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The Most Important Jumbled Sentence Exercise Part 9

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801 money.   and   were   Tom   Mary   good   both   making
802 that   Tom   Mary   Both   and   at   were   busy   time.
803 that   and   were   Tom   Mary   at   both   busy   time.
804 confused.   Tom   Mary   Both   and   little   were   a
805 confused.   and   were   Tom   Mary   little   both   a
806 at   Tom   Mary   Both   and   look   turned   to   John.
807 at   and   both   Tom   Mary   look   turned   to   John.
808 watch.   Tom   Mary   Both   and   to   turned   around
809 watch.   and   both   Tom   Mary   to   turned   around
810 Tom   Mary   Both   and   awake.   should’ve   stayed
811 Tom   Mary   Both   and   earlier.   should’ve   left
812 and   both   Tom   Mary   earlier.   should’ve   left
813 Tom   Mary   Both   and   better.   should’ve   known
814 and   both   Tom   Mary   better.   should’ve   known
815 doing.   Tom   Mary   Both   and   you’re   know   what
816 doing.   and   both   Tom   Mary   you’re   know   what
817 do   Tom   Mary   Both   and   could   knew   you   that.
818 do   and   both   Tom   Mary   could   knew   you   that.
819 arms.   Tom   Mary   Both   and   their   have   broken
820 arms.   and   have   Tom   Mary   their   both   broken
821 do   Tom   Mary   Both   and   to   have   agreed   that.
822 do   and   have   Tom   Mary   to   both   agreed   that.
823 their   Tom   Mary   Both   and   sell   had   to   cars.
824 their   and   both   Tom   Mary   sell   had   to   cars.
825 do   Tom   Mary   Both   and   to   didn’t   want   that.
826 do   and   both   Tom   Mary   to   didn’t   want   that.
827 quite   Tom   Mary   Both   and   that   can   do   well.
828 quite   and   can   Tom   Mary   that   both   do   well.
829 Tom   Mary   Both   and   sunglasses.   are   wearing
830 and   are   Tom   Mary   sunglasses.   both   wearing
831 thirty.   Tom   Mary   Both   and   under   are   still
832 thirty.   and   are   Tom   Mary   under   both   still
833 Tom   Mary   Both   and   competitive.   are   really
834 and   are   Tom   Mary   competitive.   both   really
835 players.   Tom   Mary   Both   and   chess   are   good
836 players.   and   are   Tom   Mary   chess   both   good
837 Tom   Mary   Both   and   students.   are   full-time
838 and   are   Tom   Mary   students.   both   full-time
839 bit   Tom   Mary   Both   and   little   are   a   crazy.
840 bit   and   are   Tom   Mary   little   both   a   crazy.
841 together.   and   don’t   Tom   Mary   stay   plan   to
842 the   We’ll   Take   torch.   it.   definitely   need
843 that.   wonder   Tom   I   why   doing   doesn’t   like
844 do   wonder   Tom   I   why   to   doesn’t   like   that.
845 make   that   Don’t   promises   keep.   you   cannot
846 Mary.   is   three   Tom   about   than   years   older
847 Fuji   Japan’s   Mt.   is   mountain.   most   famous
848 are   budget   There   many   Europe.   airlines   in
849 you?   not   older   You’re   really   are   than   me,
850 on.   don’t   amused   You   seem   going   by   what’s
851 this   don’t   much   We   have   get   time   to   done.
852 father   older   Tom’s   is   father.   than   Mary’s
853 baseball.   told   you’re   Tom   me   at   very   good
854 teacher.   told   that   Tom   me   French   you’re   a
855 it   told   that   Tom   me   do   he   would   tomorrow.
856 hungry.   told   that   Tom   me   very   Mary   wasn’t
857 do   told   Mary   Tom   me   to   wasn’t   ready   that.
858 late.   told   that   Tom   me   always   Mary   wasn’t
859 do   told   Mary   Tom   me   to   was   prepared   that.
860 do   told   Mary   Tom   me   to   was   hesitant   that.
861 that   told   that   Tom   me   doing   Mary   was   now.
862 home   told   that   Tom   me   come   I   should   soon.
863 that.   told   that   Tom   me   doing   he’s   through
864 to   told   he’s   Tom   me   one   the   that.   next   do
865 do   told   that   Tom   me   to   he’s   tempted   that.
866 do   told   that   Tom   me   to   he’s   decided   that.
867 on   told   that   Tom   me   home   he’ll   be   Monday.
868 a   told   he’d   Tom   me   become   like   to   doctor.
869 in   told   he’d   Tom   me   Boston   go   to   October.
870 his   told   he’d   Tom   me   quit   decided   to   job.
871 do   told   that   Tom   me   to   he’d   decided   that.
872 tomorrow.   told   he   Tom   me   that   wouldn’t   do
873 to   told   that   Tom   me   ready   he   that.   was   do
874 his   told   he   Tom   me   of   was   proud   children.
875 do   told   he   Tom   me   to   was   determined   that.
876 me   told   he   Tom   me   teach   wanted   to   French.
877 to   told   he   Tom   me   go   wanted   to   Australia.
878 be   told   that   Tom   me   to   he   poor.   used   very
879 do   told   he   Tom   me   could   thought   you   that.
880 be   told   he   Tom   me   would   thought   Mary   mad.
881 thrilled.   told   he   Tom   me   was   thought   Mary
882 terrific.   told   he   Tom   me   was   thought   Mary
883 talented.   told   he   Tom   me   was   thought   Mary
884 stubborn.   told   he   Tom   me   was   thought   Mary
885 was   told   that   Tom   me   Mary   he   thought   shy.
886 was   told   that   Tom   me   Mary   he   thought   sad.
887 reliable.   told   he   Tom   me   was   thought   Mary
888 prepared.   told   he   Tom   me   was   thought   Mary
889 was   told   that   Tom   me   Mary   he   thought   mad.
890 innocent.   told   he   Tom   me   was   thought   Mary
891 was   told   that   Tom   me   Mary   he   thought   hot.
892 homesick.   told   he   Tom   me   was   thought   Mary
893 homeless.   told   he   Tom   me   was   thought   Mary
894 was   told   that   Tom   me   Mary   he   thought   fat.
895 divorced.   told   he   Tom   me   was   thought   Mary
896 diabetic.   told   he   Tom   me   was   thought   Mary
897 creative.   told   he   Tom   me   was   thought   Mary
898 confused.   told   he   Tom   me   was   thought   Mary
899 charming.   told   he   Tom   me   was   thought   Mary
900 autistic.   told   he   Tom   me   was   thought   Mary


801 Tom and Mary were both making good money.
802 Both Tom and Mary were busy at that time.
803 Tom and Mary were both busy at that time.
804 Both Tom and Mary were a little confused.
805 Tom and Mary were both a little confused.
806 Both Tom and Mary turned to look at John.
807 Tom and Mary both turned to look at John.
808 Both Tom and Mary turned around to watch.
809 Tom and Mary both turned around to watch.
810 Both Tom and Mary should’ve stayed awake.
811 Both Tom and Mary should’ve left earlier.
812 Tom and Mary both should’ve left earlier.
813 Both Tom and Mary should’ve known better.
814 Tom and Mary both should’ve known better.
815 Both Tom and Mary know what you’re doing.
816 Tom and Mary both know what you’re doing.
817 Both Tom and Mary knew you could do that.
818 Tom and Mary both knew you could do that.
819 Both Tom and Mary have broken their arms.
820 Tom and Mary have both broken their arms.
821 Both Tom and Mary have agreed to do that.
822 Tom and Mary have both agreed to do that.
823 Both Tom and Mary had to sell their cars.
824 Tom and Mary both had to sell their cars.
825 Both Tom and Mary didn’t want to do that.
826 Tom and Mary both didn’t want to do that.
827 Both Tom and Mary can do that quite well.
828 Tom and Mary can both do that quite well.
829 Both Tom and Mary are wearing sunglasses.
830 Tom and Mary are both wearing sunglasses.
831 Both Tom and Mary are still under thirty.
832 Tom and Mary are both still under thirty.
833 Both Tom and Mary are really competitive.
834 Tom and Mary are both really competitive.
835 Both Tom and Mary are good chess players.
836 Tom and Mary are both good chess players.
837 Both Tom and Mary are full-time students.
838 Tom and Mary are both full-time students.
839 Both Tom and Mary are a little bit crazy.
840 Tom and Mary are both a little bit crazy.
841 Tom and Mary don’t plan to stay together.
842 Take the torch. We’ll definitely need it.
843 I wonder why Tom doesn’t like doing that.
844 I wonder why Tom doesn’t like to do that.
845 Don’t make promises that you cannot keep.
846 Tom is about three years older than Mary.
847 Mt. Fuji is Japan’s most famous mountain.
848 There are many budget airlines in Europe.
849 You’re not really older than me, are you?
850 You don’t seem amused by what’s going on.
851 We don’t have much time to get this done.
852 Tom’s father is older than Mary’s father.
853 Tom told me you’re very good at baseball.
854 Tom told me that you’re a French teacher.
855 Tom told me that he would do it tomorrow.
856 Tom told me that Mary wasn’t very hungry.
857 Tom told me Mary wasn’t ready to do that.
858 Tom told me that Mary wasn’t always late.
859 Tom told me Mary was prepared to do that.
860 Tom told me Mary was hesitant to do that.
861 Tom told me that Mary was doing that now.
862 Tom told me that I should come home soon.
863 Tom told me that he’s through doing that.
864 Tom told me he’s the next one to do that.
865 Tom told me that he’s tempted to do that.
866 Tom told me that he’s decided to do that.
867 Tom told me that he’ll be home on Monday.
868 Tom told me he’d like to become a doctor.
869 Tom told me he’d go to Boston in October.
870 Tom told me he’d decided to quit his job.
871 Tom told me that he’d decided to do that.
872 Tom told me he wouldn’t do that tomorrow.
873 Tom told me that he was ready to do that.
874 Tom told me he was proud of his children.
875 Tom told me he was determined to do that.
876 Tom told me he wanted to teach me French.
877 Tom told me he wanted to go to Australia.
878 Tom told me that he used to be very poor.
879 Tom told me he thought you could do that.
880 Tom told me he thought Mary would be mad.
881 Tom told me he thought Mary was thrilled.
882 Tom told me he thought Mary was terrific.
883 Tom told me he thought Mary was talented.
884 Tom told me he thought Mary was stubborn.
885 Tom told me that he thought Mary was shy.
886 Tom told me that he thought Mary was sad.
887 Tom told me he thought Mary was reliable.
888 Tom told me he thought Mary was prepared.
889 Tom told me that he thought Mary was mad.
890 Tom told me he thought Mary was innocent.
891 Tom told me that he thought Mary was hot.
892 Tom told me he thought Mary was homesick.
893 Tom told me he thought Mary was homeless.
894 Tom told me that he thought Mary was fat.
895 Tom told me he thought Mary was divorced.
896 Tom told me he thought Mary was diabetic.
897 Tom told me he thought Mary was creative.
898 Tom told me he thought Mary was confused.
899 Tom told me he thought Mary was charming.
900 Tom told me he thought Mary was autistic.

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