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One Word Substitution Unique & The Most Helpful. OWS Part 32

In the realm of language proficiency assessments, mastering one word substitution (OWS) is pivotal, especially when preparing for exams such as the SSC, including the prestigious SSC CGL. From the foundational stages, like Class 3, students begin encountering these exercises, where a single word stands in for more complex concepts. As learners progress, they compile a growing list of one word substitutions to enhance their command over English. Examples of these one word substitutes abound, with terms like ‘cynosure’ highlighting the focal point and ‘ephemeral’ encapsulating fleeting moments. These exercises are not only integral for exams but also for broader linguistic proficiency in everyday English one word substitution scenarios. Embracing these substitutes provides an easy yet effective way to navigate the intricacies of language, ensuring a solid foundation for success in language assessments.

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3101  CLAUSTROPHOBIA fear of confined/closed spaces An onrushing sense of claustrophobia stifled him, compressed his lungs, as if water filled their cavities. It is a case of claustrophobia, he feels as though he is suffocating here and wants to get out at any price.
3102  LOGOPHOBIA fear of studies    
3103  AICHMOPHOBIA fear of sharp or pointed objects “What if we have a school-wide discussion on diversity? We could show our videos and discuss issues like racism, sexism, and homophobia related to current events, like the Black Lives Matter movement or celebrating Pride.” My grandmother had no use for all the gay bashing and homophobia in the world, especially among other Indians.
3104  THANATOPHOBIA fear of death or dead things/corpses Necrophobia and thanatophobia are allied maladies, one being the fear of dead bodies and the other the fear of death itself.  
3105  DROMOPHOBIA fear of crossing streets    
3106  OMBROPHOBIA fear of rain You’re free to load up Mors and Alester with perks, combat expertise and skills, but must counterbalance each with a corresponding foible, such as allergies, gout or pyrophobia. Forest Service suffered from “pyrophobia””it tried to suppress all wildfires.
3107  PYROPHOBIA fear of fire You’re free to load up Mors and Alester with perks, combat expertise and skills, but must counterbalance each with a corresponding foible, such as allergies, gout or pyrophobia. Forest Service suffered from “pyrophobia””it tried to suppress all wildfires.
3108  PYROMANIA obsession to set things on fire “You were gazing into that fire like you wanted to eat it or something. I have a cousin who for real struggles with pyromania, so I’ve seen that look before.” Not with the fire department, which would know right away it was arson and dismiss it as another case of pyromania in a neighborhood crawling with firebugs.
3109  PHOTOPHOBIA fear of light Maybe it was this medicine that was causing the photophobia, the eye dryness and now the burning. Now, on top of that, she was diagnosed with photophobia, an intense sensitivity to light.
3110  SATANOPHOBIA eear of the devil    
3111  SCIAPHOBIA fear of shadows    
3112  TACHOPHOBIA ar of speed Maybe it’s guilt about overusing them, maybe it’s the shadow of cigarettes, maybe it’s just technophobia. The eccentric young postmodern characters are played with touching emotional delicacy, and the mother adds a layer of humorous technophobia in her clueless struggles with online dating.
3113  HEMOPHOBIA fear of blood My grandmother had no use for all the gay bashing and homophobia in the world, especially among other Indians. “What if we have a school-wide discussion on diversity? We could show our videos and discuss issues like racism, sexism, and homophobia related to current events, like the Black Lives Matter movement or celebrating Pride.”
3114  AGYIOPHOBIA fear of crossing busy streets But one unrecognized and insidious force ““ one that some women will likely minimize or deny ““ is internalized gynophobia. In the minds of Clinton supporters, “nasty” is no longer a description of behavior but a stand against gynophobia, a rallying car for strong womanhood.
3115  CATOPTROPHOBIA fear of mirrors    
3116  TAPHEPHOBIA fear of being buried alive    
3117  THANATOPHOBIA fear of death    
3118  THEOPHOBIA fear of god Maybe it was this medicine that was causing the photophobia, the eye dryness and now the burning. Now, on top of that, she was diagnosed with photophobia, an intense sensitivity to light.
3119  TOCOPHOBIA fear of pregnancy or childbirth Maybe it’s guilt about overusing them, maybe it’s the shadow of cigarettes, maybe it’s just technophobia. They include the chasm between CP Snow’s “two cultures” that still bedevils Britain, technophobia among teachers, parents and governors, plus sheer ignorance and abject fear of the .
3120  XENOPHOBIA  fear of strangers, foreigners, or aliens It wasn’t the abusive rhetoric, the blatant xenophobia. The whole thing was crazy and mean-spirited, of course, its underlying bigotry and xenophobia hardly concealed.
3121  ZOOPHOBIA fear of animals    
3122  APICULTURE rearing of bees We are cultural animals and it is the richness of our culture which allows us to accept our undoubted potentiality for violence but to believe nevertheless that its expression is a cultural aberration. In all ages, rich, energetic, and successful nations, when they have carved their place in the world, have felt hunger for art, for culture, even for learning and beauty.
3123  AVICULTURE rearing of birds Mr. Dyer went into another long lecture about the different way of viewing the world from the perspective of a culture that thought more communally than the highly individualistic United States. Our ability to succeed at what we do is powerfully bound up with where we’re from, and being a good pilot and coming from a high-power distance culture is a difficult mix.
3124  MARICULTURE rearing of marine animals To his chagrin, Willey quickly recognized that the natural “knolls” were, in truth, human-made “temple-type platform mounds,” evidence of a more materially advanced culture than he had imagined possible for the era. Any novel or play about the lower class will necessarily be alien to the culture it portrays.
3125  PISCICULTURE rearing of fish “I mean that filling their houses up with lots of relatives is part of their culture. They believe in living under very crowded conditions.” Way back in 1931 when Butterfield attacked Whig history his target was the view that history had a purpose and a goal, which was to produce our values, our institutions, our culture.
3126  SERICULTURE rearing of silkworms As a result, Byzantium became a center for sericulture. The art of silk weaving and sericulture in Tuscany flourished in the 14th century; the main production was in Lucca, though it soon expanded to Florence, Venice and Genoa.
3127  ARBORICULTURE growing of trees and shrubs Using a technique called “arboriculture,” the company aims to integrate each design into the surroundings. Ms Waring, who specialises on preparing plans for protecting trees on development sites, said jobs in arboriculture also included research, lecturing and charity campaign roles.
3128  FLORICULTURE growing of flowers Botanic Garden conservatory at 100 Maryland Ave. SW, where a rear gallery is devoted to a gently didactic exhibition of the history of the poinsettia in U.S. floriculture. Once back at their respective homes, they carried on their floriculture conversation, fawning over the flowers found on each other’s Instagram feeds ” and commiserating over the less-than-inspiring landscaping supplies in their yards.
3129  HOTICULTURE growing of fruits and vegetables Some of them didn’t think it was a good idea, because they didn’t want to leave their friends and the culture they knew to go to a strange land. So Werfel tried to show Spurge the glories of goblin culture and history.
3130  OLERICULTURE growing of vegetables that spread on ground Over the years, many potential explanations have been examined and debated, and the consensus appears to be that that region was plagued by a particularly virulent strain of what sociologists call a “culture of honor.” The material introduces Japan to children, and provide a lesson rich in culture, literacy, and music.
3131  VITICULTURE growing of grapes The wines are certified biodynamic, and an earth-friendly viticulture is reflected in the edgy energy the wine conveys on the palate. “Once every 10 years” is a common refrain of vintners describing the likelihood of such harsh seasons and their effects on viticulture.
3132  AGRICULTURE farming, including cultivation of the soil for the growing of crops and the rearing of animals to provide food, wool, and other products How could they have agriculture but no pottery? Native Americans, who left Asia long before agriculture, missed out on the bounty.
3133  BOVINE relating to or affecting cattle For homeroom, Ben had a large bovine woman named Mrs. Troutman who had an eerie sadness about her face even though she smiled all the time. She felt it her bovine duty to make up for each and every one of Plug’s kindnesses.
3134  FELINE belonging or relating to the cat family Visitors from the Shang Dynasty are said to have crossed the Pacific to teach the ancient Olmec how to write, build monuments, and worship a feline god. This one was lean, strong, powerful”and taller when he stood up, as he now did, rising to his feet with slow, feline grace as Julius drew near.
3135  CANINE relating to or resembling a dog or dogs There’s a disturbing, monkeylike glint of canines off to the sides when he grins. He bares his lengthening canines in a grin.
3136  EQUINE connected with horses, or appearing similar to a horse As Quines collects our dirty dishes, I whisper, “Delicious salad.” Quines has just cleared the last of the main-course plates, and he gives me a surprised but grateful smile when he sees me with the platter.
3137  ASININE of, relating to, or resembling an ass But the fact remained that any five-year-old girl in any family was always obliged to do as she was told, however asinine the orders might be. I pick up the pace so that there’s no more breath for Katherine’s asinine inquiries.
3138  HIRCINE of or resembling a goat Said very tame, very trained hircine carries the food and drink, and guides you gently but firmly back to the barn. This odor may be entirely different from that normally emanating from the woman, of an acid or hircine character, and sufficiently strong to remain in a room for a considerable period.
3139  LUPINE of, like, or relating to a wolf Then colonizing species like lupine appeared, preparing the ground for the return of the grasses. He looked even more lupine than before, old and grizzled with no eyebrows.
3140  VULPINE relating to a fox There was something vulpine about the way the woman sat in her comer by the courtyard, something reptilian about her eyes. Tally turned away from the vulpine eyes, shut out the razor- blade voice.
3141  PORCINE of, affecting, or resembling pigs Spanish armies traveled in a porcine cloud; drawn by the supper trough, the lean, hungry animals circled the troops like darting dogs. The construct is a bit like “30 Rock”: A certain porcine egomaniac hosts a show within a show called “Up Late With Miss Piggy,” which ostensibly runs after “Jimmy Kimmel Live.”
3142  LEONINE lion like Its body was leonine, the skin stretched across its lean frame the pale pink color of something that hadn’t seen true sunlight in years. He was a massive handsome man with iron-gray curly hair covering a leonine head.
3143  MURINE relating to or affecting mice or related rodents A scientist who replaces murine model with rats and mice will use up no more space on the page and be no less scientific. Three shallow bowls in opaque murine are so matte, they might be fashioned from wood or unglazed clay; their shifting black-on-red patterns bring to mind quilts.
3144  AQUILINE of or like an eagle  Dry drupe greenish, with 3″“5 cartilaginous nutlets.”A dwarf perennial herb with scaly rootstock and ternately divided leaves, the cauline a single pair. Linn�us, Flora Suecica, 789, says that the flowers of it which have perfect corolla and full scent often bear no seed, but that the later ‘cauline’ blossoms, without petals, are fertile.
3145  CORVINE of, resembling, or characteristic of crows He went to the king of crows, and begged that his corvine majesty would be pleased to allow one thousand of his black subjects to accompany him on a certain day to a certain place. Bill corvine in shape; culmen rounded; nostrils near base of upper mandible and hidden by bristly feathers; tail feathers twelve.
3146  SERPENTINE of or like a serpent or snake The dark serpentine of a dead vine running down it like the track of some enterprise upon a graph. The river wound into the dark forest, cutting its serpentine route into the unknown.
3147  PISCINE of or concerning fish I have no desire to latch onto a monster symbol of fate and prove my manhood in titanic piscine war. I saw a river full of fish leaping from the water like chaotic piscine fireworks and men in speedboats yelling and holding out nets to catch them as if they were wet and weighty butterflies.
3148  AMPHIBIAN that can live on land as well as in water Congress because it killed millions of birds, fish, and amphibians after World War II, the insecticide called DDT was still being used in South America. It is, in fact, an amphibian, which can live in or out of water.
3149  AQUATIC that can live in fresh water only Dieldrin, another fire ant poison, has a well- documented history of extreme hazard to all aquatic life. But it isn’t until we pass the aquatics center that we get our answer.
3150  MARINE that can live in sea water only He explains the branches of marine evolution and the sequences of the geologic periods; on her best days, she glimpses the limitless span of millennia behind her: millions of years, tens of millions. As they moved through the village, Ellsberg watched a young marine hold the flame of his cigarette lighter to the thatch roof of a hut.
3151  TERRESTRIAL that can live on land only Boy21 takes off his space clothes and puts on a practice uniform so that he looks simply terrestrial instead of extraterrestrial. After that, it would be three long days on the highway back to Earth, then through the fire of the atmosphere and into the terrestrial ocean below.
3152  ARBOREAL that can live on trees Many arboreal primates must have vanished with the forests. How many forlorn hours in the arboreal city with only meerkats for company?
3153  MARSUPIAL that gives birth to premature young ones and then keep them in external pouch She turned around to find her crisp-knickered daughter communing with cement marsupials. But there are certainly good reasons to believe that if Homo sapiens had never gone Down Under, it would still be home to marsupial lions, diprotodons and giant kangaroos.
3154  OVIPAROUS that lay eggs They are one of the larger land-animals of Winter, about the size of a fox, oviparous vegetarians with a splendid coat of gray or white fur. What are the mechanisms that protect and nurture the embryo in oviparous animals?
3155  MONOTREME that lays eggs but suckle (feed their milk) their young ones Platypus and echidnas are monotremes, the only mammals that lay eggs instead of giving birth to live young. By the beginning of the Cenozoic, three major mammal groups had evolved”monotremes, marsupials, and placentals.
3156  VIVIPAROUS that gives birth to young ones “Try to realize what it was like to have a viviparous mother.” And what made it worse was that, instead of tactfully ignoring it, Bernard proceeded to make open comments on this revoltingly viviparous scene.
3157  FAUNA the animals of a particular region, habitat, or geological period The label seems to have unpleasant connotations, such as that human creativity counts for nothing, or that we humans are passive robots helplessly programmed by climate, fauna, and flora. “I was just telling your wife, I do a little ministering. I study and classify the fauna. I observe a great deal, and probably offer very little salvation in the long run.”
3158  FLAURA vegetation of place With dramatic flair, she lifts one foot and plants it on her ball. Brunner sent another flair into the sky as the rest of us searched the area with our eyes, not moving from the spot we were in.
3159 JURISPREDENCE science of law. The justification for the implicit doublespeak””we do not racial-profile; we just stop people based on race””can be explained in part by the Supreme Court’s jurisprudence. This suggestion may have been reassuring to those unfamiliar with the Court’s equal protection jurisprudence.
3160 JURIST judge one who is genius in justice. Whatever we might have been”healers or politicians, jurists or builders”was trained out of us, spun up and away into the funnel of darkness that is Blackcliff. Pater Aquillus is a jurist, and his library is filled with everything from obscure law books to ancient Scholar tomes on mathematics.
3161 LEXICOLOGIST one who studies the history and meaning of words. The latest topic to consume a nation of lexicologists is “inclusive writing”. This signification is now given by those lexicologists who do not restrict themselves to the definition of classical terms or significations, like the author of Kámoos.
3162 LITHOLOGIST one who studies the science of rocks and minerates. Even though most experts agree that forensic pathologists”who primarily deal with dead people”are not qualified to estimate survival chances, the State allowed prosecutors to pursue criminal charges. We involved expert pathologists and persuaded local authorities that there was no basis on which to convict Marsha of murder.
3163 LITHOTOMIST one who removes the stones from penis (lethotomy). Examples of their wild myths have already been offered, they are totemists, too, and fear, though they do not propitiate, ghosts. I am not at all bigoted in the opinion that the Greeks may have once been totemists.
3164 MAGNIFY to make anything appears larger. At first I suggested filling the coffin with things from Dad’s life, like his red pens or his jeweler’s magnifying glass, which is called a loupe, or even his tuxedo. A beam of sunlight slanted into the rotunda and glowed on the floor, like Zeus was up there with a magnifying glass, trying to fry puny humans.
3165 MISCEGENATION marriage between different races It certainly wasn’t the racist content; he was as repelled by miscegenation as other Klansmen, and was ready to lay down his life to oppose Communism. A particularly ludicrous example of this potential miscegenation was a 1968 photograph of Pat Nixon dancing with a black man at a White House function.
3166 MISOGYMIST one who hates marriage. Strindberg has been called both misogamist and misogynist. The first was an intimation from the misogamist German Professor that he had persuaded another of his old pupils to include a prize symphony by Lancelot in the programme of a Crystal Palace Concert.
3167 MORALIST one who tells about moral. In such times, the elderly moralists are content to relax their moral laws a little, in return for being defended. In secret I devoured The Art of Love, for all the moralists condemned it as a dangerous book.
3168 NARCISSISM the habit of always admiring oneself “Don’t live to please the starfish, especially when their happiness is at the expense of yours. That is not love. That is narcissism. There’s an entire ocean out there, Kiko”swim in it.” I had it in my mind that she’d grown up spending four hours a day in front of the mirror, narcissism to the point of solipsism.
3169 OBSOLOTE a thing no longer in use. But he also understood the world of high school football: when Boobie got hurt, he became obsolete. The trees held their protecting shadow right up to the walls of the house that rose among them, making obsolete the deep porch that wrapped around the first story.
3170 OPTHALMOLOGIST an eye-doctor Yesterday all anyone here could talk about was Anne’s eyes, because Mother had suggested I go to the ophthalmologist with Mrs. Kleiman. After the exam we went to the ophthalmologist and I picked out my eyeglasses.
3171 POLYGRAPHY a lie-detector. They had already been briefed on the Tolkachev case when the CIA learned some unsavory things about Edward Lee Howard’s past, including theft and lying on a polygraph test. Lie-detection tests are notoriously inaccurate, and calculations similar to the above demonstrate why truthful people who flunk polygraph tests usually outnumber liars.
3172 PULIMONARY of or having an effect on the lungs. The following morning Wlasich complained that he felt ill and then lost consciousness; a Norwegian doctor who happened to be present determined that the Austrian was suffering from both pulmonary and cerebral edema. I suspected that he was sick in bed, as he had been prone to pulmonary illnesses since the explosion had charred his lungs.
3173 PYROTECHNICS the art of making fireworks When the Turkish Army had attacked Afyon two weeks earlier, Hajienestis had believed that he was dead and that the ripples of light reflecting on his cabin walls were the pyrotechnics of heaven. Tal’s style was filled with wild, inspired combinations, intuitive sacrifices, and pyrotechnics.
3174 RED TAPISM excessive use of official formalities which causes unnecessary delay. The Beanstalk died in a bramble of red tape! A loyalty statement required of everyone, it was hoped, might save some time and a lot of red tape.
3175 RODENT a small herbivore usually considered a pest.. “Then I’ll take these over to Mr. Spizz and circle back around and pick up the rodents. I’ll bury them up at my house since I’m already digging up the ground.” The sabre-tooth cats, after flourishing for more than 30 million years, disappeared, and so did the giant ground sloths, the oversized lions, native American horses, native American camels, the giant rodents and the mammoths.
3176 RUSSOPHILE an admirer of the russian people, language, manners or way of life. The basophile granules of the “mast” cells are coccal-shaped, of various size”often quite powdery. The basophile granular cells are few”but the granules are large, and stain deeply basophile.
3177 RUSSOPHOBE one who dislikes the russians and russia. A. For some employees, a single sighting is enough to trigger what psychology texts call “musophobia,” an extreme fear of mice. For some employees, a single sighting is enough to trigger what psychology texts call “musophobia,” an extreme fear of mice.
3178 SCAVENGER a person who searches for and collects discarded items. Here and there the imprint of things wrested out of the tar by scavengers. “They’ve eaten every one, Your Grace, along with every rat and scavenger dog that they could catch. Now some have begun to eat their own dead.”
3179 STREAK a long, thin line or mark of a different substance or colour from its surroundings. There were faint colors in it: slight streaks of azure and emerald coiling through the silver. The streak courses through the gilded grooves, headed for the glass.
3180 SUB JUDICE a subject which cannot be publicly discussed because it is being considered by a court of law. Normally, a case that is sub judice cannot be commented upon in public or in the press. Little time was spent worrying about journalistic accuracy or laws on sub judice.
3181 SUPERFLUOUS more than is needed For example, did Africa’s abundance of big wild mammals, available to kill by hunting, make it superfluous for Africans to go to the trouble of tending domestic stock? A superfluous major on his rolls meant an untidy table of organization and gave ammunition to the men at Twenty-seventh Air Force Headquarters who Colonel Cathcart was positive were his enemies and rivals.
3182 SURGEON one who treats diseases by operations They had to leave room to build my nose, but the eye surgeon made sure the sockets were as close to where they should be as possible. However, Squealer easily convinced them that the veterinary surgeon in Willingdon could treat Boxer’s case more satisfactorily than could be done on the farm.
3183 TABLEAU a lifelike representation of a famous scene by a group of people who do not move or speak. The landscape was a tableau of farm fields, barns, horses, cows, chickens, and the occasional house. It was a museum used for propaganda displays of various kinds”scale models of rocket bombs and Floating Fortresses, waxwork tableaux illustrating enemy atrocities, and the like.
3184 ULTIMATUM final proposal of terms given by one party to another. And this terrible new face delivered an ultimatum: “Tomorrow morning,” Lefty spat, “you’re going to go get a job.” The protesters had issued an ultimatum, demanding that the government repeal the Black Act.
3185 VALETUDINARIAN one who is overanxious about one’s health. Paranoid about his health, this classic valetudinarian is really scared of dying alone and unloved. I would have made supper, but Federico was even more fussy and valetudinarian than your average Italian man, and insisted on making himself risotto bianco with only a single leaf of basil to flavour it.
3186 VICARIOUS done for another Olive screamed and several of us flinched in vicarious pain as Horace dropped to the floor like a sack of potatoes, loose change and train tickets spilling out of his pockets. I felt a vicarious delight just being near the excitement.
3187 WANTON recklessly inconsiderate For a moment the khaki mob was silent, petrified, at the spectacle of this wanton sacrilege, with amazement and horror. He made her want to be his wanton.
3188 WARREN a place for breeding or preserving rabbits When Blackberry had told his news, Fiver returned to the warren and went underground to his empty burrow. “To Efrafa,” replied Hazel, “if I can get anyone to come with me: and we shall bring back as many does as the warren needs.”
3189 WIZARD a man who has magical powers. But before any of them could respond to this, a sharp voice spoke from high on the wall: A sallow-faced wizard with a short black fringe had just walked back into his empty canvas. They groped their way down a long flight of steps, and then looked back; but they could see nothing, except high above them the faint glimmer of the wizard’s staff.
3190 XENOMANIC a person having an excessive attachment to foreign living. But as the focus of dynamic narratives, saints tend to be as tedious as most monomaniacs. The treatment of “Ingres the monomaniac”, Degas and Manet is a textbook demonstration of his critical temper.
3191 BEHEAD cut off the head Criminals beheaded in Palermo, heretics burned alive in Toledo, assassins drawn and quartered in Paris”Europeans flocked to every form of painful death imaginable, free entertainment that drew huge crowds. I did as I was told with the enthusiasm of a prisoner going to his own beheading.
3192 BELLIGERENTS nations engaged in war. The facts were clear to all belligerents: the final conquest would come from the sky. They walk along the edges of battlefields and persuade the belligerents to lay down their arms, turning swords into plowshares.
3193 COSMOPOLITE a citizen of the world That vaudevillian public disdain for East Coast intellectuals, Ivy League blue bloods, cosmopolites ” all of it started with Nixon. Longtime cosmopolites often stop paying attention to the cityscapes around them; inured to their surroundings, they don’t bother to look up.
3194 CREDULOUS a person who readily believes whatever is told to him/her. In my confused and credulous state, the sight of the man in the demon mask startled me into wakefulness, the seductive warmth I had felt a moment ago vanished, leaving my body limp and leaden. Rather he meant that, whatever their intentions, the new sciences had undermined credulous belief.
3195 CURABLE which can be cured. You feel it coming on halfway through a shift or later, and you can interpret it the normal way as a symptom of a kind of low-level illness, curable with immediate rest. “Free from curable sickness. “And working a job”” “Or working the fields close to home, so families can live together.”
3196 DEAD LETTER an unclaimed letter “If you can persuade them to pass new laws, the old ones will be a dead letter.” It was largely a dead letter in the 19th century, when an unsympathetic Supreme Court sharply limited its reach.
3197 DELEGATE a person choosen to represent another or entrusting the work to another person. “You don’t know how to delegate responsibility,” Corporal Whitcomb informed him sullenly. To the astonishment of the city’s ruling class, 78 percent of the 681 delegates to the Democratic convention voted for Harrison on the first ballot.
3198 DICTIONARY a book dealing with words in alphabetical order along with their meanings. And if you don’t believe me, look under “grim” in the dictionary, it sure doesn’t say “a smart grown-up.” Oh yes, I already know a little English; just to prove it I’m reading An Ideal Husband with the help of a dictionary!
3199 DIETING a small allowance of food to become slim. I like to think she would have lost the weight she always wanted to lose without dieting. She was always dieting, and I was always telling her not to.
3200 DIGESTIBLE that which can be digested And he’s trying to distill all of these ideas into easily digestible chunks”science meets pop science. Maize lacks digestible niacin, the amino acids lysine and tryptophan, necessary to make proteins and diets with too much maize can lead to protein deficiency and pellagra, a disease caused by lack of niacin.

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1. What is One Word Substitution?

One Word Substitution involves using a single word to replace a longer phrase or expression, condensing complex ideas into concise terms for effective communication.

2. Where can I find resources like PDFs for One Word Substitution?

PDFs compiling extensive lists of One Word Substitutions from A to Z are available online, offering examples and meanings, aiding in language proficiency and vocabulary building.

3. Are there One Word Substitution exercises available in languages other than English?

Yes, One Word Substitution exercises are available in various languages, including Hindi and Gujarati, catering to learners from different linguistic backgrounds.

4. Could you provide some One Word Substitution examples?

Certainly! Here are a few examples:

  • Euphemism: A polite word used to replace a harsh one.
  • Altruistic: Showing selfless concern for others.
  • Omnipotent: Having unlimited power.
  • Quintessential: Representing the most perfect example.
  • Nostalgia: A sentimental longing for the past.

5. How can I find the meaning of One Word Substitutions in Gujarati?

Online platforms or dictionaries may provide translations or meanings of One Word Substitutions in Gujarati for reference.

6. Do you have a PDF with One Word Substitutions from A to Z?

There are PDF resources available that compile extensive lists of One Word Substitutions alphabetically, aiding in comprehensive vocabulary development and language proficiency.

7. Are there MCQs or questions related to One Word Substitutions?

Yes, Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) focusing on One Word Substitutions are often part of language proficiency tests or educational assessments.

8. How can I practice One Word Substitution questions?

You can find practice questions online or in study materials designed specifically for language proficiency exams, aiding in better understanding and application of One Word Substitutions.

9. What’s the importance of understanding One Word Substitutions?

Mastery over One Word Substitutions enhances language proficiency, aiding in clearer and more concise communication while broadening vocabulary.

10. Where can I find the meaning of specific One Word Substitutions?

Online dictionaries, language learning platforms, or specific reference books often provide meanings and usage examples for various One Word Substitutions.


11. Can you provide some common One Word Substitution Examples?

Certainly! Here are a few examples:

  • Altruistic: Showing selfless concern for others.
  • Euphemism: A polite word used in place of a harsh one.
  • Omnipotent: Having unlimited power.
  • Nostalgia: Sentimental longing for the past.
  • Verbose: Using more words than necessary.

12. Where can I find One Word Substitution Examples with Answers?

Online resources, study guides, or practice test materials often offer One Word Substitution examples with accompanying answers for self-assessment and learning.

13. Is there a PDF available with One Word Substitution Examples?

Yes, PDFs containing lists of One Word Substitution Examples are accessible online, providing a comprehensive resource for expanding vocabulary and language proficiency.

14. Are there Easy One Word Substitution Examples for beginners?

Absolutely! Examples like ‘Homebody’ for a person who prefers staying at home or ‘Novice’ for a beginner are simple yet effective examples suitable for beginners.

15. Are there One Word Substitution Examples available in Hindi?

Yes, resources providing One Word Substitution Examples in Hindi are available to aid Hindi-speaking learners in enhancing their vocabulary and language skills.

16. Can you offer One Word Substitution Examples suitable for Class 7 students?

Certainly! Examples like ‘Abundant’ for plentiful or ‘Bizarre’ for strange can be helpful and engaging for Class 7 students, aiding in their language development.

17. Do you have a list of 50 One Word Substitution Examples?

Here are 10 examples:

  • Apathy: Lack of interest or concern.
  • Dexterity: Skill in performing tasks.
  • Dormant: Inactive or sleeping.
  • Enigma: Something mysterious or puzzling.
  • Facade: The front view of a building.
  • Gregarious: Fond of company or sociable.
  • Insolent: Rude or disrespectful.
  • Jubilant: Feeling or expressing great happiness.
  • Maverick: A non-conformist or independent-minded person.
  • Nefarious: Wicked or criminal in nature.

18. Is there a compilation of 100 One Word Substitution Examples available?

While providing 100 examples here might be exhaustive, numerous resources online compile extensive lists of One Word Substitution Examples to aid in learning and language proficiency.

19. Can you offer 20 One Word Substitution Examples?

Absolutely! Here are a few more examples:

  • Quintessential: Representing the most perfect example.
  • Ravenous: Extremely hungry or famished.
  • Surreptitious: Secretive or stealthy.
  • Ubiquitous: Present everywhere or widespread.
  • Voracious: Having a huge appetite.

20. Could you provide One Word Substitution Examples with meanings?

Certainly! Here are a few:

  • Epitome: A perfect example or embodiment.
  • Indolent: Lazy or idle.
  • Labyrinth: A complex maze or network of paths.
  • Myriad: Countless or a large number.
  • Panacea: A solution or remedy for all problems.

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