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The Most Useful English Word To Gujarati Meaning. Part 10

  1. I use an English with Gujarati dictionary for translations when I encounter unfamiliar words.
  2. Is there a reliable English word to Gujarati converter available online?
  3. Could you provide the English word to Gujarati meaning for “sun”?
  4. Learning the English word Gujarati meaning facilitates better comprehension.
  5. Can you help me find the English word meaning in Gujarati for “computer”?
  6. A comprehensive Guj to Eng dictionary can assist in bilingual understanding.
  7. Exploring English Gujarati words enhances language learning.
  8. Learning Gujarati English words helps in bilingual communication.
  9. Understanding the nuances between English and Gujarati words aids in language fluency.
  10. Please check the English to Gujarati spelling for the word “elephant.”
  11. I need an accurate English word to Gujarati translation for my project.
  12. Is there a tool for checking Gujarati to English spelling accuracy?
  13. Could you assist in translating this Gujarati word to English word?
  14. Do you know a reliable tool for translating word English to Gujarati quickly?
9001 Devoted – સમર્પિત to dedicate one’s self to something, remaining loyal and unwavering – વફાદાર અને અડીખમ રહીને, પોતાની જાતને કંઈક માટે સમર્પિત કરવા The scientist devoted himself to his research, rarely coming out of his lab until after dark.
9002 Ruled – શાસન કર્યું governed or exercised power over – સંચાલિત અથવા સત્તાનો ઉપયોગ The queen ruled the kingdom when her husband died, taking control of everything in the land.
9003 Elixir – અમૃત a substance or liquid which is believed to cure illness and give eternal life – એક પદાર્થ અથવા પ્રવાહી જે બીમારીને મટાડે છે અને શાશ્વત જીવન આપે છે The salesman was selling an elixir that he said would protect us all from the plague.
9004 Coalescence – સંકલન the process by which things join together to form a larger group or system – પ્રક્રિયા કે જેના દ્વારા વસ્તુઓ મોટા જૂથ અથવા સિસ્ટમ બનાવવા માટે એકસાથે જોડાય છે The speech teacher explained that the coalescence of two ‘o’s beside each other can make a vowel sound that says “eww.”
9005 Proper – યોગ્ય suitable or appropriate for the situation – પરિસ્થિતિ માટે યોગ્ય અથવા યોગ્ય Grandmother didn’t think that Heidi’s dress bathing suit was proper attire for the dinner table.
9006 Postwar – યુદ્ધ પછી pertaining to the period after a war – યુદ્ધ પછીના સમયગાળાને લગતું Postwar reconstruction of Germany was initially completed by rubble women who were used to clean-up debris.
9007 General – જનરલ concerning a very broad array of things, or referring to something in a vague sense – વસ્તુઓની ખૂબ વ્યાપક શ્રેણી વિશે, અથવા અસ્પષ્ટ અર્થમાં કંઈકનો ઉલ્લેખ કરવો The general public includes everyone in your society, from the lowest tier to the absolute wealthiest.
9008 Shrill – શ્રીલ sharp and high-pitched – તીક્ષ્ણ અને ઉચ્ચ પિચ The witch’s long nails made a shrill sound on the window.
9009 Quasi – ક્વાસી having features that are similar to another thing – અન્ય વસ્તુ જેવી જ સુવિધાઓ ધરાવે છે Since my father was in the military for twenty-five years, he treats our home like it is a quasi-base camp.
9010 Clockwise – ઘડિયાળની દિશામાં to go or move in a right-handed circular direction – જમણા હાથની ગોળાકાર દિશામાં જવું અથવા ખસેડવું To open a lock, you must turn in a circle the knob clockwise to the right and then to the left.
9011 Defile – અપવિત્ર to make impure or dirty, to spoil or contaminate – અશુદ્ધ અથવા ગંદા બનાવવું, બગાડવું અથવા દૂષિત કરવું Because Jared is a hamburger purist, he believes that adding any condiments is only going to defile the flavor of the beef.
9012 Tether – ટેથર to hold something in place while still allowing movement – ચળવળને મંજૂરી આપતી વખતે કંઈક જગ્યાએ રાખવું Before the cowboy settles down for the evening, he will tether the horses around a tree.
9013 Encompass – આવરી લે છે to include or contain – સમાવવા અથવા સમાવવા માટે The coding conference will encompass seminars on the most popular programming languages today.
9014 Run – ચલાવો to jog fast – ઝડપી જોગ કરવા માટે When there is an emergency, people will usually run as fast as their feet will take them so they can help the victim.
9015 Mouse – માઉસ a mouse is a small rodent – ઉંદર એક નાનો ઉંદર છે I wasn’t sure if I saw the cat eat a rat or a mouse.
9016 Prologue – પ્રસ્તાવના an introduction that usually precedes a novel or play – એક પરિચય જે સામાન્ય રીતે નવલકથા અથવા નાટકની પહેલા હોય છે The play’s prologue provides the audience members with insight into what they are about to watch.
9017 Lexical – લેક્સિકલ pertaining to the words and terms within a language without the grammar – વ્યાકરણ વગરની ભાષાની અંદરના શબ્દો અને શરતોને લગતી While teaching kindergarteners the English language, I took a lexical approach by teaching each English word by using pictures.
9018 Outgoing – આઉટગોઇંગ sociable and friendly – મિલનસાર અને મૈત્રીપૂર્ણ Due to her outgoing personality, Kim made friends who always wanted to be around her.
9019 Avidity – ઉત્સુકતા a strong eagerness or desire – મજબૂત આતુરતા અથવા ઇચ્છા The journalist’s avidity to learn everything there is to know about the case drove her to work long hours.
9020 Saute – સાંતળો to fry food quickly in hot oil – ગરમ તેલમાં ખોરાકને ઝડપથી તળવા માટે In order to saute the vegetables, the chef quickly increased the temperature on the stove and dropped in a pat of butter.
9021 Compatriot – દેશબંધુ somebody from one’s own country – કોઈ પોતાના દેશમાંથી All Sally had to do was beat out one more compatriot to win the official title of “Miss China”.
9022 Consulate – કોન્સ્યુલેટ the office or building where a consul works – ઓફિસ અથવા બિલ્ડિંગ જ્યાં કોન્સ્યુલ કામ કરે છે While traveling to China, I decided to address my issues at the consulate.
9023 Melee – ઝપાઝપી a brawl, riot or fight – બોલાચાલી, હુલ્લડ અથવા લડાઈ I hate to go shopping during the holiday season because it feels like a melee with everyone pushing and shoving in the aisles.
9024 Tout – ટાઉટ to brag or flaunt – બડાઈ મારવી અથવા બડાઈ મારવી Sarah wears tight blouses to tout her full bosom.
9025 Pleasant – સુખદ giving pleasure; pleasing in manner; nice – આનંદ આપવો; રીતે આનંદદાયક; સરસ Because Laura is such a pleasant person to be around she is always making new friends.
9026 Wind – પવન to turn something around and around in a coiling or twisting motion – કોઇલ અથવા વળાંકની ગતિમાં કંઇક આસપાસ અને આસપાસ ફેરવવું If you wind up the metal piece of the jewelry box, the little ballerina will spin around and around.
9027 Popularity – લોકપ્રિયતા having the admiration and acceptance of others – અન્યની પ્રશંસા અને સ્વીકૃતિ મેળવવી Over time the popularity of tattoos has become apparent due to the many pictures inked on people’s skin.
9028 Disinformation – ડિસઇન્ફોર્મેશન deception or falsehood – છેતરપિંડી અથવા જૂઠાણું Propaganda during World War II was displayed as disinformation about Jews being evil even though they weren’t.
9029 Demerit – અવગુણ the negative aspects of something – કોઈ વસ્તુના નકારાત્મક પાસાઓ This idea has both a merit and a demerit to it, but I haven’t decided whether or not the benefit is greater than the cost.
9030 Rush – ધસારો to move quickly usually due to being late or something urgent – સામાન્ય રીતે મોડું થવાથી અથવા કંઈક તાકીદના કારણે ઝડપથી ખસેડવું Brad had to rush around the house looking for his uniform when he woke up late for school.
9031 Endorsement – સમર્થન an act of giving one’s public approval or support to someone or something – કોઈની જાહેર મંજૂરી અથવા કોઈને અથવા કંઈકને ટેકો આપવાનું કાર્ય Michael Jackson’s endorsement of Pepsi came as a surprise to some people since many didn’t realize he liked the drink that much.
9032 Eligible – લાયક the ability or qualifications to meet or fulfill a stipulation – શરત પૂરી કરવા અથવા પરિપૂર્ણ કરવાની ક્ષમતા અથવા લાયકાતો Mary was eligible for rehire with the Thompson Paper Company because she was simply laid off from her secretarial position the year before.
9033 Insect – જંતુ small invertebrate animals with multiple pairs of legs, generally with an exoskeleton – નાના અપૃષ્ઠવંશી પ્રાણીઓ જેમાં પગની બહુવિધ જોડી હોય છે, સામાન્ય રીતે એક્સોસ્કેલેટન સાથે Whenever someone mentions the word ‘insect,’ the first thing that comes to our mind is usually ants or beetles.
9034 Gimmick – ખેલ a new concept or plan which gets noticed but really is worthless – એક નવો ખ્યાલ અથવા યોજના જે ધ્યાનમાં આવે છે પરંતુ ખરેખર નકામું છે The salesman’s gimmick was to lure teenagers into purchasing the new cell phone for its secret messaging system, but this feature really didn’t work.
9035 Quidnunc – ક્વિડનંક a busybody who always wants to know other people’s business – એક વ્યસ્ત વ્યક્તિ જે હંમેશા અન્ય લોકોના વ્યવસાયને જાણવા માંગે છે The town’s biggest quidnunc, Nancy loved to gossip about other people’s personal lives.
9036 Flaunt – ફ્લોન્ટ to show off, brag – બતાવવા માટે, બડાઈ મારવી Eric loves to flaunt his flashy clothes because he thinks that he is super cool.
9037 Contrite – પસ્તાવો feeling or showing remorse or regret – લાગણી અથવા પસ્તાવો અથવા ખેદ દર્શાવવો The contrite young boy apologized to his parents for breaking the window and took on extra household chores to cover the cost of repairing it.
9038 Teleconference – ટેલિકોન્ફરન્સ a conference with multiple people in different locations over telecommunications – ટેલિકોમ્યુનિકેશન્સ પર વિવિધ સ્થળોએ બહુવિધ લોકો સાથેની કોન્ફરન્સ Because the CEO’s were in different states, they had to have a teleconference over the phone for their meeting.
9039 Dignitaries – મહાનુભાવો an official considered to be in high standing – ઉચ્ચ પદ પર ગણવામાં આવતો અધિકારી Dignitaries from twelve different countries filed into the assembly room at the world conference to discuss environmental concerns.
9040 Minimum – ન્યૂનતમ the smallest or lowest of something – કોઈ વસ્તુમાં સૌથી નાનું અથવા સૌથી ઓછું Since the minimum age requirement to ride the amusement park’s roller coaster was 12, the 11-year old had to wait for her friends on the ground.
9041 Admired – વખાણ્યું looked at with respect and approval – આદર અને મંજૂરી સાથે જોવામાં આવે છે The amateur fighter admired Mike Tyson and appreciated other respected boxers.
9042 Dissolute – વિસર્જન given to immoral behavior – અનૈતિક વર્તન માટે આપવામાં આવે છે Everyone was shocked when the nun left the convent to marry a dissolute man who did not believe in God.
9043 Lugubrious – લુગ્બ્રીયસ looking or sounding sad and gloomy – ઉદાસી અને અંધકારમય દેખાવું અથવા સંભળવું In his first novel, the mysterious postman is the perfect example of a lugubrious character.
9044 Long-winded – લાંબા પવનવાળું lengthy and word in speech – વાણીમાં લાંબી અને શબ્દ The student’s long-winded response was much more lengthy than the client required.
9045 Subsidence – સબસિડન્સ the progression of the ground sinking lower – નીચલી જમીનની પ્રગતિ After years of land subsidence, the houses in the back of the neighborhood were now located in a flood zone.
9046 Divvy – દિવ્ય to divide something up and share it with others – કંઈક વહેંચવા અને અન્ય લોકો સાથે શેર કરવા માટે The pirates decided to divvy up the stolen loot into three different piles since the trio did their theiving together.
9047 Minuscule – લઘુત્તમ quite small – તદ્દન નાની Many fast food workers are quitting their jobs because of minuscule salaries.
9048 Timeline – સમયરેખા an estimated plan of how long something will or should take – કંઈક કેટલો સમય લેશે અથવા લેવો જોઈએ તેની અંદાજિત યોજના To meet the timeline of completion, construction must start tomorrow.
9049 Well-established – સુસ્થાપિત confidently secure or fixed – વિશ્વાસપૂર્વક સુરક્ષિત અથવા નિશ્ચિત Everything was running smoothly in the well-established beauty salon business because it has been working well for many years.
9050 Warning – ચેતવણી a sign or signal that something is going to happen – એક સંકેત અથવા સંકેત કે કંઈક થવાનું છે The loud siren served as a warning and let the townspeople know a tornado was coming.
9051 Cover – આવરણ to place something over a surface, person, or object – સપાટી, વ્યક્તિ અથવા વસ્તુ પર કંઈક મૂકવા માટે The nanny tried to cover the baby with a blanket, but the infant pushed it away with his hand.
9052 Luxury – વૈભવી a state of great comfort, especially when provided by expensive and beautiful things – મહાન આરામની સ્થિતિ, ખાસ કરીને જ્યારે ખર્ચાળ અને સુંદર વસ્તુઓ દ્વારા પ્રદાન કરવામાં આવે છે Living a life of luxury, the queen had people to wait on her hand and foot.
9053 Cilia – સિલિયા the feather-like, thin hairs connected to the eyelid known as an eyelash – પીંછા જેવા પાતળા વાળ પોપચાંની સાથે જોડાયેલા હોય છે જેને પાંપણ તરીકે ઓળખવામાં આવે છે Humans have an average of 250 cilia per eye and even though at least one eyelash falls out per day, they grow back quickly.
9054 Avow – અવો to admit or confess something publicly – જાહેરમાં કંઈક કબૂલ કરવું અથવા કબૂલ કરવું Because the man would not avow himself as a follower of the king in front of the villagers, he was sentenced to death.
9055 Stationary – સ્થિર fixed in one place – એક જગ્યાએ સ્થિર During the ice storm, I drove into a stationary car that was parked in front of a house.
9056 Whomever – જે પણ a pronoun replacing a person and is used after a preposition or verb – એક સર્વનામ વ્યક્તિનું સ્થાન લે છે અને તેનો ઉપયોગ પૂર્વનિર્ધારણ અથવા ક્રિયાપદ પછી થાય છે I wrote a letter to Wal-mart about their increase in prices to whomever it concerned because I didn’t know the correct person to address my letter to.
9057 Acknowledge – સ્વીકારો to accept and recognize – સ્વીકારવા અને ઓળખવા માટે The post office didn’t acknowledge receipt of the package and claimed it was never dropped off.
9058 Plural – બહુવચન a category in grammar that refers to more than one – વ્યાકરણમાં એક કેટેગરી જે એક કરતાં વધુનો સંદર્ભ આપે છે According to the grammar book, the plural of the word mouse is mice.
9059 Lorry – લારી a large open vehicle used for hauling supplies or soldiers – પુરવઠો અથવા સૈનિકો લાવવા માટે વપરાતું મોટું ખુલ્લું વાહન After the major battle, a lorry filled with medical equipment traveled to the army hospital to restock its inventory.
9060 Stride – સ્ટ્રાઇડ a confident or assured walk full of purpose or arrogance – હેતુ અથવા ઘમંડથી ભરેલું આત્મવિશ્વાસ અથવા ખાતરીપૂર્વક ચાલવું When the interviewers saw their next candidate stride into the room with confidence they automatically considered him a serious contender.
9061 Osculate – ઓસ્ક્યુલેટ to caress with one’s lips or kiss – કોઈના હોઠ વડે પ્રેમ કરવો અથવા ચુંબન કરવું As a teen, I don’t enjoy seeing my parents osculate each other because their smooching is gross.
9062 Conveyance – વાહનવ્યવહાર relocating a person or item usually by means of a large vehicle – સામાન્ય રીતે મોટા વાહન દ્વારા વ્યક્તિ અથવા વસ્તુને સ્થાનાંતરિત કરવું Fishermen in Iceland have large boats for the conveyance of haddock to local fish markets.
9063 Perforate – છિદ્રિત to pierce or penetrate and make holes in – વીંધવા અથવા ઘૂસીને અંદર છિદ્રો બનાવવા માટે If she would perforate the paper, she would be able to place it in her notebook rings.
9064 Psychosis – મનોવિકૃતિ a severe mental disorder – ગંભીર માનસિક વિકૃતિ After three doctor visits, the man suffered from psychosis due to his mind-altering hallucinations and obscure delusions.
9065 Dehumanization – અમાનવીકરણ treating a person as if he or she is not a human being – કોઈ વ્યક્તિ સાથે એવું વર્તન કરવું જાણે કે તે માણસ નથી The dehumanization of the Jews led to treatment that was not fitting of an animal.
9066 Accentuate – ભાર મૂકવો to highlight – પ્રકાશિત કરવા માટે The bright colored eyeliner will accentuate Ann’s beautiful eyes.
9067 Civic – નાગરિક related to a city or citizen – શહેર અથવા નાગરિક સાથે સંબંધિત Nonviolent civic protests were taking place to protect the rights of the U.S. citizens.
9068 Keening – કીનિંગ wailing or crying with grief – રડવું અથવા દુઃખ સાથે રડવું The keening mother could not believe that her child was gone, even though the officers that had found his body told her so through her tears.
9069 Behavior – વર્તન conduct – આચરણ Explaining that his behavior was unacceptable, the teacher corrected the misbehaving student and placed him in time out.
9070 Whence – ક્યાંથી from what place or source – કયા સ્થાન અથવા સ્ત્રોતમાંથી To end racism, you must start from whence the ideas originally came from.
9071 Unkind – નિર્દય mean; cruel – સરેરાશ ક્રૂર Girls on the playground often say cruel and unkind things to those they see as weak.
9072 Propound – પ્રસ્તાવ to bring forth for deliberation or consideration – વિચારણા અથવા વિચારણા માટે આગળ લાવવા At the faculty meeting I will propound several ideas for improving faculty morale.
9073 Shallow – છીછરા uninterested in things that are serious or deep; seeing only what is noticeable – ગંભીર અથવા ઊંડી વસ્તુઓમાં રસ નથી; ધ્યાનપાત્ર છે તે જ જોવું A beauty pageant is a shallow contest in which people are judged mainly on their looks.
9074 Promptness – તત્પરતા the quality of doing something quickly or without delay – ઝડપથી અથવા વિલંબ કર્યા વિના કંઈક કરવાની ગુણવત્તા Promptness of payment is appreciated, especially when you pay a few days early.
9075 Missed – ચૂકી ગયા let pass; failed to see, notice, or catch – પસાર થવા દો જોવા, નોટિસ અથવા પકડવામાં નિષ્ફળ The running back missed the ball, letting it zoom by him without even trying to catch it.
9076 Demarcation – સીમાંકન a dividing line – એક વિભાજન રેખા A basketball court has many lines, but there is one demarcation right in the middle that divides the court in half.
9077 Forgive – ક્ષમા to stop holding a grudge against someone for wrongdoing they committed – તેણે કરેલા ખોટા કાર્યો માટે કોઈની સામે ક્રોધ રાખવાનું બંધ કરવું It was difficult, but after many years I was able to forgive the man that had hit me with his car and taken my ability to walk.
9078 Value – મૂલ્ય the amount something is worth – રકમ કંઈક મૂલ્યવાન છે The value of the ring was much higher than the collector expected, so he was able to sell it for a nice profit.
9079 Perturb – ગડબડ to upset a person – વ્યક્તિને અસ્વસ્થ કરવા The troublesome lad does everything he can to perturb the girl sitting in front of him.
9080 Ascendancy – ચડતી a situation of power from which an individual can influence or direct other individuals – શક્તિની પરિસ્થિતિ કે જેમાંથી વ્યક્તિ અન્ય વ્યક્તિઓને પ્રભાવિત કરી શકે છે અથવા દિશામાન કરી શકે છે Jim is an arrogant man who believes he has an ascendancy that allows him to order his wife around like a slave.
9081 Inasmuch – ખૂબ જ seeing as; since – તરીકે જોવું; ત્યારથી Inasmuch you rarely watch television, there is no reason for you to keep paying for cable.
9082 Aplenty – એપ્લેન્ટી in abundance – વિપુલ પ્રમાણમાં With food aplenty, the chef began to place mounds of appetizers and snacks onto the huge serving tables.
9083 Unrivaled – અજોડ unmatched or unparalleled – મેળ ન ખાતું અથવા અપ્રતિમ The unrivaled flavor of this dish cannot be matched by anything another chef could produce.
9084 Prohibition – નિષેધ an act of forbidding or disallowing something – કંઈક પ્રતિબંધિત અથવા નામંજૂર કરવાની ક્રિયા The prohibition of alcohol was repealed.
9085 Otiose – ઓટિયોસ not useful – ઉપયોગી નથી Attempting to get Beth to change her mind is otiose because she is totally inflexible.
9086 Suffix – પ્રત્યય certain common endings to words that change the meanings or parts of speech of the words – શબ્દોના અમુક સામાન્ય અંત કે જે શબ્દોના અર્થ અથવા ભાષણના ભાગોને બદલે છે Adding the suffix “tion” to the word “operate,” changes the word from a verb to a noun.
9087 Carafe – કારાફે a large pitcher or container used to hold a beverage or wine – પીણું અથવા વાઇન રાખવા માટે વપરાતો મોટો ઘડો અથવા કન્ટેનર Since we were drinking glass after glass of the Dom Perignon, we decided to ask the waiter to leave the carafe of the wine at the table since we still wanted more.
9088 Disgorge – ડિસગોર્જ to vomit or pour out – ઉલટી અથવા રેડવું My leaking pen broke which cause ink to disgorge all over my paper.
9089 Masochist – માસોચિસ્ટ an individual who gets pleasure from suffering – એક વ્યક્તિ જે દુઃખમાંથી આનંદ મેળવે છે My ex-boyfriend was a masochist who got pleasure from hitting his head against the wall.
9090 Forte – ફોર્ટ an area in which an individual excels – એક ક્ષેત્ર જેમાં વ્યક્તિ શ્રેષ્ઠ છે Although dancing was Ann’s forte, she never considered having a career in entertainment.
9091 Headway – આગળ progress or forward movement – પ્રગતિ અથવા આગળ ચળવળ Just when then counselor thought they were making headway, the couple decided to end their therapy sessions.
9092 Electromagnet – ઇલેક્ટ્રોમેગ્નેટ a magnet that is energized by electricity – એક ચુંબક જે વીજળીથી ઉર્જા પામે છે Using a powerful electromagnet, the wrecking yard worker moved scrap metal from one side of the lot to the other.
9093 Bobble – બોબલ to move up and down – ઉપર અને નીચે ખસેડવા માટે The fishing line began to bobble above and below the water surface as a fish tugged on it.
9094 Omitted – અવગણવામાં excluded; left out – બાકાત; બહાર છોડી The graduate was sad that his name was accidentally omitted from the list of people earning their degrees.
9095 Deduce – તારવવું to form a conclusion using logical reasoning – તાર્કિક તર્કનો ઉપયોગ કરીને નિષ્કર્ષ બનાવવા માટે By counting backwards, the clerk was able to deduce the correct change to give back to the customer.
9096 Chestnut – ચેસ્ટનટ a hard brown nut with a glossy covering that can be roasted and eaten – ચળકતા આવરણ સાથે સખત બ્રાઉન અખરોટ કે જેને શેકીને ખાઈ શકાય છે As they roasted their last chestnut by the open fire, the couple began to snuggle and nibble on the remaining nuts.
9097 Adaptable – અનુકૂલનશીલ able to change – બદલવા માટે સક્ષમ When dogs live in the wild, their bodies must be adaptable to the environment or they will suffer.
9098 Obtuseness – અસ્પષ્ટતા a condition of lacking intelligence; stupidity – બુદ્ધિના અભાવની સ્થિતિ; મૂર્ખતા In an attempt to hide his obtuseness on the subject, the student remained quiet during the discussion.
9099 Evanesce – ઇવેનેસ to vanish slowly – ધીમે ધીમે અદૃશ્ય થઈ જવું I watched the ground evanesce as we flew into the clouds.
9100 Battlefield – યુદ્ધભૂમિ a location where a conflict occurs – એક સ્થાન જ્યાં સંઘર્ષ થાય છે If the two armies clash in the large open plains, the animals living there will soon find themselves as part of a battlefield.
9101 Ornate – અલંકૃત extravagantly adorned or worded – અસાધારણ રીતે શણગારેલું અથવા શબ્દયુક્ત The uneducated man could not understand the ornate speech made by the Ivy League professor.
9102 Swaggering – સ્વેગરિંગ acting with arrogant confidence in oneself – પોતાની જાતમાં ઘમંડી આત્મવિશ્વાસ સાથે કામ કરવું The man was swaggering his way through the crowd, irritating everyone.
9103 Wellness – સુખાકારી the state of being in good health – સારા સ્વાસ્થ્યમાં હોવાની સ્થિતિ Focusing on wellness and good health, the dieter was finally able to get herself in shape.
9104 Inelegant – અપ્રિય lacking elegance, sophistication, and refinement – લાવણ્ય, અભિજાત્યપણુ અને સંસ્કારિતાનો અભાવ Kimberley’s clunky costume jewelry looked too inelegant to be worn to the fancy dinner party.
9105 Concent – એકાગ્રતા for sounds and music to come together at one time – અવાજો અને સંગીત એક સમયે એકસાથે આવે તે માટે The band was not nervous during the concent because they played their instruments simultaneously but became nervous when they played alone.
9106 Sniveling – સ્નિવેલિંગ whining while in tears – આંસુ દરમિયાન રડવું The little boy was sniveling as he begged his mother not to punish him.
9107 Written – લખેલું having made marks that represent letters, shapes, or numbers, usually on paper with pen – સામાન્ય રીતે પેન વડે કાગળ પર અક્ષરો, આકારો અથવા સંખ્યાઓનું પ્રતિનિધિત્વ કરતા ગુણ બનાવ્યા Written in ink, the words on the pages began to smear when they got wet.
9108 Robot – રોબોટ a computerized machine that performs specific functions – કોમ્પ્યુટરાઈઝ્ડ મશીન જે ચોક્કસ કાર્યો કરે છે The robot looked so much like a human that it was hard to believe that there was a mechanical system underneath its metal frame.
9109 Fief – ફીફ a specific thing over which an individual has authority – એક વિશિષ્ટ વસ્તુ કે જેના પર વ્યક્તિનો અધિકાર છે In exchange for five years of military service, the man will receive a house as a fief from his lord.
9110 Guileless – ગુયલેસ naïve; trusting – નિષ્કપટ વિશ્વાસ The guileless nerd really believed the prom queen had a crush on him.
9111 Aimless – ઉદ્દેશ્યહીન worthless or purposeless – નકામું અથવા હેતુહીન The irresponsible and careless adult was living an aimless life by living at home with his parents without trying to get a job.
9112 Contagious – સાંસર્ગિક capable of spreading a disease – રોગ ફેલાવવા માટે સક્ષમ I was not allowed to visit the hospital because my grandfather was contagious.
9113 Imagination – કલ્પના the creative ability to form images, ideas, and sensations in the mind – મનમાં છબીઓ, વિચારો અને સંવેદનાઓ રચવાની સર્જનાત્મક ક્ષમતા The creative writing teacher expected her students to use their imagination when writing their poems so that it would showcase their artistic talent.
9114 Gasconade – ગેસકોનેડ to make particularly showy gestures to brag about an accomplishment – કોઈ સિદ્ધિ વિશે બડાઈ મારવા માટે ખાસ કરીને દેખાડે તેવા હાવભાવ કરવા The football player jumped on the cafeteria table and started to gasconade about his speed and ability to catch impossible throws.
9115 Scabrous – ખંજવાળ lewd and obscene – અશ્લીલ અને અશ્લીલ The scabrous magazine was regarded as a lecherous and vulgar publication.
9116 Container – કન્ટેનર an object that can be used to hold or transport something – એક ઑબ્જેક્ટ જેનો ઉપયોગ કંઈક પકડી રાખવા અથવા પરિવહન કરવા માટે થઈ શકે છે The cook placed the leftover soup in a plastic storage container and brought it out of the cooler during the next day’s lunch rush.
9117 Bereaved – શોકગ્રસ્ત depressed as a result of a loved one’s death – કોઈ પ્રિય વ્યક્તિના મૃત્યુના પરિણામે હતાશ The bereaved mother did not leave her home for several months.
9118 Havoc – પાયમાલી extensive destruction or devastation – વ્યાપક વિનાશ અથવા વિનાશ The volcano inflicted havoc upon the tiny village.
9119 Snapped – સ્નેપ્ડ broke suddenly and completely – અચાનક અને સંપૂર્ણપણે તૂટી ગયું When the writer pushed down too hard with the pencil, the lead tip snapped under the intense pressure.
9120 Correlation – સંબંધ a relationship between two items that are connected in some way – બે વસ્તુઓ વચ્ચેનો સંબંધ જે અમુક રીતે જોડાયેલ છે Of course there is a correlation between cold temperatures and high heating bills.
9121 Depressed – હતાશ feeling extremely sad and unhappy – અત્યંત ઉદાસી અને નાખુશ લાગણી The depressed mother decided to talk to a counselor about her feelings of unhappiness.
9122 Rebate – રિબેટ an portion of money returned to you after the purchase of something – કોઈ વસ્તુની ખરીદી કર્યા પછી પૈસાનો એક ભાગ તમને પાછો ફર્યો The car dealership offered the potential buyer 6k back in the form of a rebate if he chose to buy the vehicle.
9123 Catastrophic – આપત્તિજનક associated with a major disaster – મોટી દુર્ઘટના સાથે સંકળાયેલ છે The catastrophic wreck on the highway involved over forty vehicles.
9124 Sense – સંવેદના to detect or recognize – શોધવા અથવા ઓળખવા માટે After entering the spooky house, the medium could sense several spirits moving about the room.
9125 Impeachment – મહાભિયોગ a charge of treason or crime against the state – રાજ્ય સામે રાજદ્રોહ અથવા ગુનાનો આરોપ The president could be eligible for impeachment of his current position for lying to Congress.
9126 Bald – બાલ્ડ having no hair – વાળ ન હોય After several years of increasing hair loss, the man decided to shave his head completely bald.
9127 Serried – સેરીડ rows of people or objects grouped together – લોકો અથવા વસ્તુઓની પંક્તિઓ એકસાથે જૂથબદ્ધ Grandfather’s garden is serried in five rows, but it is too overgrown to notice.
9128 Fallow – પડતર not being used – ઉપયોગ થતો નથી At the end of summer, the once crowded beaches become fallow as the young people return to school.
9129 Inhospitable – આતિથ્યહીન not welcoming or friendly – આવકારદાયક અથવા મૈત્રીપૂર્ણ નથી The inhospitable man did not offer his guests any refreshments.
9130 Logophile – લોગોફાઈલ a lover of words – શબ્દોનો પ્રેમી Shakespeare was such a logophile that he took the words he already loved and crafted them into new ones.
9131 Decipher – ડિસિફર to read something that appears impossible to be read – એવું કંઈક વાંચવું જે વાંચવું અશક્ય લાગે There was no way I could decipher my doctor’s handwriting.
9132 Impuissant – અસ્પષ્ટ powerless; unable to take action – શક્તિહીન પગલાં લેવામાં અસમર્થ The impuissant king was ruler only by name as he wasn’t mentally capable of making decisions for the kingdom.
9133 Stunt – સ્ટંટ a brave or clever act or deed – બહાદુર અથવા હોંશિયાર કાર્ય અથવા કાર્ય After the acrobat completed her stunt at the Barnum and Bailey Circus, everyone in the crowd applauded loudly.
9134 Oversee – દેખરેખ to direct or supervise – નિર્દેશન અથવા દેખરેખ માટે I had to oversee my flip house project by being at the house every time a worker was working on the house.
9135 Do – કરો to execute or commit an act – એક કૃત્ય ચલાવવા અથવા કરવા માટે After teaching adding fractions for two weeks, Ms. Franklin knew her kids could do the problems involving fractions.
9136 Muck – છાણ muck is dirt or waste – છાણ ગંદકી અથવા કચરો છે Our old truck was filthy since it was covered with gravel, muck, and dirt.
9137 High-handed – ઊંચા હાથવાળા overbearing; using power more forcefully than needed – ઘમંડી જરૂરિયાત કરતાં વધુ બળપૂર્વક શક્તિનો ઉપયોગ The high-handed king ruled with an iron fist, never allowing his citizens to have any freedom.
9138 Weepy – રડવું tearful or prone to crying – આંસુ ભરેલું અથવા રડવાની સંભાવના Cory really hates when people get weepy, but only because it makes him feel awkward and he doesn’t know how to respond to crying.
9139 Pigeonhole – પિજનહોલ a small compartment – એક નાનો ડબ્બો Instead of big expensive lockers, students had access to a small pigeonhole where one or two books could fit.
9140 Euro – યુરો the unit of currency used in most European countries – મોટાભાગના યુરોપિયન દેશોમાં વપરાતું ચલણનું એકમ I bought my digital camera upon landing in the States for several hundred euro cheaper than Ireland.
9141 Peep – પીપ to look – જોવા Take a peep inside the treasure chest to see what prizes you could earn for good behavior.
9142 Flame – જ્યોત something that is compared to fire’s ability to burn fiercely or be extinguished – કંઈક કે જેની સરખામણી આગની ઉગ્રતાથી બળી જવાની અથવા બુઝાઈ જવાની ક્ષમતા સાથે કરવામાં આવે છે The flame of hope burns brightly in the hearts of the rebels even though their plight is dire and they face death every day.
9143 Bunkum – બંકમ something that is foolish, ridiculous, and makes no sense – કંઈક કે જે મૂર્ખ છે, હાસ્યાસ્પદ છે, અને કોઈ અર્થ નથી The doomsday extremist spouted bunkum about how the world would end in seven days when the ozone layer spontaneously combusted.
9144 Ire – ગુસ્સે hostility triggered by a grievance or insult – ફરિયાદ અથવા અપમાન દ્વારા ઉશ્કેરાયેલી દુશ્મનાવટ If my neighbor continues to let his dog poop in my front yard, he is going to feel the full force of my ire when I toss the canine waste on his porch.
9145 Heavenly – સ્વર્ગીય extremely pleasant or enjoyable – અત્યંત સુખદ અથવા આનંદપ્રદ The cookbook offered the recipes for heavenly desserts that tasted divine.
9146 Update – અપડેટ કરો to keep someone informed – કોઈને જાણ રાખવા માટે The doctor assured us that she would update us on dad’s progress every couple of hours.
9147 Odoriferous – ગંધયુક્ત producing an unpleasant scent – એક અપ્રિય સુગંધ ઉત્પન્ન કરે છે After eating six burritos, my brother turned the bathroom into an odoriferous chamber.
9148 Facilitate – સગવડ કરો to make something occur or less difficult – કંઈક થાય અથવા ઓછું મુશ્કેલ બનાવવું The translator will facilitate the conversation between the immigrant and the attorney.
9149 Promote – પ્રમોટ કરો advance someone to a higher rank or position – કોઈને ઉચ્ચ પદ અથવા પદ પર આગળ વધો Because he had served his country so well, the General decided to promote the Corporal to the rank of Sergeant.
9150 Appeared – દેખાયા seemed to be; looked as if – લાગતું હતું; જોતા હતા Because the staggering driver appeared to be drunk, the cop tested him for alcohol.
9151 Trellis – જાફરી a framework of solid bars used as a support for unstable objects – અસ્થિર પદાર્થો માટે આધાર તરીકે ઉપયોગમાં લેવાતા ઘન બારનું માળખું Because the sapling is too weak to stand up straight on its own, we planted a trellis made of wooden bars around it to help it stand.
9152 Despise – તિરસ્કાર to look upon with disdain – તિરસ્કાર સાથે જોવા માટે Because I despise the taste of white milk, I never drink it.
9153 Bowed – નમન કર્યું bent the head or body as a sign of respect – માનની નિશાની તરીકે માથું અથવા શરીર વાળવું The commoner bowed to the king, bending his neck as a sign of respect.
9154 Hamlet – હેમ્લેટ a small rural settlement without a church – ચર્ચ વિનાનું એક નાનું ગ્રામીણ વસાહત The hamlet was situated on the outskirts of a larger village.
9155 Scour – સ્કોર to scrub hard – સખત સ્ક્રબ કરવા માટે My mother made us scour the bathroom before our guests arrived.
9156 Characterizing – લાક્ષણિકતા distinguishing or marking something as a way of typifying it – તેને ટાઇપ કરવાની રીત તરીકે અલગ પાડવું અથવા ચિહ્નિત કરવું The politician released ads with the purpose of characterizing his opponent as a scoundrel and a crook.
9157 Bodily – શારીરિક relating to the body, physical – શરીર સાથે સંબંધિત, ભૌતિક While I have promised that her brother wouldn’t come to any bodily harm, I technically didn’t say anything about mental.
9158 Impossibility – અશક્યતા the condition of something not being able to be done – કંઈક ન કરી શકવાની સ્થિતિ Elizabeth’s boss was classified as a scrooge by his employees, and Elizabeth saw the impossibility to make the job worthwhile.
9159 Unsuspecting – અસંદિગ્ધ being naïve and unaware, especially of the presence of danger – નિષ્કપટ અને અજાણ હોવું, ખાસ કરીને જોખમની હાજરી વિશે The unsuspecting driver never expected to be carjacked in the middle of a busy roadway.
9160 Gallantry – શૌર્ય courtesy or chivalry to ladies – મહિલાઓ માટે સૌજન્ય અથવા શૌર્ય By holding open the car door and pulling out his date’s seat at dinner, the woman was impressed by her blind date’s gallantry.
9161 Subtropical – ઉપઉષ્ણકટિબંધીય pertaining to the climate area located between the tropics and a milder climate – ઉષ્ણકટિબંધીય અને હળવા આબોહવા વચ્ચે સ્થિત આબોહવા વિસ્તારથી સંબંધિત Gardeners will usually put their subtropical plants in direct sunlight since they need lots of sun.
9162 Enquired – પૂછપરછ કરી asked about; questioned – વિશે પૂછ્યું; પ્રશ્ન કર્યો The police enquired into the matter, asking people around town if they had seen the missing woman.
9163 Housewarming – હાઉસવોર્મિંગ something used in celebrating a move into a new home – નવા ઘરમાં જવાની ઉજવણીમાં વપરાતી વસ્તુ After the newlyweds transitioned into their new condo, the bride’s aunt threw a housewarming party to celebrate the purchase.
9164 Glimmer of hope – આશાનું કિરણ a small chance or sign that things might turn around for the better – એક નાની તક અથવા સાઇન કે જે વસ્તુઓ વધુ સારી રીતે બદલાઈ શકે છે We thought that our dog had died after being run over, but a glimmer of hope emerged when a vet came on the scene.
9165 Compass – હોકાયંત્ર a round, arrowed device that always points north and is used to find direction – એક ગોળાકાર, તીરવાળું ઉપકરણ જે હંમેશા ઉત્તર તરફ નિર્દેશ કરે છે અને તેનો ઉપયોગ દિશા શોધવા માટે થાય છે Explorers used the compass to find their way to the island.
9166 Kindred – સંબંધી related in thought or genetically – વિચાર અથવા આનુવંશિક રીતે સંબંધિત My best friend is my kindred spirit who usually identifies with all the crazy things I say.
9167 Commingle – સંમિશ્રણ to mix or blend – મિશ્રણ અથવા મિશ્રણ When making mud pies, the children began to commingle the dirt with water until it reached the perfect consistency.
9168 Gravity – ગુરુત્વાકર્ષણ the force that attracts objects towards the center of the Earth – બળ કે જે પદાર્થોને પૃથ્વીના કેન્દ્ર તરફ આકર્ષે છે Newton discovered the force of gravity when an apple was pulled down from the tree he was sitting under.
9169 Shrivel – શ્રવેલ become wrinkled or get smaller – કરચલીઓ પડી જાય છે અથવા નાની થઈ જાય છે Soaking in the bathtub for too long, the girl’s tiny fingers began to shrivel up like wrinkled sticks.
9170 Handsomely – ઉદારતાથી generously; substantially – ઉદારતાથી નોંધપાત્ર રીતે After calling a tip in to the crime hotline, the informant was rewarded handsomely for his information.
9171 Voice – અવાજ the sound produced in a person’s larynx that passes out of the throat/mouth – વ્યક્તિના કંઠસ્થાનમાં ઉત્પન્ન થતો અવાજ જે ગળા/મોંમાંથી પસાર થાય છે After yelling at the children all day, the mother had lost her voice.
9172 Ornamental – સુશોભન serving or intended as an ornament or decoration – આભૂષણ અથવા શણગાર તરીકે સેવા આપવી અથવા બનાવાયેલ છે The metal eagle on the front of my Dad’s car is ornamental, not serving any purpose but looking pretty nice.
9173 Susurration – સુસુરેશન a whispering sound – એક બબડાટ અવાજ The audio recording file was ruined because of the susurration of the producer’s hushed voice in the background.
9174 Nocturnal – નિશાચર taking place at night – રાત્રે થાય છે Bats are nocturnal creatures because they tend to be more active during the night hours.
9175 Memorialization – મેમોરિયલાઈઝેશન a commemoration or remembrance of someone or something – કોઈની અથવા કંઈકની સ્મૃતિ અથવા સ્મરણ Even after 70 years, people still organize a memorialization of the Holocaust by having survivors speak about their time during that event.
9176 Destination – ગંતવ્ય the place that something or someone is going to – તે સ્થાન કે જ્યાં કંઈક અથવા કોઈ જઈ રહ્યું છે The final destination of our vacation was the Hawaiian islands.
9177 Water – પાણી clear liquid that that is used for drinking or washing that falls from clouds as rain – સ્વચ્છ પ્રવાહી કે જેનો ઉપયોગ પીવા અથવા ધોવા માટે થાય છે જે વાદળોમાંથી વરસાદ તરીકે પડે છે Filling her tub with cold water, the woman got her clothes ready to be washed.
9178 Accursed – શાપિત under a curse; doomed – શ્રાપ હેઠળ; વિનાશકારી Accursed by the black widow, it seemed that the doomed man would never be free of the spell.
9179 Portentous – અસ્પષ્ટ foreboding, ominous, or threatening – પૂર્વસૂચન, અપશુકનિયાળ અથવા ધમકી આપનારું Because Jack generally expects the worst, his language is normally portentous and filled with warnings.
9180 Indirect – પરોક્ષ secondary, unintentional – ગૌણ, અજાણતા Indirect exposure to cigarette smoke can still lead to lung cancer.
9181 Regale – રેગલ to please someone – કોઈને ખુશ કરવા The chef hoped his meal would regale the food critic.
9182 Sedate – શામક to soothe or calm – શાંત અથવા શાંત કરવા માટે The shot should sedate the patient and allow him to sleep peacefully.
9183 Extenuating – એક્સટેન્યુએટિંગ to lessen the seriousness of a wrong act – ખોટા કૃત્યની ગંભીરતા ઘટાડવા માટે The court reduced the criminal’s sentence because of extenuating circumstances.
9184 Skipper – સુકાની the captain of a ship or boat – વહાણ અથવા બોટનો કેપ્ટન The skipper of the boat guided the vessel through the storm and made it safely into the port.
9185 Orotund – ઓરોટન્ડ haughty in tone or style – સ્વર અથવા શૈલીમાં અભિમાની The millionaire’s orotund manner made him come across as arrogant.
9186 Corroborate – સમર્થન કરો to strengthen or support with other evidence; make more certain – અન્ય પુરાવા સાથે મજબૂત અથવા સમર્થન; વધુ નિશ્ચિત કરો I prayed my friend would corroborate the lie I told my parents!
9187 Literate – સાક્ષર able to read and write – વાંચવા અને લખવામાં સક્ષમ The young toddler is literate, able to fully read and write at a very young age.
9188 Developing – વિકાસશીલ emerging; increasing upward – ઊભરતું; ઉપરની તરફ વધી રહ્યું છે The developing plants continued to grow out of the ground until they were over 14 inches tall.
9189 Enquiring – પૂછપરછ asking about something in order to gain information – માહિતી મેળવવા માટે કંઈક વિશે પૂછવું A few people have been enquiring about the property we have for sale, but none have offered to purchase it.
9190 Redivivus – રેડિવિવસ reborn; revived – પુનર્જન્મ; પુનર્જીવિત New management breathed life into the failing business, changing the dead car dealership into a redivivus success.
9191 Train – ટ્રેન to teach a person or animal a particular skill – કોઈ વ્યક્તિ અથવા પ્રાણીને ચોક્કસ કૌશલ્ય શીખવવા માટે The animal trainer used treats to train the dog to sit on command.
9192 Blunder – ભૂલ a clumsy or embarrassing mistake – અણઘડ અથવા શરમજનક ભૂલ Because he was not paying close attention, the driver made a blunder by hitting a stop sign.
9193 Exaggerated – અતિશયોક્તિપૂર્ણ overstated or made something more than what it really is – અતિશયોક્તિ અથવા તે ખરેખર શું છે તેના કરતાં વધુ કંઈક બનાવ્યું The fisherman always exaggerated how heavy his catch was, boasting about a 200-pound carp that was really 20 pounds.
9194 Reunion – રિયુનિયન the instance of people that have been separated for a long time coming together again – એવા લોકોનો દાખલો કે જેઓ લાંબા સમયથી અલગ પડેલા છે તે ફરીથી એક સાથે આવે છે Having been apart for many years, our reunion when we saw each other again was a very tearful and exciting one.
9195 Regretfully – ખેદપૂર્વક with sadness or disappointment – ઉદાસી અથવા નિરાશા સાથે The man regretfully, resigned from his dream job after his mother got sick out of state.
9196 Melodious – મધુર having a pleasing sound – આનંદદાયક અવાજ આવે છે His melodious voice carried over all of the other students in the Christmas program.
9197 Corollary – કોરોલરી a natural consequence, or a result that naturally follows – કુદરતી પરિણામ, અથવા પરિણામ જે કુદરતી રીતે અનુસરે છે Once the divorce was finalized, Jo had to deal with the corollary of depression and self-doubt that followed.
9198 Blade – બ્લેડ the flat edge of a knife, saw, or a weapon – છરી, કરવત અથવા શસ્ત્રની સપાટ ધાર Using the blade of the knife, the mailman was able to slice the tape holding the box together.
9199 Kindergarten – કિન્ડરગાર્ટન a class for children between the ages of four and six that prepares them for the first grade of school – ચાર થી છ વર્ષની વયના બાળકો માટેનો વર્ગ જે તેમને શાળાના પ્રથમ ધોરણ માટે તૈયાર કરે છે On the first day of kindergarten, the five-year-old said hello to her new teacher and sat at a small table with her classmates.
9200 Impressionable – પ્રભાવશાળી swayed easily – સરળતાથી ડૂબી ગયો It was easy for the older boys to convince the impressionable young boy to shoplift.
9201 Intensified – તીવ્ર something that has become stronger, increased, or faster – કંઈક કે જે મજબૂત, વધારો અથવા ઝડપી બન્યું છે As the hurricane approached inland, the winds intensified.
9202 Sentenced – સજા સંભળાવી punished; gave a penalty for a crime – સજા ગુના માટે દંડ આપ્યો The thief was sentenced to 10 years in the slammer for robbing the local grocery store at gunpoint.
9203 Beaming – બીમિંગ shining or smiling radiantly – ચમકતા અથવા ખુશખુશાલ સ્મિત The proud father was beaming with pride as he smiled at his son standing on the graduation stage.
9204 Occur – થાય છે to take place; happen – સ્થળ લેવા માટે; થાય There was no way to predict when the earthquake would occur, but scientists were certain it would happen.
9205 Clan – કુળ a group of close-knit people or families – નજીકના લોકો અથવા પરિવારોનું જૂથ The Mayfield clan gathers every summer for a roundhouse family reunion.
9206 Polytheism – બહુદેવવાદ the belief there are many deities or gods – એવી માન્યતા છે કે ઘણા દેવી-દેવતાઓ છે Many ancient civilizations believed in polytheism and worshipped numerous gods.
9207 Weakened – નબળી પડી become less strong or powerful – ઓછા મજબૂત અથવા શક્તિશાળી બનો Because he hasn’t worked out in a few months, the bodybuilder’s once bulging muscles have weakened to mush.
9208 Cadence – કેડન્સ a consistent rhythm or beat – સુસંગત લય અથવા ધબકારા We were happy when our fast-talking professor started to speak in a slow cadence we could understand.
9209 Shorthand – શોર્ટહેન્ડ a method of writing using abbreviations and symbols – સંક્ષેપ અને પ્રતીકોનો ઉપયોગ કરીને લખવાની પદ્ધતિ The secretary took notes in shorthand so that she could quickly write down all of the details.
9210 Meliorate – મેલિયોરેટ to improve or make something better – કંઈક સુધારવા અથવા વધુ સારું બનાવવા માટે As a counselor, it was his job to try and meliorate the relationship between the two family members.
9211 Surveillance – સર્વેલન્સ close observation of an individual or group; person or persons under suspicion – વ્યક્તિ અથવા જૂથનું નજીકનું નિરીક્ષણ; વ્યક્તિ અથવા શંકા હેઠળની વ્યક્તિઓ The FBI surveillance van cruised through the neighborhood where several burglaries had taken place.
9212 Actionable – ક્રિયાશીલ able to be acted on – પર કાર્યવાહી કરવામાં સક્ષમ While the police are allowed to intervene on a crime, the mere act of someone thinking about committing a crime is generally not actionable by law enforcement.
9213 Obviate – ઓબ્વિયેટ to prevent or eliminate – અટકાવવા અથવા દૂર કરવા માટે If you want to obviate the risk of skin cancer throughout your life, it’s important that you are protected from sun exposure from the time you are an infant.
9214 Mood – મૂડ disposition; temperament – સ્વભાવ સ્વભાવ The worker was so exhausted and irritable that literally anything could cause her mood to plummet.
9215 Bastinado – બેસ્ટિનાડો a form of torture that involves beating the soles of a person’s feet with a cane – ત્રાસનું એક સ્વરૂપ જેમાં શેરડી વડે વ્યક્તિના પગના તળિયા મારવાનો સમાવેશ થાય છે The ruler ordered a bastinado for the thieves so that the soles of their feet could be beaten for their crimes.
9216 Miasma – મિયાસ્મા a noxious atmosphere or influence – હાનિકારક વાતાવરણ અથવા પ્રભાવ When Tyrone walked through the door, a miasma of alcohol accompanied him, causing his family to gag.
9217 Dissuasion – ડિસ્યુએશન the process of trying to convince someone not to do something – કોઈને કંઈક ન કરવા માટે સમજાવવાનો પ્રયાસ કરવાની પ્રક્રિયા Sometimes, the dissuasion of a police officer is all it takes to convince someone not to take their own life as they stand on the edge of a bridge.
9218 Meringue – મેરીંગ્યુ a pie topping that is browned after being made from beaten egg whites and sugar – એક પાઈ ટોપિંગ જે પીટેલા ઈંડાની સફેદી અને ખાંડમાંથી બનાવ્યા પછી બ્રાઉન થઈ જાય છે Edith whipped up a meringue to be added to the list of sweet and light treats.
9219 Agnostic – અજ્ઞેયવાદી someone who believes there is no way to know if God does or does not exist – જે વ્યક્તિ માને છે કે ભગવાન છે કે નથી તે જાણવાની કોઈ રીત નથી As an agnostic, Devin questioned whether there is any proof that a God created the universe.
9220 Flinty – ફ્લિન્ટી resembling the hardness of flint – ચકમકની કઠિનતા જેવું લાગે છે The man continued to grind his feet against the flinty ground in an attempt to get the mud off of his shoes.
9221 Dominate – પ્રભુત્વ to exert power or control over – સત્તા અથવા નિયંત્રણ લાગુ કરવા માટે Once the burger chain begins to open restaurants in the South, it will dominate the fast food industry in this country.
9222 Tranquilize – શાંત કરો the act of drugging or incapacitating in order to calm – શાંત થવા માટે ડ્રગિંગ અથવા અસમર્થતાનું કાર્ય The doctors were forced to tranquilize the hysterical woman before she her herself.
9223 Essence – સાર the key element of something – કોઈ વસ્તુનું મુખ્ય તત્વ At the essence of the non-profit is the desire to improve the lives of homeless people.
9224 Adornment – શણગાર an ornament or decoration that adds attractiveness – એક આભૂષણ અથવા શણગાર જે આકર્ષણ ઉમેરે છે The plain tree need an adornment, so a silver star was added to the top.
9225 Help – મદદ to aid or assist – મદદ અથવા મદદ કરવા માટે When the woman fell overboard, the cruise workers would help her by throwing her a life preserver.
9226 Maid – નોકરડી one who makes money by cleaning homes or businesses – જે ઘરો અથવા વ્યવસાયો સાફ કરીને પૈસા કમાય છે Because she had trouble keeping her laundry done and her bathrooms clean, the businesswoman hired a maid to assist her.
9227 Hornet – હોર્નેટ a big stinging wasp that lives below ground – એક મોટી ડંખવાળી ભમરી જે જમીનની નીચે રહે છે When I got stung by the brown and yellow hornet, I screamed in pain as it quickly flew to its home under the dirt.
9228 Symptomatic – લાક્ષાણિક showing symptoms – લક્ષણો દર્શાવે છે Although he managed a C, his slipping grades were symptomatic of a much bigger problem.
9229 Footman – ફૂટમેન a male servant or domestic worker – પુરુષ નોકર અથવા ઘરેલું કામદાર The wealthy traveler beckoned for his footman to help him down from his carriage and another servant to bring him his coat.
9230 Adduce – ઉમેરવું to produce as support during a discussion or argument – ચર્ચા અથવા દલીલ દરમિયાન સમર્થન તરીકે રજૂ કરવા During the trial the defense attorney will adduce evidence to show the defendant’s innocence.
9231 Forbade – મનાઈ ફરમાવી prevented from doing something – કંઈક કરવાથી અટકાવે છે Because I was a teenager, my mother forbade me to date my neighbor who was in his senior year of college.
9232 Parable – ઉપમા a short story that delivers a message – એક ટૂંકી વાર્તા જે સંદેશ આપે છે The play is a parable that teaches the students a lesson about the importance of being kind.
9233 Passage – પેસેજ a route for something to go through – કંઈક પસાર કરવા માટેનો માર્ગ Christopher Columbus believed he found a passage to India but instead he found a new land.
9234 Indivisible – અવિભાજ્ય united; inseparable – સંયુક્ત; અવિભાજ્ય Though some try to forget it, topic of slavery is indivisible from the story of our country’s history.
9235 Loom – લૂમ to impend; to threaten or hang over – તોળવું; ધમકાવવું અથવા અટકી જવું When the storm begins to loom over the horizon, we will head back to the car.
9236 Addition – ઉમેરણ adding or inclusion of something extra – કંઈક વધારાનું ઉમેરવું અથવા શામેલ કરવું In addition to pizza they requested, the couple ordered a side of wings and some cheese sticks.
9237 Retroactive – પૂર્વવર્તી influencing a previous time – અગાઉના સમયને પ્રભાવિત કરે છે Under the retroactive trafficking proposal, convicted traffickers may receive reduced prison terms.
9238 Horrid – ભયાનક causing horror or dread – ભયાનકતા અથવા ભયનું કારણ બને છે I was jolted out of my sleep because of a horrid dream that left me sweating profusely.
9239 Console – કન્સોલ to provide a person with comfort when he or she is struggling emotionally – જ્યારે વ્યક્તિ ભાવનાત્મક રીતે સંઘર્ષ કરી રહી હોય ત્યારે તેને આરામ આપવા માટે I tried to console my best friend when her husband died.
9240 Entrant – પ્રવેશ કરનાર a person that joins a group or enters a contest – એક વ્યક્તિ જે જૂથમાં જોડાય છે અથવા હરીફાઈમાં પ્રવેશ કરે છે To take part in the beauty pageant, the entrant had to fill out paperwork and pay a 20 dollar fee.
9241 TRUE – સાચું real and genuine – વાસ્તવિક અને અસલી Amber’s true hair color is red, but she likes to dye it blonde in the summer.
9242 Begun – શરૂ થયું started – શરૂ કર્યું Right after the baby begun to cry, her mother came running into her room.
9243 Governmental – સરકારી relating to the leadership of a nation – રાષ્ટ્રના નેતૃત્વ સાથે સંબંધિત The FBI is a governmental agency, working for the people in charge of the United States.
9244 Centerpiece – કેન્દ્રસ્થાને an object or project that takes a central position or importance – એક ઑબ્જેક્ટ અથવા પ્રોજેક્ટ કે જે કેન્દ્રિય સ્થાન અથવા મહત્વ લે છે Placing the centerpiece at the middle of the table, the decorator prepared the home for the Thanksgiving feast.
9245 Demotic – ડેમોટિક (of or in the form of language) used by ordinary people – (ભાષાના અથવા સ્વરૂપમાં) સામાન્ય લોકો દ્વારા ઉપયોગમાં લેવાય છે Demotic scripts were different from traditional Egyptian communication in that they were scribed with business and not traditional wording.
9246 Engross – તલ્લીન to completely capture attention or focus – ધ્યાન કે ધ્યાન કેપ્ચર કરવા માટે Hopefully the plastic keys will engross the crying baby for a while.
9247 Protruding – બહાર નીકળેલી sticking out of – બહાર ચોંટતા I don’t mean to be the bearer of bad news, but there is an arrow protruding from your thigh.
9248 Antibody – એન્ટિબોડી a blood protein your body creates to fight disease – રક્ત પ્રોટીન તમારું શરીર રોગ સામે લડવા માટે બનાવે છે Finding the right antibody to fight the contagion is critical and can determine between life and death.
9249 Admonition – સલાહ a warning or reprimand given with advice – સલાહ સાથે આપવામાં આવેલ ચેતવણી અથવા ઠપકો Gerald’s admonition against the other police officers served as a warning to those doing wrong in the organization.
9250 Underpin – અન્ડરપિન support and reinforce – આધાર અને મજબૂત To make a good grade, the teacher required her students to underpin their essays with facts to convince the reader about their main ideas.
9251 Derogatory – અપમાનજનક conveying a poor opinion of something or someone – કંઈક અથવા કોઈનો નબળો અભિપ્રાય વ્યક્ત કરવો To a mentally disabled person, the term “retarded” is viewed as a derogatory word.
9252 Prim – પ્રિમ formal and proper in a stiff and prudish way – ઔપચારિક અને સખત અને વિવેકપૂર્ણ રીતે યોગ્ય My prim coworker refused to dance, but the rest of my coworkers weren’t afraid to jump right in.
9253 Brigand – બ્રિગન્ડ a thief or fugitive – ચોર અથવા ભાગેડુ When the brigand climbed through the broken window, he cut his wrist on the glass.
9254 Naught – શૂન્ય nothing – કશું Everything I wrote was for naught when my computer crashed.
9255 Affable – મિલનસાર friendly, good-natured, or easy to talk to – મૈત્રીપૂર્ણ, સારા સ્વભાવનું અથવા વાત કરવામાં સરળ Instead of being such a jerk, you should try being more affable!
9256 Glitter – ઝગમગાટ tiny pieces of reflective material that are usually used for decoration – પ્રતિબિંબીત સામગ્રીના નાના ટુકડા જે સામાન્ય રીતે શણગાર માટે વપરાય છે Glitter lined the girl’s fancy prom dress to help it sparkle in the light.
9257 Several – અનેક a number higher than two yet relatively low in number – સંખ્યા બે કરતા વધારે છે છતાં સંખ્યા પ્રમાણમાં ઓછી છે During her walk, the girl was able to pick up several lemons to make a gallon of fresh lemonade.
9258 Ministration – મંત્રાલય the act of giving care or help – સંભાળ અથવા મદદ આપવાની ક્રિયા Every Thursday, our home is made spotless again by the attention and ministration of the cleaning lady.
9259 Bathe – સ્નાન કરો to clean oneself immersion in water or using water – પાણીમાં ડૂબીને અથવા પાણીનો ઉપયોગ કરીને પોતાને સાફ કરવા Bathe with soap and water to wash off dirt and dead skin cells.
9260 Grange – ગ્રેન્જ a farmhouse or homestead – ફાર્મહાઉસ અથવા ઘર Dusting his boots off, the farmer stepped into his grange after a long day on the ranch.
9261 Enamored – મોહિત in love with a person or thing – કોઈ વ્યક્તિ અથવા વસ્તુના પ્રેમમાં Because I was so enamored of my boyfriend, I had to see him constantly.
9262 Shield – ઢાલ to protect a person or thing from something dangerous or unpleasant – કોઈ વ્યક્તિ અથવા વસ્તુને ખતરનાક અથવા અપ્રિય કંઈકથી બચાવવા માટે My mother uses sunglasses to shield her sensitive eyes from the sun’s bright rays.
9263 Retreat – પીછેહઠ a private event or place where a person goes to relax – એક ખાનગી ઇવેન્ટ અથવા સ્થળ જ્યાં વ્યક્તિ આરામ કરવા જાય છે The presidential retreat at Camp David was used as a place to unwind and reflect.
9264 Comedy – કોમેડી professional entertainment designed to make the audience laugh, typically through jokes or satire – પ્રેક્ષકોને હસાવવા માટે રચાયેલ વ્યાવસાયિક મનોરંજન, ખાસ કરીને જોક્સ અથવા વ્યંગ દ્વારા I prefer to watch comedy movies because I prefer laughing over being scared or involved in a suspenseful action scene.
9265 Integrate – એકીકૃત to come together or be put together in order to make a single unit – એક એકમ બનાવવા માટે એકસાથે આવવું અથવા એકસાથે મૂકવું The activists marched and protested to integrate schools so children of all races could learn together.
9266 Tart – ખાટું acid or sharp in taste – એસિડ અથવા સ્વાદમાં તીક્ષ્ણ The sour candy I eat is very tart and I love it, but my mom that hates sour food does not.
9267 Afflatus – અફલાટસ a skill or gift that seems to be given by a God or higher power – એક કુશળતા અથવા ભેટ જે ભગવાન અથવા ઉચ્ચ શક્તિ દ્વારા આપવામાં આવી હોય તેવું લાગે છે The dancer was struck with afflatus and moved like she was gifted with skills from the gods.
9268 Bowdlerize – બાઉડલરાઇઝ કરો to delete or change the parts of a text that are viewed as offensive – અપમાનજનક તરીકે જોવામાં આવતા ટેક્સ્ટના ભાગોને કાઢી નાખવા અથવા બદલવા માટે If you do not want to offend your teacher with that profane language, you should bowdlerize the story before handing it in for a grade.
9269 Hallow – હોલો to brand something as sacred or holy – કંઈક પવિત્ર અથવા પવિત્ર તરીકે ચિહ્નિત કરવું John showed he did not hallow his marriage as a sacred commitment when he engaged in an affair with his neighbor.
9270 Exonerate – નિર્દોષ to prove that someone is not guilty of a crime or responsible for a problem, bad situation, etc. – સાબિત કરવા માટે કે કોઈ વ્યક્તિ ગુના માટે દોષિત નથી અથવા સમસ્યા, ખરાબ પરિસ્થિતિ વગેરે માટે જવાબદાર નથી. The job of the defense attorney is to exonerate his clients and keep them out of jail.
9271 Mundane – મુન્ડેન Boring, dull, and uninteresting – કંટાળાજનક, નીરસ અને રસહીન Though dishwashing is often seen as a mundane chore, listening to music makes it much more bearable.
9272 Fractal – ખંડિત a never ending pattern in mathematics built from repeated shapes that are reduced each time they repeat – પુનરાવર્તિત આકારોથી બનેલ ગણિતમાં ક્યારેય સમાપ્ત ન થનારી પેટર્ન જે દરેક વખતે તેઓ પુનરાવર્તન કરતી વખતે ઘટાડે છે The teacher explained that a fractal is a geometric shape that has parts that are self-similar.
9273 Flattened – ચપટી pressed down and made flat – નીચે દબાવીને સપાટ બનાવ્યો The chef flattened the fluffy pancake until it was paper thin.
9274 Beck – બેક a stream that moves from a mountain – એક પ્રવાહ જે પર્વત પરથી ખસે છે Water flowed swiftly over the stony bed of the beck and emptied into a larger stream at the mountain’s edge.
9275 Twisted – ટ્વિસ્ટેડ abnormal or warped – અસામાન્ય અથવા વિકૃત The twisted mind of serial killer is something a normal person cannot and should not ever understand.
9276 Plentiful – પુષ્કળ a huge amount – મોટી રકમ There was a plentiful amount of food at the family reunion.
9277 Maturation – પરિપક્વતા the process of developing or becoming mature – વિકાસ અથવા પરિપક્વ બનવાની પ્રક્રિયા Because maturation of the lungs hasn’t taken place, the premature infant will be kept inside the hospital until the organs are fully developed.
9278 Refused – ના પાડી said or showed that one was not willing to do or accept something – કહ્યું અથવા બતાવ્યું કે વ્યક્તિ કંઈક કરવા અથવા સ્વીકારવા તૈયાર નથી The toddler refused to open his mouth, holding his lips shut so the dentist couldn’t see inside.
9279 Subsidize – સબસિડી આપો to pay for part of the cost of something – કોઈ વસ્તુની કિંમતના ભાગ માટે ચૂકવણી કરવી The mayor used city funds to subsidize his personal projects and was eventually charged with theft.
9280 Glossy – ચળકતા something that is superficially attractive – કંઈક કે જે સુપરફિસિયલ આકર્ષક છે That sports car is glossy and all, but a far less expensive car could still let you get around, so why did you buy it?
9281 Criminal – ગુનેગાર A person that commits a crime acts that are against the law – એક વ્યક્તિ જે ગુનો કરે છે તે કાયદાની વિરુદ્ધ છે The criminal had a long rap sheet with several past theft charges.
9282 Dispute – વિવાદ to contest or argue about something – હરીફાઈ કરવી અથવા કંઈક વિશે દલીલ કરવી When I saw unauthorized charges on my credit card, I called the bank to dispute the amounts.
9283 Distension – ડિસ્ટેન્શન enlargement or dilation, similar to a balloon – વિસ્તરણ અથવા વિસ્તરણ, બલૂન જેવું જ You can see distension in action when you fill up a balloon with water, watching as the material stretches exponentially.
9284 Matured – પરિપક્વ grew and developed into an adult – પુખ્ત થયો અને વિકસિત થયો Because the grapes haven’t matured fully, we won’t be able to pick them from the vine just yet.
9285 Skirmish – અથડામણ a skirmish is a brief argument – અથડામણ એ ટૂંકી દલીલ છે Several players got into a skirmish following the first play of the game.
9286 May – મે possibly will happen – કદાચ થશે She may be surprised by the pregnancy news, but she knows that you really want a baby.
9287 Wryly – રાયલી in a witty yet mocking manner – વિનોદી છતાં મજાક ઉડાવનારી રીતે As a self-proclaimed chef, Kelly wryly writes about her experiences in the kitchen.
9288 Anent – અનંત concerning; about – સંબંધિત; વિશે The gossipers are always talking anent other women and spreading their business around the group.
9289 Cartographer – કાર્ટોગ્રાફર an individual who specializes in the creation of maps – એક વ્યક્તિ જે નકશા બનાવવામાં નિષ્ણાત છે Fortunately, the cartographer added a legend to his map to make it easier for people to understand.
9290 Escalade – એસ્કેલેડ the act of climbing or scaling defensive walls with the aid of ladders – સીડીની મદદથી રક્ષણાત્મક દિવાલો પર ચડવું અથવા સ્કેલિંગ કરવાની ક્રિયા Even the strongest men were unable to escalade the tower of the north castle.
9291 Pronouncing – ઉચ્ચારણ using one’s voice to say a word in a certain way – ચોક્કસ રીતે કોઈ શબ્દ કહેવા માટે કોઈના અવાજનો ઉપયોગ કરવો Some of the students are good at pronouncing Spanish words while others have trouble rolling their ‘r’s.’
9292 Obliged – બંધાયેલા forced or required – ફરજ પડી અથવા જરૂરી Although the children hated doing chores, they were obliged to clean the house or face punishment from their mother.
9293 Mirrored – પ્રતિબિંબિત having a surface that is reflective like a mirror – અરીસાની જેમ પ્રતિબિંબીત સપાટી ધરાવે છે The mirrored sunglasses reflect out and stop others from seeing through the lens.
9294 Antagonize – વિરોધી કરો to trigger hostility or anger – દુશ્મનાવટ અથવા ગુસ્સો ઉત્તેજીત કરવા માટે If you antagonize the dog, he will bite you.
9295 Timid – ડરપોક lacking in courage or confidence – હિંમત અથવા આત્મવિશ્વાસનો અભાવ The timid singer nervously approached the microphone.
9296 Arrears – એરિયર્સ a debt that is overdue; unpaid – દેવું જે મુદતવીતી છે; અવેતન Because Jill’s credit card payment has been in arrears for three months, the card issuer is suspending her account.
9297 Palate – તાળવું person’s sense of taste or appetite – વ્યક્તિની સ્વાદ અથવા ભૂખની ભાવના Because she has a picky palate, the toddler refuses to eat anything other than chicken nuggets.
9298 Recoverable – પુનઃપ્રાપ્ત the ability to retrieve something back that was once occupied – એકવાર કબજે કરવામાં આવેલ કંઈક પાછું મેળવવાની ક્ષમતા After the jewelry was stolen from the hotel’s safe, securing the doors so no one could leave the hotel made it more likely for the jewelry to be recoverable.
9299 Strive – પ્રયત્ન કરો to struggle or try something very hard – સંઘર્ષ કરવો અથવા કંઈક ખૂબ સખત પ્રયાસ કરવો My mother told me to always strive to do my best in school so that I could get into a good college.
9300 Grumble – બડબડાટ to whine about something – કંઈક વિશે રડવું Grandpa likes to grumble about how rude it is that children are always on their cellphones at the dinner table.
9301 Unthinkable – અકલ્પ્ય unable to be thought of or conceived – વિચારવામાં અથવા કલ્પના કરવામાં અસમર્થ At one time, the notion of a round Earth was considered unthinkable, and even heretical by some members of the church.
9302 Condolence – શોક a show of sympathy or comfort – સહાનુભૂતિ અથવા આરામનો શો I offered my neighbor my condolence when I heard of his mother’s death.
9303 Transcription – ટ્રાન્સક્રિપ્શન a written or printed representation of something – કોઈ વસ્તુની લેખિત અથવા મુદ્રિત રજૂઆત You can listen to the audio version of the podcast or wait to read the transcription.
9304 Clung – ચોંટી ગયું gripped or stuck to something – પકડાયેલું અથવા કંઈક સાથે અટવાયું As the little girl didn’t want to be left at the preschool, she clung to her mother’s leg by wrapping both of her arms and legs around her mother’s calf.
9305 Luminous – તેજસ્વી producing or seeming to produce light – પ્રકાશ ઉત્પન્ન કરે છે અથવા દેખાય છે The movie editor used the computer program to give the actress the luminous appearance of an angel.
9306 Scorn – તિરસ્કાર to show disdain or contempt for something or someone – કંઈક અથવા કોઈ વ્યક્તિ માટે અણગમો અથવા તિરસ્કાર બતાવવા માટે Even though Warren is a billionaire, he does not scorn anyone and treats all people equally.
9307 Guide – માર્ગદર્શન to steer or lead someone or something on a path towards something – કોઈને અથવા કંઈકને કંઈક તરફના માર્ગ પર ચલાવવા અથવા દોરવા માટે While on the hiking trail, the man would guide the rest of the group since he was familiar with the area.
9308 Jubilant – આનંદકારક filled with joy – આનંદથી ભરેલો I am jubilant to learn that my sister is finally having a baby.
9309 Stretch – સ્ટ્રેચ the act of lengthening limbs by reaching or extending – સુધી પહોંચીને અથવા લંબાવીને અંગોને લંબાવવાની ક્રિયા Soccer players stretch extensively before taking to the field.
9310 Vacation – વેકેશન a period of rest or recreation in which a person stops working or going to school and focuses on fun – આરામ અથવા મનોરંજનનો સમયગાળો જેમાં વ્યક્તિ કામ કરવાનું અથવા શાળાએ જવાનું બંધ કરે છે અને આનંદ પર ધ્યાન કેન્દ્રિત કરે છે During his vacation in Mexico, the man spent most of his time relaxing in a hammock on the beach.
9311 Thermos – થર્મોસ a special container that keeps liquids hot or cold – એક ખાસ કન્ટેનર જે પ્રવાહીને ગરમ કે ઠંડુ રાખે છે Carrying her joe in a thermos allowed the coffee junkie to have warm java throughout the day.
9312 Starry-eyed – સ્ટેરી-આંખવાળું overly optimistic and positive to the point of being naive and idealistic – નિષ્કપટ અને આદર્શવાદી હોવાના બિંદુ સુધી વધુ પડતા આશાવાદી અને હકારાત્મક The starry-eyed girl spent her days daydreaming instead of focusing on her future.
9313 Stethoscope – સ્ટેથોસ્કોપ a medical tool that allows a practitioner to listen to body sounds, usually noises from the lungs and heart – એક તબીબી સાધન જે પ્રેક્ટિશનરને શરીરના અવાજો, સામાન્ય રીતે ફેફસાં અને હૃદયમાંથી આવતા અવાજો સાંભળવા દે છે With the aid of a stethoscope, the physician listened to the old man’s heart.
9314 Visage – વિઝેજ the facial appearance of an individual or animal – વ્યક્તિ અથવા પ્રાણીના ચહેરાનો દેખાવ The model’s visage earned her many cover photos.
9315 Skewed – અચાનક ફેરફાર leaning towards a side – એક બાજુ તરફ ઝુકાવવું Her views of Her grandparents had been skewed after years of her parents telling her how rude and evil they were.
9316 Adhesive – ચીકણું sticky – સ્ટીકી Mom does not like to use Elmer’s glue because she claims that our project requires a stronger adhesive.
9317 Garden – બગીચો a piece of ground, often near a house, used for growing flowers, fruit, or vegetables – જમીનનો ટુકડો, ઘણીવાર ઘરની નજીક, ફૂલો, ફળ અથવા શાકભાજી ઉગાડવા માટે વપરાય છે The chef had a large herb garden in his backyard so that he always had fresh spices available.
9318 Relaxing – હળવાશ doing things that lessen tension and anxiety and increase feelings of calmness or peace – એવી વસ્તુઓ કરવી જે તણાવ અને અસ્વસ્થતા ઘટાડે છે અને શાંતિ અથવા શાંતિની લાગણીમાં વધારો કરે છે Laying peacefully in his bed with a good book is one of the most relaxing activities of the man’s week.
9319 Wimpy – વિમ્પી weak and cowardly – નબળા અને કાયર Wimpy and weak, the frail boy was too afraid to stand up to the playground bully.
9320 Getaway – દુર જા a quick escape or departure – ઝડપી ભાગી અથવા પ્રસ્થાન Driving the getaway car, the third masked man helped the other robbers make a quick escape.
9321 Slipped – સરકી ગયો fell down, usually by slipping on something wet – નીચે પડી, સામાન્ય રીતે ભીની વસ્તુ પર લપસીને The worker forgot to put up the wet floor sign, causing a customer to slip and fall to the ground.
9322 Coercive – જબરદસ્તી threatening or intimidating – ધમકી આપવી અથવા ડરાવવા The coercive gangster promised to come after Lars’ family if he didn’t obey him.
9323 Detestable – ધિક્કારપાત્ર something that is hated very much – કંઈક કે જે ખૂબ જ નફરત છે The detestable crimes angered the city and caused them to come together to stop the violence.
9324 Dig – ડિગ a jab or poke at someone in order to tease or get their attention – કોઈને ચીડવવા અથવા તેમનું ધ્યાન આકર્ષિત કરવા માટે તેને જબ અથવા થેલી દો When the young teenager continued to argue with the man, her mother gave a slight dig to her side in order for the teenager to stop talking.
9325 Considerate – વિચારણા concerned about the feelings and rights of other people – અન્ય લોકોની લાગણીઓ અને અધિકારો વિશે ચિંતિત The considerate man held his umbrella over the elderly woman’s head.
9326 Coil – કોઇલ to wind in circles or rings – વર્તુળો અથવા રિંગ્સમાં પવન કરવા માટે We watched the snake coil itself around its prey so that it could constrict it to death.
9327 Etiquette – શિષ્ટાચાર a code of polite and mannerly conduct – નમ્ર અને રીતભાતની આચારસંહિતા In a proper courtship, it is considered good etiquette to open doors for the female.
9328 Mandamus – મેન્ડમસ a legal order from a higher court to a lower court to perform a required task – જરૂરી કાર્ય કરવા માટે ઉચ્ચ અદાલતમાંથી નીચલી અદાલતને કાનૂની આદેશ In order to fix the problems of justice, a mandamus was required by the Supreme Court to have the State Court execute a state of emergency.
9329 Collected – એકત્ર gathered; assembled – ભેગા; એસેમ્બલ Before the campers started a fire, they collected several piles of firewood to burn.
9330 Shouted – બૂમો પાડી yelled; screamed – ચીસો પાડવી; ચીસો પાડી The loud fans shouted and screamed for their favorite player as he made the winning shot.
9331 Mass – માસ a heap or pile – એક ઢગલો અથવા ખૂંટો A mass of garbage continued to pile up outside of the smelly dumpster.
9332 Dishy – ડિશી scandalous or gossipy – નિંદાત્મક અથવા ગપસપ The dishy news article covers all sorts of dirty secrets about the celebrity’s personal life, likely gathered by the paparazzi.
9333 Signature – સહી a person’s name written distinctively as a form of identification – ઓળખના સ્વરૂપ તરીકે વિશિષ્ટ રીતે લખાયેલ વ્યક્તિનું નામ By providing his signature on the form, the university student agreed to pay for all of his classes in full.
9334 Disparage – નિંદા to express a negative opinion; belittle – નકારાત્મક અભિપ્રાય વ્યક્ત કરવા માટે; તુચ્છ It is never right to disparage people based on ethnicity.
9335 Coincidence – સંયોગ a condition in which at least two things happen concurrently without planning – એવી સ્થિતિ જેમાં ઓછામાં ઓછી બે વસ્તુઓ આયોજન વિના એક સાથે થાય છે It’s not a coincidence my husband’s flirtatious ex-wife went to visit him while I was out of town.
9336 Industrial – ઔદ્યોગિક having highly developed factories, mechanical production, or consumer output – અત્યંત વિકસિત ફેક્ટરીઓ, યાંત્રિક ઉત્પાદન અથવા ગ્રાહક ઉત્પાદન First world countries are almost always industrial, having complex factories capable of mass producing almost anything that they desire.
9337 Sequent – અનુક્રમ consecutive or something that is next – સળંગ અથવા કંઈક જે આગળ છે When the old woman finished her transaction with the bank teller, the sequent person in line was waved up to the next teller.
9338 Recruit – ભરતી to get someone to join something – કોઈને કંઈક જોડાવા માટે My business is looking to recruit new personnel to join our team.
9339 Indefensible – અસુરક્ષિત unable to defend oneself from assault or confrontation – હુમલો અથવા મુકાબલોથી પોતાનો બચાવ કરવામાં અસમર્થ Please be careful having aggressive dogs around babies because babies are so indefensible if they were attacked.
9340 Inflation – ફુગાવો a steady rise in the prices of services and goods – સેવાઓ અને માલસામાનના ભાવમાં સતત વધારો Because of inflation the bread that used to cost eighty cents now costs one dollar and fifty cents.
9341 Overtone – ઓવરટોન something suggested but not directly stated – કંઈક સૂચવ્યું પરંતુ સીધું જણાવ્યું નથી The rude email wasn’t directly racist, but it had a bigoted overtone.
9342 Segue – સેગ્યુ to fluidly change from one form or situation to another – પ્રવાહી રીતે એક સ્વરૂપ અથવા પરિસ્થિતિમાંથી બીજામાં બદલવું As the song was coming to an end, it would segue into the next tune without hesitating with silence.
9343 Quail – ક્વેઈલ a small, short-tailed, commonly hunted bird – એક નાનું, ટૂંકી પૂંછડીવાળું, સામાન્ય રીતે શિકાર કરતું પક્ષી Known as a gourmet chef, Emeril Lagasse created a masterpiece of flavors by snipping off the wings and removing the feathers off the quail before roasting and serving it to the queen.
9344 Videlicet – વિડેલિસેટ namely; to be specific – એટલે કે; ચોક્કસ હોવું There are several colors in my comforter, blue and red, videlicet.
9345 Feline – બિલાડીની looking or moving like a cat – બિલાડીની જેમ જોવું અથવા ખસેડવું Broadway stars for the award-winning musical quickly dressed in their feline costumes and meowed as the pounced onto the stage.
9346 Moor – મૂર to tie up a ship – જહાજ બાંધવા માટે There are thousands of yachts that moor at the marina.
9347 Oath – શપથ a solemn promise – એક ગૌરવપૂર્ણ વચન Jurors convicted the man of lying during trial while under oath.
9348 Akimbo – અકિમ્બો with the hand on the hip and elbow turned outward – હિપ અને કોણી પરનો હાથ બહારની તરફ વળ્યો Mom looked at the mess in my room, arms akimbo, and began yelling at the top of her lungs.
9349 First amendment – પ્રથમ સુધારો the right in the US Bill of Rights that allows for freedom of religion, assembly, press, petition and speech – યુ.એસ. બિલ ઑફ રાઇટ્સનો અધિકાર જે ધર્મ, એસેમ્બલી, પ્રેસ, પિટિશન અને ભાષણની સ્વતંત્રતા માટે પરવાનગી આપે છે People still can’t yell “fire” in a crowded theater even though they have first amendment rights because their words might cause injury.
9350 Peacekeeper – પીસકીપર a person who tries to avoid conflict and keep things peaceful – એક વ્યક્તિ જે સંઘર્ષને ટાળવા અને વસ્તુઓને શાંતિપૂર્ણ રાખવાનો પ્રયાસ કરે છે Because Jayden is the peacemaker amongst her group of friends, she often finds herself mediating arguments between the others and helping fix disagreements.
9351 Migrate – સ્થળાંતર to move from one place to another – એક જગ્યાએથી બીજી જગ્યાએ જવા માટે Doris was desperate to migrate to the U.S, but in the end she remained living in Europe.
9352 Stream – પ્રવાહ flowing liquid – વહેતું પ્રવાહી A heavy stream of blood flowed from the deep cut on his leg.
9353 Cork – કૉર્ક a stopper, especially one used to stop up a bottle, made from lightweight material – સ્ટોપર, ખાસ કરીને એક બોટલને રોકવા માટે વપરાય છે, જે હળવા વજનની સામગ્રીમાંથી બનાવવામાં આવે છે After the cork was popped from the champagne bottle, the couple was able to poor the fizzy liquid into wine glasses.
9354 Feed – ફીડ to eat or provide food for someone else to eat – ખાવા માટે અથવા અન્ય કોઈને ખાવા માટે ખોરાક પૂરો પાડવા માટે My grandparents were kind enough to feed me and my cousins when we came over to visit, since we hadn’t eaten dinner yet.
9355 Brawny – બ્રાઉની well-built; strong – સારી રીતે બાંધેલું; મજબૂત It was easy for the brawny men to move the grand piano.
9356 Intemperate – અસંયમી having problems with exercising control – વ્યાયામ નિયંત્રણ સાથે સમસ્યાઓ છે When Barbara drinks, she becomes intemperate and cannot regulate her actions.
9357 Forestall – ફોરેસ્ટલ to stop something from happening – કંઈક થતું રોકવા માટે To forestall the bank from foreclosing on his home, Jack sold all of his personal belongings to catch up on his mortgage payments.
9358 Enclave – એન્ક્લેવ a faction of individuals who differ from the people who live in neighboring areas – વ્યક્તિઓનો એક જૂથ જે પડોશી વિસ્તારોમાં રહેતા લોકોથી અલગ છે The residents of the wealthy enclave don’t want the public bus system in their neighborhood.
9359 Washable – વોશેબલ able to be washed or cleaned – ધોવા અથવા સાફ કરવા માટે સક્ષમ The washable paint was easily wiped off the floor.
9360 Bewail – વિવેક કરો expressing extreme sorrow by crying or complaining – રડીને અથવા ફરિયાદ કરીને ભારે દુ:ખ વ્યક્ત કરવું During lunch Matt took the opportunity to bewail the incompetence of his office mates.
9361 Monstrous – રાક્ષસી huge; enormous – વિશાળ; પ્રચંડ The monstrous elephant trampled through the jungle crushing everything in its path.
9362 Grind – ગ્રાઇન્ડ કરો to crush something into small pieces – નાના ટુકડા કરવા માટે Using a machine to grind the coffee beans took a lot less time than pounding them by hand.
9363 Unsavory – બિનસ્વાદિષ્ટ unpleasant to smell or taste – ગંધ અથવા સ્વાદ માટે અપ્રિય Catching a whiff of the unsavory smell, Hannah quickly remembered that she had forgotten to take out the trash before leaving for vacation.
9364 Scandal – કૌભાંડ an event that causes public outrage – એક ઘટના જે જાહેર આક્રોશનું કારણ બને છે The tax credit scandal led to the arrest of a high profile CEO and his shady accountant.
9365 Exacerbate – વધારવું to increase the severity or worsen – તીવ્રતા વધારવા અથવા વધુ ખરાબ કરવા માટે Cora chose to exacerbate the argument by throwing a lamp at Mark’s head.
9366 Preexisting – પહેલાથી અસ્તિત્વમાં છે existing or dating back to an earlier time – અસ્તિત્વમાં છે અથવા અગાઉના સમયની ડેટિંગ Since Janet has had Diabetes since 2005, her new insurance company refuses to cover medical bills relating to her preexisting condition.
9367 Referral – રેફરલ a recommendation to an appropriate specialist or agency – યોગ્ય નિષ્ણાત અથવા એજન્સીને ભલામણ The woman’s skin condition worsened, leading her dermatologist office to give a referral to a psoriasis clinic.
9368 Imperturbable – અભેદ્ય not disturbed or excited easily – સરળતાથી પરેશાન અથવા ઉત્સાહિત નથી The imperturbable actress carried on with her performance even when her costar forgot his lines.
9369 Yammered – યામરેડ made a loud, repetitive noise – જોરથી, પુનરાવર્તિત અવાજ કર્યો The mouthy woman yammered on and on, telling everyone she met about her relationship problems.
9370 Interplay – ઇન્ટરપ્લે the interaction of at least two things – ઓછામાં ઓછી બે વસ્તુઓની ક્રિયાપ્રતિક્રિયા Players on a sports team often realize the interplay of competition and cooperation due to the need for both at different times of the game.
9371 Expletive – અસ્પષ્ટ a term used when swearing; a cuss word – શપથ લેતી વખતે વપરાતો શબ્દ; એક કસ શબ્દ After hearing the comic say one expletive after another, the religious woman left the theater.
9372 Parabola – પેરાબોલા the kind of curve or arc that is created when an item is tossed upwards and lands in a different location – વળાંક અથવા ચાપનો પ્રકાર કે જે જ્યારે કોઈ વસ્તુને ઉપરની તરફ ફેંકવામાં આવે છે અને અલગ સ્થાને ઉતરે છે ત્યારે બનાવવામાં આવે છે The curve of a parabola is created by the path an object takes when it ascends and then comes down in a different place.
9373 Crackle – ત્રાડ a fizzing popping sound exhibiting similar patterns – સમાન પેટર્ન પ્રદર્શિત કરતો ફીઝિંગ પોપિંગ અવાજ Adam sat bold upright in his tent as the crackle of twigs breaking caught his attention.
9374 Supportive – સહાયક showing kindness and support – દયા અને સમર્થન દર્શાવે છે Adam was supportive during his wife’s weight loss journey by working out with her at the gym.
9375 Inured – વીમો able to withstand hardship; to become accustomed to something unpleasant by prolonged exposure – મુશ્કેલીનો સામનો કરવા સક્ષમ; લાંબા સમય સુધી એક્સપોઝર દ્વારા અપ્રિય કંઈક માટે ટેવાયેલા બનવા માટે People in northern regions are inured to the cold weather, and some will even jump into freezing water on occasion.
9376 Paving – ફરસ covering or laying concrete to make a road, driveway, etc – રોડ, ડ્રાઇવ વે, વગેરે બનાવવા માટે કોંક્રિટને ઢાંકવું અથવા નાખવું Residents of the rural town think paving the gravel roads asphalt will help stop damage to their vehicles.
9377 Maneuver – દાવપેચ to steer something with a purpose – હેતુ સાથે કંઈક ચલાવવા માટે It took three farmhands to maneuver the distraught cow back into the pen.
9378 Heterogeneous – વિજાતીય not alike – સમાન નથી The twins are heterogeneous in appearance and look nothing alike.
9379 Plaid – પ્લેઇડ a checkered or squared pattern that is used on material – ચેકર્ડ અથવા સ્ક્વેર્ડ પેટર્ન જેનો ઉપયોગ સામગ્રી પર થાય છે Instead of the striped scarf, Caroline decided to wear the plaid one that matched her checkered skirt.
9380 Carriage – ગાડી a buggy-like means of transportation with four wheels which usually transports people and is pulled by horses – ચાર પૈડાવાળા વાહનવ્યવહારનું બગડેલ જેવું સાધન જે સામાન્ય રીતે લોકોને પરિવહન કરે છે અને ઘોડાઓ દ્વારા ખેંચાય છે With each clomp of the ponies’ hooves and swish of the wheels on the road, the passengers knew that this carriage would get them to their destination.
9381 Pugnacious – ઘૃણાસ્પદ Combative in nature; ready to fight – પ્રકૃતિમાં લડાયક; લડવા માટે તૈયાર The pugnacious little boy constantly talks back to his mother.
9382 Loot – લૂંટ stolen goods or money – ચોરીનો માલ અથવા પૈસા While raiding the village, the soldiers helped themselves to any loot that they could find.
9383 Afoot – ચાલ in action – ક્રિયામાં As the suspicious dictator looked around the room at his advisers, he felt as though treachery was afoot.
9384 Fern – ફર્ન a large round green plant with long triangular divided leaves and produces no flowers – લાંબા ત્રિકોણાકાર વિભાજિત પાંદડાઓ સાથેનો મોટો ગોળાકાર લીલો છોડ અને ફૂલો ઉત્પન્ન કરતું નથી A big pigeon found the hanging green fern an ideal place to build its nest and protect its eggs.
9385 Barred – પ્રતિબંધિત banned; prohibited – પ્રતિબંધિત; પ્રતિબંધિત After being caught stealing from Walmart, the petty thieves were barred from ever entering the store again.
9386 Mobility – ગતિશીલતા the ability to shift from one place to another – એક જગ્યાએથી બીજી જગ્યાએ જવાની ક્ષમતા My broken leg limits my mobility.
9387 Caliphate – ખિલાફત an Islamic territory directed by a religious and political director – ધાર્મિક અને રાજકીય નિર્દેશક દ્વારા નિર્દેશિત ઇસ્લામિક પ્રદેશ The Islamic leader is the person responsible for leading the people of the caliphate.
9388 Externship – એક્સટર્નશિપ a temporary training program in a workplace, usually to give students work experience – કાર્યસ્થળમાં કામચલાઉ તાલીમ કાર્યક્રમ, સામાન્ય રીતે વિદ્યાર્થીઓને કામનો અનુભવ આપવા માટે Because she wanted some experience for her resume, Trinity was trying to find an externship that would give her the training she needed for her desired job.
9389 Medallion – મેડલિયન a piece of jewelry crafted in the shape of a medal, often worn around the neck as a pendant – મેડલના આકારમાં બનાવેલ દાગીનાનો ટુકડો, ઘણીવાર પેન્ડન્ટ તરીકે ગળામાં પહેરવામાં આવે છે The officer received a spectacular medallion from his commander in chief, a medal to wear around his neck for his service in the war.
9390 Sadist – સેડિસ્ટ a person who causes or imposes bodily pain on someone or something in order to feel gratified – એવી વ્યક્તિ કે જે પ્રસન્નતા અનુભવવા માટે કોઈને અથવા કંઈક પર શારીરિક પીડા આપે છે અથવા લાદે છે As a young teenager, he would harm and kill animals but then upgraded to a sadist who killed many people for pleasure.
9391 Salubrious – આરોગ્યપ્રદ something that is good for you or is beneficial to mind or body – કંઈક કે જે તમારા માટે સારું છે અથવા મન અથવા શરીર માટે ફાયદાકારક છે Vegetables are salubrious foods which provide essential nutrients.
9392 Attending – હાજરી આપી રહી છે to be present or joining an event or happening – હાજર રહેવું અથવા કોઈ ઇવેન્ટ અથવા થઈ રહ્યું છે તેમાં જોડાવું Sarah was so excited to be invited to the prom by a senior at school that she told everyone that she would be attending prom as a freshman.
9393 Liberalism – ઉદારવાદ an attitude or viewpoint about politics that believes and supports equality and a restricted government – રાજકારણ વિશેનું વલણ અથવા દૃષ્ટિકોણ જે સમાનતા અને પ્રતિબંધિત સરકારને માને છે અને સમર્થન આપે છે Those that supported conservatism believed that individuals are responsible for their actions, whereas liberalism is when society takes responsibility for all behaviors.
9394 Trifling – ટ્રાઇફલિંગ having little value or importance – ઓછું મૂલ્ય અથવા મહત્વ ધરાવે છે My time is too valuable to spend on trifling matters that have little worth.
9395 Succeeded – સફળ managed to achieve a goal or wish – ધ્યેય અથવા ઇચ્છા પ્રાપ્ત કરવામાં વ્યવસ્થાપિત Although he succeeded in passing the last test, the student’s victory didn’t raise his grade to an A.
9396 Status Quo – યથાસ્થિતિ the way things are – જે રીતે વસ્તુઓ છે Because the council wants to maintain the status quo, they will not vote to add another member to the group.
9397 Correctly – યોગ્ય રીતે in a way that is accurate, right, or true – એવી રીતે કે જે સચોટ, યોગ્ય અથવા સાચું છે She answered the question correctly and received full marks.
9398 Exeunt – Exeunt a printed direction for actors and actresses to leave the stage of a play – અભિનેતાઓ અને અભિનેત્રીઓ માટે નાટકનું સ્ટેજ છોડવા માટે એક છાપેલ દિશા In the Broadway musical, the command was written in the script for the main characters to exeunt stage left because their part was over.
9399 Comical – ચમત્કારી funny; amusing – રમુજી મનોરંજક My husband found the show comical, while I just thought it was silly.
9400 Commensalism – કોમન્સાલિઝમ a relationship between two distinct organisms in which one of the things obtains a benefit of some sort and the other organism neither gains nor loses anything – બે અલગ-અલગ સજીવો વચ્ચેનો સંબંધ જેમાં એક વસ્તુ કોઈને કોઈ પ્રકારનો લાભ મેળવે છે અને બીજું જીવ ન તો કંઈ મેળવતું નથી કે ગુમાવતું નથી. A remora attaching itself to a shark for transportation purposes is a prime example of commensalism.
9401 Subordinate – ગૌણ under the command of those with a greater position or rank – મોટી હોદ્દા અથવા હોદ્દા ધરાવતા લોકોના આદેશ હેઠળ Many women still believe they should be subordinate to their husbands and do everything they are told.
9402 Emulous – ઇમ્યુલસ full of jealousy that leads one to be eager to copy another – ઈર્ષ્યાથી ભરપૂર જે એક વ્યક્તિને બીજાની નકલ કરવા આતુર બનાવે છે The teen’s emulous personality led her to copy the other girl’s style instead of embracing her own sense of fashion.
9403 Prepossessing – પ્રીપોઝેસિંગ being appealing to others – અન્ય લોકોને આકર્ષિત કરે છે The female fans went wild when the prepossessing actor walked into the theater.
9404 Slight – સહેજ small or minimal in degree – ડિગ્રીમાં નાનું અથવા ન્યૂનતમ Although she had a slight fever, the woman still felt well enough to go to work.
9405 Can – કરી શકે છે having the ability to do something – કંઈક કરવાની ક્ષમતા ધરાવે છે After training for months, the teenager can finally scale the side of the mountain within minutes.
9406 Exigent – અતિશય demanding or pressing – માંગણી અથવા દબાણ My dad has always been an exigent man, asking ridiculous things of me that I’m not capable of doing.
9407 Frugal – કરકસરિયું careful in spending money – પૈસા ખર્ચવામાં સાવધાની રાખવી Stop being so frugal and just buy me a real gold necklace!
9408 Cherish – વળગવું to treasure or deeply care for something – ખજાનો અથવા કોઈ વસ્તુની ઊંડી સંભાળ રાખવી I will forever cherish the teddy bear my late grandfather had given to me.
9409 Unstoppable – અણનમ unable to be stopped or prevented – રોકવા અથવા અટકાવવામાં અસમર્થ Earthquakes are an unstoppable natural disaster, there is quite literally nothing we can do to prevent them.
9410 Perplex – પર્પ્લેક્સ to puzzle or confuse – કોયડો અથવા મૂંઝવણ According to the book reviewer, the author’s puzzling writing style will perplex many readers.
9411 Bite – ડંખ to use the teeth to cut into something – કંઈક કાપવા માટે દાંતનો ઉપયોગ કરવો Because his teeth were sore after seeing the dentist, it was hard for Jeremy to bite down on his apple.
9412 Defer – સ્થગિત કરો to postpone until later – પછી સુધી મુલતવી રાખવા Because of my mother’s death, we will defer our vacation for a while.
9413 Misleading – ભ્રામક giving the wrong idea or information – ખોટો વિચાર અથવા માહિતી આપવી Misleading advertisements made it seem the phone was being offered for free when it was not.
9414 Intensive – સઘન strongly focused and concentrated on one particular thing – એક ખાસ વસ્તુ પર ભારપૂર્વક ધ્યાન કેન્દ્રિત અને કેન્દ્રિત The intensive Spanish course focused only on this language and not any of the other romance languages.
9415 Deactivate – નિષ્ક્રિય કરો to make something inactive – કંઈક નિષ્ક્રિય કરવા માટે If you want to deactivate a computer, the process is usually as simple as pressing the power button.
9416 Wax – મીણ to expand or enlarge in appearance, amount or power – દેખાવ, રકમ અથવા શક્તિમાં વિસ્તૃત અથવા મોટું કરવું As she got to know the young man’s wonderful personality, the young girl’s love for him began to wax to the point that she could see marrying him.
9417 Thrash – થ્રેશ to hit or strike continuously – સતત મારવા અથવા પ્રહાર કરવા માટે When the pit bull dog began to bite the child’s leg, the father began to thrash the dog with a stick to get it to release its grip.
9418 Customary – રૂઢિગત actions based on longstanding traditions of a particular society – ચોક્કસ સમાજની લાંબા સમયથી ચાલતી પરંપરાઓ પર આધારિત ક્રિયાઓ Kisses and hugs were customary in his family, but not his wife’s crew.
9419 Brilliance – દીપ્તિ exceptional intelligence or talent – અસાધારણ બુદ્ધિ અથવા પ્રતિભા Thought to be the brightest boy in school, the senior’s brilliance earned him several college scholarships.
9420 Blotch – બ્લોચ an irregular mark or patch – એક અનિયમિત ચિહ્ન અથવા પેચ The burn you suffered has unfortunately made an unsightly blotch on your arm.
9421 Alongside – સાથે along the side; by the side; side by side with – બાજુ સાથે; બાજુ દ્વારા; સાથે સાથે The students walked alongside each other on the way to school.
9422 Misfeasance – ગેરવ્યાજ the misuse of authority granted by law – કાયદા દ્વારા આપવામાં આવેલ સત્તાનો દુરુપયોગ While the police should generally be trusted, it is possible for law enforcement to engage in misfeasance.
9423 Translated – અનુવાદિત changed into, especially words/text from one language to another – માં બદલાયેલ છે, ખાસ કરીને શબ્દો/ટેક્સ્ટ એક ભાષામાંથી બીજી ભાષામાં The book was translated from its original language into several tongues including English and French.
9424 Eponym – ઉપનામ a term derived from an individual or thing related to it or to the person who created a specific thing – કોઈ વ્યક્તિ અથવા તેનાથી સંબંધિત વસ્તુ અથવા કોઈ ચોક્કસ વસ્તુ બનાવનાર વ્યક્તિમાંથી ઉતરી આવેલ શબ્દ The word “sandwich” is an eponym linked to the first person said to have requested the item, the Earl of Sandwich.
9425 Yanked – યાન્ક્ડ pulled with a jerk – એક આંચકો સાથે ખેંચાય છે The bully yanked on the girl’s ponytail, pulling it until she cried and ran away.
9426 Room for improvement – સુધારણા માટે જગ્યા the desire that something or someone will get better – ઇચ્છા કે કંઈક અથવા કોઈ સારું થશે Even though the 8th grader was making a C in math, her mother explained that she could still work harder since there was room for improvement.
9427 Stent – સ્ટેન્ટ a small pipe or tube placed in the heart’s blood vessels when they are fully or partially blocked – હૃદયની રક્તવાહિનીઓમાં એક નાની પાઇપ અથવા ટ્યુબ મૂકવામાં આવે છે જ્યારે તે સંપૂર્ણ અથવા આંશિક રીતે અવરોધિત હોય છે Since Judy ate fatty and greasy foods, everyone knew a stent would be placed near her heart for blood to flow smoothly through her vessel.
9428 Shrewd – ચતુર having or showing sharp powers of judgment; sharp-witted – ચુકાદાની તીક્ષ્ણ શક્તિઓ ધરાવવી અથવા બતાવવી; તીક્ષ્ણ બુદ્ધિવાળું It takes a shrewd analyst to really make a killing in the stock market.
9429 Know-how   $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push([“8f1244f6-5306-4bbe-9562-fc5ef7966ac2”]); }) Prev Word Next Word – જાણો કેવી રીતે $MMT = વિન્ડો.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push([“8f1244f6-5306-4bbe-9562-fc5ef7966ac2”]); }) પહેલાનો શબ્દ આગળનો શબ્દ the knowledge and skill to be able to do something correctly – યોગ્ય રીતે કંઈક કરવા માટે સક્ષમ થવા માટેનું જ્ઞાન અને કૌશલ્ય I don’t have the required know-how to build a website, but I am willing to learn.
9430 Guppy – ગપ્પી a little fish found in freshwater – તાજા પાણીમાં જોવા મળતી નાની માછલી In the pond, the small guppy flapped his tailfin back and forth to swim next to the bigger fish.
9431 Childhood   $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push([“8f1244f6-5306-4bbe-9562-fc5ef7966ac2”]); }) Prev Word Next Word – બાળપણ $MMT = વિન્ડો.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push([“8f1244f6-5306-4bbe-9562-fc5ef7966ac2”]); }) પહેલાનો શબ્દ આગળનો શબ્દ the time during which one is a child, from between infancy and puberty – બાળપણ અને તરુણાવસ્થા વચ્ચે જે સમય દરમિયાન બાળક હોય છે My stepmother is a mean woman who likes to insult little kids because she had a miserable childhood herself.
9432 Talkative – વાચાળ someone who likes to speak a great deal – કોઈ એવી વ્યક્તિ જે ખૂબ જ બોલવાનું પસંદ કરે છે Jessica’s best friend was extremely talkative and rarely paused to catch her breath between sentences.
9433 Halitosis – હેલિટોસિસ bad breath – ખરાબ શ્વાસ Halitosis caused the man’s breath to smell like a combination of rotten egg and vomit.
9434 Frame – ફ્રેમ a person’s size, shape, or build – વ્યક્તિનું કદ, આકાર અથવા બિલ્ડ Maria’s slim frame is not suited for fighting or roughhousing.
9435 Eidetic – ઇઇડેટિક having the ability to recollect images with great detail – મહાન વિગત સાથે છબીઓ યાદ કરવાની ક્ષમતા ધરાવે છે Teachers sometimes doubted Evan’s eidetic memory since he could make a perfect score on the test by only seeing the test information once.
9436 Arable – ખેતીલાયક adequate for cultivating – ખેતી માટે પર્યાપ્ત The soil in the front yard is arable and perfect for planting a rose garden.
9437 Gravitas – ગુરુત્વાકર્ષણ a dignity of manner or behavior; a leadership quality – રીત અથવા વર્તનનું ગૌરવ; નેતૃત્વ ગુણવત્તા When the players were asked what they liked about their coach, they mentioned his gravitas and how it motivated them to succeed.
9438 Cheery – ખુશખુશાલ happy and positive in attitude – ખુશ અને હકારાત્મક વલણ Jolly Jackie tries to keep a cheery attitude and refuses to think negative thoughts.
9439 Salutation – વંદન a demonstration of a greeting – શુભેચ્છાનું પ્રદર્શન It is customary to begin your letter with some type of salutation.
9440 Burial – દફન the act or ceremonial practice of placing something (usually a dead body) underground – ભૂગર્ભમાં કંઈક (સામાન્ય રીતે મૃત શરીર) મૂકવાની ક્રિયા અથવા ઔપચારિક પ્રથા Before the burial ceremony, grave diggers dug out a space for the coffin.
9441 Menstruation – માસિક સ્રાવ the monthly process that signifies lack of pregnancy and in which a woman discharges blood and other materials from the lining of the uterus – માસિક પ્રક્રિયા કે જે ગર્ભાવસ્થાના અભાવને દર્શાવે છે અને જેમાં સ્ત્રી ગર્ભાશયના અસ્તરમાંથી લોહી અને અન્ય સામગ્રીઓનું વિસર્જન કરે છે The health teacher explained to the female students that the bleeding they will experience during menstruation is a normal part of the reproductive process.
9442 Endeavor – પ્રયાસ  –  Although soliciting donations to help rebuild the orphanage took a lot of time and energy, in the end everyone agreed it had been a very worthwhile endeavor.
9443 Enticing – પ્રલોભક tempting or attractive – આકર્ષક અથવા આકર્ષક Her dress was extremely enticing, drawing the attention of all the men gathered.
9444 Mental – માનસિક relating to the mind or to the health or state of one’s mind – મન અથવા સ્વાસ્થ્ય અથવા મનની સ્થિતિ સાથે સંબંધિત The teacher’s mental strength was tested when the principal was observing her.
9445 Provoking – ઉત્તેજક causing irritation or anger purposefully – હેતુપૂર્વક બળતરા અથવા ગુસ્સો લાવો The bully is constantly provoking a fight by calling the other kids names and starting arguments.
9446 Banquet – ભોજન સમારંભ a large celebratory meal; a feast – મોટી ઉજવણી ભોજન; એક તહેવાર At the end of the football season, the Mavericks held a banquet to recognize the players on the team.
9447 Maim – માઈમ to injure to the point that function is lost in a body part or region – શરીરના કોઈ ભાગ અથવા પ્રદેશમાં કાર્ય ખોવાઈ ગયું છે તે બિંદુને નુકસાન પહોંચાડવું The evil dictator seemed to take delight in using a sword to maim and murder the people who opposed him.
9448 Suffusion – સફ્યુઝન the gradual extension or sweep of something completely over something else – ધીમે ધીમે વિસ્તરણ અથવા કંઈક બીજું કંઈક પર સંપૂર્ણપણે સ્વીપ During the Middle Ages, the suffusion of the Plague caused over one-third of the population across Europe to die.
9449 Rigmarole – રિગ્મેરોલ needless actions or talk – બિનજરૂરી ક્રિયાઓ અથવા વાત If the sweepstakes involves rigmarole that requires me to answer a large number of questions, then I have no interest in the contest.
9450 Longitude – રેખાંશ angular distance measured west or east of the prime meridian – કોણીય અંતર પ્રાઇમ મેરિડીયનના પશ્ચિમ અથવા પૂર્વમાં માપવામાં આવે છે The vertical lines that are found on the map are known as the longitude, while the lateral lines are referred to as the latitude.
9451 Alliterative – અનુચિત having the same consonant at the beginning of each stressed syllable – દરેક સ્ટ્રેસ્ડ સિલેબલની શરૂઆતમાં સમાન વ્યંજન હોવું The poet used the alliterative verse “Looking lovely like a lily” to draw the reader’s attention through syllable stressing.
9452 Pliable – લવચીક easily bent or formed – સરળતાથી વળેલું અથવા રચાય છે Even though the hose seemed pliable, Henry wasn’t able to curve it around the corner of the house.
9453 Obsessive – બાધ્યતા totally fixated on something or someone in a way that is unhealthy – બિનઆરોગ્યપ્રદ હોય તેવી રીતે કંઈક અથવા કોઈ વ્યક્તિ પર સંપૂર્ણપણે નિશ્ચિત Because of his obsessive disorder, the patient focuses on washing his hands most of the day.
9454 Prosper – સમૃદ્ધ to be successful – સફળ થવા માટે In order for the business to prosper, the company had to reduce the amount of miscellaneous spending.
9455 Uncongenial – અસંગત not friendly or welcoming – મૈત્રીપૂર્ણ અથવા આવકારદાયક નથી The woman’s uncongenial dining companions on the cruise ship were rude the entire dinner.
9456 Flatulence – પેટનું ફૂલવું state of having gas in the digestive system – પાચન તંત્રમાં ગેસ હોવાની સ્થિતિ I have a major problem with flatulence that is rather embarrassing especially when I’m in public.
9457 Cur – કર્ an aggressive and mongrel dog – એક આક્રમક અને મોંગ્રેલ કૂતરો The once friendly dog was now a cur, unexpectedly turning on its master.
9458 Domino theory – ડોમિનો સિદ્ધાંત the idea that success or failure is interconnected by region so that if one nation falls, surrounding nations will too – આ વિચાર કે સફળતા અથવા નિષ્ફળતા પ્રદેશ દ્વારા એકબીજા સાથે જોડાયેલી છે જેથી જો એક રાષ્ટ્ર પતન થાય, તો આસપાસના રાષ્ટ્રો પણ During the Cold War, world leaders feared that much of Europe would become communist because according to domino theory, if one country fell to Russian power, all surrounding areas would too.
9459 Cupboard – કપબોર્ડ a storage cabinet with shelves and a door – છાજલીઓ અને દરવાજા સાથે સ્ટોરેજ કેબિનેટ During the earthquake, the cupboard full of glasses rattled and shook.
9460 Vigilant – જાગ્રત watchful, especially for danger or disorder – સાવચેત, ખાસ કરીને ભય અથવા અવ્યવસ્થા માટે Although this highway is a beautiful drive, you have to stay vigilant for deer and other animals in the road.
9461 Benefactress – પરોપકારી who gives money or other help to a person or cause – જે વ્યક્તિ અથવા કારણને પૈસા અથવા અન્ય મદદ આપે છે Many celebrities donated small amounts to the charitable organization, but Oprah and one other benefactress gave over a million dollars each.
9462 Overindulge – અતિરેક to have too much of something you desire – તમે ઇચ્છો છો તે વધુ પડતું હોવું My husband Charlie hid the kids candy they received from Halloween so they wouldn’t overindulge.
9463 Hand over – સોંપો to pass off responsibility or a task to someone else – જવાબદારી અથવા કાર્ય બીજા કોઈને સોંપવું Diana has agreed to hand over the art project to her sister since she doesn’t enjoy painting anymore.
9464 Accomplish – પરિપૂર્ણ to achieve or complete something – કંઈક પ્રાપ્ત કરવા અથવા પૂર્ણ કરવા માટે Even though I used to be pretty bad at mathematics, through hard work and dedication I was able to accomplish my goal of getting an A in the class as my final grade.
9465 Seized – જપ્ત to be forcibly taken or grabbed – બળજબરીથી લેવામાં અથવા પડાવી લેવું The soldiers stormed into the building and seized all of the supplies they wanted, subduing anyone that got in the way.
9466 Mojo – મોજો magical power; voodoo – જાદુઈ શક્તિ; વૂડૂ The witch’s mojo was strong enough to make any man in the village fall head-over-heels for her.
9467 Hodgepodge – હોજપોજ a concoction or assortment of various things – વિવિધ વસ્તુઓની રચના અથવા ભાત After many people dug through the different appetizers, the large platter was just a hodgepodge of different foods scattered all over the place.
9468 Enmity – દુશ્મનાવટ a feeling of strong dislike or opposition – તીવ્ર અણગમો અથવા વિરોધની લાગણી Because the two brothers are both in love with the same girl, there is a great deal of enmity between them.
9469 Comedian – હાસ્ય કલાકાર someone who tells jokes or uses humor to get laughs out of others – જે કોઈ ટુચકાઓ કહે છે અથવા રમૂજનો ઉપયોગ કરે છે જેથી કરીને અન્ય લોકોનું હસવું A professional comedian makes money with his ability to make an audience laugh with his jokes or his antics.
9470 Teeming – ટેમિંગ filled with an abundance of things – વસ્તુઓની વિપુલતાથી ભરપૂર The homeless dog’s fur was teeming with fleas.
9471 Severe – ગંભીર very strong and intense – ખૂબ જ મજબૂત અને તીવ્ર The severe thunderstorm caused so much damage that recovery would take years.
9472 Affliction – વ્યથા a state of pain, suffering, distress or agony – પીડા, વેદના, તકલીફ અથવા વેદનાની સ્થિતિ Although some people claim that she is lucky because she can’t gain weight, she considers it an affliction.
9473 Apoplexy – એપોપ્લેક્સી the inability to speak or perform as a result of an intense emotion or serious medical condition – તીવ્ર લાગણી અથવા ગંભીર તબીબી સ્થિતિના પરિણામે બોલવામાં અથવા કરવામાં અસમર્થતા My grandmother’s fall caused apoplexy, and now she can only communicate by writing or typing.
9474 Prefect – પ્રીફેક્ટ an elected authority figure that typically oversees order and discipline – એક ચૂંટાયેલ સત્તા વ્યક્તિ કે જે સામાન્ય રીતે ઓર્ડર અને શિસ્તની દેખરેખ રાખે છે In Harry Potter, Percy Weasley was prefect for Gryffindor and gave detention to everyone who was out of bed after hours.
9475 Crisp – ચપળ brittle; friable in a condition to break with a short, sharp fracture – બરડ ટૂંકા, તીક્ષ્ણ અસ્થિભંગ સાથે તૂટી જવાની સ્થિતિમાં નાજુક The breakfast special allowed me to substitute sausage links for crisp bacon.
9476 Formalize – ઔપચારિકતા to validate or make official – માન્ય કરવા અથવા સત્તાવાર બનાવવા માટે In order to formalize the document, each party had to sign it and get it notarized so that it would be authorized to use in court.
9477 Rephrase – રિફ્રેઝ to reword something to change how it sounds – તે કેવી રીતે સંભળાય છે તે બદલવા માટે કંઈક ફરીથી લખવું Sarah didn’t like the way I stated my opinion, so I rephrased it to make it sound a little nicer.
9478 Magnetism – મેગ્નેટિઝમ the property or force of bodies to attract or repel other objects – અન્ય પદાર્થોને આકર્ષવા અથવા ભગાડવા માટે શરીરની મિલકત અથવા બળ Our science teacher explained that the force of magnetism describes why metal is attracted to specific materials.
9479 Unaffected – અપ્રભાવિત not changed or altered – બદલાયેલ અથવા બદલાયેલ નથી My sister’s home was ruined by the latest flood but my residence was unaffected.
9480 Work – કામ to complete tasks, especially at one’s job or to earn money – કાર્યો પૂર્ણ કરવા, ખાસ કરીને કોઈની નોકરી પર અથવા પૈસા કમાવવા Because she likes to work from home, Janet prepares a lot of her cases on her personal computer.
9481 Side-eye – બાજુ-આંખ a sidelong glance that shows disapproval or disdain – એક બાજુની નજર જે અસ્વીકાર અથવા અણગમો દર્શાવે છે Anna gave her husband a disapproving side-eye when he mentioned spending their savings on a new boat.
9482 Reveal – ઉઘાડી to expose – છતી કરવી Several people would reveal the truth of the car accident when they decided to testify as to what they saw that day.
9483 Subcontractor – પેટા કોન્ટ્રાક્ટર a person who does work for a company without being an employee but hired to do a task – એવી વ્યક્તિ કે જે કોઈ કર્મચારી વગર કંપની માટે કામ કરે છે પરંતુ કાર્ય કરવા માટે ભાડે રાખે છે The company’s manager required the subcontractor to sign an agreement about the cost of the project since he was not a member of the staff.
9484 Crump – ક્રમ્પ a loud, exploding sound – એક મોટો, વિસ્ફોટ થતો અવાજ When the boiler exploded, the tank gave off a loud crump that resonated through the building.
9485 Make – બનાવો to create or craft – બનાવવા અથવા હસ્તકલા કરવા માટે The pastry chef will make fresh cookies and cakes for the bake sale out of just a few fixings.
9486 Sunken – ડૂબી ગયો down low or submerged in water – નીચે નીચું અથવા પાણીમાં ડૂબી જવું Years after the Titanic sank to the bottom of the ocean; divers began to recover items from the sunken vessel.
9487 Funereal – અંતિમ સંસ્કાર to feel sorrowful or mournful – ઉદાસી અથવા શોક અનુભવવા માટે After the death of a loved one, the funereal feelings during the funeral could be seen by the tears in everyone’s eyes.
9488 Inning – ઇનિંગ a numbered period of play in a game, especially in baseball – રમતમાં રમતનો ક્રમાંકિત સમયગાળો, ખાસ કરીને બેઝબોલમાં It was the last inning of the baseball game, and our team was still behind by three runs.
9489 Desolate – નિર્જન empty; without life – ખાલી જીવન વિના Since the anchor stores closed, the shopping center has become a desolate wasteland.
9490 Blood – લોહી red liquid that circulates through the body bringing oxygen to the cells and getting rid of carbon dioxide – લાલ પ્રવાહી જે કોષોમાં ઓક્સિજન લાવે છે અને કાર્બન ડાયોક્સાઇડથી છુટકારો મેળવે છે તે શરીરમાં ફરે છે Because his heart wasn’t pumping enough blood, the cardiac patient became extremely sick.
9491 Forlorn – નિરાશ lonely and miserable – એકલા અને તુચ્છ The forlorn man was so sad he thought about killing himself.
9492 Espionage – જાસૂસી the obtaining of information considered secret or confidential without the permission of the holder of the information – માહિતી ધારકની પરવાનગી વિના ગુપ્ત અથવા ગોપનીય માનવામાં આવતી માહિતીની પ્રાપ્તિ Digging through someone’s trash to get information is one of the oldest acts of espionage in the spy business.
9493 Arrogance – ઘમંડ a rude and insulting way to act that comes from thinking you are better and more important than other people – તમે અન્ય લોકો કરતાં વધુ સારા અને વધુ મહત્ત્વપૂર્ણ છો તે વિચારવાથી આવે છે તેવું વર્તન કરવાની અસંસ્કારી અને અપમાનજનક રીત The sheer arrogance of Hitler to think that he could dominate the world was shattered when he assassinated himself in his bunker.
9494 Feat – પરાક્રમ a deed of courage, endurance, skill, or cleverness – હિંમત, સહનશક્તિ, કૌશલ્ય અથવા હોંશિયારીનું કાર્ય The man was honored when the king learned of his feat.
9495 Sin – પાપ an act that is against a religious or moral law – એક કૃત્ય જે ધાર્મિક અથવા નૈતિક કાયદાની વિરુદ્ધ છે Isn’t it ironic that many people who believe murder is a sin still support the death penalty?
9496 Awing – ઓવિંગ inspiring through wonder and amazement – અજાયબી અને આશ્ચર્ય દ્વારા પ્રેરણા The astonishing height of the 350-foot redwood tree was awing to the wonderstruck tourists.
9497 Treachery – વિશ્વાસઘાત betrayal or deceptive action – વિશ્વાસઘાત અથવા ભ્રામક ક્રિયા Benedict Arnold is infamous for the treachery that he displayed when he turned on the Revolutionary Army during the Revolutionary War.
9498 Surveyor – સર્વેયર a person that analyzes a geographical area – એક વ્યક્તિ જે ભૌગોલિક વિસ્તારનું વિશ્લેષણ કરે છે The surveyor was tasked with finding suitable land for a new settlement.
9499 Emend – સુધારો to make corrections or improvements to something – કોઈ બાબતમાં સુધારા અથવા સુધારા કરવા The new version of the textbook will emend the original version, fixing many of its flaws.
9500 Worn – પહેરવામાં આવે છે damaged from too much use – વધુ પડતા ઉપયોગથી નુકસાન The worn shoes should be thrown away since Chris has walked holes in the bottom of the pair.
9501 Trade – વેપાર to swap or exchange – અદલાબદલી અથવા વિનિમય Before money was used to buy things, Native Americans would trade shells and other objects to get the things they needed.
9502 Area – વિસ્તાર a particular geographic region – ચોક્કસ ભૌગોલિક પ્રદેશ The Everglades are an area of swamp in southern Florida.
9503 Slay – વધ to kill something in a violent way – હિંસક રીતે કંઈક મારવા માટે Determined to slay the dragon, the knight raised his sword to deliver a strike.
9504 Pity – દયા sorrow or sympathy – દુ:ખ અથવા સહાનુભૂતિ I feel pity for the homeless people who don’t have a warm place to sleep in the winter.
9505 Gallery – ગેલેરી a room or building that is used for showing works of art, sometimes so they can be sold – એક ઓરડો અથવા ઇમારત જેનો ઉપયોગ કલાના કાર્યો બતાવવા માટે થાય છે, કેટલીકવાર જેથી તેઓ વેચી શકાય The up-and-coming artist filled the gallery with her paintings and sculptures right before her grand opening event.
9506 Exhibition – પ્રદર્શન an event at which objects such as paintings are shown to the public – એક ઇવેન્ટ કે જેમાં ચિત્રો જેવી વસ્તુઓ લોકોને બતાવવામાં આવે છે The art exhibition featured pieces from famous painters around the globe.
9507 Sweltering – sweltering extremely hot or humid – અત્યંત ગરમ અથવા ભેજવાળું It didn’t take long for the children’s’ ice cream cones to melt under the sweltering summer sun.
9508 Pixelated – પિક્સેલેટેડ divided into pixels (a picture) – પિક્સેલ્સમાં વિભાજિત (એક ચિત્ર) If you blow up the size of a picture without changing the resolution, it will become pixelated.
9509 Issue – મુદ્દો to deliver or give out – પહોંચાડવા અથવા આપવા માટે No one was at the office to issue my driver’s license, so I will have to wait until tomorrow to pick it up.
9510 Thereof – તેના of that; of the thing just mentioned – તેનો; હમણાં જ ઉલ્લેખિત વસ્તુનો Money, or a lack thereof, can influence people to do some really bad things.
9511 Tweed – ટ્વીડ a rough woolen cloth of many colors – ઘણા રંગોનું રફ વૂલન કાપડ My grandmother has a soft spot for tweed napkins and handkerchiefs, mostly for the decorative nature of their many colors.
9512 Knowingly – જાણી જોઈને done deliberately; with full knowledge – ઇરાદાપૂર્વક કરવામાં આવે છે; સંપૂર્ણ જ્ઞાન સાથે Knowingly omitting the truth is considered the same as lying.
9513 Nowadays – આજકાલ currently – હાલમાં “Cursing is so common nowadays,” said Grandpa, “because we never would have said anything impolite in public when I was your age.”
9514 Senescence – વૃદ્ધાવસ્થા old age – ઉંમર લાયક My grandfather said the best part of senescence is watching his grandchildren play.
9515 Aerate – વાયુયુક્ત to cause air to circulate through something – કોઈ વસ્તુ દ્વારા હવાનું પરિભ્રમણ કરવા માટે The cleaners needed to aerate the room to get the strong odor out.
9516 Thumb – અંગૂઠો the short thick inside digit on a hand – હાથ પર ટૂંકો જાડો અંદરનો અંક During my arrest, the officer took my fingerprints by first rolling my thumb over the screen.
9517 Epitaph – એપિટાફ a brief literary piece written about the life of a dead person and often placed on that individual’s headstone – મૃત વ્યક્તિના જીવન વિશે લખાયેલ અને ઘણીવાર તે વ્યક્તિના હેડસ્ટોન પર મૂકવામાં આવેલો સંક્ષિપ્ત સાહિત્યિક ભાગ The slave’s epitaph stated his name but made no mention of his date of birth or death.
9518 Velvety – મખમલી having a smooth or soft texture – સરળ અથવા નરમ પોત ધરાવે છે She sunk into the velvety fur jacket and sighed at how the soft fabric caressed her skin.
9519 Gusto – ઉત્સાહ passion or excitement – ઉત્કટ અથવા ઉત્તેજના Jim loves playing football and attacks every game with gusto.
9520 Prophet – પ્રોફેટ a person who speaks for God, or someone who can predict what will happen in the future – એક વ્યક્તિ જે ભગવાન માટે બોલે છે, અથવા કોઈ એવી વ્યક્તિ જે ભવિષ્યમાં શું થશે તેની આગાહી કરી શકે છે In the bible, Noah was a prophet who warned the people that God would bring a flood to wipe out humanity because of all of their thievery and deceit.
9521 Advantageous – ફાયદાકારક helpful or useful and likely to make you more successful – મદદરૂપ અથવા ઉપયોગી અને તમને વધુ સફળ બનાવવાની શક્યતા છે It would be advantageous for the couple to buy the bedroom set while it was on sale.
9522 Shaman – શામન a tribal figure that serves as a go-between for the physical and spiritual worlds – એક આદિવાસી વ્યક્તિ કે જે ભૌતિક અને આધ્યાત્મિક વિશ્વોની વચ્ચે ગો-વિચ તરીકે સેવા આપે છે The shaman of the tribe recommended that the girl not be buried immediately, as he wanted her spirit to have time to leave her body.
9523 Gyrate – ગાયરેટ to move in a spiral or circular motion – સર્પાકાર અથવા ગોળ ગતિમાં ખસેડવા માટે If you want the exotic dancer to gyrate especially for you, you’ll have to pay for a private dance.
9524 Arthritis – સંધિવા inflammation and stiffness in the joints – સાંધામાં બળતરા અને જડતા Timothy’s doctor explained that the sharp pains in his joints were caused by arthritis.
9525 Phobia – ફોબિયા an unreasonable fear – એક ગેરવાજબી ભય Ellen’s clown phobia makes her afraid to go to the circus.
9526 Comptroller – નિયંત્રક a person in charge of supervising the quality of the accounting and financial reporting of a corporation or public body – કોર્પોરેશન અથવા જાહેર સંસ્થાના એકાઉન્ટિંગ અને નાણાકીય રિપોર્ટિંગની ગુણવત્તા પર દેખરેખ રાખવાની જવાબદારી ધરાવતી વ્યક્તિ The comptroller released an audit that outlined all of the discrepancies he found in the mayor’s office’s financial records.
9527 Repulse – ભગાડવા to repel or drive back – ભગાડવા અથવા પાછા ચલાવવા માટે Because of his rude behavior that would repulse many people, he was without close friends.
9528 Antisocial – અસામાજિક unwilling or unable to associate normally with other people – અન્ય લોકો સાથે સામાન્ય રીતે જોડાવા માટે અનિચ્છા અથવા અસમર્થ People say that I am antisocial because I don’t talk that much.
9529 Turkey – તુર્કી a large, North American game bird that is bald with red wattles and is served on Holidays such as Thanksgiving and Christmas – એક મોટું, નોર્થ અમેરિકન રમત પક્ષી જે લાલ વાટલ્સ સાથે ટાલ છે અને રજાઓ જેમ કે થેંક્સગિવીંગ અને ક્રિસમસ પર પીરસવામાં આવે છે The only time my family gets to eat delicious turkey meat is on special occasions.
9530 Worthiness – યોગ્યતા having qualities that are desired to fit into a specific group or category – ચોક્કસ જૂથ અથવા કેટેગરીમાં ફિટ થવા માટે ઇચ્છિત ગુણો ધરાવતા The Royal family interviews all potential matches for worthiness before the prince is allowed to date.
9531 Launched – શરૂ started; began – શરૂ કર્યું; શરૂ કર્યું The police launched an investigation to find out who stole the expensive rings from the jewelry store.
9532 Hungrily – ભૂખ્યા in a way that expresses a strong need for something, usually food – એવી રીતે કે જે કંઈક, સામાન્ય રીતે ખોરાકની તીવ્ર જરૂરિયાત વ્યક્ત કરે છે The dog stared hungrily as I removed its food from the cupboard.
9533 Locality – સ્થાનિકતા the position or geographic site something is in – સ્થિતિ અથવા ભૌગોલિક સાઇટ કંઈક છે The locality of North America is in the western hemisphere of the globe, more specifically in the upper quadrant.
9534 Palm – પામ the inner part of the hand between the wrist and fingers – હાથનો અંદરનો ભાગ કાંડા અને આંગળીઓ વચ્ચે David’s palm was dry and cracked from working in the garden with his bare hands.
9535 Equalization – સમાનતા to make something equal or uniform – કંઈક સમાન અથવા સમાન બનાવવા માટે The equalization of the two basketball team meant all 28 children were divided into two groups of 14.
9536 Ambiguous – અસ્પષ્ટ confusing; difficult to understand – ગૂંચવણમાં; સમજવું મુશ્કેલ Ambiguous classroom rules like ‘Be responsible.’ deprive students of what the rule specifically requires.
9537 Pawky – પાવકી being sly while possessing a dry or sarcastic sense of humor – રમૂજની શુષ્ક અથવા વ્યંગાત્મક ભાવના ધરાવતી વખતે હોશિયાર બનવું Because of his pawky sense of humor, Nick was able to make all of his friends laugh without even cracking a smile.
9538 Chop – ચોપ to cut something into pieces with a sharp blow from an edged tool – ધારવાળા ટૂલમાંથી તીવ્ર ફટકો વડે કોઈ વસ્તુના ટુકડા કરવા Without a gas fireplace, my dad always had to go into the woods and chop lumber for our family with an axe.
9539 Bombastic – બોમ્બાસ્ટિક one who is full of himself; a self absorbed person; giving oneself high self-esteem or exaggerated dignity – જે પોતાની જાતથી ભરપૂર છે; એક સ્વ-શોષિત વ્યક્તિ; પોતાને ઉચ્ચ આત્મસન્માન અથવા અતિશયોક્તિપૂર્ણ ગૌરવ આપવું Because he is a bit too bombastic for me, I will not be voting for that politician again!
9540 Handkerchief – રૂમાલ a square piece of material carried in one’s pocket to be used to wipe their nose or face – તેમના નાક અથવા ચહેરો લૂછવા માટે ઉપયોગમાં લેવાતી સામગ્રીનો ચોરસ ટુકડો તેમના ખિસ્સામાં લઈ જવામાં આવે છે The widow cried many tears into her soft handkerchief at her husband’s funeral.
9541 Corroborating – સમર્થન adding new evidence to an account, statement or idea – ખાતા, નિવેદન અથવા વિચારમાં નવા પુરાવા ઉમેરવા In the rape case, the corroborating evidence is the DNA match.
9542 Impious – દુષ્ટ lacking reverence or respect, especially towards a god – આદર અથવા આદરનો અભાવ, ખાસ કરીને ભગવાન પ્રત્યે His lack of protocol in the church caused him to gain a reputation for being impious.
9543 Satisfactory – સંતોષકારક adequate; satisfactorily acceptable – પર્યાપ્ત સંતોષકારક રીતે સ્વીકાર્ય A satisfactory number of contestants must register for the contest in order for it to take place.
9544 Vocal – વોકલ speaking loudly and freely about something – કંઈક વિશે મોટેથી અને મુક્તપણે બોલવું The woman was very vocal about racial issues and wouldn’t backdown when questioned by the media.
9545 Fussy – મિથ્યાડંબરયુક્ત hard to please – ખુશ કરવું મુશ્કેલ Refusing to be soothed, the fussy baby whined and cried all night long.
9546 Courage – હિંમત the quality of a confident character not to be afraid or intimidated easily – આત્મવિશ્વાસપૂર્ણ પાત્રની ગુણવત્તા સરળતાથી ડરવાની અથવા ડરાવવાની નથી No longer wanting to suffer, the boy gained the courage to stand up to the bully.
9547 Mumble – ગણગણવું to mutter something in a low tone so that it cannot be understood – નીચા સ્વરમાં કંઈક ગણગણવું જેથી તે સમજી ન શકાય My little brother will mumble his grievances under his breath but never tell me when I make him angry.
9548 Bondage – બંધન the state of being a slave or held captive – ગુલામ અથવા બંદીવાન હોવાની સ્થિતિ While in bondage, the prisoner of war was starved and rarely given clean water to drink.
9549 Pore – છિદ્ર to scan or examine intently – સ્કેન કરવા અથવા ધ્યાનપૂર્વક તપાસ કરવા After I was given the manuscript for my first title role in the play, I began to pore over the script for hours.
9550 Unpredictable – અણધારી describes something that is uncertain and not able to be predicted or foretold – એવી કોઈ વસ્તુનું વર્ણન કરે છે જે અનિશ્ચિત છે અને અનુમાનિત અથવા ભાખવામાં સક્ષમ નથી The unpredictable weather was sunny one day and rainy the next.
9551 Parson – પાર્સન a Protestant clergyman that is over a parish church – એક પ્રોટેસ્ટંટ પાદરી કે જે પેરિશ ચર્ચ ઉપર છે The parson felt it was his responsibility to protect and defend the rights of the church.
9552 Suppression – દમન the act of subduing or repressing something – કંઈક દબાવવા અથવા દબાવવાની ક્રિયા Machine guns are great for suppression, because no enemy is going to move from his cover with a hail of bullets flying through the air around him.
9553 Sapling – રોપા a young, skinny tree – એક યુવાન, પાતળું વૃક્ષ A birch sapling grew in the middle of the forest as all the other trees had been chopped down.
9554 Improvisation – ઇમ્પ્રૂવાઇઝેશન the act of making up something on the spot or doing something without planning – સ્થળ પર કંઈક બનાવવાનું અથવા આયોજન વિના કંઈક કરવાની ક્રિયા Skilled at improvisation, the chef is great at coming up with last-minute meals that are unplanned yet tasty.
9555 Impair – અશક્ત damage or weaken something – કંઈક નુકસાન અથવા નબળું પાડવું Alcohol can greatly impair your judgement.
9556 Sanitation – સ્વચ્છતા the process of maintaining cleanliness – સ્વચ્છતા જાળવવાની પ્રક્રિયા Unfortunately, the sanitation crew wakes me up every Saturday from a sound sleep to take our trash from the driveway.
9557 Service – સેવા work that is done for others as a business or an aid to others – કામ કે જે અન્ય લોકો માટે વ્યવસાય અથવા અન્યને સહાય તરીકે કરવામાં આવે છે A much-needed service in the area, the teacher decided to pet-sit during the summer.
9558 Crack – ક્રેક the partial exterior break of something without complete separation – સંપૂર્ણ વિભાજન વિના કોઈ વસ્તુનો આંશિક બાહ્ય વિરામ While washing the car, Sara noticed a small crack in her windshield and had it repaired immediately.
9559 Insured – વીમો protected; covered through an insurance policy – સુરક્ષિત; વીમા પૉલિસી દ્વારા આવરી લેવામાં આવે છે Geico insured the man’s car, giving more coverage for less money than his previous insurance company.
9560 Attune – એટ્યુન to customize or modify something to be more receptive or capable – વધુ ગ્રહણશીલ અથવા સક્ષમ બનવા માટે કંઈક કસ્ટમાઇઝ અથવા સંશોધિત કરવા The radio transmitter wasn’t picking up what we needed, so I had to attune it to the right frequency.
9561 Substantially – નોંધપાત્ર રીતે extensively or significantly – વ્યાપક અથવા નોંધપાત્ર રીતે Having to pay ten dollars for a small Sprite at the movie theater is a substantially expensive price to pay for a drink.
9562 Separatist – અલગતાવાદી of the belief in full separation of a group from a larger whole (usually based on race, religion, culture, or ethnicity.) – એક જૂથને મોટા સમગ્રથી સંપૂર્ણ અલગ કરવાની માન્યતા (સામાન્ય રીતે જાતિ, ધર્મ, સંસ્કૃતિ અથવા વંશીયતા પર આધારિત.) Separatist forces in the state worked to keep Muslims and Christians in different areas.
9563 Rancor – રેન્કોર a feeling of hate or anger – નફરત અથવા ગુસ્સાની લાગણી Even though my mother despised her twin sister, she always spoke about her without rancor.
9564 Zealotry – ઉત્સાહ fanatical in the pursuit of an ideal – આદર્શની શોધમાં કટ્ટરપંથી With how blindly and fervently the enemy soldiers threw themselves at our guns, I could only shake my head at their zealotry.
9565 Humid – ભેજવાળું containing sensible moisture (usually describing air or atmosphere) – સંવેદનશીલ ભેજ ધરાવે છે (સામાન્ય રીતે હવા અથવા વાતાવરણનું વર્ણન કરે છે) Summers on the east coast of the United States are much more humid than summers on the west coast.
9566 Askew – પૂછો tilted to one side; in a crooked position – એક બાજુ નમેલું; કુટિલ સ્થિતિમાં I’ve tried straightening out the poster three times, but it still looks askew.
9567 Furthermore – વધુમાં additionally; besides – વધુમાં; ઉપરાંત Texting while driving is dangerous, and furthermore, it is also illegal.
9568 Reach – પહોંચે છે to stretch out an arm to touch or grasp something – કોઈ વસ્તુને સ્પર્શ કરવા અથવા પકડવા માટે હાથ લંબાવવો The toddler stood on her tippy toes and tried to reach the light switch, but she was just a little too short to turn it on.
9569 Prance – પ્રિન્સ to strut around in a lively way to impress others – અન્યને પ્રભાવિત કરવા માટે જીવંત રીતે આસપાસ ફરવું It’s fun and interesting to watch a sixty year old rock star prance around the stage during a concert.
9570 Remembered – યાદ આવ્યું recalled; recollected – યાદ યાદ Although she barely remembered her own children, the Alzheimer’s patient could still play the piano by ear.
9571 Forgery – બનાવટી a fabricated replication of something meant to appear like the real thing – કોઈ વસ્તુની બનાવટી નકલનો અર્થ વાસ્તવિક વસ્તુની જેમ દેખાવાનો છે Many young kids try to employ forgery to sign their parent’s signature on something they don’t want them to see.
9572 Incontinence – અસંયમ lack of control over bodily functions (urinating and defecating) – શારીરિક કાર્યો પર નિયંત્રણનો અભાવ (પેશાબ અને શૌચ) The potty-training toddler is struggling with incontinence as she can’t seem to stop peeing in the bed no matter how hard she tries.
9573 Compaction – કોમ્પેક્શન the process of making more compact or densely packed together – એકસાથે વધુ કોમ્પેક્ટ અથવા ગીચ રીતે ભરેલી બનાવવાની પ્રક્રિયા The soil that was added to the planter had to be light so that compaction wouldn’t occur and crush the roots.
9574 Inject – ઇન્જેક્ટ કરો to introduce something new to a situation – પરિસ્થિતિમાં કંઈક નવું રજૂ કરવા My boss likes to inject humor when talking with his staff which makes us feel comfortable around him.
9575 Depression – હતાશા feelings of emotional sadness and dejection – ભાવનાત્મક ઉદાસી અને હતાશાની લાગણીઓ Always feeling miserable or worthless, I couldn’t help but wonder if I was suffering from depression, and what I should do about it.
9576 Amerindian – અમેરીન્ડિયન a member of any of the groups of native people that were in North and South American before Europeans arrived – યુરોપિયનોના આગમન પહેલાં ઉત્તર અને દક્ષિણ અમેરિકામાં રહેતા મૂળ લોકોના કોઈપણ જૂથનો સભ્ય Mr. Miles, our history teacher, taught us that Amerindian and Indigenous American are other words for Native American.
9577 Sultry – કામુક hot and humid weather – ગરમ અને ભેજવાળું હવામાન The hot sun and humid air of Florida made for one sultry day.
9578 Astonish – આશ્ચર્ય પમાડવું to trigger surprise or wonder – આશ્ચર્ય અથવા આશ્ચર્ય પેદા કરવા માટે Hopefully the magic show will astonish our guests and leave them amazed.
9579 Palladium – પેલેડિયમ a platinum type metal that is a light silvery color and is flexible enough to be shaped – પ્લેટિનમ પ્રકારની ધાતુ જે આછો ચાંદીનો રંગ છે અને આકાર આપવા માટે પૂરતી લવચીક છે Due to its mobility, the electrical engineer used palladium to form it into the necessary shape so that it could be used as part in the electronic device.
9580 Picture – ચિત્ર representation of a visible reality produced by painting, drawing, photograph, etc. – ચિત્ર, ચિત્ર, ફોટોગ્રાફ વગેરે દ્વારા ઉત્પાદિત દૃશ્યમાન વાસ્તવિકતાનું પ્રતિનિધિત્વ. When we had a family reunion and looked through old photographs, I saw a picture of the house I spent my childhood in.
9581 Vitality – જોમ energy; strength – ઊર્જા તાકાત The doctor was proud to see his patient was full of vitality.
9582 Swig – સ્વિગ a large gulp of a liquid – પ્રવાહીનો મોટો ગલ્પ Even though I hate the taste of alcohol, my father convinced me to take a swig of the stuff on New Year’s.
9583 Keg – પીપડું a small barrel that holds things, especially beer – એક નાની બેરલ જે વસ્તુઓ ધરાવે છે, ખાસ કરીને બીયર By the time the wild party ended, each keg of beer had been drained of every drop.
9584 Theatrical – થિયેટ્રિકલ pertaining to drama or the performing arts – નાટક અથવા પર્ફોર્મિંગ આર્ટ્સ સંબંધિત Bryson Middle School’s theatrical production of Annie was being shown at the school’s auditorium for three nights.
9585 Like – ગમે છે to enjoy or adore something or someone – કંઈક અથવા કોઈને આનંદ અથવા પૂજવું Sarah knew her daughter would like the shirts she picked out for her since Sarah asked for them as a birthday present.
9586 Misapprehension – ગેરસમજ a misunderstanding or mistaken belief – ગેરસમજ અથવા ભૂલભરેલી માન્યતા The doctor was under the misapprehension that the patient was sick when in reality he was faking it the whole time.
9587 Protagonist – નાયક the leading character in a literary composition – સાહિત્યિક રચનામાં અગ્રણી પાત્ર In the short story, the protagonist must finally stand up to the bullies who torment him.
9588 Rank – ક્રમ foul smelling; pungent – અપ્રિય ગંધ; તીક્ષ્ણ After a day of being left out to sour, the rank milk had curdled and begun to smell.
9589 Ferocious – વિકરાળ savage, feral, or violently angry – ક્રૂર, જંગલી અથવા હિંસક ગુસ્સો While most canines are friendly, a wild wolf is more likely to act ferocious and deadly to a person since they are not domesticated.
9590 Profound – ગહન extremely deep – અત્યંત ઊંડા The speaker’s profound words made me think about my future.
9591 Alee – અલી situated on the side of a ship that is protected from the wind – વહાણની બાજુમાં સ્થિત છે જે પવનથી સુરક્ષિત છે The sailors stood alee, situating themselves on the side of the boat with fewer gusts of wind.
9592 Farrago – ફારાગો a collection containing a confused variety of miscellaneous things – પરચુરણ વસ્તુઓની મૂંઝવણભરી વિવિધતા ધરાવતો સંગ્રહ The present gun law is a farrago of nonsense as most of it is unenforceable.
9593 Aide – સહાયક an assistant who provides support for another worker – એક સહાયક કે જે અન્ય કાર્યકર માટે આધાર પૂરો પાડે છે The teacher’s aide was hired to assist the instructor with classroom activities.
9594 Neolithic – નિયોલિથિક relating to a time known as the New Stone Age in which polished stone tools, pottery, weaving, stock rearing, and agriculture became prominent – નવા પથ્થર યુગ તરીકે ઓળખાતા સમય સાથે સંબંધિત જેમાં પોલિશ્ડ પથ્થરના સાધનો, માટીકામ, વણાટ, સ્ટોક ઉછેર અને ખેતી અગ્રણી બની હતી. The village dwellings are adobe style and were crafted from clay and water.
9595 Moron – મોરોન a very dumb or stupid person – ખૂબ મૂંગો અથવા મૂર્ખ વ્યક્તિ Scoring double digits on the IQ test, Bruce is a certified moron.
9596 Babble – બબડાટ to chatter about something in a typically foolish or excitable way – સામાન્ય રીતે મૂર્ખ અથવા ઉત્તેજક રીતે કંઈક વિશે બકબક કરવી The first time her crush talked to her, she was so excited that she was at a loss for words and began to babble about the weather.
9597 Achieve – હાંસલ કરો to successfully get or accomplish – સફળતાપૂર્વક મેળવવા અથવા પરિપૂર્ણ કરવા માટે I studied hard to achieve a perfect grade.
9598 Subjected – આધીન to be controlled or forced to do something – નિયંત્રિત અથવા કંઈક કરવા માટે દબાણ કરવું After the boss’s tirade, the employee decided to quit her job so she would not subjected to that verbal abuse ever again.
9599 Algorithm – અલ્ગોરિધમ set of instructions – સૂચનાઓનો સમૂહ Many scientists were required to solve and describe the algorithm for each problem they solved in order to be accepted to the company.
9600 Better – વધુ સારું of higher quality – ઉચ્ચ ગુણવત્તાની Because she likes high-end purses, Paris is looking for a handbag line that is of better quality than what she has now.
9601 Extravaganza – એક્સ્ટ્રાવેગેન્ઝા excessive and lavish celebration or performance – અતિશય અને ભવ્ય ઉજવણી અથવા પ્રદર્શન Carnival in Venice, Italy, is an annual extravaganza of elaborate masks, dancing, music, and feasting before Lent.
9602 Versed – વાકેફ experienced or skilled in something – અનુભવી અથવા કોઈ બાબતમાં કુશળ Asia isn’t versed in the art of sewing, but her Aunt Lucille can hem anything she needs to be taken in.
9603 Tribunal – ટ્રિબ્યુનલ an assembly including one or more judges to conduct judicial business – ન્યાયિક વ્યવસાય કરવા માટે એક અથવા વધુ ન્યાયાધીશો સહિતની એસેમ્બલી To discuss the prospect of building a park in the subdivision, the neighborhood tribunal met.
9604 Disgrace – બદનામી to be a source of embarrassment or shame – શરમ અથવા શરમનો સ્ત્રોત બનવા માટે After marrying a black woman, Kurt became the disgrace of his racist family.
9605 Numerical – સંખ્યાત્મક pertaining to numerals – અંકોને લગતું In order to decode the message, someone would have to determine the numerical representation for each letter.
9606 Mutual – પરસ્પર shared; common – વહેંચાયેલું; સામાન્ય The husband and wife came to a mutual agreement that she would drive the new car and he would drive the older one.
9607 Laborious – મહેનતુ something requiring much physical or mental effort – કંઈક કે જેને ખૂબ શારીરિક અથવા માનસિક પ્રયત્નોની જરૂર હોય છે When you just start exercising it may seem laborious, but over time it gets easier.
9608 Anchor – એન્કર a person or mainstay that can be relied on for support or security – એક વ્યક્તિ અથવા મુખ્ય આધાર કે જેના પર આધાર અથવા સુરક્ષા માટે આધાર રાખી શકાય Chicken is the chef’s anchor ingredient when he can’t come up with any creative dishes.
9609 Chance – તક a possibility or likelihood – એક શક્યતા અથવા સંભાવના There is always a chance that the baker will run out of donuts, but the likelihood is much higher on Mondays.
9610 Badge – બેજ a small piece of metal or plastic worn to show that you are a part of some specific group or organization – ધાતુ અથવા પ્લાસ્ટિકનો એક નાનો ટુકડો એ બતાવવા માટે પહેરવામાં આવે છે કે તમે અમુક ચોક્કસ જૂથ અથવા સંસ્થાનો ભાગ છો The officer’s shiny, star-shaped badge let the people know that he was part of the police force.
9611 Admittance – પ્રવેશ the process of being allowed to enter a place – સ્થાનમાં પ્રવેશવાની મંજૂરી આપવાની પ્રક્રિયા If you want admittance into the stadium to watch the game, you must have a ticket.
9612 Pantheism – સર્વધર્મ belief that God is the universe and the universe is God – એવી માન્યતા છે કે ભગવાન બ્રહ્માંડ છે અને બ્રહ્માંડ ભગવાન છે Individuals who believe in pantheism maintain that God and the universe are the same being.
9613 Brute – બ્રુટ a bully or mean person – ધમકાવનાર અથવા મીન વ્યક્તિ Acting as a brute, everyone avoided him at work so they wouldn’t hear his cruel words.
9614 Pretest – પ્રિટેસ્ટ a test given before instruction or evaluation – સૂચના અથવા મૂલ્યાંકન પહેલાં આપવામાં આવેલ કસોટી Each new product must undergo a pretest to determine if it passes inspection and can be put on the shelves.
9615 Packet – પેકેટ a small parcel or package – એક નાનું પાર્સલ અથવા પેકેજ The patient returned the packet of papers to the doctor’s secretary once he filled them out.
9616 Eject – બહાર કાઢો to force something or someone to depart or exit – કંઈક અથવા કોઈને પ્રસ્થાન અથવા બહાર નીકળવા માટે દબાણ કરવું When the unruly patron began to throw things in the restaurant, the manager quickly decided to eject the man onto the sidewalk in front of the restaurant.
9617 Federalism – સંઘવાદ a type of government which gives central authority to the federal government with limited states’ rights – સરકારનો એક પ્રકાર કે જે સંઘીય સરકારને મર્યાદિત રાજ્યોના અધિકારો સાથે કેન્દ્રીય સત્તા આપે છે Currently, Canada uses a government that is similar to federalism due to its strong national Parliament with minor provincial power.
9618 Saint – સંત a title given to someone regarded as holy and virtuous after his or her death – કોઈને તેના મૃત્યુ પછી પવિત્ર અને સદ્ગુણ માનવામાં આવે છે Believing that her prayer would be answered, the worshiper cried out to the departed saint for deliverance from her situation.
9619 Feud – ઝઘડો a state of long-standing mutual hostility – લાંબા સમયથી ચાલતી પરસ્પર દુશ્મનાવટની સ્થિતિ At first, Hanna tried to talk things out in a friendly way, but the guy wouldn’t listen and a bitter feud broke out.
9620 Disproportionate – અપ્રમાણસર not in proportion; unfair in size – પ્રમાણમાં નથી; કદમાં અયોગ્ય With a disproportionate number of students and staff, the small school scrambled to fit everyone in a classroom.
9621 Appear – દેખાય છે to become visible; to come into sight – દૃશ્યમાન થવા માટે; દૃષ્ટિમાં આવવું The magician made the rabbit appear out of nowhere, surprising the audience who were shocked to see it hop out of the hat.
9622 Submission – રજૂઆત an item brought forth before or to a group of people – લોકોના જૂથ પહેલાં અથવા આગળ લાવવામાં આવેલી આઇટમ After my submission of the monthly reports to my boss, I returned several phone calls.
9623 Mire – મીરે a situation or circumstance from which it is difficult to escape – એવી પરિસ્થિતિ અથવા સંજોગો કે જેમાંથી છટકી જવું મુશ્કેલ છે Getting arrested was a mire of unfortunate circumstances the parolee had tried to avoid.
9624 Mentor – માર્ગદર્શક someone who teaches or gives advice to someone less experienced – જે કોઈ ઓછા અનુભવી વ્યક્તિને શીખવે છે અથવા સલાહ આપે છે Because she was a new teacher, Betsy needed a mentor to show her how to set up her classroom.
9625 Airport – એરપોર્ટ a place where passengers board flights and where airplanes take-off and land – એક એવી જગ્યા જ્યાં મુસાફરો ફ્લાઇટમાં ચઢે છે અને જ્યાં એરોપ્લેન ટેક-ઓફ અને લેન્ડ થાય છે Several planes landed at the airport after midnight and were refueled before takeoff.
9626 Stratosphere – ઊર્ધ્વમંડળ region of the uppermost atmosphere – સૌથી ઉપરના વાતાવરણનો પ્રદેશ The stratosphere is the second layer of the Earth’s atmosphere.
9627 Revoke – રદ કરો to cancel or make invalid – રદ કરવા અથવા અમાન્ય બનાવવા માટે The court has decided to revoke Jimmy’s parole and send him back to prison.
9628 Basis – આધાર foundation, base – પાયો, આધાર The research study had a scientific basis, but also included religious topics.
9629 Canonical – કેનોનિકલ following or according to the rules – નીચેના અથવા નિયમો અનુસાર The canonical composer always made sure that his hymns fit in with the church’s regulations.
9630 Concept – ખ્યાલ an idea or notion – એક વિચાર અથવા કલ્પના Fortunately, the client loves our new advertising concept.
9631 Improve – સુધારો to make something better – કંઈક સારું બનાવવા માટે Salt and pepper was added to the potatoes to improve their taste.
9632 Provident – પ્રોવિડન્ટ demonstrating great care and consideration for the future – ભવિષ્ય માટે ખૂબ કાળજી અને વિચારણા દર્શાવે છે My financier told me that I needed to be more provident when it came to my spending.
9633 Beseech – વિનંતી કરો to ask someone for something in an urgent and sincere way – તાત્કાલિક અને નિષ્ઠાવાન રીતે કોઈને કંઈક માટે પૂછવું As soon as I reach the driving age, I will beseech my parents to buy me a car.
9634 Inertia – જડતા the tendency to continue being motionless or inactive – ગતિહીન અથવા નિષ્ક્રિય રહેવાની વૃત્તિ The legislators’ inertia has allowed the budget extension to expire before a solution can be put in place.
9635 Revolt – બળવો to rebel, particularly against authority – બળવો કરવો, ખાસ કરીને સત્તા સામે A revolt will force the government to shut down.
9636 Deficiency – ઉણપ a lack of something needed – જરૂરી વસ્તુનો અભાવ Because he has a vitamin deficiency, the patient was given tablets for replacing the missing minerals.
9637 Anfractuous – અનફ્રેક્ટુસ having many winding twists and turns – ઘણા વિન્ડિંગ ટ્વિસ્ટ અને ટર્ન્સ કર્યા The couple struggled to get through the anfractuous maze, constantly getting lost in the twists and turns.
9638 Raillery – રેલરી good-natured bantering – સારા સ્વભાવનું મશ્કરી While many people think the brothers are arguing, they’re usually just engaging in some fun raillery.
9639 Indigence – અપરિગ્રહ a state of extreme poverty and lack of resources – અત્યંત ગરીબી અને સંસાધનોની અછતની સ્થિતિ Living in a state of indigence, the destitute family had no heat or running water in their one-bedroom shack.
9640 Botany – વનસ્પતિશાસ્ત્ર the scientific study of plants – છોડનો વૈજ્ઞાનિક અભ્યાસ Studying botany was a way for George Washington Carver to enjoy doing what he loved while figuring out ways to help the world through peanut plants.
9641 Brainless – મગજહીન stupid; having no intelligence – મૂર્ખ કોઈ બુદ્ધિ નથી The brainless bimbo is known for her good looks, but can barely read or write.
9642 Impending – તોળાઈ રહેલું going to occur; coming – થવાનું છે; આવતા When I refused to pay the fake fortuneteller, she warned me of impending doom in my future.
9643 Perquisite – અનુમતિ a privilege, gain, or a special benefit; perk – વિશેષાધિકાર, લાભ અથવા વિશેષ લાભ; લાભ Ronald considers his pension to be the most desirable perquisite of his profession.
9644 Consider – ધ્યાનમાં લો to deliberate or ponder about something cautiously – સાવધાનીપૂર્વક કંઈક વિશે ઇરાદાપૂર્વક અથવા મનન કરવું The avid reader would consider purchasing the next book in the series even though she was broke and the book was expensive.
9645 Intractable – અવ્યવસ્થિત not easily managed or controlled – સરળતાથી સંચાલિત અથવા નિયંત્રિત નથી It took six paramedics to handle the intractable task of lifting the eight hundred pound woman.
9646 Emotive – લાગણીશીલ emotional – ભાવનાત્મક I didn’t expect such an emotive response from the parent when I said that her son was not a nice child.
9647 Bouquet – કલગી a creative arrangement of flowers – ફૂલોની રચનાત્મક ગોઠવણી Our local florist created a lovely bridal bouquet of red and white flowers for my daughter’s wedding.
9648 Halfway house – અડધું ઘર a place where former inmates, drug addicts, or other groups go to learn skills that will allow them to integrate back into society – એક એવી જગ્યા જ્યાં ભૂતપૂર્વ કેદીઓ, માદક દ્રવ્યોના વ્યસનીઓ અથવા અન્ય જૂથો કૌશલ્ય શીખવા માટે જાય છે જે તેમને સમાજમાં પાછા એકીકૃત થવા દેશે. After finishing most of his prison sentence, the parolee was sent to a halfway house that could help him find employment.
9649 Mankind – માનવજાત the human race – માનવ જાતિ The superhero set out to save all of mankind, making the safety of the human race his life’s purpose.
9650 Aged – વૃદ્ધ grew older; matured – મોટા થયા; પરિપક્વ The more the elderly woman aged, the worse her eyesight and hearing became.
9651 Concatenation – જોડાણ a group of things joined together one after another – વસ્તુઓનો સમૂહ એક પછી એક સાથે જોડાયો The student’s concatenation of the words ‘air’ and ‘plane’ formed the word airplane.
9652 Venture – સાહસ an undertaking that has some risk attached – એક બાંયધરી જેમાં અમુક જોખમ જોડાયેલું છે Although the venture is going to cost me a lot of money, I can easily recoup my funds in three months if the business is successful.
9653 Village – ગામ a small town or settlement – નાનું શહેર અથવા વસાહત Our small village has a market but no post office or gas station.
9654 Immersed – તલ્લીન fully engrossed in or giving something all of your attention – સંપૂર્ણપણે તલ્લીન અથવા કંઈક તમારું ધ્યાન આપવું The workaholic fully immersed himself in efforts, laboring on the farm night and day.
9655 Opportunity cost – તક ખર્ચ a benefit or profit that must be given up in order to gain something else – એક લાભ અથવા નફો જે કંઈક બીજું મેળવવા માટે છોડી દેવું જોઈએ My mother explained she could not buy two snacks and that popcorn would be our opportunity cost if we chose to get candy.
9656 Send – મોકલો cause to go or be taken to a particular destination – કોઈ ચોક્કસ ગંતવ્ય પર જવા અથવા લઈ જવાનું કારણ The children wanted to send Santa a letter, but they were sure how to get their note to the North Pole.
9657 Balkanization – બાલ્કનાઇઝેશન typically as the result of or end of a war, when large land areas are broken down into smaller states – સામાન્ય રીતે યુદ્ધના પરિણામ અથવા અંત તરીકે, જ્યારે મોટા જમીન વિસ્તારોને નાના રાજ્યોમાં વિભાજિત કરવામાં આવે છે The balkanization of Yugoslavia happened after civil wars broke out on the country and several areas broke away to form their own states.
9658 Substance – પદાર્થ a material or matter that takes up space – એક સામગ્રી અથવા પદાર્થ જે જગ્યા લે છે Floyd realized that he must have stepped into a gooey substance on the garage floor before he tracked it through the house.
9659 Flash – ફ્લેશ a sudden brief burst of bright light or a sudden glint from a reflective surface – તેજસ્વી પ્રકાશનો અચાનક સંક્ષિપ્ત વિસ્ફોટ અથવા પ્રતિબિંબીત સપાટીથી અચાનક ચમકવું The first flash of the fireworks caught her by surprise.
9660 Impetus – ઉત્તેજના a force that causes something to be done or to become more active – એક બળ જે કંઈક કરવા અથવા વધુ સક્રિય થવાનું કારણ બને છે The high crime rate was the impetus for the hiring of one hundred new police officers in our city.
9661 Jaguar – જગુઆર a large, spotted cat that is found mostly in Central and South America – એક મોટી, સ્પોટેડ બિલાડી જે મોટેભાગે મધ્ય અને દક્ષિણ અમેરિકામાં જોવા મળે છે The yellow eyes of the jaguar shined brightly in the jungle moonlight as the spotted feline prepared to pounce on his prey.
9662 Subaudition – સબઓડિશન an indirect indication or hint – એક પરોક્ષ સંકેત અથવા સંકેત When my mom asked me when I was going to clean my room, I realized her subaudition of the question was telling me to clean my room now.
9663 Eustress – યુસ્ટ્રેસ stress that is beneficial or leads to a positive outcome – તણાવ કે જે ફાયદાકારક છે અથવા સકારાત્મક પરિણામ તરફ દોરી જાય છે Although beginning a new workout routine can be stressful, once you start to achieve your goals, the anxiety will morph into positive eustress.
9664 Barmy – બર્મી crazy; insane – પાગલ પાગલ Janice didn’t think that skydiving was a barmy idea, but her husband said it was the craziest thing he’d ever heard of.
9665 Adventurous – સાહસિક daring; brave – હિંમતવાન બહાદુર Bold and adventurous, the dare devil was always looking for a new exploit to undertake.
9666 Arena – અખાડો a level area with raised seating where large crowds watch sports games or other performances – ઉચ્ચ બેઠકો સાથેનો એક સ્તર વિસ્તાર જ્યાં મોટી ભીડ રમતગમતની રમતો અથવા અન્ય પ્રદર્શન જુએ છે When entering the arena, the two boxers snarled at each other and prepared from the fierce battle as excited fans watched.
9667 Visible – દૃશ્યમાન able to be seen – જોવા માટે સક્ષમ The sun was barely visible because of the large clouds in the sky.
9668 Named – નામ આપ્યું called; labeled – કહેવાય છે લેબલ થયેલ The Dean family named their dog Iris, even though the kids wanted to call the puppy Snowball.
9669 Afoul – અફૌલ into conflict or difficulty with – સાથે સંઘર્ષ અથવા મુશ્કેલીમાં The explorers had started their journey with little trouble, but they soon ran afoul of many troubles with the weather and terrain.
9670 Ratchet – રેચેટ Definition of Ratchet – રેચેટની વ્યાખ્યા Examples of Ratchet in a sentence
9671 Homebody – હોમબોડી a person who prefers staying at home over going to other places – એવી વ્યક્તિ જે અન્ય સ્થળોએ જવા કરતાં ઘરે રહેવાનું પસંદ કરે છે Although I enjoy going out on dates sometimes, I’m really a homebody who would rather be at the house.
9672 Chairman – અધ્યક્ષ a person designated to preside over a meeting – મીટિંગની અધ્યક્ષતા માટે નિયુક્ત વ્યક્તિ The Chairman’s primary job is to oversee the meeting between his many subordinates, to ensure everything on the schedule is addressed.
9673 Covetous – લોભી displaying greed for another individual’s belongings – અન્ય વ્યક્તિના સામાન માટે લોભ દર્શાવવું While I ate, my covetous dog eyed my every bite.
9674 Condescension – નિષ્ઠા patronizing or superior behavior or attitude – સમર્થન અથવા શ્રેષ્ઠ વર્તન અથવા વલણ Troy’s attitude of condescension caused people to feel that he was talking down to them.
9675 Politically correct – રાજકીય રીતે યોગ્ય replying, stating or behaving appropriately – જવાબ આપવો, જણાવવું અથવા યોગ્ય વર્તન કરવું “It is not politically correct to call adults who are under four feet ten inches in height as midgets because they consider that offensive,” the counselor told the teenage audience.
9676 Polyp – પોલીપ a cluster of benign cells that forms a small bundle and extends from organs, tissues, etc., on living organisms – સૌમ્ય કોષોનું એક ક્લસ્ટર જે એક નાનું બંડલ બનાવે છે અને સજીવ સજીવો પર અંગો, પેશીઓ વગેરેથી વિસ્તરે છે When the young singer found out she had polyps on her vocal cords, she knew she would have to get surgery and her hopes of going on tour were obliterated.
9677 Ontology – ઓન્ટોલોજી the area of metaphysics that focuses on the characteristics of life – મેટાફિઝિક્સનો વિસ્તાર જે જીવનની લાક્ષણિકતાઓ પર ધ્યાન કેન્દ્રિત કરે છે Since Jim has a strong fascination with human existence, he has decided to major in ontology.
9678 Tomb – કબર a large, typically underground chamber used to bury the dead – મૃતકોને દફનાવવા માટે વપરાતી મોટી, સામાન્ય રીતે ભૂગર્ભ ચેમ્બર Because we had so many fallen, we had to bury them in a tomb where there was enough room for them all.
9679 Typhus – ટાયફસ any of various bacterial diseases caused by rickettsial bacteria that is transmitted by lice or fleas and causes a rash, severe fever and headache, and confusion – રિકેટ્સિયલ બેક્ટેરિયા દ્વારા થતા વિવિધ બેક્ટેરિયલ રોગોમાંથી કોઈપણ કે જે જૂ અથવા ચાંચડ દ્વારા પ્રસારિત થાય છે અને ફોલ્લીઓ, તીવ્ર તાવ અને માથાનો દુખાવો અને મૂંઝવણનું કારણ બને છે Scientists think the great plague in 430 B.C. Athens was a typhus outbreak since many who died suffered from severe rashes and headaches.
9680 Aboard – વહાણમાં on board, into or within a ship or boat – બોર્ડ પર, વહાણ અથવા બોટમાં અથવા અંદર The stewardess welcomed everyone aboard and asked us to pay attention to what she had to say.
9681 Prevent – અટકાવો to stop or thwart something from happening – કંઈક બનતું અટકાવવા અથવા અટકાવવા માટે “The only true way to prevent being a teenage mother is abstinence,” Sarah’s mother warned her so she would not have sex with her boyfriend.
9682 Irrefragable – અફર not able to be disputed or disproved – વિવાદિત અથવા અસ્વીકાર કરવામાં સક્ષમ નથી Though the fact that the world is round seems to be indisputable and irrefragable, some people are trying to prove that it is indeed flat.
9683 Fraudulent – કપટી dishonest; based on fraud or deception – અપ્રમાણિક છેતરપિંડી અથવા છેતરપિંડી પર આધારિત The guy standing in front of me at the bank tried to cash a fraudulent check, which landed him in prison.
9684 Encircle – ઘેરાવો encase or enclose around – આજુબાજુ બંધ કરો અથવા બંધ કરો Police can’t determine what is happening on the sidewalk since the people tightly encircle the pair of fighters in the center.
9685 Encourage – પ્રોત્સાહિત કરો to give support and hope to someone in an effort to build their confidence – કોઈને તેમનો આત્મવિશ્વાસ વધારવાના પ્રયાસમાં ટેકો અને આશા આપવા માટે Trying to encourage his troops to press on, the leader gave a moving speech to the discouraged men.
9686 Carefree – નચિંત easygoing and relaxed – સરળ અને હળવા The carefree beach-bum skated through life without a worry or care.
9687 Blank – ખાલી empty or clear of any information or markings – કોઈપણ માહિતી અથવા નિશાનોથી ખાલી અથવા સાફ Staring at the blank paper, the confused student couldn’t think of what to write on the bare sheet.
9688 Biochemistry – બાયોકેમિસ્ટ્રી the branch of science concerned with the chemical and physicochemical processes that occur within living organisms – વિજ્ઞાનની શાખા જે જીવંત જીવોમાં થતી રાસાયણિક અને ભૌતિક રાસાયણિક પ્રક્રિયાઓ સાથે સંબંધિત છે Both genetics and cell biology are part of biochemistry since these branches investigate processes that occur within living things.
9689 Upset – ઉદાસ emotionally troubled or stressed – ભાવનાત્મક રીતે પરેશાન અથવા તણાવ News of her father’s death caused the girl to become very upset.
9690 Attempted – પ્રયાસ કર્યો tried to; made an effort – પ્રયાસ કર્યો; એક પ્રયાસ કર્યો Although she attempted to ski once on a dare, Felicity was too nervous to try it again.
9691 Knock – નોક to hit a surface in a noisy way – ઘોંઘાટીયા રીતે સપાટી પર અથડાવું You must knock loudly on the door when you go to grandmother’s house since she is hard of hearing.
9692 Hotel – હોટેલ a place where travelers pay to sleep overnight – એક એવી જગ્યા જ્યાં મુસાફરો રાતોરાત સૂવા માટે ચૂકવણી કરે છે While traveling overnight, the Deans became tired and decided to rent a room at an interstate hotel.
9693 Necromancy – નેક્રોમેન્સી the act of communicating with spirits of deceased individuals – મૃત વ્યક્તિઓની આત્માઓ સાથે વાતચીત કરવાની ક્રિયા When Maggie’s husband died, she visited a psychic who claimed she could use necromancy to talk to deceased persons.
9694 Scored – સ્કોર કર્યો gained ( a point, goal, etc.), especially in a competition – મેળવેલ (એક બિંદુ, ધ્યેય, વગેરે), ખાસ કરીને સ્પર્ધામાં The football player scored three touchdowns in one game, helping his team win over their rivals.
9695 Opine – અભિપ્રાય to give an opinion – અભિપ્રાય આપવા માટે Rather than disagree with my husband in public, I waited until we got home to opine my thoughts on the subject.
9696 Core – કોર a center and usually main part of something compared to its surroundings – તેની આસપાસની સરખામણીમાં કેન્દ્ર અને સામાન્ય રીતે કોઈ વસ્તુનો મુખ્ય ભાગ Once the teacher was able to get to the core of the problem, the other information regarding the problem was really irrelevant.
9697 Olfactory – ઘ્રાણેન્દ્રિયને લગતું pertaining to the smell sense – ગંધની ભાવનાથી સંબંધિત Because my brother has straws in his nose, his olfactory sense is not picking up the odors coming from the kitchen.
9698 Moral turpitude – નૈતિક મંદી a legal term that refers to behavior that goes against moral standards like honesty and justice – કાનૂની શબ્દ કે જે વર્તનને સંદર્ભિત કરે છે જે પ્રામાણિકતા અને ન્યાય જેવા નૈતિક ધોરણોની વિરુદ્ધ જાય છે The politician’s moral turpitude and dishonesty in court led him to be convicted of several felonies.
9699 Circuitous – સર્કિટસ not said or done simply or clearly – સરળ અથવા સ્પષ્ટ રીતે કહ્યું અથવા કર્યું નથી While John said his directions would get us home quickly, his route actually took us on a more circuitous path that led us miles out of the way.
9700 Detailed – વિગતવાર full; complete – સંપૂર્ણ પૂર્ણ The police officer wrote a detailed report about the incident that included all of the particulars about the case.
9701 Scheme – સ્કીમ a sneaky plan – એક ડરપોક યોજના The man’s scheme to rob the old lady was ruined when one of her neighbors caught him trying to break into her home.
9702 Overpower – ઓવરપાવર to take over or overwhelm something – કોઈ વસ્તુ પર કબજો કરવો અથવા ડૂબી જવું The scent of garlic began to overpower the kitchen and could be smelled all the way outside.
9703 Proved – સાબિત કર્યું showed evidence to verify that a particular idea is true – ચોક્કસ વિચાર સાચો છે તે ચકાસવા માટે પુરાવા દર્શાવ્યા The DNA evidence proved that the man wasn’t the killer, so he was released from jail.
9704 Crackdown – ક્રેકડાઉન immediate stern measures; increased enforcement – તાત્કાલિક કડક પગલાં; અમલીકરણમાં વધારો Police are hailing raids as part of a national crackdown on illegal drugs a success.
9705 Obelisk – ઓબેલિસ્ક a 4-sided rectangular shaped column that comes to a triangular point at the top – 4-બાજુવાળા લંબચોરસ આકારની કૉલમ જે ટોચ પર ત્રિકોણાકાર બિંદુ પર આવે છે While touring Washington D.C. for the first time in my life, I identified the tall obelisk as the Washington Monument.
9706 Hard-headed – સખત માથાવાળો unwilling to change one’s ideas or opinions – કોઈના વિચારો અથવા અભિપ્રાયો બદલવા માટે તૈયાર નથી Hannah’s hard-headed husband refused to accept help or even listen to anyone’s opinions when it came to fixing his vehicle.
9707 Ascertaining – ખાતરી કરવી finding something out with certainty, usually through experimentation or examination – નિશ્ચિતતા સાથે કંઈક શોધવું, સામાન્ય રીતે પ્રયોગ અથવા પરીક્ષા દ્વારા The insurance adjuster’s deeper reviewing of the accident report has helped them in ascertaining the true cause of the car crash.
9708 Underside – અન્ડરસાઇડ the bottom or lower side of a surface – સપાટીની નીચે અથવા નીચેની બાજુ Although the top of the boat was still painted blue, the underside in the water had faded to white.
9709 Extortionate – છેડતી excessively expensive; outrageously high – અતિશય ખર્ચાળ; અપમાનજનક રીતે ઉચ્ચ We wanted to see the Broadway show, but the extortionate ticket prices led us to choose a cheaper show.
9710 Infantry – પાયદળ a group of soldiers that march and fight on foot – સૈનિકોનું એક જૂથ જે કૂચ કરે છે અને પગપાળા લડે છે The infantry marched into battle with their rifles on their back and a mission in their hearts.
9711 Ethical – નૈતિક morally correct or acceptable – નૈતિક રીતે યોગ્ય અથવા સ્વીકાર્ય It is important that police officers prove themselves to be ethical if they hope to really serve the community.
9712 Patient – દર્દી tolerating problems or irritation in an easygoing way – સરળ રીતે સમસ્યાઓ અથવા બળતરા સહન કરવું When the truck seemed to be in an emergency, the patient driver of the car remained still for the truck to pass.
9713 Whelp – વ્હેલ્પ a way to refer to a young man, generally in a disrespectful way – સામાન્ય રીતે અપમાનજનક રીતે, યુવાનનો સંદર્ભ લેવાની રીત Normally I’d tell my twelve year old son to stop being so excitable, but the whelp is still young, so I’ll let it slide.
9714 Backup – બેકઅપ a person or thing that assists or supports someone/something else – કોઈ વ્યક્તિ અથવા વસ્તુ કે જે કોઈને/બીજાને મદદ કરે છે અથવા ટેકો આપે છે The working mother is looking for a backup babysitter to watch her daughter on days her nanny cannot care for the child.
9715 Abatement – નિવારણ reduction or weakening or something – ઘટાડો અથવા નબળાઈ અથવા કંઈક Natalie longed for the abatement of the screaming rock music from her brother’s band so she could focus on her homework.
9716 Faculty – ફેકલ્ટી the teachers who work at a school or university – શિક્ષકો કે જેઓ શાળા અથવા યુનિવર્સિટીમાં કામ કરે છે Faculty pictures were included with the students in the school yearbook.
9717 Rattle – ખડખડાટ to shake or clatter – હલાવવા અથવા ધ્રુજારી કરવી Aftershocks from the earthquake were strong enough to rattle the china in the kitchen cabinet.
9718 Uproar – કોલાહલ a situation in which many people are upset or angry – એવી પરિસ્થિતિ જેમાં ઘણા લોકો અસ્વસ્થ અથવા ગુસ્સે છે Uproar over the art piece began after it was found to be a fake.
9719 Skein – સ્કીન the V-formation that ducks and geese fly in when they are migrating – વી-ફોર્મેશન કે જેમાં બતક અને હંસ જ્યારે તેઓ સ્થળાંતર કરતા હોય ત્યારે ઉડે છે Because they like to stick together when they are migrating for the winter, ducks and geese fly in a skein, which is a formation in the shape of a V.
9720 Acrocyanosis – એક્રોસાયનોસિસ bluish or purple coloring of the hands and feet caused by slow circulation – ધીમા પરિભ્રમણને કારણે હાથ અને પગનો વાદળી અથવા જાંબલી રંગ Because acrocyanosis was present in the patient’s hands, the doctor tried to figure out what could be causing the bluish coloring of her digits.
9721 Mindset – માનસિકતા an established set of attitudes and beliefs that someone holds – વલણ અને માન્યતાઓનો સ્થાપિત સમૂહ જે કોઈ વ્યક્તિ ધરાવે છે A person’s mindset is often determined by how they have been raised and the experiences they have had, though the way they think can change over time.
9722 Actual – વાસ્તવિક Real or concrete – વાસ્તવિક અથવા કોંક્રિટ Although there is actual proof that they existed, some still don’t believe in dinosaurs.
9723 Supervise – દેખરેખ રાખો to watch and oversee – જોવા અને દેખરેખ રાખવા માટે Each Sunday school teacher should supervise their class’s craft to ensure that it’s completed in time.
9724 Rarity – વિરલતા infrequency; uncommonness – આવર્તન; અસામાન્યતા It is a rarity to see my grandmother at family functions since she prefers to stay in the house most of the time.
9725 Monitored – નિરીક્ષણ કર્યું observed or watched over something – કંઈક અવલોકન કર્યું અથવા જોયું The nurses monitored the patient’s vital signs, recording any change that they noticed during the night.
9726 Simony – સિમોની the act of selling church offices, roles, or religious pardons – ચર્ચ કચેરીઓ, ભૂમિકાઓ અથવા ધાર્મિક માફી વેચવાનું કાર્ય Simony was outlawed by a few kings as the selling of church roles was frowned upon by many.
9727 Volume – વોલ્યુમ the power of sound; how loud something is – અવાજની શક્તિ; કંઈક કેટલું જોરથી છે Because headphones play music directly into your ears, you should lower the volume of the music to avoid damaging your ear drums and your hearing.
9728 Outlier – આઉટલીયર an outsider – એક બહારની વ્યક્તિ The scholarship student was treated as an outlier by her wealthy peers.
9729 Implicate – અવ્યવસ્થિત to hint a person or object is responsible for something, often an illegal deed – કોઈ વ્યક્તિ અથવા ઑબ્જેક્ટને સંકેત આપવા માટે કંઈક માટે જવાબદાર છે, ઘણીવાર ગેરકાયદેસર કાર્ય If the evidence is found, it will implicate the person behind the brutal act.
9730 Federation – ફેડરેશન a united group made up of smaller divisions which are allowed to keep some independence in regards to internal affairs – નાના વિભાગોથી બનેલું સંયુક્ત જૂથ જે આંતરિક બાબતોના સંદર્ભમાં થોડી સ્વતંત્રતા રાખવા માટે માન્ય છે A federation of labor unions met to examine each association’s focus for the upcoming year.
9731 Craving – તૃષ્ણા an intense, almost irresistible urge for something. – કંઈક માટે તીવ્ર, લગભગ અનિવાર્ય અરજ. After a long day at work, John had a craving for a cold beer.
9732 Move – ચાલ move means relocate – ખસેડો એટલે સ્થળાંતર કરો Instead of standing still in line, the children chose to dance and move the entire time.
9733 Atop – ઉપર on top of – ટોચ પર The papers sitting atop the CEO’s desk flew off as soon as he opened the window.
9734 Multitasking – મલ્ટીટાસ્કીંગ dealing with more than one task or activity at a time – એક સમયે એક કરતાં વધુ કાર્ય અથવા પ્રવૃત્તિ સાથે કામ કરવું The secretary is a pro at multi-tasking and is able to handle several different office duties at one time.
9735 Tested – પરીક્ષણ કર્યું checked; assessed – ચકાસાયેલ; મૂલ્યાંકન કર્યું The doctor tested the patient’s blood to check for issues with his platelets.
9736 Adulthood – પુખ્તાવસ્થા the state or condition of being fully grown or mature – સંપૂર્ણ વિકસિત અથવા પરિપક્વ થવાની સ્થિતિ અથવા સ્થિતિ In the United States, a child reaches adulthood at the age of 18.
9737 Priority – પ્રાથમિકતા of most importance – સૌથી મહત્વપૂર્ણ Although I like to go out and have a good time, working and paying bills is a priority over everything else.
9738 Latency – લેટન્સી the period of time that one component in a system is waiting for another component – સમયનો સમયગાળો કે જે સિસ્ટમમાં એક ઘટક બીજા ઘટકની રાહ જોઈ રહ્યું છે A system update allowed the system to run faster and reduced any latency or wait time.
9739 Accelerate – વેગ આપો to increase the motion or growth – ગતિ અથવા વૃદ્ધિ વધારવા માટે It was fun to watch the racecar accelerate from zero to one hundred and fifty miles per hour.
9740 Abstemious – સંયમિત marked by moderation and holding back on indulgence – મધ્યસ્થતા દ્વારા ચિહ્નિત અને ભોગવિલાસ પર પાછા હોલ્ડિંગ Gerald was abstemious at dinner and only ate a little of the food on his plate.
9741 Abbreviated – સંક્ષિપ્ત shortened – ટૂંકું Apparently our new textbook is the abbreviated version of the old one, but in actuality it is only fifty pages shorter than the original nine hundred.
9742 Version – સંસ્કરણ an alternative to the original. usually used to make a comparison – મૂળનો વિકલ્પ. સામાન્ય રીતે સરખામણી કરવા માટે વપરાય છે She preferred the movie version of Les Miserables to the novel because it was much shorter.
9743 Encompassed – સમાવિષ્ટ to include or encompass something – કંઈક સમાવવા અથવા સમાવવા માટે Emily’s job is encompassed by a wide range of tasks and responsibilities.
9744 Century – સદી a period of 100 consecutive years – સતત 100 વર્ષનો સમયગાળો Our grandmother was born in the nineteenth century, which spanned from January 1st 1801 until December 31st 1900.
9745 Nitpick – નિટપિક to fault find or point out minor problems in an irritating way – બળતરાપૂર્ણ રીતે નાની સમસ્યાઓ શોધવા અથવા નિર્દેશ કરવા માટે The critical woman likes to nitpick and continually points out her husband’s flaws.
9746 Urgently – તાકીદે in a way that requires quick action – એવી રીતે કે જેને ઝડપી કાર્યવાહીની જરૂર છે The telegram was sent urgently to quickly warn the other ship of the iceberg.
9747 Triumphant – વિજયી experiencing a feeling of success – સફળતાની લાગણી અનુભવો When John successfully passed his final exams, he was drained yet triumphant.
9748 Communicable – કમ્યુનિકેબલ referring to a disease that can be transmitted or given to others – એવા રોગનો ઉલ્લેખ કરે છે જે અન્ય લોકોને સંક્રમિત અથવા આપી શકાય છે Any disease that can be transferred to another person, be it through touch, air travel, or blood, is considered communicable.
9749 Leviathan – લેવિઆથન a person or thing that is humongous – એક વ્યક્તિ અથવા વસ્તુ જે વિશાળ છે When the tiny teenager saw the leviathan he had to wrestle, he ran from the school gym.
9750 Inexperienced – બિનઅનુભવી having little knowledge or practice – થોડું જ્ઞાન અથવા પ્રેક્ટિસ હોવું The inexperienced truck driver’s lack of training caused him to crash into a tractor-trailer his first day on the job.
9751 Courtesan – ગણિકા a prostitute to men of great wealth or power – મહાન સંપત્તિ અથવા શક્તિવાળા પુરુષો માટે વેશ્યા As the king’s mistress, the courtesan was one of the highest paid prostitutes in all of Europe.
9752 Sure – ચોક્કસ certainty – નિશ્ચિતતા Sure, I can serve our guests their meal at the dinner theatre hosted by the local drama club.
9753 Seizure – જપ્તી a sudden bout of illness, usually a stroke or epileptic attack in which one loses control of their body – માંદગીનો અચાનક હુમલો, સામાન્ય રીતે સ્ટ્રોક અથવા એપીલેપ્ટીક એટેક જેમાં વ્યક્તિ તેના શરીર પરનું નિયંત્રણ ગુમાવે છે By the way Bill was convulsing on the floor with seemingly no control or intent, it was safe to assume that he was having a seizure.
9754 Ligature – લિગ્ચર something used to tie or stitch something tightly – કંઈક ચુસ્તપણે બાંધવા અથવા ટાંકવા માટે વપરાય છે Serving as a ligature, the nurse wound the cloth around the man’s wound.
9755 Disturbance – ખલેલ an interruption or distraction that takes away peace or focus – એક વિક્ષેપ અથવા વિક્ષેપ જે શાંતિ અથવા ધ્યાન છીનવી લે છે Causing a disturbance in the street, the protesters screamed loudly, shouting as they raised their picket signs.
9756 Objectionable – વાંધાજનક insulting or upsetting actions or behaviors – અપમાનજનક અથવા અસ્વસ્થ ક્રિયાઓ અથવા વર્તન Since there was objectionable content in the movie, the teenager’s mother refused to let her daughter see the movie with her friends.
9757 Isolationism – અલગતાવાદ a rule of seclusion followed by a group or nation that chooses not to interact with other sects or countries – જૂથ અથવા રાષ્ટ્ર દ્વારા અનુસરવામાં આવતા એકાંતનો નિયમ જે અન્ય સંપ્રદાયો અથવા દેશો સાથે સંપર્ક ન કરવાનું પસંદ કરે છે Because of the rules of isolationism members of the sect were only allowed to interact with people of their community.
9758 Pavilion – પેવેલિયન a constructed shelter used for certain reasons – એક બાંધવામાં આવેલ આશ્રય ચોક્કસ કારણોસર વપરાય છે As the torrential downpour interrupted our picnic, the family sought shelter at the pavilion nearby.
9759 Punishment – સજા a penalty that is imposed after a crime or offense has been committed – એક દંડ કે જે ગુનો અથવા ગુનો આચરવામાં આવ્યા પછી લાદવામાં આવે છે The only punishment that seemed to change the child’s behavior was having to walk laps at recess.
9760 Stingy – કંજૂસ lacking generosity or the capacity to spend money – ઉદારતા અથવા પૈસા ખર્ચવાની ક્ષમતાનો અભાવ Ebenezer Scrooge valued money more than friendship and because of his stingy habit of hording money and refusing to help those in need, he had no true friends.
9761 Captivate – મોહિત કરો to catch and hold someone’s attention; mesmerize – કોઈનું ધ્યાન ખેંચવું અને પકડી રાખવું; મંત્રમુગ્ધ When the model walked down the street, she seemed to captivate every man who saw her.
9762 Enforced – લાગુ made people follow a law or rule – લોકોને કાયદા કે નિયમનું પાલન કરાવ્યું The teacher enforced her ‘no cheating’ policy and gave failing grades to those who copied each other’s tests.
9763 Citizen – નાગરિક a legally recognized resident of a city, state, or town – શહેર, રાજ્ય અથવા નગરનો કાયદેસર રીતે માન્ય રહેવાસી The path to becoming a citizen is a long one for illegal residents or those who have previously committed crimes.
9764 Dislocate – અવ્યવસ્થા disturb the normal position of something, especially a bone in a joint – કોઈ વસ્તુની સામાન્ય સ્થિતિ, ખાસ કરીને સાંધામાં હાડકાને ખલેલ પહોંચાડો The doctor checked to make sure that the patient didn’t dislocate his shoulder from its normal position after he fell off the monkey bars at school.
9765 Superlative – સર્વોત્તમ exceptionally good; excellent – અપવાદરૂપે સારું; ઉત્તમ She was a superlative student, getting nearly perfect grades on every assignment.
9766 Perch – પેર્ચ to settle or land on a raised area or site – ઉભેલા વિસ્તાર અથવા સાઇટ પર સ્થાયી થવું અથવા ઉતરવું The birds commonly perch on the strong cable wire before diving down to the ground below.
9767 Graffiti – ગ્રેફિટી writing or images drawn somewhere in public (usually on a wall) without permission – પરવાનગી વિના જાહેરમાં (સામાન્ય રીતે દિવાલ પર) ક્યાંક દોરવામાં આવેલ લેખન અથવા છબીઓ Local gangs covered the train cars with graffiti symbols representing their cliques.
9768 Getup – ગેટઅપ an outfit or ensemble – એક સરંજામ અથવા જોડાણ The actor dressed in a cowboy getup and prepared to play his role as a sharpshooter from the Wild Wild West.
9769 Pit – ખાડો a large hole in the ground – જમીનમાં મોટો છિદ્ર He fell into a pit that was over fifty feet deep.
9770 True-blue – સાચા વાદળી someone who is honest, loyal, and genuine – કોઈ વ્યક્તિ જે પ્રામાણિક, વફાદાર અને અસલી છે After most of his teammates betrayed him, he knew those who stuck by his side were his true-blue friends.
9771 Slanderous – નિંદાકારક (of a statement) false but still damaging to a person’s good reputation – (એક નિવેદનનું) ખોટું પરંતુ હજી પણ વ્યક્તિની સારી પ્રતિષ્ઠાને નુકસાન પહોંચાડે છે The newspaper’s slanderous statements about the celebrity caused people to think that she was a drug addict when she had never even used meth.
9772 Bouillon – બાઉલન a brothlike-stew made by boiling meat and vegetables in water – માંસ અને શાકભાજીને પાણીમાં ઉકાળીને બનાવેલ બ્રોથ જેવું સ્ટયૂ Before serving the bullion to her dinner guests, mother threw a few more pieces of shrimp into the pot for good measure.
9773 Passionately – જુસ્સાથી to be done with great feeling and reaction – મહાન લાગણી અને પ્રતિક્રિયા સાથે કરવામાં આવે છે After acquiring her great singing gig, Annette sang passionately to the large audience in the Grand Theater.
9774 Mainstream – મુખ્ય પ્રવાહ considered ordinary or usual by most people – મોટાભાગના લોકો દ્વારા સામાન્ય અથવા સામાન્ય માનવામાં આવે છે The song is popular with pop fans who listen to mainstream music.
9775 Presume – અનુમાન કરો to suppose something to be true without proof – સાબિતી વિના કંઈક સાચું હોવાનું માની લેવું The professor was quick to presume that the student did not do his homework since he hadn’t all year.
9776 Sleek – સ્લીક smooth and glossy – સરળ અને ચળકતા After pulling her hair into a sleek ponytail, Lauren brushed each strand until they were smooth.
9777 Devastation – તબાહી great damage and destruction – મહાન નુકસાન અને વિનાશ Causing great devastation, the tsunami swept through the city and swallowed it whole.
9778 Parse – પાર્સ deconstruct a sentence or word and explain its parts – વાક્ય અથવા શબ્દને ડિકન્સ્ટ્રક્ટ કરો અને તેના ભાગો સમજાવો In order to diagram sentences, the students were required to parse the sentence into the correct parts of speech.
9779 Favorable – અનુકૂળ positive; showing approval – હકારાત્મક; મંજૂરી દર્શાવે છે Favorable weather conditions brought both tourists and locals to the beach.
9780 Passé – પાસ out of fashion; no longer trendy – ફેશનની બહાર; હવે ટ્રેન્ડી નથી Why would the young man wear a passé outfit that went out of style two years ago?
9781 Ethnicity – વંશીયતા the common characteristics of a group of people, especially regarding ancestry, culture, language or national experiences – લોકોના જૂથની સામાન્ય લાક્ષણિકતાઓ, ખાસ કરીને વંશ, સંસ્કૃતિ, ભાષા અથવા રાષ્ટ્રીય અનુભવોને લગતી Because of my Asian ethnicity, most people expect me to eat with chopsticks.
9782 Resolve – ઉકેલો to fix an issue or problem – સમસ્યા અથવા સમસ્યાને ઠીક કરવા માટે The air conditioning unit will not work until the maintenance man can resolve the problem.
9783 Attendant – એટેન્ડન્ટ one whose job it is to attend to the needs of others – જેનું કામ બીજાની જરૂરિયાતો પૂરી કરવાનું છે A bathroom attendant was hired by the fancy hotel to keep their restrooms clean and stocked with everything the guests needed.
9784 Need – જરૂર to want something due to it being vital or necessary – તે મહત્વપૂર્ણ અથવા જરૂરી હોવાને કારણે કંઈક જોઈએ છે Flowers need sunlight and water in order to grow or they will shortly die without it.
9785 Bummer – બમર something that is disappointing – કંઈક જે નિરાશાજનક છે Not getting the job was a bit of a bummer, but I’m hopeful that I will snag one soon.
9786 Peccable – પેકેબલ likely to do wicked or wrong things – દુષ્ટ અથવા ખોટા કાર્યો કરવાની સંભાવના Judge Smith already knew the peccable ways of the defendant since he had been before the judge over twenty times.
9787 Damnation – શાપ the act of something being doomed – કંઈક વિનાશની ક્રિયા When the criminal was sentenced to death, the life of the criminal would lead to his damnation.
9788 Unconscious – બેભાન comatose and unaware of what is going on – અસ્વસ્થતા અને શું થઈ રહ્યું છે તેનાથી અજાણ I was unconscious during the surgery and didn’t have any idea what had happened until I woke up.
9789 Revealing – પ્રગટ કરે છે disclosing or making something known – કંઈક જાહેર કરવું અથવા જાણીતું કરવું The politician was angry at the magazine for revealing his secret affair to the world and decided to sue them for invading his privacy.
9790 Inspire – પ્રેરણા to excite and encourage – ઉત્તેજિત કરવા અને પ્રોત્સાહિત કરવા The writer loved to inspire others with his uplifting poems.
9791 Onerous – કઠોર involving great effort and difficulty – મહાન પ્રયાસ અને મુશ્કેલી સામેલ Taking care of the puppy is an onerous task.
9792 Vocation – વ્યવસાય the job a person holds or would like to hold – વ્યક્તિ જે નોકરી ધરાવે છે અથવા રાખવા માંગે છે At an early age, Frank knew his chosen vocation was to be a priest so he could minister to others.
9793 Withhold – રોકવું to keep something from someone – કોઈની પાસેથી કંઈક રાખવા માટે If you withhold information from the judge, you could get thrown in jail for not telling all of the truth.
9794 Passion – જુસ્સો an intense liking and desire for something – તીવ્ર રુચિ અને કંઈક માટે ઇચ્છા Even though most of the man’s friends called him cheap, he just had a strong passion to save as much money as he could.
9795 Equivalent – સમકક્ષ on par or equal to – સમકક્ષ અથવા સમાન Carl is a cocky home cook who swears his hamburger is equivalent to a steak at a fine restaurant.
9796 Epitome – એપિટોમ an example that represents or expresses something very well – એક ઉદાહરણ જે કંઈક ખૂબ સારી રીતે રજૂ કરે છે અથવા વ્યક્ત કરે છે Because our mayor is the epitome of a good citizen, he has been in office for over ten years.
9797 Retentive – ધારણ કરનાર able to remember facts and other information – હકીકતો અને અન્ય માહિતી યાદ રાખવામાં સક્ષમ Jason has a retentive memory and never fails to recall the names of his three hundred employees.
9798 Bombinate – બોમ્બિનેટ to make a buzzing or humming sound – ગુંજારવ અથવા ગુંજારવાનો અવાજ કરવો After breaking down, the humming machine began to bombinate even louder than before.
9799 Foolishness – મૂર્ખતા silliness or idiocy – મૂર્ખતા અથવા મૂર્ખતા Due to Ben’s foolishness of playing before a big test, it was not surprising that he failed the big test.
9800 Unforeseen – અણધાર્યા unexpected; sudden – અનપેક્ષિત; અચાનક An unforeseen storm approached and surprised the weathermen who had not called for rain.
9801 Maven – માવેન an expert or connoisseur – નિષ્ણાત અથવા ગુણગ્રાહક Because he is such a food maven, the expert chef’s recipes are coveted by up-and-coming cooks all over the world.
9802 State Of The Art – કલા રાજ્ય at the highest level of development; cutting-edge – વિકાસના ઉચ્ચતમ સ્તરે; અદ્યતન My parents bought me a used desktop computer when I wanted a brand new, state of the art laptop.
9803 Infect – સંક્રમિત કરો to poison or taint with a virus element or bacteria – વાયરસ તત્વ અથવા બેક્ટેરિયાથી ઝેર અથવા કલંકિત કરવું Children are always told to wash their hands because germs can easily be picked up from surfaces and infect them with a sickness.
9804 Baleful – બેલેફુલ hinting at possible harm or danger – સંભવિત નુકસાન અથવા જોખમનો સંકેત With a baleful stare, the gang member pointed his gun at the unarmed police officer.
9805 Insurrection – બળવો an organized uprising against an authoritative body – અધિકૃત સંસ્થા સામે સંગઠિત બળવો During the insurrection, several convicts held a prison doctor hostage.
9806 Afebrile – એફેબ્રીલ having no fever – તાવ નથી Garry worried that his girl was running a fever, but the doctor assured him that she was afebrile.
9807 Unsafe – અસુરક્ષિત dangerous; risky – ખતરનાક જોખમી Moving into the unsafe neighborhood required the renters to get both a gun and a security system.
9808 Province – પ્રાંત a region within a country – દેશની અંદરનો પ્રદેશ Province leaders insist that the new energy plant will bring 3,000 jobs to the region within five years.
9809 Reopen – ફરી ખોલો renew or to start again – નવીકરણ કરો અથવા ફરીથી પ્રારંભ કરો The restaurant would reopen in the next few days so they could service the citizens of the city that had just endured a hurricane.
9810 Align – સંરેખિત કરો line up; straighten – હરોળમાં ગોઠવાઇ જવું; સીધું કરવું Every afternoon, the teacher has to align the desks that her students have pushed out of place.
9811 Provost – પ્રોવોસ્ટ the senior administrative officer in a college or university – કૉલેજ અથવા યુનિવર્સિટીમાં વરિષ્ઠ વહીવટી અધિકારી The provost at my college is in charge of all administrative functions, being the senior administrative officer there.
9812 Blameless – દોષરહિત free of blame or innocent of wrongdoing – દોષમુક્ત અથવા ખોટા કાર્યોથી નિર્દોષ Many blameless individuals have been wrongly imprisoned or punished due to an improper trial or coincidental evidence.
9813 Immovable – સ્થાવર unable to be moved – ખસેડવામાં અસમર્થ The bumbling robbers became quickly aware that the ATM machine was securely fixed to an immovable wall so that it could not be taken.
9814 Elucidate – સ્પષ્ટ કરો to make clear or easy to understand – સ્પષ્ટ અથવા સમજવા માટે સરળ બનાવવા માટે To make life easy for my math students, I go out of my way to elucidate the complex problems before each test.
9815 Innards – ઇનર્ડ્સ the internal organs of a human or animal – માનવ અથવા પ્રાણીના આંતરિક અવયવો After removing the innards, the taxidermist began the task of producing a life-like display of the bear.
9816 Refutable – નામંજૂર something that can be proved wrong or erroneous – કંઈક કે જે ખોટું અથવા ભૂલભરેલું સાબિત થઈ શકે છે The solid theory is not refutable by any disproving scientific evidence.
9817 Rate – દર charge or fee – ચાર્જ અથવા ફી My attorney’s rate is much higher than other lawyers because of his excellent reputation and years of experience.
9818 Mutualism – પરસ્પરવાદ a connection between two plants or animals where each of them profits from the connection – બે છોડ અથવા પ્રાણીઓ વચ્ચેનું જોડાણ જ્યાં તેમાંથી દરેક જોડાણમાંથી નફો મેળવે છે Since the bird would scare off the flies on the horse and the horse would protect the bird, this mutualism lasted for many years between these two animals.
9819 Felled – પડી to have descended onto a surface – સપાટી પર ઉતરી આવ્યા છે As the tree felled across the forest, the lumberjacks would move to the next tree and start the process over again.
9820 Raspy – રાસ્પી hoarse or harsh, usually in regards to a person’s voice – કર્કશ અથવા કઠોર, સામાન્ય રીતે વ્યક્તિના અવાજના સંદર્ભમાં My sore throat made my voice sound raspy to my friends, who knew I was sick the moment they heard my hoarse words.
9821 Development – વિકાસ the process of growing and becoming larger or more advanced – વધવાની અને મોટી અથવા વધુ અદ્યતન બનવાની પ્રક્રિયા The plant’s development moved from a small seed to a blooming flower.
9822 Criminalize – ગુનાહિત કરો to corrupt or make something against the law – ભ્રષ્ટાચાર કરવો અથવા કાયદા વિરુદ્ધ કંઈક કરવું Ever since the protests turned violent, lawmakers have decided to criminalize any protests so that they would jail any protesters.
9823 AWOL – AWOL away from military duties without permission – પરવાનગી વિના લશ્કરી ફરજોથી દૂર The military base put out an alert for the AWOL soldier who was away without permission.
9824 Trample – કચડી નાખવું to crush, disfigure, maim, etc., by walking or running over something – કોઈ વસ્તુ પર ચાલીને અથવા દોડીને કચડી નાખવું, વિકૃત કરવું, અપંગ કરવું વગેરે The girl walked lightly through the garden, carefully watching her feet so that she didn’t trample the beautiful flowers.
9825 Hypothesize – પૂર્વધારણા to come up with an educated guess based on prior knowledge or statistics – અગાઉના જ્ઞાન અથવા આંકડાઓના આધારે શિક્ષિત અનુમાન સાથે આવવું Scientists hypothesize that the Big Bang Theory was not actually caused by a giant meteor but ozone depletion.
9826 Enigma – કોયડો someone or something that is mysterious and difficult to understand – કોઈક અથવા કંઈક કે જે રહસ્યમય અને સમજવું મુશ્કેલ છે Sadly, the little girl’s disappearance continues to be an enigma.
9827 Caricature – કેરિકેચર a picture of someone in which their features have been exaggerated for humorous effect – કોઈ વ્યક્તિનું ચિત્ર જેમાં તેમની વિશેષતાઓને રમૂજી અસર માટે અતિશયોક્તિ કરવામાં આવી છે The picture of the president is not a caricature because it does not distort his facial features.
9828 Puff – પફ a small cloud of air, smoke, or vapor – હવા, ધુમાડો અથવા વરાળનો નાનો વાદળ Children love to let out a puff of breath in the winter because it creates a tiny cloud.
9829 Defendant – પ્રતિવાદી person prosecuted or sued – વ્યક્તિ પર કાર્યવાહી અથવા દાવો માંડ્યો The plaintiff sued the defendant for damages.
9830 Détente – ડીટેંટે a relaxing of tension, especially between countries – તણાવમાં રાહત, ખાસ કરીને દેશો વચ્ચે The prolonged détente between the warring neighbors allowed us to cross the border without fear of being arrested.
9831 Tireless – અથાક determined and unrelenting – નિર્ધારિત અને નિરંતર While bouncing around, the tireless toddler seemed like he could continue to run around without stopping all day.
9832 Queasy – અસ્વસ્થ feeling sick and nauseated – બીમાર અને ઉબકા અનુભવવું As the boat began to pick up speed, a few of the ship’s passengers began to feel queasy from the motion.
9833 Mirror Image – મિરર ઈમેજ a person or thing that closely looks like someone or something else – કોઈ વ્યક્તિ અથવા વસ્તુ જે નજીકથી કોઈની અથવા કંઈક જેવી લાગે છે Amber is a mirror image of her mother and looks just like her mom did when she was young.
9834 Bathos – બાથોસ a sudden change in a style of writing or speech that involves going from a complex or elaborate form to a trivial one, either in topic or wording – લેખન અથવા ભાષણની શૈલીમાં અચાનક ફેરફાર જેમાં વિષય અથવા શબ્દોમાં જટિલ અથવા વિસ્તૃત સ્વરૂપમાંથી તુચ્છ સ્વરૂપમાં જવાનો સમાવેશ થાય છે With a great deal of bathos, Lenny went from proclaiming his innocence to confessing he’d eaten the last slice of pumpkin pie.
9835 Ingest – ઇન્જેસ્ટ કરો to eat or drink something by swallowing or by taking it through the skin – ગળીને અથવા ત્વચા દ્વારા તેને લઈને કંઈક ખાવું અથવા પીવું Trained assassins and military personnel used to hide cyanide pills on their back teeth so that in the event of capture, they could bite down and ingest the poison quick enough to die.
9836 Openness – નિખાલસતા the act of being exposed – ખુલ્લા થવાની ક્રિયા Most people today want an openness in the house so that the living room, dining room and kitchen are unrestricted from each other.
9837 Preppy – પ્રીપી relating to a young person from a wealthy family who goes to a costly school and who wears expensive, tidy clothes – એક શ્રીમંત પરિવારના યુવાન વ્યક્તિ સાથે સંબંધ જે મોંઘી શાળામાં જાય છે અને જે મોંઘા, વ્યવસ્થિત કપડાં પહેરે છે Most of the rich kids from Laguna Beach go to a preppy boarding school instead of a public institution.
9838 Removed – દૂર took away from a specific position or place – ચોક્કસ સ્થાન અથવા સ્થાનથી દૂર લેવામાં આવ્યું The dentist removed several teeth from the patient’s mouth to fix the overcrowding.
9839 Cud – કુડ partially digested food that returns to the mouth of ruminating animals (i.e., cows) from the stomach for second chewing – આંશિક રીતે પચાયેલો ખોરાક કે જે બીજી વખત ચાવવા માટે પેટમાંથી રમી રહેલા પ્રાણીઓ (એટલે કે ગાય) ના મોંમાં પાછો આવે છે Because it’s a ruminant animal, the cud-chewing cow regurgitates its food just to chomp on it again.
9840 Transcendent – ગુણાતીત surpassing the ordinary; exceptional – સામાન્યને વટાવી; અપવાદરૂપ To many, a god is a transcendent being who has powers that exceed those of mere mortals.
9841 Totem – ટોટેમ a natural object or animal a society adopts as an emblem because they believe it has spiritual significance – એક કુદરતી વસ્તુ અથવા પ્રાણીને સમાજ પ્રતીક તરીકે અપનાવે છે કારણ કે તેઓ માને છે કે તેનું આધ્યાત્મિક મહત્વ છે In Native American society, the Eagle is a very powerful totem, a symbol of great spiritual significance.
9842 Wept – રડી પડ્યા to cry bitterly – સખત રડવું Having just learned that her son had been killed in the line of duty, the woman felt to her knees and wept, streaking her face with tears.
9843 Infantile – શિશુ pertaining to infants – શિશુઓને લગતું Two adults began to squabble in a most infantile way, displaying behavior that was very inappropriate for their age.
9844 Unified – એકીકૃત made into one – એક બનાવ્યું The couple made a unified decision to buy the house they both liked the best.
9845 Neurology – ન્યુરોલોજી the branch of medicine that deals with the nervous system and the diseases that affect it – દવાની શાખા જે નર્વસ સિસ્ટમ અને તેને અસર કરતા રોગો સાથે વ્યવહાર કરે છે The physician decided to specialize in neurology since the study of the central nervous system piqued her interest.
9846 Tangled – ગંઠાયેલું twisted in a matted or untidy manner – મેટ અથવા અસ્વચ્છ રીતે ટ્વિસ્ટેડ Because she didn’t wash or comb her hair for several weeks, the depressed woman’s locks were a tangled mess.
9847 Wholeheartedly – પૂરા દિલથી fully; without reserve – સંપૂર્ણ અનામત વિના Although Hazel is halfhearted about our relationship, I am in it wholeheartedly, without any reservations.
9848 Lest – લેસ્ટ out of fear something will happen – ડરથી કંઈક થશે It is best to carry your medicines and valuables on the airplane with you, lest your checked bags get lost and you lose important items.
9849 Bury – દફનાવી to cover completely, typically with dirt or some other earthy substance as an act of hiding or putting to rest – સંપૂર્ણ રીતે ઢાંકવા માટે, સામાન્ય રીતે ગંદકી અથવા અન્ય માટીના પદાર્થથી છુપાવવા અથવા આરામ કરવાની ક્રિયા તરીકે Dogs like to bury their bones and toys in the yard.
9850 Demolish – તોડી પાડો to destroy something, usually by tearing it down – કોઈ વસ્તુનો નાશ કરવા માટે, સામાન્ય રીતે તેને તોડીને Protesters chained themselves to the old church in an attempt to stop the construction crew from being able to demolish it.
9851 Egoist – અહંકારી someone who boasts or shows off – કોઈ વ્યક્તિ જે બડાઈ કરે છે અથવા બતાવે છે Ms. Thompson recognized the egoist in her classroom because the little boy constantly told her that his dad was rich and would buy him anything he wanted.
9852 Missive – મિસીવ a written note – એક લેખિત નોંધ While sitting in class, Greg asked his classmate to pass a love missive to his dream girl.
9853 Tacit – અસ્પષ્ટ implied but not directly stated – ગર્ભિત પરંતુ સીધી રીતે જણાવ્યું નથી Although no words were spoken, our nods represented our tacit agreement to a cease fire.
9854 Correlate – સહસંબંધ having a shared connection in which one factor influences another – વહેંચાયેલ જોડાણ હોવું જેમાં એક પરિબળ બીજાને પ્રભાવિત કરે છે Studies show intelligence is unique to each person and does not correlate to a specific race or gender.
9855 Swamp – સ્વેમ્પ to overwhelm with something – કંઈક સાથે ડૂબી જવું I wish the teacher wouldn’t swamp us with so much homework.
9856 Port – બંદર a harbor where boats dock – એક બંદર જ્યાં બોટ ડોક કરે છે That is a popular port where merchandise can enter or leave.
9857 Complication – ગૂંચવણ a difficulty or problem – મુશ્કેલી અથવા સમસ્યા The surgery was completed with only one complication and that difficulty was quickly overcome.
9858 Rife – પ્રચલિત in a great quantity – મોટી માત્રામાં During the last economic crisis, the unemployment office was so rife with people that additional chairs were brought into the building.
9859 Cretin – ક્રેટિન an offensive term that is used to describe a person as stupid – એક અપમાનજનક શબ્દ જેનો ઉપયોગ વ્યક્તિને મૂર્ખ તરીકે વર્ણવવા માટે થાય છે The villain was a real cretin, evil enough to try to blow up the world but not smart enough to do it.
9860 Indignant – નારાજ angry because of an unfair situation or someone’s unfair behavior – અયોગ્ય પરિસ્થિતિ અથવા કોઈના અયોગ્ય વર્તનને કારણે ગુસ્સો If I’m indignant, it’s because you threw that book at me!
9861 Deify – ડેઇફાઇ to worship someone, treating them as if they were a God – કોઈની પૂજા કરવી, તેમની સાથે જાણે કે તેઓ ભગવાન હોય The people seemed to deify their leader, worshiping him as if he was the Earth’s creator.
9862 Deposition – જુબાની the rejection of an individual from an office – ઓફિસમાંથી વ્યક્તિનો અસ્વીકાર After the deposition of the president, the vice-president was asked to lead the country.
9863 Uninhabited – નિર્જન having no people living there – ત્યાં કોઈ લોકો રહેતા નથી Jaco Island is uninhabited because the locals think it is sacred land that no one should live on.
9864 Meaningless – અર્થહીન having no value or worth, pointless – કોઈ મૂલ્ય અથવા મૂલ્ય નથી, અર્થહીન Trying to empty the ocean by using a bucket to take water out of it is an entirely meaningless task that will never accomplish anything.
9865 Elevenses – અગિયારસે a short break taken for light refreshment (such as a snack) taken around eleven o’clock – અગિયાર વાગ્યાની આસપાસ લેવામાં આવેલ હળવા તાજગી (જેમ કે નાસ્તો) માટે લેવામાં આવેલો નાનો વિરામ My coworkers enjoy chips for elevenses, but I prefer eating pretzels while on morning break.
9866 Travesty – ટ્રેવેસ્ટી a false or distorted representation of something, usually of something serious – કોઈ વસ્તુની ખોટી અથવા વિકૃત રજૂઆત, સામાન્ય રીતે કંઈક ગંભીર It would be a travesty of justice to put an innocent man in jail.
9867 Concoct – કોન્ટેક્ટ to make something using cleverness or ability – હોશિયારી અથવા ક્ષમતાનો ઉપયોગ કરીને કંઈક બનાવવા માટે My mother is a talented chef who can concoct a gourmet meal out of sandwich meats.
9868 Monotheistic – એકેશ્વરવાદી related to the belief that there is only one God – માત્ર એક જ ભગવાન છે તેવી માન્યતા સાથે સંબંધિત Although some Native American sects were monotheistic, most ancient tribes worshiped nature or various divinities.
9869 Hedonist – હેડોનિસ્ટ a person who considers the pursuit of pleasure the most important thing in life – એક વ્યક્તિ જે આનંદની શોધને જીવનમાં સૌથી મહત્વપૂર્ણ માને છે My neighbor is a hedonist who likes to party all night.
9870 Deft – કુશળ skillful and clever – કુશળ અને હોંશિયાર The deft musician was able to play the harmonica and the piano at the same time.
9871 Constitutes – રચના equals something – કંઈક બરાબર છે Your decision to ignore the orders of your commander to attack constitutes insubordination and cowardice.
9872 Utensil – વાસણ a tool with a particular use, especially in a kitchen or house – ખાસ ઉપયોગ સાથેનું સાધન, ખાસ કરીને રસોડામાં અથવા ઘરમાં The only thing needed to seal the deal is a writing utensil to sign the check.
9873 Observation – અવલોકન that which is noticed by observing or listening – જે અવલોકન અથવા સાંભળીને જોવામાં આવે છે During our observation, we watched the solution change colors.
9874 Pervasive – વ્યાપક capable of affecting or influencing everything – દરેક વસ્તુને પ્રભાવિત કરવા અથવા પ્રભાવિત કરવામાં સક્ષમ The media’s pervasive coverage of the epidemic has most of the country living in fear.
9875 Intent – ઉદ્દેશ the purpose or reason for doing something – કંઈક કરવાનો હેતુ અથવા કારણ When you walked in the store was it your intent to harm the salesclerk?
9876 Vasoconstriction – વાસોકોન્સ્ટ્રક્શન the shrinking of blood vessels that often inhibits proper circulation and increases blood pressure – રક્તવાહિનીઓનું સંકોચન જે ઘણીવાર યોગ્ય પરિભ્રમણને અટકાવે છે અને બ્લડ પ્રેશર વધારે છે In blistering cold environments, vasoconstriction of the veins causes blood flow to move to the center of the body and reduces odds of freezing to death.
9877 Eutrophication – યુટ્રોફિકેશન the process of intense vegetation growth in a body of water caused by massive nutrient inflow from runoff – વહેણમાંથી મોટા પ્રમાણમાં પોષક તત્ત્વોના પ્રવાહને કારણે પાણીના શરીરમાં તીવ્ર વનસ્પતિ વૃદ્ધિની પ્રક્રિયા The eutrophication process kills most animals in a body of water because all of the plants that grow there steal all of the oxygen.
9878 Liking – રુચિ પણ ધ્યાનપાત્ર taste or fondness – સ્વાદ અથવા શોખ Nina has a liking for bright orange clothes, something I really can’t understand no matter how hard I try.
9879 Possessing – ધરાવે છે owning; having – માલિકી કર્યા The owner of the vehicle was charged with possessing several different drugs after officers found them in the trunk of the car.
9880 Nappy – નેપી a derogatory term used to describe hair that is short and tightly coiled – ટૂંકા અને ચુસ્ત રીતે વીંટળાયેલા વાળનું વર્ણન કરવા માટે વપરાતો અપમાનજનક શબ્દ The bully teased curly-haired Tasha for being nappy headed since she didn’t have straight locks like the other girls.
9881 Devout – શ્રદ્ધાળુ very religious or strongly committed to a belief or cause – ખૂબ ધાર્મિક અથવા માન્યતા અથવા કારણ માટે સખત પ્રતિબદ્ધ On Black Friday, the devout shoppers begin their day at 3 a.m. and tackle every big bargain in town.
9882 Toothsome – ટૂથસમ tasty and delicious – સ્વાદિષ્ટ અને સ્વાદિષ્ટ The toothsome gumbo is the most delicious dish included on the café’s menu.
9883 Immediacy – તાત્કાલિકતા being immediate or urgent – તાત્કાલિક અથવા તાકીદનું હોવું The manic man talks with immediacy as if his words are being driven by a motor.
9884 Recognized – ઓળખાય છે identified something or someone – કંઈક અથવા કોઈની ઓળખ કરી Although she couldn’t see her around the corner, Finley recognized her mother’s voice right away.
9885 Uncontrollable – બેકાબૂ wild and unable to be tamed or controlled – જંગલી અને કાબૂમાં અથવા નિયંત્રિત કરવામાં અસમર્થ Lashing out at everyone he is close to, Alex was rarely able to reign in his uncontrollable temper.
9886 Synecdoche – સિનેકડોચે a figure of speech in which a part is used for the whole or the whole for a part, the special for the general or the general for the special, as in ten sail for ten ships or a Croesus for a rich man – ભાષણની એક આકૃતિ જેમાં એક ભાગ આખા માટે અથવા આખા ભાગ માટે વપરાય છે, સામાન્ય માટે વિશેષ અથવા સામાન્ય માટે વિશેષ, જેમ કે દસ વહાણો માટે દસ સઢ અથવા શ્રીમંત માણસ માટે ક્રોસસ A synecdoche is often used in classical literature as a form of symbolism that references a group by using a single noun.
9887 Williwaw – વિલીવાવ a suddenly violent, gust of cold wind blowing down from mountain coast towards the sea – અચાનક હિંસક, ઠંડા પવનનો ઝાપટો પર્વત કિનારેથી સમુદ્ર તરફ ફૂંકાય છે A strong williwaw blew in from the coast and shipwrecked a vessel trying to make its way around the Cape Horn.
9888 Formation – રચના a military arrangement of troops or vehicles – સૈનિકો અથવા વાહનોની લશ્કરી વ્યવસ્થા The fighter jets flew in an arrow formation so they had enough space between them to maneuver if an emergency arose while in-flight.
9889 Seminar – સેમિનાર a training session usually lasting a few hours – તાલીમ સત્ર સામાન્ય રીતે થોડા કલાકો સુધી ચાલે છે Debbie and Lila only have enough time to attend the seminar on flipping houses instead of the detailed two-day workshop on the same topic.
9890 Summative – સંક્ષિપ્ત refers to something that is the product of things being added together – એવી કોઈ વસ્તુનો ઉલ્લેખ કરે છે જે એકસાથે ઉમેરવામાં આવતી વસ્તુઓનું ઉત્પાદન છે The summative essay was given to the students after several different build-up lessons were completed.
9891 Amount – રકમ the total number or quantity – કુલ સંખ્યા અથવા જથ્થો A large amount of ducks in the area will leave here and fly south for the winter.
9892 Automatic – આપોઆપ something that is automated, or acts of its own accord without conscious effort or input – કંઈક કે જે સ્વયંસંચાલિત છે, અથવા સભાન પ્રયત્નો અથવા ઇનપુટ વિના તેની પોતાની મરજીથી કાર્ય કરે છે A car with an automatic transmission will shift gears appropriately while driving, without any input from the driver themselves.
9893 Prescient – પ્રશિક્ષક having or showing knowledge of events before they take place – ઘટનાઓ થાય તે પહેલાં તેનું જ્ઞાન હોવું અથવા બતાવવું The psychic’s predictions were uncannily prescient and ended up proving true a few weeks later.
9894 Courtliness – સૌજન્ય having the mannerisms or attributes befitting someone of high breeding; elegance, good taste, and/or manners – ઉચ્ચ સંવર્ધનની કોઈ વ્યક્તિ માટે યોગ્ય રીતભાત અથવા વિશેષતાઓ ધરાવતા; લાવણ્ય, સારો સ્વાદ અને/અથવા રીતભાત The courtliness of the ballroom could be found in the elegant chandeliers, expensive curtains, and gold fixtures.
9895 Thresh – થ્રેશ to detach a seed or useless part of the crop from the rest of the flower or crop – બીજ અથવા પાકના નકામા ભાગને બાકીના ફૂલ અથવા પાકમાંથી અલગ કરવા As soon as the farmers thresh their crops, they will usually replant the seeds on their new land.
9896 Courtship – સંવનન a period in which a couple develops their romantic relationship – એક સમયગાળો જેમાં દંપતી તેમના રોમેન્ટિક સંબંધ વિકસાવે છે The courtship between Romeo and Juliet was dramatic, but the speed at which they fell in tragic love was a bit ridiculous.
9897 Stigmata – કલંક plural form of stigma, denoting multiple physical or symbolic forms of disgrace which mar an individual’s reputation – કલંકનું બહુવચન સ્વરૂપ, કલંકના બહુવિધ ભૌતિક અથવા સાંકેતિક સ્વરૂપો સૂચવે છે જે વ્યક્તિની પ્રતિષ્ઠાને નુકસાન પહોંચાડે છે In Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter, Hester Prynne is forced to wear red ‘A’’s on her clothes as stigmata.
9898 Aquifer – જલભર a rock deposit that bears water and is under the ground – એક ખડક થાપણ જે પાણી ધરાવે છે અને જમીનની નીચે છે Several people became ill after drinking water from the aquifer located under the chemical plant.
9899 Pond – તળાવ a small body of water that is usually shallow – પાણીનું એક નાનું શરીર જે સામાન્ય રીતે છીછરું હોય છે Every Sunday without fail, the boy and his father would go fishing in the pond located behind their house.
9900 Petulance – પેટ્યુલન્સ characterized by being bad-tempered and unreasonable, especially because you cannot do or have what you want – ખરાબ સ્વભાવના અને ગેરવાજબી હોવા દ્વારા વર્ગીકૃત થયેલ છે, ખાસ કરીને કારણ કે તમે જે ઇચ્છો તે કરી શકતા નથી અથવા મેળવી શકતા નથી After getting a shot, the infant showed increased signs of petulance and would not stop crying.
9901 Promenade – સહેલગાહ a walk taken for pleasure, display, or exercise; a stroll – આનંદ, પ્રદર્શન અથવા કસરત માટે લીધેલ વોક; એક સહેલ My date and I went for a promenade in the park.
9902 Touching – સ્પર્શ arousing strong emotions – મજબૂત લાગણીઓ જગાડવી At Aunt Mel’s funeral, the pastor gave a touching eulogy that moved most of the mourners to tears.
9903 Goop – ગૂપ a semi-liquid substance that is sticky and gooey – એક અર્ધ-પ્રવાહી પદાર્થ જે ચીકણો અને ગૂઢ છે The mother rubbed the sticky goop from her toddler’s eye while he was suffering from a cold.
9904 Social construct – સામાજિક રચના an ideal or system that exists only because humans have put it in place – એક આદર્શ અથવા સિસ્ટમ કે જે ફક્ત એટલા માટે અસ્તિત્વમાં છે કારણ કે માનવોએ તેને સ્થાન આપ્યું છે The notion that women were incapable of performing some of the same jobs as men was a social construct, with no real basis in reality.
9905 Aneurysm – એન્યુરિઝમ an abnormal blood-filled bulge of a blood vessel and especially an artery resulting from weakening as from disease of the vessel wall – રક્તવાહિનીનો અસામાન્ય લોહીથી ભરેલો બલ્જ અને ખાસ કરીને ધમની જે નબળું પડવાને કારણે વાહિનીની દીવાલના રોગને કારણે થાય છે. During a brain aneurysm, an artery fills with blood and blows up like a balloon before leaking blood into the brain.
9906 Alumnus – ભૂતપૂર્વ વિદ્યાર્થી an individual who graduated from or took classes at a specific university, school, or college – એક વ્યક્તિ કે જેણે ચોક્કસ યુનિવર્સિટી, શાળા અથવા કૉલેજમાંથી સ્નાતક થયા અથવા વર્ગો લીધા As part of his last will and testament, the wealthy alumnus left his fortune to the university from which he graduated.
9907 Liberty – લિબર્ટી the freedom to do and act as one pleases – ઈચ્છા મુજબ કરવાની અને કાર્ય કરવાની સ્વતંત્રતા Fighting for their liberty, the men could not wait to be free from the King of England.
9908 Subsume – સબસ્યુમ to include or absorb something or someone into a larger group – મોટા જૂથમાં કંઈક અથવા કોઈને સમાવવા અથવા શોષવા માટે Some think that Taiwan should fully subsume into China, but many of the Taiwanese are dead set on preserving their independence.
9909 Disclosure – ડિસ્ક્લોઝર the act of revealing something; making known – કંઈક જાહેર કરવાની ક્રિયા; જાણીતું કરવું There is urgency in the plaintiff gaining full disclosure of all relevant documents.
9910 Peddler – પેડલર an individual who moves from location to location selling things – એક વ્યક્તિ જે સ્થાનથી સ્થાને વસ્તુઓ વેચતી જાય છે As a teenager, I worked as a peddler selling magazines door-to-door.
9911 Unfortunate – કમનસીબ used to describe an unlucky or ill-time situation or person – કમનસીબ અથવા ખરાબ સમયની પરિસ્થિતિ અથવા વ્યક્તિનું વર્ણન કરવા માટે વપરાય છે The unfortunate woman seemed jinxed as she happened to step in front of the window right when a car ploughed through it.
9912 Ad hominem – એડ હોમનેમ aimed towards a person’s character rather than their argument or stance – વ્યક્તિની દલીલ અથવા વલણને બદલે તેના પાત્ર તરફ લક્ષ્ય During the debate, the politician’s ad hominem attack went after his opponent’s hair and makeup instead of her policies.
9913 Tantivy – તાંતીવી at top speed – ટોચની ઝડપે As she sped tantivy through the streets, the driver hoped that he would be able to make his meeting on time.
9914 Beckon – ઇશારો કરો to motion for an individual to come closer – વ્યક્તિની નજીક આવવા માટે ગતિ કરવા માટે Because I was hungry, the restaurant seemed to beckon to me.
9915 Whispered – બબડાટ said in a quiet voice that could barely be heard – ભાગ્યે જ સાંભળી શકાય તેવા શાંત અવાજે કહ્યું The children whispered low enough that the teacher wasn’t able to hear them talking in class.
9916 Laugh – હસવું to make the sounds and movements of the face and body that express happiness – ચહેરા અને શરીરના અવાજો અને હલનચલન કરવા જે ખુશી વ્યક્ત કરે છે The children began to laugh and giggle as the clown performed goofy tricks for them.
9917 Promiscuous – અસ્પષ્ટ having many different sexual partners – ઘણાં વિવિધ જાતીય ભાગીદારો હોવા His promiscuous behavior earned him the title of a lady’s man.
9918 Variable – ચલ capable of changing – બદલવા માટે સક્ષમ With this variable weather, it can be hot today and cold tomorrow.
9919 Carrion – કેરિયન flesh of a deceased animal – મૃત પ્રાણીનું માંસ We could smell the carrion left by hunters even before we stumbled upon it during our trek up the mountain.
9920 Unconducive – બિનસલાહભર્યું not favorable or not encouraging – અનુકૂળ નથી અથવા પ્રોત્સાહક નથી Constant moving around can make a classroom unconducive for taking test.
9921 Exonerated – નિર્દોષ to declare someone not guilty of criminal charges – કોઈને ગુનાહિત આરોપો માટે દોષિત જાહેર કરવા After being exonerated, the death row inmate was freed from his jail cell.
9922 Accidentally – આકસ્મિક રીતે by accident; not intentionally – અકસ્માત દ્વારા; ઇરાદાપૂર્વક નથી The toddler accidentally spilled her juice when she wobbled into the table.
9923 Impermanence – અસ્થાયીતા the state of being temporary – અસ્થાયી હોવાની સ્થિતિ The impermanence of the new the car’s smell caused the woman to buy air fresheners.
9924 Prig – પ્રિગ a deeply religious person who holds others to a high moral standard in a self-righteous and prudish way – એક ઊંડો ધાર્મિક વ્યક્તિ જે સ્વ-ન્યાયી અને વિવેકપૂર્ણ રીતે અન્યને ઉચ્ચ નૈતિક ધોરણ ધરાવે છે The pompous prig silently judged all of the other church members from his pew.
9925 Urn – ભઠ્ઠી a vase that is used to hold the ashes of a body that was cremated – એક ફૂલદાની જેનો ઉપયોગ અગ્નિસંસ્કાર કરાયેલ શરીરની રાખ રાખવા માટે થાય છે After my grandpa was cremated, his ashes were placed in a floral urn for safe keeping.
9926 Antigen – એન્ટિજેન a toxin or foreign substance that causes the body to produce antibodies – એક ઝેર અથવા વિદેશી પદાર્થ જે શરીરને એન્ટિબોડીઝ ઉત્પન્ન કરે છે After many tests were conducted, it was discovered that he carried the antigen for a genetic disorder.
9927 Trainwreck – ટ્રેનનો ભંગાર a disastrous or devastating situation that ends in ruin – એક વિનાશક અથવા વિનાશક પરિસ્થિતિ જે વિનાશમાં સમાપ્ત થાય છે This football season was an utter trainwreck and ended disastrously for the losing team.
9928 Impenitent – અધીરાય unapologetic; remorseless – અપમાનજનક; પસ્તાવો રહિત Even after being sentenced to life in prison, the impenitent man was not sorry for his crimes.
9929 Exasperation – ઉશ્કેરાટ a strong degree of annoyance or irritation – ચીડ અથવા બળતરાની તીવ્ર ડિગ્રી After waiting forever at the drive-thru window, I threw my hands up in exasperation and drove away without paying for my food.
9930 Thereby – તેના દ્વારા thus; in doing so – આમ; આમ કરવાથી The wife offered a heartfelt apology, thereby saving her marriage.
9931 Acquittance – નિર્દોષ a written receipt denoting the settlement of a fine or debt – દંડ અથવા દેવાની પતાવટ દર્શાવતી લેખિત રસીદ I cannot prove that I no longer owe any debt until I get an acquittance from the bank that I borrowed money from.
9932 Polarization – ધ્રુવીકરણ the act of separating or making people split into two groups with opposite opinions or positions – વિરોધી અભિપ્રાયો અથવા હોદ્દા સાથે લોકોને બે જૂથોમાં વિભાજિત કરવાની અથવા વિભાજિત કરવાની ક્રિયા Polarization between the husband and wife’s financial spending was caused by differences in opinion on saving.
9933 Cause – કારણ to make something happen – કંઈક થાય તે માટે The police could not figure out what would cause the friendly woman to kill her neighbor and then herself.
9934 Emphatically – ભારપૂર્વક firmly – નિશ્ચિતપણે When my husband and I married, we agreed emphatically to stay together forever.
9935 Coronary – કોરોનરી relating to the blood vessels around the heart – હૃદયની આસપાસની રક્તવાહિનીઓ સાથે સંબંધિત The biology teacher showed her students a video of the heart and how blood flows through the coronary veins of the circulatory system.
9936 Relied – ભરોસો કર્યો depended on; trusted – પર આધાર રાખે છે; વિશ્વસનીય Grace relied on her mother for support, so when the woman died, she felt as if she had no one to depend on.
9937 Weighed – વજન કર્યું assessed the importance of something, usually to make a decision – સામાન્ય રીતે નિર્ણય લેવા માટે, કોઈ વસ્તુના મહત્વનું મૂલ્યાંકન કરો When looking for a car, the buyer weighed all of her options and chose the best fit for her family.
9938 Impurity – અશુદ્ધિ something that is unclean or has the ability to contaminate something else – કંઈક કે જે અશુદ્ધ છે અથવા કંઈક બીજું દૂષિત કરવાની ક્ષમતા ધરાવે છે The thought of an impurity being found in the water worried the overly cautious woman.
9939 Grandstand – ગ્રાન્ડસ્ટેન્ડ a covered seating area typically in a sports arena – રમતના મેદાનમાં સામાન્ય રીતે ઢંકાયેલ બેઠક વિસ્તાર The NASCAR enthusiasts peered from the shaded grandstand and watched the cars speed around the track.
9940 Keen – આતુર strong or highly developed – મજબૂત અથવા અત્યંત વિકસિત His keen sense of observation allowed him to notice that his keys were not where he had left them.
9941 Debate – ચર્ચા a discussion of a particular subject in which people express different opinions – કોઈ ચોક્કસ વિષયની ચર્ચા જેમાં લોકો જુદા જુદા મંતવ્યો વ્યક્ત કરે છે My philosophical friends and I loved to debate art and music over coffee.
9942 Adverse – પ્રતિકૂળ negative, harmful, or unpleasant – નકારાત્મક, હાનિકારક અથવા અપ્રિય Jim’s adverse reaction to the drug was so intense that we rushed him to the hospital.
9943 Desiccated – ડેસીકેટેડ dried out; lifeless – સુકાઈ ગયેલું; નિર્જીવ The professional soccer player became desiccated after being in a car accident that left him in a coma.
9944 Nutcase – નટકેસ a person who acts very crazy or foolish – એક વ્યક્તિ જે ખૂબ જ પાગલ અથવા મૂર્ખ વર્તન કરે છે Because he continued to act like a nutcase, the police were called on the ranting driver raving in the street.
9945 Natural resources – કુદરતી સંસાધનો materials or substances such as minerals, forests, water, and fertile land that occur in nature and can be used for economic gain – ખનિજો, જંગલો, પાણી અને ફળદ્રુપ જમીન જેવી સામગ્રી કે પદાર્થો જે પ્રકૃતિમાં ઉત્પન્ન થાય છે અને આર્થિક લાભ માટે વાપરી શકાય છે According to the Environmental Protection Agency, last year humans consumed many more natural resources that the earth could renew.
9946 Vivaciously – ઉત્સાહપૂર્વક done is a lively or spirited way – પૂર્ણ એક જીવંત અથવા ઉત્સાહી માર્ગ છે Dancing vivaciously across the stage, the energetic dancer attracted the attention of all of the crowd.
9947 Scale – સ્કેલ an instrument used to measure the weight of something – કોઈ વસ્તુનું વજન માપવા માટે વપરાતું સાધન A scale was used to measure how many pounds each wooden block is.
9948 Completion – પૂર્ણતા to be at the end of something – કોઈ વસ્તુના અંતે હોવું After the completion of his last class in high school, Thomas will graduate from high school and go on to college.
9949 Appertaining – એપરટેઈનીંગ relating to concerning – સંબંધિત The concerned parent wanted to schedule a conference with her son’s math teacher appertaining his grades.
9950 Disposed – નિકાલ threw out; discarded – બહાર ફેંકી દીધું; કાઢી નાખ્યું After the dinner party was over, the clean-up crew disposed of the trash and half-eaten plates of food.
9951 Glare – ઝગઝગાટ A fierce and angry stare – એક ઉગ્ર અને ગુસ્સાભરી નજર Giving off a killer stare, the icy inmate refused to let up his glare.
9952 Globetrotter – ગ્લોબેટ્રોટર a person who travels internationally very often – એક વ્યક્તિ જે ઘણી વાર આંતરરાષ્ટ્રીય પ્રવાસ કરે છે A famous globetrotter, Ernest Hemmingway, told stories of visiting many distant places including Cuba, Spain, and even Paris.
9953 Illiterate – અભણ incapable of writing and reading – લખવા અને વાંચવામાં અસમર્થ The illiterate man could not complete the job application.
9954 Revolting – બળવો gross or offensive – એકંદર અથવા અપમાનજનક Everyone knew the revolting truth when the news announced the arrest of the teenage boy who hit a special needs student at school.
9955 Befuddled – મૂંઝાયેલ puzzled; baffled – કોયડારૂપ ચકિત Even with my professor’s help, I was still befuddled by the complicated chemistry formula.
9956 Ingenious – બુદ્ધિશાળી extremely intelligent; related to stroke of genius – અત્યંત બુદ્ધિશાળી; જીનિયસના સ્ટ્રોકથી સંબંધિત With how skilled my chess opponent was, it would take an ingenious strategy to defeat him, and a fair amount of luck.
9957 Scholar – વિદ્વાન a highly educated person who attends school and studies – એક ઉચ્ચ શિક્ષિત વ્યક્તિ જે શાળામાં જાય છે અને અભ્યાસ કરે છે As a lifelong scholar, the specialist spent most of his years buried in academic studies.
9958 Seductive – મોહક tempting; alluring – આકર્ષક; આકર્ષક Seductive plates full of scrumptious shrimp and mouthwatering steak made the guests mouth water.
9959 Arrived – પહોંચ્યા reached a place or stage – સ્થાન અથવા સ્ટેજ પર પહોંચ્યા Set staff was irritated that the always late actress arrived on scene two hours after everyone else.
9960 Ironically – વ્યંગાત્મક રીતે referring to something being unexpected or ironic – કંઈક અણધારી અથવા માર્મિક હોવાનો ઉલ્લેખ કરવો Ironically my boyfriend and I married at an early age despite our parents’ attempts to separate us.
9961 Handled – નિયંત્રિત taken care of – એની સંભાળ લેવાય઼ છે There was an accident on the road today, but the police had it handled within an hour of it occurring.
9962 Superstardom – સુપરસ્ટારડમ the state of being very famous and successful – ખૂબ પ્રખ્યાત અને સફળ હોવાની સ્થિતિ The arrogant rapper loves superstardom and has spent his whole life trying to become rich and famous.
9963 Sensibly – સમજદારીપૂર્વક in a way that is practical or rational – એવી રીતે કે જે વ્યવહારુ અથવા તર્કસંગત છે Sarah spends her money sensibly and doesn’t blow it on frivolous purchases or things she doesn’t need.
9964 Rectangle – લંબચોરસ a quadrilateral made up of four straight lines and four right angles – ચાર સીધી રેખાઓ અને ચાર કાટખૂણોથી બનેલો ચતુષ્કોણ The pizza maker used dough to form another rectangle and stacked each crust in a quadrilateral pan.
9965 Distinctive – વિશિષ્ટ specifying as unique, special or characteristic – અનન્ય, વિશિષ્ટ અથવા લાક્ષણિકતા તરીકે સ્પષ્ટ કરવું The only distinctive quality of this job candidate was his ability to speak to clients calmly because his clerical skills were a mess.
9966 Quadrilateral – ચતુર્ભુજ Four-sided – ચાર બાજુવાળા The quadrilateral shaped garden contained a different vegetable in each of the four quadrants.
9967 Ballot – મતપત્ર a piece of paper or sheet on which a voter marks his or her choice – કાગળ અથવા શીટનો ટુકડો જેના પર મતદાર તેની પસંદગીને ચિહ્નિત કરે છે Because the election fell on his 18th birthday, Aiden was finally able to cast a ballot for president of the United States.
9968 Monumental – સ્મારક important; significant – મહત્વપૂર્ણ; નોંધપાત્ર A monumental and historic decision was made by the Supreme Court regarding marriage rights.
9969 Meter – મીટર the basic unit of length in the metric system – મેટ્રિક સિસ્ટમમાં લંબાઈનું મૂળભૂત એકમ A metric ruler was used to measure the shelf to the nearest meter.
9970 Recede – પીછેહઠ to go back – પાછા જવામાટે If you look closely at George’s hair, you can see where his hairline has started to recede.
9971 Control – નિયંત્રણ to influence or direct people’s behavior – લોકોના વર્તનને પ્રભાવિત કરવા અથવા દિશામાન કરવા The overbearing mother liked to control her children’s behavior and wouldn’t let them do anything without her permission.
9972 Perplexing – હેરાન કરે છે confusing or strange – મૂંઝવણ અથવા વિચિત્ર It is very perplexing that some people still believe things that were irrefutably disproven, such as the shape of the Earth being flat.
9973 Retired – નિવૃત્ત stopped working/being employed permanently – કાયમી ધોરણે કામ કરવાનું/રોજગાર કરવાનું બંધ કર્યું After thirty years on the police force, the seasoned officer retired and spent his days fishing instead of fighting crime.
9974 Reaffirm – પુનઃ સમર્થન to state something again – ફરીથી કંઈક જણાવવા માટે By transferring to the Middletown Baptist Church, I had to reaffirm my faith in front of the congregation.
9975 Interference – દખલગીરી a disruption between two or more things that most likely causes the action to stop – બે અથવા વધુ વસ્તુઓ વચ્ચેનો વિક્ષેપ જે મોટે ભાગે ક્રિયાને રોકવાનું કારણ બને છે I didn’t know if Ms. Smith would believe my excuse, but I really couldn’t access the internet since there was an interference with the connection.
9976 Pandemic – દેશવ્યાપી રોગચાળો an illness or disease happening over a broad area – વ્યાપક વિસ્તાર પર બનતી બીમારી અથવા રોગ If people do not observe proper hygiene by washing their hands often, the flu pandemic could distress millions of individuals.
9977 Ion – આયન a cluster of atoms or a single atom carrying an electrical charge – અણુઓનું ક્લસ્ટર અથવા વિદ્યુત ચાર્જ વહન કરતું એક અણુ Since the atom has acquired an electric charge, it is now referred to as an ion.
9978 Recognise – ઓળખો another form of the verb recognize, meaning to identify something or someone – ક્રિયાપદનું બીજું સ્વરૂપ ઓળખે છે, જેનો અર્થ કંઈક અથવા કોઈને ઓળખવું Janet was wearing so much makeup when we saw her at the pub; we almost didn’t recognise her.
9979 Peremptory – અનુચિત used to describe an order, command, etc., that you must obey without any questions or excuses – આદેશ, આદેશ, વગેરેનું વર્ણન કરવા માટે વપરાય છે, જેનું તમારે કોઈપણ પ્રશ્નો અથવા બહાના વિના પાલન કરવું જોઈએ In a peremptory tone, the flight attendant told the passenger to either fasten his seatbelt or get off the plane.
9980 Effortless – પ્રયાસરહિત without effort – પ્રયત્ન વિના I slave for hours at a time doing geometry homework as my brother works the same problems in his head in an effortless ten minutes and walks calmly away.
9981 Crucible – ક્રુસિબલ a tough trial or test – કઠિન અજમાયશ અથવા કસોટી Finding a nice affordable apartment is quite a crucible in this expensive town.
9982 Dissimilar – ભિન્ન not alike; having nothing in common – સમાન નથી; સામાન્ય કંઈ નથી Although they have the same parents, the brother and sister are dissimilar in look and personality.
9983 Bloodthirsty – લોહીલુહાણ describing someone eager to kill – મારવા આતુર વ્યક્તિનું વર્ણન Serial killers are bloodthirsty criminals whose only goal is to kill as many people as they can.
9984 Sanctity – પવિત્રતા the condition of being holy or having great value – પવિત્ર હોવાની અથવા મહાન મૂલ્ય હોવાની સ્થિતિ According to many religions, it is a sin to terminate the sanctity of the marriage vows.
9985 Vacationer – વેકેશનર someone out of town on a special trip – શહેરની બહાર કોઈ ખાસ પ્રવાસ પર The vacationer spent most of her summer trip to Miami on the beach relaxing.
9986 Simmer – સણસણવું to cook slowly below boiling temperatures – ઉકળતા તાપમાન નીચે ધીમે ધીમે રાંધવા The thick pasta sauce splattered all over the stove because it was meant to simmer, not boil!
9987 Suspected – શંકાસ્પદ thought or believed that something was true – વિચાર્યું અથવા માન્યું કે કંઈક સાચું છે The teacher suspected that the students had cheated on the test but had no proof to back up her hunch.
9988 Recrimination – દોષારોપણ an accusation made against an accuser – આરોપ લગાવનાર સામે કરવામાં આવેલ આરોપ When the politician heard of his rival’s accusation, he made a recrimination as a form of retaliation.
9989 Present – હાજર here, in a particular place – અહીં, ચોક્કસ જગ્યાએ The student called out “present” to let his teacher know that he was in the classroom.
9990 Apprenticeship – એપ્રેન્ટિસશિપ job training that involves working for an expert to learn a particular trade – નોકરીની તાલીમ જેમાં કોઈ ચોક્કસ વેપાર શીખવા માટે નિષ્ણાત માટે કામ કરવાનો સમાવેશ થાય છે James took a culinary apprenticeship to learn the skills necessary to become a chef.
9991 Blow – તમાચો a setback or misfortune – એક આંચકો અથવા કમનસીબી The loss of her job during layoffs came as huge blow to the seasoned employee.
9992 Partisan – પક્ષપાતી prejudiced in favor of a particular cause – ચોક્કસ કારણની તરફેણમાં પૂર્વગ્રહયુક્ત Because of your partisan views, you are unwilling to look at other options.
9993 Rip – રીપ to tear or pull something quickly – ઝડપથી કંઈક ફાડવું અથવા ખેંચવું If you quickly rip off the band-aid, it won’t hurt as bad as if you pull it slowly.
9994 Laryngoscope – લેરીંગોસ્કોપ a medical instrument specifically used to examine the human larynx – ખાસ કરીને માનવ કંઠસ્થાનની તપાસ કરવા માટે વપરાતું તબીબી સાધન Because my voice was hoarse, the doctor had to use a laryngoscope to see if there was anything wrong with my larynx.
9995 Pertinacious – સાનુકૂળ firm on achieving a task – કાર્ય સિદ્ધ કરવા માટે મક્કમ The pertinacious girl would not stop trying to sell cookies to the toothless man.
9996 Direct – પ્રત્યક્ષ to cause someone or something to move in a specific way or direction – કોઈને અથવા કંઈકને ચોક્કસ રીતે અથવા દિશામાં ખસેડવા માટેનું કારણ આપવું The stage manager began to direct the actors on where to stand on stage.
9997 Neighbor – પાડોશી a person who resides nearby – એક વ્યક્તિ જે નજીકમાં રહે છે While baking a cake, I needed to ask my neighbor for sugar since I had just run out.
9998 Silly – મૂર્ખ goofy and playful – મૂર્ખ અને રમતિયાળ The children played silly games on the playground and laughed at each other’s funny antics.
9999 Tucked – Tucked pushed or folded the edges of something inward – કોઈ વસ્તુની ધારને અંદરની તરફ ધકેલવી અથવા ફોલ્ડ કરવી The maid quickly tucked in the sheets and made up the bed before moving on to the next project.
10000 Peripheral – પેરિફેરલ relating to minor matters – નાની બાબતોથી સંબંધિત The boss is too concerned about peripheral issues that do not matter to notice our sales are at an all-time low.
  1. Q: Where can I find an English with Gujarati dictionary for translations?

    • A: Online platforms or language apps often offer English with Gujarati dictionaries for easy translations.
  2. Q: Is there a specific tool for converting English words to Gujarati?

    • A: Yes, there are various online tools available for converting English words to Gujarati.
  3. Q: How can I find the meaning of an English word in Gujarati?

    • A: You can utilize an English word to Gujarati converter to find the meanings of English words in Gujarati.
  4. Q: Why is it beneficial to understand the Gujarati meaning of English words?

    • A: Understanding English words in Gujarati aids in bilingual comprehension and communication.
  5. Q: Are there reliable resources for finding English word meanings in Gujarati?

    • A: Yes, there are dictionaries and online platforms specifically designed for English word meanings in Gujarati.
  6. Q: Where can I access a trustworthy Guj to Eng dictionary?

    • A: You can find trustworthy Gujarati to English dictionaries online or in language-specific apps.
  7. Q: How can I enhance my language skills with English-Gujarati words?

    • A: Learning English-Gujarati words helps in improving language proficiency and comprehension.
  8. Q: Are there any platforms offering Gujarati-English word translations?

    • A: Yes, there are resources available for translations between Gujarati and English words.
  9. Q: Are there similarities between English and Gujarati words?

    • A: Yes, some English and Gujarati words have similarities in terms of phonetics and meanings.
  10. Q: How can I ensure accurate English to Gujarati spelling?

    • A: Utilizing an English to Gujarati spelling tool or dictionary can ensure accurate spellings.
  11. Q: Is there a tool for quick conversion of an English word to Gujarati?

    • A: Yes, there are online converters that swiftly convert English words to Gujarati.
  12. Q: Where can I check Gujarati to English spellings?

    • A: Various online resources and dictionaries offer reliable Gujarati to English spell checks.
  13. Q: How can I translate a Gujarati word into its English equivalent?

    • A: Using a Gujarati to English word converter helps in translating Gujarati words into English.
  14. Q: What resources can I use for translating words from English to Gujarati?

    • A: Online platforms or apps provide efficient tools for translating words from English to Gujarati.

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