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The Most Helpful True False Not Given IELTS Reading Practice Test 8

In the pursuit of success in the IELTS Reading section, candidates often seek diverse resources and formats for practice to enhance their skills. Practice tests, especially in the form of PDFs for the 2023 format, prove invaluable as they provide structured content and answers for self-assessment. Additionally, online platforms and computer-based resources cater to the evolving examination format, offering candidates a realistic testing experience. For those aiming at the academic module, practice materials specifically designed for the academic version of the test are essential. Accessible PDFs with answers serve as comprehensive study aids, aiding in both understanding the format and verifying responses. A targeted focus on true false not given questions is crucial, and candidates often seek dedicated practice materials and tips to improve their skills in handling these specific question types. Furthermore, general reading materials for true false not given questions in PDF format are sought after by candidates to refine their abilities in differentiating between factual information and statements requiring inference or not given information.


We look back this week at some of the top health stories for two thousand five.
Doctors in France made world news with a partial face transplant.  But a more important story was the concern about avian influenza.
The h-five-n-one virus appeared in birds in Europe for the first time.  Yet the only known human cases were still in East Asia.
The World Health Organization says there have been around one hundred forty confirmed cases since two thousand three.  About half the people died.
Most of the victims had touched or been around infected poultry birds, or surfaces with the virus.  But the worry is that it could change into a form that spreads easily from person to person.
Several countries are working on vaccines to protect against avian influenza.  The effectiveness cannot be known, however, until the virus enters the general population.
If that happens, the drug Tamiflu is the best-known treatment.  Yet just last week researchers said resistance to the drug may be more common than experts had thought.
Other health stories in two thousand five involved diseases already well-established.  Experts said three million more people died of AIDS-related conditions.  Almost five million more became infected.  AIDS has killed more than twenty-five million people since nineteen eighty-one.
Treatment efforts have improved.  But the United Nations said only one area of the world has not had an increase in the number of H.I.V. cases in the past two years.  There was no change in the Caribbean, which is the second hardest-hit area after southern Africa.
Worldwide, an estimated forty million people are now living with the virus that causes AIDS.
Our final story of the year deals with chronic diseases, like heart disease, stroke, cancer and diabetes.  Experts say chronic diseases are the major cause of death and disability among adults worldwide.
Thirty-five million people were expected to die from chronic diseases in two thousand five.  Health officials say that is two times as many deaths as from infectious diseases, pregnancy-related disorders and nutritional problems combined.  Yet they say a better diet, more exercise and less or, better still, no smoking can often reduce the risk of chronic disease.


  1. In 2005, the H5N1 avian influenza virus spread from East Asia to Europe, resulting in numerous confirmed human cases in Europe.

  2. The World Health Organization recorded approximately 140 confirmed human cases of the H5N1 avian influenza virus globally between 2003 and 2005, with a fatality rate of around 50%.

  3. Researchers have confirmed that Tamiflu is an effective treatment against the H5N1 avian influenza virus, and resistance to this drug was underestimated until recently.

  4. According to the United Nations, the number of HIV cases decreased in all regions worldwide except for the Caribbean, which remained at the same level in 2005 compared to the previous two years.

  5. Health officials believe that a better diet, increased physical activity, and smoking cessation can significantly reduce the risk of chronic diseases, which accounted for more deaths in 2005 than infectious diseases, pregnancy-related disorders, and nutritional problems combined.

  1. False
  2. True
  3. True
  4. False
  5. True

1. What is the “True/False/Not Given” question type in the IELTS Reading test? The “True/False/Not Given” question type in IELTS Reading requires test-takers to determine if statements given in the text are true, false, or if the information is not given (cannot be inferred) according to the passage.

2. Where can I find IELTS Reading practice materials emphasizing “True/False/Not Given” questions? Specific IELTS Reading practice tests emphasizing “True/False/Not Given” question types are available on official IELTS websites, study guides, and various online platforms offering IELTS preparation materials.

3. Are there IELTS Reading practice PDFs specifically targeting the “True/False/Not Given” question format? Yes, there are IELTS Reading practice test PDFs focusing on the “True/False/Not Given” question type. These materials help familiarize test-takers with this specific question format.

4. How can I practice “True/False/Not Given” questions online for the IELTS Reading test? Various online platforms and websites offer IELTS Reading practice tests with “True/False/Not Given” questions. These simulate the test format, allowing practice under timed conditions.

5. What are some tips for answering “True/False/Not Given” questions in the IELTS Reading test? Key tips include reading the instructions carefully, focusing on keywords in statements, avoiding personal opinions, and referring to the text directly to verify information for an accurate response.

6. Can I find practice questions specifically designed for “True/False/Not Given” IELTS Reading tasks? Yes, you can access practice questions tailored for “True/False/Not Given” tasks in IELTS Reading through study guides, online resources, and official IELTS preparation materials.

7. Are there IELTS General Reading practice tests emphasizing “True/False/Not Given” questions in PDF format? Yes, there are IELTS General Reading practice test PDFs focusing on “True/False/Not Given” questions, designed to aid test-takers preparing for the General Training module.

8. How can I improve my performance in “True/False/Not Given” questions in IELTS Reading? To enhance performance, practice regularly using authentic IELTS materials, focus on understanding the nuances between true, false, and not given, and improve skimming and scanning skills for efficient reading.

9. Can I find tips specific to “True/False/Not Given” IELTS Reading practice in PDF format? Yes, some study guides and online resources offer PDFs with dedicated tips and strategies tailored to excel in “True/False/Not Given” questions in the IELTS Reading section.

10. Is there a way to access general practice tests focusing solely on “True/False/Not Given” IELTS Reading tasks? Yes, you can find IELTS Reading practice materials emphasizing “True/False/Not Given” tasks through various reputable IELTS preparation platforms that offer specific question-type practice tests.

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