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The Most Helpful Idioms With Meaning and Examples. Topic – Adoption

English idioms are the spice of language, offering a unique flavor to everyday communication. These common idioms serve as gems, each carrying a distinctive meaning beyond their literal interpretation. Let’s explore the fascinating world of idioms with an idiom example. Consider the phrase “burning the midnight oil,” depicting intense effort or working late into the night. In this idiom sample, the image of a lamp burning late symbolizes diligence and commitment. Understanding idioms with meaning is like deciphering a secret code, unlocking a deeper layer of expression. So, whether you’re “walking on eggshells” or “seeing the light at the end of the tunnel,” incorporating these idiomatic expressions into your language repertoire adds flair and nuance, transforming ordinary conversations into rich tapestries of communication.

  1. A chip off the old block: A child who resembles their parents in behavior.

    • Example: “The way she handles problems, she’s a chip off the old block.”
  2. Blood is thicker than water: Family bonds are stronger than other relationships.

    • Example: “Even during disagreements, they stick together; blood is thicker than water.”
  3. Bring up (or raise) as one’s own flesh and blood: To raise a child as if they were biological.

    • Example: “She brought up her niece as her own flesh and blood after her sister’s passing.”
  4. Children are like sponges: Children absorb information quickly.

    • Example: “At a young age, children are like sponges, absorbing everything around them.”
  5. Close-knit family: A family that is very close and supportive of each other.

    • Example: “Their close-knit family always stands by each other’s side.”
  6. Cut from the same cloth: Similar in behavior or character.

    • Example: “The adopted siblings are cut from the same cloth, always bickering.”
  7. Family ties: Bonds and connections within a family.

    • Example: “He values family ties and spends holidays with relatives.”
  8. Flesh and blood: Relatives or family members.

    • Example: “He’s my flesh and blood, I’ll always support him.”
  9. Like two peas in a pod: Very similar or close, like siblings or friends.

    • Example: “The twins are like two peas in a pod; they’re inseparable.”
  10. Make a family: To create a family through adoption or other means.

    • Example: “They decided to make a family by adopting a child.”
  11. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree: Children often resemble their parents in behavior.

    • Example: “His son has a talent for music, just like him; the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.”
  12. Ties that bind: Strong connections or bonds, especially in a family.

    • Example: “The ties that bind them together are unbreakable.”
  13. Young at heart: Having a youthful spirit regardless of age.

    • Example: “She’s young at heart and loves playing with her adopted grandchildren.”
  14. To fit in like a glove: To be well-suited or to adapt perfectly.

    • Example: “Despite being adopted, she fits into our family like a glove.”
  15. Bridging the gap: Making connections or overcoming differences.

    • Example: “Adopting her brought us closer, bridging the gap between our cultures.”
  16. Born into: To be part of a family from birth.

    • Example: “Although not born into our family, she’s our daughter through adoption.”
  17. Blood relation: A biological relationship.

    • Example: “Even though they are cousins, they have a strong blood relation.”
  18. Came into the family: To join a family through adoption or marriage.

    • Example: “He came into the family as a foster child and was later adopted.”
  19. Family affair: Something involving or concerning the whole family.

    • Example: “Planning the reunion became a family affair, involving everyone.”
  20. In the same boat: In a similar situation as others.

    • Example: “All adopted kids are in the same boat when it comes to questions about their origins.”
  21. Joined at the hip: Inseparable or always together.

    • Example: “Since their adoption, they’ve been joined at the hip, doing everything together.”
  22. Not blood-related: Not related by blood or genetics.

    • Example: “We’re not blood-related, but our bond is as strong as family.”
  23. One big happy family: A harmonious and contented family.

    • Example: “Despite being blended through adoption, they’re one big happy family.”
  24. Part of the family: Accepted as a member of the family.

    • Example: “He’s not blood-related, but he’s part of the family in every sense.”
  25. The ties of kinship: Family connections or relationships.

    • Example: “She values the ties of kinship and keeps in touch with distant relatives.”
  26. Thicker than water: Very close or strong bonds, often within a family.

    • Example: “Their love for each other is thicker than water, especially after adoption.”
  27. To be on the same page: To have the same understanding or opinion.

    • Example: “We’re on the same page about adopting a child.”
  28. To make room for: To adjust or create space for someone or something.

    • Example: “We made room for the new member when adopting our daughter.”
  29. The apple of someone’s eye: Someone’s favorite or cherished person.

    • Example: “Their adopted child is the apple of their eye.”
  30. To strike a chord: To resonate emotionally or cause a reaction.

    • Example: “Their story of adopting struck a chord with everyone.”
  31. To take someone under one’s wing: To protect or care for someone.

    • Example: “The couple took the orphaned child under their wing.”
  32. To become part and parcel of something: To become an integral part of something.

    • Example: “The adopted child became part and parcel of their lives instantly.”
  33. To be bound by love: To have strong emotional ties.

    • Example: “Although not related, they’re bound by love as a family.”
  34. To be in someone’s corner: To support or advocate for someone.

    • Example: “They’re always in their adopted daughter’s corner, no matter what.”
  35. To be handpicked: To be carefully selected or chosen.

    • Example: “Their adopted son was handpicked from many candidates.”
  36. To be the spitting image of: To strongly resemble someone physically.

    • Example: “Their adopted daughter is the spitting image of her birth mother.”
  37. To grow into a family: To adapt and become part of a family over time.

    • Example: “The foster child grew into the family, becoming an inseparable part.”
  38. To lay down roots: To establish oneself or make a home in a particular place.

    • Example: “They laid down roots in the neighborhood after adopting their child.”
  39. To make someone’s own: To adopt or take someone into one’s family.

    • Example: “They made the abandoned child their own.”
  40. To take someone in under one’s wing: To offer support or protection to someone.

    • Example: “The family took the troubled teen in under their wing.”
  41. To welcome with open arms: To receive someone warmly and enthusiastically.

    • Example: “They welcomed their adopted son with open arms.”
  42. To be blood brothers/sisters: To have a deep bond as if related by blood.

    • Example: “Although not related, they’re like blood brothers after growing up together.”
  43. To grow the family tree: To expand or diversify the family.

    • Example: “They’re planning to grow the family tree through adoption.”
  1. What are idioms? Idioms are expressions or phrases that hold a figurative meaning beyond their literal interpretation. They add color and depth to language.

  2. Why are idioms important in English? Idioms help convey complex ideas succinctly and vividly, enhancing communication and offering cultural insights.

  3. Can you provide some examples of idioms? Certainly! Examples include “raining cats and dogs” (heavy rain), “kick the bucket” (pass away), and “bite the bullet” (face a difficult situation).

  4. How do I understand the meaning of idioms? Understanding idioms often requires context and cultural familiarity. Exploring their origins and usage in sentences helps grasp their meanings.

  5. Are all idioms universal or do they vary by region? Idioms can vary across regions and cultures. While some idioms are universal, many are culturally specific.

  6. Are there common idioms used in everyday conversation? Yes, several idioms, like “break a leg” (good luck) or “piece of cake” (easy task), are frequently used in daily conversations.

  7. Do idioms have fixed meanings? Generally, yes. However, some idioms might have slight variations in meaning or usage based on context or region.

  8. How can I incorporate idioms into my writing or speech? Using idioms contextually and accurately can add richness to your language. Start by understanding their meanings and then applying them naturally.

  9. Are idioms only found in English? No, idioms exist in many languages. Each language has its own set of colorful expressions and phrases.

  10. Where can I learn more idioms and their meanings? Online resources, books on idioms, and even language learning platforms offer extensive lists of idioms with explanations of their meanings and origins.

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