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Correct the Sentence Exercise: A Simple Way to Improve Your Writing. Part 10

Do You know you can Improve Your Writing very easily. We have more than 5000 Correct the Sentence exercise questions with answers. In each part, we will share 100 questions with answers. If you want all questions at one place you can download our app from Google Play Store. CLICK HERE to download our app.

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901 He______you for two years. (not/see)
902 I______my face against it. (always/set)
903 I______able to understand it. (never/be)
904 ______this, or that, or the other? (when/I/do/?)
905 ______in any foreign help? (the enemy/call/?)
906 I know what it______for me. (do)
907 We______a meal in an inn except breakfast. (not/eat)
908 Tears will help me as little as they will you; you______my question. (not/yet/answer)
909 You______every member of the family yet. (not/guess)
910 I am glad she______a boy. (get)
911 I’m sure I______very wrong. (do)
912 I______a glimpse of you for a week. (not/see)
913 I______it for a long time. (not/examine)
914 I______nothing to do with it. (have)
915 I am afraid you______very anxious. (be)
916 I______in this business thirty years for nothing. (not/be)
917 The thing______to an end on my side. (come)
918 ______in any quarter of our Union? (on whom/oppression/fall/?)
919 I see it is you-but ? (whom/I/see/?)
920 I______a word about them yet. (not/hear)
921 And______in the pursuit? (what/I/lose/?)
922 I hope you______your father. (not/lose)
923 But you______an idea into my head. (put)
924 She______here in a good while. (not/be)
925 This is the first I______of it. (hear)
926 And you______with your father. (not/reckon)
927 We______an eye on him, along the road. (not/lay)
928 ______possession of this column? (you/entirely/take/?)
929 It______the thought of my life! (be)
930 He’s the only child I . (get)
931 I______the room for my own. (take)
932 You______it since it has been finished. (not/see)
933 But that is just what he . (not/do)
934 You______the result with your own eyes. (see)
935 ______nothing from any other quarter? (you/hear/?)
936 I am glad that you______me. (tell)
937 In that case he______me. (not/understand)
938 We shall never feel as we . (feel)
939 It______to be an old story by this time. (get)
940 I______an old man of this kind. (know)
941 I______of the truth of your remark. (often/think)
942 But I______it for some time. (see)
943 ______that makes me so bad in your eyes? (what/I/do/?)
944 I______from a very different scene. (just/come)
945 ______good to me? (why/people/not/be/?)
946 I don’t know where I . (be)
947 I______such a shock in my life. (not/have)
948 ______through, he should like to know? (what/she/go/?)
949 As for myself, I______them. (not/see)
950 I______him to come this morning. (ask)
951 We______the way to walk together yet. (not/find)
952 I______you for a long time. (not/meet)
953 I______some citizens in my time. (plant)
954 I______about myself for an hour. (not/think)
955 I______faith in many men. (not/have)
956 A remarkable experience______in this room within an hour. (occur)
957 I don’t say she______it. (get)
958 He______me in his life. (never/leave)
959 ______him long, and do not know that? (you/know/?)
960 ______here too long for my husband to be living? (we/be/?)
961 London______the full force of this movement. (feel)
962 You______to her for three weeks. (not/write)
963 I______your paper with much interest. (read)
964 I______her in so many words. (not/tell)
965 You don’t ask why I______it. (bring)
966 But I______away for some time. (be)
967 Now, pretty one,______at this trade? (how long/you/be/?)
968 I______my eyes from them. (never/take)
969 We______a show in two weeks. (not/see)
970 These conversations______without their influence. (not/be)
971 I______any time to fool around. (not/get)
972 She______time to decide yet. (not/have)
973 I______a strange story to tell. (get)
974 I hope they______her into the air. (carry)
975 These results______by mere chance. (not/occur)
976 ______for the school? (what/he/ever/do/?)
977 ______a petition on the thigh of some statue? (you/write/?)
978 I______my letter for a long while. (leave)
979 I______some mistake in the dates. (make)
980 I______of such a thing. (never/hear)
981 I am glad that you______her. (know)
982 ______an opera in Italy? (you/never/see/?)
983 I______the sun since I came. (not/see)
984 How is it you______me? (not/recognise)
985 ______either of the gentlemen? (I/ever/see/?)
986 You______something to do with it. (have)
987 You______how I have developed. (not/realize)
988 I______able to procure this book. (not/be)
989 You______your duty to him. (not/do)
990 I think he______to see him. (go)
991 He______me the same honour. (also/do)
992 I______enough of that side of the question. (hear)
993 I shall not forget what you . (say)
994 But I______a witness yet. (not/examine)
995 I______considerable attention to that question. (give)
996 Bachelor______to that stage. (not/yet/get)
997 ______for any drop of his blood? (you/bargain/?)
998 ______the task to enrich me in this world? (you/undertake/?)
999 We______to expect some trouble of that kind. (get)
1000 The Americans______a great painter. (not/produce)

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901 He hasn’t seen you for two years. (not/see)
902 I have always set my face against it. (always/set)
903 I have never been able to understand it. (never/be)
904  When have I done this, or that, or the other? (when/I/do/?)
905  Have the enemy called in any foreign help? (the enemy/call/?)
906 I know what it has done for me. (do)
907 We haven’t eaten a meal in an inn except breakfast. (not/eat)
908 Tears will help me as little as they will you; you haven’t yet answered my question. (not/yet/answer)
909 You haven’t guessed every member of the family yet. (not/guess)
910 I am glad she has got a boy. (get)
911 I’m sure I have done very wrong. (do)
912 I haven’t seen a glimpse of you for a week. (not/see)
913 I haven’t examined it for a long time. (not/examine)
914 I have had nothing to do with it. (have)
915 I am afraid you have been very anxious. (be)
916 I haven’t been in this business thirty years for nothing. (not/be)
917 The thing has come to an end on my side. (come)
918  On whom has oppression fallen in any quarter of our Union? (on whom/oppression/fall/?)
919 I see it is you-but whom have I seen? (whom/I/see/?)
920 I haven’t heard a word about them yet. (not/hear)
921 And what have I lost in the pursuit? (what/I/lose/?)
922 I hope you haven’t lost your father. (not/lose)
923 But you have put an idea into my head. (put)
924 She hasn’t been here in a good while. (not/be)
925 This is the first I have heard of it. (hear)
926 And you haven’t reckoned with your father. (not/reckon)
927 We haven’t laid an eye on him, along the road. (not/lay)
928  Have you entirely taken possession of this column? (you/entirely/take/?)
929 It has been the thought of my life! (be)
930 He’s the only child I have got. (get)
931 I have taken the room for my own. (take)
932 You haven’t seen it since it has been finished. (not/see)
933 But that is just what he hasn’t done. (not/do)
934 You have seen the result with your own eyes. (see)
935  Have you heard nothing from any other quarter? (you/hear/?)
936 I am glad that you have told me. (tell)
937 In that case he hasn’t understood me. (not/understand)
938 We shall never feel as we have felt. (feel)
939 It has got to be an old story by this time. (get)
940 I have known an old man of this kind. (know)
941 I have often thought of the truth of your remark. (often/think)
942 But I have seen it for some time. (see)
943  What have I done that makes me so bad in your eyes? (what/I/do/?)
944 I have just come from a very different scene. (just/come)
945  Why haven’t people been good to me? (why/people/not/be/?)
946 I don’t know where I have been. (be)
947 I haven’t had such a shock in my life. (not/have)
948  What has she gone through, he should like to know? (what/she/go/?)
949 As for myself, I haven’t seen them. (not/see)
950 I have asked him to come this morning. (ask)
951 We haven’t found the way to walk together yet. (not/find)
952 I haven’t met you for a long time. (not/meet)
953 I have planted some citizens in my time. (plant)
954 I haven’t thought about myself for an hour. (not/think)
955 I haven’t had faith in many men. (not/have)
956 A remarkable experience has occurred in this room within an hour. (occur)
957 I don’t say she has got it. (get)
958 He has never left me in his life. (never/leave)
959  Have you known him long, and do not know that? (you/know/?)
960  Have we been here too long for my husband to be living? (we/be/?)
961 London has felt the full force of this movement. (feel)
962 You haven’t written to her for three weeks. (not/write)
963 I have read your paper with much interest. (read)
964 I haven’t told her in so many words. (not/tell)
965 You don’t ask why I have brought it. (bring)
966 But I have been away for some time. (be)
967 Now, pretty one, how long have you been at this trade? (how long/you/be/?)
968 I have never taken my eyes from them. (never/take)
969 We haven’t seen a show in two weeks. (not/see)
970 These conversations haven’t been without their influence. (not/be)
971 I haven’t got any time to fool around. (not/get)
972 She hasn’t had time to decide yet. (not/have)
973 I have got a strange story to tell. (get)
974 I hope they have carried her into the air. (carry)
975 These results haven’t occurred by mere chance. (not/occur)
976  What has he ever done for the school? (what/he/ever/do/?)
977  Have you written a petition on the thigh of some statue? (you/write/?)
978 I have left my letter for a long while. (leave)
979 I have made some mistake in the dates. (make)
980 I have never heard of such a thing. (never/hear)
981 I am glad that you have known her. (know)
982  Have you never seen an opera in Italy? (you/never/see/?)
983 I haven’t seen the sun since I came. (not/see)
984 How is it you haven’t recognised me? (not/recognise)
985  Have I ever seen either of the gentlemen? (I/ever/see/?)
986 You have had something to do with it. (have)
987 You haven’t realized how I have developed. (not/realize)
988 I haven’t been able to procure this book. (not/be)
989 You haven’t done your duty to him. (not/do)
990 I think he has gone to see him. (go)
991 He has also done me the same honour. (also/do)
992 I have heard enough of that side of the question. (hear)
993 I shall not forget what you have said. (say)
994 But I haven’t examined a witness yet. (not/examine)
995 I have given considerable attention to that question. (give)
996 Bachelor hasn’t yet got to that stage. (not/yet/get)
997  Have you bargained for any drop of his blood? (you/bargain/?)
998  Have you undertaken the task to enrich me in this world? (you/undertake/?)
999 We have got to expect some trouble of that kind. (get)
1000 The Americans haven’t produced a great painter. (not/produce)

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