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Daily Useful 200+ May Sentences With Examples.

Daily Useful 200+ May Sentences with Examples. We have added Normal, Question, Negative & Exclamation May Sentences With Examples.

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Mixed Daily Useful May Example Sentences.

1. May I have a glass of water, please?
2. You may leave the room now.
3. May your dreams come true.
4. May the force be with you.
5. May I ask you a question?
6. You may not enter without permission.
7. May I borrow your pencil for a moment?
8. It may rain later today.
9. You may want to consider another option.
10. May the best team win.
11. May I suggest an alternative approach?
12. You may need to practice more.
13. May I have your attention, please?
14. It may take some time to complete the project.
15. You may have misunderstood the instructions.
16. May I know your name?
17. You may want to check your email for updates.
18. May I offer you some advice?
19. It may be difficult to solve the problem.
20. You may want to wear a coat outside.
21. May I see your ID, please?
22. You may need to rest after working so hard.
23. May I have the recipe for this dish?
24. It may be too late to change your mind.
25. You may have a point there.
26. May I have a moment of your time?
27. You may not use your phone during class.
28. May I take a photo with you?
29. It may not be possible to fix the issue.
30. You may be eligible for a discount.
31. May I join you for lunch?
32. You may want to reconsider your decision.
33. May I have a look at your artwork?
34. It may snow tomorrow.
35. You may have to work overtime to finish the project.
36. May I use the restroom?
37. You may want to try a different approach.
38. May I have your permission to leave early?
39. It may not be safe to walk home alone at night.
40. You may have to attend a meeting later.
41. May I have a piece of cake, please?
42. You may have to reschedule your appointment.
43. May I have your autograph?
44. It may take a few days to process your application.
45. You may want to get some rest before the exam.
46. May I have a moment to think?
47. You may have to pay a fine for parking illegally.
48. May I have a copy of the report?
49. It may be wise to save some money for emergencies.
50. You may have to provide additional information for verification.
51. May I take a rain check on that invitation?
52. You may want to double-check your work before submitting it.
53. May I have a refill, please?
54. It may take some practice to master the skill.
55. You may want to take a break and relax for a while.
56. May I have your phone number, please?
57. You may have to adjust the settings on your device.
58. May I help you with anything?
59. It may be necessary to call for assistance.
60. You may have to wait in line for your turn.
61. May I have a tour of the facility?
62. You may want to review the terms and conditions before signing.
63. May I have your email address, please?
64. It may be difficult to find a parking spot in the city.
65. You may have to pay a deposit to reserve the item.
66. May I have a seat, please?
67. You may want to wear comfortable shoes for the trip.
68. May I have the time, please?
69. You may have to show your ID at the entrance.
70. May I have a receipt for my purchase?

Daily Useful Question May Example Sentences.

1. May I help you with that?
2. May I ask you a question?
3. May I know your name?
4. May I have a glass of water?
5. May I borrow your pencil?
6. May I use your restroom?
7. May I know what time it is?
8. May I know your phone number?
9. May I know your email address?
10. May I have your permission to take a picture?
11. May I know where the nearest gas station is?
12. May I know where the restroom is?
13. May I know where the nearest ATM is?
14. May I know how to get to the train station?
15. May I know what the weather is like today?
16. May I know what your favorite color is?
17. May I know what your favorite food is?
18. May I know what your hobbies are?
19. May I know what your job is?
20. May I know what your educational background is?
21. May I know what your goals are?
22. May I know what your plans are for the weekend?
23. May I know what your favorite book is?
24. May I know what your favorite movie is?
25. May I know what your favorite TV show is?
26. May I know what your favorite music genre is?
27. May I know what your favorite sport is?
28. May I know what your favorite hobby is?
29. May I know what your favorite animal is?
30. May I know what your favorite holiday destination is?
31. May I know what your favorite restaurant is?
32. May I know what your favorite type of cuisine is?
33. May I know what your favorite type of drink is?
34. May I know what your favorite season is?
35. May I know what your favorite type of weather is?
36. May I know what your favorite type of exercise is?
37. May I know what your favorite type of clothing is?
38. May I know what your favorite type of shoes is?
39. May I know what your favorite type of jewelry is?
40. May I know what your favorite type of car is?
41. May I know what your favorite type of gadget is?
42. May I know what your favorite type of app is?
43. May I know what your favorite type of game is?
44. May I know what your favorite type of social media platform is?
45. May I know what your favorite type of book genre is?
46. May I know what your favorite type of movie genre is?
47. May I know what your favorite type of TV show genre is?
48. May I know what your favorite type of music is to listen to when studying?
49. May I know what your favorite type of music is to listen to when working out?
50. May I know what your favorite type of music is to listen to when relaxing?
51. May I know what your favorite type of instrument is?
52. May I know what your favorite type of art is?
53. May I know what your favorite type of literature is?
54. May I know what your favorite type of cuisine to cook is?
55. May I know what your favorite type of exercise to do is?
56. May I know what your favorite type of board game is?
57. May I know what your favorite type of card game is?
58. May I know what your favorite type of puzzle is?
59. May I know what your favorite type of outdoor activity is?
60. May I know what your favorite type of indoor activity is?
61. May I know what your favorite type of flower is?
62. May I know what your favorite type of tree is?

Daily Useful Negative May Example Sentences.

1. You may not enter the restricted area.
2. May I remind you that cheating is not allowed?
3. The weather may not be good for outdoor activities today.
4. May I suggest that you don’t take that route, as it’s known for traffic jams.
5. You may not leave the room until the exam is over.
6. May I caution you to read the instructions carefully before starting.
7. The product may not work as advertised.
8. May I advise you against making that decision?
9. You may not get the job if you don’t meet the qualifications.
10. The flight may be delayed due to bad weather conditions.
11. May I warn you that the road ahead is very dangerous?
12. You may not be able to attend the concert if you don’t have a ticket.
13. The price of the item may not be within your budget.
14. May I suggest that you don’t use that equipment without proper training?
15. The restaurant may not have a table available for your reservation.
16. May I remind you that smoking is not allowed in this area?
17. You may not be able to access the website due to maintenance.
18. The movie may not be suitable for children.
19. May I suggest that you don’t use that medication without consulting a doctor first?
20. You may not be able to get a refund for the item after the return period has passed.
21. The event may be cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances.
22. May I warn you that the water is very deep and dangerous?
23. You may not pass the exam if you don’t study enough.
24. The service may not be available at this time of day.
25. May I caution you to be careful when crossing the street?
26. You may not be allowed to bring outside food and drinks into the cinema.
27. The package may not arrive on time due to shipping delays.
28. May I suggest that you don’t drive without a seatbelt?
29. The meeting may not be rescheduled to a convenient time for you.
30. You may not be able to afford the rent for that apartment.
31. The restaurant may not have any vegetarian options on the menu.
32. May I advise you against investing in that stock, as it’s known to be volatile?
33. You may not be able to participate in the event if you don’t register in advance.
34. The internet connection may not be stable in this area.
35. May I warn you that the area is known for pickpocketing?
36. You may not be able to find a parking spot in this area.
37. The product may not be compatible with your device.
38. May I suggest that you don’t climb that tree, as it’s very high and dangerous?
39. You may not be able to return the item without the original packaging.
40. The restaurant may not have any available tables during peak hours.
41. May I caution you to be aware of the signs of heatstroke?
42. You may not be able to attend the conference if you don’t register before the deadline.
43. The service may not be provided due to technical issues.
44. May I advise you against taking that shortcut, as it’s known to be unsafe?
45. You may not be able to cancel the reservation without a penalty fee.
46. The item may not be available in the store near you.
47. May I warn you that the trail is very steep and slippery?
48. You may not be able to watch the movie if it’s sold out.
49. The weather may not be suitable for swimming in the ocean.
50. May I suggest that you don’t walk alone in this area at night?

Daily Useful May Not Example Sentences.​

1. You may not enter the building without a valid ID.
2. You may not smoke in this area.
3. You may not park your car in the handicapped spot unless you have a permit.
4. You may not use your phone while driving.
5. You may not bring outside food into the movie theater.
6. You may not use company resources for personal use.
7. You may not borrow books from the library without a library card.
8. You may not use profanity in public places.
9. You may not carry firearms into government buildings.
10. You may not ride a bicycle on the sidewalk.
11. You may not take pictures without permission.
12. You may not cross the street until the traffic light changes to green.
13. You may not enter the restricted area without authorization.
14. You may not litter in the park.
15. You may not enter the pool area without proper swimwear.
16. You may not cut in line at the store.
17. You may not leave the store with unpaid items.
18. You may not sell drugs on the street.
19. You may not harass people online.
20. You may not jaywalk.
21. You may not use someone else’s intellectual property without their permission.
22. You may not enter a private property without the owner’s consent.
23. You may not enter the school premises without permission.
24. You may not ride your skateboard on the sidewalk.
25. You may not use fireworks without a permit.
26. You may not tamper with fire alarms or smoke detectors.
27. You may not take more than one piece of candy from the bowl.
28. You may not remove tags from clothing before purchasing them.
29. You may not trespass on agricultural land.
30. You may not use offensive language in the workplace.
31. You may not use someone else’s identity without their permission.
32. You may not sell counterfeit goods.
33. You may not discriminate against someone based on their race, gender, or religion.
34. You may not cheat on a test.
35. You may not bring pets into certain public places.
36. You may not enter a construction site without proper equipment.
37. You may not use a fake ID to purchase alcohol.
38. You may not post inappropriate content on social media.
39. You may not take shortcuts while performing a task.
40. You may not share confidential information with unauthorized people.
41. You may not use excessive force on someone.
42. You may not neglect your responsibilities.
43. You may not spread rumors or gossip about someone.
44. You may not harass someone in person or online.
45. You may not vandalize public property.
46. You may not misrepresent yourself to gain an advantage.
47. You may not gamble in certain public places.
48. You may not leave a restaurant without paying the bill.
49. You may not break traffic laws.
50. You may not steal someone else’s property.
51. You may not plagiarize someone else’s work.
52. You may not use discriminatory language.
53. You may not bring weapons into certain public places.
54. You may not use drugs in public places.
55. You may not drink and drive.
56. You may not enter a building during a fire drill.
57. You may not ride public transportation without paying the fare.
58. You may not smoke in a non-smoking area.
59. You may not take pictures of people without their consent.
60. You may not misuse emergency services.
61. You may not engage in price gouging during a natural disaster.
62. You may not neglect your pets.
63. You may not damage someone else’s property.

Daily Useful Excalmatory May Example Sentences.

1. May the force be with you!
2. May your dreams come true!
3. May you find happiness in everything you do!
4. May the sun shine on your face today!
5. May you have a blessed day!
6. May you have a safe journey!
7. May you have a wonderful time!
8. May you always be surrounded by love and positivity!
9. May you never give up on your dreams!
10. May you always find strength in difficult times!
11. May your heart be filled with joy and peace!
12. May your day be filled with laughter and happiness!
13. May your life be full of wonderful memories!
14. May your future be bright and full of success!
15. May you always be true to yourself!
16. May you always have a reason to smile!
17. May you always be surrounded by people who love and support you!
18. May your problems be small and your blessings be many!
19. May you always be blessed with good health!
20. May your heart always be full of gratitude!
21. May you always have hope in your heart!
22. May you never lose your sense of wonder!
23. May you always be curious and open-minded!
24. May you always be kind and compassionate!
25. May you always have the courage to follow your dreams!
26. May you always be grateful for the little things in life!
27. May you always have a positive attitude!
28. May your day be as beautiful as you are!
29. May your love for life never fade!
30. May you always have a reason to be happy!
31. May your heart be filled with love and joy!
32. May you never lose your sense of humor!
33. May you always be creative and innovative!
34. May you always be inspired by the world around you!
35. May you always find beauty in the simplest things!
36. May you always be true to your values and beliefs!
37. May you always be surrounded by nature’s beauty!
38. May you never forget to take care of yourself!
39. May your life be filled with adventure and excitement!
40. May you always have a reason to celebrate!
41. May you always be curious about the world!
42. May you never stop learning and growing!
43. May you always find a reason to be grateful!
44. May you always be surrounded by positive energy!
45. May you never lose your faith!
46. May you always be passionate about life!
47. May you always find happiness in the little things!
48. May your day be filled with sunshine and happiness!
49. May your life be filled with purpose and meaning!
50. May you always be surrounded by love and light!
51. May you always be true to your heart!
52. May you never forget to appreciate the present moment!
53. May you always find strength in your weaknesses!
54. May you never stop believing in yourself!
55. May you always be true to your word!
56. May you always be open to new experiences!
57. May you always find inspiration in your surroundings!
58. May you always find a reason to smile!
59. May you always be surrounded by positive influences!
60. May your day be filled with good vibes and positive energy!
61. May you always find peace in your heart!
62. May you always be true to your inner self!
63. May you always be kind to others!
64. May you always be surrounded by beauty and wonder!
65. May you never stop dreaming!
66. May you always find a reason to be grateful for life!
67. May your life be filled with love and happiness!
68. May you always find a way to express yourself creatively!

In this blog we have added 200+ Sentences with May.

Why you want 5 Sentences? when you have collection of 200+ sentences. 

Wen have added May Not Sentences Examples as well. Please read again.

We have separate post for Can Sentences Examples. Click here to read.

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