- I often refer to a dictionary for Hindi meanings of daily English words.
- Learning English-Hindi words helps bridge language barriers.
- Can you translate these English words into Hindi?
- My teacher explains daily-use English words with their Hindi meanings.
- This dictionary efficiently converts Hindi words into English.
- I’m learning new English words and their Hindi counterparts.
- The English word “बुक” translates to “book” in Hindi.
- Can you write an English sentence using a Hindi word?
- Knowing the English meaning of a Hindi word is crucial.
- She clarified the English meaning for that Hindi word.
- Could you convert this Hindi word into its English equivalent?
- Understanding English words through Hindi makes learning enjoyable.
- I’m practicing English with Hindi translations for better understanding.
- The word “मकान” in Hindi stands for “house” in English.
- Do you have an English-to-Hindi dictionary for quick translations?
- The film had subtitles with Hindi translations for English dialogues.
12001 | Encouraged – प्रोत्साहित | raised one’s spirits; gave confidence – किसी का हौसला बढ़ाया; भरोसा दिया | Although she encouraged her daughter to go out for the cheerleading team, Ramona’s confidence couldn’t inspire the shy girl to try. |
12002 | Iota – योटा | a tiny amount – एक छोटी राशि | If there is even one iota of doubt, the jury should not find the defendant guilty. |
12003 | Loophole – बचाव का रास्ता | a mistake or vagueness in a regulation or law that allow all or part of it to be avoided or changed – किसी विनियम या कानून में कोई गलती या अस्पष्टता जो उसके संपूर्ण या आंशिक भाग को टालने या बदलने की अनुमति देती है | Since the contract did not include the deadline for the work to be completed, the handyman found a loophole in the contract so he couldn’t be taken to court. |
12004 | Taxed – कर लगाया | charged an extra levy or fee for something (usually collected by the government) – किसी चीज़ के लिए अतिरिक्त लेवी या शुल्क लिया जाता है (आमतौर पर सरकार द्वारा एकत्र किया जाता है) | Because alcohol and cigarettes are taxed much higher than other items in the store, they have a heftier price tag. |
12005 | Feminist – नारीवादी | one who supports women’s equal rights – जो महिलाओं के समान अधिकारों का समर्थन करता है | If your brother strongly opposes to women being paid less than men for the same job, he’s likely a feminist. |
12006 | Embargo – घाटबंधी | a government ban on trade with a specific country – किसी विशिष्ट देश के साथ व्यापार पर सरकारी प्रतिबंध | The United State’s embargo against trade with North Korea has created tension between the two countries. |
12007 | Mutually – परस्पर | felt or done by two or more people in the same group – एक ही समूह में दो या दो से अधिक लोगों द्वारा महसूस किया या किया गया | After years of unhappiness, the couple mutually agreed to a divorce. |
12008 | Vanquish – Vanquish | to overcome, beat, or make disappear – काबू पाना, हराना या गायब कर देना | In the movies, the superheroes usually vanquish the villains. |
12009 | Unison – सामंजस्य | the condition of being in agreement or occurring at the same time – एक ही समय में सहमत होने या घटित होने की अवस्था या भाव | Because the singers sung in unison, it sounded like only one person was performing. |
12010 | Request – अनुरोध | to ask for or seek something – कुछ माँगना या खोजना | The only inmate to request a final meal before his execution asked for steak and shrimp. |
12011 | Deportation – निर्वासन | the act of removing a foreigner out of a country – किसी विदेशी को किसी देश से बाहर निकालने की क्रिया | Due to the father’s criminal behavior, his whole family faced deportation to Brazil. |
12012 | Dale – घाटी | a broad valley – एक विस्तृत घाटी | Living in a dale at the bottom of the Appalachian Mountains, the poor hermit was cut off from the rest of society. |
12013 | Chord – तार | three or more musical tones sounded at the same time – एक ही समय में तीन या अधिक संगीत स्वर बजते हैं | Pressing the three keys simultaneously, the piano player struck a chord and let out a melodious sound. |
12014 | Quarry – शिकार | an area from which materials like stone are removed – वह क्षेत्र जहाँ से पत्थर जैसी सामग्री हटा दी जाती है | At night, the moonlight caused the stones in the quarry to shine. |
12015 | Teem – टीम | to be present or gather in a large number – बड़ी संख्या में उपस्थित होना या एकत्रित होना | Honeycombs teem with worker bees who work tirelessly to produce honey for their queen. |
12016 | Incongruent – असंगत | mismatched; unsuited – बेमेल; अनुचित | Because the two ingredients are incongruent, they will not create a tasty dressing. |
12017 | Tachycardia – tachycardia | a term used to describe abnormally fast heart rates – असामान्य रूप से तेज़ हृदय गति का वर्णन करने के लिए इस्तेमाल किया जाने वाला शब्द | The doctor told him he had Tachycardia because his heart was beating much faster than most do, and he would need to be careful about getting too excited. |
12018 | Punctual – समयनिष्ठ | prompt or on time – शीघ्र या समय पर | He was not known for being punctual, which is why they told him to arrive thirty minutes early. |
12019 | Renewal – नवीनीकरण | restoration; regeneration – बहाली; उत्थान | Renewal of the woman’s energy was accomplished by early morning coffee and a hot shower. |
12020 | Shuffling – पुथल | to rearrange a set of cards in a different order – कार्डों के एक सेट को एक अलग क्रम में पुनर्व्यवस्थित करना | During the gin rummy tournament, the dealer was shuffling the cards so they would be mixed together when he dealt the next hand. |
12021 | Listless – उदासीन | without spirit or energy – बिना आत्मा या ऊर्जा के | The illness made me so listless I rarely got out of bed. |
12022 | Magnum opus – प्रसिद्ध रचना | the single greatest work of an artist or writer – किसी कलाकार या लेखक का सबसे बड़ा काम | The author had written many books but didn’t release his magnum opus, Charlotte’s Web, until 1952. |
12023 | Beautician – कस्मेटिकस का बैग | a person who styles people’s hair for a living – एक व्यक्ति जो आजीविका के लिए लोगों के बालों को स्टाइल करता है | Lucy has a 10:00 hair appointment with a beautician at a new salon. |
12024 | Filial – बेटा-संबंधी | pertaining to a son or daughter – पुत्र या पुत्री से संबंधित | Frank has a filial affection for the uncle who raised him. |
12025 | Intelligence – बुद्धिमत्ता | knowledge typically gained through research or studying – ज्ञान आमतौर पर अनुसंधान या अध्ययन के माध्यम से प्राप्त किया जाता है | Intelligence isn’t born, but learned through years of heavy studying. |
12026 | Unveil – खोलना | to reveal or show something – कुछ प्रकट करना या दिखाना | Even when the children won’t listen to her, the calm teacher remains composed and unruffled. |
12027 | Veracious – सत्यप्रिय | honest; always truthful – ईमानदार; सदैव सच्चा | “Honest” Abraham Lincoln was known as a veracious president who stood for truth. |
12028 | Storage – भंडारण | area, room, or location used for stowing items – सामान रखने के लिए उपयोग किया जाने वाला क्षेत्र, कमरा या स्थान | As soon as the holidays were over, they packed up all the Christmas decorations and put them in storage until next year. |
12029 | Imbroglio – उलझन | a confusing situation – एक भ्रमित करने वाली स्थिति | Will the treaty end this imbroglio that has kept the two countries at war for over sixty years? |
12030 | Thrift – किफ़ायत | the act of being cautious with your money – अपने पैसे को लेकर सतर्क रहने का कार्य | Nonprofit organizations use their thrift to buy needed items to make life better for those they are devoted to helping. |
12031 | Simplified – सरलीकृत | made something simpler or easier to do – किसी कार्य को करना सरल या आसान बनाना | The chef simplified the recipe, reducing what was included from 15 ingredients to 7. |
12032 | Exclude – निकालना | to eliminate or reject – ख़त्म करना या अस्वीकार करना | If an African American citizen tried to vote in the 1950s, the workers would exclude him based on his race. |
12033 | Aerobic – एरोबिक | activity used to strengthen the heart and lungs by making them work hard for several minutes – गतिविधि का उपयोग हृदय और फेफड़ों को कई मिनट तक कड़ी मेहनत कराकर मजबूत बनाने के लिए किया जाता है | The aerobic component of the test consists of a strenuous one-mile hike. |
12034 | Open – खुला | to unlock, unbolt and undo a passageway so that certain things can go through it – किसी मार्ग को खोलना, खोलना और पूर्ववत करना ताकि कुछ चीजें उसमें से गुजर सकें | I had to open the door first before I could go through it to get to the other room. |
12035 | Illegality – अवैधता | an act that is prohibited by law – ऐसा कार्य जो कानून द्वारा निषिद्ध है | One illegality that we are all familiar with is murder, but some people seem to forget that littering and loitering are crimes as well. |
12036 | Sly – धूर्त | having or showing cleverness in a cunning or deceitful manner – धूर्तता या धोखे से चतुराई दिखाना या दिखाना | Instead of a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer, he gave a sly smile as a response. |
12037 | Ratify – पुष्टि करना | to officially go on the record as approving something – आधिकारिक तौर पर किसी चीज़ को मंजूरी देने के रूप में रिकॉर्ड पर जाना | Unfortunately, half of the legislators refuse to ratify a bill that would increase funding for public schools. |
12038 | Warrant – वारंट | a document issued by the court that gives the police the authority to do something (to enter a place, to arrest a person.) – अदालत द्वारा जारी किया गया एक दस्तावेज़ जो पुलिस को कुछ करने (किसी स्थान में प्रवेश करने, किसी व्यक्ति को गिरफ्तार करने) का अधिकार देता है। | Showing up with a warrant, the police asked the homeowner to let them inside so they could search for their suspect. |
12039 | Conduct – आचरण | the way one acts or carries themselves – जिस तरह से कोई कार्य करता है या खुद को रखता है | Because we are going to be visiting a nursing home, we hope all of you students will conduct yourselves in a kind and polite manner. |
12040 | Ultimatum – अंतिम चेतावनी | terms that must be agreed upon or else there will be negative consequences – जिन शर्तों पर सहमति होनी चाहिए अन्यथा नकारात्मक परिणाम होंगे | After hearing my wife’s ultimatum about her or the truck, I packed up my belongings and drove the truck out of the driveway. |
12041 | Shimmer – टिमटिमाना | to twinkle and shimmer with a soft light – हल्की रोशनी के साथ टिमटिमाना और झिलमिलाना | Silver spray paint helped the candidate’s signs shimmer and stand out in the school hallway. |
12042 | Constrict – कसना | to narrow or reduce – संकीर्ण या छोटा करना | I am afraid of small spaces, so all elevators feel as though they constrict me. |
12043 | Nomadic – घुमंतू | having the life of a drifter – एक घुमक्कड़ का जीवन जीना | Because my husband is a long distance truck driver, his days are very nomadic. |
12044 | Ship – जहाज | to transport goods from one place to another – माल को एक स्थान से दूसरे स्थान तक ले जाना | It is easier to ship goods from plane than by boat since not every city is connected to a waterway. |
12045 | Wandered – फिरते | walked around without direction or reason – बिना किसी दिशा या कारण के इधर-उधर घूमना | The Israelites wandered around the desert for 40 years with no real purpose or way of finding the promised land. |
12046 | Affright – ऊधम | fright; fear – डर; डर | Ghosts and goblins haunted the house, leaving the children in affright. |
12047 | Impromptu – बिना पहले सोचे हुए | without preparation – बिना तैयारी के | I’m not sure how many people will be able to attend the impromptu party. |
12048 | Lender – ऋणदाता | one who gives a loan of money to another – वह जो दूसरे को धन उधार देता हो | “My mortgage lender requires me to pay $718 per month on my loan or my house might go into foreclosure,” the woman explained to her younger sister. |
12049 | Showed – दिखाया है | arrived at a place – एक स्थान पर पहुंचे | Teddy showed up for work twenty minutes late almost every day this week. |
12050 | Transfixed – बांधे | so interested, surprised, or afraid that you are unable to move / to pierce with a sharp pointed weapon – इतनी दिलचस्पी, आश्चर्य, या डर कि आप हिलने-डुलने/तेज नुकीले हथियार से छेदने में असमर्थ हैं | As she walked down the aisle, the entire gathering sat transfixed on her. |
12051 | Mine – मेरा | to dig deep holes in search of something valuable – किसी मूल्यवान वस्तु की तलाश में गहरे गड्ढे खोदना | Many of those who went to California in the 1800s were there to mine for gold and dig for other precious metals. |
12052 | Pile – ढेर | a heap or mound of things – चीज़ों का ढेर या ढेर | “Look over there, there is a massive pile of leaves.” |
12053 | Conspiring – साजिश रचने | to secretly plan or plot together to do something that is usually illegal or harmful; it often involves two or more people who work together to achieve a shared goal – कुछ ऐसा करने के लिए गुप्त रूप से योजना बनाना या एक साथ साजिश करना जो आमतौर पर अवैध या हानिकारक है; इसमें अक्सर दो या दो से अधिक लोग शामिल होते हैं जो एक साझा लक्ष्य को प्राप्त करने के लिए मिलकर काम करते हैं | Conspiring to commit a crime can also result in additional charges, such as conspiracy to commit fraud or conspiracy to commit murder. |
12054 | Qualitative – गुणात्मक | associated with type or quality – प्रकार या गुणवत्ता से संबंधित | The qualitative study will reveal the elements present in the compound. |
12055 | Portion – हिस्से | a part of a whole – संपूर्ण का एक भाग | Since Teresa is trying to eat healthy, she will sample a very small portion of my home made brownies. |
12056 | Sacrament – धर्मविधि | a formal religious rite or ceremony – एक औपचारिक धार्मिक अनुष्ठान या समारोह | According to the church, April can’t receive the communion sacrament because she is a divorced woman. |
12057 | Octagon – अष्टकोना | an 8 equally sided shape – एक 8 समान भुजा वाली आकृति | Rainbow colors reflected onto the wall through an octagon as the light shines through the many surfaces of the prism. |
12058 | Postnatal – प्रसव के बाद का | related to the period of time following childbirth – बच्चे के जन्म के बाद की समयावधि से संबंधित | A baby needs a lot of postnatal care to ensure that it is healthy before it can leave the hospital. |
12059 | Hawk – बाज़ | any one of several large birds of prey that have hooked bills, strong claws, and rounded wings – शिकार के कई बड़े पक्षियों में से कोई एक जिसके झुके हुए बिल, मजबूत पंजे और गोल पंख होते हैं | The great hawk swooped down and seized the mouse with his talons. |
12060 | Intransigent – सैद्धांतिक | uncompromising – सीधा | Because my father is usually intransigent, he rarely lets my mother have her way. |
12061 | Slovenly – किसी न किसी प्रकार | having a dirty appearance – गंदा दिखना | The man’s slovenly dress was a result of him being homeless for a month. |
12062 | Enlarge – बड़े आकार में | to make something bigger than its original size – किसी चीज़ को उसके मूल आकार से बड़ा बनाना | Myrtle wanted tried to enlarge the font to 16, but her teacher instructed her to reduce it back down to 12. |
12063 | Menial – सेवक | relating to tasks normally performed by a servant – सामान्यतः एक नौकर द्वारा किये जाने वाले कार्यों से संबंधित | Everyone was surprised to see the company president doing menial labor he could easily pass on to one of his employees. |
12064 | Emotionless – शुष्क | without feeling or emotions – बिना भावना या भावनाओं के | It is important to display an emotionless mask when playing poker, so you don’t show anything that might give away what you have in your hand. |
12065 | Canyon – घाटी | a deep gorge that usually has a river running through it – एक गहरी घाटी जिसमें आमतौर पर एक नदी बहती है | The trail took the hikers down into a deep canyon with lush, green woods. |
12066 | Precede – पूर्व में होना | to occur before something else – किसी और चीज़ से पहले घटित होना | Sometimes a tingling sensation in the arm will precede a heart attack. |
12067 | Conflict – टकराव | a situation in which at least two forces are opposing one another – ऐसी स्थिति जिसमें कम से कम दो ताकतें एक दूसरे का विरोध कर रही हों | World War Two was the largest conflict in human history, costing millions of lives across the globe. |
12068 | Brought – लाया | transported; carried – ले जाया गया; ले जाया गया | Most immigrants arriving on Ellis Island only brought the clothes on their backs and few necessities. |
12069 | Sharp – तीखा | shaped in a pointed or spikey way – नुकीले या कांटेदार आकार का | The knife’s pointy blade was sharp enough to slice into the stubborn package. |
12070 | Embellish – संवारना | to make something sound or look better or more acceptable than it is in reality; to make more beautiful and attractive; to decorate – किसी चीज़ को वास्तविकता से बेहतर या अधिक स्वीकार्य बनाना या दिखाना; अधिक सुंदर और आकर्षक बनाने के लिए; सजा देना | Because Marco has always had a tendency to embellish the truth, no one believed he had been mugged. |
12071 | Microaggression – सूक्ष्म आक्रामकता | an unintentional and subtle but offensive comment or action directed at a minority group – किसी अल्पसंख्यक समूह पर निर्देशित एक अनजाने और सूक्ष्म लेकिन आपत्तिजनक टिप्पणी या कार्रवाई | Linda thinks that she isn’t racist but her statement, “You’re pretty for a dark-skinned girl” shows microaggression. |
12072 | Paternity – पितृत्व | the condition of being a specific child’s father – किसी विशिष्ट बच्चे का पिता होने की शर्त | A paternity test will determine if Bill or his best friend is the child’s dad. |
12073 | Ailment – रोग | a minor illness or sickness – कोई छोटी-मोटी बीमारी या बीमारी | The boy faked an ailment so that he could stay home and not go to school. |
12074 | Protein – प्रोटीन | a needed nutrient found in certain foods (meat, milk, eggs, and beans) that is made up of many amino acids joined together – कुछ खाद्य पदार्थों (मांस, दूध, अंडे और फलियाँ) में पाया जाने वाला एक आवश्यक पोषक तत्व जो एक साथ मिलकर कई अमीनो एसिड से बना होता है | Several protein shakes on the market claim to have enough nutrients to build muscle with little exercise. |
12075 | Gibe – ताना मारा | an insulting comment – एक अपमानजनक टिप्पणी | I knew Vera was not my friend when she made a gibe about my weight. |
12076 | Aloud – जोर | clearly out loud – स्पष्ट रूप से ज़ोर से | The teacher had the students read the story aloud so that everyone would hear the story being spoken. |
12077 | Illustrate – उदाहरण देकर स्पष्ट करना | provide with pictures – चित्र प्रदान करें | Once the preschool book was written, the artist was hired to carefully illustrate the book with a picture on every page. |
12078 | Unicycle – यूनीसाइकिल | a bicycle with only one wheel – केवल एक पहिये वाली साइकिल | Riding on a unicycle, the circus clown did tricks on its one wheel. |
12079 | Proportionate – सदृश | balanced in size, amount, or degree when compared to something else – किसी अन्य चीज़ की तुलना में आकार, मात्रा या डिग्री में संतुलित | All investors were convinced they would receive a proportionate return of their money, but only ended up with half. |
12080 | Troubleshoot – समस्याओं का निवारण | to resolve common issues or problems – सामान्य मुद्दों या समस्याओं को हल करने के लिए | The tech tried to troubleshoot the customer’s internet issue over the phone but couldn’t resolve the issue. |
12081 | Fanaticism – अंधाधुंधता | a state of irrational enthusiasm or admiration – अतार्किक उत्साह या प्रशंसा की स्थिति | The followers of the cult displayed their fanaticism by drinking their leader’s blood. |
12082 | Heave – उसांस | to use a lot of effort while moving something – किसी चीज़ को हिलाने में बहुत अधिक प्रयास करना | A half-court heave of the ball ended in a surprising buzzer beater win for the underdogs. |
12083 | Conditions – स्थितियाँ | refers to the circumstances that must be met in order for something to happen or be true, or refers to the physical state of an environment, such as temperature, humidity, and pressure – उन परिस्थितियों को संदर्भित करता है जिन्हें किसी चीज़ के घटित होने या सच होने के लिए पूरा किया जाना चाहिए, या किसी पर्यावरण की भौतिक स्थिति को संदर्भित करता है, जैसे तापमान, आर्द्रता और दबाव | The conditions outside were cold and snowy, making it difficult to drive on the roads. |
12084 | Dictator – तानाशाह | a ruler who wields absolute authority over his country and holds and/or abuses an extraordinary amount of personal power – एक शासक जो अपने देश पर पूर्ण अधिकार रखता है और असाधारण मात्रा में व्यक्तिगत शक्ति रखता है और/या उसका दुरुपयोग करता है | Often a dictator has many followers because of their dynamic and controlling personality. |
12085 | Aviator – हवाबाज़ | a pilot – एक पायलट | The aviator prepared for his first flight across the Pacific by checking his engine and fueling his aircraft. |
12086 | Regrettably – अफसोस | unfortunately – दुर्भाग्य से | Regrettably, I will not be able to attend the performance due to another event on the same night. |
12087 | Consolidate – समेकित | to put together – एक साथ रखने के लिए | To save money on airline fees, my husband and I will consolidate our clothes so they fit in one suitcase. |
12088 | Untouchable – अछूत | unable to be matched – मिलान करने में असमर्थ | As a duelist, Karla is all but untouchable, never even being grazed by her opponents, never mind defeated by them. |
12089 | Slighted – थोड़ा सा | insulted (someone) by treating or speaking of them without proper respect or attention – उचित सम्मान या ध्यान दिए बिना किसी के साथ व्यवहार करके या उसके बारे में बात करके उसका अपमान किया जाना | After not being asked to sing at her sister’s wedding, the slighted songstress decided to boycott the whole event. |
12090 | Mutant – उत्परिवर्ती | mutant means something that had transformed into something other than it was – उत्परिवर्ती का अर्थ है कोई ऐसी चीज़ जो अपने स्वरूप से भिन्न किसी चीज़ में परिवर्तित हो गई हो | The radioactive spill caused a small dog to transform into a giant three-headed mutant. |
12091 | Budge – बज | move; shift – कदम; बदलाव | Try as she might, the trapped hiker could not budge the boulder off of her foot. |
12092 | Coherent – सुसंगत | logical and clear – तार्किक और स्पष्ट | If you can’t give a more coherent explanation of why you didn’t come home until 4 A.M., I will have to assume you were up to no good. |
12093 | Slew – धसान | to have killed something/someone – किसी चीज़/किसी को मार डाला हो | Zeus slew many of his enemies by literally striking them down with bolts of lightning. |
12094 | Professional – पेशेवर | a person that is considered a qualified expert in a particular field or skill – वह व्यक्ति जिसे किसी विशेष क्षेत्र या कौशल में योग्य विशेषज्ञ माना जाता है | A professional carpenter was hired to build the cabinets inside the new house. |
12095 | Diabolical – पैशाचिक | very evil – बहुत बुरा | The evil mastermind created a diabolical plan to take over the world. |
12096 | Belligerent – युद्धरत | hostile; ready to fight – शत्रुतापूर्ण; लड़ने के लिए तैयार | My brother was always belligerent and ready to fight. |
12097 | Biodiversity – जैव विविधता | refers to the level of variety in living creatures and plants within a particular area – किसी विशेष क्षेत्र में जीवित प्राणियों और पौधों में विविधता के स्तर को संदर्भित करता है | The biodiversity of this lake is extremely high, with several dozen species of fish and birds living in or near it. |
12098 | Narrow-minded – संकीर्ण सोच वाला | bigoted and not tolerant of other people’s viewpoints – कट्टर और अन्य लोगों के दृष्टिकोण के प्रति सहनशील नहीं | The narrow-minded cop truly believed only Hispanics commit serious crimes. |
12099 | Hate – घृणा | strong dislike or disgust for something – किसी चीज़ के प्रति तीव्र नापसंदगी या घृणा | After years of being bullied by Tom, Sam began to hate his tormentor and really wanted to get even with him. |
12100 | Restfully – शांति से | quietly and soothingly – चुपचाप और सुखदायक ढंग से | Retirement allows older people to live restfully every day because they no longer work or have as much stress. |
12101 | Cahoots – बराबर भागों | secretly working together to commit crime or dishonest activity – अपराध या बेईमान गतिविधि करने के लिए गुप्त रूप से एक साथ काम करना | Jack and Barry were in cahoots when they conspired to shoot up the mall. |
12102 | Geothermal – जियोथर्मल | relating to the internal heat of the earth – पृथ्वी की आंतरिक गर्मी से संबंधित | Geothermal energy is created deep down in the earth and can provide heating and cooling for your home. |
12103 | Transparent – पारदर्शी | see-through; clear – के माध्यम से देखना; स्पष्ट | Bill could see Jan’s bra through her transparent blouse. |
12104 | Concerted – ठोस | in group agreement; working as a team – समूह समझौते में; एक टीम के रूप में काम कर रहे हैं | A concerted effort from community residents led to the formation of an effective neighborhood watch. |
12105 | Purposefully – उद्देश्यपूर्ण | doing something with a sense of purpose or in a determined way – उद्देश्य की भावना से या निर्धारित तरीके से कुछ करना | The model purposefully avoids sweets and bread so that she can keep her weight down. |
12106 | Yoga – योग | an ancient art based on a harmonizing system of development for the body, mind, and spirit through breathing exercises and exercise – साँस लेने के व्यायाम और व्यायाम के माध्यम से शरीर, मन और आत्मा के विकास की सामंजस्यपूर्ण प्रणाली पर आधारित एक प्राचीन कला | Yoga is a combination of three things: various postures, breathing patterns and mindful meditation. |
12107 | Futurity – भविष्यकाल | the future – भविष्य | Anxious thoughts of futurity caused the worrier to lose hope in the present. |
12108 | Buzzard – बज़ार्ड | a hawk-like bird of prey that soars high with wide wings and a round tail – बाज़ जैसा शिकारी पक्षी जो चौड़े पंखों और गोल पूँछ के साथ ऊँचा उड़ता है | The buzzard circled around the dead deer carcass and zoomed in to snatch some of the meat with his talons. |
12109 | Pierce – प्रवेश करना | to make a hole in something with a sharp object – किसी नुकीली चीज से किसी चीज में छेद करना | The native used a spear to pierce the fish swimming in the stream. |
12110 | Impress – छाप | make (someone) feel admiration and respect – (किसी को) प्रशंसा और सम्मान महसूस कराना | Oliver thought he could impress his crush with his magic tricks, but she laughed in his face. |
12111 | Slipshod – असावधानीपूर्ण | performed too rapidly – बहुत तेजी से प्रदर्शन किया | Because the roofer performed a slipshod repair job, we had a leak in the kitchen within hours. |
12112 | Eventuate – चुकना | lead to as a result – परिणाम के रूप में नेतृत्व करें | Thankfully, the dramatic turn of events did not eventuate into a full-blown disaster. |
12113 | Clerical – लिपिक | of or relating to clerks or their work; office tasks – या क्लर्कों या उनके काम से संबंधित; कार्यालय के कार्य | The Department of Driver Services says clerical and administrative errors led to the mistake that landed a man in jail. |
12114 | Argot – कठबोली | a unique language used by certain groups or people with a particular occupation – कुछ समूहों या किसी विशेष व्यवसाय वाले लोगों द्वारा उपयोग की जाने वाली एक अनोखी भाषा | The old woman could not understand the argot her granddaughter used to communicate with her friends. |
12115 | Brew – शराब बनाना | to prepare a hot drink – एक गर्म पेय तैयार करने के लिए | At Starbucks, the employees brew a wide range of coffees and teas for their customers. |
12116 | Self-control – आत्म – संयम | the ability to manage one’s own desires and behavior – अपनी इच्छाओं और व्यवहार को प्रबंधित करने की क्षमता | Sheryl wanted to eat another donut but used self-control instead. |
12117 | Jejune – बेसूद | unsophisticated – अपरिष्कृत | The billionaire couple refused to eat the jejune dish of chicken wings and tater tots. |
12118 | Reflectance – परावर्तन | a measure of the ability of a surface to reflect light – किसी सतह की प्रकाश को परावर्तित करने की क्षमता का माप | During the science experiment, the students tried to measure the reflectance of each object by shining light on its surface. |
12119 | Indicative – सूचक | serving as a sign, indication or suggestion of something – किसी चीज़ के संकेत, संकेत या सुझाव के रूप में कार्य करना | The child’s anger problems were likely indicative of a deeper issue. |
12120 | Collection – संग्रह | an assembly of items that are perceived as having cultural value, acquired as a set by a collector – वस्तुओं का एक समूह जिसे सांस्कृतिक मूल्य वाला माना जाता है, एक संग्रहकर्ता द्वारा एक सेट के रूप में प्राप्त किया जाता है | My dad has a collection of old books he considers to be classics, many of which are series that I’ve never even heard of. |
12121 | Cavalier – घुड़सवार | displaying a lack of worry – चिंता की कमी प्रदर्शित करना | Bryan will regret his cavalier attitude about studying when he fails to graduate on time. |
12122 | Dare – हिम्मत | a challenge or risky venture – एक चुनौती या जोखिम भरा उद्यम | Riding the roller coaster on a dare, the scared girl couldn’t believe she had said yes to the challenge. |
12123 | Charisma – प्रतिभा | charm; attractiveness – आकर्षण; आकर्षण | The politician earned a lot of female votes because of his winning smile and charisma. |
12124 | Divergence – विचलन | the process or state of separating – अलग होने की प्रक्रिया या अवस्था | The married couple is currently in a state of divergence, going through the divorce process so they can legally separate. |
12125 | Hyperbolic – अतिपरवलिक | related to language that is extremely exaggerated – भाषा से संबंधित जो अत्यंत अतिरंजित है | While Jim fought only one attacker during the mugging attempt, he changed his story into a hyperbolic tale by adding a few other attackers. |
12126 | Ingratiate – अनुग्रहभाजन | to try to get someone’s approval by doing or saying things that will please them – किसी को प्रसन्न करने वाली बातें करके या कहकर उसकी स्वीकृति प्राप्त करने का प्रयास करना | The candidate will try to ingratiate himself with voters by promising to reduce taxes. |
12127 | Indisputable – निर्विवाद | not subject to doubt – संदेह का विषय नहीं | It is an indisputable fact smoking cigarettes can increase the risk of lung cancer. |
12128 | Pageant – तमाशा | a demonstration of contestants or incidents usually involving a common theme – आम तौर पर एक सामान्य विषय से जुड़े प्रतियोगियों या घटनाओं का प्रदर्शन | As the women donned their native country’s costume, they walked across the stage in the Miss Universe Pageant. |
12129 | Random – यादृच्छिक | accidental; by chance – आकस्मिक; संयोगवश | Corrupt police officers conducted random stop-and-frisk stays throughout the city, targeting people unsystematically. |
12130 | Allegorical – व्यंजनापूर्ण | symbolic like an allegory; containing a hidden moral lesson – रूपक की तरह प्रतीकात्मक; जिसमें छिपा हुआ नैतिक पाठ है | The allegorical painting held deep meaning, making it much more than just a pretty picture. |
12131 | Revere – सम्मान | to regard someone or something with great respect or devotion – किसी व्यक्ति या चीज़ को बहुत सम्मान या भक्ति के साथ मानना | Many people from India are Hindu, and so they do not eat beef because they revere the cow as a sacred object. |
12132 | Slide – फिसलना | to scoot or move across something without lifting from the item – किसी वस्तु को उठाए बिना उसके पार चलना या आगे बढ़ना | The gambler watched the dealer slide the cards across the table and prayed for a good hand. |
12133 | Conclusion – निष्कर्ष | the end, finish, or finale of an event – किसी घटना का अंत, परिणति या समापन | The conclusion of our meeting came at seven o’clock, an hour after we had started and a full thirty minutes longer than we had planned. |
12134 | Credit – श्रेय | acknowledgment or recognition granted to a person for something they did – किसी व्यक्ति को उसके द्वारा किए गए किसी कार्य के लिए दी गई स्वीकृति या मान्यता | Nothing is more low and cowardly than to take credit and glory for something someone else has done. |
12135 | Lullaby – लाला लल्ला लोरी | a gentle song sang quietly to put a child to sleep – एक बच्चे को सुलाने के लिए चुपचाप गाया गया एक सौम्य गीत | The infant’s mother sang her Hush Little Baby every night, so it quickly became the child’s favorite lullaby. |
12136 | Antiseptic – सड़न रोकनेवाली दबा | very clean and free of disease-causing organisms – बहुत साफ़ और रोग पैदा करने वाले जीवों से मुक्त | While cleaning with an antiseptic spray, I realized my friend would find it impossible to say anything negative at our playdate about any germs being in the house. |
12137 | Counterclockwise – वामावर्त | to go or move in a left-handed circular direction – बायीं ओर गोलाकार दिशा में जाना या चलना | On the round game board, I moved my game piece counterclockwise beginning near the left-side of the board. |
12138 | Proofread – ठीक करना | to look over a work or text in order to edit or amend it – किसी कार्य या पाठ को संपादित या संशोधित करने के लिए उसे देखना | After working for four days on her English essay, the high schooler decided to ask her mom to proofread it so that it would be free of mistakes. |
12139 | Disgusted – निराश | feeling extreme dislike or disapproval for something – किसी चीज़ के प्रति अत्यधिक नापसंदगी या अस्वीकृति महसूस करना | After taking a bite of the rotten fruit, the villager felt disgusted. |
12140 | Underlie – कायम करना | to trigger; motivate – शुरूवात करना; उत्साह करना | I don’t understand all of the principles that underlie how a radio works, but I know a few things about sound waves. |
12141 | Fodder – चारा | a person or thing that is used for a specific reason – वह व्यक्ति या वस्तु जिसका उपयोग किसी विशिष्ट कारण से किया जाता है | The celebrity’s arrest made great fodder for the tabloid journalists. |
12142 | Appeal – निवेदन | to make a request for – के लिए अनुरोध करना | I have made an appeal to my parents to reduce the length of time I am grounded, but so far I have had no success in convincing them of that. |
12143 | Millennia – सदियों | plural of millennium, a period of a thousand years – सहस्राब्दी का बहुवचन, एक हजार वर्ष की अवधि | The universe has existed for untold millennia, making it billions of years old. |
12144 | Numinous – दिव्य | displaying a holy or sacred characteristics – किसी पवित्र या पवित्र लक्षण को प्रदर्शित करना | After months of digging at the ancient burial site, an archaeologist uncovered a numinous artifact from the civilization’s ceremonial chamber. |
12145 | Exploration – अन्वेषण | adventuring into an unknown place in order to become educated about it – इसके बारे में शिक्षित होने के लिए किसी अज्ञात स्थान पर जाना | Several kids decided to conduct an exploration of the cave due to their curiosity of science. |
12146 | Gravid – सगर्भा | pregnant – गर्भवती | The lizard was gravid with eggs soon after mating season. |
12147 | Familiarize – परिचित | to make, or become familiar with something or someone – किसी चीज़ या व्यक्ति से परिचित होना या बनाना | Having just moved in, I walked around to familiarize myself with the neighborhood. |
12148 | Charming – आकर्षक | the quality that makes someone attractive and pleasant – वह गुण जो किसी को आकर्षक और सुखद बनाता है | The charming balcony provided a beautiful view of the city below. |
12149 | Grouse – गुनगुनानेवाला | a small, chubby brown bird that is hunted for food and sport – एक छोटा, मोटा भूरा पक्षी जिसका भोजन और खेल के लिए शिकार किया जाता है | While perched on the cable wire, the large brown grouse made the wire dip due to his plump bod. |
12150 | Devotion – भक्ति | loyalty, dedication and commitment – निष्ठा, समर्पण और प्रतिबद्धता | Steve’s devotion to his country was evident when he joined the military. |
12151 | Cyclone – चक्रवात | a tornado or other similar spinning storm – बवंडर या अन्य समान घूमने वाला तूफ़ान | Appearing in the sky out of nowhere, the twisting cyclone began to pick up debris with its strong winds. |
12152 | Bustle – हलचल | to move in a noisy or hurried manner – शोरगुल या शीघ्रता से आगे बढ़ना | On Valentine’s Day men bustle about the store trying to find last minute gifts. |
12153 | Forfeiture – ज़ब्ती | the loss of property or money as a penalty for doing something wrong – कुछ गलत करने के दंड के रूप में संपत्ति या धन की हानि | Since he filed for bankruptcy, the broke businessman’s office building is subject to forfeiture. |
12154 | Glisten – चमकना | to shine – चमकने के लिए | Rays began to glisten off the Hudson Bay as the morning sun rose over the water. |
12155 | Slothful – आलसी | lazy and idle; wanting to do nothing – आलसी और निष्क्रिय; कुछ नहीं करना चाहते | Because he was so slothful, the lazy husband laid in bed every day while his wife worked. |
12156 | Dialect – बोली | the way a section of a country speaks the language using some different words and pronunciations – जिस तरह से किसी देश का एक वर्ग कुछ अलग-अलग शब्दों और उच्चारणों का उपयोग करके भाषा बोलता है | With her southern dialect, the young woman’s way of addressing her friends was by saying “ya’ll.” |
12157 | Galaxy – आकाशगंगा | a group of many stars, along with gas, dust, and dark matter – गैस, धूल और काले पदार्थ सहित कई तारों का एक समूह | Our galaxy, the Milky Way, is made up of the sun, planets, asteroids, millions of stars, and other space junk. |
12158 | Monsieur – महाशय | a French word that means Mr. or Sir – एक फ़्रांसीसी शब्द जिसका अर्थ है श्रीमान या सर | “Good day, Monsieur,” Belle said as she greeted her mustache-faced neighbor on the street. |
12159 | Sing – गाओ | to use one’s voice to make musical sounds – संगीतमय ध्वनियाँ निकालने के लिए अपनी आवाज़ का उपयोग करना | The carolers will lift their voices and sing cheerful hymns this Christmas. |
12160 | Suffer – पीड़ित | to agonize by pain, grief or other emotion or physical feelings – दर्द, दुःख या अन्य भावना या शारीरिक भावनाओं से पीड़ित होना | While traveling on the Oregon Trail, many people would suffer from dysentery which caused excessive diarrhea. |
12161 | Dorsal – पृष्ठीय | situated at the back side of the an animal or plant – किसी जानवर या पौधे के पीछे की ओर स्थित | The dolphin’s dorsal fin is situated on its’s slippery, gray back. |
12162 | Crippling – गंभीर | causing a severe problem, such as not being able to walk or move – जिससे चलने या हिलने-डुलने में सक्षम न होना जैसी गंभीर समस्या हो सकती है | As soon as he was shot, a crippling pain took over the victim’s body. |
12163 | Wealthy – धनवान | having a large amount of money, property, or possessions – बड़ी मात्रा में धन, संपत्ति या संपत्ति होना | My wealthy neighbors have more money than they know what to do with. |
12164 | Retrocede – पीछे हटना | to give back or return – वापस देना या लौटाना | After the Battle of Pueblo, France was forced to retrocede all the territory back to Mexico. |
12165 | Ponderable – चिंतन योग्य | something that is important enough to be contemplated – कुछ ऐसा जो विचार करने के लिए काफी महत्वपूर्ण है | Many news reporters were covering the ponderable news stories that the country’s citizens would deem vital to their lives. |
12166 | Whiplash – मोच | an injury caused by a severe jerk to the head/neck – सिर/गर्दन पर गंभीर झटके के कारण लगी चोट | During the car accident, the driver was rear-ended and his neck suffered whiplash from the jerking. |
12167 | Cyclist – साइकिल-सवार | a person who rides a bicycle – एक व्यक्ति जो साइकिल चलाता है | Although he wasn’t a professional cyclist, the man thoroughly enjoyed riding bicycles. |
12168 | Idiotic – मूर्खतापूर्ण | very stupid or unwise – बहुत मूर्ख या नासमझ | Considering the potential of jellyfish to severely sting people even when beached, I think picking them up is idiotic. |
12169 | Sinful – पापी | wrong morally or ethically – नैतिक या नैतिक रूप से गलत | The boy’s sinful nature led him to do things that are wrong like stealing and lying to his parents. |
12170 | Cast – ढालना | actors who perform a role in a series, play, or movie – अभिनेता जो किसी श्रृंखला, नाटक या फिल्म में भूमिका निभाते हैं | The cast of a new television show was excited to receive their first Emmy award. |
12171 | Trepidation – घबराहट | a nervous or fearful feeling – घबराहट या भय की भावना | Shaking with trepidation, the young man faced his fear of heights by skydiving. |
12172 | Habitation – निवास | the state of living in somewhere – कहीं रहने की अवस्था या भाव | If the wildfires continue, the area will not be safe for habitation. |
12173 | Suddenly – अचानक | rapidly or without warning – तेजी से या बिना किसी चेतावनी के | When I stared out the window, I noticed the tornado suddenly approaching our farm with intense force. |
12174 | Irresolute – डगमग | not certain about something – किसी चीज़ के बारे में निश्चित नहीं | As the troubled young girl faced her school principal, she was irresolute and did not know what to expect as a consequence for her behavior. |
12175 | Tribe – जनजाति | a group of people, usually related to Native Americans – लोगों का एक समूह, जो आमतौर पर मूल अमेरिकियों से संबंधित होता है | Because few people still speak the dialect of the tribe, the population’s language is considered endangered. |
12176 | Petition – याचिका | an official document that makes a request and is signed by supporters – एक आधिकारिक दस्तावेज़ जो अनुरोध करता है और समर्थकों द्वारा हस्ताक्षरित होता है | A nonviolent way to protest a law is by signing a petition requesting the annulment of the law. |
12177 | Backfire – जवाबी हमला | of a plan or scheme to have the opposite outcome of what was expected – किसी योजना या स्कीम का परिणाम अपेक्षा के विपरीत होना | The celebrity thinks her racy Twitter comments help her gain fans, but I believe writing these kinds of statements might backfire. |
12178 | Prophylactic – रोगनिरोधी | something used to prevent a disease – किसी बीमारी को रोकने के लिए इस्तेमाल की जाने वाली कोई चीज़ | Although the medicine has proven to be prophylactic, it does not prevent infection in all cases. |
12179 | Inherent – अंतर्निहित | existing in something as a permanent, essential, or characteristic attribute – किसी चीज़ में स्थायी, आवश्यक या विशिष्ट गुण के रूप में विद्यमान होना | Most mothers have an inherent need to protect their children. |
12180 | Expound – व्याख्या करना | to clarify by providing details – विवरण प्रदान करके स्पष्ट करना | During his graduation speech, Thad will expound his hopes and prayers for his graduating class. |
12181 | Democracy – प्रजातंत्र | a government by the people where the majority rules – जनता द्वारा बनाई गई सरकार जहां बहुमत का शासन होता है | If you are opposed to democracy, you do not believe every individual has a voice. |
12182 | Dandle – लालन-पालन करना | to move up and down on one’s knee or in one’s arms, in affectionate play, as an infant – एक शिशु के रूप में, स्नेहपूर्ण खेल में, अपने घुटनों पर या अपनी बाहों में ऊपर-नीचे घूमना | Once Uncle Claude saw his two-year old nephew, he began to dandle him on his knee. |
12183 | Bicentennial – दो सौ साल का | taking place every two hundred years – हर दो सौ साल में हो रहा है | The bicentennial of the war marks two hundred years since the conflict. |
12184 | Quibble – वक्रोक्ति | to quarrel about minor matters – छोटी-छोटी बातों पर झगड़ा करना | It is normal for married couples to quibble over small things like who controls the television remote. |
12185 | Countess – काउंटेस | a woman who is of high social rank, especially the wife of a count – एक महिला जो उच्च सामाजिक पद पर है, विशेषकर एक गिनती की पत्नी | Marrying a count shortly before she turned 18, the countess served as a companion to the queen. |
12186 | Mediocre – औसत दर्जे का | of ordinary or average quality – साधारण या औसत गुणवत्ता का | The mediocre meal wasn’t the worst I’ve had, but it wasn’t the best either. |
12187 | Reef – चट्टान | a ridge of material at or near the surface of the ocean – समुद्र की सतह पर या उसके निकट सामग्री की एक चोटी | The small reef will either scatter into the sand or the ridge will grow stronger overtime. |
12188 | Asymmetrical – विषम | having two uneven or crooked sides – जिसके दो असमान या टेढ़े-मेढ़े किनारे हों | I have asymmetrical eyes, with one eye bigger and lower than the other. |
12189 | Interpreted – व्याख्या की | translated or decoded material that is hard for someone else to understand – अनुवादित या डिकोड की गई सामग्री जिसे किसी अन्य व्यक्ति के लिए समझना कठिन हो | The deaf woman interpreted the speech to the other lady using sign language to get her point across. |
12190 | Legal – कानूनी | allowed by the law – कानून द्वारा अनुमति दी गई है | It is legal to turn right at a red light, but you still have to make sure that there is no oncoming traffic. |
12191 | Showplace – शोप्लेस | an estate or building that is used as an example of beauty or history – एक संपत्ति या इमारत जिसका उपयोग सुंदरता या इतिहास के उदाहरण के रूप में किया जाता है | The colossal plantation home was used as a showplace to show New Orleans visitors how impressively built these types of homes were. |
12192 | Arrant – कुख्यात | complete, total, or utter (example: “arrant nonsense”) – पूर्ण, समग्र, या संपूर्ण (उदाहरण: “अस्थिर बकवास”) | All of the rumors that are being spread about Chloe are nothing but arrant rubbish. |
12193 | Ingenuous – सरल | innocent; naive – मासूम; अनुभवहीन | My ingenuous six-year-old sister still believes there is an Easter bunny. |
12194 | Curfew – कर्फ़्यू | an order which forbids people to be out on the streets after dark – एक आदेश जो लोगों को अंधेरा होने के बाद सड़कों पर निकलने से रोकता है | The coach imposed a curfew on his players because their late night parties were affecting their games. |
12195 | Fled – भाग गए | ran away from something – किसी चीज़ से भागना | After robbing the bank of several thousand dollars, the thief fled through the alleyway. |
12196 | Filler – भरनेवाला | a short article or ad in a newspaper or magazine – किसी समाचार पत्र या पत्रिका में एक लघु लेख या विज्ञापन | Reader’s Digest magazine uses unique jokes for a filler and will often pay their readers for the use of them. |
12197 | Rebut – गलत साबित करना | to deny something by giving reasons it cannot be true – किसी बात को कारण बताकर नकारना सत्य नहीं हो सकता | The defense attorney tried hard to rebut the prosecutor’s accusation about the defendant. |
12198 | Admire – प्रशंसा करना | to hold a thing or person in high esteem – किसी वस्तु या व्यक्ति को उच्च सम्मान में रखना | After the doctor helped me beat cancer, I started to greatly admire him. |
12199 | Complacency – शालीनता | a feeling of self-satisfaction that makes one unaware of one’s environment – आत्म-संतुष्टि की भावना जो व्यक्ति को अपने परिवेश से अनजान बनाती है | Because of the complacency of the guards, enemy spies were able to sneak into the castle. |
12200 | Producer $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push([“8f1244f6-5306-4bbe-9562-fc5ef7966ac2”]); }) Prev Word Next Word – निर्माता $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push([“8f1244f6-5306-4bbe-9562-fc5ef7966ac2”]); }) पिछला शब्द अगला शब्द | an individual or organization that creates goods and services – एक व्यक्ति या संगठन जो सामान और सेवाएँ बनाता है | Brazil is the world’s largest producer of coffee. |
12201 | Leniency – उदारता | quality of mercy or forgiveness – दया या क्षमा का गुण | Despite his history of violent, the judge decided to grant him leniency due to his quick admission of guilt. |
12202 | Propriety – औचित्य | following what is socially acceptable in speech and conduct; correctness of behaviour – वाणी और आचरण में सामाजिक रूप से स्वीकार्य बातों का पालन करना; व्यवहार की शुद्धता | After Harold wore a clown suit to his cousin’s funeral, we had to question his sense of propriety. |
12203 | Interregnum – दो राजाए के भीतर समय | an interval or pause, specifically between two successful reigns or regimes – एक अंतराल या विराम, विशेष रूप से दो सफल शासनों या शासनों के बीच | During the interregnum, the people worried that the incoming ruler would treat them differently than the previous king. |
12204 | Quavering – कांपना | shaking, trembling, or vibrating – हिलना, कांपना, या कांपना | The little girl’s quavering body continued to shake as she looked for the monster under her bed. |
12205 | Indistinct – अस्पष्ट | not clear; imprecise – स्पष्ट नहीं; अनिश्चित | After having a stroke, the patient’s slurred speech was indistinct and could barely be understood. |
12206 | Gown – गाउन | a long, close-fitting dress that a woman wears to events – एक लंबी, क्लोज-फिटिंग पोशाक जिसे एक महिला कार्यक्रमों में पहनती है | The red carpet star war a chic gown and fancy shoes that complimented her dress. |
12207 | Untrammeled – बेरोक | free; not limited or restricted – मुक्त; सीमित या प्रतिबंधित नहीं | As a bachelor, the footloose and fancy free man enjoyed his untrammeled life. |
12208 | Government – सरकार | the ruling body of a nation, state, or community – किसी राष्ट्र, राज्य या समुदाय का शासक निकाय | Each of the three branches of government share power, meaning no one section is in full control of national decisions. |
12209 | Augmentation – वृद्धि | the process of making something larger, greater in number, or more intense – किसी चीज़ को बड़ा, संख्या में अधिक या अधिक तीव्र बनाने की प्रक्रिया | The woman underwent breast augmentation to bring her bra size from an A cup to a DD. |
12210 | Meiosis – अर्धसूत्रीविभाजन | a cellular process in which a single cell divides twice to produce four cells containing half the original amount of genetic information – एक कोशिकीय प्रक्रिया जिसमें एक कोशिका दो बार विभाजित होकर चार कोशिकाएँ बनाती है जिनमें मूल मात्रा की आधी आनुवंशिक जानकारी होती है | During meiosis, the parent cell duplicated and recombined to produce new cell. |
12211 | Encumbrance – भार | burden or hindrance – बोझ या बाधा | If it weren’t for the encumbrance of procrastination, I would be a productivity machine! |
12212 | Systematic – व्यवस्थित | carried out using a planned, ordered procedure – एक नियोजित, आदेशित प्रक्रिया का उपयोग करके किया गया | Wilma teaches algebra in a systematic and thorough way. |
12213 | Invested – निवेश | put one’s money, time, or resources into in hopes of a return – रिटर्न की उम्मीद में अपना पैसा, समय या संसाधन लगाना | Elijah invested several thousand dollars in the stock market, hoping that he would get a significant return. |
12214 | Exorcist – जादू देनेवाला | someone who performs a procedure that tries to send out devils from a person’s body – कोई व्यक्ति जो ऐसी प्रक्रिया करता है जो किसी व्यक्ति के शरीर से शैतानों को बाहर निकालने का प्रयास करता है | Acting as an exorcist, the priest believed he could throw holy water on the possessed woman to heal her. |
12215 | Heart – दिल | the organ in your chest that pumps blood through your veins and arteries – आपकी छाती में वह अंग जो आपकी नसों और धमनियों के माध्यम से रक्त पंप करता है | The doctor used a tool to listen to the patient’s beating heart. |
12216 | Indigestion – अपच | pain in the stomach area that is associated with digesting food – पेट के क्षेत्र में दर्द जो भोजन पचने से जुड़ा होता है | Chewing your food more before swallowing can help prevent the pain of indigestion during digestion. |
12217 | Technicality – शिल्प-कला | an extremely specific piece of information that is typically used to win an argument or make a judgment – जानकारी का एक अत्यंत विशिष्ट टुकड़ा जिसका उपयोग आम तौर पर किसी तर्क को जीतने या निर्णय लेने के लिए किया जाता है | The eager young job applicant didn’t think that she would be refused the job for a simple technicality like forgetting to sign the bottom of her non-disclosure document, but she was wrong. |
12218 | Lucidity – स्पष्टता | the capability to view things in a logical way – चीज़ों को तार्किक ढंग से देखने की क्षमता | The colonel’s lucidity allowed him to quickly plan a strategy of attack. |
12219 | Baron – बरोन | a male member of the lowest rank of English nobility – अंग्रेजी कुलीन वर्ग के सबसे निचले पद का एक पुरुष सदस्य | In old England, a baron may have been of a higher rank than the peasantry, but he was still beneath a duke. |
12220 | Indispensable – अपरिहार्य | vital; essential – अत्यावश्यक; आवश्यक | Cara does so much work in the office that she is indispensable to the productive running of the business. |
12221 | Chemistry – रसायन विज्ञान | emotional or mental attraction/interaction between two people – दो लोगों के बीच भावनात्मक या मानसिक आकर्षण/बातचीत | Instant chemistry between the couple led them to an engagement and wedding within six months of meeting. |
12222 | Winsome – मनोहर | appealing in an innocent manner – मासूम तरीके से अपील | Greg’s winsome smile is incredibly boyish. |
12223 | Snuggery – छोटा गुप्त घर | a comfortable place or position – आरामदायक स्थान या स्थिति | The quaint cabin was a snuggery of privacy and reflection for the writer. |
12224 | Concluded – निष्कर्ष निकाला | decided; determined – फैसला किया; दृढ़ निश्चय वाला | After hearing all of the evidence against the defendant, the jurors concluded that he was guilty. |
12225 | Monotonous – नीरस | dull, tedious, and repetitive; lacks variety and interest – नीरस, थकाऊ और दोहरावदार; विविधता और रुचि का अभाव है | Because Marvin was angry at his wife, he gave only monotonous responses to her questions. |
12226 | Urbane – शिष्ट | marked by sophistication – परिष्कार द्वारा चिह्नित | Henry is an urbane traveller who has visited over eighty countries. |
12227 | Brief – संक्षिप्त | happening for a short period of time – थोड़े समय के लिए हो रहा है | For a brief second, the widow thought she saw her late husband’s shadow in the hall way. |
12228 | Conformance – अनुरूपता | traditional behavior that follows normal standards set by society – पारंपरिक व्यवहार जो समाज द्वारा निर्धारित सामान्य मानकों का पालन करता है | The defiant girl struggled with conformance to the rules, and her atypical behavior always landed her in trouble. |
12229 | Forevermore – सर्वदा | to take place until the end of time – समय के अंत तक घटित होना | It was believed that certain gods and goddesses in Greek mythology would live forevermore because they were too powerful to die. |
12230 | Yahoo – याहू | a rude, coarse and wild person – एक अशिष्ट, असभ्य और जंगली व्यक्ति | One day in her classroom, Ms. Howard determined that the yahoo in class needed to be punished for talking back to her in a rowdy way. |
12231 | Valor – वीरता | courage in the presence of danger – खतरे की उपस्थिति में साहस | The guardsman did not show valor when he deserted his post during the skirmish. |
12232 | Exclaim – चिल्लाना | to speak spontaneously and with strong feeling – अनायास और मजबूत भावना के साथ बोलना | When I exclaim, “BINGO”, I hope it is for the largest prize. |
12233 | Trivia – सामान्य ज्ञान | quiz game with little-known and unimportant facts – अल्पज्ञात और महत्वहीन तथ्यों के साथ प्रश्नोत्तरी खेल | I love to compete in trivia contests because I know so many random facts. |
12234 | Pacifism – शांतिवाद | the belief that any violence is unjustifiable, and that it should never be used – यह विश्वास कि कोई भी हिंसा अनुचित है, और इसका प्रयोग कभी नहीं किया जाना चाहिए | Jeremy believes in pacifism, and doesn’t think violence should be used even to save the lives of other people. |
12235 | Complain – शिकायत करना | to make negative remarks about someone or something often – किसी व्यक्ति या वस्तु के बारे में अक्सर नकारात्मक टिप्पणी करना | The students complain about all the extra homework their math teacher gave them over winter break. |
12236 | Intolerable – न सहने योग्य | not able to be tolerated – बर्दाश्त नहीं किया जा सकता | If I have to spend another second talking to that intolerable woman, I’m going to scream! |
12237 | Definitively – निश्चित | absolutely and conclusively, ultimately in a way that won’t be changed – पूर्णतः और निर्णायक रूप से, अंततः इस तरह से कि बदला नहीं जाएगा | The teacher asked students to definitively prove their opinions by underlining where the got their answers from in the text. |
12238 | Cardiac – दिल का | relating to the heart – हृदय से संबंधित | Cardiac arrest, or a sudden stop of the heart, is caused by irregular electrical impulses that make the ventricles of the heart quiver instead of pumping blood. |
12239 | Canoodle – दुलारना | to smooch and hug a lot – खूब चूमना और गले लगाना | The other commuters on the train turned their heads away as the newlyweds would canoodle together with their hands around each other. |
12240 | Skinflint – कंजूस | a person who spends as little money as possible – एक व्यक्ति जो जितना संभव हो उतना कम पैसा खर्च करता है | The skinflint refused to spend money, even on things that are necessary. |
12241 | Ashore – तट पर | the land along the edge of a large body of water – जल के विशाल भंडार के किनारे की भूमि | The passengers went ashore once the cruise line made their scheduled stop in Florida. |
12242 | Idiopathic – अज्ञातहेतुक | relating to a disease that manifests spontaneously or that has no known cause – किसी ऐसी बीमारी से संबंधित जो अनायास प्रकट होती है या जिसका कोई ज्ञात कारण नहीं है | Josh’s idiopathic arthritis arrived out of the blue when he was just 25 years old. |
12243 | Broach – सीख | to mention a topic for debate or discussion – बहस या चर्चा के लिए किसी विषय का उल्लेख करना | Candace was afraid to broach the subject of divorce to her abusive husband. |
12244 | Automated – स्वचालित | controlled by a machine rather than a person – किसी व्यक्ति के बजाय मशीन द्वारा नियंत्रित | If you call the hotline, you will talk to an automated system instead of a real person. |
12245 | Sulky – उदास | withdrawn and moody – पीछे हटने वाला और मूडी | Look at Beth, she has that same sulky resentful expression on her face as usual. |
12246 | Nous – बुद्धि | practical reasoning; Common sense – व्यावहारिक तर्क; व्यावहारिक बुद्धि | Problem solving involves more than a high IQ, nous and practical reasoning are also required. |
12247 | Recruitment – भर्ती | the process of finding people to work for a company or become a new member of a group – किसी कंपनी में काम करने या किसी समूह का नया सदस्य बनने के लिए लोगों को ढूंढने की प्रक्रिया | As crime continues to rise, recruitment of city police officers has become a top priority for human resources. |
12248 | Vision – दृष्टि | the ability to see – देखने की क्षमता | Glasses help my vision improve and allow me to see far away. |
12249 | Infancy – बचपन | the beginning stage of growth – विकास का प्रारंभिक चरण | The hurricane seemed like a minor problem in its infancy but quickly grew into a devastating storm. |
12250 | Promontory – रास | a high point of rock or land that juts into a source of water – चट्टान या भूमि का एक ऊँचा बिंदु जो पानी के स्रोत में समा जाता है | If we take one more step off the mountain’s promontory, we will fall into the ocean. |
12251 | Talcum – तालक | a mineral-rich substance often in the form of a powder that has many everyday uses – एक खनिज-समृद्ध पदार्थ जो अक्सर पाउडर के रूप में होता है जिसके कई दैनिक उपयोग होते हैं | The mineral-rich talcum powder is a soothing mosturizer for those who suffer from skin conditions like eczema. |
12252 | Segment – खंड | one part of something that is divided into sections – किसी चीज़ का एक भाग जो खंडों में विभाजित हो | Smokers were the only segment of the society that were targeted by the tax increase. |
12253 | Anemia – रक्ताल्पता | a medical condition in which your blood does not transport enough oxygen to the rest of your body, either because of too few red blood cells, or because of too little hemoglobin – एक चिकित्सीय स्थिति जिसमें आपका रक्त आपके शरीर के बाकी हिस्सों में पर्याप्त ऑक्सीजन नहीं पहुंचाता है, या तो बहुत कम लाल रक्त कोशिकाओं के कारण, या बहुत कम हीमोग्लोबिन के कारण | When Frank was diagnosed with a red blood cell condition called anemia, we understood why he had been feeling so weary lately. |
12254 | Abound – प्रचुर मात्रा में | available in large quantity or number – बड़ी मात्रा या संख्या में उपलब्ध है | At the beginning of the school year, computer deals abound on the Internet. |
12255 | Coating – कलई करना | a thick layer spread over a surface – किसी सतह पर फैली हुई मोटी परत | The worker applied one more coating of paint to the wall just to make sure the old color was entirely concealed. |
12256 | Food for thought – सोच के लिए भोजन | something that is extremely contemplated – कुछ ऐसा जो अत्यंत चिंतनीय है | Since the couple’s house was about to go into foreclosure, every option to save their house was food for thought for them. |
12257 | Sense – समझ | to feel or know something – किसी चीज़ को महसूस करना या जानना | Although she couldn’t see the man hiding in the shadows, June could sense that someone was there. |
12258 | Pidgin – अनेक भाषाओं के शब्दों की खिचड़ा | a grammatically simplified form of a language, used for communication between people not sharing a common language – किसी भाषा का व्याकरणिक रूप से सरलीकृत रूप, जिसका उपयोग एक समान भाषा साझा न करने वाले लोगों के बीच संचार के लिए किया जाता है | Speaking in pidgin, both the Nigerian and the Ghanaian were able to understand each other. |
12259 | Punk – गुंडा | a criminal or hoodlum – अपराधी या गुंडा | We watched in shock as a young punk covered the stop sign with bullets, laughing as he fled. |
12260 | Neonatal – नवजात | relating to a newborn baby – नवजात शिशु से संबंधित | Positive neonatal outcomes were much more positive for babies whose mothers did not smoke during pregnancy. |
12261 | Grist – पीसने के लिये अन्न | wheat crushed or pounded to make flour – आटा बनाने के लिए गेहूं को कुचला या पीसा जाता है | A mill was built in the area in order to take grist from the fields and pulverize it into flour for baking. |
12262 | Gaseous – गैसीय | related to or existing as gas – गैस से संबंधित या विद्यमान | The broken machine is leaking fuel, letting off a gaseous odor into the air. |
12263 | Pediatrician – बच्चों का चिकित्सक | a doctor who specializes in treating children – एक डॉक्टर जो बच्चों का इलाज करने में माहिर है | Because he enjoyed dealing with younger patient’s rather than older ones, the pediatrician’s practice revolved around childhood illnesses. |
12264 | Awoke – जागा | past tense having awakened or risen from sleep – भूतकाल का जागना या नींद से उठना | I awoke just before sunrise and hurried out of my bed to see if Santa had arrived while I slept. |
12265 | Crux – क्रक्स | the key feature or point of a matter – किसी मामले की मुख्य विशेषता या बिंदु | The crux of the debate is each candidate’s position on the budget issue. |
12266 | Gloat – घूरना | to take satisfaction in something that makes another person seem inferior – किसी ऐसी चीज़ में संतुष्टि महसूस करना जिससे दूसरा व्यक्ति हीन लगे | If you are the winner of a contest, you should not gloat and make your competitors feel inferior. |
12267 | Rile – चिढ़ाना | to anger or irritate someone – किसी को क्रोधित या परेशान करना | Since she’s already irritable, it doesn’t take much to rile up the moody teen. |
12268 | Officious – परेशान करनेवाला | offensively intrusive or interfering – आक्रामक रूप से घुसपैठ करने वाला या हस्तक्षेप करने वाला | Because Cory is the boss’s son, he thinks he can stick his officious nose into everybody’s business without fear of consequences. |
12269 | Prophetic – भविष्यवाणी | announcing a future happening – भविष्य में होने वाली घटना की घोषणा करना | If I had prophetic abilities, I would be picking up my lottery winnings right now. |
12270 | Apparatus – उपकरण | the tools, equipment, and machinery you use for particular purposes – उपकरण, उपकरण और मशीनरी जो आप विशेष उद्देश्यों के लिए उपयोग करते हैं | The firefighter donned a breathing apparatus before entering the blaze, to search for people trapped in the inferno. |
12271 | Allusion – संकेत | a figure of speech that is used in literature to make an indirect reference to something – भाषण का एक अलंकार जिसका उपयोग साहित्य में किसी चीज़ का अप्रत्यक्ष संदर्भ देने के लिए किया जाता है | The author included an allusion in her speech when she referred to Romeo but didn’t explain who he was. |
12272 | Portray – चित्रित | to depict an individual, situation, or specific event – किसी व्यक्ति, स्थिति या विशिष्ट घटना का चित्रण करना | The media is going to portray the killer as a victim of society’s avoidance of mental health issues. |
12273 | Fraught – भरा हुआ | full of; accompanied by – पूर्ण; के साथ | The treasure hunt was fraught with puzzles that had to be solved in order to find the fortune. |
12274 | Confrere – हमपेशा | a fellow profession or fraternity member – एक साथी पेशे या बिरादरी का सदस्य | At the company party, the accountant and her confrere discussed the pros and cons of the accounting profession. |
12275 | Pseudonym – उपनाम | a fake name often used by authors and famous people who want to avoid detection – एक नकली नाम जो अक्सर लेखकों और प्रसिद्ध लोगों द्वारा उपयोग किया जाता है जो पहचान से बचना चाहते हैं | The famous singer always checks into hotels under a pseudonym so her fans will not find her. |
12276 | Obtuse – कुंठित | unable to think clearly or comprehend what is obvious or straightforward – स्पष्ट रूप से सोचने या जो स्पष्ट या सीधा है उसे समझने में असमर्थ होना | Are you so obtuse that you will give away all your money to a fake charity? |
12277 | Sanctify – पवित्र | to make something holy – किसी चीज़ को पवित्र बनाना | The priests have to sanctify the holy water. |
12278 | Turn – मोड़ | to rotate or twist – घुमाना या मोड़ना | Turn the knob all the way to 350 degrees so that the oven can preheat. |
12279 | Finger – उँगलिया | to touch or feel something with the fingers – उंगलियों से किसी चीज़ को छूना या महसूस करना | When she is bored, Lauren tends to finger her hair, running her hands back and forth through her long locks. |
12280 | Decree – हुक्मनामा | an official order issued by a legal authority – एक कानूनी प्राधिकारी द्वारा जारी किया गया एक आधिकारिक आदेश | The queen issued a royal decree which stopped people from visiting the royal gardens during the holidays. |
12281 | Nonfiction – गैर-काल्पनिक कथा | true writing pertaining to real-life people, places or things – वास्तविक जीवन के लोगों, स्थानों या चीज़ों से संबंधित सच्चा लेखन | After studying the unit on nonfiction, the English teacher assigned each student to write a report about a famous celebrity. |
12282 | Predict – भविष्यवाणी करना | to foretell what will happen next or in the future – यह भविष्यवाणी करना कि आगे या भविष्य में क्या होगा | The psychic said she could predict my future and claimed I would be a great actress one day. |
12283 | Ingeminate – इंजेमिनेट | to repeat or reiterate a word or statement for emphasis – जोर देने के लिए किसी शब्द या कथन को दोहराना या दोहराना | “No, no, no!” The angry coach began to ingeminate as the football team ran the play wrong again. |
12284 | Brainiac – brainiac | a person who is very intelligent – एक व्यक्ति जो बहुत बुद्धिमान है | Because he is such a braniac, the mathematician can solve difficult problems in a matter of seconds. |
12285 | The Cat’s Pajamas – बिल्ली का पजामा | something that is exceptional, excellent, or amazing – कुछ ऐसा जो असाधारण, उत्कृष्ट या अद्भुत हो | When I introduced my great grandmother to the internet, she said it was the Cat’s Pajamas, which apparently means it’s awesome. |
12286 | Tertiary – तृतीयक | third in a particular order – किसी विशेष क्रम में तीसरा | Because he had arrived to the lunch room so quickly, John managed to get a tertiary position in line behind Sam and Linda. |
12287 | Teach – पढ़ाना | the act of passing on knowledge to another – ज्ञान को दूसरे तक पहुँचाने की क्रिया | It’s Mr. Kim’s job to teach the students the complicated aspects of math, but most of the students have a hard time understanding it all. |
12288 | Fine-tune – फ़ाइन ट्यून | to make adjustments to something in order to achieve maximum performance – अधिकतम प्रदर्शन प्राप्त करने के लिए किसी चीज़ में समायोजन करना | Isabella often works in the garage with her father, the two of them working to fine-tune the old racecar her grandfather left behind. |
12289 | Unique – अद्वितीय | without match; distinct – बिना मेल के; विशिष्ट | Kate’s unique hairstyle captured everyone’s attention. |
12290 | Canorous – श्रुतिमधुर | pleasant sounding – सुखद ध्वनि | Belting out a canorous tune, the singer’s beautiful voice seemed to entrance everyone around. |
12291 | Enclosure – दीवार | an area that is surrounded by a fence, wall, etc – वह क्षेत्र जो बाड़, दीवार आदि से घिरा हो | The enclosure was filled with cows grazing in the field. |
12292 | Denouement – उपसंहार | the ending of a literary work, musical composition, or a sequence of actions – किसी साहित्यिक कृति, संगीत रचना या क्रियाओं के क्रम का अंत | The film ended with a denouement that left the audience speechless. |
12293 | Stomata – रंध्र | a small hole on the outer layer of a plant – पौधे की बाहरी परत पर एक छोटा सा छेद | Plants will release oxygen into the air through their stomata since this is the only place that is open to the air. |
12294 | Chipmunk – चीपमक | a small North American animal that is related to the squirrel – एक छोटा उत्तरी अमेरिकी जानवर जो गिलहरी से संबंधित है | The striped-tailed, fluffy chipmunk filled his puffy cheeks with acorns and scurried back to burrow his future meal. |
12295 | Constituted – गठित | equaled or added up to – बराबर या जोड़ा हुआ | Mothers constituted a considerable portion of the parents at the dance recital, but there were a few dads there as well. |
12296 | Au fait – अउ फेट | being an expert or having detailed knowledge of a thing – विशेषज्ञ होना या किसी चीज़ का विस्तृत ज्ञान होना | The skillful checker player was much more au fait with this game than he was with chess. |
12297 | Sample – नमूना | a small part or quantity intended to show what the whole is like – एक छोटा सा भाग या मात्रा जिसका उद्देश्य यह दिखाना हो कि संपूर्ण वस्तु कैसी है | The engaged couple tasted a sample of several flavors before making a selection for their wedding cake. |
12298 | Acceptance – स्वीकार | the act of taking/receiving something that is being offered – जो कुछ पेश किया जा रहा है उसे लेने/प्राप्त करने की क्रिया | Acceptance of the offer means we will be selling our house to the Jeffersons. |
12299 | Protrusion – फलाव | something that protrudes or sticks out from something else – कोई ऐसी चीज़ जो किसी दूसरी चीज़ से उभरी हुई या चिपकी हुई हो | Within a few weeks of discovering the mass, the protrusion on the patient’s jaw had doubled in size. |
12300 | Pasture – चरागाह | a grassy meadow of land used to grow grass or for livestock – भूमि का एक घास का मैदान जिसका उपयोग घास उगाने या पशुओं के लिए किया जाता है | Farmer Fred rarely needed to mow his pasture due to his cows always grazing the grass and keeping it short. |
12301 | Iconic – प्रतिष्ठित | very famous or popular – बहुत प्रसिद्ध या लोकप्रिय | Iconic venues in the city draw in site-seers from all over the globe. |
12302 | Implement – अमल में लाना | to put into effect – अमल में लाना | The computer programmer estimates it will take twenty hours to implement the code changes in the software. |
12303 | Wearisome – थकाऊ | tiring or exhausting – थका देने वाला या थका देने वाला | Because of the wearisome plowing he does, the hardworking farmer usually comes home exhausted. |
12304 | Throb – धड़कन | to pulse or pound – धड़कना या कूटना | Pain began to throb in my leg due to my clumsiness when I fell and landed on it. |
12305 | Serenade – प्रेमी का सन्ध्या का गीत | to perform a song for a special person – किसी विशेष व्यक्ति के लिए गाना प्रस्तुत करना | More than anything my mother wants my father to serenade her by singing her favorite song at their anniversary dinner. |
12306 | Benignant – महरबान | kind and goodhearted – दयालु और नेकदिल | The benignant teacher volunteered her time, spreading kindness to everyone she met. |
12307 | Disturbed – बिंध डाली | interrupted or bothered someone/something – किसी को/किसी चीज़ को बाधित या परेशान करना | Frequent nightmare disturbed Victor’s sleep, stopping him from getting the good night’s rest that he so desperately needed. |
12308 | Transformed – तब्दील | to be changed to something new from what one once was – जो पहले था उसे कुछ नया करने के लिए | Frank was transformed into a new man after a near death experience helped him realize he was wasting his life away. |
12309 | Set out – प्रस्थान करना | to begin a journey or start something – कोई यात्रा शुरू करना या कुछ शुरू करना | The mountain climbers set out to reach the peak but were forced to turn around due to bad weather. |
12310 | Downgrade – ढाल | to reduce in rank or importance – पद या महत्व में कमी करना | After many years alone, the aging single was forced to downgrade her expectations. |
12311 | Immensity – विशालता | great size – बढ़िया आकार | While hiking on a month-long mountainous trip, Davy felt the immensity of the wilderness. |
12312 | Forgetful – भुलक्कड़ | not likely to remember things – चीज़ों को याद रखने की संभावना नहीं है | The forgetful shopper could never remember where she had parked her car when she came out of the store. |
12313 | Funicular – रस्से से चलाया जानेवाला | referring to a cable that is taut or pulled – एक केबल का जिक्र है जो तना हुआ या खींचा हुआ है | The funicular cords from the ship were outstretched as much as possible to the dock keeping it from moving or rocking. |
12314 | Felicitation – बधाई | an expression of good wishes, especially congratulations – शुभकामनाओं की अभिव्यक्ति, विशेषकर बधाई | Sending a felicitation in the form of a Christmas Card, Sgt. Jacob wished his family Merry Christmas from Korea. |
12315 | Maritime – समुद्री | related to the sea or sailing – समुद्र या नौकायन से संबंधित | After recently purchasing a boat, they decided to embark on a maritime adventure. |
12316 | Prearrange – योजना बनाना | to arrange or put something in place beforehand – किसी चीज़ को पहले से व्यवस्थित करना या रखना | The lawyer called the other attorney’s office to prearrange a meeting for next Thursday. |
12317 | Motif – मूल भाव | a reappearing theme in a creative person’s work or style – किसी रचनात्मक व्यक्ति के कार्य या शैली में पुनः प्रकट होने वाला विषय | Death is the depressing motif that appears in each of the artist’s paintings. |
12318 | Harrow – हेंगा | a farming device with sharp metal blades that is dragged across land to smooth or break up the soil – नुकीले धातु के ब्लेड वाला एक कृषि उपकरण जिसे मिट्टी को चिकना करने या तोड़ने के लिए जमीन पर घसीटा जाता है | Once the harrow broke up the clods of dirt on the farm, the farmer was able to plant the seeds. |
12319 | Apprentice – शिक्षु | trainee (beginner) especially in a skilled trade – प्रशिक्षु (शुरुआती) विशेषकर किसी कुशल व्यापार में | Before he became a professional, he worked as an apprentice in the industry. |
12320 | Binge – द्वि घातुमान | a short period of excessive consumption – अत्यधिक उपभोग की एक छोटी अवधि | If I continue to binge on junk food I will become obese. |
12321 | Tittle – टुकड़ी | a small part of something – किसी चीज़ का छोटा सा भाग | This donation is but a tittle of my overall wealth, but I think it’s good enough for the likes of all of you. |
12322 | Doublespeak – द्विअर्थी | to talk in a way that deceives or confuses to hide the truth – सच्चाई को छिपाने के लिए इस तरह से बात करना जो धोखा दे या भ्रमित कर दे | Full of empty promises and Washington doublespeak, the politicians simply told the voters what they wanted to hear. |
12323 | Gifted – प्रतिभाशाली | having a special talent or ability – किसी विशेष प्रतिभा या योग्यता का होना | From an early age, the gifted child was able to sing with perfect pitch. |
12324 | Evaluate – मूल्यांकन करना | to draw conclusions from by examining: to assess – परीक्षण करके निष्कर्ष निकालना: आकलन करना | When a tree fell on our house the insurance company adjuster said he would evaluate the damage and pay us accordingly. |
12325 | Moldering – ढालना | decaying or rotting slowly; disintegrating – धीरे-धीरे सड़ना या सड़ना; बिखर | Once valued possessions now sit moldering in an attic, frayed and covered in a thick layer dust. |
12326 | Laze – आलसी | to idle around doing nothing – कुछ भी न करते हुए निष्क्रिय रहना | On their vacation, the exhausted sisters did nothing but laze around on a beach towel all day. |
12327 | Coy – विनीत | in a shy yet flirtatious manner – शर्मीले लेकिन चुलबुले अंदाज में | From behind her fan, the young woman gave her suitor a coy smile. |
12328 | Disagreeable – अप्रिय | not nice, pleasant, or enjoyable in nature – प्रकृति में अच्छा, सुखद या मनोरंजक नहीं | Mark is an overly disagreeable man, often patronizing others and just outright antagonizing the people he doesn’t like. |
12329 | Given – दिया गया | having been provided or supplied with something – किसी चीज की आपूर्ति या आपूर्ति की गई हो | The boy was given a used car as a 16th birthday present. |
12330 | Conscientiousness – कर्त्तव्य निष्ठां | a personality trait that involves being organized, responsible, and reliable – एक व्यक्तित्व गुण जिसमें संगठित, जिम्मेदार और विश्वसनीय होना शामिल है | Conscientiousness is often associated with traits such as dependability, dutifulness, and self-discipline. |
12331 | Since – तब से | from then until now – तब से अब तक | Jen has suffered from the heart condition since birth, but just now discovered how serious it can be. |
12332 | Correlative – correlative | mutually related – परस्पर संबंधित | The child’s right to education is a correlative of the parent’s duty to send the child to school. |
12333 | Divulsion – विभ्रम | violent separation or tearing – हिंसक अलगाव या फाड़ना | In medieval times, the divulsion of the human body was sometimes used as a means of execution, using horses and ropes to pull apart the victim. |
12334 | Fiddle – बेला | to adjust in order to cover a basic flaw or fraud – किसी बुनियादी दोष या धोखाधड़ी को कवर करने के लिए समायोजन करना | Every year my insurance company likes to fiddle with the terms of my policy making it hard to understand what is covered. |
12335 | Disingenuous – कपटी | not candid or sincere; generally by pretending one knows less than one actually does – स्पष्टवादी या ईमानदार नहीं; आम तौर पर यह दिखावा करने से कि कोई वास्तव में जितना जानता है उससे कम जानता है | Because the public viewed the politician’s speech as disingenuous, they did not vote for him. |
12336 | Untimely $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push([“8f1244f6-5306-4bbe-9562-fc5ef7966ac2”]); }) Prev Word Next Word – असामयिक $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push([“8f1244f6-5306-4bbe-9562-fc5ef7966ac2”]); }) पिछला शब्द अगला शब्द | taking place at an unsuitable time – अनुपयुक्त समय पर हो रहा है | The president’s untimely death has thrown the country into chaos. |
12337 | Although – हालांकि | even though; even if – चाहे; भले ही | Although the teacher enjoys playing outside with the students, the class is much too busy to go out this week. |
12338 | Pedometer – pedometer | a device used to measure steps taken – उठाए गए कदमों को मापने के लिए उपयोग किया जाने वाला एक उपकरण | The track coach used the pedometer to measure how many strides we took in the race. |
12339 | Abeyance – आस्थगन | a state of temporary disuse or suspension – अस्थायी उपयोग या निलंबन की स्थिति | Immediately following the terrorist attack, pilots had to observe a period of abeyance where they could not depart from the airport. |
12340 | Convenient – सुविधाजनक | to make something simpler for ease or relief – आसानी या राहत के लिए किसी चीज़ को सरल बनाना | “If it is convenient for you,” said the neighbor, “I can meet you halfway so you don’t have to travel as far.” |
12341 | Headache – सिरदर्द | a painful feeling in the head – सिर में दर्द महसूस होना | The employees laid his head on his desk because he had a headache and wanted to feel better. |
12342 | Collapsed – संक्षिप्त किए गए | falling down or giving away – गिरना या देना | Following the massive earthquake, our house collapsed, crashing down into a pile of uninhabitable rubble. |
12343 | Armament – अस्त्र – शस्त्र | military weapons or equipment – सैन्य हथियार या उपकरण | The armament technician’s job is to make sure that all of the troop’s weapons are in working order. |
12344 | Blowback – ब्लोबैक | an unforeseen or unwanted effect or result – एक अप्रत्याशित या अवांछित प्रभाव या परिणाम | The teacher was surprised by the blowback from angry parents who didn’t approve of her grading scale. |
12345 | Myopic – कमबीन | particularly biased in one direction – विशेष रूप से एक दिशा में पक्षपाती | If you only question one race of people in your survey, your responses will be myopic. |
12346 | Scruples – संदेह | internal factors that prevent a person from behaving in a certain manner – आंतरिक कारक जो किसी व्यक्ति को एक निश्चित तरीके से व्यवहार करने से रोकते हैं | Janet has no scruples about mistreating people who mistreat her. |
12347 | Pungent – कटु | having an intense flavor or odor – तीव्र स्वाद या गंध होना | When the pungent smell of rotten eggs filled the house, I held my nose. |
12348 | Quiescence – निष्क्रियता | a period of time when things are quietly inactive or dormant – समय की वह अवधि जब चीजें चुपचाप निष्क्रिय या सुप्त होती हैं | Although the inactive volcano has been in a state of quiescence for quite some time, it could erupt again very soon. |
12349 | Peruse – ख़याल | to read or examine carefully; to look over casually – ध्यान से पढ़ना या जांचना; लापरवाही से देखने के लिए | Peruse the manual to set up your television. |
12350 | Angrily – गुस्से से | with rage – क्रोध के साथ | The woman yelled angrily at her cheating spouse. |
12351 | Indissoluble – स्थायी | indestructible; not possible to dissolve, disintegrate or break-up – अविनाशी; घुलना, विघटित होना या टूटना संभव नहीं है | The bond between the sisters was indissoluble as they were rarely apart. |
12352 | Blase – उबा हुआ | indifferent because of frequent exposure – बार-बार संपर्क में आने के कारण उदासीन | After going on eight cruises, I am blasé about the whole cruising experience. |
12353 | Pave – प्रशस्त | to overlay a surface usually with cement or concrete in order to make it easier to travel on – यात्रा को आसान बनाने के लिए किसी सतह को आमतौर पर सीमेंट या कंक्रीट से ढकना | The interstate was down to one lane of traffic since the county decided to pave the rough road. |
12354 | Helpless – मजबूर | weak and powerless – कमजोर और शक्तिहीन | The helpless deer was to feeble to escape the hunter as it was being tracked through the woods. |
12355 | Pragmatic – व्यावहारिक | concentrating on practical results and facts instead of speculation and opinion – अटकलों और राय के बजाय व्यावहारिक परिणामों और तथ्यों पर ध्यान केंद्रित करना | The scientist had a pragmatic approach to dealing with the water crisis. |
12356 | Onset – शुरुआत | at the start of something – किसी चीज़ की शुरुआत में | Arguments plagued the adult children about what to do with the matriarch of the family due to her onset of dementia. |
12357 | Ablution – स्नान | the act of washing or cleansing – धोने या साफ़ करने की क्रिया या भाव | Sylvia has a rare condition that makes her break out in a rash if she gets water on her skin, so her morning ablution consists of using cleansing cream and tissue. |
12358 | Modesty – नम्रता | being reserved in behavior or clothing – व्यवहार या पहनावे में आरक्षित होना | Because of her modesty, the young woman was uncomfortable wearing a bathing suit in public. |
12359 | Badinage – दिल्लगी | good-humored banter – अच्छा विनोदी मजाक | Although Jim often makes me laugh with his witty remarks, he needs to learn the appropriate times for engaging in badinage. |
12360 | Morbidity – रोगों की संख्या | the quality of being unhealthful – अस्वस्थ होने का गुण | Even the hardened criminal squirmed at the morbidity of the crime scene photographs. |
12361 | Eugenics – युजनिक्स | a science that tries to improve the human population by controlling which people become parents – एक विज्ञान जो मानव जनसंख्या को नियंत्रित करके उसे बेहतर बनाने का प्रयास करता है जिससे लोग माता-पिता बनते हैं | When I hear a story of parental neglect, I often feel inclined to agree with the principle of eugenics. |
12362 | Pyre – चिता | a pile of flammable materials, often used for burning bodies – ज्वलनशील पदार्थों का ढेर, जिसका उपयोग अक्सर शव जलाने के लिए किया जाता है | Over the pyre of wood in the backyard, we roasted marshmallows and hot dogs. |
12363 | Amber – अंबर | a yellowy-tan color – एक पीला-भूरा रंग | The dentist noticed the amber color of the woman’s teeth and realized that she probably hadn’t brushed them in a long time. |
12364 | Leave – छुट्टी | to depart or exit – प्रस्थान या बाहर निकलना | The family will leave their house and drive one hundred miles away to their vacation spot at the beach. |
12365 | Behaved – व्यवहार किया | acting in a certain way – एक निश्चित तरीके से कार्य करना | The boys always behaved like angels at school but ran wild as soon as they got home. |
12366 | Rambunctious – पर्यटन का | hyper and energetic – अति और ऊर्जावान | The classroom looked like a war zone after the rambunctious kindergartners ran around knocking things onto the ground. |
12367 | Lithosphere – स्थलमंडल | the solid part of the earth that includes the crust – पृथ्वी का ठोस भाग जिसमें भूपर्पटी भी शामिल है | The geologists compared the solid crust of the lithosphere to other parts of the planet. |
12368 | Runoff – अपवाह | an extra election or contest used to decide a winner when the first event failed to result in a clear victor – एक अतिरिक्त चुनाव या प्रतियोगिता का उपयोग विजेता का फैसला करने के लिए किया जाता है जब पहली घटना स्पष्ट विजेता के रूप में विफल हो जाती है | Since the vote was too close to count between two of the candidates, there will be a runoff next month. |
12369 | Exhilarating – प्राणपोषक | producing intense feelings of joy or excitement – खुशी या उत्साह की तीव्र भावनाएँ उत्पन्न करना | When I won ten million dollars in the lottery, it was the most exhilarating moment in my life. |
12370 | Omphaloskepsis – ओम्फालोस्केप्सिस | a reflection process involved in looking at or becoming fascinated with your belly button – एक प्रतिबिंब प्रक्रिया जिसमें आपकी नाभि को देखना या उस पर मोहित होना शामिल है | As the quiet group of eccentric people stood bent over at the waist, their location for their omphaloskepsis at the public park made passersby stare at them. |
12371 | Brackish – नुनखरा | slightly salty – थोड़ा नमकीन | The diner complained that his meal was too brackish to consume. |
12372 | Suffocate – दम घुट | to take the life of someone or something by forcing their air intake to be stopped – किसी व्यक्ति या वस्तु का वायु सेवन जबरदस्ती बंद करके उसकी जान ले लेना | Plastic bags are dangerous to small children because placing one over their heads could make them suffocate. |
12373 | Dimorphic – द्विरूपी | involving two different characteristics or shapes – दो अलग-अलग विशेषताओं या आकृतियों को शामिल करना | If the dimorphic fungus grew as a mold, then it would develop in room temperature but would develop at 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit if it was a yeast. |
12374 | Shank – टांग | the leg of a person or animal – किसी व्यक्ति या जानवर का पैर | The dinner party was a success, with the biggest hit being the exotic bistro-style lamb shank that was served to the guests. |
12375 | Disputation – वाद-विवाद | a quarrel or disagreement – झगड़ा या असहमति | In order to avoid a disputation about money, Amy handed her credit card to her husband. |
12376 | Provenance – उत्पत्ति | origin or the source of where something derived from – किसी चीज़ की उत्पत्ति या स्रोत जहाँ से प्राप्त हुआ हो | Since the provenance of this dish came from Italy, many people wanted to go to Italy to taste the actual authentic dish. |
12377 | Instinct – स्वाभाविक प्रवृत्ति | an innate ability that allows an individual or animal to respond without actively making a decision – एक जन्मजात क्षमता जो किसी व्यक्ति या जानवर को सक्रिय रूप से निर्णय लिए बिना प्रतिक्रिया देने की अनुमति देती है | The bear’s maternal instinct made her fight to the death to save her cub. |
12378 | Toss – टॉस | to throw something lightly or casually – किसी चीज़ को हल्के से या लापरवाही से फेंकना | I didn’t want to break my phone, so I decided to toss it on my bed rather than throw it. |
12379 | Filled – भरा हुआ | added more and more, usually to capacity (nothing else can be added) – अधिक से अधिक जोड़ा जाता है, आमतौर पर क्षमता के अनुसार (और कुछ भी नहीं जोड़ा जा सकता है) | The guest list filled quickly, and by noon, no one else was able to be added. |
12380 | Dearth – अकाल | a scarcity or lack of something – किसी चीज़ की कमी या अभाव | Because there was a dearth of evidence, the district attorney had to drop the charges. |
12381 | Bootlegger – मद्यतस्कर | someone that makes or sells goods illegally – कोई व्यक्ति जो अवैध रूप से सामान बनाता या बेचता है | Howard is the school bootlegger, able to pirate any movie, even ones that came out the day before. |
12382 | Grateful – आभारी | thankful; appreciative – आभारी; सराहना | After failing the first test, the student was extremely grateful that her professor allowed a retake. |
12383 | Elision – इलिजन | omitting sounds in order to make something to easier to pronounce – किसी चीज़ का उच्चारण आसान बनाने के लिए ध्वनियाँ छोड़ना | Elision occurs in Latin poetry as a stylistic device where phrases are omitted. |
12384 | Disoriented – गुमराह | confused and/or turned around – भ्रमित हो गया और/या पलट गया | After getting her wisdom teeth removed, Janelle was so disoriented she nearly walked into a wall. |
12385 | Whitewash – धुलाई | something that covers or hides wrong or illegal action – कुछ ऐसा जो गलत या अवैध कार्य को कवर या छिपाता है | Some people try to whitewash the crimes of Hitler, but their excuses don’t change his monstrous deeds. |
12386 | Bonnet – ढक्कन | a woman’s or child’s hat tied under the chin, typically with a brim framing the face – एक महिला या बच्चे की ठोड़ी के नीचे बंधी टोपी, आमतौर पर चेहरे को ढंकने वाली एक टोपी के साथ | The young mother placed the bonnet on her daughter’s head and tied the ribbon beneath her chin. |
12387 | Reasonable Doubt – तर्कसम्मत संदेह | referring to evidence in court that can be doubted or suspected – अदालत में ऐसे सबूतों का जिक्र करना जिन पर संदेह या संदेह किया जा सकता है | If the police find a knife with the criminal’s DNA on the handle and the victim’s blood on the blade, that evidence will be beyond reasonable doubt. |
12388 | Lived – रहते थे | made one’s home in a particular place/environment – किसी विशेष स्थान/वातावरण में अपना घर बनाना | Jess has lived in several different countries, but she enjoyed staying in France the best. |
12389 | Symbolism – प्रतीकों | the use of symbols to represent ideas – विचारों को प्रदर्शित करने के लिए प्रतीकों का उपयोग | Black objects are used as symbolism in many movies to represent evil or death. |
12390 | Vicar – पादरी | a priest of the Church of England who oversees a particular church and the area that surrounds it – इंग्लैंड के चर्च का एक पुजारी जो एक विशेष चर्च और उसके आसपास के क्षेत्र की देखरेख करता है | All the churches in the area are group together and overseen by one appointed vicar. |
12391 | Schismatic – संप्रदाय का सदस्य | to be divisive between two opponents – दो विरोधियों के बीच विभाजन करना | Due to the schismatic church, the women who supported a female pastor conflicted with the men in the church continuing the desire to have a male pastor. |
12392 | Parliament – संसद | individuals who are elected for a certain period of time in order to make laws and decisions about national concerns – वे व्यक्ति जो राष्ट्रीय चिंताओं के बारे में कानून और निर्णय लेने के लिए एक निश्चित अवधि के लिए चुने जाते हैं | Today, the new members of parliament will be sworn in and begin their terms as lawmakers. |
12393 | Inventive – आविष्कारशील | having the ability to create something – कुछ बनाने की क्षमता होना | The inventive father would always force his children to try out the toys he spent hours building. |
12394 | Emollient – शमनकारी | something which softens or lubricates the skin – कुछ ऐसा जो त्वचा को मुलायम या चिकना बनाता है | The lotion was a great emollient for her dry skin. |
12395 | Gyre – चक्र | to whirl or spin – चक्कर लगाना या घुमाना | The ghost began to gyre around in a circle before floating out of the room. |
12396 | Mockery – मज़ाक | ridicule that is directed at a person, group, or thing – उपहास जो किसी व्यक्ति, समूह या वस्तु पर निर्देशित हो | The judge’s fake praise was nothing more than a mockery of my performance. |
12397 | Temperament – स्वभाव | the nature or personality of an animal or individual – किसी जानवर या व्यक्ति का स्वभाव या व्यक्तित्व | While the twins are identical physically, they differ in temperament with one being outgoing and the other shy. |
12398 | Plurality – अधिकता | a great amount or number – एक बड़ी रकम या संख्या | When a plurality of people rushed into the store, the cashiers were overwhelmed. |
12399 | Noble – महान | displaying exceptional character traits – असाधारण चरित्र लक्षण प्रदर्शित करना | The noble dog would not leave the side of his wounded master. |
12400 | Elation – उत्साह | a feeling of joy and pride – खुशी और गर्व की अनुभूति | After graduation, there was a feeling of elation amongst all the graduates. |
12401 | Invalidate – अमान्य | to make something useless or to repeal it – किसी चीज़ को बेकार बनाना या निरस्त करना | If your tickets are stolen, the distributor can invalidate them so they can’t be used. |
12402 | Pair – जोड़ा | a couple of things that work jointly – कुछ चीज़ें जो संयुक्त रूप से काम करती हैं | After putting on my clothes, I grabbed my pair of shoes and placed them on my feet before heading out the door. |
12403 | Occasion – अवसर | a particular and significant event or incident – एक विशेष और महत्वपूर्ण घटना या घटना | “This isn’t just any anniversary,” said the grandson, “it is a special occasion for Grandma and Grandpa to celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary. |
12404 | Transience – भंगुरता | the state of only lasting for a short period of time – केवल थोड़े समय तक रहने की अवस्था | On his death bed, the cancer patient fully understood the transience of life and grieved that his time on earth was so short. |
12405 | Desertification – मरुस्थलीकरण | the process of rich soil becoming dry and bare due to erosion, lack of water or overuse of the land – कटाव, पानी की कमी या भूमि के अत्यधिक उपयोग के कारण समृद्ध मिट्टी के शुष्क और बंजर होने की प्रक्रिया | After fifty years of farming, the farmer had to relocate to land with more fertile soil because of the desertification of his former plot of land. |
12406 | Riveted – रिवेटेड | engrossed or completely fascinated by something or someone – किसी चीज़ या किसी व्यक्ति पर पूरी तरह से मोहित या मोहित होना | My eyes were riveted on my favorite actor as soon as he walked into the room. |
12407 | Disastrous – विनाशकारी | catastrophic; devastating – विनाशकारी; भयानक | The disastrous date ended with the woman running to the bathroom in tears and the man skipping out on the check. |
12408 | Qualified – योग्य | having the specific skills or training to complete a task – किसी कार्य को पूरा करने के लिए विशिष्ट कौशल या प्रशिक्षण होना | Although she wasn’t really qualified for the position, the high-school dropout was able to convince the CEO to give her a shot. |
12409 | Trivial – मामूली | of little significance or value – कम महत्व या मूल्य का | Despite having lived what he considered to be a trivial life, George had actually had a tremendous impact on everyone he knew. |
12410 | Limited – सीमित | incomplete; restricted – अधूरा; वर्जित | The elderly woman lives on a limited income of just 700 dollars a month, so her monthly spending is restricted. |
12411 | Stroke – आघात | a physical blow by fist or weapon – मुक्के या हथियार से किया गया शारीरिक आघात | The boxer knocked his opponent out with a stroke of his fist to his competitor’s temple. |
12412 | Amputee – अपंग | a person who has had a limb (i.e., arm, leg) removed surgically – एक व्यक्ति जिसका कोई अंग (अर्थात, हाथ, पैर) शल्य चिकित्सा द्वारा हटा दिया गया हो | The amputee will be fitted for a new prosthetic leg that will allow her to walk like she did before she lost her limb. |
12413 | Successful – सफल | effective and thriving – प्रभावी और संपन्न | When Patricia and Fred were celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary, they said that their successful marriage could be attributed to their love for each other. |
12414 | Approachable – सुलभ | easy to talk to – बात करना बेहद आसान | Due to my approachable teacher, I felt comfortable asking her any question about physics without feeling dumb. |
12415 | Suppressed – दबा | held back or restrained something (feeling, idea, etc.) – किसी चीज़ (भावना, विचार, आदि) को रोका या रोका हुआ | Although he wanted to tell Julie that he loved her, Jack suppressed his feelings out of fear of rejection. |
12416 | All-encompassing – अखिल | comprehensive; covering everything – विस्तृत; सब कुछ कवर करना | The vacation package was all-encompassing, so room, flight, and food were all covered in one payment. |
12417 | Site – साइट | a place where a specific event has occurred – वह स्थान जहाँ कोई विशिष्ट घटना घटी हो | Stalingrad is the site of one of the most heated battles of World War Two’s eastern front, with massive casualties for both the Germans and the Russians. |
12418 | Abdicate – त्यागना | to relinquish power or responsibility – सत्ता या उत्तरदायित्व छोड़ना | The young prince became king after his older brother decided to abdicate the throne. |
12419 | Bookkeeping – बहीखाता | the recording of financial transactions on a daily basis – दैनिक आधार पर वित्तीय लेनदेन की रिकॉर्डिंग | Only one accountant is responsible for the bookkeeping while the other deal with other financial transactions. |
12420 | Safeguard – सुरक्षा | to take appropriate measures in order to protect something from harm – किसी चीज़ को नुकसान से बचाने के लिए उचित उपाय करना | Washing your pillows and sheets in hot water can safeguard against a lice infestation. |
12421 | Locker – लॉकर | a metal fixed cabinet used by students at school to store their belongings and books – एक धातु स्थिर कैबिनेट जिसका उपयोग स्कूल में छात्र अपना सामान और किताबें रखने के लिए करते हैं | Tiffany opened her locker and quickly grabbed her textbooks and folders before running to her math class. |
12422 | Irreparable – अपूरणीय | not capable of being fixed – ठीक होने में सक्षम नहीं | Since the damage to my car is irreparable, I need to buy a new vehicle. |
12423 | Salvage – उबार | something pulled out or saved because of its value – किसी चीज़ को उसके मूल्य के कारण निकाला या बचाया गया | The metal salvage we got from the old car is worth a tidy sum. |
12424 | Dissension – कलह | a disagreement that leads to arguing and discord – एक असहमति जो बहस और कलह को जन्म देती है | Dissension was growing between the two political parties as more scandals came out through the media. |
12425 | Foolery – मूर्खता | silly or foolish behavior – मूर्खतापूर्ण या मूर्खतापूर्ण व्यवहार | The silly player’s foolery got him thrown out of the game by the referees. |
12426 | Secretion – स्राव | the process of releasing a substance (from an animal’s body) – किसी पदार्थ को (जानवर के शरीर से) मुक्त करने की प्रक्रिया | When the woman reduced her sugar intake, her body’s insulin secretion lowered as well. |
12427 | Pressed – दब गया | pushed or pressured by a difficult or stressful situation – किसी कठिन या तनावपूर्ण स्थिति से प्रेरित या दबावग्रस्त होना | Pressed for time, businessman hurried from one meeting to the next in a mad rush. |
12428 | Complaint – शिकायत | a statement that suggests a situation is wrong or unacceptable – ऐसा कथन जो बताता है कि कोई स्थिति गलत या अस्वीकार्य है | A complaint was filed by a tenant against her landlord after he refused to fix the rental property’s leaky roof. |
12429 | Interject – एकाएक बीच में बोल उठना | to cut in on another person’s statement by making a remark – टिप्पणी करके किसी अन्य व्यक्ति के कथन को काटना | Every now and then the dog would bark to interject himself into my phone conversation. |
12430 | Bureau – ब्यूरो | an agency or governmental department – एक एजेंसी या सरकारी विभाग | Although it is their job, officials at the labor bureau refuse to support worker rights. |
12431 | Fingerprint – अंगुली की छाप | the mark made on something from the tips of the fingers – उंगलियों के पोरों से किसी चीज़ पर बना निशान | After analyzing the fingerprint that was left at the crime scene, Detective Jones determined that it was left by the criminal when he put his naked hand on the table. |
12432 | Farce – स्वांग | a ridiculous situation or event – हास्यास्पद स्थिति या घटना | Many argue that the government today is a mere farce of what it started out as. |
12433 | Stickler – हामी | an individual who insists a task should be completed in a certain manner – एक व्यक्ति जो इस बात पर जोर देता है कि किसी कार्य को एक निश्चित तरीके से पूरा किया जाना चाहिए | Because the drill sergeant is a stickler for details, he makes us check everything four times. |
12434 | Forbidding – अनिष्ट | threatening or unfriendly in appearance – दिखने में धमकी भरा या अमित्र | Speaking to the forbidding man only caused him to scowl and give an intimidating glance. |
12435 | Realise – समझना | another spelling of the word realize, meaning to become aware of or understand something – एहसास शब्द की एक और वर्तनी, जिसका अर्थ है किसी चीज़ के प्रति जागरूक होना या समझना | The girl didn’t realise that her pants were on inside-out and was very embarrassed when she found out. |
12436 | Creditor – ऋणदाता | one to whom something is owed – जिस पर कुछ बकाया हो | As a creditor, my landlord can evict me if I don’t pay my rent. |
12437 | Well-deserved – अच्छी तरह से लायक | understandably gained or merited – स्पष्ट रूप से प्राप्त या योग्य | After the off-duty police officer risked his life to go back into the burning house and save the entire family, he received the well-deserved award from the police chief. |
12438 | Corsage – ब्रोच | a small bouquet of flowers worn on a woman’s dress or worn around her wrist to a formal occasion, traditionally purchased by the woman’s date – फूलों का एक छोटा गुलदस्ता जो किसी महिला की पोशाक पर पहना जाता है या किसी औपचारिक अवसर पर उसकी कलाई पर पहना जाता है, पारंपरिक रूप से महिला की तारीख से खरीदा जाता है | Placing the corsage on her wrist, he thought to himself that the flower’s color matched her dress perfectly. |
12439 | Wealth – संपत्ति | a large amount of money, property, or possessions – बड़ी मात्रा में धन, संपत्ति या संपत्ति | The rich teenagers wasted their wealth on fancy dinners and expensive trips out of the country. |
12440 | Amenity – सुख-सुविधा | a thing or condition that makes an event or life more enjoyable – कोई चीज़ या स्थिति जो किसी घटना या जीवन को अधिक आनंददायक बनाती है | The walk-in closet was my favorite amenity in the apartment. |
12441 | Endorsed – समर्थन किया | sorted; advocated for – क्रमबद्ध; की वकालत की | The former governor publicly endorsed a new candidate, stating on air that he would vote for her himself. |
12442 | Try-hard – कठिन प्रयास | a person of little talent that struggles to succeed by imitating others – कम प्रतिभा वाला व्यक्ति जो दूसरों की नकल करके सफल होने के लिए संघर्ष करता है | Because she had no singing ability, the try-hard performer had to sleep her way to the top. |
12443 | Ibidem – इबिडेम | denotes a footnote citation that was already referenced in a prior footnote – एक फ़ुटनोट उद्धरण को दर्शाता है जिसे पहले से ही पिछले फ़ुटनोट में संदर्भित किया गया था | Because I had already written the footnote once, when it came up on another page later I simply marked it as Ibidem. |
12444 | Verklempt – verklempt | overwhelmed by emotion – भावना से अभिभूत | After her father’s death, the verklempt woman cried herself to self every night. |
12445 | Themselves – खुद | used to describe a group of people or things that were previously mentioned – इसका उपयोग उन लोगों या चीज़ों के समूह का वर्णन करने के लिए किया जाता है जिनका पहले उल्लेख किया गया था | Mr. Hale and his wife like to go out to eat, but they also enjoy cooking for themselves. |
12446 | Suede – साबर | a tough raw hide or buckskin fabric that is soft to the touch – एक सख्त कच्ची खाल या हिरन की खाल का कपड़ा जो छूने पर मुलायम होता है | In order to appear as a cowboy, I put on my stiff suede jacket, tall ten-gallon hat and spurred boots. |
12447 | Tamper – छेड़छाड़ | to interfere with something with the intent to damage it or make unauthorized changes to it – किसी चीज़ को नुकसान पहुँचाने या उसमें अनधिकृत परिवर्तन करने के इरादे से हस्तक्षेप करना | The saboteur had a special mission to tamper with the enemy’s vehicles before their morning deployment, so they wouldn’t be operable. |
12448 | Sympathy – सहानुभूति | shared feeling or kinship in feeling after an upsetting or particularly emotional event – किसी परेशान करने वाली या विशेष रूप से भावनात्मक घटना के बाद महसूस होने वाली साझा भावना या रिश्तेदारी | After her grandmother died, Abigail’s friends expressed their deepest sympathy for her loss in the form of flowers, cards, and comfort food. |
12449 | Laissez-faire – अहस्तक्षेप | The policy of not interfering in the affairs of others – दूसरों के मामलों में हस्तक्षेप न करने की नीति | Since the dictator is killing Christians in his country, there is no way Christian nations can simply do nothing while observing a laissez-faire policy. |
12450 | Self-esteem – आत्म सम्मान | to have pride in one’s self-worth or self-respect – किसी के आत्म-मूल्य या आत्म-सम्मान पर गर्व होना | Her self-esteem shot up when Frieda got accepted to the most popular sorority on the college campus. |
12451 | Dolorous – दर्दनाक | experiencing or displaying sadness or pain – दुःख या दर्द का अनुभव करना या प्रदर्शित करना | The dolorous film made me recall sad times. |
12452 | Respectable – सम्मानित | something or someone that is highly regarded – कोई ऐसी चीज़ या व्यक्ति जिसका अत्यधिक सम्मान किया जाता हो | After being a chaplain in the army, the respectable minister now had his own church in his hometown. |
12453 | Leery – चालाक | suspicious or guarded – संदिग्ध या संरक्षित | The dog was leery of the man with the large stick. |
12454 | Injustice – अन्याय | unfair treatment – अनुचित व्यवहार | Having a father who was falsely imprisoned, he was no stranger to injustice. |
12455 | Populace – आबादी | the ordinary people of a country – किसी देश के सामान्य लोग | After the royal wedding, the excited populace followed the newlywed’s carriage over the bridge. |
12456 | Unerring – अचूक | correct; unmistaken – सही; असंदिग्ध | The accountant had an unerring for spotting mistakes in bank statements. |
12457 | Lithe – लचीला | gracefully flexible, and often accompanied by being thin and long – सुंदर रूप से लचीला, और अक्सर पतला और लंबा होने के साथ | While Corinne has the lithe, agile body that would be perfect for gymnastics, she is too tall to manage some of the events. |
12458 | Desert – रेगिस्तान | a dry, bare area of land, especially one with little water or plants – भूमि का एक सूखा, खाली क्षेत्र, विशेष रूप से कम पानी या पौधों वाला | My aunt’s house has no grass because she lives in a desert region. |
12459 | Motive – प्रेरणा | reason; purpose – कारण; उद्देश्य | With several clogged arteries, the unhealthy man had a serious motive to lose weight and get fit. |
12460 | Subsoil – भूमि के नीचे का मिट्टी का भाग | the dirt that lies right beneath the top layer of dirt – वह गंदगी जो गंदगी की सबसे ऊपरी परत के ठीक नीचे होती है | Our gardener dug up the grass and a pile of the dirt in order to expose the subsoil that contained more nutrients. |
12461 | Addictive – नशे की लत | something that is easy to be addicted to; easy to develop a reliance on – कुछ ऐसा जिसकी लत लगना आसान हो; पर निर्भरता विकसित करना आसान है | This game is extremely addictive, having roped me into playing it for over six hours even though I only planned to play for one. |
12462 | Levitate – उत्तोलित | to rise or float in or as if in the air especially in seeming defiance of gravitation – विशेष रूप से गुरुत्वाकर्षण की अवहेलना करते हुए ऊपर उठना या तैरना या मानो हवा में | The magician was able to make himself levitate three inches off of the ground in a trick that stunned the crowd. |
12463 | Nightmare – बुरा अनुभव | a very terrifying or upsetting situation – बहुत भयावह या परेशान करने वाली स्थिति | The bride’s dream wedding quickly turned into a nightmare after the groom ran away from the altar. |
12464 | Right – सही | correct and accurate – सही और सटीक | The math teacher helped the students get the right answer by showing them the correct way to solve the problem. |
12465 | Ancestor – पूर्वज | family relative or thing that existed long ago – पारिवारिक रिश्तेदार या वह चीज़ जो बहुत पहले अस्तित्व में थी | While researching my family tree, I noticed an ancestor of mine was born in Iceland at the turn of the century. |
12466 | Repetitious – दुहराव का | having parts or actions that are repeated over and over again – ऐसे भाग या क्रियाएँ होना जो बार-बार दोहराई जाती हों | Writing articles can be repetitious, especially when the topic doesn’t change for a long time. |
12467 | Archbishop – मुख्य धर्माध्यक्ष | a bishop (priest) of the highest ranking who is in charge of other bishops and churches – सर्वोच्च रैंकिंग का एक बिशप (पुजारी) जो अन्य बिशपों और चर्चों का प्रभारी होता है | The archbishop is in charge of several local churches but aspires to cardinal. |
12468 | Patrimony – विरासत | property or goods passed from one’s father or predecessors – किसी के पिता या पूर्ववर्तियों से प्राप्त संपत्ति या माल | The antique is part of the patrimony I inherited from my daddy. |
12469 | Marginalization – उपेक्षा | handling someone or something by ostracizing or disregarding them – किसी को या किसी चीज़ को बहिष्कृत या उपेक्षा करके संभालना | Before the Civil Rights Movement, the marginalization of African Americans resulted in them having to sit in the back of the bus and not being allowed to attend certain schools. |
12470 | Accumulate – जमा करो | to pile up or collect – ढेर लगाना या एकत्र करना | I will accumulate wealth due to disciplined investing. |
12471 | Authentic – प्रामाणिक | genuine; real; unfaked – असली; असली; बेपर्दा | We went to an authentic Mexican restaurant for my birthday where they served cuisine like you would find in Mexico. |
12472 | Enquire – पूछताछ | to ask about something in order to gain information – जानकारी प्राप्त करने के लिए किसी चीज़ के बारे में पूछना | Jacob called the number in the classified ad to enquire about the job opening the company had listed. |
12473 | Tax – कर | to strain or burden someone or something – किसी पर या किसी चीज़ पर दबाव डालना या बोझ डालना | That much homework will really tax all of my strength, but I have to do it all even if I’ll be tired afterwards. |
12474 | Altitudinous – ऊंचाई वाला | being at or having a very high level of elevation – बहुत ऊंचे स्तर पर होना या होना | Because they are so high up the mountain, the altitudinous villages can only be reached by helicopter. |
12475 | Commonwealth – राष्ट्रमंडल | an independent country, community or state – एक स्वतंत्र देश, समुदाय या राज्य | According to census records her home state is the fastest growing commonwealth in the nation. |
12476 | Imprisoned – बन्दी | locked away; kept from freedom – बंद; आज़ादी से दूर रखा गया | Imprisoned in a tower for seventeen years, Rapunzel was never allowed to leave the castle. |
12477 | Fitting – फिटिंग | suitable or appropriate – उपयुक्त या उचित | The fashionable bride selected a form-fitting dress that hugged her body like a glove. |
12478 | Longstanding – पुराना | enduring or well-established – स्थायी या अच्छी तरह से स्थापित | The longstanding war of the Crusades began in 1095 A.D. and ended almost two hundred years later in 1291 A.D. |
12479 | Subdivide – प्रतिभाग करना | to divide something that has already been divided – किसी ऐसी चीज़ को विभाजित करना जो पहले ही विभाजित हो चुकी हो | If you cut a paper in half and then cut those halves in half, you subdivide it. |
12480 | Vilification – गालियां देना | to speak or write terrible things about someone in an effort to make them look bad – किसी को बुरा दिखाने के प्रयास में उसके बारे में भयानक बातें बोलना या लिखना | Through her malicious opinion articles, the backbiting editor is known for her vilification of people she doesn’t like. |
12481 | Wishful Thinking – वास्तविकता पर नहीं आशाओं के आधार पर कामना करना | a hope or dream that is unlikely to come true – एक आशा या सपना जिसके सच होने की संभावना नहीं है | Hoping that I’m going to win the lottery on my birthday is just wishful thinking. |
12482 | Approval – अनुमोदन | accepting something as good or satisfactory – किसी बात को अच्छा या संतोषजनक मानना | Most sons desire the approval of their father in some way, trying to earn their respect and admiration. |
12483 | Partake – हिस्सा लेना | to take part in an activity; to participate – किसी गतिविधि में भाग लेना; भाग लेने के लिए | I will not partake of your party because it attracts a lot of criminals. |
12484 | Aggrandizement – अभ्युदय | an increase in power, importance, or reputation that is undeserved – शक्ति, महत्व या प्रतिष्ठा में अवांछित वृद्धि | The aggrandizement of Simon’s wealth is so off-putting, especially since he inherited it with no effort of his own. |
12485 | Initial – प्रारंभिक | the first; preliminary – पहला; प्रारंभिक | On the initial test, I made a bad grade, but I’m hoping to past the second one. |
12486 | Orthopedic – हड्डी का डॉक्टर | abnormalities relating to the bones or skeleton of a human – मानव की हड्डियों या कंकाल से संबंधित असामान्यताएं | Following the car crash, his orthopedic injury would require setting the broken bone of his leg back into place. |
12487 | Fetid – दुर्गन्धि-युक्त | having an extremely unpleasant odor – अत्यंत अप्रिय गंध होना | As soon as the detectives opened the door and smelled the fetid odor, they knew there was a dead body in the house. |
12488 | Ameliorate – सुधारना | to make something better or more manageable – किसी चीज़ को बेहतर या अधिक प्रबंधनीय बनाना | The police tried to ameliorate the situation after the false arrest, but the family didn’t want to hear their apologies. |
12489 | Imaginable – कल्पनीय | feasible, possible, or able to be conceivably thought – व्यवहार्य, संभव, या कल्पना करने योग्य | In the past, such a thing as spaceflight would not have been imaginable, but yet here we are, having visited the Moon. |
12490 | Domesticated – पाला हुआ | tamed or trained over time to be kept as a pet or on a farm vs. in the wild – पालतू जानवर के रूप में या खेत में बनाम जंगल में रखने के लिए समय के साथ पाला या प्रशिक्षित किया जाता है | Because he was domesticated at birth, the tiger was more like a house cat than a wild feline. |
12491 | Grimly – गंभीर | to do something in a cold or stern manner – ठंडे या कठोर तरीके से कुछ करना | Disappointed by the results, the bitter candidate grimly conceded. |
12492 | Adversity – आपदा | a difficult situation or condition; misfortune – एक कठिन परिस्थिति या स्थिति; दुर्भाग्य | Because of the five-year drought, the farmer experienced a long period of adversity. |
12493 | Interpose – जड़ना | to involve oneself or to insert – स्वयं को शामिल करना या सम्मिलित करना | It can be dangerous to interpose yourself between a cat fight. |
12494 | Raw materials – कच्चा माल | the simple resources or ingredients that make up a more complex object – सरल संसाधन या अवयव जो अधिक जटिल वस्तु बनाते हैं | In the north, factories used the raw materials of plain cotton from the southern cotton fields and manipulated it into a piece of clothing. |
12495 | Occidental – पच्छमवासी | pertaining to the countries in the western hemisphere – पश्चिमी गोलार्ध के देशों से संबंधित | Visitors from Thailand state that the occidental food at the restaurant tasted unusual since they were not familiar with this country’s food. |
12496 | Endgame – एंडगेम | the last part of a board or card game with few pieces left – बोर्ड या कार्ड गेम का अंतिम भाग जिसमें कुछ टुकड़े बचे हों | During the endgame of checkers, the boy would lose because he had four checkers left compared to his opponent’s only piece. |
12497 | Tenacity – तप | the quality of being determined to do or achieve something – कुछ करने या हासिल करने के लिए दृढ़ संकल्पित होने का गुण | Jake’s tenacity allowed him to excel in college while working two jobs. |
12498 | Stimulated – प्रेरित | motivated or encouraged – प्रेरित या प्रोत्साहित किया हुआ | The interesting article stimulated the readers’ curiosity and kept her wanting to know more. |
12499 | Contrarian – विपरीत | a person who rejects the majority and takes an opposing view – ऐसा व्यक्ति जो बहुमत को अस्वीकार करता है और विरोधी दृष्टिकोण अपनाता है | The politician took a contrarian stance and opposed the bill supported by most of the members of his party. |
12500 | Lackadaisical – भावुक | feeling or showing a lack of interest or enthusiasm – रुचि या उत्साह की कमी महसूस करना या दिखाना | After the surgery, I was lackadaisical for several days. |
12501 | Furrow – कुंड | a thin wrinkle or line on an individual’s face – किसी व्यक्ति के चेहरे पर एक पतली झुर्रियाँ या रेखा | If you observe my father while he’s in a thoughtful mood, you’ll see a furrow above his eyes. |
12502 | Dismissal – पदच्युति | an act or instance in which someone is officially released or asked to leave from a place – एक कार्य या उदाहरण जिसमें किसी को आधिकारिक तौर पर रिहा कर दिया जाता है या किसी स्थान से चले जाने के लिए कहा जाता है | A dismissal bell will sound when it’s time to leave for the day. |
12503 | Limber – लचीला | flexible; agile – लचीला; फुर्तीली | The limber gymnast was able to do the backflip with ease. |
12504 | Crap – बकवास | something of very poor quality – कुछ बहुत ही घटिया गुणवत्ता का | I was hoping that the plates I bought at the thrift store would be good, but as expected, the cheap products were crap. |
12505 | Grandiose – दिखावटी | appearing to be impressive but not really possible or practical – प्रभावशाली प्रतीत होता है लेकिन वास्तव में संभव या व्यावहारिक नहीं है | The idea of throwing a party on top of the swimming pool seemed quite grandiose to everyone in the room. |
12506 | Criticized – आलोचना की | pointed out faults/flaws in a judgmental or disapproving way – आलोचनात्मक या अस्वीकृत तरीके से दोषों/खामियों को इंगित किया | A perfectionist at heart, Kara constantly criticized the way her daughter dressed and fussed about the way she fixed her hair. |
12507 | Slain – मारे गए | slain means to kill in a violent manner – मारे जाने का अर्थ है हिंसक तरीके से हत्या करना | Their son, slain in the shooting, began his career as a prison deputy at a local jail. |
12508 | Encompasses – शामिल | to include or comprise something – किसी चीज़ को शामिल करना या समाविष्ट करना | Emily’s job encompasses a wide range of tasks and responsibilities. |
12509 | Bellhop – नौकर | a hotel worker who performs tasks like carrying luggage for guests – एक होटल कर्मचारी जो मेहमानों के लिए सामान ले जाने जैसे कार्य करता है | The bellhop stood at the entrance of the hotel and opened the door for all incoming guests. |
12510 | Forsaken – छोड़ | abandoned or shunned – त्यागा हुआ या त्यागा हुआ | I could not help but feel forsaken as my friend left me to my sickness while they all went to a party. |
12511 | Expatiate – लंबी-चौड़ी बातें बढ़ाना | to write or talk about something using many details – कई विवरणों का उपयोग करके किसी चीज़ के बारे में लिखना या बात करना | A long-winded talker, Carter can expatiate on any topic. |
12512 | Impeccable – त्रुटिहीन | perfect in every way – हर तरह से परफ़ेक्ट | With your impeccable English skills, writing essays should be a cinch. |
12513 | Agreed upon – पर सहमत | fixed; already determined or established – तय; पहले से ही निर्धारित या स्थापित | A meeting place was agreed upon by the board members, and all parties arranged to be there by 5 PM. |
12514 | Next – अगला | following; subsequent – अगले; बाद का | The next day, the oracle’s prediction came true when a golden-haired warrior appeared to claim the throne. |
12515 | Ooze – रसना | to trickle or seep out slowly – धीरे-धीरे टपकना या रिसना | Ink seemed to ooze from the pen creating a small blue stain on my brand new pants. |
12516 | Aleatory – पाँसे | random, dependent on luck or chance – यादृच्छिक, भाग्य या संयोग पर निर्भर | Rick laughs at anyone who spends money at the slot machines, because it’s a purely aleatory game that has no intellectual component whatsoever. |
12517 | Fledgling – अनुभवहीन मनुष्य | an individual or group that is inexperienced or not fully matured – एक व्यक्ति या समूह जो अनुभवहीन है या पूरी तरह से परिपक्व नहीं है | The fledgling writer could use the benefit of a good editor. |
12518 | Publicity – प्रचार | public attention, or something that is within the public eye – जनता का ध्यान, या कुछ ऐसा जो जनता की नज़र में हो | If you want more publicity as an author, you will need to work with good publishers to get your name out there for everyone to see. |
12519 | Estimation – अनुमान | a rough calculation of something – किसी चीज़ का मोटा हिसाब | There’s no way to know how many jelly beans are in the jar, but by my best estimation there are probably around seven hundred. |
12520 | Contingency – आकस्मिकता | an event that could occur – एक घटना जो घटित हो सकती है | The city’s evacuation plan is designed to be effective in case of any contingency that necessitates a hasty withdrawal. |
12521 | Undefeatable – अपराजेय | not able to be beaten – पीटने में सक्षम नहीं | During the war, the United States after was an undefeatable force that prevailed in battle after battle. |
12522 | Noncompliance – गैर अनुपालन | failure to act according to an order – किसी आदेश के अनुसार कार्य करने में विफलता | Harry’s noncompliance is probably why the police officer was suspicious of his motives. |
12523 | Impotence – नपुंसकता | having the inability to do something – कुछ करने में असमर्थता होना | Carmen struggled understanding anyone from America because of her impotence in learning the English language. |
12524 | Carelessly – लापरवाही | to act without paying attention or thought to the consequences. It can also mean to do something in a reckless or irresponsible manner. – परिणामों पर ध्यान दिए बिना या सोचे बिना कार्य करना। इसका मतलब लापरवाही या गैर-जिम्मेदाराना तरीके से कुछ करना भी हो सकता है। | She carelessly threw her bag on the couch, not realizing its weight. |
12525 | Forum – मंच | a meeting or other place where people can discuss a problem or situation – एक बैठक या अन्य स्थान जहाँ लोग किसी समस्या या स्थिति पर चर्चा कर सकें | As a member of the forum, Tessa got to speak up about the water issues plaguing the city. |
12526 | Generated – जनरेट किया गया | made or created – बनाया या बनाया हुआ | The teacher generated several tough math problems and asked the students to solve each one she created. |
12527 | Outbalance – ज़्यादा होना | to be more important than something else – किसी और चीज़ से अधिक महत्वपूर्ण होना | The value of a human life definitely outbalances the life of an animal if the two have to be compared. |
12528 | Electrolysis – इलेक्ट्रोलीज़ | the process by which electric current is goes through a substance to effect a chemical change – वह प्रक्रिया जिसके द्वारा रासायनिक परिवर्तन को प्रभावित करने के लिए किसी पदार्थ के माध्यम से विद्युत धारा प्रवाहित की जाती है | Electrolysis was used to permanently remove stubborn hair form the skin through the use of an electric current. |
12529 | Embarrassed – शर्मिंदा | feeling awkward or uncomfortable – अजीब या असहज महसूस करना | Tristan was embarrassed by the way his mother fawned over him in front of all of his friends. |
12530 | Helplessly – असहाय होकर | in a way that shows a lack of ability, strength, or power – एक तरह से जो क्षमता, शक्ति या शक्ति की कमी को दर्शाता है | Staring helplessly from the tower, the princess didn’t realize she had the power to save herself. |
12531 | Preparation – तैयारी | getting something ready or organized – कुछ तैयार या व्यवस्थित करना | In preparation for the grand opening, the baker created several dozen special cupcakes. |
12532 | Struggle – संघर्ष | to battle or make a great effort – युद्ध करना या बड़ा प्रयत्न करना | It was a struggle for Sam to free himself from his attacker. |
12533 | Fearlessness – निर्भयता | feeling no sense of fear – डर की कोई भावना महसूस नहीं हो रही है | Priding themselves on fearlessness, neither of the brave warriors would retreat from battle. |
12534 | Roadblock – अवरोध | a barrier or obstacle that stops progress or makes moving forward difficult – एक अवरोध या बाधा जो प्रगति को रोकती है या आगे बढ़ना कठिन बना देती है | The hard worker’s lack of education is a roadblock that stops him from being able to get a job. |
12535 | Persiflage – ताना | dialogue that is joking and playful – संवाद जो मज़ाकिया और चंचल है | Since you used persiflage, I knew you were joking about my appearance. |
12536 | Erratum – इरेटा | an error in text that is later corrected – पाठ में एक त्रुटि जिसे बाद में सुधार लिया गया | An erratum at the bottom of the article contains a correction for a spelling error. |
12537 | Nurse – देखभाल करना | to care for someone or something that is typically below optimal health – किसी ऐसे व्यक्ति या चीज़ की देखभाल करना जिसका स्वास्थ्य आमतौर पर इष्टतम से कम है | My daughter did not listen to me when I told her to leave the stray cat alone, but I guess it is alright since her efforts helped nurse the starving animal back to health. |
12538 | Signify – प्रकट करना | to mean or show something – कुछ मतलब या दिखाना | In the painting the abandoned rose is supposed to signify a lost love. |
12539 | Moratorium – रोक | the pausing of an ongoing activity – किसी चल रही गतिविधि का रुकना | An avid fisherman, Billy was upset when he learned of the fishing moratorium. |
12540 | Buck – बक | to oppose or resist something – किसी बात का विरोध या विरोध करना | Independent and headstrong, the toddler will buck and resist any rule his parents put in place. |
12541 | Conscription – भरती | the system of forcing individuals to serve in the military – व्यक्तियों को सेना में सेवा करने के लिए बाध्य करने की प्रणाली | Because of John’s moral beliefs, he refuses to take part in the conscription that would require him to bear arms. |
12542 | Maul – आलोचना करना | to wound someone by scratching or tearing them, often used in reference to animals – किसी को खरोंचकर या फाड़कर घायल करना, अक्सर जानवरों के संदर्भ में उपयोग किया जाता है | I would never go near a bear even in captivity, for fear that it would maul me with its huge teeth and claws. |
12543 | Chauvinism – अंधराष्ट्रीयता | a narrow-minded confidence in the supremacy of one’s own group or gender – अपने ही समूह या लिंग की सर्वोच्चता में संकीर्ण सोच वाला विश्वास | Despite the chauvinism of the male racers, Danica went on to become a successful racecar driver. |
12544 | Lament – विलाप | to express sorrow or regret; to mourn aloud – दुख या अफसोस व्यक्त करना; ज़ोर से विलाप करना | I deeply lament the lost opportunity to reconnect with my grandmother before she died. |
12545 | Collusion – आपसी साँठ – गाँठ | a private agreement for a dishonest purpose – किसी बेईमान उद्देश्य के लिए एक निजी समझौता | Under the collusion between the crooked cops and the drug dealers, the officers receive fifteen percent of the drug profits. |
12546 | Pointer – सूचक | a small hint or piece of advice – एक छोटा सा संकेत या सलाह | The ransom note left behind by the kidnappers was the only pointer offering any hint to where the girl might be located. |
12547 | Derisive – व्यंग्यात्मक | mocking and ridiculing – उपहास करना और उपहास करना | The bully let out a derisive laugh when mocking his classmate’s nerdy glasses. |
12548 | Euphony – श्रुतिमधुरता | a pleasing sound in regards to word tone – शब्द स्वर के संबंध में एक सुखद ध्वनि | The love-struck boy thought the sound of his girlfriend’s name was the sweetest euphony he had ever heard. |
12549 | Naturalization – समीकरण | the process by which a foreign individual is awarded citizenship – वह प्रक्रिया जिसके द्वारा किसी विदेशी व्यक्ति को नागरिकता प्रदान की जाती है | In order to become a citizen, Alberto will have to go through the process of naturalization. |
12550 | Home run – होम रन | a hit that flies into the outfield and is not caught or flies into the crowd and enables players on the bases to make it to home plate, earning a run – एक हिट जो आउटफील्ड में उड़ जाती है और पकड़ी नहीं जाती या भीड़ में उड़ जाती है और बेस पर खिलाड़ियों को होम प्लेट तक पहुंचने में सक्षम बनाती है, जिससे एक रन मिलता है | When Barry Bonds hit his 762nd home run, he set the record for highest number in baseball history. |
12551 | Task – काम | work to be done or completed – किया जाने वाला या पूरा किया जाने वाला कार्य | My task is to organize all of these papers before noon, but after that I can take a short break. |
12552 | Appertain – संबंध रखना | to be linked to or associated with – से जुड़ा होना या संबद्ध होना | The actress will probably ignore media questions that don’t appertain to her new film. |
12553 | Emigrant – उत्प्रवासी | a person who leaves their home country to live permanently in a new country – एक व्यक्ति जो किसी नए देश में स्थायी रूप से रहने के लिए अपना देश छोड़ देता है | Marco is an emigrant from Cuba, which is immediately obvious from his accent. |
12554 | Hail – ओलों | solid clumps of rain that fall as ice – वर्षा के ठोस गुच्छे जो बर्फ के रूप में गिरते हैं | Golf ball sized hail cracked the man’s windshield when it fell from the sky. |
12555 | Costly – महंगा | expensive; overpriced – महँगा; अधिक | Buying steak and shrimp can be costly, so the single mother sticks to cheaper food options. |
12556 | Nationalism – राष्ट्रवाद | such devotion to a country that other nations pale in comparison – किसी देश के प्रति ऐसी भक्ति कि उसकी तुलना में अन्य राष्ट्र फीके पड़ जाएं | During the war, the rising tide of nationalism resulted in people buying only American-made products. |
12557 | Valence – वैलेंस | highly energized electrons that are used in chemical bonding – अत्यधिक ऊर्जावान इलेक्ट्रॉन जो रासायनिक बंधन में उपयोग किए जाते हैं | In order to figure out if two chemicals will bond, first you must find the valence by looking at the number of electrons involved. |
12558 | Publication – प्रकाशन | the act of making information or writing available – जानकारी या लेखन उपलब्ध कराने का कार्य | The editor is overseeing the publication of a new magazine for college students. |
12559 | Tower – मीनार | to rise to a great height – बहुत ऊंचाई तक पहुंचना | Because his wife was so short, 6 foot Ramirez seemed to tower over her. |
12560 | Pucker – तह | to tighten skin or cloth until small folds appear – त्वचा या कपड़े को तब तक कसने के लिए जब तक कि छोटी-छोटी सिलवटें दिखाई न देने लगें | Eating the sour lemon caused the toddler to squint her eyes and pucker her lips tightly. |
12561 | Unwittingly – बेइरादा | ignorantly or in a way that shows one is unaware – अज्ञानतापूर्वक या ऐसे तरीके से जिससे पता चले कि कोई अनजान है | Not realizing she was sick, the passenger unwittingly spread her cold to the man sitting next to her. |
12562 | Coordinate – कोआर्डिनेट | to organize or integrate different parts of something in a way that makes the whole work efficiently – किसी चीज़ के विभिन्न हिस्सों को इस तरह से व्यवस्थित या एकीकृत करना जिससे पूरा काम कुशलतापूर्वक हो सके | The secretary was asked to coordinate the meeting and make sure that all of the parties were aware of the schedule. |
12563 | Completed – पुरा होना। | finished; finalized – खत्म; अंतिम रूप दिया | The student completed his math homework but still needs to finish writing his paper. |
12564 | Emit – फेंकना | to give off or send forth – देना या आगे भेजना | The bird will emit a loud screeching noise when it is attacked. |
12565 | Plait – चुटिया हे | braid – चोटी | The young woman ahead of me in line wore her hair with a plait running down her back and tied at the end. |
12566 | Incompliant – असंगत | defiant; refusing to comply with requests or demands – उद्दंड; अनुरोधों या मांगों का पालन करने से इनकार करना | Inmates that are incompliant with jail rules are placed in solitary confinement until they can follow the guards’ directions. |
12567 | Counter – विरोध करना | to retaliate or react to a typically hostile action – आम तौर पर शत्रुतापूर्ण कार्रवाई का प्रतिकार करना या प्रतिक्रिया करना | The politician had to counter the accusations being made against him, but he did not have a suitable defense to do so. |
12568 | Evaluative – मूल्यांकन करनेवाला | relating to an evaluation that judges the value of something – किसी मूल्यांकन से संबंधित जो किसी चीज़ के मूल्य का आकलन करता है | The evaluative research revealed that the new medication given to patients is a lot less safe than scientists had hoped. |
12569 | Confirmation – पुष्टीकरण | confirmation is the action of confirming something – पुष्टिकरण किसी बात की पुष्टि करने की क्रिया है | A confirmation code was sent by email verifying the online furniture purchase. |
12570 | Festival – त्योहार | a festival is a time of celebration, or a day when organized events or music concerts are held in one place – त्यौहार उत्सव का समय होता है, या वह दिन होता है जब एक ही स्थान पर संगठित कार्यक्रम या संगीत समारोह आयोजित किए जाते हैं | Each year, my sister and I attend a strawberry festival and each as man pieces of fruit as we can during the celebration. |
12571 | Robbed – लुट गया | took someone else’s property by force or threat – किसी और की संपत्ति बलपूर्वक या धमकी से ले लेना | A hundred dollar overcharge on her bank account left Latonya feeling robbed by the restaurant she purchased a meal from. |
12572 | Superfluous – ज़रूरत से ज़्यादा | unnecessary; more than what is needed – अनावश्यक; आवश्यकता से अधिक | Isn’t it superfluous to have 20 pairs of shoes when you only wear the same 5 pairs? |
12573 | Cupola – कुपोला | a small dome or vault pertaining to a roof – छत से संबंधित छोटा गुम्बद या तिजोरी | Instead of a steeple, a domed cupola was structured at the peak of the Catholic cathedral. |
12574 | Purveyance – खाने-पीने की चीज़ें | the act of providing goods as a business – व्यवसाय के रूप में माल उपलब्ध कराने का कार्य | Through the purveyance of a good CEO, you can make a living selling almost any item out there. |
12575 | Protester – आपत्ति करनेवाला | an activist or picketer – एक कार्यकर्ता या धरना देने वाला | Outside of the chicken factory, a protester from PETA marched with signs yelling for these chickens to be treated humanely. |
12576 | Pharaoh – फिरौन | a ruler in ancient Egypt – प्राचीन मिस्र में एक शासक | A Pharaoh ruled Egypt from the Early Dynastic Period down till when Egypt became a province of Rome in 30 BC. |
12577 | Straightforward – सीधा | direct and easy to understand – सीधा और समझने में आसान | Please don’t waste my time with nonsense, I need an honest and straightforward response. |
12578 | Mongrel – संकर जाति का | any animal resulting from the crossing of different breeds or varieties, especially a dog – विभिन्न नस्लों या किस्मों के संकरण से उत्पन्न कोई भी जानवर, विशेषकर कुत्ता | The hybrid mongrel was a mixture of several types of breeds of dog. |
12579 | Deport – पेश आना | to evict, especially from a country – बेदखल करना, विशेषकर किसी देश से | The immigration system threatened to deport my Venezuelan maid. |
12580 | Supplement – परिशिष्ट | something that enhances or completes something else when added to it – कोई ऐसी चीज़ जो किसी अन्य चीज़ को जोड़ने पर उसे बढ़ाती या पूर्ण करती है | The vitamin was added as a supplement to her diet to improve her blood circulation. |
12581 | Immobile – स्थिर | not moving; motionless – नहीं चलती है; स्तब्ध | After falling off of his porch, the elderly man became immobile and couldn’t move his leg. |
12582 | Throw – फेंक | to toss or heave – उछालना या उछालना | Please throw the torn clothing in the trash and toss the stained things in there too. |
12583 | Cracking – खुर | very impressive; excellent – बहुत प्रभावशाली; उत्कृष्ट | If the bodybuilder wants to win the competition, he must make sure that his frame is in cracking shape. |
12584 | Accession – परिग्रहण | the acquisition of a higher rank than one is at present – वर्तमान समय में एक से अधिक पद की प्राप्ति होती है | The Private’s accession to the rank of corporal was due to his exemplary performance during the battle. |
12585 | Voguish – वोगिश | trendy; fashionable – ट्रेंडी; फैशनेबल | Although the voguish gown was perfect for the runway, the trendy piece wouldn’t be appropriate for everyday wear. |
12586 | Cooking – खाना बनाना | the process of preparing food by using heat to transform ingredients into edible dishes – सामग्री को खाद्य व्यंजनों में बदलने के लिए गर्मी का उपयोग करके भोजन तैयार करने की प्रक्रिया | Cooking, for me, is a way to relax and unwind after a long day. |
12587 | Gangrene – अवसाद | the rot and decay of an area of the body that suffered from infection or a wound that usually needed to be amputated – शरीर के किसी ऐसे हिस्से की सड़न और सड़न जो संक्रमण या घाव से ग्रस्त हो जिसे आमतौर पर काटने की आवश्यकता होती है | The injured soldier’s wound became infected until gangrene set in, and the doctor’s were forced to cut off the dead tissue. |
12588 | Transplant – प्रत्यारोपण | to relocate or move something – किसी चीज़ को स्थानांतरित या स्थानांतरित करना | The couple decided to transplant themselves in a new city so that they could get a fresh start. |
12589 | Share – शेयर करना | a portion or part of something larger that has been divided out amongst people – किसी बड़ी चीज़ का वह भाग या हिस्सा जो लोगों के बीच बाँट दिया गया हो | I became upset after finding out that my brother ate not only his piece of cake but also my share. |
12590 | Feudal – सामंती | relating to the feudal system of England in which kings and lords ran the land – इंग्लैंड की सामंती व्यवस्था से संबंधित जिसमें राजा और सामंत भूमि चलाते थे | Feudal landowners let the peasants stay on the land as long as they worked. |
12591 | Batter – बैटर | to physically strike someone or something over and over in an attempt to hurt/damage – चोट/क्षति पहुँचाने के प्रयास में किसी व्यक्ति या वस्तु पर बार-बार शारीरिक हमला करना | The abusive man swore that he didn’t batter his wife, but her black eye and busted lip told a different story. |
12592 | Purely – विशुद्ध रूप से | entirely; completely – पूरी तरह से; पूरी तरह | The man and woman insisted that their relationship was purely innocent and that an affair was not taking place. |
12593 | Preternatural – अलौकिक | so unusual that it does not seem natural or normal – इतना असामान्य कि यह स्वाभाविक या सामान्य नहीं लगता | Seeing a penguin in the desert seemed very preternatural to the amazed onlookers. |
12594 | Bravura – उनकी कुशलता | great skill, energy, and enthusiasm in doing something – कुछ करने में महान कौशल, ऊर्जा और उत्साह | The director was asking us for more bravura in the scene because it lacked life. |
12595 | Damper – स्पंज | someone or something that has a depressing effect on people – कोई व्यक्ति या वस्तु जिसका लोगों पर निराशाजनक प्रभाव पड़ता है | Bill has always been a damper, bringing down the mood with his pessimism and angst. |
12596 | Recommended – अनुशंसित | advised or suggested something or someone as deserving of being chosen – किसी चीज़ या किसी व्यक्ति को चुने जाने के योग्य होने की सलाह देना या सुझाव देना | The lawyer recommended that his client take a plea deal, but the man didn’t want to take his advice. |
12597 | Con – चोर | to trick or mislead someone – किसी को धोखा देना या गुमराह करना | The traveling salesman made good on his promise to con every housewife in the neighborhood. |
12598 | Medieval – मध्यकालीन | relating to the Middle Ages – मध्य युग से संबंधित | Medieval feasts were thrown for royalty and nobles during the Middle Ages. |
12599 | Toilsome – कष्टमय | something that involves a great deal of effort or hard work – कुछ ऐसा जिसमें बहुत अधिक प्रयास या कड़ी मेहनत शामिल हो | Plowing an entire field is quite toilsome, but even though it is hard work farmers have to do it all the time. |
12600 | Suburban – उपनगरीय | pertaining to an area located around a city – किसी शहर के आसपास स्थित क्षेत्र से संबंधित | Life in the big city of New York shocked the suburban housewife when she saw thousands of people walking down the street. |
12601 | Deter – रोक रखना | to prevent something from happening – कुछ घटित होने से रोकने के लिए | When they heard about all the recent break-ins around the neighborhood, they bought a huge dog that would be sure to deter any uninvited visitors. |
12602 | Hurtle – ज़ोर से फैंकना | move at a rapid pace in a wild manner – जंगली तरीके से तीव्र गति से आगे बढ़ें | The force of the truck caused the car to hurtle over the bridge. |
12603 | Goalpost – गोल पोस्ट | the standing poles that hold up a goal – खड़े हुए खंभे जो लक्ष्य को थामे रहते हैं | When the football player kicked the field goal, the referee held up his arms underneath the goal near the goalpost. |
12604 | Institution – संस्थान | an organization created for a specific purpose such as religion or education – धर्म या शिक्षा जैसे किसी विशिष्ट उद्देश्य के लिए बनाया गया संगठन | A university is an educational institution that is designed to provide the necessary knowledge for people to gain a career in the field of their choice. |
12605 | Inspiration – प्रेरणा | a person or thing that inspires – कोई व्यक्ति या वस्तु जो प्रेरणा देती हो | The inspiration for my painting was my favorite pet. |
12606 | Impiety – नास्तिकता | lack of respect for God – भगवान के प्रति सम्मान की कमी | Speaking with impiety of holy things was a crime in the city-state, but few were ever prosecuted. |
12607 | Trouble – मुश्किल | difficulty or problem – कठिनाई या समस्या | My grandmother always calls me when she is having trouble working her computer. |
12608 | Hangover – अत्यधिक नशा | a severe headache caused by drinking too much alcohol – बहुत अधिक शराब पीने के कारण होने वाला गंभीर सिरदर्द | Some drinkers never get a hangover while others heads hurt after one drink. |
12609 | Lightning – बिजली चमकना | a flash of bright light in the sky produced by electricity moving between clouds – आकाश में बादलों के बीच बिजली के घूमने से उत्पन्न तेज़ रोशनी की चमक | Lightning coming out of the clouds struck a tree nearby with a loud bang. |
12610 | Oust – बाहर निकालना | to banish or kick out – निर्वासित करना या बाहर निकालना | Environmental specialists would prefer to oust herbicides because they can cause health problems and diseases to many people. |
12611 | Demand – माँग | to command or insist that someone do something – किसी को कुछ करने के लिए आदेश देना या आग्रह करना | The teachers demand that we do our homework, so we make sure to complete it on time. |
12612 | Based – आधारित | built or constructed on – निर्मित या निर्माण किया हुआ | The house frame was based on a concrete foundation that made it a very sturdy construction. |
12613 | Transfusion – ट्रांसफ्यूजन | the process of adding an amount of blood to the body of a person or animal – किसी व्यक्ति या जानवर के शरीर में रक्त की मात्रा जोड़ने की प्रक्रिया | Although it used to happen when receiving blood, it is very rare to get HIV from a transfusion these days. |
12614 | Kleptocracy – चोरशाही | a government with corrupt leaders that uses their power to exploit their own people and resources for greater personal wealth – भ्रष्ट नेताओं वाली सरकार जो अपनी शक्ति का उपयोग अधिक व्यक्तिगत संपत्ति के लिए अपने ही लोगों और संसाधनों का शोषण करने के लिए करती है | In this kleptocracy, our leaders have been placing extortionate taxes on us in order to gain greater wealth for themselves. |
12615 | Ignoble – नीच | not deserving respect; not honorable – सम्मान के योग्य नहीं; सम्माननीय नहीं | Because Frank has a habit of not showing up on time, he has an ignoble reputation as someone who is not very responsible. |
12616 | Deferentially – सम्मानपूर्वक | respectfully; reverently – आदरपूर्वक; आदर | The man always acts deferentially around his boss, but speaks tactlessly when she is away. |
12617 | Adherent – पक्षपाती | a material that sticks to other things or a person who supports a particular party, person, or set of ideas – ऐसी सामग्री जो अन्य चीज़ों से चिपकी रहती है या ऐसा व्यक्ति जो किसी विशेष पार्टी, व्यक्ति या विचारों के समूह का समर्थन करता है | The judge told Todd that if he was strictly adherent to the rules and did what was expected, his sentence could be reduced. |
12618 | Scavenger – मेहतर | someone who scavenges, especially one who searches through rubbish for food or useful things – कोई व्यक्ति जो सफ़ाई करता है, विशेष रूप से वह जो कूड़े में से भोजन या उपयोगी चीज़ें खोजता है | My dog is a scavenger and is always ready to eat any food that falls to the floor. |
12619 | Regularity – नियमितता | predictability; constancy – पूर्वानुमेयता; भक्ति | The king’s regularity made him an easy assassination target for cutthroats who could predict his whereabouts. |
12620 | Marred – हुईं | spoiled or damaged – ख़राब या क्षतिग्रस्त | The rowdy college boys marred the hotel room. |
12621 | Habitué – हमेशा जानेवाला | a person who frequently visits a particular place – वह व्यक्ति जो बार-बार किसी विशेष स्थान पर जाता हो | Her rich aunt was a habitué of the opera hall and was recognized by all of the performers. |
12622 | Pampas – पंपास | treeless plains in South America – दक्षिण अमेरिका में वृक्षविहीन मैदान | The pampas is extremely hot because the treeless terrain is under the equator. |
12623 | Bookworm – पुस्ताकों का कीड़ा | someone who spends an inordinate amount of time studying or reading – कोई व्यक्ति जो पढ़ने या पढ़ने में अत्यधिक समय व्यतीत करता है | Hermione Granger is a bookworm who would much rather spend her time in the library reading than socializing. |
12624 | Union – मिलन | a marriage – एक विवाह | The elderly couple’s union had lasted for over fifty years. |
12625 | Astray – गुमराह | not on the desired path – वांछित पथ पर नहीं | My partying friends tried to lead me astray from my studies. |
12626 | Counterargument – काउंटर तर्क | a claim or reason given following the opposition’s statement – विपक्ष के बयान के बाद दिया गया दावा या कारण | During the lawyer’s counterargument, she explained that her client was innocent of the crime claimed by the prosecutor because there was no evidence of his guilt. |
12627 | Pastoral – देहाती | pertaining to the country or to country folk – देश या देश के लोगों से संबंधित | The Smiths decided it would be better to raise their family in a pastoral area outside of the city. |
12628 | Filthy – गंदा | extremely dirty – बेहद गंदा | Because she never cleans her filthy home, the lazy housewife’s house is caked in dirt. |
12629 | Patio – आंगन | a paved outside space that is usually attached to the house – एक पक्का बाहरी स्थान जो आमतौर पर घर से जुड़ा होता है | During the garden party, the club members met on the patio to sip their lemonade and discuss the items on the meeting’s agenda. |
12630 | Arbor – कुंज | a garden structure on which plants and vines can grow – एक बगीचे की संरचना जिस पर पौधे और लताएँ उग सकती हैं | The engaged couple planned to marry under an arched arbor decorated with flowers and toile. |
12631 | Biopsy – बायोप्सी | the act of removing and examining cells, fluids, or tissue to identify medical conditions – चिकित्सीय स्थितियों की पहचान करने के लिए कोशिकाओं, तरल पदार्थों या ऊतकों को हटाने और उनकी जांच करने का कार्य | The doctor is going to perform a tissue biopsy to see if cancer is present in my lungs. |
12632 | Circumstance – परिस्थिति | a particular incident that influences another event – एक विशेष घटना जो दूसरी घटना को प्रभावित करती है | Under no circumstance will I allow my daughter to go to a party that is not supervised by an adult. |
12633 | Orgulous – ऑर्गुलस | proud and arrogant – अभिमानी और अभिमानी | At the company party, the snobbish analyst and her orgulous husband constantly bragged about their wealth. |
12634 | Reputable – सम्मानित | viewed as being reliable and trustworthy – विश्वसनीय और विश्वसनीय माना जाता है | If your credit history shows you’re not reputable, you won’t be interviewed for a position at the bank. |
12635 | Objective – उद्देश्य | that which is sought; a particular task or goal – जो खोजा गया है; कोई विशेष कार्य या लक्ष्य | The objective of my resume is to obtain a position in the company’s quality assurance department. |
12636 | Irate – क्रुद्ध | tremendously angry – अत्यधिक क्रोधित | Jim was irate when he found his wife in bed with another woman. |
12637 | Workload – कार्यभार | the amount of work that needs to be completed – कार्य की वह मात्रा जिसे पूरा करने की आवश्यकता है | As the students’ workload increases, they will lose more of their free time. |
12638 | Overstatement – जायदा बोलना | an exaggeration or overemphasis – अतिशयोक्ति या अत्यधिक बल देना | The president’s latest overstatement is just another example of his tendency to exaggerate. |
12639 | Situate – बैठाना | to place something – कुछ रखना | The seasoned gardener suggested I situate the plant that is sheltered with at least partial shade. |
12640 | Derp – डेरप | foolishness or stupidity – मूर्खता या मूर्खता | The foolish women continue their derp, arguing over something stupid in the middle of the bar. |
12641 | Seething – खदबदा | intensely hot; boiling with anger. – अत्यधिक गर्म; गुस्से से उबल रहा हूँ. | The cook dashed some salt into the kettle of seething water. |
12642 | Anchovy – Anchovy | a little fish that is popular as a food – एक छोटी मछली जो भोजन के रूप में लोकप्रिय है | No one wanted to order an anchovy pizza because they feared it would taste salty and fishy due to that topping. |
12643 | Sleuth – खोजी कुत्ता | a detective or investigator who solves mysteries – एक जासूस या अन्वेषक जो रहस्यों को सुलझाता है | Making a name for himself as a hard-hitting detective, the sleuth prides himself on being able to solve cold cases. |
12644 | Sylvan – वनीय | associated with a large number of trees or woods – बड़ी संख्या में पेड़ों या लकड़ियों से जुड़ा हुआ | We enjoy visiting the park because it is filled with trees and is the most sylvan area in our crowded city. |
12645 | Obscure – अस्पष्ट | relatively unknown – अपेक्षाकृत अज्ञात | The obscure writer was not known in the literary community. |
12646 | Generally – आम तौर पर | usually, In most cases – आमतौर पर, ज्यादातर मामलों में | Generally, we do not accept checks, but we will make an exception. |
12647 | Shift – बदलाव | to move from one place to another over a small distance – थोड़ी दूरी पर एक स्थान से दूसरे स्थान तक जाना | I had to shift my foot from where I had it in the sand because there was a pointy sea shell there that really hurt. |
12648 | Shrive – श्राइव | to gain absolution for ones sins – अपने पापों से मुक्ति पाने के लिए | After months of feeling guilty about the lies she told, the woman decided to shrive at the local cathedral. |
12649 | Virus – वायरस | tiny organisms that cause disease and must have a cell host to multiply – छोटे जीव जो बीमारी का कारण बनते हैं और उनकी संख्या बढ़ाने के लिए एक कोशिका मेजबान की आवश्यकता होती है | The virus is said to spread with time, causing the infected person to become sicker as the years go on. |
12650 | Piggyback – पिग्गीबैक | to take someone else’s thoughts or ideas and use them for your own benefit – किसी और के विचारों या विचारों को लेना और उन्हें अपने लाभ के लिए उपयोग करना | Because he didn’t have any project ideas of his own, Hector always had to piggyback off of the other group members’ thoughts. |
12651 | Contributor – योगदान देने वाला | someone or something that gives aid to a cause or goal – कोई व्यक्ति या वस्तु जो किसी कारण या लक्ष्य को सहायता देता है | I am a contributor to the charity that I support, giving it a significant monetary donation every month. |
12652 | Heretic – विधर्मी | someone who does not believe in the traditional religious ways – कोई व्यक्ति जो पारंपरिक धार्मिक तरीकों में विश्वास नहीं करता | During the late 1690s, a woman may be deemed a heretic or even a witch due to her unusual and unholy spiritual practices. |
12653 | Geography – भूगोल | the nature and relative arrangement of places and physical features – स्थानों और भौतिक विशेषताओं की प्रकृति और सापेक्ष व्यवस्था | Jessica’s knowledge of geography was so terrible that she thought China was next to Mexico. |
12654 | Superior – बेहतर | higher in rank or quality; excellent – पद या गुणवत्ता में उच्चतर; उत्कृष्ट | Due to his superior scientific skills, MacKenzie could make his way out of any predicament. |
12655 | Fortunate – भाग्यशाली | coming by good luck or favorable chance – अच्छे भाग्य या अनुकूल अवसर से आ रहा है | Grace was fortunate that she arrived home before the oven caught fire. |
12656 | Tenterhook – टेंटरहुक | a hook used to fasten cloth to a drying frame – एक हुक जिसका उपयोग कपड़े को सूखने वाले ढाँचे में बाँधने के लिए किया जाता है | Any hook that you use to hang up wet clothes to air dry can be identified as a tenterhook, though this method is rarely used anymore. |
12657 | Lively – जीवंत | active; full of energy – सक्रिय; ऊर्जा से भरा हुआ | The lively children came barreling down the hallway. |
12658 | Emptiness – शून्यता | the state of containing nothing – कुछ भी न रखने की अवस्था | After all of her children left home, the mother felt a sense of emptiness in her lonely heart. |
12659 | Compound – मिश्रण | a thing that is composed of two or more separate parts – वह चीज़ जो दो या दो से अधिक अलग-अलग भागों से बनी हो | The compound sentence was made of two different phrases. |
12660 | Fratricide – भ्रातृघातक | the act of one sibling taking another sibling’s life – एक भाई द्वारा दूसरे भाई की जान लेने का कृत्य | The prince engaged in fratricide so he could eliminate his brothers and ascend to the throne. |
12661 | Reviewed – समीक्षित | to be examined or assessed – जांच या मूल्यांकन किया जाना | A student’s performance is regularly reviewed and presented to their parents in the form of a report card. |
12662 | Greedy – लालची | showing a selfish desire for more of something – किसी चीज़ से अधिक पाने की स्वार्थी इच्छा दिखाना | The greedy billionaire had plenty of money but still stole from anyone who could increase his wealth. |
12663 | Vibrant – जीवंत | bright and strong; energetic – उज्ज्वल और मजबूत; शक्तिशाली | With a vibrant burst of vigor, the marathon runner shot to the finish line and claimed the prize. |
12664 | Sidebar – साइड बार | a short conversation during the court case with the lawyers and judge without the jury hearing it – अदालती मामले के दौरान जूरी की सुनवाई के बिना वकीलों और जज के साथ एक छोटी सी बातचीत | During the sidebar, the prosecutor whispered to the judge his reasoning for needing to include the evidence followed by the defense’s argument against it. |
12665 | Engine – इंजन | something that is the force or impetus of a process – कुछ ऐसा जो किसी प्रक्रिया की शक्ति या प्रेरणा हो | The tank is our preferred engine of destruction when our country goes to war on the ground. |
12666 | Flocculent – गुम्फेदार | fluffy, wool-like appearance – फूला हुआ, ऊन जैसा दिखना | The Pomeranian was so flocculent that is resembled a fluffy cotton ball. |
12667 | Exposition – प्रदर्शनी | the action of putting something out to public view; for example, in a display or show – किसी चीज़ को जनता के सामने रखने की क्रिया; उदाहरण के लिए, किसी डिस्प्ले या शो में | We attended a Business to Business exposition, where exhibitors displayed their products and services to attract other companies. |
12668 | Sanctimonious – पाखंडी | pretending to be better than others on a moral level – नैतिक स्तर पर दूसरों से बेहतर होने का दिखावा करना | Even though the minister had been arrested for shoplifting, he still had the nerve to act sanctimonious in front of the congregation. |
12669 | Ambivert – उभयमुखी | someone that possesses both extroverted and introverted qualities – कोई ऐसा व्यक्ति जिसमें बहिर्मुखी और अंतर्मुखी दोनों गुण हों | John is an ambivert that likes to go to parties but also enjoys having his alone time. |
12670 | Penitentiary – जेल | an area where individuals who have committed major crimes are imprisoned – एक ऐसा क्षेत्र जहां बड़े अपराध करने वाले व्यक्तियों को कैद किया जाता है | My brother is a guard inside of a penitentiary that houses traitors, military spies, and the like. |
12671 | Convulsion – ऐंठन | a sudden and uncontrollable movement of the body – शरीर की अचानक और अनियंत्रित गति | The man was wracked with a convulsion when his Parkinson’s kicked in, causing him to shake uncontrollably. |
12672 | Debutante – लोगों के सामने पहली उपस्थिति करनेवाली | a young upper-class woman who makes her first formal appearance in society – एक युवा उच्च वर्ग की महिला जो समाज में अपनी पहली औपचारिक उपस्थिति दर्ज कराती है | The debutante teenager spent an enormous amount of money on a dress that she planned to wear only one time. |
12673 | Harried – परेशान | excessively busy – अत्यधिक व्यस्त | We had to remind our harried waitress to bring our check. |
12674 | Relevancy – प्रासंगिकता | the connectedness or appropriateness of a situation – किसी स्थिति की संबद्धता या उपयुक्तता | The attorney questioned the relevancy of the opposing council’s queries and insisted they weren’t connected to the case. |
12675 | Consultant – सलाहकार | someone, usually a professional, who gives advice on a particular subject – कोई व्यक्ति, आमतौर पर एक पेशेवर, जो किसी विशेष विषय पर सलाह देता है | We hired a lawyer as a consultant for our case since we have no legal experience of our own. |
12676 | Unto – पर्यत | an old form of the word “to” – “टू” शब्द का एक पुराना रूप | Do unto others as you would like them to do unto you. |
12677 | Vexatious – अफ़सोसनाक | annoying; irritating – कष्टप्रद; चिड़चिड़ा | The man was a vexatious litigant who brought lawsuits before the court only to irritate the judge. |
12678 | Retire – रिटायर | to withdraw from a place – किसी स्थान से हटना | After several hours of drinking and socializing, the debutante decided to retire to her bedroom. |
12679 | Slogan – नारा | a short noticeable motto for marketing a product or service – किसी उत्पाद या सेवा के विपणन के लिए एक संक्षिप्त ध्यान देने योग्य आदर्श वाक्य | Once people started to remember the catchy slogan of the company’s popular frozen foods, this product’s sales increased. |
12680 | Compromise – समझौता | an arrangement reached when two parties agree to make allowances – एक व्यवस्था तब बनती है जब दो पक्ष भत्ते देने पर सहमत होते हैं | In a monetary compromise, the debtor agreed to pay the bill in full if the lender gave him a payment plan. |
12681 | Entomology – कीटविज्ञान | a subset of science that focuses on the broad topic of insects – विज्ञान का एक उपसमूह जो कीड़ों के व्यापक विषय पर केंद्रित है | Since I’m not a fan of insects, I’m not looking forward to taking the entomology class. |
12682 | Dishonor – अपमान | to defame or humiliate – बदनाम करना या अपमानित करना | Marrying someone outside of their religion would dishonor the young man’s family, so he married a Jewish girl to stay in his family’s good graces. |
12683 | Nebulous – अस्पष्ट | Unclear, vague; not clearly defined – अस्पष्ट, अस्पष्ट; स्पष्ट रूप से परिभाषित नहीं | After the car accident, his memories were quite nebulous. |
12684 | Superable – अति उत्तम | capable of overcoming adversity – विपरीत परिस्थितियों पर विजय पाने में सक्षम | Suzy is a very superable person, nothing can stop her. |
12685 | Cabalistic – गूढ़ार्थक | of or relating to a cabal; secretive and cliquish – या किसी गुट से संबंधित; गुप्त और क्लिकिश | In earlier generations, cabalistic studies flourished in Eastern Europe, especially amongst the Hasidic Jewish population. |
12686 | Holistically – समग्र रूप से | relating to the whole of something or the total system instead of just to its parts – किसी चीज़ या संपूर्ण प्रणाली के बजाय केवल उसके भागों से संबंधित | The doctor believes in treating the body holistically, focusing not just on the physical part but mental and spiritual as well. |
12687 | Acquired – अधिग्रहीत | obtained; gained – प्राप्त किया; प्राप्त की | When his grandparents died, Leo acquired twenty acres of their farmland and a few residential properties as well. |
12688 | Moisture – नमी | a very small amount of liquid that gives off the feeling of wetness – बहुत कम मात्रा में तरल पदार्थ जो गीलेपन का अहसास कराता है | Moisture sensors are able to turn the vapor sensitive system on when it rains. |
12689 | Undo – पूर्ववत | to reserve or cancel – आरक्षित करना या रद्द करना | I tried to undo my typing mistake, but couldn’t get it to reverse. |
12690 | Numerator – मीटर | the top number of a fraction – भिन्न की शीर्ष संख्या | If you divide the numerator by the denominator, you will be able to determine the percentage of something. |
12691 | Bemire – बेमायर | coated or dirtied by dirt or mud – गंदगी या कीचड़ से लेपित या गंदा किया हुआ | The young child seemed unaware that trampling through the big mud puddles with her new shoes would bemire them from the puddles’ muck. |
12692 | Coeval – समवयस्क | similar in age or length of time – उम्र या समय की लंबाई में समान | Once Jenny and I realized our parties were coeval, I decided to host my event on another day. |
12693 | Inviting – आमंत्रित | attractive and appealing – आकर्षक और आकर्षक | An inviting sign was placed outside of the boutique to encourage window shoppers to come inside and look. |
12694 | Allergy – एलर्जी | sensitivity or the response from someone’s body to something like pollen or another substance – पराग या किसी अन्य पदार्थ जैसी किसी चीज़ के प्रति संवेदनशीलता या किसी के शरीर की प्रतिक्रिया | Tiffany’s allergy to pollen required her to mainly stay indoors during the spring or risk having watery eyes and a cough. |
12695 | Malevolent – द्रोही | wishing harm to others; malicious – दूसरों का अहित चाहना; दुर्भावनापूर्ण | Being eating alive by demons is quite a malevolent dream for a child to have! |
12696 | Imagine – कल्पना करना | to visualize or see a picture of something in one’s mind – किसी के मन में किसी चीज़ की कल्पना या चित्र देखना | When I’m sad, I close my eyes and imagine happier times to lift my spirits. |
12697 | Whammy – मार झेलना | a situation where two unpleasant things happen at the same time – ऐसी स्थिति जहां एक ही समय में दो अप्रिय चीजें घटित होती हैं | The death of her father and mother within a few days was quite a whammy for Janice. |
12698 | Behoof – मुनाफा | benefit or advantage – लाभ या फ़ायदा | A parent forces their child to eat the vegetables they don’t like to behoof them, so they can grow up strong and healthy. |
12699 | Gallant – वीर | fearless and daring – निडर और साहसी | Despite being outnumbered the gallant soldiers were eager for battle. |
12700 | Sterile – बाँझ | free from bacteria or other living microorganisms – बैक्टीरिया या अन्य जीवित सूक्ष्मजीवों से मुक्त | Running lukewarm water over the dirty dishes won’t make them sterile since tepid liquids do not kill germs. |
12701 | Invisibility – अदर्शन | the inability to be seen – देखने में असमर्थता | Donning an invisibility cloak, the shadowy figure was able to sneak through the crowd without being seen at all. |
12702 | Slope – ढलान | a surface that has one end that is higher than the other – ऐसी सतह जिसका एक सिरा दूसरे से ऊँचा हो | The children slid their sled from the top of the hill to the bottom, laughing as they zoomed down the slope. |
12703 | Analysis – विश्लेषण | the breaking down of something complex into smaller elements so it can be evaluated – किसी जटिल चीज़ को छोटे तत्वों में तोड़ना ताकि उसका मूल्यांकन किया जा सके | The sheriff was impatient as he waited for the analysis of the fingerprints. |
12704 | Asphyxiation – asphyxiation | the act of restricting oxygen to the brain in someone or something – किसी व्यक्ति या वस्तु के मस्तिष्क तक ऑक्सीजन को सीमित करने की क्रिया | Due to the red marks around her neck and her pale blue skin, the medical examiner determined that the woman died of asphyxiation. |
12705 | Decent – शालीन | modest or proper – मामूली या उचित | Searching for a decent prom dress was difficult since most of the gowns showed way too much skin. |
12706 | Bafflement – व्याकुलता | a state of confusion or disarray – भ्रम या अव्यवस्था की स्थिति | The man was left in bafflement when he witnessed something he couldn’t explain occur on the side of the road. |
12707 | Monastic – मठवासी | relating to monks, nuns, or others who live a secluded life – भिक्षुओं, ननों या एकांत जीवन जीने वाले अन्य लोगों से संबंधित | For the new monks who had recently joined the monastery, the monastic lifestyle was quite shocking. |
12708 | Flower – फूल | the part of a plant that develops into a seed or fruit – पौधे का वह भाग जो विकसित होकर बीज या फल बनता है | Snails like to munch on plant parts such as orchid flower spikes and buds. |
12709 | Heed – सावधानी | to mind someone’s advice or suggestion – किसी की सलाह या सुझाव पर ध्यान देना | My sister is always in need of cash because she is unwilling to heed my financial advice. |
12710 | Nullify – मंसूख़ | make of no use or value; cancel out – जिसका कोई उपयोग या मूल्य न हो; रद्द कर | Hopefully the coffee will nullify the drowsy effects of the medication and allow me to stay awake. |
12711 | Indefinite – अनिश्चितकालीन | lasting for an unspecified or unknown amount/length of time – किसी अनिर्दिष्ट या अज्ञात मात्रा/लंबाई तक चलने वाला | The restaurant’s closing is indefinite since no one knows if or when the diner will open its doors again. |
12712 | Emerged – उभरा | came out of hiding or into view – छुपकर या सामने आ गया | Several deer emerged, coming out into the clearing to eat some of the meadow grass. |
12713 | Fuliginous – फुलिगिनस | sooty; smoky – कालिखयुक्त; धुँआधार | Smog has caused many of the high-rises in the city to be fuliginous. |
12714 | Sidereal – तारे के समान | relating to distant stars, planets, or constellations – दूर के तारों, ग्रहों या नक्षत्रों से संबंधित | The scientist’s calculations were based on sidereal time, which was related to the earth’s rotation around fixed planets. |
12715 | Modernize – आधुनिकीकरण | to make something up to date or more modern – किसी चीज़ को अद्यतित या अधिक आधुनिक बनाना | The house flippers have vowed to modernize the older home, decorating it with contemporary furniture and new appliances in each room. |
12716 | Tie – बाँधना | to clasp or join two strings, fabric or other material together – दो डोरियों, कपड़े या अन्य सामग्री को एक साथ पकड़ना या जोड़ना | My four-year old niece learned how to tie her shoes so she might stop tripping on her loose shoelaces. |
12717 | Fresh – ताजा | to be new and clean without being dirty at all – बिल्कुल भी गंदा हुए बिना नया और स्वच्छ होना | Picking the fresh vegetables from the garden, the wife decided to make a stew because it would taste delicious since the veggies came straight off the vines. |
12718 | Much – अधिकता | a great amount – एक बड़ी रकम | Much of the island is completely covered by forests, with only a few areas being developed. |
12719 | Regalia – इनाम | special clothes and decorations, used at official ceremonies or occasions – आधिकारिक समारोहों या अवसरों पर उपयोग किए जाने वाले विशेष कपड़े और सजावट | The Veterans Day parade included many members of the military in their regalia. |
12720 | Idiomatic – मुहावरेदार | a phrase that is specific to a particular language or time period – एक वाक्यांश जो किसी विशेष भाषा या समय अवधि के लिए विशिष्ट है | My grandmother loves idiomatic phrases like the pot calling the kettle black. |
12721 | Ceasefire – संघर्ष विराम | an agreement between two warring factions to stop fighting – लड़ाई रोकने के लिए दो युद्धरत गुटों के बीच एक समझौता | When it was obvious they he had no chance to win World War Two, the Nazis agreed to a ceasefire, ending the war on the European front. |
12722 | Happiness – ख़ुशी | pleasure; joy – आनंद; आनंद | Happiness exuded from the new bride’s face as she enjoyed her wedding day festivities. |
12723 | Bigot – कट्टर व्यक्रित | a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices – ऐसा व्यक्ति जो अपनी राय और पूर्वाग्रहों के प्रति हठपूर्वक या असहिष्णुता से समर्पित है | Elaine is a racist bigot who refuses to speak to anyone of a different race. |
12724 | Particular – विशिष्ट | certain or distinct – निश्चित या विशिष्ट | The children paid particular attention when the teacher began explaining what would be on the next big exam. |
12725 | Encase – डिब्बे में बंद करना | to cover something in a case or close-fitting surroundings – किसी मामले या निकट-फिटिंग परिवेश में किसी चीज़ को कवर करना | The foil was used to completely encase the meat before it was put in a pan and placed in the oven. |
12726 | Shoddy – तुच्छ | not done or made well – ठीक से नहीं किया गया या बनाया गया | The shoddy porch collapsed one day after it was built. |
12727 | Chastise – दंड देना | to criticize someone harshly for doing something wrong – कुछ गलत करने पर किसी की कठोर आलोचना करना | If you bully someone in Mrs. Marshall’s class, she will chastise you and keep you after school. |
12728 | Yearning – तड़प | desiring; longing for something – चाहना; किसी चीज़ की लालसा | The dieter is yearning for a big bowl of ice cream, but she refuses to give in to her cravings. |
12729 | Tailspin – टेलस्पिन | taking a decline or becoming uncontrollable – गिरावट लेना या बेकाबू हो जाना | Once someone got a fever hundreds of years ago, it could take a tailspin to death due to lack of medicine. |
12730 | Stoppage – रुकना | an instance of something being halted – किसी चीज़ के रुकने का उदाहरण | The stoppage on the highway was caused by a traffic accident that kept everyone from moving forward and getting to work. |
12731 | Verdict – निर्णय | a decision made after much consideration – बहुत सोच-विचार के बाद लिया गया निर्णय | In accordance with the verdict of all five panelists, Sally was crowned the spelling bee champion. |
12732 | Ointment – मलहम | a cream rubbed on the skin for medicinal purposes – औषधीय प्रयोजनों के लिए त्वचा पर मलने वाली क्रीम | Antibiotic ointment was applied to the wound to keep bacteria at bay. |
12733 | Distant – दूरस्थ | far enough away to be out of immediate reach – इतनी दूर कि तत्काल पहुंच से बाहर हो | I wanted to change the channel, but the remote was just distant enough that I would have to get up to grab it, and I didn’t want to move. |
12734 | Uniformity – वर्दी | the state of overall sameness or being identical in every way – समग्र समानता या हर प्रकार से एक समान होने की अवस्था या भाव | Uniformity between the twins’ clothes made it to where even their own parents couldn’t tell them apart. |
12735 | Evildoer – कुकर्मी | a person who does wicked and evil things – वह व्यक्ति जो दुष्ट और बुरे कार्य करता हो | As an evildoer, the wicked witch spent most of her day mixing up powerful potions and sinister spells. |
12736 | Heliograph – हेलीओग्राफ़ | a device for telegraphing that uses sun’s rays flashed from a mirror to send signals – टेलीग्राफिंग के लिए एक उपकरण जो सिग्नल भेजने के लिए दर्पण से निकलने वाली सूर्य की किरणों का उपयोग करता है | During the 19th century, a heliograph was traditionally used to send sun-based signals over long distances. |
12737 | Molasses – गुड़ | thick, brown syrup that is separated from raw sugar – गाढ़ा, भूरा सिरप जो कच्ची चीनी से अलग किया जाता है | In some recipes, syrupy molasses can be substituted for sugar since they both have a sweet flavor. |
12738 | Colloquy – आम बोलचाल | a serious chat or conversation – एक गंभीर बातचीत या वार्तालाप | From my bedroom, I could hear portions of my parents’ colloquy about my poor grades. |
12739 | Herewith – की मदद से | with this letter or communication – इस पत्र या संचार के साथ | The applicant enclosed her resume herewith the cover letter in an envelope for a position at the local accounting firm. |
12740 | Clingy – चिपकने वाला | something or someone that is likely to stick, catch, or otherwise be stuck to something – कोई चीज़ या कोई ऐसा व्यक्ति जिसके चिपक जाने, पकड़ने या अन्यथा किसी चीज़ से चिपक जाने की संभावना हो | My dog is extremely clingy, refusing to leave my side no matter where I go, including the bathroom. |
12741 | Emotionality – भावावेश | refers to the extent to which someone expresses or experiences emotions – यह दर्शाता है कि कोई व्यक्ति किस हद तक भावनाओं को व्यक्त या अनुभव करता है | The politician’s speech was criticized for its lack of emotionality and authenticity. |
12742 | Common Sense – व्यावहारिक बुद्धि | referring to common practical knowledge and wisdom – सामान्य व्यावहारिक ज्ञान और बुद्धिमत्ता का जिक्र | Rocket science may be intellectual knowledge, but knowing not to touch a hot stovetop is just common sense. |
12743 | Blaring – चिल्लाना | to make or cause sound to play loudly – जोर से ध्वनि उत्पन्न करना या बजाना | With siren blaring, the fire truck raced off noisily into the night |
12744 | Complained – शिकायत की | the act of having expressed dissatisfaction with something – किसी बात पर असंतोष व्यक्त करने की क्रिया | A customer complained to me at work about the state of the store, but all I could say was that it wasn’t my department. |
12745 | Unguent – मरहम | a greasy salve that is used to heal wounds – एक चिकना मरहम जिसका उपयोग घावों को ठीक करने के लिए किया जाता है | Rubbing the unguent across the patient’s wound, the nurse hoped the salve would speed up the healing. |
12746 | Protoplasm – पुरस | an outdated term for the clear, fluid like substance that forms the living content of all animal or plant cells – स्पष्ट, तरल पदार्थ जैसे पदार्थ के लिए एक पुराना शब्द जो सभी जानवरों या पौधों की कोशिकाओं की जीवित सामग्री बनाता है | Scientifically speaking, protoplasm is the living contents of a cell surrounded by a plasma membrane. |
12747 | Aptness – उपयुक्तता | being suitable or right for something – किसी चीज़ के लिए उपयुक्त या सही होना | Michael’s long legs given him an aptness for being a good track athlete. |
12748 | Wake – जागो | to emerge from a state of sleep – नींद की अवस्था से बाहर आना | The alarm clock wasn’t set for the right time, so it didn’t wake the CEO up for work this morning. |
12749 | Accounted – जिम्मेदार | considered or regarded – माना या माना हुआ | The inflation of the economy has been accounted for, and you will be paid a proper amount for your work. |
12750 | Station – स्टेशन | a location where a particular service is based – वह स्थान जहाँ कोई विशेष सेवा आधारित हो | If you wish to board a train you will probably have to go to the train station. |
12751 | Automation – स्वचालन | the process of making a machine or system work without having to be controlled by a person – किसी मशीन या सिस्टम को किसी व्यक्ति द्वारा नियंत्रित किए बिना काम करने की प्रक्रिया | Automation of the cotton picking process through the creation of the cotton gen changed the south forever. |
12752 | Facinate – सम्मोहित करना | to capture interest or attention – रुचि या ध्यान आकर्षित करने के लिए | The street performer’s remarkable magic routine was interesting enough to fascinate the onlookers. |
12753 | Strenuous – ज़ोरदार | requiring a lot of effort – बहुत अधिक प्रयास की आवश्यकता है | Writing a novel under a tight deadline is a very strenuous task. |
12754 | Mead – घास का मैदान | an alcoholic drink made of fermented honey and water – किण्वित शहद और पानी से बना एक मादक पेय | Mead other alcoholic drinks were served at the bar after having been fermented deep down in the cellar. |
12755 | Forsake – त्यागना | to give up or abandon – छोड़ देना या छोड़ देना | Jane has decided to forsake her participation in basketball until she improves her grades. |
12756 | Subversion – विनाश | the act of trying to destroy a government or system – किसी सरकार या व्यवस्था को नष्ट करने की कोशिश करने की क्रिया | Police officers were dispatched to the streets in an attempt to stop the subversion carried out by the rioting crowd. |
12757 | Bondage – दासता | slavery, servitude – गुलामी, दासता | In bondage to his debt, the graduate felt like a slave as he worked to pay off his student loans. |
12758 | Arrogant – अभिमानी | one who rudely acts as though he is better than other people – जो अशिष्टता से ऐसा व्यवहार करता है मानो वह अन्य लोगों से बेहतर है | The arrogant young man quickly discounted his friends’ suggestions. |
12759 | Vilify – गाली देना | to utter slanderous and abusive statements against – के विरुद्ध निंदनीय और अपमानजनक बयान देना | Halle’s husband tried to vilify her during their child custody battle. |
12760 | Replicate – दोहराने | to make an exact copy of something – किसी चीज़ की सटीक प्रतिलिपि बनाना | Students in the art class were asked to replicate Van Gogh’s Starry Night and make an exact copy of the piece. |
12761 | Graze – धीरे से छूना | to scratch the surface of something – किसी चीज़ की सतह को खरोंचना | Thankful that the bullet was only able to graze his chest, the police officer took off after the suspect. |
12762 | Sweat – पसीना | to excrete drops of a salty liquid from the skin, especially when hot or when working strenuously – त्वचा से नमकीन तरल की बूंदें निकालना, खासकर गर्म होने पर या ज़ोरदार काम करने पर | After working for hours in the noon-day sun, the farmer began to sweat huge puddles from his armpits. |
12763 | Stepped – कदम रखा | moved one’s feet in an up and down motion in order to walk – चलने के लिए अपने पैरों को ऊपर-नीचे हिलाना | The scared woman stepped quickly, hurrying out of the dark alleyway and into the busy street. |
12764 | Discrete – अलग | separate; distinct; individual – अलग करना; विशिष्ट; व्यक्ति | Brown and white rice are two discrete varieties. |
12765 | Distilled – आसुत | purified or filtered to get rid of contaminants – दूषित पदार्थों से छुटकारा पाने के लिए शुद्ध या फ़िल्टर किया गया | Aquafina claims that their distilled product is purer and safer than regular tap water. |
12766 | Distend – तान देना | to become larger from internal pressure – आंतरिक दबाव से बड़ा हो जाना | Because she was pregnant, her stomach began to distend as the baby grew. |
12767 | Inserted – सम्मिलित किया गया | added; included – जोड़ा गया; शामिल | Ella inserted a DVD into the disc player and waited for the movie she put in to play. |
12768 | Divisible – भाज्य | able to be divided or split apart – विभाजित या विभाजित होने में सक्षम | The math teacher explained that the number 10 is divisible by 2, but cannot be split by three equally. |
12769 | Conclusive – निर्णयात्मक | offering a conclusion – एक निष्कर्ष प्रस्तुत करना | According to the detectives, there is no conclusive evidence that links the suspect to the crime. |
12770 | Pike – पाइक | a road where one must pay to drive on it – एक ऐसी सड़क जिस पर गाड़ी चलाने के लिए आपको भुगतान करना होगा | As my mother first entered the pike, she had to drive through a tollbooth in order to continue driving on it. |
12771 | Erected – निर्माण किया | constructed a structure – एक संरचना का निर्माण किया | The Mother Russia Statue was erected in 1967, making it the tallest in the world. |
12772 | Exploit – शोषण करना | to gain an advantage by doing something unethical – कुछ अनैतिक कार्य करके लाभ प्राप्त करना | For hefty paychecks, the paparazzi were willing to exploit the grieving widow at her husband’s funeral. |
12773 | Sternum – उरास्थि | a bone located down the center of a human’s chest that is attached to the rib cage – मनुष्य की छाती के मध्य में स्थित एक हड्डी जो पसली के पिंजरे से जुड़ी होती है | Since Andy wasn’t wearing a seatbelt during the car accident, his sternum was fractured from being thrown against the steering wheel. |
12774 | Aggregation – एकत्रीकरण | the act of things coming together to form a cluster – चीज़ों के एक साथ आकर एक समूह बनाने की क्रिया | The aggregation of the ant colony on the pile of sugar quickly covered the white powder in black. |
12775 | Continual – निरंतर | happening over and over again – बार-बार हो रहा है | Continual calls from bill collectors led the irritated woman to change her phone number. |
12776 | Talmud – तल्मूड | a book that is sometimes used in correlation with the Torah that consists of accounts of rabbis through a number of centuries and detailed descriptions of commandments that lay the foundation of Jewish faith – एक किताब जिसे कभी-कभी टोरा के साथ सहसंबंध में उपयोग किया जाता है जिसमें कई शताब्दियों के रब्बियों के विवरण और यहूदी विश्वास की नींव रखने वाली आज्ञाओं का विस्तृत विवरण शामिल है। | Rabbi’s often refer to the Talmud to reinforce their faith and become well versed in religious laws. |
12777 | Unrequited – अनिष्ट | not given back – वापस नहीं दिया गया | I started to cry when I learned my love was unrequited. |
12778 | Termagant – लड़ाका | an argumentative female – एक तर्कशील महिला | Mark didn’t realize he’d married a termagant until his wife started to nag him daily. |
12779 | Underwhelming – underwhelming | disappointing, not impressive – निराशाजनक, प्रभावशाली नहीं | I was expecting the third movie in the trilogy to be amazing, but it was in fact very underwhelming. |
12780 | Hands down – हाथ नीचे करो | easily; without question – आसानी से; बिना सवाल के | We thought our team would win the game hands down, but it was much harder than expected. |
12781 | Permit – आज्ञा देना | to give authorization to do something – कुछ करने का अधिकार देना | My mother, in all of her graciousness, has decided to permit me to go to the party with my friends, even though my dad does not think I should. |
12782 | Used – इस्तेमाल किया गया | having already been owned or handled – पहले से ही स्वामित्व में या संभाला जा चुका है | Because she couldn’t afford a brand new vehicle, Hazel purchased a pre-owned one from the used car lot. |
12783 | Swill – खंगालना | a large mouthful of drink – पेय का एक बड़ा कौर | The thirsty man filled his entire mouth with a swill of water and guzzled it down as quickly as he could. |
12784 | Sanitary – सेनेटरी | to be clean and hygienic – साफ और स्वच्छ होना | After wiping the counter using a disinfectant spray, I knew the counter was sanitary for cutting vegetables. |
12785 | Understandable – बोधगम्य | something that is comprehensible, or able to be understood – कुछ ऐसा जो समझने योग्य हो, या समझने योग्य हो | Because I am very good at math, the complicated nature of calculus is still understandable to me, even though it is not to my classmates. |
12786 | Thoroughbred – शुद्धरक्त | used to refer to animals of a pure breed, though it is typically used for horses – इसका उपयोग शुद्ध नस्ल के जानवरों को संदर्भित करने के लिए किया जाता है, हालांकि इसका उपयोग आमतौर पर घोड़ों के लिए किया जाता है | A thoroughbred horse is born of two parents of the same breed, and has no blood from any other breed at all. |
12787 | Consecutive – लगातार | following, in succession, without interruption – अनुसरण करना, क्रम से, बिना किसी रुकावट के | I’d like to book a hotel room for two consecutive days, starting on Friday, January 12th and ending on Saturday, January 13th. |
12788 | Polychromatic – अनेक रंगों का | having many colors – अनेक रंगों वाला | Using my array of chalks, I created a polychromatic artwork on the sidewalk for everyone to enjoy. |
12789 | Annul – रद्द | to officially make something invalid – किसी चीज़ को आधिकारिक तौर पर अमान्य बनाना | After the actress tied the knot with a stranger in Mexico, she was persuaded by her manager to annul the marriage. |
12790 | Joshing – जोशिंग | joking or kidding – मज़ाक कर रहा हूँ या मज़ाक कर रहा हूँ | Even though Gunther claimed to be joshing, his words were cruel and really hurt Oscar’s feelings. |
12791 | Retrograde – पतित | reverting backwards – पीछे की ओर लौटना | The stroke caused the teenager to make a retrograde fall into his childhood behaviors. |
12792 | Ostentatious – दिखावटी | intended to attract notice and impress others in an extreme and unnecessary way – अत्यधिक और अनावश्यक तरीके से ध्यान आकर्षित करने और दूसरों को प्रभावित करने का इरादा है | I tried to tell Mary her fur coat was a bit too ostentatious to be worn at a funeral! |
12793 | Crag – ग्रीवा | a steep rock or cliff – खड़ी चट्टान या चट्टान | At the top of the mountain, a jagged crag jutted out over the coastline. |
12794 | Slimy – घिनौना | covered in or having a moist, soft, and slippery surface that is usually considered gross or repulsive – गीली, मुलायम और फिसलन भरी सतह से ढका हुआ या ऐसी सतह जिसे आमतौर पर स्थूल या प्रतिकारक माना जाता है | The slimy frog felt cool and moist to the touch when being held by the curious children. |
12795 | Ululation – धूम | a howling or wailing sound produced to express an emotion, especially grief – किसी भावना, विशेषकर दुःख को व्यक्त करने के लिए उत्पन्न होने वाली चिल्लाने या रोने की ध्वनि | Letting out a loud, high-pitched ululation, the deceased woman’s daughter continued to wail over her casket. |
12796 | Forced – मजबूर | obtained or imposed not by free will but by physical power or threats – स्वतंत्र इच्छा से नहीं बल्कि शारीरिक शक्ति या धमकी से प्राप्त या थोपा गया | Although the children did not want to go to bed, their exhausted parents forced them to lay down and go to sleep. |
12797 | Viscid – चिपचिपा | sticky; gooey – चिपचिपा; भावुक | Creating a viscid cake with caramel, the chef enjoyed making the ooey-gooey treat. |
12798 | Appellation – पदवी | a term or title by which a person or thing is identified – एक शब्द या उपाधि जिससे किसी व्यक्ति या वस्तु की पहचान की जाती है | Because there is no appellation on the product, consumers are confused about the brand’s name. |
12799 | Contemplating – विचार | carefully thinking about something – किसी चीज़ के बारे में ध्यानपूर्वक सोचना | After seeing his girlfriend’s offensive text, he was contemplating a breakup. |
12800 | Pleasanter – सुखद | more friendly or agreeable than something else – किसी अन्य चीज़ की तुलना में अधिक मैत्रीपूर्ण या सहमत होना | Mrs. Hart is the pleasanter of the two teachers, but Mrs. Clark is friendly as well. |
12801 | Extradite – अपराधी देना | to send an individual accused of a crime back to the area in which the crime took place – किसी अपराध के आरोपी व्यक्ति को उस क्षेत्र में वापस भेजना जहां अपराध हुआ था | Because so many countries wanted to prosecute the woman, it was difficult to decide where to extradite her. |
12802 | Impermeable – अभेद्य | not allowing substances to pass through – पदार्थों को गुजरने नहीं देना | The impermeable rain coat kept water from ruining the woman’s cashmere sweater. |
12803 | Horde – भीड़ | a sizable group of people – लोगों का एक बड़ा समूह | The store owner was unprepared for the horde of consumers who rushed into his store. |
12804 | Tick – सही का निशान लगाना | a strong brief sound usually heard from a timepiece – एक तेज़ संक्षिप्त ध्वनि जो आमतौर पर घड़ी से सुनी जाती है | Since I am a light sleeper, I could hear the tick of the old alarm clock all night, so I got a new digital clock. |
12805 | Pout – एक प्रकार की मछली | to push one’s lips out to show irritation or annoyance – जलन या झुंझलाहट दिखाने के लिए अपने होठों को बाहर निकालना | The toddler continued to pout and poke out her lips when her mother wouldn’t give her candy. |
12806 | Enduring – टिके रहते हुए | lasting for an extended period – विस्तारित अवधि तक चलने वाला | The warm weather lover has trouble enduring the cold, even after several years living up north. |
12807 | Summation – योग | a summary – एक सारांश | The financial report provided a general summation of the hospital’s expenditures for the past year. |
12808 | Husband – पति | the male partner of a married human relationship – विवाहित मानवीय रिश्ते का पुरुष साथी | On their wedding day, Kevin became Sarah’s husband after dating for two and a half years. |
12809 | Raft – बेड़ा | a flat floating structure for travelling across water that is often made from wood or logs tiled together – पानी में यात्रा करने के लिए एक सपाट तैरती हुई संरचना जो अक्सर लकड़ी या लट्ठों को एक साथ टाइल करके बनाई जाती है | The castaway used logs and vine to create a raft that he hoped would help him get off the island. |
12810 | Equipment – उपकरण | items (tools, buildings, etc.) that are used to complete a particular task – वस्तुएँ (उपकरण, भवन, आदि) जिनका उपयोग किसी विशेष कार्य को पूरा करने के लिए किया जाता है | The farmer gathered all of his equipment and set out to finish his plowing before the sun went down. |
12811 | Reticence – अल्पभाषिता | the quality of being reserved or uncommunicative – आरक्षित या संचारहीन होने का गुण | The shy wallflower’s reticence kept her from talking to anyone at the school dance. |
12812 | Minim – अत्यल्प आकार का प्राणी | a single drop of liquid – तरल की एक बूंद | While they were surrounded by the ocean, the wayward sailors could not drink a minim of it safely. |
12813 | Friend – दोस्त | a person who you like or enjoy spending time with – एक ऐसा व्यक्ति जिसे आप पसंद करते हैं या जिसके साथ समय बिताना आपको अच्छा लगता है | The girl invited her friend to a sleepover so that they could play games and have a pillow fight. |
12814 | Rack – रैक | a stand or shelf used to hold or hang things – चीजों को रखने या लटकाने के लिए इस्तेमाल किया जाने वाला स्टैंड या शेल्फ | A shoe rack and several small cubbies lined the walls of the classroom. |
12815 | Racial – जातीय | related to race or ethnicity – नस्ल या जातीयता से संबंधित | Racial jokes aimed at Hispanics offended the mostly Mexican audience. |
12816 | Attribute – गुण | a characteristic of something – किसी चीज़ की एक विशेषता | If you want to be a nurse, being compassionate is one attribute you should have. |
12817 | Transpiration – स्वेद | the process in which plants absorb water and then give off water vapor through pores in their leaves – वह प्रक्रिया जिसमें पौधे पानी को अवशोषित करते हैं और फिर अपनी पत्तियों के छिद्रों के माध्यम से जलवाष्प छोड़ते हैं | Plant roots absorb and release moisture from the ground during transpiration. |
12818 | Notoriety – बदनामी | being known for something bad – किसी बुरी चीज़ के लिए जाना जाना | The notoriety of violence in the downtown area keeps many tourists from visiting that part of the city. |
12819 | Turn down – अस्वीकार करें | to reject or decline something – किसी चीज़ को अस्वीकार या अस्वीकार करना | The candidate decided to turn down the job offer because the pay was much too low to consider. |
12820 | Pertain – संबद्ध होना | related or connected to the subject being referenced – संदर्भित विषय से संबंधित या जुड़ा हुआ | The statistics found in the study pertain to the relationship between coffee drinking and poor sleep habits. |
12821 | Viscous – चिपचिपा | having the characteristics of being sticky and/or thick and slow to move – चिपचिपा और/या गाढ़ा होने और चलने में धीमा होने की विशेषताएं होना | It seemed to take forever for the viscous cough medicine to come out of the bottle. |
12822 | Awful – भयंकर | horrible; terrible – भयंकर; भयानक | An awful plague took over the city and thousands of people died from the sickness. |
12823 | Methodical – व्यवस्थित | in an ordered manner – क्रमबद्ध तरीके से | My husband is very organized and has a methodical approach for doing every task. |
12824 | Wickedness – दुष्टता | evilness that is morally wrong or harmful – दुष्टता जो नैतिक रूप से गलत या हानिकारक है | A sense of wickedness filled the witch’s castle, and her evilness could be felt throughout each room. |
12825 | Slam – स्लैम | to shut something loudly and with great force – किसी चीज़ को ज़ोर से और बड़ी ताकत से बंद करना | When he is angry, grant likes to slam his bedroom door so hard that the walls shake. |
12826 | Diffidence – संशय | the state of being timid or shy; not confident – डरपोक या शर्मीला होने की अवस्था; आश्वस्त नहीं | You shouldn’t be so diffidence about your achievements when you’ve done very well. |
12827 | Reliance – भरोसा | dependence on help or support – सहायता या सहायता पर निर्भरता | Because he didn’t have a job, his reliance for money was on his parents. |
12828 | Long Overdue – लंबे समय से अपेक्षित | referring to something that should to have happened a long time ago – किसी ऐसी चीज़ का जिक्र करना जो बहुत पहले घटित हो जानी चाहिए थी | The payment for our insurance is long overdue, and we are going to have to pay an extra fine since we are half a month late. |
12829 | Disencumber – भारमुक्ति | to relieve of a burden – एक बोझ से छुटकारा पाने के लिए | We have to disencumber my dad’s truck, carrying all of the goods we picked up at the store out of the bed. |
12830 | Laden – लादेन | weighed down by a large amount – बड़ी मात्रा में वजन कम किया गया | The party table is laden with assorted snacks and beverages. |
12831 | Carved – खुदी हुई | cut into with a knife – चाकू से काटें | Using a sharp kitchen knife, the chef carved the turkey into thin slices. |
12832 | Attest – यह प्रमाणित करते हैं | to uphold something as real or true – किसी चीज़ को वास्तविक या सच्चा मानना | As any police officer can attest, driving while texting is not safe. |
12833 | Proceeded – रवाना | went forward; began or continued to – आगे बढ़ गया; शुरू हुआ या जारी रहा | The detective proceeded with his investigation once the rain had stopped and he could get to the crime scene. |
12834 | Anhedonia – एनहेडोनिया | the physical and mental inability to get feelings of pleasure from typically enjoyable activities – आम तौर पर आनंददायक गतिविधियों से आनंद की अनुभूति प्राप्त करने में शारीरिक और मानसिक असमर्थता | Depressed individuals suffer from anhedonia because what used to bring them joy only fills them with sadness. |
12835 | Atrophy – शोष | to weaken in ability or function – क्षमता या कार्य में कमज़ोर होना | It was hard to watch my mother atrophy as she experienced the weakening disease of Alzheimer’s. |
12836 | Trailblazer – इन्नोवेटर | the first person or thing to accomplish something groundbreaking or revolutionary – कोई अभूतपूर्व या क्रांतिकारी उपलब्धि हासिल करने वाला पहला व्यक्ति या चीज़ | The doctor’s goal is to be a medical trailblazer and discover a universal cure for cancer. |
12837 | Indisposition – अस्वस्थता | mild illness – हल्की बीमारी | I wasn’t able to go to school due to indisposition, but I promised to finish the work I had missed. |
12838 | Huge – विशाल | very large in size – आकार में बहुत बड़ा | A huge elephant appeared in the grassland and frightened the other animals with its massive size. |
12839 | Woke – उठा | rose from one’s sleep – एक व्यक्ति नींद से उठ गया | After sleeping for several hours, the well-rested wife finally woke from her sleep. |
12840 | Trounce – रौंदना | to severely defeat someone – किसी को बुरी तरह पराजित करना | I know a fighter that can trounce anyone in the ring, but he is not able to do the same in an intellectual debate. |
12841 | Non compos mentis – नॉन कंपोज़ मेंटिस | unable to make decisions because of a mental issue, whether it be psychological, physical, or through a disease like dementia – किसी मानसिक समस्या के कारण निर्णय लेने में असमर्थ, चाहे वह मनोवैज्ञानिक हो, शारीरिक हो, या मनोभ्रंश जैसी बीमारी के कारण हो | The court declared the defendant non compos mentis and mandated time served in a psychiatric facility. |
12842 | Corroboration – मंडन | evidence that supports or confirms a theory or statement – साक्ष्य जो किसी सिद्धांत या कथन का समर्थन या पुष्टि करता हो | During the trial, the judge asked for corroboration from anyone with proof that the defendant had stolen things in the past. |
12843 | Deceptive – कपटी | misleading – गुमराह करने वाले | The deceptive woman led me to believe that she was divorced when in fact she was married with children. |
12844 | Unskilled – अकुशल | without talent, skill, or ability – प्रतिभा, कौशल या क्षमता के बिना | While I am just an unskilled apprentice for now, under my father’s tutelage I will one day be a master blacksmith. |
12845 | Defined – परिभाषित | set or established an exact meaning or terms for something – किसी चीज़ के लिए सटीक अर्थ या शब्द निर्धारित करना या स्थापित करना | The students defined each of the words on a piece of paper, writing down their meanings one by one. |
12846 | Tatter – फटे कपड़े | a scrap or shred of something – किसी चीज़ का टुकड़ा या टुकड़ा | After being defeated by someone half his age, the veteran duelist had but a tatter of pride left. |
12847 | Jeopardize – ख़तरे में डालना | to put at risk – जोखिम में डालना | Do not jeopardize your good grade by failing to turn in your assignment. |
12848 | Elitism – उत्कृष्टता | the belief that one’s social group is superior to others – यह विश्वास कि किसी का सामाजिक समूह दूसरों से श्रेष्ठ है | Spreading their elitism across Germany, the Nazis pushed to prove they were superior to all other races. |
12849 | Quickly – जल्दी से | at a rapid speed; fastly – तीव्र गति से; तेजी | Speeding quickly down the highway, the distracted driver missed a curve and careened off of the mountainside. |
12850 | Boulder – बोल्डर | a large rock typically made smooth by erosion – एक बड़ी चट्टान जो आमतौर पर कटाव से चिकनी हो जाती है | A large boulder fell from the cliffs above during the storm, blocking the road with its smooth surface. |
12851 | Between – बीच में | at, into, or across the space separating two objects or regions – दो वस्तुओं या क्षेत्रों को अलग करने वाले स्थान पर, अंदर या पार | She hid her love letters between the pages of her favorite book. |
12852 | Conflagration – आग | conflict or war – संघर्ष या युद्ध | Although you are angry at her, do not let such a small argument turn into a huge conflagration. |
12853 | Languishing – सुस्त | losing strength; becoming feeble and weak – ताकत खोना; निर्बल और निर्बल हो जाना | After many weeks lost at sea, the languishing men were quickly losing all strength. |
12854 | Agribusiness – कृषि व्यवसाय | any business that has to do with agriculture and supplies associated with farming – कोई भी व्यवसाय जिसका संबंध कृषि और खेती से जुड़ी आपूर्ति से है | John Deere is a well known agribusiness that supplies many farms with bright green tractors. |
12855 | Ailment – रोग | a condition that affects a person’s mental or physical wellbeing – एक ऐसी स्थिति जो किसी व्यक्ति की मानसिक या शारीरिक भलाई को प्रभावित करती है | Unfortunately, the stomach ailment causes vomiting and chronic diarrhea. |
12856 | Enraptured – मंत्रमुग्ध | filled with joy or pleasure – आनंद या खुशी से भरा हुआ | Because I was marrying the man I loved, I was enraptured as I walked down the aisle. |
12857 | Hubris – अभिमान | an excess of confidence; having too much pride and personal worth – आत्मविश्वास की अधिकता; बहुत अधिक गर्व और व्यक्तिगत मूल्य होना | The leader of the cult had so much hubris he believed the government would never be able to capture him. |
12858 | Vindicate – साबित कर देना | to clear from an accusation, suspicion or criticism – किसी आरोप, संदेह या आलोचना से मुक्ति पाना | Although the new evidence seems to vindicate the defendant of the breaking and entering charges, there is still the matter of the assault. |
12859 | Talon – कूपन | sharp, hooked claw – नुकीला, झुका हुआ पंजा | The eagle’s talon held a helpless mouse in its grip. |
12860 | Aspiration – आकांक्षा | a dream of accomplishing something – कुछ पूरा करने का सपना | My husband and I share the aspiration of having a marriage that lasts a lifetime. |
12861 | Modification – परिवर्तन | a change or augmentation to the base form of something – किसी चीज़ के मूल स्वरूप में परिवर्तन या वृद्धि | Training wheels are a modification we add to normal bicycles so young children can learn to ride them safely. |
12862 | Disband – उखड़ना | to separate or disperse permanently – स्थायी रूप से अलग या बिखर जाना | When the Musketeers did disband, there was very little safety in France because the men could only be productive as a group. |
12863 | Opposing – विरोध | in conflict or competition with someone – किसी के साथ संघर्ष या प्रतिस्पर्धा में | The opposing faction is advancing towards our line and will soon attack our forces with all their might. |
12864 | Reflect – प्रतिबिंबित होना | to deeply or carefully think about something – किसी बात के बारे में गहराई से या ध्यान से सोचना | Before choosing a vacation spot, the family decided to reflect upon their choices. |
12865 | Christening – नाम देना | a ceremony at which a baby is given an official name and made a member of a Christian church – एक समारोह जिसमें एक बच्चे को आधिकारिक नाम दिया जाता है और उसे ईसाई चर्च का सदस्य बनाया जाता है | During the christening, the baby was sprinkled with water and dedicated to God by her parents in a ritualistic service. |
12866 | Scarify – धमकी देना | to make scratches or small cuts into something – किसी चीज़ में खरोंच या छोटा कट लगाना | If you scarify a seed by cutting it before planting, it will grow better in the ground. |
12867 | Excrete – उगलना | to expel or pass waste from the body – शरीर से अपशिष्ट पदार्थ को बाहर निकालना या बाहर निकालना | It was disgusting that the cow patty throwing contest could only be done when the cows excrete poop. |
12868 | Ghoulish – घृणास्पद | unusually interested in death or destruction – मृत्यु या विनाश में असामान्य रूप से रुचि | The ghoulish individual had a sick fascination with death, which may have been what spurred him to commit those heinous crimes. |
12869 | Unhappiness – दुःख | sorrow, or a general state of not being happy – दुःख, या खुश न होने की एक सामान्य स्थिति | When my dog realized that I wasn’t walking to the back door so we could go on a walk, he stopped wagging his tail as a sign of unhappiness. |
12870 | Blind – अंधा | not able to see or failing to understand – देखने में सक्षम न होना या समझने में असफल होना | Jack’s eyesight continued to get worse, making him fear that he would go blind. |
12871 | Compound – मिश्रण | a property that has multiple buildings in one area – वह संपत्ति जिसके एक क्षेत्र में अनेक भवन हों | The entire compound was secured by fences and security systems that served to protect all of those inside. |
12872 | Interrelation – आपसी संबंध | the way in which each of two or more things is related to the other – वह तरीका जिसमें दो या दो से अधिक चीजों में से प्रत्येक एक दूसरे से संबंधित है | There is no interrelation between the two men, but they look as if they could be brothers. |
12873 | Paradisiacal – स्वर्गवासी | pertaining to wonderland or a wonderful place; nirvana – वंडरलैंड या किसी अद्भुत जगह से संबंधित; निर्वाण | I dreamed that I sailed to a paradisiacal island where I was fed gourmet food and played all the time. |
12874 | Divulge – प्रकाशित करना | to make something known – किसी बात को ज्ञात कराना | Doctors must be careful to not divulge confidential information about their patients. |
12875 | Gear – गियर | apparel or equipment used for a certain purpose – किसी निश्चित उद्देश्य के लिए उपयोग किया जाने वाला परिधान या उपकरण | The news reported how heavy the police officers gear is and how it may slow them down when chasing suspects. |
12876 | Querulous – विलापी | full of complaints; complaining – शिकायतों से भरा हुआ; उपालंभ देना | Forgive me for sounding querulous, but there is a bug in my soup. |
12877 | Militia – मिलिशिया | a military force of trained and organized civilians who may be called to duty – प्रशिक्षित और संगठित नागरिकों का एक सैन्य बल जिसे ड्यूटी पर बुलाया जा सकता है | The militia was assigned to assist the police until the National Guard troops arrived. |
12878 | Ovation – जयध्वनि | an excited cheer and clapping after a performance from the spectators – प्रदर्शन के बाद दर्शकों का उत्साहित उत्साह और तालियाँ | After the blind man played a perfect sonata on the piano, the crowd gave him a standing ovation. |
12879 | Surrounded – घिरे | enclosed by covering on all sides – चारों ओर से आवरण से घिरा हुआ | Water surrounded the island on all sides, secluding the atoll from outsiders. |
12880 | Engraving – एनग्रेविंग | a printed picture or letters/words that has been carved into a surface – एक मुद्रित चित्र या अक्षर/शब्द जिसे किसी सतह पर उकेरा गया हो | As a Christmas gift, Glen gave his mother a glass block engraving with a poem etched into the side. |
12881 | Insufficient – नाकाफी | not enough; inadequate – पर्याप्त नहीं; अपर्याप्त | The insufficient quantity of soap in the laundry room made it difficult to wash all of the clothing. |
12882 | Forbid – रोकना | to prohibit or ban – निषेध या प्रतिबन्ध लगाना | Rani’s parents forbid her from seeing her boyfriend, but she snuck around and dated him anyway. |
12883 | Boorish – अशिष्ट | bad-mannered, rude, or insensitive – बुरे आचरण वाला, असभ्य, या असंवेदनशील | The comedian’s jokes were so vulgar and boorish that the only ones left in the audience were those who were too drunk to be offended. |
12884 | Impound – ज़ब्त करना | to remove and keep property by law – कानून द्वारा संपत्ति को हटाना और रखना | After stopping payments on their new car, the bank would impound their car in a secured lot until the couple would pay the overdue amount. |
12885 | Makeover – बदलाव | a set of changes that are intended to make a person or place more attractive – परिवर्तनों का एक समूह जिसका उद्देश्य किसी व्यक्ति या स्थान को अधिक आकर्षक बनाना है | Department store staff gives potential customers a full-face makeover as a way to sell their cosmetic products. |
12886 | Desist – विरत | to stop doing something – कुछ करना बंद कर देना | The document from the court orders the magazine to desist from publishing false stories about the actor. |
12887 | Syndrome – सिंड्रोम | group of actions or behaviors that are typical to a particular illness or disease – कार्यों या व्यवहारों का समूह जो किसी विशेष बीमारी या बीमारी के लिए विशिष्ट हैं | After being held captive for several months, the prisoner started to exhibit symptoms of Stockholm syndrome like developing positive emotions towards his captor and paranoia that rescuers are the enemy. |
12888 | Pelt – खाल | to beat or hit repeatedly – बार-बार मारना या मारना | When I looked up at the tree, a squirrel took an acorn and acted like it would pelt me with it. |
12889 | Abolish – समाप्त करना | to put an end to – ख़त्म करना | The Supreme Court believed it was time to abolish the outdated amendment. |
12890 | Multiple – विभिन्न | many; numerous – अनेक; बहुत | Multiple survivor accounts were recorded after the Titanic sinking of 1912. |
12891 | Garnish – गार्निश | to enhance or improve, especially food in a decorative way – विशेषकर भोजन को सजावटी तरीके से बढ़ाना या सुधारना | Grated cheese and fancy pieces of tomato were used to garnish the salad bowl. |
12892 | Sherbet – शर्बत | a creamy dessert similar to ice cream and sorbet that is usually made with milk, fruit juice, gelatin, and egg whites – आइसक्रीम और शर्बत के समान एक मलाईदार मिठाई जो आमतौर पर दूध, फलों के रस, जिलेटिन और अंडे की सफेदी से बनाई जाती है | The ice cream shop is now serving creamy orange sherbet alongside its other sweet treats. |
12893 | Phylum – संघ | a taxonomic naming level between kingdom and class – साम्राज्य और वर्ग के बीच एक वर्गीकरण नामकरण स्तर | The biology teacher explained the correlation between the phylum of an organism and its traits. |
12894 | Crushed – कुचल | pressed or squeezed with force – बलपूर्वक दबाया या निचोड़ा हुआ | A massive machine crushed the junk cars, using great force to squeeze the heavy frames. |
12895 | Decapitate – सिर काटना | to cut off the head of a person or animal – किसी व्यक्ति या जानवर का सिर काट देना | The queen ordered her minions to decapitate the head of her enemy using a sharp guillotine. |
12896 | Apothecary – अत्तार | a person who makes and provides/sells drugs and/or medicines – एक व्यक्ति जो दवाएं और/या दवाइयाँ बनाता और उपलब्ध कराता/बेचता है | When she realized that she was sick, the young woman sought the assistance of the local apothecary. |
12897 | Lair – मांद | a place inhabited by a wild animal, often a cave or a hole in the ground – वह स्थान जहाँ कोई जंगली जानवर रहता हो, प्रायः कोई गुफा या ज़मीन में कोई गड्ढा | After stalking a sheep and ripping it to pieces, the tiger dragged its fresh kill to its lair. |
12898 | Peasant – किसान | an individual of the lowest class who is normally uneducated – निम्नतम वर्ग का एक व्यक्ति जो सामान्यतः अशिक्षित होता है | The peasant signed his name with an “X” because he couldn’t write anything else. |
12899 | Apposition – समानाधिकरण | a grammatical relation between an adjective and the noun behind it – किसी विशेषण और उसके पीछे के संज्ञा के बीच व्याकरणिक संबंध | In the movie title, “My Fair Lady”, my fair is in apposition to the word lady. |
12900 | Abstract – अमूर्त | being present as an idea but not in a definite form – एक विचार के रूप में मौजूद होना लेकिन एक निश्चित रूप में नहीं | I cannot distinguish any defined shapes within the artist’s abstract painting. |
12901 | Gatekeeper – द्वारपाल | a person or thing that controls access to something – कोई व्यक्ति या चीज़ जो किसी चीज़ तक पहुंच को नियंत्रित करती है | Motioning for the gatekeeper to let him in, the funeral director prepared to take the casket to the cemetery. |
12902 | Charlatan – मायावी | a person who falsely pretends to know or be something in order to deceive people – वह व्यक्ति जो लोगों को धोखा देने के लिए कुछ जानने या होने का झूठा दिखावा करता है | The charlatan pretended to be a doctor so he could go into the hospital and steal prescription drugs. |
12903 | Ordain – हुक्म देना | to deliver a decree or confirm a person into a religious ministry – किसी व्यक्ति को धार्मिक मंत्रालय में डिक्री देना या उसकी पुष्टि करना | If the church decides to ordain the convicted rapist as a deacon, many people will leave the congregation. |
12904 | Illusion – माया | something that appears to look like something, but it actually is not – कुछ ऐसा जो दिखने में कुछ जैसा प्रतीत होता है, लेकिन वास्तव में ऐसा नहीं है | The mirrored walls in the fun house created an optical illusion which made it difficult to walk afterwards. |
12905 | Ferry – नौका | a boat used to transport people, cars and cargo on relatively short trips – एक नाव जिसका उपयोग अपेक्षाकृत छोटी यात्राओं पर लोगों, कारों और माल को ले जाने के लिए किया जाता है | Once the ferry accident was cleared, other boats could pass through the waterways to transport their goods. |
12906 | Workaround – वैकल्पिक हल | a method for overcoming a problem or situation – किसी समस्या या स्थिति पर काबू पाने की एक विधि | The fast-food worker found a workaround that made it easier for her to get the difficult orders out on time. |
12907 | Clarity – स्पष्टता | the quality of being clear and easily understood – स्पष्ट और आसानी से समझे जाने की गुणवत्ता | I edited my work for clarity, making sure to avoid any kind of legalese. |
12908 | Reconsider – पुनर्विचार करना | to think again or reassess – दोबारा सोचना या पुनर्मूल्यांकन करना | The woman hoped her husband would reconsider his decision to divorce her after a nice weekend in Maine. |
12909 | Wretchedness – मनहूसियत | an unhappy state of mental or physical suffering – मानसिक या शारीरिक पीड़ा की दुखी स्थिति | After the hurricane tore the city apart, the once happy citizens were overtaken by desolation and wretchedness. |
12910 | Accident – दुर्घटना | unexpected event with negative consequences – नकारात्मक परिणामों वाली अप्रत्याशित घटना | By accident he touched the hot metal, and yanked his hand away with a cry of pain. |
12911 | Libertine – अनैतिक | someone who ignores moral values – कोई व्यक्ति जो नैतिक मूल्यों की उपेक्षा करता हो | My Uncle Charles is a libertine who lives with his four girlfriends. |
12912 | Suasion – उत्तेजना | referring to coaxing or urging – मनाने या आग्रह करने का जिक्र | Using suasion to become a cult member, the cult leader explained how the young girl will become closer to her spiritual being and live in heaven. |
12913 | Supposed – कल्पित | expected to behave in a certain way – एक निश्चित तरीके से व्यवहार करने की अपेक्षा की जाती है | It is supposed to rain today according to the weatherman, but a bit of sunshine might peak through. |
12914 | Abuse – दुर्व्यवहार करना | to treat a person or animal in a cruel or mean way – किसी व्यक्ति या जानवर के साथ क्रूर या घटिया व्यवहार करना | Mean little Griffin used to abuse his dog by kicking and hitting him when his parents weren’t looking. |
12915 | Haywire – परेशन | out of control; erratic – नियंत्रण से बाहर; अनियमित | When the teacher stepped out of the room, the unruly students went haywire and began to run around in circles. |
12916 | Wind up – ठप्प होना | to prepare for, typically in regards to a heavy blow or a lot of action – आमतौर पर भारी प्रहार या बहुत अधिक कार्रवाई के संबंध में तैयारी करना | The boxer threw a punch so powerful that he had to wind up for it before even launching it at his foe. |
12917 | Shirk – भागना | to dodge responsibilities – जिम्मेदारियों से बचने के लिए | The man tried to shirk his duties by pretending to be ill. |
12918 | Midget – बहुत छोटा चित्र | a term used to describe something smaller than normal and is considered derogatory when referring to a person – एक शब्द जिसका उपयोग सामान्य से छोटी किसी चीज़ का वर्णन करने के लिए किया जाता है और किसी व्यक्ति का संदर्भ देते समय इसे अपमानजनक माना जाता है | As a person with dwarfism, Marley hates when people call her a midget. |
12919 | Bonkers – बोनकर्स | crazy; insane – पागल; पागल | Even though she acts bonkers on the television show, the skilled actress isn’t crazy in real life. |
12920 | Mishandle – बुरा व्यवहार करना | to deal with something in a way that is wrong or doesn’t work – किसी ऐसी चीज़ से निपटना जो गलत है या काम नहीं करती | No one expected the banker to mishandle their funds and lose all of their returns. |
12921 | Topical – सामयिक | pertaining to putting something on a human’s body part usually for medical purposes – आमतौर पर चिकित्सीय प्रयोजनों के लिए मनुष्य के शरीर के अंग पर कुछ लगाने से संबंधित | After the girl’s foot muscles were aching, she rubbed a topical cream to soothe her throbbing and sore feet. |
12922 | Charter – चार्टर | a government-issued document that provides a group or individual with certain rights – सरकार द्वारा जारी एक दस्तावेज़ जो किसी समूह या व्यक्ति को कुछ अधिकार प्रदान करता है | The king’s charter gave the colonists the right to set up residence in the new world. |
12923 | Biweekly – सप्ताह में दो बार | once every two weeks – दो हफ्ते मे एक बार | Being paid biweekly means that I have to manage my paycheck wisely for two weeks. |
12924 | Biome – बायोम | a large naturally occurring community of flora and fauna occupying a major habitat, e.g., forest or tundra – वनस्पतियों और जीवों का एक बड़ा प्राकृतिक रूप से पाया जाने वाला समुदाय जो एक प्रमुख निवास स्थान पर कब्जा कर लेता है, उदाहरण के लिए, जंगल या टुंड्रा | The tundra biome consists of icy landscapes, heavily furred woodland animals, and cool to freezing temperatures. |
12925 | Magna Carta – महाधिकार – पत्र | a formal document signed by King John in 1215 that stated the English king had to follow the laws of the land and gave individuals the rights to make their own decisions – 1215 में किंग जॉन द्वारा हस्ताक्षरित एक औपचारिक दस्तावेज़ जिसमें कहा गया था कि अंग्रेजी राजा को भूमि के कानूनों का पालन करना होगा और व्यक्तियों को अपने निर्णय लेने का अधिकार देना होगा | By signing the Magna Carta, King John of England gave the individual citizens more rights than they had ever had before. |
12926 | Slammer – जेल | a slang word for prison or jail – जेल या जेल के लिए एक अपशब्द | Having spent ten years in the slammer, the ex-con wasn’t afraid of doing hard time for his crimes. |
12927 | Penetration – प्रवेश | the act or process of one object forcing its way into another – एक वस्तु द्वारा दूसरी वस्तु में जबरदस्ती प्रवेश करने की क्रिया या प्रक्रिया | The amount of penetration an arrow would get on the body of an enemy soldier depended on the size of the bow, the tip of the arrow, and how much armor it had to pierce. |
12928 | Pendulum – लंगर | something hanging and swinging freely back and forth under the influence of gravity – गुरुत्वाकर्षण के प्रभाव में कोई वस्तु स्वतंत्र रूप से आगे-पीछे लटकती और झूलती रहती है | When the pendulum clock strikes twelve, it produces a heavy clanging. |
12929 | Grip – पकड़ | a tight hold – एक मजबूत पकड़ | Holding onto the balloon with a tight grip, the toddler refused to share his inflatable. |
12930 | Nation – राष्ट्र | a group of people inhabiting a particular territory and united by common characteristics such as descent, culture, or language – लोगों का एक समूह जो किसी विशेष क्षेत्र में रहता है और वंश, संस्कृति या भाषा जैसी सामान्य विशेषताओं से एकजुट होता है | The nation of Germany is unified by the language that the common populace speaks, as well as their history and culture. |
12931 | Stoked – स्टोक्ड | thrilled and happy – रोमांचित और खुश | “I was totally stoked by my doctor’s announcement that I hadn’t contracted Tuberculosis like I had once thought,” the patient said. |
12932 | Vile – नीच | of low morals; despicable – निम्न नैतिकता का; नीच | The vile banker seemed to take great pleasure in foreclosing on the homes of elderly people. |
12933 | Domineering – घमंडी | bossy – गौ | Turned off by her date’s controlling and domineering attitude, the offended woman motioned for the check. |
12934 | Effluence – बहना | a substance that flows out from something – वह पदार्थ जो किसी चीज़ से निकलता है | An effluence of filtered waste came streaming out of the processing plant and into the water. |
12935 | Witless – बुद्धिहीन | very stupid or foolish – बहुत मूर्ख या मूर्ख | The witless criminal decided that for his first heist, he would attempt to rob a gun store that had many armed people in it. |
12936 | Romance – रोमांस | a feeling of excitement associated with love – प्यार से जुड़ी उत्तेजना की भावना | Without passion, a couple may be together, but there will be no romance between them, as they aren’t excited about their relationship. |
12937 | Fiction – कल्पना | something that is imaginary or not real, typically in reference to stories and books – कुछ ऐसा जो काल्पनिक है या वास्तविक नहीं है, आमतौर पर कहानियों और किताबों के संदर्भ में | My favorite work of fiction is the Star Wars cinema series, as it introduced me to the world of science fiction and made me realize how cool it is. |
12938 | Imprimatur – इजाज़त | any mark of official acceptance or approval – आधिकारिक स्वीकृति या अनुमोदन का कोई चिह्न | During WWII, newspapers had to get an official imprimatur in order to publish specific content. |
12939 | Volcano – ज्वालामुखी | a mountainlike opening in the earth’s crust through which molten lava, rocks, and gas spews out – पृथ्वी की पपड़ी में एक पर्वत जैसा छिद्र जिसके माध्यम से पिघला हुआ लावा, चट्टानें और गैस निकलती है | The active volcano in Hawaii continues to gush gaseous lava and ash through It’s funnel-like top. |
12940 | Antioxidant – एंटीऑक्सिडेंट | a substance that removes oxidizing agents from an organism – एक पदार्थ जो किसी जीव से ऑक्सीकरण एजेंटों को हटा देता है | Vitamins C and E are both an antioxidant, reducing the amount of negative side effects involved in the human energy process. |
12941 | Entrails – अंतड़ियों | the internal organs of an animal, especially the intestines – किसी जानवर के आंतरिक अंग, विशेषकर आंतें | In some foreign countries, the wormy entrails of an animal are considered a delicacy. |
12942 | Wallowing – लोटना | to roll about in a lazy or relaxed manner – आलसी या आराम से इधर-उधर घूमना | Wallowing about in its pigpen, the lazy pig loved to frolic in the mud and muck. |
12943 | Desperate – निराश | a feeling of hopelessness in which someone is willing to try the impossible to solve a problem – निराशा की भावना जिसमें कोई व्यक्ति किसी समस्या को हल करने के लिए असंभव प्रयास करने को तैयार होता है | In a desperate attempt to win the battle, the general ordered his troops to charge at the fortified enemy position with their inferior numbers. |
12944 | Eventual – अंतिम | happening at some later time or after a number of things have happened – किसी बाद के समय में या कई चीज़ें घटित होने के बाद घटित होना | Due to the many incidents caused by the soldier, this led to an eventual discharge from the army. |
12945 | Abomination – नफरत | something that is hated – कुछ ऐसा जिससे नफरत की जाती है | The marketing team thought the new ad to be an abomination and worked hard to come up with one they didn’t hate. |
12946 | Indolent – अकर्मण्य | wanting to avoid activity or exertion; lazy – गतिविधि या परिश्रम से बचना चाहते हैं; आलसी | Jackson lost his job because he was an indolent employee who did nothing but sleep at his desk all day. |
12947 | Nauseating – वमनकारी | sickening and repulsive – कुत्सित और प्रतिकारक | After eating the moldy fruit, the child had a nauseating feeling in her stomach resulting in her throwing up. |
12948 | Lacuna – कमी | a gap or missing part – कोई अंतराल या गायब भाग | The story’s plot was missing, creating a lacuna in the middle of the text. |
12949 | Rugged – ऊबड़ – खाबड़ | describing a rough uneven area of land – भूमि के उबड़-खाबड़, असमान क्षेत्र का वर्णन | Since there are so many rocks on the island, the terrain is extremely rugged. |
12950 | Merciless – बेरहम | cruel and without mercy or pity – क्रूर और दया या दया से रहित | The merciless dictator killed everyone that went against his regime. |
12951 | Agape – मुंह खोले हुए | open – खुला | Before you eat oysters, clams, or mussels, always check to be sure that the shells are firmly closed and not even a little bit agape. |
12952 | Puberty – तरुणाई | the phase of growth in which a person’s body makes the transition from child to adult – विकास का वह चरण जिसमें व्यक्ति का शरीर बच्चे से वयस्क में परिवर्तन करता है | Most people go through puberty at roughly age thirteen to sixteen, or what is generally considered the ‘teenage’ years. |
12953 | Ancient – प्राचीन | referring to something that is extremely old or something that happened long ago – किसी ऐसी चीज़ का जिक्र करना जो बहुत पुरानी हो या जो बहुत पहले घटित हुई हो | To the boy, his grandfather was nearly ancient at eighty years of age. |
12954 | Downplay – नीचा दिखाना | to make something appear less important than it actually is – किसी चीज़ को उसकी असलियत से कम महत्वपूर्ण दिखाना | The lying suspect tried to downplay his involvement in the robbery, but the detectives believe him to be the ring leader of the crime mob. |
12955 | Wanted – वांछित | wished for; desired – के लिए कामना की; इच्छित | Cindy wanted a dollhouse for her birthday but ended up with a different toy instead. |
12956 | Acute – तीव्र | extremely pressing; critical – अत्यधिक दबाव डालने वाला; गंभीर | Because my appendicitis was an acute issue, the nurse took me directly into an emergency station for treatment. |
12957 | Polygon – बहुभुज | a plane shape with at least three straight sides and angles – कम से कम तीन सीधी भुजाओं और कोणों वाली एक समतल आकृति | Stop signs are a polygon shape that always have eight sides. |
12958 | Sunshine – धूप | a metaphor that describes happiness or cheerfulness – एक रूपक जो ख़ुशी या प्रसन्नता का वर्णन करता है | My little daughter seems to be a ray of sunshine all the time. |
12959 | Tarpaulin – तिरपाल | a heavy duty waterproof cloth – एक भारी टिकाऊ जलरोधक कपड़ा | The sails of a boat are usually tarpaulin in nature, so they can withstand the rains and waves of the ocean without getting damaged. |
12960 | Mythology – पौराणिक कथा | a group of stories from an area or country’s people and it usually includes gods or goddesses – किसी क्षेत्र या देश के लोगों की कहानियों का समूह और इसमें आमतौर पर देवी-देवता शामिल होते हैं | Students learned about the dangerous creatures while studying Greek mythology in their literature class. |
12961 | Deign – अनुग्रह करना | to complete a task that one considers beneath him – उस कार्य को पूरा करना जिसे कोई अपने से नीचे समझता है | The queen would not deign to invite her maid to dinner. |
12962 | Hoarder – जमाखोर | someone that keeps things they don’t need – कोई ऐसा व्यक्ति जो ऐसी चीजें रखता है जिनकी उन्हें आवश्यकता नहीं है | I realized Eudy was a hoarder when I entered her house and saw that she had not gotten rid of a single item she owned in the last ten years. |
12963 | Avant-garde – हरावल | cutting-edge; trendy – अग्रणी; फैशनेबल | The elderly poet was confused by the youth’s avant-garde style of writing. |
12964 | Amenable – वश्य | willing to comply or cooperate – अनुपालन या सहयोग करने को तैयार | My husband never complains about anything and is amenable to all my vacation suggestions. |
12965 | Gouge – गोलची | a hole, dent or tear in something – किसी चीज़ में छेद, गड्ढा या फटना | The refrigerator legs, left a gouge in the vinyl flooring when I moved it out to clean behind it. |
12966 | Excursion – सैर | a fun outing or visit – एक मज़ेदार सैर या यात्रा | On our excursion to see our grandparents in Colorado, we ran into a snowstorm which delayed our trip. |
12967 | Troubleshooting – समस्या निवारण | the process of identifying and solving a problem or error – किसी समस्या या त्रुटि को पहचानने और हल करने की प्रक्रिया | The customer service rep helped in the troubleshooting of the cable box and got the system back up and running. |
12968 | Census – जनगणना | a certified tally of a population in a specific region – किसी विशिष्ट क्षेत्र की जनसंख्या का प्रमाणित मिलान | According to last year’s census over five hundred thousand people live in our city. |
12969 | Unlimited – असीमित | having no end or limit – जिसका कोई अंत या सीमा न हो | The professor gave the students an unlimited amount of chances to take the online quiz so that they could make the highest grade possible. |
12970 | Promotion – पदोन्नति | advancement; elevation to the next step – उन्नति; अगले चरण के लिए उन्नति | Hoping for a work promotion, Jessica tried to pick up extra shifts and help out the manager as much as possible. |
12971 | Bronze – पीतल | mixture of metal and tin that is yellowish brown – धातु और टिन का मिश्रण जो पीले भूरे रंग का होता है | The penny is the only bronze colored coined regularly used in the US. |
12972 | Impedimenta – हकलाहट | oversized gear that makes it awkward to carry – बड़े आकार का गियर जो इसे ले जाने में असुविधाजनक बनाता है | While boarding the small airplane, I held up the line of people going to their seats as I tried to shove my impedimenta for my skiing trip into the small overhead bin. |
12973 | Imitate – नकल करना | to copy or simulate the function of something else – किसी अन्य चीज़ के कार्य की प्रतिलिपि बनाना या उसका अनुकरण करना | Young children will often attempt to imitate their parents, which is why you shouldn’t do anything you wouldn’t want your child to do while they’re watching. |
12974 | Toot – हार्न | a short, sharp sound produced by a trumpet, horn, or similar instrument – तुरही, सींग या इसी तरह के उपकरण द्वारा उत्पन्न छोटी, तेज ध्वनि | The impatient driver gave a toot of his horn to signal his irritation with the person ahead of him. |
12975 | Rose – गुलाब | moved from a lower to a higher position – निचले से ऊंचे स्थान पर चले गये | The student rose from his seat and went to the board to solve the math equation. |
12976 | Tuppence – टुप्पेंस | alternate form of the word two pence (two pennies) – दो पेंस (दो पैसे) शब्द का वैकल्पिक रूप | Granny sent Gilbert to the market to with a tuppence to buy a pound of potatoes, but the farmer had upped the price to three cents. |
12977 | Repulsion – घृणा | a feeling of intense disgust or dislike – तीव्र घृणा या नापसंदगी की भावना | Judy’s serious repulsion for snakes caused her to shudder at the mention of a reptile. |
12978 | Served – सेवित | presented food, drink, or some other item/service to another person – किसी अन्य व्यक्ति को भोजन, पेय, या कोई अन्य वस्तु/सेवा प्रस्तुत की | The waitress served chips and dips to the hungry diners before their main course arrived. |
12979 | Acquaint – परिचित | to become at ease with – सहज हो जाना | The faculty mixer is the perfect time for you to acquaint yourself with your teachers. |
12980 | Front-runner – सामने वाले धावक | the lead contestant in a competition – किसी प्रतियोगिता में मुख्य प्रतियोगी | Gary is the front-runner on the game show since he is in first place with ninety points. |
12981 | Frosty – ठंढा | a cold and unfriendly attitude – एक ठंडा और अमित्र रवैया | Old man George is always frosty, treating everyone around him with disdain and a general crotchety attitude. |
12982 | Illegible – अस्पष्ट | not clear enough to be read or understood – इतना स्पष्ट नहीं कि पढ़ा या समझा जा सके | The cashier refused to cash my check because she could not understand the check writer’s illegible signature. |
12983 | Activity – गतिविधि | something that people do, usually with a particular aim or goal in mind – कुछ ऐसा जो लोग आमतौर पर किसी विशेष उद्देश्य या लक्ष्य को ध्यान में रखकर करते हैं | The teacher brought all of the paper, glue, and other items needed for the students to complete the crafting activity. |
12984 | Roil – क्रोधित करना | to stir someone up, causing them to be angry or agitated – किसी को उत्तेजित करना, जिससे वह क्रोधित या उत्तेजित हो जाए | The man’s hateful speech was just enough to roil up the already uneasy crowd. |
12985 | Warden – प्रबंधक | the person in charge of a jail or prison – जेल या जेल का प्रभारी व्यक्ति | The newest warden is in charge of running a state facility that houses over 2,000 inmates. |
12986 | Writer – लेखक | one who has authored or written something – जिसने कुछ लिखा या लिखा हो | Kristen hired a talented writer to help her put her life story in book form. |
12987 | Scraggly – टेढ़ा-मेढ़ा | used to describe a person who is very thin and bony looking – इसका उपयोग ऐसे व्यक्ति का वर्णन करने के लिए किया जाता है जो बहुत पतला और हड्डीदार दिखता है | The prisoner of war’s scraggly body weighed less than a hundred pounds when he was released from captivity. |
12988 | Rainfall – वर्षा | the amount of precipitation falling in an area during a specific time – किसी विशिष्ट समय के दौरान किसी क्षेत्र में होने वाली वर्षा की मात्रा | Rainfall across the region over the past 24 hours has ranged from 2 to 3 inches. |
12989 | Accomplished – समाप्त | to have achieved or completed something successfully – किसी चीज़ को सफलतापूर्वक हासिल या पूरा करना | The committee met for several hours, but accomplished nothing because they argued the whole time. |
12990 | Threateningly – धमकी के साथ | done in a hostile or intimidating manner – शत्रुतापूर्ण या डराने-धमकाने वाले तरीके से किया गया | The bully raised his fist at the boy threateningly and made him give up his lunch money. |
12991 | Profundity – गहराई | words that express deep reflection or insight – ऐसे शब्द जो गहन चिंतन या अंतर्दृष्टि व्यक्त करते हैं | Even though Chuck thought he was making some deep statements, he was too drunk to express any profundity. |
12992 | Magnified – आवर्धित | enlarged; increased in size – बढ़ा हुआ; आकार में वृद्धि हुई | The round glass magnified the small ant so that it could be viewed much more clearly. |
12993 | Flipside – उल्टी ओर | the opposite, usually less popular side of something – किसी चीज़ का विपरीत, आमतौर पर कम लोकप्रिय पक्ष | Gina doesn’t like taking the math class, but on the flipside, she couldn’t graduate without the course. |
12994 | Tongue – जीभ | the muscular organ in the mouth that is used for tasting, swallowing, and articulating speech in the case of humans – मुँह में पेशीय अंग जिसका उपयोग मनुष्यों के मामले में चखने, निगलने और बोलने के लिए किया जाता है | If you want to know what a lollipop tastes like, you will have to lick it with your tongue to find out. |
12995 | Manifestation – अभिव्यक्ति | the process of making something evident or obvious – किसी बात को स्पष्ट या स्पष्ट करने की प्रक्रिया | Barney wore the temporary neck brace at his worker’s compensation hearing to show the manifestation of his disability. |
12996 | Thrilling – रोमांचक | exciting and inspiring – रोमांचक और प्रेरणादायक | The roller coaster ride was thrilling because every rider had a smile on their face and was screaming with delight. |
12997 | Tousle – खसोटना, बिखराना | to put into disorder – अव्यवस्था में डालना | The blowing wind began to tousle the woman’s hair into a tangled mess. |
12998 | Resourceful – साधन-संपन्न | able to overcome difficulties or to cleverly make do with what is available to create a solution – कठिनाइयों को दूर करने में सक्षम या समाधान बनाने के लिए जो उपलब्ध है उसे चतुराई से करने में सक्षम | The more resourceful you are, the better able you are to deal with unexpected situations. |
12999 | Encountered – का सामना करना पड़ा | to have come into contact with something, generally unfavorable and unexpected – किसी ऐसी चीज़ के संपर्क में आना, जो आम तौर पर प्रतिकूल और अप्रत्याशित हो | The soldiers encountered stiff resistance in the town, but they managed to defeat the enemy and continue advancing. |
13000 | Accretion – एक साथ वृद्धि | act of increasing by natural growth – प्राकृतिक वृद्धि द्वारा बढ़ने की क्रिया | The accretion of traffic accidents and drunk driving was attributed to the opening of the new downtown mall. |
The Most Useful Daily Use English Words With Hindi Meaning. Eighteen
The Most Useful Daily Use English Words With Hindi Meaning. Sixteen
The Most Useful Daily Use English Words With Hindi Meaning. Fifteen
The Most Useful Daily Use English Words With Hindi Meaning. Seventeen
The Most Useful Daily Use English Words With Hindi Meaning. Eleven
The Most Useful Daily Use English Words With Hindi Meaning. Thirteen
Q: What resource can I use to find the Hindi meanings of daily English words?
- A: You can utilize a dictionary to find the Hindi translations of daily English words.
Q: How can learning English-Hindi words be beneficial?
- A: Learning English-Hindi words helps in bridging language barriers and aids in better communication.
Q: Is it possible to translate English words into Hindi?
- A: Yes, you can translate English words into Hindi easily.
Q: Who can assist in explaining the Hindi meanings of daily-use English words?
- A: Your teacher can explain the Hindi meanings of daily-use English words.
Q: Which tool effectively converts Hindi words into English?
- A: A reliable dictionary can efficiently convert Hindi words into English.
Q: How can I enhance my language skills by learning new English words?
- A: You can improve your language skills by learning new English words and their Hindi equivalents.
Q: Can you provide an example of an English word with its Hindi translation?
- A: Certainly, the English word “बुक” translates to “book” in Hindi.
Q: Is it possible to create English sentences using Hindi words?
- A: Yes, you can form English sentences that include Hindi words.
Q: Why is it important to understand the English meaning of a Hindi word?
- A: Understanding the English meaning of a Hindi word is essential for effective communication and comprehension.
Q: Who can clarify the English meaning for a specific Hindi word?
- A: A language expert or someone proficient in both languages can clarify the English meaning of a Hindi word.
Q: How can I find the English equivalent of a Hindi word?
- A: You can convert a Hindi word into its English equivalent using various translation resources.
Q: Can learning English words through Hindi make language learning more enjoyable?
- A: Absolutely, understanding English words through Hindi often makes the learning process more enjoyable and accessible.
Q: What method can I use to practice English with Hindi translations for better understanding?
- A: Practicing English with Hindi translations helps improve understanding and proficiency in both languages.
Q: Can you provide an example of a word that has different meanings in Hindi and English?
- A: Certainly, the word “मकान” in Hindi stands for “house” in English.
Q: Are there specific tools available for quick English-to-Hindi translations?
- A: Yes, you can use an English-to-Hindi dictionary for quick and accurate translations.
Q: In what context might subtitles with Hindi translations for English dialogues be useful?
- A: Subtitles with Hindi translations for English dialogues are useful for aiding comprehension in films or videos for Hindi-speaking audiences.
Q: How can I expand my vocabulary by understanding English words and their Hindi meanings?
- A: Understanding English words along with their Hindi meanings is an effective way to expand your vocabulary and language skills.