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The Most Important Jumbled Sentence Exercise Part 27

When dealing with jumbled sentences, it’s essential to correct the sentence structure for better understanding. Phrase correction in English involves rearranging or fixing misplaced words to form coherent sentences. Identifying jumbled words within a sentence is crucial for accurate communication. Correcting sentences in English requires attention to grammar, syntax, and word order to convey the intended meaning effectively. Through practice and understanding of sentence structure, one can improve their ability to correct sentences and phrases in English, ensuring clarity and coherence in communication. For Mose Such Questions CLICK HERE to download the app.


2601 that.   knows   isn’t   Tom   Mary   do   supposed   to
2602 married.   knows   Mary   Tom   that   get   wants   to
2603 to   knows   Mary   Tom   that   able   won’t   be   win.
2604 that.   knows   Mary   Tom   that   do   won’t   likely
2605 with   knows   Mary   Tom   that   love   is   in   John.
2606 him.   knows   police   Tom   the   for   are   looking
2607 can   knows   there’s   Tom   that   he   no   way   win.
2608 issue.   knows   this   Tom   that   sensitive   is   a
2609 situation.   knows   this   Tom   that   tough   is   a
2610 Mary.   knows   this   Tom   that   to   is   important
2611 longer.   knows   we   Tom   that   much   can’t   wait
2612 for   knows   we   Tom   that   this   didn’t   do   him.
2613 that.   knows   weren’t   Tom   we   do   supposed   to
2614 knows   you’ll   Tom   that   Mary.   never   forgive
2615 said   snoring   Tom   your   Mary.   didn’t   bother
2616 said   you’re   Tom   that   roommate.   a   terrible
2617 talk   said   were   Tom   you   to   too   us.   busy   to
2618 morning.   said   you   Tom   that   this   were   late
2619 come   said   you   Tom   that   to   wanted   me   here.
2620 careful.   said   you   Tom   that   more   should   be
2621 movies.   said   like   Tom   you   horror   to   watch
2622 to   said   you   Tom   that   how   don’t   know   swim.
2623 be   said   didn’t   Tom   you   to   want   Mary   here.
2624 here.   said   weren’t   Tom   we   swim   allowed   to
2625 Mary.   said   we   Tom   that   at   shouldn’t   laugh
2626 again.   said   we   Tom   that   that   shouldn’t   do
2627 at   said   we   Tom   that   leave   needed   to   once.
2628 good.   said   this   Tom   that   pretty   movie   was
2629 to   said   there   Tom   that   work   was   still   do.
2630 said   the   Tom   that   confident.   team   remains
2631 him.   said   the   Tom   that   bother   heat   didn’t
2632 said   the   Tom   that   deliberate.   fire   wasn’t
2633 for   said   the   Tom   that   looking   FBI   was   me.
2634 up.   said   the   Tom   that   him   earthquake   woke
2635 good.   said   the   Tom   that   quite   concert   was
2636 him.   said   the   Tom   that   bother   cold   didn’t
2637 to   said   coffee   Tom   the   hot   was   too   drink.
2638 along.   said   the   Tom   that   get   children   all
2639 on   said   no   Tom   that   was   one   bus.   else   the
2640 the   said   nobody   Tom   that   on   else   was   bus.
2641 help   said   no   Tom   that   could   one   else   him.
2642 him.   said   nobody   Tom   that   help   else   could
2643 as   said   dog   Tom   Mary’s   big   wasn’t   as   his.
2644 said   Mary’s   Tom   that   friendly.   dog   seemed
2645 said   comments   Tom   Mary’s   were   misleading.
2646 win.   said   Mary   Tom   that   likely   would   very
2647 cry.   said   Mary   Tom   that   likely   would   very
2648 tomorrow.   said   Mary   Tom   that   me   would   see
2649 win.   said   Mary   Tom   that   likely   would   most
2650 said   Mary   Tom   that   complain.   would   likely
2651 she   said   would   Tom   Mary   if   do   that   could.
2652 later.   said   Mary   Tom   that   coming   would   be
2653 much.   said   won’t   Tom   Mary   very   likely   eat
2654 that.   said   Mary   Tom   that   do   will   unlikely
2655 soon.   said   will   Tom   Mary   back   probably   be
2656 Australia.   said   Mary   Tom   that   to   will   fly
2657 tomorrow.   said   Mary   Tom   that   that   will   do
2658 that.   said   wasn’t   Tom   Mary   do   hesitant   to
2659 fun.   said   Mary   Tom   that   any   wasn’t   having
2660 French.   said   Mary   Tom   that   at   wasn’t   good
2661 said   wasn’t   Tom   Mary   that.   finished   doing
2662 you.   said   Mary   Tom   that   about   was   worried
2663 Boston.   said   Mary   Tom   that   in   was   working
2664 do   said   Mary   Tom   that   to   was   unable   that.
2665 to   said   Mary   Tom   that   young   was   too   vote.
2666 she   said   was   Tom   Mary   what   sorry   for   did.
2667 surfing.   said   was   Tom   Mary   go   planning   to
2668 terrified.   said   was   Tom   Mary   be   likely   to
2669 surprised.   said   was   Tom   Mary   be   likely   to
2670 be   said   Mary   Tom   that   to   was   likely   slow.
2671 skeptical.   said   was   Tom   Mary   be   likely   to
2672 obstinate.   said   was   Tom   Mary   be   likely   to
2673 objective.   said   was   Tom   Mary   be   likely   to
2674 miserable.   said   was   Tom   Mary   be   likely   to
2675 be   said   Mary   Tom   that   to   was   likely   last.
2676 irritated.   said   was   Tom   Mary   be   likely   to
2677 incorrect.   said   was   Tom   Mary   be   likely   to
2678 impressed.   said   was   Tom   Mary   be   likely   to
2679 be   said   Mary   Tom   that   to   was   likely   home.
2680 exhausted.   said   was   Tom   Mary   be   likely   to
2681 be   said   Mary   Tom   that   to   was   likely   done.
2682 desperate.   said   was   Tom   Mary   be   likely   to
2683 depressed.   said   was   Tom   Mary   be   likely   to
2684 concerned.   said   was   Tom   Mary   be   likely   to
2685 be   said   Mary   Tom   that   to   was   likely   cold.
2686 back   said   was   Tom   Mary   be   likely   to   soon.
2687 Monday.   said   Mary   Tom   that   every   was   home
2688 did   said   Mary   Tom   that   he   was   happy   that.
2689 did   said   was   Tom   Mary   you   glad   that   that.
2690 did   said   Mary   Tom   that   she   was   glad   that.
2691 win.   said   Mary   Tom   that   to   was   determined
2692 dinner.   said   was   Tom   Mary   for   coming   over
2693 that   said   was   Tom   Mary   do   asked   to   again.
2694 do   said   Mary   Tom   that   to   was   afraid   that.
2695 do   said   Mary   Tom   that   to   wants   John   that.
2696 tomorrow.   said   wanted   Tom   Mary   that   to   do
2697 do   said   Mary   Tom   that   to   wanted   him   that.
2698 do   said   thought   Tom   Mary   to   she   had   that.
2699 said   Mary   Tom   that   away.   should’ve   walked
2700 fruit.   said   Mary   Tom   that   more   should   eat


2601 Tom knows Mary isn’t supposed to do that.
2602 Tom knows that Mary wants to get married.
2603 Tom knows that Mary won’t be able to win.
2604 Tom knows that Mary won’t likely do that.
2605 Tom knows that Mary is in love with John.
2606 Tom knows the police are looking for him.
2607 Tom knows that there’s no way he can win.
2608 Tom knows that this is a sensitive issue.
2609 Tom knows that this is a tough situation.
2610 Tom knows that this is important to Mary.
2611 Tom knows that we can’t wait much longer.
2612 Tom knows that we didn’t do this for him.
2613 Tom knows we weren’t supposed to do that.
2614 Tom knows that you’ll never forgive Mary.
2615 Tom said your snoring didn’t bother Mary.
2616 Tom said that you’re a terrible roommate.
2617 Tom said you were too busy to talk to us.
2618 Tom said that you were late this morning.
2619 Tom said that you wanted me to come here.
2620 Tom said that you should be more careful.
2621 Tom said you like to watch horror movies.
2622 Tom said that you don’t know how to swim.
2623 Tom said you didn’t want Mary to be here.
2624 Tom said we weren’t allowed to swim here.
2625 Tom said that we shouldn’t laugh at Mary.
2626 Tom said that we shouldn’t do that again.
2627 Tom said that we needed to leave at once.
2628 Tom said that this movie was pretty good.
2629 Tom said that there was still work to do.
2630 Tom said that the team remains confident.
2631 Tom said that the heat didn’t bother him.
2632 Tom said that the fire wasn’t deliberate.
2633 Tom said that the FBI was looking for me.
2634 Tom said that the earthquake woke him up.
2635 Tom said that the concert was quite good.
2636 Tom said that the cold didn’t bother him.
2637 Tom said the coffee was too hot to drink.
2638 Tom said that the children all get along.
2639 Tom said that no one else was on the bus.
2640 Tom said that nobody else was on the bus.
2641 Tom said that no one else could help him.
2642 Tom said that nobody else could help him.
2643 Tom said Mary’s dog wasn’t as big as his.
2644 Tom said that Mary’s dog seemed friendly.
2645 Tom said Mary’s comments were misleading.
2646 Tom said that Mary would very likely win.
2647 Tom said that Mary would very likely cry.
2648 Tom said that Mary would see me tomorrow.
2649 Tom said that Mary would most likely win.
2650 Tom said that Mary would likely complain.
2651 Tom said Mary would do that if she could.
2652 Tom said that Mary would be coming later.
2653 Tom said Mary won’t likely eat very much.
2654 Tom said that Mary will unlikely do that.
2655 Tom said Mary will probably be back soon.
2656 Tom said that Mary will fly to Australia.
2657 Tom said that Mary will do that tomorrow.
2658 Tom said Mary wasn’t hesitant to do that.
2659 Tom said that Mary wasn’t having any fun.
2660 Tom said that Mary wasn’t good at French.
2661 Tom said Mary wasn’t finished doing that.
2662 Tom said that Mary was worried about you.
2663 Tom said that Mary was working in Boston.
2664 Tom said that Mary was unable to do that.
2665 Tom said that Mary was too young to vote.
2666 Tom said Mary was sorry for what she did.
2667 Tom said Mary was planning to go surfing.
2668 Tom said Mary was likely to be terrified.
2669 Tom said Mary was likely to be surprised.
2670 Tom said that Mary was likely to be slow.
2671 Tom said Mary was likely to be skeptical.
2672 Tom said Mary was likely to be obstinate.
2673 Tom said Mary was likely to be objective.
2674 Tom said Mary was likely to be miserable.
2675 Tom said that Mary was likely to be last.
2676 Tom said Mary was likely to be irritated.
2677 Tom said Mary was likely to be incorrect.
2678 Tom said Mary was likely to be impressed.
2679 Tom said that Mary was likely to be home.
2680 Tom said Mary was likely to be exhausted.
2681 Tom said that Mary was likely to be done.
2682 Tom said Mary was likely to be desperate.
2683 Tom said Mary was likely to be depressed.
2684 Tom said Mary was likely to be concerned.
2685 Tom said that Mary was likely to be cold.
2686 Tom said Mary was likely to be back soon.
2687 Tom said that Mary was home every Monday.
2688 Tom said that Mary was happy he did that.
2689 Tom said Mary was glad that you did that.
2690 Tom said that Mary was glad she did that.
2691 Tom said that Mary was determined to win.
2692 Tom said Mary was coming over for dinner.
2693 Tom said Mary was asked to do that again.
2694 Tom said that Mary was afraid to do that.
2695 Tom said that Mary wants John to do that.
2696 Tom said Mary wanted to do that tomorrow.
2697 Tom said that Mary wanted him to do that.
2698 Tom said Mary thought she had to do that.
2699 Tom said that Mary should’ve walked away.
2700 Tom said that Mary should eat more fruit.

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