better take an umbrella with you.Ɣas awey yid-k tasiwant.
482You had better take an umbrella with you.Ɣas awey yid-m tasiwant.
483Did you call me up last night?Teɣriḍ-iyi-d leɛca-ayyi?
484Did you call me up last night?Teɣriḍ-iyi-d iḍ yezrin?
485Did you call me up last night?Teɣrid-iyi-d iḍ yezrin?
486You didn’t come to school yesterday, did you?Iḍelli ur d-tusiḍ s aɣerbaz, naɣ?
487You should be ready for the worst.Yessefk ad teswejdeḍ iman-nnek i uwezɣi.
488You work too hard these days. Aren’t you tired?Lakid thettked iman‑č s wexdam ussan‑u. Ul tellid teɛyid?
489You can get in touch with him at his home tonight.Ad tnejjmed as‑teẓwid ɣel ɣer‑sen as‑tessiwled deǧǧiḍ.
490You have a little fever today, don’t you?Tesɛiḍ cwiṭ n tawla ass-a, neɣ uhu?
491You have a little fever today, don’t you?Tesɛam cwiṭ n tawla ass-a, neɣ uhu?
492You have a little fever today, don’t you?Tesɛamt cwiṭ n tawla ass-a, neɣ uhu?
493You will need much more money than you do now.Seg-a ar sdat, ad teḥwijeḍ idrimen ugar n wanect ay teḥwajeḍ ass-a.
494You will need much more money than you do now.Seg-a ar sdat, ad teḥwijem idrimen ugar n wanect ay teḥwajem ass-a.
495You will need much more money than you do now.Seg-a ar sdat, ad teḥwijemt idrimen ugar n wanect ay teḥwajemt ass-a.
496You don’t have to go to the party unless you want to.Ur k-terri tmara ad tedduḍ ɣer tmeɣra-nni ala ma d kecc ay yebɣan aya.
497You don’t have to go to the party unless you want to.Ur kem-terri tmara ad tedduḍ ɣer tmeɣra-nni ala ma d kemm ay yebɣan aya.
498You don’t have to go to the party unless you want to.Ur ken-terri tmara ad teddum ɣer tmeɣra-nni ala ma d kenwi ay yebɣan aya.
499You don’t have to go to the party unless you want to.Ur kent-terri tmara ad teddumt ɣer tmeɣra-nni ala ma d kennemti ay yebɣan aya.
500You have to go.Yessefk ad tedduḍ.
501You’d better not go.Yif-it ma ur teddiḍ.
502You are really full of curiosity, aren’t you?Kecc tettnadiḍ ad tfehmeḍ aṭas, neɣ uhu?
503You are really full of curiosity, aren’t you?Kemm tettnadiḍ ad tfehmeḍ aṭas, neɣ uhu?
504You are really full of curiosity, aren’t you?Kenwi tettnadim ad tfehmem aṭas, neɣ uhu?
505You are really full of curiosity, aren’t you?Kennemti tettnadimt ad tfehmemt aṭas, neɣ uhu?
506You are free to do as you please with your money.Tesɛiḍ tilelli ad tgeḍ ayen ay ak-yehwan s yedrimen-nnek.
507You are free to do as you please with your money.Tesɛiḍ tilelli ad tgeḍ ayen ay am-yehwan s yedrimen-nnem.
508You are free to do as you please with your money.Tesɛam tilelli ad tgem ayen ay awen-yehwan s yedrimen-nwen.
509You are free to do as you please with your money.Tesɛamt tilelli ad tgemt ayen ay awent-yehwan s yedrimen-nwent.
510You must do as you are told to do.Yessefk ad tgeḍ akken ay ak-nnan ad tgeḍ.
511You must do as you are told to do.Yessefk ad tgeḍ akken ay am-nnan ad tgeḍ.
512You must do as you are told to do.Yessefk ad tgem akken ay awen-nnan ad tgem.
513You must do as you are told to do.Yessefk ad tgemt akken ay awen-nnan ad tgemt.
514You did an excellent job.Tgiḍ axeddim ay igerrzen.
515How many times a month do you write home?Acḥal n tikkal ay tettaruḍ i wayt wexxam deg wayyur?
516You need to have friends who can help you out.Yessefk ad tesɛuḍ imeddukal ay izemren ad k-id-ssukksen.
517You need to have friends who can help you out.Yessefk ad tesɛuḍ timeddukal ay izemren ad kem-id-ssukksent.
518You need to have friends who can help you out.Yessefk ad tesɛum imeddukal ay izemren ad ken-id-ssukksen.
519You need to have friends who can help you out.Yessefk ad tesɛumt timeddukal ay izemren ad kent-id-ssukksent.
520You need to have friends who can help you out.Yessefk ad tesɛuḍ imeddukal ay izemren ad kem-id-ssukksen.
521You need to have friends who can help you out.Yessefk ad tesɛumt imeddukal ay izemren ad kent-id-ssukksen.
522What do you base your theory on?Ɣef wacu ay tebniḍ tiẓri-nnek?
523You have cleaned your shoes, haven’t you?Tessazedgeḍ irkasen-nnek, naɣ?
524You have cleaned your shoes, haven’t you?Tessazedgeḍ irkasen-nnem, naɣ?
525You have cleaned your shoes, haven’t you?Tessazedgem irkasen-nwen, naɣ?
526You have cleaned your shoes, haven’t you?Tessazedgemt irkasen-nwent, naɣ?
527You needn’t have hurried; you’ve arrived too early.Yehwa-ak kan tɣawleḍ-d; aql-ik tuwḍeḍ-d zik.
528You needn’t have hurried; you’ve arrived too early.Yehwa-am kan tɣawleḍ-d; aql-ikem tuwḍeḍ-d zik.
529You needn’t have hurried; you’ve arrived too early.Yehwa-awen kan tɣawlem-d; aql-iken tuwḍem-d zik.
530You needn’t have hurried; you’ve arrived too early.Yehwa-awent kan tɣawlemt-d; aql-ikent tuwḍemt-d zik.
531You look pale.La d-tettbaneḍ d awraɣ.
532You look pale.La d-tettbaneḍ d tawraɣt.
533You look pale. You had better lie down in bed at once.Aql-ik d awraɣ. Ɣas ẓẓel deg wusu imir-a.
534You look pale. You had better lie down in bed at once.Aql-ikem d tawraɣt. Ɣas ẓẓel deg wusu imir-a.
535Do you plan to go abroad?La tessefrayeḍ ad tedduḍ ɣer lbeṛṛani?
536You like fruit.Tḥemmleḍ igumma.
537You continue making the same mistakes time after time.Yal tikkelt mazal la tettɛawadeḍ tuccḍiwin-nni ay tgiḍ yagi.
538What do you learn?D acu ay tlemmdeḍ?
539What do you intend to do?D acu ay yellan deg nneyya-k ad t-tgeḍ?
540What woke you up?D acu ay k-id-yessakin?
541I wonder if you have something to write with.Wissen ma tesɛiḍ ayen ayyes ara taruḍ.
542You seem to be thinking of something else.La d-tettbaned la tettxemmimed ɣef tɣawsa niḍen.
543You seem to be thinking of something else.La d-tettbaneḍ la tettxemmimeḍ ɣef tɣawsa niḍen.
544Do you play any sports?Tettgeḍ kra n waddal?
545You dropped your pencil.Tebriḍ i ukeryun-nnek.
546Are you not able to speak English?Tessneḍ ad tessiwleḍ tanglizit?
547Are you not able to speak English?Tzemreḍ ad tessiwleḍ tanglizit?
548Do you study English?Teqqareḍ tanglizit?
549Did you try to review the English lessons?Turmed ad tceggṛed timsirin-nni n tanglizit?
550Did you try to review the English lessons?Tɛerḍed ad tceggṛed timsirin-nni n tanglizit?
551You can’t speak English, can you?Ur tezmireḍ ad tessiwleḍ s tanglizit, neɣ tzemreḍ?
552You can’t speak English, can you?Ur tessineḍ ad tessiwleḍ tanglizit, neɣ tessneḍ?
553You can’t speak English, can you?Ur tessinem ad tessiwlem tanglizit, neɣ tessnem?
554You can’t speak English, can you?Ur tessinemt ad tessiwlemt tanglizit, neɣ tessnemt?
555He asked me if I could speak English.Yesseqsa-iyi-d ma ssneɣ ad ssiwleɣ s tanglizit.
556You can speak English well, can you not?Tessneḍ ad tessiwleḍ mliḥ tanglizit, neɣ uhu?
557You can speak English well, can you not?Tessnem ad tessiwlem tanglizit mliḥ, neɣ uhu?
558You can speak English well, can you not?Tessnemt ad tessiwlemt tanglizit mliḥ, neɣ uhu?
559You can swim, can’t you?Tessneḍ ad tɛumeḍ, neɣ uhu?
560You can swim, can’t you?Tessnem ad tɛumem, neɣ uhu?
561You can swim, can’t you?Tessnemt ad tɛumemt, neɣ uhu?
562Can you swim?Tzemreḍ ad tɛumeḍ?
563You can’t swim, can you?Ur tessineḍ ad tɛumeḍ, neɣ tessneḍ?
564You can’t swim, can you?Ur tessinem ad tɛumem, neɣ tessnem?
565You can’t swim, can you?Ur tessinemt ad tɛumemt, neɣ tessnemt?
566You’re still too young to get a driver’s license.Mazal-ik meẓẓiyeḍ akken ad tesɛuḍ ttesriḥ n tenhaṛt.
567You’re still too young to get a driver’s license.Mazal-ikem meẓẓiyeḍ akken ad tesɛuḍ ttesriḥ n tenhaṛt.
568You’re still too young to get a driver’s license.Mazal-iken meẓẓiyit akken ad tesɛum ttesriḥ n tenhaṛt.
569You’re still too young to get a driver’s license.Mazal-ikent meẓẓiyit akken ad tesɛumt ttesriḥ n tenhaṛt.
570You’re in luck. The plane is on time.Tesɛiḍ zzheṛ. Asafag-nni yuweḍ-d deg lawan.
571You have only to study hard, and you will pass the test.Ɣer kan mliḥ, sakkin ad d-tawyeḍ akayad-nni.
572You have only to study hard, and you will pass the test.Ɣret kan mliḥ, sakkin ad d-tawyem akayad-nni.
573You have only to study hard, and you will pass the test.Ɣremt kan mliḥ, sakkin ad d-tawyemt akayad-nni.
574You’ll never be alone.Werjin ad tiliḍ i yiman-nnek.
575You should follow the doctor’s advice.Yessefk ad tḍefreḍ tanṣiḥt n yemsujji.
576You’d better consult the doctor.Yif-it ma teẓriḍ imsujji.
577You had better ask the doctor for advice.Yif-it ma tcawṛeḍ imsujji.
578Do you remember seeing me before?Tecfiḍ teẓriḍ-iyi uqbel?
579You’ve set a bad example.Tefkiḍ-d amedya n diri.
580How many days will you remain in London?Acḥal n wussan ara tekked deg London?
581How many days will you remain in London?Acḥal n wussan ara tekkeḍ deg London?
582How many days will you remain in London?Acḥal n wussan ara tekkem deg London?
583How many days will you remain in London?Acḥal n wussan ara tekkemt deg London?
584How many days will you remain in London?Acḥal n wussan ara teqqimed deg London?
585How many days will you remain in London?Acḥal n wussan ara teqqimeḍ deg London?
586How many days will you remain in London?Acḥal n wussan ara teqqimem deg London?
587How many days will you remain in London?Acḥal n wussan ara teqqimemt deg London?
588If you studied hard, you would get good marks.Lemmer d ay teɣriḍ mliḥ, tili ad d-tawyeḍ tizmilin yelhan.
589If you studied hard, you would get good marks.Lemmer d ay teɣrim mliḥ, tili ad d-tawyem tizmilin yelhan.
590If you studied hard, you would get good marks.Lemmer d ay teɣrimt mliḥ, tili ad d-tawyemt tizmilin yelhan.
591You are too ready to speak ill of others.Kecc dima twejdeḍ ad d-tewteḍ deg medden.
592How dare you speak to me like that?Amek ara tessiwleḍ yid-i akka?
593How dare you speak like that!Amek ara tessiwleḍ akka?
594It would be better for you to read more books.Yif-it ma teɣriḍ ugar n yedlisen.
595You should know better.A win yufan ad tiliḍ teẓriḍ xir.
596You are old enough to know better.Aql-ik meɣɣreḍ yerna a win yufan ad tiliḍ tessneḍ aya.
597You should study harder.Yessefk ad teɣreḍ xir.
598You must study much harder.Yessefk ad teɣreḍ xir s waṭas.
599All you have to do is to work harder.Yessefk kan fell-ak ad txedmeḍ xir.
600You should be more careful.Yessefk ad tettḥadareḍ xir.
601You should take better care of yourself.Yessefk ad tethellayeḍ xir deg yiman-nnek.
602It is regrettable that you did not start earlier.Sḥissifeɣ imi ur tebdiḍ zik.
603You should have come home before.Yella yessefk ad d-teqqleḍ s axxam uqbel.
604You should have completed it long ago.Yella yessefk ad t-tfakeḍ aṭas aya.
605You should eat more, or you won’t get well soon.Yessefk ad tettetteḍ ugar, ma ulac ad tɛeḍḍleḍ akken ad tejjyeḍ.
606You should eat more, or you won’t get well soon.Yessefk ad teccem ugar, ma ulac ad tɛeḍḍlem akken ad tejjyem.
607You should eat more, or you won’t get well soon.Yessefk ad teccemt ugar, ma ulac ad tɛeḍḍlemt akken ad tejjyemt.
608You had better speak more naturally.Yif-it ma yessawel kan s tɣara tagmawit.
609You need to study harder.Yessefk ad teɣreḍ xir.
610You need to study harder.Yessefk ad tẓewreḍ ugar deg tezrawin.
611You should have been more careful.Yella yessefk ad tḥezzbeḍ ugar.
612Have you solved all the problems yet?Tefriḍ akk uguren-nni neɣ werɛad?
613Now that you’re grown up, you must not behave like that.Imir-a, aql-ik d ameqran yerna a win yufan ur tettgeḍ tiɣawsiwin am ti.
614Now that you’re grown up, you must not behave like that.Imir-a, aql-ikem d tameqrant yerna a win yufan ur tettgeḍ tiɣawsiwin am ti.
615Now that you’re grown up, you must not behave like that.Imir-a, aql-iken d imeqranen yerna a win yufan ur tettgem tiɣawsiwin am ti.
616Now that you’re grown up, you must not behave like that.Imir-a, aql-ikent d timeqranin yerna a win yufan ur tettgemt tiɣawsiwin am ti.
617Now that you are grown-up, you ought to know better.Imir-a, mi akka ay meɣɣreḍ, a win yufan ad tiliḍ tessneḍ xir.
618Now that you are grown-up, you ought to know better.Imir-a, mi akka ay timɣurem, a win yufan ad tilim tessnem xir.
619Now that you are grown-up, you ought to know better.Imir-a, mi akka ay timɣureḍ, a win yufan ad tiliḍ tessneḍ xir.
620Now that you are grown-up, you ought to know better.Imir-a, mi akka ay timɣuremt, a win yufan ad tilimt tessnemt xir.
621Now that you are grown up, you must not behave like a child.Imir-a, imi ay timɣureḍ, ur yessefk ad tettgeḍ am yigerdan.
622Now that you are grown up, you must not behave like a child.Imir-a meɣɣreḍ, ur yessefk ad tettgeḍ am yigerdan.
623Now that you are grown up, you must not behave like a child.Imir-a, imi ay timɣurem, ur yessefk ad tettgem am yigerdan.
624Now that you are grown up, you must not behave like a child.Imir-a, imi ay timɣuremt, ur yessefk ad tettgemt am yigerdan.
625Now that you have come of age, you should know better.Imir-a, mi akka ay timɣurem, a win yufan ad tilim tessnem xir.
626Now that you have come of age, you should know better.Imir-a, mi akka ay timɣureḍ, a win yufan ad tiliḍ tessneḍ xir.
627Now that you have come of age, you should know better.Imir-a, mi akka ay timɣuremt, a win yufan ad tilimt tessnemt xir.
628Now that you have come of age, you should be responsible for what you do.Imir-a, mi akka ay meɣɣreḍ, aql-ik d amasay ɣef wayen tettgeḍ.
629Now that you have come of age, you should be responsible for what you do.Imir-a, mi akka ay meɣɣreḍ, aql-ikem d tamasayt ɣef wayen tettgeḍ.
630Now that you have come of age, you should be responsible for what you do.Imir-a, mi akka ay timɣurem, aql-iken d imasayen ɣef wayen tettgem.
631Now that you have come of age, you should be responsible for what you do.Imir-a, mi akka ay timɣuremt, aql-ikent d timasayin ɣef wayen tettgemt.
632You should have come a little earlier.Yella yessefk ad d-taseḍ cwiṭ uqbel.
633Have you done all your homework?Tgiḍ akk aɣanen-nnek?
634Now that you have passed your test, you can drive on your own.Imir-a, mi akka ay d-tuwyeḍ akayad-nni, tzemreḍ ad tnehṛeḍ i yiman-nnek.
635Now that you have passed your test, you can drive on your own.Imir-a, mi akka ay d-tuwyeḍ akayad-nni, tzemreḍ ad tnehṛeḍ i yiman-nnem.
636Now that you have passed your test, you can drive on your own.Imir-a, mi akka ay d-tuwyem akayad-nni, tzemrem ad tnehṛem i yiman-nwen.
637Now that you have passed your test, you can drive on your own.Imir-a, mi akka ay d-tuwyemt akayad-nni, tzemremt ad tnehṛemt i yiman-nwent.
638It’s high time you got going.D lawan ad tedduḍ.
639Have you finished reading that book yet?Tfukeḍ taɣuri n wedlis-nni neɣ mazal?
640If you read this book again, you will have read it three times.Ma tɛawdeḍ-as taɣuri i wedlis-nni tikkelt-a, ad tiliḍ teɣriḍ-t kraḍt tikkal.
641If you read this book again, you will have read it three times.Ma tɛawdem-as taɣuri i wedlis-nni tikkelt-a, ad tilim teɣram-t kraḍt tikkal.
642If you read this book again, you will have read it three times.Ma tɛawdemt-as taɣuri i wedlis-nni tikkelt-a, ad tilimt teɣramt-t kraḍt tikkal.
643Now that you are eighteen, you can get a driver’s license.Imir-a, mi akka ay tuwḍeḍ mraw tam n yiseggasen, tzemreḍ ad tesɛuḍ ttesriḥ n tenhaṛt.
644Now that you are eighteen, you can get a driver’s license.Imir-a, mi akka ay tuwḍem mraw tam n yiseggasen, tzemrem ad tesɛum ttesriḥ n tenhaṛt.
645Now that you are eighteen, you can get a driver’s license.Imir-a, mi akka ay tuwḍemt mraw tam n yiseggasen, tzemremt ad tesɛumt ttesriḥ n tenhaṛt.
646Now that you are eighteen, you can get a driver’s license.Imir-a, mi akka ay tuwḍem tmenṭac n yiseggasen, tzemrem ad tesɛum ttesriḥ n tenhaṛt.
647Now that you are eighteen, you can get a driver’s license.Imir-a, mi akka ay tuwḍemt tmenṭac n yiseggasen, tzemremt ad tesɛumt ttesriḥ n tenhaṛt.
648Now that you are eighteen, you can get a driver’s license.Imir-a, mi akka ay tuwḍeḍ tmenṭac n yiseggasen, tzemreḍ ad tesɛuḍ ttesriḥ n tenhaṛt.
649You look as though nothing has happened to you.Tettbaneḍ-d amzun acemma ur ak-yeḍri.
650You look as though nothing has happened to you.Tettbaneḍ-d amzun acemma ur am-yeḍri.
651You look as though nothing has happened to you.Tettbanem-d amzun acemma ur awen-yeḍri.
652You look as though nothing has happened to you.Tettbanemt-d amzun acemma ur awent-yeḍri.
653You have made the very same mistake again.Tɛawdeḍ tgiḍ tuccḍa-nni ay tgiḍ yagi.
654You haven’t washed your hands yet, have you?Werɛad ur tessardeḍ ifassen-nnek neɣ tessardeḍ-ten?
655You haven’t washed your hands yet, have you?Werɛad ur tessardeḍ ifassen-nnem neɣ tessadeḍ-ten?
656You haven’t washed your hands yet, have you?Werɛad ur tessardem ifassen-nwen neɣ tessardem-ten?
657You haven’t washed your hands yet, have you?Werɛad ur tessardemt ifassen-nwent neɣ tessardemt-ten?
658Have you got a pen?Tesɛiḍ imru?
659You will not take Bob’s advice.Ur tettḍafared ara tanṣiḥt n Bob.
660Can you speak French?Tzemreḍ ad tessiwleḍ s tefṛensist?
661Can you speak French?Tessneḍ ad tessiwleḍ tafṛensist?
662You can’t speak French, can you?Ur tezmireḍ ad tessiwleḍ s tefṛensist, naɣ?
663You can’t speak French, can you?Ur tessineḍ ad tessiwleḍ tafṛensist neɣ tessneḍ?
664You can’t speak French, can you?Ur tessinem ad tessiwlem tafṛensist neɣ tessnem?
665You can’t speak French, can you?Ur tessinemt ad tessiwlemt tafṛensist neɣ tessnemt?
666You neglected to tell me to buy bread.Tettuḍ ur iyi-d-tenniḍ ad d-sɣeɣ aɣrum.
667You failed to wake Harry up.Ur d-tessakiḍ Harry.
668You’d better go by bus.Yif-it ma teddiḍ s usakac.
669How rude of you!Txuṣṣeḍ aṭas tteṛbeyya!
670Do you want anything?Yella kra ay tebɣiḍ?
671Why did you try to run away?Ayɣer ay tɛerḍeḍ ad trewleḍ?
672Why do you want to buy this book?Ayɣer ay tebɣiḍ ad d-tesɣeḍ adlis-a?
673Why do you want to buy this book?Maɣef ay tebɣid ad d-tesɣed adlis-a?
674Why do you want to buy this book?Maɣef ay tebɣiḍ ad d-tesɣeḍ adlis-a?
675Why do you want to buy this book?Maɣef ay tebɣam ad d-tesɣem adlis-a?
676Why do you want to buy this book?Maɣef ay tebɣamt ad d-tesɣemt adlis-a?
677What do you need the money for?I wumi ay teḥwajeḍ idrimen-nni?
678You must consider what kind of work you want to do.Yessefk ad txemmemeḍ ɣef uxeddim ay tebɣiḍ ad t-tgeḍ.
679You must consider what kind of work you want to do.Yessefk ad txemmemem ɣef uxeddim ay tebɣam ad t-tgem.
680You must consider what kind of work you want to do.Yessefk ad txemmememt ɣef uxeddim ay tebɣamt ad t-tgemt.
681How long have you been in Japan?Acḥal ay teqqimeḍ deg Japun?
682How long will you stay here?Acḥal ara teqqimeḍ da?
683You’re a friend of Tom’s, eh?Kecc d ameddakel n Tom, naɣ?
684You’re a friend of Tom’s, eh?Kemm d tameddakelt n Tom, naɣ?
685Which club do you belong to?D acu-t wesrir-nnek?
686You look very tired.La d-tettbaneḍ teɛyiḍ aṭas.
687Which bed do you want to use?Anwa ay d usu aydeg tebɣiḍ ad teḍḍseḍ?
688You may go anywhere you like.Tzemreḍ ad tedduḍ sanda ay ak-yehwa.
689You may go anywhere you like.Tzemreḍ ad tedduḍ sanda ay am-yehwa.
690You may go anywhere you like.Tzemrem ad teddum sanda ay awen-yehwa.
691You may go anywhere you like.Tzemremt ad teddumt sanda ay awent-yehwa.
692Wherever you go, you’ll be welcomed.Sanda ay ak-yehwu tedduḍ, medden ad steṛḥben medden yes-k.
693Wherever you go, you’ll be welcomed.Sanda ay awen-yehwu teddum, medden ad steṛḥben medden yes-wen.
694Wherever you go, you’ll be welcomed.Sanda ay am-yehwu tedduḍ, medden ad steṛḥben medden yes-m.
695Wherever you go, you’ll be welcomed.Sanda ay awent-yehwu teddumt, medden ad steṛḥben medden yes-went.
696Where do you attend high school?Anda-tt tesnawit aydeg teqqareḍ?
697What are you doing?D acu akka ay la tettgeḍ?
698What are you doing?D acu ay la tettgeḍ?
699What are you doing?D acu i txeddmeḍ ?
700How did you come to know her?Amek armi ay tt-tessneḍ?
701Why did you say such a thing?Ayɣer ay d-tenniḍ taɣawsa am ta?
702What have you come here for?D acu ay d-tusiḍ ad t-tgeḍ da?
703You don’t know German, do you?Ur tessineḍ talmanit neɣ tessneḍ-tt?
704You don’t know German, do you?Ur tessinem talmanit neɣ tessnem-tt?
705You don’t know German, do you?Ur tessinemt talmanit neɣ tessnemt-tt?
706You’d better go home as soon as possible.Ɣas ddu s axxam ɣef zik lḥal.
707You don’t like chocolate, do you?Ur tḥemmleḍ ccikula neɣ tḥemmleḍ-tt?
708You don’t like chocolate, do you?Ur tḥemmlem ccikula neɣ tḥemmlem-tt?
709You don’t like chocolate, do you?Ur tḥemmlemt ccikula neɣ tḥemmlemt-tt?
710You smoke far too much. You should cut back.Tettkeyyifeḍ aṭas. Yessefk ad tesneqseḍ cwiṭ.
711You smoke far too much. You should cut back.Tettkeyyifem aṭas. Yessefk ad tesneqsem cwiṭ.
712You smoke far too much. You should cut back.Tettkeyyifemt aṭas. Yessefk ad tesneqsemt cwiṭ.
713You are to start at once.Yessefk ad tebduḍ imir-a.
714You have only to touch the button.Yessefk kan ad tennaleḍ taqeffalt-nni.
715You have many books.Tesɛiḍ aṭas n yedlisen.
716You are very fortunate that you have such friends.Tesɛiḍ zzheṛ d ameqran imi ay tesɛiḍ imeddukal am wi.
717You are very fortunate that you have such friends.Tesɛiḍ zzheṛ d ameqran imi ay tesɛiḍ timeddukal am ti.
718You are very fortunate that you have such friends.Tesɛam zzheṛ d ameqran imi ay tesɛam imeddukal am wi.
719You are very fortunate that you have such friends.Tesɛamt zzheṛ d ameqran imi ay tesɛamt timeddukal am ti.
720You are very fortunate that you have such friends.Tesɛamt zzheṛ d ameqran imi ay tesɛamt imeddukal am wi.
721You don’t need to worry about such a thing.Ur teḥwajeḍ ad tagadeḍ ɣef tɣawsa am ta.
722You don’t need to worry about such a thing.Ur k-terri tmara ad tagadeḍ ɣef tɣawsa am ta.
723You don’t need to worry about such a thing.Ur k-terri tmara ad taḍneɣ aɣilif ɣef tɣawsa am ta.
724You don’t need to worry about such a thing.Ulayɣer ma tuḍneɣ aɣilif ɣef tɣawsa am ta.
725It is impossible for you to do so.Wu d ayenni ul ttnejjmed ad teǧǧed.
726You can see it, but you cannot take it away.Tzemreḍ ad t-twaliḍ maca ur tezmireḍ ad t-tawyeḍ.
727You can see it, but you cannot take it away.Tzemrem ad t-twalim maca ur tezmirem ad t-tawyem.
728You can see it, but you cannot take it away.Tzemremt ad t-twalimt maca ur tezmiremt ad t-tawyemt.
729You will wish you had never seen it.Ad menniḍ lemmer werjin twalaḍ-t.
730You will wish you had never seen it.Ad tmennim lemmer werjin twalam-t.
731You will wish you had never seen it.Ad tmennimt lemmer werjin twalamt-t.
732Did you buy it on the black market?Tesɣiḍ-t-id deg wulzuz aberkan?
733What did you open it with?S wacu ay t-tledyeḍ?
734You must do it at once.Yessefk ad t-tgeḍ imir-a.
735You should have introduced yourself to the girl.Yella yessefk ad d-qeddmeḍ iman-nnek i teqcict-nni.
736You must return the book to him.Yessefk ad as-terreḍ adlis-nni.
737You need not have bought the book.Tilaq ur d-tesɣiḍ adlis-a.
738You may keep the book.Tzemreḍ ad tjemɛeḍ adlis-nni.
739You ought to have seen the exhibition.Yella yessefk ad twalid timzikkent-nni.
740You ought to have seen the exhibition.Yella yessefk ad twaliḍ timzikkent-nni.
741Have you finished reading the novel?Tfukeḍ taɣuri n wungal-nni?
742Did you cut the paper?Tgezmeḍ lkaɣeḍ-nni?
743You’d better not go there.Yif-it ma ur teddiḍ ɣer din.
744Do you deny that you went there?Tebɣiḍ ad tnekṛeḍ teddiḍ ɣer din?
745Do you deny that you went there?Tebɣam ad tnekṛem teddam ɣer din?
746Do you deny that you went there?Tebɣamt ad tnekṛemt teddamt ɣer din?
747You aren’t a spy, are you?Kecc ur d amaɣlay, naɣ?
748You aren’t a spy, are you?Kemm ur d tamaɣlayt, naɣ?
749You may go at once.Tzemreḍ ad tedduḍ imir-a.
750You may go at once.Tzemrem ad teddum imir-a.
751You may go at once.Tzemremt ad teddumt imir-a.
752You will soon get accustomed to living here.Dindin kan ad tennameḍ tudert da.
753You will soon get accustomed to living here.Ur tettɛeḍḍileḍ ad tennameḍ tudert da.
754You will soon get accustomed to your new school.Ur tettɛeḍḍileḍ ad tennameḍ aɣerbaz-nnek amaynu.
755What are you staring at?D acu akka ay la tettmuqquleḍ?
756Did you do this on your own?Tgiḍ aya i yiman-nnek?
757You must read this book also.Yessefk ad teɣreḍ adlis-a daɣen.
758Have you read this book already?Teɣriḍ yagi adlis-a?
759You have only to read a few pages of this book.Yessefk kan ad teɣreḍ kra n yisebtar seg wedlis-a.
760Where did you go last Sunday?Sanda ay teddiḍ ass n Lḥedd yezrin?
761Since you have nothing to do with this matter, you don’t have to worry.Imi ur tesɛiḍ assaɣ akked temsalt-a, ulayɣer ma tuḍneḍ-as aɣilif.
762Since you have nothing to do with this matter, you don’t have to worry.Ma yella ur yesɛiḍ assaɣ akked temsalt-a, ur k-terri tmara ad as-taḍneḍ aɣilif.
763Since you have nothing to do with this matter, you don’t have to worry.Imir ur tesɛim assaɣ akked temsalt-a, ulayɣer ma tuḍnem-as aɣilif.
764Since you have nothing to do with this matter, you don’t have to worry.Imir ur tesɛimt assaɣ akked temsalt-a, ulayɣer ma tuḍnemt-as aɣilif.
765Since you have nothing to do with this matter, you don’t have to worry.Ma yella ur tesɛim assaɣ akked temsalt-a, ur ken-terri tmara ad as-taḍnem aɣilif.
766Since you have nothing to do with this matter, you don’t have to worry.Ma yella ur tesɛimt assaɣ akked temsalt-a, ur kent-terri tmara ad as-taḍnemt aɣilif.
767You are old enough to understand this.Imir-a meɣɣreḍ akken ad tfehmeḍ aya.
768You’ll have this composition written by noon tomorrow, won’t you?Ad teswejdeḍ taṣeddart-a i uzekka ɣef ttnac, naɣ?
769You’ll have this composition written by noon tomorrow, won’t you?Ad teswejdeḍ taṣeddart-a i uzekka ɣef tis mraw snat, naɣ?
770You’ll have this composition written by noon tomorrow, won’t you?Ad teswejdem taṣeddart-a i uzekka ɣef tis mraw snat, naɣ?
771You’ll have this composition written by noon tomorrow, won’t you?Ad teswejdemt taṣeddart-a i uzekka ɣef tis mraw snat, naɣ?
772You’ll have this composition written by noon tomorrow, won’t you?Ad teswejdemt taṣeddart-a i uzekka ɣef ttnac, naɣ?
773Can you read this kanji?Tzemred ad teɣred akanji-a?
774Can you read this kanji?Tzemreḍ ad teɣreḍ akanji-a?
775Can you read this kanji?Tzemrem ad teɣrem akanji-a?
776Can you read this kanji?Tzemremt ad teɣremt akanji-a?
777You’ll find yourself in deep water if you continue to live beyond your means.Ma yella tkemmleḍ akka, tettṣerrifeḍ nnig n wanect ay trebbḥeḍ, ad tweḥleḍ.
778You’ll find yourself in deep water if you continue to live beyond your means.Ma yella tkemmlem akka, tettṣerrifem nnig n wanect ay trebbḥem, ad tweḥlem.
779You’ll find yourself in deep water if you continue to live beyond your means.Ma yella tkemmlemt akka, tettṣerrifemt nnig n wanect ay trebbḥemt, ad tweḥlemt.
780How did you come by this money?Amek ay d-tḍebbred idrimen-a?
781You are safe so long as you stay here.Skud aql-ik da, ad tiliḍ deg laman.
782You are safe so long as you stay here.Skud aql-ikem da, ad tiliḍ deg laman.
783You are safe so long as you stay here.Skud aql-iken da, ad tilim deg laman.
784You are safe so long as you stay here.Skud aql-ikent da, ad tilimt deg laman.
785Are you going to sing here?Ad tecnuḍ da?
786You had better get away from here at once.Ɣas ddu seg-a imir-a.
787You’ve drunk three cups of coffee.Teswiḍ kraḍ n yifenjalen n teɣlust.
788Where are you from in Canada?Seg wansi-k deg Kanada?
789Since you have a cold, you must not go out.Imi ay k-iwet waḍu, ur yessefk ad teffɣeḍ.
790Since you have a cold, you must not go out.Imi ay kem-iwet waḍu, ur yessefk ad teffɣeḍ.
791Since you have a cold, you must not go out.Imi ay ken-iwet waḍu, ur yessefk ad teffɣem.
792Since you have a cold, you must not go out.Imi ay kent-iwet waḍu, ur yessefk ad teffɣemt.
793You are, so to speak, a fish out of water.Kecc, ma yehwa-ak, d aslem ay d-ssuffɣen seg waman.
794When did you come to Japan?Melmi ay d-tusiḍ ɣer Japun?
795When will you be free?Melmi ad tefrid?
796You are always as busy as a bee.Tezgiḍ txeddmeḍ am tzizwit.
797You always like to trip me up, don’t you?Tḥemmleḍ ad iyi-tqerḍeḍ, naɣ?
798You always like to trip me up, don’t you?Tḥemmlem ad iyi-tqerḍem, naɣ?
799You always like to trip me up, don’t you?Tḥemmlemt ad iyi-tqerḍemt, naɣ?
800You are always complaining.Tezgiḍ tettcetkiḍ.
801You always insist that you are in the right.Dima tettakfeḍ lḥeqq i yiman-nnek.
802You always insist that you are in the right.Dima tettakfeḍ lḥeqq i yiman-nnem.
803You always insist that you are in the right.Dima tettakfem lḥeqq i yiman-nwen.
804You always insist that you are in the right.Dima tettakfemt lḥeqq i yiman-nwent.
805You always talk back to me, don’t you?Dima tettarraḍ-iyi-d awal, naɣ?
806You always talk back to me, don’t you?Dima tettarram-iyi-d awal, naɣ?
807You always talk back to me, don’t you?Dima tettarramt-iyi-d awal, naɣ?
808You are always watching TV.Dima tettwaliḍ tiliẓri.
809Once you begin, you must continue.Ma ifat tebdiḍ-d, yessefk ad tkemmleḍ.
810Once you begin, you must continue.Ma ifat tebdam-d, yessefk ad tkemmlem.
811Once you begin, you must continue.Ma ifat tebdamt-d, yessefk ad tkemmlemt.
812How much money do you want?Acḥal n yedrimen ay tebɣiḍ?
813You have some books.Tesɛiḍ kra n yedlisen.
814You’ve given me good advice.Tefkiḍ-iyi-d tinṣiḥin yelhan.
815You better brush up your English if you go to America.Ɣas sselhu tanglizit-nnek ma tebɣiḍ ad tedduḍ ɣer Temrikt.
816You better brush up your English if you go to America.Ɣas sselhu tanglizit-nnem ma tebɣiḍ ad tedduḍ ɣer Temrikt.
817You better brush up your English if you go to America.Ɣas sselhut tanglizit-nwen ma tebɣam ad teddum ɣer Temrikt.
818You better brush up your English if you go to America.Ɣas sselhumt tanglizit-nwent ma tebɣamt ad teddumt ɣer Temrikt.
819You cannot buy that judge.Ur tezmireḍ ad d-tesɣeḍ anezraf-nni.
820Are you on the committee?Tettekkaḍ deg useqqamu-nni?
821You should have taken a chance then.Yella yessefk ad tfaṛsed imir-nni.
822You’re a philosopher, aren’t you?Kecc d afelsaf neɣ uhu?
823You’re a philosopher, aren’t you?Kemm d tafelsaft neɣ uhu?
824You’ll be able to drive a car in a few days.Seg-a ɣef kra n wussan, ad teqqleḍ tzemreḍ ad tnehṛeḍ takeṛṛust.
825You may as well have a day off, because you have been overworking those days.Tzemreḍ daɣen ad tawyeḍ yiwen n wass n wesgunfu imi ay txedmeḍ aṭas ussan-a.
826You may as well have a day off, because you have been overworking those days.Tzemrem daɣen ad tawyem yiwen n wass n wesgunfu imi ay txedmem aṭas ussan-a.
827You may as well have a day off, because you have been overworking those days.Tzemremt daɣen ad tawyemt yiwen n wass n wesgunfu imi ay txedmemt aṭas ussan-a.
828You should by all means read the book.Yessefk s tidet ad teɣreḍ adlis-a.
829Are you doing what you think is right?La tettgeḍ ayen ay tettwaliḍ d ṣṣwab?
830Are you doing what you think is right?La tettgem ayen ay tettwalim d ṣṣwab?
831Are you doing what you think is right?La tettgemt ayen ay tettwalimt d ṣṣwab?
832You made the mistake on purpose, didn’t you?S tmeɛmada ay tgiḍ tuccḍa-nni, naɣ?
833You made the mistake on purpose, didn’t you?S tmeɛmada ay tgam tuccḍa-nni, naɣ?
834You made the mistake on purpose, didn’t you?S tmeɛmada ay tgamt tuccḍa-nni, naɣ?
835You may choose either of the two books.Tzemreḍ ad tferneḍ win ay ak-yehwan seg sin-a n yedlisen.
836You can’t go naked in this hotel.Ur tezmireḍ ad tedduḍ d aɛeryan deg usensu-a.
837When did you begin learning German?Melmi ay tebdiḍ tlemmdeḍ talmanit?
838Is there anything you want that you don’t have?Yella kra ay tebɣiḍ yerna ur t-tesɛiḍ?
839Is there anything you want that you don’t have?Yella kra ay tebɣam yerna ur t-tesɛim?
840Is there anything you want that you don’t have?Yella kra ay tebɣamt yerna ur t-tesɛimt?
841I admire you for your courage.Ttqadareɣ-ken ɣef tebɣest-nwen.
842I admire you for your courage.Ttqadareɣ-kent ɣef tebɣest-nwent.
843I admire you for your courage.Teɛjeb-iyi tebɣest-nwen.
844I admire you for your courage.Teɛjeb-iyi tebɣest-nwent.
845I admire you for your courage.Teɛjeb-iyi tebɣest-nnek.
846I admire you for your courage.Teɛjeb-iyi tebɣest-nnem.
847I admire your courage.Teɛjeb-iyi tebɣest-nnek.
848I admire your brave deed.Teɛjeb-iyi tigawt-nnek n tebɣest.
849You have lovely eyes, don’t you?Cebḥent tiṭṭawin-nnem, neɣ uhu?
850You have lovely eyes, don’t you?Cebḥent tiṭṭawin-nnek, neɣ uhu?
851You have lovely eyes, don’t you?Cebḥent tiṭṭawin-nwen, neɣ uhu?
852You have lovely eyes, don’t you?Cebḥent tiṭṭawin-nwent, neɣ uhu?
853Where are your eyes?Anda-tent tiṭṭawin-nnek?
854Your driver’s license has expired.Ttesriḥ-nnek n tenhaṛt yemmut.
855I will sell the boat in accordance with your orders.Ad ssenzeɣ aɣerrabu-nni ɣef leḥsab n lewṣaya-nnek.
856Write your name in capitals.Aru isem-nnek s yisekkilen imeqranen.
857Write your name in capitals.Aru isem-nnem s yisekkilen imeqranen.
858I admire your ignorance.Teɛjeb-iyi lqella-nnek n tmussni.
859How pretty your sister is!Acḥal ay tecbeḥ weltma-m!
860What has become of your sister?Anda akka ay d-teggra weltma-k?
861When did your sister leave Tokyo for London?Melmi ay tedda weltma-k seg Tokyo ɣer London?
862When did your sister leave Tokyo for London?Melmi ay tedda weltma-m seg Tokyo ɣer London?
863When did your sister leave Tokyo for London?Melmi ay tedda weltma-twen seg Tokyo ɣer London?
864When did your sister leave Tokyo for London?Melmi ay tedda weltma-twent seg Tokyo ɣer London?
865What grade is your sister in?D acu n useggas aydeg tella weltma-k deg uɣerbaz?
866Your book is double the size of mine.Adlis-nnek yugar win-inu s snat tikkal.
867Your book is on the desk.Adlis-nnek atan ɣef tnarit.
868Better to get advice from your lawyer.Ɣas ciweṛ abugaṭu-nnek.
869Your room is twice the size of mine.Taxxamt-nnek tugar tin-inu s snat tikkal.
870Your room is twice the size of mine.Taxxamt-nnem tugar tin-inu s snat tikkal.
871Your room is twice the size of mine.Taxxamt-nwen tugar tin-inu s snat tikkal.
872Your room is twice the size of mine.Taxxamt-nwent tugar tin-inu s snat tikkal.
873It’s your move.D nnuba-nnek.
874Tell me about your daily life.Ḥku-iyi-d ɣef tmeddurt-nnek n yal ass.
875You may read whichever book you like.Tzemreḍ ad teɣreḍ adlis ay ak-yehwan.
876You may read whichever book you like.Tzemreḍ ad teɣreḍ adlis ay am-yehwan.
877You may read whichever book you like.Tzemrem ad teɣrem adlis ay awen-yehwan.
878You may read whichever book you like.Tzemremt ad teɣremt adlis ay awent-yehwan.
879Compare your answer with Tom’s.Qaren tiririt-nnek ɣer tin n Tom.
880You can come and see me whenever it’s convenient for you.Tzemreḍ ad d-taseḍ ad iyi-teẓreḍ melmi ay yeffeɣ fell-ak.
881You can come and see me whenever it’s convenient for you.Tzemreḍ ad d-taseḍ ad iyi-teẓreḍ melmi ay yeffeɣ fell-am.
882You can come and see me whenever it’s convenient for you.Tzemrem ad d-tasem ad iyi-teẓrem melmi ay yeffeɣ fell-awen.
883You can come and see me whenever it’s convenient for you.Tzemremt ad d-tasemt ad iyi-teẓremt melmi ay yeffeɣ fell-awent.
884I forget your phone number.Ttettuɣ uḍḍun-nnek n usawal.
885Your brother said you’d gone to Paris.Yenna-d gma-k aql-ik ad tedduḍ ɣer Paris.
886You’ll be paid according to the amount of work you do.Ad tettwaxellṣeḍ ɣef leḥsab n uxeddim ara txedmeḍ.
887You’ll be paid according to the amount of work you do.Ad tettwaxellṣem ɣef leḥsab n uxeddim ara txedmem.
888You’ll be paid according to the amount of work you do.Ad tettwaxellṣemt ɣef leḥsab n uxeddim ara txedmemt.
889You’ll be paid according to the amount of work you do.Ad tettwaxellṣeḍ ɣef leḥsab n wanect ay txedmeḍ.
890You’ll be paid according to the amount of work you do.Ad tettwaxellṣem ɣef leḥsab n wanect ay txedmem.
891You’ll be paid according to the amount of work you do.Ad tettwaxellṣemt ɣef leḥsab n wanect ay txedmemt.
892If only I had taken your advice.Mennaɣ lemmer d ay ḍfireɣ tanṣiḥt-nnek.
893Mind your own business!Lhu ed ccɣel-nnek!
894Mind your own business!Lhu ed ccɣel-nnem!
895Mind your own business!Lhut ed ccɣel-nwen!
896Mind your own business!Lhumt ed ccɣel-nwent!
897When is your birthday?Melmi ay d amulli-nnek?
898When is your birthday?Melmi ay d amulli-nnem?
899I cannot accept your gift.Ur zmireɣ ara ad qebleɣ asefk-nnek.
900I cannot accept your gift.Ur zmireɣ ara ad qebleɣ asefk-nnem.
901I can hear you, but I can’t see you.Zemreɣ ad ak-sleɣ maca ur zmireɣ ad k-waliɣ.
902I can hear you, but I can’t see you.Zemreɣ ad am-sleɣ maca ur zmireɣ ad kem-waliɣ.
903I can hear you, but I can’t see you.Zemreɣ ad awen-sleɣ maca ur zmireɣ ad ken-waliɣ.
904I can hear you, but I can’t see you.Zemreɣ ad awent-sleɣ maca ur zmireɣ ad kent-waliɣ.
905You have no one but yourself to blame.Ala iman-nnek ara tesḍelmeḍ.
906As you make your bed, you must lie on it.Akken ay tessiḍ usu-nnek ara teḍḍseḍ fell-as.
907As you make your bed, you must lie on it.Akken ay tessiḍ usu-nnem ara teḍḍseḍ fell-as.
908As you make your bed, you must lie on it.Akken ay tessam usu-nwen ara teḍḍsem fell-as.
909As you make your bed, you must lie on it.Akken ay tessamt usu-nwent ara teḍḍsemt fell-as.
910As you make your bed, you must lie on it.Ayen ay tzerɛeḍ, ad t-tmegreḍ.
911As you make your bed, you must lie on it.Ayen ay tzerɛem, ad t-tmegrem.
912As you make your bed, you must lie on it.Ayen ay tzerɛemt, ad t-tmegremt.
913We will make an exception of your case.Deg wayen ay k-yerzan, ad neg tasureft.
914I hope you have a happy future ahead of you.Ssarameɣ ad tesɛuḍ azekka yelhan.
915I hope you have a happy future ahead of you.Ssarameɣ ad tesɛum azekka yelhan.
916I hope you have a happy future ahead of you.Ssarameɣ ad tesɛumt azekka yelhan.
917Write your address here.Aru tansa-nnek da.
918Your income is about twice as large as mine.Tacehṛit-nnek tugar tin-inu s snat tikkal.
919Your income is about twice as large as mine.Trebbḥed snat n tikkal ugar-iw.
920Your income is about twice as large as mine.Tugared-iyi s snat n tikkal deg wanect ay trebbḥed.
921Your income is about twice as large as mine.Tugareḍ-iyi s snat n tikkal deg wanect ay trebbḥeḍ.
922Your income is about twice as large as mine.Tugarem-iyi s snat n tikkal deg wanect ay trebbḥem.
923Your income is about twice as large as mine.Tugaremt-iyi s snat n tikkal deg wanect ay trebbḥemt.
924This happened prior to receiving your letter.Aya yeḍra uqbel ma tettwaḍḍef-d tebṛat-nnek.
925I received your letter yesterday.Ḍḍfeɣ-d tabṛat-nnek iḍelli.
926I received your letter yesterday.Ḍḍfeɣ-d tabṛat-nnem iḍelli.
927I received your letter yesterday.Ḍḍfeɣ-d tabṛat-nwen iḍelli.
928I received your letter yesterday.Ḍḍfeɣ-d tabṛat-nwent iḍelli.
929Your letter made me happy.Tessefṛeḥ-iyi tebṛat-nnek.
930Pull your car out a bit, I can’t back my car out.Ḍerref cwiṭ takeṛṛust-nnek, ur zmireɣ ad d-ssuffɣeɣ tin-inu d timendeffirt.
931Would you mind lending me your car?Ulac aɣilif ma treḍleḍ-iyi-d takeṛṛust-nnek?
932Your car makes too much noise. You should have it looked at.Takeṛṛust-nnek tzehher aṭas. A win yufan ad tt-tawyeḍ ad tt-tesfeqdeḍ.
933Give me a lift in your car.Ssiweḍ-iyi s tkeṛṛust-nnek.
934Compared with yours, my car is small.Takeṛṛust-inu mecṭuḥet ɣef tin-nnek.
935What have you done with your car?D acu ay tgiḍ s tkeṛṛust-nnek?
936It is important that you attach your photo to the application form.Ad yerni yuɣleb batta tɣensed teṣwiret‑č mɛa ṭalabiyet.
937May I take your picture?Ad nejjmeɣ ac‑bbiɣ teṣwiret?
938I would like your picture.Ad xseɣ ad tɛad ɣiri teṣwiret‑č.
939I would like your picture.Ad xseɣ ad tɛad ɣiri teṣwiret‑nnem.
940I would like your picture.Ad xseɣ ad tɛad ɣiri teṣwiret‑nwem.
941I would like your picture.Ad xseɣ ad tɛad ɣiri teṣwiret‑ncemt.
942Your question does not bear on the subject under discussion.Asesten‑č yeffeɣ f temsalt i ssawalen ɣefs.
943Your question does not bear on the subject under discussion.Asesten‑nnem yeffeɣ f temsalt i ssawalen ɣefs.
944Your question does not bear on the subject under discussion.Asesten‑nwem yeffeɣ f temsalt i ssawalen ɣefs.
945Your question does not bear on the subject under discussion.Asesten‑ncemt yeffeɣ f temsalt i ssawalen ɣefs.
946Your question is not relevant to the subject.Asesten‑č wel yedwil ɣel temsalt i ssawalen ɣefs.
947Your question is not relevant to the subject.Asesten‑nnem wel yedwil ɣel temsalt i ssawalen ɣefs.
948Your question is not relevant to the subject.Asesten‑nwem wel yedwil ɣel temsalt i ssawalen ɣefs.
949Your question is not relevant to the subject.Asesten‑ncemt wel yedwil ɣel temsalt i ssawalen ɣefs.
950Your questions were too direct.Isestinen‑č ttuɣen ccaten udem.
951Your questions were too direct.Isestinen‑nnem ttuɣen ccaten udem.
952Your questions were too direct.Isestinen‑nwem ttuɣen ccaten udem.
953Your questions were too direct.Isestinen‑ncemt ttuɣen ccaten udem.
954Your question is hard for me to answer.Yewɛeṛ fell-i ad d-rreɣ ɣef tuttra-nnek.
955Your question is hard for me to answer.Asesten‑č yuɛer ɣefi at‑jawbeɣ.
956Your question is hard for me to answer.Asesten‑nnem yuɛer ɣefi at‑jawbeɣ.
957Your question is hard for me to answer.Asesten‑nwem yuɛer ɣefi at‑jawbeɣ.
958Your question is hard for me to answer.Asesten‑ncemt yuɛer ɣefi at‑jawbeɣ.
959You have Jim to thank for your failure.Ad tnejjmed as‑tinid i Jim geddha f weɛrak i tɛerked.
960You have Jim to thank for your failure.Ad tnejjmem as‑tinim i Jim geddha f weɛrak i tɛerkem.
961You have Jim to thank for your failure.Ad tnejjmemt as‑tinimet i Jim geddha f weɛrak i tɛerkemt.
962Will you lend me your dictionary?Ad tnejjmed ay‑tsellfed amawal‑č?
963Will you lend me your dictionary?Ad tnejjmed ay‑tsellfed amawal‑nnem?
964Will you lend me your dictionary?Ad tnejjmem ay‑tsellfem amawal‑nwem?
965Will you lend me your dictionary?Ad tnejjmemt ay‑tsellfemt amawal‑ncemt?
966May I borrow your dictionary?Ulac aɣilif ma reḍleɣ amawal-nnek?
967May I borrow your dictionary?Tzemreḍ ad iyi-d-treḍleḍ amawal-nnek?
968May I borrow your dictionary?Ad nejjmeɣ ad sellfeɣ amawal‑č?
969May I borrow your dictionary?Ad nejjmeɣ ad sellfeɣ amawal‑nnem?
970May I borrow your dictionary?Ad nejjmeɣ ad sellfeɣ amawal‑nwem?
971May I borrow your dictionary?Ad nejjmeɣ ad sellfeɣ amawal‑ncemt?
972Look up the definition of ‘guy’ in your dictionary.Bres f lmeɛna n ‘guy’ dy umawal‑č.
973Look up the definition of ‘guy’ in your dictionary.Bres f lmeɛna n ‘guy’ dy umawal‑nnem.
974Look up the definition of ‘guy’ in your dictionary.Berset f lmeɛna n ‘guy’ dy umawal‑nwem.
975Look up the definition of ‘guy’ in your dictionary.Bersemt f lmeɛna n ‘guy’ dy umawal‑ncemt.
976Look up the words in your dictionary.Bres f yiwalen dy umawal‑č.
977Look up the words in your dictionary.Bres f yiwalen dy umawal‑nnem.
978Look up the words in your dictionary.Berset f yiwalen dy umawal‑nwem.
979Look up the words in your dictionary.Bersemt f yiwalen dy umawal‑ncemt.
980Could you lend me your bicycle for a couple of days?Ad tnejjmed ay‑tsellfed bissikla‑č day igget sen wussan?
981Could you lend me your bicycle for a couple of days?Ad tnejjmed ay‑tsellfed bissikla‑nnem day igget sen wussan?
982Could you lend me your bicycle for a couple of days?Ad tnejjmem ay‑tsellfem bissikla‑nwem day igget sen wussan?
983Could you lend me your bicycle for a couple of days?Ad tnejjmemt ay‑tsellfemt bissikla‑ncemt day igget sen wussan?
984Your bicycle is similar to mine.Bissikla‑č terwes dy ten‑nnikʷ.
985Your bicycle is similar to mine.Bissikla‑nnem terwes dy ten‑nnikʷ.
986Your bicycle is similar to mine.Bissikla‑nwem terwes dy ten‑nnikʷ.
987Your bicycle is similar to mine.Bissikla‑ncemt terwes dy ten‑nnikʷ.
988Your bike is better than mine.Asnasɣal-nnek yif win-inu.
989Your bike is better than mine.Bissikla‑č tif ten‑nnikʷ.
990Your bike is better than mine.Bissikla‑nnem tif ten‑nnikʷ.
991Your bike is better than mine.Bissikla‑nwem tif ten‑nnikʷ.
992Your bike is better than mine.Bissikla‑ncemt tif ten‑nnikʷ.
993Is your watch correct?Saɛet‑č tella trigel?
994Is your watch correct?Saɛet‑nnem tella trigel?
995Is your watch correct?Saɛet‑nwem tella trigel?
996Is your watch correct?Saɛet‑ncemt tella trigel?
997Your watch seems to be very valuable.Tamrint-nnek tettban-d ɣlayet aṭas.
998Your watch seems to be very valuable.Saɛet‑č ttbanay‑d muqqel batta teɣla.
999Your watch seems to be very valuable.Saɛet‑nnem ttbanay‑d muqqel batta teɣla.
1000Your watch seems to be very valuable.Saɛet‑nwem ttbanay‑d muqqel batta teɣla.
1001Your watch seems to be very valuable.Saɛet‑ncemt ttbanay‑d muqqel batta teɣla.
1002Your watch is similar to mine in shape and color.Saɛet‑č terwes dy ten‑nnikʷ la axdam‑s la lun‑s.
1003Your watch is similar to mine in shape and color.Saɛet‑nnem terwes dy ten‑nnikʷ la axdam‑s la lun‑s.
1004Your watch is similar to mine in shape and color.Saɛet‑nwem terwes dy ten‑nnikʷ la axdam‑s la lun‑s.
1005Your watch is similar to mine in shape and color.Saɛet‑ncemt terwes dy ten‑nnikʷ la axdam‑s la lun‑s.
1006Your watch is more expensive than mine.Saɛet‑č teɣla ujar n ten‑nnikʷ.
1007Your watch is more expensive than mine.Saɛet‑nnem teɣla ujar n ten‑nnikʷ.
1008Your watch is more expensive than mine.Saɛet‑nwem teɣla ujar n ten‑nnikʷ.
1009Your watch is more expensive than mine.Saɛet‑ncemt teɣla ujar n ten‑nnikʷ.
1010Your watch is ten minutes slow.Saɛet‑č teẓẓa s ɛecṛ dqayeq.
1011Your watch is ten minutes slow.Saɛet‑nnem teẓẓa s ɛecṛ dqayeq.
1012Your watch is ten minutes slow.Saɛet‑nwem teẓẓa s ɛecṛ dqayeq.
1013Your watch is ten minutes slow.Saɛet‑ncemt teẓẓa s ɛecṛ dqayeq.
1014What time is it by your watch?Acḥal tasaɛet ɣer-k?
1015What time is it by your watch?Mennect i tella ɣerč saɛet?
1016What time is it by your watch?Mennect i tella ɣerem saɛet?
1017What time is it by your watch?Mennect i tella ɣerwem saɛet?
1018What time is it by your watch?Mennect i tella ɣercemt saɛet?
1019Where are your things?Anda-ten leḥwal-nnek?
1020Where are your things?May llan ibessiwen‑č?
1021Where are your things?May llan ibessiwen‑nnem?
1022Where are your things?May llan ibessiwen‑nwem?
1023Where are your things?May llan ibessiwen‑ncemt?
1024Your examination results are excellent.Natayej‑č n weɛzam sxewwacent.
1025Just follow your heart.Ḍfer kan ayen ara ak-yini wul-nnek.
1026I think your work is all right.Ttwaliɣ axeddim-nnek yelha.
1027What do you do?D acu ay txeddmeḍ?
1028I left your umbrella in the bus.Jjiɣ tasiwant-nnek deg usakac.
1029I left your umbrella in the bus.Jjiɣ tasiwant-nnem deg usakac.
1030The trouble with you is that you talk too much.Ugur-nnek netta d assugget n wawal.
1031The trouble with you is that you talk too much.Ugur-nnem netta d assugget n wawal.
1032The trouble with you is that you talk too much.Ugur-nwen netta d assugget n wawal.
1033The trouble with you is that you talk too much.Ugur-nwent netta d assugget n wawal.
1034The trouble with you is that you talk too much.Ugur-nnek netta tessawaleḍ aṭas.
1035The trouble with you is that you talk too much.Ugur-nnem netta tessawaleḍ aṭas.
1036The trouble with you is that you talk too much.Ugur-nwen netta tessawalem aṭas.
1037The trouble with you is that you talk too much.Ugur-nwent netta tessawalemt aṭas.
1038The trouble with you is that you talk too much.Ugur-nnek netta d teɣzef n yiles.
1039The trouble with you is that you talk too much.Ugur-nnem netta d teɣzef n yiles.
1040The trouble with you is that you talk too much.Ugur-nwen netta d teɣzef n yiles.
1041The trouble with you is that you talk too much.Ugur-nwent netta d teɣzef n yiles.
1042What you have said doesn’t apply to you.Ayen ay d-tenniḍ ur k-yerzi kecc.
1043What you have said doesn’t apply to you.Ayen ay d-tenniḍ ur kem-yerzi kemm.
1044What you have said doesn’t apply to you.Ayen ay d-tennam ur ken-yerzi kenwi.
1045What you have said doesn’t apply to you.Ayen ay d-tennamt ur kent-yerzi kennemti.
1046Do you eat rice in your country?Tettettem ṛṛuz deg tmurt-nwen?
1047Your conduct is beyond bearing.Tikli-nnek ur yezmir yiwen ad tt-yawey.
1048Your conduct is beyond bearing.Tikli-nnek n diri ur yezmir yiwen ad tt-yawey.
1049You may invite any person you like.Tzemreḍ ad d-tɛerḍeḍ win ay ak-yehwan.
1050You may invite any person you like.Tzemreḍ ad d-tɛerḍeḍ win ay am-yehwan.
1051You may invite any person you like.Tzemrem ad d-tɛerḍem win ay awen-yehwan.
1052You may invite any person you like.Tzemremt ad d-tɛerḍemt win ay awent-yehwan.
1053You may act however you wish.Tzemreḍ ad tgeḍ akken ay ak-yehwa.
1054You may act however you wish.Tzemreḍ ad tgeḍ akken ay am-yehwa.
1055You may act however you wish.Tzemrem ad tgem akken ay awen-yehwa.
1056You may act however you wish.Tzemremt ad tgemt akken ay awent-yehwa.
1057You have the freedom to travel wherever you like.Tesɛiḍ tilelli ad tessikleḍ sanda ay ak-yehwa.
1058You have the freedom to travel wherever you like.Tesɛiḍ tilelli ad tessikleḍ sanda ay am-yehwa.
1059You have the freedom to travel wherever you like.Tesɛam tilelli ad tessiklem sanda ay awen-yehwa.
1060You have the freedom to travel wherever you like.Tesɛamt tilelli ad tessiklemt sanda ay awent-yehwa.
1061What you are saying does not make sense.Ayen ay la d-tettiniḍ ur yesɛi anamek.
1062I don’t quite follow you.Ur la k-ttḍafareɣ.
1063I accept what you say to some extent.Qebleɣ kra seg wayen ay d-tennid.
1064Admitting what you say, I cannot agree with you.Ɣas ma steɛṛfeɣ s wayen ay d-tenniḍ, ur zmireɣ ad k-wafqeɣ.
1065Admitting what you say, I cannot agree with you.Ɣas ma steɛṛfeɣ s wayen ay d-tenniḍ, ur zmireɣ ad kem-wafqeɣ.
1066Admitting what you say, I cannot agree with you.Ɣas ma steɛṛfeɣ s wayen ay d-tennam, ur zmireɣ ad ken-wafqeɣ.
1067Admitting what you say, I cannot agree with you.Ɣas ma steɛṛfeɣ s wayen ay d-tennamt, ur zmireɣ ad kent-wafqeɣ.
1068I think you’re right.Ttwaliɣ tesɛiḍ lḥeqq.
1069Admitting what you say, I still think you are wrong.Ɣas ma steɛṛfeɣ s wayen ay d-tenniḍ, mazal-iyi ttwaliɣ-k teccḍeḍ.
1070Admitting what you say, I still think you are wrong.Ɣas ma steɛṛfeɣ s wayen ay d-tenniḍ, mazal-iyi ttwaliɣ-kem teccḍeḍ.
1071Admitting what you say, I still think you are wrong.Ɣas ma steɛṛfeɣ s wayen ay d-tennam, mazal-iyi ttwaliɣ-ken teccḍem.
1072Admitting what you say, I still think you are wrong.Ɣas ma steɛṛfeɣ s wayen ay d-tennamt, mazal-iyi ttwaliɣ-kent teccḍemt.
1073Admitting what you say, I still think you are wrong.Ɣas ma steɛṛfeɣ s wayen ay d-tenniḍ, mazal-iyi ttwaliɣ-k tḍelmeḍ.
1074Admitting what you say, I still think you are wrong.Ɣas ma steɛṛfeɣ s wayen ay d-tenniḍ, mazal-iyi ttwaliɣ-kem tḍelmeḍ.
1075Admitting what you say, I still think you are wrong.Ɣas ma steɛṛfeɣ s wayen ay d-tennam, mazal-iyi ttwaliɣ-ken tḍelmem.
1076Admitting what you say, I still think you are wrong.Ɣas ma steɛṛfeɣ s wayen ay d-tennamt, mazal-iyi ttwaliɣ-kent tḍelmemt.
1077Admitting what you say, I still think that you were wrong.Ɣas ma steɛṛfeɣ s wayen ay d-tenniḍ, mazal-iyi ttwaliɣ-k teccḍeḍ.
1078Admitting what you say, I still think that you were wrong.Ɣas ma steɛṛfeɣ s wayen ay d-tenniḍ, mazal-iyi ttwaliɣ-kem teccḍeḍ.
1079Admitting what you say, I still think that you were wrong.Ɣas ma steɛṛfeɣ s wayen ay d-tennam, mazal-iyi ttwaliɣ-ken teccḍem.
1080Admitting what you say, I still think that you were wrong.Ɣas ma steɛṛfeɣ s wayen ay d-tennamt, mazal-iyi ttwaliɣ-kent teccḍemt.
1081Admitting what you say, I still think that you were wrong.Ɣas ma steɛṛfeɣ s wayen ay d-tenniḍ, mazal-iyi ttwaliɣ-k tḍelmeḍ.
1082Admitting what you say, I still think that you were wrong.Ɣas ma steɛṛfeɣ s wayen ay d-tenniḍ, mazal-iyi ttwaliɣ-kem tḍelmeḍ.
1083Admitting what you say, I still think that you were wrong.Ɣas ma steɛṛfeɣ s wayen ay d-tennam, mazal-iyi ttwaliɣ-ken tḍelmem.
1084Admitting what you say, I still think that you were wrong.Ɣas ma steɛṛfeɣ s wayen ay d-tennamt, mazal-iyi ttwaliɣ-kent tḍelmemt.
1085I admit that what you say is true, but I don’t like the way you say it.Ɣas ma steɛṛfeɣ s wayen ay d-tenniḍ, ur iyi-yeɛjib wamek ay t-id-tenniḍ.
1086I admit that what you say is true, but I don’t like the way you say it.Ɣas ma steɛṛfeɣ s wayen ay d-tennam, ur iyi-yeɛjib wamek ay t-id-tennam.
1087I admit that what you say is true, but I don’t like the way you say it.Ɣas ma steɛṛfeɣ s wayen ay d-tennamt, ur iyi-yeɛjib wamek ay t-id-tennamt.
1088Though I admit what you say, I still think you are wrong.Ɣas steɛṛfeɣ s wayen ay d-tenniḍ, mazal-iyi ttwaliɣ-k teccḍeḍ.
1089Though I admit what you say, I still think you are wrong.Ɣas steɛṛfeɣ s wayen ay d-tenniḍ, mazal-iyi ttwaliɣ-kem teccḍeḍ.
1090Though I admit what you say, I still think you are wrong.Ɣas steɛṛfeɣ s wayen ay d-tennam, mazal-iyi ttwaliɣ-ken teccḍem.
1091Though I admit what you say, I still think you are wrong.Ɣas steɛṛfeɣ s wayen ay d-tennamt, mazal-iyi ttwaliɣ-kent teccḍemt.
1092Though I admit what you say, I still think you are wrong.Ɣas steɛṛfeɣ s wayen ay d-tenniḍ, mazal-iyi ttwaliɣ-k tḍelmeḍ.
1093Though I admit what you say, I still think you are wrong.Ɣas steɛṛfeɣ s wayen ay d-tenniḍ, mazal-iyi ttwaliɣ-kem tḍelmeḍ.
1094Though I admit what you say, I still think you are wrong.Ɣas steɛṛfeɣ s wayen ay d-tennam, mazal-iyi ttwaliɣ-ken tḍelmem.
1095Though I admit what you say, I still think you are wrong.Ɣas steɛṛfeɣ s wayen ay d-tennamt, mazal-iyi ttwaliɣ-kent tḍelmemt.
1096While I accept what you say, I still think I’m right.Ɣas wufqeɣ-k deg wayen ay d-tenniḍ, mazal ttwaqennɛeɣ sɛiɣ lḥeqq.
1097Admitting what you say, I still think you are mistaken.Ɣas steɛṛfeɣ s wayen ay d-tenniḍ, mazal-iyi ttwaliɣ-k teccḍeḍ.
1098Admitting what you say, I still think you are mistaken.Ɣas steɛṛfeɣ s wayen ay d-tenniḍ, mazal-iyi ttwaliɣ-kem teccḍeḍ.
1099Admitting what you say, I still think you are mistaken.Ɣas steɛṛfeɣ s wayen ay d-tennam, mazal-iyi ttwaliɣ-ken teccḍem.
1100Admitting what you say, I still think you are mistaken.Ɣas steɛṛfeɣ s wayen ay d-tennamt, mazal-iyi ttwaliɣ-kent teccḍemt.
1101Admitting what you say, I still think you are in the wrong.Ɣas steɛṛfeɣ s wayen ay d-tenniḍ, mazal-iyi ttwaliɣ-k teccḍeḍ.
1102Admitting what you say, I still think you are in the wrong.Ɣas steɛṛfeɣ s wayen ay d-tenniḍ, mazal-iyi ttwaliɣ-kem teccḍeḍ.
1103Admitting what you say, I still think you are in the wrong.Ɣas steɛṛfeɣ s wayen ay d-tennam, mazal-iyi ttwaliɣ-ken teccḍem.
1104Admitting what you say, I still think you are in the wrong.Ɣas steɛṛfeɣ s wayen ay d-tennamt, mazal-iyi ttwaliɣ-kent teccḍemt.
1105Admitting what you say, I still think you are in the wrong.Ɣas steɛṛfeɣ s wayen ay d-tenniḍ, mazal-iyi ttwaliɣ-k tḍelmeḍ.
1106Admitting what you say, I still think you are in the wrong.Ɣas steɛṛfeɣ s wayen ay d-tenniḍ, mazal-iyi ttwaliɣ-kem tḍelmeḍ.
1107Admitting what you say, I still think you are in the wrong.Ɣas steɛṛfeɣ s wayen ay d-tennam, mazal-iyi ttwaliɣ-ken tḍelmem.
1108Admitting what you say, I still think you are in the wrong.Ɣas steɛṛfeɣ s wayen ay d-tennamt, mazal-iyi ttwaliɣ-kent tḍelmemt.
1109While I see what you say, I can’t accept your offer.Ula ma fehmeɣ ayen ay d-tennid, ur zmireɣ ara ad qebleɣ assumer-nnek.
1110While I see what you say, I can’t accept your offer.Ula ma fehmeɣ ayen ay d-tennid, ur zmireɣ ara ad qebleɣ assumer-nnem.
1111I can’t see what you mean.Ur fhimeɣ d acu ay d-tqesdeḍ.
1112You should pay more attention to what you say.Yessefk ad tettqaraɛeḍ ayen ay d-tettiniḍ.
1113You should pay more attention to what you say.Yessefk ad tettqaraɛem ayen ay d-tettinim.
1114You should pay more attention to what you say.Yessefk ad tettqaraɛemt ayen ay d-tettinimt.
1115You should pay more attention to what you say.Yessefk ad twezzneḍ awal-nnek.
1116You should pay more attention to what you say.Yessefk ad twezzneḍ awal-nnem.
1117You should pay more attention to what you say.Yessefk ad twezznem awal-nwen.
1118You should pay more attention to what you say.Yessefk ad twezznemt awal-nwent.
1119You should pay more attention to what you say.A win yufan, ad twezzneḍ awal-nnek.
1120You should pay more attention to what you say.A win yufan, ad twezzneḍ awal-nnem.
1121You should pay more attention to what you say.A win yufan, ad twezznem awal-nwen.
1122You should pay more attention to what you say.A win yufan, ad twezznemt awal-nwent.
1123What’s become of your dog?D acu ay as-yeḍran i weydi-nnek?
1124What’s become of your dog?Anda akka ay d-yeggra weydi-nnek?
1125You can go or stay, as you wish.Tzemreḍ ad tedduḍ neɣ ad teqqimeḍ, akken ay ak-yehwa.
1126You can go or stay, as you wish.Tzemreḍ ad tedduḍ neɣ ad teqqimeḍ, akken ay am-yehwa.
1127You can go or stay, as you wish.Tzemrem ad teddum neɣ ad teqqimem, akken ay awen-yehwa.
1128You can go or stay, as you wish.Tzemremt ad teddumt neɣ ad teqqimemt, akken ay awent-yehwa.
1129I’m sorry to upset your plans.Ssuref-iyi imi ay ak-sxeṣreɣ iɣawasen-nnek.
1130I’m sorry to upset your plans.Ssuref-iyi mi ay ak-sxeṣreɣ ayen tessefraḍ ad t-tgeḍ.
1131I will go along with your plan.Ad ḍefreɣ aɣawas-nnek.
1132Your plan is of no earthly use.Aɣawas-nnek ur yesɛi akk lfayda.
1133Your scheme is like a house built on the sand.Asenfar-nnek yecba axxam ay yebnan ɣef yejdi.
1134Your plan is bound to fail.Aɣawas-nnek la itteddu kan ɣer lexṣara.
1135I’m afraid your plan will not work.Ugadeɣ lemmer aɣawas-nnek ur irebbeḥ.
1136Tell me the object of your plan.Ini-iyi-d d acu-t yeswi n uɣawas-nnek.
1137Your plan seems better than mine.Aɣawas-nnek yettban-iyi-d yif win-inu.
1138I approve of your plan.Qebleɣ aɣawas-nnek.
1139Tell me about your plan.Ssiwel-iyi-d ɣef uɣawas-nnek.
1140Admittedly your plan makes sense, but I still think it will be very hard to carry out.Deg tidet, aɣawas-nnek yemɛen, maca mazal ttwaliɣ yewɛeṛ akken ad yeffeɣ ɣer tidet.
1141Your shoes do not go with the suit.Irkasen-nnek ur rnin ɣef uselsu-nni.
1142Your shoes are here. Where are mine?Irkasen-nnek atni da. I widak-inu anda-ten?
1143Your shoes are here.Irkasen-nnek atni da.
1144You can read any book that interests you.Tzemreḍ ad teɣreḍ adlis ay ak-iɛejben.
1145You can read any book that interests you.Tzemreḍ ad teɣreḍ adlis ay am-iɛejben.
1146You can read any book that interests you.Tzemrem ad teɣrem adlis ay awen-iɛejben.
1147You can read any book that interests you.Tzemremt ad teɣremt adlis ay awent-iɛejben.
1148Do you know what you’re asking?Teẓriḍ ɣef wacu ay la tesseqsayeḍ?
1149Do you know what you’re asking?Teẓriḍ d acu ay la tessutureḍ?
1150Do you know what you’re asking?Teẓram ɣef wacu ay la tesseqsayem?
1151Do you know what you’re asking?Teẓram d acu ay la tessuturem?
1152Do you know what you’re asking?Teẓramt d acu ay la tessuturemt?
1153Do you know what you’re asking?Teẓramt ɣef wacu ay la tesseqsayemt?
1154Where is your school?Anda-t uɣerbaz-nnek?
1155Your house needs repairing.Axxam-nnek yeḥwaj aṣeggem.
1156Your house needs repairing.Yessefk ad yettwaṣeggem wexxam-nnek.
1157What direction does your house face?D acu n tama wuɣur yerra wexxam-nnek?
1158I wish I could live near your house.Mennaɣ lemmer d ay zdiɣeɣ qrib s axxam-nnek.
1159Can I use your pencil?Ulac aɣilif ma sqedceɣ akeryun-nnek?
1160Your pencils need sharpening.Yessefk ad tesmesdeḍ ikeryunen-nnek.
1161Your English has made gradual progress.Tanglizit-nnek tennerna cwiṭ, cwiṭ.
1162I want your opinion.Bɣiɣ ṛṛay-nnek.
1163I want your opinion.Bɣiɣ ṛṛay-nnem.
1164I want your opinion.Bɣiɣ ṛṛay-nwen.
1165I want your opinion.Bɣiɣ ṛṛay-nwent.
1166Do you think that you can put your idea into practice?Ɣef leḥsab-nnek, tzemreḍ ad d-terreḍ takti-nnek ɣer tigawt?
1167Do you think that you can put your idea into practice?Ɣef leḥsab-nnem, tzemreḍ ad d-terreḍ takti-nnem ɣer tigawt?
1168Do you think that you can put your idea into practice?Ɣef leḥsab-nwen, tzemrem ad d-terrem takti-nwen ɣer tigawt?
1169Do you think that you can put your idea into practice?Ɣef leḥsab-nwent, tzemremt ad d-terremt takti-nwent ɣer tigawt?
1170Your idea sounds like a good one.Takti-nnek tettban-iyi-d telha.
1171Your report is pretty good, if not excellent.Aṛabul-nnek yelha, ɣas ini igerrez.
1172Your method is different from mine.Tarrayt-nnek temgerrad ɣef tin-inu.
1173You’re on the right track.Aql-ik deg webrid iṣeḥḥan.
1174What you did is against the rules.Ayen ay tgiḍ yeffeɣ i webrid.
1175Your time is up.Ifuk wakud-nnek.
1176I’ll give you anything that you want.Ad ak-fkeɣ akk ayen tebɣiḍ.
1177I’ll give you anything that you want.Ad am-fkeɣ akk ayen tebɣiḍ.
1178I’ll give you anything that you want.Ad awen-fkeɣ akk ayen tebɣam.
1179I’ll give you anything that you want.Ad awent-fkeɣ akk ayen tebɣamt.
1180Can I use your pen?Ulac aɣilif ma sqedceɣ imru-nnek?
1181Can I use your pen?Ulac aɣilif ma sqedceɣ imru-nnem?
1182Your pen is better than mine.Imru-nnek yif win-inu.
1183Your tie blends well with your suit.Takṛavaḍt-nnek terna ɣef uselsu-nnek.
1184I’ll give you a call before I visit you.Ad ak-d-ɣreɣ uqbel ma rziɣ-d fell-ak.
1185I’ll give you a call before I visit you.Ad am-d-ɣreɣ uqbel ma rziɣ-d fell-am.
1186I’ll give you a call before I visit you.Ad awen-d-ɣreɣ uqbel ma rziɣ-d fell-awen.
1187I’ll give you a call before I visit you.Ad awent-d-ɣreɣ uqbel ma rziɣ-d fell-awent.
1188I’m glad that your team won the game.Feṛḥeɣ imi ay terbeḥ teɣlamt-nwen timlilit.
1189I’m not going out on a limb for you because you never helped me before.Ur d-cligeɣ seg-k acku kecc werjin tɛawneḍ-iyi uqbel.
1190I’m not going out on a limb for you because you never helped me before.Ur d-cligeɣ seg-m acku kemm werjin tɛawneḍ-iyi uqbel.
1191I’m not going out on a limb for you because you never helped me before.Ur d-cligeɣ seg-wen acku kenwi werjin tɛawnem-iyi uqbel.
1192I’m not going out on a limb for you because you never helped me before.Ur d-cligeɣ seg-went acku kennemti werjin tɛawnemt-iyi uqbel.
1193You should keep company with such men as can benefit you.A win yufan ad teddukkuleḍ akked wid ay izemren ad k-nefɛen.
1194You should keep company with such men as can benefit you.A win yufan ad teddukkulem akked wid ay izemren ad ken-nefɛen.
1195You should keep company with such men as can benefit you.A win yufan ad teddukkulemt akked wid ay izemren ad kent-nefɛen.
1196You should keep company with such men as can benefit you.A win yufan ad teddukkuleḍ akked wid ay izemren ad kem-nefɛen.
1197I am ready to do anything for you.Netc lliɣ watti bac ad ig-aɣ ayy cra texxs-it.
1198What’s the weight of your suitcase?Acḥal ay tewzen tbalizt-nnek?
1199I respect you for what you have done.Ttqadareɣ-k ɣef wayen ay tgiḍ.
1200I respect you for what you have done.Ttqadareɣ-kem ɣef wayen ay tgiḍ.
1201I respect you for what you have done.Ttqadareɣ-ken ɣef wayen ay tgam.
1202I respect you for what you have done.Ttqadareɣ-kent ɣef wayen ay tgamt.
1203We are worried about you.Nugad fell-ak.
1204We are worried about you.Nugad fell-am.
1205We are worried about you.Nugad fell-awen.
1206We are worried about you.Nugad fell-awent.
1207What are you fond of?D acu ay tḥemmled?
1208What are you fond of?D acu ay tḥemmleḍ?
1209What are you fond of?D acu ay tḥemmlem?
1210What are you fond of?D acu ay tḥemmlemt?
1211Your cake is delicious.Angul-nnem d aẓidan.
1212Here is your bag.Attan tculliḍt-nnek.
1213Is your uncle still abroad?Ɛemmi-k mazal-it deg lbeṛṛani?
1214Your essay is admirable in regard to style.Yecbeḥ uɣanib n tṣeddart-nnek.
1215Your essay is admirable in regard to style.Taṣeddart-nnek tettweɛjab seg yidis n uɣanib.
1216I have no idea what you mean.Ur ẓriɣ akk d acu ay d-tqesdeḍ.
1217While I understand what you say, I can’t agree with you.Ɣas ma fehmeɣ ayen ay d-tenniḍ, ur zmireɣ ad k-wafqeɣ.
1218While I understand what you say, I can’t agree with you.Ɣas ma fehmeɣ ayen ay d-tenniḍ, ur zmireɣ ad kem-wafqeɣ.
1219While I understand what you say, I can’t agree with you.Ɣas ma fehmeɣ ayen ay d-tennam, ur zmireɣ ad ken-wafqeɣ.
1220While I understand what you say, I can’t agree with you.Ɣas ma fehmeɣ ayen ay d-tennamt, ur zmireɣ ad kent-wafqeɣ.
1221I regret that I told you.Nedmeɣ imi ay ak-nniɣ.
1222I have something to tell you.Bɣiɣ ad ak-iniɣ yiwet n tɣawsa.
1223I want you to read this book.Bɣiɣ ad teɣreḍ adlis-a.
1224I cannot help you, not but that I pity you.Ɣas tɣaḍeḍ-iyi, ur zmireɣ ad k-ɛawneɣ.
1225I cannot help you, not but that I pity you.Ɣas tɣaḍeḍ-iyi, ur zmireɣ ad kem-ɛawneɣ.
1226I cannot help you, not but that I pity you.Ɣas tɣaḍem-iyi, ur zmireɣ ad ken-ɛawneɣ.
1227I cannot help you, not but that I pity you.Ɣas tɣaḍemt-iyi, ur zmireɣ ad kent-ɛawneɣ.
1228Your telegram arrived just as I was about to telephone you.Akken kan ay nekreɣ ad ak-d-ɣreɣ, yuweḍ-d utiligṛam-nnek.
1229I must offer you an apology for coming late.Yessefk ad ssutreɣ seg-s asaruf imi ay ɛeḍḍleɣ akken ad d-aseɣ.
1230Dozens of letters are awaiting you.D timerwin n tebṛatin ay la k-yettṛajun.
1231I’ll make you a new suit.Ad d-xiḍeɣ aselsu amaynu.
1232Let me give you a bit of advice.Bɣiɣ ad k-neṣḥeɣ ma ulac aɣilif.
1233I was going to write to you, but I was too busy.Lliɣ ttedduɣ ad ak-aruɣ, maca lliɣ ceɣleɣ aṭas.
1234I’ll lend you my notebook.Ad ak-reḍleɣ alug-inu.
1235It’s always delightful to see you.Ḥemmleɣ dima ad k-ẓreɣ.
1236I would like you to come with me.Bɣiɣ ad d-taseḍ yid-i.
1237I would like you to come with me.Bɣiɣ ad d-tasem yid-i.
1238I would like you to come with me.Bɣiɣ ad tasemt yid-i.
1239I want to see you again.Bɣiɣ ad ɛawdeɣ ad k-ẓreɣ.
1240You have many caring friends.Tesɛiḍ aṭas n yimeddukal ay yettxemmimen fell-ak.
1241You have many caring friends.Tesɛiḍ aṭas n tmeddukal ay yettxemmimen fell-ak.
1242You have many caring friends.Tesɛiḍ aṭas n yimeddukal ay yettxemmimen fell-am.
1243You have many caring friends.Tesɛiḍ aṭas n tmeddukal ay yettxemmimen fell-am.
1244You have many caring friends.Tesɛam aṭas n yimeddukal ay yettxemmimen fell-awen.
1245You have many caring friends.Tesɛam aṭas n tmeddukal ay yettxemmimen fell-awen.
1246You have many caring friends.Tesɛamt aṭas n yimeddukal ay yettxemmimen fell-awent.
1247You have many caring friends.Tesɛamt aṭas n tmeddukal ay yettxemmimen fell-awent.
1248You make me feel so guilty.La iyi-tettajjaḍ ad ḥulfuɣ i yiman-inu ḍelmeɣ.
1249I’ve given up on you!Qeḍɛeɣ layas fell-as!
1250Green suits you.Azegzaw yerna fell-ak.
1251Green suits you.Yerna fell-ak uzegzaw.
1252I’ll stand behind you if you are going to do it.Ad k-ɛawneɣ ma yella ad tgeḍ aya.
1253I’ll stand behind you if you are going to do it.Ad kem-ɛawneɣ ma yella ad tgeḍ aya.
1254I’ll stand behind you if you are going to do it.Ad ken-ɛawneɣ ma yella ad tgem aya.
1255I’ll stand behind you if you are going to do it.Ad kent-ɛawneɣ ma yella ad tgemt aya.
1256I’ll give you this camera.Ad ak-fkeɣ timseknewt-a.
1257You play the guitar quite like a professional, don’t you?Tekkateḍ tagiṭart am usadar, neɣ uhu?
1258You play the guitar quite like a professional, don’t you?Tekkateḍ tagiṭart am tsadart, neɣ uhu?
1259You play the guitar quite like a professional, don’t you?Tekkatem tagiṭart am yisadaren, neɣ uhu?
1260You play the guitar quite like a professional, don’t you?Tekkatemt tagiṭart am tsadarin, neɣ uhu?
1261I have a nice present to give you.Uwyeɣ-ak-d asefk icebḥen.
1262You can make it! Go for it. I’ll stand by you.Tzemreḍ ad tgeḍ aya! Ɣas eg-it. Nekk ad beddeɣ s idis-nnek.
1263You can make it! Go for it. I’ll stand by you.Tzemreḍ ad tgeḍ aya! Ɣas eg-it. Nekk ad beddeɣ s idis-nnem.
1264You can make it! Go for it. I’ll stand by you.Tzemrem ad tgem aya! Ɣas get-t. Nekk ad beddeɣ s idis-nwen.
1265You can make it! Go for it. I’ll stand by you.Tzemremt ad tgemt aya! Ɣas gemt-t. Nekk ad beddeɣ s idis-nwent.
1266You can make it! Go for it. I’ll stand by you.Tzemreḍ ad tgeḍ aya! Ɣas eg-it. Nekk ad iliɣ s idis-nnek.
1267You can make it! Go for it. I’ll stand by you.Tzemreḍ ad tgeḍ aya! Ɣas eg-it. Nekk ad iliɣ s idis-nnem.
1268You can make it! Go for it. I’ll stand by you.Tzemrem ad tgem aya! Ɣas get-t. Nekk ad iliɣ s idis-nwen.
1269You can make it! Go for it. I’ll stand by you.Tzemrem ad tgemt aya! Ɣas gemt-t. Nekk ad iliɣ s idis-nwent.
1270If only I could speak English as fluently as you!Mennaɣ lemmer d ay serrḥeɣ deg tanglizit am kecc!
1271I’m leaving you tomorrow.Azekka, ad k-jjeɣ.
1272I’m leaving you tomorrow.Azekka, ad kem-jjeɣ.
1273I would prefer to speak to you in private.Smenyafeɣ ad nessiwel ala nekk yid-k.
1274There is enough bread for all of you.Ur yelli weɣrum ara ken-id-ikafin akk.
1275How old will you be next year?Acḥal ara yili deg leɛmeṛ-nnek aseggas ay d-itteddun?
1276You must not smoke till you grow up.Ur yessefk ad tkeyyfeḍ arma d asmi ara timɣureḍ.
1277You must not smoke till you grow up.Ur yessefk ad tkeyyfem arma d asmi ara timɣurem.
1278You must not smoke till you grow up.Ur yessefk ad tkeyyfemt arma d asmi ara timɣuremt.
1279Are you students at this school?Kenwi d inelmaden deg uɣerbaz-a?
1280Any of you can do it.Menwala deg-wen yezmer ad t-yeg.
1281Just as you treat me, so I will treat you.Akken ay tettedduḍ yid-i ara dduɣ yid-k.
1282Just as you treat me, so I will treat you.Akken ay tettedduḍ yid-i ara dduɣ yid-m.
1283Just as you treat me, so I will treat you.Akken ay tetteddum yid-i ara dduɣ yid-wen.
1284Just as you treat me, so I will treat you.Akken ay tetteddumt yid-i ara dduɣ yid-went.
1285You are the man I’ve been looking for.Ayen d ceč d arjaz i ttuɣeɣ berrseɣ ɣef‑s.
1286You’re the best man for the job.D cečči d arjaz yifen gaɛ i wexdam.
1287I am glad that you have returned safe.Feṛḥeɣ imi ay d-teqqleḍ ur k-yuɣ wacemma.
1288What would you do if you were in my place?D acu ara tgeḍ lemmer d ay d-tusiḍ deg wemkan-inu?
1289What would you do if you were in my place?D acu ara tgeḍ lemmer d ay telliḍ deg wemkan-inu?
1290What would you do if you were in my place?D acu ara tgem lemmer d ay d-tusim deg wemkan-inu?
1291What would you do if you were in my place?D acu ara tgemt lemmer d ay d-tusimt deg wemkan-inu?
1292What would you do if you were in my place?D acu ara tgem lemmer d ay tellim deg wemkan-inu?
1293What would you do if you were in my place?D acu ara tgemt lemmer d ay tellimt deg wemkan-inu?
1294I would like you to think about what you would have done in my place.Bɣiɣ ad txemmemeḍ d acu ara tiliḍ tgiḍ-t lemmer d ay telliḍ deg wemkan-inu.
1295I would like you to think about what you would have done in my place.Bɣiɣ ad txemmemeḍ d acu ara tiliḍ tgiḍ-t lemmer d ay d-tusiḍ deg wemkan-inu.
1296I would like you to think about what you would have done in my place.Bɣiɣ ad txemmemem d acu ara tilim tgam-t lemmer d ay d-tusim deg wemkan-inu.
1297I would like you to think about what you would have done in my place.Bɣiɣ ad txemmememt d acu ara tilimt tgamt-t lemmer d ay d-tusimt deg wemkan-inu.
1298I would like you to think about what you would have done in my place.Bɣiɣ ad txemmemem d acu ara tilim tgam-t lemmer d ay tellim deg wemkan-inu.
1299I would like you to think about what you would have done in my place.Bɣiɣ ad txemmememt d acu ara tilimt tgamt-t lemmer d ay tellimt deg wemkan-inu.
1300You or I will be chosen.Yiwen seg-neɣ ad yettwafren, d nekk neɣ d kecc.
1301You or I will be chosen.Yiwen seg-neɣ ad yettwafren, d nekk neɣ d kemm.
1302It is not necessary for you to take his advice if you don’t want to.Ur k-terri tmara ad tḍefreḍ tanṣiḥt-nnes ma yella ur ak-yehwi.
1303It is not necessary for you to take his advice if you don’t want to.Ur kem-terri tmara ad tḍefreḍ tanṣiḥt-nnes ma yella ur am-yehwi.
1304It is not necessary for you to take his advice if you don’t want to.Ur ken-terri tmara ad tḍefrem tanṣiḥt-nnes ma yella ur awen-yehwi.
1305It is not necessary for you to take his advice if you don’t want to.Ur kent-terri tmara ad tḍefremt tanṣiḥt-nnes ma yella ur awent-yehwi.
1306It is not necessary for you to take his advice if you don’t want to.Ur k-terri tmara ad tḍefreḍ tanṣiḥt-nnes ma yella ur tebɣiḍ.
1307It is not necessary for you to take his advice if you don’t want to.Ur kem-terri tmara ad tḍefreḍ tanṣiḥt-nnes ma yella ur tebɣiḍ.
1308It is not necessary for you to take his advice if you don’t want to.Ur ken-terri tmara ad tḍefrem tanṣiḥt-nnes ma yella ur tebɣim.
1309It is not necessary for you to take his advice if you don’t want to.Ur kent-terri tmara ad tḍefremt tanṣiḥt-nnes ma yella ur tebɣimt.
1310If you’re busy, I’ll help you.Ma tesɛiḍ ccɣel, ad k-ɛawneɣ.
1311If you’re busy, I’ll help you.Ma tesɛiḍ ccɣel, ad kem-ɛawneɣ.
1312If you’re busy, I’ll help you.Ma tesɛam ccɣel, ad ken-ɛawneɣ.
1313If you’re busy, I’ll help you.Ma tesɛamt ccɣel, ad kent-ɛawneɣ.
1314I will lend you whatever book you need.Ad ak-d-reḍleɣ akk idlisen ay teḥwajeḍ.
1315I will lend you whatever book you need.Ad am-d-reḍleɣ akk idlisen ay teḥwajeḍ.
1316I will lend you whatever book you need.Ad awen-d-reḍleɣ akk idlisen ay teḥwajem.
1317I will lend you whatever book you need.Ad awent-d-reḍleɣ akk idlisen ay teḥwajemt.
1318Whether you like her or not, you can’t marry her.Ama tḥemmleḍ-tt, ama teqqimeḍ, ur tezmireḍ ad tt-taɣeḍ.
1319What you said to her isn’t accepted as a joke.Ayen ay as-tennid i nettat ur yettwafham ara d aqeṣṣer.
1320As you have insulted him, he is cross with you.Imi ay t-tregmeḍ, yerfa fell-ak.
1321As you have insulted him, he is cross with you.Imi ay t-tregmeḍ, yerfa fell-am.
1322As you have insulted him, he is cross with you.Imi ay t-tregmem, yerfa fell-awen.
1323As you have insulted him, he is cross with you.Imi ay t-tregmemt, yerfa fell-awent.
1324Does he know that you love him?Yeẓra tḥemmleḍ-t?
1325It was foolish of you to accept his offer.Ur teḥṛiced ara imi ay tqebled assumer-nnes.
1326How much is the car you are planning to buy?Acḥal ay teswa tkeṛṛust-nni ay tebɣiḍ ad tt-id-tesɣeḍ?
1327We were just talking about you when you called.Mi akken ay nella nessawal fell-ak ay d-teɣriḍ.
1328We were just talking about you when you called.Mi akken ay nella nessawal fell-am ay d-teɣriḍ.
1329We were just talking about you when you called.Mi akken ay nella nessawal fell-awen ay d-teɣram.
1330We were just talking about you when you called.Mi akken ay nella nessawal fell-awent ay d-teɣramt.
1331It is a pity that you can’t join us.Nesḥissif imi ur tezmireḍ ad d-taseḍ yid-neɣ.
1332You had better not wake me up when you come in.Mi ara d-tkecmeḍ, ulayɣer ma tessakiḍ-iyi-d.
1333You had better not wake me up when you come in.Mi ara d-tkecmem, ulayɣer ma tessakim-iyi-d.
1334You had better not wake me up when you come in.Mi ara d-tkecmemt, ulayɣer ma tessakimt-iyi-d.
1335I hope that you will get well soon.Ssarameɣ ad teḥluḍ ɣef zik lḥal.
1336You speak first; I will speak after.Ssiwel kecc d amezwaru, nekk ad ssiwleɣ sakkin.
1337If you are honest, I will hire you.Ma yella zeddiget nneyya-nnek, ad k-id-skecmeɣ ad txedmeḍ.
1338If you are honest, I will hire you.Ma yella zeddiget nneyya-nwen, ad ken-id-skecmeɣ ad txedmem.
1339If you are honest, I will hire you.Ma yella zeddiget nneyya-nnem, ad kem-id-skecmeɣ ad txedmeḍ.
1340If you are honest, I will hire you.Ma yella zeddiget nneyya-nwent, ad kent-id-skecmeɣ ad txedmemt.
1341Tell me when you will call me.Ini-iyi-d melmi ara iyi-d-teɣreḍ.
1342Tell me when you will call me.Init-iyi-d melmi ara iyi-d-teɣrem.
1343Tell me when you will call me.Inimt-iyi-d melmi ara iyi-d-teɣremt.
1344I will wait till you have written the letter.Ad ṛjuɣ arma turiḍ-d tabṛat-nni.
1345The reason why you failed is you did not try hard enough.Txeṣreḍ acku ur tgiḍ akk ayen umi tzemreḍ.
1346The reason why you failed is you did not try hard enough.Txeṣrem acku ur tgim akk ayen umi tzemrem.
1347The reason why you failed is you did not try hard enough.Txeṣremt acku ur tgimt akk ayen umi tzemremt.
1348I love you more than you love me.Ḥemmleɣ-k ugar n wanect ay iyi-tḥemmleḍ.
1349I love you more than you love me.Ḥemmleɣ-kem ugar n wanect ay iyi-tḥemmleḍ.
1350I love you more than you love me.Ḥemmleɣ-ken ugar n wanect ay iyi-tḥemmlem.
1351I love you more than you love me.Ḥemmleɣ-kent ugar n wanect ay iyi-tḥemmlemt.
1352Either you or I must go in his place.Yessefk yiwen seg-neɣ ad yeddu deg wemkan-nnes, d kecc neɣ d nekk.
1353What’s the reason that made you call me?Ɣef wacu ay iyi-d-teɣrid?
1354What’s the reason that made you call me?Ɣef wacu ay iyi-d-teɣriḍ?
1355I can’t thank you enough for what you did for me.Ur zmireɣ ad k-snemmreɣ ɣef wakk ayen ay iyi-tgiḍ.
1356I can’t thank you enough for what you did for me.Ur zmireɣ ad kem-snemmreɣ ɣef wakk ayen ay iyi-tgiḍ.
1357I can’t thank you enough for what you did for me.Ur zmireɣ ad ken-snemmreɣ ɣef wakk ayen ay iyi-tgam.
1358I can’t thank you enough for what you did for me.Ur zmireɣ ad kent-snemmreɣ ɣef wakk ayen ay iyi-tgamt.
1359I don’t have as much money as you think.Ur sɛiɣ anect-nni n yedrimen ay tettxemmimeḍ sɛiɣ-ten.
1360I don’t have as much money as you think.Ur γer-i annect-nni n yidrimen ay tiγileḍ sεiγ-ten.
1361How much money did you spend in total?Acḥal n yedrimen ay tṣerrfeḍ s ujemmal?
1362How much money did you spend in total?Acḥal n yidrimen ay ṣerrfeḍ akkit ?
1363Can you account for all the money you spent?Tzemreḍ ad d-tḥesbeḍ akk idrimen ay tṣerrfeḍ?
1364Can you account for all the money you spent?Tzemrem ad d-tḥesbem akk idrimen ay tṣerrfem?
1365Can you account for all the money you spent?Tzemremt ad d-tḥesbemt akk idrimen ay tṣerrfemt?
1366Can you account for all the money you spent?Tzemreḍ ad d-tessalyeḍ leḥsab n yedrimen akk ay tṣerrfeḍ?
1367Can you account for all the money you spent?Tzemrem ad d-tessalyem leḥsab n yedrimen akk ay tṣerrfem?
1368Can you account for all the money you spent?Tzemremt ad d-tessalyemt leḥsab n yedrimen akk ay tṣerrfemt?
1369With your approval, I would like to offer him the job.Ma tqebleḍ, bɣiɣ ad as-fkeɣ axeddim.
1370It was wise of you to take your umbrella with you.D ayen yelhan imi ay tuwyeḍ tasiwant-nnek yid-k.
1371It was wise of you to take your umbrella with you.D ayen yelhan imi ay tuwyeḍ tasiwant-nnem yid-m.
1372It was wise of you to take your umbrella with you.Tgid mliḥ imi ay tuwyed tasiwant-nnek yid-k.
1373It was wise of you to take your umbrella with you.Tgid mliḥ imi ay tuwyeḍ tasiwant-nnek yid-k.
1374It was wise of you to take your umbrella with you.Tgid mliḥ imi ay tuwyed tasiwant-nnem yid-m.
1375It was wise of you to take your umbrella with you.Tgid mliḥ imi ay tuwyeḍ tasiwant-nnem yid-m.
1376I’ll help you so long as you do your best.Skud tettgeḍ akk ayen umi tzemreḍ, ula d nekk ad k-ɛawneɣ.
1377I’ll help you so long as you do your best.Skud tettgeḍ akk ayen umi tzemreḍ, ula d nekk ad kem-ɛawneɣ.
1378I’ll help you so long as you do your best.Skud tettgem akk ayen umi tzemrem, ula d nekk ad ken-ɛawneɣ.
1379I’ll help you so long as you do your best.Skud tettgemt akk ayen umi tzemremt, ula d nekk ad kent-ɛawneɣ.
1380Choose the color you like the best.Fren ini ay tḥemmleḍ aṭas akk.
1381Choose the color you like the best.Fernet ini ay tḥemmlem aṭas akk.
1382Choose the color you like the best.Fernemt ini ay tḥemmlemt aṭas akk.
1383Your mother has made you what you are.D yemma-k ay k-yejjan ad teqqleḍ d ayen ay telliḍ ass-a.
1384Your mother has made you what you are.D yemma-m ay kem-yejjan ad teqqleḍ d ayen ay telliḍ ass-a.
1385Your mother has made you what you are.D yemma-twen ay ken-yejjan ad teqqlem d ayen ay tellam ass-a.
1386Your mother has made you what you are.D yemma-twent ay kent-yejjan ad teqqlemt d ayen ay tellamt ass-a.
1387You don’t need to go unless you want to.Ur k-terri tmara ad tedduḍ, ala ma tebɣiḍ.
1388You don’t need to go unless you want to.Ur kem-terri tmara ad tedduḍ, ala ma tebɣiḍ.
1389You don’t need to go unless you want to.Ur ken-terri tmara ad teddum, ala ma tebɣam.
1390You don’t need to go unless you want to.Ur kent-terri tmara ad teddumt, ala ma tebɣamt.
1391You don’t have to go unless you want to.Ur k-terri tmara ad tedduḍ, ala ma tebɣiḍ.
1392You don’t have to go unless you want to.Ur kem-terri tmara ad tedduḍ, ala ma tebɣiḍ.
1393You don’t have to go unless you want to.Ur ken-terri tmara ad teddum, ala ma tebɣam.
1394You don’t have to go unless you want to.Ur kent-terri tmara ad teddumt, ala ma tebɣamt.
1395By the time you get out of jail, she’ll probably have gotten married.Seg-a ar asmi ara d-teffɣeḍ seg lḥebs, nettat ad tili tezwej.
1396You can’t be hungry. You’ve just had dinner.D awezɣi ad tellaẓeḍ. Imir-a kan ay tecciḍ imensi.
1397You can’t be hungry. You’ve just had dinner.D awezɣi ad tellaẓem. Imir-a kan ay teccam imensi.
1398You can’t be hungry. You’ve just had dinner.D awezɣi ad tellaẓemt. Imir-a kan ay teccamt imensi.
1399You shouldn’t have paid the bill.Ayɣer ay txellṣeḍ tafatuṛt-nni?
1400Hearing you sing, people might take you for a girl.Lemmer ad ak-slen medden, ad ɣilen d taqcict ay la icennun.
1401Whatever you may say, you won’t be believed.Ini-d ayen ay ak-yehwan, yiwen ur k-yettamen.
1402Whatever you may say, you won’t be believed.Ini-d ayen ay am-yehwan, yiwen ur kem-yettamen.
1403Whatever you may say, you won’t be believed.Init-d ayen ay awen-yehwan, yiwen ur ken-yettamen.
1404Whatever you may say, you won’t be believed.Inimt-d ayen ay awent-yehwan, yiwen ur kent-yettamen.
1405Whatever you may say, you won’t be believed.Ayen yebɣun tiniḍ-t-id, yiwen ur k-yettamen.
1406Whatever you may say, you won’t be believed.Ayen yebɣun tiniḍ-t-id, yiwen ur kem-yettamen.
1407Whatever you may say, you won’t be believed.Ayen yebɣun tinim-t-id, yiwen ur ken-yettamen.
1408Whatever you may say, you won’t be believed.Ayen yebɣun tinimt-t-id, yiwen ur kent-yettamen.
1409Say what you will, he won’t accept your invitation.Ini-as ayen tebɣid, netta ur iqebbel ara aneɛṛuḍ-nnek.
1410Say what you will, he won’t accept your invitation.Ini-as ayen tebɣid, netta ur iqebbel ara aneɛṛuḍ-nnem.
1411Say what you will, he won’t accept your invitation.Ayen yebɣun tinid-as-t, netta ur iqebbel ara aneɛṛuḍ-nnek.
1412Say what you will, he won’t accept your invitation.Ayen yebɣun tinid-as-t, netta ur iqebbel ara aneɛṛuḍ-nnem.
1413Whatever you may say, I don’t believe you.Ayen yebɣun tiniḍ-t-id, nekk ur k-ttamneɣ.
1414Whatever you may say, I don’t believe you.Ayen yebɣun tiniḍ-t-id, nekk ur kem-ttamneɣ.
1415Whatever you may say, I don’t believe you.Ayen yebɣun tinim-t-id, nekk ur ken-ttamneɣ.
1416Whatever you may say, I don’t believe you.Ayen yebɣun tinimt-t-id, nekk ur kent-ttamneɣ.
1417Whatever you may say, I don’t believe you.Ini-d ayen ay ak-yehwan, nekk ur k-ttamneɣ.
1418Whatever you may say, I don’t believe you.Ini-d ayen ay am-yehwan, nekk ur kem-ttamneɣ.
1419Whatever you may say, I don’t believe you.Init-d ayen ay awen-yehwan, nekk ur ken-ttamneɣ.
1420Whatever you may say, I don’t believe you.Inimt-d ayen ay awent-yehwan, nekk ur kent-ttamneɣ.
1421It’s good to talk things over before you buy something.Yif-it ma tcawṛeḍ uqbel ma tesɣiḍ-d kra.
1422I can no more speak French than you can speak English.Nekk ur ssineɣ ad ssiwleɣ tafṛensist, kecc ur tessineḍ ad tessiwleḍ tanglizit.
1423If you could only speak English, you would be perfect.Lemmer d ay tessineḍ tanglizit, acemma ur k-yettxaṣṣa.
1424If you could only speak English, you would be perfect.Lemmer d ay tessineḍ tanglizit, acemma ur kem-yettxaṣṣa.
1425If you could only speak English, you would be perfect.Lemmer d ay tessinem tanglizit, acemma ur ken-yettxaṣṣa.
1426If you could only speak English, you would be perfect.Lemmer d ay tessinemt tanglizit, acemma ur kent-yettxaṣṣa.
1427You’re going to leave for London next Sunday, aren’t you?Ass n Lḥedd ay d-itteddun ara tedduḍ ɣer London, naɣ?
1428You’re going to leave for London next Sunday, aren’t you?Ass n Lḥedd ay d-itteddun ara teddum ɣer London, naɣ?
1429You’re going to leave for London next Sunday, aren’t you?Ass n Lḥedd ay d-itteddun ara teddumt ɣer London, naɣ?
1430It is because you are lazy that you cannot write your report.D tiffenyent ay k-yejjan ur tettaruḍ aṛabul-nnek.
1431It is because you are lazy that you cannot write your report.D tiffenyent ay kem-yejjan ur tettaruḍ aṛabul-nnem.
1432It is because you are lazy that you cannot write your report.D tiffenyent ay ken-yejjan ur tettarum aṛabul-nwen.
1433It is because you are lazy that you cannot write your report.D tiffenyent ay kent-yejjan ur tettarumt aṛabul-nwent.
1434I will come on Monday unless you write to the contrary.Ad d-aseɣ ass n Letniyen, ala ma turiḍ-iyi-d akken ad iyi-d-tiniḍ fiḥel.
1435I was about to leave when you telephoned.Akken kan nekreɣ ad ffɣeɣ, kecc teɣriḍ-d deg usawal.
1436I’m looking forward to hearing from you.La ttṛajuɣ tiririt-nnek.
1437You can do whatever you want to.Tzemreḍ ad tgeḍ ayen ay ak-yehwan.
1438You can do whatever you want to.Tzemreḍ ad tgeḍ ayen ay am-yehwan.
1439You can do whatever you want to.Tzemrem ad tgem ayen ay awen-yehwan.
1440You can do whatever you want to.Tzemremt ad tgemt ayen ay awent-yehwan.
1441If you were to fall from that bridge, it would be almost impossible to rescue you.Lemmer ad d-teɣliḍ seg tleggit-inna, yiwen ur izemmer ad k-id-yessukkes.
1442If you were to fall from that bridge, it would be almost impossible to rescue you.Lemmer ad d-teɣliḍ seg tleggit-inna, yiwen ur izemmer ad kem-id-yessukkes.
1443If you were to fall from that bridge, it would be almost impossible to rescue you.Lemmer ad d-teɣlim seg tleggit-inna, yiwen ur izemmer ad ken-id-yessukkes.
1444If you were to fall from that bridge, it would be almost impossible to rescue you.Lemmer ad d-teɣlimt seg tleggit-inna, yiwen ur izemmer ad kent-id-yessukkes.
1445The shoes you are wearing look rather expensive.Irkasen ay telsiḍ ttbanen-iyi-d ɣlayit.
1446Say what you will; I won’t change my mind.Ini-d ayen ay ak-yehwan; nekk ur ttbeddileɣ ṛṛay-inu.
1447However fast you may walk, you can’t catch up with him.Akken yebɣu tɣawleḍ deg tiddit-nnek, ur tzemmreḍ ad t-id-tqeḍɛeḍ.
1448However fast you may walk, you can’t catch up with him.Akken yebɣu tɣawleḍ deg tiddit-nnem, ur tzemmreḍ ad t-id-tqeḍɛeḍ.
1449However fast you may walk, you can’t catch up with him.Akken yebɣu tɣawlem deg tiddit-nwen, ur tzemmrem ad t-id-tqeḍɛem.
1450However fast you may walk, you can’t catch up with him.Akken yebɣu tɣawlemt deg tiddit-nwent, ur tzemmremt ad t-id-tqeḍɛemt.
1451Try as you may, you will not be able to read as many as five novels in a day.Akken yebɣu tɛerḍeḍ, werjin ad tessiwḍeḍ ad teɣreḍ semmus wungalen deg wass.
1452Try as you may, you will not be able to read as many as five novels in a day.Akken yebɣu tɛerḍem, werjin ad tessiwḍem ad teɣrem semmus wungalen deg wass.
1453Try as you may, you will not be able to read as many as five novels in a day.Akken yebɣu tɛerḍemt, werjin ad tessiwḍemt ad teɣremt semmus wungalen deg wass.
1454No matter where you may go, don’t forget to write to me.Sanda yebɣu tedduḍ, ur ttettu ad iyi-d-taruḍ.
1455I will do my best to put such an idea out of your head.Ad geɣ akk ayen umi zemreɣ akken ad ak-kkseɣ takti-a seg yiɣef-nnek.
1456I can’t abide hearing you cry so bitterly.Ur zmireɣ ara ad awyeɣ imeṭṭawen-a-nnek imerẓuga.
1457It’s absurd of you to do that.D lɛib fell-ak imi ay tgiḍ aya.
1458It makes little difference to me whether you believe it or not.Ur d-cligeɣ seg-k ma tumneḍ aya neɣ teqqimeḍ.
1459It is right that you should write it.D tidet yessefk ad t-taruḍ.
1460You are mad to try to do it all alone.Tselbeḍ kecc ay iɛerḍen ad tgeḍ aya i yiman-nnek kan.
1461You have no good reason for thinking as you do.Ur telli tsebba ara k-yejjen ad txemmemeḍ aya.
1462You have no good reason for thinking as you do.Ur telli tsebba ara kem-yejjen ad txemmemeḍ aya.
1463You have no good reason for thinking as you do.Ur telli tsebba ara ken-yejjen ad txemmemem aya.
1464You have no good reason for thinking as you do.Ur telli tsebba ara kent-yejjen ad txemmememt aya.
1465The time will come when you will be sorry for it.Ad d-yaweḍ wass aydeg ara tnedmeḍ ɣef waya.
1466You gave me a real surprise when you showed up there.Wehmeɣ mi k-ẓriɣ din.
1467You gave me a real surprise when you showed up there.Wehmeɣ mi kem-ẓriɣ din.
1468You gave me a real surprise when you showed up there.Wehmeɣ mi ken-ẓriɣ din.
1469You gave me a real surprise when you showed up there.Wehmeɣ mi kent-ẓriɣ din.
1470We will pay you according to the amount of work you do.Ad k-nxelleṣ ɣef leḥsab n wanect ara txedmeḍ.
1471We will pay you according to the amount of work you do.Ad kem-nxelleṣ ɣef leḥsab n wanect ara txedmeḍ.
1472We will pay you according to the amount of work you do.Ad ken-nxelleṣ ɣef leḥsab n wanect ara txedmem.
1473We will pay you according to the amount of work you do.Ad kent-nxelleṣ ɣef leḥsab n wanect ara txedmemt.
1474It was too bad you couldn’t come.Sḥissifeɣ imi ur tessawḍeḍ ad d-taseḍ.
1475It’s a pity that you couldn’t come.Nesḥissif imi ur tessawḍeḍ ad d-taseḍ.
1476It is easy for you to solve this problem.Fessus fell-ak ad tefruḍ ugur-a.
1477You wrote this book?D kecc ay yuran adlis-a?
1478I didn’t know that you were in this town.Ur ẓriɣ telliḍ deg temdint-a.
1479It is dangerous for you to swim in this river.D amihi fell-ak ad tɛumeḍ deg wasif-a.
1480It is out of the question for you to go to New York this weekend.Ulayɣer akk ma teddiḍ ɣer New York deg tgara n dduṛt-a.
1481It is very difficult for you to do this work.Yewɛeṛ fell-ak aṭas ad tgeḍ axeddim-a.
1482The time will come when you will understand this.Ad d-yaweḍ wakud aydeg ara tfehmeḍ aya.
1483Where was it that you found this key?Anda akka ay d-tufiḍ tasarut-a?
1484Where was it that you found this key?Anda akka ay d-tufid tasarut-a?
1485I didn’t expect you to turn up here.Ur bniɣ fell-ak ad d-taseḍ ɣer da.
1486There is no need for you to stay here.Ulayɣer ma teqqimeḍ da.
1487As long as you’re here, I’ll stay.Skud mazal-ik da, ula d nekk ad qqimeɣ.
1488With you here beside me I’m not afraid of anything. You’re my fortress.Mi ara tiliḍ da, s idis-inu, ur ugadeɣ seg wacemma. D kecc ay d aḥṣin-inu.
1489With you here beside me I’m not afraid of anything. You’re my fortress.Mi ara tiliḍ da, s idis-inu, ur ugadeɣ seg wacemma. D kemm ay d aḥṣin-inu.
1490With you here beside me I’m not afraid of anything. You’re my fortress.Mi ara tilim da, s idis-inu, ur ugadeɣ seg wacemma. D kenwi ay d aḥṣin-inu.
1491With you here beside me I’m not afraid of anything. You’re my fortress.Mi ara tilimt da, s idis-inu, ur ugadeɣ seg wacemma. D kennemti ay d aḥṣin-inu.
1492The watch you gave me doesn’t keep time.Tamrint-nni ay iyi-d-tefkiḍ ur d-temmal akud iṣeḥḥan.
1493I had no notion that you were coming.Ur gmineɣ fell-ak ad d-taseḍ.
1494We shall all miss you when you go away.Ad k-nejjem akk asmi ara tedduḍ.
1495We shall all miss you when you go away.Ad kem-nejjem akk asmi ara tedduḍ.
1496We shall all miss you when you go away.Ad ken-nejjem akk asmi ara teddum.
1497We shall all miss you when you go away.Ad kent-nejjem akk asmi ara teddumt.
1498I miss you badly.Jjmeɣ-kem aṭas.
1499We will miss you badly.Ad k-nejjem aṭas.
1500It is because you work too much that you are sleepy all the time.D tuggta n uxeddim ay k-yejjan ad tettnuddumeḍ dima.
1501It is because you work too much that you are sleepy all the time.D tuggta n uxeddim ay kem-yejjan ad tettnuddumeḍ dima.
1502It is because you work too much that you are sleepy all the time.D tuggta n uxeddim ay ken-yejjan ad tettnuddumem dima.
1503It is because you work too much that you are sleepy all the time.D tuggta n uxeddim ay kent-yejjan ad tettnuddumemt dima.
1504It is because you work too much that you are sleepy all the time.D axeddim n waṭas ay k-yejjan ad tettnuddumeḍ dima.
1505It is because you work too much that you are sleepy all the time.D axeddim n waṭas ay kem-yejjan ad tettnuddumeḍ dima.
1506It is because you work too much that you are sleepy all the time.D axeddim n waṭas ay ken-yejjan ad tettnuddumem dima.
1507It is because you work too much that you are sleepy all the time.D axeddim n waṭas ay kent-yejjan ad tettnuddumemt dima.
1508You may stay here as long as you like.Tzemreḍ ad teqqimeḍ da anect ay ak-yehwan.
1509You may stay here as long as you like.Tzemreḍ ad teqqimeḍ da anect ay am-yehwan.
1510You may stay here as long as you like.Tzemrem ad teqqimem da anect ay awen-yehwan.
1511You may stay here as long as you like.Tzemremt ad teqqimemt da anect ay awent-yehwan.
1512You walk too fast for me to keep up with you.Tettɣawaleḍ aṭas deg tiddit. Ur zmireɣ ad dduɣ yid-k.
1513You walk too fast for me to keep up with you.Tettɣawaleḍ aṭas deg tiddit. Ur zmireɣ ad dduɣ yid-m.
1514You walk too fast for me to keep up with you.Tettɣawalem aṭas deg tiddit. Ur zmireɣ ad dduɣ yid-wen.
1515You walk too fast for me to keep up with you.Tettɣawalemt aṭas deg tiddit. Ur zmireɣ ad dduɣ yid-went.
1516Here is a letter for you.Ta d tabṛat i kecc.
1517You don’t understand.Ur tefhimeḍ.
1518A bear can climb a tree.Ursu yezmer ad yaley isekla.
1519No one noticed the bear’s appearance.Ula d yiwen ur as-igir tamawt i wursu-nni mi d-yeffeɣ.
1520Put on your shoes. Let’s go out for dinner.Els irkasen-nnem. As-d ad neddu ad d-necc imensi seg beṛṛa.
1521Please put on your shoes.Ttxil-k, els irkasen-nnek.
1522Put on your shoes.Els irkasen-nnek.
1523Before buying shoes, you should try them on.Uqbel ma tesɣiḍ-d irkasen, yessefk ad ten-tɛerḍeḍ.
1524Take off your shoes.Kkes irkasen-nnek.
1525I bought a pair of shoes.Sɣiɣ-d tayuga n yerkasen.
1526I bought a pair of shoes.Uɣeɣ-d tayuga n warkasen.
1527Judging from the look of the sky, it may rain at any moment.Ɣef leḥsab n yigenni-a, yezmer ad d-iwet wenẓar seg tedqiqt ɣer tayeḍ.
1528Judging from the look of the sky, it is going to snow.Ɣef leḥsab n yigenni-a, ad d-iwet wedfel.
1529Judging from the look of the sky, it may rain this afternoon.Ɣef leḥsab n yigenni-a, yezmer ad d-iwet ugeffur tameddit-a.
1530Judging from the look of the sky, it is likely to rain.Ɣef leḥsab n yigenni-a, yezmer lḥal ad d-iwet wenẓar.
1531Judging from the sky, it will rain soon.Ɣef leḥsab n yigenni-a, ur yettɛeḍḍil ad d-iwet wenẓar.
1532From the look of the sky I’m afraid the rain won’t let up for a while.Ɣef leḥsab n yigenni-a, ugadeɣ lemmer ad iɛeḍḍel wenẓar-a.
1533How far is it to the airport?Acḥal ay yebɛed unafag seg-a?
1534Where does the airport bus leave from?Seg wansi ay iqelleɛ usakac ay yettawyen s anafag?
1535Please tell me how to get to the airport.Ttxil-k, mel-iyi-d amek ara dduɣ s anafag.
1536Where can I get the airport bus?Anda ay zemreɣ ad ḍḍfeɣ asakac ay yettawyen s anafag?
1537How long does the airport bus take to the airport?Acḥal ay yettɣimi usakac akken ad yaweḍ s anafag?
1538Arriving at the airport, I called her up.Akken kan ay uwḍeɣ ɣer unafag, ɣriɣ-as.
1539Upon arriving at the airport, he made a phone call to his wife.Akken kan yuweḍ s anafag, yeɣra i tmeṭṭut-nnes.
1540No living thing could live without air.Ur yelli umexluq ameddir ay izemren ad yedder war azwu.
1541The sky is clear and the sun is bright.Igenni yeṣfa yerna tafukt tettfejjij.
1542The sky is clear and the sun is bright.Yeṣfa yigenni, tettfejjij tafukt.
1543The sky is over our heads.Igenni atan nnig yiɣfawen-nneɣ.
1544The sky was completely dark.Igenni yella d aberkan akk.
1545Were there any stars in the sky?Llan yetran deg yigenni?
1546There wasn’t a cloud in the sky.Taceṛṛaft wel ttuɣ ajenna.
1547There were countless stars in the sky.Ajenna yettuɣ yettzeɣlec s yitran.
1548Countless stars were twinkling in the sky.Muqqel mennect d itran i ttuɣen ssissiɣen ajenna.
1549The sun is shining in the sky.Tafukt la tettfejjij deg yigenni.
1550The sun is shining in the sky.Tfuyt tella ttwerreɛ ajenna.
1551Numerous stars were visible in the sky.Battayenni d itran ttuɣen ttwaxzaren ajenna.
1552There are so many stars in the sky, I can’t count them all.Muqqel mennect i llan d itran ajenna, ul ttnejjmeɣ aten‑ḥesbeɣ ay ulun.
1553The sky was full of stars.Igenni yella yeccuṛ d itran.
1554The sky was full of stars.Ajenna yettuɣ yeccuṛ d itran.
1555There are more stars in the sky than I can count.Itran ajenna ujar n wayen ɣ ad nejjmeɣ ad ḥesbeɣ.
1556There are billions of stars in the sky.Llan lemḷayer n itran ajenna.
1557There isn’t a single cloud in the sky.Taceṛṛaft igget wel tesɛi ajenna.
1558Not a single cloud could be seen in the sky.Taceṛṛaft igget wel ttwixzir ajenna.
1559There is a mass of dark clouds in the sky.Iggen ucellu n tceṛṛafin d tudmiɣin yella ajenna.
1560Do you know the reason why the sky looks blue?Teẓrid maɣef ay d-yettban yigenni d aẓerwal?
1561Do you know the reason why the sky looks blue?Teẓriḍ maɣef ay d-yettban yigenni d aẓerwal?
1562Seen from the sky, the bridge appears more beautiful.Mi ara d-iwali yiwen tileggit-nni seg yigenni, ad as-d-tban tecbeḥ ugar.
1563Seen from the sky, the river looked like a huge snake.Mi t-id-nwala seg yigenni, asif-nni iban-aɣ am wezrem ameqran.
1564The houses and cars looked tiny from the sky.Ixxamen ed tkeṛwas banen-d d imecṭuḥen mliḥ seg yigenni.
1565You’ve acted foolishly and you will pay for it.Tgiḍ tuccḍa yerna ad tt-txellṣeḍ.
1566You’ve acted foolishly and you will pay for it.Tgam tuccḍa yerna ad tt-txellṣem.
1567You’ve acted foolishly and you will pay for it.Tgamt tuccḍa yerna ad tt-txellṣemt.
1568I’m sick. Will you send for a doctor?Uḍneɣ. Tzemred ad as-d-teɣred i yemsujji?
1569I’m sick. Will you send for a doctor?Uḍneɣ. Tzemreḍ ad as-d-teɣreḍ i yemsujji?
1570I’m sick. Will you send for a doctor?Uḍneɣ. Tzemred ad as-tinid i yemsujji ad d-yas?
1571I’m sick. Will you send for a doctor?Uḍneɣ. Tzemreḍ ad as-tiniḍ i yemsujji ad d-yas?
1572I’m sick. Will you send for a doctor?Uḍneɣ. Tzemrem ad as-tinim i yemsujji ad d-yas?
1573I’m sick. Will you send for a doctor?Uḍneɣ. Tzemremt ad as-tinimt i yemsujji ad d-yas?
1574I’m sick. Will you send for a doctor?Uḍneɣ. Tzemrem ad as-d-teɣrem i yemsujji?
1575I’m sick. Will you send for a doctor?Uḍneɣ. Tzemremt ad as-d-teɣremt i yemsujji?
1576I escaped death.Menɛeɣ seg tmettant.
1577There is a shuttle bus that goes to the Ginza Tokyu Hotel.Yella usakac ay itteddun, itteqqal ɣer Usensu n Ginza Tokyu.
1578Do you have any idea when the bank closes?Ur teẓrid ara ɣef wacḥal ay tɣelleq tbanka?
1579Do you have any idea when the bank closes?Ur teẓriḍ ara ɣef wacḥal ay tɣelleq tbanka?
1580He said he would give us his decision for sure by Friday.Yenna-aɣ-d ass n Ljemɛa ad aɣ-d-yerr s lexbar ɣef wamek ay tt-id-yefra.
1581Are you free on Friday afternoon?Ad testufuḍ ass n ljemɛa tameddit?
1582Are you free on Friday afternoon?Ad testufum ass n ljemɛa tameddit?
1583Are you free on Friday afternoon?Ad testufumt ass n ljemɛa tameddit?
1584The Golden Gate Bridge is made of iron.Tileggit n Golden Gate tebna s wuzzal.
1585How long is the Golden Gate Bridge?Acḥal ay ɣezzifet tleggit n Golden Gate?
1586A blonde is speaking to her psychiatrist.Yiwet n tcelhabt la tessawal i yemsujji-nnes n tnefsit.
1587Money is the root of all evil.Idrimen d aẓar n yal cceṛ.
1588The rich are not always happy.Imeṛkantiyen ur ddiren dima d iseɛdiyen.
1589If I get rich, I will buy it.Lemmer ad qqleɣ d ameṛkanti, ad t-id-sɣeɣ.
1590If I get rich, I will buy it.Lemmer ad qqleɣ d tameṛkantit, ad t-id-sɣeɣ.
1591If I get rich, I will buy it.Lemmer ad qqleɣ d ameṛkanti, ad tt-id-sɣeɣ.
1592If I get rich, I will buy it.Lemmer ad qqleɣ d tameṛkantit, ad tt-id-sɣeɣ.
1593Do you want to be rich?Tebγiḍ ad tuγaleḍ d amaṛkanti?
1594Do you want to be rich?Tebγiḍ ad tuγaleḍ d tamaṛkantit?
1595I wish I were rich.Mennaɣ lemmer d ay lliɣ d ameṛkanti.
1596I don’t want to lend or borrow.Ur bɣiɣ ad reḍleɣ wala ad d-reḍleɣ.
1597Money does not grow on trees.Idrimen ur ten-id-ttakfen yisekla.
1598Gold is far heavier than water.Ureɣ ẓẓay aṭas ɣef waman.
1599Gold is heavier than silver.Ureɣ ẓẓay ɣef weẓref.
1600Keep the money in a safe place.Ffer idrimen-nni deg wemkan yeṣṣren.
1601Money is welcome everywhere.Idrimen steṛḥiben yes-sen deg yal amkan.
1602I feel the want of money.Ḥulfaɣ i lexṣaṣ-nni n yedrimen.
1603Money doesn’t grow on trees, you know.Teẓriḍ, idrimen ur ten-id-ttakfen yisekla.
1604Send me the best employees that money can buy. Money is no object.Azen-iyi-d ixeddamen ay igerrzen akk, anect yebɣun ssutren-t-id d lexlaṣ. Ttif taɣawsa, azal-nnes.
1605Send me the best employees that money can buy. Money is no object.Azen-iyi-d tixeddamin ay igerrzen akk, anect yebɣun ssutrent-t-id d lexlaṣ. Ttif taɣawsa, azal-nnes.
1606Send me the best employees that money can buy. Money is no object.Aznet-iyi-d ixeddamen ay igerrzen akk, anect yebɣun ssutren-t-id d lexlaṣ. Ttif taɣawsa, azal-nnes.
1607Send me the best employees that money can buy. Money is no object.Aznet-iyi-d tixeddamin ay igerrzen akk, anect yebɣun ssutrent-t-id d lexlaṣ. Ttif taɣawsa, azal-nnes.
1608Send me the best employees that money can buy. Money is no object.Aznemt-iyi-d ixeddamen ay igerrzen akk, anect yebɣun ssutren-t-id d lexlaṣ. Ttif taɣawsa, azal-nnes.
1609Send me the best employees that money can buy. Money is no object.Aznemt-iyi-d tixeddamin ay igerrzen akk, anect yebɣun ssutrent-t-id d lexlaṣ. Ttif taɣawsa, azal-nnes.
1610Money and I are strangers; in other words, I am poor.Nekk ed yedrimen ur nemyussan; bɣiɣ ad d-iniɣ nekk d igellil.
1611Money cannot buy happiness.Idrimen ur zmiren ad d-sɣen lehna.
1612Money cannot buy freedom.Idrimen ur zmiren ad d-sɣen tilelli.
1613It goes without saying that money cannot buy happiness.Iban idrimen ur zmiren ad d-sɣen lehna.
1614Gold will not buy everything.Ureɣ ur yezmir ad ak-d-iseɣ kullec.
1615Money enables you to buy anything.Idrimen ad k-jjen ad d-tesɣeḍ kullec.
1616Modern methods improved industry.Tarrayin titrarin sselhant tamguri.
1617I have seen little of him lately.Tagara-a ur la t-ẓẓareɣ aṭas.
1618I haven’t seen anything of her lately.Ur ẓriɣ acemma fell-as tagara-a.
1619I haven’t seen anything of her lately.Ur ẓriɣ ara akk lexbar-is tagara-a.
1620What do you make of his attitude towards us these days?D acu ay twalaḍ deg tikli-nnes yid-neɣ ussan-a?
1621As these days most parents indulge their children, many children don’t know what good manners are.Imi ussan-a aṭas n yimawlan ay itteddun deg lebɣi i yigerdan-nsen, aṭas n yigerdan qqlen ur ssinen tteṛbeyya yelhan.
1622What kind of songs are popular these days?D acu-tent tezlatin ay mechuṛen ussan-a?
1623These days, the motive for marriage is not necessarily pure.Ussan-a, ur akk medden zewwjen s nneyya zeddigen.
1624These days, the motive for marriage is not necessarily pure. Take Jennifer for example.Ass-a, ur akk medden zewwjen s nneyya zeddigen. Mmuqqel Jennifer ɣef umedya.
1625There is a hospital nearby.Yella wesbiṭar deg lqerban-a.
1626Are there any movie theaters near here?Tella kra n ssinima deg lqerban-a?
1627Is there a McDonald’s near here?Tella tneccit n McDonald deg lqerban-a?
1628There is a bus stop near by.Tella trusi n usakac deg lqerban-a.
1629This city will suffer from an acute water shortage unless it rains soon.Ma yella ur d-yekkat wenẓar ussan-a, tamdint-a ad tenḍerr mliḥ seg lexṣaṣ n waman.
1630What number should I call in case of an emergency?D acu n wuḍḍun umi ara ɣreɣ ma tella kra n tuɛjilt?
1631In case of emergency, call 119.Deg tegnit n tuɛjilin, ɣer i 119.
1632In case of an emergency, get in touch with my agent.Deg tegnit n tuɛjilin, nermes ameggi-inu.
1633It is difficult to give up smoking.Yewɛeṛ ad tḥebseḍ ddexxan.
1634Thank you for not smoking.Ttxil-wen, ur ttkeyyifet.
1635The police officer on duty sensed an elderly man coming up behind him.Afesyan-nni n temsulta iḥulfa mi d-iqerreb ɣer-s yiwen n wemɣar seg deffir.
1636Smoking on duty is not allowed.Yettwagdel ukeyyef deg lawan n uxeddim.
1637Between astonishment and sorrow, she could not speak a word.Lewhama-nni ed leḥzen sɛerqen-as akk awal.
1638I was too astonished to speak.Seg wakken wehmeɣ armi ay iyi-yeɛreq wawal.
1639I was too surprised to speak.Seg wakken wehmeɣ armi ay iyi-yeɛreq wawal.
1640To my surprise, they ate the meat raw.Wehmeɣ mi ten-ẓriɣ ttetten aksum-nni d azegzaw.
1641To our surprise, she has gone to Brazil alone.Newhem mi nesla tedda ɣer Brizil i yiman-nnes.
1642Don’t break a mirror.Ur ttruẓu tamrayt.
1643Thank you for your interest.Tanemmirt imi ay d-terram lwelha-nwen ɣer temsalt-a.
1644I could not speak a word, for my heart was full.Seg wakken yeccuṛ wul-inu armi ula d awal yegguma ad d-yeffeɣ.
1645Are you mad?Terfiḍ?
1646Are you mad?Tselbeḍ?
1647Tom started the engine.Tom yessenker-d amutur.
1648As he crossed the bridge, he looked down at the stream.Mi yella izegger tileggit-nni, yella la yettmuqqul ɣer teɣzert-nni ay yellan swadda.
1649I’ll go with you as far as the bridge.Ad dduɣ yid-k arma nuweḍ ɣer tleggit.
1650I’ll go with you as far as the bridge.Ad dduɣ yid-m arma nuweḍ ɣer tleggit.
1651I’ll go with you as far as the bridge.Ad dduɣ yid-wen arma nuweḍ ɣer tleggit.
1652I’ll go with you as far as the bridge.Ad dduɣ yid-went arma nuweḍ ɣer tleggit.
1653The bridge is being repainted.La as-ttɛawaden ssbiɣa i tleggit-nni.
1654The bridge was carried away by the flood.Tileggit-nni yuwey-itt uḥemmal.
1655The bridge was washed away by the flood.Tileggit-nni yuwey-itt uḥemmal.
1656The bridge is made of stone.Tileggit-nni tebna s weẓru.
1657The bridge is designed to open in the middle.Tileggit-nni tettwaxdem akken ara teldey deg tlemmast.
1658The bridge is being repaired.La ttṣeggimen tileggit-nni.
1659The bridge will be completed by the end of this year.Tileggit-nni ad tfak seg-a ar tgara n useggas-a.
1660The bridge couldn’t sustain the force of the strong current and collapsed.Tileggit-nni ur tessaweḍ ad tawey ljehd n wengi-nni, dɣa thudd.
1661The bridge is open to traffic.Teldey tleggit-nni i tkeṛṛusin.
1662The bridge is safe; you can drive across.Tileggit-nni tejhed; tzemred ad tt-tzegred s tkeṛṛust.
1663The bridge is safe; you can drive across.Tejhed tleggit-nni; tzemred ad tt-tzegred s tkeṛṛust.
1664The bridge is safe; you can drive across.Tejhed tleggit-nni; tzemreḍ ad tt-tzegreḍ s tkeṛṛust.
1665The bridge is safe; you can drive across.Tileggit-nni tejhed; tzemreḍ ad tt-tzegreḍ s tkeṛṛust.
1666The bridge had been built before that time.Tileggit-nni tettwabna uqbel tallit-nni.
1667There is a waterfall above the bridge.Yella yiwen n umazzer, nnig tleggit-nni.
1668Do you know the man standing on the bridge?Tessned argaz-nni ay ibedden ɣef tleggit?
1669Don’t cross a bridge till you come to it.Ur zegger tileggit arma tuwḍed ɣur-s.
1670Don’t cross a bridge till you come to it.Ur zegger tileggit arma tuwḍeḍ ɣur-s.
1671There is a cottage beyond the bridge.Yella yiwen n wexxam akkin i tleggit-nni.
1672It was dark under the bridge.Ddaw tleggit-nni, d tillas.
1673My driving instructor says I should be more patient.Aselmad-inu n tenhaṛt yenna-iyi-d yessefk ad sɛuɣ ugar n ṣṣber.
1674The faculty meeting adopted the dean’s proposal.Deg temlilit-nni, yettwaqbel ussumer n wemɣar n tesdawit.
1675The professor seemed to be lost in thought.Aselmad-nni iban-aɣ-d amzun iṛuḥ leɛqel-nnes deg uxemmem.
1676The professor treated her as one of his students.Aselmad-nni yedda yid-s amzun d yiwet seg yinelmaden-nnes.
1677The professor treated her as one of his students.Aselmad-nni yeḥseb-itt amzun d yiwet seg yinelmaden-nnes.
1678The professor gave a lecture on the Middle East.Aselmad-nni iga-d tamsirt ɣef Wegmuḍ Alemmas.
1679The professor ordered some new books from New York.Aselmad-nni yessuter kra n yedlisen imaynuten seg New York.
1680The professor scolded John for skipping class.Aselmad-nni yennuɣ John imi ur iḥeddeṛ deg temsirin.
1681The professor encouraged me in my studies.Aselmad-nni yessebɣes-iyi akken ad kemmleɣ tizrawin-inu.
1682The professor encouraged me in my studies.Taselmadt-nni tessebɣes-iyi akken ad kemmleɣ tizrawin-inu.
1683The professor solved the problem at last.Deg tgara, yessaweḍ uselmad-nni ad yefru ugur-nni.
1684Our professor paid the bill for all of us.D aselmad-nneɣ ay aɣ-ixellṣen tafatuṛt.
1685It is the students’ duty to clean their classrooms.D inelmaden ay yessefken ad ssizedgen taneɣrit-nsen.
1686I found that I had left my umbrella behind in the classroom.Ufiɣ ziɣ jjiɣ tasiwant-inu deg tneɣrit.
1687There were few students left in the classroom.Qqimen-d kan kra n yinelmaden deg tneɣrit.
1688There were few children in the classroom.Llan kan kra n yigerdan deg tneɣrit.
1689There were some students in the classroom.Llan kra n yinelmaden deg tneɣrit.
1690There were few students remaining in the classroom.Llan kra n yinelmaden ay d-yeqqimen deg tneɣrit.
1691You must not make noises in the classroom.Ur yessefk ad tettgem lḥess deg tneɣrit.
1692Do you eat it in the classroom?Tettetteḍ-t deg tneɣrit?
1693Your hat should not be worn in the classroom.Ur yessefk ad telseḍ arazal-nnek deg tneɣrit.
1694Don’t you talk in the classroom.Ur yessefk ad tessiwleḍ deg tneɣrit.
1695Get out of the classroom.Ffeɣ seg tneɣrit.
1696The teachers are trying to motivate their students.Iselmaden la ɛerrḍen ad gen ifadden i yinelmaden-nsen.
1697The teacher is likely to get angry with the students.Yezmer lḥal ad yerfu uselmad ɣef yinelmaden-nni.
1698The teacher often emphasizes that students should have courage.Aselmad yettḥettit ɣef yiselmaden akken ad sɛun tabɣest.
1699The teacher exhorted his pupils to do well.Aselmad iḥettet inelmaden-nnes akken ad ɣren mliḥ.
1700You must not forget your schoolbooks.Ur yessefk ad tettuḍ idlisen-nnek n uɣerbaz.
1701Listen to me with your textbooks closed.Ɣelqet idlisen-nwen teslem-iyi-d.
1702Where do we get the textbooks?Seg wansi ara d-nawey idlisen-nni n tɣuri?
1703Dinosaurs are now extinct.Ass-a, idinuṣuren negren.
1704His legs were trembling from fear.Iḍarren-nnes llan ttergigin seg tugdi.
1705Sorry, but can you show me the way to the next village?Ssuref-iyi, tzemreḍ ad iyi-d-temleḍ abrid ɣer taddart ay d-itteddun?
1706It’s awfully cold today.Ass-a d asemmiḍ mliḥ.
1707Would you be kind enough to explain it to me?Ulac aɣilif ma tesfehmeḍ-iyi-t-id?
1708Would you be so kind as to post my letter?Tzemreḍ ad iyi-tazneḍ tabṛat-inu?
1709Excuse me, but let me have another look at the photo.Ssuref-iyi, bɣiɣ ad ɛawdeɣ ad waliɣ tugna-nni.
1710Strong winds stripped the tree of its leaves.Aḍu-nni ijehden yekkes-as akk afriwen i useklu-nni.
1711The robbers fell upon him from behind the trees.Ffɣen-as-d yimakaren seg sdeffir yisekla.
1712The burglars broke into the bank at night.Imakaren kecmen ɣer tbanka-nni iḍ yezrin.
1713I was drenched to the skin because of the heavy rain.Aceṛcuṛ-nni n wenẓar yessebzeg-iyi armi d iɣes.
1714Having run the race, Jane had two glasses of barley tea.Sdeffir ma tuzzel deg temsizzelt-nni, Jane teswa sin n lkisan n watay n temẓin.
1715Kyoto is worth visiting.Kyoto tuklal ad terzuḍ fell-as.
1716Kyoto was an old capital of Japan.Kyoto tella d tamaneɣt taqburt n Japun.
1717Don’t forget to give us a ring when you arrive in Kyoto.Ur ttettu ad aɣ-d-teɣreḍ mi ara tawḍeḍ ɣer Kyoto.
1718My brother in Kyoto became a teacher.Gma-nni ay yeddren deg Kyoto yeqqel d aselmad.
1719Speaking of Kyoto, have you ever visited the Kinkakuji Temple?Imi ay d-nebder Kyoto, yella wasmi ay terziḍ ɣef Ufakan n Kinkakuji?
1720Eating fish is good for your health.Ucci n yiselman yelha i tezmert-nnek.
1721They sell fish and meat.Snuzuyen iselman ed weksum.
1722Fish live in the water.Iselman ddren deg waman.
1723Do you like fish?Tḥemmleḍ iselman?
1724I’ll show you how to catch fish.Ac‑ssecneɣ manec ad tleqfed iselman.
1725I got a fish bone stuck in my throat.Yewḥel-iyi yiɣes n weslem deg ugerjum.
1726I nearly choked on a fishbone.Aṃṃu bessi ad ḥenkeɣ s yiɣes n teslemt.
1727Air is to us what water is to fish.Lehwa ɣel bnudam an waman ɣel iselman.
1728How often do you feed the fish?Acḥal n tikkal ay tesseccayeḍ iselman-a?
1729The fish is burnt black.Islem-nni yewwa armi ay yeqqel d tirget.
1730You can’t enter here unless you have a pass.Ur tezmireḍ ad d-tkecmeḍ ɣer da ala ma tesɛiḍ ttesriḥ.
1731You can’t enter here unless you have a pass.Ur tezmirem ad d-tkecmem ɣer da ala ma tesɛam ttesriḥ.
1732You can’t enter here unless you have a pass.Ur tezmiremt ad d-tkecmemt ɣer da ala ma tesɛamt ttesriḥ.
1733Thank you for granting your permission.Tanemmirt ɣef uɛemmed-nnek.
1734Please refrain from speaking without permission.Ttxil-k, ur ttɛawad ad tessiwleḍ war ttesriḥ.
1735I took an art class last year.Ɣriɣ taẓuri aseggas yezrin.
1736We had a lot of snow last year.Aseggas yezrin, iwet ɣer-neɣ aṭas n wedfel.
1737We had a lot of rain last year.Aseggas yezrin, iwet-d ɣer-neɣ aṭas n wenẓar.
1738We had frequent snowfalls last year.Aseggas yezrin, iwet aṭas n wedfel ɣer-neɣ.
1739We had a kid just last year.Nesɛa-d aqcic aseggas yezrin.
1740Out of sight out of mind. When you’re separated you lose touch.Mi ara yebɛed yiwen ɣef tiṭ, ad yeffeɣ seg lbal-nnek. Mi ara temsefraqeḍ ed yiwen, ad tesṛuḥeḍ anermis yid-s.
1741Out of sight out of mind. When you’re separated you lose touch.Mi ara yebɛed yiwen ɣef tiṭ, ad yeffeɣ seg lbal-nnem. Mi ara temsefraqeḍ ed yiwen, ad tesṛuḥeḍ anermis yid-s.
1742Out of sight out of mind. When you’re separated you lose touch.Mi ara yebɛed yiwen ɣef tiṭ, ad yeffeɣ seg lbal-nwen. Mi ara temsefraqem ed yiwen, ad tesṛuḥem anermis yid-s.
1743Out of sight out of mind. When you’re separated you lose touch.Mi ara yebɛed yiwen ɣef tiṭ, ad yeffeɣ seg lbal-nwent. Mi ara temsefraqemt ed yiwen, ad tesṛuḥemt anermis yid-s.
1744Add a little milk.Rnu cwiṭ n ukeffay.
1745Do you have some milk?Tesɛiḍ cwiṭ n ukeffay?
1746Won’t you have another glass of milk?Tebɣiḍ ad ternuḍ lkas niḍen n ukeffay?
1747We make milk into cheese and butter.Ayefki nettarra-t d takemmart neɣ d udi.
1748We make milk into cheese and butter.Akeffay nettarra-t d takemmart neɣ d udi.
1749I bought two bottles of milk.Sɣiɣ-d snat tqerɛunin n uyefki.
1750I bought two bottles of milk.Sɣiɣ-d snat n tqerɛunin n ukeffay.
1751I want a quart of milk.Bɣiɣ lkaṛ n uyefki.
1752I want a quart of milk.Bɣiɣ lkaṛ n ukeffay.
1753The milk froze and became solid.Ayefki-nni yegres yerna yeqqel d aquran.
1754The milk froze and became solid.Akeffay-nni yegres yerna yeqqel d aquran.
1755Milk is a popular beverage.Ayefki d tissit mechuṛen.
1756Milk is a popular beverage.Akeffay d tissit mechuṛen.
1757Milk boils at a higher temperature than water.Yessefk ɣef ukeffay ad yeḥmu ugar n waman akken ad yerkem.
1758Milk does not agree with me.Nennuɣ nekk akked ukeffay.
1759Milk does not agree with me.Nekk ur ḥemmleɣ akeffay.
1760Milk makes us strong.Akeffay yessejhad-aɣ.
1761Milk makes us strong.Akeffay yettakf-aɣ-d ljehd.
1762Milk easily turns sour.Akeffay itteqqal d iɣi s tefses.
1763Milk is made into butter and cheese.Akeffay ttarran-t d udi neɣ d takemmart.
1764Milk is a good beverage.Akeffay d tissit yelhan.
1765There’s only a little milk left.Yeqqim-d kan cwiṭ n ukeffay.
1766Milk is made into butter.Akeffay ttarran-t d udi.
1767Milk can be made into butter, cheese, and many other things.Akeffay zemren ad t-rren d udi, d takemmart neɣ d aṭas n tɣawsiwin niḍen.
1768Milk will do you good. You’d better drink it every day.Akeffay ad k-yenfeɛ. Ɣas ttess-it yal ass.
1769Milk will do you good. You’d better drink it every day.Akeffay ad kem-yenfeɛ. Ɣas ttess-it yal ass.
1770Milk will do you good. You’d better drink it every day.Akeffay ad ken-yenfeɛ. Ɣas ttesset-t yal ass.
1771Milk will do you good. You’d better drink it every day.Akeffay ad kent-yenfeɛ. Ɣas ttessemt-t yal ass.
1772The milk turned sour.Akeffay-nni yeqqel d iɣi.
1773The milk was diluted with water.Akeffay-nni xelḍen-as aman.
1774Blend milk and eggs together.Xleḍ akeffay ed tmellalin.
1775The milk has gone bad.Yexṣer ukeffay-nni.
1776The milk has turned sour.Akeffay-nni yeqqel d iɣi.
1777You must buy milk, eggs, butter, and so on.Yessefk ad d-tesɣeḍ akeffay, timellalin, udi ed wayen yecban aya.
1778You cannot sell the cow and drink the milk.Ur tezmireḍ ad tessenzeḍ tafunast-nni yerna ad tkemmleḍ ad tettesseḍ seg ukeffay-nnes.
1779I raise cattle.Ttṛebbiɣ lmal.
1780Cows give us milk.Tifunasin ttakfent-aɣ-d akeffay.
1781Cows provide us with milk.Tifunasin ttakfent-aɣ-d akeffay.
1782Cows provide us with good milk.Tifunasin ttakfent-aɣ-d akeffay yelhan.
1783The cow supplies us with milk.Tafunast-nni tettakf-aɣ-d akeffay.
1784Cows give us milk, and hens eggs.Tifunasin ttakfent-aɣ-d akeffay, ma d tiyuzaḍ, ttakfent-aɣ-d timellalin.
1785A cow gives us milk.Tafunast tettakf-aɣ-d akeffay.
1786Cows are eating grass in the meadow.Tifunasin la kessent deg welma.
1787The cows are eating grass.Tifunasin la kessent deg tuga.
1788I ran into an old friend.Mlaleɣ-d ed yiwen n umeddakel ay ssneɣ seg zik.
1789Meeting my old friend was very pleasant.Feṛḥeɣ aṭas mi d-mlaleɣ ameddakel-nni-inu ay ssneɣ seg zik.
1790You will be paid according to your ability.Ad tettwaxellṣeḍ ɣef leḥsab n tzemmar-nnek.
1791His low salary prevents him from buying the house.Tacehṛit-nnes tuḍɛift ur t-tejji ad d-iseɣ axxam-nni.
1792Do you have lunch at school?Tettettem imekli deg uɣerbaz?
1793Ultimately, space flight will be beneficial to all mankind.Deg tgara, affug deg tallunt ad yenfeɛ akk medden.
1794She did not eat anything until she was rescued.Ur tecci acemma armi ay tt-id-ssukksen.
1795Please send an ambulance.Ttxil-k, azen-iyi-d tamenḍayt.
1796Please send an ambulance.Ttxil-m, azen-iyi-d tamenḍayt.
1797Please send an ambulance.Ttxil-wen, aznet-iyi-d tamenḍayt.
1798Please send an ambulance.Ttxil-went, aznemt-iyi-d tamenḍayt.
1799Please hurry, it’s urgent.Ttxil-k, ɣiwel, teɛjel tegnit.
1800I burst into tears.Ṭṭerḍqeɣ d imeṭṭawen.
1801If you hurry, you’ll catch up with him.Lemmer ad tɣiwleḍ, ad t-id-tqeḍɛeḍ.
1802If you hurry, you’ll catch up with him.Lemmer ad tɣiwlem, ad t-id-tqeḍɛem.
1803If you hurry, you’ll catch up with him.Lemmer ad tɣiwlemt, ad t-id-tqeḍɛemt.
1804If we hurry, we’ll make it.Ma nɣawel, ad naweḍ deg lawan.
1805If you hurry up, you will be in time.Lemmer ad tɣiwleḍ, ad tawḍeḍ deg lawan.
1806If you hurry up, you will be in time.Lemmer ad tɣiwlem, ad tawḍem deg lawan.
1807If you hurry up, you will be in time.Lemmer ad tɣiwlemt, ad tawḍemt deg lawan.
1808If you hurry, you can make the next bus.Lemmer ad tɣiwleḍ, ad d-tqeḍɛeḍ asakac ay d-itteddun.
1809If you hurry, you can make the next bus.Lemmer ad tɣiwlem, ad d-tqeḍɛem asakac ay d-itteddun.
1810If you hurry, you can make the next bus.Lemmer ad tɣiwlemt, ad d-tqeḍɛemt asakac ay d-itteddun.
1811Hurry up. You’ll be late for school.Ɣiwel ma ulac ad tɛeḍḍleḍ ɣef uɣerbaz.
1812Hurry up, or you will miss the train.Ɣiwel ma ulac ad tzegleḍ tamacint-nni.
1813You will miss the train if you don’t hurry.Lemmer ur tettɣawaleḍ, ad tzegleḍ tamacint-nni.
1814You will miss the train if you don’t hurry.Lemmer ur tettɣawalem, ad tzeglem tamacint-nni.
1815You will miss the train if you don’t hurry.Lemmer ur tettɣawalemt, ad tzeglemt tamacint-nni.
1816Make haste, and you will be in time.Ɣiwel, ad tawḍeḍ deg lawan.
1817Hurry up, and you will be in time for the bus.Ma tɣawleḍ, ad d-tqeḍɛeḍ asakac-nni.
1818Unless you hurry, you will be late for school.Lemmer ur tettɣawaleḍ, ad tɛeḍḍleḍ ɣef uɣerbaz.
1819Unless you hurry, you will be late for school.Lemmer ur tettɣawalem, ad tɛeḍḍlem ɣef uɣerbaz.
1820Unless you hurry, you will be late for school.Lemmer ur tettɣawalemt, ad tɛeḍḍlemt ɣef uɣerbaz.
1821Unless you hurry, you will be late for school.Lemmer ur tettɣawaleḍ, ur tettwaḍeḍ s aɣerbaz deg lawan.
1822Unless you hurry, you will be late for school.Lemmer ur tettɣawalem, ur tettwaḍem s aɣerbaz deg lawan.
1823Unless you hurry, you will be late for school.Lemmer ur tettɣawalemt, ur tettwaḍemt s aɣerbaz deg lawan.
1824You’ll miss the train if you don’t hurry.Lemmer ur tettɣawaleḍ, ad tzegleḍ tamacint.
1825You’ll miss the train if you don’t hurry.Lemmer ur tettɣawalem, ad tzeglem tamacint.
1826You’ll miss the train if you don’t hurry.Lemmer ur tettɣawalemt, ad tzeglemt tamacint.
1827You’ll miss the train if you don’t hurry.Lemmer ur tettɣawaleḍ, ad k-tfat tmacint.
1828You’ll miss the train if you don’t hurry.Lemmer ur tettɣawaleḍ, ad kem-tfat tmacint.
1829You’ll miss the train if you don’t hurry.Lemmer ur tettɣawalem, ad ken-tfat tmacint.
1830You’ll miss the train if you don’t hurry.Lemmer ur tettɣawalemt, ad kent-tfat tmacint.
1831You make mistakes if you do things in a hurry.Lemmer ad tettḥaṛafeḍ lecɣal, ad tgeḍ tuccḍiwin.
1832You make mistakes if you do things in a hurry.Lemmer ad tettḥaṛafem lecɣal, ad tgem tuccḍiwin.
1833You make mistakes if you do things in a hurry.Lemmer ad tettḥaṛafemt lecɣal, ad tgemt tuccḍiwin.
1834Haste makes waste.Win ur nuzzil, leɛmeṛ yeɣli.
1835If you run fast, you can catch the train.Lemmer ad tazzleḍ, ad d-tqeḍɛeḍ tamacint-nni.
1836If you run fast, you can catch the train.Lemmer ad tazzlem, ad d-tqeḍɛem tamacint-nni.
1837If you run fast, you can catch the train.Lemmer ad tazzlemt, ad d-tqeḍɛemt tamacint-nni.
1838If you run fast, you can catch the train.Lemmer ad tazzleḍ mliḥ, tzemreḍ ad d-tqeḍɛeḍ tamacint-nni.
1839If you run fast, you can catch the train.Lemmer ad tazzlem mliḥ, tzemrem ad d-tqeḍɛem tamacint-nni.
1840If you run fast, you can catch the train.Lemmer ad tazzlemt mliḥ, tzemremt ad d-tqeḍɛemt tamacint-nni.
1841You had better hurry. The train leaves at three.Ɣas ɛjel. Tamacint ad teqleɛ ɣef ttlata.
1842If you work too long without a rest, it begins to tell on you.Lemmer ad txedmeḍ aṭas yerna ur tesgunfuyeḍ, aya yezmer ad k-iḍurr.
1843If you work too long without a rest, it begins to tell on you.Lemmer ad txedmeḍ aṭas yerna ur tesgunfuyeḍ, aya yezmer ad kem-iḍurr.
1844If you work too long without a rest, it begins to tell on you.Lemmer ad txedmem aṭas yerna ur tesgunfuyem, aya yezmer ad ken-iḍurr.
1845If you work too long without a rest, it begins to tell on you.Lemmer ad txedmemt aṭas yerna ur tesgunfuyemt, aya yezmer ad kent-iḍurr.
1846When is the intermission?Melmi ay d afeṛdi?
1847What did you do on your vacation?D acu ay tgiḍ deg yimuras-nnek?
1848If you don’t take a vacation, you’ll collapse.Ma yella ur tettawyeḍ imuras, ad tfecleḍ.
1849If you don’t take a vacation, you’ll collapse.Ma yella ur tettawyem imuras, ad tfeclem.
1850If you don’t take a vacation, you’ll collapse.Ma yella ur tettawyemt imuras, ad tfeclemt.
1851Where do you suppose you’ll spend your vacation?Anda ay la tessefrayeḍ ad tekkeḍ imuras-nnek?
1852Where do you suppose you’ll spend your vacation?Anda ay la tessefrayeḍ ad tekkeḍ imuras-nnem?
1853Where do you suppose you’ll spend your vacation?Anda ay la tessefrayem ad tekkem imuras-nwen?
1854Where do you suppose you’ll spend your vacation?Anda ay la tessefrayemt ad tekkemt imuras-nwent?
1855Where do you suppose you’ll spend your vacation?Anda ay la tettxemmimeḍ ad tekkeḍ imuras-nnek?
1856Where do you suppose you’ll spend your vacation?Anda ay la tettxemmimeḍ ad tekkeḍ imuras-nnem?
1857Where do you suppose you’ll spend your vacation?Anda ay la tettxemmimem ad tekkem imuras-nwen?
1858Where do you suppose you’ll spend your vacation?Anda ay la tettxemmimemt ad tekkemt imuras-nwent?
1859When I go on vacation, I’ll rent a car.Asmi ara dduɣ ad sɛeddiɣ imuras, ad d-kruɣ takeṛṛust.
1860Kumi did not talk about her club.Kumi ur d-tessawel ɣef wesrir-nnes.
1861The hill slopes downward to the river.Tiɣilt-nni tettader arma d asif.
1862A beautiful church stands on the hill.Tella yiwet n teklizt d tucbiḥt, tezga-d ɣef tqacuct n tiɣilt.
1863A beautiful church stands on the hill.Tella yiwet n teklizt d tucbiḥt, tezga-d sufella n tiɣilt.
1864Are there oak trees on the hill?Llant tsufa deg tiɣilt-nni?
1865A beautiful valley lies behind the hill.Deffir tiɣilt-nni, yella yiwen n yeɣzer d ucbiḥ.
1866At the foot of the hill is a beautiful lake.Yella yiwen n ugelmim d ucbiḥ, isenned s aḍar n tiɣilt-nni.
1867Lots of low trees grow on the hill.Aṭas n yisekla imecṭuḥen ay d-imeɣɣin deg tiɣilt-nni.
1868We can get a beautiful view of the sea from the hill.Seg tiɣilt-nni, ilel yettban-d yecbeḥ.
1869The visitor sat across from me.Anerzaf-nni yeqqim, iqubel-iyi-d.
1870Is there a place I can smoke?Yella kra n wemkan aydeg zemreɣ ad keyyfeɣ?
1871The doctor told me to give up smoking.Imsujji yenna-iyi-d ad ḥebseɣ ddexxan.
1872Please refrain from smoking.Ttxil-wen, ur ttkeyyifet.
1873Smoking is bad for the health.Akeyyef diri-t i tezmert.
1874Smoking is bad for the health.Akeyyef yettḍurru tazmert.
1875Smoking will do you a lot of harm.Akeyyef ad k-iḍurr s waṭas.
1876Smoking will do you a lot of harm.Akeyyef ad kem-iḍurr s waṭas.
1877Smoking will do you a lot of harm.Akeyyef ad ken-iḍurr s waṭas.
1878Smoking will do you a lot of harm.Akeyyef ad kent-iḍurr s waṭas.
1879Smoking will do you a lot of harm.Ddexxan ad k-iḍurr s waṭas.
1880Smoking will do you a lot of harm.Ddexxan ad kem-iḍurr s waṭas.
1881Smoking will do you a lot of harm.Ddexxan ad ken-iḍurr s waṭas.
1882Smoking will do you a lot of harm.Ddexxan ad kent-iḍurr s waṭas.
1883Smoking will do you a lot of harm.Akeyyef ad k-iḍurr aṭas.
1884Smoking will do you a lot of harm.Akeyyef ad kem-iḍurr aṭas.
1885Smoking will do you a lot of harm.Akeyyef ad ken-iḍurr aṭas.
1886Smoking will do you a lot of harm.Akeyyef ad kent-iḍurr aṭas.
1887Smoking will do you a lot of harm.Ddexxan ad k-iḍurr aṭas.
1888Smoking will do you a lot of harm.Ddexxan ad kem-iḍurr aṭas.
1889Smoking will do you a lot of harm.Ddexxan ad ken-iḍurr aṭas.
1890Smoking will do you a lot of harm.Ddexxan ad kent-iḍurr aṭas.
1891I wish I could break the habit of smoking.Mennaɣ lemmer d ay zmireɣ ad ḥebseɣ ddexxan.
1892After they argued, they didn’t speak to each other for a week.Sdeffir ma nnuɣen, qqimen dduṛt ur ttemlaɛin.
1893The chairman should take the minority opinion into account.Aselway yessefk ad yefk azal i ṛṛay n tdersi.
1894I apologize for the delay in sending the agenda.Ssuref-iyi imi ay ɛeḍḍleɣ akken ad ak-d-azneɣ ahil n temlilit.
1895I apologize for the delay in sending the agenda.Ssuref-iyi imi ay ɛeḍḍleɣ akken ad am-d-azneɣ ahil n temlilit.
1896I apologize for the delay in sending the agenda.Ssurfet-iyi imi ay ɛeḍḍleɣ akken ad awen-d-azneɣ ahil n temlilit.
1897I apologize for the delay in sending the agenda.Ssurfemt-iyi imi ay ɛeḍḍleɣ akken ad awent-d-azneɣ ahil n temlilit.
1898The chances are that the bill will be rejected.Yezmer lḥal ad yettwagi usaḍuf-nni.
1899You must do your duty.Yessefk ad tgeḍ lwajeb-nnek.
1900All that glitters is not gold.Maci akk ayen yettemcebruruqen d ureɣ.
1901All that glitters is not gold.Ur akk ayen yettemcebruruqen d ureɣ.
1902Do get up, it’s very late.Nker, atan iṛuḥ lḥal.
1903What is done cannot be undone.Aɛbaṛ ma yeffeɣ seg ubeckiḍ, ur d-itteqqal.
1904You are beautiful.Tcebḥem.
1905You are beautiful.Tcebḥed.
1906You are beautiful.Tcebḥeḍ.
1907You are beautiful.Tcebḥemt.
1908You like rain, don’t you?Tḥemmleḍ anẓar, naɣ?
1909You like rain, don’t you?Tḥemmlem anẓar, naɣ?
1910You like rain, don’t you?Tḥemmlemt anẓar, naɣ?
1911Didn’t you hear her speaking French?Ur as-tesliḍ la tessawal tafṛensist?
1912You’ll go to school tomorrow.Azekka ad tedduḍ s aɣerbaz.
1913You are my best friend.D kecc ay d ameddakel-inu amaway.
1914You are a doctor.Kecc d imsujji.
1915What’s your shoe size?D acu-tt tiddi n yerkasen-nnek?
1916What’s your home address?D acu-tt tansa n wexxam-nnek?
1917I would like to come and see you.Bɣiɣ ad d-aseɣ ad k-ẓreɣ.
1918Reporter: Did you buy her a kitten?Aneɣmas: Tesɣiḍ-as-d amcic amecṭuḥ?
1919She has a good memory, too.Ula d nettat tesɛa takatut yelhan.
1920She has a good memory, too.Ula d nettat tceffu.
1921She has a good memory, too.Ula d nettat tceffu mliḥ.
1922We punished him according to the rules.Nɛuqeb-it ɣef leḥsab n yilugan.
1923The train was delayed because of heavy snowfall.Tɛeḍḍel tmacint acku iwet-d aṭas n wedfel.
1924The train was so crowded that I was kept standing all the way.Ttran yettuɣ yufes s midden al qqimeɣ ay yulu webrid d necci beddeɣ.
1925The train was so crowded that I was kept standing all the way.Ttran s wayen i yettuɣ ydekk s midden, ay yulu webrid d necci beddeɣ.
1926The train left the station and had soon disappeared from view.Tamacint-nni teqleɛ seg teɣsert yerna dindin teɛreq i tmuɣli.
1927The train was about to leave the station.Tamacint-nni tella ɛlaḥal ad teqleɛ.
1928The train traversed a tunnel.Tamacint-nni tɛedda deg yiwen n ugennari.
1929Our train stopped suddenly.Taswiɛt kan, teḥbes tmacint-nni-nneɣ.
1930Let’s eat out for a change.As-d ad necc deg beṛṛa akken ad nbeddel cwiṭ.
1931If you need a change of pace, why don’t you come for a visit?Ma tebɣiḍ ad tekkseḍ cwiṭ ɣef lxaḍer-nnek, ayɣer ur d-trezzuḍ fell-i?
1932If you need a change of pace, why don’t you come for a visit?Ma tebɣiḍ ad tekkseḍ cwiṭ ɣef lxaḍer-nnem, ayɣer ur d-trezzuḍ fell-i?
1933If you need a change of pace, why don’t you come for a visit?Ma tebɣam ad tekksem cwiṭ ɣef lxaḍer-nwen, ayɣer ur d-trezzum fell-i?
1934If you need a change of pace, why don’t you come for a visit?Ma tebɣamt ad tekksemt cwiṭ ɣef lxaḍer-nwent, ayɣer ur d-trezzumt fell-i?
1935How do you feel now?Amek ay la tettḥulfud i yiman-nnek imir-a?
1936How do you feel now?Amek ay la tettḥulfud i yiman-nnem imir-a?
1937How do you feel now?Amek ay la tettḥulfuḍ i yiman-nnek imir-a?
1938How do you feel now?Amek ay la tettḥulfuḍ i yiman-nnem imir-a?
1939I’m feeling fine now.Imir-a aql-iyi bxir.
1940I think I’m going to faint.Bɣiɣ ad nneṣraɛeɣ.
1941Speak your mind.Ini-d ayen tettxemmimeḍ.
1942The climate affected the growth of trees and plants.Anezwi-nni yeswaɣ gemmu n yisekla ed yemɣan.
1943The temperature fell several degrees.Taẓɣelt tenqes-d s wacḥal n tfesniwin.
1944It’s fine to make grandiose plans, but I’d like you to start with what you have on your plate.Yelha mi ara tesɛuḍ isenfaren d imeqranen, maca, a win yufan, ad d-tebduḍ kan s wayen ay tzemreḍ ad t-tgeḍ.
1945It’s fine to make grandiose plans, but I’d like you to start with what you have on your plate.Yelha mi ara tesɛum isenfaren d imeqranen, maca, a win yufan, ad d-tebdum kan s wayen ay tzemrem ad t-tgem.
1946It’s fine to make grandiose plans, but I’d like you to start with what you have on your plate.Yelha mi ara tesɛumt isenfaren d imeqranen, maca, a win yufan, ad d-tebdumt kan s wayen ay tzemremt ad t-tgemt.
1947The barometer is falling. It is going to rain.Yeɣli-d ureqqas-nni n ubaṛumitr. Ad d-iwet wenẓar.
1948She’ll get the better of you if you aren’t careful.Ma yella ur tettḥezzibeḍ, ad ak-tkellex.
1949She’ll get the better of you if you aren’t careful.Ma yella ur tettḥezzibeḍ, ad am-tkellex.
1950She’ll get the better of you if you aren’t careful.Ma yella ur tettḥezzibem, ad awen-tkellex.
1951She’ll get the better of you if you aren’t careful.Ma yella ur tettḥezzibemt, ad awent-tkellex.
1952Take care.Thella deg yiman-nnek.
1953If you’re not careful, you might slip and fall on the icy steps.Ma yella ur tettḥezzibeḍ, tzemreḍ ad teɣliḍ ɣef wudem.
1954If you’re not careful, you might slip and fall on the icy steps.Ma yella ur tettḥezzibem, tzemrem ad teɣlim ɣef wudem.
1955If you’re not careful, you might slip and fall on the icy steps.Ma yella ur tettḥezzibemt, tzemremt ad teɣlimt ɣef wudem.
1956If you’re not careful you’ll miss a traffic sign!Ma yella ur tettarraḍ ddehn-nnek ɣer tenhaṛt, tzemreḍ ad tzegleḍ kra n ugalis!
1957He is a good fellow, to be sure, but he isn’t reliable.D ayen ibanen d ameddakel yelhan, maca ur nezmir ad nettkel fell-as.
1958Are you crazy?Tselbeḍ?
1959I wish I could think of something to say.Mennaɣ lemmer d ay zemreɣ ad xemmemeɣ ɣef kra n tɣawsa ara d-iniɣ.
1960It’s just your imagination.D axayel kan ay tettxayaleḍ.
1961Whether you like it or not, you have to go.Yessefk ad tedduḍ, bɣu neɣ qqim.
1962Forget it.Ttu tamsalt.
1963You should continue until you’re satisfied.Yessefk ad tkemmleḍ arma tuwḍeḍ s ayen ay tebɣiḍ.
1964You should continue until you’re satisfied.Yessefk ad tkemmlem arma tuwḍem s ayen ay tebɣam.
1965You should continue until you’re satisfied.Yessefk ad tkemmlemt arma tuwḍemt s ayen ay tebɣamt.
1966You can go home if you like.Tzemreḍ ad tedduḍ s axxam, ma yehwa-ak.
1967You can go home if you like.Tzemreḍ ad tedduḍ s axxam, ma yehwa-am.
1968You can go home if you like.Tzemrem ad teddum s axxam, ma yehwa-awen.
1969You can go home if you like.Tzemremt ad teddumt s axxam, ma yehwa-awent.
1970You’re back late. What have you been up to?Tɛeḍḍleḍ. D acu akka ay telliḍ tettgeḍ?
1971You’re back late. What have you been up to?Tɛeḍḍlem. D acu akka ay tellam tettgem?
1972You’re back late. What have you been up to?Tɛeḍḍlemt. D acu akka ay tellamt tettgemt?
1973You’re back late. What have you been up to?Tɛeḍḍleḍ akken ad d-teqqleḍ. D acu akka ay telliḍ tettgeḍ?
1974You’re back late. What have you been up to?Tɛeḍḍlem akken ad d-teqqlem. D acu akka ay tellam tettgem?
1975You’re back late. What have you been up to?Tɛeḍḍlemt akken ad d-teqqlemt. D acu akka ay tellamt tettgemt?
1976I’m fixing the radio which I found on my way home.La ttṣeggimeɣ ṛṛadyu-nni ay d-ufiɣ mi lliɣ ttedduɣ-d s axxam.
1977I was caught in a shower on my way home.Yeḍḍef-iyi uceṛcuṛ mi lliɣ ttedduɣ-d s axxam.
1978Do you have a return ticket to Japan?Tesɛam tanagit n tuqqla ɣer Japun?
1979Do you have a return ticket to Japan?Tesɛid tanagit n tuqqla ɣer Japun?
1980Do you have a return ticket to Japan?Tesɛiḍ tanagit n tuqqla ɣer Japun?
1981Do you have a return ticket to Japan?Tesɛamt tanagit n tuqqla ɣer Japun?
1982It’d be great if you could pick up some bread before you come home.Yelha ma tesɣiḍ-d cwiṭ n weɣrum uqbel ma tusiḍ-d s axxam.
1983It’d be great if you could pick up some bread before you come home.Yelha ma tesɣam-d cwiṭ n weɣrum uqbel ma tusam-d s axxam.
1984It’d be great if you could pick up some bread before you come home.Yelha ma tesɣamt-d cwiṭ n weɣrum uqbel ma tusamt-d s axxam.
1985It’d be great if you could pick up some bread before you come home.Yelha ma tegliḍ-d s cwiṭ n weɣrum deg webrid-nnek s axxam.
1986It’d be great if you could pick up some bread before you come home.Yelha ma tegliḍ-d s cwiṭ n weɣrum deg webrid-nnem s axxam.
1987It’d be great if you could pick up some bread before you come home.Yelha ma teglam-d s cwiṭ n weɣrum deg webrid-nwen s axxam.
1988It’d be great if you could pick up some bread before you come home.Yelha ma teglamt-d s cwiṭ n weɣrum deg webrid-nwent s axxam.
1989It’d be great if you could pick up some bread before you come home.Yelha ma tuwyeḍ-d cwiṭ n weɣrum deg webrid-nnek s axxam.
1990It’d be great if you could pick up some bread before you come home.Yelha ma tuwyeḍ-d cwiṭ n weɣrum deg webrid-nnem s axxam.
1991It’d be great if you could pick up some bread before you come home.Yelha ma tuwyem-d cwiṭ n weɣrum deg webrid-nwen s axxam.
1992It’d be great if you could pick up some bread before you come home.Yelha ma tuwyemt-d cwiṭ n weɣrum deg webrid-nwent s axxam.
1993On his return he found her daughter asleep.Mi d-yeqqel, yufa-d yelli-s teḍḍes.
1994Get back, get back!Qqel-d! Qqel-d!
1995Are there movies on the plane?Sskanayen-d isura deg usafag-a?
1996I’ll speak to him at the first opportunity.Ad ssiwleɣ yid-s akken kan ara iyi-d-tṣaḥ tegnit.
1997You should see this film if you get the opportunity.Ɣas wali asaru-a ma iṣaḥ-ik-id.
1998You should see this film if you get the opportunity.Ɣas wali asaru-a ma iṣaḥ-ikem-id.
1999You should see this film if you get the opportunity.Ɣas walit asaru-a ma iṣaḥ-iken-id.
2000You should see this film if you get the opportunity.Ɣas walimt asaru-a ma iṣaḥ-ikent-id.
2001How long do you want it for?Acḥal ay t-teḥwajeḍ?
2002As you already know.Akken teẓriḍ yagi.
2003The flag is up.Tuley tekbabt.
2004The desk is covered with dust.Tanarit-nni teccuṛ d aɣebbar.
2005The hat on the desk is Chama’s.Arazal-nni ay yersen ɣef tnarit n Chama.
2006He noticed a letter on the desk.Iger tamawt tella yiwet n tebṛat ters ɣef tnarit.
2007There is a key on the desk.Tella yiwet n tsarut ɣef tnarit.
2008Was there a book on the desk?Yella yers wedlis ɣef tnarit-nni?
2009Are there any pens on the desk?Yella kra n yemru ɣef tnarit?
2010Is there a pen on the desk?Yella yemru ɣef tnarit?
2011There is an apple under the desk.Tella tḍeffut ddaw tnarit.
2012I put down a rug under my desk.Sserseɣ yiwet n teḥṣirt ddaw tnarit-inu.
2013You cannot appreciate the poem until you have read it many times.Ur tezmireḍ ad tḥulfuḍ i ccbaḥa n usefru-a arma teɣriḍ-t acḥal d tikkelt.
2014You cannot appreciate the poem until you have read it many times.Ur tezmirem ad tḥulfum i ccbaḥa n usefru-a arma teɣram-t acḥal d tikkelt.
2015You cannot appreciate the poem until you have read it many times.Ur tezmiremt ad tḥulfumt i ccbaḥa n usefru-a arma teɣramt-t acḥal d tikkelt.
2016I’ll give you as many as you like.Ad ak-d-fkeɣ anect ay ak-yehwan.
2017I’ll give you as many as you like.Ad am-d-fkeɣ anect ay am-yehwan.
2018I’ll give you as many as you like.Ad awen-d-fkeɣ anect ay awen-yehwan.
2019I’ll give you as many as you like.Ad awent-d-fkeɣ anect ay awent-yehwan.
2020I’ll give you as many as you like.Ad ak-d-fkeɣ anect ay ak-yehwan seg-s.
2021I’ll give you as many as you like.Ad am-d-fkeɣ anect ay am-yehwan seg-s.
2022I’ll give you as many as you like.Ad awen-d-fkeɣ anect ay awen-yehwan seg-s.
2023I’ll give you as many as you like.Ad awent-d-fkeɣ anect ay awent-yehwan seg-s.
2024I’ll give you as many as you like.Ad ak-d-fkeɣ anect ay ak-yehwan seg-sen.
2025I’ll give you as many as you like.Ad am-d-fkeɣ anect ay am-yehwan seg-sen.
2026I’ll give you as many as you like.Ad awen-d-fkeɣ anect ay awen-yehwan seg-sen.
2027I’ll give you as many as you like.Ad awent-d-fkeɣ anect ay awent-yehwan seg-sen.
2028I’ll give you as many as you like.Ad ak-d-fkeɣ anect ay ak-yehwan seg-sent.
2029I’ll give you as many as you like.Ad am-d-fkeɣ anect ay am-yehwan seg-sent.
2030I’ll give you as many as you like.Ad awen-d-fkeɣ anect ay awen-yehwan seg-sent.
2031I’ll give you as many as you like.Ad awent-d-fkeɣ anect ay awent-yehwan seg-sent.
2032When you take shelter, make sure you go under a big tree.Mi ara teddariḍ, yessefk ad teffreḍ ddaw useklu ameqran.
2033When you take shelter, make sure you go under a big tree.Mi ara teddarim, yessefk ad teffrem ddaw useklu ameqran.
2034When you take shelter, make sure you go under a big tree.Mi ara teddarimt, yessefk ad teffremt ddaw useklu ameqran.
2035I know you’re happy about it. Why don’t you just show it?Ẓriɣ yessefṛeḥ-ik waya. Ayɣer kan ur d-tesskanayeḍ lfeṛḥ-nnek?
2036I know you’re happy about it. Why don’t you just show it?Ẓriɣ yessefṛeḥ-ikem waya. Ayɣer kan ur d-tesskanayeḍ lfeṛḥ-nnem?
2037I know you’re happy about it. Why don’t you just show it?Ẓriɣ yessefṛeḥ-iken waya. Ayɣer kan ur d-tesskanayem lfeṛḥ-nwen?
2038I know you’re happy about it. Why don’t you just show it?Ẓriɣ yessefṛeḥ-ikent waya. Ayɣer kan ur d-tesskanayemt lfeṛḥ-nwent?
2039A strange fellow, he never speaks unless spoken to.D amdan aɣwali, yerna werjin yessawal arma yenṭeq ɣer yiwen.
2040He’s possessed by a strange idea.Temlek-it yiwet n takti d taɣwalit.
2041Curiously, a flower bloomed on the withered up tree.Ɣas akken aseklu-nni d akenderrac, yefka-d yiwet n tjejjigt.
2042Strange to say, the door opened of itself.D ayen yessewhamen, tawwurt-nni teldey-d i yiman-nnes.
2043A novel idea occurred to me.Tusa-iyi-d takti d tamaynut.
2044We gladly accept your offer.Neqbel assumer-nnek s lfeṛḥ.
2045I will gladly help you.Ad k-ɛawneɣ s tumert.
2046I will gladly help you.Ad kem-ɛawneɣ s tumert.
2047I will gladly help you.Ad k-ɛawneɣ s lfeṛḥ.
2048I will gladly help you.Ad kem-ɛawneɣ s lfeṛḥ.
2049I am glad to accept your invitation.Qebleɣ aneɛṛuḍ-nnek s lfeṛḥ.
2050I am glad to accept your invitation.Qebleɣ aneɛṛuḍ-nnem s lfeṛḥ.
2051I will be very happy to accept your invitation.Ad qebleɣ aneɛṛuḍ-nnek s lfeṛḥ d ameqran.
2052I will be very happy to accept your invitation.Ad qebleɣ aneɛṛuḍ-nnem s lfeṛḥ d ameqran.
2053No idea of danger crossed my mind then.Ur d-yusi akk ɣer lbal-inu yezmer ad d-yili kra n umihi imir-nni.
2054Look out! There’s a truck coming!Ɣur-k! La d-itteddu ukamyun!
2055Look out!Ɣur-k!
2056I came near to being drowned.Qrib ay ɣerqeɣ.
2057I was almost run over by a car.Qrib ay iyi-twit tkeṛṛust.
2058Did you get your wish?Yeffeɣ umenni-nnek ɣer tidet?
2059You look pale. Shall I call the doctor?Aql-ik d awraɣ. Tebɣid ad as-ɣreɣ i yemsujji?
2060You look pale. Shall I call the doctor?Aql-ikem d tawraɣt. Tebɣid ad as-ɣreɣ i yemsujji?
2061You look pale. Shall I call the doctor?Aql-ik d awraɣ. Tebɣiḍ ad as-ɣreɣ i yemsujji?
2062You look pale. Shall I call the doctor?Aql-ikem d awraɣ. Tebɣiḍ ad as-ɣreɣ i yemsujji?
2063You look pale. What’s the matter with you?Aql-ik d awraɣ. D acu ay k-yuɣen?
2064You look pale. What’s the matter with you?Aql-ikem d tawraɣt. D acu ay kem-yuɣen?
2065You look pale. What’s the matter with you?Aql-iken d iwraɣen. D acu ay ken-yuɣen?
2066You look pale. What’s the matter with you?Aql-ikent d tiwraɣin. D acu ay kent-yuɣen?
2067You look pale. You’d better take a day off.Aql-ik d awraɣ. Yif-it ma teqqimeḍ yiwen wass ur txeddmeḍ.
2068You look pale. You’d better take a day off.Aql-ikem d tawraɣt. Yif-it ma teqqimeḍ yiwen wass ur txeddmeḍ.
2069Wash your face.Ssired udem-nnek.
2070Wash up.Ssired.
2071My cheeks burn.Imuyag-inu la reɣɣen.
2072My face twitches.La yettergigi wudem-inu.
2073Beauty without goodness is worth nothing.Ccbaḥa, ma ur teddukkel ed leḥdaqa, ur teswi acemma.
2074The more stubborn you are, the more isolated you become.Simal tessɣayeḍ iɣef-nnek, simmal ɛezzlen-k medden.
2075The more stubborn you are, the more isolated you become.Simal tessɣayeḍ iɣef-nnem, simmal ɛezzlen-kem medden.
2076The more stubborn you are, the more isolated you become.Simal tessɣayem iɣfawen-nwen, simmal ɛezzlen-ken medden.
2077The more stubborn you are, the more isolated you become.Simal tessɣayemt iɣfawen-nwent, simmal ɛezzlent-kent medden.
2078The more stubborn you are, the more isolated you become.Simal tessɣarayeḍ iɣef-nnek, simal ttajjan-k medden.
2079The more stubborn you are, the more isolated you become.Simal tessɣarayeḍ iɣef-nnem, simal ttajjan-kem medden.
2080The more stubborn you are, the more isolated you become.Simal tessɣarayem iɣfawen-nwen, simal ttajjan-ken medden.
2081The more stubborn you are, the more isolated you become.Simal tessɣarayemt iɣfawen-nwent, simal ttajjan-kent medden.
2082The cancer has spread to her stomach.Akensir-nni yuweḍ-as ɣer tɛebbuḍt.
2083Cancer can be cured if discovered in time.Akensir yezmer ad yettudiwa lemmer ad t-id-afen deg lawan.
2084What languages do they speak in Korea?D acu-ten yilsawen ay ssawalen medden deg Kurya?
2085Don’t eat between meals.Ur snagar gar tram n wucci.
2086Eating between meals is a bad habit.Asniger gar tram d yir ḍḍbiɛa.
2087It is not good to eat between meals.Ur yelhi ad tettetteḍ gar tram.
2088I’m afraid I took your umbrella by mistake.Yezmer lḥal ɛerqeɣ, uwyeɣ tasiwant-nnek.
2089I’m afraid I took your umbrella by mistake.Yezmer lḥal ɛerqeɣ, uwyeɣ tasiwant-nnem.
2090Cross out all the wrong answers.Eg amidag ɣef wakk tiririyin yeccḍen.
2091I must have made a mistake.Iban kan giɣ tuccḍa.
2092I must have made a mistake.Iban kan ccḍeɣ.
2093Correct the errors if there are any.Sseɣti tuccḍiwin ma llant.
2094Send me the account.Azen-iyi-d tafatuṛt.
2095Send me the account.Aznet-iyi-d tafatuṛt.
2096Send me the account.Aznemt-iyi-d tafatuṛt.
2097The sightseeing bus ran through a long tunnel.Asakac-nni n umerreḥ yekcem ɣer yiwen n ugennari d aɣezfan.
2098It is not what you read but how you read it that counts.Ayen ay yesɛan azal ur d ayen ay teqqareḍ wanag d amek ay t-teqqareḍ.
2099It is not what you read but how you read it that counts.Ayen ay yesɛan azal ur d ayen ay teqqarem wanag d amek ay t-teqqarem.
2100It is not what you read but how you read it that counts.Ayen ay yesɛan azal ur d ayen ay teqqaremt wanag d amek ay t-teqqaremt.
2101You must begin with books like these that are easily understood.Yessefk ad d-tebduḍ s yedlisen ay tzemreḍ ad ten-tfehmeḍ s tefses.
2102You must begin with books like these that are easily understood.Yessefk ad d-tebdum s yedlisen ay tzemrem ad ten-tfehmem s tefses.
2103You must begin with books like these that are easily understood.Yessefk ad d-tebdumt s yedlisen ay tzemremt ad ten-tfehmemt s tefses.
2104I want something sweet.Bɣiɣ taɣawsa d taẓidant.
2105You shouldn’t let children eat too many sweets.A win yufan, ur tettajjaḍ igerdan ad ccen aṭas n tḥelwatin.
2106Some factories pollute the environment.Kra n lluzinat ssamasent i twennaḍt.
2107Sweat is dripping from his face.La d-tettquddur tidi seg wudem-nnes.
2108Sweat is dripping from his face.La yettceṛcuṛ wudem-nnes d tidi.
2109The patient’s condition changes from day to day.Tagnit n umuḍin-nni la tettbeddil seg wass ar ass.
2110Give medicine to the patient right away.Efk-iyi-d isafaren i umuḍin-nni imir-a.
2111We stored the hay in the barn.Nejmeɛ alim deg uɛecciw.
2112This stone-dead guy had no friends.Argaz-a yemmuten ur yelli yesɛa imeddukal.
2113You have our permission to include our software on condition that you send us a copy of the final product.Nefka-ak ttesriḥ ad teskecmeḍ aseɣẓan-nneɣ, d acu kan, yessefk ad aɣ-d-tazneḍ tasukint n ufaris-nni aneggaru.
2114You have our permission to include our software on condition that you send us a copy of the final product.Nefka-am ttesriḥ ad teskecmeḍ aseɣẓan-nneɣ, d acu kan, yessefk ad aɣ-d-tazneḍ tasukint n ufaris-nni aneggaru.
2115You have our permission to include our software on condition that you send us a copy of the final product.Nefka-awen ttesriḥ ad teskecmem aseɣẓan-nneɣ, d acu kan, yessefk ad aɣ-d-taznem tasukint n ufaris-nni aneggaru.
2116You have our permission to include our software on condition that you send us a copy of the final product.Nefka-awent ttesriḥ ad teskecmemt aseɣẓan-nneɣ, d acu kan, yessefk ad aɣ-d-taznemt tasukint n ufaris-nni aneggaru.
2117I think there’s a mistake in my bill.Ttwaliɣ tella tuccḍa deg tfatuṛt-inu.
2118It was cold, and, in addition, it was windy.Yella semmeḍ lḥal yerna d aḍu.
2119When you breathe out in cold weather, you can see your breath.Mi ara tneffseḍ deg usemmiḍ, tzemreḍ ad twaliḍ nnefs-nnek.
2120When you breathe out in cold weather, you can see your breath.Mi ara tneffseḍ deg usemmiḍ, tzemreḍ ad twaliḍ nnefs-nnem.
2121When you breathe out in cold weather, you can see your breath.Mi ara tneffsem deg usemmiḍ, tzemrem ad twalim nnefs-nwen.
2122When you breathe out in cold weather, you can see your breath.Mi ara tneffsemt deg usemmiḍ, tzemremt ad twalimt nnefs-nwent.
2123The stock market is very active.Ulzuz n tafulin ixeddem aṭas.
2124The stock market is severely depressed.Ulzuz n tafulin atan deg yir tegnit.
2125You may leave your bag here.Tzemreḍ ad tejjeḍ asga-nnek da.
2126You may leave your bag here.Tzemreḍ ad tejjeḍ asga-nnem da.
2127Well begun is half done.Mi tebdiḍ ccɣel akken yelha, ɣas ḥseb-it ifuk.
2128The eagle does not catch flies.Izem ur ileqqeḍ tikeḍfin.
2129Don’t step on the broken glass.Ur ttakel ɣef zzjaj-nni yerrẓen.
2130Don’t buy things on credit.Ur d-ssaɣ tiɣawsiwin s ussebru.
2131The band paraded the streets.Tajrut n lḥuf tiwi‑d iɣulad.
2132After a storm comes a calm.Yal ccedda teḍfer-itt tafat.
2133It was easy for me to solve the problem.Yusa-iyi-d fessus ad fruɣ ugur-nni.
2134Are you having a good time?Tufiḍ iman-nnek?
2135I wish you a pleasant voyage.Ssarameɣ-ak assikel igerrzen.
2136Thank you for the pleasant evening.Tanemmirt ɣef tmeddit-a igerrzen.
2137Have a nice summer vacation.Imuras n unebdu igerrzen.
2138I got to know him when I was a student.Ssneɣ-t asmi ay lliɣ d anelmad.
2139It was an advantage having learned Chinese while I was in school.Yelfa-d d lfayda imi ay lemdeɣ tacinwat asmi ay lliɣ deg uɣerbaz.
2140Read as many books as you can while you are a student.Skud mazal-ik d anelmad, ɣer anect umi tzemreḍ n yedlisen.
2141Read as many books as you can while you are a student.Skud mazal-ikem d tanelmadt, ɣer anect umi tzemreḍ n yedlisen.
2142Read as many books as you can while you are a student.Skud mazal-iken d inelmaden, ɣret anect umi tzemrem n yedlisen.
2143Read as many books as you can while you are a student.Skud mazal-ikent d tinelmadin, ɣremt anect umi tzemremt n yedlisen.
2144Students have access to the library.Inelmaden zemren ad kecmen ɣer temkarḍit.
2145Students should make use of the books in the library.A win yufan, inelmaden ad sseqdacen idlisen-nni n temkarḍit.
2146Every student has free access to the library.Akk inelmaden sɛan azref ad kecmen baṭel ɣer temkarḍit.
2147Students have access to these computers.Iselmaden zemren ad sqedcen iselkimen-a.
2148Students have access to these computers.Inelmaden sɛan ttesriḥ ad sqedcen iselkimen-a.
2149Half of the students are absent.Azgen seg yinelmaden ɣaben.
2150Some of the students like to play the guitar.Kra seg yinelmaden-nni ḥemmlen ad wten tagiṭart.
2151I am tired of eating at the school cafeteria.Ɛyiɣ seg wucci deg tneccit n uɣerbaz.
2152What are you going to do after you leave school?D acu ara tgeḍ asmi ara tfakeḍ tizrawin?
2153What are you going to do after you leave school?D acu ara tgem asmi ara tfakem tizrawin?
2154What are you going to do after you leave school?D acu ara tgemt asmi ara tfakemt tizrawin?
2155I met Tom on my way to school.Mlaleɣ-d ed Tom mi lliɣ ttedduɣ s aɣerbaz.
2156Go to school.Ddu s aɣerbaz.
2157Can you walk to school, or do you have to take the bus?Tzemreḍ ad tedduḍ s aɣerbaz ɣef uḍar neɣ yessefk ad tedduḍ s usakac?
2158Can you walk to school, or do you have to take the bus?Tzemrem ad teddum s aɣerbaz ɣef uḍar neɣ yessefk ad teddum s usakac?
2159Can you walk to school, or do you have to take the bus?Tzemremt ad teddumt s aɣerbaz ɣef uḍar neɣ yessefk ad teddumt s usakac?
2160School is over at 3:30.Tizrawin ttfakant ɣef 3:30.
2161School is over at 3:30.Tizrawin ttfakant ɣef tis kraḍt ed wezgen.
2162School is over at 3:30.Tizrawin ttfakant ɣef ttlata ed wezgen.
2163Is your school far from your home?Aɣerbaz-nnek yebɛed ɣef wexxam?
2164Is your school far from your home?Aɣerbaz-nnem yebɛed ɣef wexxam?
2165Is your school far from your home?Aɣerbaz-nwen yebɛed ɣef wexxam?
2166Is your school far from your home?Aɣerbaz-nwent yebɛed ɣef wexxam?
2167Is your school far from your home?Yebɛed uɣerbaz-nnek ɣef wexxam?
2168Is your school far from your home?Yebɛed uɣerbaz-nnem ɣef wexxam?
2169Is your school far from your home?Yebɛed uɣerbaz-nwen ɣef wexxam?
2170Is your school far from your home?Yebɛed uɣerbaz-nwent ɣef wexxam?
2171The school is located within five minutes’ walk of the station.Semmuset kan n tedqiqin ay yellan gar uɣerbaz-nni ed teɣsert ɣef uḍar.
2172You see some trees in front of the school.Tettwaliḍ kra n yisekla qublen-d aɣerbaz-nni.
2173A poor school record will count against you when you look for a job.Ma yella ur d-tuwiyeḍ iman-nnek deg tezrawin, aya yezmer ad k-iḍurr mi ara tettnadiḍ axeddim.
2174A poor school record will count against you when you look for a job.Ma yella ur d-tuwiyeḍ iman-nnem deg tezrawin, aya yezmer ad kem-iḍurr mi ara tettnadiḍ axeddim.
2175A poor school record will count against you when you look for a job.Ma yella ur d-tuwiyem iman-nwen deg tezrawin, aya yezmer ad ken-iḍurr mi ara tettnadim axeddim.
2176A poor school record will count against you when you look for a job.Ma yella ur d-tuwiyemt iman-nwent deg tezrawin, aya yezmer ad kent-iḍurr mi ara tettnadimt axeddim.
2177Why are you here when you should be in school?Ayɣer ay telliḍ da deg wakud aydeg yessefk ad tiliḍ deg uɣerbaz?
2178Why are you here when you should be in school?Ayɣer ay tellam da deg wakud aydeg yessefk ad tilim deg uɣerbaz?
2179Why are you here when you should be in school?Ayɣer ay tellamt da deg wakud aydeg yessefk ad tilimt deg uɣerbaz?
2180Why are you here when you should be in school?Ayɣer ay aql-ik da deg wakud aydeg yessefk ad tiliḍ deg uɣerbaz?
2181Why are you here when you should be in school?Ayɣer ay aql-ikem da deg wakud aydeg yessefk ad tiliḍ deg uɣerbaz?
2182Why are you here when you should be in school?Ayɣer ay aql-iken da deg wakud aydeg yessefk ad tilim deg uɣerbaz?
2183Why are you here when you should be in school?Ayɣer ay aql-ikent da deg wakud aydeg yessefk ad tilimt deg uɣerbaz?
2184If you are to do well in school, you must study hard.Ma tebɣiḍ ad d-tawyeḍ iman-nnek deg uɣerbaz, yessefk ad tḥeṛseḍ iman-nnek deg tezrawin.
2185If you are to do well in school, you must study hard.Ma tebɣiḍ ad d-tawyeḍ iman-nnem deg uɣerbaz, yessefk ad tḥeṛseḍ iman-nnem deg tezrawin.
2186If you are to do well in school, you must study hard.Ma tebɣam ad d-tawyem iman-nwen deg uɣerbaz, yessefk ad tḥeṛsem iman-nwen deg tezrawin.
2187If you are to do well in school, you must study hard.Ma tebɣamt ad d-tawyemt iman-nwent deg uɣerbaz, yessefk ad tḥeṛsemt iman-nwent deg tezrawin.
2188When she saw that they had no schools, she started one.Asmi ay twala ur sɛin iɣerbazen, teldey yiwen.
2189The more you learn, the more you want to.Simal tlemmdeḍ, simal ara tebɣuḍ ad ternuḍ ad tlemdeḍ.
2190The more you learn, the more you want to.Simal tlemmdem, simal ara tebɣum ad ternum ad tlemdem.
2191The more you learn, the more you want to.Simal tlemmdemt, simal ara tebɣumt ad ternumt ad tlemdemt.
2192The more you study, the more you discover your ignorance.Simal teqqareḍ, simal tettwaliḍ ziɣ ur tessineḍ acemma.
2193The more you study, the more you discover your ignorance.Simal teqqarem, simal tettwalim ziɣ ur tessinem acemma.
2194The more you study, the more you discover your ignorance.Simal teqqaremt, simal tettwalimt ziɣ ur tessinemt acemma.
2195Round the corner came a large truck.Iḍall-d yiwen n ukamyun seg tɣemrit-nni.
2196Will you run down to the corner and buy me a paper?Ulac aɣilif ma tudreḍ d akessar ad iyi-d-tesɣeḍ aɣmis.
2197The house on the corner is ours.Axxam-nni yellan deg teɣmert nneɣ.
2198She certainly looks beautiful in a Japanese kimono.Tecbeḥ aṭas s ukimono ajapuni.
2199She certainly looks beautiful in a Japanese kimono.Yerna fell-as aṭas ukimono ajapuni.
2200She is not beautiful, to be sure, but she is good-natured.Ɣas ma yella ur tecbiḥ, maca telha deg ḍḍbiɛa.
2201It is true she is a rare beauty.S tidet, drusit tsednan ay icebḥen am nettat.
2202It is true she is a rare beauty.Ccbaḥa-nnes drus tin ay tt-yesɛan.
2203Indeed she is young and beautiful, but she is in delicate health.D tidet meẓẓiyet yerna tecbeḥ, maca ur tejhid.
2204Indeed she is young and beautiful, but she is in delicate health.D tidet meẓẓiyet yerna tecbeḥ, maca ur tṣeḥḥa.
2205Indeed she is young and beautiful, but she is in delicate health.D tidet meẓẓiyet yerna tecbeḥ, maca txuṣṣ deg tezmert.
2206Indeed she is young and beautiful, but she is in delicate health.D tidet meẓẓiyet yerna tecbeḥ, maca txuṣṣ deg tdawsa.
2207Indeed she is young and beautiful, but she is in delicate health.D tidet meẓẓiyet yerna tecbeḥ, maca txuṣṣ deg ṣṣeḥḥa.
2208I did write to him.Uriɣ-as.
2209Who can survive after a nuclear war?Anwa ay izemren ad yeslek i wemgaru aɣsi?
2210Each country has its own customs.Yal tamurt tesɛa ansayen-nnes.
2211Generally speaking, Japanese are hard workers.S umata, Ijapuniyen xeddmen aṭas.
2212Generally speaking, the climate of Japan is mild.S umata, anezwu n Japun d uskir.
2213As a rule, we have much rain in June in Japan.Deg Japun, yekkat-d aṭas n wenẓar deg Yunyu.
2214Generally speaking, women are better linguists than men.S umata, tisednan ifent irgazen deg tesnilsit.
2215Generally speaking girls are better linguists than boys.S umata, tiqcicin ifent iqcicen deg tesnilsit.
2216As a rule, we have a lot of rain in the fall.Deg wemwan, yekkat-d aṭas n wenẓar.
2217Generally speaking, what she says is right.S umata, tesɛa lḥeqq deg wayen ay d-tettini.
2218Generally speaking, the climate here is mild.S umata, da, anezwu d uskir.
2219Generally speaking, women live longer than men.S umata, tisednan tettiɣzif tmeddurt-nsen ugar n yergazen.
2220Generally speaking, women live longer than men.S umata, tisednan tteddrent ugar n yergazen.
2221Generally speaking, Americans are very fond of coffee.S umata, Imarikaniyen ḥemmlen aṭas taɣlust.
2222Generally speaking, men are stronger than women.S umata, irgazen jehden ugar n tsednan.
2223Generally speaking, boys can run faster than girls.S umata, iqcicen ttɣawalen deg tazzla ugar n teqcicin.
2224If you shout from the top of a cliff, you can hear the echo of your voice.Lemmer ad d-tsuɣeḍ seg kra n wecṛuf, tzemreḍ ad tesleḍ i weṣda n taɣect-nnek.
2225If you shout from the top of a cliff, you can hear the echo of your voice.Lemmer ad d-tsuɣeḍ seg kra n wecṛuf, tzemreḍ ad tesleḍ i weṣda n taɣect-nnem.
2226If you shout from the top of a cliff, you can hear the echo of your voice.Lemmer ad d-tsuɣem seg kra n wecṛuf, tzemrem ad teslem i weṣda n tuɣac-nwen.
2227If you shout from the top of a cliff, you can hear the echo of your voice.Lemmer ad d-tsuɣemt seg kra n wecṛuf, tzemremt ad teslemt i weṣda n tuɣac-nwent.
2228You must not read such books as will do you harm.Ur yessefk ad teɣreḍ idlisen ara k-iḍurren.
2229You must not read such books as will do you harm.Ur yessefk ad teɣreḍ idlisen ara kem-iḍurren.
2230You must not read such books as will do you harm.Ur yessefk ad teɣrem idlisen ara ken-iḍurren.
2231You must not read such books as will do you harm.Ur yessefk ad teɣremt idlisen ara kent-iḍurren.
2232You must not read such a magazine, as it will do you harm.Ur yessefk ad teɣreḍ tisɣunin ara k-iḍurren.
2233You must not read such a magazine, as it will do you harm.Ur yessefk ad teɣreḍ tisɣunin ara kem-iḍurren.
2234You must not read such a magazine, as it will do you harm.Ur yessefk ad teɣrem tisɣunin ara ken-iḍurren.
2235You must not read such a magazine, as it will do you harm.Ur yessefk ad teɣremt tisɣunin ara kent-iḍurren.
2236You should buy some cough medicine and aspirin.Yessefk ad d-tesɣeḍ iẓem n tusut akked taspirint.
2237Cover your mouth when you cough, sneeze, or yawn.Ddal imi-nnek mi ara tettusuḍ neɣ mi ara tɛeḍḍseḍ neɣ mi ara tettfaḍ.
2238Don’t make fun of foreigners.Ur smesxir s yibeṛṛaniyen.
2239It is difficult for foreigners to get used to Japanese food.Yewɛeṛ ɣef yibeṛṛaniyen ad nnamen ucci ajapuni.
2240If you engage in espionage for a foreign power, you are selling your country down the river.Ma yella txedmeḍ d amaɣlay i kra n tmurt tabeṛṛanit, aql-ik la tessegriribeḍ tamurt-nnek.
2241If you engage in espionage for a foreign power, you are selling your country down the river.Ma yella txedmeḍ d tamaɣlayt i kra n tmurt tabeṛṛanit, aql-ikem la tessegriribeḍ tamurt-nnem.
2242If you engage in espionage for a foreign power, you are selling your country down the river.Ma yella txedmeḍ d amaɣlay i kra n tmurt tabeṛṛanit, aql-ik la tetthudduḍ tamurt-nnek.
2243If you engage in espionage for a foreign power, you are selling your country down the river.Ma yella txedmeḍ d tamaɣlayt i kra n tmurt tabeṛṛanit, aql-ikem la tetthudduḍ tamurt-nnem.
2244It is difficult for foreign students to speak English well.Yewɛeṛ ɣef yinelmaden ibeṛṛaniyen ad ssiwlen mliḥ tanglizit.
2245Foreigners admire Mt. Fuji.Ibeṛṛaniyen ḥemmlen Adrar n Fuji.
2246Foreigners admire Mt. Fuji.Ibeṛṛaniyen tɛejjben s Wedrar n Fuji.
2247Speaking foreign languages is not easy.Assiwel n yilsawen ibeṛṛaniyen ur fessus.
2248To speak a foreign language well takes time.Amdan yeḥwaj akud akken ad yessawal mliḥ kra n yiles abeṛṛani.
2249Few people can speak a foreign language perfectly.Drusit yemdanen ay izemren ad serrḥen mliḥ deg kra n yiles abeṛṛani.
2250It takes years to master a foreign language.D iseggasen ay yeḥwaj yiwen akken ad iserreḥ deg kra n yiles abeṛṛani.
2251If I want to master a foreign language, I must study as much as possible.Ma bɣiɣ ad serrḥeɣ deg kra n yiles abeṛṛani, yessefk ad t-ɣreɣ anect umi zemreɣ.
2252You can’t master a foreign language in a short time; you have to study it step by step.Ur tezmireḍ ad tserrḥeḍ deg kra n yiles n ubeṛṛani dindin kan; yessefk ad t-teɣreḍ cwiṭ, cwiṭ.
2253You can’t master a foreign language in a short time; you have to study it step by step.Ur tezmirem ad tserrḥem deg kra n yiles n ubeṛṛani dindin kan; yessefk ad t-teɣrem cwiṭ, cwiṭ.
2254You can’t master a foreign language in a short time; you have to study it step by step.Ur tezmiremt ad tserrḥemt deg kra n yiles n ubeṛṛani dindin kan; yessefk ad t-teɣremt cwiṭ, cwiṭ.
2255Speaking of foreign languages, can you speak French?Imi ay d-nebder ilsawen ibeṛṛaniyen, tzemreḍ ad tessiwleḍ tafṛensist?
2256It is so good to be able to speak a number of foreign languages.D ayen yelhan mi ara tessneḍ ad tessiwleḍ aṭas n yilsawen ibeṛṛaniyen.
2257It is not until you go abroad that you realize how small Japan is.Arma d asmi ara tedduḍ ɣer lbeṛṛani ara teẓreḍ acḥal ay d tamecṭuḥt Japun.
2258It is not until you go abroad that you realize how small Japan is.Arma d asmi ara teddum ɣer lbeṛṛani ara teẓrem acḥal ay d tamecṭuḥt Japun.
2259It is not until you go abroad that you realize how small Japan is.Arma d asmi ara teddumt ɣer lbeṛṛani ara teẓremt acḥal ay d tamecṭuḥt Japun.
2260Have you been abroad?Yella wasmi ay teddiḍ ɣer lbeṛṛani?
2261Have you been abroad?Teddiḍ ɣer lbeṛṛani?
2262There are a number of shops selling foreign books and periodicals.Llant kra n tḥuna ay yesnuzuyen idlisen ed tsufaɣ tibeṛṛaniyin.
2263You learn a lot about your own country if you live abroad.Mi ara teddreḍ deg lbeṛṛani, ad ternuḍ ad tlemdeḍ aṭas n tɣawsiwin ɣef tmurt-nnek.
2264You learn a lot about your own country if you live abroad.Mi ara teddreḍ deg lbeṛṛani, ad ternuḍ ad tlemdeḍ aṭas n tɣawsiwin ɣef tmurt-nnem.
2265You learn a lot about your own country if you live abroad.Mi ara teddrem deg lbeṛṛani, ad ternum ad tlemdem aṭas n tɣawsiwin ɣef tmurt-nwen.
2266You learn a lot about your own country if you live abroad.Mi ara teddremt deg lbeṛṛani, ad ternumt ad tlemdemt aṭas n tɣawsiwin ɣef tmurt-nwent.
2267You learn a lot about your own country if you live abroad.Mi ara teddreḍ deg lbeṛṛani, ad tlemdeḍ aṭas n tɣawsiwin ur tessineḍ ɣef tmurt-nnek.
2268You learn a lot about your own country if you live abroad.Mi ara teddreḍ deg lbeṛṛani, ad tlemdeḍ aṭas n tɣawsiwin ur tessineḍ ɣef tmurt-nnem.
2269You learn a lot about your own country if you live abroad.Mi ara teddrem deg lbeṛṛani, ad tlemdem aṭas n tɣawsiwin ur tessinem ɣef tmurt-nwen.
2270You learn a lot about your own country if you live abroad.Mi ara teddremt deg lbeṛṛani, ad tlemdemt aṭas n tɣawsiwin ur tessinemt ɣef tmurt-nwent.
2271We have to buy them from abroad.Yessefk ad ten-id-nseɣ seg lbeṛṛani.
2272Appearance is deceptive.Timeẓri tettawey deg leɣlaḍ.
2273Once outside, I gave a deep sigh of relief.Mi d-ffɣeɣ ɣer beṛṛa, greɣ-d nnehta am win ihennan.
2274It was pitch black outside.Temdel tallest deg beṛṛa.
2275It was pitch black outside.Deg beṛṛa, temdel tallest.
2276It is getting dark outdoors.La d-iɣelli ḍḍlam deg beṛṛa.
2277It’s raining buckets outside.La yettceṛcuṛ wenẓar deg beṛṛa.
2278I have a spare key to my house hidden outside.Sɛiɣ aslag n tsarut n wexxam, tteffreɣ-d deg beṛṛa.
2279May I go out to play?Zemreɣ ad ffɣeɣ ad urareɣ?
2280No sooner had I gone out than it began to rain.Akken kan ay ffɣeɣ, yebda yekkat wenẓar.
2281As soon as I went out, it began to rain.Akken kan ay ffɣeɣ, yebda yekkat wenẓar.
2282I couldn’t sleep well because it was noisy outside.Ur ḍḍiseɣ ara mliḥ acku yella aṭas n lḥess deg beṛṛa.
2283What time does the play begin?Ɣef wacḥal ara d-tebdu tmezgunt-nni?
2284Open up.Ldey!
2285How many pictures did you buy?Acḥal n tugniwin ay d-tesɣiḍ?
2286You must not touch the paintings.Ur yessefk ad tennaleḍ tifelwiyin-nni.
2287Never confuse art with life.Ur ssexlaḍ gar tẓuri ed tmeddurt.
2288I don’t have the slightest idea.Ur sɛiɣ akk takti ɣef wanect-a.
2289All were satisfied.Yeɛjeb-asen akk lḥal.
2290Speak clearly so that everyone may hear you.Ssefru-d awal-nnek akken ad zemren akk medden ad ak-slen.
2291Has a change in ocean currents occurred?Yella-d kra n ubeddel deg yengiyen n ugaraw?
2292I am taking a holiday at the beach.La sɛeddayeɣ imuras-inu deg teftist.
2293We want to explore an underwater oil field.Nebɣa ad nesnirem yiwen n yiger n upitṛul ddaw yilel.
2294A submarine cable was laid between the two countries.Ssersen yiwen n ugatu ddaw yilel gar snat-nni n tmura.
2295He met his friend while bathing in the sea.Yemlal-d ameddakel-nnes mi yella yettɛumu deg yilel.
2296Which way is the beach?Anda-t webrid ay yettawyen ɣer teftist?
2297Which way is the beach?Anwa ay d abrid ay yettawyen ɣer teftist?
2298I had a chance to travel abroad.Tṣaḥ-iyi-d tegnit ad ssikleɣ.
2299I’ve been invited on a trip abroad, but I don’t want to go.Ɛerḍen-iyi-d akken ad dduɣ ɣer lbeṛṛani, maca ur bɣiɣ ad dduɣ.
2300When you travel abroad, you usually need a passport.S umata, mi ara tessikleḍ deg lbeṛṛani, ad teḥwijeḍ apaspuṛ.
2301When you travel abroad, you usually need a passport.S umata, mi ara tessiklem deg lbeṛṛani, ad teḥwijem apaspuṛ.
2302When you travel abroad, you usually need a passport.S umata, mi ara tessiklemt deg lbeṛṛani, ad teḥwijemt apaspuṛ.
2303You should take another pair of glasses when you go abroad.Mi ara tedduḍ ɣer lbeṛṛani, a win yufan ad tawyeḍ tisekkadin n zzyada.
2304You should take another pair of glasses when you go abroad.Mi ara teddum ɣer lbeṛṛani, a win yufan ad tawyem tisekkadin n zzyada.
2305You should take another pair of glasses when you go abroad.Mi ara teddumt ɣer lbeṛṛani, a win yufan ad tawyemt tisekkadin n zzyada.
2306Neptune is the eighth planet of the solar system.Neftun d amtiweg wis tam n unagraw afukan.
2307I work for a shipping company.Xeddmeɣ deg yiwet n teṛmist n umesni awlal.
2308Far away across the sea lies the sunny land of Italy.Akkin i yilel, ad tafeḍ tamurt n Ṭṭalyan ay yeṛwan tafukt.
2309The sea is down.Yuder yilel.
2310The monster’s smile was cruel.Azmumeg-nni n yemẓiwen ur telli deg-s ṛṛeḥma.
2311He went to France to brush up on his speaking ability.Yedda ɣer Fṛansa akken ad iɛawed ad yesselhu aswir-nnes deg tefṛensist.
2312The President did me the courtesy of replying to my letter.Aselway yessemɣer yes-i yerna yerra-d ɣef tebṛat-inu.
2313The firm went under due to lack of capital.Lfirma-nni tefles imi ay tt-ixuṣṣ yihri.
2314The firm went under due to lack of capital.Lfirma-nni tefles imi ay tt-ixuṣṣ ṛaselmal.
2315The company was in want of money.Taṛmist-nni tella teḥwaj idrimen.
2316My company is sending us all to Hakone this year.Aseggas-a, taṛmist-inu ad aɣ-tazen akk ɣer Hakone.
2317The meeting is held twice a month.Timlilit-nni tettili-d snat n tikkal deg wayyur.
2318Could I have the check?Tzemreḍ ad iyi-d-tefkeḍ tafatuṛt?
2319The meeting room is downstairs.Tazeɣɣa n temlilit attan ukessar.
2320The meeting was canceled.Tettwabṭel temlilit-nni.
2321The meeting is scheduled for 10 a.m.Timlilit-nni ad d-tili ɣef tis mraw n tṣebḥit.
2322The meeting closed at four p.m.Timlilit-nni tfuk ɣef tis kuẓet n tmeddit.
2323The meeting closed at four p.m.Timlilit-nni tfuk ɣef ṛṛebɛa n tmeddit.
2324The conference is already over, sir.Ifuk yagi usarag-nni a Mass.
2325The meeting was held here.Da ay d-tella temlilit-nni.
2326Can the meeting be finished within two hours?Tezmer temlilit-nni ad tfak deg snat n tsaɛtin?
2327Did he show up at the meeting?Iban-d deg temlilit-nni?
2328You have to raise your hand if you want to speak at the meeting.Deg temlilit, ma tebɣiḍ ad tessiwleḍ, yessefk ad trefdeḍ afus-nnek.
2329You have to raise your hand if you want to speak at the meeting.Deg temlilit, ma tebɣiḍ ad tessiwleḍ, yessefk ad trefdeḍ afus-nnem.
2330Mention each member by name, please.Ttxil-k, bder-d yal amaslaḍ s yisem.
2331Mention each member by name, please.Ttxil-m, bder-d yal amaslaḍ s yisem.
2332Mention each member by name, please.Ttxil-wen, bedret-d yal amaslaḍ s yisem.
2333Mention each member by name, please.Ttxil-went, bedremt-d yal amaslaḍ s yisem.
2334Mention each member by name, please.Ttxil-k, bder-d yal tamaslaḍt s yisem.
2335Mention each member by name, please.Ttxil-m, bder-d yal tamaslaḍt s yisem.
2336Mention each member by name, please.Ttxil-wen, bedret-d yal tamaslaḍt s yisem.
2337Mention each member by name, please.Ttxil-went, bedremt-d yal tamaslaḍt s yisem.
2338You do not really understand a man till you have met him.Ur tezmireḍ ad tfehmeḍ kra n wemdan s tidet arma temlaleḍ-d yid-s.
2339You do not really understand a man till you have met him.Ur tezmirem ad tfehmem kra n wemdan s tidet arma temlalem-d yid-s.
2340You do not really understand a man till you have met him.Ur tezmiremt ad tfehmemt kra n wemdan s tidet arma temlalemt-d yid-s.
2341It’s not until you have met him that you really understand a man.Arma temlaleḍ-d ed kra n wemdan ara tzemreḍ ad t-tfehmeḍ.
2342It’s not until you have met him that you really understand a man.Arma temlalem-d ed kra n wemdan ara tzemrem ad t-tfehmem.
2343It’s not until you have met him that you really understand a man.Arma temlalemt-d ed kra n wemdan ara tzemremt ad t-tfehmemt.
2344I wonder if you could find some time to see me.Wissen ma tzemreḍ ad testufuḍ akken ad d-terzuḍ fell-i.
2345Where can I go to buy art books and catalogues?Seg wansi ay zemreɣ ad d-sɣeɣ idlisen ed yikaṭalugen n tẓuri?
2346Our company has annual sales of a thousand million yen.Yal aseggas, taṛmist-nneɣ tesnuzuy azal n umelyun n yiyenen n sselɛa.
2347Not all of us can speak English.Ur akken ma nella nessen ad nessiwel s tanglizit.
2348We consumers must buy more domestic products.Nekkni s yemsudren, yessefk ad d-nessaɣ ugar ifarisen ay d-yettwaxedmen deg tmurt-nneɣ.
2349We agreed to start early the next morning.Nemsefham ad nebdu zik azekka-nni.
2350We believe in democracy.Nekkni nettamen s tugdut.
2351We are lovers of the beautiful.Nekkni nḥemmel ccbaḥa.
2352We looked down at the beautiful sea.Mi nemmuqqel d akessar, nwala ccbaḥa n yilel.
2353We admire her for her bravery.Teɛjeb-aneɣ tebɣest-nnes.
2354We admire her for her bravery.Teɛjeb-aɣ tebɣest-nnes.
2355We are anxious about her health.Nugad ɣef tezmert-nnes.
2356We should follow his example.A win yufan ad neḍfer amedya-nnes.
2357We were unable to follow his logic.Ur nessaweḍ ad neḍfer tameẓla-nnes.
2358We accepted his offer.Neqbel assumer-nnes.
2359We opposed his plan to build a new road.Nella mgal usenfar-nni-nnes n lebni n webrid amaynu.
2360We showed him some pictures of the Alps.Nessken-as kra n tugniwin n Yedraren n Alp.
2361We received word of his death.Yuweḍ-aɣ-d yisali n tmettant-nnes.
2362We expect that he’ll help us.Neḍmeɛ ad aɣ-iɛawen.
2363We expect that he’ll help us.Neḍmeɛ deg-s ad aɣ-iɛawen.
2364We met along the way.Nemlal deg webrid.
2365We should deal with this matter without delay.Yessefk ad d-nelhu s wugur-a war leɛḍil.
2366We eat bread and butter for lunch.I yimekli, d aɣrum s wudi ay nttett.
2367We will explore every planet that goes around the sun.Ad nesnirem yal amtiweg ay yettezzin ɣef Tafukt.
2368We watched the sun setting behind the mountains.Nwala tafukt mi tella tɣerreb deffir yedraren.
2369We must make the best use of solar energy.Yessefk ad nfaṛes seg wafud n tafukt.
2370We are exploring new sources, such as solar and atomic energy.Aql-aɣ la nettnadi ɣef teɣbula timaynutin am wafud n tafukt ed wafud abelkami.
2371We must get over many difficulties.Yessefk ad nefru aṭas n wuguren.
2372We build and maintain relationships with others.Ntteg-d assaɣen ed wiyaḍ yerna ntteg-asen leqrar.
2373We’ve become a mockery to the whole village.Neqqel d taḍsa deg taddart.
2374We are forty-three in all.S ujemmal, aql-aɣ kuẓet n tmerwin ed kraḍ.
2375We looked out the window but saw nothing.Nḍall seg tzewwut, maca ur nwala acemma.
2376We must sow the seeds of mutual understanding.Yessefk ad nezreɛ zzerriɛa n wemsefham.
2377We must beef up our organization.Yessefk ad nessejhed tuddsa-nneɣ.
2378We agreed to start early.Nemsefham ad nebdu zik.
2379We named my son after my grandfather.Nsemma-as i memmi ɣef yisem n jeddi.
2380There are seven of us.Aql-aɣ deg sebɛa.
2381There are seven of us.Aql-aɣ deg sa.
2382We will never countenance terrorism.Werjin ad neqbel taremmiɣt.
2383We need to nourish our spirit.Yessefk ad nessecc taṛwiḥt-nneɣ.
2384We eat to live, not live to eat.Nttett akken ad nedder. Ur neddir akken ad necc.
2385We eat so we can live.Nttett akken ad nedder.
2386We are longing for world peace.Nebɣa s tidet ad tili talwit deg umaḍal.
2387We must pay attention to traffic signals.Yessefk ad nerr ddehn-nneɣ ɣer teftilin n webrid.
2388We must always be prepared for the worst.Yessefk dima ad nessewjed iman-nneɣ i uwezɣi.
2389We discussed our plan for the future.Nessawel ɣef uɣawas-nneɣ n yimal.
2390We ought to win.A win yufan ad nerbeḥ.
2391We said we should win.Nenna-d yessefk ad nerbeḥ.
2392We’re eating up a lot of time writing letters by hand.Tira n tebṛatin s ufus tettaḍḍaf-aɣ aṭas n wakud.
2393We enjoyed watching the game.Teɛjeb-as temlilit-nni.
2394We must abide by the rules of the game.Yessefk ad nqader ilugan n wurar.
2395We usually met at a certain place in the city.Nella nennum nettemlili deg yiwen n wemkan deg temdint.
2396We were forced to work hard.Terra-aɣ tmara ad nexdem s lḥif.
2397We must do our job as best as we can.Yessefk ad neg akk ayen umi nezmer akken ad ngerrez axeddim-nneɣ.
2398We traveled around the country by car.Nḥewwes-d tamurt-nni s tkeṛṛust.
2399We traveled around the country by car.Nessakel deg wakk timiwa n tmurt-nni s tkeṛṛust.
2400We traveled around the country by car.Nezzi-d i wakk timiwa n tmurt-nni s tkeṛṛust.
2401We took turns driving the car.Nenheṛ takeṛṛust-nni s nnuba.
2402We learn by experience.Nlemmed s tarmit.
2403We eat fish raw.Nttett iselman d izegzawen.
2404We kept on working for hours without eating anything.Neqqim nxeddem d tisaɛtin war ma necca.
2405We eat a meal three times a day.Kraḍt n tram ay nttett deg wass.
2406We went by bus as far as London.Nedda s usakac armi d London.
2407We often eat fish raw.S umata, nttett iselman d izegzawen.
2408We debated the problem.Neskasi ɣef wugur-nni.
2409We often associate black with death.Imdanen tteqqnen aṭas ini aberkan ɣer tmettant.
2410We’ve been living here since July.Seg Yulyu ay nezdeɣ da.
2411We bought a pound of tea.Nesɣa-d arḍel n watay.
2412We agreed among ourselves.Nemsefham gar-aɣ.
2413We can communicate with each other in many ways.Nezmer ad nemselɣu s yebriden yemgerraden.
2414We shall all die some day.Adennit ad nemmet kra n wass.
2415We shall all die some day.Labudd ad nemmet kra n wass.
2416We should deny our children things too sweet.A win yufan ur nettakf i warraw-nneɣ tiɣawsiwin tiẓidanin aṭas.
2417We expect you to carry out what you have once promised.Nettṛaju-k ad aɣ-d-tgeḍ ayen akken ay aɣ-tṛeggmeḍ yiwet n tikkelt.
2418We expect you to carry out what you have once promised.Nettṛaju-kem ad aɣ-d-tgeḍ ayen akken ay aɣ-tṛeggmeḍ yiwet n tikkelt.
2419We expect you to carry out what you have once promised.Nettṛaju-ken ad aɣ-d-tgem ayen akken ay aɣ-tṛeggmem yiwet n tikkelt.
2420We expect you to carry out what you have once promised.Nettṛaju-kent ad aɣ-d-tgemt ayen akken ay aɣ-tṛeggmemt yiwet n tikkelt.
2421We must make do with what we have got.Yessefk ad nḍebber iɣfawen-nneɣ s cwiṭ-nni ay nesɛa.
2422Our ownership in the company is 60%.Nekkni nesɛa 60% seg teṛmist-nni.
2423Our class consists of fifty boys.Deg tneɣrit-nneɣ llan semmuset n tmerwin n yeqcicen.
2424Our class consists of fifty boys.Deg tneɣrit-nneɣ llan xemsin n yeqcicen.
2425Our teacher is at once stern and kindly.Taselmadt-nneɣ telha yerna tewɛeṛ.
2426Our car was fast and soon got ahead of the other cars.Takeṛṛust-nneɣ tella d taruradt yerna dindin tezwar tikeṛwas-nni niḍen.
2427Our public leaders are imaginative and often come up with new ideas.Imḍebbren-nneɣ ssnen ad xaylen yerna nnumen ttawyen-d tikta timaynutin.
2428Our experiment went wrong last week.Tarmit-nneɣ n dduṛt yezrin ur tecci.
2429Our project collapsed.Asenfar-nneɣ yeɣli deg waman.
2430Our project collapsed.Asenfar-nteɣ yeɣli deg waman.
2431Our ultimate goal is to establish world peace.Iswi-nneɣ aneggaru netta d assebded n talwit deg umaḍal.
2432Our team won the game.Taɣlamt-nneɣ terbeḥ timlilit-nni.
2433We had a slight difference of opinion.Leṛyuy-nneɣ llan mgerraden cwiṭ.
2434We may well take pride in our old temples.Nezmer ad nzuxx s yifakanen-nneɣ iqburen.
2435Our school adopted his teaching methods.Aɣerbaz-nneɣ yeqqel yesseqdac tarrayin-nnes n usselmed.
2436Our school has adopted a new teaching method.Aɣerbaz-nneɣ yeqqel yesseqdac tarrayt n usselmed d tamaynut.
2437Our army broke through the enemy defenses.Igen-nneɣ yessaweḍ ad iɛeddi i temḥaddit n weɛdaw.
2438We decorated the Christmas tree with lights.Ncebbeḥ aseklu-nni n Tlalit s teftilin.
2439They say that he hates to study.Nnan-d yekṛeh ad iɣer.
2440Eating too much fat is supposed to cause heart disease.Ucci n waṭas n lidam yezmer ad d-yeg aḍḍan n wul.
2441It’s no use crying over spilt milk.Ma ifat yenɣel ukeffay, ula aɣ-d-gen yimeṭṭawen.
2442It’s never too late to make amends.Werjin yettfat lḥal akken ad yeg wemdan leṣlaḥ.
2443You cannot have your cake and eat it, too.Ur tezmireḍ ad tecceḍ angul-nnek yerna ad t-tjemɛeḍ ɣef teswiɛt.
2444Could you carry my bags for me?Tzemreḍ ad iyi-trefdeḍ ticulliḍin-inu?
2445Please put your baggage on this scale.Ttxil-k, ssers afecku-nnek ɣef umizan-a.
2446Send your baggage in advance.Azen afecku-nnek d amezwaru.
2447Send your baggage in advance.Azen afecku-nnem d amezwaru.
2448Send your baggage in advance.Aznet afecku-nwen d amezwaru.
2449Send your baggage in advance.Aznemt afecku-nwent d amezwaru.
2450Where should I put my baggage?Anda ara sserseɣ afecku-inu?
2451Where can I get my baggage?Seg wansi ara d-awyeɣ afecku-inu?
2452There are some beautiful roses in the vase.Llant kra n tlellact d tucbiḥin deg tbuqalt.
2453Hanako has forgotten her umbrella again.Hanako tettu daɣen tasiwant-nnes.
2454I can’t wait for spring to come so we can sit under the cherry trees.Ḥareɣ melmi ara d-taweḍ tefsut akken ad neqqim ddaw treḍlimin.
2455The bride looked very beautiful.Tislit-nni tella tecbeḥ.
2456Happy are those who love flowers.D iseɛdiyen wid ay iḥemmlen tijejjigin.
2457A loaf of bread is better than the songs of birds.Aɣrum yif ccna n yegḍaḍ.
2458Flowers and trees need clean air and fresh water.Ijejjigen ed yisekla ḥwajen azwu azedgan ed waman isemmaḍen.
2459Flowers bloom.Tijejjigin ttjujjugent.
2460Flowers are always acceptable.Tijejjigin dima ttwaqbalent.
2461We must water the flower.Yessefk ad nessew tajejjigt-nni.
2462The flowers brightened the room.Tijejjigin cebbḥent taxxamt-nni.
2463The flowers brightened the room.Tijejjigin rnant-d tafat i texxamt-nni.
2464The flowers brightened the room.Tijejjigin gant-d tafat deg texxamt-nni.
2465It has been raining since Tuesday.La yekkat wenẓar seg wass n Ttlata.
2466Is there any life on Mars?Tella kra n tmeddurt deg Meɣres?
2467The fire was put out at the cost of a fireman’s life.Times-nni texsi maca yemmut yiwen n usexsay.
2468The fire was extinguished at once.Imir-nni kan ay sseɣsin times-nni.
2469The fire was extinguished at once.Imir-nni kan ay tettwasseɣsi tmes-nni.
2470The cause of the fire was his cigarette butt.Amigu-nni-nnes n ddexxan ay yesnedḥen times-nni.
2471There is not much doubt about the cause of the fire.Ur yelli waṭas n ccek ɣef wayen ay d-yesnedḥen times-nni.
2472Fire! Run!Times! Rewlet!
2473The mail train lost most of its mail in the fire.Tamacint-nni n tebṛatin tesṛuḥ aṭas n tebṛatin mi tendeḥ deg-s tmes.
2474Don’t forget to put out the fire.Ur ttettu ad tessexsiḍ times-nni.
2475There is no smoke without fire.Ulac awwu war times.
2476As he had no way of making fire, he ate the fish raw.Imi ur yufi amek ara yessiɣ times, yecca iselman-nni d izegzawen.
2477Every rose has its thorns.Ur telli tlelluct ur yesɛin isennanen.
2478The rivers were flooded by the heavy rain.Ḥemlen yisafen seg wenẓar-nni ay d-yecceṛcṛen.
2479Singing is her strong point.Nettat teẓwer deg ccna.
2480Would you like some fruit?Tebɣiḍ ad tecceḍ cwiṭ n yigumma?
2481Fruit trees require a large amount of space in which to grow.Isekla n yigumma ḥwajen aṭas n littseɛ akken ad gmun.
2482I strolled along the streets to kill time.Nnemḍareɣ deg yizenqan akken ad sɛeddiɣ akud.
2483Come and see me whenever you are free.As-d ad iyi-teẓreḍ mi ara testufuḍ.
2484You’ll have to attend the ceremony whether you are free or busy.Yessefk ad tḥedṛeḍ tafagla-nni, ama testufaḍ neɣ uhu.
2485You’ll have to attend the ceremony whether you are free or busy.Yessefk ad tḥedṛem tafagla-nni, ama testufam neɣ uhu.
2486You’ll have to attend the ceremony whether you are free or busy.Yessefk ad tḥedṛemt tafagla-nni, ama testufamt neɣ uhu.
2487Scientific truth is a creation of the human mind.Tidet tussnant d asnulfu n leɛqel n wemdan.
2488Sleep and wait for good luck.Ḍḍes, teṛjuḍ ad d-yaweḍ zzheṛ-nnek.
2489Are you happy in your house?Tfeṛḥeḍ deg wexxam-nnek?
2490How much is the rent per month?Acḥal lekra i wayyur?
2491There are a lot of persons who try to buy a house.Aṭas n medden ay iɛerrḍen ad d-sɣen ixxamen.
2492I had no sooner left the house than it began to rain hard.Akken kan ay ffɣeɣ seg wexxam, yebda yettceṛcuṛ wenẓar.
2493I had hardly left home when it began raining.Akken kan ay ffɣeɣ seg wexxam, yebda yekkat wenẓar.
2494As soon as I left home, it began to rain.Akken kan ay ffɣeɣ seg wexxam, yebda yekkat wenẓar.
2495I had hardly left home when it began to rain heavily.Akken kan ay ffɣeɣ seg wexxam, yebda la d-yettceṛcuṛ wenẓar.
2496As I left the house, I remembered the key.Mi ffɣeɣ seg wexxam, mmektiɣ-d tasarut-nni.
2497Could you please drive me home?Ttxil-k, tzemreḍ ad iyi-tessiwḍeḍ s axxam?
2498Shall I drive you home?Ad k-ssiwḍeɣ s axxam?
2499Shall I drive you home?Ad kem-ssiwḍeɣ s axxam?
2500Shall I drive you home?Ad ken-ssiwḍeɣ s axxam?
2501Shall I drive you home?Ad kent-ssiwḍeɣ s axxam?
2502The house looked good; moreover, the price was right.Axxam-nni yecbeḥ yerna ssuma-nnes meɛqulet.
2503I spent the holidays decorating the house.Sɛegbeɣ d swayeɛ sbehhiɣ taddart.
2504I spent the holidays decorating the house.Sɛegbeɣ d swayeɛ ttzewwqeɣ taddart.
2505I spent the holidays decorating the house.Wwteɣ d swayeɛ sbehhiɣ taddart.
2506There are scarcely any flowers in our garden.Yababa, lac ula d igget newwaṛet tabḥirt‑nneɣ.
2507Let me show you around our house.Ejj‑iyi ac‑ssunḍeɣ i teddart.
2508Let me show you around our house.Ejj‑iyi ac‑sḍureɣ i wexxam.
2509We are not cold in the house.U’nesmiḍ taddart‑u.
2510We are not cold in the house.Laci semmeḍ taddart‑u.
2511We are not cold in the house.Uhu nettḥussa i semmeḍ taddart‑u.
2512All was silent in the house.Kulci yesseɣd taddart‑u.
2513All was silent in the house.Lḥal yessusem taddart‑u.
2514Every door in the house is locked.May tella igget twurt taddart‑u gaɛ teqqes.
2515Every door in the house is locked.May tella igget twurt taddart‑u gaɛ teṣleḥ.
2516I think the only problem I have now is being shut in at home.Yettbanay‑id lmuckel iggen ɣiri imaṛ‑u: lliɣ ḥebseɣ taddart‑u.
2517There wasn’t anybody in the house.Lad ḥed wel yettuɣ taddart.
2518When we have a family argument, my husband always sides with his mother instead of me.Sald yili ɣerneɣ iggen lmuckel, arjaz‑ikʷ dima yettbedda mɛa mamma‑s fiɛud ad ibedd mɛa‑ya.
2519Let’s take a rest in the garden instead of indoors.Iya a’naɣ tarist tabḥirt yif jaj.
2520You can’t have lost your coat in the house.Ul imekken ad tɛaded tesjemḍed lbalto‑č taddart.
2521The basements of the houses are likely to have problems.Timeḍmar n teddar‑nni, ad yili dysent lmuckil.
2522A horse passed my house.Yis yeɛgeb f teddart‑ikʷ.
2523A horse passed my house.Yis yeɛgeb f ɣerneɣ.
2524My son can count up to a hundred now.Memmi ad inejjem ad yeḥseb al mya imaṛu.
2525There is a garden in front of the house.Tella tabḥirt ameldad n teddart.
2526A number of cars are parked in front of my house.Iggen lɛadad n tonobilat llanet gaṛanet dessat ɣerneɣ.
2527There was a traffic accident in front of the house yesterday.Yeḍra iggen laksiḍan n lekṛaṛes dessat teddart asennaṭ.
2528I made my whole family leave home.Ssufɣeɣ ay ulun at ɣerneɣ s teddart.
2529She regretted deeply when she looked back on her life.Terza ay terza sy teqqel l wayenni tesseɛgeb dy tmeddurt‑s.
2530Our dog buries its bones in the garden.Aydi-nneɣ imeḍḍel iɣsan-nnes deg tebḥirt.
2531My dog follows me whenever I go.Sanda ay ddiɣ, ad iyi-yeḍfer weydi-inu.
2532Our family consists of five members.Tawacult-nneɣ llan deg-s semmus n yiɛeyyalen.
2533The rise in house prices enabled him to sell his house at a big profit.Mi tuley ssuma n yexxamen, yessaweḍ ad yessenz axxam-nnes s lfayda tameqant.
2534As soon as I got home, it began to rain.Akken kan ay kecmeɣ s axxam, yebda yekkat wenẓar.
2535It wasn’t until I got home that I missed my umbrella.Armi ay uwḍeɣ ɣer wexxam ay faqeɣ sṛuḥeɣ tasiwant-inu.
2536We had a lot of furniture.Nella nesɛa aṭas n yiruka.
2537Don’t you feel the house shaking?Ur la tettḥulfuḍ i wexxam la yettenhezza?
2538The house is on fire.Axxam-nni tendeḥ deg-s tmes.
2539The summer vacation begins in July.Imuras n unebdu beddun-d deg Yulyu.
2540The summer vacation lasts a couple of weeks.Imuras-nni n unebdu sɛan snat ledwaṛ.
2541Do you have any plans for the summer vacation?Yella kra ay tessefraḍ ad t-tgeḍ deg yimuras-a n unebdu?
2542Summer is gone.Ifuk unebdu.
2543There is nothing like ice cream in the summer.Ulac ayen ay yifen tamagrist deg unebdu.
2544There is nothing like ice cream in the summer.Ur yelli wayen ay yifen tamagrist deg unebdu.
2545There are more cars on the road in the summer than in the winter.Abrid yettacaṛ deg unebdu ugar n tegrest.
2546Summer days can be very, very hot.Deg wussan n unebdu, yezmer ad yili weẓɣal d ameqran.
2547I was in London most of the summer.Amur ameqran akk seg unebdu kkiɣ-t deg London.
2548What’s Scotland like in summer?Amek ay tettili Tikust deg unebdu?
2549We can see a lot of stars at night in summer.Deg unebdu, nezmer ad nwali aṭas n yetran deg yiḍ.
2550We have much rain in summer but on the other hand we have little rain in winter.Ɣer-neɣ, yekkat-d aṭas ugeffur deg unebdu, ma deg tegrest, ur d-yekkat aṭas.
2551In the summer, people go to the seaside.Deg unebdu, medden tteddun ɣer teftist.
2552I want to go on a journey around the world if possible.Bɣiɣ ad ssikleɣ deg wakk timiwa n umaḍal, ma iṣaḥ-iyi-d waya.
2553I live in Kakogawa.Zedɣeɣ deg Kakogawa.
2554What is the price?S wacḥal?
2555Observe his facial reaction when we mention a price.Mmuqqel mliḥ amek ara ibeddel wudem-nnes mi ara as-d-nebder atig.
2556Observe his facial reaction when we mention a price.Mmuqqel mliḥ amek ara ibeddel wudem-nnes mi ara as-d-nebder ssuma.
2557Observe his facial reaction when we mention a price.Mmuqqlet mliḥ amek ara ibeddel wudem-nnes mi ara as-d-nebder ssuma.
2558Observe his facial reaction when we mention a price.Mmuqqlet mliḥ amek ara ibeddel wudem-nnes mi ara as-d-nebder atig.
2559Observe his facial reaction when we mention a price.Mmuqqlemt mliḥ amek ara ibeddel wudem-nnes mi ara as-d-nebder ssuma.
2560Observe his facial reaction when we mention a price.Mmuqqlemt mliḥ amek ara ibeddel wudem-nnes mi ara as-d-nebder atig.
2561Who do you think you are?D acu ay tḥesbeḍ iman-nnek?
2562Who do you think you are?D acu ay tḥesbeḍ iman-nnem?
2563Who do you think you are?D acu ay tḥesbem iman-nwen?
2564Who do you think you are?D acu ay tḥesbemt iman-nwent?
2565Millions of trees have been cut down for fuel.D imelyunen n yisekla ay yettwagezmen akken ad gen yes-sen aserɣu.
2566Hundreds of people work in this factory.D tiwinas n medden ay ixeddmen deg lluzin-a.
2567I saw some monkeys climbing the tree.Walaɣ kra n yiddawen la ttalin aseklu-nni.
2568What number bus do I take?D acu-t wuḍḍun n usakac ay yessefk ad t-ḍḍfeɣ?
2569How long are you going to stay?Acḥal ara teqqimeḍ?
2570It rained for several days on end.Iwet wenẓar acḥal n wussan war ma yeḥbes.
2571If I’ve told you once, I’ve told you a thousand times.Ma nniɣ-ak-d kra tikkelt, amzun nniɣ-ak-t-id agim n tikkal.
2572If I’ve told you once, I’ve told you a thousand times.Ma nniɣ-am-d kra tikkelt, amzun nniɣ-am-t-id agim n tikkal.
2573If I’ve told you once, I’ve told you a thousand times.Ma nniɣ-awen-d kra tikkelt, amzun nniɣ-awen-t-id agim n tikkal.
2574If I’ve told you once, I’ve told you a thousand times.Ma nniɣ-awent-d kra tikkelt, amzun nniɣ-awent-t-id agim n tikkal.
2575After several delays, the plane finally left.Sdeffir ma wexxren tawadda-nnes acḥal d tikkelt, asafag-nni yeqleɛ.
2576Thousands of people gathered there.D igiman n medden ay d-yemsegrawen da.
2577Thousands of foreigners visit Japan every year.Yal aseggas, d igiman n yibeṛṛaniyen ay irezzun ɣef Japun.
2578Thousands of people were there.D igiman n medden ay yellan din.
2579What newspaper do you read?D acu n weɣmis ara tawyeḍ?
2580Wherever you go, you will find the same thing.Sanda ay ak-yehwu tedduḍ, d aya kan ara d-tafeḍ.
2581Wherever you go, you will find the same thing.Sanda ay am-yehwu tedduḍ, d aya kan ara d-tafeḍ.
2582Wherever you go, you will find the same thing.Sanda ay awen-yehwu teddum, d aya kan ara d-tafem.
2583Wherever you go, you will find the same thing.Sanda ay awent-yehwu teddumt, d aya kan ara d-tafemt.
2584You can go anywhere you want.Tzemreḍ ad tedduḍ sanda ay ak-yehwa.
2585You can go anywhere you want.Tzemreḍ ad tedduḍ sanda ay am-yehwa.
2586You can go anywhere you want.Tzemrem ad teddum sanda ay awen-yehwa.
2587You can go anywhere you want.Tzemremt ad teddumt sanda ay awent-yehwa.
2588You may sit wherever you like.Tzemreḍ ad teqqimeḍ anda ay ak-yehwa.
2589You may sit wherever you like.Tzemreḍ ad teqqimeḍ anda ay am-yehwa.
2590You may sit wherever you like.Tzemrem ad teqqimem anda ay awen-yehwa.
2591You may sit wherever you like.Tzemremt ad teqqimemt anda ay awent-yehwa.
2592Many kinds of birds live in Japan.Aṭas n leṣnaf n yegḍaḍ ay yeddren deg Japun.
2593It rained for hours and hours.Yeqqim wenẓar yekkat d tisaɛtin.
2594A fox is not caught twice in the same snare.Yiwen wass kan ay tettɛeddi ɣef wuccen.
2595What time do you go to bed?Ɣef wacḥal ay tettaḍḍaseḍ?
2596What time did you eat?Ɣef wacḥal ay tecciḍ?
2597What time and where could we meet?Ɣef wacḥal yerna anda ay nezmer ad nemlil?
2598What time did you arrive there?Ɣef wacḥal ay tuwḍeḍ ɣer din?
2599About what time?Lewhi n wacḥal?
2600When is it convenient for you?Melmi ara teffeɣ fell-ak?
2601All things must have an end.Kullec yessefk ad ifak.
2602All things must have an end.Kullec yesɛa tagara.
2603Why didn’t you tell her?Maɣef ur as-tennid?
2604Why didn’t you tell it to me in advance?Maɣef ur iyi-d-tennid aya seg tazwara?
2605The reason is because I can speak Chinese.Acku ssawaleɣ tacinwat.
2606Why didn’t you come?Maɣef ur d-tusid?
2607What you’re talking about is more important than how you say it.Ayen ayɣef ay tessawaleḍ yesɛa azal ugar n wamek ay tessawaleḍ fell-as.
2608What you’re talking about is more important than how you say it.Ayen ayɣef ay tessawalem yesɛa azal ugar n wamek ay tessawalem fell-as.
2609What you’re talking about is more important than how you say it.Ayen ayɣef ay tessawalemt yesɛa azal ugar n wamek ay tessawalemt fell-as.
2610What did you buy?D acu ay d-tesɣiḍ?
2611What did you buy?Batta i tesɣid?
2612You have to read between the lines to get the most out of anything.Ifuk ad tɛezmed jar idurran, bac ad tessufɣed ṣṣeḥ s gaɛ ma yella cṛa.
2613What are you reading?Batta tellid tɛezzmed?
2614What are you cross about?Batta c‑skerrzen aṃṃ‑u?
2615What was stolen?Batta ttwakren na?
2616What was it I left behind?D acu ay ttuɣ?
2617What was it I left behind?Batta d‑jjiɣ deffer na?
2618What shall I go in?Batta ɣad irḍeɣ sald ẓwiɣ?
2619It’s not what you wear, it’s how you wear it.Ur d ayen ay telsiḍ ay yesɛan azal, wanag d amek ay t-telsiḍ.
2620It’s not what you wear, it’s how you wear it.Ur d ayen ay telsam ay yesɛan azal, wanag d amek ay t-telsam.
2621It’s not what you wear, it’s how you wear it.Ur d ayen ay telsamt ay yesɛan azal, wanag d amek ay t-telsamt.
2622It’s not what you wear, it’s how you wear it.Wiji d lemsalet n batta ɣad tirḍed, lemsalet d manci ɣa t‑tirḍed.
2623What’re you waiting for?I batta tessuǧǧumed?
2624What are you concerned about?Batta c‑ceɣɣben na?
2625What’s your major?Batta d lixtiṣaṣ‑č?
2626What’s your major?Batta d aɛzam‑č na?
2627What are you laughing at?Mimi tḍessed?
2628What are you laughing at?F batta tḍessed?
2629What are you laughing at?Batta c‑sseḍsan?
2630What should I eat?D acu ara cceɣ?
2631What should I eat?D acu ay yessefk ad t-cceɣ?
2632What should I eat?Batta ɣa nwata ad cceɣ?
2633We disputed for hours about what to write.Nemcaḥen d swayeɛ f batta ɣa nari.
2634You should make sure of the facts before you write something.Uqbel ma turiḍ kra, a win yufan ad tetḥeqqeḍ ɣef tidet.
2635You should make sure of the facts before you write something.Uqbel ma turam kra, a win yufan ad tetḥeqqem ɣef tidet.
2636You should make sure of the facts before you write something.Uqbel ma turamt kra, a win yufan ad tetḥeqqemt ɣef tidet.
2637What should I bring?D acu ay yessefk ad t-id-awyeɣ?
2638What should I bring?Batta ɣifi ad d‑awiɣ?
2639What did you make?D acu ay d-tgiḍ?
2640What did you make?Batta teǧǧid?
2641What do you think you’re doing?D acu akka ay la tettgeḍ, ɣef leḥsab-nnek?
2642What do you think you’re doing?D acu akka ay la tettgem, ɣef leḥsab-nwen?
2643What do you think you’re doing?D acu akka ay la tettgemt, ɣef leḥsab-nwent?
2644What do you think you’re doing?Batta teqqared i wul‑č tellid tteǧǧed?
2645How about telling me what you have in mind?Batta tennid ukan ay‑tet‑tefrid?
2646Come on!Aha!
2647Come on!Aywa!
2648What are you thinking about?Batta ttxemmed?
2649Not knowing what to say, he remained silent.Wel yessin batta ɣad yini al yessusem.
2650Not knowing what to say, she remained silent.Wel tessin batta ɣad tini al tessusem.
2651I’m at a loss for what to say.Lliɣ jemḍeɣ s wiwal i tennid.
2652What to say is more important than how to say it.Batta ɣad tinid ad ykud ujar n manci ɣad tinid.
2653What do you mean?D acu ay d-tqesdeḍ?
2654What do you mean?D acu ay tebɣiḍ ad d-tiniḍ?
2655What do you mean?Batta tqeṣded?
2656What do you mean?Batta teɛnid?
2657What do you mean?Batta texsed ad tinid?
2658Not knowing what to see, I asked him for advice.Ul fhimeɣ d batta cṛa‑yu ɣad xezreɣ, nniɣ‑as ay‑yɛawen.
2659What are you going to see?D acu ara twaliḍ?
2660What are you going to see?Batta tellid teẓwid ad txezred?
2661No matter what he plays on the screen, Tom looks great.Ul yetthemmi batta yella yettṛaṛ tilivizyun, Tom ad yeqqim yebha.
2662Why are you so happy?Ayɣer ay tfeṛḥeḍ anect-a akk?
2663In doing anything, do your best.S kra n wayen ara tged, gerrez-it akken tzemred.
2664You should make as much effort as possible in whatever you do.S kra n wayen ara tgeḍ, a win yufan ad tgeḍ akk ayen umi tzemreḍ akken ad t-tesselhuḍ.
2665You should make as much effort as possible in whatever you do.S kra n wayen ara tgem, a win yufan ad tgem akk ayen umi tzemrem akken ad t-tesselhum.
2666You should make as much effort as possible in whatever you do.S kra n wayen ara tgemt, a win yufan ad tgemt akk ayen umi tzemremt akken ad t-tesselhumt.
2667Whatever you do, you must do your best.Ayen yebɣun tgeḍ-t, sselhu-t anect umi tzemreḍ.
2668Whatever you do, you must do your best.Ayen yebɣun tgem-t, sselhut-t anect umi tzemrem.
2669Whatever you do, you must do your best.Ayen yebɣun tgemt-t, sselhumt-t anect umi tzemremt.
2670It is up to you to decide what to do.D kecc ara yeẓren d acu ara tged.
2671It is up to you to decide what to do.D kecc ara yeẓren d acu ara tgeḍ.
2672It is up to you to decide what to do.D kemm ara yeẓren d acu ara tged.
2673It is up to you to decide what to do.D kemm ara yeẓren d acu ara tgeḍ.
2674Not knowing what to do, I called my mother for advice.Imi ur ẓriɣ d acu ara geɣ, ɣriɣ-as i yemma akken ad iyi-d-tmel.
2675You are sure to succeed, whatever you do.Ayen ay ak-yehwun tgeḍ-t, ɣas bnu ad trebḥeḍ deg-s.
2676You are sure to succeed, whatever you do.Ayen ay am-yehwun tgeḍ-t, ɣas bnu ad trebḥeḍ deg-s.
2677You are sure to succeed, whatever you do.Ayen ay awen-yehwun tgem-t, ɣas bnut ad trebḥem deg-s.
2678You are sure to succeed, whatever you do.Ayen ay awent-yehwun tgemt-t, ɣas bnumt ad trebḥemt deg-s.
2679Whatever you may do, you must do your best.Ayen yebɣun tgeḍ-t, eg akk ayen umi tzemreḍ akken ad t-tesselhuḍ.
2680Whatever you may do, you must do your best.Ayen yebɣun tgem-t, get akk ayen umi tzemrem akken ad t-tesselhum.
2681Whatever you may do, you must do your best.Ayen yebɣun tgemt-t, gemt akk ayen umi tzemremt akken ad t-tesselhumt.
2682Tell me what to do.Ini-iyi-d d acu ara geɣ.
2683What do you want to do?D acu ay tebɣiḍ ad t-tgeḍ?
2684Please telephone me when you have made up your mind what you want to do.Ttxil-k, mi ara tt-id-tefruḍ ed yiman-nnek d acu ay tebɣiḍ ad t-tgeḍ, ɣer-iyi-d.
2685Please telephone me when you have made up your mind what you want to do.Ttxil-m, mi ara tt-id-tefruḍ ed yiman-nnem d acu ay tebɣiḍ ad t-tgeḍ, ɣer-iyi-d.
2686Please telephone me when you have made up your mind what you want to do.Ttxil-wen, mi ara tt-id-tefrum ed yiman-nwen d acu ay tebɣam ad t-tgem, ɣret-iyi-d.
2687Please telephone me when you have made up your mind what you want to do.Ttxil-went, mi ara tt-id-tefrumt ed yiman-nwent d acu ay tebɣamt ad t-tgemt, ɣremt-iyi-d.
2688May I help you ma’am?D acu ay teḥwajeḍ a Massa?
2689What’s eating you?D acu akka ay k-iceɣben?
2690Above all, be patient.Yessefk ladɣa ad tṣebreḍ.
2691Are you sure you haven’t forgotten anything?Tetḥeqqeḍ ur tettuḍ acemma?
2692Are you sure you haven’t forgotten anything?Tetḥeqqem ur tettum acemma?
2693Are you sure you haven’t forgotten anything?Tetḥeqqemt ur tettumt acemma?
2694That won’t change anything.Aya ur yettbeddil acemma.
2695Having nothing, nothing can he lose.Imi ur yesɛi acemma, ur yezmir ad yesṛuḥ acemma.
2696Nothing is to be compared to its beauty.Acema ur nezmir ad t-nqaren ɣer ccbaḥa-nnes.
2697You can wear my scarf as long as you don’t spill anything on it.Tzemreḍ ad teqqneḍ akerzi-inu ma yella ur tesmarayeḍ fell-as acemma.
2698Nothing ventured, nothing gained.Ma ur tqemmreḍ acemma, ur d-trebbḥeḍ acemma.
2699Nothing ventured, nothing gained.Ma ur tqemmrem acemma, ur d-trebbḥem acemma.
2700Nothing ventured, nothing gained.Ma ur tqemmremt acemma, ur d-trebbḥemt acemma.
2701Nothing ventured, nothing gained.Win ur yettqemmiren acemma, ur d-irebbeḥ acemma.
2702What do I have?D acu ay sɛiɣ?
2703Who are you to tell me to get out?D acu-k i wakken ad iyi-d-tiniḍ ad ffɣeɣ?
2704What flower do you like best?Anta ay d tajejjigt ay tḥemmleḍ aṭas akk?
2705What did you buy this expensive dictionary for?Ayɣer ay d-tesɣiḍ amawal ɣlayen am wa?
2706What do you learn English for?I wacu ay la tlemmdeḍ tanglizit?
2707What did you buy it for?I wumi ay t-id-tesɣiḍ?
2708What kind of sandwich do you want?D acu n usandwic ay tebɣiḍ?
2709What will you have to eat?D acu ara tecceḍ?
2710Just tell me what you’d like me to do.Ini-iyi-d kan d acu ay tebɣiḍ ad t-geɣ.
2711Just tell me what you’d like me to do.Init-iyi-d kan d acu ay tebɣam ad t-geɣ.
2712Just tell me what you’d like me to do.Inimt-iyi-d kan d acu ay tebɣamt ad t-geɣ.
2713What a beautiful rainbow!Ay tecbeḥ teslit-nni n wenẓar!
2714I don’t know how to reply to that question.Ur ẓriɣ amek ara d-rreɣ ɣef tuttra-a.
2715Please do something about it.Ttxil-k, eg kra deg temsalt-a.
2716What made her do so?D acu ay tt-yejjan ad teg aya?
2717You may take anything you like.Tzemreḍ ad tawyeḍ ayen ay ak-yehwan.
2718You may take anything you like.Tzemrem ad tawyem ayen ay awen-yehwan.
2719You may take anything you like.Tzemreḍ ad tawyeḍ ayen ay am-yehwan.
2720You may take anything you like.Tzemremt ad tawyemt ayen ay awent-yehwan.
2721A jack of all trades is a master of none.Mi tessaggted tazzla, ad teɣlid.
2722Help yourself to anything you’d like to eat.Ecc ayen ay ak-yehwan.
2723Eat whatever you like.Ecc akk ayen ay ak-yehwan.
2724What’s it made from?S wacu ay d-yettweg?
2725What are you going to do?D acu ara tgeḍ?
2726We discussed what to do.Nessawel ɣef wayen ara neg.
2727How many languages can you speak?Acḥal n yilsawen ay tessneḍ ad tessiwleḍ?
2728I want something cold to drink.Bɣiɣ ad sweɣ kra n tɣawsa tasemmaḍt.
2729Tell me what you want.Ini-iyi-d d acu ay tebɣiḍ.
2730What made her do such a thing?D acu ay tt-yessawḍen ad teg aya?
2731If you have some troubles, I recommend you confer with him.Ma tesɛiḍ kra n wugur, ad k-neṣḥeɣ ad t-tciwṛeḍ.
2732If you have some troubles, I recommend you confer with him.Ma tesɛiḍ kra n wugur, ad kem-neṣḥeɣ ad t-tciwṛeḍ.
2733If you have some troubles, I recommend you confer with him.Ma tesɛam kra n wugur, ad ken-neṣḥeɣ ad t-tciwṛem.
2734If you have some troubles, I recommend you confer with him.Ma tesɛamt kra n wugur, ad kent-neṣḥeɣ ad t-tciwṛemt.
2735Would you like to leave a message?Tebɣiḍ ad d-tejjeḍ izen?
2736What is the news?D acu n yisali yellan?
2737I want something hot to drink.Bɣiɣ ad sweɣ kra n tɣawsa yeḥman.
2738Is there anything else you would like to eat?Yella kra niḍen ay tebɣiḍ ad t-tecceḍ?
2739Give me something to eat.Efk-iyi-d d acu ara cceɣ.
2740Can I have something to eat?Tzemreḍ ad iyi-d-fkeḍ d acu ara cceɣ?
2741I want something to eat.Bɣiɣ ad cceɣ kra.
2742Do you have anything to eat?Yella kra ay tesɛiḍ ad t-tecceḍ?
2743Bring me something to eat.Awey-iyi-d d acu ara cceɣ.
2744Please give me something to eat.Ttxil-k, efk-iyi-d d acu ara cceɣ.
2745Please give me something to eat. I am so hungry.Ttxil-k, efk-iyi-d d acu ara cceɣ. Lluẓeɣ aṭas.
2746I’d like something to eat.Bɣiɣ ad cceɣ kra.
2747Is there anything that I should not eat?Yella kra ur yessefk ad t-cceɣ?
2748I want something with which to write.Ḥwajeɣ ayen ayyes ara aruɣ.
2749I want something to write on.Ḥwajeɣ ayen ayɣef ara aruɣ.
2750Give me something to write on.Efk-iyi-d ayen ayɣef ara aruɣ.
2751Can I help you?Zemreɣ ad k-ɛawneɣ?
2752What do you want me to do?D acu ay tebɣiḍ ad t-geɣ?
2753May I say something?Ulac aɣilif ma nniɣ-d kra?
2754What’s the cause?D acu-tt tsebba n waya?
2755As soon as we find out anything, we will contact him.Akken kan ara d-naf kra, ad as-nɣer.
2756As soon as we find out anything, we will contact him.Akken kan ara d-naf kra, ad t-nnermes.
2757Do you have a plan?Yella kra n uɣawas ay tesɛiḍ?
2758Do you have a plan?Tesɛiḍ aɣawas?
2759I have a feeling that something dreadful is going to happen.La ttḥulfuɣ ad yeḍru kra n diri.
2760Something dreadful has happened to Miss Davidson.Teḍra yiwet n tɣawsa n diri i Temsiwt Davidson.
2761What’s going on?D acu akka ay la iḍerrun?
2762Whatever happens, keep calm.Ayen yebɣun yeḍru, kecc hedden iman-nnek.
2763I’ll go no matter what.Ad dduɣ, ayen yebɣun yeḍru.
2764What is going on?D acu akka ay la iḍerrun?
2765I wonder what happened.Wissen d acu ay yeḍran.
2766What’s up?Yella kra n umaynu?
2767Do you know what happened?Teẓrid d acu ay yeḍran?
2768Do you know what happened?Teẓriḍ d acu ay yeḍran?
2769Do you know what happened?Teẓram d acu ay yeḍran?
2770Do you know what happened?Teẓramt d acu ay yeḍran?
2771I feel like eating something sweet.Bɣiɣ ad cceɣ kra n tɣawsa d taẓidant.
2772I want something sweet to eat.Bɣiɣ ad cceɣ kra n tɣawsa d taẓidant.
2773Can I get you something to drink?Tebɣiḍ ad ak-d-awyeɣ kra ad t-tesweḍ?
2774I want something to drink.Bɣiɣ ad sweɣ kra.
2775You must persevere before you can accomplish anything great.I wakken ad tgeḍ kra n tɣawsa tameqrant, yessefk ad tṣebreḍ.
2776You must persevere before you can accomplish anything great.I wakken ad tgem kra n tɣawsa tameqrant, yessefk ad tṣebrem.
2777You must persevere before you can accomplish anything great.I wakken ad tgemt kra n tɣawsa tameqrant, yessefk ad tṣebremt.
2778What is the matter with you?D acu ay k-yuɣen?
2779Did you eat anything bad?Yella kra ay tecciḍ yexṣer?
2780Before buying anything, you had better ask yourself whether you cannot do without it.Uqbel ma tesɣiḍ-d kra, a win yufan ad tetḥeqqeḍ ma terra-k tmara ad t-id-tesɣeḍ neɣ uhu.
2781Before buying anything, you had better ask yourself whether you cannot do without it.Uqbel ma tesɣiḍ-d kra, a win yufan ad tetḥeqqeḍ ma terra-kem tmara ad t-id-tesɣeḍ neɣ uhu.
2782Before buying anything, you had better ask yourself whether you cannot do without it.Uqbel ma tesɣam-d kra, a win yufan ad tetḥeqqem ma terra-ken tmara ad t-id-tesɣem neɣ uhu.
2783Before buying anything, you had better ask yourself whether you cannot do without it.Uqbel ma tesɣamt-d kra, a win yufan ad tetḥeqqemt ma terra-kent tmara ad t-id-tesɣemt neɣ uhu.
2784Would you like anything to eat?Ad tecceḍ kra?
2785What would you like to do while you’re here?D acu ay tebɣiḍ ad t-tgeḍ skud akka ay telliḍ da?
2786What would you like to do while you’re here?D acu ay tebɣam ad t-tgem skud akka ay tellam da?
2787What would you like to do while you’re here?D acu ay tebɣamt ad t-tgemt skud akka ay tellamt da?
2788If you find an interesting book, please buy it for me.Ma tufiḍ-d kra n wedlis yelhan, ttxil-k, seɣ-iyi-t-id.
2789You should put something in your stomach before you go.A win yufan ad tecceḍ kra uqbel ma teddiḍ.
2790You should put something in your stomach before you go.A win yufan ad teccem kra uqbel ma teddam.
2791You should put something in your stomach before you go.A win yufan ad teccemt kra uqbel ma teddamt.
2792If it were to rain tomorrow, the match would be postponed.Lemmer ad d-iwet wenẓar azekka, ad wexxren timlilit-nni.
2793If you were to win the lottery, what would you buy with the money?Lemmer ad trebḥeḍ deg tlutrit, d acu ara d-tesɣeḍ s yedrimen-nni?
2794If you were to win the lottery, what would you buy with the money?Lemmer ad trebḥem deg tlutrit, d acu ara d-tesɣem s yedrimen-nni?
2795If you were to win the lottery, what would you buy with the money?Lemmer ad trebḥemt deg tlutrit, d acu ara d-tesɣemt s yedrimen-nni?
2796If I were to tell you the truth, you would be surprised.Lemmer ad ak-d-iniɣ tidet, ad twehmeḍ.
2797If I were to tell you the truth, you would be surprised.Lemmer ad am-d-iniɣ tidet, ad twehmeḍ.
2798If I were to tell you the truth, you would be surprised.Lemmer ad awen-d-iniɣ tidet, ad twehmem.
2799If I were to tell you the truth, you would be surprised.Lemmer ad awent-d-iniɣ tidet, ad twehmemt.
2800If he wants to succeed at all, he must work harder.Ma yella yebɣa ad yerbeḥ, yessefk ad yeḥṛes iman-nnes deg uxeddim.
2801If I were to tell you the whole truth, you would be amazed.Lemmer ad ak-d-iniɣ akk tidet yellan, ad twehmeḍ.
2802I got soaked to the skin.Bezgeɣ armi d iɣes.
2803Go downstairs and have a wash.Ader d akessar, tessirdeḍ.
2804Do you like listening to music or singing songs?Tḥemmleḍ ad tesleḍ i uẓawan neɣ ad tecnuḍ tizlatin?
2805Are you fond of music?Tḥemmled aẓawan?
2806Are you fond of music?Tḥemmleḍ aẓawan?
2807Are you fond of music?Tḥemmlem aẓawan?
2808Are you fond of music?Tḥemmlemt aẓawan?
2809I hear music.La selleɣ i uẓawan.
2810Don’t make a noise.Ur tteg lḥess.
2811The temperature falls.Tuder teẓɣelt.
2812Can I fix you a hot drink?Ad d-ssewweɣ kra yeḥman ad t-tesweḍ?
2813I want to eat warm soup.Bɣiɣ ad cceɣ abuyun yeḥman.
2814Let’s eat while the food is warm.As-d ad necc skud yeḥma.
2815Cleanse me! Release me! Set me free!Ssizdeg-iyi! Bru-iyi! Serreḥ-iyi!
2816How should I know?Amek ara ẓreɣ?
2817I’m living in the city.Nekk zedɣeɣ deg temdint.
2818Was I wrong?Lliɣ ḍelmeɣ?
2819I am incomplete.Nekk ur mmideɣ.
2820I am incomplete.Nekk ur kmileɣ.
2821I’m a hero.Nekk d asaḍ.
2822I cried all night long.Ruɣ s teɣzef n yiḍ.
2823Be my right-hand man.Bɣiɣ ad tilid d iɣil-inu ayeffus.
2824Be my right-hand man.Bɣiɣ ad tiliḍ d iɣil-inu ayeffus.
2825Don’t worry about me.Ur ttagad fell-i.
2826My papa said no.Baba yenna-d uhu.
2827Are you talking to me?D nekk ay d-telhiḍ?
2828There’s ample room in the attic.Yella aṭas n litteɛ deg tkanna.
2829I see a bird on the roof.La ttwaliɣ agḍiḍ ɣef ssqef.
2830Rain was pattering on the roof.Timeqqa n wenẓar llant la ṭṭerḍiqent ɣef wesfel.
2831Is Okayama a big city?Okayama d tamdint tameqrant?
2832Who’s the girl in a yellow raincoat?Anta ay d taqcict-nni ay yelsan araɣdaw-nni awraɣ?
2833There is a yellow rose.Tella tlelluct tawraɣt.
2834The king turned out to be naked.Yelfa-d agellid-nni yella d aɛeryan.
2835There’s a rich man sleeping on a golden bed.Yella yiwen n wergaz d ameṛkanti, yettaḍḍas deg yiwen n wusu n wureɣ.
2836There’s a rich man sleeping on a golden bed.Yella yiwen wergaz anesbaγur yegnen deg wusu n wureγ.
2837The king will appear in person tomorrow evening.Azekka, d agellid s timmad-nnes ara d-yeffɣen.
2838The King invited not only us but also a lot of other people.Agellid ur aɣ-d-yeɛriḍ kan nekkni, wanag yeɛreḍ-d aṭas n medden niḍen.
2839The king ordered that the prisoner should be set free.Agellid yumeṛ akken ad as-serrḥen i umeḥbus-nni.
2840The king went hunting this morning.Agellid yeffeɣ ad iṣeyyed taṣebḥit-a.
2841Long live the king!Tudert i Ugellid!
2842The queen stood beside the king.Tagellidt tella tebded tama n ugellid.
2843The princess couldn’t help laughing at him.Tageldunt-nni ur tessaweḍ ad teḍḍef iman-nnes ur tettaḍsa fell-as.
2844The royal wedding was a great spectacle.Tissulya-nni n ugellid tella-d d ahanay ameqran.
2845The prince bowed down to Snow White.Ageldun-nni yekna-as i Temlel n Wedfel.
2846The prince was changed into a frog.Ageldun-nni yeqqel d agru.
2847The prince fell in love with a woodcutter’s daughter.Ageldun-nni iḥemmel yelli-s n yiwen n uzeddam.
2848The prince was changed into a tree by magic.Ageldun-nni yeqqel d aseklu s tiḥḥergit.
2849The prince was turned by magic into a frog.Ageldun-nni yeqqel d agru s tiḥḥergit.
2850The prince has set out on a long journey.Ageldun-nni yebda-d assikel d aɣezfan.
2851The prince was lost in the woods.Ageldun-nni yeɛreq-as webrid deg teẓgi.
2852The prince made it known all over the land that he would marry the poor girl.Ageldun-nni ixebber akk tamurt atan ad yaɣ taqcict-nni tigellilt.
2853The prince was confined in the castle for three years.Ageldun-nni yettwaḥbes kraḍ n yiseggasen deg teɣremt.
2854There was a time when kings and queens reigned over the world.Tella yiwet n tallit aydeg d igelliden ed tgellidin ay iḥekmen amaḍal.
2855The knight swore an oath of allegiance to the king.Amnay-nni yeggul ad iqader agellid.
2856The king crushed his enemies.Agellid-nni yemḥeq iɛdawen-nnes.
2857The king was famous for his splendid palace.Agellid-nni yella mechuṛ s leqṣer-nnes ucbiḥ.
2858The king imposed heavy taxes on the people.Agellid-nni iḥettem-d leɣrama d tameqrant ɣef medden.
2859The king exacted taxes from his people.Agellid-nni yeḥṛes lɣaci-nnes akken ad txelliṣen leɣrama d tameqrant.
2860The king was executed.Agellid-nni nɣan-t.
2861The king ruled his kingdom justly.Agellid-nni yeḥkem tagelda-nnes s teɣdemt.
2862The king imposed heavy taxes on his people.Agellid-nni iḥettem-d leɣrama d tameqrant ɣef lɣaci-nnes.
2863The king abused his power.Agellid-nni iɛedda i tlisa deg leḥkem-nnes.
2864The king was stripped of his power.Agellid-nni yettwakkes-as udabu-nnes.
2865The king was shorn of his power.Agellid-nni yettwakkes-as udabu-nnes.
2866The King was assaulted by terrorists.Agellid-nni mmɣen fell-as yiremmaɣen.
2867The king subjected all the tribes to his rule.Agellid-nni yessekna-d akk leɛṛac ddaw udabu-nnes.
2868Kings have long arms.Afus n ugellid ɣezzif.
2869What the king says is always absolute.Ayen ara d-yini ugellid ttwalin-t dima d tidet.
2870The royal palace was built on a hill.Leqṣer-nni n ugellid bnan-t ɣef yiwet n tiɣilt.
2871Mr. Oh came to Japan to study Japanese.Mass Oh yusa-d ɣer Japun akken ad iɣer tajapunit.
2872Mr Wang is from China.Mass Wang seg Ccinwa.
2873The king governed the country.Agellid-nni yeḥkem tamurt.
2874In Europe and America they regard the dog as a member of the family.Deg Tuṛuft ed Temrikt, medden ttwalin aydi d aɛeyyal n wexxam.
2875Push the button, please.Ttxil-k, sit ɣef tqeffalt-nni.
2876Applicants must be under thirty years old.Imsutren yessefk ad sɛun ddaw n kraḍt n tmerwin n yiseggasen.
2877Applicants must be under thirty years old.Imsutren yessefk ad sɛun ddaw n tlatin n yiseggasen.
2878Please say hello to your wife for me.Ttxil-k, ssiweḍ-as sslam i tmeṭṭut-nnek.
2879Send my greetings to your wife.Ttsellim ɣef tmeṭṭut-nnek.
2880Send my greetings to your wife.Ssawaḍ sslam i tmeṭṭut-nnek.
2881May I take your size, madam?Zemreɣ ad kem-ktileɣ a Massa?
2882Could you pass me the salt, please?Tzemreḍ ad iyi-d-tefkeḍ tisent-nni?
2883Put down your pencil and listen to me.Ssers akeryun-nnek tesleḍ-iyi-d.
2884Have you got a pencil?Tesɛiḍ akeryun?
2885I need a pencil. Can I use one of yours?Ḥwajeɣ akeryun. Zemreɣ ad sqedceɣ yiwen seg widak-nnek?
2886Which is heavier, lead or gold?Anwa ay ẓẓayen, d aldun neɣ d ureɣ?
2887I had not gone far before it began to rain.Werɛad ur sbeɛdeɣ, yebda la yekkat wenẓar.
2888I saw a house in the distance.Walaɣ axxam ɣer mebɛid.
2889Mt. Fuji could be seen in the distance.Nella nezmer ad nwali adrar n Fuji ɣer mebɛid.
2890Mt. Fuji could be seen in the distance.Yella yettban-d wedrar n Fuji ɣer mebɛid.
2891Monkeys climb trees.Iddawen ttalyen isekla.
2892It is easy for a monkey to climb a tree.Fessus ɣef yiddew ad yaley aseklu.
2893A monkey is climbing up a tall tree.Yiwen n yiddew la yettaley yiwen n useklu d aɣezfan.
2894The forest is teeming with monkeys.Tiẓgi-nni teccuṛ d iddawen.
2895Black smoke came out of the chimney.Yella yetteffeɣ wawwu aberkan seg tesfiɣt-nni.
2896How many cigarettes am I allowed to take back duty free?Acḥal n yigeṛṛuten ay zemreɣ ad ten-awyeɣ war ma xellṣeɣ fell-asen tiwsi?
2897Will you give me a light?Tesɛiḍ infed?
2898Don’t forget to extinguish your cigarette.Ur ttettu ara ad tesseɣsid ageṛṛu-nnek.
2899Don’t forget to extinguish your cigarette.Ur ttettu ara ad tesseɣsid ageṛṛu-nnem.
2900Don’t forget to extinguish your cigarette.Ur ttettu ara ad tesseɣsiḍ ageṛṛu-nnek.
2901Don’t forget to extinguish your cigarette.Ur ttettu ara ad tesseɣsiḍ ageṛṛu-nnem.
2902Fire devoured the forest.Tiẓgi-nni tecca-tt tmes.
2904The coast was warned against a tsunami.Ɛeyynen-asen i yimezdaɣen n tefsirt yezmer ad d-iwet utsunami.
2905I am very grateful to you for your help.Snemmireɣ-k aṭas ɣef uɛawen-nnek.
2906We ran on as far as the station.Nuzzel armi d taɣsert.
2907Let me give you a lift as far as the station.As-d ad k-ssiwḍeɣ arma d taɣsert.
2908Will you give me a lift to the station?Ad iyi-tessiwḍeḍ arma d taɣsert?
2909Could you give me a lift to the train station?Tzemreḍ ad iyi-tessiwḍeḍ arma d taɣsert n tmacint?
2910Could you give me a lift to the train station?Tzemred ad iyi-tessiwḍed ɣer teɣsert n tmacint?
2911Could you give me a lift to the train station?Tzemrem ad iyi-tessiwḍem ɣer teɣsert n tmacint?
2912Could you give me a lift to the train station?Tzemremt ad iyi-tessiwḍemt ɣer teɣsert n tmacint?
2913How long will it take me to walk to the station?Acḥal n wakud ara dduɣ arma d taɣsert?
2914It is no more than a mile to the station.Taɣsert tebɛed ugar n umil seg-a.
2915It’s a long way to the station.Yebɛed lḥal seg-a ɣer teɣsert.
2916It’s about ten minutes to the station by bus.Ad tewteḍ azal n mraw n tedqiqin akken ad tawḍeḍ ɣer teɣsert s usakac.
2917How far is it to the station?Acḥal ay tebɛed teɣsert seg-a?
2918The station is pretty far.Taɣsert tebɛed aṭas.
2919It is more than 3 kilometers to the station.Yebɛed ugar n 3 n yikilumitren ɣef teɣsert.
2920I rode with her as far as the station.Rekbeɣ yid-s armi d taɣsert.
2921Could you please tell me how to get to the station?Ttxil-k, tzemreḍ ad iyi-d-temleḍ amek ara awḍeɣ ɣer teɣsert?
2922Will you tell me the way to the station?Tzemreḍ ad iyi-d-temleḍ abrid ɣer teɣsert?
2923Please be so kind as to show me the way to the station.Ttxil-k, mel-iyi-d abrid ɣer teɣsert.
2924I don’t feel up to running to the station.Ur bɣiɣ ad azzleɣ ɣer teɣsert.
2925It will take me 20 minutes to get to the station by taxi.Ad ḥwijeɣ 20 n tedqiqin akken ad awḍeɣ ɣer teɣsert s uṭaksi.
2926I managed to catch the 8 o’clock train by running all the way to the station.Mi uzzleɣ ɣer teɣsert, ssawḍeɣ ad qeḍɛeɣ tamacint-nni n ttmanya.
2927I’ll show you to the station.Ad k-ssiwḍeɣ ɣer teɣsert.
2928We arranged that a car meet you at the station.Nuzen-ak takeṛṛust ara k-yeṛjun deg teɣsert.
2929I’ll accompany you to the station.Ad dduɣ yid-k ɣer teɣsert.
2930I will go along with you as far as the station.Ad dduɣ yid-k arma d taɣsert.
2931Can you give me a lift to the station?Tzemreḍ ad iyi-tessiwḍeḍ ɣer teɣsert?
2932Allow an hour to get to the station.Efk-iyi-d tasaɛet akken ad awḍeɣ ɣer teɣsert.
2933It takes you an hour to go to the station on foot.Ad teḥwijeḍ tasaɛet akken ad tawḍeḍ ɣer teɣsert ɣef uḍar.
2934Could you give me a ride to the station?Tzemreḍ ad iyi-tessiwḍeḍ ɣer teɣsert?
2935It took five minutes to get to the station.Neqqim semmus n tedqiqin akken ad naweḍ ɣer teɣsert.
2936I got to the station only to find that the train had just left.Akken kan ay uwḍeɣ ɣer teɣsert, ufiɣ tamacint imir-nni kan ay teqleɛ.
2937Arriving at the station, he found his train gone.Mi yuweḍ ɣer teɣsert, yufa-n tamacint-nnes tedda.
2938I have been to the station.Ddiɣ ɣer teɣsert.
2939Would you please tell me the way to the station?Ttxil-k, tzemreḍ ad iyi-temleḍ abrid ɣer teɣsert?
2940Please show me the way to the station.Ttxil-k, mel-iyi abrid ɣer teɣsert.
2941Could you tell me the way to the station?Tzemreḍ ad iyi-temleḍ abrid ɣer teɣsert?
2942I passed the city hall on my way to the station.Kkiɣ ɣef tɣiwant mi lliɣ ttedduɣ ɣer teɣsert.
2943I was caught in a shower on my way to the station.Yeḍḍef-iyi uceṛcuṛ n wenẓar mi lliɣ ttedduɣ ɣer teɣsert.
2944How can I get to the station?Amek ara awḍeɣ ɣer teɣsert?
2945Could you tell me how to get to the station?Tzemreḍ ad iyi-temleḍ amek ara dduɣ ɣer teɣsert?
2946Could you tell me how to get to the station?Tzemred ad iyi-d-temled amek ara dduɣ ɣer teɣsert?
2947Could you tell me how to get to the station?Tzemrem ad iyi-d-temlem amek ara dduɣ ɣer teɣsert?
2948Could you tell me how to get to the station?Tzemremt ad iyi-d-temlemt amek ara dduɣ ɣer teɣsert?
2949How long does it take to the train station by taxi?Acḥal ara ḥwijeɣ akken ad awḍeɣ ɣer teɣsert n tmacint s uṭaksi?
2950Is this the right way to the station?D wa ay d abrid ɣer teɣsert?
2951Can you tell me how to get to the station?Tzemreḍ ad iyi-temleḍ amek ara dduɣ ɣer teɣsert?
2952On arriving at the station, I went to see my uncle at his office.Mi uwḍeɣ ɣer teɣsert, ddiɣ ad ẓreɣ ɛemmi deg lbiru-nnes.
2953The station is a little way off.Taɣsert-nni tebɛed cwiṭ.
2954The station is the middle of the city.Taɣsert-nni tezga-d deg tlemmast n temdint.
2955The station is to the west of the hotel.Taɣsert tezga-d deg utaram n usensu-nni.
2956Where is the railroad station?Anda-tt teɣsert n tmacint?
2957The station is situated in between the two towns.Taɣsert-nni tezga-d gar snat-nni n temdinin.
2958The station is near at hand.Taɣsert-nni attan kan da.
2959The station is nearby.Taɣsert-nni attan deg lqerban-a.
2960The station is dead ahead.Ddu srid kan, ad tafeḍ taɣsert-nni.
2961The station is about three miles from here.Taɣsert-nni tebɛed azal n kraḍ n yimilen seg-a.
2962The station is a ten minute drive from here.Teḥwajeḍ mraw n tedqiqin akken ad tawḍeḍ ɣer teɣsert-nni s tkeṛṛust.
2963The station is near here. You’ll be in time for the train.Taɣsert teqreb seg-a. Ad tawḍeḍ deg lawan ɣer tmacint-nnek.
2964The station is not far from here.Taɣsert-nni ur tebɛid seg-a.
2965The station is two miles away.Taɣsert-nni tebɛed sin n yimilen seg-a.
2966The station is 100 meters away.Taɣsert-nni tebɛed tawinest n lmitrat seg-a.
2967You pay for the convenience of living near a station.Ad txellṣeḍ lqerban-nnek ɣer teɣsert.
2968There is a post office in front of the station.Tella tesreqqest ay d-iqublen taɣsert-nni.
2969There is a fountain in front of the station.Tella tfewwaṛt ay iqublen taɣsert.
2970Wherever you go, you see a lot of bicycles left on sidewalks near stations.Anda ma teddiḍ, ad tafeḍ isnasɣalen jjan-ten rrif teɣsar.
2971It is a great convenience to live near a station.D ayen igerrzen mi ara tzedɣeḍ sdat teɣsert.
2972Is there a bank near the station?Tella tbanka sdat teɣsert?
2973There is a taxi stand near the station.Tella teɣsert n yiṭaksiyen sdat teɣsert-nni n tmacint.
2974There’s one just near the station.Dɣa yella yiwen sdat kan teɣsert.
2975The train started before we got to the station.Tamacint teqleɛ uqbel ma nuweḍ ɣer teɣsert.
2976The moment she arrived at the station, she phoned her mother.Akken kan ay tuweḍ ɣer teɣsert, teɣra-as i yemma-s.
2977On arriving at the station, I called a friend of mine.Akken kan ay uwḍeɣ ɣer teɣsert, ɣriɣ-as i yiwen n umeddakel.
2978On arriving at the station, she rang up her mother.Akken kan ay tuweḍ ɣer teɣsert, teɣra-as i yemma-s.
2979On his arrival at the station, he called a taxi.Akken kan ay yuweḍ ɣer teɣsert, yeɣra i uṭaksi.
2980On my arrival at the station, I will call you.Akken kan ara awḍeɣ ɣer teɣsert, ad ak-d-ɣreɣ.
2981The sky had become threatening before I got to the station.Igenni yeqqel d aberkan uqbel ma uwḍeɣ ɣer teɣsert.
2982Arriving at the station, I found the train had already left.Mi uwḍeɣ ɣer teɣsert, ufiɣ tamacint tedda yagi.
2983Arriving at the station, she called up her brother.Akken kan ay tuweḍ ɣer teɣsert, teɣra-as i gma-s.
2984Arriving at the station, I found my train gone.Mi uwḍeɣ ɣer teɣsert, ufiɣ tamacint-inu tedda.
2985The train had already started when I got to the station.Mi uwḍeɣ ɣer teɣsert, ufiɣ tamacint-inu tedda yagi.
2986It was snowing when I reached the station.Mi uwḍeɣ ɣer teɣsert, yella yekkat wedfel.
2987As I reached the station, I got off the bus.Mi uwḍeɣ ɣer teɣsert, rseɣ-d seg usakac.
2988When I arrived at the station, the train was just about to leave.Mi uwḍeɣ ɣer teɣsert, ufiɣ tamacint ɛla ḥal ad teqleɛ.
2989The train was just on the point of starting when I got to the station.Mi uwḍeɣ ɣer teɣsert, ufiɣ tamacint ɛla ḥal ad teqleɛ.
2990We must hurry if we want to arrive at the station on time.Yessefk ad neɛjel ma nebɣa ad naweḍ ɣer teɣsert deg lawan.
2991Could you tell me the way to the station, please?Ttxil-k, tzemreḍ ad iyi-temleḍ abrid ɣer teɣsert?
2992I’ll show you the way to the station.Ad ak-mleɣ abrid ɣer teɣsert.
2993I ran into an old classmate of mine on my way to the station.Mi lliɣ ttedduɣ ɣer teɣsert, mlaleɣ-d ed yiwen yeɣra yid-i zik.
2994We needed a taxi to take us to the station.Neḥwaj aṭaksi ara aɣ-yawyen ɣer teɣsert.
2995Please tell me which bus to take to get to the station.Ttxil-k, mel-iyi-d asakac ara awyeɣ akken ad dduɣ ɣer teɣsert.
2996I could not find my brother who was to meet me at the station.Naqal ad mlileɣ ed gma deg teɣsert, maca ur t-id-ufiɣ din.
2997Can you pick me up at the station?Tzemreḍ ad iyi-trefdeḍ seg teɣsert?
2998Please come to meet me at the station.Ttxil-k, as-d ad iyi-temmagreḍ deg teɣsert.
2999Although it was a long way back to the station, little by little the old wagon drew near.Ɣas ma yella ɣezzif webrid n tuqqla ɣer teɣsert, afagu-nni yedda-d yiwet, yiwet kan.
3000You can go to the station by bus.Tzemreḍ ad tedduḍ ɣer teɣsert s usakal.
3001Buses run between the station and the airport.Llan yisakacen ay itteddun gar teɣsert ed unafag.
3002I bought a box lunch at the station.Sɣiɣ-d tankult n yimekli deg teɣsert.
3003Please wait for me at the station.Ttxil-k, ṛju-iyi deg teɣsert.
3004Please drop me off at the station.Ttxil-k, ssers-iyi deg teɣsert.
3005I ran into my old teacher at the station.Mi lliɣ deg teɣsert, mlaleɣ-d taselmadt-inu n zik.
3006We ran into each other at the station.Nemlal-d deg teɣsert.
3007Will you wait for us at the station?Ad aɣ-teṛjuḍ deg teɣsert?
3008I met with an old friend of mine at the station.Mi lliɣ deg teɣsert, mlaleɣ-d yiwen n umeddakel ssneɣ-t seg zik.
3009An American spoke to me at the station.Yenṭeq-d ɣer-i yiwen n Umarikani deg teɣsert-nni.
3010I met a certain gentleman at the station.Mlaleɣ-d yiwen wergaz deg teɣsert-nni.
3011I’ll drop you off at the station.Ad k-sserseɣ deg teɣsert.
3012Who did you see at the station?Anwa ay teẓriḍ deg teɣsert?
3013The man you met at the station is my father.Argaz-nni ay d-temlaleḍ deg teɣsert d baba.
3014I waited for him at the station for an hour, but he didn’t show up.Ṛjiɣ-t tasaɛet deg teɣsert, maca ur d-yusi.
3015I called my mother up from the station.Ɣriɣ-as i yemma seg teɣsert.
3016Do you know how far it is from the station to city hall?Acḥal ay tebɛed teɣsert ɣef tɣiwant?
3017It took only about five minutes to get to my uncle’s house from the station by car.Wteɣ azal kan n semmus n tedqiqin akken ad dduɣ seg teɣsert s axxam n ɛemmi s tkeṛṛust.
3018It takes twenty minutes to walk from the station to school.Teḥwajeḍ snat n tmerwin n tedqiqin akken ad tedduḍ seg teɣsert ɣer uɣerbaz.
3019It was a good five kilometers from the station to the school.Nwet semmus n yikilumitren seg teɣsert ɣer uɣerbaz.
3020The satellite is now in orbit.Agensa-nni atan imir-a deg weḥbu.
3021English law prohibits children under 16 from buying cigarettes.Asaḍuf anglizi yegdel i yigerdan n ddaw 16 n yiseggasen akken ad d-sɣen ddexxan.
3022The South East region of England is densely populated.Tama n Wenẓul Agmuḍan n Langliz teccuṛ d imezdaɣen.
3023We will employ a man who can speak English.Ad nessexdem argaz ay yessnen ad yessiwel tanglizit.
3024You will be able to speak English.Ad teqqleḍ tzemreḍ ad tessiwleḍ tanglizit.
3025Can you speak English?Tessneḍ ad tessiwleḍ tanglizit?
3026Speaking English is very difficult for me.Yewɛeṛ fell-i ad ssiwleɣ tanglizit.
3027She speaks English better than any of her classmates.Tessen ad tessiwel tanglizit xir akk n yinelmaden ay yeqqaren yid-s.
3028Don’t be afraid to make mistakes when speaking English.Mi ara tessawaleḍ s tanglizit, ur ttagad seg tuccḍiwin.
3029It is not difficult to speak English.Ur yewɛiṛ ad tessiwleḍ tanglizit.
3030I found it easy to speak English.Yusa-iyi-d fessus ad ssiwleɣ s tanglizit.
3031You speak good English.Telha tanglizit-nnek.
3032You speak good English.Tessawaleḍ mliḥ tanglizit.
3033Don’t be afraid of making mistakes when you speak English.Mi ara tessawaleḍ tanglizit, ur ttagad seg tucciḍiwin.
3034Don’t be afraid of making mistakes when you speak English.Mi ara tessawaleḍ tanglizit, ulac aɣilif ma tgiḍ kra n tuccḍiwin.
3035Don’t be afraid of making mistakes when speaking English.Mi ara tessawaleḍ s tanglizit, ur ttagad seg tuccḍiwin.
3036Speaking English is not easy.Ur fessus ad yessiwel yiwen s tanglizit.
3037Speaking English is not easy.Assiwel n tanglizit ur fessus.
3038Speaking English is useful.Assiwel n tanglizit yenfeɛ.
3039Speaking English is difficult.Assiwel n tanglizit yewɛeṛ.
3040Is it hard to speak English?Yewɛeṛ ad tessiwleḍ tanglizit?
3041To speak English is not easy, but it is interesting.Assiwel n tanglizit ur fessus, maca d imseknu.
3042To speak English is not easy.Assiwel n tanglizit ur fessus.
3043Speaking English is a lot of fun.Assiwel n tanglizit yella deg-s aṭas n zzhu.
3044She is above any of her classmates in speaking English.Tessen ad tessiwel tanglizit xir n wakk wid ay yeqqaren yid-s.
3045Let’s speak English.As-d ad nessiwel s tanglizit.
3046That boy who is speaking English is taller than I.Aqcic-inna ay la yessawalen s tanglizit yugar-iyi deg lqedd.
3047That boy who is speaking English is taller than I.Aqcic-inna ay la yessawalen s tanglizit ɣezzif fell-i.
3048Must I speak English?Yessefk ad ssiwleɣ s tanglizit?
3049To speak English well is difficult.Yewɛeṛ ad tserrḥeḍ deg tanglizit.
3050To speak English well is difficult.Yewɛeṛ ɣef wemdan ad yessiwel mliḥ tanglizit.
3051I can speak a little English.Ssneɣ ad ssiwleɣ cwiṭ n tanglizit.
3052It’s hard to master English.Yewɛeṛ ad iserreḥ yiwen deg tanglizit.
3053To master English is hard.Aserreḥ deg tanglizit yewɛeṛ.
3054Teaching English is his profession.Ṣṣenɛa-nnes d asselmed n tanglizit.
3055I hear you are taking English lessons.Sliɣ la teqqareḍ tanglizit.
3056All students of English should have a good English-English dictionary at hand.Akk inelmaden n tanglizit yessefk ad sɛun amawal tanglizit-tanglizit.
3057What’s your purpose in studying English?D acu-t yeswi-nnek mi ara teqqareḍ tanglizit?
3058To study English is important for young people.Almad n tanglizit d ayen yesɛan azal ɣer yelmeẓyen.
3059To study English is important for today’s young people.Almad n tanglizit d ayen yesɛan azal ɣer yilemẓiyen n wass-a.
3060What is the best way to learn English?D acu-t webrid igerrzen akk i welmad n tanglizit?
3061What is the easiest way to learn English?D acu-t werbid afessas akk i welmad n tanglizit?
3062Students of English often mix up the words ‘lie’ and ‘lay’.Inelmaden n tanglizit ttaɛraqen gar wawal n “lie” ed wawal n “lay”.
3063Those who learn English cannot do without English dictionaries.Wid ay ilemmden tanglizit ur zmiren ad sellken iɣfawen-nsen war imawalen n tanglizit.
3064Learning English is hard work.Almad n tanglizit d ccɣel iweɛṛen.
3065The best way to learn English is to go to America.Abrid igerrzen akk i welmad n tanglizit netta d ṛṛwaḥ ɣer Temrikt.
3066Learning English requires patience.Almad n tanglizit yeḥwaj ṣṣber.
3067I don’t think that there is any better way to learn English than by living in America.Ur cikkeɣ yezmer yiwen ad yelmed tanglizit akken igerrez war ma yedder deg Temrikt.
3068Someone who knows English well must have written this.Win ay d-yuran aya iban yessen tanglizit akken igerrez.
3069Don’t give up English.Ur ttsemmiḥ deg tanglizit.
3070I do not support the theory that one has to study Latin in order to understand English better.Ur ttamneɣ s teẓri-nni ay d-yettinin yessefk ɣef yiwen ad yelmed talatinit akken ad ifehhem tanglizit xir.
3071English isn’t easy to master.Ur fessus ɣef yiwen akken ad iserreḥ deg tanglizit.
3072To master English is difficult.Aserreḥ deg tanglizit yewɛeṛ.
3073You’re much less likely to get a good position if you don’t speak English.Ɣas ur ttkal ad tesɛuḍ amkan yelhan deg uxeddim ma yella ur tessineḍ tanglizit.
3074You’re much less likely to get a good position if you don’t speak English.Ulayɣer ma tettekleḍ ad tesɛuḍ amkan yelhan deg uxeddim ma yella ur tessineḍ tanglizit.
3075I’ve studied English for five years.Ɣriɣ tanglizit semmus n yiseggasen.
3076I cannot speak English, much less Spanish.Ur zmireɣ ad ssiwleɣ ula d tanglizit, anef ɛad a taspenyulit.
3077You must study English every day.Yessefk ad teqqareḍ tanglizit yal ass.
3078Is English more difficult than Japanese?Tanglizit tewɛeṛ ugar tjapunit?
3079English is studied in Japan.Qqaren tanglizit deg Japun.
3080English is difficult, isn’t it?Tanglizit tewɛeṛ, naɣ?
3081English is a means of communication.Tanglizit d ttawil n teɣwalt.
3082English is studied in China, too.Qqaren tanglizit ula deg Ccinwa.
3083You have to study English step by step.Yessefk ad teɣreḍ tanglizit asurif, asurif.
3084I like English so much, but sometimes it is very difficult for me.Ḥemmleɣ aṭas tanglizit, maca tikkal tettas-iyi-d tewɛeṛ aṭas.
3085English is spoken in a lot of countries.Tanglizit ssawalen-tt deg waṭas n tmura.
3086English is spoken by more people than any other language.Tanglizit tugar akk ilsawen niḍen deg wanect ay tt-yessawalen n medden.
3087English has spread all over the country.Tanglizit tezreɛ deg wakk timiwa n tmurt.
3088English is spoken in many countries around the world.Tanglizit ssawalen-tt deg waṭas n tmura n umaḍal.
3089English is a language spoken all over the world.Tanglizit d iles ay ssawalen deg wakk timiwa n umaḍal.
3090English is studied all over the world.Tanglizit qqaren-tt deg wakk timiwa n umaḍal.
3091English is used in every part of the world.Tanglizit sseqdacen-tt deg wakk timiwa n umaḍal.
3092English is spoken in many parts of the world.Tanglizit ssawalen-tt deg waṭas n tmiwa n umaḍal.
3093English is the world’s language.Tanglizit d nettat ay d iles n umaḍal.
3094English is by far the most widely-spoken language in the world.Tanglizit tugar s waṭas ilsawen niḍen deg wanect ay tesɛa n yemsiwlen.
3095English is useful in commerce.Tanglizit tenfeɛ deg tnezzut.
3096English is not easy for us.Tanglizit ur fessus fell-aɣ.
3097English is not my native language.Tanglizit ur telli d iles-inu ayemmat.
3098English is not easy for me.Tanglizit ur fessuset fell-i.
3099English has become my favorite subject.Tanglizit teqqel d tanga ay ḥemmleɣ akk.
3100English has become my favorite subject.Tangliit teqqel d nettat ay d tanga ay ḥemmleɣ akk.
3101English is a very important language in today’s world.Tanglizit d iles yesɛan azal ameqran deg umaḍal n wass-a.
3102English is just one of over 2,700 languages in the world today.Tanglizit d yiwet kan seg 2700 n yilsawen ay yellan deg umaḍal.
3103English has now become the common language of several nations in the world.Tanglizit teqqel ass-a d iles ucrik n waṭas n tmura deg umaḍal.
3104English has become an international language.Tanglizit teqqel d iles agraɣlan.
3105English is a universal language and is used all over the world.Tanglizit d iles agraɣlan yerna sseqdacen-tt deg wakk timiwa n umaḍal.
3106English is an international language.Tanglizit d iles agraɣlan.
3107He speaks German, not to mention English.Yessawal talmanit ed tanglizit.
3108He speaks German, not to mention English.Yessawal mliḥ talmanit, anef ɛad a tanglizit.
3109English is taught almost all over the world today.Tanglizit sselmaden-tt ass-a deg qrib akk timiwa n umaḍal.
3110English is taught almost all over the world today.Tanglizit tettwasselmad deg qrib yal amkan deg umaḍal.
3111The English language surrounds us like a sea.Tanglizit tezzi-d fell-aɣ am yilel.
3112English is useful in diplomacy and tourism.Tanglizit tenfeɛ deg tdiplumatit ed tmerrit.
3113English is easy to learn.Tanglizit fessuset i welmad.
3114English is not difficult to learn.Tanglizit ur tewɛiṛ i welmad.
3115Where is English spoken?Anda ay ssawalen tanglizit?
3116English is a kind of universal language.Tzemreḍ ad d-tiniḍ tanglizit d iles n umaḍal.
3117The English language is cognate to the German language.Tanglizit ed talmanit seg yiwet n twacult.
3118English is used by many people.Tanglizit ssawalen-tt aṭas n medden.
3119English is spoken in many countries.Tanglizit ssawalen-tt deg waṭas n tmura.
3120English is taught in most countries.Amur ameqran seg tmura sselmaden deg-sent tanglizit.
3121English is not spoken here.Ur ssawalen tanglizit da.
3122Is English spoken in Canada?Ssawalen tanglizit deg Kanada?
3123English is spoken in Canada.Tanglizit ssawalen-tt deg Kanada.
3124English abounds in idioms.Tanglizit teccuṛ d tinfaliyin.
3125English is a language abounding in idiomatic expressions.Tanglizit d iles yeccuṛen d tinfaliyin.
3126English is spoken in America.Tanglizit ssawalen-tt deg Temrikt.
3127English is too difficult for me to understand.Tanglizit tewɛeṛ fell-i aṭas akken ad tt-fehmeɣ.
3128We have English third period.Tesɛa tanglizit deg tsaɛet tis kraḍt.
3129English, as you know, is very much a living language.Tanglizit, akken teẓriḍ, d iles amuddir.
3130She surpasses me in English.Tif-iyi deg tanglizit.
3131Having studied English, I studied math.Asmi ay fukeɣ azraw n tanglizit, zerweɣ tusnakt.
3132How are you getting along with your English study?La tt-tettsellikeḍ cwiṭ deg wezraw n tanglizit?
3133When you’re reading an English book, it isn’t a great idea to look up every word you don’t know.Mi ara teqqareḍ kra n wedlis s tanglizit, ur terri tmara ad d-tnadiḍ anamek n yal awal ur tessineḍ.
3134When you’re reading an English book, it isn’t a great idea to look up every word you don’t know.Mi ara teqqareḍ kra n wedlis s tanglizit, ur kem-terri tmara ad d-tnadiḍ anamek n yal awal ur tessineḍ.
3135When you’re reading an English book, it isn’t a great idea to look up every word you don’t know.Mi ara teqqarem kra n wedlis s tanglizit, ur ken-terri tmara ad d-tnadim anamek n yal awal ur tessinem.
3136When you’re reading an English book, it isn’t a great idea to look up every word you don’t know.Mi ara teqqaremt kra n wedlis s tanglizit, ur kent-terri tmara ad d-tnadimt anamek n yal awal ur tessinemt.
3137In English, the usual sentence structure is Subject – Verb – Object/Complement.Deg tanglizit, tafyirt tettwabnay, s umata, s umeggay, amyag ed tɣawsa neɣ asemmad.
3138Some English adverbs function as adjectives.Kra n yimerna n tanglizit ttwasseqdacen daɣen d irbiben.
3139I still can’t get the knack of English pronunciation.Werɛad ur ssineɣ ad d-neṭqeɣ mliḥ tanglizit.
3140I can’t find any logic to English spelling. “Ghoti” can be pronounced as “fish.”Werɛad akk ur fhimeɣ tameẓla n teɣdirawt n tanglizit. Ad ak-d-arun “Ghoti” yerna ad t-id-neṭqen “fish”.
3141How many English words do you know?Acḥal n wawalen n tanglizit ay tessneḍ?
3142When it comes to learning English words by heart, nobody can beat him.Deg welmad n wawalen n tanglizit, yiwen ur yezmir ad t-yernu.
3143English words are often borrowed by other languages.Ilsawen niḍen reḍḍlen-d aṭas n wawalen seg tanglizit.
3144A lot of English words are derived from Latin.Aṭas n wawalen n tanglizit usan-d seg tlatinit.
3145A lot of English words are derived from Latin.Aṭas n wawalen angliziyen ay d-yettwassuddmen seg tlatinit.
3146In addition to English, he can speak French.Nnig tanglizit, yessawal daɣen tafṛensist.
3147Why are you studying English so hard? “To be an English teacher.”Ayɣer ay la teqqareḍ tanglizit akka akk? “Akken ad qqleɣ d aselmad n tanglizit.”
3148The future of English seems to be leading in three directions.Ɣef wakken ttwalin kra, azekka n tanglizit yezmer ad yaɣ kraḍ n yebriden.
3149We listened to the teacher during the English lesson.Nesla-as i uselmad deg temsirt-nni n tanglizit.
3150I don’t like the new textbook for my English class; I prefer the original.Ur iyi-yeɛjib wedlis-nni n tɣuri amaynu n tanglizit; ḥemmleɣ aqbur-nni.
3151In English class, sometimes we sit in a circle to talk about a book we are reading.Deg temsirt n tanglizit, tikkal nettɣimi-d d asarag akken ad d-nessiwel ɣef yedlisen ay la neqqar.
3152Do you have an English dictionary?Tesɛiḍ amawal n tanglizit?
3153Can you do without an English dictionary?Tzemreḍ ad tsellkeḍ iɣef-nnek war amawal n tanglizit?
3154I was called on in English class.Ɣran-iyi-d akken ad ttekkiɣ deg yiwet n temsirt n tanglizit.
3155We wish we didn’t have to take a test in English.Mennaɣ lemmer ur ngi akayad deg tanglizit.
3156The student, who failed in a test in English, was inspired by his friend’s words.Anelmad-nni ur d-yuwiyen akayad-nnes n tanglizit yella yettneqqil-d awalen sɣur umeddakel-nnes.
3157In English examinations, she always gets good marks, not to say straight As.Deg yikayaden n tanglizit, tezga tettawey-d tizmilin igerrzen ma maci d tazmilt ifazen akk.
3158If only we didn’t have to take a test in English.Mennaɣ lemmer ur terri tmara ad neg akayad deg tanglizit.
3159I keep a large dictionary close at hand when I read English magazines.Ttajjaɣ dima amawal ameqran n tanglizit ɣef ufus mi ara qqareɣ tisɣunin s tanglizit.
3160Some students like English, and others like physics.Kra n yinelmaden ḥemmlen tanglizit, ma d wiyaḍ ḥemmlen tasengama.
3161I would like to be an English teacher.Bɣiɣ ad qqleɣ d aselmad n tanglizit.
3162You will derive great benefits from learning English.Mi ara tlemdeḍ tanglizit, ad d-tesfaydiḍ seg waṭas n tɣawsiwin.
3163In addition to English, he speaks German.Nnig tanglizit, yessen daɣen talmanit.
3164My mark for the English examination was close to the average mark of the class.Tazmilt-inu deg tanglizit teqreb ɣer tlemmast n tezmilin ay d-uwyen yinelmaden niḍen n tneɣrit-inu.
3165Did you ever make a speech in English?Yella wasmi ay d-teɣriḍ inaw s tanglizit?
3166Are you going to take part in the English speech contest?Ad tettekkiḍ deg temzizwert-nni n yinawen s tanglizit?
3167The English alphabet has 26 letters.Agemmay anglizi yesɛa 26 n yisekkilen.
3168Try to speak English as often as possible if you want to improve your English.Ɛreḍ ad tessawaleḍ tanglizit anect umi tzemreḍ ma tebɣiḍ ad tesselhuḍ aswir-nnek deg-s.
3169Try to speak English as often as possible if you want to improve your English.Ɛreḍ ad tessawaleḍ tanglizit anect umi tzemreḍ ma tebɣiḍ ad tserrḥeḍ deg-s.
3170He is proficient in English.Yessawal mliḥ tanglizit.
3171As far as English is concerned, nobody can beat me.Deg wayen yerzan tanglizit, yiwen ur yezmir ad iyi-yif.
3172Many English words are derived from Latin.Aṭas n wawalen n tanglizit ttwassuddmen-d seg tlatinit.
3173Many English words are derived from Latin.Aṭas n wawalen n tanglizit ay d-yettwassuddmen seg tlatinit.
3174It is estimated that there are over half a million words in English.Tanglizit ad tili tesɛa azal n wezgen n umelyun n wawalen.
3175Some English words have two spellings – “gray” and “grey”, for example.Kra n wawalen n tanglizit sɛan snat n teɣdirawin am “gray” akked “grey”.
3176Which do you like better, English or music?Anwa ay tḥemmleḍ ugar, d tanglizit neɣ d aẓawan?
3177English cannot be mastered overnight.Ur tezmireḍ ad tserrḥeḍ deg tanglizit seg wass ar azekka.
3178It is fun to speak in English.Assiwel n tanglizit d tadfi.
3179Let’s speak in English.As-d ad nessiwel s tanglizit.
3180I spoke to him in English and found I could make myself understood.Ssawleɣ-as s tanglizit dɣa ufiɣ zemreɣ ad msefhameɣ yid-s.
3181No one can match him in English.Yiwen ur yezmir ad t-yif deg tanglizit.
3182Answer in English.Err-d s tanglizit.
3183Must I answer in English?Yessefk ad d-rreɣ s tanglizit?
3184Written in English, this book is easy for me to read.Adlis-a, imi ay yura s tanglizit, fessus fell-i ad t-ɣreɣ.
3185You should read books written in English.A win yufan ad teɣreḍ idlisen ay yuran s tanglizit.
3186Do you have a book written in English?Tesɛiḍ kra n wedlis ay yuran s tanglizit?
3187It was not so simple to write a letter in English.Ur yelli d ayen fessusen ad taruḍ tabṛat s tanglizit.
3188It is difficult to express one’s thoughts in English.Yewɛeṛ ad d-tessenfaliḍ ayen tettxemmimeḍ s tanglizit.
3189I couldn’t make myself understood in English.Ur ssawḍeɣ ad d-sfehmeɣ iman-inu s tanglizit.
3190To write a love letter in English is not easy.Tira n tebṛat n tayri s tanglizit ur d ayen fessusen.
3191We were allowed to speak either in English or in Japanese.Fkan-aɣ ttesriḥ ad nessiwel kan s tanglizit neɣ s tjapunit.
3192As far as English is concerned, she is second to none in her class.Deg wayen yerzan tanglizit, d nettat ay d tamezwarut deg tneɣrit-nnes.
3193In English the verb precedes the object.Deg tanglizit, d amyag ay d-izewwiren taɣawsa.
3194In the English language many words contain letters which are not pronounced.Deg tanglizit, aṭas n wawalen ay yesɛan isekkilen ur d-yettwanṭaqen.
3195I can’t express myself in English very well.Ur zmireɣ ad d-ssenfaliɣ mliḥ ayen ttxemmimeɣ s tanglizit.
3196What do you call this bird in English?Amek ay as-tettinim i wegḍiḍ-a s tanglizit?
3197Yamada is second to none in English in his class.Yamada yif akk inelmaden n tneɣrit-nnes deg tanglizit.
3198He is second to none in English in his class.Yif akk inelmaden n tneɣrit-nnes deg tanglizit.
3199Say it in English.Ini-t-id s tanglizit.
3200What do you call this insect in English?Amek ay as-tettinim i ubeɛɛuc-a s tanglizit?
3201If only I could speak English!Mennaɣ lemmer d ay zmireɣ ad ssiwleɣ s tanglizit!
3202I wish I could speak English.Mennaɣ lemmer d ay zmireɣ ad ssiwleɣ tanglizit.
3203It would be a great convenience if English were to become everybody’s major language.D ayen igerrzen lemmer ad teqqel tanglizit d iles agejdan ɣer medden akk.
3204Some are good at English, and others are good at mathematics.Kra seg-sen lhan deg tanglizit, wiyaḍ lhan deg tusnakt.
3205There is no denying that English is the most widely spoken language in the world.Ur yezmir yiwen ad yenkeṛ tanglizit d nettat ay d iles ay ssawalen aṭas akk deg umaḍal.
3206Try to improve your English.Ɛreḍ ad tesselhuḍ tanglizit-nnek.
3207It goes without saying that English is an international language.Ulayɣer ma nenna-d tanglizit d iles agraɣlan.
3208Proficient in English, he is looked on as a good teacher.Imi ay iserreḥ mliḥ deg tanglizit, medden ttwalin-t d aselmad yelhan.
3209My poor English cost me my job.Imi ay txuṣṣ tanglizit-inu, sṛuḥeɣ axeddim-inu.
3210I like English best.D tanglizit ay ḥemmleɣ aṭas akk.
3211He can speak either English or French.Yezmer ad yessiwel tanglizit ed tefṛensist.
3212However, it is good if one can speak English well.Ɣas akken, yelha ma yella yessen yiwen ad yessiwel mliḥ tanglizit.
3213If you want to be fluent in English, you’ve got to keep at it.Ma tebɣiḍ ad iserreḥ yiles-nnek deg tanglizit, yessefk ad as-tbeddeḍ.
3214If you want to be fluent in English, you’ve got to keep at it.Ma tebɣiḍ ad iserreḥ yiles-nnem deg tanglizit, yessefk ad as-tbeddeḍ.
3215If you want to be fluent in English, you’ve got to keep at it.Ma tebɣam ad iserreḥ yiles-nwen deg tanglizit, yessefk ad as-tbeddem.
3216If you want to be fluent in English, you’ve got to keep at it.Ma tebɣamt ad iserreḥ yiles-nwent deg tanglizit, yessefk ad as-tbeddemt.
3217I’d like to master English.Bɣiɣ ad serrḥeɣ deg tanglizit.
3218How I wish I could swim.Mennaɣ lemmer d ay zmireɣ ad ɛumeɣ.
3219I wish I could swim.Mennaɣ lemmer d ay zmireɣ ad ɛumeɣ.
3220Do you swim very fast, too?Ula d kecc tettɛumuḍ s tɣawla?
3221It’s warm enough to swim.Yeḥma lḥal, nezmer ad nɛum.
3222It’s much too cold to swim.Semmeḍ lḥal, ur nezmir ad nɛum.
3223I find swimming fun.Ɣer-i, aɛumu d zzhu ameqran.
3224It is easy for me to swim.Fessus fell-i ad ɛumeɣ.
3225It is easy to swim.Aɛumu fessus.
3226Swimming is fun for me.Ɣer-i, aɛumu d zzhu.
3227It’s a cinch to learn to swim.Almad n uɛumu am wurar.
3228How about going for a swim?D acu tenniḍ ad neddu ad nɛum?
3229Is it hot enough to go swimming?Nezmer ad nɛum deg lḥamu-a?
3230How about going swimming?D acu tenniḍ lemmer ad neddu ad nɛum?
3231Do you feel like going swimming?Tebɣiḍ ad neddu ad nɛum?
3232I should like to go for a swim.Bɣiɣ ad dduɣ ad ɛumeɣ.
3233If you’d like to continue to improve your swimming, just keep on practicing every day.Ma tebɣiḍ ad tesselhuḍ aswir-nnek deg uɛumu, kemmel kan ttɛumu yal ass.
3234Swimming across the lake almost finished me.Aɛumu deg ugelmim-nni yessefcel-iyi.
3235You may swim.Tzemreḍ ad tɛumeḍ.
3236The swimming boy is my brother.Aqcic-nni ay la yettɛumun d gma.
3237Years of hardship had not caused him to lose his faith.Ɣas yekka acḥal n yiseggasen n lḥif, maca ur yesṛuḥ liman yellan deg wul-nnes.
3238Thanks to Mr Nagata.Tanemmirt i Mass Nagata.
3239They did not have permanent homes, so they did not plant crops for food.Ur llin sɛan tanezduɣt irekden, dɣa ur sfullḥen imɣan ara asen-d-yefken ucci.
3240Permanent peace is nothing but an illusion.Talwit ara idumen tella kan deg targit.
3241I will remember your kindness for good.Werjin ad ttuɣ leḥdaqa-nnek.
3242I’m forever lost, can’t you see? I’m in a bind!Terwi fell-i, ɛni ur twalaḍ? Aql-iyi deg ukeṛfi!
3243I will love you always.Ad k-ḥemmleɣ i lebda.
3244I’ll be with you forever.Ad iliɣ yid-k i lebda.
3245You have to eat nutritious foods.Yessefk ad tecceḍ ucci ay yettakfen ljehd.
3246Good nutrition is vital for an infant’s growth.Ucci ay yessejhaden yelhan i ulufan akken ad yimɣur.
3247You can’t eat it just because it is nutritious.Ur yessefk ad t-tecceḍ imi kan ay yessejhad.
3248I was at a movie theater.Lliɣ deg ssinima.
3249When does the movie start?Melmi ara d-yebdu usaru?
3250If you go to the movies, take your sister with you.Ma teddiḍ ɣer ssinima, awey yid-k weltma-k.
3251If you go to the movies, take your sister with you.Ma teddiḍ ɣer ssinima, awey yid-m weltma-m.
3252If you go to the movies, take your sister with you.Ma teddam ɣer ssinima, awyet yid-wen weltma-twen.
3253If you go to the movies, take your sister with you.Ma teddamt ɣer ssinima, awyemt yid-went weltma-twent.
3254We must not speak ill of others behind their backs.Ur yessefk ad nekkat deg medden.
3255The clouds are getting darker; it’s going to rain.Asigna-nni la yettibrik. Ad d-iwet wenẓar.
3256Luckily he had enough money to pay the bill.Ccwi imi ay t-id-kufan yedrimen akken ad ixelleṣ tafatuṛt-nni.
3257You will be more vigorous if you exercise.Ma tgiḍ addal, ad tjehdeḍ.
3258You will be more vigorous if you exercise.Ma tgam addal, ad tjehdem.
3259You will be more vigorous if you exercise.Ma tgamt addal, ad tjehdemt.
3260When you exercise your heart beats faster.Mi ara tettgeḍ iluɣma, ul-nnek yekkat s tazzla.
3261We tend to forget that exercise is a key to good health.Nezga nettettu addal d netta ay d tawwurt n tdawsa yelhan.
3262Don’t speak to him while he is driving.Ur ssawal yid-s mi ara inehheṛ.
3263When you are driving, you should make way for ambulances.Mi ara tnehhṛeḍ, yessefk ad tejjeḍ timenḍayin ad ɛeddint.
3264When you are driving, you should make way for ambulances.Mi ara tnehhṛem, yessefk ad tejjem timenḍayin ad ɛeddint.
3265When you are driving, you should make way for ambulances.Mi ara tnehhṛemt, yessefk ad tejjemt timenḍayin ad ɛeddint.
3266Don’t speak to the driver while he is driving.Ur ssawal ed unehhaṛ mi ara inehheṛ.
3267Drivers should wear seat belts.Inehhaṛen yessefk ad qeflen tiɣeggaḍin-nsen n laman.
3268You should obey the traffic laws when you drive.Yessefk ad tqadreḍ lqanun n webrid mi ara tnehhṛeḍ.
3269You should obey the traffic laws when you drive.Yessefk ad tqadrem lqanun n webrid mi ara tnehhṛem.
3270You should obey the traffic laws when you drive.Yessefk ad tqadremt lqanun n webrid mi ara tnehhṛemt.
3271You cannot be too careful when you drive.Mi ara tnehhṛeḍ, anect ay tḥudreḍ, cwiṭ.
3272You cannot be too careful when you drive.Mi ara tnehhṛem, anect ay tḥudrem, cwiṭ.
3273You cannot be too careful when you drive.Mi ara tnehhṛemt, anect ay tḥudremt, cwiṭ.
3274You cannot be too careful when you drive.Mi ara inehheṛ wemdan, anect ay iḥuder, cwiṭ.
3275You have to look out for other cars when you drive.Yessefk ad tɛasseḍ tikeṛṛusin niḍen mi ara tnehhṛeḍ.
3276You have to look out for other cars when you drive.Yessefk ad tɛassem tikeṛṛusin niḍen mi ara tnehhṛem.
3277You have to look out for other cars when you drive.Yessefk ad tɛassemt tikeṛṛusin niḍen mi ara tnehhṛemt.
3278You’re too drunk to drive.Tsekreḍ aṭas, ur tezmireḍ ad tnehṛeḍ.
3279You are not to speak to the man at the wheel.Yettwagdel wawal akked unehhaṛ.
3280You should concentrate on the road when you’re driving.Yessefk ad terreḍ ddehn-nnek s abrid mi ara tnehhṛeḍ.
3281You should concentrate on the road when you’re driving.Yessefk ad terreḍ ddehn-nnem s abrid mi ara tnehhṛeḍ.
3282You should concentrate on the road when you’re driving.Yessefk ad terrem ddehn-nwen s abrid mi ara tnehhṛem.
3283You should concentrate on the road when you’re driving.Yessefk ad terremt ddehn-nwent s abrid mi ara tnehhṛemt.
3284Speak of angels and you hear their wings.Bder-d aydi, heyyi-d aɛekkaz.
3285Speak of the devil, here comes Kathy.Mi d-tbedreḍ aciṭan, ad d-taweḍ Kathy.
3286The rumor turned out false.Ddiɛaya-nni telfa-d d tikerkas.
3287An absence of rain caused wild plants to die.Imi ur d-iwit wenẓar, qquren akk yemɣan iweḥciyen.
3288Telephone me if it rains.Ɣer-iyi-d ma yella iwet-d wenẓar.
3289After rain comes fair weather.Mi ifuk wenẓar, iṣeggem lḥal.
3290The rain-water runs off through this pipe.Aman n wenẓar ttɛeddin seg ujeɛbub-a.
3291It is cool after the rain.Tettrusu-d tasmuḍi mi ara ifak wenẓar.
3292Let’s get out of the rain.As-d ad neddari ɣef wenẓar.
3293Do you have rain gear with you?Tuwyeḍ-d iceḍḍiḍen n wenẓar yid-k?
3294Do you have rain gear with you?Tuwyeḍ-d iceḍḍiḍen n wenẓar yid-m?
3295Do you have rain gear with you?Tuwyem-d iceḍḍiḍen n wenẓar yid-wen?
3296Do you have rain gear with you?Tuwyemt-d iceḍḍiḍen n wenẓar yid-went?
3297It feels like rain.Ad as-tiniḍ la yekkat wenẓar.
3298What with the rain and a bad hotel, we didn’t enjoy our holiday much.Iwet wenẓar yerna asensu-nni aydeg nella diri-t. Ur nfuṛes aṭas seg yimuras-nneɣ.
3299The rain lasted through the night.Yeqqim yekkat wenẓar s teɣzef n yiḍ.
3300The rain came down in earnest.Yebda yekkat wenẓar s tidet.
3301The rain soaked through my clothes.Yekcem wenẓar s iceḍḍiḍen-inu.
3302The rain is coming down in earnest.La yekkat wenẓar s tidet.
3303The rain had a good effect on the farm crops.Anẓar-nni yenfeɛ mliḥ lɣella n lfirma-nni.
3304It was raining all day long without intermission.Iwet wenẓar ass lekmal-nnes war aḥbas.
3305It rained nonstop.Iwet wenẓar war aḥbas.
3306It has stopped raining.Yeḥbes ugeffur.
3307The rain changed into snow.Anẓar-nni yeqqel d adfel.
3308I don’t think it will rain, but I’ll take an umbrella in case it does.Ur cikkeɣ ad d-iwet wenẓar, maca ad awyeɣ tasiwant.
3309It rained heavily.Yecceṛceṛ wenẓar.
3310The rain never let up all night.Yeqqim yekkat wenẓar s teɣzef n yiḍ.
3311The rain lasted a week.Dduṛt ay yeqqim wenẓar-nni.
3312It is raining all the time.Yezga yekkat wenẓar.
3313When did it begin to rain?Melmi ay yebda yekkat wenẓar?
3314The rain prevented me from going.Anẓar ur iyi-yeǧǧi ara ad dduɣ.
3315The garden was destroyed after the rain.Terwi akk tebḥirt-nni sdeffir ma iwet-d ugeffur.
3316Take this umbrella with you lest you should get wet and catch cold.Ɣas awey tasiwant-a yid-k, ma ulac ad tbezgeḍ yerna ad taḍneḍ.
3317Take this umbrella with you lest you should get wet and catch cold.Ɣas awey tasiwant-a yid-m, ma ulac ad tbezgeḍ yerna ad taḍneḍ.
3318I was caught in the rain.Yeḍḍef-iyi wenẓar-nni.
3319In spite of the rain, the game was not cancelled.Ɣas yella yekkat ugeffur, timlilit-nni ur tettwabṭel.
3320I don’t suppose it’s going to rain.Ur cikkeɣ ad d-iwet wenẓar.
3321You had better take an umbrella with you in case it rains.Ɣas awey tasiwant yid-k. Yezmer ad d-iwet wenẓar.
3322You had better take an umbrella with you in case it rains.Ɣas awey tasiwant yid-m. Yezmer ad d-iwet wenẓar.
3323It looks like rain. You had better take an umbrella with you.Ahat ad d-iwet wenẓar. Ɣas awey tasiwant yid-k.
3324It looks like rain. You had better take an umbrella with you.Ahat ad d-iwet wenẓar. Ɣas awey tasiwant yid-m.
3325It being rainy, I could not go out.Imi ay yella yekkat wenẓar, ur lliɣ zemreɣ ad ffɣeɣ.
3326I wish it would stop raining.Mennaɣ lemmer d ara yeḥbes wenẓar.
3327The rain will revive this tree.Anẓar ad d-yerr tudert i useklu-a.
3328We prayed for rain.Nedɛa akken ad d-iwet wenẓar.
3329I have a hunch that it will rain.La ttḥulfuɣ ad d-iwet wenẓar.
3330Take your umbrella with you in case it rains.Awey tasiwant-nnek yid-k, uɣaf ad d-iwet wenẓar.
3331Take your umbrella with you in case it rains.Awey tasiwant-nnem yid-m, uɣaf ad d-iwet wenẓar.
3332I took my umbrella for fear of rain.Uwyeɣ tasiwant-inu uɣaf ad d-iwet wenẓar.
3333Don’t forget to take an umbrella in case it rains.Ur ttettu ad tawyed tasiwant, uɣaf ad d-iwet wenẓar.
3334Don’t forget to bring your umbrella in case it rains.Ur ttettu ad d-tawyed tasiwant-nnek, uɣaf ad d-iwet wenẓar.
3335Don’t forget to bring your umbrella in case it rains.Ur ttettu ad d-tawyed tasiwant-nnem, uɣaf ad d-iwet wenẓar.
3336Don’t forget to bring your umbrella in case it rains.Ur ttettu ad d-tawyeḍ tasiwant-nnek, uɣaf ad d-iwet wenẓar.
3337Don’t forget to bring your umbrella in case it rains.Ur ttettu ad d-tawyeḍ tasiwant-nnem, uɣaf ad d-iwet wenẓar.
3338You’d better take your umbrella, just in case it rains.Ɣas awey tasiwant-nnek, uɣaf ad d-iwet wenẓar.
3339You’d better take your umbrella, just in case it rains.Ɣas awey tasiwant-nnem, uɣaf ad d-iwet wenẓar.
3340I took my umbrella lest it rain.Uwyeɣ tasiwant-inu uɣaf ad d-iwet wenẓar.
3341I took an umbrella in case it should rain.Uwyeɣ tasiwant uɣaf ad d-iwet wenẓar.
3342I think you’d better take an umbrella in case it rains.Cikkeɣ yif-it ma tuwyed tasiwant, uɣaf ad d-iwet wenẓar.
3343I think you’d better take an umbrella in case it rains.Cikkeɣ yif-it ma tuwyeḍ tasiwant, uɣaf ad d-iwet wenẓar.
3344Take an umbrella with you in case it should rain.Awey tasiwant yid-k, uɣaf ad d-iwet unẓar.
3345Take an umbrella with you in case it should rain.Awey tasiwant yid-m, uɣaf ad d-iwet wenẓar.
3346Take an umbrella with you in case it rains.Awey yid-k tasiwant, uɣaf ad d-iwet wenẓar.
3347Take an umbrella with you in case it rains.Awey yid-m tasiwant, uɣaf ad d-iwet wenẓar.
3348Remember to take your umbrella, in case it rains.Ur ttettu ad tawyed tasiwant-nnek, uɣaf ad d-iwet wenẓar.
3349Remember to take your umbrella, in case it rains.Ur ttettu ad tawyed tasiwant-nnem, uɣaf ad d-iwet wenẓar.
3350Remember to take your umbrella, in case it rains.Ur ttettu ad tawyeḍ tasiwant-nnek, uɣaf ad d-iwet wenẓar.
3351Remember to take your umbrella, in case it rains.Ur ttettu ad tawyeḍ tasiwant-nnem, uɣaf ad d-iwet wenẓar.
3352It may rain, and then again, it may not.Yezmer ad d-iwet wenẓar am wakken ur d-yekkat.
3353Take an umbrella with you in case it begins to rain.Awey yid-k tasiwant uɣaf ad d-iwet wenẓar.
3354Take an umbrella with you in case it begins to rain.Awey yid-m tasiwant uɣaf ad d-iwet wenẓar.
3355It’s beginning to rain. Please share my umbrella.Atan yebda-d wenẓar. Ddari ddaw tsiwant-inu.
3356The festival will be held in the garden, unless it rains.Tafaska-nni ad d-tili deg wurti, ala ma iwet-d wenẓar.
3357I took shelter under my friend’s umbrella.Dduriɣ ddaw tsiwant n umeddakel-inu.
3358Avoid crossing this street when it is raining.Ur zegger abrid imi ara yekkat wenẓar.
3359Seeing that it is raining, you had better stay home.Mi ara twalid yekkat wenẓar, ɣas qqim deg wexxam.
3360If it is raining, I won’t go out tonight.La yekkat wenẓar. Ur tteffɣeɣ tameddit-a.
3361Since it was raining, I took a taxi.Imi ay yella yekkat wenẓar, ḍḍfeɣ aṭaksi.
3362It was raining, but he went out.Yella yekkat wenẓer maca yeffeɣ.
3363Since it was raining, we stayed at home.Neqqim deg wexxam acku yella yekkat wenẓar.
3364Since it rained, I did not go.Imi ay d-iwet wenẓar, nekk ur ddiɣ.
3365It is raining hard.La yettceṛcuṛ wenẓar.
3366She advised us that it would rain all day.Tenna-aɣ-d ad d-iwet wenẓar s teɣzef n wass.
3367Since it stopped raining, he went out for a walk.Mi yeḥbes wenẓar, yeffeɣ ad imerreḥ cwiṭ.
3368Wait till the rain stops.Ṛju arma yeḥbes wenẓar.
3369Wait till the rain stops.Ṛjut arma yeḥbes wenẓar.
3370Wait till the rain stops.Ṛjumt arma yeḥbes wenẓar.
3371It is raining worse than ever.Werjin yecceṛceṛ wenẓar anect ay la yettceṛcuṛ imir-a.
3372It is raining heavily.La yettceṛcuṛ wenẓar.
3373The rain lasted three days.Anẓar-nni yeqqim kraḍ wussan.
3374A crow is as black as coal.Agaref d aberkan am yireg.
3375A crow is as black as coal.Agaref berrik am yireg.
3376The astronauts went up to the moon in a rocket.Imsallunen ulyen ɣer Wayyur s tmeẓdit.
3377The spaceship made a perfect landing.Aɣerrabu-nni n tallunt yers-d war uguren.
3378There are millions of stars in the universe.Deg umeɣrad, llan yimelyunen n yetran.
3379Turning to the right, you will find the city hall in front of you.Mi ara tezziḍ ɣef uyeffus, ad tafeḍ taɣiwant tqubel-ik-id.
3380Turning to the right, you will find the city hall in front of you.Mi ara tezziḍ ɣef uyeffus, ad tafeḍ taɣiwant tqubel-ikem-id.
3381Turning to the right, you will find the city hall in front of you.Mi ara tezzim ɣef uyeffus, ad tafem taɣiwant tqubel-iken-id.
3382Turning to the right, you will find the city hall in front of you.Mi ara tezzimt ɣef uyeffus, ad tafemt taɣiwant tqubel-ikent-id.
3383Take the road on the right.Aɣ abrid-nni n uyeffus.
3384If you turn right, you will see a big building.Ma tezziḍ ɣef uyeffus, ad twaliḍ yiwen n uzadaɣ d ameqran.
3385If you turn right, you will see a big building.Ma tezzim ɣef uyeffus, ad twalim yiwen n uzadaɣ d ameqran.
3386If you turn right, you will see a big building.Ma tezzimt ɣef uyeffus, ad twalimt yiwen n uzadaɣ d ameqran.
3387Right and left are opposites.Ayeffus ed uzelmaḍ d inemgalen.
3388Don’t speak badly of him in his absence.Ur d-kkat deg-s mi ur yettili da.
3389You should not speak ill of others behind their backs.Ur yessefk ad d-tekkateḍ deg medden.
3390You should not speak of others behind their backs.Ur yessefk ad d-tekkateḍ deg medden.
3391Don’t speak ill of others behind their back.Ur yessefk ad d-tekkateḍ deg medden.
3392Driving after drinking alcohol is not acceptable behavior.Tanhaṛt sdeffir tissit n yiɣisem maci d ayen yettwaqbalen.
3393The more you drink, the less careful you will be.Simal tettesseḍ, simal tesṛuḥuyeḍ tazmert akken ad tḥezzbeḍ.
3394The more you drink, the less careful you will be.Simal tettessem, simal tesṛuḥuyem tazmert akken ad tḥezzbem.
3395The more you drink, the less careful you will be.Simal tettessemt, simal tesṛuḥuyemt tazmert akken ad tḥezzbemt.
3396He doesn’t care, provided he has enough to eat and drink.Ur d-yeclig. Awey-d kan imi ay yesɛa ayen ara yecc ed wayen ara isew.
3397You will ruin your health if you drink too much.Ma yella ad tettesseḍ aṭas, ad teswaɣeḍ tazmert-nnek.
3398You will ruin your health if you drink too much.Ma yella ad tettesseḍ aṭas, ad teswaɣeḍ tazmert-nnem.
3399You will ruin your health if you drink too much.Ma yella ad tettessem aṭas, ad teswaɣem tazmert-nwen.
3400You will ruin your health if you drink too much.Ma yella ad tettessemt aṭas, ad teswaɣemt tazmert-nwent.
3401I persuaded him to give up the idea.Sqenɛeɣ-t akken ad yejj takti-nni.
3402I’ll give you an answer in a day or two.Ad ak-d-fkeɣ tiririt seg-a ɣef sin wussan.
3403I recognized her at first glance.Akken kan ay tt-walaɣ, ɛeqleɣ-tt.
3404On one hand he is kind, but on the other hand he is lazy.Seg tama d uḥdiq, seg tama niḍen, d ameɛdaz.
3405On the one hand, you are wrong, but on the other hand, I can’t blame you for that.Seg tama, aql-ik tḍelmeḍ, seg tama niḍen, ur zmireɣ ad k-sḍelmeɣ ɣef wanect-a.
3406On the one hand, you are wrong, but on the other hand, I can’t blame you for that.Seg tama, aql-ikem tḍelmeḍ, seg tama niḍen, ur zmireɣ ad kem-sḍelmeɣ ɣef wanect-a.
3407On the one hand, you are wrong, but on the other hand, I can’t blame you for that.Seg tama, aql-iken tḍelmem, seg tama niḍen, ur zmireɣ ad ken-sḍelmeɣ ɣef wanect-a.
3408On the one hand, you are wrong, but on the other hand, I can’t blame you for that.Seg tama, aql-ikent tḍelmemt, seg tama niḍen, ur zmireɣ ad kent-sḍelmeɣ ɣef wanect-a.
3409You must learn step by step.Yessefk ad tlemdeḍ cwiṭ, cwiṭ.
3410If you move a step, and you will be a dead man.Lemmer ad d-ternuḍ yiwen n usurif, ɣas bnu ɣef yiman-nnek ad temmteḍ.
3411If you move a step, and you will be a dead man.Lemmer ad d-ternuḍ yiwen n usurif, ɣas bnu ɣef yiman-nnem ad temmteḍ.
3412If you move a step, and you will be a dead man.Lemmer ad d-ternum yiwen n usurif, ɣas bnut ɣef yiman-nwen ad temmtem.
3413If you move a step, and you will be a dead man.Lemmer ad d-ternumt yiwen n usurif, ɣas bnumt ɣef yiman-nwent ad temmtemt.
3414A single step, and you will fall over the cliff.Ad ternuḍ kan yiwen n usurif, ad teɣliḍ s acṛuf-nni.
3415What do you say to taking a rest?D acu ara tiniḍ lemmer ad nesgunfu?
3416The best thing to do is to ask an expert to repair it.Taɣawsa yelhan akk ara neg nettat ad as-nɣer i win yessnen akken ad t-iṣeggem.
3417Where is the nearest bank?Anda-tt tbanka ay d-iqerben akk ɣer da?
3418Can you tell me where the nearest bus stop is?Isk tzemreḍ ad iyi-d-temleḍ anida d-yezga waddud n uṭubis ?
3419Where’s the nearest shopping mall?Anda-t wammas amsenzi ay d-iqerben akk?
3420It’s always cheaper in the end to buy the best.Akken yebɣu yili, mi ara d-tesɣeḍ ayen ifazen yerna ad ak-yeḍḍef, ad tafeḍ iman-nnek tessagreḍ-d idrimen.
3421In general, little girls are fond of dolls.S umata, tiqcicin timeẓyanin ḥemmlent tiknarin.
3422Generally speaking, Japanese cars are popular overseas.S umata, tikeṛṛusin tijapuniyin mechuṛit deg lbeṛṛani.
3423Generally speaking, the weather was mild last year.S umata, lḥal yella yelha aseggas yezrin.
3424Generally speaking, savings are increasing.S umata, simal la rennun medden tteffren idrimen.
3425Generally speaking, the climate in England is mild.S umata, anezwu n Langliz d uskir.
3426Generally speaking, children like to play outdoors.S umata, igerdan ḥemmlen ad uraren deg beṛṛa.
3427Generally speaking, children like to play outdoors.S umata, igerdan ḥemmlen ad uraren deg wezniq.
3428Generally speaking, high school students study harder than college students.S umata, inelmaden n tesnawit ḥeṛṛsen iman-nsen deg tezrawin ugar n yinelmaden n tesdawit.
3429Generally speaking, there is little rain here in June.S umata, ur d-yekkat aṭas n wenẓar, deg tama-a, deg Yunyu.
3430The people in this town, generally speaking, are kind to visitors.Imezdaɣen n temdint-a, s umata, ḥedqen akked yinerzafen.
3431Generally speaking, New Zealanders are taller than Japanese.S umata, Inyuzilandiyen ɣezzifit ɣef Yijapuniyen.
3432Generally speaking, Japanese women are modest.S umata, tisednan tijapuniyin d timsetḥiyin.
3433Generally speaking, men are taller than women.S umata, irgazen ɣezzifit ɣef tsednan.
3434Generally speaking, a woman will live longer than a man.S umata, tameṭṭut tettedder ugar n wergaz.
3435Generally speaking, a woman will live longer than a man.S umata, tameṭṭut tettiɣzif tmeddurt-nnes ugar n wergaz.
3436Generally speaking, Westerners don’t eat fish raw.S umata, Utrimen ur ttetten iselman d izegzawen.
3437Generally speaking, little girls are fond of dolls.S umata, tiqcicin timecṭuḥin ḥemmlent aṭas tiknarin.
3438Generally speaking, women live longer than men by almost ten years.S umata, tisednan tteddrent qrib mraw n yiseggasen ugar n yergazen.
3439Generally speaking, women live longer than men by almost ten years.S umata, tisednan tteddrent qrib ɛecṛa n yiseggasen ugar n yergazen.
3440Generally speaking, Americans like coffee.S umata, Imarikaniyen ḥemmlen taɣlust.
3441Generally speaking, the Japanese are hard workers.S umata, Ijapuniyen xeddmen aṭas.
3442Generally speaking, the Japanese people are diligent.S umata, Ijapuniyen ḥemmlen ad ɛawnen wiyaḍ.
3443Generally speaking, men can run faster than women can.S umata, irgazen ttɣawalen deg tazzla ugar n tsednan.
3444Generally speaking, history repeats itself.S umata, amezruy yettɛawad-d iman-nnes.
3445Generally speaking, history repeats itself.S umata, amezruy yettales-d iman-nnes.
3446Generally speaking, boys like girls with long hair.S umata, iqcicen ḥemmlen tiqcicin ay yesɛan acebbub d aɣezfan.
3447Generally speaking, men are physically stronger than women.S umata, irgazen jehden ɣef tsednan.
3448Generally speaking, the young people of today are clever.S umata, ilemẓiyen n wass-a ḥeṛcen.
3449Generally speaking, the Englishman is not curious about others.S umata, Angliziyen ur ttnadin ad ssnen wiyaḍ.
3450In general, it may be said that he is a genius in music.S umata, nezmer ad d-nini yeẓwer mliḥ deg uẓawan.
3451Please give me a cup of milk.Ttxil-k, efk-iyi-d afenjal n ukeffay.
3452Can I buy you a drink?Ulac aɣilif ma xellṣeɣ-ak kra n tissit?
3453I’ll buy you a drink.Ad ak-xellṣeɣ tissit.
3454Let me buy you a drink.Ad ak-xellṣeɣ tissit.
3455New Year’s Day is the key to the year.Ass n Yiɣef n Useggas d netta ay d tawwurt n useggas.
3456We have a lot of snow at this time of the year.Yekkat-d aṭas n wedfel deg tallit-a n useggas.
3457You can’t stay in here all day.Ur tezmireḍ ad teqqimeḍ daxel-a ass s lekmal-nnes.
3458I had to stay in bed all day.Terra-iyi tmara ad qqimeɣ deg wusu s teɣzef n wass.
3459You should brush your teeth at least twice a day.A win yufan ad tessirided tuɣmas-nnek ma ulac snat n tikkal deg wass.
3460You should brush your teeth at least twice a day.A win yufan ad tessirideḍ tuɣmas-nnek ma ulac snat n tikkal deg wass.
3461You should brush your teeth at least twice a day.A win yufan ad tessiridem tuɣmas-nwen ma ulac snat n tikkal deg wass.
3462You should brush your teeth at least twice a day.A win yufan ad tessiridemt tuɣmas-nwent ma ulac snat n tikkal deg wass.
3463Once you have made a promise, you should keep it.Ma ifat tefkiḍ awal, yessefk ad teḍḍfeḍ deg-s.
3464Once you have made a promise, you should keep it.Ma ifat tefkam awal, yessefk ad teḍḍfem deg-s.
3465Once you have made a promise, you should keep it.Ma ifat tefkamt awal, yessefk ad teḍḍfemt deg-s.
3466Once you have made a promise, you should keep it.Ma ifat tṛeggmeḍ kra, yessefk ad teḍḍfeḍ deg wawal-nnek.
3467Once you have made a promise, you should keep it.Ma ifat tṛeggmeḍ kra, yessefk ad teḍḍfeḍ deg wawal-nnem.
3468Once you have made a promise, you should keep it.Ma ifat tṛeggmem kra, yessefk ad teḍḍfem deg wawal-nwen.
3469Once you have made a promise, you should keep it.Ma ifat tṛeggmemt kra, yessefk ad teḍḍfemt deg wawal-nwent.
3470Are you sure you’ve never met him?Tetḥeqqeḍ werjin teẓriḍ-t?
3471Are you sure you’ve never met him?Tetḥeqqem werjin teẓram-t?
3472Are you sure you’ve never met him?Tetḥeqqem werjin teẓramt-t?
3473You must not eat too much food at one time.Ur yessefk ad tecceḍ aṭas ɣef tikkelt.
3474Once you leave here, you can’t come back again.Ma ifat teffɣeḍ seg-a, ur tzemmreḍ ad d-teqqleḍ.
3475Once you leave here, you can’t come back again.Ma ifat teffɣem seg-a, ur tzemmrem ad d-teqqlem.
3476Once you leave here, you can’t come back again.Ma ifat teffɣemt seg-a, ur tzemmremt ad d-teqqlemt.
3477What on earth are you doing here?D acu akka ay la tettgeḍ da?
3478Why on earth did you sell your newly-built house?Ayɣer akka ay tessenzeḍ axxam-nni ay tebniḍ d amaynu?
3479Why on earth did you sell your newly built house?Ayɣer akka ay tessenzeḍ axxam-nni ay tebniḍ seg melmi kan?
3480Can you speak English at all?Yella kra ay tessneḍ deg tanglizit?
3481What was it that you gave him?D acu ay as-tefkiḍ?
3482To kill two birds with one stone.Sin yegḍaḍ s yiwen weẓru.
3483Is it about ten million yen?Ad yeswu azal n mraw n yimelyunen n yiyenen?
3484If you work hard, you’ll pass your exam.Ma tḥeṛseḍ mliḥ iman-nnek deg tezrawin, ad d-tawyeḍ akayad-nni.
3485If you work hard, you’ll pass your exam.Ma tḥeṛseḍ mliḥ iman-nnem deg tezrawin, ad d-tawyeḍ akayad-nni.
3486If you work hard, you’ll pass your exam.Ma tḥeṛsem mliḥ iman-nwen deg tezrawin, ad d-tawyem akayad-nni.
3487If you work hard, you’ll pass your exam.Ma tḥeṛsemt mliḥ iman-nwent deg tezrawin, ad d-tawyemt akayad-nni.
3488If he studied hard, he would pass the test.Lemmer ad iɣer mliḥ, yezmer ad d-yawey akayad-nni.
3489If you don’t study hard, you’ll continue to get poor scores.Ma yella ur tḥeṛṛseḍ iman-nnek deg tezrawin, ad tkemmleḍ ad d-tettawyeḍ tizmilin n diri.
3490If you don’t study hard, you’ll continue to get poor scores.Ma yella ur tḥeṛṛseḍ iman-nnem deg tezrawin, ad tkemmleḍ ad d-tettawyeḍ tizmilin n diri.
3491If you don’t study hard, you’ll continue to get poor scores.Ma yella ur tḥeṛṛsem iman-nwen deg tezrawin, ad tkemmlem ad d-tettawyem tizmilin n diri.
3492If you don’t study hard, you’ll continue to get poor scores.Ma yella ur tḥeṛṛsemt iman-nwent deg tezrawin, ad tkemmlemt ad d-tettawyemt tizmilin n diri.
3493You can make your dream come true by working hard.Ma tẓewred deg uxeddim, tzemreḍ ad tessuffɣeḍ tirga-nnek ɣer tidet.
3494You won’t succeed unless you work hard.Ur tezmireḍ ad trebḥeḍ arma tḥeṛseḍ iman-nnek deg uxeddim.
3495You won’t succeed unless you work hard.Ur tezmireḍ ad trebḥeḍ arma tḥeṛseḍ iman-nnem deg uxeddim.
3496You won’t succeed unless you work hard.Ur tezmirem ad trebḥem arma tḥeṛsem iman-nwen deg uxeddim.
3497You won’t succeed unless you work hard.Ur tezmiremt ad trebḥemt arma tḥeṛsemt iman-nwent deg uxeddim.
3498I ran and ran, but missed the train.Uzzleɣ, uzzleɣ, maca zegleɣ tamacint-nni.
3499You can’t get ahead if you don’t work hard.Ma yella ur tḥeṛṛseḍ iman-nnek deg uxeddim, ur tzemmreḍ ad taẓeḍ ɣer sdat.
3500You can’t get ahead if you don’t work hard.Ma yella ur tḥeṛṛseḍ iman-nnem deg uxeddim, ur tzemmreḍ ad taẓeḍ ɣer sdat.
3501You can’t get ahead if you don’t work hard.Ma yella ur tḥeṛṛsem iman-nwen deg uxeddim, ur tzemmrem ad taẓem ɣer sdat.
3502You’ll be able to speak English better if you practice hard.Ma tesleɣmaḍ iman-nnek mliḥ, ad teqqleḍ tessneḍ ad tessiwleḍ tanglizit.
3503You’ll be able to speak English better if you practice hard.Ma tesleɣmaḍ iman-nnem mliḥ, ad teqqleḍ tessneḍ ad tessiwleḍ tanglizit.
3504You’ll be able to speak English better if you practice hard.Ma tesleɣmam iman-nwen mliḥ, ad teqqlem tessnem ad tessiwlem tanglizit.
3505You’ll be able to speak English better if you practice hard.Ma tesleɣmamt iman-nwent mliḥ, ad teqqlemt tessnemt ad tessiwlemt tanglizit.
3506If you try very hard, you will succeed.Ma tḥeṛseḍ iman-nnek mliḥ, ad trebḥeḍ.
3507If you try very hard, you will succeed.Ma tḥeṛseḍ iman-nnem mliḥ, ad trebḥeḍ.
3508If you try very hard, you will succeed.Ma tḥeṛsem iman-nwen mliḥ, ad trebḥem.
3509If you try very hard, you will succeed.Ma tḥeṛsemt iman-nwent mliḥ, ad trebḥemt.
3510I dislike being alone.Keṛheɣ mi ara iliɣ i yiman-inu.
3511I dislike being alone.Keṛheɣ ad qqimeɣ i yiman-inu.
3512An old man was at rest under the tree.Yella yiwen n wemɣar yesgunfa ddaw useklu-nni.
3513A woman appeared from behind a tree.Teffeɣ-d yiwet n tmeṭṭut seg sdeffir yiwen n useklu.
3514Left alone, he began to read a book.Mi yeqqim i yiman-nnes, yebda yeqqar adlis.
3515I’d rather stay home than go alone.Smenyafeɣ ad qqimeɣ deg wexxam wala ad dduɣ i yiman-inu.
3516I don’t want to go alone.Ur bɣiɣ ad dduɣ i yiman-inu.
3517Can you move this desk by yourself?Tzemreḍ ad tbeddleḍ amkan i tnarit-a i yiman-nnek?
3518It’s good to be able to concentrate single-mindedly on your work, but you’re completely ignoring the people around you.Yelha ma terriḍ ddehn-nnek ɣer ccɣel-nnek, maca kecc aql-ik tettuḍ akk wid ay d-yezzin fell-ak.
3519It’s good to be able to concentrate single-mindedly on your work, but you’re completely ignoring the people around you.Yelha ma terriḍ ddehn-nnem ɣer ccɣel-nnem, maca kemm aql-ikem tettuḍ akk wid ay d-yezzin fell-am.
3520It’s good to be able to concentrate single-mindedly on your work, but you’re completely ignoring the people around you.Yelha ma terram ddehn-nwen ɣer ccɣel-nwen, maca kenwi aql-iken tettum akk wid ay d-yezzin fell-awen.
3521It’s good to be able to concentrate single-mindedly on your work, but you’re completely ignoring the people around you.Yelha ma terramt ddehn-nwent ɣer ccɣel-nwent, maca kennemti aql-ikent tettumt akk wid ay d-yezzin fell-awent.
3522Won’t you come with me?Ur d-tettaseḍ yid-i?
3523Won’t you come with me?Ur d-ttased yid-i?
3524Won’t you come with me?Ur d-ttaseḍ yid-i?
3525Won’t you come with me?Ur d-ttasem yid-i?
3526Won’t you come with me?Ur d-ttasemt yid-i?
3527Would you play with me?Ad turareḍ yid-i?
3528Won’t you go shopping with me?Ur d-tettaseḍ ad teqḍuḍ yid-i?
3529How about eating out with me?D acu ara tiniḍ lemmer ad necc deg beṛṛa?
3530Do you want to come along?Tebɣiḍ ad tedduḍ yid-i?
3531Why don’t you come in for a cup of coffee and a chat?Ayɣer ur d-tkeccmeḍ ad nsew taɣlust yerna ad nqeṣṣer?
3532With great effort he climbed up the tree.S lḥif d ameqran ay yuley aseklu-nni.
3533I stayed home for a week.Qqimeɣ dduṛt deg wexxam.
3534How often a week do you take a bath?Acḥal n tikkal ay teccucufeḍ deg dduṛt?
3535You can read ten books in a week? Don’t you mean in a month?Tzemreḍ ad teɣreḍ mraw n yedlisen deg dduṛt? Ugaɣ tqesdeḍ-d deg wayyur?
3536You can read ten books in a week? Don’t you mean in a month?Tzemrem ad teɣrem mraw n yedlisen deg dduṛt? Ugaɣ tqesdem-d deg wayyur?
3537You can read ten books in a week? Don’t you mean in a month?Tzemremt ad teɣremt mraw n yedlisen deg dduṛt? Ugaɣ tqesdemt-d deg wayyur?
3538I will lend you some money, on condition that you will repay it in a week.Ad ak-reḍleɣ cwiṭ n yedrimen, maca yessefk ad iyi-ten-id-terreḍ seg-a ɣef dduṛt.
3539I will lend you some money, on condition that you will repay it in a week.Ad am-reḍleɣ cwiṭ n yedrimen, maca yessefk ad iyi-ten-id-terreḍ seg-a ɣef dduṛt.
3540I will lend you some money, on condition that you will repay it in a week.Ad awen-reḍleɣ cwiṭ n yedrimen, maca yessefk ad iyi-ten-id-terrem seg-a ɣef dduṛt.
3541I will lend you some money, on condition that you will repay it in a week.Ad awent-reḍleɣ cwiṭ n yedrimen, maca yessefk ad iyi-ten-id-terremt seg-a ɣef dduṛt.
3542An hour’s drive brought us to the airport.Nedda tasaɛet s tkeṛṛust akken ad naweḍ s anafag.
3543Do you think you can make out the list in an hour?Ɣef leḥsab-nnek, tzemreḍ ad d-tgeḍ umuɣ-nni deg tsaɛet?
3544Do you think you can make out the list in an hour?Ɣef leḥsab-nnem, tzemreḍ ad d-tgeḍ umuɣ-nni deg tsaɛet?
3545Do you think you can make out the list in an hour?Ɣef leḥsab-nwen, tzemrem ad d-tgem umuɣ-nni deg tsaɛet?
3546Do you think you can make out the list in an hour?Ɣef leḥsab-nwent, tzemremt ad d-tgemt umuɣ-nni deg tsaɛet?
3547The party stayed in Kyoto for a short period.Akabar-nni yeqqim deg Kyoto kra n wakud.
3548Write on every other line.Aru deg yiwen yizirig, tejjeḍ wayeḍ d ilem.
3549Can I have a bite?Zemreɣ ad bbiɣ seg-s cwiṭ?
3550Let me give you a piece of advice.Bɣiɣ ad k-neṣḥeɣ ma ulac aɣilif.
3551You have something to say about everything, don’t you?Kecc tesɛiḍ ayen ara d-tiniḍ ɣef kullec, naɣ?
3552You have something to say about everything, don’t you?Kemm tesɛiḍ ayen ara d-tiniḍ ɣef kullec, naɣ?
3553You have something to say about everything, don’t you?Kenwi tesɛam ayen ara d-tinim ɣef kullec, naɣ?
3554You have something to say about everything, don’t you?Kennemti tesɛamt ayen ara d-tinimt ɣef kullec, naɣ?
3555He didn’t say a word.Ur d-yenni ula d yiwen n wawal.
3556At first sight, he seemed kind and gentle.Mi ara t-twaliḍ i tikkelt tamezwarut, ad ak-d-iban yeḥdeq yerna yekyes.
3557Let’s take a rest.As-d ad nesgunfu.
3558Let’s take a rest.Aset-d ad nesgunfu.
3559Let’s take a rest.Asemt-d ad nesgunfu.
3560He is the black sheep of the family.D netta ay d taɣaḍt timjejjeḍt n twacult.
3561I’ll give you a piece of good advice.Ad ak-fkeɣ tanṣiḥt ay yelhan.
3562To know a language is one thing, and to teach it is another.Tamussni n kra n yiles d taɣawsa, asselmed-nnes d taɣawsa niḍen.
3563To know a language is one thing, and to teach it is another.Tamussni n kra n yiles d taɣawsa, ma d asselmed-nnes d taɣawsa niḍen.
3564Could you call a doctor, please?Tzemred ad as-teɣred i yemsujji?
3565Could you call a doctor, please?Tzemreḍ ad as-teɣreḍ i yemsujji?
3566Do you think we should send for the doctor?Ad as-nɣer i yemsujji?
3567Do you think we should send for the doctor?Ad as-d-nɣer i yemsujji?
3568Do you think we should send for the doctor?Ad as-nazen i yemsujji?
3569You must send for the doctor.Yessefk ad as-d-teɣred i yemsujji.
3570You must send for the doctor.Yessefk ad as-d-teɣreḍ i yemsujji.
3571You must send for the doctor.Yessefk ad as-d-teɣrem i yemsujji.
3572You must send for the doctor.Yessefk ad as-d-teɣremt i yemsujji.
3573Will you send for a doctor?Tzemred ad d-teɣred i yemsujji?
3574Will you send for a doctor?Tzemreḍ ad d-teɣreḍ i yemsujji?
3575Will you send for a doctor?Tzemrem ad d-teɣrem i yemsujji?
3576Will you send for a doctor?Tzemremt ad d-teɣremt i yemsujji?
3577You’d better send for a doctor.Ɣas ɣer-d i yemsujji.
3578You’d better send for a doctor.Ɣas ɣret-d i yemsujji.
3579You’d better send for a doctor.Ɣas ɣremt-d i yemsujji.
3580The doctor ordered her to go on a strict diet.Imsujji yumeṛ-itt akken ad teḍfer agal d aquran.
3581The doctors tell you that he is brain-dead.Imsujjiyen nnan-d yemmut wallaɣ-nnes.
3582The doctor advised him not to eat between meals.Imsujji yenṣeḥ-it akken ur yesnagar gar tram.
3583The doctor advised him not to smoke.Imsujji yenṣeḥ-it akken ad yeḥbes ddexxan.
3584The doctor advised me not to eat too much.Yenṣeḥ-iyi yemsujji akken ur ttetteɣ aṭas.
3585The doctor advised me to drink more milk.Imsujji yenṣeḥ-iyi ad ttesseɣ ugar n ukeffay.
3586The doctor placed a stethoscope on the patient’s chest.Imsujji yessers taḥessast-nnes ɣef yedmaren n umuḍin.
3587What did he say?D acu ay d-yenna?
3588The doctor may have said so.Yezmer lḥal ad yili yemsujji-nni yenna-d aya.
3589I wish I had followed the doctor’s advice.Yif-it lemmer d ay ḍfireɣ tanṣiḥt-nni n yemsujji.
3590You had better do as the doctor advised you.Ɣas eg akken ay k-yenṣeḥ yemsujji.
3591You had better do as the doctor advised you.Ɣas eg akken ay kem-yenṣeḥ yemsujji.
3592You had better do as the doctor advised you.Ɣas get akken ay ken-yenṣeḥ yemsujji.
3593You had better do as the doctor advised you.Ɣas gemt akken ay kent-yenṣeḥ yemsujji.
3594You’d better see a doctor.Yif-it ma teẓriḍ imsujji.
3595It is necessary that you see a doctor.Yessefk ad teẓrem imsujji.
3596It is necessary that you see a doctor.Yessefk ad teẓremt imsujji.
3597Let’s send for the doctor.Ad d-nɣer i yemsujji.
3598You should have a doctor check you out.Yessefk ad teẓreḍ imsujji.
3599You should have a doctor check you out.Yessefk ad k-iẓer yemsujji.
3600You should have a doctor check you out.Yessefk ad teẓrem imsujji.
3601You should have a doctor check you out.Yessefk ad teẓremt imsujji.
3602You should have a doctor check you out.Yessefk ad kem-iẓer yemsujji.
3603You should have a doctor check you out.Yessefk ad ken-iẓer yemsujji.
3604You should have a doctor check you out.Yessefk ad kent-iẓer yemsujji.
3605Did you go to the doctor?Teddiḍ s imsujji?
3606Medical science has made a dramatic advance.Tesnajya tuẓa mliḥ ɣer sdat.
3607He died without having made a will.Yemmut war ma yejja-d lewṣaya.
3609The difference is this: he works harder than you.Amgerrad gar-awen d wa: netta ixeddem ugar-nnek.
3610We must make economies in buying clothes.Yessefk ad ncuḥḥ i yedrimen mi ara d-nessaɣ iceḍḍiḍen.
3611Could you send up some stomach medicine?Tzemred ad iyi-d-tazned kra n usafar n tɛebbuḍt?
3612Could you send up some stomach medicine?Tzemreḍ ad iyi-d-tazneḍ kra n usafar n tɛebbuḍt?
3613Could you send up some stomach medicine?Tzemrem ad iyi-d-taznem kra n usafar n tɛebbuḍt?
3614Could you send up some stomach medicine?Tzemremt ad iyi-d-taznemt kra n usafar n tɛebbuḍt?
3615Two seats were vacant.Sin n yikersiyen ay yellan d ilmawen.
3616Could you say that in plain English?Tzemreḍ ad d-tiniḍ aya s tanglizit tafessast?
3617I lost consciousness.Xesfeɣ.
3618She is unconscious.Attan teṣreɛ.
3619We use words in order to communicate.Nesseqdac awalen akken ad nemselɣu.
3620Unexpected results were announced.Igmaḍ-nni ay d-yettwakecfen yiwen ur yebni fell-asen.
3621Our committee consists of ten members.Aseqqamu-nneɣ llan deg-s mraw n yimaslaḍen.
3622The committee meets twice a month.Aseqqamu-nni yettemlili snat n tikkal deg wayyur.
3623The committee decided to call off the strike.Aseqqamu-nni yeɛzem ad yeḥbes assunded-nni.
3624The committee consists of eight members.Aseqqamu-nni llan deg-s tam n yimaslaḍen.
3625We’ve been friends ever since.Seg yimir-nni ay neqqel d imeddukal.
3626We’ve been friends ever since.Seg yimir-nni ay neqqel d timeddukal.
3627The knife we used to cut the bread with was sharp.Tafrut-nni ayyes negzem aɣrum tella temsed.
3628There was a tall tree in front of my house.Yella yiwen n useklu d ameqran iqubel axxam-inu.
3629You are much taller than you used to be.Tiɣzifeḍ aṭas ɣef leḥsab n zik.
3630You are much taller than you used to be.Tiɣzifem aṭas ɣef leḥsab n zik.
3631You are much taller than you used to be.Tiɣzifemt aṭas ɣef leḥsab n zik.
3632No one had ever thought of selling ice before.Ula d yiwen ur ixemmem ad yessenz agris uqbel.
3633There used to be a big cherry tree at the back of my house.Zik tella yiwet n treḍlimt d tameqrant deffir wexxam-inu.
3634There used to be big trees around my house.Zik llan zzin-d yisekla ɣef wexxam-inu.
3635You used to smoke, didn’t you?Telliḍ tettkeyyifeḍ zik, naɣ?
3636You used to smoke, didn’t you?Tellam tettkeyyifem zik, naɣ?
3637You used to smoke, didn’t you?Tellamt tettkeyyifemt zik, naɣ?
3638I’ve always wanted to meet you.Seg zik ay bɣiɣ ad k-id-mlileɣ.
3639Haven’t we met before?Ur nemlal yiwen wass?
3640Have we met before?Yella wass aydeg nemlal?
3641Not having seen him before, I’ll not be able to recognize him.Imi werjin t-ẓriɣ uqbel, ur zemmreɣ ad t-ɛeqleɣ.
3642Not having seen her before, I did not know her.Imi werjin tt-ẓriɣ uqbel, ur tt-ɛqileɣ.
3643It feels like I’ve seen her before.Yuwey-iyi-d Ṛebbi ẓriɣ-tt yagi uqbel.
3644It feels like I’ve seen her before.Ad as-tiniḍ ẓriɣ-tt yagi uqbel.
3645I’ve been to Hokkaido before.Rziɣ yagi ɣef Hokkaido.
3646Is that all?D aya?
3647I may have seen that film before, but I can hardly remember it.Yezmer lḥal ẓriɣ asaru-a uqbel, maca qrib ulac akk d acu ay cfiɣ fell-as.
3648The following is his story.Ayen ara d-iḍefren d taḥkayt-nnes.
3649I’ll never do this again.Werjin ad ɛawdeɣ ad geɣ aya.
3650The following is a summary of the President’s speech.Ayen ara d-iḍefren d agzul n yinaw n Uselway.
3651The following is what he told me.Ayen ara d-iḍefren d ayen ay iyi-d-yenna.
3652Could you send me a brochure?Tzemrem ad iyi-d-taznem taneḍfust?
3653Could you send me a brochure?Tzemred ad iyi-d-tazned taneḍfust?
3654Could you send me a brochure?Tzemreḍ ad iyi-d-tazneḍ taneḍfust?
3655Could you send me a brochure?Tzemremt ad iyi-d-taznemt taneḍfust?
3656Show me the way, will you?Ad iyi-d-temleḍ abrid?
3657I have no plans whatever.Ur sɛiɣ akk kra n uɣawas.
3658You’d better hurry up if you want to get home before dark.Ɣas ɣiwel ma tebɣiḍ ad tawḍeḍ s axxam uqbel ma ɣlint-d tillas.
3659You’d better hurry up if you want to get home before dark.Ɣas ɣiwlet ma tebɣam ad tawḍem s axxam uqbel ma ɣlint-d tillas.
3660You’d better hurry up if you want to get home before dark.Ɣas ɣiwlemt ma tebɣamt ad tawḍemt s axxam uqbel ma ɣlint-d tillas.
3661I will return to the house before dark.Ad d-qqleɣ s axxam uqbel ma yeɣli-d yiḍ.
3662I reached the village before dark.Uwḍeɣ ɣer taddart-nni uqbel ma yeɣli-d yiḍ.
3663It’s getting dark. Please turn the light on for me.La d-iɣelli ḍḍlam. Ttxil-k, ssiɣ-iyi-d tafat.
3664It’s getting dark. Please turn the light on for me.La d-ɣellint tillas. Ttxil-k, ssiɣ-iyi-d tafat.
3665It is getting darker. It may rain soon.La d-ɣellint tillas. Yezmer lḥal ad d-iwet wenẓar.
3666It is getting darker. It may rain soon.La d-ɣellint tillas. Ahat ur yettɛeḍḍil ad d-yebdu wenẓar.
3667It is getting darker. It may rain soon.La d-ɣellint tillas. Ahat ur yettɛeḍḍil ad d-iwet wenẓar.
3668Buy cheap and waste your money.Mi ara d-tesɣeḍ ayen rxisen, d aḍegger kan ay tettḍeggireḍ idrimen-nnek.
3669Everybody speaks very highly of Ando.Medden akk cekkṛen-d Ando.
3670You may injure yourself if you don’t follow safety procedures.Tzemreḍ ad tjerḥeḍ iman-nnem ma yella ur tettḍafareḍ lewṣayat n laman.
3671You may injure yourself if you don’t follow safety procedures.Tzemreḍ ad tjerḥeḍ iman-nnek ma yella ur tettḍafareḍ lewṣayat n laman.
3672Have a safe trip.Ibriden d laman.
3673The cheap prices tempted me to buy things I didn’t need.Rrxa-nni yessaweḍ-iyi ad d-sɣeɣ tiɣawsiwin ur ḥwajeɣ.
3674Do you know of any inexpensive stores?Tessned igget sy tḥuna illanet uhu sɣellanet?
3675It seemed to be cheap.Ybani‑d am batta yerxes.
3676I saved on travelling expenses by staying at a cheap hotel.Smuttiɣ idrimen n terzeft s uqimi nutil irexsen.
3677I want to buy this book not because it is cheap, but because it is useful.Ur bɣiɣ ad d-sɣeɣ adlis-a ɣef rrxa-nnes, wanag ɣef lfayda-nnes.
3678Send it to me as a compressed file.Azen-iyi-t-id d afaylu ussid.
3679Send it to me as a compressed file.Aznet-iyi-t-id d afaylu ussid.
3680Send it to me as a compressed file.Aznemt-iyi-t-id d afaylu ussid.
3681Try to avoid bad company.Ɛreḍ ad tessinfeḍ i yir lemxalḍa.
3682Try to avoid bad company.Ssinef i yir lemxalḍa.
3683Try to avoid bad company.Ssinef i yir imeddukal.
3684I had a nightmare.Urgaɣ yir targit.
3685When you talk of the devil you will hear his bones rattle.Bder-d aydi, heyyi-d aɛekkaz.
3686When you talk of the devil you will hear his bones rattle.Bedret-d aydi, heyyit-d aɛekkaz.
3687When you talk of the devil you will hear his bones rattle.Bedremt-d aydi, heyyimt-d aɛekkaz.
3688Talk of the devil and he is sure to appear.Bder-d aydi, heyyi-d aɛekkaz.
3689Speak of the devil and he is sure to appear.Bder-d aydi, heyyi-d aɛekkaz.
3690Due to bad weather, the plane was late.Asafag-nni iɛeḍḍel ɣef ljal n lḥal n diri.
3691Due to bad weather, the plane arrived three hours late.Ɣef ljal n lḥal n diri, asafag-nni iɛeḍḍel kraḍt n tsaɛtin.
3692I got sick.Uḍneɣ.
3693You will be disliked by girls if you play practical jokes on them.Ad k-keṛhent teqcicin ma yella tettqeṣṣireḍ yid-sent yir aqeṣṣer.
3694You will be disliked by girls if you play practical jokes on them.Ad kem-keṛhent teqcicin ma yella tettqeṣṣireḍ yid-sent yir aqeṣṣer.
3695You will be disliked by girls if you play practical jokes on them.Ad ken-keṛhent teqcicin ma yella tettqeṣṣirem yid-sent yir aqeṣṣer.
3696You will be disliked by girls if you play practical jokes on them.Ad kent-keṛhent teqcicin ma yella tettqeṣṣiremt yid-sent yir aqeṣṣer.
3697Not bad.Yelha.
3698Evil sometimes wins.Tikkal, cceṛ irebbeḥ.
3699It’s hard to change a bad habit.Yewɛeṛ ad tbeddleḍ yir ḍḍbiɛa.
3700You have to apologize at once when you have done wrong.Mi ara teccḍeḍ, yessefk ad tessutreḍ ssmaḥ d umatu.
3701You have to apologize at once when you have done wrong.Mi ara teccḍem, yessefk ad tessutrem ssmaḥ d umatu.
3702You have to apologize at once when you have done wrong.Mi ara teccḍemt, yessefk ad tessutremt ssmaḥ d umatu.
3703You have to apologize at once when you have done wrong.Mi ara teccḍeḍ, yessefk ad tessutreḍ asaruf dindin.
3704You have to apologize at once when you have done wrong.Mi ara teccḍem, yessefk ad tessutrem asaruf dindin.
3705You have to apologize at once when you have done wrong.Mi ara teccḍemt, yessefk ad tessutremt asaruf dindin.
3706You cannot live by love alone.Ur tezmireḍ ad teddreḍ s tayri kan.
3707You cannot live by love alone.Ur tezmirem ad teddrem s tayri kan.
3708Accept a person’s love.Ma iḥemmel-ik yiwen, qbel tayri-nnes.
3709Accept a person’s love.Ma ira-k yiwen, qbel tayri-nnes.
3710Ai finds it difficult to make friends with Ken.Yewɛeṛ ɣef Ai ad yeqqel d ameddakel n Ken.
3711My love for you won’t let me tell you everything. Some things are better left unsaid.Ɣas ḥemmleɣ-kem maca ur zmireɣ ad am-d-iniɣ kullec. Kra n tɣawsiwin yif-it ma nejja-tent ffrent.
3712There is more pleasure in loving than in being loved.Tadfi n mi ara tḥemmled tugar tadfi n mi ara tettwaḥemmled.
3713There is more pleasure in loving than in being loved.Tadfi n mi ara tḥemmleḍ tugar tadfi n mi ara tettwaḥemmleḍ.
3714Mt. Aso is an active volcano.Adrar n Aso d aburkan urmid.
3715We rid his house of mice.Neqḍeɛ iɣerdayen seg wexxam-nnes.
3716We defeated the enemy.Nerna aɛdaw-nni.
3717We wanted to speak to the president of the company, but he refused to speak to us.Nella nebɣa ad nessiwel ed uselway n teṛmist-nni, maca yugi ad yessiwel yid-neɣ.
3718We must put an end to a bad habit as soon as possible.Yessefk ad tḥebseḍ yir ḍḍbiɛa dindin kan.
3719Our letters probably crossed in the mail.Ahat mlalent tebṛatin-nneɣ deg tesreqqest.
3720Don’t mention our plan to anybody.Ur ḥekku i yiwen ɣef uɣawas-nneɣ.
3721Don’t mention our plan to anybody.Ur ḥekkut i yiwen ɣef uɣawas-nneɣ.
3722Don’t mention our plan to anybody.Ur ḥekkumt i yiwen ɣef uɣawas-nneɣ.
3723Don’t mention our plan to anybody.Ur ḥekku i yiwen ɣef uɣawas-nteɣ.
3724Don’t mention our plan to anybody.Ur ḥekkut i yiwen ɣef uɣawas-nteɣ.
3725Don’t mention our plan to anybody.Ur ḥekkumt i yiwen ɣef uɣawas-nteɣ.
3726Don’t mention our plan to anybody.Aɣawas-nneɣ ur t-id-bedder i yiwen.
3727Don’t mention our plan to anybody.Aɣawas-nneɣ ur t-id-beddret i yiwen.
3728Don’t mention our plan to anybody.Aɣawas-nneɣ ur t-id-beddremt i yiwen.
3729Don’t mention our plan to anybody.Aɣawas-nteɣ ur t-id-beddret i yiwen.
3730Don’t mention our plan to anybody.Aɣawas-nteɣ ur t-id-bedder i yiwen.
3731Don’t mention our plan to anybody.Aɣawas-nteɣ ur t-id-beddremt i yiwen.
3732Give me liberty or give me death.Efk-iyi tilelli neɣ enɣ-iyi.
3733I walked up the hill.Ulyeɣ tiɣilt-nni.
3734I usually go to bed at ten.Nnummeɣ ttaḍḍaseɣ ɣef tis mraw.
3735I usually go to bed at ten.Nnummeɣ ttaḍḍaseɣ ɣef lɛecṛa.
3736I didn’t want his help, but I had to accept it.Ur lliɣ ara bɣiɣ ad iyi-yalel, maca terra-iyi tmara ad qebleɣ tallalt-nnes.
3737I know an American girl who speaks Japanese very well.Ssneɣ yiwet n teqcict tamarikanit ay yessawalen tajapunit mliḥ.
3738I am looking for a house to rent.La ttnadiɣ ad kruɣ axxam.
3739I swim once a week.Ttɛumuɣ tikkelt i dduṛt.
3740I was forced to accept her proposal.Terra-iyi tmara ad qebleɣ assumer-nnes.
3741I cannot go to the party, but thank you for inviting me all the same.Ur zmireɣ ad d-aseɣ ɣer tmerɣra-nni, maca tanemmirt ɣef uneɛruḍ ay iyi-d-tɛerḍem.
3742How happy I am!Acḥal ay feṛḥeɣ!
3743I managed to get there in time.Ssawḍeɣ ad awḍeɣ ɣer din deg lawan.
3744I have nothing to say against it.Ur sɛiɣ acemma ara d-iniɣ mgal waya.
3745I was absent from the party.Lliɣ ɣabeɣ deg tmeɣra-nni.
3746I prefer coffee to tea.Ḥemmleɣ taɣlust ugar n watay.
3747I want to travel with you.Bɣiɣ ad ssikleɣ yid-k.
3748I took it that you would come.Ɣileɣ ad d-taseḍ.
3749I met Mary and John when in London.Mlaleɣ-d Mary ed John mi lliɣ deg London.
3750I met Mary and John when in London.Mi lliɣ deg London ay d-mlaleɣ Mary ed John.
3751I don’t want to identify myself with that group.Ur bɣiɣ ad iliɣ seg terbaɛt-nni.
3752I have a friend whose father is a famous pianist.Sɛiɣ yiwen n umeddakel, baba-s d amarir n wepyanu mechuṛen.
3753I have no time to watch TV.Ur sɛiɣ akud akken ad waliɣ tiliẓri.
3754We walked among the trees.Nqeṣṣer gar yisekla.
3755We noticed the man enter her room.Nger tamawt i wergaz-nni mi yekcem ɣer texxamt-nnes nettat.
3756I was taking a bath when the telephone rang.Mi lliɣ ccucufeɣ, yesserser-d usawal-nni.
3757It is just a year since I got married.Aseggas kan aya seg wasmi ay zewjeɣ.
3758Now that I am here, you don’t have to worry.Imir-a, mi akka ay lliɣ da, ula ay tagadeḍ.
3759Cherry trees are now in bloom in Washington.Ussan-a, jjujjgent treḍlimin deg Washington.
3760Don’t bother to call on him.Ulayɣer ma tḥelleleḍ-t.
3761Thank you for coming all the way to see me.Tanemmirt imi ay d-tusiḍ ad iyi-teẓreḍ.
3762Thank you for coming all the way to see me off.Tanemmirt imi ay d-tusiḍ akken ad iyi-tessifḍeḍ.
3763Don’t ask me why.Ur iyi-d-sseqsay ayɣer.
3764Don’t ask me why.Ur iyi-d-ttini ayɣer.
3765There is a church near my house.Tella teklizt sdat wexxam-inu.
3766OK. I’ll send it out as soon as a machine is available.Aha. Akken kan ara iyi-d-iṣaḥ kra n uselkim, ad ak-t-id-azneɣ.
3767OK. I’ll send it out as soon as a machine is available.Aha. Akken kan ara iyi-d-iṣaḥ kra n uselkim, ad ak-tt-id-azneɣ.
3768OK. I’ll send it out as soon as a machine is available.Aha. Akken kan ara iyi-d-iṣaḥ kra n uselkim, ad am-t-id-azneɣ.
3769OK. I’ll send it out as soon as a machine is available.Aha. Akken kan ara iyi-d-iṣaḥ kra n uselkim, ad am-tt-id-azneɣ.
3770OK. I’ll send it out as soon as a machine is available.Aha. Akken kan ara iyi-d-iṣaḥ kra n uselkim, ad t-azneɣ.
3771OK. I’ll send it out as soon as a machine is available.Aha. Akken kan ara iyi-d-iṣaḥ kra n uselkim, ad tt-azneɣ.
3772OK. I’ll send it out as soon as a machine is available.Aha. Akken kan ara iyi-d-iṣaḥ kra n uselkim, ad awen-t-id-azneɣ.
3773OK. I’ll send it out as soon as a machine is available.Aha. Akken kan ara iyi-d-iṣaḥ kra n uselkim, ad awen-tt-id-azneɣ.
3774OK. I’ll send it out as soon as a machine is available.Aha. Akken kan ara iyi-d-iṣaḥ kra n uselkim, ad awent-t-id-azneɣ.
3775OK. I’ll send it out as soon as a machine is available.Aha. Akken kan ara iyi-d-iṣaḥ kra n uselkim, ad awent-tt-id-azneɣ.
3776Our team lost.Texṣer teɣlamt-nneɣ.
3777What number bus do I take to get to Waikiki?D acu-t wuḍḍunn usakac ara rekbeɣ akken ad dduɣ ɣer Waikiki?
3778I want to buy a word processor.Bɣiɣ ad d-sɣeɣ ahil n ussesker n yeḍrisen.
3779If you had a word processor, you’d be free from all this trouble.Lemmer d ay tesɛiḍ ahil n ussesker n yeḍrisen, tili ur tseɛɛuḍ uguren-a akk.
3780If you had a word processor, you’d be free from all this trouble.Lemmer d ay tesɛim ahil n ussesker n yeḍrisen, tili ur tseɛɛum uguren-a akk.
3781If you had a word processor, you’d be free from all this trouble.Lemmer d ay tesɛimt ahil n ussesker n yeḍrisen, tili ur tseɛɛumt uguren-a akk.
3782Did you visit the Tower of London?Terzid ɣef Tneḍḍaft n London?
3783Did you visit the Tower of London?Terziḍ ɣef Tneḍḍaft n London?
3784Did you visit the Tower of London?Terzam ɣef Tneḍḍaft n London?
3785Did you visit the Tower of London?Terzamt ɣef Tneḍḍaft n London?
3786While in London, she studied English.Mi tella deg London, teɣra tanglizit.
3787While in London, she studied English.Teɣra tanglizit mi tella deg London.
3788He brushed up his English during his stay in London.Igerrez tanglizit-nnes mi yella deg London.
3789He brushed up his English during his stay in London.Mi yella deg London ay igerrez tanglizit-nnes.
3790He went to see her while she stayed in London.Yedda ad tt-id-iẓer mi yella deg London.
3791He went to see her while she stayed in London.Mi yella deg London, yedda ad tt-id-iẓer.
3792The river that flows through London is the Thames.Asif-nni ay yekkan ɣef London ttinin-as Thames.
3793The river that flows through London is the Thames.Asif-nni ay yekkan ɣef London isem-nnes Thames.
3794Look up the trains to London in the timetable.Mmuqqel deg tfelwit n wakud ɣef wacḥal ara qelɛent tmacinin ay yetteddun ɣer London.
3795Which is the platform for the London train?Anwa ay d agnenna aydeg tella tmacint n London?
3796I got on the train for London.Ulyeɣ ɣer tmacint ara yeddun ɣer London.
3797I got on the train for London.Ulyeɣ ɣer tmacint n London.
3798Have you been to London before?Yella wasmi ay teddid ɣer London?
3799Have you been to London before?Yella wasmi ay teddiḍ ɣer London?
3800Have you been to London before?Yella wasmi ay teddam ɣer London?
3801Have you been to London before?Yella wasmi ay teddamt ɣer London?
3802Have you been to London before?Yella wasmi ay terzid ɣef London?
3803Have you been to London before?Yella wasmi ay terziḍ ɣef London?
3804Have you been to London before?Yella wasmi ay terzam ɣef London?
3805Have you been to London before?Yella wasmi ay terzamt ɣef London?
3806She hasn’t phoned since she went to London.Seg wasmi ay tedda ɣer London, ur d-teɣri.
3807London is famous for its fog.London tettwassen s wagu-nnes.
3808London was a city built for the horse.London d tamdint ay yettwabnan i yiysan.
3809London developed into the general market of Europe.London teqqel d nettat ay d ulzuz amatu n Tuṛuft.
3810London is among the largest cities in the world.London d yiwet seg temdinin timeqranin akk deg umaḍal.
3811What time is it in London now?Acḥal tasaɛet deg London imir-a?
3812It is seven in London now.Imir-a, attan d tis sat deg London.
3813It is seven in London now.Imir-a, attan d ssebɛa deg London.
3814London is different from Tokyo climatically.Anezwu n London yemgerrad ɣef win n Tokyo.
3815London is the capital of England.London d tamaneɣt n Langliz.
3816Was it rainy in London?Iwet-d wenẓar deg London?
3817Was it rainy in London?Iwet wenẓar deg London?
3818London is no longer a city of fog.London teqqel maci d tamdint n wagu.
3819London is no longer a city of fog.London teqqel ur d tamdint n wagu.
3820London is no longer a city of fog.London ur tt-mazal d tamdint n wagu am zik.
3821London is large, compared with Paris.London meɣɣret ma nquren-itt ɣer Paris.
3822London is on the Thames.London tezga-d ɣef wasif n Thames.
3823London, where I live, used to be famous for its fog.London, tamdint aydeg zedɣeɣ, tella zik mechuṛet s wagu-nnes.
3824Did you have a good time on your trip to London?Yeɛjeb-ak ussikel-nnek ɣer London?
3825Did you have a good time on your trip to London?Yeɛjeb-am ussikel-nnem ɣer London?
3826Did you have a good time on your trip to London?Yeɛjeb-awen ussikel-nwen ɣer London?
3827Did you have a good time on your trip to London?Yeɛjeb-awent ussikel-nwent ɣer London?
3828The people of London are very proud of this bridge.Imezdaɣen n London ttzuxxun aṭas s tleggit-a.
3829London air was not much to boast of at best.Azwu n London ur d ayen ayyes ara izuxx wemdan.
3830London air was not much to boast of at best.Lhawa n London ur d ayen ayyes ara izuxx wemdan.
3831London’s climate differs from that of Tokyo.Anezwu n London yemgerrad ɣef win n Tokyo.
3832Please call me as soon as possible when you arrive in London.Ttxil-k, ɣer-iyi-d akken kan ara tawḍed ɣer London.
3833Please call me as soon as possible when you arrive in London.Ttxil-k, ɣer-iyi-d akken kan ara tawḍeḍ ɣer London.
3834Please call me as soon as possible when you arrive in London.Ttxil-m, ɣer-iyi-d akken kan ara tawḍed ɣer London.
3835Please call me as soon as possible when you arrive in London.Ttxil-m, ɣer-iyi-d akken kan ara tawḍeḍ ɣer London.
3836Please call me as soon as possible when you arrive in London.Ttxil-wen, ɣret-iyi-d akken kan ara tawḍem ɣer London.
3837Please call me as soon as possible when you arrive in London.Ttxil-went, ɣremt-iyi-d akken kan ara tawḍemt ɣer London.
3838On his arrival in London, he sent me a telegram.Akken kan ay yuweḍ ɣer London, yuzen-iyi-d atiligṛam.
3839As soon as I get to London, I’ll drop you a line.Akken kan ara awḍeɣ ɣer London, ad ak-d-azneɣ izen.
3840As soon as I get to London, I’ll drop you a line.Akken kan ara awḍeɣ ɣer London, ad am-d-azneɣ izen.
3841As soon as I get to London, I’ll drop you a line.Akken kan ara awḍeɣ ɣer London, ad awen-d-azneɣ izen.
3842As soon as I get to London, I’ll drop you a line.Akken kan ara awḍeɣ ɣer London, ad awent-d-azneɣ izen.
3843During my stay in London, I met him.Ssneɣ-t mi lliɣ deg London.
3844During his stay in London, he is going to visit his cousin.Mi ara yili deg London, ad yerzu ɣef memmi-s n ɛemmi-s.
3845During his stay in London, he is going to visit his cousin.Mi ara yili deg London, ad yerzu ɣef yelli-s n ɛemmi-s.
3846During his stay in London, he is going to visit his cousin.Mi ara yili deg London, ad yerzu ɣef memmi-s n xali-s.
3847During his stay in London, he is going to visit his cousin.Mi ara yili deg London, ad yerzu ɣef yelli-s n xali-s.
3848During his stay in London, he is going to visit his cousin.Mi ara yili deg London, ad yerzu ɣef memmi-s n ɛemmti-s.
3849During his stay in London, he is going to visit his cousin.Mi ara yili deg London, ad yerzu ɣef yelli-s n ɛemmti-s.
3850During his stay in London, he is going to visit his cousin.Mi ara yili deg London, ad yerzu ɣef memmi-s n xalti-s.
3851During his stay in London, he is going to visit his cousin.Mi ara yili deg London, ad yerzu ɣef yelli-s n xalti-s.
3852Is it true that you are going to study in London?D tidet la tetteddud akken ad teɣred deg London?
3853Is it true that you are going to study in London?D tidet la tettedduḍ akken ad teɣreḍ deg London?
3854Is it true that you are going to study in London?D tidet la tetteddum akken ad teɣrem deg London?
3855Is it true that you are going to study in London?D tidet la tetteddumt akken ad teɣremt deg London?
3856I have been to London before.Ddiɣ yagi ɣer London.
3857I have been to London before.Rziɣ yagi ɣef London.
3858There are a lot of parks in London.Llan aṭas n wurtan deg London.
3859When did you get to London?Melmi ay tuwḍeḍ ɣer London?
3860When did you get to London?Melmi ay tuwḍed ɣer London?
3861When did you get to London?Melmi ay tuwḍem ɣer London?
3862When did you get to London?Melmi ay tuwḍemt ɣer London?
3863I got a letter from a friend of mine in London.Ḍḍfeɣ-d yiwet n tebṛat sɣur yiwen n umeddakel ay izedɣen deg London.
3864I got a letter from a friend of mine in London.Ḍḍfeɣ-d tabṛat sɣur yiwet n tmeddakelt ay izedɣen deg London.
3865It is Mrs. Lee, Susan’s mother, in London.D Massa Lee, d yemma-s n Susan, deg London.
3866What was your first impression of London?D acu-t uxemmem-nnek amezwaru ɣef London?
3867Can you recommend a place to stay in London?Tzemred ad iyi-d-tneṣḥed s kra n wemkan aydeg zemreɣ ad qqimeɣ deg London?
3868Can you recommend a place to stay in London?Tzemreḍ ad iyi-d-tneṣḥeḍ s kra n wemkan aydeg zemreɣ ad qqimeɣ deg London?
3869Can you recommend a place to stay in London?Tzemrem ad iyi-d-tneṣḥem s kra n wemkan aydeg zemreɣ ad qqimeɣ deg London?
3870Can you recommend a place to stay in London?Tzemremt ad iyi-d-tneṣḥemt s kra n wemkan aydeg zemreɣ ad qqimeɣ deg London?
3871I met an old student of mine in London.Mi lliɣ deg London, mlaleɣ-d yiwen seg yinelmaden-inu iqburen.
3872I had an enjoyable two weeks in London.Kkiɣ sin n yimulas igerrzen deg London.
3873I sometimes look back on the good days I had in London.Tikkal ttmektayeɣ-d ussan-nni icebḥen ay kkiɣ deg London.
3874I used to go to plays at least once a week in London.Asmi ay lliɣ deg London, lliɣ ttedduɣ ɣer umezgun, ma ulac, tikkelt i yimalas.
3875The weather is fine in London.Yelha lḥal deg London.
3876I ordered a book from London.Ssutreɣ yiwen n wedlis seg London.
3877I know a man who can speak Russian well.Tessneɣ yiwen n wergaz ay yessnen ad yessiwel mliḥ tarusit.
3878Los Angeles is one of the places that I’d like to visit.Los Angeles d yiwen seg yimukan ayɣef bɣiɣ ad rzuɣ.
3879The rocket is in orbit around the moon.Timeẓdit-nni attan la tettezzi ɣef wayyur.
3880If you have ever visited Rome, you must have seen the Coliseum.Ma terziḍ ɣef Roma, iban ad twaliḍ Coliseum.
3881If you have ever visited Rome, you must have seen the Coliseum.Ma terzam ɣef Roma, iban ad twalim Coliseum.
3882If you have ever visited Rome, you must have seen the Coliseum.Ma terzamt ɣef Roma, iban ad twalimt Coliseum.
3883Rome is a city worth visiting.Roma d tamdint ay yuklalen ad terzuḍ fell-as.
3884I’m looking for books on Roman history.La ttnadiɣ ɣef yedlisen yerzan amezruy n Ṛṛuman.
3885Fasten the rope to the tree.Qqen amrar-nni ɣer useklu.
3886Don’t let go of the rope.Ur berru i wemrar-nni.
3887The rope was a couple of meters too short.Amrar-nni yella wezzil s snat n lmitrat.
3888Stand back from the rope.Bɛed-d ɣef wemrar-nni.
3889The candle was blown out by the wind.Cemɛet yessens‑itt waḍu.
3890The candles made the room bright.Cmaɛi ssifawent tazeqqa.
3891The candle went out of itself.Tacemmaɛt-nni texsi i yiman-nnes.
3892The candle went out of itself.Cemɛet tensu iman‑s.
3893The candle grew shorter and shorter, until at last it went out.Cemɛet teqqim ttmunkuẓ, ttmunkuẓ al ad tens.
3894The candle flickered a few times and then went out.Tifawt n cemɛet tebda ttṛaṛ zzar (trenni ttmunkuẓ), synni temmet.
3895The candle’s flame is flickering in the soft breeze.Tasemhalt n cemɛet tella ttṛaṛ dy waḍu azdad.
3896Please light a candle.I Ṛebbi siɣ cemɛet.
3897The candle burned out.Tacemmaɛt-nni terɣa armi ay tfuk.
3898The candle burned out.Cemɛet terɣru ald teqda.
3899A birthday cake with twelve candles on top.Patisri n tfaska n tlalit recbent ajenna‑s mṛaw d sennet cmaɛi.
3900The Royal Shakespeare Company is presenting The Merchant of Venice next week.Lkubbaniyet tajeldant n Shakspeare tella ad d‑tawi tasečnit n Tajer n Venice smanet ɣad nas.
3901The evening performance at the Royal Theater had ended, and the audience had gone home.Tasečnit n yiḍ dy Lmesṛeḥ Ajeldan teqda ya, d midden ẓwan ya l id ɣersen.
3902Roy needn’t have hurried to the airport to meet his parents.Roy wel tefriḍ ɣefs tɣarit i yɣar ɣel maṭar bac ad ylaga imṛiwen‑s.
3903Roy is secretive and Ted is candid.Roy yeskeṛṛam, Ted yenṣeḥ.
3904Roy denied having visited her yesterday.Roy ybedd qeṭ belli yeẓwa yẓur‑itt asennaṭ.
3905Roy fastened the medal with a pin.Roy yerceb ciɛet s umesmir.
3906I’d like to rent a car.Bɣiɣ ad d-kruɣ takeṛṛust.
3907Can I buy only the lenses?Zemreɣ ad d-sɣeɣ tilentilin-nni i yiman-nsent kan?
3908Please hand in your papers by the last day of this month.Ttxil-k, err-d lekwaɣeḍ-nnek seg-a ar tagara n wayyur-a.
3909Miss Red taught me Japanese.Tamsiwt Red tesselmed-iyi tajapunit.
3910Miss Red taught me Japanese.D tamsiwt Red ay iyi-yeslemden tajapunit.
3911When does the restaurant open?Melmi ay tleddey tneccit-nni?
3912A button has come off my raincoat.Tekkes-d yiwet n tqeffalt seg uraɣdaw-inu.
3913Luciano might have the crowd behind him, but he’s still wet behind the ears.Ɣas ma yella Luciano yuwey-d medden s idis-nnes, maca mazal-it ur yesɛi tarmit.
3914Lucy is a student from America.Lucy d tanemadt seg Temrikt.
3915Lucy was brought up by her grandparents.Lucy d lejdud-nnes ay tt-id-iṛebban.
3916Lucy’s mother told her to take care of her younger sister.Yemma-s n Lucy tweṣṣa yelli-s akken ad tḥader weltma-s tamecṭuḥt.
3917Lucy has as many friends as I do.Anect ay sɛiɣ n tmeddukal ay tesɛa ula d Lucy.
3918Lucy came to see me three days ago.Lucy tusa-d teẓra-iyi kraḍ wussan aya.
3919Fix your room, Louie.Ssemsawi taxxamt-nnek a Louie.
3920Take the skin off before you eat the apple.Sseqcer taḍeffut-nni uqbel ma tecciḍ-tt.
3921I am eating an apple.La ttetteɣ taḍeffut.
3922Apples grow on trees.D isekla ay d-yettakfen aḍeffu.
3923How many apples are there?Acḥal n tḍeffa?
3924They sell apples at five dollars each.Tnuzuyen tiḍeffa s semmus n yidulaṛen i yiwet.
3925All the apple trees were cut down.Ttwagezment akk tḍeffa-nni.
3926The apple tree has a beautiful blossom.Yecbeḥ ujjujjeg n tḍeffut.
3927The apple trees grew old and new ones were planted.Asmi ay imɣurent tḍeffa-nni tiqburin, ẓẓan timaynutin.
3928I didn’t know apple trees grow from seeds.Ur lliɣ ẓriɣ d iɣsan ay d-yettakfen tiḍeffa.
3929I didn’t know apple trees grow from seeds.Ur lliɣ ẓriɣ tiḍeffa meɣɣint-d seg yeɣsan.
3930Half of the apples are rotten.Azgen seg uḍeffu-nni yerka.
3931Which do you prefer, apples or bananas?Anwa ay tḥemmleḍ, d aḍeffu neɣ d abanan?
3932The apple fell from the tree.Taḍeffut-nni teɣli-d seg useklu.
3933There are a few apples on the tree, aren’t there?Llant kra n tḍeffa deg useklu-nni, neɣ uhu?
3934Some apples fell down from the tree.Ɣlint-d kra n tḍeffa seg useklu-nni.
3935An apple fell off the tree.Teɣli-d yiwet n tḍeffut seg useklu-nni.
3936Lincoln is admired because of his leadership.Lincoln ttqadaren-t ɣef lhiba-nnes deg leḥkem.
3937Lincoln is admired because of his leadership.Lincoln ttqadaren-t ɣef tmelwi-nnes.
3938Lincoln’s parents remained poor all their lives.Imawlan n Lincoln qqimen d igellilen s teɣzef n tudert-nsen.
3939A good teacher must be patient with his pupils.Aselmad yelhan yessefk ad yili d aṣebbar akked yinelmaden-nnes.
3940A squirrel hid among the branches.Yella yiwen wenẓiḍ, yeffer gar yifurka.
3941Squirrels are nimble in climbing trees.Inẓiḍen d ifessasen deg walluy n yisekla.
3942Lisa speaks not only English but also French.Lisa ur d tafṛensist kan ay tessawal, wanag ula d tanglizit.
3943Lisa, this is Mr Murata. He’s my boss.A Lisa, wa d Mass Murata. D anemhal-inu.
3944Rika had a good time singing at the party.Rika yeɛjeb-as lḥal mi tecna deg tmeɣra-nni.
3945The lamp was suspended from the branch of a tree.Taftilt-nni tettwaɛeqqel ɣer yiwen n ufurk n useklu.
3946The lamp went out, and all was black.Texsi tesfiwt-nni, yerna ɣlint-d tillas.
3947The lamp went out, and all was black.Texsi tesfiwt-nni, yerna yeɣli-d ḍḍlam.
3948If you want to eat at Raffle’s, you must reserve weeks ahead.Ma tebɣiḍ ad tecceḍ deg tneccit n Raffle, yessefk ad tḥeṛṛeḍ amkan kra n ledwaṛ uqbel.
3949If you want to eat at Raffle’s, you must reserve weeks ahead.Ma tebɣam ad teccem deg tneccit n Raffle, yessefk ad tḥeṛṛem amkan kra n ledwaṛ uqbel.
3950If you want to eat at Raffle’s, you must reserve weeks ahead.Ma tebɣamt ad teccemt deg tneccit n Raffle, yessefk ad tḥeṛṛemt amkan kra n ledwaṛ uqbel.
3951Can I borrow your radio?Tzemreḍ ad iyi-d-treḍleḍ ṛṛadyu-nnek?
3952If you listen to English programs on the radio, you can learn English for nothing.Ma tselleḍ i ṛṛadyu s tanglizit, tzemreḍ ad tlemdeḍ iles-a war ma tṣerrfeḍ idrimen.
3953If you listen to English programs on the radio, you can learn English for nothing.Ma tsellem i ṛṛadyu s tanglizit, tzemrem ad tlemdem iles-a war ma tṣerrfem idrimen.
3954If you listen to English programs on the radio, you can learn English for nothing.Ma tsellemt i ṛṛadyu s tanglizit, tzemremt ad tlemdemt iles-a war ma tṣerrfemt idrimen.
3955If you listen to English programs on the radio, you can learn English for nothing.Ma tselleḍ i ṛṛadyu s tanglizit, tzemreḍ ad tlemdeḍ iles-a baṭel.
3956If you listen to English programs on the radio, you can learn English for nothing.Ma tsellem i ṛṛadyu s tanglizit, tzemrem ad tlemdem iles-a baṭel.
3957If you listen to English programs on the radio, you can learn English for nothing.Ma tsellemt i ṛṛadyu s tanglizit, tzemremt ad tlemdemt iles-a baṭel.
3958Send me a racket and my tennis shoes.Azen-iyi-d aqernif akked yerkasen-inu n tennis.
3959Send me a racket and my tennis shoes.Aznet-iyi-d aqernif akked yerkasen-inu n tennis.
3960Send me a racket and my tennis shoes.Aznemt-iyi-d aqernif akked yerkasen-inu n tennis.
3961A camel is, so to speak, a ship on the desert.Alɣem, ma yehwa-k, d aɣerrabu deg uneẓruf.
3962If you go near a camel, you risk being bitten.Ma tqerrbeḍ s alɣem, yezmer ad k-ikerrec.
3963If you go near a camel, you risk being bitten.Ma tqerrbeḍ s alɣem, yezmer ad kem-ikerrec.
3964If you go near a camel, you risk being bitten.Ma tqerrbem s alɣem, yezmer ad ken-ikerrec.
3965If you go near a camel, you risk being bitten.Ma tqerrbemt s alɣem, yezmer ad kent-ikerrec.
3966The Rhine runs between France and Germany.Asif n Rhin yettazzal gar Fṛansa ed Lalman.
3967Mr Wright speaks Japanese as if it were his mother tongue.Mass Wright yessawal tajapunit ad as-tiniḍ d iles-nnes ayemmat.
3968Mrs. Lark played the piano and the children sang.Massa Lark twet apyanu, ma d igerdan-nni cnan.
3969You may come if you like.Tzemreḍ ad d-taseḍ ma tebɣiḍ.
3970You may come if you like.Tzemrem ad d-tasem ma tebɣam.
3971You may come if you like.Tzemremt ad d-tasemt ma tebɣamt.
3972If you like, I will teach you to play chess.Ma tebɣiḍ, ad ak-slemdeɣ amek ara turareḍ icahen.
3973If you like, I will teach you to play chess.Ma tebɣiḍ, ad am-slemdeɣ amek ara turareḍ icahen.
3974If you like, I will teach you to play chess.Ma tebɣam, ad awen-slemdeɣ amek ara turarem icahen.
3975If you like, I will teach you to play chess.Ma tebɣamt, ad awent-slemdeɣ amek ara turaremt icahen.
3976Fair enough!Aha!
3977All right. I’ll accept your offer.Aha. Ad qebleɣ assumer-nnek.
3978All right. I’ll accept your offer.Aha. Ad qebleɣ assumer-nnem.
3979Put on your good shoes.Els irkasen-nni-nnek yelhan.
3980I’ll lend you one if you like.Ad ak-reḍleɣ yiwen ma tebɣiḍ.
3981I’ll lend you one if you like.Ad am-reḍleɣ yiwen ma tebɣiḍ.
3982I’ll lend you one if you like.Ad awen-reḍleɣ yiwen ma tebɣam.
3983I’ll lend you one if you like.Ad awent-reḍleɣ yiwen ma tebɣamt.
3984I’ll lend you one if you like.Ad ak-reḍleɣ yiwet ma tebɣiḍ.
3985I’ll lend you one if you like.Ad am-reḍleɣ yiwet ma tebɣiḍ.
3986I’ll lend you one if you like.Ad awen-reḍleɣ yiwet ma tebɣam.
3987I’ll lend you one if you like.Ad awent-reḍleɣ yiwet ma tebɣamt.
3988I’ll lend you one if you like.Ad ak-reḍleɣ yiwen seg-sen ma tebɣiḍ.
3989I’ll lend you one if you like.Ad am-reḍleɣ yiwen seg-sen ma tebɣiḍ.
3990I’ll lend you one if you like.Ad awen-reḍleɣ yiwen seg-sen ma tebɣam.
3991I’ll lend you one if you like.Ad awent-reḍleɣ yiwen seg-sen ma tebɣamt.
3992I’ll lend you one if you like.Ad ak-reḍleɣ yiwet seg-sent ma tebɣiḍ.
3993I’ll lend you one if you like.Ad am-reḍleɣ yiwet seg-sent ma tebɣiḍ.
3994I’ll lend you one if you like.Ad awen-reḍleɣ yiwet seg-sent ma tebɣam.
3995I’ll lend you one if you like.Ad awent-reḍleɣ yiwet seg-sent ma tebɣamt.
3996Mind your own business.Lhu-d kan s ccɣel-nnek.
3997If you drive with anything less than extreme caution, you’re risking your life.Ma yella ur tettḥezzibeḍ mliḥ deg tenhaṛt-nnem, aql-ikem la tetturareḍ s tmeddurt-nnem.
3998If you drive with anything less than extreme caution, you’re risking your life.Ma yella ur tettḥezzibeḍ mliḥ deg tenhaṛt-nnek, aql-ik la tetturareḍ s tmeddurt-nnek.
3999If you drive with anything less than extreme caution, you’re risking your life.Ma yella ur tettḥezzibem mliḥ deg tenhaṛt-nwen, aql-iken la tetturarem s tmeddurt-nwen.
4000If you drive with anything less than extreme caution, you’re risking your life.Ma yella ur tettḥezzibemt mliḥ deg tenhaṛt-nwent, aql-ik la tetturaremt s tmeddurt-nwent.
4001After mature reflection, I’ve decided to accept their offer.Sdeffir ma xemmemeɣ mliḥ, ɣetseɣ ad qebleɣ assumer-nsen.
4002Do you eat out often?Tettetteḍ aṭas deg beṛṛa?
4003How dare you speak like that to me?Amek ara tessiwleḍ yid-i akka?
4004I don’t see how you can eat that stuff.Ur ẓriɣ amek ay tzemreḍ ad tecceḍ aya.
4005She forgot her umbrella, as is often the case with her.Tettu tasiwant-nnes, akken tennum.
4006I’ve never been to Europe.Werǧin ddiɣ ɣer Tuṛuft.
4007Yoko translated some poems from Japanese into English.Yoko tessuqqel-d kra n yisefra seg tjapunit ɣer tanglizit.
4008I am happy to have so many good friends.Feṛḥeɣ imi ay sɛiɣ anect-a akk n yimeddukal ay yelhan.
4009I am happy to have so many good friends.Feṛḥeɣ imi ay sɛiɣ anect-a akk n tmeddukal ay yelhan.
4010Have a good weekend!Tagara n dduṛt igerrzen!
4011If you want to do good work, you should use the proper tools.Ma tebɣiḍ ad tgeḍ ccɣel yelhan, yessefk ad tesqedceḍ ifecka yelhan.
4012If you want to do good work, you should use the proper tools.Ma tebɣam ad tgem ccɣel yelhan, yessefk ad tesqedcem ifecka yelhan.
4013If you want to do good work, you should use the proper tools.Ma tebɣamt ad tgemt ccɣel yelhan, yessefk ad tesqedcemt ifecka yelhan.
4014If you want to do good work, you should use the proper tools.Ma tebɣiḍ ad tgeḍ ccɣel yelhan, a win yufan ad tesqedceḍ ifecka iwutan.
4015If you want to do good work, you should use the proper tools.Ma tebɣam ad tgem ccɣel yelhan, a win yufan ad tesqedcem ifecka iwutan.
4016If you want to do good work, you should use the proper tools.Ma tebɣamt ad tgemt ccɣel yelhan, a win yufan ad tesqedcemt ifecka iwutan.
4017Have a nice day.Ass ameggaz.
4018Have a nice day!Ass ameggaz!
4019Yuriko arranges flowers in her spare time.Mi ara testufu Yuriko, tessemsaway tijejjigin.
4020The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.D afus-nni ay yetthuzzun dduḥ ay iḥekkmen amaḍal.
4021The baby in the cradle is very pretty.Alufan-nni ay yellan deg dduḥ yecbeḥ mliḥ.
4022Look at the baby sleeping in the cradle.Mmuqqel kan alufan-nni ay yeḍḍsen deg dduḥ.
4023What is learned in the cradle is carried to the tomb.Ayen ara tlemdeḍ deg dduḥ, ad t-tawyeḍ ula s aẓekka.
4024Yumi has much money now.Imir-a, Yumi yesɛa aṭas n yedrimen.
4025Look at the cute little baby sleeping in the cradle.Mmuqqel kan ɣer ulufan-nni amesrar ay yeḍḍsen deg dduḥ.
4026Yumi can’t finish it in a day.Yumi ur yezmir ad t-ifak deg yiwen wass.
4027Who runs faster, Yumi or Keiko?Anwa deg-sen ay yettazzalen aṭas, d Yumi neɣ d Keiko?
4028Yumiko was a little angry.Yumilo tella terfa cwiṭ.
4029Yumiko belongs to the tennis club.Yumiko tettekka deg wesrir-a n tennis.
4030Yumiko married a childhood friend last June.Yumiko tuɣ yiwen n umeddakel-nnes ay tessen seg wasmi ay tella d tamecṭuḥt.
4031I don’t want to associate with Yumiko; she usually tells lies.Ur bɣiɣ ad xalḍeɣ Yumiko; teskerkis.
4032It is impossible for Yumi to finish it in a day.D awezɣi ɣef Yumi ad t-ifak deg yiwen wass.
4033Do you know what UNESCO stands for?Tessneḍ d acu ay d anamek n tsegzilt n UNESCO?
4034If you sit back and rest, you will feel much better.Ma teqqimeḍ ad tesgunfuḍ, ad tḥulfuḍ i yiman-nnek xir.
4035If you sit back and rest, you will feel much better.Ma teqqimeḍ ad tesgunfuḍ, ad tḥulfuḍ i yiman-nnem xir.
4036If you sit back and rest, you will feel much better.Ma teqqimem ad tesgunfum, ad tḥulfum i yiman-nwen xir.
4037If you sit back and rest, you will feel much better.Ma teqqimemt ad tesgunfumt, ad tḥulfumt i yiman-nwent xir.
4038Speak slowly and clearly.Ssiwel s leɛqel yerna ssefru-d awal-nnek.
4039His father passed away last night in the hospital.Baba-s yemmut iḍ yezrin deg wesbiṭar.
4040The bananas you brought to me last night were all bad.Tibananin-nni ay iyi-d-tesɣiḍ iḍ yezrin xeṣrent akk.
4041Did you feel the earth shake last night?Tḥulfaḍ i tzenzelt iḍ yezrin?
4042Did you feel the earth shake last night?Tḥulfaḍ i tzenzelt leɛca-ayyi?
4043Did you feel the earth shake last night?Tḥulfam i tzenzelt leɛca-ayyi?
4044Did you feel the earth shake last night?Tḥulfamt i tzenzelt leɛca-ayyi?
4045Did you feel the earth shake last night?Tḥulfam i tzenzelt iḍ yezrin?
4046Did you feel the earth shake last night?Tḥulfamt i tzenzelt iḍ yezrin?
4047Last night my house was robbed while I was still awake.Iḍ yezrin, ukren-iyi axxam-inu mi lliɣ mazal-iyi ukiɣ.
4048There was thunder and lightning last night.Iḍ yezrin, yella ṛṛɛud akked lebreq.
4049I had a good sleep last night.Iḍ yezrin, ḍḍseɣ mliḥ.
4050What is a UFO?D acu-tt tɣawsa tamafagt ur yettwaɛeqlen?
4051You can improve your English if you try.Ma tɛerḍeḍ, tzemreḍ ad tesselhuḍ tanglizit-nnek.
4052You can improve your English if you try.Ma tɛerḍeḍ, tzemreḍ ad tesselhuḍ tanglizit-nnem.
4053You can improve your English if you try.Ma tɛerḍem, tzemrem ad tesselhum tanglizit-nwen.
4054You can improve your English if you try.Ma tɛerḍemt, tzemremt ad tesselhumt tanglizit-nwent.
4055Much still remains to be done.Aṭas ay mazal ad yettweg.
4056If you try at all, you should try your best.Ma tɛerḍeḍ ad tgeḍ kra, yessefk ad tgeḍ akk ayen umi tzemreḍ.
4057If you try at all, you should try your best.Ma tɛerḍem ad tgem kra, yessefk ad tgem akk ayen umi tzemrem.
4058If you try at all, you should try your best.Ma tɛerḍemt ad tgemt kra, yessefk ad tgemt akk ayen umi tzemremt.
4059I was compelled to leave school.Terra-iyi tmara ad d-ffɣeɣ seg uɣerbaz.
4060Let sleeping dogs lie.Ejj anu s tadimt-nnes.
4061You get rusty if you haven’t spoken English for a long time.Ma yella ad teqqimeḍ aṭas ur tessawaleḍ tanglizit, ad tebduḍ ad tt-tettettuḍ.
4062You get rusty if you haven’t spoken English for a long time.Ma yella ad teqqimem aṭas ur tessawalem tanglizit, ad tebdum ad tt-tettettum.
4063You get rusty if you haven’t spoken English for a long time.Ma yella ad teqqimemt aṭas ur tessawalemt tanglizit, ad tebdumt ad tt-tettettumt.
4064You’re just the kind of person I imagined you’d be.Tgiḍ swaswa kan akken ay k-id-xuyleɣ.
4065You’re just the kind of person I imagined you’d be.Tgiḍ swaswa kan akken ay kem-id-xuyleɣ.
4066So, we finally meet! I’ve waited so long for this moment.Deg tgara nemlal-d! Acḥal aya seg wasmi ay la ttṛajuɣ taswiɛt-a.
4067You’ll succeed if you try.Ma tɛerḍeḍ, ad trebḥeḍ.
4068You’ll succeed if you try.Ma tɛerḍem, ad trebḥem.
4069You’ll succeed if you try.Ma tɛerḍemt, ad trebḥemt.
4070You can do it if you try.Tzemreḍ ad tgeḍ aya ma tɛerḍeḍ.
4071You can do it if you try.Tzemrem ad tgem aya ma tɛerḍem.
4072You can do it if you try.Tzemremt ad tgemt aya ma tɛerḍemt.
4073You never know what you can do till you try.Werjin yezmer wemdan ad iẓer ayen ay yezmer ad t-yeg arma yeɛreḍ.
4074You never know what you can do till you try.Ur tezmireḍ ad teẓreḍ ayen ay tzemreḍ ad t-tgeḍ arma tɛerḍeḍ.
4075You never know what you can do till you try.Ur tezmirem ad teẓrem ayen ay tzemrem ad t-tgem arma tɛerḍem.
4076You never know what you can do till you try.Ur tezmiremt ad teẓremt ayen ay tzemremt ad t-tgemt arma tɛerḍemt.
4077If you want to lose weight, you’ll have to be careful about what you eat.Ma tebɣiḍ ad tneqseḍ deg lmizan, yessefk ad tḥezzbeḍ i wayen tettetteḍ.
4078If you want to lose weight, you’ll have to be careful about what you eat.Ma tebɣam ad tneqsem deg lmizan, yessefk ad tḥezzbem i wayen tettettem.
4079If you want to lose weight, you’ll have to be careful about what you eat.Ma tebɣamt ad tneqsemt deg lmizan, yessefk ad tḥezzbemt i wayen tettettemt.
4080It may rain soon.Ahat ad d-iwet ugeffur ticki.
4081Hello, Meg, how have you been?Azul a Meg, amek tellid?
4082Hello, Meg, how have you been?Azul a Meg, amek telliḍ?
4083Hey, Bob. Where do you have your car washed?A Bob, seg wansi ay d-tessirided takeṛṛust-nnek?
4084Hey, Bob. Where do you have your car washed?A Bob, seg wansi ay d-tessirideḍ takeṛṛust-nnek?
4085Hey, Bob. Where do you have your car washed?Anda ay d-tessirided takeṛṛust-nnek a Bob?
4086Hey, Bob. Where do you have your car washed?Anda ay d-tessirideḍ takeṛṛust-nnek a Bob?
4087Hi! How are you?Azul! Amek telliḍ?
4088The haze enveloped London.Agu-nni idel akk tamdint n London.
4089The skin of peaches bruises easily.Iclem n lxux iderri s tefses.
4090I have nothing further to say.Ulac d acu ara rnuɣ ad t-id-iniɣ.
4091No one speaks this language anymore.Ula d yiwen ur mazal yessawal iles-a.
4092You’ll never know unless you try.Ur tezmireḍ ad teẓreḍ aya ala ma tɛerḍeḍ.
4093You’ll never know unless you try.Ur tezmirem ad teẓrem aya ala ma tɛerḍem.
4094You’ll never know unless you try.Ur tezmiremt ad teẓremt aya ala ma tɛerḍemt.
4095You should eat more vegetables.Yessefk ad tettetteḍ ugar n tidal.
4096You are bound to fail unless you study harder.Ma yella ur tḥeṛṛseḍ iman-nnek deg tezrawin, ɣas bnu ɣef yiman-nnek ad txeṣreḍ deg-sent.
4097You are bound to fail unless you study harder.Ma yella ur tḥeṛṛseḍ iman-nnem deg tezrawin, ɣas bnu ɣef yiman-nnem ad txeṣreḍ deg-sent.
4098You are bound to fail unless you study harder.Ma yella ur tḥeṛṛsem iman-nwen deg tezrawin, ɣas bnut ɣef yiman-nwen ad txeṣrem deg-sent.
4099You are bound to fail unless you study harder.Ma yella ur tḥeṛṛsemt iman-nwent deg tezrawin, ɣas bnumt ɣef yiman-nwent ad txeṣremt deg-sent.
4100You will fail unless you work harder.Ma yella ur tḥeṛṛseḍ iman-nnek deg uxeddim, ad txeṣreḍ.
4101You will fail unless you work harder.Ma yella ur tḥeṛṛseḍ iman-nnem deg uxeddim, ad txeṣreḍ.
4102You will fail unless you work harder.Ma yella ur tḥeṛṛsem iman-nwen deg uxeddim, ad txeṣrem.
4103You will fail unless you work harder.Ma yella ur tḥeṛṛsemt iman-nwent deg uxeddim, ad txeṣremt.
4104Drive more carefully, or you will run into trouble.Nheṛ s leḥder ma ulac ad tesɛuḍ uguren.
4105You must learn to be more careful.Yessefk ad tlemdeḍ ad tettḥadareḍ ugar.
4106A careful reader would have noticed the mistake.Imeɣri ay yettarran ddehn-nnes ad yili iger tamawt i tuccḍa-a.
4107Do your work with more care.Ttarra ddehn-nnek ugar mi ara tettgeḍ lxedma-nnek.
4108I’ve told you again and again to be more careful.Nniɣ-awen, ɛawdeɣ-awen akken ad tettḥadarem ugar.
4109Be more careful, or you will make mistakes.Ttḥadar ugar, ma ulac ad tgeḍ tuccḍiwin.
4110How I wish I had been more careful!Mennaɣ lemmer d ay lliɣ ttḥezzibeɣ ugar.
4111With a little more care, he wouldn’t have failed.Lemmer d ay iḥuder cwiṭ, tili ur ixeṣṣer.
4112If you had been more careful, you would not have met with an accident.Lemmer d ay tḥudreḍ ugar, tili ur tettgeḍ asehwu.
4113If you had been more careful, you would not have met with an accident.Lemmer d ay tḥudrem ugar, tili ur tettgem asehwu.
4114If you had been more careful, you would not have met with an accident.Lemmer d ay tḥudremt ugar, tili ur tettgemt asehwu.
4115Speak more slowly.Ssiwel s leɛqel.
4116I want to buy a more expensive watch.Bɣiɣ ad d-sɣeɣ tamrint ay ɣlayen ugar.
4117You don’t have to leave me hanging like this. Why don’t you just come out and tell it to me straight?Ur yessefk ad iyi-tejjeḍ ɛellqeɣ akka. Ayɣer kan ur d-tetteffɣeḍ ad iyi-t-id-tiniḍ srid?
4118Raise your voice.Zɛeḍ.
4119Could you speak louder? I’m hard of hearing.Tzemreḍ ad tzeɛḍeḍ cwiṭ? Nekk ur selleɣ mliḥ.
4120Louder.Zɛeḍ ugar.
4121Speak louder, please.Ttxil-k, zɛeḍ cwiṭ.
4122I’m sorry I didn’t reply to you sooner.Ssuref-iyi imi ur ak-d-rriɣ ɣef zik lḥal.
4123I’m sorry I didn’t reply to you sooner.Ssuref-iyi imi ur ak-d-rriɣ dindin.
4124I’m sorry I didn’t reply to you sooner.Ssuref-iyi imi ur am-d-rriɣ ɣef zik lḥal.
4125I’m sorry I didn’t reply to you sooner.Ssuref-iyi imi ur am-d-rriɣ dindin.
4126I’m sorry I didn’t reply to you sooner.Ssurfet-iyi imi ur awen-d-rriɣ ɣef zik lḥal.
4127I’m sorry I didn’t reply to you sooner.Ssurfet-iyi imi ur awen-d-rriɣ dindin.
4128I’m sorry I didn’t reply to you sooner.Ssurfemt-iyi imi ur awent-d-rriɣ dindin.
4129I’m sorry I didn’t reply to you sooner.Ssurfemt-iyi imi ur awent-d-rriɣ ɣef zik lḥal.
4130Sorry I didn’t reply sooner.Ssuref-iyi imi ur d-rriɣ dindin.
4131Sorry I didn’t reply sooner.Ssuref-iyi imi ur d-rriɣ ɣef zik lḥal.
4132Sorry I didn’t reply sooner.Ssurfet-iyi imi ur d-rriɣ dindin.
4133Sorry I didn’t reply sooner.Ssurfet-iyi imi ur d-rriɣ ɣef zik lḥal.
4134Sorry I didn’t reply sooner.Ssurfemt-iyi imi ur d-rriɣ ɣef zik lḥal.
4135Sorry I didn’t reply sooner.Ssurfemt-iyi imi ur d-rriɣ dindin.
4136You should have warned him before.Yella yessefk ad as-tɛeyyneḍ uqbel.
4137I should have left earlier.Yella yessefk ad dduɣ uqbel.
4138Please forgive me for not having written sooner.Ssuref-iyi imi ur ak-d-uriɣ uqbel n wass-a.
4139Please forgive me for not having written sooner.Ssuref-iyi imi ur am-d-uriɣ uqbel n wass-a.
4140Please forgive me for not having written sooner.Ssurfet-iyi imi ur awen-d-uriɣ uqbel n wass-a.
4141Please forgive me for not having written sooner.Ssurfemt-iyi imi ur awent-d-uriɣ uqbel n wass-a.
4142Speak more quietly, please.Ttxil-k, ssiwel s leɛqel.
4143Speak more quietly, please.Ttxil-k, ur zeɛɛeḍ mi ara tessawaleḍ.
4144Eat more fresh vegetables.Ttett ugar n tidal tizegzawin.
4145Eat more, or you won’t gain strength.Yessefk ad tecceḍ ugar ma ulac ur tjehhdeḍ.
4146If you don’t get more exercise, you’ll get fat.Ma yella ur tettgeḍ ugar n waddal, ad tuzureḍ.
4147If you don’t get more exercise, you’ll get fat.Ma yella ur tettgem ugar n waddal, ad tuzurem.
4148If you don’t get more exercise, you’ll get fat.Ma yella ur tettgemt ugar n waddal, ad tuzuremt.
4149You’ll never achieve anything if you don’t study harder.Ma yella ur tḥeṛṛseḍ iman-nnek deg tezrawin, ur tessawaḍeḍ ad tgeḍ acemma.
4150You’ll never achieve anything if you don’t study harder.Ma yella ur tḥeṛṛseḍ iman-nnem deg tezrawin, ur tessawaḍeḍ ad tgeḍ acemma.
4151You’ll never achieve anything if you don’t study harder.Ma yella ur tḥeṛṛsem iman-nwen deg tezrawin, ur tessawaḍem ad tgem acemma.
4152You’ll never achieve anything if you don’t study harder.Ma yella ur tḥeṛṛsemt iman-nwent deg tezrawin, ur tessawaḍemt ad tgemt acemma.
4153If you had studied harder, you would have passed the examination.Lemmer d ay teḥṛiseḍ iman-nnek deg tezrawin, tili ad d-tawyeḍ akayad-nni.
4154If you had studied harder, you would have passed the examination.Lemmer d ay teḥṛiseḍ iman-nnem deg tezrawin, tili ad d-tawyeḍ akayad-nni.
4155If you had studied harder, you would have passed the examination.Lemmer d ay teḥṛisem iman-nwen deg tezrawin, tili ad d-tawyem akayad-nni.
4156If you had studied harder, you would have passed the examination.Lemmer d ay teḥṛisemt iman-nwent deg tezrawin, tili ad d-tawyemt akayad-nni.
4157Can you give me a better price?Tzemreḍ ad iyi-d-jjeḍ cwiṭ?
4158Won’t you speak more slowly?Ulac aɣilif ma tessawleḍ s leɛqel?
4159He asked me to speak more slowly.Yessuter-iyi-d ad ssiwleɣ s leɛqel.
4160You ought to eat more slowly.Ur yessefk ad tettḥaṛafeḍ ucci.
4161Could you speak more slowly, please?Ttxil-k, tzemreḍ ad tessiwleḍ s leɛqel?
4162I should have come earlier.Yella yessefk ad d-aseɣ uqbel.
4163Does anyone want some more pie?Yella win yebɣan ad yernu tasektit?
4164I want a lot more.Bɣiɣ ugar n waya s waṭas.
4165You should eat more fruit.Yessefk ad tecceḍ ugar n yigumma.
4166Would you care for more cookies?Tebɣiḍ ad ternuḍ tikukiyin?
4167I wish I earned more money.Mennaɣ lemmer d ay d-rbiḥeɣ ugar n yedrimen.
4168Of course you can take it if you want.D ayen ibanen tzemreḍ ad t-tawyeḍ, ma tebɣiḍ.
4169Of course you can take it if you want.D ayen ibanen tzemrem ad t-tawyem, ma tebɣam.
4170Of course you can take it if you want.D ayen ibanen tzemremt ad t-tawyemt, ma tebɣamt.
4171Of course you can take it if you want.D ayen ibanen tzemremt ad tt-tawyemt, ma tebɣamt.
4172Of course you can take it if you want.D ayen ibanen tzemrem ad tt-tawyem, ma tebɣam.
4173Of course you can take it if you want.D ayen ibanen tzemreḍ ad tt-tawyeḍ, ma tebɣiḍ.
4174She naturally accepted the invitation.D ayen ibanen teqbel aneɛṛuḍ-nni.
4175Of course I accepted his offer of support.D ayen ibanen qebleɣ assumer-nnes n tallalt.
4176Yes, of course.Ih, d ayen ibanen.
4177The magnets, of course, have a magnetic field around them.D ayen ibanen, idkiren sɛan iger udkir ay d-yezzin fell-asen.
4178Definitely!D ayen ibanen!
4179You’ve got another four day’s journey before you reach Moscow.Yessefk ad ternuḍ ad tessikleḍ kuẓ wussan niḍen akken ad tawḍeḍ ɣer Musku.
4180You’ve got another four day’s journey before you reach Moscow.Yessefk ad ternum ad tessiklem kuẓ wussan niḍen akken ad tawḍem ɣer Musku.
4181You’ve got another four day’s journey before you reach Moscow.Yessefk ad ternumt ad tessiklemt kuẓ wussan niḍen akken ad tawḍemt ɣer Musku.
4182You’ll never get ahead in this place unless you go through the proper channels.Da, ur tezmireḍ ad tedduḍ ɣer sdat ala ma tɛeddaḍ ɣef webrid iwutan.
4183You’ll never get ahead in this place unless you go through the proper channels.Da, ur tezmirem ad teddum ɣer sdat ala ma tɛeddam ɣef webrid iwutan.
4184You’ll never get ahead in this place unless you go through the proper channels.Da, ur tezmiremt ad teddumt ɣer sdat ala ma tɛeddamt ɣef webrid iwutan.
4185Provided you have a reservation, you can check in anytime.Ma tḥeṛṛeḍ amkan, tzemreḍ ad d-taseḍ melmi ay ak-yehwa.
4186Provided you have a reservation, you can check in anytime.Ma tḥeṛṛeḍ amkan, tzemreḍ ad d-taseḍ melmi ay am-yehwa.
4187Provided you have a reservation, you can check in anytime.Ma tḥeṛṛem amkan, tzemrem ad d-tasem melmi ay awen-yehwa.
4188Provided you have a reservation, you can check in anytime.Ma tḥeṛṛemt amkan, tzemremt ad d-tasemt melmi ay awent-yehwa.
4189If you have a certificate of immunization, please bring it when you come.Ma tesɛiḍ aselkin n tgezzayt, ttxil-k, awey-t-id yid-k.
4190If you have a certificate of immunization, please bring it when you come.Ma tesɛiḍ aselkin n tgezzayt, ttxil-m, awey-t-id yid-m.
4191What would you do if you saw a ghost?D acu ara tgeḍ lemmer ad teẓreḍ azɣuɣ?
4192What would you do if you saw a ghost?D acu ara tgem lemmer ad teẓrem azɣuɣ?
4193What would you do if you saw a ghost?D acu ara tgemt lemmer ad teẓremt azɣuɣ?
4194If you can’t keep your promise, what excuse will you make?Ma yella ur tettaḍḍafeḍ deg wawal-nnek, d acu n tsebba ara d-tafeḍ?
4195If you can’t keep your promise, what excuse will you make?Ma yella ur tettaḍḍafeḍ deg wawal-nnem, d acu n tsebba ara d-tafeḍ?
4196If you can’t keep your promise, what excuse will you make?Ma yella ur tettaḍḍafem deg wawal-nwen, d acu n tsebba ara d-tafem?
4197If you can’t keep your promise, what excuse will you make?Ma yella ur tettaḍḍafemt deg wawal-nwent, d acu n tsebba ara d-tafemt?
4198If it is sunny tomorrow, we will go on a picnic.Ma yella azekka d tafukt, ad neffeɣ ad necc imekli deg ugama.
4199If it rains tomorrow, I’ll stay at home.Lemmer ad d-iwet wenẓar azekka, nekk ad qqimeɣ deg wexxam.
4200If it rains tomorrow, I’m not going to the meeting.Ma iwet wenẓar azekka, nekk ur ttedduɣ ɣer temlilit-nni.
4201If he would help you, he might come to you at once.Ma yebɣa ad k-iɛawen, a win yufan ad d-yas ɣer-k imir-a.
4202If he would help you, he might come to you at once.Ma yebɣa ad kem-iɛawen, a win yufan ad d-yas ɣer-m imir-a.
4203If he would help you, he might come to you at once.Ma yebɣa ad ken-iɛawen, a win yufan ad d-yas ɣer-wen imir-a.
4204If he would help you, he might come to you at once.Ma yebɣa ad kent-iɛawen, a win yufan ad d-yas ɣer-went imir-a.
4205If you’re sure you’re not in a hurry, I can use a little help.Ma testufaḍ, ulac aɣilif ma tɛawneḍ-iyi cwiṭ?
4206If you’re sure you’re not in a hurry, I can use a little help.Ma testufam, ulac aɣilif ma tɛawnem-iyi cwiṭ?
4207If you’re sure you’re not in a hurry, I can use a little help.Ma testufamt, ulac aɣilif ma tɛawnemt-iyi cwiṭ?
4208Were I you, I would follow his advice.Lemmer d ay lliɣ deg wemkan-nnek, ad ḍefreɣ tanṣiḥt-nnes.
4209If you are busy, I will help you.Ma tesɛiḍ ccɣel, ad k-ɛawneɣ.
4210If you are busy, I will help you.Ma tesɛiḍ ccɣel, ad kem-ɛawneɣ.
4211If you are busy, I will help you.Ma tesɛam ccɣel, ad ken-ɛawneɣ.
4212If you are busy, I will help you.Ma tesɛamt ccɣel, ad kent-ɛawneɣ.
4213If you come upon a new word in a sentence, what will you do with it?Ma tufiḍ-d awal amaynu deg kra n tefyirt, d acu ara tgeḍ?
4214If you come upon a new word in a sentence, what will you do with it?Ma tufam-d awal amaynu deg kra n tefyirt, d acu ara tgem?
4215If you come upon a new word in a sentence, what will you do with it?Ma tufamt-d awal amaynu deg kra n tefyirt, d acu ara tgemt?
4216Even if you lose the game, you’ll have another chance.Ula ma txeṣreḍ deg wurar-nni, ad ak-tettunefk tlemmiẓt niḍen.
4217Even if you lose the game, you’ll have another chance.Ula ma txeṣreḍ deg wurar-nni, ad am-tettunefk tlemmiẓt niḍen.
4218Even if you lose the game, you’ll have another chance.Ula ma txeṣrem deg wurar-nni, ad awen-tettunefk tlemmiẓt niḍen.
4219Even if you lose the game, you’ll have another chance.Ula ma txeṣremt deg wurar-nni, ad awent-tettunefk tlemmiẓt niḍen.
4220Even if you lose the game, you’ll have another chance.Ula ma txeṣreḍ timlilit-nni, ad ak-tettunefk tlemmiẓt niḍen.
4221Even if you lose the game, you’ll have another chance.Ula ma txeṣreḍ timlilit-nni, ad am-tettunefk tlemmiẓt niḍen.
4222Even if you lose the game, you’ll have another chance.Ula ma txeṣrem timlilit-nni, ad awen-tettunefk tlemmiẓt niḍen.
4223Even if you lose the game, you’ll have another chance.Ula ma txeṣremt timlilit-nni, ad awent-tettunefk tlemmiẓt niḍen.
4224What would you do if you had a million dollars?D acu ara tgeḍ lemmer d ay tesɛiḍ amelyun n yidulaṛen?
4225What would you do if you had a million dollars?D acu ara tgem lemmer d ay tesɛim amelyun n yidulaṛen?
4226What would you do if you had a million dollars?D acu ara tgemt lemmer d ay tesɛimt amelyun n yidulaṛen?
4227If her temperature goes up, send for the doctor.Lemmer ad ternu deg lḥamu, ɣas ɣer-d i yemsujji.
4228If her temperature goes up, send for the doctor.Lemmer ad ternu deg lḥamu, ɣas ɣret-d i yemsujji.
4229If her temperature goes up, send for the doctor.Lemmer ad ternu deg lḥamu, ɣas ɣremt-d i yemsujji.
4230If she’d set off now, she would make it on time.Ma teqleɛ imir-a, ad taweḍ deg lawan.
4231If she visits France again, she will have been there three times.Ma tɛawed terza ɣef Fṛansa, ad tili d tikkelt tis kraḍt aydeg ara terzu fell-as.
4232If you call him a clever man, he may be happy.Ma yella tennid-as netta d uḥṛic, ad yefṛeḥ.
4233If I knew his address, I would write to him.Lemmer d ay ssineɣ tansa-nnes tili uriɣ-as.
4234If I knew his address, I would get in touch with him right away.Lemmer d ay ssineɣ tansa-nnes, ad as-aruɣ imir-a.
4235If you do that to him, he will cut your throat.Lemmer ad as-tgeḍ aya, d iman-nnek ara tezluḍ.
4236If you do that to him, he will cut your throat.Lemmer ad as-tgeḍ aya, d iman-nnem ara tezluḍ.
4237If you do that to him, he will cut your throat.Lemmer ad as-tgem aya, d iman-nwen ara tezlum.
4238If you do that to him, he will cut your throat.Lemmer ad as-tgemt aya, d iman-nwent ara tezlumt.
4239We will help him if he asks us.Ma yessuter-aɣ-d, ad t-nɛawen.
4240Had he known the facts, the accident might have been avoided.Lemmer d ay yeẓri aya, tili ur d-iḍerru usehwu-nni.
4241You may take the book if you can read it.Tzemreḍ ad tawyeḍ adlis-nni ma tzemreḍ ad t-teɣreḍ.
4242You may take the book if you can read it.Tzemrem ad tawyem adlis-nni ma tzemrem ad t-teɣrem.
4243You may take the book if you can read it.Tzemremt ad tawyemt adlis-nni ma tzemremt ad t-teɣremt.
4244If you ever come to town, come to see me.Ma iger-ik-id webrid ɣer temdint, as-d ad iyi-teẓreḍ.
4245If you are to be successful, you are to do your best.Ma tebɣiḍ ad trebḥeḍ, yessefk ad tgeḍ akk ayen umi tzemreḍ.
4246If you are to be successful, you are to do your best.Ma tebɣam ad trebḥem, yessefk ad tgem akk ayen umi tzemrem.
4247If you are to be successful, you are to do your best.Ma tebɣamt ad trebḥemt, yessefk ad tgemt akk ayen umi tzemremt.
4248If you are to succeed, you must work hard.Ma tebɣiḍ ad trebḥeḍ, yessefk ad tḥeṛseḍ iman-nnek deg uxeddim.
4249If you are to succeed, you must work hard.Ma tebɣiḍ ad trebḥeḍ, yessefk ad tḥeṛseḍ iman-nnem deg uxeddim.
4250If you are to succeed, you must work hard.Ma tebɣam ad trebḥem, yessefk ad tḥeṛsem iman-nwen deg uxeddim.
4251If you are to succeed, you must work hard.Ma tebɣamt ad trebḥemt, yessefk ad tḥeṛsemt iman-nwent deg uxeddim.
4252You’d better not swim if you’ve just eaten.Ma yella imir-a kan ay tfukeḍ ucci, ɣas ulayɣer ma teddiḍ ad tɛumeḍ.
4253You’d better not swim if you’ve just eaten.Ma yella imir-a kan ay tfukem ucci, ɣas ulayɣer ma teddam ad tɛumem.
4254You’d better not swim if you’ve just eaten.Ma yella imir-a kan ay tfukemt ucci, ɣas ulayɣer ma teddamt ad tɛumemt.
4255If you are to win, you should do your best.Ma tebɣiḍ ad trebḥeḍ, yessefk ad tgeḍ akk ayen umi tzemreḍ.
4256If you are to win, you should do your best.Ma tebɣam ad trebḥem, yessefk ad gem akk ayen umi tzemrem.
4257If you are to win, you should do your best.Ma tebɣamt ad trebḥemt, yessefk ad gemt akk ayen umi tzemremt.
4258If I had enough money, I would buy that nice car.Lemmer d ay sɛiɣ idrimen, ad d-sɣeɣ takeṛṛust-inna icebḥen.
4259Suppose you are fired, what will you do first?Lemmer ad tettwaẓẓɛeḍ seg uxeddim, d acu-tt tɣawsa tamezwarut akk ara tgeḍ?
4260Suppose you are fired, what will you do first?Lemmer ad tettwaẓẓɛem seg uxeddim, d acu-tt tɣawsa tamezwarut akk ara tgem?
4261Suppose you are fired, what will you do first?Lemmer ad tettwaẓẓɛemt seg uxeddim, d acu-tt tɣawsa tamezwarut akk ara tgemt?
4262What would you do if you lost your job?D acu ara tgeḍ lemmer ad tesṛuḥeḍ axeddim-nnek?
4263What would you do if you lost your job?D acu ara tgeḍ lemmer ad tesṛuḥeḍ axeddim-nnem?
4264What would you do if you lost your job?D acu ara tgem lemmer ad tesṛuḥem axeddim-nwen?
4265What would you do if you lost your job?D acu ara tgemt lemmer ad tesṛuḥemt axeddim-nwent?
4266If you had taken my advice, you wouldn’t be in such trouble.Lemmer d ay teḍfireḍ tanṣiḥt-inu, tili ur tseɛɛuḍ ugur am wa.
4267If you had taken my advice, you wouldn’t be in such trouble.Lemmer d ay teḍfirem tanṣiḥt-inu, tili ur tseɛɛum ugur am wa.
4268If you had taken my advice, you wouldn’t be in such trouble.Lemmer d ay teḍfiremt tanṣiḥt-inu, tili ur tseɛɛumt ugur am wa.
4269If I knew the truth, I would tell you.Lemmer d ay ẓriɣ tidet, ad ak-d-iniɣ.
4270If I were in your place, I would not do so.Lemmer d ay lliɣ deg wemkan-nnek, ur ttgeɣ aya.
4271If I had been with you, I could have helped you.Lemmer d ay lliɣ yid-k, tili ɛawneɣ-k.
4272If I had been with you, I could have helped you.Lemmer d ay lliɣ yid-m, tili ɛawneɣ-kem.
4273If I had been with you, I could have helped you.Lemmer d ay lliɣ yid-wen, tili ɛawneɣ-ken.
4274If I had been with you, I could have helped you.Lemmer d ay lliɣ yid-went, tili ɛawneɣ-kent.
4275If I were rich, I would buy a fine house.Lemmer d ay lliɣ d ameṛkanti, ad sɣeɣ axxam icebḥen.
4276If I were rich, I would buy a fine house.Lemmer d ay lliɣ d ameṛkanti, ad d-sɣeɣ axxam icebḥen.
4277If I were rich, I would buy a fine house.Lemmer d ay lliɣ d tameṛkantit, ad d-sɣeɣ axxam icebḥen.
4278If I were free, I would accept his invitation.Lemmer d ay stufaɣ, tili ad qebleɣ aneɛṛuḍ-nnes.
4279If I had enough money, I could buy it.Lemmer d ay sɛiɣ idrimen, ad t-id-sɣeɣ.
4280If I were you, I would quit my job and leave London.Lemmer d ay lliɣ deg wemkan-nnek, ad ttixreɣ seg uxeddim-nni yerna ad dduɣ seg London.
4281If I were you, I would accept his offer.Lemmer d ay lliɣ deg wemkan-nnek, tili ad qebleɣ assumer-nnes.
4282Your tea will get cold if you don’t drink it now.Ad yismiḍ watay-nnek ma yella ur t-teswiḍ imir-a.
4283If I had one million yen now, I would buy a car.Lemmer d ay sɛiɣ amelyun n yiyenen imir-a, ad d-sɣeɣ takeṛṛust.
4284You can go if you want to.Tzemreḍ ad tedduḍ ma tebɣiḍ.
4285You can go if you want to.Tzemrem ad teddum, ma tebɣam.
4286You can go if you want to.Tzemremt ad teddumt, ma tebɣamt.
4287If you have no liking for modern music, you will not enjoy this concert.Ma yella ur tḥemmleḍ aẓawan atrar, ur k-iɛejjeb ubaraz-a.
4288If you have no liking for modern music, you will not enjoy this concert.Ma yella ur tḥemmleḍ aẓawan atrar, ur kem-iɛejjeb ubaraz-a.
4289If you have no liking for modern music, you will not enjoy this concert.Ma yella ur tḥemmlem aẓawan atrar, ur ken-iɛejjeb ubaraz-a.
4290If you have no liking for modern music, you will not enjoy this concert.Ma yella ur tḥemmlemt aẓawan atrar, ur kent-iɛejjeb ubaraz-a.
4291If I lost my key, I wouldn’t be able to lock the door.Lemmer ad sṛuḥeɣ tasarut-inu, ur zemmreɣ ad sekṛeɣ tawwurt.
4292You must work hard if you are to succeed.Yessefk ad tḥeṛseḍ iman-nnek deg uxeddim, ma tebɣiḍ ad trebḥeḍ.
4293You must work hard if you are to succeed.Yessefk ad tḥeṛseḍ iman-nnem deg uxeddim, ma tebɣiḍ ad trebḥeḍ.
4294You must work hard if you are to succeed.Yessefk ad tḥeṛsem iman-nwen deg uxeddim, ma tebɣam ad trebḥem.
4295You must work hard if you are to succeed.Yessefk ad tḥeṛsemt iman-nwent deg uxeddim, ma tebɣamt ad trebḥemt.
4296If you are to realize your dream, you must work harder.Ma tebɣiḍ ad tessuffɣeḍ targit-nnek ɣer tidet, yessefk ad tḥeṛseḍ iman-nnek deg uxeddim.
4297If you are to realize your dream, you must work harder.Ma tebɣiḍ ad tessuffɣeḍ targit-nnem ɣer tidet, yessefk ad tḥeṛseḍ iman-nnem deg uxeddim.
4298If you are to realize your dream, you must work harder.Ma tebɣam ad tessuffɣem targit-nwen ɣer tidet, yessefk ad tḥeṛsem iman-nwen deg uxeddim.
4299If you are to realize your dream, you must work harder.Ma tebɣamt ad tessuffɣemt targit-nwent ɣer tidet, yessefk ad tḥeṛsemt iman-nwent deg uxeddim.
4300If you want to be on time, you should be there by 11 o’clock.Ma tebɣiḍ ad tawḍeḍ deg lawan, yessefk ad tiliḍ din ɣef tis mraw yiwet.
4301If you want to be on time, you should be there by 11 o’clock.Ma tebɣiḍ ad tawḍeḍ deg lawan, yessefk ad tiliḍ din ɣef leḥdac.
4302If you want to be on time, you should be there by 11 o’clock.Ma tebɣam ad tawḍem deg lawan, yessefk ad tilim din ɣef tis mraw yiwet.
4303If you want to be on time, you should be there by 11 o’clock.Ma tebɣam ad tawḍem deg lawan, yessefk ad tilim din ɣef leḥdac.
4304If you want to be on time, you should be there by 11 o’clock.Ma tebɣamt ad tawḍemt deg lawan, yessefk ad tilimt din ɣef tis mraw yiwet.
4305If you want to be on time, you should be there by 11 o’clock.Ma tebɣamt ad tawḍemt deg lawan, yessefk ad tilimt din ɣef leḥdac.
4306If you are to succeed in the exam, you must study hard.Ma tebɣiḍ ad d-tawyeḍ akayad-nni, yessefk ad tḥeṛseḍ iman-nnek deg tezrawin.
4307If you are to succeed in the exam, you must study hard.Ma tebɣiḍ ad d-tawyeḍ akayad-nni, yessefk ad tḥeṛseḍ iman-nnem deg tezrawin.
4308If you are to succeed in the exam, you must study hard.Ma tebɣam ad d-tawyem akayad-nni, yessefk ad tḥeṛsem iman-nwen deg tezrawin.
4309If you are to succeed in the exam, you must study hard.Ma tebɣamt ad d-tawyemt akayad-nni, yessefk ad tḥeṛsemt iman-nwen deg tezrawin.
4310If you will help us, we will be very glad.Ma tɛawneḍ-aɣ, ad nefṛeḥ aṭas.
4311If you hurry, you will soon overtake her.Lemmer ad tɣiwleḍ, tzemreḍ ad tt-id-tqeḍɛeḍ.
4312If you hurry, you will soon overtake her.Lemmer ad tɣiwlem, tzemrem ad tt-id-tqeḍɛem.
4313If you hurry, you will soon overtake her.Lemmer ad tɣiwlemt, tzemremt ad tt-id-tqeḍɛemt.
4314You’re playing with fire if you insist on riding your motorcycle without a helmet on.Ma yella tkemmleḍ tnehhṛeḍ amuṭu war amsegdal, aql-ik la tetturareḍ s tmeddurt-nnek.
4315You’re playing with fire if you insist on riding your motorcycle without a helmet on.Ma yella tkemmleḍ tnehhṛeḍ amuṭu war amsegdal, aql-ikem la tetturareḍ s tmeddurt-nnem.
4316You’re playing with fire if you insist on riding your motorcycle without a helmet on.Ma yella tkemmlem tnehhṛem amuṭu war amsegdal, aql-iken la tetturarem s tmeddurt-nwen.
4317You’re playing with fire if you insist on riding your motorcycle without a helmet on.Ma yella tkemmlemt tnehhṛemt amuṭu war amsegdal, aql-ikent la tetturaremt s tmeddurt-nwent.
4318Were you to know the fact you would be surprised.Lemmer ad teẓreḍ tidet, ad twehmeḍ.
4319Were you to know the fact you would be surprised.Lemmer ad teẓrem tidet, ad twehmem.
4320Were you to know the fact you would be surprised.Lemmer ad teẓremt tidet, ad twehmemt.
4321Had you run all the way, you’d have got there in time.Lemmer d ay tuzzleḍ, tili ad tawḍeḍ ɣer din deg lawan.
4322Had you run all the way, you’d have got there in time.Lemmer d ay tuzzlem, tili ad tawḍem ɣer din deg lawan.
4323Had you run all the way, you’d have got there in time.Lemmer d ay tuzzlemt, tili ad tawḍemt ɣer din deg lawan.
4324If you had parked your car here, you would have been fined.Lemmer d ay tesɣesreḍ takeṛṛust-nnek da, tili ad tettwaxeḍḍiḍ.
4325If you had parked your car here, you would have been fined.Lemmer d ay tesɣesreḍ takeṛṛust-nnem da, tili ad tettwaxeḍḍiḍ.
4326If you had parked your car here, you would have been fined.Lemmer d ay tesɣesrem takeṛṛust-nwen da, tili ad tettwaxeḍḍim.
4327If you had parked your car here, you would have been fined.Lemmer d ay tesɣesremt takeṛṛust-nwent da, tili ad tettwaxeḍḍimt.
4328If only you were here, I could consult you about it.Lemmer d ay telliḍ da, tili ad k-cawṛeɣ ɣef temsalt-a.
4329If only you were here, I could consult you about it.Lemmer d ay tellim da, tili ad ken-cawṛeɣ ɣef temsalt-a.
4330If only you were here, I could consult you about it.Lemmer d ay tellimt da, tili ad kent-cawṛeɣ ɣef temsalt-a.
4331If you had missed that bus, you might not be here now.Lemmer d ay tezgileḍ asakac-nni, tili ur tettiliḍ da imir-a.
4332If you had missed that bus, you might not be here now.Lemmer d ay tezgilem asakac-nni, tili ur tettilim da imir-a.
4333If you had missed that bus, you might not be here now.Lemmer d ay tezgilemt asakac-nni, tili ur tettilimt da imir-a.
4334Suppose you had ten million yen, what would you do?Xayel kan lemmer d ay tesɛiḍ amelyun n yiyenen, d acu ara tgeḍ yes-sen?
4335Suppose you had ten million yen, what would you do?D acu ara tgeḍ lemmer d ay tesɛiḍ amelyun n yiyenen?
4336Suppose you had ten million yen, what would you do?Xaylet kan lemmer d ay tesɛim amelyun n yiyenen, d acu ara tgem yes-sen?
4337Suppose you had ten million yen, what would you do?Xaylemt kan lemmer d ay tesɛimt amelyun n yiyenen, d acu ara tgemt yes-sen?
4338Suppose you had ten million yen, what would you do?D acu ara tgem lemmer d ay tesɛim amelyun n yiyenen?
4339Suppose you had ten million yen, what would you do?D acu ara tgemt lemmer d ay tesɛimt amelyun n yiyenen?
4340If I got rich, I would buy it.Lemmer ad qqleɣ d ameṛkanti, ad t-id-sɣeɣ.
4341If I had money, I could buy it.Lemmer d sɛiɣ idrimen, ad t-id-sɣeɣ.
4342If you hurry, you will catch up with him.Lemmer ad tɣiwleḍ, tzemreḍ ad t-id-tqeḍɛeḍ.
4343If you hurry, you will catch up with him.Lemmer ad tɣiwlem, tzemrem ad t-id-tqeḍɛem.
4344If you hurry, you will catch up with him.Lemmer ad tɣiwlemt, tzemremt ad t-id-tqeḍɛemt.
4345If you hurry, you will overtake him.Lemmer ad tɣiwleḍ, ad t-id-tqeḍɛeḍ.
4346If you hurry, you will overtake him.Lemmer ad tɣiwlem, ad t-id-tqeḍɛem.
4347If you hurry, you will overtake him.Lemmer ad tɣiwlemt, ad t-id-tqeḍɛemt.
4348You may go home if you want to.Tzemreḍ ad tedduḍ s axxam ma tebɣiḍ.
4349You may go home if you want to.Tzemrem ad teddum s axxam, ma tebɣam.
4350You may go home if you want to.Tzemremt ad teddumt s axxam, ma tebɣamt.
4351If you want a pencil, I’ll lend you one.Ma teḥwajeḍ akeryun, ad ak-reḍleɣ.
4352If you want a pencil, I’ll lend you one.Ma teḥwajem akeryun, ad awen-reḍleɣ.
4353If you want a pencil, I’ll lend you one.Ma teḥwajemt akeryun, ad awent-reḍleɣ.
4354If you want a pencil, I’ll lend you one.Ma teḥwajeḍ akeryun, ad am-reḍleɣ.
4355What would you do if you saw a man from another planet?D acu ara tgeḍ lemmer ad teẓreḍ amdan ay d-yusan seg wemtiweg niḍen?
4356What would you do if you saw a man from another planet?D acu ara tgem lemmer ad teẓrem amdan ay d-yusan seg wemtiweg niḍen?
4357What would you do if you saw a man from another planet?D acu ara tgemt lemmer ad teẓremt amdan ay d-yusan seg wemtiweg niḍen?
4358If you can use this typewriter perfectly in a month, you may keep it.Ma tessawḍeḍ ad tserrḥeḍ afus-nnek deg udaktilu-a deg wayyur, ɣas jmeɛ-it.
4359If you can use this typewriter perfectly in a month, you may keep it.Ma tessawḍeḍ ad tserrḥeḍ afus-nnem deg udaktilu-a deg wayyur, ɣas jmeɛ-it.
4360If you can use this typewriter perfectly in a month, you may keep it.Ma tessawḍem ad tserrḥem afus-nwen deg udaktilu-a deg wayyur, ɣas jemɛet-t.
4361If you can use this typewriter perfectly in a month, you may keep it.Ma tessawḍemt ad tserrḥemt afus-nwent deg udaktilu-a deg wayyur, ɣas jemɛemt-t.
4362If he wanted to get to London today, he should leave now.Ma yella yebɣa ad yaweḍ ɣer London ass-a, ɣas kan ad yeddu imir-a.
4363I’d like to invite you to lunch, if you’re not busy.Bɣiɣ ad k-id-ɛerḍeɣ s imekli, ma testufaḍ.
4364I’d like to invite you to lunch, if you’re not busy.Bɣiɣ ad kem-id-ɛerḍeɣ s imekli, ma testufaḍ.
4365I’d like to invite you to lunch, if you’re not busy.Bɣiɣ ad ken-id-ɛerḍeɣ s imekli, ma testufam.
4366I’d like to invite you to lunch, if you’re not busy.Bɣiɣ ad kent-id-ɛerḍeɣ s imekli, ma testufamt.
4367If it is free, please send me a copy.Ma yella baṭel, ttxil-k, azen-iyi-d tasukint.
4368If it is free, please send me a copy.Ma yella baṭel, ttxil-m, azen-iyi-d tasukint.
4369If it is free, please send me a copy.Ma yella baṭel, ttxil-wen, aznet-iyi-d tasukint.
4370If it is free, please send me a copy.Ma yella baṭel, ttxil-went, aznemt-iyi-d tasukint.
4371If he told me the truth, I would have forgiven him.Lemmer d ay iyi-d-yenni tidet, tili aql-iyi ssurfeɣ-as.
4372You’d not have been in the rush hour if you had left home earlier.Lemmer d ay d-teffiɣeḍ zik seg wexxam, tili ur d-tɣelliḍ deg tsaɛet-nni aydeg d-tteffɣen akk medden.
4373You’d not have been in the rush hour if you had left home earlier.Lemmer d ay d-teffiɣem zik seg wexxam, tili ur d-tɣellim deg tsaɛet-nni aydeg d-tteffɣen akk medden.
4374You’d not have been in the rush hour if you had left home earlier.Lemmer d ay d-teffiɣemt zik seg wexxam, tili ur d-tɣellimt deg tsaɛet-nni aydeg d-tteffɣen akk medden.
4375You’d not have been in the rush hour if you had left home earlier.Lemmer d ay d-teffiɣeḍ zik seg wexxam, tili ur d-tɣelliḍ deg tsaɛet-nni aydeg yettacaṛ webrid.
4376You’d not have been in the rush hour if you had left home earlier.Lemmer d ay d-teffiɣem zik seg wexxam, tili ur d-tɣellim deg tsaɛet-nni aydeg yettacaṛ webrid.
4377You’d not have been in the rush hour if you had left home earlier.Lemmer d ay d-teffiɣemt zik seg wexxam, tili ur d-tɣellimt deg tsaɛet-nni aydeg yettacaṛ webrid.
4378Hello. May I speak to Mr Johnson, please?Azul. Tzemreḍ ad iyi-d-tesɛeddiḍ Mass Johnson?
4379Hello. This is Joe Carlton. May I speak to Michael?Azul. Nekk d Joe Carlton. Tzemreḍ ad iyi-d-tesɛeddiḍ Michael?
4380Hello. This is Ogawa speaking.Azul. Nekk d Ogawa.
4381Are you there?Aql-ik din?
4382Please let me know if I can provide you with any further information, or if you would like to contact me for questions.Ma tebɣiḍ ad ak-d-rnuɣ ugar n telɣa neɣ ad iyi-d-tesseqsiḍ, nermes-iyi-d.
4383Please let me know if I can provide you with any further information, or if you would like to contact me for questions.Ma tebɣiḍ ad am-d-rnuɣ ugar n telɣa neɣ ad iyi-d-tesseqsiḍ, nermes-iyi-d.
4384Please let me know if I can provide you with any further information, or if you would like to contact me for questions.Ma tebɣam ad awen-d-rnuɣ ugar n telɣa neɣ ad iyi-d-tesseqsim, nermset-iyi-d.
4385Please let me know if I can provide you with any further information, or if you would like to contact me for questions.Ma tebɣamt ad awent-d-rnuɣ ugar n telɣa neɣ ad iyi-d-tesseqsimt, nermsemt-iyi-d.
4386If Bob had taken my advice, everything would be all right now.Lemmer d ay yeḍfir Bob tanṣiḥt-inu, tili kullec ad yili igerrez imir-a.
4387If you happen to hear of anybody that wants to buy a house, please let me know.Ma tesliḍ s yiwen ay yebɣan ad iseɣ axxam, ttxil-k, ini-iyi-d.
4388If he has time, he will come.Ma yesɛa akud, ad d-yas.
4389If he has time, he will come.Ma yella ɣer wakud, ad d-yas.
4390If you fail, you can always ask for his help.Ma txeṣreḍ, tzemreḍ ad as-tessutreḍ ad k-iɛawen.
4391If you fail, you can always ask for his help.Ma txeṣreḍ, tzemreḍ ad as-tessutreḍ ad kem-iɛawen.
4392If you fail, you can always ask for his help.Ma txeṣrem, tzemrem ad as-tessutrem ad ken-iɛawen.
4393If you fail, you can always ask for his help.Ma txeṣremt, tzemremt ad as-tessutremt ad kent-iɛawen.
4394If you are to do it, you must make a good start.Ma tebɣiḍ ad tgeḍ ccɣel-a, yessefk ad t-id-tebduḍ akken iwata.
4395If you are to do it, you must make a good start.Ma tebɣam ad tgem ccɣel-a, yessefk ad t-id-tebdum akken iwata.
4396If you are to do it, you must make a good start.Ma tebɣamt ad tgemt ccɣel-a, yessefk ad t-id-tebdumt akken iwata.
4397You need your parents’ permission if you are going to apply for that.Ma tebɣiḍ ad tessutreḍ aya, teḥwajeḍ ttesriḥ n yimawlan-nnek.
4398You need your parents’ permission if you are going to apply for that.Ma tebɣiḍ ad tessutreḍ aya, teḥwajeḍ ttesriḥ n yimawlan-nnem.
4399You need your parents’ permission if you are going to apply for that.Ma tebɣam ad tessutrem aya, teḥwajem ttesriḥ n yimawlan-nwen.
4400You need your parents’ permission if you are going to apply for that.Ma tebɣamt ad tessutremt aya, teḥwajemt ttesriḥ n yimawlan-nwent.
4401If you had not followed the doctor’s advice then, you might be ill now.Lemmer ur teḍfireḍ tanṣiḥt n yemsujji, tili ad tiliḍ tuḍneḍ imir-a.
4402If you had not followed the doctor’s advice then, you might be ill now.Lemmer ur teḍfirem tanṣiḥt n yemsujji, tili ad tilim tuḍnem imir-a.
4403If you had not followed the doctor’s advice then, you might be ill now.Lemmer ur teḍfiremt tanṣiḥt n yemsujji, tili ad tilimt tuḍnemt imir-a.
4404If you will lend me the money, I shall be much obliged to you.Lemmer ad iyi-d-treḍleḍ idrimen-nni, ur ttettuɣ lxir-nnek.
4405If you will lend me the money, I shall be much obliged to you.Lemmer ad iyi-d-treḍleḍ idrimen-nni, ur ttettuɣ lxir-nnem.
4406If you will lend me the money, I shall be much obliged to you.Lemmer ad iyi-d-treḍlem idrimen-nni, ur ttettuɣ lxir-nwen.
4407If you will lend me the money, I shall be much obliged to you.Lemmer ad iyi-d-treḍlemt idrimen-nni, ur ttettuɣ lxir-nwent.
4408If Jane’s mother were in Japan, I could invite her to the Doll’s Festival.Lememr ad tili yemma-s n Jane deg Japun, ad tt-id-ɛerḍeɣ ɣer Tfaska n Teknarin.
4409If you think this is wrong, you must speak out.Ma tettwaliḍ aya d tikerkas, yessefk ad t-id-tiniḍ.
4410If you think this is wrong, you must speak out.Ma tettwalim aya d tikerkas, yessefk ad t-id-tinim.
4411If you think this is wrong, you must speak out.Ma tettwalimt aya d tikerkas, yessefk ad t-id-tinimt.
4412If you think this is wrong, you must speak out.Ma tettwalim yecceḍ waya, yessefk ad d-tinim.
4413If you think this is wrong, you must speak out.Ma tettwaliḍ yecceḍ waya, yessefk ad d-tiniḍ.
4414If you think this is wrong, you must speak out.Ma tettwalimt yecceḍ waya, yessefk ad d-tinimt.
4415If you think this is wrong, you must speak out.Ma tettwaliḍ aya d lbaṭel, yessefk ad d-tiniḍ.
4416If you think this is wrong, you must speak out.Ma tettwalim aya d lbaṭel, yessefk ad d-tinim.
4417If you think this is wrong, you must speak out.Ma tettwalimt aya d lbaṭel, yessefk ad d-tinimt.
4418If you want this job, you must apply for it by tomorrow.Ma tebɣiḍ axeddim-a, yessefk ad t-tessutreḍ uqbel uzekka.
4419If you want this job, you must apply for it by tomorrow.Ma tebɣam axeddim-a, yessefk ad t-tessutrem uqbel uzekka.
4420If you want this job, you must apply for it by tomorrow.Ma tebɣamt axeddim-a, yessefk ad t-tessutremt uqbel uzekka.
4421If you eat any cake, I’ll whip you.Lemmer ad tecceḍ angul, ad k-wteɣ s ujekkaḍ.
4422If you eat any cake, I’ll whip you.Lemmer ad tecceḍ angul, ad kem-wteɣ s ujekkaḍ.
4423If you eat any cake, I’ll whip you.Lemmer ad teccem angul, ad ken-wteɣ s ujekkaḍ.
4424If you eat any cake, I’ll whip you.Lemmer ad teccemt angul, ad kent-wteɣ s ujekkaḍ.
4425If I had enough money, I would buy the book.Lemmer d ay sɛiɣ idrimen, ad d-sɣeɣ adlis-nni.
4426He said that if he had much money, he would buy the dictionary.Yenna-d lemmer d ay yesɛi idrimen, ad d-iseɣ amawal-nni.
4427If you need any money, I’ll lend you some.Ma teḥwajeḍ idrimen, ad ak-reḍleɣ cwit.
4428If you need any money, I’ll lend you some.Ma teḥwajeḍ idrimen, ad am-reḍleɣ cwit.
4429If you need any money, I’ll lend you some.Ma teḥwajem idrimen, ad awen-reḍleɣ cwit.
4430If you need any money, I’ll lend you some.Ma teḥwajemt idrimen, ad awent-reḍleɣ cwit.
4431If you want any money, I will lend you some.Ma teḥwajeḍ idrimen, ad ak-reḍleɣ cwiṭ.
4432If you want any money, I will lend you some.Ma teḥwajeḍ idrimen, ad am-reḍleɣ cwiṭ.
4433If you want any money, I will lend you some.Ma teḥwajem idrimen, ad awen-reḍleɣ cwiṭ.
4434If you want any money, I will lend you some.Ma teḥwajemt idrimen, ad awent-reḍleɣ cwiṭ.
4435If I had money, I would buy that camera. As it is, I cannot buy it.Lemmer d ay sɛiɣ idrimen, ad d-sɣeɣ timsekniwt-nni. Maca imir-a, ur zmireɣ ad tt-id-sɣeɣ.
4436If you don’t have money, you have to do without.Ma yella ur tesɛiḍ idrimen, yessefk ad d-tafeḍ amek ara tsellkeḍ iɣef-nnek.
4437If you don’t have money, you have to do without.Ma yella ur tesɛiḍ idrimen, yessefk ad d-tafeḍ amek ara tsellkeḍ iɣef-nnem.
4438If you don’t have money, you have to do without.Ma yella ur tesɛam idrimen, yessefk ad d-tafem amek ara tsellkem iɣef-nwen.
4439If you don’t have money, you have to do without.Ma yella ur tesɛamt idrimen, yessefk ad d-tafemt amek ara tsellkemt iɣef-nwent.
4440I might have to be very angry with you if you were to come alone.Lemmer d ay d-tusiḍ i yiman-nnek, ad rfuɣ fell-ak.
4441I might have to be very angry with you if you were to come alone.Lemmer d ay d-tusiḍ i yiman-nnem, ad rfuɣ fell-am.
4442I might have to be very angry with you if you were to come alone.Lemmer d ay d-tusim i yiman-nwen, ad rfuɣ fell-awen.
4443I might have to be very angry with you if you were to come alone.Lemmer d ay d-tusimt i yiman-nwent, ad rfuɣ fell-awent.
4444Without the ozone layer, we would be in danger.Lemmer ur d tissi n wuzun, tili tudert-nneɣ ad tili deg umihi.
4445If you want to study in the United States, you need to get a student visa.Ma tebɣiḍ ad teɣreḍ deg Yiwunak Yeddukklen, teḥwajeḍ lviza n unelmad.
4446If you want to study in the United States, you need to get a student visa.Ma tebɣiḍ ad teɣrem deg Yiwunak Yeddukklen, teḥwajem lviza n unelmad.
4447If you want to study in the United States, you need to get a student visa.Ma tebɣamt ad teɣremt deg Yiwunak Yeddukklen, teḥwajemt lviza n unelmad.
4448Without water, the soldiers would have died.Lemmer ur swin yiserdasen-nni aman, tili ad mmten seg fad.
4449If you can’t come, send someone in your stead.Ma yella ur tezmired ad d-tased, azen-d kra n yiwen deg wemkan-nnek.
4450If you can’t come, send someone in your stead.Ma yella ur tezmireḍ ad d-taseḍ, azen-d kra n yiwen deg wemkan-nnek.
4451If you can’t come, send someone in your stead.Ma yella ur tezmired ad d-tased, azen-d kra n yiwen deg wemkan-nnem.
4452If you can’t come, send someone in your stead.Ma yella ur tezmireḍ ad d-taseḍ, azen-d kra n yiwen deg wemkan-nnem.
4453If you can’t come, send someone in your stead.Ma yella ur tezmirem ad d-tasem, aznet-d kra n yiwen deg wemkan-nwen.
4454If you can’t come, send someone in your stead.Ma yella ur tezmiremt ad d-tasemt, aznemt-d kra n yiwen deg wemkan-nwent.
4455If you didn’t have him to exchange letters with, you would be lonely.Lemmer ur temyuraḍ yid-s, tili ad teqqimeḍ kan i yiman-nnek.
4456If you didn’t have him to exchange letters with, you would be lonely.Lemmer ur temyuraḍ yid-s, tili ad teqqimeḍ kan i yiman-nnem.
4457If you didn’t have him to exchange letters with, you would be lonely.Lemmer ur temyuram yid-s, tili ad teqqimem kan i yiman-nwen.
4458If you didn’t have him to exchange letters with, you would be lonely.Lemmer ur temyuramt yid-s, tili ad teqqimemt kan i yiman-nwent.
4459If you are to succeed, you must work harder.Ma tebɣiḍ ad trebḥeḍ, yessefk ad tḥeṛseḍ iman-nnek deg uxeddim.
4460If you are to succeed, you must work harder.Ma tebɣiḍ ad trebḥeḍ, yessefk ad tḥeṛseḍ iman-nnem deg uxeddim.
4461If you are to succeed, you must work harder.Ma tebɣam ad trebḥem, yessefk ad tḥeṛsem iman-nwen deg uxeddim.
4462If you are to succeed, you must work harder.Ma tebɣamt ad trebḥemt, yessefk ad tḥeṛsemt iman-nwent deg uxeddim.
4463Even if you know the truth, you had better pretend otherwise at present.Ɣas ma teẓriḍ tidet, ɣas err iman-nnek ur tt-teẓriḍ taswiɛt-a.
4464Even if you know the truth, you had better pretend otherwise at present.Ɣas ma teẓriḍ tidet, ɣas err iman-nnem ur tt-teẓriḍ taswiɛt-a.
4465Even if you know the truth, you had better pretend otherwise at present.Ɣas ma teẓram tidet, ɣas rret iman-nwen ur tt-teẓrim taswiɛt-a.
4466Even if you know the truth, you had better pretend otherwise at present.Ɣas ma teẓramt tidet, ɣas rremt iman-nwent ur tt-teẓrimt taswiɛt-a.
4467If you were in my place, what would you do?Lemmer d ay telliḍ deg wemkan-inu, d acu ara tgeḍ?
4468If you were in my place, what would you do?Lemmer d ay tellim deg wemkan-inu, d acu ara tgem?
4469If you were in my place, what would you do?Lemmer d ay tellimt deg wemkan-inu, d acu ara tgemt?
4470What would you say if you were in my place?Lemmer d ay telliḍ deg wemkan-inu, d acu ara d-tiniḍ?
4471What would you say if you were in my place?Lemmer d ay tellim deg wemkan-inu, d acu ara d-tinim?
4472What would you say if you were in my place?Lemmer d ay tellimt deg wemkan-inu, d acu ara d-tinimt?
4473Don’t forget that, if you are on a diet, skipping breakfast will not help you.Ɣas ma yella tgiḍ agal, ma tejjiḍ imekli n tṣebḥit, aya yezmer ad k-iḍurr.
4474Don’t forget that, if you are on a diet, skipping breakfast will not help you.Ɣas ma yella tgiḍ agal, ma tejjiḍ imekli n tṣebḥit, aya yezmer ad kem-iḍurr.
4475Don’t forget that, if you are on a diet, skipping breakfast will not help you.Ɣas ma yella tgam agal, ma tejjam imekli n tṣebḥit, aya yezmer ad ken-iḍurr.
4476Don’t forget that, if you are on a diet, skipping breakfast will not help you.Ɣas ma yella tgamt agal, ma tejjamt imekli n tṣebḥit, aya yezmer ad kent-iḍurr.
4477If you had not eaten so much, you would not be so sleepy now.Lemmer ur tecciḍ aṭas, tili ur tettnuddumeḍ imir-a.
4478If you had not eaten so much, you would not be so sleepy now.Lemmer ur teccim aṭas, tili ur tettnuddumem imir-a.
4479If you had not eaten so much, you would not be so sleepy now.Lemmer ur teccimt aṭas, tili ur tettnuddumemt imir-a.
4480If he can do that, I will eat my hat.Lemmer ad yeg aya, ad cceɣ arazal-inu.
4481If you are to finish the work before June, you will have to work much better.Ma tebɣiḍ ad tfakeḍ axeddim-nni uqbel Yunyu, yessefk ad tḥeṛseḍ iman-nnek ugar.
4482If you are to finish the work before June, you will have to work much better.Ma tebɣiḍ ad tfakeḍ axeddim-nni uqbel Yunyu, yessefk ad tḥeṛseḍ iman-nnem ugar.
4483If you are to finish the work before June, you will have to work much better.Ma tebɣam ad tfakem axeddim-nni uqbel Yunyu, yessefk ad tḥeṛsem iman-nwen ugar.
4484If you are to finish the work before June, you will have to work much better.Ma tebɣamt ad tfakemt axeddim-nni uqbel Yunyu, yessefk ad tḥeṛsemt iman-nwent ugar.
4485What would you do if you were ten years younger?D acu ara tgeḍ lemmer d ay telliḍ meẓẓiyeḍ s mraw n yiseggasen?
4486What would you do if you were ten years younger?D acu ara tgem lemmer d ay tellim meẓẓiyit s mraw n yiseggasen?
4487What would you do if you were ten years younger?D acu ara tgemt lemmer d ay tellimt meẓẓiyit s mraw n yiseggasen?
4488If you break the clock again, you’ll catch it from Mommy.Lemmer ad tɛawdeḍ ad terrẓeḍ amasrag-nni tikkelt niḍen, ad k-twet yemma.
4489If you break the clock again, you’ll catch it from Mommy.Lemmer ad tɛawdeḍ ad terrẓeḍ amasrag-nni tikkelt niḍen, ad kem-twet yemma.
4490If you break the clock again, you’ll catch it from Mommy.Lemmer ad tɛawdem ad terrẓem amasrag-nni tikkelt niḍen, ad ken-twet yemma.
4491If you break the clock again, you’ll catch it from Mommy.Lemmer ad tɛawdemt ad terrẓemt amasrag-nni tikkelt niḍen, ad kent-twet yemma.
4492If you were footing the bill, you wouldn’t say that.Lemmer d kecc ara ixellṣen tafatuṛt-a, ur d-tettiniḍ aya.
4493If you were footing the bill, you wouldn’t say that.Lemmer d kemm ara ixellṣen tafatuṛt-a, ur d-tettiniḍ aya.
4494If you were footing the bill, you wouldn’t say that.Lemmer d kenwi ara ixellṣen tafatuṛt-a, ur d-tettinim aya.
4495If you were footing the bill, you wouldn’t say that.Lemmer d kennemti ara ixellṣen tafatuṛt-a, ur d-tettinimt aya.
4496We don’t have any more bread.Ifuk-aɣ weɣrum.
4497It’s fruit fresh from the tree.Imir-a kan ay d-ttwakksen yigumma-a seg useklu.
4498Should we go to the mall?Ad neddu s ammas amsenzi?
4499Did you start to learn the piano when you were three, like Mozart?Tebdiḍ tlemmdeḍ apyanu seg wasmi ay tesɛiḍ kraḍ n yiseggasen, am Mozart?
4500Did you start to learn the piano when you were three, like Mozart?Tebdam tlemmdem apyanu seg wasmi ay tesɛam kraḍ n yiseggasen, am Mozart?
4501Did you start to learn the piano when you were three, like Mozart?Tebdamt tlemmdemt apyanu seg wasmi ay tesɛamt kraḍ n yiseggasen, am Mozart?
4502It’s already ten o’clock at night.Attan d lɛecṛa n yiḍ yagi.
4503Can’t go back; no place to go back to.Ur zmireɣ ara ad qqleɣ; ulac sani ara qqleɣ.
4504Can’t go back; no place to go back to.Ur zmireɣ ara ad qqleɣ; ulac sanda ara qqleɣ.
4505Have you called her yet?Teɣrid-as neɣ mazal?
4506Have you called her yet?Teɣriḍ-as neɣ mazal?
4507Did you call him yet?Teɣrid-as neɣ mazal?
4508Did you call him yet?Teɣriḍ-as neɣ mazal?
4509I won’t talk with him anymore.Ur ttɛawadeɣ ad ssiwleɣ yid-s.
4510Never again would she want to live there.Werjin ad tebɣu ad tɛawed ad tezdeɣ dinna.
4511You will be able to speak fluent English in another few months.Ad ternuḍ kan kra n wayyuren, ad iserreḥ yiles-nnek deg tanglizit.
4512I’ve got to hang up now. Someone is waiting to use the phone.Yessefk ad gezmeɣ imir-a. Yella win ay la yettṛajun ad yessexdem asawal.
4513I have already eaten lunch.Cciɣ yagi imekli.
4514It’s getting late. I don’t wanna go home alone.Iṛuḥ lḥal yerna ur bɣiɣ ad dduɣ s axxam i yiman-inu.
4515It’s late.Iṛuḥ lḥal.
4516It’s getting late, so we’d better get going.Iṛuḥ lḥal yerna a win yufan ad neddu imir-a.
4517No one trusts him any more.Ula d yiwen ur mazal yettamen-it.
4518Now that you are grown-up, it is up to you to decide what to do.Imir-a, mi akka ay meɣɣreḍ, d kecc ara tt-id-yefrun ed yiman-nnek d acu ay tebɣiḍ ad t-tgeḍ.
4519Now that you are grown-up, it is up to you to decide what to do.Imir-a, mi akka ay meɣɣreḍ, d kemm ara tt-id-yefrun ed yiman-nnem d acu ay tebɣiḍ ad t-tgeḍ.
4520Now that you are grown-up, it is up to you to decide what to do.Imir-a, mi akka ay timɣurem, d kenwi ara tt-id-yefrun ed yiman-nwen d acu ay tebɣam ad t-tgem.
4521Now that you are grown-up, it is up to you to decide what to do.Imir-a, mi akka ay timɣuremt, d kennemti ara tt-id-yefrun ed yiman-nwent d acu ay tebɣamt ad t-tgemt.
4522Now that you’re a college student, you should study harder.Imir-a, mi akka ay aql-ik d anelmad deg tesdawit, yessefk ad tḥeṛseḍ iman-nnek ugar deg tezrawin.
4523Now that you’re a college student, you should study harder.Imir-a, mi akka ay aql-ikem d tanelmadt deg tesdawit, yessefk ad tḥeṛseḍ iman-nnem ugar deg tezrawin.
4524Now that you’re a college student, you should study harder.Imir-a, mi akka ay aql-iken d inelmaden deg tesdawit, yessefk ad tḥeṛsem iman-nwen ugar deg tezrawin.
4525Now that you’re a college student, you should study harder.Imir-a, mi akka ay aql-ikent d tinelmadin deg tesdawit, yessefk ad tḥeṛsemt iman-nwent ugar deg tezrawin.
4526Now that you are a college student, you should know better.Imir-a, mi akka ay aql-ik d anelmad deg tesdawit, a win yufan ad tiliḍ tessneḍ xir.
4527Now that you are a college student, you should know better.Imir-a, mi akka ay aql-ikem d tanelmadt deg tesdawit, a win yufan ad tiliḍ tessneḍ xir.
4528Now that you are a college student, you should know better.Imir-a, mi akka ay aql-iken d inelmaden deg tesdawit, a win yufan ad tilim tessnem xir.
4529Now that you are a college student, you should know better.Imir-a, mi akka ay aql-ikent d tinelmadin deg tesdawit, a win yufan ad tilimt tessnemt xir.
4530Now that you know the truth, perhaps you’ll feel better.Imir-a, mi akka ay teẓriḍ tidet, ahat ad tḥulfuḍ i yiman-nnek xir n wakken telliḍ.
4531Now that you know the truth, perhaps you’ll feel better.Imir-a, mi akka ay teẓriḍ tidet, ahat ad tḥulfuḍ i yiman-nnem xir n wakken telliḍ.
4532Now that you know the truth, perhaps you’ll feel better.Imir-a, mi akka ay teẓram tidet, ahat ad tḥulfum i yiman-nwen xir n wakken tellam.
4533Now that you know the truth, perhaps you’ll feel better.Imir-a, mi akka ay teẓramt tidet, ahat ad tḥulfumt i yiman-nwent xir n wakken tellamt.
4534It’s time to go to bed.D lawan ad neḍḍes.
4535It is time to go to bed.D lawan ad neddu ad neḍḍes.
4536May I start eating now?Zemreɣ ad bduɣ ucci imir-a?
4537I could not eat another bite.Ur lliɣ zemreɣ ad rnuɣ ula d yiwet n telqimt.
4538I can’t eat any more.Ur zmireɣ ad rnuɣ ad cceɣ.
4539I want to sleep a little more.Bɣiɣ ad rnuɣ cwiṭ n yiḍes.
4540Had you come a little earlier, you could have met her.Lemmer d ay d-tusiḍ cwiṭ zik, tili ad tt-id-tafeḍ.
4541Had you come a little earlier, you could have met her.Lemmer d ay d-tusim cwiṭ zik, tili ad tt-id-tafem.
4542Had you come a little earlier, you could have met her.Lemmer d ay d-tusimt cwiṭ zik, tili ad tt-id-tafemt.
4543If you had left home a little earlier you would have been in time.Lemmer d ay teffiɣeḍ cwiṭ zik, tili ad tawḍeḍ deg lawan.
4544If you had left home a little earlier you would have been in time.Lemmer d ay teffiɣem cwiṭ zik, tili ad tawḍem deg lawan.
4545If you had left home a little earlier you would have been in time.Lemmer d ay teffiɣemt cwiṭ zik, tili ad tawḍemt deg lawan.
4546Do you think you could make a little less noise?Tzemreḍ ad tesneqseḍ cwiṭ n lḥess, ma ulac aɣilif?
4547Do you think you could make a little less noise?Tzemrem ad tesneqsem cwiṭ n lḥess, ma ulac aɣilif?
4548Do you think you could make a little less noise?Tzemremt ad tesneqsemt cwiṭ n lḥess, ma ulac aɣilif?
4549Please turn down the volume a little bit more.Ttxil-k, ssenqes cwiṭ i yimesli.
4550Put in a little more sugar.Rnu cwiṭ n sskeṛ.
4551Can I have some more milk?Tzemreḍ ad iyi-d-ternuḍ cwiṭ n ukeffay?
4552If you had been a little more patient, you could have succeeded.Lemmer d ay teṣbireḍ cwiṭ, tili ad trebḥeḍ.
4553If you had been a little more patient, you could have succeeded.Lemmer d ay teṣbirem cwiṭ, tili ad trebḥem.
4554If you had been a little more patient, you could have succeeded.Lemmer d ay teṣbiremt cwiṭ, tili ad trebḥemt.
4555Could you give me a better price?Ulac aɣilif ma tejjiḍ-iyi-d cwiṭ?
4556Turn the radio down a little.Ssenqes-as cwiṭ i ṛṛadyu.
4557Would you speak more slowly, please?Tzemreḍ ad tessiwleḍ s leɛqel?
4558I’d like some more bread, please.Bɣiɣ ad rnuɣ aɣrum ma ulac aɣilif.
4559Would you like some more salad?Tebɣiḍ ad ternuḍ cwiṭ n cclaḍa?
4560Would you like some more cake?Tebɣiḍ ad ternuḍ angul?
4561If you had made more effort, you would have passed the entrance examination.Lemmer d ay tgiḍ cwiṭ n wussis, tili ad d-tawyeḍ akayad-nni n unekcum.
4562If you had made more effort, you would have passed the entrance examination.Lemmer d ay tgim cwiṭ n wussis, tili ad d-tawyem akayad-nni n unekcum.
4563If you had made more effort, you would have passed the entrance examination.Lemmer d ay tgimt cwiṭ n wussis, tili ad d-tawyemt akayad-nni n unekcum.
4564Can I leave now?Zemreɣ ad dduɣ imir-a?
4565Have you finished your homework?Tfukeḍ aɣanen-nnek?
4566Have you finished your homework?Yella wasmi ay tfukeḍ aɣanen-nnek?
4567Time is up.Ifuk wakud.
4568We have no time.Ur nesɛi akud.
4569Please don’t write letters to me anymore.Ttxil-k, ur ttɛawad ad iyi-d-taruḍ tibṛatin.
4570It’s time for us to go home.D lawan ad neddu s axxam.
4571I’d better get going. My father is really strict.Yif-it ma ddiɣ imir-a. Baba yewɛeṛ aṭas.
4572There’s no need to cry like a child.Ulayɣer ma truḍ am wegrud.
4573Since you are no longer a child, you should be responsible for what you do.Imi ur k-mazal d agrud, yessefk ad tiliḍ d amasay ɣef wayen ay tettgeḍ.
4574Since you are no longer a child, you should be responsible for what you do.Imir-a ur ken-mazal d igerdan, yessefk ad tilim d imasayen ɣef wayen ay tettgem.
4575Since you are no longer a child, you should be responsible for what you do.Imir-a ur kent-mazal d tigerdatin, yessefk ad tilimt d timasayin ɣef wayen ay tettgemt.
4576Since you are no longer a child, you are to take care of yourself.Imi ur k-mazal d agrud, yessefk ad tethellaḍ deg yiman-nnek.
4577Since you are no longer a child, you are to take care of yourself.Imi ur kem-mazal d tagruḍt, yessefk ad tethellaḍ deg yiman-nnem.
4578It is time you left off your childish ways.D lawan ad tejjeḍ ḍḍbayeɛ-nnek n yigerdan.
4579It’s high time the children went to bed.D lawan ad ḍḍsen yigerdan.
4580I’ve already finished my work.Fukeɣ yagi ccɣel-inu.
4581Now I must go about my work.Imir-a yessefk ad d-lhuɣ s ccɣel-inu.
4582It’s time you went to the barber’s.D lawan ad tedduḍ ɣer useḍḍal.
4583I think we had better wait another thirty minutes.Cikkeɣ yif-it ma nerna neṛja azgen n tsaɛet niḍen.
4584The matter was settled.Tefra temsalt-nni.
4585Have you read today’s paper yet?Teɣriḍ aɣmis n wass-a neɣ mazal?
4586I am feeling much better now.Imir-a aql-iyi xir n wakken lliɣ s waṭas.
4587I have to leave now.Yessefk ad dduɣ imir-a.
4588I have got to go now.Yessefk ad dduɣ imir-a.
4589I’ve got to leave soon.Ur ttɛeḍḍileɣ ad dduɣ.
4590It’s high time to go. See you later.D lawan ad dduɣ. Ar ticki.
4591I must leave now.Yessefk ad dduɣ imir-a.
4592Got to go now.Yessefk ad dduɣ imir-a.
4593We have our backs to the wall.Nezzi iɛrar-nneɣ s aɣrab.
4594I’ll say no more.Ur d-rennuɣ acemma.
4595I don’t want to hear any more excuses.Ur bɣiɣ ad sleɣ tisebbiwin niḍen.
4596No, thank you.Uhu, tanemmirt.
4597Have you arrived at a decision yet?Teddmem kra n ṛṛay neɣ mazal?
4598It is time you put a stop to this nonsense.D lawan ad tḥebseḍ timussa-a.
4599It is time you put a stop to this nonsense.D lawan ad neḥbes timussa-a.
4600Now that you are a high school student, you are responsible for what you do.Imir-a aql-ik d anelmad deg tesnawit yerna aql-ik d amasay ɣef wayen ara tgeḍ.
4601You had better hurry because the banks will close soon.Ɣas ɛjel acku tibankiwin ur ttɛeḍḍilent ad ɣelqent.
4602Let’s be done with the argument.Ad neḥbes amennuɣ-a.
4603Let’s not argue anymore.As-d ad neḥbes imennuɣen.
4604This is the time you should get up.D lawan ad d-takiḍ.
4605It’s time we went home.D lawan ad neddu s axxam.
4606It’s about time you got up.D lawan aydeg ay d-tettakiḍ.
4607Can I go home now?Zemreɣ ad dduɣ s axxam imir-a?
4608You can go home now.Tzemreḍ ad tedduḍ s axxam imir-a.
4609It’s already time to go home.Yuweḍ-d yagi lawan akken ad neddu s axxam.
4610Hadn’t we better be going now?Maci xir lemmer ad neddu imir-a?
4611I’d better be on my way.Yif-it ad dduɣ.
4612I guess I’ll have to leave now.Ahat yessefk ad dduɣ imir-a.
4613Will you permit us to leave now?Ulac aɣilif ma tejjiḍ-aɣ ad neddu imir-a?
4614Will you permit us to leave now?Tzemreḍ ad aɣ-tejjeḍ ad neddu imir-a?
4615You may as well go home now.Imir-a tzemreḍ ad tedduḍ s axxam.
4616I don’t have to wear glasses any more.Qqleɣ ur ḥwajeɣ ad qqneɣ tisekkadin.
4617I fear we are too late.Ugadeɣ lemmer ad yili ifut lḥal.
4618I have had enough of sweets.Ṛwiɣ tiḥelwatin.
4619It is time to go to school.D lawan ad neddu s aɣerbaz.
4620This is the last straw!Yuweḍ wasif ɣer lḥedd-nnes!
4621I can’t take this anymore. I’ve lost my temper completely.Ur zmireɣ ad rnuɣ nnig waya. Iwet-iyi ujenniw.
4622I can’t take it any more.Ur zmireɣ ad rnuɣ nnig waya.
4623I can’t stand it anymore.Ur zmireɣ ad rnuɣ ad bibbeɣ nnig waya!
4624It’s all over for you.Kullec ifuk yid-k.
4625You’d better go home now.Yif-it ma teddiḍ s axxam imir-a.
4626May I go home now?Zemreɣ ad dduɣ s axxam imir-a?
4627You’d better go back home now.Yif-it ma teqqleḍ s axxam zik.
4628How many times are you going to make me say it? Do you know how many times I’ve tried to wake you up?Acḥal n tikkal ay tebɣiḍ ad ak-d-ɛawdeɣ? Teẓriḍ acḥal n tikkal ay ɛerḍeɣ ad k-id-ssakiɣ?
4629How many times are you going to make me say it? Do you know how many times I’ve tried to wake you up?Acḥal n tikkal ay tebɣiḍ ad am-d-ɛawdeɣ? Teẓriḍ acḥal n tikkal ay ɛerḍeɣ ad kem-id-ssakiɣ?
4630How many times are you going to make me say it? Do you know how many times I’ve tried to wake you up?Acḥal n tikkal ay tebɣam ad awen-d-ɛawdeɣ? Teẓram acḥal n tikkal ay ɛerḍeɣ ad ken-id-ssakiɣ?
4631How many times are you going to make me say it? Do you know how many times I’ve tried to wake you up?Acḥal n tikkal ay tebɣamt ad awent-d-ɛawdeɣ? Teẓramt acḥal n tikkal ay ɛerḍeɣ ad kent-id-ssakiɣ?
4632It already has taken me hours.Wteɣ deg-s yagi acḥal n tsaɛtin.
4633Have you decided what to do yet?Tefriḍ-tt-id d acu ara tgeḍ neɣ mazal?
4634That was hard to believe.Yella yewɛeṛ ad tamneḍ aya.
4635We have had enough of rain.Neɛya seg wenẓar.
4636Now that it has stopped raining, we can go home.Imir-a, mi akka ay yeḥbes wenẓar, nezmer ad neddu s axxam.
4637Let’s turn and go back now.As-d ad neqqel imir-a.
4638Please take another one.Ttxil-k, rnu wayeḍ.
4639With just a little more effort, he would have succeeded.Lemmer d ay yerni cwiṭ kan, tili ad yerbeḥ.
4640Another step, and you will fall down the precipice.Lemmer ad ternuḍ yiwen kan n usurif, ad teɣliḍ deg ubabder-nni.
4641Another step, and you’ll fall over the cliff.Lemmer ad ternuḍ yiwen kan n usurif, ad teɣliḍ deg wecṛuf-nni.
4642I’m done up.Dayen, fecleɣ.
4643Another step, and you would have fallen down the stairs.Lemmer d ay terniḍ yiwen n usurif, ad tegrirbeḍ deg yisunan-nni.
4644You’re lit up like a Christmas tree.Ad taɣeḍ am useklu n Tlalit.
4645Let’s have one more drink, and then I’ll take you back home.Ad nernu ad nsew kra, sakkin ad k-ssiwḍeɣ s axxam.
4646Will you have another cup of milk?Ad ternuḍ afenjal n uyefki?
4647Would you mind my drinking another cup of coffee?Ulac aɣilif ma rniɣ afenjal niḍen n teɣlust?
4648Won’t you have another cup of coffee?Ad ternuḍ afenjal n teɣlust?
4649Give me another cup of tea.Rnu-iyi-d afenjal n watay.
4650Would you have another cup of tea?Ad ternuḍ afenjal n watay?
4651Will you have another cup of tea?Ad ternuḍ afenjal n watay?
4652I’d like to stay another night if I can.Bɣiɣ ad rnuɣ yiwen n yiḍ ma zemreɣ.
4653Have patience for another day or two.Rnu ṣber yiwen wass neɣ sin.
4654Set your translation against the original once again.Qaren tikkelt niḍen tasuqilt-nnek ed weḍris-nni aneṣli.
4655I want to climb Mt. Fuji again.Bɣiɣ ad ɛawdeɣ ad alyeɣ adrar n Fuji.
4656I’ll see him again.Ad ɛawdeɣ ad t-ẓreɣ.
4657If I visit Nara again, I will have visited it four times.Lemmer ad ɛawdeɣ ad rzuɣ ɣef Nara, ad iliɣ rziɣ fell-as kuẓet n tikkal.
4658May I put it on again?Zemreɣ ad ɛawdeɣ ad t-lseɣ?
4659Please send me another copy.Ttxil-k, azen-iyi-d tasukint niḍen.
4660Please send me another copy.Ttxil-m, azen-iyi-d tasukint niḍen.
4661Please send me another copy.Ttxil-wen, aznet-iyi-d tasukint niḍen.
4662Please send me another copy.Ttxil-went, aznemt-iyi-d tasukint niḍen.
4663Another war, and we all will be killed.Lemmer ad d-yenker wemgaru niḍen, ad nemmet akk deg-s.
4664Another war, and we will be ruined.Lemmer ad d-yenker wemgaru niḍen, ad nexlu akk deg-s.
4665Explain it once more, Jerry.Ssefhem-it-id tikkelt niḍen a Jerry.
4666Would you explain it again?Ulac aɣilif ma tɛawdeḍ tesfehmeḍ-t-id?
4667We tried again to bump off the politician, but couldn’t do it.Neɛreḍ tikkelt niḍen ad nessebɛed asertay-nni, maca ur nessaweḍ.
4668Would that I were young again.Mennaɣ lemmer d iyi-mazal meẓẓiyeɣ.
4669Had he tried it once more, he would have succeeded in it.Lemmer d ay yeɛriḍ tikkelt niḍen, tili ad yerbeḥ.
4670I tried it again, only to fail.Ɛerḍeɣ tikkelt niḍen maca xeṣreɣ.
4671Will you let me try once more?Ad iyi-tejjeḍ ad ɛerḍeɣ tikkelt niḍen?
4672Read it once more, please.Ttxil-k, ɛawed ɣer-it tikkelt niḍen.
4673Could you repeat that, please?Ttxil-k, tzemreḍ ad d-tɛawdeḍ aya.
4674Pardon me?Anɛam?
4675I would like to talk with you again.Bɣiɣ ad ɛawdeɣ ad ssiwleɣ yid-k.
4676Another mistake, and he will be fired.Lemmer ad yeg tuccḍa niḍen, ad yettwaẓẓeɛ seg uxeddim.
4677I propose that we should have another meeting.Ad d-ssumreɣ ad neg timlilit niḍen.
4678Could you please repeat it slowly?Ttxil-k, tzemreḍ ad t-id-tɛawdeḍ s leɛqel?
4679I’d think twice about this.Lemmer d nekk, ad xemmemeɣ snat tikkal ɣef temsalt-a.
4680You must encourage him to try again.Yessefk ad as-tgeḍ ifadden akken ad yeɛreḍ tikkelt niḍen.
4681You must encourage him to try again.Yessefk ad as-tged ifadden akken ad yeɛreḍ tikkelt niḍen.
4682You must encourage him to try again.Yessefk ad t-tesbeɣsed akken ad yeɛreḍ tikkelt niḍen.
4683You must encourage him to try again.Yessefk ad t-tesbeɣseḍ akken ad yeɛreḍ tikkelt niḍen.
4684Let’s try again.As-d ad neɛreḍ tikkelt niḍen.
4685It is no use trying again.Ulayɣer ma neɛreḍ tikkelt niḍen.
4686Could I ask you to do that again?Ulac aɣilif ma tɛawdeḍ aya?
4687I tried again for no reason.Ɛerḍeɣ tikkelt niḍen, maca deg lbaṭel.
4688Give me a second chance.Efk-iyi-d talemmiẓt niḍen.
4689Give me another chance.Efk-iyi-d talemmiẓt niḍen.
4690Should he be given another chance, he would do his best.Lemmer ad as-tettunefk tlemmiẓt niḍen, ad yeg akk ayen umi yezmer.
4691I will lend you money just this once.Ad ak-reḍleɣ idrimen tikkelt-a kan.
4692Read it once more.Ɣer-it tikkelt niḍen.
4693We tried it again, but couldn’t do it.Neɛreḍ ad t-neg tikkelt niḍen, maca ur nessaweḍ.
4694Please show it to me again.Ttxil-k, ɛawed ssken-iyi-t-id.
4695Try it once again.Ɛreḍ-it tikkelt niḍen.
4696Do it a second time.Eg-it tikkelt niḍen.
4697I tried it over again.Ɛerḍeɣ-t tikkelt niḍen.
4698Why don’t you give it another try?Ayɣer ur tɛerrḍeḍ tikkelt niḍen?
4699I want to go there once more.Bɣiɣ ad dduɣ ɣer din tikkelt niḍen.
4700If I read this book once more, I shall have read it three times.Lemmer ad ɣreɣ adlis-a tikkelt niḍen, ad iliɣ ɣriɣ-t kraḍ tikkal.
4701We hope to see you again.Nessaram ad nɛawed ad k-nẓer tikkelt niḍen.
4702We hope to meet you again.Nessaram ad nɛawed ad k-id-nemlil tikkelt niḍen.
4703Do it again!Eg-it tikkelt niḍen!
4704I beg your pardon; I didn’t quite catch your name.Ssuref-iyi; ur sliɣ mliḥ i yisem-nnek.
4705I beg your pardon; I didn’t quite catch your name.Ssuref-iyi; ur sliɣ mliḥ i yisem-nnem.
4706I’m sorry?Anɛam?
4707I am anxious to visit Britain once again.Ḥareɣ melmi ara ɛawdeɣ ar rzuɣ ɣef Briṭanya Tameqrant tikkelt niḍen.
4708I want to see them again.Bɣiɣ ad ɛawdeɣ ad ten-ẓreɣ.
4709We are looking forward to serving you again.Nessaram ad nɛawed ad ak-neqdec tikkelt niḍen.
4710We are looking forward to seeing you again.Nessaram ad nɛawed ad k-nẓer tikkelt niḍen.
4711Surely he can not enter a second time into his mother’s womb to be born!D ayen ibanen ur yezmir ad yeqqel ɣer tɛebbuḍt n yemma-s akken ad iɛawed ad d-ilal!
4712Make one more effort, and you will succeed.Rnu kan cwiṭ, ad trebḥeḍ.
4713It’s getting there.Atan ad n-yaweḍ.
4714One more effort, you will get on in life.Rnu kan cwiṭ, ad trebḥeḍ deg tmeddurt-nnek.
4715Let’s try once again.As-d ad neɛreḍ tikkelt niḍen.
4716Please show me another one.Ttxil-k, ssken-iyi-d wayeḍ.
4717The other committee consists of four members.Aseqqamu-nni niḍen llan deg-s kuẓ n yimaslaḍen.
4718I think I will have one more ice cream cone.Ugaɣ ad rnuɣ tamagrist niḍen.
4719May I have another piece of cake?Zemreɣ ad rnuɣ tikkest niḍen n wengul?
4720Would you like another piece of cake?Ad ternuḍ tikkest n wengul?
4721I have just one more thing to ask of you – get lost.Mazal yiwet kan n tɣawsa bɣiɣ ad ak-tt-ssutreɣ – Ddu!
4722It is already dark.D tillas yagi.
4723You are old enough to know better. Behave yourself.Meɣɣreḍ yerna tessneḍ leṣlaḥ-nnek. Eg ayen ay ak-yehwan.
4724Have you gotten yourselves acquainted?Dayen, temyussanem?
4725It is high time I was going.D lawan ad dduɣ.
4726You should be a thought more careful.Yessefk ad tettḥezzibeḍ ugar.
4727This guy is really wishy-washy. He couldn’t make a decision to save his life.Argaz-a d imtelleɣ. Ur yeẓri ula amek ara yeg akken ad d-yessukkes tameddurt-nnes.
4728I’d better go to bed now.Yif-it ma ddiɣ ad ḍḍseɣ imir-a.
4729One more effort, and you will get on in life.Rnu kan cwiṭ, ad trebḥeḍ deg tmeddurt-nnek.
4730Another lot of tourists arrived.Tuweḍ-d tegrawt niḍen n yimerrayen.
4731The other grasped his arm.Winna niḍen yeḍḍef-it seg yiɣil.
4732Try on another one.Ɛreɣ wayeḍ.
4733Another thing that is required is a dictionary.Taɣawsa niḍen ay neḥwaj nettat d amawal.
4734Another thing that is required is a dictionary.Taɣawsa niḍen ay yessefken nettat d amawal.
4735Make one more effort and you will reach the summit.Rnu kan cwiṭ, ad tawḍeḍ ɣer tqacuct.
4736One more effort, and you will succeed.Rnu kan cwiṭ, ad trebḥeḍ.
4737No more parties.Fukent tmeɣriwin.
4738Have you applied for a passport yet?Tessutreḍ apaspuṛ neɣ mazal?
4739It is time you went to bed. Turn off the radio.D lawan ad teḍḍseḍ. Ssexsi ṛṛadyu-nni.
4740How long have you been living in Tokyo?Acḥal aya seg wasmi ay tzedɣeḍ deg Tokyo?
4741How long have you been living out of a suitcase?Acḥal aya seg wasmi teqqled tessikiled anect-a akk?
4742How long have you been living out of a suitcase?Acḥal aya seg wasmi teqqleḍ tessikileḍ anect-a akk?
4743It is high time we went to bed.D lawan ad neḍḍes.
4744How long have you looked after this rose garden?Acḥal aya seg wasmi ay tṛebbaḍ tibḥirt-a n tlellact?
4745It’s high time you left for school, isn’t it?D lawan ad tedduḍ s aɣerbaz, neɣ uhu?
4746I can’t study anywhere in my house. It’s too noisy.Ur d-ufiɣ ula d yiwen n wemkan aydeg ara ɣreɣ deg wexxam-inu. Yella aṭas n lḥess.
4747There is no more room for a TV set.Ur d-yeqqim littseɛ i tliẓri.
4748It’s about time you stopped watching television.D lawan ad tḥebseḍ tiliẓri.
4749We could have our tea in the garden, were it a little warmer.Lemmer d ay yeḥmi lḥal cwiṭ, tili ad nsew atay-nneɣ deg tebḥirt.
4750With a little more patience, you could succeed.Ma terniḍ tṣebreḍ cwiṭ kan, ad trebḥeḍ.
4751How about adding a little bit more salt?D acu ara tiniḍ lemmer ad as-nernu cwiṭ kan n tisent?
4752I almost drowned.Qrib ay ɣerqeɣ.
4753Could you please speak a little bit more slowly?Tzemreḍ ad tessiwleḍ war ma tḥuṛfeḍ awal?
4755Do you want to stay any longer?Tebɣiḍ ad ternuḍ ad teqqimeḍ?
4756I have had it.Tuweḍ tkerza s aḥdid.
4757That’s too much.Bezzaf wanect-a akk.
4758It’s about time for the train to arrive.D lawan ad d-taweḍ tmacint-nni.
4759It’s high time you had a haircut.D lawan ad tseḍḍleḍ acebbub-nnek.
4760It’s about time to start.Qrib d lawan ad nebdu.
4761It’s about time you settled down for good.Qrib ad d-yaweḍ lawan aydeg ara trekdeḍ kan deg yiwen n wemkan.
4762It is about time we were leaving.Qrib d lawan ad neddu.
4763It’s about time to go to school.Qrib d lawan ad neddu s aɣerbaz.
4764It is about time you stopped being so idle and did some work.Qrib ad tfak tfak fell-ak tallit n tiffenyent yerna ad tebduḍ axeddim.
4765I saw him no more.Ur ɛawdeɣ akk ẓriɣ-t.
4766Well, I have to be going.Imir-a yessefk ad dduɣ.
4767Let’s not talk about it any more.Ur nettɛawad ad d-nebder tamsalt-a.
4768That will do.Beṛka anect-a.
4769I cannot put up with the noise any longer.Ur zmireɣ ad rnuɣ ad awyeɣ lḥess-a nnig waya.
4770Have you already met Mr Smith?Temlaleḍ-d yagi ed Mass Smith?
4771There’s nothing there.Ur yelli wacemma din.
4772It’s the dead of the night.D talemmast n yiḍ.
4773It looks as if autumn is really here.Ad as-tiniḍ yuweḍ-d yagi wemwan.
4774With a little more effort.S cwiṭ n wussis.
4775I was nearly hit by a car.Qrib ay iyi-twit tkeṛṛust.
4776Had I had a little more money, I would have bought it.Lemmer d ay sɛiɣ cwiṭ n zzyada n yedrimen, tili sɣiɣ-t-id.
4777It’ll soon be time for dinner.Qrib d lawan n yimensi.
4778Day will break soon.Ur yettɛeḍḍil ad yaley wass.
4779Day will break soon.Qrib ad yaley wass.
4780It will not be long before he gets well.Ur yettɛeḍḍil ad yejji.
4781Winter is drawing on.La d-tettqerrib tegrest.
4782The rainy season is near at hand.Qrib ad d-taweḍ tallit n wenẓar.
4783It’s nearly lunchtime. Why don’t we stop to have a bite to eat?Qrib d lawan n yimekli. Ad neḥbes ad necc?
4784It’s nearly lunchtime. Why don’t we stop to have a bite to eat?Qrib d lawan n yimekli. Ayɣer kan ur nḥebbes ad necc kra?
4785It will get warmer soon.Qrib ad yeḥmu lḥal.
4786The sun will come up soon.Qrib ad d-tenqer tafukt.
4787Spring will come soon.Qrib ad d-taweḍ tefsut.
4788It won’t be long before everything is ready.Ur yettɛeḍḍil ad d-yewjed kullec.
4789My birthday is coming soon.Qrib d amulli-inu.
4790We are going to have a baby.La nettṛaju alufan.
4791I am looking forward to seeing you soon.Ssarameɣ ad nemẓer ɣef zik lḥal.
4792You will be allowed to go out soon.Qrib ad ak-yettunefk ttesriḥ ad teffɣeḍ.
4793Soon there will be summer vacation.Qrib ad d-awḍen yimuras n unebdu.
4794It is going to rain very soon.Qrib ad d-iwet wenẓar.
4795I’ll soon finish reading this novel.Qrib ad fakeɣ taɣuri n wungal-a.
4796We’re getting out of here in a moment.Ur nettɛeḍḍil ad neffeɣ seg-a.
4797It will soon be New Year.Qrib ad d-yekcem useggas amaynu.
4798It will be 5:30 presently.Imir-a ad taweḍ d 5:30.
4799It will be 5:30 presently.Imir-a ad taweḍ d lxemsa ed wezgen.
4800It is almost three.Qrib d ttlata.
4801We’ll get to school soon; we are as good as there now.Ur nettɛeḍḍil ad naweḍ s aɣerbaz; aql-aɣ qrib ad naweḍ.
4802It will not be long before our food runs out.Ur yettɛeḍḍil ad aɣ-ifak wucci.
4803The apple harvest will soon come.Qrib ad d-taweḍ tallit n tukksa n uḍeffu.
4804I’ll catch up with you soon.Qrib ad k-id-qeḍɛeɣ.
4805I can’t get along with the neighbors any more.Qqleɣ ur zmireɣ ad msefhameɣ akked ljiran-inu.
4806I can’t walk any farther.Ur zmireɣ ad kemmleɣ tikli.
4807I cannot put up with his bad manners any longer.Ɛyiɣ seg ḍḍbayeɛ-nnes n diri.
4808I can’t stand that nasty attitude of his any longer.Ɛyiɣ seg tikli-nnes n diri.
4809I don’t think I’ll be able to hold in my anger any longer.Ur cikkeɣ zemreɣ ad ḍḍfeɣ urfan-inu nnig waya.
4810I can’t wait any longer.Ur zmireɣ ad ṛjuɣ nnig waya.
4811You had better not wait any longer.Axir ur trennuḍ ara ad teṛjuḍ.
4812She does not eat cake, so as not to put on any more weight.Ur tettett ingulen akken ur trennu deg lmizan.
4813I don’t have time to take any more pupils.Ur sɛiɣ akud akken ad d-rnuɣ inelmaden imaynuten.
4814I have no more desire to eat sweets.Ur bɣiɣ ad rnuɣ ad cceɣ tiḥelwatin.
4815It would be better for both of us not to see each other anymore.Yif-it ma ur nettɛawad ad nemẓer.
4816I cannot bear it any longer.Ur zmireɣ ad ɛebbiɣ aya ugar.
4817I can’t put it off any longer.Ur zmireɣ ad kemmleɣ awexxer n ccɣel-a ugar n wanect-a.
4818I don’t want to lead a dog’s life any more.Ur bɣiɣ ad kemmleɣ ad tteddreɣ am weydi.
4819I can’t go any further.Ur zmireɣ ad sbeɛdeɣ ugar n waya.
4820I can no longer remain silent.Ur zmireɣ ad kemmleɣ ad ssusmeɣ.
4821Please don’t let me hear any more of that story.Ttxil-k, ur ttɛawad ad iyi-d-tessiwleḍ ɣef teḥkayt-a.
4822I can afford no further delay.Ur zmireɣ ad ɛeḍḍleɣ nnig waya.
4823I don’t want any more.Beṛka-iyi.
4824There’s no other way than this now.D ta kan ay d tifrat ay d-yeqqimen imir-a.
4825I’ve had enough of this program.Ɛyiɣ seg wahil-a.
4826Do you mean that you have already decided on this plan?Tebɣiḍ ad d-tiniḍ tefriḍ-tt-id yagi deg wayen yerzan aɣawas-a?
4827Do you mean that you have already decided on this plan?Tebɣam ad d-tinim tefram-tt-id yagi deg wayen yerzan aɣawas-a?
4828Do you mean that you have already decided on this plan?Tebɣamt ad d-tinimt teframt-tt-id yagi deg wayen yerzan aɣawas-a?
4829We’ve come this far, so we can’t stop now. I don’t want to backslide.Nuweḍ-d armi d da. Imir-a ur nezmir ad neḥbes. Ur bɣiɣ ad qqleɣ ɣer deffir.
4830I’ve had coffee already.Swiɣ yagi taɣlust.
4831It is almost ten o’clock.Attan qrib d lɛecṛa.
4832Have you turned off the gas yet?Tessexsiḍ lgaz neɣ mazal?
4833Has Father come home yet?Yeqqel-d baba s axxam neɣ mazal?
4834He has gone out for lunch already.Yeffeɣ yagi ad yecc imekli.
4835Have you finished eating your lunch?Tfukeḍ imekli-nnek?
4836Are you all right now?La tettḥulfuḍ i yiman-nnek xir imir-a?
4837It is time for you to go to bed.D lawan ad teddud ad teḍḍseḍ.
4838They’re already here.Atni da yagi.
4839It is time I was going.D lawan ad dduɣ.
4840I’ll try again, thank you.Ad ɛerḍeɣ tikkelt niḍen, tanemmirt.
4841Let me go over the accounts again.Ejj-iyi ad ɛawdeɣ leḥsabat.
4842Have you started reading the book yet?Tebdiḍ taɣuri n wedlis-nni neɣ mazal?
4843It would be wiser of you not to see him again.Yif-it ma ur tɛawdeḍ ad temlileḍ yid-s.
4844I can’t stand that noise any longer.Ur zmireɣ ad awyeɣ lḥess-a nnig waya.
4845Now that you have finished your job, you are free to go home.Imir-a, mi akka ay tfukeḍ ccɣel-nnek, tzemreḍ ad tedduḍ s axxam.
4846Now that you have finished your job, you are free to go home.Imir-a, mi akka ay tfukeḍ ccɣel-nnem, tzemreḍ ad tedduḍ s axxam.
4847Now that you have finished your job, you are free to go home.Imir-a, mi akka ay tfukem ccɣel-nwen, tzemrem ad teddum s axxam.
4848Now that you have finished your job, you are free to go home.Imir-a, mi akka ay tfukemt ccɣel-nwent, tzemremt ad teddumt s axxam.
4849In another two weeks you will be able to get out of the hospital.Seg-a ɣef snat n ledwaṛ, ad d-teffɣeḍ seg wesbiṭar.
4850It’s already nine o’clock.Attan d ttessɛa yagi.
4851It’s already September; however, it is very hot.Yuweḍ-d yagi Ctembeṛ yerna mazal yeḥma lḥal.
4852It’s already seven.Attan d ssebɛa yagi.
4853It has been raining for seven full days.Iwet wenẓar sebɛa wussan war aḥbas.
4854In another six months you will be able to speak German fluently.Ad ternuḍ sḍis wayyuren, ad iserreḥ yiles-nnek deg talmanit.
4855It’s six o’clock already.Attan d ssetta yagi.
4856I’ll wait another five minutes.Ad ṛjuɣ semmus n tedqiqin niḍen.
4857If he had come five minutes later, he would have missed the train.Lemmer d ay yerna xemsa kan n tedqiqin, ad yezgel tamacint-nni.
4858If he had come five minutes later, he would have missed the train.Lemmer d ay yerna semmuset kan n tedqiqin, ad yezgel tamacint-nni.
4859What do you say to waiting five more minutes?D acu ara tiniḍ lemmer ad ternuḍ ad teṛjuḍ semmuset n tedqiqin niḍen?
4860If only I had left home five minutes earlier.Yif-it lemmer d ay ffɣeɣ seg wexxam xemsa n tedqiqin uqbel.
4861I will give you five days’ grace.Ad ak-fkeɣ semmus wussan.
4862It is already past five o’clock.Tɛedda yagi i lxemsa.
4863Three hours of driving has worn me out. Let’s pull over at the next rest stop we see.Kraḍt n tsaɛtin n tenhaṛt sfeclent-iyi. As-d ad neḥbes deg wemkan amezwaru akk n wesgunfu ara d-naf deg webrid-nneɣ.
4864I have three more pages to go.Qqimen-iyi-d kraḍ n yisebtar.
4865I think we had better wait for another 30 minutes.Yif-it ma nerna neṛja azgen n tsaɛet.
4866Another half hour, and our master will be back here.Ad nernu kan azgen n tsaɛet, ad d-yeqqel uselmad-nneɣ.
4867We’ve talked over this matter in detail for half an hour already. Let’s finish it off.Nessawel s ttfaṣil azgen n tsaɛet ɣef temsalt. Aset-d ad tt-nefru imir-a.
4868This was a bad week. My train was late two days in a row.Dduṛt-a d yir nettat. Sin wussan aya seg wasmi ay tettɛeḍḍil tmacint-inu akken ad d-taweḍ.
4869I will be back in another two weeks.Mazal snat ledwaṛ akken ad d-qqleɣ.
4870The rainy season will be over in another two weeks or so.Tallit n wenẓar mazal ad ternu snat n ledwaṛ.
4871I’ve waited two whole hours. I can’t wait any longer.Ṛjiɣ yagi snat n tsaɛtin. Ur zmireɣ ad rnuɣ ad ṛjuɣ ugar.
4872You have only to read a few more pages.Rnu kan ɣer kra n yisebtar.
4873One more step, and you’ll be a dead man.Lemmer ad d-ternuḍ yiwen n usurif, ad temmteḍ.
4874One more step, and you’ll be a dead man.Yiwen usurif niḍen, ad temmteḍ !
4875One more step, and I would have fallen off the cliff.Lemmer d ay terniḍ yiwen kan n usurif, ad teɣliḍ deg wecṛuf-nni.
4876One minute earlier, and they could have caught the bus.Lemmer d-uwiḍen yiwet kan n teqdiqt uqbel, tili ad d-qeḍɛen asakac-nni.
4877One minute earlier, and they could have caught the bus.Lemmer d-uwiḍen yiwet kan n tesdidt uqbel, tili ad d-qeḍɛen asakac-nni.
4878One minute earlier, and we could have seen the Queen.Lemmer d ay d-nuwiḍ tadqiqt kan uqbel, tili neẓra Tagellidt.
4879Have another cup.Rnu afenjal niḍen.
4880I have another year at high school.Mazal-iyi aseggas niḍen deg tesnawit.
4881I have another year at high school.Yeqqim-iyi-d yiwen n useggas deg tesnawit.
4882I wish to climb Mt. Fuji again.Ssarameɣ ad ɛawdeɣ ad alyeɣ adrar n Fuji tikkelt niḍen.
4883I’d like to stay one more night. Is that possible?Bɣiɣ ad rnuɣ yiwen yiḍ. Yella wamek?
4884If I go by air one more time, I’ll have flown in an airplane five times.Lemmer ad dduɣ deg usafag tikkelt niḍen, ad iliɣ rekbeɣ asafag semmus tikkal.
4885I will have been to the States three times if I go there again.Lemmer ad dduɣ tikkelt niḍen ɣer Yiwunak Yeddukklen, ad iliɣ rziɣ fell-asen kraḍt tikkal.
4886Would you say it once more?Ulac aɣilif ma tɛawdeḍ-t-id tikkelt niḍen?
4887If I have to go to Kyoto once more, I will have visited it four times this year.Lemmer ad dduɣ ɣer Kyoto tikkelt niḍen, ad iliɣ rziɣ fell-as kuẓet tikkal aseggas-a.
4888Give me another chance to try.Efk-iyi-d talemmiẓt niḍen akken ad ɛerḍeɣ.
4889Try again.Ɛreḍ tikkelt niḍen.
4890Once more, please.Ttxil-k, tikkelt niḍen.
4891May I add a point?Ulac aɣilif ma rniɣ-d tanqiḍt niḍen?
4892May I add a point?Jaṛas ad rniɣ cṛa?
4893May I add a point?Jaṛas ad rniɣ tiqqedt?
4894Is there any space for one more person?Yella kra n wemkan akken ad d-yernu yiwen?
4895Another problem is where to stop the car.Ugur niḍen netta d anda ara neḥbes takeṛṛust.
4896Now you are sixteen, you should know better.Imir-a, mi akka ay tesɛiḍ seṭṭac n yiseggasen, ad tiliḍ teẓriḍ ugar.
4897Now you are sixteen, you should know better.Imir-a, mi akka ay tesɛiḍ mraw sḍis n yiseggasen, a win yufan ad tiliḍ teẓriḍ ugar.
4898Now you are sixteen, you should know better.Imir-a, mi akka ay tesɛam mraw sḍis n yiseggasen, a win yufan ad tilim teẓram ugar.
4899Now you are sixteen, you should know better.Imir-a, mi akka ay tesɛamt mraw sḍis n yiseggasen, a win yufan ad tilimt teẓramt ugar.
4900It’s already eleven o’clock. I must be leaving now.Attan d leḥdac yagi. Yessefk ad dduɣ imir-a.
4901The town will change in another ten years.Seg-a ɣef mraw n yiseggasen niḍen, tamdint-a ad ternu ad tbeddel.
4902It’s been almost ten years, but you’re as beautiful as ever.Mraw n yiseggasen aya seg wasmi ur nemẓir, maca mazal-ikem dima tcebḥeḍ.
4903It’s already past ten o’clock.Tɛedda yagi i lɛecṛa.
4904It’s already ten o’clock. My mother must be angry.Attan d lɛecṛa yagi. Yemma ad terfu fell-i.
4905I can’t live any longer without him.Ur zmireɣ ad ddreɣ war netta.
4906I’m tired of it.Ɛyiɣ seg-s.
4907We have already finished our dinner.Nfuk yagi imensi.
4908Now I’m wide awake.Imir-a ukiɣ-d mliḥ.
4909Now it’s time to say good night.Imir-a d lawan ad nemyini ḍḍes deg talwit.
4910The hen is hatching her chicks.Tayaziḍt tezdel ɣef yicewcwen-nnes.
4911Do any of the members agree with you?Llan yimaslaḍen ay k-iwufqen?
4912The hen sits on her eggs until they hatch.Tayaziḍt tzeddel ɣef tmellalin-nnes arma frurxent-d.
4913The hen was sitting on the eggs in the nest.Tayaziḍt-nni tella tezdel ɣef tmellalin-nnes deg wegdef.
4914May I trouble you for the salt?Ulac aɣilif ma tefkiḍ-iyi-d tisent?
4915The hen keeps her brood under her.Tayaziḍt tettarra timellalin-nnes ddaw-as.
4916They grow melons under glass.Ssemɣayen-d afeqqus ddaw zzjaj.
4917They are melons.D tifeqqusin.
4918Half of the melon was eaten.Azgen seg ufeqqus-nni yemmecc.
4919Meros is anything but a liar.Meros ur yelli akk d akeddab.
4920Did I tell you what Melissa said?Nniɣ-ak d acu ay d-tenna Melissa?
4921Mary made a cake without her mother’s knowledge.Mary tga-d angul war ma teẓra yemma-s.
4922Mary made a cake without her mother’s knowledge.Mary tga-d angul s tuffra n yemma-s.
4923Mary aided her mother in cooking.Mary tɛawen yemma-s deg ussewwi.
4924Mary burst into the kitchen.Mary tekcem ɣer tenwalt.
4925Mary wants to become a teacher.Mary tebɣa ad teqqel d taselmadt.
4926Mary is interested in politics.Mary tekna ɣer tsertit.
4927Mary can dance well.Mary tezmer ad tecḍeḥ mliḥ.
4928Mary prided herself on her beauty.Mary tella tettzuxxu s ccbaḥa-nnes.
4929Merry is scared of dogs.Merry tettagad iḍan.
4930Mary is lacking in delicacy.Mary txuṣṣ ḍḍrafa.
4931Mary is a girl full of sentiment.Mary d taqcict yettḥulfun aṭas.
4932Mary will sit still and look at the sea for hours.Mary tettmuqqul ilel d tisaɛtin war ma tewlawel.
4933Mary was scornful of Tom.Mary tella teḥqer Tom.
4934Mary has become very fond of Charles.Mary teqqel tḥemmel aṭas Charles.
4935Does Mary live next door to the bus driver with whom John worked?D tidet Mary tezdeɣ tama n unehhaṛ-nni n usakac wukud ay ixeddem Tom?
4936Mary was given a raise by her employer.Mary yerna-as unemhal-nnes deg tcehṛit.
4937He’s not coming, according to Mary.Ɣef leḥsab n Mary, ur d-yettas.
4938Mary beamed her happiness.Yecceɛceɛ-d wudem n Mary seg lfeṛḥ.
4939Mary is a better swimmer than Jane.Mary tessen ad tɛum xir n Jane.
4940Mary and Jane are cousins.Mary ed Jane d yessi-s n txaltitin.
4941Mary and Jane are cousins.Mary ed Jane d yessi-s n leɛmum.
4942Mary and Jane are cousins.Mary ed Jane d yessi-s n teɛmumatin.
4943Mary and Jane are cousins.Mary ed Jane d yessi-s n lexwal.
4944Please pass the note around.Ttxil-k, sɛeddi tanqiḍt-nni i wiyaḍ.
4945Maybe I ought to expand the memory.Ahat yessefk ad smeɣreɣ takatut n uselkim-a.
4946You should make notes.Yessefk ad taruḍ tinqiḍin.
4947Rarely does he go out on Sunday.Drus anda ay itteffeɣ deg wass n Lḥedd.
4948It hardly ever rains here.Qrib werjin yekkat-d wenẓar da.
4949I seldom go to a library.Drus anda ay ttedduɣ ɣer temkarḍit.
4950Read the message once more.Ɣer izen-nni tikkelt niḍen.
4951How about inviting Meg to the party?D acu ara tiniḍ lemmer ad d-neɛreḍ Meg ɣer tmeɣra?
4952Meg must carry on her studies.Meg yessefk ad tkemmel tizrawin-nnes.
4953Meg is curious to know everything about Japan.Meg tebɣa ad tẓer kullec ɣef Japun.
4954Meg is preparing breakfast.Meg la d-tessewjad imekli n tṣebḥit.
4955Meg acquired many new friends.Meg tejbed-d tamussni ed waṭas n tmeddukal timaynutin.
4956Meg looks pleased with her new dress.Meg la d-tettban tefṛeḥ s tqendurt-nnes tamaynut.
4957Meg didn’t even look at me.Meg ur iyi-d-temmuqqel ula d tamuɣli.
4958Meg found a four leaf clover.Meg tufa-d ikeffis bu kuẓ wafriwen.
4959Meg has a facility for languages.Meg tesɛa tizemmar akken ad telmed ilsawen.
4960Meg cleared her desk.Meg tefres lbiru-nnes.
4961Meg colored the picture.Meg tzewweq tugna-nni.
4962Meg has a cat as a pet.Meg tṛebba amcic.
4963Meg was happy about meeting Tom again.Meg tefṛeḥ imi ay tɛawed temlal-d ed Tom.
4964Meg is beating a drum.Meg la tekkat ḍḍbel.
4965Meg sometimes annoys Ken.Tikkal, Meg tettqelliq Ken.
4966Meg bought a can of tomatoes.Meg tesɣa-d tankult n ṭumaṭic.
4967Meg was the only girl that was wearing jeans.D Meg ay d taqcict tawḥidt ay d-yelsan ajean.
4968Meg agreed to Ken’s plan.Meg twufeq Ken ɣef uɣawas-nnes.
4969Meg is the double of her mother.Meg kkes-itt, ffer-itt, d yemma-s.
4970Meg talks too much.Meg tessuggut awal.
4971Meg’s hair curls naturally.Acebbub n Meg iberren i yiman-nnes.
4972Meg is as tall as Ken.Meg ɣezzifet anect n Ken.
4973Meg’s shoes are a little loose.Irkasen n Meg meɣɣrit fell-as cwiṭ.
4974I met Meg, who told me the news.Mlaleɣ-d Meg yerna d nettat ay iyi-d-yessawḍen isali.
4975Meg and Ken sat on the bench.Meg ed Ken qqimen ɣef uɣalad.
4976Have you ever been to Mexico?Yella wasmi ay teddiḍ ɣer Miksik?
4977Mexico has half as many people as Japan.Miksik tesɛa azgen n wanect ay tesɛa Japun d imezdaɣen.
4978A revolution broke out in Mexico.Tenker tegrawla deg Miksik.
4979What is the language spoken in Mexico?D acu ay d iles ay ssawalen deg Miksik?
4980They speak Spanish in Mexico.D taspenyulit ay ssawalen deg Miksik.
4981Is Spanish spoken in Mexico?Ssawalen taspenyulit deg Miksik?
4982Spanish is spoken in Mexico.Ssawalen taspenyulit deg Miksik.
4983I had a difficult time in Mexico because I couldn’t understand all of the Spanish.Mlaleɣ-d aṭas n wuguren deg Miksik imi ur ssineɣ akk ad ssiwleɣ taspenyulit.
4984I couldn’t make out what he meant by ‘megafeps’.Ur fhimeɣ d acu ay d-yeqsed s “megafeps”.
4985Fancy forgetting my glasses, it’s so embarrassing.Xayel kan lemmer d ay d-ttuɣ tisekkadin-inu, d ttbehdila.
4986I am looking for my glasses.La ttnadiɣ tisekkadin-inu.
4987Who is that gentleman in spectacles?Anwa ay d argaz-inna ay yeqqnen tisekkadin?
4988I can’t find my glasses. I may have left them behind on the train.Ur d-ufiɣ tisekkadin-inu. Ahat ttuɣ-tent deg tmacint.
4989I can’t find my glasses.Ur d-ufiɣ tisekkadin-inu.
4990Keep in touch by mail.Ad neqqim deg unermis s tebṛatin.
4991I would like to chat with you by e-mail.Bɣiɣ ad qeṣṣreɣ yid-k s yizen aliktṛunan.
4992The maid came in bearing a cake.Tekcem-d tqeddact, tuwey-d yid-s angul.
4993Dr Mason placed his work above everything.Aduktur Mason yella yettakf azal i uxeddim-nnes nnig kullec.
4994May Day is also a festival day for the workers in the world.Daɣen, Amezwaru n Mayyu d tameɣra n yixeddamen deg umaḍal.
4995Nobody was to be seen on the main street.Yiwen ur yelli deg wezniq-nni ameqran.
4996Mr Mailer is to stay here till tomorrow.Mass Mailer ad yeqqim da arma d azekka.
4997Each child has an individual way of thinking.Yal agrud yesɛa taɣara-nnes n uxemmem i yiman-nnes.
4998Each has his own taste.Yal yiwen yesɛa lbenna-nnes.
4999I’ll deal out three to each.Yal yiwen ad as-ferqeɣ kraḍ.
5000Each of them carried their own pack.Yal yiwen seg-sen yerfed leḥwal-nnes i yiman-nnes.