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Preposition Sentences: The Ultimate Way to Unlock Your Writing Potential

Looking for preposition examples sentences? First, you need to understand what is a preposition. We will explain what is preposition and will share 100 Preposition Sentences.

What is Preposition?

A preposition is a word that shows the relationship between a noun or pronoun and other words in a sentence. Prepositions usually indicate the location, direction, or time of something in relation to something else. Some examples of common prepositions include “in,” “on,” “under,” “above,” “behind,” “before,” “after,” “with,” “without,” and “between.”

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List of English Preposition

Here is a list of commonly used English prepositions:

  1. about
  2. above
  3. across
  4. after
  5. against
  6. along
  7. among
  8. around
  9. as
  10. at
  11. before
  12. behind
  13. below
  14. beneath
  15. beside
  16. between
  17. beyond
  18. by
  19. concerning
  20. considering
  21. despite
  22. down
  23. during
  24. except
  25. for
  26. from
  27. in
  28. inside
  29. into
  30. like
  31. near
  32. of
  33. off
  34. on
  35. onto
  36. out
  37. outside
  38. over
  39. past
  40. regarding
  41. round
  42. since
  43. through
  44. throughout
  45. to
  46. toward
  47. under
  48. underneath
  49. until
  50. unto
  51. up
  52. upon
  53. with
  54. within
  55. without

100 Examples of Preposition Sentences.

1 I walked beside my friend.
2 The book is on the table.
3 She sat in front of the fireplace.
4 The cat slept under the couch.
5 We drove over the bridge.
6 The bird flew above the trees.
7 The flowers are in the vase.
8 He hid behind the door.
9 The car is parked next to the building.
10 The dog ran through the park.
11 She put the cake on the plate.
12 The sun is setting below the horizon.
13 He threw the ball over the fence.
14 The kids played in the park.
15 She hung the picture above the sofa.
16 The clock is on the wall.
17 He walked up the stairs.
18 The plane flew through the clouds.
19 The fish swam beneath the surface.
20 The clothes are in the closet.
21 The ball rolled across the floor.
22 The painting is hanging on the wall.
23 The bird perched on the branch.
24 The spider crawled under the bed.
25 She jumped over the puddle.
26 The bus stopped in front of the building.
27 He walked along the beach.
28 The pen is in the drawer.
29 The boat sailed across the ocean.
30 The bird flew into the cage.
31 She stood beside the statue.
32 The fish swam through the seaweed.
33 The keys are on the table.
34 The car drove into the garage.
35 The train passed beneath the bridge.
36 He walked around the park.
37 The sun set behind the mountains.
38 The mouse ran across the floor.
39 She leaned against the wall.
40 The book fell off the shelf.
41 The rabbit ran through the garden.
42 The sun shone through the window.
43 The cat climbed up the tree.
44 The water flowed under the bridge.
45 She walked down the stairs.
46 The bus drove past the station.
47 The ball bounced off the wall.
48 The airplane flew over the city.
49 The spider spun a web above the door.
50 The car drove out of the parking lot.
51 The moon rose above the horizon.
52 The bird flew around the tree.
53 She walked along the river.
54 The bike leaned against the fence.
55 The flowers grew beside the fence.
56 The cat chased after the mouse.
57 The boat sailed into the harbor.
58 The book lay on the bed.
59 The sun shone down on the beach.
60 The car drove over the speed bump.
61 The fish swam around the tank.
62 The bird sang from the tree.
63 She looked into the mirror.
64 The rain fell onto the roof.
65 The dog barked at the cat.
66 The sun set over the ocean.
67 The ball rolled under the couch.
68 The airplane flew through the storm.
69 The spider crawled up the wall.
70 The car drove past the stop sign.
71 The moon shone down on the lake.
72 The bird perched on the fence.
73 She stood in front of the mirror.
74 The train traveled through the tunnel.
75 The sun rose above the hills.
76 The cat hid under the bed.
77 The water flowed into the river.
78 The book fell onto the floor.
79 The fish swam up the stream.
80 The bird flew over the house.
81 She sat on the bench.
82 The car drove through the tunnel.
83 The cat is on the roof.
84 The bird is flying above the clouds.
85 The dog is under the table.
86 The car is parked beside the road.
87 The book is inside the bag.
88 The flowers are in the vase.
89 The children are playing near the river.
90 The pencil is next to the notebook.
91 The sun is shining through the window.
92 The cat is hiding behind the sofa.
93 The ball is bouncing against the wall.
94 The girl is standing in front of the mirror.
95 The car is driving along the highway.
96 The boy is sitting on the chair.
97 The dog is running towards the park.
98 The train is passing through the tunnel.
99 The kite is floating in the air.
100 The butterfly is perched on the flower.
101 The man is walking along the beach.
102 The spider is crawling across the ceiling.

Some Frequently Asked Questions

Here is the list of 10 sentence of preposition.


1 I walked beside my friend.
2 The book is on the table.
3 She sat in front of the fireplace.
4 The cat slept under the couch.
5 We drove over the bridge.
6 The bird flew above the trees.
7 The flowers are in the vase.
8 He hid behind the door.
9 The car is parked next to the building.
10 The dog ran through the park.

Here is the list of 20 examples of prepositions.

1 I walked beside my friend.
2 The book is on the table.
3 She sat in front of the fireplace.
4 The cat slept under the couch.
5 We drove over the bridge.
6 The bird flew above the trees.
7 The flowers are in the vase.
8 He hid behind the door.
9 The car is parked next to the building.
10 The dog ran through the park.
11 She put the cake on the plate.
12 The sun is setting below the horizon.
13 He threw the ball over the fence.
14 The kids played in the park.
15 She hung the picture above the sofa.
16 The clock is on the wall.
17 He walked up the stairs.
18 The plane flew through the clouds.
19 The fish swam beneath the surface.
20 The clothes are in the closet.

Here is the list of 5 examples of preposition sentence.

1 I walked beside my friend.
2 The book is on the table.
3 She sat in front of the fireplace.
4 The cat slept under the couch.
5 We drove over the bridge.

Here is the list of 12 examples of preposition.


1 I walked beside my friend.
2 The book is on the table.
3 She sat in front of the fireplace.
4 The cat slept under the couch.
5 We drove over the bridge.
6 The bird flew above the trees.
7 The flowers are in the vase.
8 He hid behind the door.
9 The car is parked next to the building.
10 The dog ran through the park.
11 She put the cake on the plate.
12 The sun is setting below the horizon.

Here is the list of 50 examples of preposition.


1 I walked beside my friend.
2 The book is on the table.
3 She sat in front of the fireplace.
4 The cat slept under the couch.
5 We drove over the bridge.
6 The bird flew above the trees.
7 The flowers are in the vase.
8 He hid behind the door.
9 The car is parked next to the building.
10 The dog ran through the park.
11 She put the cake on the plate.
12 The sun is setting below the horizon.
13 He threw the ball over the fence.
14 The kids played in the park.
15 She hung the picture above the sofa.
16 The clock is on the wall.
17 He walked up the stairs.
18 The plane flew through the clouds.
19 The fish swam beneath the surface.
20 The clothes are in the closet.
21 The ball rolled across the floor.
22 The painting is hanging on the wall.
23 The bird perched on the branch.
24 The spider crawled under the bed.
25 She jumped over the puddle.
26 The bus stopped in front of the building.
27 He walked along the beach.
28 The pen is in the drawer.
29 The boat sailed across the ocean.
30 The bird flew into the cage.
31 She stood beside the statue.
32 The fish swam through the seaweed.
33 The keys are on the table.
34 The car drove into the garage.
35 The train passed beneath the bridge.
36 He walked around the park.
37 The sun set behind the mountains.
38 The mouse ran across the floor.
39 She leaned against the wall.
40 The book fell off the shelf.
41 The rabbit ran through the garden.
42 The sun shone through the window.
43 The cat climbed up the tree.
44 The water flowed under the bridge.
45 She walked down the stairs.
46 The bus drove past the station.
47 The ball bounced off the wall.
48 The airplane flew over the city.
49 The spider spun a web above the door.
50 The car drove out of the parking lot.

Here is the list of 50 prepositions.

  1. about
  2. above
  3. across
  4. after
  5. against
  6. along
  7. among
  8. around
  9. as
  10. at
  11. before
  12. behind
  13. below
  14. beneath
  15. beside
  16. between
  17. beyond
  18. by
  19. concerning
  20. considering
  21. despite
  22. down
  23. during
  24. except
  25. for
  26. from
  27. in
  28. inside
  29. into
  30. like
  31. near
  32. of
  33. off
  34. on
  35. onto
  36. out
  37. outside
  38. over
  39. past
  40. regarding
  41. round
  42. since
  43. through
  44. throughout
  45. to
  46. toward
  47. under
  48. underneath
  49. until
  50. unto

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