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The Most Helpful Homophones. Confusing Words Ultimate Collection. Learn Allowed vs aloud Homophone in the Most Practical Way

Homophones, often confusing but fascinating, are words that sound alike but have different meanings or spellings. Understanding these homophones is crucial in grasping the nuances of the English language. For instance, consider the pair “there,” indicating a place, and “their,” denoting possession. Such homophones often lead to confusion due to their similar pronunciation yet distinct meanings. Additionally, recognizing homophones such as “to,” “too,” and “two” is essential; they sound alike but hold separate definitions—one representing direction, another denoting excessiveness, and the last indicating a numerical value. These homophones examples illustrate how subtle differences in spelling or meaning can create confusion in written and spoken language.

Delving deeper into the realm of homophones and meaning, one encounters pairs like “peace” and “piece.” While their pronunciations align, their homophone word “peace” signifies harmony or tranquility, while “piece” refers to a part or portion. Such nuances among homophones often challenge writers, leading to misspellings and misunderstandings. Commonly, individuals encounter confusing words like “accept” and “except,” where the former indicates agreement, and the latter implies exclusion. These confusing words in English can stump even proficient speakers, emphasizing the importance of language precision.

To provide clarity, here are 100 examples of homophones with sentences: “The knight rode through the desert to reach his destination. They’re going to need more supplies for their journey. I saw two birds in the tree; too bad I didn’t have my camera. She bought a dress and a pair of shoes; they were on sale. The dog buried its bone under the tree; it’s his favorite hiding spot. Let’s meet at their house; it’s a lovely place. I need to write a note and mail it to the post office; they’re expecting it today.” These sentences highlight various homophones and examples, showcasing their distinct meanings within context.

In conclusion, while homophones add richness to the English language, they can also pose challenges in communication. Recognizing and mastering these homophones and confusing words is essential for effective written and spoken expression, aiding in avoiding commonly misspelled words and ensuring clear and precise communication.

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1 The students were allowed to use calculators during the math test. allowed
2 Smoking is not allowed in this building. allowed
3 She was allowed to leave early after finishing her tasks. allowed
4 Only guests with invitations are allowed into the exclusive party. allowed
5 Pets are allowed in the park but must be on a leash. allowed
6 The new policy allowed flexible work hours for employees. allowed
7 Cell phones are not allowed in the exam room. allowed
8 He was allowed to borrow the car for the weekend. allowed
9 Loud music is not allowed after 10 PM in the neighborhood. allowed
10 Children under five are not allowed on the amusement park rides. allowed
11 The dress code allowed casual attire on Fridays. allowed
12 Visitors are allowed to take photographs in the museum but without flash. allowed
13 The store allowed returns within 30 days of purchase. allowed
14 Eating and drinking are not allowed in the library. allowed
15 Only authorized personnel are allowed in the restricted area. allowed
16 The diet plan allowed limited consumption of sugary snacks. allowed
17 Students are allowed to use the gym facilities after school hours. allowed
18 The building regulations allowed for renovations within certain guidelines. allowed
19 Swimming is allowed only in designated areas of the lake. allowed
20 The company policy allowed remote work for certain positions. allowed
21 The security checkpoint allowed travelers to proceed after thorough checks. allowed
22 Overnight parking is not allowed in this area. allowed
23 The school rules allowed students to form clubs with faculty approval. allowed
24 Visitors are allowed in the hospital during visiting hours. allowed
25 The coupon allowed a discount on the next purchase. allowed
26 Only members are allowed in the private clubhouse. allowed
27 The lease agreement allowed for a pet deposit. allowed
28 Music practice is allowed only during specified hours in the dormitory. allowed
29 Unauthorized vehicles are not allowed in this parking lot. allowed
30 Access to the computer system is allowed only with a password. allowed
31 The airline allowed a free carry-on bag for each passenger. allowed
32 The contract allowed for renegotiation under specific circumstances. allowed
33 Skateboarding is not allowed on the sidewalk. allowed
34 The restaurant allowed substitutions for dietary preferences. allowed
35 Management allowed a grace period for completing the project. allowed
36 Only individuals over 18 are allowed to enter the casino. allowed
37 The terms and conditions allowed for cancellation within 24 hours. allowed
38 Overnight camping is allowed in the national park with a permit. allowed
39 The permission slip allowed the student to participate in the field trip. allowed
40 Loudspeakers are not allowed during the quiet hours in the community. allowed
41 The policy allowed for a trial period before committing to a subscription. allowed
42 The law allowed for exemptions in certain circumstances. allowed
43 The event organizers allowed late registration for participants. allowed
44 Climbing on the statues is not allowed in the park. allowed
45 The document allowed for amendments with unanimous consent. allowed
46 Early check-in is allowed at the hotel for an additional fee. allowed
47 Only registered voters are allowed to cast their ballots. allowed
48 The competition rules allowed for a tiebreaker in case of equal scores. allowed
49 Bicycles are allowed on this trail but not motorbikes. allowed
50 The terms of service allowed access to premium features. allowed
51 The policy allowed for extensions on project deadlines. allowed
52 Unauthorized personnel are not allowed in the laboratory. allowed
53 The membership card allowed access to exclusive events. allowed
54 The guidelines allowed for a specific dress code at the formal event. allowed
55 The contract allowed for termination with a notice period. allowed
56 Cutting in line is not allowed at the amusement park. allowed
57 The scholarship allowed for partial tuition coverage. allowed
58 Only certified instructors are allowed to teach the course. allowed
59 Luggage exceeding the weight limit is not allowed on the flight. allowed
60 The website’s terms of use allowed for user-generated content. allowed
61 The permit allowed for construction in the designated area. allowed
62 Unsupervised access to the equipment is not allowed. allowed
63 The program allowed for downloading content for offline viewing. allowed
64 Unauthorized alterations are not allowed in the building. allowed
65 The company policy allowed for flexible scheduling arrangements. allowed
66 The regulations allowed for exemptions under special circumstances. allowed
67 The contract allowed for subcontracting with prior approval. allowed
68 Personal calls are not allowed on company phones. allowed
69 The scholarship allowed for financial aid to cover tuition costs. allowed
70 The rules allowed for a maximum of two guests per room. allowed
71 Photography is not allowed in the art gallery. allowed
72 The terms and conditions allowed for returns within 14 days. allowed
73 Unauthorized entry into the premises is not allowed. allowed
74 Only staff members are allowed in the restricted office area. allowed
75 The agreement allowed for modifications with mutual consent. allowed
76 The guidelines allowed for remote presentations during the pandemic. allowed
77 Unauthorized distribution of the material is not allowed. allowed
78 The policy allowed for telecommuting options for employees. allowed
79 The rental agreement allowed for a monthly payment plan. allowed
80 The event ticket allowed entry to the concert venue. allowed
81 The terms allowed for a grace period on loan repayments. allowed
82 Unauthorized reproduction of the content is not allowed. allowed
83 The policy allowed for exceptions in emergencies. allowed
84 The lease agreement allowed for subletting with permission. allowed
85 Only certified drivers are allowed to operate heavy machinery. allowed
86 Unauthorized use of the company logo is not allowed. allowed
87 The conditions allowed for exceptions based on individual circumstances. allowed
88 The school policy allowed for makeup exams under certain conditions. allowed
89 Unauthorized disclosure of confidential information is not allowed. allowed
90 The membership allowed access to the exclusive lounge. allowed
91 The guidelines allowed for modifications with committee approval. allowed
92 The policy allowed for a refund with a receipt. allowed
93 Unauthorized access to the database is not allowed. allowed
94 The agreement allowed for negotiation on the terms. allowed
95 The policy allowed for upgrades with additional fees. allowed
96 Unauthorized alterations to the contract are not allowed. allowed
97 The terms permitted cancellations with a cancellation fee. allowed
98 The contract allowed for modifications with written consent. allowed
99 Unauthorized modifications to the software are not allowed. allowed
100 The terms and conditions allowed for arbitration in case of disputes. allowed
101 She read the poem aloud to the class. aloud
102 Please say your answer aloud so everyone can hear. aloud
103 He chuckled aloud at the joke. aloud
104 The teacher asked him to read the passage aloud. aloud
105 The child sang the song aloud with enthusiasm. aloud
106 She couldn’t help but laugh aloud at the funny scene. aloud
107 He spoke aloud to himself while solving the problem. aloud
108 They cheered aloud for their team at the game. aloud
109 Please recite the speech aloud during the presentation. aloud
110 The audience clapped aloud after the performance. aloud
111 He sighed aloud, expressing his frustration. aloud
112 She whispered aloud to her friend in the library. aloud
113 The preacher spoke the sermon aloud to the congregation. aloud
114 He exclaimed aloud in surprise at the news. aloud
115 The instructions stated to read the sentence aloud. aloud
116 She cried aloud during the emotional scene in the movie. aloud
117 The baby babbled aloud in the playpen. aloud
118 He yawned aloud, feeling exhausted. aloud
119 They chanted aloud during the protest. aloud
120 The announcement was read aloud to the attendees. aloud
121 She hummed the melody aloud as she worked. aloud
122 He roared aloud to scare away the birds. aloud
123 They sang the national anthem aloud at the event. aloud
124 She sneezed aloud, startling everyone around. aloud
125 The actor delivered his lines aloud on stage. aloud
126 He chuckled aloud at the comedian’s jokes. aloud
127 She practiced her lines aloud for the audition. aloud
128 They prayed aloud together in the chapel. aloud
129 He repeated the question aloud for clarification. aloud
130 She gasped aloud in shock. aloud
131 The teacher asked the students to count aloud. aloud
132 He groaned aloud in disappointment. aloud
133 She whispered aloud to her colleague in the meeting. aloud
134 They cheered aloud for their friend running the marathon. aloud
135 He laughed aloud at the amusing story. aloud
136 She mumbled aloud while working on the problem. aloud
137 He snored aloud, interrupting the meeting. aloud
138 They discussed the issue aloud in the group. aloud
139 She shouted aloud to get everyone’s attention. aloud
140 He coughed aloud, trying to clear his throat. aloud
141 She sang the song aloud in the shower. aloud
142 He grumbled aloud about the traffic. aloud
143 They chanted aloud during the protest march. aloud
144 She narrated the story aloud to the children. aloud
145 He yelled aloud in frustration. aloud
146 They murmured aloud in agreement. aloud
147 She sobbed aloud when she heard the news. aloud
148 He recited the poem aloud for the audience. aloud
149 She giggled aloud at the amusing joke. aloud
150 They spoke the lyrics aloud during the concert. aloud
151 He read the instructions aloud to the team. aloud
152 She hummed the tune aloud while cooking. aloud
153 He whispered the secret aloud to his friend. aloud
154 They sang the chorus aloud at the concert. aloud
155 She laughed aloud at the comedy show. aloud
156 He hummed aloud while walking down the street. aloud
157 They shouted the slogan aloud at the rally. aloud
158 She murmured the prayer aloud at the church. aloud
159 He grumbled aloud about the weather. aloud
160 They cheered aloud for their favorite team. aloud
161 She sighed aloud, expressing her relief. aloud
162 He gasped aloud at the surprising revelation. aloud
163 They chanted the mantra aloud during meditation. aloud
164 She whispered aloud in the quiet room. aloud
165 He chuckled aloud at the amusing anecdote. aloud
166 They recited the pledge aloud during the ceremony. aloud
167 She sang the chorus aloud with enthusiasm. aloud
168 He whispered the joke aloud to his friend. aloud
169 They discussed the plan aloud in the meeting. aloud
170 She laughed aloud at the hilarious movie. aloud
171 He hummed the tune aloud while working. aloud
172 They shouted the slogan aloud during the protest. aloud
173 She sobbed aloud upon hearing the sad news. aloud
174 He recited the speech aloud for practice. aloud
175 They cheered aloud for their team’s victory. aloud
176 She spoke the words aloud to remember them. aloud
177 He whispered the secret aloud to his brother. aloud
178 They murmured the song’s lyrics aloud. aloud
179 She chuckled aloud at the amusing story. aloud
180 He sighed aloud, feeling tired. aloud
181 They chanted the mantra aloud during yoga. aloud
182 She whispered the gossip aloud to her friend. aloud
183 He shouted aloud to be heard over the noise. aloud
184 They discussed the project aloud in the group. aloud
185 She laughed aloud at the funny joke. aloud
186 He groaned aloud in disappointment. aloud
187 They sang the chorus aloud at the concert. aloud
188 She whispered the secret aloud to her sister. aloud
189 He recited the poem aloud for the audience. aloud
190 They cheered aloud for their favorite athlete. aloud
191 She sang the song’s chorus aloud with passion. aloud
192 He chuckled aloud at the humorous anecdote. aloud
193 They chanted the mantra aloud during meditation. aloud
194 She murmured the lyrics of the song aloud. aloud
195 He whispered the news aloud to his colleague. aloud
196 They shouted the slogan aloud during the demonstration. aloud
197 She giggled aloud at the silly joke. aloud
198 He sighed aloud, expressing his frustration. aloud
199 They discussed the plan aloud during the meeting. aloud
200 She spoke the instructions aloud for everyone to hear. aloud


1 She sang the song  ______  in the shower. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
2 Personal calls are not  ______  on company phones. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
3 The scholarship  ______  for partial tuition coverage. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
4 Unauthorized reproduction of the content is not  ______ . ( Allowed VS Aloud )
5 He yawned  ______ , feeling exhausted. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
6 They chanted the mantra  ______  during yoga. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
7 He roared  ______  to scare away the birds. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
8 The dress code  ______  casual attire on Fridays. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
9 The terms permitted cancellations with a cancellation fee. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
10 The restaurant  ______  substitutions for dietary preferences. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
11 She whispered  ______  in the quiet room. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
12 Students are  ______  to use the gym facilities after school hours. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
13 The guidelines  ______  for modifications with committee approval. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
14 Photography is not  ______  in the art gallery. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
15 The terms  ______  for a grace period on loan repayments. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
16 The preacher spoke the sermon  ______  to the congregation. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
17 Only members are  ______  in the private clubhouse. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
18 They shouted the slogan  ______  at the rally. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
19 Unauthorized alterations are not  ______  in the building. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
20 They chanted the mantra  ______  during meditation. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
21 The membership card  ______  access to exclusive events. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
22 The terms and conditions  ______  for cancellation within 24 hours. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
23 She spoke the instructions  ______  for everyone to hear. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
24 The airline  ______  a free carry-on bag for each passenger. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
25 They discussed the issue  ______  in the group. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
26 The policy  ______  for telecommuting options for employees. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
27 Cutting in line is not  ______  at the amusement park. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
28 The policy  ______  for a refund with a receipt. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
29 Unauthorized modifications to the software are not  ______ . ( Allowed VS Aloud )
30 He recited the poem  ______  for the audience. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
31 She laughed  ______  at the comedy show. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
32 Unauthorized personnel are not  ______  in the laboratory. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
33 The contract  ______  for modifications with written consent. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
34 The teacher asked him to read the passage  ______ . ( Allowed VS Aloud )
35 He sighed  ______ , expressing his frustration. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
36 The new policy  ______  flexible work hours for employees. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
37 They prayed  ______  together in the chapel. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
38 The diet plan  ______  limited consumption of sugary snacks. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
39 She whispered the secret  ______  to her sister. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
40 The event ticket  ______  entry to the concert venue. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
41 Only staff members are  ______  in the restricted office area. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
42 The terms and conditions  ______  for arbitration in case of disputes. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
43 The lease agreement  ______  for a pet deposit. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
44 The building regulations  ______  for renovations within certain guidelines. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
45 He recited the poem  ______  for the audience. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
46 Luggage exceeding the weight limit is not  ______  on the flight. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
47 Swimming is  ______  only in designated areas of the lake. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
48 He read the instructions  ______  to the team. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
49 The agreement  ______  for negotiation on the terms. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
50 She couldn’t help but laugh  ______  at the funny scene. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
51 She chuckled  ______  at the amusing story. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
52 Overnight camping is  ______  in the national park with a permit. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
53 The terms of service  ______  access to premium features. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
54 Unauthorized disclosure of confidential information is not  ______ . ( Allowed VS Aloud )
55 She murmured the lyrics of the song  ______ . ( Allowed VS Aloud )
56 They chanted  ______  during the protest. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
57 They murmured the song’s lyrics  ______ . ( Allowed VS Aloud )
58 The baby babbled  ______  in the playpen. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
59 She sneezed  ______ , startling everyone around. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
60 The company policy  ______  remote work for certain positions. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
61 The contract  ______  for termination with a notice period. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
62 She sang the chorus  ______  with enthusiasm. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
63 He coughed  ______ , trying to clear his throat. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
64 The terms and conditions  ______  for returns within 14 days. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
65 He chuckled  ______  at the humorous anecdote. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
66 He was  ______  to borrow the car for the weekend. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
67 He sighed  ______ , feeling tired. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
68 Management  ______  a grace period for completing the project. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
69 They spoke the lyrics  ______  during the concert. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
70 They sang the chorus  ______  at the concert. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
71 The lease agreement  ______  for subletting with permission. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
72 The students were  ______  to use calculators during the math test. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
73 He chuckled  ______  at the comedian’s jokes. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
74 She murmured the prayer  ______  at the church. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
75 They chanted the mantra  ______  during meditation. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
76 He grumbled  ______  about the traffic. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
77 She whispered  ______  to her friend in the library. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
78 Eating and drinking are not  ______  in the library. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
79 She narrated the story  ______  to the children. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
80 He hummed  ______  while walking down the street. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
81 Unauthorized use of the company logo is not  ______ . ( Allowed VS Aloud )
82 He whispered the news  ______  to his colleague. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
83 They discussed the project  ______  in the group. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
84 Unauthorized entry into the premises is not  ______ . ( Allowed VS Aloud )
85 Unauthorized access to the database is not  ______ . ( Allowed VS Aloud )
86 Only certified instructors are  ______  to teach the course. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
87 She sobbed  ______  when she heard the news. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
88 He yelled  ______  in frustration. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
89 The permission slip  ______  the student to participate in the field trip. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
90 He groaned  ______  in disappointment. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
91 Overnight parking is not  ______  in this area. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
92 The policy  ______  for a trial period before committing to a subscription. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
93 The website’s terms of use  ______  for user-generated content. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
94 She gasped  ______  in shock. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
95 She mumbled  ______  while working on the problem. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
96 The agreement  ______  for modifications with mutual consent. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
97 She cried  ______  during the emotional scene in the movie. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
98 The guidelines  ______  for remote presentations during the pandemic. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
99 The program  ______  for downloading content for offline viewing. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
100 The instructions stated to read the sentence  ______ . ( Allowed VS Aloud )
101 The policy  ______  for upgrades with additional fees. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
102 Unauthorized alterations to the contract are not  ______ . ( Allowed VS Aloud )
103 Only authorized personnel are  ______  in the restricted area. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
104 The conditions  ______  for exceptions based on individual circumstances. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
105 The rental agreement  ______  for a monthly payment plan. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
106 He chuckled  ______  at the joke. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
107 Early check-in is  ______  at the hotel for an additional fee. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
108 The contract  ______  for renegotiation under specific circumstances. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
109 The policy  ______  for extensions on project deadlines. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
110 He exclaimed  ______  in surprise at the news. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
111 Only registered voters are  ______  to cast their ballots. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
112 They cheered  ______  for their favorite team. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
113 Please say your answer  ______  so everyone can hear. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
114 The security checkpoint  ______  travelers to proceed after thorough checks. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
115 The law  ______  for exemptions in certain circumstances. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
116 The contract  ______  for subcontracting with prior approval. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
117 Visitors are  ______  in the hospital during visiting hours. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
118 They cheered  ______  for their friend running the marathon. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
119 They cheered  ______  for their favorite athlete. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
120 The school rules  ______  students to form clubs with faculty approval. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
121 The guidelines  ______  for a specific dress code at the formal event. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
122 They sang the national anthem  ______  at the event. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
123 He gasped  ______  at the surprising revelation. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
124 They sang the chorus  ______  at the concert. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
125 He laughed  ______  at the amusing story. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
126 He whispered the secret  ______  to his brother. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
127 He shouted  ______  to be heard over the noise. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
128 They discussed the plan  ______  in the meeting. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
129 The store  ______  returns within 30 days of purchase. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
130 Only certified drivers are  ______  to operate heavy machinery. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
131 He whispered the joke  ______  to his friend. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
132 Access to the computer system is  ______  only with a password. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
133 The policy  ______  for exceptions in emergencies. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
134 Music practice is  ______  only during specified hours in the dormitory. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
135 She laughed  ______  at the hilarious movie. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
136 The membership  ______  access to the exclusive lounge. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
137 She shouted  ______  to get everyone’s attention. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
138 Smoking is not  ______  in this building. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
139 Loud music is not  ______  after 10 PM in the neighborhood. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
140 She read the poem  ______  to the class. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
141 The announcement was read  ______  to the attendees. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
142 Only individuals over 18 are  ______  to enter the casino. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
143 Children under five are not  ______  on the amusement park rides. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
144 She was  ______  to leave early after finishing her tasks. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
145 The audience clapped  ______  after the performance. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
146 Unauthorized distribution of the material is not  ______ . ( Allowed VS Aloud )
147 She whispered  ______  to her colleague in the meeting. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
148 They discussed the plan  ______  during the meeting. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
149 The coupon  ______  a discount on the next purchase. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
150 She practiced her lines  ______  for the audition. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
151 She sobbed  ______  upon hearing the sad news. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
152 The actor delivered his lines  ______  on stage. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
153 He whispered the secret  ______  to his friend. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
154 He snored  ______ , interrupting the meeting. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
155 Loudspeakers are not  ______  during the quiet hours in the community. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
156 She hummed the tune  ______  while cooking. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
157 She hummed the melody  ______  as she worked. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
158 They cheered  ______  for their team at the game. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
159 The regulations  ______  for exemptions under special circumstances. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
160 They chanted  ______  during the protest march. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
161 He grumbled  ______  about the weather. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
162 She giggled  ______  at the amusing joke. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
163 They murmured  ______  in agreement. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
164 He groaned  ______  in disappointment. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
165 The rules  ______  for a maximum of two guests per room. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
166 The child sang the song  ______  with enthusiasm. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
167 Unauthorized vehicles are not  ______  in this parking lot. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
168 Only guests with invitations are  ______  into the exclusive party. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
169 They shouted the slogan  ______  during the demonstration. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
170 Cell phones are not  ______  in the exam room. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
171 He recited the speech  ______  for practice. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
172 Please recite the speech  ______  during the presentation. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
173 They recited the pledge  ______  during the ceremony. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
174 She spoke the words  ______  to remember them. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
175 The teacher asked the students to count  ______ . ( Allowed VS Aloud )
176 She giggled  ______  at the silly joke. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
177 The permit  ______  for construction in the designated area. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
178 Visitors are  ______  to take photographs in the museum but without flash. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
179 The scholarship  ______  for financial aid to cover tuition costs. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
180 She laughed  ______  at the funny joke. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
181 Skateboarding is not  ______  on the sidewalk. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
182 She whispered the gossip  ______  to her friend. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
183 The competition rules  ______  for a tiebreaker in case of equal scores. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
184 He repeated the question  ______  for clarification. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
185 He chuckled  ______  at the amusing anecdote. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
186 She sang the song’s chorus  ______  with passion. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
187 He spoke  ______  to himself while solving the problem. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
188 He hummed the tune  ______  while working. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
189 The company policy  ______  for flexible scheduling arrangements. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
190 They shouted the slogan  ______  during the protest. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
191 Bicycles are  ______  on this trail but not motorbikes. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
192 They cheered  ______  for their team’s victory. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
193 Climbing on the statues is not  ______  in the park. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
194 The event organizers  ______  late registration for participants. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
195 Unsupervised access to the equipment is not  ______ . ( Allowed VS Aloud )
196 He sighed  ______ , expressing his frustration. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
197 The school policy  ______  for makeup exams under certain conditions. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
198 Pets are  ______  in the park but must be on a leash. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
199 She sighed  ______ , expressing her relief. ( Allowed VS Aloud )
200 The document  ______  for amendments with unanimous consent. ( Allowed VS Aloud )


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