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The Most Helpful Homophones. Confusing Words Ultimate Collection. Learn Arc vs Ark Homophone in the Most Practical Way

Homophones, often confusing but fascinating, are words that sound alike but have different meanings or spellings. Understanding these homophones is crucial in grasping the nuances of the English language. For instance, consider the pair “there,” indicating a place, and “their,” denoting possession. Such homophones often lead to confusion due to their similar pronunciation yet distinct meanings. Additionally, recognizing homophones such as “to,” “too,” and “two” is essential; they sound alike but hold separate definitions—one representing direction, another denoting excessiveness, and the last indicating a numerical value. These homophones examples illustrate how subtle differences in spelling or meaning can create confusion in written and spoken language.

Delving deeper into the realm of homophones and meaning, one encounters pairs like “peace” and “piece.” While their pronunciations align, their homophone word “peace” signifies harmony or tranquility, while “piece” refers to a part or portion. Such nuances among homophones often challenge writers, leading to misspellings and misunderstandings. Commonly, individuals encounter confusing words like “accept” and “except,” where the former indicates agreement, and the latter implies exclusion. These confusing words in English can stump even proficient speakers, emphasizing the importance of language precision.

To provide clarity, here are 100 examples of homophones with sentences: “The knight rode through the desert to reach his destination. They’re going to need more supplies for their journey. I saw two birds in the tree; too bad I didn’t have my camera. She bought a dress and a pair of shoes; they were on sale. The dog buried its bone under the tree; it’s his favorite hiding spot. Let’s meet at their house; it’s a lovely place. I need to write a note and mail it to the post office; they’re expecting it today.” These sentences highlight various homophones and examples, showcasing their distinct meanings within context.

In conclusion, while homophones add richness to the English language, they can also pose challenges in communication. Recognizing and mastering these homophones and confusing words is essential for effective written and spoken expression, aiding in avoiding commonly misspelled words and ensuring clear and precise communication.

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1 The rainbow formed a perfect arc across the sky. arc
2 The gymnast’s graceful leap traced an elegant arc in the air. arc
3 The bridge’s arch formed a beautiful arc over the river. arc
4 The boomerang flew in a perfect arc before returning to its thrower. arc
5 The trajectory of the ball formed a high arc before landing in the net. arc
6 His smile formed a gentle arc across his face. arc
7 The moon described a slow arc across the night sky. arc
8 The dancer’s arm moved in a fluid arc during the performance. arc
9 The spaceship followed a precise arc into the orbit. arc
10 The pendulum swung in a rhythmic arc. arc
11 The seagulls soared in graceful arcs above the ocean. arc
12 The ski jumper followed a long, sweeping arc down the slope. arc
13 The rainbow’s vibrant colors spanned an arc over the horizon. arc
14 The bird made a swift arc in the sky before disappearing behind the trees. arc
15 Her brushstroke created a bold arc of color on the canvas. arc
16 The sprinkler’s water arced gracefully over the garden. arc
17 The neon sign formed an arc above the entrance to the theater. arc
18 The rocket traced a fiery arc into the atmosphere. arc
19 The windshield wipers moved in a wide arc to clear the rain. arc
20 The archer’s arrow flew in a perfect arc toward the target. arc
21 The roller coaster’s track twisted and turned in various arcs. arc
22 The sun’s path across the sky describes an arc from dawn to dusk. arc
23 The curve of the coastline formed a gentle arc along the horizon. arc
24 The trajectory of the basketball formed a high arc before sinking into the hoop. arc
25 The dancer’s leap created an arc of movement on stage. arc
26 The arc of the suspension bridge spanned the river below. arc
27 The caterpillar moved in a curved arc across the leaf. arc
28 The arc of light from the lighthouse guided ships safely to shore. arc
29 The sprinkler system arced water over the entire lawn. arc
30 The sculpture’s shape formed an abstract arc in the gallery. arc
31 The cyclist pedaled in a smooth arc along the winding road. arc
32 The fireworks burst in a radiant arc of colors against the night sky. arc
33 The car’s headlights illuminated an arc of the road ahead. arc
34 The trajectory of the tennis ball formed a perfect arc over the net. arc
35 The hula hoop spun in a continuous arc around the girl’s waist. arc
36 The curve of the path created a gentle arc through the park. arc
37 The aerial acrobat swung in a daring arc above the crowd. arc
38 The falcon soared in a wide arc, scanning the landscape below. arc
39 The trajectory of the rocket formed a sharp arc before reaching the stars. arc
40 The arc of the dancer’s arm added elegance to her movements. arc
41 The rainbow arced across the waterfall, creating a stunning sight. arc
42 The sailboat’s mast described a graceful arc against the sky. arc
43 The curveball arced beautifully before crossing the plate. arc
44 The bird’s flight traced an erratic arc across the sky. arc
45 The roller coaster climbed and then descended in a thrilling arc. arc
46 The painter’s brush moved in a sweeping arc across the canvas. arc
47 The moon’s arc shifted across the night as the night progressed. arc
48 The trajectory of the jet followed a wide arc in the sky. arc
49 The arc of the monument’s architecture symbolized strength and unity. arc
50 The trajectory of the frisbee formed a wide arc before landing. arc
51 The flare shot in a high arc into the night sky. arc
52 The arc of the fountain’s water sparkled in the sunlight. arc
53 The trajectory of the golf ball formed a perfect arc toward the hole. arc
54 The serpent-like path arced through the forest, leading to the clearing. arc
55 The sailboat’s arc in the distance signaled its approach to the harbor. arc
56 The arc of the crane swung over the construction site. arc
57 The dancer’s leap formed a dramatic arc on the stage. arc
58 The trajectory of the javelin formed a graceful arc through the air. arc
59 The satellite followed an elliptical arc in its orbit around the Earth. arc
60 The arc of the rainbow seemed to touch the ground in the distance. arc
61 The trajectory of the spaceship formed a high arc as it departed. arc
62 The arc of the streetlights cast a soft glow along the road. arc
63 The water hose arced over the garden, watering the plants. arc
64 The arc of the mountain range stretched along the horizon. arc
65 The trajectory of the arrow formed a perfect arc toward the target. arc
66 The skater traced a perfect arc on the ice with each turn. arc
67 The arc of the waterfall cascaded down the rocks. arc
68 The trajectory of the bird’s flight formed an elegant arc. arc
69 The arc of the sunset painted the sky with vibrant hues. arc
70 The trajectory of the asteroid formed a wide arc across the sky. arc
71 The arc of the crescent moon hung low in the sky. arc
72 The trajectory of the comet formed a long, glowing arc in the night. arc
73 The arc of the parabola showed a continuous mathematical curve. arc
74 The trajectory of the kite formed a looping arc in the wind. arc
75 The arc of the dancer’s leap showcased her grace and agility. arc
76 The rainbow’s colorful arc stretched from one end of the sky to the other. arc
77 The trajectory of the tennis serve formed a powerful arc over the net. arc
78 The arc of the wave crashed against the shore with force. arc
79 The trajectory of the roller coaster formed loops and arcs in the air. arc
80 The arc of the sand dunes curved along the coastline. arc
81 The trajectory of the boulder formed an arc as it rolled down the hill. arc
82 The arc of the satellite’s orbit traced a predictable path around the Earth. arc
83 The trajectory of the meteor formed a blazing arc in the sky. arc
84 The arc of the rainbow appeared after the rain shower. arc
85 The trajectory of the bird’s flight described a graceful arc in the sky. arc
86 The arc of the bungee jumper’s descent swung beneath the bridge. arc
87 The trajectory of the frisbee formed a wide arc in the park. arc
88 The arc of the rocket’s launch was visible for miles. arc
89   arc
90 The arc of the hiker’s path wound through the mountain terrain. arc
91 The trajectory of the bullet formed a swift arc toward the target. arc
92 The arc of the swing reached its highest point before descending. arc
93 The trajectory of the baseball formed a high arc before being caught. arc
94 The arc of the sunrise painted the sky in hues of pink and orange. arc
95 The trajectory of the airplane formed a wide arc as it approached the runway. arc
96 The arc of the compass needle pointed northward. arc
97 The trajectory of the falling leaves formed a gentle arc to the ground. arc
98 The arc of the dancer’s movement flowed seamlessly across the stage. arc
99 The trajectory of the basketball formed a perfect arc before going through the hoop. arc
100 The arc of the sculpture’s curve captivated the audience’s attention. arc
101 Noah’s ark saved pairs of animals during the great flood. ark
102 The ark was built according to divine instructions. ark
103 The story of Noah’s ark is found in the Bible. ark
104 The ark was designed to weather the storm and float on water. ark
105 Animals entered Noah’s ark in pairs. ark
106 Noah gathered animals from all species to board the ark. ark
107 The ark was a refuge during the deluge. ark
108 Noah’s family resided in the ark for forty days and nights. ark
109 The ark became a symbol of salvation and safety. ark
110 Noah built the ark with precise measurements. ark
111 The ark had chambers for animals and provisions. ark
112 The ark was constructed with wood and pitch. ark
113 The ark’s size made it a formidable vessel. ark
114 The ark sailed on the flooded waters. ark
115 The ark housed creatures from the animal kingdom. ark
116 The ark’s passengers included birds, mammals, and reptiles. ark
117 The ark’s construction took many years. ark
118 Noah obeyed divine instructions in building the ark. ark
119 The ark was an instrument of God’s mercy. ark
120 The ark’s structure endured the tempestuous seas. ark
121 The ark symbolizes renewal and rebirth. ark
122 Noah’s ark is a symbol of faith and obedience. ark
123 The ark’s deck accommodated a variety of species. ark
124 The ark’s dimensions were extraordinary. ark
125 The ark provided a haven from the floodwaters. ark
126 The ark withstood the forces of nature. ark
127 Noah gathered animals to populate the ark. ark
128 The ark’s inhabitants were kept safe during the flood. ark
129 The ark was an incredible feat of engineering. ark
130 The ark served as a vessel of hope. ark
131 The ark contained representatives from every species. ark
132 The ark’s construction was a monumental task. ark
133 Noah and his family cared for the animals on the ark. ark
134 The ark served as a refuge in a time of calamity. ark
135 The ark floated upon the waters for many days. ark
136 The ark’s door was sealed during the flood. ark
137 Noah’s ark was a shelter from the storm. ark
138 The ark housed creatures great and small. ark
139 The ark’s passengers awaited the receding waters. ark
140 The ark held the promise of a new beginning. ark
141 The ark’s design ensured the safety of its passengers. ark
142 Noah’s ark is a timeless symbol of preservation. ark
143 The ark withstood the torrential rains. ark
144 Noah and his family tended to the animals on the ark. ark
145 The ark’s construction was divinely guided. ark
146 Noah’s ark is an enduring symbol of hope. ark
147 The ark’s purpose was to preserve life. ark
148 The ark housed pairs of animals during the flood. ark
149 The ark’s inhabitants emerged after the floodwaters receded. ark
150 Noah released birds from the ark to find land. ark
151 The ark’s construction was a miraculous endeavor. ark
152 Noah’s ark was an embodiment of salvation. ark
153 The ark held representatives of all creatures. ark
154 The ark’s passengers survived the cataclysmic event. ark
155 The ark’s construction began before the flood. ark
156 Noah followed divine instructions to build the ark. ark
157 The ark’s voyage spanned a period of great turmoil. ark
158 Noah’s family sought refuge within the ark. ark
159 The ark’s construction was an act of faith. ark
160 Noah’s ark carried life through the deluge. ark
161 The ark served as a sanctuary during the flood. ark
162 The ark’s design ensured the animals’ safety. ark
163 Noah’s ark endured the floodwaters. ark
164 The ark’s passengers symbolized a new beginning. ark
165 Noah’s ark is an enduring story of resilience. ark
166 The ark was built to withstand the catastrophic flood. ark
167 The ark’s dimensions allowed for numerous species. ark
168 Noah’s ark remains an enduring symbol of hope. ark
169 The ark sheltered its inhabitants from the flood. ark
170 The ark’s passengers exited onto dry land. ark
171 Noah’s ark is a testament to divine protection. ark
172 The ark’s design facilitated the preservation of life. ark
173 Noah’s ark is a remarkable story of survival. ark
174 The ark’s construction was an act of obedience. ark
175 The ark’s passengers awaited the subsiding waters. ark
176 Noah’s ark protected its occupants during the flood. ark
177 The ark’s construction required precise measurements. ark
178 The ark’s passengers emerged onto a renewed world. ark
179 Noah and his family tended to the animals aboard the ark. ark
180 The ark symbolizes renewal and restoration. ark
181 Noah’s ark provided safety amid chaos. ark
182 The ark housed pairs of animals to repopulate the Earth. ark
183 The ark’s passengers found refuge during the flood. ark
184 Noah’s ark is an enduring tale of perseverance. ark
185 The ark’s construction required immense dedication. ark
186 The ark symbolizes God’s covenant with humanity. ark
187 Noah’s ark withstood the force of the deluge. ark
188 The ark’s design ensured the survival of its passengers. ark
189 Noah’s ark sheltered its inhabitants from the floodwaters. ark
190 The ark’s passengers stepped onto a cleansed Earth. ark
191 Noah’s ark was a sanctuary in the midst of destruction. ark
192 The ark served as a vessel of salvation. ark
193 Noah’s ark is a story of divine intervention. ark
194 The ark’s construction was guided by divine instructions. ark
195 Noah’s ark provided shelter in a time of devastation. ark
196 The ark’s passengers heralded a new beginning. ark
197 Noah and his family cared for the animals aboard the ark. ark
198 The ark’s purpose was to preserve life amidst the flood. ark
199 Noah’s ark is a testament to faith and obedience. ark
200 The ark’s passengers disembarked onto a renewed Earth. ark


1 The trajectory of the frisbee formed a wide  ______  in the park.( Arc VS ark )
2 The  ______  of the dancer’s arm added elegance to her movements.( Arc VS ark )
3 The dancer’s arm moved in a fluid  ______  during the performance.( Arc VS ark )
4 The  ______  housed pairs of animals to repopulate the Earth.( Arc VS ark )
5 The  ______  of the crane swung over the construction site.( Arc VS ark )
6 The sailboat’s  ______  in the distance signaled its approach to the harbor.( Arc VS ark )
7 ( Arc VS ark )
8 The  ______ ‘s purpose was to preserve life.( Arc VS ark )
9 The trajectory of the falling leaves formed a gentle  ______  to the ground.( Arc VS ark )
10 The trajectory of the spaceship formed a high  ______  as it departed.( Arc VS ark )
11 The  ______ ‘s construction was an act of obedience.( Arc VS ark )
12 The  ______  of the dancer’s movement flowed seamlessly across the stage.( Arc VS ark )
13 The  ______ ‘s construction required precise measurements.( Arc VS ark )
14 The  ______  of the suspension bridge spanned the river below.( Arc VS ark )
15 The  ______  held the promise of a new beginning.( Arc VS ark )
16 The  ______ ‘s passengers stepped onto a cleansed Earth.( Arc VS ark )
17 The  ______  of the rocket’s launch was visible for miles.( Arc VS ark )
18 The  ______  was built according to divine instructions.( Arc VS ark )
19 The  ______  was an incredible feat of engineering.( Arc VS ark )
20 The  ______ ‘s purpose was to preserve life amidst the flood.( Arc VS ark )
21 Noah and his family cared for the animals aboard the  ______ .( Arc VS ark )
22 Noah and his family tended to the animals on the  ______ .( Arc VS ark )
23 Noah’s  ______  is a symbol of faith and obedience.( Arc VS ark )
24 The  ______ ‘s door was sealed during the flood.( Arc VS ark )
25 The  ______ ‘s construction was divinely guided.( Arc VS ark )
26 The trajectory of the golf ball formed a perfect  ______  toward the hole.( Arc VS ark )
27 The bridge’s  ______ h formed a beautiful  ______  over the river.( Arc VS ark )
28 The  ______  of light from the lighthouse guided ships safely to shore.( Arc VS ark )
29 The  ______  of the wave crashed against the shore with force.( Arc VS ark )
30 The hula hoop spun in a continuous  ______  around the girl’s waist.( Arc VS ark )
31 The trajectory of the jet followed a wide  ______  in the sky.( Arc VS ark )
32 The ski jumper followed a long, sweeping  ______  down the slope.( Arc VS ark )
33 The  ______  was a refuge during the deluge.( Arc VS ark )
34 The serpent-like path  ______ ed through the forest, leading to the clearing.( Arc VS ark )
35 The trajectory of the bullet formed a swift  ______  toward the target.( Arc VS ark )
36 The spaceship followed a precise  ______  into the orbit.( Arc VS ark )
37 The  ______  was constructed with wood and pitch.( Arc VS ark )
38 The  ______ ‘s passengers awaited the receding waters.( Arc VS ark )
39 The  ______  had chambers for animals and provisions.( Arc VS ark )
40 The  ______ ‘s passengers emerged onto a renewed world.( Arc VS ark )
41 The moon’s  ______  shifted across the night as the night progressed.( Arc VS ark )
42 The  ______ ‘s design ensured the animals’ safety.( Arc VS ark )
43 The sun’s path across the sky describes an  ______  from dawn to dusk.( Arc VS ark )
44 The falcon soared in a wide  ______ , scanning the landscape below.( Arc VS ark )
45 The satellite followed an elliptical  ______  in its orbit around the Earth.( Arc VS ark )
46 The caterpillar moved in a curved  ______  across the leaf.( Arc VS ark )
47 The  ______ ‘s dimensions were extraordinary.( Arc VS ark )
48 Noah’s  ______  carried life through the deluge.( Arc VS ark )
49 Her brushstroke created a bold  ______  of color on the canvas.( Arc VS ark )
50 The trajectory of the basketball formed a perfect  ______  before going through the hoop.( Arc VS ark )
51 The  ______ ‘s voyage spanned a period of great turmoil.( Arc VS ark )
52 The trajectory of the ball formed a high  ______  before landing in the net.( Arc VS ark )
53 The  ______ ‘s design ensured the safety of its passengers.( Arc VS ark )
54 The  ______ ‘s inhabitants were kept safe during the flood.( Arc VS ark )
55 The trajectory of the arrow formed a perfect  ______  toward the target.( Arc VS ark )
56 The cyclist pedaled in a smooth  ______  along the winding road.( Arc VS ark )
57 The  ______ ‘s design facilitated the preservation of life.( Arc VS ark )
58 The curve of the path created a gentle  ______  through the park.( Arc VS ark )
59 The seagulls soared in graceful  ______ s above the ocean.( Arc VS ark )
60 The  ______  served as a vessel of salvation.( Arc VS ark )
61 The  ______ ‘s passengers heralded a new beginning.( Arc VS ark )
62 The  ______ ‘s passengers survived the cataclysmic event.( Arc VS ark )
63 The trajectory of the bird’s flight described a graceful  ______  in the sky.( Arc VS ark )
64 The  ______  of the crescent moon hung low in the sky.( Arc VS ark )
65 The gymnast’s graceful leap traced an elegant  ______  in the air.( Arc VS ark )
66 The curveball  ______ ed beautifully before crossing the plate.( Arc VS ark )
67 The  ______  of the swing reached its highest point before descending.( Arc VS ark )
68 The  ______ ‘s construction was a monumental task.( Arc VS ark )
69 The  ______ ‘s passengers disemb ______ ed onto a renewed Earth.( Arc VS ark )
70 The curve of the coastline formed a gentle  ______  along the horizon.( Arc VS ark )
71 The  ______ ‘s construction began before the flood.( Arc VS ark )
72 The  ______  became a symbol of salvation and safety.( Arc VS ark )
73 The  ______  of the sculpture’s curve captivated the audience’s attention.( Arc VS ark )
74 The  ______  served as a vessel of hope.( Arc VS ark )
75 The  ______ her’s arrow flew in a perfect  ______  toward the target.( Arc VS ark )
76 The  ______  symbolizes God’s covenant with humanity.( Arc VS ark )
77 The  ______ ‘s structure endured the tempestuous seas.( Arc VS ark )
78 The  ______ ‘s construction was guided by divine instructions.( Arc VS ark )
79 The  ______  was built to withstand the catastrophic flood.( Arc VS ark )
80 The rocket traced a fiery  ______  into the atmosphere.( Arc VS ark )
81 The fireworks burst in a radiant  ______  of colors against the night sky.( Arc VS ark )
82 The trajectory of the rocket formed a sharp  ______  before reaching the stars.( Arc VS ark )
83 The trajectory of the tennis ball formed a perfect  ______  over the net.( Arc VS ark )
84 The  ______ ‘s deck accommodated a variety of species.( Arc VS ark )
85 Noah’s  ______  is an enduring tale of perseverance.( Arc VS ark )
86 The dancer’s leap created an  ______  of movement on stage.( Arc VS ark )
87 The  ______  of the dancer’s leap showcased her grace and agility.( Arc VS ark )
88 Noah’s  ______  protected its occupants during the flood.( Arc VS ark )
89 The trajectory of the javelin formed a graceful  ______  through the air.( Arc VS ark )
90 Noah’s  ______  is a testament to divine protection.( Arc VS ark )
91 The trajectory of the frisbee formed a wide  ______  before landing.( Arc VS ark )
92 Noah and his family cared for the animals on the  ______ .( Arc VS ark )
93 The  ______  housed creatures from the animal kingdom.( Arc VS ark )
94 The car’s headlights illuminated an  ______  of the road ahead.( Arc VS ark )
95 Noah gathered animals to populate the  ______ .( Arc VS ark )
96 The  ______ ‘s construction was an act of faith.( Arc VS ark )
97 The  ______  symbolizes renewal and rebirth.( Arc VS ark )
98 The trajectory of the bird’s flight formed an elegant  ______ .( Arc VS ark )
99 The  ______  served as a sanctuary during the flood.( Arc VS ark )
100 The  ______  withstood the forces of nature.( Arc VS ark )
101 The  ______ ‘s dimensions allowed for numerous species.( Arc VS ark )
102 The  ______  served as a refuge in a time of calamity.( Arc VS ark )
103 The roller coaster climbed and then descended in a thrilling  ______ .( Arc VS ark )
104 Noah’s family sought refuge within the  ______ .( Arc VS ark )
105 The flare shot in a high  ______  into the night sky.( Arc VS ark )
106 The skater traced a perfect  ______  on the ice with each turn.( Arc VS ark )
107 The rainbow formed a perfect  ______  across the sky.( Arc VS ark )
108 The  ______ ‘s construction was a miraculous endeavor.( Arc VS ark )
109 Animals entered Noah’s  ______  in pairs.( Arc VS ark )
110 Noah’s  ______  remains an enduring symbol of hope.( Arc VS ark )
111 Noah’s  ______  provided safety amid chaos.( Arc VS ark )
112 The  ______ ‘s construction required immense dedication.( Arc VS ark )
113 The neon sign formed an  ______  above the entrance to the theater.( Arc VS ark )
114 The  ______  of the satellite’s orbit traced a predictable path around the Earth.( Arc VS ark )
115 The  ______ ‘s passengers included birds, mammals, and reptiles.( Arc VS ark )
116 The  ______ ‘s passengers exited onto dry land.( Arc VS ark )
117 Noah’s  ______  is a testament to faith and obedience.( Arc VS ark )
118 Noah’s  ______  sheltered its inhabitants from the floodwaters.( Arc VS ark )
119 Noah released birds from the  ______  to find land.( Arc VS ark )
120 The rainbow’s vibrant colors spanned an  ______  over the horizon.( Arc VS ark )
121 Noah gathered animals from all species to board the  ______ .( Arc VS ark )
122 The trajectory of the basketball formed a high  ______  before sinking into the hoop.( Arc VS ark )
123 Noah’s family resided in the  ______  for forty days and nights.( Arc VS ark )
124 The  ______  contained representatives from every species.( Arc VS ark )
125 The  ______ ‘s passengers found refuge during the flood.( Arc VS ark )
126 The  ______  housed pairs of animals during the flood.( Arc VS ark )
127 The trajectory of the kite formed a looping  ______  in the wind.( Arc VS ark )
128 The  ______  symbolizes renewal and restoration.( Arc VS ark )
129 Noah built the  ______  with precise measurements.( Arc VS ark )
130 Noah’s  ______  was a shelter from the storm.( Arc VS ark )
131 The  ______  floated upon the waters for many days.( Arc VS ark )
132 Noah’s  ______  endured the floodwaters.( Arc VS ark )
133 The  ______ ‘s passengers symbolized a new beginning.( Arc VS ark )
134 The sprinkler’s water  ______ ed gracefully over the garden.( Arc VS ark )
135 The trajectory of the roller coaster formed loops and  ______ s in the air.( Arc VS ark )
136 The  ______  withstood the torrential rains.( Arc VS ark )
137 Noah’s  ______  is a timeless symbol of preservation.( Arc VS ark )
138 The sailboat’s mast described a graceful  ______  against the sky.( Arc VS ark )
139 The trajectory of the airplane formed a wide  ______  as it approached the runway.( Arc VS ark )
140 The pendulum swung in a rhythmic  ______ .( Arc VS ark )
141 The  ______  housed creatures great and small.( Arc VS ark )
142 The moon described a slow  ______  across the night sky.( Arc VS ark )
143 The dancer’s leap formed a dramatic  ______  on the stage.( Arc VS ark )
144 The story of Noah’s  ______  is found in the Bible.( Arc VS ark )
145 The  ______  of the fountain’s water sparkled in the sunlight.( Arc VS ark )
146 The  ______  provided a haven from the floodwaters.( Arc VS ark )
147 The trajectory of the baseball formed a high  ______  before being caught.( Arc VS ark )
148 The  ______  of the hiker’s path wound through the mountain terrain.( Arc VS ark )
149 Noah’s  ______  provided shelter in a time of devastation.( Arc VS ark )
150 The trajectory of the meteor formed a blazing  ______  in the sky.( Arc VS ark )
151 The roller coaster’s track twisted and turned in various  ______ s.( Arc VS ark )
152 The  ______  of the sand dunes curved along the coastline.( Arc VS ark )
153 The  ______  of the mountain range stretched along the horizon.( Arc VS ark )
154 The sprinkler system  ______ ed water over the entire lawn.( Arc VS ark )
155 The windshield wipers moved in a wide  ______  to clear the rain.( Arc VS ark )
156 The  ______  of the sunrise painted the sky in hues of pink and orange.( Arc VS ark )
157 The  ______  sheltered its inhabitants from the flood.( Arc VS ark )
158 The  ______  sailed on the flooded waters.( Arc VS ark )
159 The  ______ ‘s inhabitants emerged after the floodwaters receded.( Arc VS ark )
160 The  ______  of the monument’s  ______ hitecture symbolized strength and unity.( Arc VS ark )
161 Noah’s  ______  saved pairs of animals during the great flood.( Arc VS ark )
162 The water hose  ______ ed over the garden, watering the plants.( Arc VS ark )
163 The rainbow’s colorful  ______  stretched from one end of the sky to the other.( Arc VS ark )
164 Noah followed divine instructions to build the  ______ .( Arc VS ark )
165 The bird made a swift  ______  in the sky before disappearing behind the trees.( Arc VS ark )
166 The boomerang flew in a perfect  ______  before returning to its thrower.( Arc VS ark )
167 The  ______ ‘s construction took many years.( Arc VS ark )
168 The  ______  of the parabola showed a continuous mathematical curve.( Arc VS ark )
169 Noah’s  ______  is an enduring symbol of hope.( Arc VS ark )
170 The rainbow  ______ ed across the waterfall, creating a stunning sight.( Arc VS ark )
171 The  ______ ‘s design ensured the survival of its passengers.( Arc VS ark )
172 The  ______  was designed to weather the storm and float on water.( Arc VS ark )
173 His smile formed a gentle  ______  across his face.( Arc VS ark )
174 The trajectory of the tennis serve formed a powerful  ______  over the net.( Arc VS ark )
175 Noah’s  ______  is a story of divine intervention.( Arc VS ark )
176 The trajectory of the asteroid formed a wide  ______  across the sky.( Arc VS ark )
177 The  ______  of the compass needle pointed northward.( Arc VS ark )
178 The sculpture’s shape formed an abstract  ______  in the gallery.( Arc VS ark )
179 The  ______  of the bungee jumper’s descent swung beneath the bridge.( Arc VS ark )
180 Noah obeyed divine instructions in building the  ______ .( Arc VS ark )
181 Noah’s  ______  was an embodiment of salvation.( Arc VS ark )
182 Noah and his family tended to the animals aboard the  ______ .( Arc VS ark )
183 The trajectory of the comet formed a long, glowing  ______  in the night.( Arc VS ark )
184 The aerial acrobat swung in a daring  ______  above the crowd.( Arc VS ark )
185 Noah’s  ______  is an enduring story of resilience.( Arc VS ark )
186 Noah’s  ______  was a sanctuary in the midst of destruction.( Arc VS ark )
187 The  ______  of the rainbow seemed to touch the ground in the distance.( Arc VS ark )
188 Noah’s  ______  withstood the force of the deluge.( Arc VS ark )
189 The trajectory of the boulder formed an  ______  as it rolled down the hill.( Arc VS ark )
190 The  ______ ‘s passengers awaited the subsiding waters.( Arc VS ark )
191 The painter’s brush moved in a sweeping  ______  across the canvas.( Arc VS ark )
192 The  ______  held representatives of all creatures.( Arc VS ark )
193 The  ______  was an instrument of God’s mercy.( Arc VS ark )
194 The bird’s flight traced an erratic  ______  across the sky.( Arc VS ark )
195 The  ______  of the streetlights cast a soft glow along the road.( Arc VS ark )
196 The  ______  of the waterfall cascaded down the rocks.( Arc VS ark )
197 Noah’s  ______  is a rem ______ able story of survival.( Arc VS ark )
198 The  ______  of the sunset painted the sky with vibrant hues.( Arc VS ark )
199 The  ______ ‘s size made it a formidable vessel.( Arc VS ark )
200 The  ______  of the rainbow appeared after the rain shower.( Arc VS ark )


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