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The Most Helpful Homophones. Confusing Words Ultimate Collection. Learn Altar vs Alter Homophone in the Most Practical Way

Homophones, often confusing but fascinating, are words that sound alike but have different meanings or spellings. Understanding these homophones is crucial in grasping the nuances of the English language. For instance, consider the pair “there,” indicating a place, and “their,” denoting possession. Such homophones often lead to confusion due to their similar pronunciation yet distinct meanings. Additionally, recognizing homophones such as “to,” “too,” and “two” is essential; they sound alike but hold separate definitions—one representing direction, another denoting excessiveness, and the last indicating a numerical value. These homophones examples illustrate how subtle differences in spelling or meaning can create confusion in written and spoken language.

Delving deeper into the realm of homophones and meaning, one encounters pairs like “peace” and “piece.” While their pronunciations align, their homophone word “peace” signifies harmony or tranquility, while “piece” refers to a part or portion. Such nuances among homophones often challenge writers, leading to misspellings and misunderstandings. Commonly, individuals encounter confusing words like “accept” and “except,” where the former indicates agreement, and the latter implies exclusion. These confusing words in English can stump even proficient speakers, emphasizing the importance of language precision.

To provide clarity, here are 100 examples of homophones with sentences: “The knight rode through the desert to reach his destination. They’re going to need more supplies for their journey. I saw two birds in the tree; too bad I didn’t have my camera. She bought a dress and a pair of shoes; they were on sale. The dog buried its bone under the tree; it’s his favorite hiding spot. Let’s meet at their house; it’s a lovely place. I need to write a note and mail it to the post office; they’re expecting it today.” These sentences highlight various homophones and examples, showcasing their distinct meanings within context.

In conclusion, while homophones add richness to the English language, they can also pose challenges in communication. Recognizing and mastering these homophones and confusing words is essential for effective written and spoken expression, aiding in avoiding commonly misspelled words and ensuring clear and precise communication.

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1 The priest stood before the altar to begin the ceremony. Altar
2 Candles were arranged around the altar for the evening service. Altar
3 Flowers adorned the altar in a vibrant display. Altar
4 The community gathered around the altar for the sacred ritual. Altar
5 Incense filled the air near the altar, creating a serene ambiance. Altar
6 The bride and groom exchanged vows at the beautifully decorated altar. Altar
7 Offerings of fruits and grains were placed on the altar. Altar
8 The altar was adorned with intricate carvings and symbols. Altar
9 Devotees knelt before the altar in prayer. Altar
10 The altar was the focal point of the temple. Altar
11 The altar cloth was embroidered with sacred symbols. Altar
12 The priest lit the candles on the altar. Altar
13 The choir stood near the altar, ready to sing hymns. Altar
14 The altar was bathed in the warm glow of candlelight. Altar
15 The family placed a photograph of their loved one on the altar during the memorial service. Altar
16 The altar was adorned with seasonal decorations for the festival. Altar
17 The altar served as a place for meditation and reflection. Altar
18 The sacred book was placed reverently on the altar. Altar
19 The altar was constructed from marble and intricate stonework. Altar
20 The altar was a place of reverence and devotion for worshippers. Altar
21 People left offerings of coins and flowers on the altar. Altar
22 The altar was central to the religious ceremony. Altar
23 The priest blessed the congregation from the altar. Altar
24 The altar stood in the center of the sanctuary. Altar
25 Prayers were offered at the foot of the altar. Altar
26 The altar was beautifully decorated with garlands and ribbons. Altar
27 Sacred relics were displayed on the altar. Altar
28 The altar was meticulously cleaned and polished before the ceremony. Altar
29 The altar represented a connection between the divine and the mortal world. Altar
30 The altar was flanked by statues of saints. Altar
31 The offering bowl was placed in front of the altar. Altar
32 The altar was draped with a richly embroidered cloth. Altar
33 The priestess performed the sacred ritual at the altar. Altar
34 The sacred fire burned brightly on the altar. Altar
35 The altar was bathed in the light streaming through stained glass windows. Altar
36 Worshippers left tokens of gratitude on the altar. Altar
37 The altar was sanctified before the religious service. Altar
38 The altar was a place for seeking solace and spiritual guidance. Altar
39 The community came together around the altar for worship. Altar
40 The altar was consecrated with prayers and blessings. Altar
41 The altar served as a symbol of faith and devotion. Altar
42 The altar was the heart of the sacred space. Altar
43 The offerings were placed reverently on the altar. Altar
44 The altar was elaborately decorated for the religious festival. Altar
45 The sacred relics were enshrined on the altar. Altar
46 The altar was adorned with intricate carvings and symbols. Altar
47 The religious text was displayed open on the altar. Altar
48 The priest purified the altar before the ceremony. Altar
49 The altar was a place for solemn reflection and prayer. Altar
50 The devout pilgrims approached the altar with reverence. Altar
51 The offerings on the altar were meant as acts of devotion. Altar
52 The congregation knelt before the altar in reverence. Altar
53 The priest offered blessings from the altar. Altar
54 The altar was elevated, signifying its sacred significance. Altar
55 The altar was decorated with fragrant flowers and herbs. Altar
56 The sacred chalice was placed on the altar. Altar
57 The altar was the focal point of the religious gathering. Altar
58 Devotees circled the altar in a ritualistic procession. Altar
59 The altar was constructed of stone and marble. Altar
60 The sacred flame flickered on the altar. Altar
61 The altar served as a place of communion between the divine and the mortal. Altar
62 The offerings were arranged neatly on the altar. Altar
63 The altar was the holiest place in the sanctuary. Altar
64 The priest offered prayers at the consecrated altar. Altar
65 The altar was adorned with religious symbols and icons. Altar
66 The sacred vessel was placed reverently on the altar. Altar
67 The altar was the centerpiece of the religious ceremony. Altar
68 The offerings were presented with reverence at the altar. Altar
69 The sacred scriptures were placed open on the altar. Altar
70 The faithful gathered around the altar for blessings. Altar
71 The altar was consecrated with sacred oils and incense. Altar
72 The altar was a place for seeking spiritual enlightenment. Altar
73 The ritual involved cleansing the altar with holy water. Altar
74 The offerings were laid out in front of the altar. Altar
75 The altar was surrounded by worshippers in silent meditation. Altar
76 The sacred relic was encased in a shrine on the altar. Altar
77 The congregation offered prayers and supplications at the altar. Altar
78 The altar was decorated with tapestries and religious art. Altar
79 The priestess blessed the congregation from the altar. Altar
80 The offerings were carefully arranged on the altar. Altar
81 The devout approached the altar with offerings. Altar
82 The sacred flame was tended to at the altar. Altar
83 The altar was adorned with sacred symbols representing the divine. Altar
84 The religious ceremony centered around the altar. Altar
85 The sacred vessel was placed ceremoniously on the altar. Altar
86 The offerings were laid at the feet of the altar. Altar
87 The altar was a place of reverence and worship. Altar
88 The sacred chant echoed around the altar. Altar
89 The offerings were placed on the altar as acts of devotion. Altar
90 The sacred text was read aloud from the altar. Altar
91 The altar served as a place of spiritual communion. Altar
92 The offerings were made in honor of the divine at the altar. Altar
93 The altar was revered as a sacred space. Altar
94 The congregation offered prayers and hymns at the altar. Altar
95 The sacred relic was enshrined on the altar. Altar
96 The devout approached the altar with offerings of gratitude. Altar
97 The sacred flame burned brightly on the altar. Altar
98 The priestess performed the ceremonial rituals at the altar. Altar
99 The sacred object was placed reverently on the altar. Altar
100 The altar was revered as the embodiment of divine presence. Altar
101 She decided to alter her hairstyle by getting bangs. alter
102 The tailor had to alter the dress to fit perfectly. alter
103 He needed to alter his schedule to accommodate the meeting. alter
104 The weather forecast might alter our weekend plans. alter
105 The company policy will alter starting next month. alter
106 She used Photoshop to alter the brightness of the image. alter
107 They plan to alter the layout of the office for better productivity. alter
108 The architect will alter the design based on the client’s feedback. alter
109 He wants to alter his eating habits to improve his health. alter
110 The scientist hopes to alter the DNA sequence for experimentation. alter
111 The medication may alter your mood temporarily. alter
112 The repairman will alter the circuitry to fix the issue. alter
113 They need to alter their travel plans due to unforeseen circumstances. alter
114 The artist will alter the painting to add more depth. alter
115 The chef decided to alter the recipe by adding extra spices. alter
116 She intends to alter her exercise routine for better results. alter
117 The committee will alter the proposal to address the concerns raised. alter
118 The car mechanic will alter the engine configuration for better performance. alter
119 They will alter the script to fit the time constraints of the play. alter
120 The student will alter the essay based on the teacher’s feedback. alter
121 He plans to alter the garden layout for a more appealing look. alter
122 The tailor can alter the suit to fit you perfectly. alter
123 They might alter the seating arrangements for the event. alter
124 The scientist aims to alter the chemical composition of the substance. alter
125 The psychologist hopes to alter her patient’s behavior through therapy. alter
126 The new information might alter our understanding of the situation. alter
127 The stylist will alter the hair color according to the client’s request. alter
128 The contractor will alter the building plan to accommodate the changes. alter
129 He’ll alter the presentation to make it more engaging. alter
130 They need to alter their marketing strategy for better outreach. alter
131 The therapist aims to alter her patient’s thought patterns. alter
132 She’ll alter the dress design to make it more modern. alter
133 The furniture arrangement might need to be altered for more space. alter
134 The manager will alter the work schedule for next week. alter
135 The scientist seeks to alter the behavior of the cells through experimentation. alter
136 They’ll alter the website layout to enhance user experience. alter
137 He decided to alter his route to avoid heavy traffic. alter
138 The editor will alter the manuscript for better clarity. alter
139 She plans to alter her approach to problem-solving. alter
140 The nutritionist suggested altering the diet to improve health. alter
141 They’ll alter the choreography for the dance routine. alter
142 The designer needs to alter the font size for better readability. alter
143 The engineer will alter the blueprint to include the new specifications. alter
144 They aim to alter public perception through their advertising campaign. alter
145 The doctor will alter the dosage based on the patient’s response. alter
146 She wants to alter her mindset to embrace positivity. alter
147 The artist will alter the sculpture to convey a different emotion. alter
148 The software developer intends to alter the code for better functionality. alter
149 The company will alter its policies to adapt to changing market trends. alter
150 The climate change might alter the landscape dramatically. alter
151 He’ll alter his speech to make it more impactful. alter
152 The landscape architect plans to alter the garden design for sustainability. alter
153 The chef will alter the recipe to cater to dietary restrictions. alter
154 They’ll alter the seating plan to accommodate more guests. alter
155 The musician intends to alter the tempo for a different feel. alter
156 The repairman will alter the wiring to fix the electrical issue. alter
157 They aim to alter the atmosphere of the room with different lighting. alter
158 The doctor might need to alter the treatment plan based on test results. alter
159 The coach plans to alter the team’s strategy for the next game. alter
160 The artist will alter the color palette to evoke different emotions. alter
161 The teacher aims to alter her teaching method for better engagement. alter
162 They’ll alter the route for the hiking trail due to weather conditions. alter
163 The scientist seeks to alter the genetic makeup of the organism. alter
164 She’ll alter her perspective on the situation for a fresh outlook. alter
165 The photographer can alter the contrast levels in the picture. alter
166 The architect will alter the building plan to include sustainability features. alter
167 The company aims to alter its branding for a more modern appeal. alter
168 He’ll alter his presentation style to suit the audience better. alter
169 The stylist wants to alter the haircut to flatter the client’s features. alter
170 They’ll alter the schedule to accommodate the guest speaker. alter
171 The therapist seeks to alter her patient’s coping mechanisms. alter
172 The coach aims to alter the team’s mindset for a winning attitude. alter
173 The software update might alter the functionality of the application. alter
174 The surgeon will alter the procedure based on the patient’s condition. alter
175 They’ll alter the menu to include more dietary options. alter
176 The artist plans to alter the composition of the painting for balance. alter
177 He’ll alter the melody to suit the lyrics better. alter
178 The designer will alter the layout to improve user navigation. alter
179 The decorator wants to alter the color scheme for a fresh look. alter
180 They’ll alter the course content to include recent developments. alter
181 The artist aims to alter the sculpture to convey a different message. alter
182 The stylist will alter the fashion design for the runway show. alter
183 The teacher plans to alter the lesson plan for interactive learning. alter
184 He’ll alter the speech to address recent concerns. alter
185 The chef seeks to alter the presentation of the dish for aesthetics. alter
186 They’ll alter the contract terms to accommodate the new policy. alter
187 The doctor might alter the medication dosage based on the patient’s response. alter
188 The software engineer intends to alter the program for improved efficiency. alter
189 She’ll alter her exercise routine to challenge herself more. alter
190 The coach will alter the training regimen for better performance. alter
191 The engineer plans to alter the machinery for enhanced productivity. alter
192 They’ll alter the seating arrangements for the conference attendees. alter
193 The decorator intends to alter the room layout for more space. alter
194 The designer seeks to alter the fabric pattern for uniqueness. alter
195 He’ll alter his approach to problem-solving for better results. alter
196 The artist wants to alter the sculpture to represent a different concept. alter
197 The scientist aims to alter the cell structure for experimentation. alter
198 They’ll alter the guidelines to adapt to changing circumstances. alter
199 The chef plans to alter the recipe ingredients for a twist. alter
200 The manager will alter the project timeline to accommodate delays. alter


1 The artist will  ______  the color palette to evoke different emotions. ( Altar vs Alter )
2 The offerings were placed reverently on the  ______ . ( Altar vs Alter )
3 She used Photoshop to  ______  the brightness of the image. ( Altar vs Alter )
4 The choir stood near the  ______ , ready to sing hymns. ( Altar vs Alter )
5 The artist aims to  ______  the sculpture to convey a different message. ( Altar vs Alter )
6 The car mechanic will  ______  the engine configuration for better performance. ( Altar vs Alter )
7 He’ll  ______  the speech to address recent concerns. ( Altar vs Alter )
8 They might  ______  the seating arrangements for the event. ( Altar vs Alter )
9 The devout pilgrims approached the  ______  with reverence. ( Altar vs Alter )
10 They’ll  ______  the choreography for the dance routine. ( Altar vs Alter )
11 The new information might  ______  our understanding of the situation. ( Altar vs Alter )
12 The repairman will  ______  the circuitry to fix the issue. ( Altar vs Alter )
13 The therapist seeks to  ______  her patient’s coping mechanisms. ( Altar vs Alter )
14 The  ______  was beautifully decorated with garlands and ribbons. ( Altar vs Alter )
15 The community came together around the  ______  for worship. ( Altar vs Alter )
16 The  ______  was revered as the embodiment of divine presence. ( Altar vs Alter )
17 People left offerings of coins and flowers on the  ______ . ( Altar vs Alter )
18 The scientist seeks to  ______  the behavior of the cells through experimentation. ( Altar vs Alter )
19 The  ______  was flanked by statues of saints. ( Altar vs Alter )
20 Devotees circled the  ______  in a ritualistic procession. ( Altar vs Alter )
21 They’ll  ______  the route for the hiking trail due to weather conditions. ( Altar vs Alter )
22 They aim to  ______  the atmosphere of the room with different lighting. ( Altar vs Alter )
23 The tailor had to  ______  the dress to fit perfectly. ( Altar vs Alter )
24 The engineer plans to  ______  the machinery for enhanced productivity. ( Altar vs Alter )
25 The congregation offered prayers and hymns at the  ______ . ( Altar vs Alter )
26 He’ll  ______  his presentation style to suit the audience better. ( Altar vs Alter )
27 The coach aims to  ______  the team’s mindset for a winning attitude. ( Altar vs Alter )
28 The architect will  ______  the design based on the client’s feedback. ( Altar vs Alter )
29 The manager will  ______  the work schedule for next week. ( Altar vs Alter )
30 The  ______  was adorned with seasonal decorations for the festival. ( Altar vs Alter )
31 The manager will  ______  the project timeline to accommodate delays. ( Altar vs Alter )
32 The priestess blessed the congregation from the  ______ . ( Altar vs Alter )
33 The  ______  was revered as a sacred space. ( Altar vs Alter )
34 The offerings were made in honor of the divine at the  ______ . ( Altar vs Alter )
35 The sacred vessel was placed ceremoniously on the  ______ . ( Altar vs Alter )
36 The scientist seeks to  ______  the genetic makeup of the organism. ( Altar vs Alter )
37 The chef decided to  ______  the recipe by adding extra spices. ( Altar vs Alter )
38 The scientist aims to  ______  the chemical composition of the substance. ( Altar vs Alter )
39 They plan to  ______  the layout of the office for better productivity. ( Altar vs Alter )
40 She’ll  ______  the dress design to make it more modern. ( Altar vs Alter )
41 The chef plans to  ______  the recipe ingredients for a twist. ( Altar vs Alter )
42 The offering bowl was placed in front of the  ______ . ( Altar vs Alter )
43 The sacred flame burned brightly on the  ______ . ( Altar vs Alter )
44 The  ______  was decorated with fragrant flowers and herbs. ( Altar vs Alter )
45 The furniture arrangement might need to be  ______ ed for more space. ( Altar vs Alter )
46 The nutritionist suggested  ______ ing the diet to improve health. ( Altar vs Alter )
47 She’ll  ______  her exercise routine to challenge herself more. ( Altar vs Alter )
48 The sacred flame flickered on the  ______ . ( Altar vs Alter )
49 The artist will  ______  the painting to add more depth. ( Altar vs Alter )
50 The software developer intends to  ______  the code for better functionality. ( Altar vs Alter )
51 The stylist will  ______  the fashion design for the runway show. ( Altar vs Alter )
52 The bride and groom exchanged vows at the beautifully decorated  ______ . ( Altar vs Alter )
53 The company will  ______  its policies to adapt to changing market trends. ( Altar vs Alter )
54 The  ______  represented a connection between the divine and the mortal world. ( Altar vs Alter )
55 He plans to  ______  the garden layout for a more appealing look. ( Altar vs Alter )
56 The  ______  was surrounded by worshippers in silent meditation. ( Altar vs Alter )
57 The coach plans to  ______  the team’s strategy for the next game. ( Altar vs Alter )
58 The priestess performed the sacred ritual at the  ______ . ( Altar vs Alter )
59 The artist plans to  ______  the composition of the painting for balance. ( Altar vs Alter )
60 The  ______  was adorned with intricate carvings and symbols. ( Altar vs Alter )
61 The  ______  was consecrated with sacred oils and incense. ( Altar vs Alter )
62 The  ______  served as a place of spiritual communion. ( Altar vs Alter )
63 The stylist wants to  ______  the haircut to flatter the client’s features. ( Altar vs Alter )
64 The offerings were laid out in front of the  ______ . ( Altar vs Alter )
65 She plans to  ______  her approach to problem-solving. ( Altar vs Alter )
66 The sacred relic was encased in a shrine on the  ______ . ( Altar vs Alter )
67 The priest blessed the congregation from the  ______ . ( Altar vs Alter )
68 The ritual involved cleansing the  ______  with holy water. ( Altar vs Alter )
69 She decided to  ______  her hairstyle by getting bangs. ( Altar vs Alter )
70 Incense filled the air near the  ______ , creating a serene ambiance. ( Altar vs Alter )
71 The surgeon will  ______  the procedure based on the patient’s condition. ( Altar vs Alter )
72 The chef will  ______  the recipe to cater to dietary restrictions. ( Altar vs Alter )
73 The offerings were placed on the  ______  as acts of devotion. ( Altar vs Alter )
74 The doctor will  ______  the dosage based on the patient’s response. ( Altar vs Alter )
75 He needed to  ______  his schedule to accommodate the meeting. ( Altar vs Alter )
76 The scientist aims to  ______  the cell structure for experimentation. ( Altar vs Alter )
77 The musician intends to  ______  the tempo for a different feel. ( Altar vs Alter )
78 The  ______  was sanctified before the religious service. ( Altar vs Alter )
79 The  ______  was decorated with tapestries and religious art. ( Altar vs Alter )
80 The teacher aims to  ______  her teaching method for better engagement. ( Altar vs Alter )
81 They’ll  ______  the menu to include more dietary options. ( Altar vs Alter )
82 The  ______  served as a place for meditation and reflection. ( Altar vs Alter )
83 The designer will  ______  the layout to improve user navigation. ( Altar vs Alter )
84 The priest offered blessings from the  ______ . ( Altar vs Alter )
85 The  ______  was consecrated with prayers and blessings. ( Altar vs Alter )
86 The  ______  was the focal point of the temple. ( Altar vs Alter )
87 The sacred text was read aloud from the  ______ . ( Altar vs Alter )
88 The  ______  was adorned with religious symbols and icons. ( Altar vs Alter )
89 They’ll  ______  the contract terms to accommodate the new policy. ( Altar vs Alter )
90 The  ______  was adorned with intricate carvings and symbols. ( Altar vs Alter )
91 The repairman will  ______  the wiring to fix the electrical issue. ( Altar vs Alter )
92 The therapist aims to  ______  her patient’s thought patterns. ( Altar vs Alter )
93 The priest lit the candles on the  ______ . ( Altar vs Alter )
94 The congregation knelt before the  ______  in reverence. ( Altar vs Alter )
95 They’ll  ______  the guidelines to adapt to changing circumstances. ( Altar vs Alter )
96 They aim to  ______  public perception through their advertising campaign. ( Altar vs Alter )
97 The  ______  was a place for seeking solace and spiritual guidance. ( Altar vs Alter )
98 The photographer can  ______  the contrast levels in the picture. ( Altar vs Alter )
99 The designer seeks to  ______  the fabric pattern for uniqueness. ( Altar vs Alter )
100 The sacred scriptures were placed open on the  ______ . ( Altar vs Alter )
101 The  ______  stood in the center of the sanctuary. ( Altar vs Alter )
102 The sacred flame was tended to at the  ______ . ( Altar vs Alter )
103 They need to  ______  their travel plans due to unforeseen circumstances. ( Altar vs Alter )
104 The  ______  was central to the religious ceremony. ( Altar vs Alter )
105 The religious ceremony centered around the  ______ . ( Altar vs Alter )
106 The  ______  was constructed from marble and intricate stonework. ( Altar vs Alter )
107 The company policy will  ______  starting next month. ( Altar vs Alter )
108 The sacred vessel was placed reverently on the  ______ . ( Altar vs Alter )
109 The climate change might  ______  the landscape dramatically. ( Altar vs Alter )
110 The sacred object was placed reverently on the  ______ . ( Altar vs Alter )
111 The congregation offered prayers and supplications at the  ______ . ( Altar vs Alter )
112 The  ______  was a place for seeking spiritual enlightenment. ( Altar vs Alter )
113 The decorator intends to  ______  the room layout for more space. ( Altar vs Alter )
114 The stylist will  ______  the hair color according to the client’s request. ( Altar vs Alter )
115 The editor will  ______  the manuscript for better clarity. ( Altar vs Alter )
116 The priest purified the  ______  before the ceremony. ( Altar vs Alter )
117 They’ll  ______  the seating arrangements for the conference attendees. ( Altar vs Alter )
118 The software update might  ______  the functionality of the application. ( Altar vs Alter )
119 The contractor will  ______  the building plan to accommodate the changes. ( Altar vs Alter )
120 The company aims to  ______  its branding for a more modern appeal. ( Altar vs Alter )
121 She intends to  ______  her exercise routine for better results. ( Altar vs Alter )
122 The  ______  served as a symbol of faith and devotion. ( Altar vs Alter )
123 The artist wants to  ______  the sculpture to represent a different concept. ( Altar vs Alter )
124 The doctor might  ______  the medication dosage based on the patient’s response. ( Altar vs Alter )
125 He’ll  ______  the melody to suit the lyrics better. ( Altar vs Alter )
126 The  ______  was draped with a richly embroidered cloth. ( Altar vs Alter )
127 The offerings were arranged neatly on the  ______ . ( Altar vs Alter )
128 The offerings were laid at the feet of the  ______ . ( Altar vs Alter )
129 They will  ______  the script to fit the time constraints of the play. ( Altar vs Alter )
130 They need to  ______  their marketing strategy for better outreach. ( Altar vs Alter )
131 She’ll  ______  her perspective on the situation for a fresh outlook. ( Altar vs Alter )
132 The  ______  was a place of reverence and worship. ( Altar vs Alter )
133 Candles were arranged around the  ______  for the evening service. ( Altar vs Alter )
134 The  ______  was the focal point of the religious gathering. ( Altar vs Alter )
135 The  ______  was bathed in the warm glow of candlelight. ( Altar vs Alter )
136 Sacred relics were displayed on the  ______ . ( Altar vs Alter )
137 The offerings on the  ______  were meant as acts of devotion. ( Altar vs Alter )
138 He’ll  ______  his speech to make it more impactful. ( Altar vs Alter )
139 The sacred relics were enshrined on the  ______ . ( Altar vs Alter )
140 Worshippers left tokens of gratitude on the  ______ . ( Altar vs Alter )
141 The  ______  cloth was embroidered with sacred symbols. ( Altar vs Alter )
142 They’ll  ______  the seating plan to accommodate more guests. ( Altar vs Alter )
143 He’ll  ______  his approach to problem-solving for better results. ( Altar vs Alter )
144 The  ______  was the holiest place in the sanctuary. ( Altar vs Alter )
145 He decided to  ______  his route to avoid heavy traffic. ( Altar vs Alter )
146 The teacher plans to  ______  the lesson plan for interactive learning. ( Altar vs Alter )
147 Flowers adorned the  ______  in a vibrant display. ( Altar vs Alter )
148 The tailor can  ______  the suit to fit you perfectly. ( Altar vs Alter )
149 The psychologist hopes to  ______  her patient’s behavior through therapy. ( Altar vs Alter )
150 The coach will  ______  the training regimen for better performance. ( Altar vs Alter )
151 The priestess performed the ceremonial rituals at the  ______ . ( Altar vs Alter )
152 The community gathered around the  ______  for the sacred ritual. ( Altar vs Alter )
153 The  ______  was a place of reverence and devotion for worshippers. ( Altar vs Alter )
154 The priest offered prayers at the consecrated  ______ . ( Altar vs Alter )
155 The devout approached the  ______  with offerings of gratitude. ( Altar vs Alter )
156 They’ll  ______  the course content to include recent developments. ( Altar vs Alter )
157 The  ______  was the centerpiece of the religious ceremony. ( Altar vs Alter )
158 The sacred book was placed reverently on the  ______ . ( Altar vs Alter )
159 The sacred relic was enshrined on the  ______ . ( Altar vs Alter )
160 The sacred chalice was placed on the  ______ . ( Altar vs Alter )
161 The weather forecast might  ______  our weekend plans. ( Altar vs Alter )
162 They’ll  ______  the schedule to accommodate the guest speaker. ( Altar vs Alter )
163 The offerings were presented with reverence at the  ______ . ( Altar vs Alter )
164 The faithful gathered around the  ______  for blessings. ( Altar vs Alter )
165 They’ll  ______  the website layout to enhance user experience. ( Altar vs Alter )
166 Prayers were offered at the foot of the  ______ . ( Altar vs Alter )
167 The engineer will  ______  the blueprint to include the new specifications. ( Altar vs Alter )
168 The  ______  was a place for solemn reflection and prayer. ( Altar vs Alter )
169 The offerings were carefully arranged on the  ______ . ( Altar vs Alter )
170 The  ______  was the heart of the sacred space. ( Altar vs Alter )
171 The family placed a photograph of their loved one on the  ______  during the memorial service. ( Altar vs Alter )
172 The  ______  was elevated, signifying its sacred significance. ( Altar vs Alter )
173 The  ______  was adorned with sacred symbols representing the divine. ( Altar vs Alter )
174 The student will  ______  the essay based on the teacher’s feedback. ( Altar vs Alter )
175 Devotees knelt before the  ______  in prayer. ( Altar vs Alter )
176 The artist will  ______  the sculpture to convey a different emotion. ( Altar vs Alter )
177 The  ______  was bathed in the light streaming through stained glass windows. ( Altar vs Alter )
178 He’ll  ______  the presentation to make it more engaging. ( Altar vs Alter )
179 He wants to  ______  his eating habits to improve his health. ( Altar vs Alter )
180 The  ______  was constructed of stone and marble. ( Altar vs Alter )
181 The committee will  ______  the proposal to address the concerns raised. ( Altar vs Alter )
182 The  ______  was elaborately decorated for the religious festival. ( Altar vs Alter )
183 The medication may  ______  your mood temporarily. ( Altar vs Alter )
184 The scientist hopes to  ______  the DNA sequence for experimentation. ( Altar vs Alter )
185 The landscape architect plans to  ______  the garden design for sustainability. ( Altar vs Alter )
186 The  ______  served as a place of communion between the divine and the mortal. ( Altar vs Alter )
187 The sacred fire burned brightly on the  ______ . ( Altar vs Alter )
188 The priest stood before the  ______  to begin the ceremony. ( Altar vs Alter )
189 The sacred chant echoed around the  ______ . ( Altar vs Alter )
190 The decorator wants to  ______  the color scheme for a fresh look. ( Altar vs Alter )
191 The  ______  was meticulously cleaned and polished before the ceremony. ( Altar vs Alter )
192 The software engineer intends to  ______  the program for improved efficiency. ( Altar vs Alter )
193 The chef seeks to  ______  the presentation of the dish for aesthetics. ( Altar vs Alter )
194 The religious text was displayed open on the  ______ . ( Altar vs Alter )
195 The devout approached the  ______  with offerings. ( Altar vs Alter )
196 The doctor might need to  ______  the treatment plan based on test results. ( Altar vs Alter )
197 Offerings of fruits and grains were placed on the  ______ . ( Altar vs Alter )
198 She wants to  ______  her mindset to embrace positivity. ( Altar vs Alter )
199 The designer needs to  ______  the font size for better readability. ( Altar vs Alter )
200 The architect will  ______  the building plan to include sustainability features. ( Altar vs Alter )


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