When dealing with jumbled sentences, it’s essential to correct the sentence structure for better understanding. Phrase correction in English involves rearranging or fixing misplaced words to form coherent sentences. Identifying jumbled words within a sentence is crucial for accurate communication. Correcting sentences in English requires attention to grammar, syntax, and word order to convey the intended meaning effectively. Through practice and understanding of sentence structure, one can improve their ability to correct sentences and phrases in English, ensuring clarity and coherence in communication. For Mose Such Questions CLICK HERE to download the app.
2501 | do thought I Tom that to might have that. |
2502 | do thought I Tom that to might need that. |
2503 | do thought I Tom that to might want that. |
2504 | him. thought I Tom that with was flirting |
2505 | good thought it Tom that a would be idea. |
2506 | thought Mary Tom that French. could speak |
2507 | thought didn’t Tom Mary anymore. like him |
2508 | of thought Mary Tom that lot had a money. |
2509 | thought Mary Tom that kidnapped. had been |
2510 | thought had Tom Mary that. finished doing |
2511 | mistake. thought Mary Tom that a had made |
2512 | was. thought knew Tom Mary father who his |
2513 | that. thought might Tom Mary do refuse to |
2514 | thought Mary Tom that win. probably would |
2515 | thought Mary Tom that busy. seemed really |
2516 | bedroom. thought Mary Tom that her was in |
2517 | thought wasn’t Tom Mary blonde. a natural |
2518 | cook. thought wasn’t Tom Mary good a very |
2519 | thought wasn’t Tom Mary today. doing that |
2520 | here. thought wasn’t Tom Mary be going to |
2521 | that. thought wasn’t Tom Mary do going to |
2522 | that. thought wasn’t Tom Mary do ready to |
2523 | soon. thought Mary Tom that back would be |
2524 | thought Mary Tom that depressed. would be |
2525 | thought Mary Tom that exhausted. would be |
2526 | thought Mary Tom that impressed. would be |
2527 | now. thought would Tom Mary by be retired |
2528 | thought Mary Tom that surprised. would be |
2529 | party. thought would Tom Mary his come to |
2530 | that. thought would Tom Mary do forget to |
2531 | thought Mary Tom that him. would remember |
2532 | thought wouldn’t Tom Mary busy. likely be |
2533 | thought wouldn’t Tom Mary that. likely do |
2534 | thought cooking Tom Mary’s was delicious. |
2535 | thought Mary’s Tom that perfect. plan was |
2536 | thought plan Tom Mary’s good. wasn’t very |
2537 | thought situation Tom the sad. was really |
2538 | thought you’d Tom that that. already done |
2539 | one. thought you’d Tom that blue prefer a |
2540 | do. thinks doesn’t Tom Mary to knows what |
2541 | beach. thinks is Tom Mary the probably at |
2542 | do thinks Mary Tom that to is ready that. |
2543 | me. thinks Mary Tom that than is stronger |
2544 | now. thinks Mary Tom that Boston isn’t in |
2545 | is. thinks Mary Tom that John knows where |
2546 | blue. thinks Mary Tom that in looks great |
2547 | thinks Mary Tom that interested. might be |
2548 | careful. thinks needs Tom Mary more to be |
2549 | thinks Mary Tom that cry. probably didn’t |
2550 | thinks Mary Tom that win. probably didn’t |
2551 | thinks should Tom Mary John. apologize to |
2552 | thinks Mary Tom that cooperative. will be |
2553 | thinks Mary Tom that discouraged. will be |
2554 | thinks Mary Tom that embarrassed. will be |
2555 | thinks Mary Tom that heartbroken. will be |
2556 | thinks Mary Tom that sympathetic. will be |
2557 | thinks Mary Tom that unimpressed. will be |
2558 | thinks will Tom Mary husband. divorce her |
2559 | that. thinks Mary Tom that do will really |
2560 | thinks Mary Tom that interested. won’t be |
2561 | thinks Mary Tom that suspicious. won’t be |
2562 | herself. thinks won’t Tom Mary by do that |
2563 | thinks won’t Tom Mary dessert. likely eat |
2564 | thinks Mary Tom that interested. would be |
2565 | that. thinks wouldn’t Tom Mary do have to |
2566 | that. thinks wouldn’t Tom Mary do need to |
2567 | that. thinks wouldn’t Tom Mary do want to |
2568 | thinks this Tom that reasonable. price is |
2569 | died. thinks his Tom it’s Mary fault that |
2570 | experience. thinks it Tom that good was a |
2571 | vegetables. thinks need Tom I more to eat |
2572 | women. thinks he’s Tom that to God’s gift |
2573 | wants. thinks he Tom that Mary knows what |
2574 | on. thinks he Tom that going knows what’s |
2575 | went. thinks he Tom that Mary knows where |
2576 | answer. thinks he Tom that the might have |
2577 | herself. thinks can Tom Mary of take care |
2578 | yourself. thinks can Tom you of take care |
2579 | do. knows got Tom he’s to some explaining |
2580 | happens. knows I Tom that what don’t care |
2581 | early. knows I Tom that leave don’t often |
2582 | lunch. knows Mary Tom that any didn’t eat |
2583 | drive. knows doesn’t Tom Mary to know how |
2584 | knows Mary Tom that French. doesn’t speak |
2585 | knows is Tom Mary alcoholic. a recovering |
2586 | do knows Mary Tom that to knows how that. |
2587 | a knows what Tom that was he did mistake. |
2588 | now. knows shouldn’t Tom he that be doing |
2589 | here. knows he Tom that that shouldn’t do |
2590 | do knows never Tom he’ll to be able that. |
2591 | arrested. knows he’s Tom that be going to |
2592 | punished. knows he’s Tom that be going to |
2593 | that knows he’s Tom that do got to today. |
2594 | punished. knows not Tom he’s be likely to |
2595 | Mary. knows borrowed Tom I from the money |
2596 | very knows I Tom that that can’t do well. |
2597 | well. knows can’t Tom I very speak French |
2598 | do knows I Tom that to didn’t agree that. |
2599 | do knows I Tom that to was supposed that. |
2600 | truth. knows Mary Tom that the is telling |
2501 | Tom thought that I might have to do that. |
2502 | Tom thought that I might need to do that. |
2503 | Tom thought that I might want to do that. |
2504 | Tom thought that I was flirting with him. |
2505 | Tom thought that it would be a good idea. |
2506 | Tom thought that Mary could speak French. |
2507 | Tom thought Mary didn’t like him anymore. |
2508 | Tom thought that Mary had a lot of money. |
2509 | Tom thought that Mary had been kidnapped. |
2510 | Tom thought Mary had finished doing that. |
2511 | Tom thought that Mary had made a mistake. |
2512 | Tom thought Mary knew who his father was. |
2513 | Tom thought Mary might refuse to do that. |
2514 | Tom thought that Mary probably would win. |
2515 | Tom thought that Mary seemed really busy. |
2516 | Tom thought that Mary was in her bedroom. |
2517 | Tom thought Mary wasn’t a natural blonde. |
2518 | Tom thought Mary wasn’t a very good cook. |
2519 | Tom thought Mary wasn’t doing that today. |
2520 | Tom thought Mary wasn’t going to be here. |
2521 | Tom thought Mary wasn’t going to do that. |
2522 | Tom thought Mary wasn’t ready to do that. |
2523 | Tom thought that Mary would be back soon. |
2524 | Tom thought that Mary would be depressed. |
2525 | Tom thought that Mary would be exhausted. |
2526 | Tom thought that Mary would be impressed. |
2527 | Tom thought Mary would be retired by now. |
2528 | Tom thought that Mary would be surprised. |
2529 | Tom thought Mary would come to his party. |
2530 | Tom thought Mary would forget to do that. |
2531 | Tom thought that Mary would remember him. |
2532 | Tom thought Mary wouldn’t likely be busy. |
2533 | Tom thought Mary wouldn’t likely do that. |
2534 | Tom thought Mary’s cooking was delicious. |
2535 | Tom thought that Mary’s plan was perfect. |
2536 | Tom thought Mary’s plan wasn’t very good. |
2537 | Tom thought the situation was really sad. |
2538 | Tom thought that you’d already done that. |
2539 | Tom thought that you’d prefer a blue one. |
2540 | Tom thinks Mary doesn’t knows what to do. |
2541 | Tom thinks Mary is probably at the beach. |
2542 | Tom thinks that Mary is ready to do that. |
2543 | Tom thinks that Mary is stronger than me. |
2544 | Tom thinks that Mary isn’t in Boston now. |
2545 | Tom thinks that Mary knows where John is. |
2546 | Tom thinks that Mary looks great in blue. |
2547 | Tom thinks that Mary might be interested. |
2548 | Tom thinks Mary needs to be more careful. |
2549 | Tom thinks that Mary probably didn’t cry. |
2550 | Tom thinks that Mary probably didn’t win. |
2551 | Tom thinks Mary should apologize to John. |
2552 | Tom thinks that Mary will be cooperative. |
2553 | Tom thinks that Mary will be discouraged. |
2554 | Tom thinks that Mary will be embarrassed. |
2555 | Tom thinks that Mary will be heartbroken. |
2556 | Tom thinks that Mary will be sympathetic. |
2557 | Tom thinks that Mary will be unimpressed. |
2558 | Tom thinks Mary will divorce her husband. |
2559 | Tom thinks that Mary will really do that. |
2560 | Tom thinks that Mary won’t be interested. |
2561 | Tom thinks that Mary won’t be suspicious. |
2562 | Tom thinks Mary won’t do that by herself. |
2563 | Tom thinks Mary won’t likely eat dessert. |
2564 | Tom thinks that Mary would be interested. |
2565 | Tom thinks Mary wouldn’t have to do that. |
2566 | Tom thinks Mary wouldn’t need to do that. |
2567 | Tom thinks Mary wouldn’t want to do that. |
2568 | Tom thinks that this price is reasonable. |
2569 | Tom thinks it’s his fault that Mary died. |
2570 | Tom thinks that it was a good experience. |
2571 | Tom thinks I need to eat more vegetables. |
2572 | Tom thinks that he’s God’s gift to women. |
2573 | Tom thinks that he knows what Mary wants. |
2574 | Tom thinks that he knows what’s going on. |
2575 | Tom thinks that he knows where Mary went. |
2576 | Tom thinks that he might have the answer. |
2577 | Tom thinks Mary can take care of herself. |
2578 | Tom thinks you can take care of yourself. |
2579 | Tom knows he’s got some explaining to do. |
2580 | Tom knows that I don’t care what happens. |
2581 | Tom knows that I don’t often leave early. |
2582 | Tom knows that Mary didn’t eat any lunch. |
2583 | Tom knows Mary doesn’t know how to drive. |
2584 | Tom knows that Mary doesn’t speak French. |
2585 | Tom knows Mary is a recovering alcoholic. |
2586 | Tom knows that Mary knows how to do that. |
2587 | Tom knows that what he did was a mistake. |
2588 | Tom knows he shouldn’t be doing that now. |
2589 | Tom knows that he shouldn’t do that here. |
2590 | Tom knows he’ll never be able to do that. |
2591 | Tom knows that he’s going to be arrested. |
2592 | Tom knows that he’s going to be punished. |
2593 | Tom knows that he’s got to do that today. |
2594 | Tom knows he’s not likely to be punished. |
2595 | Tom knows I borrowed the money from Mary. |
2596 | Tom knows that I can’t do that very well. |
2597 | Tom knows I can’t speak French very well. |
2598 | Tom knows that I didn’t agree to do that. |
2599 | Tom knows that I was supposed to do that. |
2600 | Tom knows that Mary is telling the truth. |
The Most Important Jumbled Sentence Exercise Part 20
When dealing with jumbled sentences, it’s essential to correct the sentence structure for better understanding. Phrase correction in English involves rearranging or fixing misplaced words
The Most Important Jumbled Sentence Exercise Part 18
When dealing with jumbled sentences, it’s essential to correct the sentence structure for better understanding. Phrase correction in English involves rearranging or fixing misplaced words
The Most Important Jumbled Sentence Exercise Part 19
When dealing with jumbled sentences, it’s essential to correct the sentence structure for better understanding. Phrase correction in English involves rearranging or fixing misplaced words
The Most Important Jumbled Sentence Exercise Part 13
When dealing with jumbled sentences, it’s essential to correct the sentence structure for better understanding. Phrase correction in English involves rearranging or fixing misplaced words
The Most Important Jumbled Sentence Exercise Part 12
When dealing with jumbled sentences, it’s essential to correct the sentence structure for better understanding. Phrase correction in English involves rearranging or fixing misplaced words
The Most Important Jumbled Sentence Exercise Part 11
When dealing with jumbled sentences, it’s essential to correct the sentence structure for better understanding. Phrase correction in English involves rearranging or fixing misplaced words