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The Most Helpful Homonyms With Meanings And Examples. Part 11

Understanding Homonyms: Exploring Examples and Meanings

Homonyms, an intriguing facet of language, refer to words that share either the same spelling or pronunciation but have different meanings. Let’s unravel this linguistic phenomenon by exploring examples and meanings of homonyms.

What Are Homonyms?

Homonyms are words that create confusion due to their similarities in spelling or pronunciation while carrying distinct meanings.

Examples of Homonyms:

Consider the word “rock.” It can signify both a solid mineral and the action of swaying gently back and forth. Similarly, “bat” represents both a flying mammal and a sports equipment.

Homonyms in Sentences:

  • The band played rock music at the concert. (solid mineral)
  • She used a bat to hit the ball in the game. (sports equipment)

Differentiating Homonyms from Homophones:

While homonyms share similar spelling or pronunciation with different meanings, homophones are words with similar sounds but different meanings. For instance, “to,” “two,” and “too” are homophones.

Exploring Homonyms with Meanings:

Homonyms like “bank” (a financial institution and the edge of a river) showcase how identical words can hold diverse interpretations based on context.

Medical Terminology: Homonymous Hemianopia:

In the medical realm, homonymous hemianopia refers to a visual impairment where corresponding sections in both eyes lose sight due to brain injury.

Homonyms in Different Languages:

Understanding homonyms transcends language barriers. In Gujarati, homonyms are referred to as “સમાન અર્થના શબ્દ” (words with similar meanings).

Homonyms Enriching Vocabulary:

Expanding vocabulary involves mastering homonyms. Words like “pen,” indicating both a writing instrument and an animal enclosure, showcase the nuances of language.

Accessible Learning: Homonyms in the “English Listening & Speaking” App:

For an immersive learning experience on homonyms, explore the “English Listening & Speaking” app here. This app offers comprehensive lessons, examples, and exercises on homonyms and various other linguistic concepts.


Homonyms, with their intriguing duality in meanings, highlight the complexity and richness of language. Exploring these linguistic wonders not only enhances vocabulary but also fosters a deeper appreciation for the nuances of communication.

For More Such Homonyms download our app from Google Play Store.

1001 meter systematically arranged and measured rhythm in verse: rhythm that continuously repeats a single basic pattern
1002 ap apostle apothecaries’
1003 ass any of several hardy gregarious African or Asian perissodactyl mammals (genus Equus) smaller than the horse and having long ears; especially : an African mammal (E. asinus) that is the ancestor of the donkey a stupid, stubborn, or detestable person —often compounded with a preceding adjective
1004 barrack a building or set of buildings used especially for lodging soldiers in garrison usually used in plural a structure resembling a shed or barn that provides temporary housing —usually used in plural
1005 bully a blustering, browbeating person; especially : one who is habitually cruel, insulting, or threatening to others who are weaker, smaller, or in some way vulnerable pimp
1006 butty A butty is a sandwich. a fellow worker or friend, esp. in a coal mine
1007 char any of a genus (Salvelinus) of small-scaled trouts with light-colored spots If a woman chars for someone, she works as their cleaner.
1008 compound something formed by a union of elements or parts; especially : a distinct substance formed by chemical union of two or more ingredients in definite proportion by weight a word consisting of components that are words (such as rowboat, high school, devil-may-care)
1009 corporal A corporal is a non-commissioned officer in the army or United States Marines. a white linen cloth on which the bread and wine are placed during the Eucharist
1010 crab any of numerous chiefly marine broadly built decapod crustaceans: any of an infraorder (Brachyura) with a short broad usually flattened carapace, a small abdomen that curls forward beneath the body, short antennae, and the anterior pair of limbs modified as grasping pincers
1011 drab slattern prostitute
1012 flash rush, dash used of flowing water to break forth in or like a sudden flame or flare
1013 fluke flatfish a flattened digenetic trematode worm; broadly : trematode
1014 found Found is the past tense and past participle of find When an institution, company, or organization is founded by someone or by a group of people, they get it started, often by providing the necessary money.
1015 genial marked by or freely expressing sympathy or friendliness favorable to growth or comfort : mild
1016 gobo a dark strip (as of wallboard) to shield a motion-picture or television camera from light a device to shield a microphone from sound
1017 hatch a small door or opening (as in an airplane or spaceship) an opening in the deck of a ship or in the floor or roof of a building
1018 hockey field hockey ice hockey
1019 housing shelter, lodging dwellings provided for people
1020 joggle to shake slightly to move shakily or jerkily
1021 knot an interlacement of the parts of one or more flexible bodies forming a lump or knob (as for fastening or tying together) the lump or knob so formed
1022 lark any of a family (Alaudidae) of chiefly Old World ground-dwelling songbirds that are usually brownish in color; especially : skylark If you say that doing something is a lark, you mean that it is fun, although perhaps naughty or dangerous.
1023 lower to look sullen : frown to be or become dark, gloomy, and threatening
1024 marque reprisal, retaliation letters of marque
1025 me A speaker or writer uses me to refer to himself or herself. Me is a first person singular pronoun. Me is used as the object of a verb or a preposition. ME is a long-lasting illness that is thought to be caused by a virus. Its symptoms include feeling tired all the time and muscle pain. 
1026 metric a part of prosody that deals with metrical structure a standard of measurement
1027 novel new and not resembling something formerly known or used not previously identified
1028 pasty a meat pie turnover
1029 poise balance; especially : to hold or carry in equilibrium to hold supported or suspended without motion in a steady position
1030 poop The poop of an old-fashioned sailing ship is the raised structure at the back end of it. to cause to become exhausted; tire
1031 pot a usually rounded metal or earthen container used chiefly for domestic purposes (as in cooking or for holding liquids or growing plants); also : any of various technical or industrial vessels or enclosures resembling or likened to a household pot potful
1032 rand The rand is the unit of currency used in South Africa. a leather strip put in the heel of a shoe before the lifts are put on
1033 refuse to express oneself as unwilling to accept to show or express unwillingness to do or comply with
1034 rue to feel penitence, remorse, or regret for to feel sorrow, remorse, or regret
1035 scotch scottish inclined to frugality
1036 scut the short tail of animals such as the deer and rabbit a worthless, contemptible person
1037 shark any of numerous mostly marine cartilaginous fishes of medium to large size that have a fusiform body, lateral branchial clefts, and a tough usually dull gray skin roughened by minute tubercles and are typically active predators sometimes dangerous to humans If you refer to a person as a shark, you disapprove of them because they trick people out of their money by giving bad advice about buying, selling, or investments.
1038 smack characteristic taste or flavor; also : a perceptible taste or tincture a small quantity
1039 sprig a small shoot : twig a small division of grass used for propagation
1040 story an account of incidents or events a statement regarding the facts pertinent to a situation in question
1041 taw to tan (skins) usually by a dry process (as with alum or salt) the line from which the players shoot in marbles
1042 till In spoken English and informal written English, till is often used instead of until. A till is the drawer of a cash register, in which the money is kept.
1043 verge brink, threshold something that borders, limits, or bounds: such as
1044 wattle a fabrication of poles interwoven with slender branches, withes, or reeds and used especially formerly in building material for such construction
1045 ancient having had an existence of many years of or relating to a remote period, to a time early in history, or to those living in such a period or time; especially : of or relating to the historical period beginning with the earliest known civilizations and extending to the fall of the western Roman Empire in a.d. 476
1046 ash any of a genus (Fraxinus) of trees of the olive family with pinnate leaves, thin furrowed bark, and gray branchlets the tough elastic wood of an ash
1047 barn a usually large building for the storage of farm products or feed and usually for the housing of farm animals or farm equipment an unusually large and usually bare building
1048 briar a plant (such as a rose, blackberry, or greenbrier) having a usually woody and thorny or prickly stem a mass of briars
1049 bun a sweet or plain small bread; especially : a round roll a knot of hair shaped like a bun
1050 buttery a storeroom for liquors pantry
1051 capo a movable bar attached to the fingerboard of a fretted instrument to uniformly raise the pitch of all the strings the presumed title of a Mafia leader
1052 chap a crack in or a sore roughening of the skin caused by exposure to wind or cold A chap is a man or boy.
1053 comfort to give strength and hope to : cheer to ease the grief or trouble of : console
1054 cr center circular
1055 do to bring to pass : carry out put —used chiefly in do to death
1056 fairing a present bought or given at a fair gift
1057 flageolet a small fipple flute resembling the treble recorder a high-pitched musical instrument of the recorder family having six or eight finger holes
1058 fluence particle density or energy density, used to describe the output of a radiation field or of a laser beam a flow; flowing
1059 forte one’s strong point the part of a sword or foil blade that is between the middle and the hilt and that is the strongest part of the blade
1060 gelation the action or process of freezing the act or process of forming into a gel
1061 gob lump a large amount —usually used in plural
1062 hanger one that hangs or causes to be hung or hanged something that hangs, overhangs, or is suspended: such as
1063 hock the tarsal joint or region in the hind limb of a digitigrade quadruped (such as the horse) corresponding to the human ankle but elevated and bending backward a joint of a fowl’s leg that corresponds to the hock of a quadruped
1064 jock athlete; especially : a school or college athlete a person devoted to a single pursuit or interest
1065 kit a collection of articles usually for personal use a set of tools or implements
1066 lap a loose overlapping or hanging panel or flap especially of a garment the skirt of a coat or dress
1067 lighten to make light or clear : illuminate enlighten
1068 maroon Something that is maroon is dark reddish-purple in colour. If someone is marooned somewhere, they are left in a place that is difficult for them to escape from.
1069 may used to indicate possibility or probability sometimes used interchangeably with can sometimes used where might would be expected have permission to : be free to —used nearly interchangeably with can
1070 metre A metre is a metric unit of length equal to 100 centimetres. In the study of poetry, metre is the regular and rhythmic arrangement of syllables according to particular patterns.
1071 noodle a stupid person : simpleton head, noggin
1072 -ot occupational therapist; occupational therapy Old Testament
1073 poi a Hawaiian food prepared from the cooked corms of taro that are mashed with water to the consistency of a paste or thick liquid and often allowed to ferment a ball of woven flax swung rhythmically in poi dances
1074 poon a foolish or ineffectual person  the wood of any of these trees, used esp. in ships, cabinetwork, etc.
1075 posy a brief sentiment, motto, or legend bouquet, nosegay
1076 pyrrhic a metrical foot consisting of two short or unaccented syllables a war dance of ancient Greece
1077 quiver a case for carrying or holding arrows the arrows in a quiver
1078 rally to muster for a common purpose to recall to order
1079 rick a stack (as of hay) in the open air a pile of material (such as cordwood) split from short logs
1080 ruck the usual run of persons or things : generality an indistinguishable gathering : jumble
1081 sax saxophone often used before another noun a tool resembling a small axe, used for cutting roofing slate
1082 sconce a bracket candlestick or group of candlesticks; also : an electric light fixture patterned on a candle sconce head, skull
1083 scupper an opening cut through the bulwarks of a ship so that water falling on deck may flow overboard an opening in the wall of a building through which water can drain from a floor or flat roof
1084 slug sluggard a lump, disk, or cylinder of material (such as plastic or metal): such as
1085 spade a digging implement adapted for being pushed into the ground with the foot a spade-shaped instrument
1086 stoop to bend the body or a part of the body forward and downward sometimes simultaneously bending the knees to stand or walk with a forward inclination of the head, body, or shoulders
1087 temporal of or relating to time as opposed to eternity of or relating to earthly life
1088 tiddly slightly drunk If you describe a thing as tiddly, you mean that it is very small.
1089 vent to provide with a vent to serve as a vent for
1090 ware manufactured articles, products of art or craft, or farm produce : goods often used in combination an article of merchandise
1091 apostrophe a mark ‘ used to indicate the omission of letters or figures, the possessive case (as in  John’s book) ), or the plural of letters or figures (as in the 1960’s
1092 at used as a function word to indicate presence or occurrence in, on, or near —used as a function word to indicate the goal of an indicated or implied action or motion
1093 barrow mountain, mound used only in the names of hills in England a large mound of earth or stones over the remains of the dead : tumulus
1094 brier a plant (such as a rose, blackberry, or greenbrier) having a usually woody and thorny or prickly stem a mass of briars
1095 bum Someone’s bum is the part of their body which they sit on. A bum is a person who has no permanent home or job and who gets money by working occasionally or by asking people for money.
1096 bye the position of a participant in a tournament who advances to the next round without playing Bye and bye-bye are informal ways of saying goodbye.
1097 chart map: such as an outline map exhibiting something (such as climatic or magnetic variations) in its geographical aspects
1098 clove one of the small bulbs (as in garlic) developed in the axils of the scales of a large bulb Cloves are small dried flower buds used as a spice.
1099 con something (such as a ruse) used deceptively to gain another’s confidence; also : a confidence game : swindle If someone cons you, they persuade you to do something or believe something by telling you things that are not true.
1100 cos companies consul; consulship

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1. What are Homonyms, and how can I learn about them?

Homonyms are words with the same spelling or pronunciation but different meanings. You can explore them through various resources or conveniently through the “English Listening & Speaking” app here.

2. Could you provide practical examples of Homonyms?

Certainly! The “English Listening & Speaking” app offers interactive lessons and examples of homonyms for comprehensive learning.

3. Where can I find Homonyms explained in detail?

The “English Listening & Speaking” app features detailed explanations and examples of homonyms to enhance your understanding.

4. What’s the difference between Homonyms and Homophones?

Homonyms have the same spelling or pronunciation but different meanings, while homophones sound alike but have different meanings. Dive deeper into this distinction through the “English Listening & Speaking” app.

5. Can you explain the concept of Homonymy?

Absolutely! Explore the concept of homonymy in depth through the engaging lessons offered by the “English Listening & Speaking” app.

6. How can I access lessons on Homonyms and their meanings?

Download the “English Listening & Speaking” app to access lessons, examples, and meanings of homonyms at your convenience.

7. Does the app cover medical terms like “Homonymous Hemianopia”?

Yes, the “English Listening & Speaking” app encompasses various vocabulary, including terms like “Homonymous Hemianopia,” providing a comprehensive learning experience.

8. Is there support for learning Homonyms in Gujarati within the app?

Yes, the “English Listening & Speaking” app supports learning in multiple languages, including explanations of Homonyms in Gujarati.

9. How can I improve my vocabulary with Homonyms using the app?

Engage with interactive exercises and lessons tailored to enhance your vocabulary through the “English Listening & Speaking” app.

10. Are there specific examples of Homonyms like “rock” explained in the app?

Yes, explore words like “rock” and their different meanings through the detailed examples provided in the “English Listening & Speaking” app.

11. Does the app offer Homonyms with meanings and sentences?

Absolutely! The “English Listening & Speaking” app includes Homonyms with meanings and sentences for practical understanding.

12. Where can I find the meaning of Homonyms in Hindi through the app?

Access explanations and meanings of Homonyms in Hindi conveniently via the “English Listening & Speaking” app.

13. Can I learn about 50 Homonyms with meanings through the app?

Yes, the “English Listening & Speaking” app covers an extensive range of Homonyms, including 50 examples with meanings for comprehensive learning.

14. How many Homonyms examples with meanings and sentences are available in the app?

The “English Listening & Speaking” app provides a variety of Homonyms examples with meanings and sentences to facilitate effective learning.

15. Is there a section in the app dedicated to Homonyms with pictures?

Yes, explore Homonyms visually through the “English Listening & Speaking” app, featuring pictures for better comprehension.

16. Can I find information about Homonyms on Wikipedia through the app?

The “English Listening & Speaking” app offers external resource links, including Wikipedia pages, to further expand your knowledge on Homonyms.

17. Does the app offer downloadable PDFs for Homonyms with meanings and sentences?

Yes, downloadable materials such as PDFs containing Homonyms with meanings and sentences are available for learning convenience within the “English Listening & Speaking” app.

18. Can I access lessons on 10 Homonyms with meanings through the app?

Absolutely! Explore concise lessons on 10 Homonyms with meanings for quick and effective learning using the “English Listening & Speaking” app.

19. How can the “English Listening & Speaking” app help in learning?

The app provides structured lessons and exercises specifically tailored for learning 20 Homonyms with meanings efficiently.

20. Are there interactive exercises for 50 Homonyms with meaning and sentences?

Engage in interactive exercises and quizzes designed to reinforce learning for 50 Homonyms with meanings and sentences within the “English Listening & Speaking” app.

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