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Correct the Sentence Exercise: A Simple Way to Improve Your Writing. Part 8

Do You know you can Improve Your Writing very easily. We have more than 5000 Correct the Sentence exercise questions with answers. In each part, we will share 100 questions with answers. If you want all questions at one place you can download our app from Google Play Store. CLICK HERE to download our app.

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701 ______about here, you unmannerly monks? (what/you/squabble)
702 ______back to America and leaving Robert Carr behind? (why/you/go)
703 Bless me, Sarah,______about? (what/you/talk)
704 If she does, she is accounted foolish (sotte), for if she doesn’t want to dance,______there for amongst the rest? (what/she/sit)
705 ______against the necessity of the Bishop of London’s Fund? (I/argue)
706 ______for paganism to battle with? (we/seek)
707 And______at me for? (what/you/stare)
708 Suppose, for example, he learns that such a corps has passed through Jena toward Weimar, and that another has passed through Gera toward Naumburg: he must still ask himself the questions, , and what enterprise are they engaged in? (where/they/go)
709 Why, then, and ? (for what/we/wait)
710 You may never be called on to perform the one hundredth part of the task undertaken willingly by that gallant Arab steed, but______the tiny, light burdens which your every-day duties place on you? (how/you/carry)
711 You are thinking of me, I know: but ? (what/you/think)
712 I’d be, too, if I tried to stop a ten-inch gun like Frazer… He’s singing hard… Announcements, now…______for? (what/he/wait)
713 ______that your sister is a woman, and that you have brought her into the presence of the dead? (you/forget)
714 ______at, man? (what on earth/you/drive)
715 ______for his trap line, to get even? (you/hit)
716 ______about the theatre after me for? (what/you/hang)
717 But______alone instead of taking her with him? (why/he/go)
718 ______too much, Bounderby, that you, so far her elder, should aid in trying to set her right? (it/ask)
719 , or is this a debating society? (we/rehearse)
720 Oh, , My pretty maiden fair, With your red rosy cheeks, And your coal-black hair? (where/you/go)
721 Then______all this trash? (why/I/write)
722 Tell me:______his substance here? (why/he/waste)
723 ______up at the gallery for? (what/you/squeak)
724 ______in this way at me for? (what/you/go on)
725 The stars are gleaming Upon her brow:______So calmly now? (what/she/dream)
726 ______their pleasure in the spirit of the very highest fashion? (they/not/take)
727 But, dad,______our tour? (when/we/go on)
728 ______in these evolutions of theirs, which are repeated a hundred times over? (what/they/seek)
729 ______in the matter of servants? (how/you/get on)
730 ______up, or down, Mrs Finching? (you/go)
731 Of course, I’ve enough money to live on … so I could take up some woman’s profession …______at? (what/you/smile)
732 ______to me like this? (why/you/behave)
733 , after the tempest of sorrow has swept over him, with his face in the same direction as before; or has it whirled him clean round, and set him in the other direction? (he/stand)
734 ______of the other man that has made you restless? (it/think)
735 ______of selling to any one else? (you/think)
736 , feeling, and reading?… My task here is irksome enough. (what/you/think)
737 Dad burn it,______about? (what/you/talk)
738 My dear fellow,______about? (what/you/talk)
739 Now,______my knapsack off like that, for? (whatever/you/sneak)
740 ______with this load, and what do you carry? (where/you/go)
741 I wish I knew what became of the whiskey he had on hand when he walked off-no, I don’t either;______about? (what/I/think)
742 My dear girl,______of? (what/you/think)
743 Had one stopped him to ask, ? (where/you/go)
744 I say, Miss Bessie,______of? (what/you/think)
745 Mother,______with the favours? (where/you/go)
746 ______about-a Signor Americano here in Valedolmo? (what/you/talk)
747 ______of, wanting to jump into the sea and drown yourselves because you’re wet through? (what/you/think)
748 But______of, all this time? (what/you/think)
749 Look here, Irish-______about? (what/you/talk)
750 My friends, my dear friends, ? (where/you/go)
751 It seems to signify, ? (where/you/go)
752 ______of; and______of? (what/you/talk) (what/you/dream)
753 ______at, fellow? (what/you/talk/and/caper)
754 But , that you talk about bidding goodbye? (where/you/go)
755 Why,______of, my good sir? (what/you/think)
756 Father dear,______so solemnly and ceremoniously? (why/you/talk)
757 ______about-have you no manners? (what/you/think)
758 (Seeing him turning to enter the tent): ? (where/you/go)
759 But______under your arm that way, Fred? (what/you/carry)
760 ______now, may I ask? (where/you/go)
761 ______at the universal equality and brotherhood of man? (it/drive)
762 ______there for with your mouth and your eyes wide open? (what/you/stand)
763 ______from the errors of others? (you/suffer)
764 And______here in the gloom, sewing white things? (why/you/sit)
765 Look here, Lawford, what in the name of wonder-______on me now? (what trick/you/play)
766  , and what have you got? (where/you/go)
767 ______elsewhere, when His presence and power are above all needed at the house of His friend? (why/Omniscience/tarry)
768 ______away with him some day? (she/not/go)
769 ______any more accurate now than it was a hundred years ago? (voice/teach)
770 My dear Ernest,______at? (what/you/laugh)
771 ______to us from the world outside? (relief/approach)
772 ______already for his golden thumb? (he/provide)
773 ______the game where all your happiness is up? (how fair/he/play)
774 , by your leave? (from what pilgrimage/you/return)
775 ______to see Naskowski’s lion-tamer? (you/not/come in)
776 Then______the matter? (what good/it/discuss)
777 ______too much of you as representative men of this great Government when I ask you to let me have a voice in making the laws under which I shall be rewarded or punished? (I/ask)
778 ______at us as though we had healed this man by our own strength? (why/you/stare)
779 ______of your mother that has upset you so? (it/talk)
780 ______the faculties we already have, all of them acquired with as much pain and suffering, it may be, as any new ones we are ever likely to evolve? (to what use/we/employ)
781 But, if she’s lying, here in this letter,______on? (what/she/walk)
782 ______a death watch on the grizzled old “Desert Rat” we pass a little later? (he/keep)
783 ______up to the woodlands, to see the old place? (you/go)
784 ______forward the general good, or am I only suffering Nature’s punishment? (I/help)
785 Now, fellar,______to, eh? (where/you/push)
786 ______here in the city? (where/you/stay)
787 Well,______at, Mr Dale? (what/you/laugh)
788 ______the fact that she’d had measles and influenza and nervous headache and hysteria, and other things that aunts do have, long before she ate the lobster? (you/not/conceal)
789 Raphael Aben-Ezra,______here? (why/you/lie)
790 Miss Horatia, my dearie,______about? (what/you/think)
791 I am glad to see you: ______?  ? (how/you/get on)
792 O why and ? (for what/we/wait)
793 ______thus after reasons for making the wrong done to you appear pardonable? (you/seek)
794 Kitty cat, kitty cat, asleep on the rug, With velvet paws beneath your head nice and snug,______of? (what/you/dream)
795 But since you’re not running from the police, ? (from whom/you/run)
796 ______to feel it a burden, this sweet festival of charity and good-will, and to look forward to it with apprehension? (anybody/begin)
797 If you knew the pain it gave me-but______of? (what/I/talk)
798 ______the sands to Kate Cassidy’s wake? (you/come over)
799 ______like a woman sane and sound? (I/act)
800 But______of, wasting your valuable time? (what/I/talk)

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701  What are you squabbling about here, you unmannerly monks? (what/you/squabble)
702  Why are you going back to America and leaving Robert Carr behind? (why/you/go)
703 Bless me, Sarah, what are you talking about? (what/you/talk)
704 If she does, she is accounted foolish (sotte), for if she doesn’t want to dance, what is she sitting there for amongst the rest? (what/she/sit)
705  Am I arguing against the necessity of the Bishop of London’s Fund? (I/argue)
706  Are we seeking for paganism to battle with? (we/seek)
707 And what are you staring at me for? (what/you/stare)
708 Suppose, for example, he learns that such a corps has passed through Jena toward Weimar, and that another has passed through Gera toward Naumburg: he must still ask himself the questions, Where are they going, and what enterprise are they engaged in? (where/they/go)
709 Why, then, and for what are we waiting? (for what/we/wait)
710 You may never be called on to perform the one hundredth part of the task undertaken willingly by that gallant Arab steed, but how are you carrying the tiny, light burdens which your every-day duties place on you? (how/you/carry)
711 You are thinking of me, I know: but what are you thinking? (what/you/think)
712 I’d be, too, if I tried to stop a ten-inch gun like Frazer… He’s singing hard… Announcements, now… What is he waiting for? (what/he/wait)
713 Are you forgetting that your sister is a woman, and that you have brought her into the presence of the dead? (you/forget)
714 What on earth are you driving at, man? (what on earth/you/drive)
715 Are you hitting for his trap line, to get even? (you/hit)
716 What are you hanging about the theatre after me for? (what/you/hang)
717 But why is he going alone instead of taking her with him? (why/he/go)
718 Is it asking too much, Bounderby, that you, so far her elder, should aid in trying to set her right? (it/ask)
719 Are we rehearsing, or is this a debating society? (we/rehearse)
720 Oh, where are you going, My pretty maiden fair, With your red rosy cheeks, And your coal-black hair? (where/you/go)
721 Then why am I writing all this trash? (why/I/write)
722 Tell me: why is he wasting his substance here? (why/he/waste)
723  What are you squeaking up at the gallery for? (what/you/squeak)
724  What are you going on in this way at me for? (what/you/go on)
725 The stars are gleaming Upon her brow: What is she dreaming So calmly now? (what/she/dream)
726  Aren’t they taking their pleasure in the spirit of the very highest fashion? (they/not/take)
727 But, dad, when are we going on our tour? (when/we/go on)
728  What are they seeking in these evolutions of theirs, which are repeated a hundred times over? (what/they/seek)
729  How are you getting on in the matter of servants? (how/you/get on)
730  Are you going up, or down, Mrs Finching? (you/go)
731 Of course, I’ve enough money to live on … so I could take up some woman’s profession … What are you smiling at? (what/you/smile)
732 Why are you behaving to me like this? (why/you/behave)
733 Is he standing, after the tempest of sorrow has swept over him, with his face in the same direction as before; or has it whirled him clean round, and set him in the other direction? (he/stand)
734 Is it thinking of the other man that has made you restless? (it/think)
735 Are you thinking of selling to any one else? (you/think)
736 What are you thinking, feeling, and reading?… My task here is irksome enough. (what/you/think)
737 Dad burn it, what are you talking about? (what/you/talk)
738 My dear fellow, what are you talking about? (what/you/talk)
739 Now, whatever are you sneaking my knapsack off like that, for? (whatever/you/sneak)
740  Where are you going with this load, and what do you carry? (where/you/go)
741 I wish I knew what became of the whiskey he had on hand when he walked off-no, I don’t either; what am I thinking about? (what/I/think)
742 My dear girl, what are you thinking of? (what/you/think)
743 Had one stopped him to ask, Where are you going? (where/you/go)
744 I say, Miss Bessie, what are you thinking of? (what/you/think)
745 Mother, where are you going with the favours? (where/you/go)
746  What are you talking about-a Signor Americano here in Valedolmo? (what/you/talk)
747  What are you thinking of, wanting to jump into the sea and drown yourselves because you’re wet through? (what/you/think)
748 But what are you thinking of, all this time? (what/you/think)
749 Look here, Irish- what are you talking about? (what/you/talk)
750 My friends, my dear friends, where are you going? (where/you/go)
751 It seems to signify, where are you going? (where/you/go)
752 What are you talking of; and what are you dreaming of? (what/you/talk) (what/you/dream)
753 What are you talking and capering at, fellow? (what/you/talk/and/caper)
754 But where are you going, that you talk about bidding goodbye? (where/you/go)
755 Why, what are you thinking of, my good sir? (what/you/think)
756 Father dear, why are you talking so solemnly and ceremoniously? (why/you/talk)
757 What are you thinking about-have you no manners? (what/you/think)
758 (Seeing him turning to enter the tent): Where are you going? (where/you/go)
759 But what are you carrying under your arm that way, Fred? (what/you/carry)
760  Where are you going now, may I ask? (where/you/go)
761  Is it driving at the universal equality and brotherhood of man? (it/drive)
762  What are you standing there for with your mouth and your eyes wide open? (what/you/stand)
763  Are you suffering from the errors of others? (you/suffer)
764 And why are you sitting here in the gloom, sewing white things? (why/you/sit)
765 Look here, Lawford, what in the name of wonder- what trick are you playing on me now? (what trick/you/play)
766  Where are you going, and what have you got? (where/you/go)
767  Why is Omniscience tarrying elsewhere, when His presence and power are above all needed at the house of His friend? (why/Omniscience/tarry)
768  Isn’t she going away with him some day? (she/not/go)
769  Is voice teaching any more accurate now than it was a hundred years ago? (voice/teach)
770 My dear Ernest, what are you laughing at? (what/you/laugh)
771 Is relief approaching to us from the world outside? (relief/approach)
772 Is he providing already for his golden thumb? (he/provide)
773 How fair is he playing the game where all your happiness is up? (how fair/he/play)
774 From what pilgrimage are you returning, by your leave? (from what pilgrimage/you/return)
775 Aren’t you coming in to see Naskowski’s lion-tamer? (you/not/come in)
776 Then what good is it discussing the matter? (what good/it/discuss)
777 Am I asking too much of you as representative men of this great Government when I ask you to let me have a voice in making the laws under which I shall be rewarded or punished? (I/ask)
778 Why are you staring at us as though we had healed this man by our own strength? (why/you/stare)
779 Is it talking of your mother that has upset you so? (it/talk)
780  To what use are we employing the faculties we already have, all of them acquired with as much pain and suffering, it may be, as any new ones we are ever likely to evolve? (to what use/we/employ)
781 But, if she’s lying, here in this letter, what is she walking on? (what/she/walk)
782  Is he keeping a death watch on the grizzled old “Desert Rat” we pass a little later? (he/keep)
783  Are you going up to the woodlands, to see the old place? (you/go)
784  Am I helping forward the general good, or am I only suffering Nature’s punishment? (I/help)
785 Now, fellar, where are you pushing to, eh? (where/you/push)
786  Where are you staying here in the city? (where/you/stay)
787 Well, what are you laughing at, Mr Dale? (what/you/laugh)
788  Aren’t you concealing the fact that she’d had measles and influenza and nervous headache and hysteria, and other things that aunts do have, long before she ate the lobster? (you/not/conceal)
789 Raphael Aben-Ezra, why are you lying here? (why/you/lie)
790 Miss Horatia, my dearie, what are you thinking about? (what/you/think)
791 I am glad to see you: how are you getting on? (how/you/get on)
792 O why and for what are we waiting? (for what/we/wait)
793 Are you seeking thus after reasons for making the wrong done to you appear pardonable? (you/seek)
794 Kitty cat, kitty cat, asleep on the rug, With velvet paws beneath your head nice and snug, What are you dreaming of? (what/you/dream)
795 But since you’re not running from the police, from whom are you running? (from whom/you/run)
796 Is anybody beginning to feel it a burden, this sweet festival of charity and good-will, and to look forward to it with apprehension? (anybody/begin)
797 If you knew the pain it gave me-but what am I talking of? (what/I/talk)
798 Are you coming over the sands to Kate Cassidy’s wake? (you/come over)
799 Am I acting like a woman sane and sound? (I/act)
800 But what am I talking of, wasting your valuable time? (what/I/talk)

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