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The Most Useful Idioms Meaning in Hindi. Part 2

  1. Idioms meaning in Hindi can be a captivating linguistic journey, as these expressions often carry rich cultural connotations and require a nuanced understanding for accurate translation.
  2. Exploring English idioms with Hindi meaning adds an extra layer of complexity to language learning, demanding not just linguistic proficiency but also a deep dive into cultural nuances.
  3. Translating English idioms in Hindi is an art that involves more than just converting words; it’s about capturing the essence of the expression while ensuring it resonates within the cultural context of the target language.
  4. Navigating the world of idioms in English and Hindi is a rewarding endeavor, fostering not only linguistic prowess but also a profound appreciation for the diverse ways in which cultures encapsulate meaning in their everyday expressions.
101 cheap as chips – चिप्स जितना सस्ता very inexpensive – बहुत सस्ता This cup of coffee was only 50 cents. Cheap as chips!
102 cheapskate – सस्ते स्केट a frugal person – एक मितव्ययी व्यक्ति He’s such a cheapskate. He never buys anything for his girlfriend. 
103 chicken out – चिकन बाहर avoid doing something because of fear – डर के कारण कुछ भी करने से बचें Mary was going to go skydiving, but she chickened out. 
104 chink in one’s armor – किसी के कवच में झनझनाहट होना vulnerable area – संवेदनशील क्षेत्र Bob was a great teacher, but the chink in his armor was his fear of public speaking. 
105 chip in – योगदान करना donate money or time – धन या समय दान करें Why don’t you chip in and support the refugees? 
106 clam up – चुप हो जाना become quiet – शांत हो जाओ Tom always clams up when you ask him about his ex-girlfriend. 
107 cold feet – झिझक being nervous or anxious before a big event – किसी बड़ी घटना से पहले घबराया हुआ या चिंतित होना She got cold feet before the wedding. 
108 commit Harry Carry – हैरी कैरी को प्रतिबद्ध करें commit suicide – आत्महत्या कर लो Unfortunately, some of the world’s greatest singers committed Harry Carry. 
109 cook the books – लेखा की किताबों में जानबूझ कर गलत प्रविष्टियां करना dishonest accounting – बेईमान लेखांकन Let’s cook the books so we can avoid paying higher taxes. 
110 cool cat – शांत बिल्ली a hip or cool person – एक कूल्हा या शांत व्यक्ति He was such a coot cat. He was respected by his peers and the girls all loved him. 
111 copycat – नकल someone who copies another – कोई व्यक्ति जो दूसरे की नकल करता हो You’re such a copycat! Do your own work! 
112 copycat – नकल someone who copies another – कोई व्यक्ति जो दूसरे की नकल करता हो You’re such a copycat! Do your own work! 
113 couch potato – टीवी देखकर समय गँवाने वाला lazy person – आलसी व्यक्ति Don’t be such a couch potato and do some work for once! 
114 cream of the crop – क्रीम ऑफ़ द क्रॉप the best – सर्वश्रेष्ठ The team has the cream of the crop of draft picks. They will probably win the cup soon. 
115 crocodile tears – घड़ियाली आंसू fake tears – नकली आँसू Her little daughter always cries crocodile tears to get whatever she wants. 
116 crunch time – समय की कमी a critical period – एक महत्वपूर्ण अवधि Crunch time in most sports comes down to the final few minutes of a game. 
117 cry over spilled milk – गिरे हुए दूध पर रोना get upset over something insignificant or about something irreversible – किसी महत्वहीन बात पर या किसी अपरिवर्तनीय बात पर परेशान होना I know you forgot your phone, but there is no need to cry over spilt milk. You can live without it for an hour. 
118 cry your heart out – दिल खोल कर मातम करें cry a lot – खूब शोर मचाओ He cried his heart out when his dog died. 
119 cup of joe – जो का कप cup of coffee – कॉफी का कप Let’s get a cup of joe at Starbucks. 
120 curiosity killed the cat – जिज्ञासा नें बिल्ली को मार डाला curiosity may lead to unwanted circumstances – जिज्ञासा अवांछित परिस्थितियों को जन्म दे सकती है Don’t enter that haunted house. Remember that curiosity killed the cat! 
121 curtains – पर्दे finished, the end – समाप्त, अंत I knew it was curtains for their marriage when they signed the prenuptial agreement. 
122 cut corners – कटे हुए कोने reduce spending – खर्च कम करो The family had to cut corners in order to put food on the table. 
123 cut the cheese – वायु विमोचन करना fart – पाद छोड़ना Who cut the cheese? It smells awful in here. 
124 cut the mustard – सरसों काटें meet expectations – अपेक्षा पर खरा उतरना George’s work ethic didn’t cut the mustard, so he got fired. 
125 cut the rug – गलीचा काट दो dance – नृत्य I love this song! Let’s go on the dance floor and cut the rug! 
126 dig deep – गहराई से जांच करें look hard for information or try hard – जानकारी के लिए कड़ी मेहनत करें या कड़ी मेहनत करें Walt had to dig deep to find a solution to the chemistry problem. 
127 dirt cheap – गंदगी सस्ता very inexpensive – बहुत सस्ता My clothes are dirt cheap, but they still look fashionable. 
128 do time – समय पर करें go to prison – जेल जाएं Franky has to do time for all those crimes that he was convicted of. 
129 dog and bone – कुत्ता और हड्डी a telephone – टेलिफ़ोन She is speaking with her boyfriend on the dog and bone. 
130 dog and pony show – कुत्ते और टट्टू का शो elaborate presentation – विस्तृत प्रस्तुति The designer bag showcase was such a dog and pony show. 
131 dog days – बुरे दिन very hot days – बहुत गर्म दिन The dog days of summer are really humid and uncomfortable. 
132 dog-eared – कुत्ते के कान folded corners of pages in a book – किताब के पन्नों के मुड़े हुए कोने He dog-eared the pages of the book instead of using a bookmark. 
133 dog-eat-dog world – कुत्ते-खाओ-कुत्ते की दुनिया competitive – प्रतिस्पर्धी American political debates are a dog-eat-dog world. 
134 dog-tired – थका very tired – बहुत थका हुआ She was dog-tired after running the marathon. 
135 dog’s bollocks – कुत्ते के बैल the best – सर्वश्रेष्ठ That new Tesla is the dog’s bollocks. 
136 dog’s breakfast – कुत्ते का नाश्ता very messy – बहुत गंदा Her mother was upset because her son’s room was like a dog’s breakfast. 
137 doggy bag – बचे हुए खाने का थैला food taken home after a restaurant meal – रेस्तरां में भोजन के बाद घर ले जाया गया भोजन My girlfriend barely ate her dinner so she asked the waiter for a doggy bag. 
138 dogs of war – पूर्व सैनिक destruction caused by war – युद्ध के कारण हुआ विनाश Famine and poverty are unfortunately common dogs of war. 
139 dogsbody – मेहनती मनुष्य someone who does all the work – कोई ऐसा व्यक्ति जो सभी कार्य करता हो The chef was the dogsbody in the kitchen. Everyone else broke dishes. 
140 don’t count chickens before they hatch – अंडों से निकलने से पहले मुर्गियों की गिनती न करें don’t plan for something that may not happen – किसी ऐसी चीज़ की योजना न बनाएं जो घटित न हो Zoe bought the dress, before anyone asked her to the prom. I told her not to count her chickens before they hatch. 
141 double dating – डबल डेटिंग two couples dating at the same time – दो जोड़े एक ही समय में डेटिंग कर रहे हैं My friend always goes on double dates and likes getting attention from both guys. 
142 double dog dare – डबल कुत्ते की हिम्मत challenge defiantly – निडरता से चुनौती दें She double dog dared me to go hang gliding so I had to do it! 
143 double take – हास्यास्पद प्रतिक्रिया look a second time – दूसरी बार देखो When she walked by in those heels, all the guys did a double take. 
144 down time – खाली समय relaxing time – आराम का समय You need to have some down time after a long day at work. 
145 down to earth – व्यावहारिक natural personality – प्राकृतिक व्यक्तित्व Alexander is very wealthy, but he is still down to earth. 
146 down to the wire – तार के नीचे to the end – अंत तक The game is coming down to the wire and nobody has scored. 
147 dress to kill – मारने के लिए वेष dress in glamorous clothes – ग्लैमरस कपड़े पहनें She is always dressed to kill when she goes to the bar. 
148 drink like a fish – मछली की तरह पियें drink a lot – काफी मात्रा में पीना Norm drinks like a fish when he goes to the pub. 
149 drive someone crazy – किसी को पागल बनाओ make someone annoyed or feel madly in love – किसी को नाराज़ करना या प्यार में पागल होना She drives me crazy. I don’t know if I should buy her another diamond or get a divorce. 
150 drop like flies – मक्खियों की तरह गिरना die or give up quickly – मर जाओ या जल्दी से हार मान लो The other candidates dropped like flies at the end of the election. 
151 eager beaver – उत्सुक ऊदबिलाव someone who is excited about something – कोई व्यक्ति जो किसी बात को लेकर उत्साहित हो She’s such an eager beaver when checking updates on Instagram. 
152 early bird – जल्दी उठ कर काम शुरू करने वाला व्यक्ति someone who likes to wake up early – कोई है जो जल्दी उठना पसंद करता है Sara is such an early bird. She gets up before the sun rises. 
153 easier said than done – कहना आसान है करना मुश्किल easier to speak words than to perform actions – कार्य करने की तुलना में शब्द बोलना आसान है The government low tax policy is easier said than done. 
154 easy come, easy go – जो आसानी से मिलता है वो आसानी से चला भी जाता है something that happens easily can just as easily be taken away – जो चीज़ आसानी से घटित होती है उसे उतनी ही आसानी से दूर भी किया जा सकता है  
155 eat like a horse – घोड़े की तरह खाओ eat a lot – बहुत खाता है You eat like a horse. There is nothing left at the buttet. 
156 egg someone on – किसी को अंडा देना to urge or provoke someone – किसी को उकसाना या उकसाना The hockey player tried to egg his opponent on by dropping his gloves. 
157 elephant in the room – कमरे में हाथी a sensitive unaddressed issue – एक संवेदनशील अनसुलझा मुद्दा The couple’s money problem was an elephant in the room. They never talk about finances. 
158 every cloud has a silver lining – हर बादल में आशा की एक किरण होती है be optimistic – आशावादी होना She got fired but found a better job she. Every cloud has a silver lining. 
159 every dog has its day – हर कुत्ते के दिन आते हैं everyone has success eventually – अंततः हर किसी को सफलता मिलती है Keep shooting and you will score. Every dog has its day. 
160 every nook and cranny – हर नुक्कड़ और दरार everyone possible place – हर संभव जगह I looked in every nook and cranny, but I couldn’t find what I was looking for. 
161 everything but the kitchen sink – सब कुछ, लेकिन रसोईघर सिंक almost everything imaginable – लगभग सब कुछ कल्पनीय The team threw everything but the kitchen sink at the goalie, but they couldn’t score a goal. 
162 face the music – किये का परिणाम भुगतो deal with unpleasant consequences – अप्रिय परिणामों से निपटें The man confessed to the crime and faced the music in prison. 
163 fair-weather friend – अच्छा मौसम दोस्त a person who is only a friend in good times – एक व्यक्ति जो अच्छे समय में केवल एक दोस्त होता है I try to avoid fair-weather friends. They aren’t very sincere. 
164 fat cat – मोटी बिल्ली wealthy person – धनी व्यक्ति Fat cats get wealthier with inflation while the poor have to pay more for groceries. 
165 fat chance – वसा मौका unlikely – संभावना नहीं It’s a fat chance that the war will end this year. 
166 feel blue – नीला महसूस करो feel sad – दुख होता है Barbara felt blue after breaking up with her boyfriend. 
167 fine-tooth comb – बारीक दांतों वाली कंघी in detail – विस्तार से The detective analyzed the crime scene with a fine-tooth comb. 
168 fishy – मछली का strange or suspicious – अजीब या संदिग्ध Something fishy is going on. He takes his wedding ring off when he leaves. 
169 fit as a fiddle – प्रसन्न होना good physical health – अच्छा शारीरिक स्वास्थ्य Look at those abs! You are as fit as a fiddle! 
170 fit like a glove – एक दस्ताने की तरह फिट fit perfectly – पूरी तरह से स्वस्थ Those jeans fit her like a glove. 
171 flesh and blood – मांस और रक्त family – परिवार I can’t fire my brother. He’s my own flesh and blood. 
172 fly in the ointment – दूसरों की खुशी को बिगाड़ना annoyance that spoils enjoyment – झुंझलाहट जो आनंद को खराब कर देती है The wedding crasher was such a fly in the ointment. 
173 foot the bill – हिसाब चुका देना pay for something – किसी चीज़ के लिए भुगतान करें I’ll foot the bill and pay for everyone’s meal at the restaurant. 
174 freeze your buns off – अपने बन्स को फ़्रीज़ करें be very cold – बहुत ठंडा हो You will freeze your buns off in Antarctica. 
175 front runner – अग्रणी धावक favorite to win – जीतने के लिए पसंदीदा The stallion is the front runner. He’ll be hard to beat. 
176 full of beans – बीन्स से भरा हुआ energetic – शक्तिशाली The elementary students are always full of beans. 
177 get a head start – एक शुरुआत करें start before others – दूसरों से पहले शुरू करो Don always gets a head start and wakes up at dawn. 
178 get a second wind – दूसरी हवा पाओ have new energy after an attempt – एक प्रयास के बाद नई ऊर्जा मिलती है I was exhausted after 3 kilometers of running, but I got a second wind after I passed the beach.
179 get bent out of shape – आकार से बाहर हो जाना get upset – परेशान The waiter got so bent out of shape when the customer tipped him a penny. 
180 get hitched – शादी करना get married – शादी करना We got hitched last month. Didn’t you get the wedding invitation? 
181 get into the full swing – पूरे जोश में आ जाओ be comfortable doing something after some time – कुछ समय बाद कुछ करने में सहज रहें It took her a month to get into the full swing of things. Now she is the best employee. 
182 get something off my chest – मेरे सीने से कुछ उतारो reveal or confess something – कुछ प्रकट करना या कबूल करना I felt better getting it off my chest by confessing that I stole the money. 
183 get the boot – बूट ले आओ get fired – निकलवाना Bob got the boot last week. He needs to find a new job. 
184 get wind of something – किसी चीज़ का अंदाज़ा लगाना overhear something about someone or something (often gossip) – किसी के बारे में या किसी चीज़ के बारे में कुछ भी सुनना (अक्सर गपशप) Sherry got wind that her ex-boyfriend was coming to the same bar, so she went home. 
185 get with the times – समय के साथ चलें to get up-to-date with the modern era – आधुनिक युग के साथ अद्यतन होने के लिए Time to get with the times and buy an electric car. 
186 give a cold shoulder – ठंडा कंधा दो to deny or ignore – इन्कार करना या उपेक्षा करना She gave him a cold shoulder when he asked for her phone number. 
187 give a hand or lend a hand – एक हाथ दो या एक हाथ उधार दो help someone – कोई मदद करें Can you give me a hand with lifting this laundry machine? 
188 give a hard time – कठिन समय दो tease or bother someone – किसी को चिढ़ाना या परेशान करना Stop giving your little brother a hard time and help him with his homework. 
189 give it your best shot – अपना सर्वश्रेष्ठ देना try your hardest – कठिन परिश्रम करो I know the homework is difficult but give it your best shot. 
190 give no quarter (none asked) – कोई त्रैमासिक न दें (किसी ने नहीं पूछा) give no mercy – कोई दया मत करो The student asked to take the test again, but the teacher gave no quarter. 
191 give someone a fair shake – किसी को ठीक से हिला देना give someone a chance – किसी को मौका दो He never got a fair shake. He got fired after a week. 
192 give someone a run for their money – किसी को उसके पैसे के लिए दौड़ देना try hard to defeat another person – दूसरे व्यक्ति को हराने के लिए भरपूर प्रयास करें Connor is going to give Floyd a run for his money. 
193 give the green light – हरी बत्ती दो give permission – अनुमति देना She gave her son the green light to join the police academy. 
194 glory hound – ग्लोरी हाउंड someone looking for fortune or fame – कोई व्यक्ति भाग्य या प्रसिद्धि की तलाश में है He’s such a glory hound. He loves the attention from the press. 
195 glutton for punishment – सज़ा के लिए लालची someone who always takes on unpleasant tasks – कोई ऐसा व्यक्ति जो हमेशा अप्रिय कार्य करता है Debby is such a glutton for punishment. I think she enjoys being in bad relationships. 
196 go downhill – तलहटी पर जाओ get progressively worse – उत्तरोत्तर बदतर होते जाना His health started to go downhill when he started smoking again. 
197 go Dutch – साझा करना split the bill – पर्ची को अलग करें The couple always likes to go Dutch and share their living expenses. 
198 go overboard – बहुत ही उत्साहित होना do more than needed – आवश्यकता से अधिक करो Don’t go overboard or you’ll get stressed out. Just do one page. 
199 go steady – निरंतर चलो date each other – एक दूसरे को डेट करें I asked her to go steady, but she dated Joe instead. 
200 go to bat for someone – किसी के लिए बल्लेबाजी करने जाओ defend someone – किसी का बचाव करना His colleague went to bat for her and testified on her behalf. 

1. What is the significance of understanding “Idioms meaning in Hindi”?

  • Understanding idioms in Hindi is crucial for effective communication as these expressions carry cultural nuances and contextual meanings that may not be immediately apparent. Mastery of idioms enhances language proficiency and promotes cultural sensitivity.

2. How can I learn “English idioms with Hindi meaning” effectively?

  • Learning English idioms with Hindi meanings involves a combination of language skills and cultural awareness. Utilize resources that provide idiomatic expressions with accurate translations, and practice incorporating them into your language usage to grasp their contextual significance.

3. Why is it essential to translate “English idioms in Hindi” accurately?

  • Accurate translation of English idioms into Hindi is vital to preserve the intended meaning and cultural context. A precise translation ensures that the essence of the expression is conveyed authentically, allowing for effective communication and avoiding potential misunderstandings.

4. How can exploring “Idioms in English and Hindi” contribute to language proficiency?

  • Exploring idioms in both English and Hindi enhances language proficiency by exposing learners to diverse linguistic structures and cultural expressions. It deepens understanding, allowing individuals to communicate with nuance and cultural sensitivity, fostering a more comprehensive command of both languages.

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