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The Most Important Jumbled Sentence Exercise Part 11

When dealing with jumbled sentences, it’s essential to correct the sentence structure for better understanding. Phrase correction in English involves rearranging or fixing misplaced words to form coherent sentences. Identifying jumbled words within a sentence is crucial for accurate communication. Correcting sentences in English requires attention to grammar, syntax, and word order to convey the intended meaning effectively. Through practice and understanding of sentence structure, one can improve their ability to correct sentences and phrases in English, ensuring clarity and coherence in communication. For Mose Such Questions CLICK HERE to download the app.


1001 do   said   he’d   Tom   that   to   be   willing   that.
1002 help   said   he’d   Tom   that   to   be   willing   us.
1003 to   said   be   Tom   he’d   one   the   that.   next   do
1004 to   said   be   Tom   he’d   one   the   that.   last   do
1005 do   said   he’d   Tom   that   to   be   tempted   that.
1006 until   said   be   Tom   he’d   meeting   in   2:30.
1007 that   said   be   Tom   he’d   do   glad   you.   to   for
1008 that   said   be   Tom   he’d   do   afraid   to   alone.
1009 us   said   be   Tom   he’d   help   able   that.   to   do
1010 that.   said   assumed   Tom   he’d   do   Mary   would
1011 do   said   he’d   Tom   that   you   also   help   that.
1012 speeches.   said   he   Tom   that   own   writes   his
1013 do   said   he   Tom   that   to   wouldn’t   try   that.
1014 that.   said   he   Tom   that   doing   wouldn’t   try
1015 us.   said   wouldn’t   Tom   he   for   mind   waiting
1016 again.   said   wouldn’t   Tom   he   happen   let   it
1017 said   wouldn’t   Tom   he   voluntarily.   do   that
1018 the   said   he   Tom   that   to   would   come   party.
1019 the   said   he   Tom   that   at   would   be   meeting.
1020 anymore.   said   he   Tom   that   Mary   won’t   help
1021 night.   said   he   Tom   that   that   won’t   forget
1022 our   said   he   Tom   that   to   won’t   come   party.
1023 next   said   won’t   Tom   he   Boston   be   in   week.
1024 do   said   wished   Tom   he   could   that   he   that.
1025 that.   said   wished   Tom   he   do   Mary   wouldn’t
1026 Mary.   said   wished   Tom   he   kissed   he   hadn’t
1027 said   he   Tom   that   yesterday.   went   swimming
1028 do   said   wasn’t   Tom   he   could   sure   he   that.
1029 go   said   he   Tom   that   to   wasn’t   ready   home.
1030 give   said   he   Tom   that   to   wasn’t   ready   up.
1031 do   said   he   Tom   that   to   wasn’t   ready   that.
1032 stay.   said   he   Tom   that   to   wasn’t   planning
1033 help   said   he   Tom   that   to   wasn’t   going   us.
1034 do   said   he   Tom   that   to   wasn’t   going   that.
1035 party.   said   wasn’t   Tom   he   Mary’s   going   to
1036 said   wasn’t   Tom   he   help.   expecting   Mary’s
1037 night.   said   wasn’t   Tom   he   that   even   there
1038 snakes.   said   he   Tom   that   of   wasn’t   afraid
1039 anyone.   said   he   Tom   that   of   wasn’t   afraid
1040 speaker.   said   wasn’t   Tom   he   French   a   good
1041 do   said   was   Tom   he   to   very   unlikely   that.
1042 this   said   he   Tom   that   busy   was   very   week.
1043 to   said   he   Tom   that   weak   was   that.   too   do
1044 do   said   was   Tom   he   to   too   more.   tired   any
1045 to   said   he   Tom   that   lazy   was   that.   too   do
1046 to   said   he   Tom   that   busy   was   that.   too   do
1047 speeches.   said   was   Tom   he   giving   tired   of
1048 doing   said   he   Tom   that   of   was   tired   that.
1049 be   said   he   Tom   that   to   was   thrilled   back.
1050 snakes.   said   he   Tom   that   of   was   terrified
1051 now.   said   he   Tom   that   French   was   studying
1052 did   said   was   Tom   he   you   really   glad   that.
1053 results.   said   was   Tom   he   the   pleased   with
1054 three   said   he   Tom   that   by   was   mugged   men.
1055 that.   said   was   Tom   he   doing   interested   in
1056 do   said   was   Tom   he   would   hoping   you   that.
1057 do   said   was   Tom   he   could   hoping   you   that.
1058 happen.   said   was   Tom   he   would   hoping   that
1059 do   said   was   Tom   he   we’d   hoping   that   that.
1060 with   said   was   Tom   he   bed   home   flu.   in   the
1061 do   said   he   Tom   that   to   was   hesitant   that.
1062 did   said   was   Tom   he   Mary   happy   that   that.
1063 there   said   was   Tom   he   got   happy   he   early.
1064 be   said   he   Tom   that   to   was   grateful   here.
1065 Mary’s   said   was   Tom   he   kill   going   to   dog.
1066 us   said   was   Tom   he   help   going   that.   to   do
1067 that   said   was   Tom   he   do   going   to   himself.
1068 the   said   was   Tom   he   call   going   to   police.
1069 injured.   said   was   Tom   he   weren’t   glad   you
1070 done   said   he   Tom   that   he’d   was   glad   that.
1071 that.   said   he   Tom   that   doing   was   finished
1072 good.   said   he   Tom   that   pretty   was   feeling
1073 doing   said   wants   Tom   he   stop   you   to   that.
1074 his   said   he   Tom   that   sell   wants   to   house.
1075 your   said   he   Tom   that   be   wants   to   friend.
1076 else.   said   wanted   Tom   he   somewhere   to   sit
1077 little   said   wanted   Tom   he   a   to   relax   bit.
1078 the   said   he   Tom   that   quit   wanted   to   band.
1079 with   said   wanted   Tom   he   poker   to   play   us.
1080 family.   said   wanted   Tom   he   Mary’s   to   meet
1081 our   said   he   Tom   that   join   wanted   to   band.
1082 French.   said   wanted   Tom   he   his   to   improve
1083 to   said   he   Tom   that   go   wanted   zoo.   to   the
1084 with   said   wanted   Tom   he   camping   to   go   us.
1085 something.   said   wanted   Tom   he   you   to   give
1086 hair   said   wanted   Tom   he   his   to   dye   black.
1087 right   said   wanted   Tom   he   that   to   do   away.
1088 by   said   wanted   Tom   he   that   to   do   himself.
1089 that   said   he   Tom   that   do   wanted   to   again.
1090 some   said   he   Tom   that   buy   wanted   to   soap.
1091 alarm   said   wanted   Tom   he   an   to   buy   clock.
1092 a   said   he   Tom   that   buy   wanted   to   toolbox.
1093 sleeping   said   wanted   Tom   he   a   to   buy   bag.
1094 fishing   said   wanted   Tom   he   a   to   buy   pole.
1095 left   said   he   Tom   that   be   wanted   to   alone.
1096 eat.   said   he   Tom   that   to   wanted   something
1097 eat.   said   wanted   Tom   he   to   something   else
1098 be   said   he   Tom   that   to   wanted   Mary   happy.
1099 opinion.   said   he   Tom   that   second   wanted   a
1100 said   walked   Tom   he   yesterday.   three   miles


1001 Tom said that he’d be willing to do that.
1002 Tom said that he’d be willing to help us.
1003 Tom said he’d be the next one to do that.
1004 Tom said he’d be the last one to do that.
1005 Tom said that he’d be tempted to do that.
1006 Tom said he’d be in a meeting until 2:30.
1007 Tom said he’d be glad to do that for you.
1008 Tom said he’d be afraid to do that alone.
1009 Tom said he’d be able to help us do that.
1010 Tom said he’d assumed Mary would do that.
1011 Tom said that he’d also help you do that.
1012 Tom said that he writes his own speeches.
1013 Tom said that he wouldn’t try to do that.
1014 Tom said that he wouldn’t try doing that.
1015 Tom said he wouldn’t mind waiting for us.
1016 Tom said he wouldn’t let it happen again.
1017 Tom said he wouldn’t do that voluntarily.
1018 Tom said that he would come to the party.
1019 Tom said that he would be at the meeting.
1020 Tom said that he won’t help Mary anymore.
1021 Tom said that he won’t forget that night.
1022 Tom said that he won’t come to our party.
1023 Tom said he won’t be in Boston next week.
1024 Tom said he wished that he could do that.
1025 Tom said he wished Mary wouldn’t do that.
1026 Tom said he wished he hadn’t kissed Mary.
1027 Tom said that he went swimming yesterday.
1028 Tom said he wasn’t sure he could do that.
1029 Tom said that he wasn’t ready to go home.
1030 Tom said that he wasn’t ready to give up.
1031 Tom said that he wasn’t ready to do that.
1032 Tom said that he wasn’t planning to stay.
1033 Tom said that he wasn’t going to help us.
1034 Tom said that he wasn’t going to do that.
1035 Tom said he wasn’t going to Mary’s party.
1036 Tom said he wasn’t expecting Mary’s help.
1037 Tom said he wasn’t even there that night.
1038 Tom said that he wasn’t afraid of snakes.
1039 Tom said that he wasn’t afraid of anyone.
1040 Tom said he wasn’t a good French speaker.
1041 Tom said he was very unlikely to do that.
1042 Tom said that he was very busy this week.
1043 Tom said that he was too weak to do that.
1044 Tom said he was too tired to do any more.
1045 Tom said that he was too lazy to do that.
1046 Tom said that he was too busy to do that.
1047 Tom said he was tired of giving speeches.
1048 Tom said that he was tired of doing that.
1049 Tom said that he was thrilled to be back.
1050 Tom said that he was terrified of snakes.
1051 Tom said that he was studying French now.
1052 Tom said he was really glad you did that.
1053 Tom said he was pleased with the results.
1054 Tom said that he was mugged by three men.
1055 Tom said he was interested in doing that.
1056 Tom said he was hoping you would do that.
1057 Tom said he was hoping you could do that.
1058 Tom said he was hoping that would happen.
1059 Tom said he was hoping that we’d do that.
1060 Tom said he was home in bed with the flu.
1061 Tom said that he was hesitant to do that.
1062 Tom said he was happy that Mary did that.
1063 Tom said he was happy he got there early.
1064 Tom said that he was grateful to be here.
1065 Tom said he was going to kill Mary’s dog.
1066 Tom said he was going to help us do that.
1067 Tom said he was going to do that himself.
1068 Tom said he was going to call the police.
1069 Tom said he was glad you weren’t injured.
1070 Tom said that he was glad he’d done that.
1071 Tom said that he was finished doing that.
1072 Tom said that he was feeling pretty good.
1073 Tom said he wants you to stop doing that.
1074 Tom said that he wants to sell his house.
1075 Tom said that he wants to be your friend.
1076 Tom said he wanted to sit somewhere else.
1077 Tom said he wanted to relax a little bit.
1078 Tom said that he wanted to quit the band.
1079 Tom said he wanted to play poker with us.
1080 Tom said he wanted to meet Mary’s family.
1081 Tom said that he wanted to join our band.
1082 Tom said he wanted to improve his French.
1083 Tom said that he wanted to go to the zoo.
1084 Tom said he wanted to go camping with us.
1085 Tom said he wanted to give you something.
1086 Tom said he wanted to dye his hair black.
1087 Tom said he wanted to do that right away.
1088 Tom said he wanted to do that by himself.
1089 Tom said that he wanted to do that again.
1090 Tom said that he wanted to buy some soap.
1091 Tom said he wanted to buy an alarm clock.
1092 Tom said that he wanted to buy a toolbox.
1093 Tom said he wanted to buy a sleeping bag.
1094 Tom said he wanted to buy a fishing pole.
1095 Tom said that he wanted to be left alone.
1096 Tom said that he wanted something to eat.
1097 Tom said he wanted something else to eat.
1098 Tom said that he wanted Mary to be happy.
1099 Tom said that he wanted a second opinion.
1100 Tom said he walked three miles yesterday.

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