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The Most Useful Idioms Meaning in Hindi. Part 4

  1. Idioms meaning in Hindi can be a captivating linguistic journey, as these expressions often carry rich cultural connotations and require a nuanced understanding for accurate translation.
  2. Exploring English idioms with Hindi meaning adds an extra layer of complexity to language learning, demanding not just linguistic proficiency but also a deep dive into cultural nuances.
  3. Translating English idioms in Hindi is an art that involves more than just converting words; it’s about capturing the essence of the expression while ensuring it resonates within the cultural context of the target language.
  4. Navigating the world of idioms in English and Hindi is a rewarding endeavor, fostering not only linguistic prowess but also a profound appreciation for the diverse ways in which cultures encapsulate meaning in their everyday expressions.
301no love lost – कोई प्यार नहीं खोयाmutual dislike – आपसी नापसंदगीThere is no love lost between Donald and Hillary. 
302no room to swing a cat – बिल्ली को झुलाने के लिए जगह नहींvery small place – बहुत छोटी जगहThere’s no room to swing a cat in this apartment. I can almost touch the two walls with both hands. 
303no sweat – पसीनारहितno problem – कोई बात नहींSara said it would be no sweat to finish the assignment on time. 
304not have a cat’s chance in hell – नरक में बिल्ली को कोई मौका नहीं मिलेगाno chance whatsoever – कोई भी मौका नहींYou don’t have a cat’s chance in hell of marrying her. 
305not playing with a full deck – पूर्ण डेक के साथ नहीं खेलनाlower mental ability – कम मानसिक क्षमताGeorge isn’t playing with a full deck. He forgot to wear his socks. 
306not up to par – बराबर नहींnot good enough – बहुत अच्छा नहींIf you’re not up to par by the end of the month, you’re fired. 
307off one’s rocker – घुमाव से दूरcrazy – पागलJanet is licking food off the floor. She must be off her rocker. 
308off the cuff – कफ बंदimprovised – इम्प्रोवाइज्डThe groom made did wedding speech off the cuff. 
309off the hook – छुटकारा पानाescape obligation – दायित्व से बचनाThe boss let him off the hook and said he didn’t have to work today. 
310old hand – पुराना हाथexperienced person – अनुभवी व्यक्तिPeter is an old hand when analyzing the stock market. 
311on a silver platter – चाँदी की थाली मेंwhole-heatedly or easily – पूरी तरह गर्म या आसानी सेHe was offered the new job on a silver platter, but he didn’t take it. 
312on cloud nine – ठिक रात के नव बजेvery happy – बहुत खुशElizabeth was on cloud nine when she put on the diamond ring. 
313on my watch – मेरी घड़ी परduring my time on duty – मेरी ड्यूटी के दौरानI told the workers that they couldn’t sleep on my watch. They can sleep when they get home. 
314on the ball – काम में तेजready and able – तैयार और सक्षमI’m on the ball today. I finished everything before lunch. 
315on the can – कैन परsitting on the toilet – टॉयलेट पर बैठा हैMy uncle always looks sings songs on the can. 
316on the mend – सुधारrestore or recover – पुनर्स्थापित या पुनर्प्राप्त करेंTheir relationship is now on the mend after going to counseling. 
317on the rocks (1) – चट्टानों पर (1)with ice – बर्फ़ के साथCould I have a whisky on the rocks? 
318on the rocks (2) – चट्टानों पर (2)a romantic relationship near the end – एक रोमांटिक रिश्ता अंत के करीब हैTheir relationship is on the rocks. They’ll probably break up soon. 
319once in a blue moon – ईद का चाँद होनाrarely – कभी-कभारThe truck driver visits his kids once in a blue moon. 
320out in left field – बाएँ क्षेत्र में बाहरstrange or unconventional – अजीब या अपरंपरागतHis response was so way out in left field that everyone couldn’t stop laughing. 
321out of my league – मेरी लीग से बाहरnot as good as someone else – किसी और जितना अच्छा नहींShe’s way out of my league. There’s no way she’ll go out with me. 
322out of the blue – अप्रत्याशित समय परsuddenly – अचानकHer ex-boyfriend called her out of the blue during her honeymoon. 
323out of the woods – जंगल से बाहरclear of a dangerous situation – खतरनाक स्थिति से मुक्तThe Lakers aren’t out of the woods yet. They still have to play one more quarter. 
324out to lunch – लंच के लिए बाहर गए हैcrazy or distracted or confused – पागल या विचलित या भ्रमितThat guy is so out to lunch. He is difficult to get business done with. 
325over my dead body – मेरे मृत शरीर परto do anything to prevent something from happening – किसी चीज़ को घटित होने से रोकने के लिए कुछ भी करनाMy son wanted to get a face tattoo, but I told him over my dead body. 
326over the hill – पहाड़ी के ऊपरold age – पृौढ अबस्थाMy boss is over the hill, but he still doesn’t want to retire. 
327over the moon – चाँद परdelighted – आनंदितShe was over the moon when he put the ring on her finger. 
328paint the town red – बाहर जाकर भरपूर मजे करनाhave fun – मस्ती करोIt’s finally the weekend! Let’s paint the town red! 
329pat on the back – पीठ पर थपथपानाgive recognition – मान्यता देंYou deserve a pat on the back for fixing the furnace. 
330pay a king’s ransom – राजा की फिरौती चुकाओpay a lot of money – बहुत सारा पैसा चुकाओThe team had to pay a king’s ransom for the superstar. 
331penny pincher – पैनी पिंचरa frugal person – एक मितव्ययी व्यक्तिVictor is such a penny pincher. He never buys anything for anyone. 
332piece of cake – तुच्छ बातvery easy – बहुत आसानThe final exam was a piece of cake. 
333pig out – भकोसनाeat a lot – बहुत खाता हैLast night, I pigged out on a bag of potato chips. 
334piss in my cornflakes – मेरे कॉर्नफ्लेक्स में पेशाब करोto annoy out of spite – द्वेषवश परेशान करनाShe always pisses in my cornflakes because of what I did to her last year. 
335pitch black – घोर अँधेराvery dark – बहुत अंधेराYou should always sleep in a room that is pitch black. 
336play second fiddle – दूसरी बेला बजाओplay a secondary role – गौण भूमिका निभायेंThe new intern always plays second fiddle to his colleagues. 
337play something by ear – कान से कुछ बजानाlet things occur without a rigid plan – चीजों को बिना किसी कठोर योजना के घटित होने देंLet’s play it by ear and see what happens tonight. 
338plenty of other fish in the sea – समुद्र में बहुत सारी अन्य मछलियाँthere are many other available partners – कई अन्य उपलब्ध भागीदार हैंDon’t worry. You’ll find another girl. There are plenty of other fish in the sea. 
339pop the question – विवाह के लिए प्रस्ताव रखनाask someone to get married – किसी से शादी करने के लिए कहेंHe popped her the big question during their vacation. 
340pot calling the kettle black – चोर चोर को चोर बुला रहा हैto hypocritically criticize – पाखंडी ढंग से आलोचना करनाDonald says the news is fake but that’s like the pot calling the kettle black. 
341pour money down the drain – नाली में पैसा बहाओwaste money – बेकार पैसेBetting on an injured horse is like pouring money down the drain. 
342preach to the choir – गाना बजानेवालों को उपदेशattempt to convince someone about an issue that they already support – किसी को उस मुद्दे के बारे में समझाने का प्रयास करें जिसका वे पहले से ही समर्थन करते हैंYou’re preaching to the choir when you say that sugar is bad for your health. 
343pressed for time – कुछ समय के लिए दबाया गयाhaving limited time available – सीमित समय उपलब्ध हैThe doctor was really pressed for time, so he misdiagnosed the illness. 
344pull up your socks – अपने मोज़े ऊपर खींचोtry hard – कठिन प्रयासGood job. You pulled your socks up, studied all day, and aced the test. 
345pull your leg – अपने पैर खींचोtease or joke around – चिढ़ाना या मज़ाक करनाI’m just pulling your leg. Don’t take it too seriously. 
346pull yourself together – स्वंय को साथ में खींचनाcalm down – शांत होYou need to pull yourself together and stop screaming at me in public. 
347puppy dog eyes – छोटे कुत्ते की आंखेंinnocent facial expression – मासूम चेहरे की अभिव्यक्तिHis daughter showed him puppy dog eyes after dropping his ice cream cone. 
348puppy love – किशोर प्रेमteenager romantic love – किशोर रोमांटिक प्रेमIt was just puppy love during high school but they broke up in university. 
349pushing up daisies – डेज़ीज़ को ऊपर धकेलनाdie – मरनाYou’ll be pushing up daisies if you don’t quit smoking. 
350put a sock in it – इसकी जुबान बंद कराओstop talking – बात करना बंद करेंPut a sock in it and listen to the teacher! 
351put all of the eggs in one basket – सभी अंडे एक टोकरी में रखेंrely on one thing – एक चीज़ पर भरोसा करोHe dedicated all of his time to baseball. If he puts all of his eggs in one basket, he may not have an alternative career to rely on. 
352put in my two cents – मेरे दो सेंट डालोgive my opinion – मेरी राय दोCan I put in my two cents? I have something important to say. 
353put on ice – बर्फ पर रखोpostpone – स्थगित करनाLet’s put this problem on ice and get back to it tomorrow. 
354put the cat among pigeons – बिल्ली को कबूतरों के बीच डाल दोan action that causes problems – एक ऐसा कार्य जो समस्याएँ उत्पन्न करता हैYou really put the cat among pigeons when you brought up those bill payments again. 
355put your money where your mouth is – अपना धन अपने मुंह में डालोstop talking and start acting upon something – बात करना बंद करो और किसी चीज़ पर कार्य करना शुरू करोYou should put your money where your mouth is and start your new business idea. 
356put your thinking cap on – अपनी सोच पर अंकुश लगाएंconcentrate – ध्यान केंद्रित करनाYou put your thinking cap on and created a brilliant ad for the new product. 
357put yourself in my shoes – आपने आप को मेरी जगह रखोsympathize – सहानुभूति रखते हेPut yourself in the my shoes, then you will understand why I did it. 
358question of time – समय का प्रश्नan inevitability or eventuality – एक अनिवार्यता या घटनाIt’s only a question of time until all cars drive themselves. 
359rags to riches – रंक से राजाgoing from being poor to wealthy – गरीब से अमीर बननाJake went from rags to riches after he won the lottery. 
360rain on someone else’s parade – किसी और की परेड पर बारिशinfringe on someone’s happiness – किसी की ख़ुशी का हनन करनाStop raining on my parade whenever you get miserable. 
361raining cats and dogs – भारी वर्षाraining heavily – भारी बारिश हो रही हैIt’s raining cats and dogs. Remember your umbrella. 
362raining cats and dogs – भारी वर्षाraining heavily – भारी बारिश हो रही हैIt’s raining cats and dogs. Remember your umbrella. 
363raise a white flag – एक सफेद झंडा फहराओsurrender – समर्पणI decided to raise a white flag and stop arguing with my wife. 
364rat race – चूहा दौड़competitive struggle – प्रतिस्पर्धी संघर्षI escaped the rat race in the office and moved to Hawaii. 
365ray of hope – आशा की किरणa slight chance that something positive will occur – थोड़ी संभावना है कि कुछ सकारात्मक घटित होगाShe still had a ray of hope that she would get into medical school. 
366red herring – रेड हेरिंगsomething that draws attention away from an important topic – कुछ ऐसा जो किसी महत्वपूर्ण विषय से ध्यान भटकाता हैThe President’s gambling addiction was just a red herring for the pipeline problems. 
367red tape – लाल फीताrules which hinder progress – नियम जो प्रगति में बाधक हैंThere is a lot of red tape involved with starting a business. 
368red-letter day – रेड लेटर डेan important day – एक महत्वपूर्ण दिनMy graduation was a red-letter day for my parents. 
369ride my coattails – मेरे कोटटेल्स की सवारी करोdo nothing and let others do all the work – कुछ न करें और दूसरों को सारा काम करने देंShe has been riding my coattails all year and I don’t get any credit for my effort. 
370right as rain – बारिस की तरह सहीfeeling very well or fit – बहुत अच्छा या फिट महसूस करनाAfter a walk through the park, I feel as right as rain. My mind feels clear. 
371ring a bell – घंटी बजानाcause recollection or something – स्मरण का कारण या कुछ औरThat song rings a bell, but I still can’t remember the singer’s name. 
372rise and shine – जागो और दिनचर्या में जुट जाओwake up or get out of bed – उठो या बिस्तर से उठोRise and shine! Breakfast is ready! 
373rock hound – रॉक शिकारी कुत्ताa geologist – एक भूविज्ञानीThe gold miner is such a rock hound. He is going to be very wealthy. 
374roll out the red carpet – लाल कालीन बिछाओgreet someone with great respect – किसी का बड़े आदर के साथ स्वागत करनाThey rolled out the red carpet during the President’s inauguration. 
375roll up your sleeves – अपनी कमर कस लेंwork hard – कड़ी मेहनत करोYou rolled up your sleeves and got the job done. 
376rub the wrong way – गलत तरीके से रगड़ेंannoy – चिढ़ानाThat guy really rubs me the wrong way. I can’t stand being around him. 
377rule of thumb – अंगूठे का नियमgeneral rule – सामान्य नियमAs a rule of thumb, you should get 8 hours of sleep per night.
378run a tight ship – एक तंग जहाज चलाओbe strict – सख्त रहोThe director runs a tight ship. He never lets his employees leave early. 
379run with the big dogs – बड़े कुत्तों के साथ भागोcompete with the top performers – शीर्ष प्रदर्शन करने वालों के साथ प्रतिस्पर्धा करेंIt’s time to run with the big dogs when you play in the Premier League. 
380save for a rainy day – बरसात के दिन के लिए बचाकर रखेंsave money in case something unfortunate happens – कुछ दुर्भाग्यपूर्ण घटित होने की स्थिति में पैसे बचाएंYou should save for a rainy day. You could get injured or become unemployed. 
381scaredy-cat – डरावनी बिल्लीsomeone who is always scared – कोई ऐसा व्यक्ति जो हमेशा डरा हुआ रहता होAre you really afraid of the dark? You’re such a scaredy-cat! 
382screw the pooch – कुत्ते को पेंच करोfail – असफलCarl really screwed the pooch on the exam. He’s the only one who failed. 
383see a man about his dog – एक आदमी को उसके कुत्ते के बारे में देखेंgo to the bathroom – बाथरूम जाओI left the dinner table to see a man about his dog. 
384see eye to eye – आँख से आँख मिला कर देखोagree – सहमतMy wife and eye don’t see eye to eye. We’re getting a divorce. 
385see red – गुस्सा होनाto be enraged – क्रोधित होनाBobby saw red when his brother broke his phone. 
386serve time – समय प्रदान करोspend time in prison – जेल में समय बिताओChuck served time in prison so it is difficult for him to get hired. 
387settle a score – हिसाब बराबर करोget even – बदला लेनाIt’s time to settle the score. I’m sick of losing against these guys. 
388shake it off – इसे हिला देनाrecover – वापस पानाDon’t worry about the poor test result. Shake it off and try again. 
389ship has sailed – जहाज रवाना हो गया हैa lost opportunity – एक खोया हुआ अवसरJack was thinking of marrying Jane but that ship has sailed. She married Zack instead. 
390shoot the breeze – गप – शप करेंchitchat – गपशप करनाLet’s grab lunch and shoot the breeze. 
391shooting fish in a barrel – एक बैरल में मछली मारनाeasy or not challenging – आसान है या चुनौतीपूर्ण नहींFor my brilliant little brother, setting up the Wifi connection is like shooting fish in a barrel. 
392shot in the dark – अंधेरे में निशाना मारनाguess – अनुमानIt was a shot in the dark, but her answer was correct. 
393sick as a dog – एक कुत्ते की तरह बीमारvery sick – बहुत बीमारI was sick as a dog on Monday, so I couldn’t go to work. 
394silver screen – सिल्वर स्क्रीनthe movie industry – फिल्म उद्योगAngelina always wanted to star on the silver screen. 
395simmer down – शांत हो जानाcalm down – शांत होThe kids have been screaming all day. Tell them to simmer down. 
396six of one and half a dozen of the other – एक के छह और दूसरे के आधा दर्जनequivalent alternatives – समकक्ष विकल्पThe bus and subway arrive at the same time. It’s six of one and half a dozen of the other. 
397skate on thin ice – पतली बर्फ पर स्केटिंग करेंdo something risky – कुछ जोखिम भरा करोHe was skating on thin ice when he insulted the boss. 
398sleep with the fishes – मछलियों के साथ सोयेंdie – मरनाBefore pulling the trigger, he told the gangster to sleep with the fishes. 
399smart cookie – स्मार्ट कुकीan intelligent person – एक बुद्धिमान व्यक्तिGeorge is one smart cookie. He got 100 percent on all his tests.
400smell a rat – शक होनाsuspect deception – धोखे का संदेहI smell rat. I know I left my wallet on my desk, but it’s gone. 

1. What is the significance of understanding “Idioms meaning in Hindi”?

  • Understanding idioms in Hindi is crucial for effective communication as these expressions carry cultural nuances and contextual meanings that may not be immediately apparent. Mastery of idioms enhances language proficiency and promotes cultural sensitivity.

2. How can I learn “English idioms with Hindi meaning” effectively?

  • Learning English idioms with Hindi meanings involves a combination of language skills and cultural awareness. Utilize resources that provide idiomatic expressions with accurate translations, and practice incorporating them into your language usage to grasp their contextual significance.

3. Why is it essential to translate “English idioms in Hindi” accurately?

  • Accurate translation of English idioms into Hindi is vital to preserve the intended meaning and cultural context. A precise translation ensures that the essence of the expression is conveyed authentically, allowing for effective communication and avoiding potential misunderstandings.

4. How can exploring “Idioms in English and Hindi” contribute to language proficiency?

  • Exploring idioms in both English and Hindi enhances language proficiency by exposing learners to diverse linguistic structures and cultural expressions. It deepens understanding, allowing individuals to communicate with nuance and cultural sensitivity, fostering a more comprehensive command of both languages.

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