When dealing with jumbled sentences, it’s essential to correct the sentence structure for better understanding. Phrase correction in English involves rearranging or fixing misplaced words to form coherent sentences. Identifying jumbled words within a sentence is crucial for accurate communication. Correcting sentences in English requires attention to grammar, syntax, and word order to convey the intended meaning effectively. Through practice and understanding of sentence structure, one can improve their ability to correct sentences and phrases in English, ensuring clarity and coherence in communication. For Mose Such Questions CLICK HERE to download the app.
![The Most Important Jumbled Sentence Exercise Part 24 14](https://www.englishtohindisentences.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/New-English-Listening-and-Speaking-app-icon.png)
2301 | for thought said I you that you’d do Tom. |
2302 | do thought said I you us you’d help that. |
2303 | that. thought said I you doing you’d quit |
2304 | other. thought two I you each didn’t like |
2305 | other. thought two I you each should meet |
2306 | same thought you I that the two were age. |
2307 | help thought you I that to wanted me you. |
2308 | a thought you I that be wanted to dancer. |
2309 | married. thought you I that get wanted to |
2310 | movie. thought wanted I you that to watch |
2311 | to thought went I you room to your sleep. |
2312 | thought were I you proposal. against this |
2313 | Tom. thought were I you with going steady |
2314 | that thought were I you buy going to car. |
2315 | in thought were I you call going to sick. |
2316 | do thought you I that to were going that. |
2317 | do thought you I that to were going this. |
2318 | the thought were I you fix going to sink. |
2319 | to thought were I you go going to Boston. |
2320 | Harvard. thought you I that to were going |
2321 | help thought you I that to were going us. |
2322 | hurt thought you I that to were going me. |
2323 | kill thought you I that to were going me. |
2324 | with thought were I you live going to us. |
2325 | for thought were I you wait going to Tom. |
2326 | Boston. thought you I that in were raised |
2327 | Tom’s. thought you I that at were staying |
2328 | strong. thought were I you be supposed to |
2329 | thought you I that me. wouldn’t recognize |
2330 | Tom. thought you’d I that helping be busy |
2331 | thought you’d I that here. be comfortable |
2332 | that. thought you’d I that about be happy |
2333 | by thought you’d I that Boston be in now. |
2334 | thought you’d I that sympathetic. be more |
2335 | Tom. thought be I you’d with out partying |
2336 | Tom. thought be I you’d for out searching |
2337 | thought stay I you’d Boston. overnight in |
2338 | a thought you’d I that take want to look. |
2339 | thought wear I you’d that. something like |
2340 | room. thought was I there the somebody in |
2341 | of thought there I that more would be us. |
2342 | thought this I that interesting. book was |
2343 | you. thought present I this from might be |
2344 | happy. thought this I that you would make |
2345 | friends. thought Tom I that were and Mary |
2346 | married. thought and I Tom get Mary would |
2347 | money. thought could I Tom some lend Mary |
2348 | thought Tom I that French. couldn’t speak |
2349 | good thought Tom I that pretty did a job. |
2350 | do thought didn’t I Tom to know how that. |
2351 | do thought Tom I that to had agreed that. |
2352 | that. thought Tom I that done had already |
2353 | home. thought Tom I that gone had already |
2354 | that. thought had I Tom than more friends |
2355 | time. thought just I Tom more needed some |
2356 | thought Tom I that yesterday. kissed Mary |
2357 | help thought might I Tom to ask Mary him. |
2358 | to thought Tom I that able might be help. |
2359 | do thought Tom I that to might have that. |
2360 | to thought Tom I that what might know do. |
2361 | do thought Tom I that to might need that. |
2362 | do thought Tom I that to might want that. |
2363 | for thought should I Tom gift buy a Mary. |
2364 | of thought Tom I that friend was a yours. |
2365 | you. thought Tom I that with was flirting |
2366 | be thought Tom I that to was going angry. |
2367 | be thought Tom I that to was going fired. |
2368 | happy thought was I Tom be going to here. |
2369 | here thought was I Tom be going to today. |
2370 | that thought was I Tom do going to today. |
2371 | us thought was I Tom help going to today. |
2372 | with thought Tom I that love was in Mary. |
2373 | Mary. thought Tom I that than was smarter |
2374 | Boston. thought Tom I that in was unhappy |
2375 | as thought Tom I that old wasn’t as Mary. |
2376 | Monday. thought wasn’t I Tom last at home |
2377 | thought wasn’t I Tom that. finished doing |
2378 | French. thought Tom I that at wasn’t good |
2379 | French. thought wasn’t I Tom at very good |
2380 | help thought would I Tom to ask Mary him. |
2381 | the thought would I Tom to ask Mary prom. |
2382 | help thought would I Tom to be able Mary. |
2383 | by thought Tom I that awake would be now. |
2384 | at thought Tom I that hard would be work. |
2385 | party. thought Tom I that the would enjoy |
2386 | of thought would I Tom ahead get here us. |
2387 | Mary. thought would I Tom with go surfing |
2388 | Mary. thought Tom I that with would leave |
2389 | that. thought Tom I that doing would like |
2390 | do thought Tom I that to would like that. |
2391 | temper. thought Tom I that his would lose |
2392 | that. thought Tom I that doing would quit |
2393 | longer. thought would I Tom little stay a |
2394 | say thought would I Tom to stop by hello. |
2395 | that. thought Tom I that doing would stop |
2396 | Mary. thought Tom I that about would talk |
2397 | that. thought Tom I that about would talk |
2398 | do thought Tom I that to would want that. |
2399 | help thought Tom I that to would want me. |
2400 | plumbing. thought would I Tom the work on |
![The Most Important Jumbled Sentence Exercise Part 24 14](https://www.englishtohindisentences.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/New-English-Listening-and-Speaking-app-icon.png)
2301 | I thought you said you’d do that for Tom. |
2302 | I thought you said you’d help us do that. |
2303 | I thought you said you’d quit doing that. |
2304 | I thought you two didn’t like each other. |
2305 | I thought you two should meet each other. |
2306 | I thought that you two were the same age. |
2307 | I thought that you wanted me to help you. |
2308 | I thought that you wanted to be a dancer. |
2309 | I thought that you wanted to get married. |
2310 | I thought you wanted to watch that movie. |
2311 | I thought you went to your room to sleep. |
2312 | I thought you were against this proposal. |
2313 | I thought you were going steady with Tom. |
2314 | I thought you were going to buy that car. |
2315 | I thought you were going to call in sick. |
2316 | I thought that you were going to do that. |
2317 | I thought that you were going to do this. |
2318 | I thought you were going to fix the sink. |
2319 | I thought you were going to go to Boston. |
2320 | I thought that you were going to Harvard. |
2321 | I thought that you were going to help us. |
2322 | I thought that you were going to hurt me. |
2323 | I thought that you were going to kill me. |
2324 | I thought you were going to live with us. |
2325 | I thought you were going to wait for Tom. |
2326 | I thought that you were raised in Boston. |
2327 | I thought that you were staying at Tom’s. |
2328 | I thought you were supposed to be strong. |
2329 | I thought that you wouldn’t recognize me. |
2330 | I thought that you’d be busy helping Tom. |
2331 | I thought that you’d be comfortable here. |
2332 | I thought that you’d be happy about that. |
2333 | I thought that you’d be in Boston by now. |
2334 | I thought that you’d be more sympathetic. |
2335 | I thought you’d be out partying with Tom. |
2336 | I thought you’d be out searching for Tom. |
2337 | I thought you’d stay overnight in Boston. |
2338 | I thought that you’d want to take a look. |
2339 | I thought you’d wear something like that. |
2340 | I thought there was somebody in the room. |
2341 | I thought that there would be more of us. |
2342 | I thought that this book was interesting. |
2343 | I thought this present might be from you. |
2344 | I thought that this would make you happy. |
2345 | I thought that Tom and Mary were friends. |
2346 | I thought Tom and Mary would get married. |
2347 | I thought Tom could lend Mary some money. |
2348 | I thought that Tom couldn’t speak French. |
2349 | I thought that Tom did a pretty good job. |
2350 | I thought Tom didn’t know how to do that. |
2351 | I thought that Tom had agreed to do that. |
2352 | I thought that Tom had already done that. |
2353 | I thought that Tom had already gone home. |
2354 | I thought Tom had more friends than that. |
2355 | I thought Tom just needed some more time. |
2356 | I thought that Tom kissed Mary yesterday. |
2357 | I thought Tom might ask Mary to help him. |
2358 | I thought that Tom might be able to help. |
2359 | I thought that Tom might have to do that. |
2360 | I thought that Tom might know what to do. |
2361 | I thought that Tom might need to do that. |
2362 | I thought that Tom might want to do that. |
2363 | I thought Tom should buy a gift for Mary. |
2364 | I thought that Tom was a friend of yours. |
2365 | I thought that Tom was flirting with you. |
2366 | I thought that Tom was going to be angry. |
2367 | I thought that Tom was going to be fired. |
2368 | I thought Tom was going to be happy here. |
2369 | I thought Tom was going to be here today. |
2370 | I thought Tom was going to do that today. |
2371 | I thought Tom was going to help us today. |
2372 | I thought that Tom was in love with Mary. |
2373 | I thought that Tom was smarter than Mary. |
2374 | I thought that Tom was unhappy in Boston. |
2375 | I thought that Tom wasn’t as old as Mary. |
2376 | I thought Tom wasn’t at home last Monday. |
2377 | I thought Tom wasn’t finished doing that. |
2378 | I thought that Tom wasn’t good at French. |
2379 | I thought Tom wasn’t very good at French. |
2380 | I thought Tom would ask Mary to help him. |
2381 | I thought Tom would ask Mary to the prom. |
2382 | I thought Tom would be able to help Mary. |
2383 | I thought that Tom would be awake by now. |
2384 | I thought that Tom would be hard at work. |
2385 | I thought that Tom would enjoy the party. |
2386 | I thought Tom would get here ahead of us. |
2387 | I thought Tom would go surfing with Mary. |
2388 | I thought that Tom would leave with Mary. |
2389 | I thought that Tom would like doing that. |
2390 | I thought that Tom would like to do that. |
2391 | I thought that Tom would lose his temper. |
2392 | I thought that Tom would quit doing that. |
2393 | I thought Tom would stay a little longer. |
2394 | I thought Tom would stop by to say hello. |
2395 | I thought that Tom would stop doing that. |
2396 | I thought that Tom would talk about Mary. |
2397 | I thought that Tom would talk about that. |
2398 | I thought that Tom would want to do that. |
2399 | I thought that Tom would want to help me. |
2400 | I thought Tom would work on the plumbing. |
![The Most Important Jumbled Sentence Exercise Part 24 16](https://www.englishtohindisentences.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/jumbled_sentences_35-300x157.png)
The Most Important Jumbled Sentence Exercise Part 35
When dealing with jumbled sentences, it’s essential to correct the sentence structure for better understanding. Phrase correction in English involves rearranging or fixing misplaced words
![The Most Important Jumbled Sentence Exercise Part 24 17](https://www.englishtohindisentences.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/jumbled_sentences_33-300x157.png)
The Most Important Jumbled Sentence Exercise Part 33
When dealing with jumbled sentences, it’s essential to correct the sentence structure for better understanding. Phrase correction in English involves rearranging or fixing misplaced words
![The Most Important Jumbled Sentence Exercise Part 24 18](https://www.englishtohindisentences.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/jumbled_sentences_40-300x157.png)
The Most Important Jumbled Sentence Exercise Part 40
When dealing with jumbled sentences, it’s essential to correct the sentence structure for better understanding. Phrase correction in English involves rearranging or fixing misplaced words
![The Most Important Jumbled Sentence Exercise Part 24 19](https://www.englishtohindisentences.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/jumbled_sentences_31-300x157.png)
The Most Important Jumbled Sentence Exercise Part 31
When dealing with jumbled sentences, it’s essential to correct the sentence structure for better understanding. Phrase correction in English involves rearranging or fixing misplaced words
![The Most Important Jumbled Sentence Exercise Part 24 20](https://www.englishtohindisentences.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/jumbled_sentence_exercise_26-300x157.png)
The Most Important Jumbled Sentence Exercise Part 26
When dealing with jumbled sentences, it’s essential to correct the sentence structure for better understanding. Phrase correction in English involves rearranging or fixing misplaced words
![The Most Important Jumbled Sentence Exercise Part 24 21](https://www.englishtohindisentences.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/jumbled_sentence_exercise_21-300x157.png)
The Most Important Jumbled Sentence Exercise Part 21
When dealing with jumbled sentences, it’s essential to correct the sentence structure for better understanding. Phrase correction in English involves rearranging or fixing misplaced words