Looking for a list of Hindi words with English meaning or, new English words with hindi meaning? We have 1000 Daily Use English Words With Hindi Meaning in this article.
1000 Daily Useful English Words With Hindi Meaning.
1 | Aardvark | एर्डवार्क | a large, long-eared nocturnal animal that uses its long tongue to eat ants and termites |
2 | Abaft | जहाज़ की पतवार की ओर | toward the stern; behind |
3 | Abandon | छोड़ देना | to stop caring and leave or to desert |
4 | Abase | अपमानित करना | to lower so as to hurt feelings |
5 | Abaser | अपघर्षक | someone who degrades or lowers someone |
6 | Abash | लज्जित करना | to humiliate someone and make them feel embarrassed or ashamed |
7 | Abate | रोक-थाम करना | to reduce in degree or intensity |
8 | Abatement | उपशमन | reduction or weakening or something |
9 | Abattoir | कसाईखाना | a place where animals are taken to slaughter |
10 | Abbess | महन्तिन | the female superior of a community of nuns |
11 | Abbreviate | संक्षिप्त | to shorten a word or phrase |
12 | Abdicate | त्यागना | to stop accepting a particular responsibility or obligation that you have |
13 | Abdominal | पेट | related to the abdomen/stomach, or the part between the thorax and the pelvis |
14 | Abduct | अपहरण | to grab an individual by trickery or force |
15 | Abecedarian | नवसिखुआ | alphabetical |
16 | Aberrant | धर्मपथ से हटनेवाला | straying from the normal or right way |
17 | Aberration | विपथन | deviating from what is normal or desirable, not typical |
18 | Abet | उकसाना | to encourage or support a behavior or action |
19 | Abeyance | ठहराव | a state of temporary disuse or suspension |
20 | Abhor | घृणा करना | to reject something very strongly; hate |
21 | Abhorrence | घृणा | a strong feeling of hate paired with a feeling of loathing |
22 | Abhorrent | घिनौना | causing or deserving strong dislike or hatred |
23 | Ability | क्षमता | the skill or capability to do something |
24 | Abiotic | अजैव | abiotic means something that is sterile; not from living organisms |
25 | Abject | अधम | cast down in spirit or hope |
26 | Abjure | त्यागना | to give up a belief or an activity |
27 | Ablaze | जलता हुआ | burning fiercely; in a blaze; on fire |
28 | Able-bodied | ह्रष्ट-पुष्ट | physically strong and healthy |
29 | Able | योग्य | having the capability of doing something |
30 | Ablution | स्नान | the act of washing or cleansing |
31 | Abnegation | अस्वीकार | the act of rejecting or refusing something |
32 | Abnormal | असामान्य | out of the ordinary; unusual |
33 | Abnormality | असामान्यता | a feature that is not normal or average |
34 | Aboard | समीप | on board, into or within a ship or boat |
35 | Abolish | समाप्त करना | to put an end to |
36 | Abolition | उन्मूलन | the action of putting an end to something |
37 | Abolitionist | उन्मूलनवाद | one who supports the elimination of practices or laws that are viewed as dangerous |
38 | Abominable | घिनौना | horrible; terrible |
39 | Abominate | घृणित | to despise intensely |
40 | Abomination | नफरत | something that is hated |
41 | Aboriginal | आदिवासी | associated with being part of the original population; native |
42 | Abort | बीच में बंद करें | to stop something from happening any longer; to discontinue |
43 | Abound | प्रचुर मात्रा में | available in large quantity or number |
44 | Above | ऊपर | overhead or directly over the head |
45 | Above | ऊपर | at a higher layer or level than something else |
46 | Abraded | घिसा हुआ | to produce damage or irritation by scraping, rubbing, or crushing |
47 | Abrasion | घर्षण | a spot or area that has been scraped or harshly rubbed |
48 | Abrasive | अपघर्षक | unlikeable; nasty |
49 | Abreast | बराबर में | remaining up to date on a topic |
50 | Abridge | संक्षेप करना | to make shorter |
51 | Abroad | विदेश | in foreign countries |
52 | Abrogate | अभिनिषेध करना | to abolish; to do away with |
53 | Abrupt | आकस्मिक | without notice; sudden |
54 | Abruption | एकाएक टूटने का कार्य | a sudden breaking away |
55 | Abscess | फोड़ा | cavity filled with pus |
56 | Abscission | विगलन | the natural shedding of parts of a plant |
57 | Abscond | फ़रार होना | escape into hiding; to leave quickly and hide to avoid punishment |
58 | Absence | अनुपस्थिति | being gone from a place or person |
59 | Absent-minded | अनुपस्थित विचार वाले | describes a person who is forgetful or constantly distracted |
60 | Absent | अनुपस्थित | not present; not in a place one is expected to be |
61 | Absenteeism | कार्य से अनुपस्थित होना | the practice of missing school or work without good reason |
62 | Absolute | शुद्ध | complete or total, undisputable |
63 | Absolutely | बिल्कुल | with no limitation, restriction, or caveat |
64 | Absolution | मुक्ति | setting free from guilt, sin or penalty; forgiveness of an offense |
65 | Absolve | दोषमुक्त करना | to make (someone) free from guilt, responsibility, etc. |
66 | Absorb | अवशोषित करना | to take in or soak up a substance |
67 | Absorption | अवशोषण | the act by which one substance takes in something or is taken in |
68 | Absquatulate | क्षमा करना | to depart hurriedly |
69 | Abstain | बचना | restrain oneself from doing or enjoying something |
70 | Abstemious | संयमी | marked by moderation and holding back on indulgence |
71 | Abstention | बचाव | a decision to not vote for or against a proposition |
72 | Abstinence | परहेज़ | the act of not taking part in something |
73 | Abstract | अमूर्त | being present as an idea but not in a definite form |
74 | Abstruse | अव्यक्त | difficult to understand |
75 | Absurd | निरर्थक | ridiculous, silly, foolish |
76 | Absurdity | मूर्खता | the quality of being ridiculous |
77 | Abundance | प्रचुरता | a large quantity; many |
78 | Abuse | गाली देना | Improper treatment |
79 | Abuse | गाली देना | to treat a person or animal in a cruel or mean way |
80 | Abuse | गाली देना | to mistreat or misuse something |
81 | Abusive | अपमानजनक | describing continuous violence or cruelty towards something or someone |
82 | Abut | सीमा पर एकत्रित होना | to touch or lean on |
83 | Abysmal | abysmal | very bad |
84 | Abyss | रसातल | an area that appears endless and immeasurable |
85 | Academia | एकेडेमिया | the environment associated with researching, teaching, and learning at a college or university |
86 | Academic | अकादमिक | school-related; educational |
87 | Academy | अकादमी | a school or place of training in which some special art is taught |
88 | Accede | मान लेना | to agree with someone or give in to his or her wish |
89 | Accelerate | में तेजी लाने | to increase the motion or growth |
90 | Acceleration | त्वरण | an escalation in pace or speed |
91 | Accent | लहज़ा | a distinctive pronunciation of language often associated by nationality or culture |
92 | Accentuate | दबाव का चिह्न | to highlight |
93 | Accept | स्वीकार करना | to agree to take or receive |
94 | Acceptable | स्वीकार्य | satisfactory; adequate |
95 | Acceptance | स्वीकार | the act of taking/receiving something that is being offered |
96 | Accepting | स्वीकार करना | agreeing to take or receive something |
97 | Access | पहुँच | gain entrance to |
98 | Accessible | पहुंच योग्य | capable of being accessed |
99 | Accessory | सहायक | an article that completes one’s basic outfit, such as a scarf or gloves |
100 | Accident | दुर्घटना | unexpected event with negative consequences |
101 | Accidental | आकस्मिक | something happening unplanned or unforeseen |
102 | Acclaim | एक्लेम | public praise and applause |
103 | Acclamation | अभिनंदन | loud praise or approval |
104 | Acclimate | अभ्यास होना | to adapt to a new place or different conditions |
105 | Acclivity | चढ़ाना | an upward slope |
106 | Accolade | सम्मान | an acknowledgement or an award |
107 | Accommodate | समायोजित करना | to fulfill a request or meet the needs of |
108 | Accommodating | मिलनसार | inclined to make happy or content |
109 | Accommodation | आवास | a place for someone to live, stay, or work |
110 | Accompanied | के साथ | joined by an item or a companion |
111 | Accompaniment | संगत | a thing which is provided as a supplement to something else |
112 | Accompany | साथ | to go along with something or someone |
113 | Accompanying | साथ में | appearing or going along with someone or something else |
114 | Accomplice | साथी | a person who helps another person perform a task that is usually criminal in nature |
115 | Accomplish | पूरा करना | to achieve or complete something |
116 | Accomplished | कुशल | to have achieved or completed something successfully |
117 | Accomplishment | उपलब्धि | a goal or success that is achieved because of hard work |
118 | Accord | एकॉर्ड | agreement or concurrence of opinion |
119 | Accordance | अनुसार | to be in compliance with something or someone |
120 | Accordingly | इसलिए | in a suitable way |
121 | Accosted | टोका | forcefully confronted |
122 | Account | खाता | a statement of facts or occurrences |
123 | Accountability | जवाबदेही | the state of being accountable; responsible for |
124 | Accountable | उत्तरदायी | held as liable for a person or thing |
125 | Accounting | लेखांकन | the system of recording and managing financial transactions and accounts |
126 | Accoutrement | साजसामान | an accessory used in a specific situation or for a specific task |
127 | Accredit | सच मानना | to bestow official approval upon |
128 | Accreditation | प्रत्यायन | formal endorsement of a person, school program, or organization |
129 | Accretion | एक साथ वृद्धि | act of increasing by natural growth |
130 | Accrue | उपाजित होना | increase |
131 | Acculturation | संस्कृति-संक्रमण | a course by which a person’s or group’s culture is altered as a result of contact with another culture |
132 | Accumulate | संचय करें | to pile up or collect |
133 | Accuracy | शुद्धता | the state of being correct or precise |
134 | Accurate | शुद्ध | without mistakes |
135 | Accurately | सही रूप में | exactly, precisely |
136 | Accusation | आरोप | a charge or claim against someone in which they are accused of doing something wrong or illegal |
137 | Accusation | आरोप | a charge or claim that someone has done something illegal or wrong |
138 | Accusatory | दोष लगानेवाला | blaming a person or group for something |
139 | Accuse | आरोप | attribute blame to someone |
140 | Accustom | आदी बनाना | to make familiar by use |
141 | Acerb | खट्टा | sour, bitter, and sharp in taste |
142 | Acerbic | एसिड | expressing harsh or sharp criticism in a clever way |
143 | Ache | दर्द | continious, but not strong pain |
144 | Achieve | प्राप्त करना | to successfully get or accomplish |
145 | Achievement | उपलब्धि | a thing done successfully |
146 | Achromatic | बिना रंग का | for something to be colorless usually with black, white and grays |
147 | Acidulous | थोड़ा अम्ल | harsh in manner or flavor |
148 | Acknowledge | स्वीकार करना | to confirm or admit the truth about something |
149 | Acknowledgment | स्वीकृति | the act of recognizing or admitting the truth of something |
150 | Acme | परिपूर्णता | the highest peak that is reachable |
151 | Acoustic | ध्वनिक | relating to sound or hearing |
152 | Acquaint | परिचित | to become at ease with |
153 | Acquaintance | जान-पहचान | a person one knows slightly but not well |
154 | Acquainted | परिचित | familiar with a specific subject or person |
155 | Acquiesce | संतुष्ट होना | to agree or express agreement |
156 | Acquiescent | संतुष्ट | willing to acquiesce, accept or agree to something without objection, protest or resistance |
157 | Acquire | अधिग्रहण करना | to obtain something |
158 | Acquisition | अधिग्रहण | the thing acquired or gained; a gain. |
159 | Acquisitive | प्राप्त करने की लालसावाला | eager and capable of making acquisitions |
160 | Acquittal | दोषमुक्ति | a setting free from the charge of an offense or verdict |
161 | Acquitted | विमुक्त | found innocent of a charge or accusation |
162 | Acrid | तीखा | bitter and unpleasant in taste or smell |
163 | Acrimony | रूखापन | a sharp and bitter hatred |
164 | Acrobat | नट | an athlete who performs acts requiring skill, agility and coordination. |
165 | Acronym | परिवर्णी शब्द | a term created out of the first letters of a multi-word phrase |
166 | Acrophobia | एक्रोफोबिया | an unusual dread of elevated places |
167 | Acropolis | एथेन्स् का दुर्ग | a stronghold or sanctuary used for defensive and religious purposes in ancient Grecian cities |
168 | Across | आर-पार | from one side to another |
169 | Action | कार्य | combat; battle |
170 | Activate | सक्रिय | to trigger or start something |
171 | Activism | सक्रियतावाद | a strategy of undertaking direct action to achieve a social or political goal |
172 | Activist | कार्यकर्ता | a person who campaigns for some kind of social change |
173 | Activity | गतिविधि | something that people do, usually with a particular aim or goal in mind |
174 | Actual | वास्तविक | Real or concrete |
175 | Actuality | सत्यता | the state of existing; existence |
176 | Actuate | उकसाना | to trigger a movement or action |
177 | Acuity | तीक्ष्णता | sharpness in relation to thought, vision, or hearing |
178 | Acumen | कुशाग्रता | experience or expertise in something |
179 | Acupuncture | एक्यूपंक्चर | a medical practice in which thin needles are inserted into specific points of the body as a way to relieve pain or treat disease |
180 | Acute | तीव्र | extremely pressing; critical |
181 | Acuteness | तीक्ष्णता | sharpness; insight |
182 | Adage | कहावत | old saying that has come to be accepted as truth over time |
183 | Adamant | अटल | refusing to be persuaded; cannot change one’s mind |
184 | Adamantine | कड़ा | unyielding; firm and unbreakable |
185 | Adapt | अनुकूल बनाना | get used to something new or change to fit |
186 | Adaptable | अनुकूलनीय | able to change |
187 | Adaptation | अनुकूलन | an alteration that makes an animal or thing more suitable for a certain environment |
188 | Addend | योज्य | a number added to another number |
189 | Addendum | परिशिष्ट | something to be added; especially text added as an appendix or supplement to a document |
190 | Addict | व्यसनी | someone that is obsessed with something to an extent where they suffer withdrawal without it |
191 | Addictive | नशे की लत | something that is easy to be addicted to; easy to develop a reliance on |
192 | Additional | अतिरिक्त | added or extra |
193 | Additionally | इसके अतिरिक्त | used in the place of ‘also’ or to introduce extra facts |
194 | Addle | सड़ा | to cause a person’s thoughts to become jumbled or confused |
195 | Addled | सड़ाया हुआ | incapable of thinking in a clear manner |
196 | Address | पता | a description of the location of a property |
197 | Adduce | प्रस्तुत करना | to produce as support during a discussion or argument |
198 | Adduction | हवाला देन | the act of bringing a body part usually an arm or leg inward to the middle part of the body |
199 | Adept | निपुण | very good at doing something that is not easy |
200 | Adequacy | पर्याप्तता | being satisfactory or acceptable |
201 | Adequacy | पर्याप्तता | the quality of being sufficient, adequate or able to meet the needs |
202 | Adequate | पर्याप्त | enough; good enough |
203 | Adhere | मानना | conform to or follow rules exactly |
204 | Adherence | अनुपालन | faithful support for a cause |
205 | Adherent | पक्षपाती | a material that sticks to other things or a person who supports a particular party, person, or set of ideas |
206 | Adhesion | आसंजन | a substance’s ability to attach to another substance |
207 | Adhesive | गोंद | sticky |
208 | Adieu | विदाई | a farewell, a goodbye; especially a fond farewell, or a lasting or permanent farewell |
209 | Adjacent | नज़दीक | lying next to, close, or contiguous; neighboring |
210 | Adjoining | साथ लगा हुआ। | next to or joined with something else |
211 | Adjudge | निर्णय करना | to view or determine something in a particular manner |
212 | Adjunct | सहायक | something that is joined or added to another thing, but not part of the whole |
213 | Adjure | शपथ लेकर कहना | request or urge someone to do something |
214 | Adjust | समायोजित करना | to change something a little so that it fits or works better |
215 | Adjustment | समायोजन | a small change that improves something or makes it work better |
216 | Adjutant | एजीटांट | A military officer that is an administrative assistant to a senior officer |
217 | Administer | प्रशासन | to supply or give out something |
218 | Administer | प्रशासन | to give, handout, or dispense |
219 | Administration | प्रशासन | the process of running some sort of organization |
220 | Admirable | प्रशंसनीय | worthy of respect and admiration |
221 | Admiration | प्रशंसा | a sentiment of esteem and respect |
222 | Admire | प्रशंसा करना | to hold a thing or person in high esteem |
223 | Admissible | स्वीकार्य | something that is allowed or considered appropriate |
224 | Admit | भर्ती होना | to acknowledge that something is real, valid, or true |
225 | Admittedly | आशा से | certainly; definitely |
226 | Admonish | धिक्कारना | to scold; to warn strongly |
227 | Admonition | चेतावनी | a warning or reprimand given with advice |
228 | Admonitory | भर्त्सक | conveying a warning |
229 | Ado | हलचल | trouble, difficulty, or complications |
230 | Adobe | एडोब | sundried bricks made of clay |
231 | Adolescence | किशोरावस्था | the time period when a young person becomes a grownup |
232 | Adonis | अदोनिस | a very handsome young man |
233 | Adopt | गोद लेना | a legal process to take care of another’s biological child as your own |
234 | Adoptive | गोद लेने योग्य | related to someone through adoption (becoming a parent or child of someone not by birth) |
235 | Adoptive | गोद लेने योग्य | related through adoption |
236 | Adorable | प्यारा | charming and easy to love because it is so attractively cute |
237 | Adoration | आराधना | deep love, devotion, and respect |
238 | Adore | प्यार करते हैं | to idolize or worship something, or to love it very much |
239 | Adorn | सजाना | make more attractive or beautiful |
240 | Adornment | अलंकरण | an ornament or decoration that adds attractiveness |
241 | Adrenaline | एड्रेनालाईन | a chemical produced by your adrenal glands that gives you a rush of energy when you are frightened, excited, or angry |
242 | Adrift | भटकते हुए | uncontrolled floating on water |
243 | Adroit | निपुण | clever or skillful |
244 | Adscititious | Adcititious | additional or external; coming from an outside source |
245 | Adulation | मनुहार | great praise for someone, often more than what is deserved |
246 | Adulterate | मिलावट | to make a substance less pure by adding something else to it |
247 | Adultery | व्यभिचार | sexual activity between a married person and someone other than their spouse |
248 | Adulthood | वयस्कता | the state or condition of being fully grown or mature |
249 | Adumbrate | ढांचे में दिखलाना | to create an outline or a faint shadow |
250 | Advance | अग्रिम | before; ahead of time |
251 | Advanced | विकसित | progressive; complex or of a higher order |
252 | Advantage | फ़ायदा | a condition or circumstance that gives someone a greater chance of success |
253 | Advantageous | लाभदायक | helpful or useful and likely to make you more successful |
254 | Advent | आगमन | the coming or arrival of something |
255 | Adventitious | आकस्मिक | not natural; foreign |
256 | Adventure | साहसिक काम | an exciting or dangerous experience |
257 | Adventuresome | हिम्मतवाला | adventurous or prone to going on adventures |
258 | Adventurous | साहसी | daring; brave |
259 | Adversary | वैरी | one’s opponent in a contest, conflict, or dispute |
260 | Adverse | हानिकर | negative, harmful, or unpleasant |
261 | Adversely | प्रतिकूल | in a negative or bad way |
262 | Adversity | आपदा | a difficult situation or condition; misfortune |
263 | Advert | विज्ञापन | an advertisement |
264 | Advertise | विज्ञापित | to provide information about a person or goods and services to influence others |
265 | Advice | सलाह | an opinion recommended or offered, as worthy to be followed; counsel |
266 | Advisable | उचित | worthy of being recommended; desirable |
267 | Advise | सलाह देना | to offer suggestions to a person or group |
268 | Advisement | सलाह | advice that is both carefully considered and thought out before given |
269 | Advisory | सलाहकार | an official announcement that usually serves as a warning to the public |
270 | Advocacy | वकालत | the practice of supporting someone to make their voice heard |
271 | Advocate | वकील | to publicly support a particular policy or way of doing things |
272 | Aegis | एजिस | under the influence or protection of a specific individual, body, or government |
273 | Aerate | वायु-प्रसार करना | to cause air to circulate through something |
274 | Aerial | हवाई | happening in the air |
275 | Aerie | ऊँचा नीड़ | a nest built in a high place by a predatory bird |
276 | Aerobic | एरोबिक | activity used to strengthen the heart and lungs by making them work hard for several minutes |
277 | Aerodynamics | वायुगतिकी | the study of air and how it works when an object moves through it |
278 | Aeronautics | एयरोनॉटिक्स | the science of flight |
279 | Aerosol | एयरोसोल | substances confined under pressure and typically released in the form of a spray |
280 | Aerospace | एयरोस्पेस | the atmosphere of the Earth and the region of space around it; the industry concerned with aircraft, missiles, satellites and spacecraft |
281 | Aesthete | सौंदर्य-विज्ञान का मतावलंबी | one who strongly appreciates beauty, art and music |
282 | Aesthetic | सौंदर्य विषयक | concerning or characterized by an appreciation of beauty or good taste |
283 | Afar | दूर | in a distant area |
284 | Afebrile | बुखार नहीं | having no fever |
285 | Affable | मिलनसार | friendly, good-natured, or easy to talk to |
286 | Affair | मामला | an issue or concern that is handled |
287 | Affect | चाहना | to change or influence |
288 | Affectation | दिखावा | an unnatural form of behavior that is meant to impress others |
289 | Affection | स्नेह | a feeling of love or strong attachment |
290 | Affectionate | स्नेही | loving |
291 | Affiliated | संबद्ध | formally associated with a group or organization |
292 | Affiliation | संबंधन | the involvement or connection that somebody has with a religious or political organization |
293 | Affinity | आत्मीयता | a natural liking or attraction for someone or something |
294 | Affirm | वाणी | to publicly verify something |
295 | Affirmation | प्रतिज्ञान | an action of approval or support |
296 | Affix | प्रत्यय | to stick, attach, or fasten |
297 | Afflatus | देवशान | a skill or gift that seems to be given by a God or higher power |
298 | Afflicted | पीड़ित | stricken, distressed, or impaired |
299 | Affliction | यातना | a state of pain, suffering, distress or agony |
300 | Affluence | समृद्धि | a situation in which one has a great amount of wealth |
301 | Affluent | धनी | wealthy, rich |
302 | Afford | खर्च करना | have enough money to pay for something |
303 | Affray | कलह | a disruptive fight |
304 | Affright | ऊधम | fright; fear |
305 | Affront | अपमान | to do or say something that shows a lack of respect |
306 | Aficionado | एफ़िसिओनाडो | an expert or enthusiast who is extremely knowledgeable about a subject or activity |
307 | Afield | खेत | far away from their comfortable environment |
308 | Afloat | बचाए | floating or balancing on top of liquid |
309 | Aforementioned | पूर्वकथित | regarding someone or something spoken about previously |
310 | Aforesaid | पूर्वोक्त | previously mentioned |
311 | Afraid | डरना | scared or frightened |
312 | Aftermath | परिणाम | the aftereffects or consequences of an unpleasant or destructive event |
313 | Afterthought | बाद का विचार | something you think of or mention later because it was not included beforehand |
314 | Afterwards | उसके बाद | following; after a previous event |
315 | Against | ख़िलाफ़ | anti; not in favor of |
316 | Agape | मुंह खोले हुए | open |
317 | Age | आयु | the amount of time someone or something has been living |
318 | Agency | एजेंसी | a business, usually government related, that provides a particular service |
319 | Agenda | कार्यसूची | a list of matters to be discussed at a meeting |
320 | Agent | प्रतिनिधि | a person who acts on behalf of an individual or some other group |
321 | Agglomeration | ढेर | a collection or mass of things |
322 | Aggrandize | शक्ति अथवा प्रतिक्षा में बढ़ाना | make great or greater in power, rank, honor, or wealth; increase |
323 | Aggrandizement | अभ्युदय | an increase in power, importance, or reputation that is undeserved |
324 | Aggravate | छेड़ना | to make worse, or more severe |
325 | Aggregate | सकल | to place into a category or cluster |
326 | Aggregator | एग्रीगेटर | someone or something that gathers together materials from a variety of sources and combines them into one |
327 | Aggression | आक्रमण | violent and hostile behavior |
328 | Aggressive | आक्रामक | pushy or forceful when trying to get others to believe or do something |
329 | Aggressor | आक्रामक | the person or country that first attacks or makes an aggression |
330 | Aggrieve | पीड़ा देना | to badly mistreat/make upset |
331 | Aggrieved | पीड़ित | angry or resentful due to unjust treatment |
332 | Aghast | भौचक्का | shocked or surprised in an upsetting way |
333 | Agile | फुर्तीला | able to move fast and easily |
334 | Agility | चपलता | nimbleness and quickness of motion, both physically and figuratively |
335 | Agitate | आंदोलन | to disturb or upset |
336 | Agitated | उत्तेजित | upset; disturbed |
337 | Agitation | घबराहट | a stirring up or arousing; disturbance of tranquility |
338 | Agitprop | एगिटप्रॉप | something that looks like art but is actually political propaganda or misinformation |
339 | Agnostic | अज्ञेयवाद का | unsure about the existence of a god or holy being |
340 | Agnostic | अज्ञेयवाद का | someone who believes there is no way to know if God does or does not exist |
341 | Agnostic | अज्ञेयवाद का | a person who knows there is no way to know if God exists or not |
342 | Agog | लौटने में | filled with anticipation and excitement |
343 | Agonize | तड़पना | to endure a great deal of distress |
344 | Agonizing | अति पीड़ा देनेवाला | distressing; painful |
345 | Agony | पीड़ा | intense pain or suffering |
346 | Agoraphobia | भीड़ से डर लगना | the fear of wide open spaces, crowds, or uncontrolled social conditions |
347 | Agrarian | कृषि | associated with land cultivation |
348 | Agree | सहमत | to say yes or give consent |
349 | Agreeable | सहमत | nice and good; pleasant |
350 | Agreement | समझौता | a contract or deal |
351 | Agribusiness | कृषि व्यवसाय | any business that has to do with agriculture and supplies associated with farming |
352 | Agriculture | कृषि | the discipline of farming |
353 | Agronomy | कृषिविज्ञान | science of soil management and crop production |
354 | Ague | जूड़ी | a fever that causes you to shake, sweat and feel cold |
355 | Ahead | आगे | to move forward from current placement |
356 | Ahem | अहम | an utterance similar to the sound of clearing one’s throat, used to attract attention or fill in a pause |
357 | Aid | सहायता | to back or help someone or something so they are successful |
358 | Ail | बीमार होना | a trouble, symptom, or affliction |
359 | Ailment | रोग | a condition that affects a person’s mental or physical wellbeing |
360 | Ailurophile | Ailurophile | a person who loves cats |
361 | Aim | उद्देश्य | to point something in a certain direction |
362 | Aimlessly | बिना किसी उद्देश्य के | without an aim, purpose or direction |
363 | Air | वायु | the invisible mixture of gases that covers the earth |
364 | Aisle | गलियारा | a clear path between rows of seating |
365 | Ajar | अधखुला | slightly opened |
366 | Akimbo | अकीम्बो | with the hand on the hip and elbow turned outward |
367 | Akin | सदृश्य | similar in nature |
368 | Alabaster | सिलखड़ी | a smooth, white, and often translucent hard material that is typically carved |
369 | Alacritous | अलाक्रिटस | being eager and willing |
370 | Alacrity | तत्परता | Cheerful willingness and eagerness |
371 | Alas | हाय | disappointingly; unfortunately |
372 | Albatross | भारी अड़चन | a species of large seafaring bird that is found mostly in the south Pacific |
373 | Albeit | यद्यपि | even though; although |
374 | Albinism | रंगहीनता | an inherited condition that one is born with that involves lack of color in the pigment that colors hair, skin, and eyes |
375 | Alchemist | रसायन बनानेवाला | a person who practiced a medieval form of chemistry that dealt with metal transformations |
376 | Alchemy | रस-विधा | a kind of chemistry that is associated with changing something ordinary into something extraordinary |
377 | Alcove | घिरौची | a small area that is secluded from a large space |
378 | Aleatory | पाँसे | random, dependent on luck or chance |
379 | Alert | चेतावनी | to strongly make someone or something aware of trouble or something dangerous that is about to occur |
380 | Alfresco | खुली हवा में | outdoors, open to the atmosphere |
381 | Algae | शैवाल | an organism often found on or in bodies of water that resembles a plant or moss and uses photosynthesis to supply oxygen |
382 | Algorithm | कलन विधि | set of instructions |
383 | Alias | उपनाम | an alternate name used by a person who wishes to keep his or her identity secret |
384 | Alibi | अन्यत्र उपस्थिति | a reason or excuse why someone could not have done something |
385 | Alien | विदेशी | different from the norm or what is considered to be acceptable |
386 | Alienate | विमुख | to make an individual feel unwanted or removed from a group or relationship |
387 | Alight | प्रदीप्त करना | to descend from something |
388 | Align | संरेखित | line up; straighten |
389 | Alignment | संरेखण | positioning of things so that they are in a straight line |
390 | Alike | एक जैसे | similar in a certain way |
391 | Aliment | पुष्टिकर पदार्थ | a minor illness or sickness |
392 | Alimentary | पाचन | of, or relating to food, nutrition or digestion |
393 | Alimony | निर्वाह निधि | payment paid to one’s former spouse to support their living |
394 | Alive | जीवित | living, not dead |
395 | All-around | चारो ओर | versatile; able to do many things |
396 | Allay | निराकरणकरना | to make quiet or calm |
397 | Allegation | आरोप | a claim or a statement saying someone has done something illegal or wrong, which is not necessarily based on facts |
398 | Allege | आरोप है | to claim without evidence |
399 | Alleged | कथित | questionable; not confirmed |
400 | Allegedly | कथित तौर पर | suspected of participating in something immoral or illegal |
401 | Allegiance | निष्ठा | loyalty to some cause, nation or ruler |
402 | Allele | एलील | an alternative pattern of a gene that results in a variation of a trait |
403 | Alleviate | कम | to make something less painful, severe, or serious |
404 | Alley | गली | a narrow passageway |
405 | Alliance | गठबंधन | an association between parties or states with similar interests |
406 | Allies | मित्र राष्ट्रों | friends or supporters; those who can be trusted |
407 | Alliteration | अनुप्रास | the recurrence of consonants at the start of two or more terms |
408 | Allocate | का आवंटन | to give out according to a system |
409 | Allocation | आवंटन | an amount of something that is given out or shared |
410 | Allocution | व्याख्यान | a speech given to a convicted defendant by the judge just prior to sentencing |
411 | Allotment | आवंटन | one share of something that has been given out in portions |
412 | Allow | अनुमति देना | to permit or let something happen |
413 | Allowance | भत्ता | a share or portion of something that is granted by another person |
414 | Allowed | अनुमत | permitted or let something happen |
415 | Allowed | अनुमत | let or permitted someone to do something |
416 | Alloy | मिश्र धातु | a mixed metal made by combining two or more others that is usually stronger than pure metals |
417 | Allude | संकेत करना | to make an indirect reference |
418 | Allure | फुसलाना | a quality that produces attraction |
419 | Allusion | संकेत | a statement that refers to something indirectly; an indirect reference |
420 | Allusion | संकेत | a figure of speech that is used in literature to make an indirect reference to something |
421 | Allusive | सांकेतिक | implying, hinting or indirectly suggesting something |
422 | Alluvial | कछार का | related to alluvium, a deposit of clay, silt, and gravel left by a flowing river in a delta |
423 | Ally | मित्र | a friend; someone who is ready to help you |
424 | Almanac | पंचांग | an annual calendar with important events and astronomical data |
425 | Almighty | सर्वशक्तिमान | omnipotent or having complete power |
426 | Almost | लगभग | very nearly but not exactly or entirely |
427 | Alms | भिक्षा | items which are given to the needy |
428 | Aloft | ऊपर | in the air or sky |
429 | Alone | अकेला | having no one else present; on one’s own |
430 | Along | साथ में | beside or by-the-side of something else |
431 | Alongside | साथ – साथ | along the side; by the side; side by side with |
432 | Aloof | अलग | removed or distant either physically or emotionally |
433 | Alpine | अल्पाइन | part of a high mountain |
434 | Already | पहले से | at present; even now |
435 | Alter | ऑल्टर | to change in some way |
436 | Alteration | परिवर्तन | the condition of being changed |
437 | Altercation | तकरार | a loud and heated disagreement |
438 | Alternate | एकांतर | when one thing comes after another; fluctuate |
439 | Alternative | विकल्प | alternative means another possibility that is available |
440 | Altimeter | altimeter | an instrument used in an aircraft to measure altitude/the distance above sea or land |
441 | Altitude | ऊंचाई | the height of something above sea level or the earth’s surface |
442 | Altitudinous | ऊंचाई | being at or having a very high level of elevation |
443 | Altruist | परोपकार के सिद्धन्त का | regard for others without regard for oneself; devotion |
444 | Altruistic | परोपकारी | sincerely concerned about the well being of others |
445 | Alum | फिटकिरी | a chemical substance containing aluminum used in dye things or to make the skin tighter |
446 | Alumna | एल्युमना | a female graduate of a school or university |
447 | Alumnus | भूतपूर्व छात्र | an individual who graduated from or took classes at a specific university, school, or college |
448 | Alveoli | एल्वियोली | sacs in the lungs which gather and filter oxygen |
449 | Amalgam | मिश्रण | a mixture of unlike items |
450 | Amalgamate | मिलाना | to join or combine |
451 | Amalgamation | मिश्रण | the process of combining two or more companies |
452 | Amanuensis | लिपिकार | a secretary whose job is to write or type what someone else is saying |
453 | Amass | एकत्र करना | to bring together a large amount |
454 | Amateur | शौक़ीन व्यक्ति | person who engages in a particular activity without pursuing it professionally |
455 | Amatory | प्रेम उत्पन्न करनेवाला | associated with expressing erotic or sexual love |
456 | Amaze | अमेज | to fill with surprise, astonish |
457 | Amazed | चकित | shocked; stunned |
458 | Amazement | विस्मय | the condition of being surprised or overcome by wonder |
459 | Amazing | अद्भुत | impressive; incredible |
460 | Amber | अंबर | a yellowy-tan color |
461 | Ambiance | माहौल | the mood in a place |
462 | Ambidextrous | कपटी | having equal ability in both hands; in particular, able to write equally well with both hands |
463 | Ambiguity | अनिश्चितता | something that does not have a clear meaning |
464 | Ambiguous | अस्पष्ट | confusing; difficult to understand |
465 | Ambition | महत्वाकांक्षा | a desire to accomplish (complete) a task |
466 | Ambitious | महत्वाकांक्षी | strongly desirous and determined to succeed |
467 | Ambivalence | दुविधा | mixed feelings or emotions |
468 | Ambivalent | एम्बीवेलेंट | uncertain as to which path to take |
469 | Amble | टहलना | to stroll in a relaxed manner |
470 | Ambrosial | दिव्य | appealing to one’s sense of smell or taste |
471 | Ambuscade | छिपकर आक्रमण | a deadly strike |
472 | Ambush | घात लगाना | the act of concealing oneself and lying in wait to attack by surprise |
473 | Ameliorate | सुधारना | to make better |
474 | Ameliorate | सुधारना | to make something better or more manageable |
475 | Amenable | वश्य | willing to comply or cooperate |
476 | Amend | सुधार करना | to make better |
477 | Amendment | संशोधन | a change or alteration |
478 | Amends | हरजाना | to fix a mistake that you made or to make a bad situation better; to make right |
479 | Amenity | सुख सुविधा | a thing or condition that makes an event or life more enjoyable |
480 | Amiable | सुशील | being nice; displaying a friendly and pleasant manner |
481 | Amicable | मैत्रीपूर्ण | showing a polite and friendly desire to avoid disagreement and argument |
482 | Amid | के बीच | in the middle of; surrounded by |
483 | Amidst | बीच में | in the middle or mist of |
484 | Amiss | अनुचित | improper; wrong |
485 | Amity | मेल – जोल | a supportive relationship between people or countries |
486 | Amnesia | स्मृतिलोप | loss of memory; forgetfulness |
487 | Amnesty | आम माफ़ी | a formal pardon or reprieve given to one who has committed a criminal or political offense |
488 | Amoeba | एक सलि का जन्तु | a single-celled animal which catches food and moves about by extending finger-like projections |
489 | Amok | आपे से बाहर | a desire or passion to attack or murder |
490 | Amongst | बीच में | surrounded by; In the company of |
491 | Amorous | रसिक | having or showing strong feelings of sexual attraction or love |
492 | Amorphous | बेढब | having no clear shape or form |
493 | Amortization | ऋणमुक्ति | the process of determining the cost of something intangible over time |
494 | Amortize | ऋण चुकाना | to the amount of a loan or debt by paying small payments over time |
495 | Amount | मात्रा | the total number or quantity |
496 | Amour | प्रणय | a secret lover |
497 | Amphibious | द्विधा गतिवाला | capable of functioning on land or in water |
498 | Amphitheater | अखाड़ा | an open-air theatre used for entertainment, performances, and sports |
499 | Amplify | बढ़ाना | to render larger, more extended, or more intense |
500 | Amplitude | आयाम | the measure of something’s size, especially in terms of width or breadth; largeness, magnitude |
501 | Amulet | ताबीज़ | a necklace with an ornament to ward off harm |
502 | Amusement | मनोरंजन | fun or entertainment |
503 | Amusing | विनोदी | adding humor or fun to something |
504 | Anachronism | कालभ्रम | something that doesn’t fit its time period, like if you say you’ll “dial” your smartphone |
505 | Anagram | अनाग्राम | a word formed from the rearranged letters of another word |
506 | Analogous | अनुरूप | similar |
507 | Analogy | समानता | a comparison to show similarity between two things |
508 | Analysis | विश्लेषण | the breaking down of something complex into smaller elements so it can be evaluated |
509 | Analyst | विश्लेषक | a qualified person who can decipher data |
510 | Analytical | विश्लेषणात्मक | involving the approach of separating a larger item into smaller parts for ease of reviewing |
511 | Analyze | विश्लेषण | to review thoroughly and in a logical manner |
512 | Anaphase | एनाफ़ेज़ | the stage in mitosis in which the cell starts to lengthen and the two members of each chromosome pair separate and move toward opposite poles |
513 | Anaphora | अनाफोरा | repetition of a phrase used for emphasis |
514 | Anarchist | अराजकतावादी | a person who acts against the orders of a ruling body |
515 | Anarchy | अराजकता | chaos resulting from a lack of order or authority |
516 | Anathema | अभिशाप | something or someone that one strongly dislikes; someone who is cursed or shunned |
517 | Anatomical | संरचनात्मक | structural; bodily |
518 | Anatomy | शरीर रचना | the review of a plant or animal’s structure |
519 | Ancestor | पूर्वज | a member of your family who lived a long time ago |
520 | Ancestor | पूर्वज | family relative or thing that existed long ago |
521 | Ancestral | पैतृक | referring to the family’s predecessors |
522 | Anchor | लंगर | a person or mainstay that can be relied on for support or security |
523 | Ancient | प्राचीन | referring to something that is extremely old or something that happened long ago |
524 | Ancillary | अधीनस्थ | in addition to the main unit, worker, or task |
525 | Andragogy | Andragogy | the practice of teaching adult learners |
526 | Androgynous | उभयलिंगी | partly female and partly male in appearance |
527 | Anecdotal | उपाख्यानात्मक | not necessarily true or dependable, because based on someone’s personal experience and not on facts or research |
528 | Anecdote | उपाख्यान | a brief, often funny, telling of something that happened |
529 | Anecdote | उपाख्यान | an interesting or amusing short story |
530 | Anemia | रक्ताल्पता | a medical condition in which your blood does not transport enough oxygen to the rest of your body, either because of too few red blood cells, or because of too little hemoglobin |
531 | Anemic | रक्तहीनता से पीड़ित | exhausted; weak |
532 | Anesthetize | चतनाशून्य करना | to give a person or animal medication that will put them in an unconscious or comatose state |
533 | Aneurysm | धमनीविस्फार | an abnormal blood-filled bulge of a blood vessel and especially an artery resulting from weakening as from disease of the vessel wall |
534 | Anew | नये सिरे से | to take place once more |
535 | Anfractuous | चक्करदार | having many winding twists and turns |
536 | Angelic | दिव्य | pure and innocent like an angel |
537 | Anger | गुस्सा | a strong feeling of being annoyed, irritated, or hostile |
538 | Angrily | गुस्से से | with rage |
539 | Angry | गुस्सा | having a strong feeling of being upset or annoyed |
540 | Angst | गुस्से | a mood associated with intense worry and unhappiness |
541 | Anguish | पीड़ा | extreme suffering or grief |
542 | Angular | कोणीय | so thin or skinny that one’s bones can be seen |
543 | Anhedonia | एनाहेडोनिया | the physical and mental inability to get feelings of pleasure from typically enjoyable activities |
544 | Anhydrous | निर्जल | describes a substance that has no water |
545 | Animadversion | निन्दा | a judgmental remark or criticism |
546 | Animal | जानवर | a living, breathing organism |
547 | Animate | चेतन | to become enlivened and stimulated |
548 | Animated | एनिमेटेड | active and energetic |
549 | Animation | एनिमेशन | the technique causing images to appear to move |
550 | Animism | जीववाद | a belief that natural objects have spirits |
551 | Animosity | बैर | a strong feeling of disliking someone or something |
552 | Animus | विरोधपूर्ण भावना | an intense feeling of loathing or disgust; hatred |
553 | Annals | वर्षक्रमिक इतिहास | a record of historical events (in chronological order) |
554 | Anneal | पानी रखना | to heat and slow cool metal or glass in order to toughen it |
555 | Annexation | राज्य-हरण | the official action of securing something by taking it over, often relating to land |
556 | Annihilate | संहार करना | to destroy, to eradicate |
557 | Anniversary | सालगिरह | the date on which an even took place the year before |
558 | Annotate | एन्नोटेट | to add notes to a text or diagram in order to provide additional insight and understanding about something |
559 | Annotation | टिप्पणी | a note or comment added to a document or book |
560 | Announce | की घोषणा | to give out news in a public way |
561 | Announcement | घोषणा | a public statement or report that gives information to those listening or viewing |
562 | Annoy | चिढ़ाना | to irritate or bother someone to the point of aggravation |
563 | Annoyance | चिढ़ | irritation; nuisance |
564 | Annual | वार्षिक | happening once a year |
565 | Annuity | वार्षिकी | an allotment of money paid from an insurance company either in a full payment or in installments usually for retirement purposes |
566 | Annul | रद्द | to officially make something invalid |
567 | Anomalous | नियमविरूद्ध | unordinary, unusual, or distinctly different from the norm |
568 | Anomaly | विसंगति | something unusual or unexpected |
569 | Anomie | एनोमी | social instability caused by erosion of standards and values |
570 | Anon | शीघ्र | in a short time; soon |
571 | Anonymity | गुमनामी | the condition of having one’s identity unknown |
572 | Anonymous | अनाम | not named |
573 | Answer | उत्तर | to give a response |
574 | Antagonism | विरोध | strong dislike |
575 | Antagonist | प्रतिपक्षी | a challenger or foe |
576 | Antagonistic | विरोधी | showing or feeling aggression or hostility towards something |
577 | Antagonize | विरोध करना | to trigger hostility or anger |
578 | Ante | पूर्व | to make an investment in money before knowing one’s chances |
579 | Antecedent | पूर्वपद | something that came before something else and may have influenced or caused it |
580 | Antedate | समय से पूर्व घटित होना | to occur before something else |
581 | Antediluvian | पुराना | greatly out of date |
582 | Antemeridian | पूर्व मध्याह्न | in the morning or before noon |
583 | Anterior | पूर्वकाल का | nearer the front |
584 | Anteroom | गलियारा | a small waiting area that leads into a bigger room |
585 | Anthem | गान | a song that is said to represent the masses, whether it be cultural or social |
586 | Anthology | संकलन | a collection of writings |
587 | Anthropoid | मानवाकार | having characteristics of a human being, usually in terms of shape or appearance |
588 | Anthropologist | मानव विज्ञानी | an individual who studies the development of human beings |
589 | Anthropology | मनुष्य जाति का विज्ञान | the study of the origin of mankind |
590 | Anthropomorphic | मानवरूपी | having attributes of humans |
591 | Anthropomorphism | अवतारवाद | giving human traits to objects and living creatures that are not human |
592 | Anti | एंटी | opposed to or against |
593 | Antibiotic | एंटीबायोटिक दवाओं | any substance that can destroy or inhibit the growth of bacteria and similar microorganisms |
594 | Antibody | एंटीबॉडी | a blood protein your body creates to fight disease |
595 | Anticipation | प्रत्याशा | the condition of being excited about something that is going to occur |
596 | Anticipatory | अग्रिम | happening or performed in anticipation of something |
597 | Anticlimactic | anticlimactic | lacking climax, disappointing or ironically insignificant following of impressive foreshadowing |
598 | Anticlimax | अवनति | a shift from an exciting event to a disappointing event |
599 | Antics | हरकतों | silly or outrageous conduct |
600 | Antidote | विषहर औषध | a substance to counteract a poison |
601 | Antigen | एंटीजन | a toxin or foreign substance that causes the body to produce antibodies |
602 | Antinomy | अधिकार-विरोध | an apparent contradiction between valid conclusions |
603 | Antipathy | घृणा | a feeling of dislike |
604 | Antipodes | प्रतिलोभ | a nickname for Australia and New Zealand |
605 | Antiquated | प्राचीन | dated; from the past |
606 | Antique | एंटीक | an old piece of furniture, household item, or other similar item |
607 | Antiquity | प्राचीन काल | an out of date period |
608 | Antiseptic | सड़न रोकनेवाली दबा | very clean and free of disease-causing organisms |
609 | Antisocial | सामाजिक सिद्धान्तों के विस्र्द्ध | unwilling or unable to associate normally with other people |
610 | Antithesis | विलोम | the total opposite of an object or person |
611 | Antitrust | एंटीट्रस्ट | a law against trusts and monopolies, designed to promote competition in business |
612 | Antonym | विलोम | a word that means the opposite of another word in the same language |
613 | Anxiety | चिंता | an uncomfortable feeling of worry or nervousness |
614 | Anxious | चिंतित | worried or concerned |
615 | Anyway | फिर भी | anyhow; nevertheless |
616 | Apart | अलग | to be separated by a typically considerable distance |
617 | Apartheid | रंगभेद | discriminatory policy of racial separation used by South Africa |
618 | Apathetic | उदासीन | having little or no interest or concern |
619 | Apathy | उदासीनता | a feeling of having no interest in or enthusiasm |
620 | Apathy | उदासीनता | a feeling of having no interest in or enthusiasm about anything |
621 | Aperture | छेद | a gap such as a hole or cavity |
622 | Apex | सर्वोच्च | the greatest or topmost position |
623 | Aphorism | कहावत | a brief and witty saying |
624 | Aphotic | एफ़ोटिक | a region of water that is so deep that it does not receive sunlight |
625 | Aphrodisiac | कामोद्दीपक | something that produces or enhances desire of a sexual nature |
626 | Apiary | मधमक्खियों के पालने का स्थान | a place where bees and hives are kept |
627 | Apical | शिखर-संबंधी | top, important, best, highest |
628 | Aplomb | अभिमान | confidence and skill shown, especially in a difficult situation; keeping your cool |
629 | Apocalypse | कयामत | a huge catastrophe that causes devastating destruction and loss |
630 | Apocryphal | शंकायुक्त | well-known but probably not true |
631 | Apodictic | अपोडिक्टिक | unquestionably true or certain |
632 | Apogee | पराकाष्ठा | the highest point |
633 | Apologetic | क्षमाशील | remorseful; sorry for committing a wrong |
634 | Apologize | क्षमा माँगना | to express regret for one’s actions; to say that you are sorry |
635 | Apology | क्षमायाचना | an expression of regret; remorse |
636 | Apoplectic | मिरगी से ग्रस्त | incredibly angry |
637 | Apoplexy | मिरगी | the inability to speak or perform as a result of an intense emotion or serious medical condition |
638 | Apostasy | स्वधर्मत्याग | the act of renouncing one’s religious beliefs |
639 | Apostate | स्वधर्मत्यागी | an individual who has rejected his faith or religious convictions |
640 | Apothecary | अत्तार | a person who makes and provides/sells drugs and/or medicines |
641 | Apothegm | एपोथेगम | a short, witty, instructive saying |
642 | Apotheosis | गुणगान | perfect example of something or the best point in one’s life or job |
643 | Appalled | चकित | struck with horror |
644 | Appalling | भय उत्पन्न करनेवाला | very bad |
645 | Apparatus | उपकरण | the tools, equipment, and machinery you use for particular purposes |
646 | Apparel | परिधान | clothing |
647 | Apparent | प्रकट | clearly visible or understood; obvious |
648 | Apparition | प्रेत | a ghostly appearing figure |
649 | Appeal | अपील करना | to make a request for |
650 | Appealing | आकर्षक | tempting; alluring |
651 | Appear | के जैसा लगना | to become visible; to come into sight |
652 | Appearance | उपस्थिति | what something looks like |
653 | Appease | खुश | to make (someone) pleased or less angry by giving or saying something desired |
654 | Appeasement | मनौती | to calm or persuade into an agreement usually in the angry party’s favor |
655 | Appellation | पदवी | a term or title by which a person or thing is identified |
656 | Append | संलग्न | attach; affix |
657 | Appendage | अनुबंध | a limb or other extremity that stick outs from the upper or lower portion of a body |
658 | Appendix | अनुबंध | the last part of a book or essay where extra information pertaining to the topic is included; sometimes with a graphic aid |
659 | Appetence | अभिलाषा | the state or action of desiring or craving |
660 | Appetite | भूख | a strong desire for something |
661 | Appetizing | स्वादिष्ट | appealing or attractive, typically in reference to food |
662 | Applaud | सराहना | to congratulate by clapping |
663 | Applause | वाहवाही | the act of praise publicly expressed by the clapping of hands |
664 | Appliance | उपकरण | a piece of equipment designed to perform a domestic task |
665 | Applicable | उपयुक्त | suitable for application, relevant |
666 | Applicant | आवेदक | one who applies for something; one who makes a request |
667 | Application | आवेदन | an official permission to a higher figure for something |
668 | Apply | आवेदन करना | to smear or rub a substance on something else |
669 | Appoint | नियुक्त करना | to assign a responsibility, job, or role to someone |
670 | Appointed | नियुक्त | to pick or choose for a task, duty, job or title position |
671 | Appose | अपील | to place things next to or near another thing |
672 | Apposite | उचित | fitting for the situation or suited |
673 | Apposition | समानाधिकरण | a grammatical relation between an adjective and the noun behind it |
674 | Appraisal | मूल्यांकन | an opinion or estimated value |
675 | Appraised | मूल्यांकन | to have had its worth evaluated |
676 | Appreciable | प्रशंसनीय | adequately considered to be substantial or significant |
677 | Appreciate | प्रशंसा करना | to understand the worth, value, or importance of something |
678 | Appreciative | सराहना | displaying or feeling gratitude |
679 | Apprehend | पकड़ना | to catch a person for criminal reasons |
680 | Apprehension | आशंका | capturing and arresting a lawless person |
681 | Apprehensive | भयभीत | worried that something bad may happen; afraid |
682 | Apprentice | शिक्षु | trainee (beginner) especially in a skilled trade |
683 | Apprenticeship | शागिर्दी | job training that involves working for an expert to learn a particular trade |
684 | Apprise | सूचना देना | to report on the status of something |
685 | Approach | दृष्टिकोण | so come near something |
686 | Approachable | सुलभ | easy to talk to |
687 | Approbation | प्रशंसा | to gain approval |
688 | Appropriate | उचित | right or suited for a particular situation |
689 | Appropriation | विनियोग | money set aside for a specific purpose |
690 | Approve | मंज़ूरी देना | to officially accept something, considering it good or okay |
691 | Approximate | अनुमानित | close to the exact; estimated |
692 | Approximately | लगभग | close to, but not exactly |
693 | Appurtenant | लगाव | belonging |
694 | Apropos | अनुरूप | fitting; at the right time |
695 | Apt | उपयुक्त | likely to do something |
696 | Aptitude | कौशल | the capability to do something well |
697 | Aptly | जिसे उपयुक्त | in a fitting way |
698 | Aptness | उपयुक्तता | being suitable or right for something |
699 | Aquatic | जलीय | associated with water, often living in or taking place in water |
700 | Aqueduct | नहर | an artificial channel that is constructed to transport water from one location to another |
701 | Aqueous | जलीय | associated with water |
702 | Aquifer | एक्विफायर | a rock deposit that bears water and is under the ground |
703 | Arabesque | अरबस्क | a graceful, Arabian design usually seen in metal, ceramic, or stone that resembles vines and leaves |
704 | Arable | कृषि योग्य | adequate for cultivating |
705 | Arbiter | मध्यस्थ | one who can settle a disagreement between parties |
706 | Arbitrage | पंचायत | a method of buying something for one price and then immediately selling it for another price somewhere else |
707 | Arbitrary | मनमाना | not done for any particular reason; chosen or done at random |
708 | Arbitrate | पंचायत करना | to settle an argument between two people or groups after hearing the opinions and ideas of both |
709 | Arcane | भेद का | understood by only a few; obscure |
710 | Arch | मेहराब | a semi-circle shape, like an inverted “U” |
711 | Archaeology | पुरातत्त्व | the study of the past by excavation and analysis of its material remains |
712 | Archaic | प्राचीन | old and no longer useful |
713 | Archenemy | कट्टर दुश्मन | a main enemy that is extremely opposed to someone or something |
714 | Archetype | मूलरूप आदर्श | an ideal example that people often attempt to duplicate |
715 | Archipelago | द्वीपसमूह | a group of islands |
716 | Architecture | वास्तुकला | the science of designing and constructing |
717 | Archive | पुरालेख | a collection of historical documents or records providing information about a place, institution, or group of people |
718 | Archly | चालाकी से | cunningly or slyly |
719 | Ardent | उत्साही | feeling great passion, or felt very passionately |
720 | Ardor | ललक | great warmth of feeling; passion |
721 | Arduous | कठिन | demanding great effort or labor; difficult |
722 | Area | क्षेत्र | a particular geographic region |
723 | Argot | कठबोली | a unique language used by certain groups or people with a particular occupation |
724 | Arguably | यकीनन | possibly or probably |
725 | Argue | बहस करना | to give reasons for your support or condemnation of certain ideals, typically in an aggressive manner |
726 | Argument | तर्क | a discussion where both sides explain their contrasting viewpoints usually with an angry tone |
727 | Argumentative | विवादपूर्ण | predisposed to debating, disagreeing, or expressing controversial opinions or beliefs |
728 | Argyle | आर्गाइल | a pattern that features a series of diamonds and a solid colored background that was originally modeled from Scottish tartan |
729 | Arid | शुष्क | incredibly dry; lacking water |
730 | Aridity | शुष्कता | long term lack of rainfall or moisture |
731 | Arise | उठना | to get up from a seated or laying position |
732 | Aristocracy | शिष्टजन | a group of people who are viewed as being better than others, usually because of a title or status in society |
733 | Aristocratic | भव्य | relating to nobility or upper class |
734 | Armada | बेड़े | a fleet of warships |
735 | Armament | अस्त्र – शस्त्र | military weapons or equipment |
736 | Armistice | युद्धविराम | a break from fighting which gives two warring factions time to negotiate peace |
737 | Armor | कवच | metal coverings that are worn to protect one’s body, especially during battle |
738 | Aroma | सुगंध | a distinctive, typically pleasant smell |
739 | Aromatic | खुशबूदार | fragrant or strong-smelling |
740 | Arose | पड़ी | to start to exist or occur |
741 | Around | आस-पास | nearby; In the area |
742 | Arouse | जगाना | to stimulate or provoke a reaction or response |
743 | Arraign | आरोप लगाना | to charge someone in a court of law |
744 | Arraignment | आक्षेप | to take before a judge based on charges brought against the person |
745 | Arrange | व्यवस्थित करना | to plan or set up |
746 | Arrangement | व्यवस्था | how something is positioned or displayed |
747 | Arrant | कुख्यात | complete, total, or utter (example: “arrant nonsense”) |
748 | Array | सरणी | a large collection of things or people |
749 | Arrest | गिरफ़्तार करना | to seize someone and take them into legal custody |
750 | Arresting | गिरफ्तार | fascinating; striking in an eye-catching way |
751 | Arrhythmic | अतालता | having an irregular beat or pace |
752 | Arrival | आगमन | the act of reaching the place to which you were traveling |
753 | Arrogance | अभिमान | a rude and insulting way to act that comes from thinking you are better and more important than other people |
754 | Arrogant | अभिमानी | one who rudely acts as though he is better than other people |
755 | Arrogate | हथियाना | to seize without having the right to do so |
756 | Arsenal | शस्त्रागार | a stock of weapons |
757 | Arsenic | हरताल | a very harmful substance that kills people and animals that ingest it |
758 | Arson | आगजनी | illegally setting something on fire |
759 | Artful | धूर्त | showing creativity or skill |
760 | Arthritis | वात रोग | inflammation and stiffness in the joints |
761 | Article | लेख | a story or report that you can read in a newspaper, journal, or online |
762 | Articulate | स्पष्ट, गाँठदार | expressing oneself clearly |
763 | Artifact | विरूपण साक्ष्य | a handmade object that is often found in some type of archaeological dig |
764 | Artifice | युक्ति | a move made to obtain an advantage or trick someone |
765 | Artificial | कृत्रिम | man made and/or unnatural |
766 | Artillery | तोपें | long range explosive bombardment weapons, such as cannons or mortars |
767 | Artisan | शिल्पकार | skilled craft worker who makes or creates things by hand |
768 | Artistic | कलात्मक | having or revealing creative skill |
769 | Ascend | Ascend | to travel in an upward direction |
770 | Ascendancy | प्रभुत्व | a situation of power from which an individual can influence ordirect other individuals |
771 | Ascendant | प्रबल | rising in power, status, or influence |
772 | Ascension | अधिरोहण | a rise in status or physical position |
773 | Ascent | आरोहण | a path that leads upward |
774 | Ascertain | पता लगाना | learn or discover with certainty; determine |
775 | Ascetic | तपस्वी | leading a life of self-discipline and self-denial, usually for spiritual reasons |
776 | Ascribe | कारण बताना | attribute a cause or characteristic |
777 | Aseptic | सड़न रोकनेवाला | free from living germs that cause disease |
778 | Ashamed | शर्मिंदा | embarrassed because of one’s own actions |
779 | Ashore | तट पर | the land along the edge of a large body of water |
780 | Aside | अलग | out of the way; to the side |
781 | Asinine | गदहे का | very stupid or foolish |
782 | Askance | कनखियों से | with doubt or suspicion |
783 | Askew | तिरछा | tilted to one side; in a crooked position |
784 | Aspect | पहलू | a specific part of something |
785 | Aspects | पहलू | parts of something |
786 | Asperity | तीक्ष्णता | harsh manner or tone of voice |
787 | Aspersion | कलंक | a false charge meant to harm someone’s reputation |
788 | Asphyxiate | गला घोंटना | to stop the flow of air to a person’s lungs by obstructing their breathing pathway |
789 | Asphyxiation | asphyxiation | the act of restricting oxygen to the brain in someone or something |
790 | Aspirant | आकांक्षी | a person or group that strives to achieve something, take on a certain career, or follow a particular path |
791 | Aspirate | महाप्राण | a medical term that means to draw in something by suction |
792 | Aspiration | आकांक्षा | a dream of accomplishing something |
793 | Aspire | महत्त्वाकांक्षा करना | to hope or dream |
794 | Assail | आक्रमण करना | to attack violently |
795 | Assailant | आक्रमण-संबंधी | an individual who attacks another individual |
796 | Assassinate | हत्या | to murder a famous or otherwise important person with a surprise attack |
797 | Assault | हमला | a physical attack |
798 | Assay | परख | a test or assessment on something to determine what it contains |
799 | Assemblage | संयोजन | an assembly or collection |
800 | Assemble | इकट्ठा | to put together |
801 | Assembly | सभा | construction |
802 | Assent | अनुमति | to agree to something especially after thoughtful consideration |
803 | Assert | ज़ोर | to express an opinion or fact in a confident manner |
804 | Assertion | बल देकर कहना | a bold declaration without proof |
805 | Assertive | निश्चयात्मक | boldly self-assured; confident without being aggressive |
806 | Assess | आकलन | to judge or evaluate the state or value of something |
807 | Assessment | आकलन | the process of making a judgement or evaluation about someone or something |
808 | Asset | संपत्ति | an individual, quality, or thing that is considered valuable |
809 | Asseverate | यकीन करना | to state in a definite manner |
810 | Assiduous | परिश्रमी | showing hard work and care that is brought about by attention to detail |
811 | Assign | सौंपना | to designate or set apart something for some purpose |
812 | Assignation | नियुक्ति | an appointment or date to meet someone in secret, typically between lovers |
813 | Assignment | कार्यभार | a particular task or duty that one is expected to complete |
814 | Assimilate | अपनाना | to learn something so that it is fully understood and can be used |
815 | Assist | सहायता देना | a helpful action or act of giving |
816 | Assistance | सहायता | help; aid |
817 | Assistant | सहायक | a worker who helps in a particular field for task |
818 | Assisted | असिस्टेड | helped; aided |
819 | Associate | संबंद्ध करना | to connect things in one’s mind |
820 | Association | संगठन | a group of people organized for a particular purpose or mission |
821 | Associative | जोड़नेवाला | having a connection between two things |
822 | Assonance | स्वरों की एकता | the duplication of similar or identical vowel sounds in sentences, phrases, or words |
823 | Assortment | वर्गीकरण | a diverse collection of things or people |
824 | Assuage | शांत करना | to provide relief; causing to feel better |
825 | Assuage | शांत करना | to relieve or ease unpleasant feelings |
826 | Assume | मान लीजिए | to suppose to be true, especially without proof |
827 | Assumption | मान्यता | the act of assuming, or taking to or upon one’s self; the act of taking up or adopting |
828 | Assurance | बीमा | a promise that relieves doubt |
829 | Assure | आश्वासन | to promise or guarantee |
830 | Assured | आश्वासन दिया | guaranteed; promised |
831 | Asterisk | तारांकन | a print symbol used for numerous purposes including highlighting something or signaling a note is included at the end of a page |
832 | Asteroid | छोटा तारा | a rocky object that is smaller than a planet that most often orbits a star |
833 | Asthenosphere | एस्थेनोस्फीयर | the portion of the mantle of the Earth that rests under the lithosphere and is comprised of rocks that can be altered in shape |
834 | Astir | उत्तेजना में | in motion |
835 | Astonish | चकित | to trigger surprise or wonder |
836 | Astonished | आश्चर्यचकित | greatly surprised or amazed |
837 | Astonishing | आश्चर्यजनक | causing amazement |
838 | Astound | हक्का बक्का | to overpower with amazement |
839 | Astral | एस्ट्रल | related to the stars |
840 | Astray | गुमराह | not on the desired path |
841 | Astride | सवार होकर | with ones legs on either side of |
842 | Astringent | स्तम्मक | acidic |
843 | Astrology | ज्योतिष | the study of the movements and positions of the planets and stars and how they might affect our lives |
844 | Astute | चतुर | marked by practical hardheaded intelligence |
845 | Asunder | अलग-अलग | separate into distinct parts |
846 | Asylum | अस्पताल | place of safety |
847 | Asymmetrical | विषम | having two uneven or crooked sides |
848 | Asymptomatic | स्पर्शोन्मुख | displaying no signs or symptoms of illness |
849 | Asynchronous | अतुल्यकालिक | not happening or occurring at the same time |
850 | Atheism | नास्तिकता | a lack of belief in the existence of a God or gods |
851 | Athlete | धावक | a person who is proficient in sports and other forms of physical exercise |
852 | Atlas | एटलस | a book of maps |
853 | Atmosphere | वायुमंडल | the climate or mood in a certain place |
854 | Atmospheric | वायुमंडलीय | relating to the atmosphere (air that surrounds the Earth.) |
855 | Atom | एटम | the smallest portion of an element that contains the chemical traits of the element |
856 | Atomize | परमाणुओं में परिणत करना | to reduce something into small particles or a fine mist |
857 | Atone | मेल करना | to reimburse for a wrongdoing |
858 | Atrabilious | अत्रबिलियस | bad-tempered or irritable |
859 | Atrocious | नृशंस | heinous; monstrous |
860 | Atrocity | क्रूरता | a horrific action |
861 | Atrophy | शोष | to weaken in ability or function |
862 | Attach | संलग्न करना | to tie or connect something to something else |
863 | Attached | जुड़ा हुआ | tied or connected something to something else |
864 | Attack | आक्रमण करना | aggressive or violent action |
865 | Attain | प्राप्त | to accomplish; to achieve |
866 | Attainment | प्राप्ति | the act of gaining something by working for it |
867 | Attempt | कोशिश करना | to try; make an effort |
868 | Attend | भाग लेना | to go to an event or meeting |
869 | Attendance | उपस्थिति | the number of people present at an event |
870 | Attention | ध्यान | the concentration or awareness of something |
871 | Attentive | सचेत | observant; watchful |
872 | Attenuate | दुर्बल होना | to reduce to a weaker or smaller state |
873 | Attest | यह प्रमाणित करते हैं | to uphold something as real or true |
874 | Attire | पोशाक | one’s dress or clothes |
875 | Attitude | नज़रिया | a person’s opinions or feelings about a specific thing, person, or idea |
876 | Attorney | प्रतिनिधि | a person appointed to act for another in business or legal matters |
877 | Attract | आकर्षित करना | to cause something to be drawn towards something else |
878 | Attractive | आकर्षक | good-looking; appealing |
879 | Attribute | गुण | a characteristic of something |
880 | Attribution | आरोपण | the act of assigning someone credit or acknowledgement for doing something |
881 | Attune | लय में करना | to customize or modify something to be more receptive or capable |
882 | Atypical | अनियमित | not normal |
883 | Auction | नीलामी | public sales event |
884 | Audacious | साहसी | recklessly bold; daring |
885 | Audacity | धृष्टता | a confident and daring quality that is often seen as shocking or rude |
886 | Audible | सुनाई देने योग्य | capable of being perceived |
887 | Audience | श्रोता | a group of viewers or spectators |
888 | Audit | अंकेक्षण | to conduct an independent review and examination of certain data |
889 | Audition | श्रवण | to present talents in front of a judge or judges in order to achieve a desired position or role |
890 | Auditorium | सभागार | a large room or building where people gather to watch a performance or hear a speech |
891 | Auditory | श्रवण | of or pertaining to hearing |
892 | Aught | किसी प्रकार से | anything or for all |
893 | Augment | बढ़ाना | to increase the size or amount of something |
894 | Augur | शकुनश | to predict what is yet to come |
895 | Augury | भविष्यवाणी | a prediction or omen |
896 | August | अगस्त | much-admired and respected |
897 | Aural | कर्ण-संबंधी | pertaining to the ear or the sense of hearing |
898 | Auricular | चुपचाप कान मे कहा | of or relating to the ear or the sense of hearing |
899 | Auriferous | सुवर्णपूर्ण | describes rocks or minerals that contain gold |
900 | Auspices | तत्त्वावधान | guidance and support |
901 | Auspicious | शुभ | being a sign of future success; indicating a promising future |
902 | Austere | सीधा-सादा | without any decoration; strict and serious in manner |
903 | Authentic | प्रामाणिक | genuine; real; unfaked |
904 | Authenticate | प्रमाणित | to prove that something is true or genuine |
905 | Author | लेखक | someone who writes books for a living |
906 | Authoritarian | सत्तावादी | preferring or enforcing strict obedience to authority as opposed to individual freedom |
907 | Authoritative | आधिकारिक | having an attribute that encourages people to obey you |
908 | Authority | अधिकार | the power to enforce rules or give orders |
909 | Authorize | अधिकृत | to give official permission |
910 | Authorship | ग्रन्थकारिता | the job of written composition |
911 | Autobiography | आत्मकथा | the story of an individual’s life written by that individual |
912 | Autochthonous | मूल निवासी | original inhabitants of a place without any migration or intermingling of other groups |
913 | Autocracy | एकतंत्र | a government type in which one person has boundless power |
914 | Autocrat | अनियन्त्रित शासक | an individual who rules without considering others |
915 | Autocratic | निरंकुश | not concerned about the wishes or opinions of others; heavy-handed |
916 | Autodidact | ऑटोडिडैक्ट | self-taught person |
917 | Autograph | हस्ताक्षर | a person’s own handwriting, especially the signature of a famous or admired person |
918 | Automated | स्वचालित | controlled by a machine rather than a person |
919 | Automatic | स्वचालित | something that is automated, or acts of its own accord without conscious effort or input |
920 | Automatically | खुद ब खुद | spontaneously and involuntarily |
921 | Automation | स्वचालन | the process of making a machine or system work without having to be controlled by a person |
922 | Automotive | ऑटोमोटिव | pertaining to a car or other powered automobile |
923 | Autonomy | स्वायत्तता | the quality or state of being self-governing |
924 | Autopsy | ऑटोप्सी | dissection of a body after death that is conducted to determine how the person died |
925 | Autumn | पतझड़ | the season between summer and winter; fall |
926 | Auxiliary | सहायक | a group or team that provides assistance |
927 | Avail | लाभ लेना | to be of advantage or use |
928 | Availability | उपलब्धता | having the time or means supplies to do something |
929 | Available | उपलब्ध | accessible and obtainable |
930 | Avalanche | हिमस्खलन | an unexpected accumulation |
931 | Avant-garde | हरावल | cutting-edge; trendy |
932 | Avarice | लोभ | A strong desire and greed for money/material things |
933 | Avaricious | लालची | desirous of wealth or advancement |
934 | Avatar | अवतार | in technology, an icon or figure representing a particular person |
935 | Avenue | मार्ग | a method or means by which something may be accomplished |
936 | Aver | दृढ़ता से कहना | to assert something in a convincing way |
937 | Average | औसत | ordinary; not very special |
938 | Averse | प्रतिकूल | actively not liking something |
939 | Aversion | घृणा | a feeling of disgust toward something with a desire to avoid it |
940 | Avert | टालना | to stop an incident from occurring |
941 | Avian | एवियन | relating to birds |
942 | Aural | कर्ण-संबंधी | pertaining to the ear or the sense of hearing |
943 | Auricular | चुपचाप कान मे कहा | of or relating to the ear or the sense of hearing |
944 | Auriferous | सुवर्णपूर्ण | describes rocks or minerals that contain gold |
945 | Auspices | तत्त्वावधान | guidance and support |
946 | Auspicious | शुभ | being a sign of future success; indicating a promising future |
947 | Austere | सीधा-सादा | without any decoration; strict and serious in manner |
948 | Authentic | प्रामाणिक | genuine; real; unfaked |
949 | Authenticate | प्रमाणित | to prove that something is true or genuine |
950 | Author | लेखक | someone who writes books for a living |
951 | Authoritarian | सत्तावादी | preferring or enforcing strict obedience to authority as opposed to individual freedom |
952 | Authoritative | आधिकारिक | having an attribute that encourages people to obey you |
953 | Authority | अधिकार | the power to enforce rules or give orders |
954 | Authorize | अधिकृत | to give official permission |
955 | Authorship | ग्रन्थकारिता | the job of written composition |
956 | Autobiography | आत्मकथा | the story of an individual’s life written by that individual |
957 | Autochthonous | मूल निवासी | original inhabitants of a place without any migration or intermingling of other groups |
958 | Autocracy | एकतंत्र | a government type in which one person has boundless power |
959 | Autocrat | अनियन्त्रित शासक | an individual who rules without considering others |
960 | Autocratic | निरंकुश | not concerned about the wishes or opinions of others; heavy-handed |
961 | Autodidact | ऑटोडिडैक्ट | self-taught person |
962 | Autograph | हस्ताक्षर | a person’s own handwriting, especially the signature of a famous or admired person |
963 | Automated | स्वचालित | controlled by a machine rather than a person |
964 | Automatic | स्वचालित | something that is automated, or acts of its own accord without conscious effort or input |
965 | Automatically | खुद ब खुद | spontaneously and involuntarily |
966 | Automation | स्वचालन | the process of making a machine or system work without having to be controlled by a person |
967 | Automotive | ऑटोमोटिव | pertaining to a car or other powered automobile |
968 | Autonomy | स्वायत्तता | the quality or state of being self-governing |
969 | Autopsy | ऑटोप्सी | dissection of a body after death that is conducted to determine how the person died |
970 | Autumn | पतझड़ | the season between summer and winter; fall |
971 | Auxiliary | सहायक | a group or team that provides assistance |
972 | Avail | लाभ लेना | to be of advantage or use |
973 | Availability | उपलब्धता | having the time or means supplies to do something |
974 | Available | उपलब्ध | accessible and obtainable |
975 | Avalanche | हिमस्खलन | an unexpected accumulation |
976 | Avant-garde | हरावल | cutting-edge; trendy |
977 | Avarice | लोभ | A strong desire and greed for money/material things |
978 | Avaricious | लालची | desirous of wealth or advancement |
979 | Avatar | अवतार | in technology, an icon or figure representing a particular person |
980 | Avenue | मार्ग | a method or means by which something may be accomplished |
981 | Aver | दृढ़ता से कहना | to assert something in a convincing way |
982 | Average | औसत | ordinary; not very special |
983 | Averred | औसतन | stated something that was true and accurate |
984 | Averse | प्रतिकूल | actively not liking something |
985 | Aversion | घृणा | a feeling of disgust toward something with a desire to avoid it |
986 | Avert | टालना | to stop an incident from occurring |
987 | Avian | एवियन | relating to birds |
988 | Aviary | पक्षीशाल | confinement for keeping birds; a birdhouse |
989 | Aviation | विमानन | the activity of designing, producing, or flying an aircraft |
990 | Aviator | हवाबाज़ | a pilot |
991 | Avid | उत्सुक | enthusiastic; passionate |
992 | Avidity | उत्कट इच्छा | a strong eagerness or desire |
993 | Avidly | उत्सुकतापूर्वक | in an excited or enthusiastic manner |
994 | Avocation | धन्धा | an activity one enjoys when he or she is not working |
995 | Avoid | टालना | to keep away from; dodge or evade |
996 | Avoidable | परिहार्य | able to be stopped or prevented |
997 | Avoidance | परिहार | the act of staying away from someone or something |
998 | Avoirdupois | मोटापन | a system in the United States for measuring a pound equaling to sixteen ounces |
999 | Avouch | दृढ़तापूर्वक कहना | to declare freely and openly; to assert |
1000 | Avow | खुलकर कहना | to admit or confess something publicly |
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