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The Most Helpful Homonyms With Meanings And Examples. Part 8

Understanding Homonyms: Exploring Examples and Meanings

Homonyms, an intriguing facet of language, refer to words that share either the same spelling or pronunciation but have different meanings. Let’s unravel this linguistic phenomenon by exploring examples and meanings of homonyms.

What Are Homonyms?

Homonyms are words that create confusion due to their similarities in spelling or pronunciation while carrying distinct meanings.

Examples of Homonyms:

Consider the word “rock.” It can signify both a solid mineral and the action of swaying gently back and forth. Similarly, “bat” represents both a flying mammal and a sports equipment.

Homonyms in Sentences:

  • The band played rock music at the concert. (solid mineral)
  • She used a bat to hit the ball in the game. (sports equipment)

Differentiating Homonyms from Homophones:

While homonyms share similar spelling or pronunciation with different meanings, homophones are words with similar sounds but different meanings. For instance, “to,” “two,” and “too” are homophones.

Exploring Homonyms with Meanings:

Homonyms like “bank” (a financial institution and the edge of a river) showcase how identical words can hold diverse interpretations based on context.

Medical Terminology: Homonymous Hemianopia:

In the medical realm, homonymous hemianopia refers to a visual impairment where corresponding sections in both eyes lose sight due to brain injury.

Homonyms in Different Languages:

Understanding homonyms transcends language barriers. In Gujarati, homonyms are referred to as “સમાન અર્થના શબ્દ” (words with similar meanings).

Homonyms Enriching Vocabulary:

Expanding vocabulary involves mastering homonyms. Words like “pen,” indicating both a writing instrument and an animal enclosure, showcase the nuances of language.

Accessible Learning: Homonyms in the “English Listening & Speaking” App:

For an immersive learning experience on homonyms, explore the “English Listening & Speaking” app here. This app offers comprehensive lessons, examples, and exercises on homonyms and various other linguistic concepts.


Homonyms, with their intriguing duality in meanings, highlight the complexity and richness of language. Exploring these linguistic wonders not only enhances vocabulary but also fosters a deeper appreciation for the nuances of communication.

For More Such Homonyms download our app from Google Play Store.

701 dilly one that is remarkable or outstanding  cricket
702 dominican a member of a mendicant order of friars founded by St. Dominic in 1215 and dedicated especially to preaching a native or inhabitant of the Dominican Republic or Dominica
703 dug Dug is the past tense and past participle of dig. the nipple, teat, udder, or breast of a female mammal
704 egg the hard-shelled reproductive body produced by a bird and especially by the common domestic chicken; also : its contents used as food an animal reproductive body consisting of an ovum together with its nutritive and protective envelopes and having the capacity to develop into a new individual capable of independent existence
705 ex one that formerly held a specified position or place; especially : a former spouse or former partner in an intimate relationship without charge to the buyer until removed from
706 firm securely or solidly fixed in place not weak or uncertain : vigorous
707 flex to bend especially repeatedly to move muscles so as to cause flexion of (a joint)
708 gag to restrict use of the mouth of by inserting something into it to prevent speech or outcry to prevent from exercising freedom of speech or expression
709 gat archaic a past tense of get a pistol or revolver
710 gird to prepare (oneself) for action to encircle or bind with a flexible band (such as a belt)
711 hag an ugly, slatternly, or evil-looking old woman a female demon
712 hipped having hips especially of a specified kind often used in combination constructed with hips
713 holt a small woods : copse the burrowed lair of an animal, esp an otter
714 hull the outer covering of a fruit or seed the persistent calyx or involucre that subtends some fruits (such as a strawberry)
715 irony the use of words to express something other than and especially the opposite of the literal meaning a usually humorous or sardonic literary style or form characterized by irony
716 jag spree a state or feeling of exhilaration or intoxication usually induced by liquor
717 kern a light-armed foot soldier of medieval Ireland or Scotland yokel
718 lag one that lags or is last the act or the condition of lagging
719 lepton a former monetary unit equal to 1/10? drachma a small coin of ancient Greece
720 log a usually bulky piece or length of a cut or fallen tree; especially : a length of a tree trunk ready for sawing and over six feet (1.8 meters) long an apparatus for measuring the rate of a ship’s motion through the water that consists of a block fastened to a line and run out from a reel
721 lush growing vigorously especially with luxuriant foliage lavishly productive: such as
722 mag A mag is the same as a magazine. ABBREVIATION FOR
723 amice a liturgical vestment made of an oblong piece of cloth usually of white linen and worn about the neck and shoulders and partly under the alb another word for almuce. Almuce : An almuce was a hood-like shoulder cape worn as a choir vestment in the Middle Ages, especially in England. Initially, it was worn by the general population.
724 arian of or relating to Arius or his doctrines especially that the Son is not of the same substance as the Father but was created as an agent for creating the world indicating a person or thing that advocates, believes, or is associated with something vegetarian, millenarian, librarian
725 agape wide open : gaping being in a state of wonder
726 bale great evil woe, sorrow
727 bray to utter the characteristic loud harsh cry of a donkey; also : to utter a sound like a donkey’s to utter or play loudly or harshly
728 buff a garment (such as a uniform) made of buff leather the state of being nude
729 busk a person who entertains in a public place for donations a strip of whalebone, wood, steel, etc, inserted into the front of a corset to stiffen it
730 cheese a food consisting of the coagulated, compressed, and usually ripened curd of milk separated from the whey an often cylindrical cake of this food
731 canon a regulation or dogma decreed by a church council a provision of canon law
732 castor beaver castoreum
733 coma a state of profound unconsciousness caused by disease, injury, or poison a state of mental or physical sluggishness : torpor
734 coo to make the low soft cry of a dove or pigeon or a similar sound to talk fondly, amorously, or appreciatively
735 dal dried legumes (such as lentils, beans, or peas); also : an Indian dish made of simmered and usually pureed and spiced legumes a variant spelling of dhal
736 diligence steady, earnest, and energetic effort : devoted and painstaking work and application to accomplish an undertaking : assiduity speed, haste
737 dong the deep reverberating sound of a large bell Australian and New Zealand informal
738 dropsy edema a condition characterized by an accumulation of watery fluid in the tissues or in a body cavity
739 dun having a slightly brownish dark gray color : having the color dun having a grayish-yellow coat with black mane and tail
740 elder The elder of two people is the one who was born first. An elder is a bush or small tree which has groups of small white flowers and black berries.
741 excise an internal tax levied on the manufacture, sale, or consumption of a commodity any of various taxes on privileges often assessed in the form of a license or fee
742 footer pedestrian information (such as a page number) printed at the bottom of each page of a document
743 gage a measurement (as of linear dimension) according to some standard or system: such as the distance between the rails of a railroad
744 garb fashion, manner a style of apparel
745 girdle something that encircles or confines: such as an article of dress encircling the body usually at the waist
746 hippy having large hips a person whose behaviour, dress, use of drugs, etc, implied a rejection of conventional values
747 homocentric having the same centre; concentric diverging from or converging to the same point
748 jet an airplane powered by one or more jet engines jet engine
749 lam to beat soundly : thrash strike, thrash
750 let to cause to : make to give opportunity to or fail to prevent
751 lustre a glow of reflected light : sheen; specifically : the appearance of the surface of a mineral dependent upon its reflecting qualities a glow of light from within : luminosity
752 mantle a loose sleeveless garment worn over other clothes : cloak a figurative cloak symbolizing preeminence or authority
753 mere being nothing more than having no admixture : pure
754 mush a thick porridge made with cornmeal boiled in water or milk something soft and spongy or shapeless
755 natal  native said of a place of, relating to, or present at birth; especially : associated with one’s birth
756 no not —used as a function word to express the negative of an alternative choice or possibility
757 ooze a soft deposit (as of mud, slime, or shells) on the bottom of a body of water a piece of soft wet plastic ground : a marsh or bog that results from the flow of a spring, stream, or brooklet
758 para any of several monetary units of the Turkish Empire a coin representing one para
759 pleura the delicate serous membrane that lines each half of the thorax of mammals and is folded back over the surface of the lung of the same side the thin transparent serous membrane enveloping the lungs and lining the walls of the thoracic cavity
760 polis a Greek city-state; broadly : a state or society especially when characterized by a sense of community Scottish and Irish : the police or a police officer
761 portal door, entrance; especially : a grand or imposing one the whole architectural composition surrounding and including the doorways and porches of a church
762 punt to kick (something, such as a football or soccer ball) with the top of the foot before the ball which is dropped from the hands hits the ground to pass (something, such as a problem) to someone else
763 quark In physics, a quark is one of the basic units of matter. a type of low-fat soft cheese
764 raft a flat structure (as of wood) for support or transportation on water; also : an inflatable flat-bottomed watercraft a collection of logs or timber fastened together in order to be floated downstream (as to a sawmill)
765 recreation refreshment of strength and spirits after work; also : a means of refreshment or diversion : hobby an interval of free time between school lessons
766 repose a state of resting after exertion or strain; especially : rest in sleep eternal or heavenly rest
767 rout a state of wild confusion or disorderly retreat a disastrous defeat : debacle
768 sap the fluid part of a plant; specifically : a watery solution that circulates through a plant’s vascular system a body fluid (such as blood) essential to life, health, or vigor
769 scarf a broad band of cloth worn about the shoulders, around the neck, or over the head runner a military or official sash usually indicative of rank
770 scribble to write or draw hastily or carelessly to fill or cover something with careless or worthless writings or drawings
771 snarl to cause to become knotted and intertwined : tangle to make excessively complicated
772 soma an intoxicating juice from a plant of disputed identity that was used in ancient India as an offering to the gods and as a drink of immortality by worshippers in Vedic ritual and worshipped in personified form as a Vedic god the body of an organism, esp an animal, as distinct from the germ cells
773 spartan a native or inhabitant of ancient Sparta a person of great courage and self-discipline
774 spike a very large nail one of a row of pointed irons placed (as on the top of a wall) to prevent passage
775 steep lofty, high used chiefly of a sea making a large angle with the plane of the horizon
776 stifle to withhold from circulation or expression to cut off (the voice, the breath, etc.)
777 strapping having a vigorously sturdy constitution If you describe someone as strapping, you mean that they are tall and strong, and look healthy.
778 sup to take or drink in swallows or gulps to take food and especially liquid food into the mouth a little at a time
779 tang a sharp distinctive often lingering flavor a pungent odor
780 tartan a plaid textile design of Scottish origin consisting of stripes of varying width and color usually patterned to designate a distinctive clan a twilled woolen fabric with tartan design
781 tee the letter t something shaped like a capital T
782 thole to put up with; bear a wooden pin or one of a pair, set upright in the gunwales of a rowing boat to serve as a fulcrum in rowi
783 twit a silly annoying person : fool an act of twitting : taunt
784 vaudois waldenses a native or inhabitant of Vaud
785 wahoo winged elm an E North American shrub or small tree, Euonymus atropurpureus, with scarlet capsules and seeds
786 amp An amp is the same as an ampere. amplifier; also : a unit consisting of an electronic amplifier and a loudspeaker
787 airhead an area in hostile territory secured usually by airborne troops for further use in bringing in troops and matériel by air If you describe someone as an airhead, you are critical of them because you think they are not at all clever and are interested only in unimportant things.
788 banker one that engages in the business of banking the player who keeps the bank in various games
789 brassy shamelessly bold obstreperous
790 buffer any of various devices or pieces of material for reducing shock or damage due to contact a means or device used as a cushion against the shock of fluctuations in business or financial activity
791 bust a sculptured representation of the upper part of the human figure including the head and neck and usually part of the shoulders and breast the upper part of the human torso between neck and waist; especially : the breasts of a woman
792 clearing the act or process of making or becoming clear a tract of land cleared of wood and brush
793 cat a carnivorous mammal (Felis catus) long domesticated as a pet and for catching rats and mice any of a family (Felidae) of carnivorous usually solitary and nocturnal mammals (such as the domestic cat, lion, tiger, leopard, jaguar, cougar, wildcat, lynx, and cheetah)
794 cleft a space or opening made by or as if by splitting : fissure a usually V-shaped indented formation : a hollow between ridges or protuberances
795 comber one that combs a long curling wave of the sea
796 cop police officer an instance of plagiarism
797 courser a swift or spirited horse : charger a person who courses hounds or dogs, esp greyhounds
798 ding to make a ringing sound : clang to speak with tiresome reiteration
799 don to put on (an article of clothing) to wrap oneself in : take on
800 drove a group of animals driven or moving in a body a large number : crowd —usually used in plural especially with in

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1. What are Homonyms, and how can I learn about them?

Homonyms are words with the same spelling or pronunciation but different meanings. You can explore them through various resources or conveniently through the “English Listening & Speaking” app here.

2. Could you provide practical examples of Homonyms?

Certainly! The “English Listening & Speaking” app offers interactive lessons and examples of homonyms for comprehensive learning.

3. Where can I find Homonyms explained in detail?

The “English Listening & Speaking” app features detailed explanations and examples of homonyms to enhance your understanding.

4. What’s the difference between Homonyms and Homophones?

Homonyms have the same spelling or pronunciation but different meanings, while homophones sound alike but have different meanings. Dive deeper into this distinction through the “English Listening & Speaking” app.

5. Can you explain the concept of Homonymy?

Absolutely! Explore the concept of homonymy in depth through the engaging lessons offered by the “English Listening & Speaking” app.

6. How can I access lessons on Homonyms and their meanings?

Download the “English Listening & Speaking” app to access lessons, examples, and meanings of homonyms at your convenience.

7. Does the app cover medical terms like “Homonymous Hemianopia”?

Yes, the “English Listening & Speaking” app encompasses various vocabulary, including terms like “Homonymous Hemianopia,” providing a comprehensive learning experience.

8. Is there support for learning Homonyms in Gujarati within the app?

Yes, the “English Listening & Speaking” app supports learning in multiple languages, including explanations of Homonyms in Gujarati.

9. How can I improve my vocabulary with Homonyms using the app?

Engage with interactive exercises and lessons tailored to enhance your vocabulary through the “English Listening & Speaking” app.

10. Are there specific examples of Homonyms like “rock” explained in the app?

Yes, explore words like “rock” and their different meanings through the detailed examples provided in the “English Listening & Speaking” app.

11. Does the app offer Homonyms with meanings and sentences?

Absolutely! The “English Listening & Speaking” app includes Homonyms with meanings and sentences for practical understanding.

12. Where can I find the meaning of Homonyms in Hindi through the app?

Access explanations and meanings of Homonyms in Hindi conveniently via the “English Listening & Speaking” app.

13. Can I learn about 50 Homonyms with meanings through the app?

Yes, the “English Listening & Speaking” app covers an extensive range of Homonyms, including 50 examples with meanings for comprehensive learning.

14. How many Homonyms examples with meanings and sentences are available in the app?

The “English Listening & Speaking” app provides a variety of Homonyms examples with meanings and sentences to facilitate effective learning.

15. Is there a section in the app dedicated to Homonyms with pictures?

Yes, explore Homonyms visually through the “English Listening & Speaking” app, featuring pictures for better comprehension.

16. Can I find information about Homonyms on Wikipedia through the app?

The “English Listening & Speaking” app offers external resource links, including Wikipedia pages, to further expand your knowledge on Homonyms.

17. Does the app offer downloadable PDFs for Homonyms with meanings and sentences?

Yes, downloadable materials such as PDFs containing Homonyms with meanings and sentences are available for learning convenience within the “English Listening & Speaking” app.

18. Can I access lessons on 10 Homonyms with meanings through the app?

Absolutely! Explore concise lessons on 10 Homonyms with meanings for quick and effective learning using the “English Listening & Speaking” app.

19. How can the “English Listening & Speaking” app help in learning?

The app provides structured lessons and exercises specifically tailored for learning 20 Homonyms with meanings efficiently.

20. Are there interactive exercises for 50 Homonyms with meaning and sentences?

Engage in interactive exercises and quizzes designed to reinforce learning for 50 Homonyms with meanings and sentences within the “English Listening & Speaking” app.

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