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The Most Important Jumbled Sentence Exercise Part 24

When dealing with jumbled sentences, it’s essential to correct the sentence structure for better understanding. Phrase correction in English involves rearranging or fixing misplaced words to form coherent sentences. Identifying jumbled words within a sentence is crucial for accurate communication. Correcting sentences in English requires attention to grammar, syntax, and word order to convey the intended meaning effectively. Through practice and understanding of sentence structure, one can improve their ability to correct sentences and phrases in English, ensuring clarity and coherence in communication. For Mose Such Questions CLICK HERE to download the app.


2301 for   thought   said   I   you   that   you’d   do   Tom.
2302 do   thought   said   I   you   us   you’d   help   that.
2303 that.   thought   said   I   you   doing   you’d   quit
2304 other.   thought   two   I   you   each   didn’t   like
2305 other.   thought   two   I   you   each   should   meet
2306 same   thought   you   I   that   the   two   were   age.
2307 help   thought   you   I   that   to   wanted   me   you.
2308 a   thought   you   I   that   be   wanted   to   dancer.
2309 married.   thought   you   I   that   get   wanted   to
2310 movie.   thought   wanted   I   you   that   to   watch
2311 to   thought   went   I   you   room   to   your   sleep.
2312 thought   were   I   you   proposal.   against   this
2313 Tom.   thought   were   I   you   with   going   steady
2314 that   thought   were   I   you   buy   going   to   car.
2315 in   thought   were   I   you   call   going   to   sick.
2316 do   thought   you   I   that   to   were   going   that.
2317 do   thought   you   I   that   to   were   going   this.
2318 the   thought   were   I   you   fix   going   to   sink.
2319 to   thought   were   I   you   go   going   to   Boston.
2320 Harvard.   thought   you   I   that   to   were   going
2321 help   thought   you   I   that   to   were   going   us.
2322 hurt   thought   you   I   that   to   were   going   me.
2323 kill   thought   you   I   that   to   were   going   me.
2324 with   thought   were   I   you   live   going   to   us.
2325 for   thought   were   I   you   wait   going   to   Tom.
2326 Boston.   thought   you   I   that   in   were   raised
2327 Tom’s.   thought   you   I   that   at   were   staying
2328 strong.   thought   were   I   you   be   supposed   to
2329 thought   you   I   that   me.   wouldn’t   recognize
2330 Tom.   thought   you’d   I   that   helping   be   busy
2331 thought   you’d   I   that   here.   be   comfortable
2332 that.   thought   you’d   I   that   about   be   happy
2333 by   thought   you’d   I   that   Boston   be   in   now.
2334 thought   you’d   I   that   sympathetic.   be   more
2335 Tom.   thought   be   I   you’d   with   out   partying
2336 Tom.   thought   be   I   you’d   for   out   searching
2337 thought   stay   I   you’d   Boston.   overnight   in
2338 a   thought   you’d   I   that   take   want   to   look.
2339 thought   wear   I   you’d   that.   something   like
2340 room.   thought   was   I   there   the   somebody   in
2341 of   thought   there   I   that   more   would   be   us.
2342 thought   this   I   that   interesting.   book   was
2343 you.   thought   present   I   this   from   might   be
2344 happy.   thought   this   I   that   you   would   make
2345 friends.   thought   Tom   I   that   were   and   Mary
2346 married.   thought   and   I   Tom   get   Mary   would
2347 money.   thought   could   I   Tom   some   lend   Mary
2348 thought   Tom   I   that   French.   couldn’t   speak
2349 good   thought   Tom   I   that   pretty   did   a   job.
2350 do   thought   didn’t   I   Tom   to   know   how   that.
2351 do   thought   Tom   I   that   to   had   agreed   that.
2352 that.   thought   Tom   I   that   done   had   already
2353 home.   thought   Tom   I   that   gone   had   already
2354 that.   thought   had   I   Tom   than   more   friends
2355 time.   thought   just   I   Tom   more   needed   some
2356 thought   Tom   I   that   yesterday.   kissed   Mary
2357 help   thought   might   I   Tom   to   ask   Mary   him.
2358 to   thought   Tom   I   that   able   might   be   help.
2359 do   thought   Tom   I   that   to   might   have   that.
2360 to   thought   Tom   I   that   what   might   know   do.
2361 do   thought   Tom   I   that   to   might   need   that.
2362 do   thought   Tom   I   that   to   might   want   that.
2363 for   thought   should   I   Tom   gift   buy   a   Mary.
2364 of   thought   Tom   I   that   friend   was   a   yours.
2365 you.   thought   Tom   I   that   with   was   flirting
2366 be   thought   Tom   I   that   to   was   going   angry.
2367 be   thought   Tom   I   that   to   was   going   fired.
2368 happy   thought   was   I   Tom   be   going   to   here.
2369 here   thought   was   I   Tom   be   going   to   today.
2370 that   thought   was   I   Tom   do   going   to   today.
2371 us   thought   was   I   Tom   help   going   to   today.
2372 with   thought   Tom   I   that   love   was   in   Mary.
2373 Mary.   thought   Tom   I   that   than   was   smarter
2374 Boston.   thought   Tom   I   that   in   was   unhappy
2375 as   thought   Tom   I   that   old   wasn’t   as   Mary.
2376 Monday.   thought   wasn’t   I   Tom   last   at   home
2377 thought   wasn’t   I   Tom   that.   finished   doing
2378 French.   thought   Tom   I   that   at   wasn’t   good
2379 French.   thought   wasn’t   I   Tom   at   very   good
2380 help   thought   would   I   Tom   to   ask   Mary   him.
2381 the   thought   would   I   Tom   to   ask   Mary   prom.
2382 help   thought   would   I   Tom   to   be   able   Mary.
2383 by   thought   Tom   I   that   awake   would   be   now.
2384 at   thought   Tom   I   that   hard   would   be   work.
2385 party.   thought   Tom   I   that   the   would   enjoy
2386 of   thought   would   I   Tom   ahead   get   here   us.
2387 Mary.   thought   would   I   Tom   with   go   surfing
2388 Mary.   thought   Tom   I   that   with   would   leave
2389 that.   thought   Tom   I   that   doing   would   like
2390 do   thought   Tom   I   that   to   would   like   that.
2391 temper.   thought   Tom   I   that   his   would   lose
2392 that.   thought   Tom   I   that   doing   would   quit
2393 longer.   thought   would   I   Tom   little   stay   a
2394 say   thought   would   I   Tom   to   stop   by   hello.
2395 that.   thought   Tom   I   that   doing   would   stop
2396 Mary.   thought   Tom   I   that   about   would   talk
2397 that.   thought   Tom   I   that   about   would   talk
2398 do   thought   Tom   I   that   to   would   want   that.
2399 help   thought   Tom   I   that   to   would   want   me.
2400 plumbing.   thought   would   I   Tom   the   work   on


2301 I thought you said you’d do that for Tom.
2302 I thought you said you’d help us do that.
2303 I thought you said you’d quit doing that.
2304 I thought you two didn’t like each other.
2305 I thought you two should meet each other.
2306 I thought that you two were the same age.
2307 I thought that you wanted me to help you.
2308 I thought that you wanted to be a dancer.
2309 I thought that you wanted to get married.
2310 I thought you wanted to watch that movie.
2311 I thought you went to your room to sleep.
2312 I thought you were against this proposal.
2313 I thought you were going steady with Tom.
2314 I thought you were going to buy that car.
2315 I thought you were going to call in sick.
2316 I thought that you were going to do that.
2317 I thought that you were going to do this.
2318 I thought you were going to fix the sink.
2319 I thought you were going to go to Boston.
2320 I thought that you were going to Harvard.
2321 I thought that you were going to help us.
2322 I thought that you were going to hurt me.
2323 I thought that you were going to kill me.
2324 I thought you were going to live with us.
2325 I thought you were going to wait for Tom.
2326 I thought that you were raised in Boston.
2327 I thought that you were staying at Tom’s.
2328 I thought you were supposed to be strong.
2329 I thought that you wouldn’t recognize me.
2330 I thought that you’d be busy helping Tom.
2331 I thought that you’d be comfortable here.
2332 I thought that you’d be happy about that.
2333 I thought that you’d be in Boston by now.
2334 I thought that you’d be more sympathetic.
2335 I thought you’d be out partying with Tom.
2336 I thought you’d be out searching for Tom.
2337 I thought you’d stay overnight in Boston.
2338 I thought that you’d want to take a look.
2339 I thought you’d wear something like that.
2340 I thought there was somebody in the room.
2341 I thought that there would be more of us.
2342 I thought that this book was interesting.
2343 I thought this present might be from you.
2344 I thought that this would make you happy.
2345 I thought that Tom and Mary were friends.
2346 I thought Tom and Mary would get married.
2347 I thought Tom could lend Mary some money.
2348 I thought that Tom couldn’t speak French.
2349 I thought that Tom did a pretty good job.
2350 I thought Tom didn’t know how to do that.
2351 I thought that Tom had agreed to do that.
2352 I thought that Tom had already done that.
2353 I thought that Tom had already gone home.
2354 I thought Tom had more friends than that.
2355 I thought Tom just needed some more time.
2356 I thought that Tom kissed Mary yesterday.
2357 I thought Tom might ask Mary to help him.
2358 I thought that Tom might be able to help.
2359 I thought that Tom might have to do that.
2360 I thought that Tom might know what to do.
2361 I thought that Tom might need to do that.
2362 I thought that Tom might want to do that.
2363 I thought Tom should buy a gift for Mary.
2364 I thought that Tom was a friend of yours.
2365 I thought that Tom was flirting with you.
2366 I thought that Tom was going to be angry.
2367 I thought that Tom was going to be fired.
2368 I thought Tom was going to be happy here.
2369 I thought Tom was going to be here today.
2370 I thought Tom was going to do that today.
2371 I thought Tom was going to help us today.
2372 I thought that Tom was in love with Mary.
2373 I thought that Tom was smarter than Mary.
2374 I thought that Tom was unhappy in Boston.
2375 I thought that Tom wasn’t as old as Mary.
2376 I thought Tom wasn’t at home last Monday.
2377 I thought Tom wasn’t finished doing that.
2378 I thought that Tom wasn’t good at French.
2379 I thought Tom wasn’t very good at French.
2380 I thought Tom would ask Mary to help him.
2381 I thought Tom would ask Mary to the prom.
2382 I thought Tom would be able to help Mary.
2383 I thought that Tom would be awake by now.
2384 I thought that Tom would be hard at work.
2385 I thought that Tom would enjoy the party.
2386 I thought Tom would get here ahead of us.
2387 I thought Tom would go surfing with Mary.
2388 I thought that Tom would leave with Mary.
2389 I thought that Tom would like doing that.
2390 I thought that Tom would like to do that.
2391 I thought that Tom would lose his temper.
2392 I thought that Tom would quit doing that.
2393 I thought Tom would stay a little longer.
2394 I thought Tom would stop by to say hello.
2395 I thought that Tom would stop doing that.
2396 I thought that Tom would talk about Mary.
2397 I thought that Tom would talk about that.
2398 I thought that Tom would want to do that.
2399 I thought that Tom would want to help me.
2400 I thought Tom would work on the plumbing.

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