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The Most Important Jumbled Sentence Exercise Part 22

When dealing with jumbled sentences, it’s essential to correct the sentence structure for better understanding. Phrase correction in English involves rearranging or fixing misplaced words to form coherent sentences. Identifying jumbled words within a sentence is crucial for accurate communication. Correcting sentences in English requires attention to grammar, syntax, and word order to convey the intended meaning effectively. Through practice and understanding of sentence structure, one can improve their ability to correct sentences and phrases in English, ensuring clarity and coherence in communication. For Mose Such Questions CLICK HERE to download the app.


2101 go   hope   get   I   I   to   a   Australia.   chance   to
2102 Australia.   claims   he   Tom   that   in   was   born
2103 to   hear   don’t   I   you   go   have   to   Australia.
2104 autumn.   and   moved   Tom   I   last   to   Australia
2105 long   and   lived   Tom   I   a   in   Australia   time.
2106 Boston.   think   Tom   I   that   in   has   relatives
2107 Boston.   think   has   I   Tom   in   some   relatives
2108 Boston   think   Tom   I   that   in   is   living   now.
2109 from   think   Tom   I   that   was   said   he   Boston.
2110 summer.   think   stayed   I   Tom   last   in   Boston
2111 week.   think   might   I   Tom   next   visit   Boston
2112 right   think   might   I   Tom   Boston   be   in   now.
2113 in   think   would   I   Tom   live   like   to   Boston.
2114 with   think   won’t   I   Tom   Boston   go   to   Mary.
2115 very   think   won’t   I   Tom   Boston   be   in   long.
2116 back   hope   never   I   I   go   have   Boston.   to   to
2117 twins.   think   and   I   Tom   identical   John   are
2118 both   think   Tom   I   that   are   and   Mary   awake.
2119 both   think   Tom   I   that   are   and   Mary   blind.
2120 both   think   Tom   I   that   are   and   Mary   bored.
2121 both   think   Tom   I   that   are   and   Mary   crazy.
2122 both   think   Tom   I   that   are   and   Mary   drunk.
2123 both   think   Tom   I   that   are   and   Mary   funny.
2124 both   think   Tom   I   that   are   and   Mary   lying.
2125 both   think   Tom   I   that   are   and   Mary   ready.
2126 both   think   Tom   I   that   are   and   Mary   right.
2127 both   think   Tom   I   that   are   and   Mary   smart.
2128 both   think   Tom   I   that   are   and   Mary   sorry.
2129 both   think   Tom   I   that   are   and   Mary   tired.
2130 in   think   and   I   Tom   fallen   Mary   have   love.
2131 think   Tom   I   that   subconsciously.   did   that
2132 may   think   did   I   Tom   I   that,   wrong.   but   be
2133 said   think   Tom   I   that   he   did   did.   what   he
2134 do   think   Tom   I   that   to   didn’t   agree   that.
2135 that.   think   Tom   I   that   doing   didn’t   enjoy
2136 that   think   didn’t   I   Tom   do   have   to   alone.
2137 concert.   think   Tom   I   that   the   didn’t   like
2138 that   think   didn’t   I   Tom   do   need   to   alone.
2139 yesterday.   think   Tom   I   that   me   didn’t   see
2140 here   think   didn’t   I   Tom   be   want   to   today.
2141 on   think   didn’t   I   Tom   be   want   own.   to   his
2142 often.   think   doesn’t   I   Tom   very   come   here
2143 good   think   doesn’t   I   Tom   very   have   a   job.
2144 to   think   Tom   I   that   what   doesn’t   know   do.
2145 anymore.   think   Tom   I   that   me   doesn’t   love
2146 often.   think   Tom   I   that   very   doesn’t   swim
2147 do   think   Tom   I   that   to   doesn’t   want   that.
2148 us.   think   Tom   I   that   with   enjoyed   singing
2149 along.   think   Tom   I   that   all   expected   this
2150 too   think   hangs   I   Tom   Mary   out   with   much.
2151 enough.   think   Tom   I   that   done   has   already
2152 that.   think   has   I   Tom   doing   already   tried
2153 do   think   has   I   Tom   to   already   tried   that.
2154 do   think   has   I   Tom   to   forgotten   how   that.
2155 for   think   Tom   I   that   out   has   walk.   gone   a
2156 pressure.   think   Tom   I   that   blood   has   high
2157 motives.   think   Tom   I   that   ulterior   has   no
2158 home.   think   has   I   Tom   at   serious   problems
2159 good   think   Tom   I   that   pretty   is   a   artist.
2160 Mary.   think   Tom   I   that   with   is   acquainted
2161 the   think   Tom   I   that   on   is   already   plane.
2162 going   think   is   I   Tom   what’s   amused   by   on.
2163 do   think   Tom   I   that   to   is   desperate   that.
2164 right   think   Tom   I   that   that   is   doing   now.
2165 Mary.   think   is   I   Tom   about   entirely   wrong
2166 stressed.   think   is   I   Tom   little   feeling   a
2167 to   think   is   I   Tom   try   going   Mary.   to   kill
2168 to   think   is   I   Tom   want   going   this.   to   see
2169 to   think   is   I   Tom   want   going   down.   to   sit
2170 do   think   Tom   I   that   to   is   impatient   that.
2171 little   think   Tom   I   that   a   is   just   scared.
2172 his   think   Tom   I   that   for   is   looking   keys.
2173 brother.   think   Tom   I   that   older   is   Mary’s
2174 do   think   Tom   I   that   to   is   motivated   that.
2175 doing   think   is   I   Tom   at   pretty   good   that.
2176 like   think   is   I   Tom   to   really   going   this.
2177 do   think   Tom   I   that   to   is   reluctant   that.
2178 talk   think   Tom   I   that   to   is   me.   scared   to
2179 Mary   think   Tom   I   that   than   is   smarter   is.
2180 do   think   is   I   Tom   to   still   hesitant   that.
2181 for   think   is   I   Tom   man   the   job.   right   the
2182 right   think   is   I   Tom   you   waiting   for   now.
2183 beard.   think   looks   I   Tom   a   better   without
2184 think   Tom   I   that   listening.   wasn’t   really
2185 something.   think   was   I   Tom   hide   trying   to
2186 told   think   was   I   Tom   who   the   that.   one   me
2187 to   think   was   I   Tom   one   the   that.   first   do
2188 be   think   Tom   I   that   to   was   supposed   here.
2189 do   think   Tom   I   that   to   really   wants   that.
2190 do   think   Tom   I   that   to   really   needs   that.
2191 himself.   think   Tom   I   that   by   went   hunting
2192 to   think   Tom   I   that   lying   thinks   I’m   him.
2193 Mary.   think   Tom   I   that   than   snores   louder
2194 think   Tom   I   that   attention.   needs   medical
2195 by   think   must   I   Tom   sleepy   be   pretty   now.
2196 he   think   Tom   I   that   what   means   just   said.
2197 do   think   may   I   Tom   to   be   today.   able   that
2198 to   think   might   I   Tom   able   not   that.   be   do
2199 someone.   think   Tom   I   that   seeing   might   be
2200 go   think   Tom   I   that   to   wants   him.   me   with


2101 I hope I get a chance to go to Australia.
2102 Tom claims that he was born in Australia.
2103 I hear you don’t have to go to Australia.
2104 Tom and I moved to Australia last autumn.
2105 Tom and I lived in Australia a long time.
2106 I think that Tom has relatives in Boston.
2107 I think Tom has some relatives in Boston.
2108 I think that Tom is living in Boston now.
2109 I think that Tom said he was from Boston.
2110 I think Tom stayed in Boston last summer.
2111 I think Tom might visit Boston next week.
2112 I think Tom might be in Boston right now.
2113 I think Tom would like to live in Boston.
2114 I think Tom won’t go to Boston with Mary.
2115 I think Tom won’t be in Boston very long.
2116 I hope I never have to go back to Boston.
2117 I think Tom and John are identical twins.
2118 I think that Tom and Mary are both awake.
2119 I think that Tom and Mary are both blind.
2120 I think that Tom and Mary are both bored.
2121 I think that Tom and Mary are both crazy.
2122 I think that Tom and Mary are both drunk.
2123 I think that Tom and Mary are both funny.
2124 I think that Tom and Mary are both lying.
2125 I think that Tom and Mary are both ready.
2126 I think that Tom and Mary are both right.
2127 I think that Tom and Mary are both smart.
2128 I think that Tom and Mary are both sorry.
2129 I think that Tom and Mary are both tired.
2130 I think Tom and Mary have fallen in love.
2131 I think that Tom did that subconsciously.
2132 I think Tom did that, but I may be wrong.
2133 I think that Tom did what he said he did.
2134 I think that Tom didn’t agree to do that.
2135 I think that Tom didn’t enjoy doing that.
2136 I think Tom didn’t have to do that alone.
2137 I think that Tom didn’t like the concert.
2138 I think Tom didn’t need to do that alone.
2139 I think that Tom didn’t see me yesterday.
2140 I think Tom didn’t want to be here today.
2141 I think Tom didn’t want to be on his own.
2142 I think Tom doesn’t come here very often.
2143 I think Tom doesn’t have a very good job.
2144 I think that Tom doesn’t know what to do.
2145 I think that Tom doesn’t love me anymore.
2146 I think that Tom doesn’t swim very often.
2147 I think that Tom doesn’t want to do that.
2148 I think that Tom enjoyed singing with us.
2149 I think that Tom expected this all along.
2150 I think Tom hangs out with Mary too much.
2151 I think that Tom has already done enough.
2152 I think Tom has already tried doing that.
2153 I think Tom has already tried to do that.
2154 I think Tom has forgotten how to do that.
2155 I think that Tom has gone out for a walk.
2156 I think that Tom has high blood pressure.
2157 I think that Tom has no ulterior motives.
2158 I think Tom has serious problems at home.
2159 I think that Tom is a pretty good artist.
2160 I think that Tom is acquainted with Mary.
2161 I think that Tom is already on the plane.
2162 I think Tom is amused by what’s going on.
2163 I think that Tom is desperate to do that.
2164 I think that Tom is doing that right now.
2165 I think Tom is entirely wrong about Mary.
2166 I think Tom is feeling a little stressed.
2167 I think Tom is going to try to kill Mary.
2168 I think Tom is going to want to see this.
2169 I think Tom is going to want to sit down.
2170 I think that Tom is impatient to do that.
2171 I think that Tom is just a little scared.
2172 I think that Tom is looking for his keys.
2173 I think that Tom is Mary’s older brother.
2174 I think that Tom is motivated to do that.
2175 I think Tom is pretty good at doing that.
2176 I think Tom is really going to like this.
2177 I think that Tom is reluctant to do that.
2178 I think that Tom is scared to talk to me.
2179 I think that Tom is smarter than Mary is.
2180 I think Tom is still hesitant to do that.
2181 I think Tom is the right man for the job.
2182 I think Tom is waiting for you right now.
2183 I think Tom looks better without a beard.
2184 I think that Tom wasn’t really listening.
2185 I think Tom was trying to hide something.
2186 I think Tom was the one who told me that.
2187 I think Tom was the first one to do that.
2188 I think that Tom was supposed to be here.
2189 I think that Tom really wants to do that.
2190 I think that Tom really needs to do that.
2191 I think that Tom went hunting by himself.
2192 I think that Tom thinks I’m lying to him.
2193 I think that Tom snores louder than Mary.
2194 I think that Tom needs medical attention.
2195 I think Tom must be pretty sleepy by now.
2196 I think that Tom means just what he said.
2197 I think Tom may be able to do that today.
2198 I think Tom might not be able to do that.
2199 I think that Tom might be seeing someone.
2200 I think that Tom wants me to go with him.

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