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The Most Important Jumbled Sentence Exercise Part 20

When dealing with jumbled sentences, it’s essential to correct the sentence structure for better understanding. Phrase correction in English involves rearranging or fixing misplaced words to form coherent sentences. Identifying jumbled words within a sentence is crucial for accurate communication. Correcting sentences in English requires attention to grammar, syntax, and word order to convey the intended meaning effectively. Through practice and understanding of sentence structure, one can improve their ability to correct sentences and phrases in English, ensuring clarity and coherence in communication. For Mose Such Questions CLICK HERE to download the app.


1901 crime?   do   know   How   you   any   they   committed
1902 buy.   the   that   That’s   motorcycle   to   I   want
1903 is   forward   Everyone   looking   year.   to   next
1904 improve?   you   that   Do   think   to   we’re   going
1905 sing?   you   that   Do   think   actually   Tom   will
1906 motivated?   you   that   Do   think   still   Tom   is
1907 committed?   you   that   Do   think   still   Tom   is
1908 to   you   that   Do   think   mean   people   are   you?
1909 puzzled?   you   think   Do   really   was   that   Tom
1910 stranded?   you   think   Do   really   is   that   Tom
1911 you   think   Do   really   overconfident?   Tom   is
1912 you   think   Do   really   irresponsible?   Tom   is
1913 insecure?   you   think   Do   really   is   that   Tom
1914 helpless?   you   think   Do   really   is   that   Tom
1915 car.   allowed   police   Tom   the   his   to   search
1916 your   know   you   I   that   doing   were   just   job.
1917 help.   wasn’t   I   There   anything   to   could   do
1918 impressed?   you   that   Do   think   was   the   boss
1919 do   you   you   Are   saying   to   don’t   want   this?
1920 do   you   you   Are   saying   to   don’t   want   that?
1921 more.   really   I   I   wish   you   could’ve   helped
1922 something   talk   It’s   we   often.   about   quite
1923 bit.   something   talk   It’s   we   a   about   quite
1924 that?   you   that   Aren’t   sorry   do   you   didn’t
1925 don’t   that   I   think   that.   anybody   disputes
1926 times.   think   I’ve   I   that   three   been   fired
1927 thank   who   I   everybody   possible.   made   this
1928 right   don’t   that   I   think   busy   Tom   is   now.
1929 difference.   don’t   it   I   think   huge   makes   a
1930 don’t   it’ll   I   think   difference.   make   much
1931 differently.   knew   had   I   I   something   to   do
1932 knew   should   I   I   differently.   do   something
1933 for   think   God   I   that   plan   has   a   everyone.
1934 be   knew   it   I   that   to   was   that.   going   like
1935 to   had   feeling   I   a   going   that   was   happen.
1936 be   knew   you   I   that   to   were   going   ignored.
1937 happen.   didn’t   that   We   think   to   was   going
1938 something   I’ll   It’s   that   always   remember.
1939 something   we’re   That’s   that   prepared   for.
1940 make   that   Let’s   sure   happen.   that   doesn’t
1941 with   know   Tom   I   that   that   wouldn’t   do   me.
1942 truth.   think   pretty   I   that’s   the   close   to
1943 thought   that   I   that   appropriate.   would   be
1944 decision.   think   Tom   I   that   right   made   the
1945 shape.   think   overall   I   that   good   we’re   in
1946 think   some   I   there’s   here.   real   potential
1947 fun   sure   had   I’m   Tom   of   a   that.   lot   doing
1948 well.   thought   we   I   that   really   did   things
1949 thought   didn’t   I   you   bands.   like   marching
1950 just   think   going   I   you’re   in   to   fit   fine.
1951 team   thought   was   I   it   good   a   very   effort.
1952 way.   thought   handled   I   Tom   right   that   the
1953 well.   think   we   I   that   pretty   handled   that
1954 that.   think   really   I   it’s   do   important   we
1955 music   think   want   I   I   a   to   become   teacher.
1956 think   very   I   it’s   happen.   obvious   what’ll
1957 win.   feel   confident   We   pretty   can   that   we
1958 wrong.   think   what   I   that   is   they’re   doing
1959 day.   glad   we   I’m   that   another   didn’t   wait
1960 do   glad   Tom   I’m   that   to   has   decided   that.
1961 guess   that’s   I   that   important.   not   really
1962 guess   that   I   that   important.   isn’t   really
1963 that.   obvious   doesn’t   It’s   Tom   do   want   to
1964 you?   realize   won’t   You   Tom   don’t   do   that,
1965 love   don’t   anyone   I   love   I   more   than   you.
1966 to   can’t   Tom   I   believe   that   would   do   you.
1967 to   forgot   tell   I   to   wanted   Tom   that.   I   do
1968 I   didn’t   anyone   I   want   where   to   know   was.
1969 was   didn’t   anybody   I   want   I   to   know   rich.
1970 this.   didn’t   anybody   I   want   about   to   know
1971 here.   didn’t   that   I   think   welcome   we’d   be
1972 job.   think   shouldn’t   I   you   your   have   quit
1973 that.   think   you   I   that   doing   shouldn’t   be
1974 here.   think   shouldn’t   I   you   that   be   doing
1975 to   didn’t   that   I   think   able   you’d   be   win.
1976 know.   didn’t   you   I   think   to   really   wanted
1977 do   didn’t   you   I   think   to   really   had   that.
1978 was   didn’t   that   I   think   did   what   I   wrong.
1979 unfair.   didn’t   that   I   think   being   Tom   was
1980 didn’t   Tom   I   think   enough.   was   respectful
1981 didn’t   Tom   I   think   enough.   was   supportive
1982 truth.   didn’t   Tom   I   think   the   was   telling
1983 annoyed.   didn’t   that   I   think   be   Tom   would
1984 you.   didn’t   Tom   I   think   forget   would   ever
1985 do   didn’t   Tom   I   think   me   would   help   that.
1986 do   didn’t   Tom   I   think   us   would   help   that.
1987 help   didn’t   Tom   I   think   me   would   let   him.
1988 kiss   didn’t   Tom   I   think   me   would   let   him.
1989 me   didn’t   that   I   think   let   Tom   would   win.
1990 do   didn’t   Tom   I   think   you   would   let   that.
1991 to   didn’t   that   I   think   lie   Tom   would   you.
1992 that.   didn’t   Tom   I   think   doing   would   mind
1993 himself.   didn’t   Tom   I   think   by   would   swim
1994 didn’t   that   I   think   understand.   Tom   would
1995 by   didn’t   we   I   think   home   could   get. 2:30.
1996 do   didn’t   that   I   think   to   we   needed   that.
1997 for   didn’t   we   I   think   wait   needed   to   Tom.
1998 doing   didn’t   we   I   think   be   ought   to   that.
1999 didn’t   that   I   think   compromise.   we   should
2000 window.   didn’t   we   I   think   the   should   open


1901 How do you know they committed any crime?
1902 That’s the motorcycle that I want to buy.
1903 Everyone is looking forward to next year.
1904 Do you think that we’re going to improve?
1905 Do you think that Tom will actually sing?
1906 Do you think that Tom is still motivated?
1907 Do you think that Tom is still committed?
1908 Do you think that people are mean to you?
1909 Do you really think that Tom was puzzled?
1910 Do you really think that Tom is stranded?
1911 Do you really think Tom is overconfident?
1912 Do you really think Tom is irresponsible?
1913 Do you really think that Tom is insecure?
1914 Do you really think that Tom is helpless?
1915 Tom allowed the police to search his car.
1916 I know that you were just doing your job.
1917 There wasn’t anything I could do to help.
1918 Do you think that the boss was impressed?
1919 Are you saying you don’t want to do this?
1920 Are you saying you don’t want to do that?
1921 I really wish I could’ve helped you more.
1922 It’s something we talk about quite often.
1923 It’s something we talk about quite a bit.
1924 Aren’t you sorry that you didn’t do that?
1925 I don’t think that anybody disputes that.
1926 I think that I’ve been fired three times.
1927 I thank everybody who made this possible.
1928 I don’t think that Tom is busy right now.
1929 I don’t think it makes a huge difference.
1930 I don’t think it’ll make much difference.
1931 I knew I had to do something differently.
1932 I knew I should do something differently.
1933 I think that God has a plan for everyone.
1934 I knew that it was going to be like that.
1935 I had a feeling that was going to happen.
1936 I knew that you were going to be ignored.
1937 We didn’t think that was going to happen.
1938 It’s something that I’ll always remember.
1939 That’s something that we’re prepared for.
1940 Let’s make sure that that doesn’t happen.
1941 I know that Tom wouldn’t do that with me.
1942 I think that’s pretty close to the truth.
1943 I thought that that would be appropriate.
1944 I think that Tom made the right decision.
1945 I think that overall we’re in good shape.
1946 I think there’s some real potential here.
1947 I’m sure Tom had a lot of fun doing that.
1948 I thought that we did things really well.
1949 I thought you didn’t like marching bands.
1950 I think you’re going to fit in just fine.
1951 I thought it was a very good team effort.
1952 I thought Tom handled that the right way.
1953 I think that we handled that pretty well.
1954 I think it’s really important we do that.
1955 I think I want to become a music teacher.
1956 I think it’s very obvious what’ll happen.
1957 We feel pretty confident that we can win.
1958 I think that what they’re doing is wrong.
1959 I’m glad that we didn’t wait another day.
1960 I’m glad that Tom has decided to do that.
1961 I guess that that’s not really important.
1962 I guess that that isn’t really important.
1963 It’s obvious Tom doesn’t want to do that.
1964 You realize Tom won’t do that, don’t you?
1965 I don’t love anyone more than I love you.
1966 I can’t believe Tom would do that to you.
1967 I forgot to tell Tom I wanted to do that.
1968 I didn’t want anyone to know where I was.
1969 I didn’t want anybody to know I was rich.
1970 I didn’t want anybody to know about this.
1971 I didn’t think that we’d be welcome here.
1972 I think you shouldn’t have quit your job.
1973 I think that you shouldn’t be doing that.
1974 I think you shouldn’t be doing that here.
1975 I didn’t think that you’d be able to win.
1976 I didn’t think you really wanted to know.
1977 I didn’t think you really had to do that.
1978 I didn’t think that what I did was wrong.
1979 I didn’t think that Tom was being unfair.
1980 I didn’t think Tom was respectful enough.
1981 I didn’t think Tom was supportive enough.
1982 I didn’t think Tom was telling the truth.
1983 I didn’t think that Tom would be annoyed.
1984 I didn’t think Tom would ever forget you.
1985 I didn’t think Tom would help me do that.
1986 I didn’t think Tom would help us do that.
1987 I didn’t think Tom would let me help him.
1988 I didn’t think Tom would let me kiss him.
1989 I didn’t think that Tom would let me win.
1990 I didn’t think Tom would let you do that.
1991 I didn’t think that Tom would lie to you.
1992 I didn’t think Tom would mind doing that.
1993 I didn’t think Tom would swim by himself.
1994 I didn’t think that Tom would understand.
1995 I didn’t think we could get home by 2:30.
1996 I didn’t think that we needed to do that.
1997 I didn’t think we needed to wait for Tom.
1998 I didn’t think we ought to be doing that.
1999 I didn’t think that we should compromise.
2000 I didn’t think we should open the window.

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