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The Most Useful Daily Use Hindi Words With English Meaning 10

  1. Daily use Hindi words with English meaning: The term “Namaste” is commonly used as a greeting, meaning “hello” or “welcome” in English.
  2. Daily word meaning English to Hindi: When translating from English to Hindi, the word “meaning” is equivalent to “arth” in Hindi.
  3. Basic English words Hindi meaning: “Water” in English translates to “paani” in Hindi, a fundamental word used in daily conversations.
  4. Basic English words with Hindi meaning: The English word “sun” is synonymous with “surya” in Hindi, representing the shining celestial body.
  5. Daily English words with Hindi meaning list: A comprehensive list might include “good” (accha), “bad” (bura), and “beautiful” (sundar) among daily-use English words with Hindi meanings.
  6. Daily use English to Hindi words: “Please” in English corresponds to “kripya” in Hindi, a polite term frequently used in requests or expressions of courtesy.
  7. Daily used English words with meaning in Hindi: The word “thank you” in English translates to “dhanyavaad” in Hindi, expressing gratitude and appreciation.
  8. 100 daily use English words with Hindi meaning: Among the commonly used English words, “house” is translated to “ghar” in Hindi.
  9. Basic English words Hindi meaning: In Hindi, “food” is expressed as “khana,” a fundamental term used daily.
9001स्लैम – Slamto shut or lay something with loud and with forceful power – किसी चीज़ को ज़ोर से और ज़ोरदार ताकत से बंद करना या रखनाThe poker player likes to slam his cards down on the table with a thud when he knows he had won.
9002बहस – Disagreementan argument caused by people having differences of opinion – मतभेद रखने वाले लोगों के कारण होने वाला तर्कA heated disagreement between the two friends caused them to stop speaking.
9003पुथल – Shufflingto rearrange a set of cards in a different order – कार्डों के एक सेट को एक अलग क्रम में पुनर्व्यवस्थित करनाDuring the gin rummy tournament, the dealer was shuffling the cards so they would be mixed together when he dealt the next hand.
9004दवा – Medicinea substance used to treat disease – एक पदार्थ जिसका उपयोग रोग के इलाज के लिए किया जाता हैWithout medicine to ease his headache, the man had no choice but to go to bed early.
9005टूम – Gimcracksomething that looks nice but is of poor quality or make – कोई ऐसी चीज़ जो देखने में तो अच्छी लगती है लेकिन घटिया गुणवत्ता की या बनाई गई होThe seemingly fancy dress that my sister bought is little more than a gimcrack, looking nice but being of rather low quality.
9006दूर जाना – Recedeto go back – पीछे जानाIf you look closely at George’s hair, you can see where his hairline has started to recede.
9007बेमेल – Incongruousout of place; inconsistent or incompatible – अनुपयुक्त; असंगत या असंगतHow incongruous of a fat doctor telling me to lose weight!
9008ओवरलैप – Overlapto extend over something and cover it partially – किसी चीज़ पर विस्तार करना और उसे आंशिक रूप से ढकनाBecause his teeth overlap at the bottom, Charles needs braces to straighten them out.
9009अल्प – Meagervery small or too small in amount – मात्रा में बहुत छोटा या बहुत कमMy daughter is quick to complain about what she considers to be a meager allowance.
9010Tesserae – Tesseraea small square of material used in ancient times for a token, ticket, tally, or other such item – प्राचीन काल में टोकन, टिकट, टैली या ऐसी अन्य वस्तु के लिए उपयोग की जाने वाली सामग्री का एक छोटा वर्गMost civilizations of the past liked to use precious materials as tesserae, which is why ancient Rome used gold for their currency.
9011जाति – Castea class hierarchy determined by a person’s heritage – किसी व्यक्ति की विरासत द्वारा निर्धारित वर्ग पदानुक्रमIn the tribe, there is a caste system based on skin color with the darker-skinned people comprising the lower class.
9012निकरबॉकर – Knickerbockera descendant of the Dutch settlers of New York – न्यूयॉर्क के डच निवासियों का वंशजThe knickerbocker was a settler that arrived in New York long before the United States was independent.
9013चकित – Amazedshocked; stunned – स्तब्ध; अवाकAmazed by the great temple, the tourist stood in awe of the beautiful building.
9014तेरा – Thinea form of the word thy or the word your that is used before a vowel – तेरा या तेरा शब्द का एक रूप जो स्वर से पहले प्रयोग किया जाता हैTo thine own self you should always be true.
9015vergence – Vergencethe simultaneous movement of the pupils of the eyes toward or away from one another during focusing – ध्यान केंद्रित करने के दौरान आंखों की पुतलियों का एक साथ एक दूसरे की ओर या दूर जानाThe optometrist explained that during vergence, the eyes move inwardly in opposite directions to focus on an object.
9016मोड़ – Turnto rotate or twist – घुमाना या मोड़नाTurn the knob all the way to 350 degrees so that the oven can preheat.
9017शोक – Grieveto mourn or be upset over a loss – किसी हानि पर शोक मनाना या दुःखी होनाTaking the time to grieve the loss of a loved one is an important part of the healing process.
9018नाश – Ravageto destroy – ध्वंस करनाThe category five hurricane will ravage the city.
9019अनावृत करना – Exposéa report that reveals previously unknown information – एक रिपोर्ट जो पहले से अज्ञात जानकारी का खुलासा करती हैThe journalist’s exposé revealed the truth about the governor, who had been making illegal bribes for his support.
9020अमेज – Amazeto fill with surprise, astonish – आश्चर्य से भरना, आश्चर्य से भरनाArthur does not fail to amaze everyone with his quick wit and humor.
9021पेचीदा – Labyrinthinetwisting or winding in a maze-like manner – भूलभुलैया की तरह घुमाना या घुमानाThe winding strokes of the artist’s labyrinthine abstract paintings will make you dizzy if you look at them for too long.
9022चेहरा – Facethe surface of (especially the front) of a thing – किसी चीज़ की सतह (विशेषकर सामने की ओर)।The face of the table had a scratch that ran all the way across the top.
9023गला – Larynxan organ in the neck of humans and animals that contains your vocal cords; voice box – मनुष्यों और जानवरों के गले में एक अंग जिसमें आपकी स्वर रज्जु होती है; आवाज बॉक्सStrain on her larynx caused the singer’s voice to crack.
9024शांत – Pacificcalm, peaceful – शांत, शांतिपूर्णThe burglar was able to escape with many valuables because the homeowner’s dog was very pacific.
9025नजदीक – Nearercloser or not as far away – करीब है या उतना दूर नहीं हैThe fan tried to draw nearer to the musician, but the star’s security blocked the stage.
9026त्रस्त – Inuredable to withstand hardship; to become accustomed to something unpleasant by prolonged exposure – कठिनाई झेलने में सक्षम; लंबे समय तक संपर्क में रहने से किसी अप्रिय चीज़ का आदी हो जानाPeople in northern regions are inured to the cold weather, and some will even jump into freezing water on occasion.
9027उदासीन – Indifferentnot interested in or concerned about something – किसी चीज़ में रुचि या चिंता न होनाAs political aides, we are going door-to-door in hopes of getting indifferent voters to come out to the polls.
9028प्रवाहित – Flowedmoved along steadily and continuously – लगातार और लगातार आगे बढ़ेThe water flowed through several channels and streamed off the side of the mountain.
9029सरहदबंदी – Demarcationa dividing line – एक विभाजन रेखाA basketball court has many lines, but there is one demarcation right in the middle that divides the court in half.
9030हाइलाइट – Highlightedemphasized; stressed – जोर दिया; पर बल दियाThe student highlighted all of the critical info in her notes so that she could go back and read it later.
9031सावधान – Warycaution; guarded; careful – सावधानी; संरक्षित; सावधानOne of the most important lessons that parents must teach young children is to always be wary of strangers.
9032पेशीनगोई का – Oracularprophetic; predictive – भविष्यवाणी; भविष्य कहनेवालाGazing into her crystal ball, the clairvoyant uttered an oracular tale of what the woman’s life would be like.
9033प्रशस्त – Paveto overlay a surface usually with cement or concrete in order to make it easier to travel on – यात्रा को आसान बनाने के लिए किसी सतह को आमतौर पर सीमेंट या कंक्रीट से ढकनाThe interstate was down to one lane of traffic since the county decided to pave the rough road.
9034घुड़सवार – Cavalierdisplaying a lack of worry – चिंता की कमी प्रदर्शित करनाBryan will regret his cavalier attitude about studying when he fails to graduate on time.
9035एस्ट्रल – Astralrelated to the stars – सितारों से संबंधितA telescope is being used to look at stars and other astral objects in the sky.
9036उलझाना – Encumberto restrict or burden in such a way that action is limited – इस तरह से प्रतिबंधित या बोझ डालना कि कार्रवाई सीमित होThe chaperon’s rules did not encumber the female members of the swim team from sneaking out of their hotel at night.
9037उग्रवादी – Extremista person who holds radical views that are viewed as extreme or fanatical – एक व्यक्ति जो कट्टरपंथी विचार रखता है जिसे अतिवादी या कट्टर माना जाता हैBecause they are an extremist group, ISIS has some very fanatical religious views.
9038आगे बढ़ाने – Furtherancea continuance usually by assisting something – आमतौर पर किसी चीज़ की सहायता करके निरंतरताThe furtherance in the study of the document showed that it was a fake which was not noticed before by the researchers.
9039चराई – Grazingeating small portions of food throughout the day instead of large meals – बड़े भोजन के बजाय पूरे दिन भोजन के छोटे हिस्से खानाThe queen was grazing over fancy hors d’oeuvres all day and was too full to eat dinner.
9040पूर्व – Anteto make an investment in money before knowing one’s chances – किसी की संभावना जानने से पहले पैसे में निवेश करनाEvery player is required to place an ante of the chosen amount into the center of table when playing poker.
9041लंबा शॉट – Long shota gamble or risk that isn’t likely to pay off – एक जुआ या जोखिम जिसका भुगतान होने की संभावना नहीं हैGetting into the exclusive college is a long shot, but I’ve decided to take the risk and apply anyway.
9042अंतिम संस्कार – Funerala ceremony held by family members to honor and bid farewell to the deceased – मृतक के सम्मान और विदाई के लिए परिवार के सदस्यों द्वारा आयोजित एक समारोहWe have to hold a funeral for my Uncle, who died a few days ago, but I don’t have any black clothes to wear to it.
9043स्वर – Vowela speech sound (a, e, I, o, or u) you make with your mouth open and your tongue in the middle – एक भाषण ध्वनि (ए, ई, आई, ओ, या यू) जिसे आप अपना मुंह खुला और अपनी जीभ बीच में रखकर बनाते हैं‘E’ is the most frequently used vowel, being used to form words like ‘feel’ and ‘exercise.’
9044जॉक – Jocka high school or college athlete – एक हाई स्कूल या कॉलेज एथलीटBecause he’s not a very good student, the jock had to rely on his athletic ability to secure a scholarship.
9045संस्करण – Versionan alternative to the original. usually used to make a comparison – मूल का एक विकल्प. आमतौर पर तुलना करने के लिए उपयोग किया जाता हैShe preferred the movie version of Les Miserables to the novel because it was much shorter.
9046देखभाल करने वाला – Caringkind and thoughtful – दयालु और विचारशीलThe caring boy helped the elderly woman cross the road in the rain even though he didn’t have a raincoat on.
9047कुटिल – Flexuoushaving bends or curves – मोड़ या वक्र होनाDriving down the flexuous road, the driver was made nervous by all of the sharp curves and abrupt bends.
9048क्रुड – Cruda filthy substance that is considered disgusting, gross, and dirty – एक गंदा पदार्थ जो घृणित, स्थूल और गंदा माना जाता हैBecause he never brushes or flosses, the man’s teeth are caked with disgusting crud.
9049कथित तौर पर – Reportedlyallegedly; supposedly – कथित तौर पर; माना जाता हैReportedly, several break-ins have occurred in the local area.
9050प्राथमिकता – Priorityof most importance. – सर्वाधिक महत्व का.Although I like to go out and have a good time, working and paying bills is a priority over everything else.
9051अत्यावश्यक – Vitalessential for something – किसी चीज़ के लिए आवश्यकPeanut butter is a vital ingredient in the recipe for peanut butter cookies.
9052छोटा – Petitecomparatively little or tiny – तुलनात्मक रूप से छोटा या छोटाAs the petite woman walked into the basement with the low ceiling, she certainly didn’t have to duck like everyone else.
9053निवास – Habitationthe state of living in somewhere – कहीं रहने की अवस्था या भावIf the wildfires continue, the area will not be safe for habitation.
9054प्रमाण – Evidencefacts or proof that something existed or that an event happened – तथ्य या सबूत कि कुछ अस्तित्व में था या कोई घटना घटी थीSince there was no evidence to prove the suspect was guilty, the police had to let him go.
9055ईमानदार – Conscientiousworking hard and careful to do things well – चीजों को अच्छे से करने के लिए कड़ी मेहनत और सावधानी से काम करनाCarrie is a conscientious worker who completes every task.
9056तिमाही – Quarterone of four equal parts – चार बराबर भागों में से एकWith five minutes left on the clock, the defense performed much better than they did in the previous quarter.
9057बेदम – Breathlesspanting or gasping for breath – हांफना या सांस लेने के लिए हांफनाThe smoker always felt breathless after he coughed and gasped for air.
9058तिरस्कार – Disparagementthe act of speaking about something negatively or disrespectfully – किसी बात के बारे में नकारात्मक या अनादरपूर्वक बोलने की क्रियाBecause of his disparagement of the other kids, the mocking teen was known as a playground bully.
9059पक्षीशाल – Aviaryconfinement for keeping birds; a birdhouse – पक्षियों को रखने के लिए कारावास; एक पक्षीघरBuilding an aviary close to his home allowed the bird keeper to watch the fowls from his window.
9060दानशील – Charitablegenerous in giving to those in need – जरूरतमंदों को देने में उदारCharitable donations were made to help those who lost their homes during the flood.
9061चुटकुला – Epigrama brief and witty saying or poem – एक संक्षिप्त और मजाकिया कहावत या कविताAt his daughter’s wedding, Jason shared a heartwarming epigram he had written.
9062लोहदंड – Crowbaran iron bar with a flat end that is used as a lever or to pry things – एक सपाट सिरे वाली लोहे की छड़ जिसका उपयोग लीवर के रूप में या चीजों को निकालने के लिए किया जाता हैAfter using a crowbar to pry open the back door, the robber dropped the iron tool and made his way inside the bank.
9063जल्लाद – Executionerthe person who discharges the death of a death penalty criminal – वह व्यक्ति जो मृत्युदंड प्राप्त अपराधी को मृत्युदंड से मुक्त कर देता हैThe protocol for the hanging included draping a dark cloth over the criminal’s head before the executioner released the trap door.
9064धोखेबाज़ – Rookiea beginner of a team or job – किसी टीम या नौकरी का शुरुआती व्यक्तिAll of the fans groaned when the rookie of the team came up to bat because they knew he did not have the experience to hit a homerun.
9065जलाशय – Reservoira large natural or artificial lake used as a source of water supply – जल आपूर्ति के स्रोत के रूप में उपयोग की जाने वाली एक बड़ी प्राकृतिक या कृत्रिम झीलDue to the drought, the reservoir was almost bone dry.
9066ऊबाना – Cloyto disgust someone by being overly sweet or rich – अत्यधिक मीठा या अमीर होने के कारण किसी को घृणा करनाThe overly sweet candy was so sugary that it was able to cloy the children after a few sickening bites.
9067कठिन – Arduousdemanding great effort or labor; difficult – महान प्रयास या श्रम की मांग करना; कठिनLast semester was a piece of cake, but taking seven classes along with an internship this semester is going to be arduous!
9068बधाई दी – Greetedto have received a polite acknowledgment of one’s arrival – किसी के आगमन की विनम्र स्वीकृति प्राप्त करनाI am often greeted by an employee whenever I enter the grocery store, which makes me feel more welcome.
9069कोबाल्ट – Cobalta shade of blue that is darker than sky blue but lighter than navy – नीले रंग का एक शेड जो आसमानी नीले रंग से गहरा लेकिन नेवी से हल्का होता हैI figured that cobalt was the perfect shade of blue for my car, since it is not too light or dark.
9070खोना – Loseto misplace or get rid of something – किसी चीज़ का गलत स्थान पर रखना या उससे छुटकारा पानाI need a bright colored key chain since I lose my car keys at least once a week.
9071उबाऊ – Stuffydescribing someone that is unwelcoming of new ideas or concepts – किसी ऐसे व्यक्ति का वर्णन करना जो नए विचारों या अवधारणाओं का स्वागत न करता होMy grandpa is a stuffy old man that thinks technology is useless and has no place in schools.
9072क्रियाशील – Effectualeffectual means successful in producing a desired outcome – प्रभावशाली का अर्थ है वांछित परिणाम उत्पन्न करने में सफल होनाIt is crucial to maintain an effectual working relationship with your colleagues and coworkers.
9073देश-द्रोही – Parricidethe murder of a parental figure or close relative – माता-पिता या करीबी रिश्तेदार की हत्याBecause the number of teens killing their parents has recently increased, researchers have started to delve further into the issue of parricide.
9074आउट पेशेंट – Outpatientmedical treatment that takes place without being admitted to a hospital – चिकित्सा उपचार जो अस्पताल में भर्ती किए बिना होता हैThe outpatient rehab facility specializes in helping people overcome their drug addictions without having to live on the grounds.
9075स्वास्थ्य – Healththe mental or physical condition of an individual – किसी व्यक्ति की मानसिक या शारीरिक स्थितिMy 80-year-old grandfather exercises every day and is the picture of health.
9076ऊपर उठाया गया – Upendedturned or set something upside down – किसी चीज़ को उल्टा करना या स्थापित करनाThe frantic woman upended her purse dumping all of the contents out in search of her keys.
9077अन्यथा – Otherwisedifferently, in another way – अलग ढंग से, दूसरे ढंग से“Please put the cake away otherwise I may eat it all.”
9078आदर्श रूप में – Ideallypreferably; in a perfect world – अधिमानतः; एक आदर्श दुनिया मेंIdeally, I should exercise at least five days a week, but I don’t always get to the gym as I should.
9079ज्येष्ठ – Eldestthe oldest in age of a group – किसी समूह में उम्र में सबसे बुजुर्गAs the eldest of twelve children, Mabel had lots of chores and had to help take care of the younger ones.
9080लाइलाज – Irremediableunable to be remedied, cured, corrected or repaired – उपचार, इलाज, सुधार या मरम्मत करने में असमर्थBursting into tears, the young mother was appalled when she heard her baby had an irremediable disease which would cause severe pain for the rest of her life.
9081विजयी – Triumphantexperiencing a feeling of success – सफलता की भावना का अनुभव करनाWhen John successfully passed his final exams, he was drained yet triumphant.
9082आधार – Basethe bottom section that sustains a bigger item or thing – निचला भाग जो किसी बड़ी वस्तु या चीज़ को बनाए रखता हैBelow the Statue of Liberty on its base is an inscription welcoming and calling for any immigrants who want to make the United States their home.
9083लंबा-चौड़ा चरागाह – Savannaa big area of grassy land that has few trees and is generally found in South America and Africa – घास वाली भूमि का एक बड़ा क्षेत्र जिसमें बहुत कम पेड़ होते हैं और यह आमतौर पर दक्षिण अमेरिका और अफ्रीका में पाया जाता हैWith few trees on the savanna, the tourists had little escape from the heat.
9084धड़कन – Throbto pulse or pound – धड़कना या कूटनाPain began to throb in my leg due to my clumsiness when I fell and landed on it.
9085ज़िला – Districtan area of a country or a city – किसी देश या शहर का एक क्षेत्रMoving to a new district, it was difficult for the student to adjust to his new school.
9086रोक-थाम करना – Abateto lessen in degree or intensity – डिग्री या तीव्रता में कमी करनाI hope this medicine will abate the pain in my leg.
9087के जैसा लगना – Appearto become visible; to come into sight – दृश्यमान हो जाना; नज़र में आनाThe magician made the rabbit appear out of nowhere, surprising the audience who were shocked to see it hop out of the hat.
9088हैचलिंग – Hatchlingan infant animal that has recently hatched from an egg – एक शिशु जानवर जो हाल ही में एक अंडे से निकला हैThe baby snake has just hatched from its egg, but unfortunately its mother has no intention of caring for the hatchling.
9089एंटीक – Antiquean old piece of furniture, household item, or other similar item – फर्नीचर का एक पुराना टुकड़ा, घरेलू सामान, या अन्य समान वस्तुAfter researching the antique car, I became aware that it was over 100 years old and came directly off of Ford’s assembly line.
9090बुजुर्ग – Matronlyused to describe a middle-aged, married woman who is plump and dresses in a plain way – इसका उपयोग एक मध्यम आयु वर्ग की, विवाहित महिला का वर्णन करने के लिए किया जाता है जो मोटी है और सादे कपड़े पहनती हैThe more matronly customers selected long skirts and flats rather than mini-skirts and tall boots.
9091उदारता – Generouslyin a manner that shows willingness to give more than expected – इस तरह से जो अपेक्षा से अधिक देने की इच्छा को दर्शाता हैThe helpful volunteer generously gave ten hours of his time to help, though he was only expected to work for six.
9092आसमान – Welkinthe sky; heaven – आकाश; स्वर्गLooking up at the welkin, the camper was amazed by the countless stars.
9093विभिन्न – Divergentdifferent from each other or growing further apart – एक दूसरे से भिन्न होना या और अधिक दूर होनाThere were also divergent attitudes towards industrialization in China and Japan.
9094प्रतिवाद – Countermandto change or retract a command – किसी आदेश को बदलने या वापस लेने के लिएSince the bank robbers have hostages, the police chief decided to countermand the order to storm the building.
9095सिद्धांत – Doctrinea belief or collection of beliefs observed by a particular group – किसी विशेष समूह द्वारा मनाया गया विश्वास या विश्वासों का संग्रहBecause David was opposed to some elements of the church’s doctrine, he decided to find another place to worship.
9096जनसांख्यिकीय – Demographicdata and numbers sorted into categories about human characteristics – मानव विशेषताओं के बारे में डेटा और संख्याओं को श्रेणियों में क्रमबद्ध किया गयाAccording to the demographic study, there were twice as many boys born in South Carolina than girls.
9097अनुक्रम – Sequencearrangement of events in a specific order – एक विशिष्ट क्रम में घटनाओं की व्यवस्थाSwitching up the sequence of the recipe steps caused the usually delicious brownies to turn out inedible.
9098कण्ठमाला का रोग – Mumpsa contagious viral disease that causes the glands in the face to swell – एक संक्रामक वायरल रोग जिसके कारण चेहरे की ग्रंथियाँ सूज जाती हैंBecause the child’s cheeks were swollen like a chipmunk, the doctor knew that she probably had a viral case of the mumps.
9099केंद्रित – Centeredhaving something as a focal point – किसी चीज़ को केंद्र बिंदु के रूप में रखनाEvery day with the fitness-focused family was centered around working out and staying healthy.
9100हेसिंडा – Haciendaa large, Spanish estate – एक बड़ी, स्पेनिश संपत्तिA wildfire burned down the hacienda and caused the owners to seek shelter with friends.
9101पेकैंट – Peccanthaving committed a sin – पाप किया हैThe nun warned her peccant students about the consequences of sex outside of marriage.
9102निरोधक – Hinderingto slow down the progress of something – किसी चीज़ की प्रगति को धीमा करनाIsn’t it suspicious how the widow is hindering the investigation of her husband’s death?
9103जोकर – Clowna comedic circus entertainer that usually dresses up in a silly costume with a red nose and big shoes – एक हास्य सर्कस मनोरंजनकर्ता जो आमतौर पर लाल नाक और बड़े जूते के साथ एक मूर्खतापूर्ण पोशाक पहनता हैThe circus clown made the children laugh as he juggled bottles while singing a silly song.
9104पेइंग – Payinggiving money that is due for goods or services received – प्राप्त वस्तुओं या सेवाओं के लिए देय धन देनाThe couple is paying 900 dollars a month in rent to live in a small apartment in the country.
9105अधिकता – Pluralitya great amount or number – एक बड़ी रकम या संख्याWhen a plurality of people rushed into the store, the cashiers were overwhelmed.
9106हिम्मत – Virilitybeing manly or masculine, especially in strength – मर्दाना या मर्दाना होना, विशेषकर ताकत मेंBecause of her virility, the girl was referred to as a “tomboy” by most of her friends.
9107अतिपरवलिक – Hyperbolicrelated to language that is extremely exaggerated – भाषा से संबंधित जो अत्यंत अतिरंजित हैWhile Jim fought only one attacker during the mugging attempt, he changed his story into a hyperbolic tale by adding a few other attackers.
9108हंसोड़ – Risibleprovoking laughter – उत्तेजक हँसीAfter suffering through a busy tax season, Bob and his fellow accountants went out for some risible entertainment at the local comedy club.
9109हिलाना – Oscillateto swing back and forth – आगे-पीछे झूलनाThough you cannot see it, sound waves constantly oscillate as they travel through the air.
9110पुस्ताकों का कीड़ा – Bookwormsomeone who spends an inordinate amount of time studying or reading – कोई व्यक्ति जो पढ़ने या पढ़ने में अत्यधिक समय व्यतीत करता हैHermione Granger is a bookworm who would much rather spend her time in the library reading than socializing.
9111अभिमान – Hauteurconceit; arrogance – दंभ; अहंकारJim’s hauteur has led him to believe he is better than everyone else.
9112उत्सादन – Rescissionthe repeal or cancellation of a law or order – किसी कानून या आदेश का निरसन या रद्दीकरणI’m sure many people were grateful for the rescission of alcohol prohibition all those decades ago.
9113अस्वीकार्य – Inadmissibleexcluded or not allowed – बहिष्कृत या अनुमति नहींYoung children were inadmissible to the rated R movie because it contained inappropriate language and actions that they should not see.
9114स्वीकर – Condescendto display feelings of superiority – श्रेष्ठता की भावना प्रदर्शित करने के लिएIf you are writing an essay, you should never condescend to your reader, acting as though you are superior to them.
9115विचारशून्य – Inconsiderableminor, small or unimportant – छोटा, छोटा या महत्वहीनWith such an inconsiderable injury, the athlete simply continued to play the game since he knew the scratch in his leg wouldn’t cause him any problems.
9116उदास – Wistfulsad and reflective – दुखद और चिंतनशीलWhen I visit my mother’s grave, I feel wistful.
9117भड़काना – Instigateto trigger something – किसी चीज़ को ट्रिगर करनाJustine hoped to instigate Will and Gail’s separation by spreading false rumors about Will’s late nights at work.
9118असली – Genuinereal, authentic, and exactly as it appears – वास्तविक, प्रामाणिक और बिल्कुल वैसा ही जैसा दिखाई देता हैWhen the bride took her engagement ring to be reset she was shocked to discover that her diamond was not genuine but cubic zirconia.
9119साथ में – Alongbeside or by-the-side of something else – किसी और चीज़ के बगल में या बगल मेंThe road along the river was recently closed due to flooding.
9120चमक – Glittertiny pieces of reflective material that are usually used for decoration – परावर्तक सामग्री के छोटे टुकड़े जो आमतौर पर सजावट के लिए उपयोग किए जाते हैंGlitter lined the girl’s fancy prom dress to help it sparkle in the light.
9121के सिवा – Exceptingexcluding; except for – को छोड़कर; के अलावाExcepting a couple of pieces of bread and a jar of peanut butter, there wasn’t much to eat in Ms. Martha’s bare cupboards.
9122जब्ती – Repossessionthe act or process of taking back possession of something when a buyer defaults on payments – जब कोई खरीदार भुगतान में चूक करता है तो किसी चीज़ पर कब्ज़ा वापस लेने की क्रिया या प्रक्रियाRepossession of the defaulting party’s home happened after they no longer were able to afford the 1,200 a month mortgage payments.
9123फुसफुसाया – Hissedmade a sharp sound that sounds like the letter s – एक तेज़ ध्वनि निकली जो अक्षर एस जैसी लगती हैAs hot water seeped out of the pipe, it hissed and fizzled until the repairman was able to stop the leak.
9124आगे बढ़ना – Slogto work extremely hard over a period of time – एक निश्चित समयावधि में अत्यंत कठिन परिश्रम करनाThe road workers were forced to slog it out and continue the construction even through the holidays.
9125छूटना – Desquamateto peel off in flakes (especially when related to skin.) – गुच्छों में छीलना (विशेषकर जब त्वचा से संबंधित हो।)After rubbing her skin roughly when she showered, the woman’s dead hide started to desquamate into tiny flakes.
9126लोचदार – Elastica material or item that expands forward and back – वह सामग्री या वस्तु जो आगे और पीछे फैलती होAfter each Thanksgiving dinner, I was grateful that I decided to wear elastic waist pants so that it would adjust to my stomach size.
9127एयरोसोल – Aerosolsubstances confined under pressure and typically released in the form of a spray – पदार्थ दबाव में सीमित होते हैं और आमतौर पर स्प्रे के रूप में छोड़े जाते हैंA well-known form of aerosol is Febreeze, which is a spray that is released from under pressure to eliminate bad odors.
9128Goliath – Goliatha very large and powerful person, organization, or problem – बहुत बड़ा और शक्तिशाली व्यक्ति, संगठन या समस्याThe couple’s looming debt seemed like a Goliath, but they hoped to work extra jobs and tackle the problem without filing for bankruptcy.
9129हिस्टीरिया – Hysteriaa situation of unrestrained enthusiasm or intense fear – अनियंत्रित उत्साह या तीव्र भय की स्थितिThe hostages were in a state of hysteria when they were rescued by the police.
9130पर्सनहुड – Personhoodthe state of being a human being – मनुष्य होने की अवस्था या भावPersonhood rights were fought during slavery because each slave wanted to be regarded as a human being.
9131शाखा – Bougha large tree branch – एक बड़ी पेड़ की शाखाMulberries sprouted in each direction off of the main bough of the tree.
9132बदनाम करना – Defaceto damage or disfigure something, especially a surface – किसी चीज़ को, विशेषकर किसी सतह को क्षति पहुँचाना या विकृत करनाThey used spray paint to deface the professor’s portrait.
9133स्थानांतरण – Transferencea psychological phenomenon in which an individual redirects emotions and feelings from one person to another – एक मनोवैज्ञानिक घटना जिसमें एक व्यक्ति भावनाओं और भावनाओं को एक व्यक्ति से दूसरे व्यक्ति तक पुनर्निर्देशित करता हैIn a transference roleplay, the therapist pretended to be the client’s mother and let her act out her feelings of anger.
9134दोष – Defecta shortcoming, malfunction or imperfection – कोई कमी, खराबी या अपूर्णताI purchased an expensive pair of shoes for a fraction of the regular cost because of a tiny defect in the leather.
9135उम्र बढ़ने – Aginggetting older – वृद्ध होनाThe aging woman was obsessed with making her sagging skin look more youthful again.
9136भावुक – Sentimentalhaving excessive emotions about certain things or people – कुछ चीज़ों या लोगों के बारे में अत्यधिक भावनाएँ होनाJan becomes sentimental whenever she thinks about her deceased parents.
9137अदला – बदली – Trade-offa compromise in which one thing is traded for something of equal value – एक समझौता जिसमें एक चीज़ का समान मूल्य की चीज़ के लिए आदान-प्रदान किया जाता हैAs part of the divorce trade-off, the husband has agreed to give his wife the vehicle in exchange for the boat.
9138अचंभे में डाल देना – Dazea state of stunned confusion and a lack of clarity – स्तब्ध भ्रम की स्थिति और स्पष्टता की कमीIn a daze, I wandered through the hallways of the hospital, bumping into everyone that passed me by.
9139अनुकरण – Mimicrythe act of mirroring an action or behavior – किसी क्रिया या व्यवहार को प्रतिबिंबित करने की क्रियाDuring the talent show, the boy won the audience over when he performed a mimicry of his favorite rapper.
9140मूल्यह्रास – Depreciationthe decline in value of assets – संपत्ति के मूल्य में गिरावटThe depreciation of a new vehicle is very high when it rolls off of the dealer’s lot.
9141पदक्रम – Gradationa gradual transition from one phase or stage into another – एक चरण या चरण से दूसरे चरण में क्रमिक संक्रमणAlthough ravens, crows, and blackbirds all come from the same family, they have a gradation in color and wing span.
9142संस्था – Instituteto start, begin, or launch something – किसी चीज़ को शुरू करना, शुरू करना या लॉन्च करनाThe local police department will institute a search for the missing boy at 8 a.m.
9143नाकामयाबी – Setbacka reversal of progression – प्रगति का उलटा होनाThe principal lost his job, creating a financial setback for a few months until he found another one.
9144स्टोकेस्टिक – Stochastichaving a probability or random factor – संभाव्यता या यादृच्छिक कारक होना“Everyone knows that people who smoke cigarettes for many years are living a stochastic life since they might get cancer,” the doctor told his patient.
9145अत्यंत – Extremelyvery; enormously – बहुत; अत्यंतAlthough it was sweltering outside, the tourists braved the 103-degree weather and laid out in the scorching sun.
9146गुप्त रूप से – Sub rosato be done in a discreet way – विवेकपूर्ण तरीके से किया जाना चाहिएThe Planter’s Literary Society met in a sub rosa fashion so that only the members knew where to attend their meetings.
9147किले की दीवार – Ramparta fortified wall or embankment that serves as a protective barrier – एक दृढ़ दीवार या तटबंध जो एक सुरक्षात्मक बाधा के रूप में कार्य करता हैSoldiers formed a rampart around the city in order to protect Jericho from being overtaken.
9148संलग्न करना – Enclosedsurrounded with; fully encircled – से घिरा हुआ; पूरी तरह से घेर लिया गयाThe owners enclosed their swimming pool with a fence to stop small children from falling in.
9149वस्र – Vestmenta religious marking, clothing, etc., that is typically worn for symbolic purposes – एक धार्मिक चिह्न, वस्त्र आदि, जो आमतौर पर प्रतीकात्मक उद्देश्यों के लिए पहना जाता हैShia Muslims wear a black vestment to symbolize the sufferings of a major martyr of Islam.
9150किसको – Whomused instead of “who” as the object of a verb or preposition – क्रिया या पूर्वसर्ग की वस्तु के रूप में “कौन” के स्थान पर उपयोग किया जाता हैThe couple has three children, two of whom were adopted.
9151द्विविवाह का प्रथा – Bigamythe practice of having two spouses at the same time – एक ही समय में दो पति-पत्नी रखने की प्रथाAlan was charged with bigamy after the police discovered he was married to two women.
9152उपोत्पाद – By-producta secondary product or result that’s produced in the making or doing of something else – एक द्वितीयक उत्पाद या परिणाम जो किसी अन्य चीज़ के निर्माण या कार्य में उत्पन्न होता हैDorothy was told that a by-product of her pregnancy was nausea and vomiting, but that it would subside after her first trimester.
9153हलचल – Adotrouble, difficulty, or complications – परेशानी, कठिनाई, या जटिलताएँThere was a great deal of ado in trying to stop the committee from cancelling the school talent show, but all of the trouble was worth it since we succeeded.
9154सहारा – Recourseoptions or assistance during a difficult period or situation – कठिन अवधि या स्थिति के दौरान विकल्प या सहायताBefore hospitals, midwives were often the only recourse for expectant mothers.
9155निबंध – Dissertationa long essay on a particular subject, especially one written as a requirement for the Doctor of Philosophy degree – किसी विशेष विषय पर एक लंबा निबंध, विशेष रूप से डॉक्टर ऑफ फिलॉसफी की डिग्री के लिए एक आवश्यकता के रूप में लिखा गयाWhile pursuing his doctoral degree, the Ph.D. candidate elected to write his final thesis on the impact that depression during pregnancy can have on fetal development.
9156प्रत्यक्ष – Evidenteasily viewed or understood – आसानी से देखा या समझा जा सकेFrom the look on Dan’s face, it was evident he was disappointed with his low test score.
9157आपदा – Adversitya difficult situation or condition; misfortune – एक कठिन परिस्थिति या स्थिति; दुर्भाग्यBecause of the five-year drought, the farmer experienced a long period of adversity.
9158मतभेद करनेवाला – Dissidenta person who opposes the current political structure, group or laws; one who disagrees – एक व्यक्ति जो वर्तमान राजनीतिक संरचना, समूह या कानूनों का विरोध करता है; जो असहमत होCharlie’s family members were devout Catholics, while he was considered dissident for not identifying with the religion.
9159अकुशलता – Inefficiencyfailing to use resources such as time, materials, or labor in a practical way – समय, सामग्री या श्रम जैसे संसाधनों का व्यावहारिक तरीके से उपयोग करने में असफल होनाCriticized for its inefficiency, most Amazon reviews suggest that the microwave doesn’t heat well or quickly.
9160धूल में मिलाना – Debunkto reveal the inaccuracies associated with a belief – किसी विश्वास से जुड़ी अशुद्धियों को उजागर करनाMy attempts to debunk my young daughter’s belief in Santa Claus only ended with her crying for days.
9161विषय – Subjecta topic of discussion or written work – चर्चा या लिखित कार्य का विषयThe student wanted to write her research paper on animals, but her teacher asked her to pick another subject.
9162सोना निकालनेवाला – Prospectoran explorer in search of mineral deposits – खनिज भंडार की खोज में एक खोजकर्ताThe gold prospector ventured to the area in 1867 looking to strike it rich.
9163इंटरसेक्ट – Intersectto pass across and split – पार होना और विभाजित होनाWhile the architect was drawing two lines, they did intersect at one point resembling the letter “x”.
9164क्षमा – Bummersomething that is disappointing – कुछ ऐसा जो निराशाजनक हैNot getting the job was a bit of a bummer, but I’m hopeful that I will snag one soon.
9165हस्तक्षेप – Interfereto take part in the affairs of others – दूसरों के मामलों में भाग लेनाMy neighbor’s rowdy parties interfere with my nightly slumbers.
9166घूमना – Gyrateto move in a spiral or circular motion – सर्पिल या वृत्ताकार गति में घूमनाIf you want the exotic dancer to gyrate especially for you, you’ll have to pay for a private dance.
9167कश – Puffa small cloud of air, smoke, or vapor – हवा, धुएँ या वाष्प का एक छोटा सा बादलChildren love to let out a puff of breath in the winter because it creates a tiny cloud.
9168मित्र राष्ट्रों – Alliesfriends or supporters; those who can be trusted – मित्र या समर्थक; जिन पर भरोसा किया जा सकता हैThe USSR and Russia were allies in World War II, but their friendship turned to mistrust soon after the conflict ended.
9169बेदर्द – Unrelentingrefusing to yield or compromise – झुकने या समझौता करने से इनकार करनाThe unrelenting storm continued to destroy the area and seemed as if it would never end.
9170पता लगाना – Ascertainlearn or discover with certainty; determine – निश्चितता के साथ सीखें या खोजें; ठाननाDetective Jimmy was able to quickly ascertain the suspect was not being honest with him.
9171जलवायु – Climatethe temperature and weather associated with an environment or area – किसी पर्यावरण या क्षेत्र से जुड़ा तापमान और मौसमSkiing resorts typically are located in a colder climate so that snow will fall naturally during the season.
9172घूमना – Wanderto stray from a path or walk about without a purpose – किसी मार्ग से भटक जाना या बिना किसी उद्देश्य के इधर-उधर घूमनाThe bookworm loved to wander through the library and brush her fingers against the spines of the books.
9173खेल – Playact in a manner such as one has fun – इस तरह से कार्य करें जैसे किसी को मजा आता हो“Can I go out and play, now that the clouds have gone away?”
9174दृढ़ निश्चय वाला – Determinedstrong-minded; set on getting something done – मजबूत दिमाग वाला; कुछ करने के लिए तैयार हो जाओDetermined to beat his cancer, the man sought medical treatment for several months.
9175हठी – Mulishstubborn and inflexible; refusing to compromise – जिद्दी और अनम्य; समझौता करने से इनकारA mulish man, my boss is inflexible when it comes to strict workplace deadlines.
9176तीर्थयात्रा – Pilgarlicbald – गंजाThe glossy pilgarlic head was so bare that it was reflecting sunlight.
9177बुद्धि – Intellectthe capability to view things in a logical manner – चीज़ों को तार्किक ढंग से देखने की क्षमताThe scientist has a keen intellect and can easily solve most puzzles.
9178पार्श्व – Lateralof or pertaining to the side – पक्ष का या उससे संबंधितA beam runs along the top of the bridge, offering lateral support to the structure.
9179साबित – Provedshowed evidence to verify that a particular idea is true – यह सत्यापित करने के लिए सबूत दिखाए कि कोई विशेष विचार सत्य हैThe DNA evidence proved that the man wasn’t the killer, so he was released from jail.
9180शोर – Dina booming unpleasant racket – एक तेजी से बढ़ता अप्रिय रैकेटThe din from my neighbor’s party will probably keep me up all night.
9181फिरौती – Ransomsomething that is paid to free an individual who is being held as a hostage – कुछ ऐसा जो बंधक बनाए गए व्यक्ति को मुक्त कराने के लिए भुगतान किया जाता हैIn some cases you can pay the ransom and still not have your loved one returned.
9182सामग्री – Stuffvague objects – अस्पष्ट वस्तुएंJudy put all of the stuff that she didn’t need any more outside for her garage sale tomorrow.
9183इजारेदार – Monopolisticpertaining to the market system where a person or company has full control of a product or service in an area – बाज़ार प्रणाली से संबंधित जहां किसी व्यक्ति या कंपनी का किसी क्षेत्र में किसी उत्पाद या सेवा पर पूर्ण नियंत्रण होता हैSince the cable company was the only one in the small town, its monopolistic benefit allowed them to increase their prices as high as they wanted to go.
9184विकसित – Advancedprogressive; complex or of a higher order – प्रगतिशील; जटिल या उच्चतर क्रम काAdvanced courses are offered for students who want to progress quickly in a subject.
9185ऑक्सीकरण – Oxidationthe result of a substance coming into contact with oxygen, generating a deficit of electrons – किसी पदार्थ के ऑक्सीजन के संपर्क में आने से इलेक्ट्रॉनों की कमी उत्पन्न होती हैDuring oxidation, the oxygen caused the paint to peel off the metal rod.
9186आध्यात्मिक – Metaphysicalassociated with what is believed to be present yet not visible – जो माना जाता है कि वह मौजूद है फिर भी दिखाई नहीं देता, उससे जुड़ा हुआ हैIn the book, the main character spoke to a metaphysical being he couldn’t see.
9187गाली-गलौज – Vituperationcritical and abusive talk – आलोचनात्मक और अपमानजनक बातSpewing vindictive vituperation to anyone who would listen, the bitter employee spent most of her workday criticizing her boss.
9188भरी – Brimmingfill or be full to the point of overflowing – अतिप्रवाह की सीमा तक भरना या भरा होनाHer eyes were brimming with so many tears that they threatened to overflow.
9189कॉलिंग – Callingcrying out to attract someone’s attention – किसी का ध्यान आकर्षित करने के लिए चिल्लानाThe coach was continually calling out plays to the team, but they didn’t seem to hear his shouting.
9190आइसोटोप – Isotopeany of an element’s forms that differ because of the atom’s neutron count – किसी तत्व का कोई भी रूप जो परमाणु की न्यूट्रॉन गिनती के कारण भिन्न होता हैJust like an isotope, you are unlike your sibling because of the differences in your chemical makeups.
9191अभ्यास – Practiceto repeatedly carry out a practice or skill so that one can improve – किसी अभ्यास या कौशल को बार-बार क्रियान्वित करना ताकि उसमें सुधार किया जा सकेThe ballerina needs to practice all week so she will be ready for her dance recital.
9192साफ़ – Distinguishablebeing able to clearly see or hear something from within a whole and recognize it as different – किसी चीज़ को समग्र रूप से स्पष्ट रूप से देखने या सुनने में सक्षम होना और उसे अलग रूप में पहचाननाThe fuzzy words on the page were only distinguishable after Mike put on his glasses.
9193misspoken – Misspokenexpressed in a way that was unclear or inaccurate – इस तरह से व्यक्त किया गया जो अस्पष्ट या गलत थाFearing he had misspoken, the overly talkative gentleman apologized for his statements.
9194मजाकिया – Comicallyin a funny or joking way – मज़ाकिया या मज़ाकिया तरीके सेThe class clown would answer questions comically usually by explaining a situation that could never happen.
9195समझना – Realizeto understand or become aware of something – किसी बात को समझना या जागरूक होनाThe distracted driver didn’t realize the puppy was on the road and barely missed hitting him with her car.
9196ज़ाग – Zagmake a sharp change of direction – दिशा में तीव्र परिवर्तन करेंThe slanting skiers continued to zig and zag across the course until they reached the end of the slope.
9197प्रोद्भवन – Accrualrevenues and expenses that have been earned but are not yet recorded in the accounts – राजस्व और व्यय जो अर्जित किए गए हैं लेकिन अभी तक खातों में दर्ज नहीं किए गए हैंThe man’s quick accrual of debt caused his credit card companies to cancel all of his accounts.
9198की अवधारणा – Conceptualizeto come up with the idea or vision for something – किसी चीज़ के लिए विचार या दृष्टि उत्पन्न करनाDuring the meeting, we were asked to conceptualize a marketing plan for our client.
9199टुकड़े टुकड़े करना – Disintegrateto fracture into numerous tiny pieces and parts – असंख्य छोटे-छोटे टुकड़ों और भागों में विखंडित होनाWhen I stirred the mixture, the sugar seemed to disintegrate into the water.
9200विगलन – Abscissionthe natural shedding of parts of a plant – किसी पौधे के कुछ हिस्सों का प्राकृतिक रूप से झड़नाAbscission of leaves occurs during autumn, before winter sets in.
9201अहंभाव – Egoisman act of only valuing oneself – केवल स्वयं को महत्व देने का कार्यHer egoism became apparent among her friends when she kept bragging about everything she did right.
9202विद्रोह – Uprisingan act of resistance or rebellion – प्रतिरोध या विद्रोह का एक कार्यThe slave uprising led to several of the revolting men and women to be freed by their masters.
9203धमकी देना – Scarifyto make scratches or small cuts into something – किसी चीज़ में खरोंच या छोटा कट लगानाIf you scarify a seed by cutting it before planting, it will grow better in the ground.
9204किनारा – Shorethe land along the edge of a sea or other body of water – समुद्र या अन्य जलस्रोत के किनारे की भूमिTwo survivors swam to shore after the small plane crashed in the bay.
9205कगार – Vergeat the edge of, border of, or between two distinct sites – दो अलग-अलग स्थलों के किनारे, सीमा पर या उनके बीचShe stood on the verge of the lake at the line where the water met the sand.
9206बुरा व्यवहार करना – Mishandleto manage or deal with something in a wrong way – किसी चीज़ का ग़लत तरीक़े से प्रबंधन या निपटान करनाThe mailman continued to mishandle packages and was eventually fired for breaking and throwing items around.
9207डिस्पोजेबल – Disposableeasily expendable and then throw away – आसानी से खर्च किया जा सकता है और फिर फेंक दिया जाता हैBecause you can’t bring shaving equipment on a plane, many travelers buy disposable razors for the duration of their trip.
9208मोमबत्ती – Candlea block of wax with a center wick that gives off light when lit – बीच में बाती के साथ मोम का एक टुकड़ा जो जलाने पर प्रकाश देता हैLaura bought her mother a three-wicked wax candle that smelled like pumpkin spice when it burned.
9209मुक्तिदाता – Saviora person who saves or rescues another from danger – वह व्यक्ति जो दूसरे को खतरे से बचाता या बचाता हैAlthough most of the community saw Spiderman as a savior, others viewed him as a nuisance instead of a rescuer.
9210कटाक्ष – Sarcasma biting remark spoken to convey the opposite meaning – विपरीत अर्थ बताने के लिए कही गई कटु टिप्पणीWhile Jason is amused by his sarcasm, no one else likes his smart remarks.
9211अस्वीकार करना – Disownto refuse to acknowledge any connection with something – किसी चीज़ के साथ किसी भी संबंध को स्वीकार करने से इंकार करनाWhen his daughter ran off to get married, the angry father decided to disown her and never spoke to her again.
9212विकसित हो जाना – Outgrowto grow too big for something – किसी चीज़ के लिए बहुत बड़ा हो जानाThe ten-month-old will soon outgrow his infant car seat and transition into a larger one.
9213हानि से सुरक्षा – Indemnityinsurance that protects a company or individual from a financial loss or burden – बीमा जो किसी कंपनी या व्यक्ति को वित्तीय हानि या बोझ से बचाता हैAfter Janet received several speeding tickets, the cost of her indemnity insurance skyrocketed.
9214बम बरसाना – Blitza sudden or intensive effort, often referring to a military attack – अचानक या गहन प्रयास, अक्सर सैन्य हमले का जिक्र होता हैThe blitz bombing caught their adversaries by surprise, allowing them to win the war.
9215मोहभंग – Disenchantedlet down or disappointed – निराश या निराश होनाMy ex-husband’s cheating left me deeply disenchanted.
9216गेय – Lyrica line of a song or poem – किसी गीत या कविता की एक पंक्तिEach lyric of the song must be memorized before the singer takes the stage.
9217सुरक्षा – Securitya private police force that is put in charge of guarding a person or a place – एक निजी पुलिस बल जिसे किसी व्यक्ति या स्थान की सुरक्षा के लिए नियुक्त किया जाता हैArmed security was hired to stop robbers from holding up the bank.
9218देन – Pittancea tiny amount of something – किसी चीज़ की थोड़ी मात्राThe housekeeper was unable to pay her bills with the pittance her employers paid her.
9219उचित – Deservedwas worthy of – के योग्य थाThe hard-working educator deserved an award, so her students all chipped in to by her a ‘best teacher’ plaque.
9220लय में करना – Attuneto customize or modify something to be more receptive or capable – किसी चीज़ को अधिक ग्रहणशील या सक्षम बनाने के लिए अनुकूलित या संशोधित करनाThe radio transmitter wasn’t picking up what we needed, so I had to attune it to the right frequency.
9221टुकड़ा – Shredto tear or cut something into small pieces – किसी चीज़ को छोटे-छोटे टुकड़ों में फाड़ना या काटनाIf we are going to have chicken tacos for supper, someone needs to shred the chicken breasts into smaller pieces.
9222अनुग्रह पाने – Ingratiatingcapable of winning approval or favor – अनुमोदन या पक्ष जीतने में सक्षमThe charismatic furniture salesman was able to sell almost every piece on the showroom floor using his ingratiating speech and megawatt smile.
9223लॉरी – Lorrya large open vehicle used for hauling supplies or soldiers – एक बड़ा खुला वाहन जिसका उपयोग आपूर्ति या सैनिकों को ढोने के लिए किया जाता हैAfter the major battle, a lorry filled with medical equipment traveled to the army hospital to restock its inventory.
9224ढीला – Laxrelaxed and not strict – आराम से और सख्त नहींThe lax entry requirements let just about anyone in.
9225लाल – Reda hue between orange and violet that is known for coloring both fire and apples – नारंगी और बैंगनी रंग के बीच का एक रंग जो आग और सेब दोनों को रंगने के लिए जाना जाता हैThe scarlet colored rubies shined brightly, their red hue causing them to stand out like a fire truck.
9226शांत करना – Assuageto relieve or ease unpleasant feelings – अप्रिय भावनाओं को दूर करने या कम करने के लिएDarren tried to assuage his wife’s fear of flying by buying her a drink and holding her hand during takeoff.
9227फूला हुआ – Bloatedswollen with fluid – तरल पदार्थ से सूज गयाThe puppy’s belly seems bloated, but we aren’t sure if it is extra fluid or puppies.
9228पूरा – Completeto finish; to conclude; to reach the end – को खत्म करने; समाप्त करने के लिए; अंत तक पहुँचने के लिएThe investigation into the store robbery is complete once the criminal confessed.
9229जांच – Examininginspecting or studying something in an effort to find a flaw or defect – किसी दोष या दोष को खोजने के प्रयास में किसी चीज़ का निरीक्षण या अध्ययन करनाThe insurance adjuster spends most of his days examining the damaged vehicles and filing claims on the damage he noted.
9230कश्ती – Kayaka type of canoe categorized by a lightweight frame and a waterproof covering with a hole to sit in – एक प्रकार की डोंगी जिसे हल्के फ्रेम और जलरोधी आवरण के आधार पर वर्गीकृत किया जाता है जिसमें बैठने के लिए छेद होता हैThe difference in a canoe and a kayak is that the latter has a waterproof tarp stretched tight over the top of it.
9231मुखर – Cheekyimpudent or unapologetic but in a generally charming way – ढीठ या अप्राप्य लेकिन आम तौर पर आकर्षक तरीके सेThe third grader was extremely cheeky, rarely referring to the teacher as ‘Mr. Walters’ rather than ‘gramps,’ but it was somewhat endearing.
9232पिघला हुआ – Meltedturned from a solid to a liquid form – ठोस से तरल रूप में परिवर्तित हो गयाThe cheese melted on top of the hamburger patty once the heat was turned up under the frying pan.
9233सांकेतिक – Allusiveimplying, hinting or indirectly suggesting something – किसी बात का संकेत करना, संकेत करना या परोक्ष रूप से सुझाव देनाThe man was very allusive when he dropped hints about the gifts he bought for his wife’s birthday.
9234दोहराना – Repeatto do or say something over again – किसी बात को दोबारा करना या कहनाThe producer couldn’t decide if he wanted to end the song after the final verse of have the chorus repeat again.
9235धार – Torrenta huge and heavy cascade of water or other material – पानी या अन्य सामग्री का एक विशाल और भारी झरनाWith the torrent of rain, I grabbed my umbrella to go outside but really just wanted to remain inside.
9236मस्त – Overjoyedexceedingly happy – अत्यधिक खुशThe couple was overjoyed when they found out they were pregnant after being unable to conceive for years.
9237अतिप्रजन का – Congestedcrowded and blocked – भीड़भाड़ और अवरुद्धMoving through the congested city, the cars honked their horns loudly as pedestrians darted across the roadway.
9238बच्चागाड़ी – Perambulatora stroller – एक घुमक्कड़ीThe baby was being pushed in the stroller-like perambulator on a sunny day.
9239पछताया हुआ – Contritefeeling or showing remorse or regret – पछतावा या पछतावा महसूस करना या दिखानाThe contrite young boy apologized to his parents for breaking the window and took on extra household chores to cover the cost of repairing it.
9240ट्वाडेल – Twaddleto talk or write in a way that is foolish or silly – ऐसी बात करना या लिखना जो मूर्खतापूर्ण या मूर्खतापूर्ण होThe gossiping teenagers need to find something better to do that twaddle nonsense all day.
9241एकीकृत – Integratedunified by bringing separate parts together – अलग-अलग हिस्सों को एक साथ लाकर एकीकृत किया गयाIn the 1950s, the black and white schools integrated, bringing children of all races into one building.
9242सुन्न – Insensitivehaving no concern or care for the feelings of other people – दूसरे लोगों की भावनाओं की कोई चिंता या परवाह न करनाI do not mean to be insensitive, but my lack of understanding for other people’s troubles sometimes comes across as that.
9243आकर्षक – Glamorousstylishly fashionable – स्टाइलिश रूप से फैशनेबलDressed in a mink coat and long satin gown, the glamorous celebrity strutted down the red carpet.
9244बहुरूपिया – Proteanchanging often; variable – बार-बार बदलना; चरBecause the woman’s affections are protean, she has ten ex-husbands.
9245क्रीक – Creeka small body of running water – बहते पानी का एक छोटा सा पिंडThey headed down to the creek to skip rocks.
9246भावशून्य – Deadpanshowing no feeling or emotion – कोई भावना या भावना नहीं दिखानाThe waitress’s deadpan expression made her appear cold to her customers.
9247Loquacity – Loquacitythe act of talking a lot – बहुत बातें करने की क्रिया या भावAll I had to do was listen for the loquacity of a person on their cell phone to know that it was a teenager.
9248तारतम्यहीन – Incommensurablenot able to be judged by the same standard – एक ही मानक से परखे जाने में सक्षम नहींThe two criminals are incommensurable, for one has committed far more heinous crimes far more frequently, and one is just a petty thief.
9249पिघला हुआ – Moltenmaterial that has been heated to a very high temperature and is now a liquid form – वह सामग्री जिसे बहुत अधिक तापमान तक गर्म किया गया है और अब वह तरल रूप में हैGooey molten chocolate seeped out of the top of the mountain-shaped cake.
9250अहस्तक्षेप – Laissez-faireThe policy of not interfering in the affairs of others – दूसरों के मामलों में हस्तक्षेप न करने की नीतिSince the dictator is killing Christians in his country, there is no way Christian nations can simply do nothing while observing a laissez-faire policy.
9251युद्ध – Battlea fight or confrontation in which two sides face off – एक लड़ाई या टकराव जिसमें दो पक्षों का आमना-सामना होता हैLosing their final battle, the Indians agreed to give up their land and move west.
9252अनुदैर्ध्य – Longitudinalrunning lengthwise – लंबाई में चल रहा हैThe longitudinal placement of the rug spread from east to west.
9253अविश्वसनीय – Unbelievableincredible; not able to be imagined – अविश्वसनीय; कल्पना करने योग्य नहींStaring at the winning ticket, the man felt it unbelievable that he could be a millionaire.
9254आत्मकथा – Autobiographythe story of an individual’s life written by that individual – किसी व्यक्ति के जीवन की कहानी उस व्यक्ति द्वारा लिखी गईTo learn about the deceased celebrity, you should read the autobiography he wrote about his life.
9255स्राव – Secretionthe process of releasing a substance (from an animal’s body) – किसी पदार्थ को (जानवर के शरीर से) मुक्त करने की प्रक्रियाWhen the woman reduced her sugar intake, her body’s insulin secretion lowered as well.
9256दीर्घस्थायी – Ingrainedestablished; firmly fixed – स्थापित; मजबूती से जुड़ा हुआBeing right-handed was ingrained in me so that it was very difficult to write with my left hand.
9257प्रधान पादरी – Pontificateto speak in an arrogant tone, particularly for a long period – अहंकारी स्वर में बोलना, विशेषकर लंबे समय तकIf you dare to question the professor, he will give you an evil look and then proceed to pontificate on a totally different subject.
9258वेतन प्रपत्र – Paystuba piece of paper given to a worker that shows the amount of money he or she earned and what was taken for taxes – किसी कर्मचारी को दिया गया कागज का टुकड़ा जो दर्शाता है कि उसने कितना पैसा कमाया और कितना कर चुकायाWithout a paystub to show the actual numbers, the employee couldn’t be sure what was being taken out for taxes.
9259क्रिसमस के त्योहार के – Yuletidean old term for the Christmas season – क्रिसमस सीज़न के लिए एक पुराना शब्दYuletide is a time in which we celebrate Christmas, but for a lot of people that season is mostly just about presents and snow.
9260बढ़ावा देना – Conniveto conspire or plan – षडयंत्र या योजना बनानाThe billionaire did not believe his greedy children would connive to murder him.
9261पहचान – Identitywho someone is – कोई कौन हैWith a blonde wig and dark trench coat, the celebrity’s identity was unrecognizable.
9262प्रवाहमय – Fluentable to express oneself easily – स्वयं को आसानी से अभिव्यक्त करने में सक्षमThe taxi driver was fluent in several languages, allowing him to help the city’s immigrants move around.
9263चारा – Foddera person or thing that is used for a specific reason – वह व्यक्ति या वस्तु जिसका उपयोग किसी विशिष्ट कारण से किया जाता हैThe celebrity’s arrest made great fodder for the tabloid journalists.
9264शिखर – Vertexthe tapering point where two lines meet – वह पतला बिंदु जहाँ दो रेखाएँ मिलती हैंWayne had the odd habit of eating his pizza from the vertex to the crust.
9265लेस – Lacingto tie or tighten a piece of clothing or shoe by pulling the laces (strings) – किसी कपड़े या जूते के टुकड़े को फीते (तार) खींचकर बाँधना या कसनाThe boy has trouble lacing his shoes up, so his mother is showing him how to tie them.
9266लालन-पालन करना – Dandleto move up and down on one’s knee or in one’s arms, in affectionate play, as an infant – एक शिशु के रूप में, स्नेहपूर्ण खेल में, अपने घुटनों पर या अपनी बाहों में ऊपर-नीचे घूमनाOnce Uncle Claude saw his two-year old nephew, he began to dandle him on his knee.
9267आमतौर पर – Ordinarilyusually, normally, or routinely – आमतौर पर, सामान्य रूप से, या नियमित रूप सेOrdinarily I wouldn’t bother going outside before noon, but it’s snowing and I would like to play in it before it all melts.
9268मद्यपान का उत्सव – Revelryloud and rough partying – ज़ोर-ज़ोर से और ज़ोर-ज़ोर से पार्टी करनाAfter participating in a night of revelry, the college student woke up with a hangover.
9269पीढ़ी – Generationthe average amount of time needed for children to grow up and have children of their own – बच्चों के बड़े होने और स्वयं के बच्चे पैदा करने के लिए आवश्यक औसत समयIt’s not uncommon to learn that some diseases and health conditions can carry from one generation to the next.
9270बैंकिंग – Bankingbusiness services offered by a financial institution (bank) that receives deposits of money and gives loans – एक वित्तीय संस्थान (बैंक) द्वारा दी जाने वाली व्यावसायिक सेवाएँ जो धन जमा प्राप्त करती है और ऋण देती हैThe corporation transferred its banking to Chase since they offer better discounts than the previous account holder did.
9271कठिन – Rigorousstrict and demanding – सख्त और मांग करने वालाTo gain entry into any Special Forces unit in the military, you must push through rigorous testing.
9272अक्षय – Renewableto be lengthened for a longer period of time, or able to be recreated – लंबी अवधि के लिए लंबा किया जाना, या फिर से बनाए जाने में सक्षम होनाBecause my current one is renewable, I never need a new identification card for college.
9273क्षोभ मंडल – Tropospherepart of the atmosphere where visible weather changes occur – वायुमंडल का वह भाग जहाँ दृश्यमान मौसम परिवर्तन होते हैंMeteorologists analyze shifting weather patterns in the troposphere in order to predict the forecast.
9274तौला – Weighedassessed the importance of something, usually to make a decision – आमतौर पर निर्णय लेने के लिए किसी चीज़ के महत्व का आकलन किया जाता हैWhen looking for a car, the buyer weighed all of her options and chose the best fit for her family.
9275पहुँचा – Arrivedreached a place or stage – किसी स्थान या मंच पर पहुँचनाSet staff was irritated that the always late actress arrived on scene two hours after everyone else.
9276एक प्रकार की तिनपतिया घास – Shamrocka three-leaved green plant (clover) that is used as a symbol for Ireland – एक तीन पत्तियों वाला हरा पौधा (तिपतिया घास) जिसका उपयोग आयरलैंड के प्रतीक के रूप में किया जाता हैIf you are able to find a shamrock with four leaves instead of three, you will have the luck of the Irish.
9277चेतावनी – Admonishmentharsh advice or statements warning someone against an action – किसी को किसी कार्रवाई के विरुद्ध चेतावनी देने वाली कठोर सलाह या बयानMinnie doesn’t mind honest advice, but her father’s admonishment came off as cold and uncaring.
9278अजनबी – Extrinsicnot belonging to, outside of – से संबंधित नहीं, के बाहरWe did not expect there to be any issues with our wedding date, however the weather turned into an extrinsic factor that forced us to change the date.
9279ब्लेड – Bladethe flat edge of a knife, saw, or a weapon – चाकू, आरी या हथियार की सपाट धारUsing the blade of the knife, the mailman was able to slice the tape holding the box together.
9280लपेटना – Swathea bandage; a band – एक पट्टी; एक बैंडWrapping the swathe around the wound, the good samaritan hoped that the bandage would hold until helped arrived.
9281कपटी – Deceptivemisleading – गुमराह करने वालेThe deceptive woman led me to believe that she was divorced when in fact she was married with children.
9282समलैंगिक – Homosexualsomeone who is attracted to those of the same sex – कोई व्यक्ति जो समान लिंग के लोगों के प्रति आकर्षित होWhen Jamal came out as a homosexual, his parents were extremely upset to learn that he was in love with a boy and not a girl.
9283मज़ेदार – Toothsometasty and delicious – स्वादिष्ट और स्वादिष्टThe toothsome gumbo is the most delicious dish included on the café’s menu.
9284घोड़ी – Marea female horse – एक मादा घोड़ाPlacing the saddle on the back of Petunia, the cowboy prepared the mare for their long journey through the mountains.
9285व्यय किया – Incurredhaving gained something, usually something unpleasant, because of one’s own actions – अपने स्वयं के कार्यों के कारण कुछ प्राप्त करना, आमतौर पर कुछ अप्रियBecause I made too many long distance calls while out of the country, I incurred many different charges on my phone bill.
9286तंत्रिका अवरोध – Nervous breakdowna period of mental illness that results from depression, stress, or anxiety – मानसिक बीमारी की अवधि जो अवसाद, तनाव या चिंता से उत्पन्न होती हैAfter finding out that her husband was having an affair, the upset wife had a nervous breakdown and ended up in the mental hospital.
9287सुअर का – Porcinerelating to or looking like pigs – सूअरों से संबंधित या उनकी तरह दिखने वालाThe porcine children continued to fight over the leftover soup like a trough of slop.
9288लौकिक – Plebeiannot worthy of the upper classes; ordinary – उच्च वर्गों के योग्य नहीं; साधारणThere is no way the plebeian could afford the country club’s expensive dues.
9289कम जीवन – Lowlifea criminal or other person with no morals or character – कोई अपराधी या अन्य व्यक्ति जिसमें कोई नैतिकता या चरित्र नहीं हैThe lowlife squatter lives in other people’s vacant homes and destroys them when he leaves.
9290बहुमुखी – Versatilehaving the ability to do a number of things well – कई चीजों को अच्छी तरह से करने की क्षमता होनाThe SUV is a versatile vehicle that blends in easily on the city streets and can also handle the wilderness of the mountain trails.
9291समतावाद – Egalitarianismthe idea of fairness for all humans – सभी मनुष्यों के लिए निष्पक्षता का विचारUnfortunately, egalitarianism does not exist in certain Middle East countries since women do not have the same rights as men.
9292गुच्छा – Tuftpieces of hair, grass, etc. that are held together at a base – बाल, घास आदि के टुकड़े जो एक आधार पर एक साथ बंधे होते हैंPulling each carrot up by its green tuft, the farmer tossed them quickly into a burlap sack.
9293व्यापारी – Merchantone who trades in goods to earn a profit – वह जो लाभ कमाने के लिए वस्तुओं का व्यापार करता हैThe greedy merchant raised the price of bread and milk during the blizzard.
9294बल देकर कहना – Assertiona bold declaration without proof – बिना सबूत के एक साहसिक घोषणाThe lawyer’s assertion will have us believe her client was not in the state at the time of the murder.
9295धीमा करना – Extenuateto cause a wrong act to be judged less because of circumstances – किसी गलत कार्य को परिस्थितियों के कारण कम आंका जानाThe woman’s troubled childhood wasn’t enough to extenuate or excuse her of killing her husband.
9296अलक्रिटस – Alacritousbeing eager and willing – उत्सुक और इच्छुक होनाThe alacritous recruit was ready to join the Army and signed up the day he turned eighteen.
9297अपर्याप्त – Inadequateinsufficient; not enough – अपर्याप्त; पर्याप्त नहींWe could not hire Donna because her educational requirements were inadequate.
9298डायन – Hagan old, ugly woman – एक बूढ़ी, बदसूरत औरतThe old hag uncovered her matted hair and raised her gnarled finger, toward the damp cave where she lived.
9299इस प्रकार – As suchusing the exact meaning of the word or phrase – शब्द या वाक्यांश के सटीक अर्थ का उपयोग करनाGinger was raised in a middle-class, conservative household, and her parents expected her to behave as such.
9300ख़ाली करना – Quaffto hastily consume a beverage – किसी पेय पदार्थ का जल्दबाजी में सेवन करनाThe huge athlete was able to quaff down a gallon of water in less than two minutes.
9301प्रवासी – Emigrationthe act of relocating to another region or nation – किसी अन्य क्षेत्र या राष्ट्र में स्थानांतरित होने की क्रियाBecause of the high rate of emigration, our country’s population is decreasing.
9302तकनीकी – Technologyusing scientific ideas for practical purposes, specifically in solving industry problems – व्यावहारिक उद्देश्यों के लिए वैज्ञानिक विचारों का उपयोग करना, विशेष रूप से उद्योग की समस्याओं को हल करने मेंReplacing the office’s outdated computer systems with new technology would allow the workers to get a lot more done.
9303अव्यवस्था – Cluttera messy collection of things lying around – चारों ओर पड़ी चीज़ों का गन्दा संग्रहClutter filled the elderly couple’s home as they refused to get rid of anything they had every bought.
9304भूमिगत – Undergroundin secrecy of hiding – छिपने की गोपनीयता मेंThe underground fighting ring is technically illegal, so they must keep it a secret from law enforcement if they wish to continue.
9305साइकिल चलाना – Cyclingthe act or sport of traveling on a bicycle – साइकिल पर यात्रा करने की क्रिया या खेलFamous for his cycling, Lance Armstrong, was stripped of his medals after it was discovered he took drugs to help him bike faster.
9306युद्धविराम – Armisticea break from fighting which gives two warring factions time to negotiate peace – लड़ाई से विराम जो दो युद्धरत गुटों को शांति वार्ता के लिए समय देता हैThe accidental firing of the missile broke the armistice and destroyed the chance of peace between the two nations.
9307प्रथम प्रवेश – Debutthe first public showing or appearance – पहला सार्वजनिक प्रदर्शन या उपस्थितिThe piano prodigy made his musical debut when he was only three years old.
9308बगैर सोचे – समझे प्रतिक्रिया व्यक्त करना – Ad hominemaimed towards a person’s character rather than their argument or stance – किसी व्यक्ति के तर्क या रुख के बजाय उसके चरित्र पर लक्षितDuring the debate, the politician’s ad hominem attack went after his opponent’s hair and makeup instead of her policies.
9309तारकीय – Stellarpertaining to the stars – सितारों से संबंधितBecause city lights make it difficult to fully enjoy the stellar beauty, stand in a dark and cloudless area to get the best stargazing experience possible.
9310ओलों – Hailsolid clumps of rain that fall as ice – वर्षा के ठोस गुच्छे जो बर्फ के रूप में गिरते हैंGolf ball sized hail cracked the man’s windshield when it fell from the sky.
9311पहेली – Puzzlementa feeling of confusion or bewilderment – भ्रम या व्याकुलता की भावनाThe student voiced his puzzlement when trying to solve the complex geometry problem.
9312वकालत – Advocacythe practice of supporting someone to make their voice heard – किसी की आवाज उठाने के लिए उसका समर्थन करने की प्रथाRecently the gun advocacy groups have spoken to Congress with hopes of change to current gun laws.
9313भाप – Steamwater vapor that is created when water is heated to a certain point – जलवाष्प जो तब बनता है जब पानी को एक निश्चित बिंदु तक गर्म किया जाता हैThe boiling pot of tea on the stove was giving off a lot of steam.
9314संभवतः – Mayhapperhaps or possibly – शायद या संभवतःMayhap we should leave this cave before we encounter whichever creature calls it home?
9315प्रच्छन्न – Coverthidden or secret – छिपा हुआ या गुप्तThe spy went to great lengths to make sure his enemies would not discover his covert plans.
9316समान होना – Resembleto be similar in appearance to something or someone – दिखने में किसी वस्तु या व्यक्ति के समान होनाFraternal twins often do not resemble each other at all.
9317मौलिक – Fundamentalbasic or essential part – बुनियादी या आवश्यक भागDribbling is a fundamental part of basketball.
9318परेशान – Botheredconcerned or worried about something – किसी बात से चिंतित या चिंतित होनाIt was clear that Sue was bothered by something, but I knew she wouldn’t tell me what worried her.
9319मध्यस्थ – Arbiterone who can settle a disagreement between parties – जो पार्टियों के बीच मतभेद सुलझा सकता हैAn arbiter will help the divorcing couple come to terms on a settlement.
9320प्रवेश – Penetrationthe act or process of one object forcing its way into another – एक वस्तु द्वारा दूसरी वस्तु में जबरदस्ती प्रवेश करने की क्रिया या प्रक्रियाThe amount of penetration an arrow would get on the body of an enemy soldier depended on the size of the bow, the tip of the arrow, and how much armor it had to pierce.
9321घुसपैठ – Infiltrateto secretly penetrate, enter or gain access – गुप्त रूप से घुसना, प्रवेश करना या पहुँच प्राप्त करनाAfter the air conditioning unit malfunctioned, a large amount of debris would infiltrate the air and cause sickness to the household.
9322भारोत्तोलक – Weightliftersomeone who takes part in a sport or activity in which they lift heavy weights or barbells – कोई व्यक्ति जो किसी खेल या गतिविधि में भाग लेता है जिसमें वह भारी वजन या बारबेल उठाता हैThe weightlifter slowly lifted up the massive bar, showing his strength as he curled it with his stiff muscles.
9323अत्याचार करना – Domineerto rule over someone in an arrogant way – किसी पर अहंकारपूर्वक शासन करनाThe impatient and intolerant mother made every effort to domineer over her compliant children.
9324हठ – Obstinacythe quality of refusing to be reasonable and change your behavior, plans, or ideas; stubborness – उचित होने और अपने व्यवहार, योजनाओं या विचारों को बदलने से इनकार करने की गुणवत्ता; हठAlthough the detectives grilled the witness for hours, his obstinacy in sticking to his story finally convinced them that he was telling the truth.
9325गरम – Warmhaving or expressing kindness, gentleness, friendliness, etc. – दया, नम्रता, मित्रता आदि का होना या व्यक्त होना।Vivian is well-loved by children because she is a warm and inviting person that makes everyone feel like family.
9326पारंपरिक – Conventionaldescribing the standard or the norm – मानक या मानदंड का वर्णन करनाIn many cultures, a handshake is a conventional greeting exchanged between people meeting for the first time.
9327खिलाया – Fedsupplied someone or something with food – किसी को या किसी वस्तु को भोजन उपलब्ध करायाAs a volunteer, the days when she fed the homeless were most rewarding.
9328भीड़ – Rabblea disorderly mob or crowd – उच्छृंखल भीड़ या भीड़An angry rabble gathered outside of the courthouse and threw bottles at the mob on the other side of the street.
9329शाकाहारी – Vegetariansomeone who chooses to abstain from eating meat – कोई व्यक्ति जो मांस खाने से परहेज़ करना चुनता हैShe became a vegetarian over the holiday when she gave up all meat for Lent.
9330बीतना – Befallto occur or happen to a person – किसी व्यक्ति के साथ घटित या घटित होनाIf anything bad should befall me, I leave all my possessions to my loving husband.
9331उधम – Fussyhard to please – खुश करना मुश्किल हैRefusing to be soothed, the fussy baby whined and cried all night long.
9332विशेष रूप से – Notablyin a manner that is remarkable or greater than expected – इस तरह से जो उल्लेखनीय हो या अपेक्षा से अधिक होJim was notably absent from his wedding reception.
9333आत्मघाती – Suicideto take one’s own life – अपनी जान लेने के लिएNot actually contemplating suicide, the depressed teenager mentioned wishing she was dead.
9334प्रत्यक्ष – Firsthandobtained personally or directly (usually referring to information drawn from a source) – व्यक्तिगत रूप से या सीधे प्राप्त की गई (आमतौर पर किसी स्रोत से ली गई जानकारी का संदर्भ)Survivors of the plane crash gave firsthand accounts to the news reporter once they were released from the hospital.
9335काम में लगा हुआ – Engagedoccupied; focused on something – कब्ज़ा होना; किसी चीज़ पर ध्यान केंद्रित करनाThe police officer was engaged in a drug bust, so he wasn’t able to answer the phone when his wife called.
9336कट्टरता – Zealotryfanatical in the pursuit of an ideal – किसी आदर्श की खोज में कट्टरWith how blindly and fervently the enemy soldiers threw themselves at our guns, I could only shake my head at their zealotry.
9337फोडा – Tumoran abnormal growth of tissue, whether benign or malignant – ऊतक की असामान्य वृद्धि, चाहे सौम्य हो या घातकThe malignant tumor spread from the large intestine into the bloodstream.
9338अतिरंजना – Overweeningarrogant; conceited – अभिमानी; अभिमानीEver since Jim won the contest, he has been overweening and acting as though he is the smartest kid on the planet.
9339कानूनी – Legalpermitted or allowed by the law – कानून द्वारा अनुमति या अनुमतिIt is legal for teenagers to buy cigarettes at 18, but the laws says they cannot purchase alcohol.
9340गांवारू – Yokelan uneducated and unsophisticated person, generally from the countryside – एक अशिक्षित और अपरिष्कृत व्यक्ति, आम तौर पर ग्रामीण इलाकों सेMy cousin is a complete yokel that still thinks the Earth is flat and chocolate milk comes from brown cows.
9341देखना – Lookto stare shortly at something – किसी चीज़ को शीघ्रता से घूरनाSince a big man stood in front of me during the football game, there was no way I could look at what was happening on the field.
9342चारों ओर से घेरना – Surroundto be completely around someone or something – पूरी तरह से किसी व्यक्ति या वस्तु के आसपास होनाThe troops had to surround the enemy from all sides to ensure that they didn’t escape.
9343पुनः प्राप्त करना – Retrieveto recover or regain – पुनः प्राप्त करना या पुनः प्राप्त करनाWhen the baseball went into the mean neighbor’s yard, everyone was too scared to retrieve it.
9344प्रस्तावना – Prefacethe opening or introduction of a presentation or book – किसी प्रस्तुति या पुस्तक का उद्घाटन या परिचयDuring his preface, the host thanked everyone who participated in the competition.
9345उत्तरजीवी – Survivora person that remains alive after an event that killed other people – वह व्यक्ति जो अन्य लोगों की जान लेने वाली घटना के बाद भी जीवित रहता हैCorporal Jenkins was a survivor of the ambush that killed some of his unit.
9346संस्करण – Versiona specific form of something that is slightly different from earlier styles – किसी चीज़ का एक विशिष्ट रूप जो पिछली शैलियों से थोड़ा अलग हैThe newest version of the iPhone has different features than the previous style.
9347रास्ता – Waya road, path, or another thoroughfare through which one can travel – एक सड़क, पथ, या कोई अन्य रास्ता जिसके माध्यम से कोई यात्रा कर सकता हैBecause our old path to the lake is overgrown with weeds, we will need to find a new way to get there.
9348ट्रक – Trucka large road vehicle used to carry goods and material – सामान और सामग्री ले जाने के लिए इस्तेमाल किया जाने वाला एक बड़ा सड़क वाहनA truck is needed to move the huge pile of rocks to the driveway.
9349व्यंजनापूर्ण – Euphemistichaving the qualities of rewording a harsh expression for one that is milder – किसी नरम अभिव्यक्ति के स्थान पर कठोर अभिव्यक्ति को दोबारा लिखने का गुण होनाAfter my father made his tactful statement about my friends, my mother corrected him by using a euphemistic replacement.
9350पूर्वविवेक – Forethoughtthought for the future – भविष्य के लिए सोचाJamie gave plenty of forethought to avoid sunburn while packing for her beach trip.
9351दर असल – Per seby itself or as such – अपने आप से या ऐसे ही“I have completed the report per se,” the employee showed his own report told his boss, “and had to stay up all night to complete it.”
9352भरोसा करना – Relyto depend upon – पर निर्भर होनाWe have learned not to rely on local weather reports since they are highly inaccurate.
9353पेनेट्रालिया – Penetraliapenetralia is a centermost hidden chamber or room – पेनेट्रालिया एक मध्यतम छिपा हुआ कक्ष या कमरा हैThe penetralia of the mysterious pyramid was a hidden chamber completely made of gold.
9354ठेठ – Typicalusual; normal – साधारण; सामान्यToday wasn’t a typical workday since our boss actually allowed us to take a break.
9355हीनता – Inferioritythe fact of being around people who are more capable than you – उन लोगों के आसपास रहने का तथ्य जो आपसे अधिक सक्षम हैंI had a feeling of inferiority when everyone around me could answer the questions easily except for me.
9356धसान – Slewto have killed something/someone – किसी चीज़/किसी को मार डाला होZeus slew many of his enemies by literally striking them down with bolts of lightning.
9357लिबरेट – Liberateto free – आज़ाद करने के लिएBecause the dogs were experiencing maltreatment, the compassionate man decided to liberate his neighbor’s animals.
9358पसंद – Liketo enjoy or adore something or someone – किसी चीज़ या किसी व्यक्ति का आनंद लेना या उसकी प्रशंसा करनाSarah knew her daughter would like the shirts she picked out for her since Sarah asked for them as a birthday present.
9359स्तर-विन्यास – Stratificationprocess leading to formation of layers – परतों के निर्माण की प्रक्रियाTaking millions of years, the stratification of the rock was not an instant process.
9360सांकेतिक शब्दों में बदलना – Codifyto classify things in a logical manner – चीज़ों को तार्किक ढंग से वर्गीकृत करनाIn the emergency room, a triage nurse works to codify patients by the severity of their symptoms.
9361आगे बढ़ना – Outstripto move further – आगे बढ़ने के लिएBeing trained for the Kentucky Derby, these horses outstrip any of the other horses running down the track.
9362क्लैड – Cladconcealed by something – किसी चीज़ से छिपा हुआFor safety reasons, the president’s vehicle is clad in bulletproof armor.
9363हानिकरता – Maleficencean act or state that is considered harmful or evil – कोई कार्य या अवस्था जिसे हानिकारक या बुरा माना जाता हैThe policeman was charged with maleficence of office after he was discovered smuggling drugs into the jail.
9364गंदी बस्ती – Sluma poor area of a city where the living conditions are really bad, and the houses are falling apart – किसी शहर का एक गरीब इलाका जहां रहने की स्थिति वास्तव में खराब है, और घर टूट रहे हैंDeep in the slum, the people were living in terrible poverty in shacks that were barely standing.
9365स्वीकार करना – Concedeto admit something is true or to admit defeat in a contest – किसी बात को सच मानना या किसी प्रतियोगिता में हार स्वीकार करनाSince he was trailing behind, the politician decided to concede the election to his opponent.
9366इठलाना – Flauntto show off, brag – दिखावा करना, डींगें हांकनाEric loves to flaunt his flashy clothes because he thinks that he is super cool.
9367परोपकारी – Philanthropicseeking to promote the welfare of others – दूसरों के कल्याण को बढ़ावा देना चाहते हैंThe philanthropic organization does its best to provide shelter and food for the homeless citizens of its city.
9368अतिक्रमण – Overstepto exceed a limit or standard – किसी सीमा या मानक से अधिक होनाMila asked her mother not to overstep after she was married, but the meddling woman regularly ignored her daughter’s requests for privacy.
9369तोबा – Penitencethe action of feeling or showing sorrow and regret for having done wrong – गलत काम करने पर दुःख और पछतावा महसूस करने या दिखाने की क्रियाShowing no penitence for the crimes he committed, the murderer refused to say that he was sorry or show remorse toward the victims’ families.
9370प्राथमिक खोलें – Open primaryan election that does not require voters to be a member of a particular political party to take part – ऐसा चुनाव जिसमें भाग लेने के लिए मतदाताओं को किसी विशेष राजनीतिक दल का सदस्य होना आवश्यक नहीं हैBecause she is a registered voter, Anna will be able to take part of the open primary next month.
9371विदेशी लोगों को न पसन्द करना – Xenophobiaa dread or dislike of anything or anyone foreign, especially people from other cultures and races – किसी भी विदेशी वस्तु या किसी भी विदेशी, विशेष रूप से अन्य संस्कृतियों और नस्लों के लोगों के प्रति भय या नापसंदगीShane’s xenophobia prevents him from going to social events where there are people he does not know.
9372बहुत कष्ट पहुंचाना – Tantalizeto tease someone with a promise and then not deliver upon it – किसी को वादा करके चिढ़ाना और फिर उसे पूरा न करनाIn an attempt to tantalize me, my personal trainer offered a piece of cake as an incentive for me to finish my three miles on the treadmill.
9373फलस्वरूप – Ergoconsequently or therefore – फलस्वरूप या इसलिएI am allergic to shellfish; ergo, I will not be trying Pam’s shrimp pasta dish.
9374अनुभूति – Feelingan emotion such as happiness or anger – ख़ुशी या गुस्सा जैसी भावनाAfter her dog died, sadness was the only feeling that the depressed little girl could express.
9375साधु – Monka man who has withdrawn from the world for religious reasons – एक आदमी जो धार्मिक कारणों से दुनिया से हट गया हैWhen dedicating his life to the Lord, the monk took a vow of both poverty and chastity.
9376टालना – Evasionthe act of avoiding or dodging someone or an unwanted event – किसी व्यक्ति या किसी अवांछित घटना से बचने या चकमा देने की क्रियाNow that it is mid-term time, the procrastinating student will pay for his love of partying and evasion of studying.
9377साधारण बात – Platitudesomething that has been said so often that it is not interesting anymore – कुछ ऐसा जो इतनी बार कहा गया है कि वह अब दिलचस्प नहीं रह गया हैBecause I have heard your platitude a hundred times, it means nothing to me now.
9378शक – Undeniablyemphasizing that something is clearly true and can’t be denied – इस बात पर ज़ोर देना कि कुछ स्पष्ट रूप से सत्य है और उसे नकारा नहीं जा सकताData shows that our school is undeniably the best in the district.
9379बोझल – Unwieldyhard to relocate because of its size – इसके आकार के कारण इसे स्थानांतरित करना कठिन हैThe young boy found it difficult to hold the unwieldy ball because of its huge size.
9380असंबद्ध – Discursivetalking or writing about many different things in an unorganized manner – कई अलग-अलग चीजों के बारे में अव्यवस्थित तरीके से बात करना या लिखनाWhen the writer was drunk, he often talked for hours in a discursive manner.
9381प्रशिक्षक – Coacha person who trains others when it comes to a particular activity or skill – वह व्यक्ति जो किसी विशेष गतिविधि या कौशल की बात आने पर दूसरों को प्रशिक्षित करता हैBecause our coach resigned, a new basketball trainer will need to be hired to guide the athletes.
9382पपड़ी – Crustthe hardened, outer layer of an object – किसी वस्तु की कठोर, बाहरी परतCracks in the earth’s crust cause earthquakes and other on top of the outer layer.
9383क्षय – Corrodeto destroy or damage something by chemical reaction – रासायनिक प्रतिक्रिया द्वारा किसी चीज़ को नष्ट या क्षतिग्रस्त करनाThe mechanic explained that leaving the rusted battery terminal in the rain caused it to corrode.
9384खंडहर वाला – Ruinouscausing ruin; destructive – बर्बादी का कारण; विनाशकारीThe ruinous policies of our principal caused many of the students to leave the school.
9385असत्यकरण – Falsificationthe act of giving or declaring the wrong information – गलत जानकारी देने या घोषित करने का कार्यBecause he was involved in tax falsification, Zach had to go to court and admit he gave incorrect income information.
9386रोया – Criedshed tears from one’s eyes because of a strong emotion like sadness or joy – दुःख या खुशी जैसी तीव्र भावना के कारण किसी की आँखों से आँसू निकलनाThe baby cried and cried, shrieking loudly until his mother came to see why he was upset.
9387असंतुलन – Imbalancelack of balance or being out of proportion – संतुलन की कमी या अनुपात से बाहर होनाAn imbalance of the number of men and women in Alaska makes it extremely difficult for a man to find a wife.
9388चीपमक – Chipmunka small North American animal that is related to the squirrel – एक छोटा उत्तरी अमेरिकी जानवर जो गिलहरी से संबंधित हैThe striped-tailed, fluffy chipmunk filled his puffy cheeks with acorns and scurried back to burrow his future meal.
9389मुक़दमा चलाना – Sueto take legal action against another person or party due to alleged wrongdoing – कथित गलत कार्य के कारण किसी अन्य व्यक्ति या पार्टी के विरुद्ध कानूनी कार्रवाई करनाOn television, the court shows usually present the plaintiff who has decided to sue the defendant for an amount of money.
9390ठग – Swindlera person who swindles, cheats or defrauds – वह व्यक्ति जो ठगता है, धोखा देता है या धोखाधड़ी करता हैDeemed a swindler, Harry made counterfeit checks and used them around town.
9391स्वतंत्र – Independentnot influenced or controlled by others – दूसरों से प्रभावित या नियंत्रित नहींThe independent school district is completely separate from other schools in the area.
9392पर दस्तक – Knock-onone action or event that causes several other things to happen – एक क्रिया या घटना जिसके कारण कई अन्य चीजें घटित होती हैंBusinesses shutting down had a knock-on effect on the economy that led to several negative effects.
9393गद्य – Prosewritten language other than poetry – कविता के अलावा लिखित भाषाI did not know my husband could write such elegant prose until he mailed me long letters while he was stationed overseas.
9394रुकावट – Blockagean obstruction or obstacle that is blocking a path – कोई रुकावट या अवरोध जो किसी मार्ग को अवरुद्ध कर रहा होA piece of food can become a blockage in the windpipe if someone accidentally inhales while eating.
9395धीमा – Slowsomeone that is not imaginative or quick thinking – कोई ऐसा व्यक्ति जो कल्पनाशील या त्वरित सोच वाला नहीं हैIngrid can be a bit slow when it comes to thinking of creative ideas, but she usually thinks of something within a few hours.
9396चिंतित – Worriedanxious and upset about something – किसी बात को लेकर चिंतित और परेशान होनाAllen is worried about not having enough money to pay his bills this month.
9397जेल वापसी – Remandto send someone accused of committing a crime into custody or bail until their next hearing – किसी अपराध करने के आरोपी को उसकी अगली सुनवाई तक हिरासत में भेजना या जमानत देनाThe judge agreed to remand the convicted felon into custody until his sentencing hearing.
9398अनिवार्य – Compulsiveuncontrolled or reactive and irresistible behavior – अनियंत्रित या प्रतिक्रियाशील और अनूठा व्यवहारMy wife is a compulsive shopper spending more than what we can afford.
9399पानी में डालना – Infuseto fill with a certain quality – एक निश्चित गुणवत्ता से भरनाCook the rice until you thoroughly infuse it with the taste of the herbs and spices you added.
9400रेखा – Linea group of people or items that are arranged in a row – लोगों या वस्तुओं का समूह जो एक पंक्ति में व्यवस्थित होA line of people wanting to get into the concert hall was wrapped around the building.
9401अवतरण – Landingan instance of coming or bringing something to land or the bottom of a surface – ज़मीन पर या सतह के नीचे किसी चीज़ के आने या लाने का उदाहरणThe plane came in for an emergency landing, settling in a field after one of its engines failed.
9402आड़ में – Undercoverinvolved in secret work as part of an organization,especially for espionage – किसी संगठन के हिस्से के रूप में गुप्त कार्य में शामिल, विशेषकर जासूसी के लिएThe undercover agent is pretending to be a government official for a foreign country so he can spy on them for his own.
9403सवार होकर – Astridewith ones legs on either side of – जिसके दोनों ओर पैर होंAn old portrait of Molly shows her sitting astride a horse.
9404स्थूल संपत्ति – Physical Propertyaspects of objects that are observable and often used to describe them, such as color or texture – वस्तुओं के वे पहलू जो देखने योग्य हैं और अक्सर उनका वर्णन करने के लिए उपयोग किए जाते हैं, जैसे रंग या बनावटOne of the most notable aspect of a stereotypical apple is the color red, a physical property that most all humans can observe.
9405मज़हब – Denominationan autonomous branch of the Christian church, such as Baptist, Protestant, etc. – ईसाई चर्च की एक स्वायत्त शाखा, जैसे बैपटिस्ट, प्रोटेस्टेंट, आदि।Even though I am part of a different denomination than my Uncle, we still believe roughly the same religious doctrine, and our church branches only have very minor differences.
9406फिरनेवाला – Circulatoryrelating to the system that moves blood through the body – उस प्रणाली से संबंधित जो शरीर के माध्यम से रक्त को स्थानांतरित करती हैThe diagram shows how blood moves to different parts of the body through the circulatory system.
9407प्रलय – Havocextensive destruction or devastation – व्यापक विनाश या तबाहीThe volcano inflicted havoc upon the tiny village.
9408सजाना – Formalizeto validate or make official – मान्य करना या आधिकारिक बनानाIn order to formalize the document, each party had to sign it and get it notarized so that it would be authorized to use in court.
9409आनंदमय – Blissfulextremely happy; full of joy – बेहद खुश; खुशी से भराThe couple was very blissful on their wedding day.
9410ज़ब्त करना – Expropriateto take away property without payment to the owner – मालिक को भुगतान किए बिना संपत्ति छीन लेनाThe pirate’s made their living by being able to expropriate the property of others they happened upon.
9411जड़ से न उखाड़ने येग्य – Ineradicablenot capable of being removed completely – पूरी तरह से हटाने में सक्षम नहींThough black-market drugs are probably ineradicable, the government is still fighting to remove them from our society.
9412ि यात्मक – Procedurala certain routine for doing something – कुछ करने की एक निश्चित दिनचर्याIn the United States citizens are not allowed to do their however they want to, but they must follow a procedural method of filling out the proper paperwork.
9413अभद्र – Impoliticfoolish – मूर्खI realized it was an impolitic idea to talk on my cell phone and walk through a curvy path in the woods since I am aware of my clumsiness and no sense of direction.
9414कृतघ्नता – Ingratitudea lack or absence of gratitude; thanklessness – कृतज्ञता की कमी या अभाव; कृतघ्नताAfter having received such a large gift, Harry displayed ingratitude when he began to complain that it was too small.
9415फोरेंसिक – Forensicassociated with the application of scientific processes and technologies used in crime solving – अपराध सुलझाने में उपयोग की जाने वाली वैज्ञानिक प्रक्रियाओं और प्रौद्योगिकियों के अनुप्रयोग से जुड़ा हुआ हैAfter the forensic data is processed, we will have leads to help us identify the killer.
9416जागरूकता – Vigilancethe state of keeping a careful watch for danger – खतरे पर सावधानीपूर्वक नजर रखने की अवस्था या भावLack of vigilance caused the Titanic to crash into an iceberg that no one saw coming.
9417उकतानेवाला – Meddlesometending to interfere in other people’s affairs – दूसरे लोगों के मामलों में हस्तक्षेप करने की प्रवृत्तिThe meddlesome old lady continued to call the police on us every time she suspected we were having any fun.
9418पाप करना – Perpetrateto execute or carry out – क्रियान्वित करना या क्रियान्वित करनाI can’t believe my best friend would perpetrate such an act of betrayal.
9419साधारण अवस्था – Normalityordinariness; normalcy – सामान्यता; सामान्य स्थितिThe normality of their everyday life together often left the couple yawning from boredom.
9420संरक्षक – Custodiana person whose job it is to look after or maintain something – वह व्यक्ति जिसका काम किसी चीज़ की देखभाल या रखरखाव करना हैAfter being hired by the maintenance department, each custodian is trained on how to keep the restrooms clean.
9421प्यारा – Cuteadorable with a youthful appearance – युवा रूप के साथ मनमोहकSmiling down at the cute puppy, the little girl fell in love with its pretty eyes and begged to take him home.
9422पालना – Cradlea rocking infant’s bed that usually has sides – एक झूलता हुआ शिशु का बिस्तर जिसमें आमतौर पर किनारे होते हैंAfter singing a lullaby while swinging the baby in his cradle, Baby Bobby quickly fell asleep.
9423ताज्जुब – Wonderingthinking about or questioning something – किसी चीज़ के बारे में सोचना या प्रश्न करनाThe children spend the day wondering where their missing dog could have run off to, but they never came up with an answer.
9424झुकाव – Leaningnot standing straight but tilted to one side – सीधे खड़े नहीं बल्कि एक तरफ झुके हुएThe Leaning Tower of Pisa slants to the side because it was built on top of soft ground that left it unstable.
9425सुविधाजनक – Convenientto make something simpler for ease or relief – आसानी या राहत के लिए किसी चीज़ को सरल बनाना“If it is convenient for you,” said the neighbor, “I can meet you halfway so you don’t have to travel as far.”
9426पट्टा – Tendona strong, fibrous tissue that attaches a muscle to a bone – एक मजबूत, रेशेदार ऊतक जो मांसपेशियों को हड्डी से जोड़ता हैThe football player will undergo offseason surgery to reattach the torn tendon in his right elbow.
9427अधिकार-युक्त करना – Capacitatemake someone capable of a particular action or legally competent to act in a particular way – किसी को किसी विशेष कार्य के लिए सक्षम बनाना या किसी विशेष तरीके से कार्य करने के लिए कानूनी रूप से सक्षम बनानाYears of school capacitate the lawyer to give great legal defense to his client.
9428हेलीओग्राफ़ – Heliographa device for telegraphing that uses sun’s rays flashed from a mirror to send signals – टेलीग्राफिंग के लिए एक उपकरण जो सिग्नल भेजने के लिए दर्पण से निकलने वाली सूर्य की किरणों का उपयोग करता हैDuring the 19th century, a heliograph was traditionally used to send sun-based signals over long distances.
9429ठंडा – Coolfashionably impressive – फैशनेबल रूप से प्रभावशालीJericho is considered to be a cool kid, but I think it is just the calm demeanor and the sunglasses.
9430बेड़ी – Fettersomething that confines – कुछ ऐसा जो सीमित करता हैEven though I am married, I do not see the commitment as a fetter that interferes with my identity.
9431कोरोनरी – Coronaryrelating to the blood vessels around the heart – हृदय के चारों ओर रक्त वाहिकाओं से संबंधितThe biology teacher showed her students a video of the heart and how blood flows through the coronary veins of the circulatory system.
9432समझौता – Compromisean arrangement reached when two parties agree to make allowances – एक व्यवस्था तब बनती है जब दो पक्ष भत्ते देने पर सहमत होते हैंIn a monetary compromise, the debtor agreed to pay the bill in full if the lender gave him a payment plan.
9433परिवर्तनशील – Volatiletending to erupt in violence; easily aroused – हिंसा भड़काने की प्रवृत्ति; आसानी से उत्तेजितBecause Mary and Frank have a volatile relationship, they often argue.
9434रहा है – Has-beena person declining in popularity or effectiveness; once admired – किसी व्यक्ति की लोकप्रियता या प्रभावशीलता में गिरावट आ रही है; एक बार प्रशंसा कीNow a has-been model, she once had a promising career and was sought by top model agencies.
9435चिन्त्ज़ी – Chintzycheap or low quality – सस्ता या निम्न गुणवत्ता वालाThe chintzy plate I had bought from a dollar store was quickly chipped and stained by small, minor mishaps.
9436घर की ओर – Homewardin the direction of home – घर की दिशा मेंAfter driving to the Grand Canyon for their annual vacation, the Simpson Family was homeward bound due being at the end of their trip.
9437थकाऊ – Fatiguingtiring; exhausting – थकाऊ; थकाऊWe enjoyed the free cruise, but the mandatory seminar was fatiguing and took a lot of our time.
9438भरोसेमंद $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push([“8f1244f6-5306-4bbe-9562-fc5ef7966ac2”]); }) पिछला शब्द अगला शब्द – Trusty   $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push([“8f1244f6-5306-4bbe-9562-fc5ef7966ac2”]); }) Prev Word Next Wordreliable or trustworthy – विश्वसनीय या भरोसेमंदIt’s probably the end of the road for his trusty car with almost 190,000 miles on it.
9439फूला हुआ – Chuffedextremely pleased – अत्यंत प्रसन्नI’m absolutely chuffed to see my cousin again for Christmas, since I haven’t seen her since the same holiday two years ago.
9440सिकंदरा – Semaphorea mechanical gadget with arm, lights, or flags that is used as a signal – बांह, रोशनी या झंडों वाला एक यांत्रिक गैजेट जिसका उपयोग सिग्नल के रूप में किया जाता हैThe railroad’s semaphore was broken, causing the car to miss the warning and come over the tracks.
9441हार्दिक – Heartyenthusiastic and warmhearted – उत्साही और गर्मजोशी से भरपूरSanta’s hearty laugh warmed the hearts of all the children.
9442सुअर – Swinea hog or pig – सूअर या सुअरOn the farm, the loudest sound of the oinking swine could be heard over the noise from the other animals.
9443द्वीपीय – Insularnot interested in meeting anyone outside your own group or country, or not interested in learning new ideas or ways of doing things – अपने समूह या देश के बाहर किसी से मिलने में दिलचस्पी नहीं है, या नए विचारों या काम करने के तरीकों को सीखने में दिलचस्पी नहीं हैBecause the insular man had lived on a deserted island for several years, he was not very good at making conversation.
9444प्रतिलिपि – Transcriptiona written or printed representation of something – किसी चीज़ का लिखित या मुद्रित प्रतिनिधित्वYou can listen to the audio version of the podcast or wait to read the transcription.
9445पीछे हटना – Digressnot staying on topic; to go off on a tangent – विषय पर न रहना; एक स्पर्शरेखा पर जाने के लिएBecause abortion is difficult for me to talk about, I will digress from this topic.
9446ग्रिप – Fluepart of the chimney that allows the smoke to exit – चिमनी का वह भाग जो धुएँ को बाहर निकलने की अनुमति देता हैWhen the house smelled of stale smoke, the homeowner realized that the flue in the chimney needed cleaning.
9447प्रामाणिक – Bona Fidereal or done honestly – वास्तविक या ईमानदारी से किया गयाBecause the man had lied about having a medical degree, he was not a bona fide doctor.
9448मानसिक – Mentalrelating to the mind or to the health or state of one’s mind – मन से या किसी के मन के स्वास्थ्य या स्थिति से संबंधितThe teacher’s mental strength was tested when the principal was observing her.
9449खो गया – Lostmisplaced; not able to be found – ग़लत जगह पर; नहीं पाया जा सकाLeslie lost her car keys days ago and has been searching high and low for them ever since.
9450नमी – Humidcontaining sensible moisture (usually describing air or atmosphere) – समझदार नमी युक्त (आमतौर पर हवा या वातावरण का वर्णन)Summers on the east coast of the United States are much more humid than summers on the west coast.
9451ओबटेस्ट – Obtestto beseech or beg, usually a deity – याचना या विनती करना, आमतौर पर किसी देवता सेAlthough I obtest the Lord every night, my prayer has yet to be answered.
9452हेत्वाभास – Fallacyan idea or belief that is false but many people think is true – कोई विचार या विश्वास जो झूठा है लेकिन बहुत से लोग सोचते हैं कि वह सच हैHaving money makes you happy is a fallacy because happiness has nothing to do with wealth.
9453तलछट – Sedimentcollection of small particles – छोटे कणों का संग्रहThe apple cider had sediment in the bottom as part of the natural settling process.
9454निराला – Wackysilly or strange, but usually in a harmless way – मूर्खतापूर्ण या अजीब, लेकिन आमतौर पर हानिरहित तरीके सेMy Aunt Wilma can be especially wacky, considering her penchant for making insane jokes or laughing at completely normal and mundane things.
9455विनम्रता – Humilitythe state in which one does not view himself as being better than others – वह अवस्था जिसमें कोई स्वयं को दूसरों से बेहतर नहीं मानताDuring her speech, Jennifer showed her humility by acknowledging her film crew as the team who deserved the trophy.
9456वंशवाद – Gynarchya government ruled by a woman or women – एक महिला या महिलाओं द्वारा शासित सरकारSome feminists insist that a government ruled completely by women would be more successful than those led by men.
9457निरोध – Preclusionthe action of preventing something from occurring – किसी चीज़ को घटित होने से रोकने की क्रियाThe general decided preclusion was the best course of action, choosing to attack the enemy before their plans were completed.
9458जाँच करना – Investigateto examine, look into, or scrutinize in order to discover something hidden or secret – किसी छुपी हुई या गुप्त बात का पता लगाने के लिए जाँच करना, निरीक्षण करना या छानबीन करनाIn order to find the murderer, the detective would have to investigate the dark building for evidence.
9459मंगेतर – Betrothedthe person to whom one is engaged – वह व्यक्ति जिससे उसकी सगाई हुई होI must remain faithful to my betrothed and ignore the flirtations of the handsome man at the bar.
9460दबना – Truckleto yield or submit in an obedient way – आज्ञाकारी तरीके से समर्पण या समर्पण करनाThe king expected the servants to truckle, but they refused to bow at his feet.
9461औद्योगिक – Industrialhaving highly developed factories, mechanical production, or consumer output – अत्यधिक विकसित कारखाने, यांत्रिक उत्पादन, या उपभोक्ता उत्पादन होनाFirst world countries are almost always industrial, having complex factories capable of mass producing almost anything that they desire.
9462अनुपात – Ratioproportion or percentage – अनुपात या प्रतिशतThe ratio of boys to girls in the classroom was much higher than last year.
9463ऊपरी मिट्टी – Topsoilthe upper level of dirt on the ground – ज़मीन पर गंदगी का ऊपरी स्तरSince the topsoil is rich in nutrients, many plants will flourish since their roots are planted there.
9464उत्साह से – Wistfullyin a manner that suggests regret or longing – इस तरह से जो अफसोस या लालसा का संकेत देता हैAs I think back to my childhood, I wistfully recall the fun summers on my grandfather’s farm.
9465रोग – Ailmenta condition that affects a person’s mental or physical wellbeing – एक ऐसी स्थिति जो किसी व्यक्ति की मानसिक या शारीरिक भलाई को प्रभावित करती हैUnfortunately, the stomach ailment causes vomiting and chronic diarrhea.
9466कम्मी – Serfa medieval peasant who was forced to work on a manor – एक मध्ययुगीन किसान जिसे जागीर में काम करने के लिए मजबूर किया गया थाThe main duty of the serf was to work in the fields, but he was also required to serve at his lord’s house at least three days a week.
9467कीड़ा – Insectsmall invertebrate animals with multiple pairs of legs, generally with an exoskeleton – कई जोड़े पैरों वाले छोटे अकशेरुकी जानवर, आमतौर पर एक बाह्यकंकाल के साथWhenever someone mentions the word ‘insect,’ the first thing that comes to our mind is usually ants or beetles.
9468विरक्ति – Tediumthe condition of being dull or boring for a long period – लंबे समय तक सुस्त या उबाऊ रहने की स्थितिTo ease the tedium of looking at accounting forms all day, I listen to bubbly music while I work.
9469तामचीनी – Enamelcoating on or applied to the outside of a surface as a protectant – किसी सतह के बाहरी हिस्से पर सुरक्षात्मक आवरण के रूप में लेप लगाना या लगानाThe dentist was concerned that the patient’s tooth enamel was eroding since this coating is what fights against decay.
9470बाल सभा – Woolgatheringdaydreaming; fantasizing – दिवास्वप्न देखना; कल्पनाThe absentminded boy’s constant woolgathering during class stopped him from hearing anything the teacher said.
9471के साथ – Accompaniedjoined by an item or a companion – किसी वस्तु या साथी से जुड़ा हुआThe rain was accompanied by thunder and lightning.
9472युक्ति – Contrivancesomething contrived, as a mechanical device or a clever plan – एक यांत्रिक उपकरण या एक चतुर योजना के रूप में कुछ आविष्कार किया गयाWhile we thought the movie was supposed to be an insightful documentary, it was actually nothing more than a political contrivance created to stir hate among ethic groups.
9473वायुगतिकी – Aerodynamicsthe study of air and how it works when an object moves through it – हवा का अध्ययन और जब कोई वस्तु इसके माध्यम से चलती है तो यह कैसे काम करती हैBirds have a natural understanding of aerodynamics that allows them to fly through even the windiest conditions.
9474उद्योग – Industryhard work or effort – कड़ी मेहनत या प्रयासThe kitchen was transformed into a place of industry as we had to work very hard to make enough food for all of our guests.
9475समझ – Understandingthe ability to comprehend and grasp something – किसी चीज़ को समझने और ग्रहण करने की क्षमताMr. Dean’s deep understanding of marketing helped him turn his business into an overnight success.
9476अनुभवहीन – Inexperiencedhaving little knowledge or practice – कम ज्ञान या अभ्यास होनाThe inexperienced truck driver’s lack of training caused him to crash into a tractor-trailer his first day on the job.
9477अनाग्राम – Anagrama word formed from the rearranged letters of another word – एक शब्द दूसरे शब्द के पुनर्व्यवस्थित अक्षरों से बना हैI find it rather funny that the anagram ‘bad credit’ to ‘debit card’ exists, as a clear representation of how many people flounder with money.
9478अवरोधन – Interceptionthe act or instance of catching something and stopping it from reaching its final destination – किसी चीज़ को पकड़ने और उसे उसके अंतिम गंतव्य तक पहुँचने से रोकने की क्रिया या उदाहरणPolice interception of the secret messages took place after a wiretap was placed on the traitors’ phones.
9479भद्दा – Gauchelacking class or manners; awkward; tactless – वर्ग या शिष्टाचार की कमी; अजीब; उद्दंडHis gauche table manners make me cringe, especially when he tries to talk with his mouth full.
9480साज-सज्जा – Accoutermentarticles of clothing or equipment, especially an accessory – कपड़े या उपकरण के लेख, विशेष रूप से एक सहायक उपकरणThe knight Halloween costume came with not only the armor but also a sword as an accouterment.
9481व्याख्या की – Explainedmade an idea or situation clear, especially using words – किसी विचार या स्थिति को स्पष्ट करना, विशेषकर शब्दों का उपयोग करकेThe teacher explained how to multiply numbers during a quick math lecture for her students.
9482कस्तूरी – Muska substance with a strong, sweet smell that is used to make perfume and other products – तेज़, मीठी गंध वाला एक पदार्थ जिसका उपयोग इत्र और अन्य उत्पाद बनाने के लिए किया जाता हैMany people who wear the sweet-smelling body spray don’t realize that the musk scent comes from the anal gland of a deer.
9483मित्रवत व्यवहार करना – Befriendto become a person’s pal or friend – किसी व्यक्ति का दोस्त या मित्र बननाIn an effort to befriend me, my rival offered to treat me to lunch.
9484मासूम – Innocentnot guilty of a crime or wrongdoing; harmless – किसी अपराध या गलत काम का दोषी नहीं; हानिरहितThankfully, the judge took the new evidence into consideration and released the innocent man.
9485अति हो गया – OverdoneOvercooked (food) – अधिक पका हुआ (भोजन)The overdone steak was so tough that I could barely cut into it with my fork.
9486शल्य चिकित्सक – Surgeona medical professional qualified to conduct surgery – सर्जरी करने के लिए योग्य एक चिकित्सा पेशेवरDoctor Matthews is a surgeon because he is medically qualified to operate on the human body.
9487विफल – Thwartto hinder or stop something from happening – किसी चीज़ को घटित होने से रोकना या रोकनाSomeone built this wall with broken bottles set in the top to thwart the intrusion of outsiders.
9488अपराध – Crimeact violating the law – कानून का उल्लंघन करने वाला कृत्यWhen the judge gives a light sentence for muggers the crime is usually repeated.
9489शीर्ष – Topto exceed or perform better than – उससे अधिक या बेहतर प्रदर्शन करनाI scored over ninety points on my test, and I bet my friend failed to top that since he didn’t study as hard.
9490अवधि – Terma fixed period in which something is supposed to last – एक निश्चित अवधि जिसमें किसी चीज़ का टिकना माना जाता हैThe president only served one term and decided not to run for reelection.
9491अपरोक्ष – Overtopen and not secret – खुला और गुप्त नहींIn some countries, racial prejudice is overt and not disguised in the least.
9492अल्पसंख्यक – Minoritythe smaller percentage of the whole – संपूर्ण का छोटा प्रतिशतAs they looked around the room full of red-clad Republicans, the Democrats knew they were in the minority and their hopes of stopping the bill were destroyed.
9493संबंध – Connectionone that links things together – वह जो चीज़ों को एक साथ जोड़ता हैA connection from the computer to the wall allowed the secretary to access the internet.
9494प्रौढ़ – Maturegrown-up; fully developed – बड़ा हुआ; पूर्ण विकसितThe fifteen-year-old girl tried to wear make-up so that she looked mature enough to get in the 18 and up club.
9495शरारत – Capera silly stunt or activity – एक मूर्खतापूर्ण स्टंट या गतिविधिGrandpa Joe insisted he was too old for that type of caper and wouldn’t sing karaoke with us.
9496आड़ा – Transversesituated or lying across – स्थित या लेटा हुआTransverse nerve cords run across the body like rungs on a ladder.
9497अभिनंदन – Acclamationloud praise or approval – ज़ोर से प्रशंसा या अनुमोदनDebra’s staff works tirelessly and deserves every acclamation.
9498प्रीपी – Preppyrelating to a young person from a wealthy family who goes to a costly school and who wears expensive, tidy clothes – एक धनी परिवार के एक युवा व्यक्ति से संबंधित जो एक महंगे स्कूल में जाता है और जो महंगे, साफ-सुथरे कपड़े पहनता हैMost of the rich kids from Laguna Beach go to a preppy boarding school instead of a public institution.
9499पोडियाट्रिस्ट – Podiatrista foot doctor – एक पैर चिकित्सकThe sandals model consulted a podiatrist to get the wart removed quickly before her next modeling job.
9500कल्पना – Picturedimagined; saw in one’s mind – कल्पना की गई; किसी के मन में देखाRelaxing on her couch, the daydreamer closed her eyes and pictured herself chilling on the beach instead.
9501टालमटोल करना – Procrastinatingputting off or delaying action – कार्रवाई टालना या विलंब करनाErin’s procrastinating and postponing of tasks caused her to miss several important deadlines at work.
9502विपथन – Aberrationdeviating from what is normal or desirable, not typical – जो सामान्य या वांछनीय है उससे भटकना, विशिष्ट नहींShelley’s angry retort was an aberration from her normally quiet demeanor.
9503टनेलिंग – Tunnelingdigging an underground passageway – भूमिगत मार्ग खोदनाThe runaway slaves spent months tunneling an underground passageway that would allow them to escape the plantation.
9504गंभीर – Seriousrequiring careful thought and deep consideration – सावधानीपूर्वक विचार और गहन विचार की आवश्यकता हैI thought you were joking about how much weight you’ve lost, but now I can see that you were serious.
9505आत्मरक्षा – Self-preservationa natural instinct to protect oneself from harm or death – स्वयं को हानि या मृत्यु से बचाने की स्वाभाविक प्रवृत्तिThe hero forgot about self-preservation and jumped into the fire to save the children.
9506गुप्त – Secretsomething that is not to be known or seen by others – कुछ ऐसा जो दूसरों के द्वारा जाना या देखा न जा सकेApproaching the secret lair, the knight crept quietly as to not awaking the sleeping dragon.
9507व्याख्या करना – Expoundto clarify by providing details – विवरण प्रदान करके स्पष्ट करनाDuring his graduation speech, Thad will expound his hopes and prayers for his graduating class.
9508उसी प्रकार – Similarlyin a like manner – इसी तरह सेIn the military, all of the new recruits are similarly dressed.
9509छुट्टी – Vacationa period of rest or recreation in which a person stops working or going to school and focuses on fun – आराम या मनोरंजन की अवधि जिसमें व्यक्ति काम करना या स्कूल जाना बंद कर देता है और मनोरंजन पर ध्यान केंद्रित करता हैDuring his vacation in Mexico, the man spent most of his time relaxing in a hammock on the beach.
9510तार्किक – Logicalrational, or expected of an intelligent thought process – तर्कसंगत, या एक बुद्धिमान विचार प्रक्रिया की अपेक्षाIf a stove is hot, the brain chooses the logical option and tells you not to touch it because it will hurt.
9511स्वीकारोक्ति – Confessionan admission of something one has done that was wrong or illegal – किसी के द्वारा किए गए किसी कार्य की स्वीकारोक्ति जो गलत या अवैध थाThe kid’s killer confession shocked the small town who never thought him capable of such a crime.
9512खराब – Malfunctioningfailing to function or work in the way it is supposed to – उस तरीके से काम करने या काम करने में असफल होना जैसा उसे करना चाहिएThe malfunctioning machine made a loud clanking noise before smoke began billowing from the top.
9513गायब होना – Vanishdisappear from sight – दृष्टि से ओझल हो जानाThe child watched in wonder as the magician made the coin vanish from behind his ear.
9514आंदोलन – Agitateto disturb or upset – परेशान या परेशान करनाBarking at the dog will only agitate him further.
9515स्वर्गीय – Celestialassociated with a spiritual paradise or heaven – आध्यात्मिक स्वर्ग या स्वर्ग से जुड़ा हुआSince I am an atheist, I do not believe in a celestial afterlife.
9516गुच्छा – Wada lump or clump of a substance – किसी पदार्थ की गांठ या गांठAfter chewing the gum until it had no flavor, the student stuck the sticky wad under her desk.
9517पालन पोषण – Nurtureto help a person or thing thrive – किसी व्यक्ति या वस्तु को फलने-फूलने में मदद करनाGood parents nurture their children so they will become happy and healthy adults.
9518भय – Phobiaan unreasonable fear – एक अनुचित भयEllen’s clown phobia makes her afraid to go to the circus.
9519उत्तराधिकार – Successionthe process of taking over the duties and privileges of another person – किसी अन्य व्यक्ति के कर्तव्यों और विशेषाधिकारों को संभालने की प्रक्रियाWhen William married the former prostitute, he was removed from the line of succession to the throne.
9520हिलाना – Stirto disturb or provoke – परेशान या उकसानाWhen Sarah heard Martha gossiping, she decided to stir up some drama by telling Martha’s friends about her gossiping nature.
9521बुलाना – Conveneto gather for a reason – किसी कारण से एकत्र होनाAs soon as the last closing argument is made, the jury will convene to ponder the verdict.
9522यह सब करते हुए – All the whilefor that whole period of time; happening continually during that time – उस पूरे समय के लिए; उस दौरान लगातार हो रहा हैWe were searching everywhere for our puppy, and all the while, she was sleeping under the front porch.
9523जीत – Winningto be succeeding in something – किसी चीज़ में सफल होनाWhile running the marathon, Tom was winning the race since he was in the lead.
9524चिपकी – Clinghold tightly – कसकर पकड़Eric does not like to swim while wearing an undershirt because wet clothes cling to his body.
9525चिंता – Anxietyan uncomfortable feeling of worry or nervousness – चिंता या घबराहट की असहज भावनाBecause she was suffering from anxiety, her therapist recommended taking some medication to help.
9526आनंददायक – Hilariousincredibly funny – अविश्वसनीय रूप से मज़ेदारWe laughed nonstop while watching the hilarious sitcom.
9527माना जाता है कि – Believedhad confidence that something is true – विश्वास था कि कुछ सच हैBethany believed Santa was real until she was a teenager, but now she thinks he’s made up.
9528अधिकांश में – Inmostinnermost – अंतरतमHe buried his deepest desires in the inmost recesses of his heart and hid them from the world.
9529बिच्छू बूटी – Nettleto cause someone to become annoyed or angry – किसी को नाराज या क्रोधित करनाMy brother will often nettle me by reading my diary.
9530अविश्वसनीय रूप से – Incredulouslyin a way that shows disbelief or skepticism – एक तरह से जो अविश्वास या संदेह को दर्शाता हैAll of the audience shook their heads incredulously as the unattractive contestant was crowned beauty queen.
9531बेनिफिस – Beneficea paid leadership position in a church – एक चर्च में एक भुगतान नेतृत्व की स्थितिOnce the church was established, the pastor became a benefice by having housing and a salary provided for him.
9532फ़िलैंडरिंग – Philanderinghaving casual sexual relationships or affairs with women on a regular basis – महिलाओं के साथ नियमित रूप से आकस्मिक यौन संबंध या संबंध रखनाPaula was aware of her husband’s philandering ways but chose to ignore his affairs rather than risk going through a divorce.
9533चिंतित – Anxiousworried or concerned – चिंतित या चिंतितSylvia was anxious to finish her speech since getting in front of a large crowd of people made her tremble.
9534नन्हा – Punytiny and weak – छोटा और कमजोरPeople underestimate my strength because I appear puny.
9535सजा सुनाई – Sentencedpunished; gave a penalty for a crime – दंडित; एक अपराध के लिए दंड दियाThe thief was sentenced to 10 years in the slammer for robbing the local grocery store at gunpoint.
9536आस-पास तैरना – Circumnavigateto travel entirely around something – किसी चीज़ के चारों ओर पूरी तरह से यात्रा करनाIn order to get into the police station, we must first circumnavigate the crowd of protestors.
9537अमल में लाना – Implementto put into effect – अमल में लानाThe computer programmer estimates it will take twenty hours to implement the code changes in the software.
9538पवित्र – Sanctifyto make something holy – किसी चीज़ को पवित्र बनानाThe priests have to sanctify the holy water.
9539उत्पादन – Outputan object that is manufactured or created – वह वस्तु जो निर्मित या बनायी गयी होWith hopes of increasing the amount of output of their computers, the factory hired several more workers.
9540उत्तर – Northin the direction that is the reverse of south – उस दिशा में जो दक्षिण के विपरीत हैQuickly, Karen flew north from California to Alaska to run in the Iditarod Dog Sled Race.
9541साजसामान – Accoutrementan accessory used in a specific situation or for a specific task – किसी विशिष्ट स्थिति में या किसी विशिष्ट कार्य के लिए उपयोग किया जाने वाला सहायक उपकरणThe only accoutrement missing from my kitchen is a hand mixer.
9542हस्ताक्षर – Signaturea person’s name written distinctively as a form of identification – किसी व्यक्ति का नाम पहचान के रूप में विशिष्ट रूप से लिखा गया हैBy providing his signature on the form, the university student agreed to pay for all of his classes in full.
9543हरावल – Vanguardthe leading force; the head of something – अग्रणी शक्ति; किसी चीज़ का सिरBecause Steve Jobs thought he could change the world of computers, he became the vanguard who did.
9544अपमान – Snubthe ignoring or brushing off of someone – किसी की उपेक्षा या उपेक्षा करनाThe waitress insisted that her lack of attentiveness to the table wasn’t a snub, but an accidental oversight.
9545सूचना – Intimationa sign or suggestion that something is likely to happen – एक संकेत या सुझाव कि कुछ घटित होने की संभावना हैBecause they destroyed so many lives, the recent bombings are a brutal intimation of immortality.
9546हिरन का मांस – Venisonedible flesh of hunted game animal, typically deer – शिकार किए गए शिकार जानवर का खाने योग्य मांस, आमतौर पर हिरणSkilled hunters shoot several deer a season and freeze the venison to eat all year long.
9547अभाव – Lackinginadequate or insufficient – अपर्याप्त या अपर्याप्तYour bright orange and pink attire shows that your taste is clearly lacking, unless you are purposefully trying to be so garish.
9548एकाग्रता – Concentrationthe act of focusing one’s attention on something – किसी चीज़ पर अपना ध्यान केंद्रित करने की क्रियाMy concentration was disturbed by the sound of a lawnmower outside my office window.
9549निर्वाचित – Electivea nonacademic course in school that is chosen by the student – स्कूल में एक गैर-शैक्षणिक पाठ्यक्रम जिसे छात्र द्वारा चुना जाता हैWhile scheduling her classes for the fall semester, Jamie could only pick one more elective and then she would have to take academic subjects.
9550इनाम – Rewarda prize for doing something great or something that needed to be done – कुछ महान या कुछ ऐसा करने के लिए पुरस्कार जिसे करने की आवश्यकता थीAfter training weeks for the marathon, it proved to be successful when the man won the reward for first place.
9551फिर से परिभाषित – Redefineto change or revise something – किसी चीज़ को बदलना या संशोधित करनाThe divorcing couple has decided to redefine their relationship and simply co-parent instead of being lovers.
9552भौतिक परिवर्तन – Physical changean alterable conversion usually in a substance’s form and volume but does not affect the chemical structure – आमतौर पर किसी पदार्थ के रूप और आयतन में परिवर्तनशील रूपांतरण, लेकिन रासायनिक संरचना को प्रभावित नहीं करता हैAs the ice melted into a puddle that now covered the table, its physical change was transformed from a solid to a liquid.
9553पंजीकरण करवाना – Registerto enlist or enroll – भर्ती करना या नामांकित करनाSeveral customers agreed to register for the new loyal customer program during check out.
9554भारवाहन – Portagean act of carrying – ले जाने की एक क्रियाThe portage across the canal required a hefty fee.
9555बाधा – Hurdlean obstacle or difficulty – कोई बाधा या कठिनाईThe businessman had a great idea for a new restaurant, but lack of money was a hurdle that stood in his way.
9556सहायता – Supportto hold up the weight of something – किसी चीज़ का वजन उठानाSteel beams are often used to support the crushing weight of massive skyscrapers, though several of them are needed and they must often be designed in a lattice to do so.
9557जहाज़ का रास्ता – Fairwayan open path or space, particularly for playing golf – एक खुला रास्ता या स्थान, विशेष रूप से गोल्फ खेलने के लिएThe golfer hit a tee shot over the water past the green fairway.
9558संबंधित – Relateto feel sympathy for or identify with someone – किसी के प्रति सहानुभूति महसूस करना या उसके साथ पहचान बनानाI could not relate to my friend’s misery in breaking up with his girlfriend, as I was still going steady with my first.
9559परिसंघ के लेख – Articles of Confederationthe original constitution of the U.S. that was replaced by the current constitution in 1781 – अमेरिका का मूल संविधान जिसे 1781 में वर्तमान संविधान द्वारा प्रतिस्थापित किया गया थाWhen the United States of America was first formed, our governing document was known as the Articles of Confederation.
9560ईर्ष्या – Jealousfeeling resentment against someone because of that person’s rivalry, success, or advantages – किसी व्यक्ति की प्रतिद्वंद्विता, सफलता या फायदे के कारण उसके प्रति नाराजगी महसूस करनाFeeling jealous of her older sister’s small frame, the overweight teen refused to go prom dress shopping unless she could go alone.
9561भीड़-भाड़ वाला – Crowdedfull of people, leaving very little space to move – लोगों से भरा, हिलने-डुलने के लिए बहुत कम जगह बचीThis airport is extremely crowded, so we’ll need to leave early to make sure all the traffic doesn’t stop us from reaching our flight.
9562छैला – Jackanapesa conceited, sarcastic, and/or brutish individual – एक अहंकारी, व्यंग्यात्मक और/या क्रूर व्यक्तिNarcissus was such a conceited jackanapes that when he glimpsed himself in a mirror, he fell in love.
9563अलगाव – Disjunctionsomething that is disjointed – कुछ ऐसा जो असंबद्ध होA disjunction existed between the coach’s requirements and his 5- year old players’ performance level since he expected them to play like professionals.
9564अमंगल – Ominoussuggesting that something bad is going to happen in the future – यह सुझाव देना कि भविष्य में कुछ बुरा होने वाला हैBecause of the ominous music, we knew something bad was about to happen in the movie.
9565धूम – Ululationa howling or wailing sound produced to express an emotion, especially grief – किसी भावना, विशेषकर दुःख को व्यक्त करने के लिए उत्पन्न होने वाली चिल्लाने या रोने की ध्वनिLetting out a loud, high-pitched ululation, the deceased woman’s daughter continued to wail over her casket.
9566नर्सरी – Nurserya room in a house where a baby or small children sleep – घर का वह कमरा जहाँ कोई बच्चा या छोटे बच्चे सोते होंThe nanny took the crying baby to his nursery and rocked him in the wooden rocking chair until he fell fast asleep.
9567नतीजतन – As a resultbecause of – के कारणYour grade will suffer as a result of skipping class.
9568अतिरिक्त मतलाब रखना – Connoteto imply something in addition to what is apparent – जो स्पष्ट है उसके अतिरिक्त कुछ और अर्थ निकालनाAt work, we connote the employee of the month award with being the best worker on the team.
9569लोकप्रियता – Popularityhaving the admiration and acceptance of others – दूसरों की प्रशंसा और स्वीकृति प्राप्त करनाOver time the popularity of tattoos has become apparent due to the many pictures inked on people’s skin.
9570महत्त्वाकांक्षा करना – Aspireto hope or dream – आशा करना या सपना देखनाEven though he claims that he doesn’t aspire to greatness, I have never seen anyone work the media the way that he does.
9571रासायनिक पायसी करना – Emulsifyto make into a mixture that is the result of liquid being added to another but not fully dissolved in it – एक ऐसा मिश्रण बनाना जो तरल पदार्थ को दूसरे में मिलाने का परिणाम हो लेकिन उसमें पूरी तरह से घुला न होAlthough he tried to blend the mixture, the make-up artist couldn’t seem to emulsify the suspended liquids correctly.
9572जांच का – Enquiringasking about something in order to gain information – जानकारी प्राप्त करने के लिए किसी चीज़ के बारे में पूछनाA few people have been enquiring about the property we have for sale, but none have offered to purchase it.
9573गड़बड़ी – Perturbationthe condition of being distressed – व्यथित होने की अवस्था या भावWhen the sensitive boy realized he was being dumped by his girlfriend, he fell into perturbation.
9574छायादार – Umbrageousproviding shade – छाया प्रदान करनाSitting under the umbrageous tree, the overheated workers were thankful for the shade.
9575सील – Patinaa layer of coating – कोटिंग की एक परतA shiny patina covers the statue, amplifying its historical value.
9576आमोद – Merrimentlaughter, happiness, and enjoyment – हँसी, ख़ुशी, और आनंदThe party was filled with the wonderful sounds of merriment.
9577निगेटिव – Unassertivepassive; unwilling to make decisions – निष्क्रिय; निर्णय लेने को तैयार नहींI was unassertive when I was young, but as an adult I’ve learned how to do and say what I want without fear.
9578रोगज़नक़ – Pathogena tiny organism that brings about a disease – एक छोटा जीव जो रोग उत्पन्न करता हैThe pathogen triggered an illness that made half the student body sick.
9579बाहर निकालना – Oustto banish or kick out – निर्वासित करना या बाहर निकालनाEnvironmental specialists would prefer to oust herbicides because they can cause health problems and diseases to many people.
9580चतुरता में मात देना – Outwitto be more cunning or brilliant over someone else – किसी दूसरे से अधिक चालाक या प्रतिभाशाली होनाIn the song, “Devil Went Down to Georgia,” the boy was able to outwit the devil by playing his fiddle better.
9581तोड़ी – Smashedbroken or violently shattered something – किसी चीज का टूटा हुआ या हिंसक रूप से बिखरा हुआ होनाThe little girl smashed her finger in the car door, breaking the bone in one spot.
9582अड़ जाना – Unyieldingnot flexible; not easily moved or swayed – लचीला नहीं; आसानी से हिलाया या झुकाया नहीं गयाMy unyielding father refused to increase my allowance.
9583अनैच्छिक – Involuntarydone without thought or without planning – बिना सोचे समझे या बिना योजना के किया गयाMy involuntary response was to jump back from the snake.
9584मौजूद – Existentto be living – जीवित रहनाQuestions are always posed about whether the dinosaurs were existent after the Mesozoic Era.
9585काउंटेस – Countessa woman who is of high social rank, especially the wife of a count – एक महिला जो उच्च सामाजिक पद पर है, विशेषकर एक गिनती की पत्नीMarrying a count shortly before she turned 18, the countess served as a companion to the queen.
9586एकदम सही – Exactprecise or accurate – सटीक या सटीकWhen the two runners crossed the line, the judge needed an exact time for each runner since it was unknown who won.
9587अंगार – Embera glowing piece of coal or wood – कोयले या लकड़ी का चमकता हुआ टुकड़ाThe fire was blamed on an ember from the camp fire that had not been fully extinguished.
9588प्रोपेल – Propelto cause to move in a certain direction – एक निश्चित दिशा में आगे बढ़ने के लिए प्रेरित करनाThe seat belt stopped him from being able to propel forward during the crash.
9589हवाई – Aerialhappening in the air – हवा में हो रहा हैAn aerial view of the city showed just how cluttered and crowded the metropolitan area looks from above.
9590बंदूक – Musketa heavy, muzzle-loading firearm that was used in the past wars – एक भारी, थूथन-लोडिंग बन्दूक जिसका उपयोग पिछले युद्धों में किया गया थाAfter loading his musket, the Civil War soldier hid in the woods and waited for the signal to fire.
9591काम करने का ढंग – Modus operandithe usual way something is done, typically a pattern – किसी चीज़ को करने का सामान्य तरीका, आमतौर पर एक पैटर्नThe chef’s modus operandi for preparing a meal always began with laying out all of the ingredients and tools needed on the counter.
9592अनुमेय $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push([“8f1244f6-5306-4bbe-9562-fc5ef7966ac2”]); }) पिछला शब्द अगला शब्द – Permissive   $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push([“8f1244f6-5306-4bbe-9562-fc5ef7966ac2”]); }) Prev Word Next Wordgiving permission, or predisposed to give it; lenient – अनुमति देना, या देने के लिए पूर्वनिर्धारित; उदारTimmy’s mother was too permissive, allowing him to do what he wanted when he wanted.
9593चढ़ गया – Climbedrose up; elevated higher – सतह पर आया; और भी ऊँचा उठा दिया गयाThe hiker climbed the mountain, making it all the way to the top in just a couple of days.
9594ट्वीड – Tweeda rough woolen cloth of many colors – कई रंगों का एक खुरदुरा ऊनी कपड़ाMy grandmother has a soft spot for tweed napkins and handkerchiefs, mostly for the decorative nature of their many colors.
9595अंदाज़ा लगाना – Anticipateready for something to occur – कुछ घटित होने के लिए तैयारSince we anticipate each person will eat at least two hot dogs at the barbecue, we have purchased fifty hot dogs for our twenty-five guests.
9596निंदा की – Condemneddeclared unfit or unworthy; officially treated poorly – अयोग्य या अयोग्य घोषित किया गया; आधिकारिक तौर पर खराब व्यवहार किया गयाThe young man was condemned by his peers solely because he wasn’t intelligent, even though he still had skills to offer to society.
9597पूर्णावरोधक – Occlusivetending to close up or to block off – बंद करने या बंद करने की प्रवृत्तिIf an occlusive blood clot is present, there will be no blood flow into the vein.
9598ऋक्ष – Cynosuresomething or someone that is the center of attention – कोई चीज़ या व्यक्ति जो ध्यान का केंद्र होWhen Jake got the yellow sports car for his birthday, he knew his arrival at school would be the cynosure of the day.
9599शासकीय सूचना – Communiquean official statement or press release – एक आधिकारिक बयान या प्रेस विज्ञप्तिThe company released a communique to the news outlet that explained why the former CEO resigned.
9600चिल्लाहट – Outcrya loud utterance or yell – ज़ोर से बोलना या चिल्लानाAn outcry from the peasants for the poor working conditions forced the landowner to make changes due to their complaints.
9601टक्कर मारना – Ramto butt or strike something – किसी चीज पर प्रहार करना या प्रहार करनाThe police began to ram the door with a piece of steel in order to force their way in.
9602डाइन – Dineto eat dinner, especially at a restaurant – रात का खाना खाने के लिए, खासकर किसी रेस्तरां मेंEvery Sunday, we dine at our neighbor’s house and share gossip over a good meal.
9603उत्सव मनाना – Festinateto hurry or rush – जल्दी करना या हड़बड़ी करनाLate for work for the fourth time this week, Lucille began to festinate and made a mad dash for the subway.
9604यथार्थवाद – Realisma realistic approach of accepting things as they are and dealing with them accordingly – चीजों को वैसे ही स्वीकार करने और उनके अनुसार व्यवहार करने का यथार्थवादी दृष्टिकोणThe scientist always approached his work with a sense of realism and refused to let emotions lead him.
9605ऐयाश – Satyra creature of Greek mythology composed of a man and a goat that inhabits the wilderness and is known for its fondness of wine and women – ग्रीक पौराणिक कथाओं का एक प्राणी जो एक आदमी और एक बकरी से बना है जो जंगल में रहता है और शराब और महिलाओं के शौक के लिए जाना जाता हैTaking the form of a satyr, the mighty Zeus took the woman to be his own and retreated into the woods.
9606नृशंस – Mordacioushaving an abrasive attitude or using abrasive words – अभद्र रवैया रखना या अभद्र शब्दों का प्रयोग करनाAfter the young man cut line at the grocery store, the woman had some mordacious words which embarrassed the man.
9607अस्पष्ट – Opaquenot able to be seen through – आर-पार देखा नहीं जा सकताJack’s tinted car windows appear opaque to everyone outside the car.
9608पार हो गई – Exceededwent above/beyond a limit – एक सीमा से ऊपर/परे चला गयाBecause he exceeded the weight limit for the ride, the heavy guest was not allowed to get on the waterpark slide.
9609तितर – बितर – Dispersedto spread out equally – समान रूप से फैलानाSince the chef wanted each bite to have the same amount of icing on it, he dispersed the icing evenly over the top of the cake.
9610भय से – Awfullyterribly; in a very bad way – भयानक रूप से; बहुत बुरे तरीके सेThe tea was awfully sweet and left a terrible after taste after being ingested.
9611टापू – Isleisland – द्वीपThe deserted isle was in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.
9612अन्य बातों के साथ – Inter aliaa phrase meaning among other things – अन्य बातों के अलावा एक वाक्यांश का अर्थThe teacher wore many hats including counselor and nurse, inter alia.
9613धीमा करना – Decelerateto slow down or reduce the speed of something – किसी चीज़ की गति को धीमा या कम करनाAs the speedometer reached 100 miles per hour, the frightened passenger begged the driver to decelerate.
9614खिलना – Blossomto thrive or develop – पनपना या विकसित होनाYour ice cream business will blossom during the summer months.
9615कच्चा – Rawbonedlanky or scrawny build or body – दुबला-पतला या पतला शरीर या गठनDue to the severe drought and famine, the rawboned cows were merely skin and bones.
9616अपमानजनक – Opprobriousconveying shame or contempt – शर्म या अवमानना व्यक्त करनाElaine was offended by her friends’ opprobrious remarks about her drunken behavior.
9617प्रासंगिक बनाएं – Contextualizeto put something in proper perspective – किसी चीज़ को उचित परिप्रेक्ष्य में रखनाIf a friend enters a conversation you are having halfway through it, you may have to contextualize it before he knows what you are talking about.
9618सुनसार जंगल – Backwoodsa place considered to be in the middle of nowhere because very little civilization is nearby – एक ऐसी जगह जिसे बीच में माना जाता है क्योंकि आसपास बहुत कम सभ्यता हैSince the restaurant was located in the backwoods, only a few people who knew where this restaurant was actually went to it.
9619विषहर औषध – Antidotea substance to counteract a poison – जहर का प्रतिकार करने वाला पदार्थBecause he was bit by a snake, they had to give him the antidote so he would survive.
9620अवयव – Componenta small section of a bigger part of a whole thing – किसी संपूर्ण चीज़ के बड़े भाग का एक छोटा भागThe only component of the sandwich that I do not like is the tomato, but the turkey, lettuce and mayonnaise are fine.
9621दहेज – Dowera widow’s share of her late husband’s property – एक विधवा का अपने दिवंगत पति की संपत्ति में हिस्साUnfortunately, Ms. Kirkland’s dower is only thirty percent of all the property her late husband owned.
9622पटक दिया – Slammedshut something loudly and with forceful power – किसी चीज को जोर से और जोरदार शक्ति से बंद करनाThe angry wife slammed her ring down on the kitchen table and glared at her husband.
9623सुविधा – Conveniencea thing which makes something easier for an individual – एक चीज़ जो किसी व्यक्ति के लिए कुछ आसान बनाती हैThe elevator is a pleasant convenience that helps me avoid stairs.
9624विविसेकशन – Vivisectionpurposely wounding or slitting open an animal in order to examine it for medical purposes – चिकित्सीय प्रयोजनों के लिए किसी जानवर की जांच करने के लिए उसे जानबूझकर घायल करना या चीरनाWhen the photos of the vivisection were posted online, many people were upset at the brutal nature of killing the animals until they found it was done for scientific reasons.
9625COLON – Colonthe longest part of the large intestine that connects to the rectum – बड़ी आंत का सबसे लंबा भाग जो मलाशय से जुड़ता हैBecause his large intestine is backed up, Jessie has to drink a colon cleanser to clean out his system.
9626लिखित – Theorya conclusion based on conducted experiments or studies – आयोजित प्रयोगों या अध्ययनों के आधार पर एक निष्कर्षMany people disagree about the Big Bang Theory creating the universe due to the lack of evidence.
9627सुदर्शन – Comelyattractive to the eye – आंख को आकर्षकJake offered to buy the comely blonde a drink.
9628द्रव्यमान के संरक्षण का नियम – Law of conservation of massscientific principle that holds that the mass of an object never changes, no matter how the basic parts rearrange themselves – वैज्ञानिक सिद्धांत जो मानता है कि किसी वस्तु का द्रव्यमान कभी नहीं बदलता, चाहे उसके मूल हिस्से खुद को कैसे भी पुनर्व्यवस्थित कर लेंThe law of conservation of mass states that matter cannot be created or destroyed in a closed system.
9629कील – Wedgeto cram force something into a narrow space – किसी चीज को किसी संकीर्ण स्थान में जबरदस्ती ठूंसनाIf you wedge the rock in between the door and the frame, it will stay open until you come back.
9630सुरक्षित – Reservedbooked; retained – बुक किया गया; बनाए रखाA special suite was reserved online for the lovebirds’ first anniversary.
9631ध्वन्यात्मक – Orotundhaughty in tone or style – स्वर या शैली में घृणितThe millionaire’s orotund manner made him come across as arrogant.
9632स्फुटन – Dehiscencethe splitting or bursting open of something (especially a wound or pod.) – किसी चीज़ का टूटना या फूटना (विशेषकर कोई घाव या फली)।Once the fruit was mature, dehiscence happened naturally, and the contents of the pod spilled all over the ground.
9633समर्थक – Proa professional or expert – एक पेशेवर या विशेषज्ञBecause her mother is pro basketball player, most people are surprised that Maria doesn’t like sports.
9634निकट – Approachingcoming nearer in time or distance – समय या दूरी में निकट आनाThe weather may be clear right now, but the fast approaching storm will darken the skies in an hour at best.
9635अनुकूलन – Customizableable to be customized or modified to fit a particular purpose – किसी विशेष उद्देश्य को पूरा करने के लिए अनुकूलित या संशोधित किया जा सकता हैThe jewelry is customizable, so the bracelets can be modified to fit both children and adults.
9636महाद्वीप – Continentone of the seven large masses of land on the Earth – पृथ्वी पर भूमि के सात बड़े द्रव्यमानों में से एकEach separate continent used to be part of one giant landmass called Pangea.
9637मलेरिया – Malariaa disease spread by mosquito – मच्छर से फैलने वाली एक बीमारीBecause it is often transmitted by mosquitoes, malaria is a serious problem in humid tropical environments like Panama.
9638रसहीन – Uninterestingnot noteworthy or noticeable – उल्लेखनीय या ध्यान देने योग्य नहींNot to say the play was uninteresting, but I didn’t really find it all that exciting either, since nothing dramatic happened.
9639बढ़ना – Growto get bigger – बड़ा होनाThe pumpkin would grow bigger and bigger in the patch until it was twice the size it once was.
9640Ascend – Ascendto travel in an upward direction – ऊपर की दिशा में यात्रा करनाSam was able to ascend the corporate ladder because of his relationships with powerful executives.
9641सुरक्षित जगह – Safe placea space created for people to gather in to feel free from danger or hurt – लोगों को खतरे या चोट से मुक्त महसूस करने के लिए इकट्ठा होने के लिए बनाई गई जगहA safe place was established so that college students would have a danger-free zone to gather in on campus.
9642आलस्य – Idlenessinactivity; laziness – निष्क्रियता; आलस्यThe lazy sheep herder’s idleness caused him to fall asleep in the field while a wolf lurked nearby.
9643घिरौची – Alcovea small area that is secluded from a large space – एक छोटा क्षेत्र जो किसी बड़े स्थान से एकांत में होThe alcove above the living room is the perfect place for the kids to hang out and play videogames.
9644सफ़र – Peregrinationthe act of wandering or drifting around – इधर-उधर घूमने या बहने की क्रिया या भावA peregrination of the huge mall left us all with throbbing feet.
9645अकेला – Singleone solitary or lone object – एक अकेली या अकेली वस्तुA single shot was fired from the gun, but that one bullet was enough to kill the victim.
9646छल से किया हुआ – Surreptitiouskept secret and marked by quiet and caution – गुप्त रखा गया और शांति और सावधानी से चिह्नित किया गयाThe dog has his surreptitious ways of stealing table scraps behind my back.
9647अटकल – Divinationfortune telling or other magical means of trying to predict the future – भाग्य बताने या भविष्य की भविष्यवाणी करने का प्रयास करने के अन्य जादुई साधनBelieving in divination based on the stars, the Gemini reads her horoscope every morning to find out what her day is going to be like.
9648बाहर का – Distalsomething that is distant from something else – कुछ ऐसा जो किसी और चीज़ से दूर होThe paramedics were concerned with their patient’s distal pulse because there was a lot of time between beats.
9649कामुक – Voluptuousdisplaying luxury and giving pleasure to the senses – विलासिता प्रदर्शित करना और इंद्रियों को आनंद देनाEvery once in a while I like to treat myself to the voluptuous indulgence of a spa weekend.
9650शिक्षाप्रद – Instructivegiving useful information – उपयोगी जानकारी दे रहा हूँThe data set was instructive and told the professor exactly which students he needed to work with one on one.
9651दुर्लभ – Rarefyto convert into something less thick – किसी कम गाढ़ी चीज़ में परिवर्तित करनाThe chemotherapy may rarefy a person’s hair and cause baldness.
9652संशोधित – Revisedaltered or changed after publication or execution – प्रकाशन या निष्पादन के बाद बदला या बदला हुआHaving discovered an error after being published, the textbook was swiftly revised by the committee.
9653आधे रास्ते – Halfwaymiddle; midway – मध्य; बीच का रास्ताHalfway through the game, the pitcher hurt his hand and had to sit out the rest of the innings.
9654यातना – Purgatorya situation that causes misery – ऐसी स्थिति जो दुख का कारण बनती हैTo the teenage girl, listening to her teachers’ boring lectures all day was purgatory.
9655सहवास – Coitussex or fornication – सेक्स या व्यभिचारIt is illegal to engage in coitus in the United States and most of the first world without the consent of your partner.
9656अध: पतन – Degenerationthe state or process of declining or deteriorating – घटने या बिगड़ने की अवस्था या प्रक्रियाThe pastor preached that the moral degeneration of society has left us in such a deteriorated state that people don’t have real values anymore.
9657नरम – Blandwanting in quality, taste, or seasonings – गुणवत्ता, स्वाद, या मसाला चाहते हैंThe bland salad will taste better if you add salt and pepper to it.
9658आबादकार – Settlerone who settles in a new location – जो नये स्थान पर बसता होThe traveling gypsy decided to become a settler by purchasing a home in Colorado.
9659भड़ौआ – Travestya false or distorted representation of something, usually of something serious – किसी चीज़ का गलत या विकृत प्रतिनिधित्व, आमतौर पर किसी गंभीर चीज़ काIt would be a travesty of justice to put an innocent man in jail.
9660स्नातकोत्तर – Postgraduatereferring to study undertaken after completing a first degree – पहली डिग्री पूरी करने के बाद किए गए अध्ययन का जिक्रAny degree you study for after completing your first degree can be considered postgraduate, and it always looks good on your resume.
9661चालाक – Cunningsomething done skillfully or with clever deception – कुशलतापूर्वक या चतुर धोखे से किया गया कोई कामEven though Shannon thought she had a cunning strategy to get Bill to propose, it turned out to be wasted planning when he told her that he was already married.
9662पृथ्वी खोद कर निकालना – Exhumeto bring something forth, often a body from the ground – किसी चीज़ को बाहर लाना, अक्सर ज़मीन से कोई पिंडIn twenty years, we will exhume our time capsule from the ground.
9663डराना – Intimidatingcausing others to be afraid or timid – दूसरों को भयभीत या डरपोक बनानाBecause of his big muscles and mean grimace, most people were afraid to approach the intimidating bodyguard.
9664तीक्ष्णता – Asperitymanner or tone of voice – आवाज का ढंग या स्वरWhen I was a teenager, my father used asperity when he spoke with all my dates in hopes of scaring them away.
9665सँकरा – Narrowa smaller than usual amount of space – जगह की सामान्य मात्रा से कमThe space between the cars was so narrow that she had to hold the door and squeeze through the tiny opening to avoid hitting the other car.
9666उम्मीद – Expectancyin a state of hoping or expecting something to happen – कुछ घटित होने की आशा या आशा करने की स्थिति मेंRight before the storm, the stores restocked their shelves with expectancy of hurried shoppers.
9667इस तरह – Hencetherefore; for this reason – इसलिए; इस कारण सेThe weather was much better this year; hence the orange crop is larger.
9668तलें – Sauteto fry food quickly in hot oil – गर्म तेल में खाना जल्दी तलने के लिएIn order to saute the vegetables, the chef quickly increased the temperature on the stove and dropped in a pat of butter.
9669खाली – Emptyunable to satisfy; hollow; vain – संतुष्ट करने में असमर्थ; खोखला; व्यर्थMy neighbor’s apologies were empty gestures and nothing more.
9670पिताधर्म – Fatherhoodthe state of being a father to a child – एक बच्चे का पिता होने की अवस्था या भावAlthough he knew nothing about caring for children, the man threw himself into fatherhood.
9671आत्मा ग्लानि – Remorseguilt or regret for a misdeed – किसी दुष्कर्म के लिए अपराधबोध या पछतावाThe psychopath appeared content and showed no remorse during the murder trial.
9672तेज़ – Volantto spread wings outward as if to fly – पंखों को बाहर की ओर फैलाना मानो उड़ना होThe prince knew he was in trouble when the volant dragon became twice his size and then fluttered about.
9673उद्वेग उत्पन्न करनेवाला मनुष्य – Agitatora person who causes trouble or stir people up, especially in support of a cause – ऐसा व्यक्ति जो परेशानी पैदा करता है या लोगों को उत्तेजित करता है, विशेषकर किसी उद्देश्य के समर्थन मेंA political agitator, the angry young man, screamed in the faces of the protestors seeking change with local laws.
9674अनजान – Unawarehaving no knowledge of a situation or fact – किसी स्थिति या तथ्य का ज्ञान न होनाThe neighbors claimed to have been unaware that the shooting victim was a part of a well-known gang.
9675तुरंत – Immediatewithout delay; instant – बिना देर किये; तुरंतWhen code blue was announced on the intercom of the hospital, everyone noticed the immediate attention of every nurse was revealed as they ran for the door.
9676क्षमता – Competencethe ability to do something well or skillfully – किसी काम को अच्छी तरह या कुशलता से करने की क्षमताThe court vetted the defendant’s mental competence and decided that she was sane enough to stand trial.
9677अस्पष्टता – Opacitya blurriness or cloudiness look to something – किसी चीज को देखने पर धुंधलापन या धुंधलापनDue to the opacity of the lenses in my glasses, I could not read the print on the pages of my book.
9678काउंटरवेल – Countervailto counter something with equal force to offset its effect – किसी चीज़ का प्रभाव ख़त्म करने के लिए समान बल से उसका मुकाबला करनाTo countervail the customers’ concerns about poor service, the company sent out a letter offering to make things right.
9679शाही – Imperialrelating to an empire, emperor, or the concept of imperialism – किसी साम्राज्य, सम्राट या साम्राज्यवाद की अवधारणा से संबंधितIf a member from an imperial family approaches you, then your response should be to bow before them.
9680बोझल – Burdensometough to fulfill or carry out – पूरा करना या निभाना कठिनAfter accepting several jobs, Lily realized it was burdensome for her to try to juggle all of those jobs.
9681उदासीनता – Indifferencelack of concern or interest – चिंता या रुचि की कमीBecause Martha showed a total lack of interest in music, her mother used this indifference as a reason to sell the family’s piano.
9682नॉन कंपोज़ मेंटिस – Non compos mentisunable to make decisions because of a mental issue, whether it be psychological, physical, or through a disease like dementia – किसी मानसिक समस्या के कारण निर्णय लेने में असमर्थ, चाहे वह मनोवैज्ञानिक हो, शारीरिक हो, या मनोभ्रंश जैसी बीमारी के कारण होThe court declared the defendant non compos mentis and mandated time served in a psychiatric facility.
9683सिम्पैटिको – Simpaticoto be well-matched and like-minded – अच्छी तरह से मेल खाने वाला और समान विचारधारा वाला होनाFinding a simpatico partner in life has become easier for many single people since there are so many dating sites to find people with similarities.
9684प्रयत्नशील – Effortfuldifficult or requiring significant effort – कठिन या महत्वपूर्ण प्रयास की आवश्यकताIt was an effortful battle, but I finally managed to get on the pair of pants that were one size too small for me.
9685बीवी का – Wifelylike or relating to a wife – पत्नी की तरह या उससे संबंधितRita always made sure to complete her wifely duties such as keeping the house clean and cooking for her husband.
9686भाई बहन – Siblingone’s brother or sister – किसी का भाई या बहनEven when you are close in age, sharing a room with a sibling can be difficult.
9687क्लब – Cluba group of people who are involved in a hobby or endeavor – लोगों का एक समूह जो किसी शौक या प्रयास में शामिल हैThe 6-year old always wanted to join the debate club because she enjoyed getting together with the members and practicing their arguing skills.
9688कलंक – Slurto speak and mumble in a way that the words run into each other and can’t be understood – इस तरह से बोलना और बुदबुदाना कि शब्द एक-दूसरे में चले जाएं और समझ में न आएंThe drunk patron started to slur and mumbled his words as he stumbled around the bar.
9689शोक मनाना – Bewailexpressing extreme sorrow by crying or complaining – रोकर या शिकायत करके अत्यधिक दुःख व्यक्त करनाDuring lunch Matt took the opportunity to bewail the incompetence of his office mates.
9690बिखेरना – Strewto spread or scatter things all over the place – चीज़ों को इधर-उधर फैलाना या बिखेरनाDuring the toddler’s temper tantrum, she strew several papers all over the floor.
9691लक्षण – Symptoma sign of a virus, sickness or ailment – किसी वायरस, बीमारी या बीमारी का संकेतSince Sally only had one symptom of coughing, her mother decided she probably was just under the weather and really not very sick.
9692विजय का गीत – Paeanany loud and joyous song; a song of victory or achievement – कोई भी ऊँचा और हर्षित गीत; विजय या उपलब्धि का गीतAfter losing the game, the team was disappointed not to sing their victory paean.
9693झाई – Sunspota dark spot on the Sun’s surface that appears from time to time – सूर्य की सतह पर एक काला धब्बा जो समय-समय पर दिखाई देता हैYou can see a sunspot on our star because it is dark compared to the rest of it.
9694विश्राम का समय – Sabbatha day set aside for religious observation including worship and rest – पूजा और विश्राम सहित धार्मिक अवलोकन के लिए निर्धारित एक दिनMany stores in the U.S. are closed on Sunday as the Sabbath day is regarded as a time for rest.
9695साफ किया हुआ – Cleanedwashed or wiped something dirty until it was unsoiled – किसी गन्दी चीज़ को तब तक धोना या पोंछना जब तक वह मैली न हो जाएThe maid cleaned out the fridge and wiped down the dirty counters before working on the laundry.
9696अन्याय – Injusticeunfair treatment – अनुचित व्यवहारHaving a father who was falsely imprisoned, he was no stranger to injustice.
9697भ्रष्टाचार – Lecheryoverindulgence in sexual pleasures and behaviors – यौन सुखों और व्यवहारों में अत्यधिक लिप्त होनाMy husband’s lechery with other women led to the end of our marriage.
9698रिश्वत – Bribemoney or something valuable given to tempt someone to do what you want – जो पैसा आप चाहते हैं उसे करने के लिए किसी को प्रलोभित करने के लिए दिया गया धन या कोई मूल्यवान वस्तुWhen we went grocery store shopping, Mom would bribe me to behave by giving me candy.
9699अंत में – Ultimatelyfinally; in the end – अंत में; अंततःUltimately, we decided to buy the smaller house that had a lower price tag.
9700विलोम – Antithesisthe total opposite of an object or person – किसी वस्तु या व्यक्ति का बिल्कुल विपरीतIn the movie, Robert’s character of an abusive husband is the antithesis of the caring spouse the actor really is.
9701आरोपी – Accusedcharged with an offense or crime – किसी अपराध या अपराध का आरोप लगाया गयाAlthough he has been accused of burning down the building, the suspect has not been proven guilty.
9702अनमेल – Unalloyedcompletely genuine – पूर्णतया वास्तविकMy best friend announced her unalloyed happiness for my engagement.
9703स्तब्धता – Stupefactionthe state of being stunned or dazed in a stupor – स्तब्ध या स्तब्ध होने की अवस्थाThe citizens seem to be overcome with national stupefaction as more and more people become shocked by what they are seeing take place.
9704गिर पड़ना – Toppleto tumble over – गिर पड़नाPlacing the bowling ball onto the flimsy table caused it to topple over onto the floor.
9705निगलना – Ingestto eat or drink something by swallowing or by taking it through the skin – किसी चीज़ को निगलकर या त्वचा के माध्यम से निकालकर खाना या पीनाTrained assassins and military personnel used to hide cyanide pills on their back teeth so that in the event of capture, they could bite down and ingest the poison quick enough to die.
9706मेमोरेक्स – Memorexan electronics brand of specializing CD and DVD drives – विशेषज्ञता वाली सीडी और डीवीडी ड्राइव का एक इलेक्ट्रॉनिक्स ब्रांडMany thought the Memorex brand would become obsolete when CD sales started to decline.
9707त्वकछेद – Excoriationa cut or scrape on a person’s skin – किसी व्यक्ति की त्वचा पर कट या खरोंचEveryone asked about the excoriation on my finger which I explained was caused by a knife while making dinner.
9708बोले – Snappedbroke suddenly and completely – अचानक और पूरी तरह टूट गयाWhen the writer pushed down too hard with the pencil, the lead tip snapped under the intense pressure.
9709रिकोषेट – Ricocheta rebound, bounce or skip off a surface – किसी सतह से पलटना, उछलना या छूटनाMike was warned that the bullets he was firing could ricochet off of their target and hit someone.
9710तरंगमय – Wavedinstructed to move in a certain direction – एक निश्चित दिशा में आगे बढ़ने का निर्देश दियाThe soldier waved the visitor past the checkpoint after confirming that their papers were legitimate.
9711लालसा – Longingdesperately wanting something – किसी चीज़ की बेताबी से चाहनाLonging for a cheeseburger, the craving wouldn’t subside until I made a midnight trip to McDonalds.
9712चुभता – Mordanthaving a scathing wit – तीखी बुद्धि होनाThe mordant mother often used harsh words that made her son cry.
9713तनाव – Stressto place emphasis or importance on – जोर या महत्व देनाThe professor used repetition to stress the importance of specific words.
9714मालिक – Proprietoran individual who owns a business – एक व्यक्ति जो किसी व्यवसाय का मालिक हैThe proprietor of the restaurant decided to close his establishment after losing money for eight months.
9715उच्च दांव – High stakeshaving a very high potential for gains for losses – हानि के बदले लाभ की बहुत अधिक संभावना होनाThe students taking place in high stakes testing have a lot to lose, as they will not get to go on to the next grade if they don’t pass the exam.
9716जाम – Jammedsqueezed or packed tightly into a small space – एक छोटी सी जगह में कसकर दबाया या पैक किया हुआTen teenagers jammed themselves into the compact car and rode to the beach stuffed in like sardines.
9717आभारी – Gratefulthankful; appreciative – आभारी; सराहनाAfter failing the first test, the student was extremely grateful that her professor allowed a retake.
9718थूथना – Snoutthe mouth and nose of an animal that projects out – किसी जानवर का मुँह और नाक जो बाहर निकला हुआ होPlacing its snout up to the ground, the dog sniffed around in search of the suspect.
9719अंधकार – Obscuritythe condition of being unknown – अज्ञात होने की अवस्थाThe teen heartthrob came out of obscurity and became one of the most famous entertainers in the world.
9720मुक्ति – Absolutenessfree from restriction or limitations – प्रतिबंध या सीमाओं से मुक्तThe absoluteness of the woman’s hatred for her sister-in-law meant that she would go to any length to make sure her enemy suffered.
9721उच्च बनाने की क्रिया – Sublimationwhen anything solid turns into a gas without first becoming liquid – जब कोई ठोस चीज़ पहले तरल बने बिना गैस में बदल जाती हैSublimation happens when freeze-dried food is cooled in a vacuum and then the water is channeled into it.
9722अंतिम तारीख – Deadlinethe latest time or date by which something should be finished or turned in – नवीनतम समय या तारीख जब तक कोई चीज़ समाप्त हो जानी चाहिए या चालू हो जानी चाहिएPushing to meet the latest deadline, the editor worked late into the night on the story.
9723फटकार – Maledictionan evil speech or curse upon someone or something – किसी व्यक्ति या वस्तु पर कोई बुरा भाषण या श्रापSometimes my luck is so bad I believe someone has placed a malediction upon me.
9724रणनीतिक – Strategicallya specific way of planning and decision making – योजना बनाने और निर्णय लेने का एक विशिष्ट तरीकाCaleb strategically paced himself on the test in order to have enough time to answer each question.
9725कटार – Daggera short weapon with a blade and a handle – ब्लेड और हैंडल वाला एक छोटा हथियारThe sharp handle of the warrior’s dagger was carved out of pure ivory.
9726भौचक – Nonplussedconfused about how to behave or respond – इस बारे में उलझन में है कि कैसे व्यवहार करें या कैसे प्रतिक्रिया देंEven the experienced doctor was nonplussed when he saw the patient with a chainsaw in his skull.
9727के जरिए – Viaby way of; through – के माध्यम से; के माध्यम सेThe couple decided to send out their wedding invitations via Facebook since this is a free way to let families know about the event.
9728शिकार – Quarryan area from which materials like stone are removed – वह क्षेत्र जहाँ से पत्थर जैसी सामग्री हटा दी जाती हैAt night, the moonlight caused the stones in the quarry to shine.
9729उपचारात्मक – Remedialdesigned to improve something – कुछ सुधारने के लिए डिज़ाइन किया गयाRemedial steps will be taken to improve the damaged highway.
9730स्वच्छता – Cleanlinessthe attribute of being clean or immaculate – स्वच्छ या बेदाग होने का गुणIf you wish to impress someone on a date, you should practice cleanliness so you are not dirty when you see them.
9731बड़ा – Grandlarge and impressive – बड़ा और प्रभावशालीThe Titanic’s grand staircase, large and ornate, was completely gone when the remainder of the ship were discovered in the 1980s.
9732निष्ठा – Allegianceloyalty to some cause, nation or ruler – किसी कारण, राष्ट्र या शासक के प्रति निष्ठाStanding opposite the flag, I placed my right hand on my heart to recite the pledge of allegiance.
9733चेतना – Consciousnesscognition, awareness of the mind of its own existence in the world – अनुभूति, दुनिया में अपने अस्तित्व के बारे में मन की जागरूकताThe stream of consciousness is what allows us to continue to think, and constantly question our place in the world.
9734सिज़ोफ्रेनिया – Schizophrenica person suffering from schizophrenia, a mental disorder characterized by abnormal social behavior and failure to understand what is real – सिज़ोफ्रेनिया से पीड़ित एक व्यक्ति, एक मानसिक विकार जिसमें असामान्य सामाजिक व्यवहार और वास्तविक क्या है यह समझने में विफलता शामिल हैBeing that I’m schizophrenic about being in public, I always feel like someone is going to murder me or a shooting is going to happen.
9735ग़ुलाम – Helota serf or slave – एक दास या दासThe life of the helot was rather depressing due to their excessive work for the king as well as always feeling poor.
9736निष्क्रिय – Passiveundertaking no action – कोई कार्रवाई नहीं करनाThe passive man never placed a hand on his abusive wife.
9737चुप – Unsungnot praised or celebrated – प्रशंसा या जश्न नहीं मनाया गयाAn unsung champion, the nameless soldier was never even honored for his heroic acts.
9738मरम्मत – Repairto mend or fix something – किसी चीज़ को सुधारना या ठीक करनाThe asphalt needs someone to repair it, but the local officials claim there are no funds.
9739बोनिफेस – Bonifacethe manager or owner of a hospitality-type business – आतिथ्य-प्रकार के व्यवसाय का प्रबंधक या स्वामीAfter being served disgusting food and the wrong drinks, the customers asked to speak to the Boniface to resolve the issues.
9740आटोमैटिक मशीन – Automatonthe process of making a machine work automatically without the assistance of a human – किसी मशीन को मानव की सहायता के बिना स्वचालित रूप से चलाने की प्रक्रियाAutomation of the check-out process has caused many cashiers to be replaced by ‘self-checkout’ machines.
9741सामान्य ज्ञान – Commonsensicalbased on sound reasoning or information – ठोस तर्क या जानकारी पर आधारितThough the information was commonsensical, some of the students still didn’t understand it.
9742वातावरण के अनुकूल बनाना – Domesticateto tame an animal – किसी जानवर को वश में करनाThe woman tried to domesticate the cat, but it was determined to remain feral.
9743जागरूकता – Awarenessthe condition of being informed – सूचित होने की स्थितिIn order to bring awareness to the emotional and financial needs of veterans, the singer has planned a benefit concert.
9744आनंद – Pleasureenjoyment; happiness – आनंद; ख़ुशीMost people enjoy watching television, but I draw pleasure from writing stories.
9745उपहासपूर्वक – Derisivelyin a mocking and demeaning manner – मज़ाकिया और अपमानजनक तरीके सेWhen I tripped in the hallway, an onlooker derisively copied my fall for others’ amusement.
9746दिखावा – Shama fake; an imitation that purports to be genuine – नकली; एक नकल जो वास्तविक होने का दावा करती हैWhen we found out that the engagement was just a sham, we were very upset.
9747ब्यूरो – Bureauan agency or governmental department – एक एजेंसी या सरकारी विभागAlthough it is their job, officials at the labor bureau refuse to support worker rights.
9748घृणा करना – Detestto deeply despise a person or thing – किसी व्यक्ति या वस्तु का गहरा तिरस्कार करनाIf you really detest your ex-husband, you will stay away from him.
9749हंडा – Cauldrona large bowl shaped pot used for cooking over an open flame – खुली लौ पर खाना पकाने के लिए इस्तेमाल किया जाने वाला एक बड़ा कटोरे के आकार का बर्तनWhen our family went camping we would often use a cauldron to slowly cook our stew for dinner.
9750अपराध – Offensea violation of a law or rule – किसी कानून या नियम का उल्लंघनThough it was only his first offense, the judge decided to sentence the criminal to a lengthy prison stay.
9751परिकल्पित – Envisagedimagined or foresaw something for the future – भविष्य के लिए किसी चीज़ की कल्पना या पूर्वानुमान करनाThe saleswoman was tired of traveling and envisaged a life where she didn’t have to go out of town for work.
9752कम – Diminishedshrank; reduced – सिकुड़ गया; कम किया हुआThe school’s resources were diminished, so parents chipped in to refill the dwindling stocks of pencil and paper.
9753रहने योग्य – Habitablesafe and comfortable to live in – रहने के लिए सुरक्षित और आरामदायकThe mounds of debris and trash in the rental home meant it would be months before it was habitable.
9754उठा लिया – Liftedheld up; raised – बाधा डालना; उठायाThe wrestler lifted the other man up in the air, spinning him around and around before dropping him on the mat.
9755परमादेश – Mandamusa legal order from a higher court to a lower court to perform a required task – किसी आवश्यक कार्य को करने के लिए उच्च न्यायालय से निचली अदालत को दिया गया कानूनी आदेशIn order to fix the problems of justice, a mandamus was required by the Supreme Court to have the State Court execute a state of emergency.
9756संतोषजनक – Substantialreferring to something that is greater or larger than normal – किसी ऐसी चीज़ का जिक्र करना जो सामान्य से अधिक या बड़ी होAfter winning the lottery, the family won a substantial amount of money in which they didn’t know how to spend it all.
9757विपरीत मानसिकता – Reverse Psychologythe practice of subtly encouraging a behavior by advocating the opposite – किसी व्यवहार के विपरीत की वकालत करके उसे सूक्ष्मता से प्रोत्साहित करने का अभ्यासMy mother would often use reverse psychology on me, telling me not to clean the dishes because she knew I don’t like agreeing with orders.
9758प्रहार – Strikingnoticeable or prominent – ध्यान देने योग्य या प्रमुखHaving a striking face, the young woman could turn men’s heads to stare at her by walking down the street.
9759ओवरस्पिल – Overspilla word used to refer to people who don’t fit in a certain place because of population or capacity – यह शब्द उन लोगों को संदर्भित करने के लिए प्रयोग किया जाता है जो जनसंख्या या क्षमता के कारण किसी निश्चित स्थान पर फिट नहीं बैठते हैंThe Chinese overspill are moving away from the city center and into the mountains where there is more space.
9760अधिकृत – Authorizeto give official permission – आधिकारिक अनुमति देने के लिएA manager must authorize the transaction before we can give the customer the money.
9761तुच्छ बात – Pipsqueaka small, weak and unimportant person – एक छोटा, कमज़ोर और महत्वहीन व्यक्तिWhile the majority of people in the world are stronger than I am, this particular pipsqueak is not.
9762असंयमी – Incontinentinability to control ones actions or hold back from something desired – अपने कार्यों को नियंत्रित करने या वांछित चीज़ से पीछे हटने में असमर्थताSomeone who has Tourette syndrome is considered incontinent because they have little to no control over repeated words or sudden movements.
9763बंद किया हुआ – Pentbottled up or suppressed – बोतलबंद या दबाया हुआWith pent up anger after years of abuse, the wife took out a shot gun and killed her violent husband.
9764बढ़ाना – Elongateto make something longer – किसी चीज़ को लंबा बनानाIn an attempt to elongate her body, the dancer stood on her tiptoes and stretched her arms up to the sky.
9765उत्साही – Feistyaggressively energetic; courageous – आक्रामक रूप से ऊर्जावान; साहसिकAlways ready for a fight, the feisty Chihuahua’s bark was much bigger than his bite.
9766प्रतीकात्मक – Symbolican object whose meaning is often deeper or different than it appears – एक वस्तु जिसका अर्थ अक्सर दिखाई देने से अधिक गहरा या भिन्न होता हैThe life cycle of the mythical phoenix is symbolic of rebirth and reincarnation.
9767हाशिए पर रखना – Marginatehaving a distinct border, or ‘margin’ – एक अलग सीमा, या ‘मार्जिन’ होनाEvery country is marginate in nature, having a distinct border that determines how much territory that country controls.
9768बहुत अच्छा – Superextraordinary or excellent – असाधारण या उत्कृष्टYou did a super job on your math test to have scored an A+.
9769टालना – Avertto stop an incident from occurring – किसी घटना को घटित होने से रोकने के लिएI always avert my eyes to avoid seeing the bloody movie scenes.
9770ग्लोबल वार्मिंग – Global warmingthe steady rise in temperature of the Earth’s air caused by a form of pollution – एक प्रकार के प्रदूषण के कारण पृथ्वी की वायु के तापमान में लगातार वृद्धिWhen people would spray their aerosol cans, environmentalists blamed the 99-degree temperatures on global warming.
9771अपेक्षा करना – Expectto guess or suppose – अनुमान लगाना या माननाWhen everything was going wrong with the flight, we were told to expect the worst with a crash landing.
9772स्वाद – Gustatoryrelating to taste – स्वाद से संबंधितThe dinner was a gustatory pleasure for the palate.
9773बुद्धि – Wisdomthe capability to use knowledge and experience to make educated and insightful decisions – शिक्षित और व्यावहारिक निर्णय लेने के लिए ज्ञान और अनुभव का उपयोग करने की क्षमताJane’s history of making bad choices shows her lack of wisdom.
9774चीज़ों की तह तक प्रवेश करने की शक्ति – Perspicacitythe ability to notice and understand things that are not obvious – उन चीजों को नोटिस करने और समझने की क्षमता जो स्पष्ट नहीं हैंThe detective’s perspicacity allowed him to easily recognize the criminal in the crowd.
9775राजपूत – Paladina very brave knight that fought using a horse and a sword – एक बहुत ही बहादुर शूरवीर जो घोड़े और तलवार का उपयोग करके लड़ता थाWhile fighting bravely for his country, Charlemagne’s paladin refused to bow down to any other knight.
9776गोलमाल – Hodgepodgea concoction or assortment of various things – विभिन्न वस्तुओं का मिश्रण या वर्गीकरणAfter many people dug through the different appetizers, the large platter was just a hodgepodge of different foods scattered all over the place.
9777अस्पष्ट करना – Obnubilateto obscure or darken something – किसी चीज़ को अस्पष्ट या काला करनाIf a cloud passes in front of the sun, it will obnubilate the ground beneath it, creating shade and making everything darker.
9778होम रन – Home runin baseball, a hit that allows the batter to run all four bases and score a point – बेसबॉल में, एक हिट जो बल्लेबाज को सभी चार आधारों को चलाने और एक अंक प्राप्त करने की अनुमति देता हैAfter hitting the ball over the fence, the batter rounded the bases and jogged in for a home run.
9779उमंग – Exaltationan intense state of joy – आनंद की तीव्र अवस्थाThe old woman smiled in exaltation as she finally received her high school diploma.
9780हैरान करने वाला – Perplexingconfusing or strange – भ्रमित करने वाला या अजीबIt is very perplexing that some people still believe things that were irrefutably disproven, such as the shape of the Earth being flat.
9781मिसे-एन-दृश्य – Mise-en-scenethe process of setting up a stage for a play or performance – किसी नाटक या प्रदर्शन के लिए मंच स्थापित करने की प्रक्रियाThe crowd seemed oblivious to the mise-en-scene, keeping their eyes on the actors even as the scenery was being changed.
9782एनिमेशन – Animationthe technique causing images to appear to move – वह तकनीक जिसके कारण छवियां हिलती हुई दिखाई देती हैंDue to the computer animation, it is now possible to make cartoon films more quickly.
9783नास्तिकता – Disbelieveto refuse or reject the belief or credence of something – किसी बात के विश्वास या विश्वसनीयता को नकारना या अस्वीकार करनाThe proof provided by the research made it hard to disbelieve in climate change.
9784शव – Cadavera lifeless body that is used for research – एक निर्जीव शरीर जिसका उपयोग अनुसंधान के लिए किया जाता हैIn medical school, each student gets his own cadaver on which to practice.
9785गुण – Virtuesqualities or merits that make up one’s personality – गुण या गुण जो किसी के व्यक्तित्व का निर्माण करते हैंThe company was founded on several virtues including honesty and the importance of embracing people from all walks of life.
9786सड़क – Roadwaythe part of the street where cars drive – सड़क का वह भाग जहाँ गाड़ियाँ चलती हैंThe construction company is working on the roadway so that it will be safer for drivers.
9787भागफल – Quotientthe end of result of division – विभाजन के परिणाम की समाप्तिThe fun quotient reduced significantly when mom decided to tag along.
9788सस्ता हो जाना – Cheapento reduce the price or quality of something – किसी चीज़ की कीमत या गुणवत्ता कम करनाIf the movie theater decides to cheapen the price of tickets, more people will be able to afford tickets.
9789प्रतिद्वंद्वी – Opponenta rival or challenger – प्रतिद्वंद्वी या चुनौती देने वालाWith his first punch, Ali knocked out his opponent.
9790निश्चित रूप से – Unquestionablycertain; not able to be disputed – निश्चित; विवादित होने में सक्षम नहींThe doctor will unquestionably perform the surgery, the only thing in question is the date.
9791खंडन करने योग्य – Revocablecapable of being canceled – रद्द किये जाने योग्यThankfully my order was revocable, and I was able to cancel it later when I realized I didn’t need it.
9792निधि – Trovea collection of things – चीज़ों का संग्रहI hope to find a trove of Easter eggs on the hunt today.
9793विदाई – Adieua farewell, a goodbye; especially a fond farewell, or a lasting or permanent farewell – एक विदाई, एक अलविदा; विशेष रूप से एक स्नेहमयी विदाई, या स्थायी या स्थायी विदाईWe bid each other adieu after the movies by giving one another a hug.
9794आने वाला है – Cometha form of the word come that is third-person singular simple present indicative form but is archaic and rarely used – शब्द का एक रूप जो तृतीय-पुरुष एकवचन, सरल वर्तमान सूचक रूप है, लेकिन पुरातन है और शायद ही कभी उपयोग किया जाता हैIf you refuse to pay what you owe, to your door, the tax man cometh.
9795आज का दिन – Present-dayof the current time period – वर्तमान समयावधि काThe area that was once called New Granada is present-day Columbia.
9796शक्ति अथवा प्रतिक्षा में बढ़ाना – Aggrandizemake great or greater in power, rank, honor, or wealth; increase – शक्ति, पद, सम्मान, या धन में महान या महान बनाना; बढ़ोतरीI attempted to aggrandize the CEO’s high status in the company to sweet talk him into signing off on the deal.
9797ह्विस्ट – Whista card game played by four people (two per team) in which each side tries to win more cards than the other – चार लोगों (प्रति टीम दो) द्वारा खेला जाने वाला एक कार्ड गेम जिसमें प्रत्येक पक्ष दूसरे की तुलना में अधिक कार्ड जीतने की कोशिश करता हैWhile playing whist, the group of friends fought over who was going to win more cards during the game.
9798बहिष्करण – Exclusionthe condition of denying access to something – किसी चीज़ तक पहुंच से इनकार करने की स्थितिDue to his exclusion from the military, Darrel didn’t know what he was going to do in the future.
9799जवाबदेही – Accountabilitythe state of being accountable; responsible for – जवाबदेह होने की अवस्था या भाव; के लिए जिम्मेदारTheir lack of accountability has corroded public respect for business and political leaders.
9800आकर्षित करना – Attractto cause something to be drawn towards something else – किसी चीज़ को किसी और चीज़ की ओर आकर्षित करनाThe sweet smell of the flower nectar can attract bees from many miles away.
9801थैलैसिक – Thalassicrelating to the sea – समुद्र से संबंधितWe needed a ship to go on a thalassic adventure, because we definitely couldn’t swim across the sea.
9802ख़ुरमा – Persimmona reddish-orange sweet fruit that is similar to a plum – एक लाल-नारंगी मीठा फल जो बेर के समान होता हैAfter pulling a persimmon off the tree, the young girl took a bite into the juicy rosy produce tasting its sugary flesh.
9803प्राकृतिक – Naturalsomething organic derived from nature that is raw and pure, not having been treated or processed – प्रकृति से प्राप्त कुछ जैविक जो कच्चा और शुद्ध है, जिसका उपचार या प्रसंस्करण नहीं किया गया हैNatural honey is one of the only raw and pure foods that never goes bad.
9804चापलूसी – Flatterygiving excessive and often fake compliments to receive a favor – एहसान पाने के लिए अत्यधिक और अक्सर नकली तारीफ करनाThe failing student tried to use flattery to persuade his teacher to up his grade, but no number of compliments were enough to convince her.
9805आंगन – Patioa paved outside space that is usually attached to the house – एक पक्का बाहरी स्थान जो आमतौर पर घर से जुड़ा होता हैDuring the garden party, the club members met on the patio to sip their lemonade and discuss the items on the meeting’s agenda.
9806तंबू – Tenta portable shelter made of cloth that is covered and held up by rods – कपड़े से बना एक पोर्टेबल आश्रय जो छड़ों से ढका और टिका हुआ होता हैWhen the family got to the camping site, the father and sons pitched the tent immediately to have something to sleep in if it rained.
9807हिंसक – Violentinvolving the use of physical force to harm someone – किसी को नुकसान पहुंचाने के लिए शारीरिक बल का प्रयोग शामिल हैBecause she had been abused for many years, the wife didn’t seem to think anything was wrong with her husband’s violent outbursts.
9808कभी-कभी – Seldomhardly ever – मुश्किल सेIn the beach town, the temperature seldom falls below sixty-eight degrees.
9809नास्तिक – Atheistan individual who doesn’t believe in a higher power or god – एक व्यक्ति जो किसी उच्च शक्ति या ईश्वर में विश्वास नहीं करताThe atheist wrote a novel disproving the existence of a higher power.
9810मिलावट – Adulterationthe mixing of matter of inferior and sometimes harmful quality with food or drink intended to be sold – बेचे जाने वाले भोजन या पेय के साथ घटिया और कभी-कभी हानिकारक गुणवत्ता वाले पदार्थ का मिश्रणAlthough it happened unintentionally, the adulteration of the drinking water in Flint, Michigan occurred when lead mixed into the supply.
9811अस्पष्टता – Ambiguitysomething that does not have a clear meaning – कुछ ऐसा जिसका कोई स्पष्ट अर्थ न होAlthough Hank wants to sign the contract, he needs to understand the ambiguity of some of the language first.
9812परिपूर्णता – Acmethe highest peak that is reachable – सबसे ऊँची चोटी जिस पर पहुँचा जा सकता हैAt her acme, the singer was making over thirty million dollars a year.
9813चौड़ाई – Breadththe extent or measure of how broad or wide something is – कोई चीज़ कितनी व्यापक या चौड़ी है इसकी सीमा या मापThe gossip quickly spanned the breadth of the school building.
9814असली – Surrealappearing as a fantasy or dream – कल्पना या स्वप्न के रूप में प्रकट होनाAfter eating drug-laced brownies, Gerry had a surreal experience in which she believed she was flying through the air like a bird.
9815शिकंजा कसना – Clamp downto make the rules harsher – नियमों को कठोर बनाने के लिएDue to the extinction of many of the game animals, the local town council had to clamp down on the hunting rules by only allowing hunters to hunt in a few months of the year.
9816सेंटीग्रेड – Centigradecentigrade temperature scale – सेंटीग्रेड तापमान पैमानाIn chemistry, we needed to convert the boiling point from Fahrenheit to centigrade.
9817अच्छी तरह – Thoroughdetailed and careful – विस्तृत और सावधानA thorough investigation of the crime brought out lots of details but no motive.
9818साम्राज्यवाद – Imperiumabsolute power – पूर्ण सत्ताFidel Castro exercised imperium over Cuba for several decades, refusing to allow the people much freedom.
9819एरोबिक – Aerobicactivity used to strengthen the heart and lungs by making them work hard for several minutes – गतिविधि का उपयोग हृदय और फेफड़ों को कई मिनट तक कड़ी मेहनत कराकर मजबूत बनाने के लिए किया जाता हैThe aerobic component of the test consists of a strenuous one-mile hike.
9820बिगाड़ना – Impairdamage or weaken something – किसी चीज को नुकसान पहुंचाना या कमजोर करनाAlcohol can greatly impair your judgement.
9821स्पष्ट करना – Elucidateto make clear or easy to understand – स्पष्ट या समझने में आसान बनानाTo make life easy for my math students, I go out of my way to elucidate the complex problems before each test.
9822आकस्मिकता – Bombshellunexpected or surprising – अप्रत्याशित या आश्चर्यजनकThe bombshell news report released information that rocked the country and left readers in shock.
9823खज़ाना – Treasureto greatly value something – किसी चीज़ को अत्यधिक महत्व देनाThis gift means a lot to me, and I will make sure that I treasure it for as long as I live, no matter how long that may be.
9824उतार-चढ़ाव – Variationsomething that is slightly different from the original – कुछ ऐसा जो मूल से थोड़ा अलग हैRugby is a variation of football.
9825अशांति – Turbulenceconflict or confusion – संघर्ष या भ्रमConstant turbulence in the couple’s marriage caused them to file for a divorce.
9826शांति देनेवाला – Palliativesoothing remedy to relieve pain such as medicine – दर्द दूर करने के लिए औषधि जैसे सुखदायक उपायMy rash needs some palliative lotion if it is going to stop hurting and heal.
9827बात कर रहा सिर – Talking headsomeone directly talking on television and whose whole body isn’t shown, but only their head and shoulders – कोई व्यक्ति सीधे टेलीविजन पर बात कर रहा है और जिसका पूरा शरीर नहीं दिखाया गया है, केवल उसका सिर और कंधे दिखाए गए हैंWhile watching the news, Marty got tired of watching the same boring talking head giving his opinion and changed the channel.
9828गुज़रना – Undergoto experience; go through – अनुभव करना; के माध्यम से जानाShe had to undergo anesthesia for her operation.
9829अगुआ – Donto put on clothing – कपड़े पहननाIn order to enjoy the 3D showing, the viewers had to don special glasses.
9830खाली – Blankempty or clear of any information or markings – किसी भी जानकारी या चिह्न से खाली या स्पष्टStaring at the blank paper, the confused student couldn’t think of what to write on the bare sheet.
9831मन लगाना – Bestirto rouse or become active after a period of inactivity – निष्क्रियता की अवधि के बाद जागृत होना या सक्रिय होनाThe lazy bum can never bestir his self to get out of the bed in the morning and look for a job.
9832झांझ – Cymbala musical instrument made of round, brass plates which make a clanging noise when hit together – गोल, पीतल की प्लेटों से बना एक संगीत वाद्ययंत्र जिसे आपस में टकराने पर खड़खड़ाहट की आवाज आती हैBanging the cymbal loudly, the musician marched through the parade to his own beat.
9833बिडिंग – Biddingthe offering of particular prices for something, especially at an auction – किसी चीज़ के लिए विशेष कीमतों की पेशकश, विशेषकर नीलामी मेंDuring the bidding portion of the auction, all of the potential buyers were able to offer up a price for the repossessed vehicle.
9834मनमुटाव – Piqueto trigger curiosity or interest – जिज्ञासा या रुचि उत्पन्न करनाHopefully the movie trailer will pique the interest of moviegoers and motivate them to buy tickets to see the film.
9835नौका – Yachta sail-boat used for racing or pleasure rides – रेसिंग या आनंद की सवारी के लिए उपयोग की जाने वाली पाल-नावThe family boarded the yacht and prepared to set sail to a private island where they would spend the day.
9836क्रिसमस – Nativitybirth, specifically the birth of Jesus Christ – जन्म, विशेष रूप से ईसा मसीह का जन्मDuring the nativity play, the innkeeper told Jesus’s parents that there was no room for them on the night of his birth.
9837जानबूझकर – Knowinglydone deliberately; with full knowledge – जानबूझकर किया गया; पूर्ण ज्ञान के साथKnowingly omitting the truth is considered the same as lying.
9838आक्रमण – Aggressionviolent and hostile behavior – हिंसक और शत्रुतापूर्ण व्यवहारSeething with aggression, the deranged man was shot after he lunged at police with a knife.
9839खुदरा – Retailto market items for the public to buy – जनता के खरीदने के लिए वस्तुओं का विपणन करनाIf you retail your clothing on Ebay, you can make a lot more money than putting it out at a garage sale.
9840सरल – Foolproofincapable of failing – असफल होने में असमर्थThe directions are so simple that they are practically foolproof, even a toddler could figure it out without being able to read.
9841स्वरों की एकता – Assonancethe duplication of similar or identical vowel sounds in sentences, phrases, or words – वाक्यों, वाक्यांशों या शब्दों में समान या समान स्वर ध्वनियों का दोहरावIf you find yourself repeating vowel vibrations in your poems, you’re probably making use of assonance in your rhymes.
9842ट्रांजिस्टर – Transistora small device that controls the flow of electricity in radios, computers, televisions, etc. – एक छोटा उपकरण जो रेडियो, कंप्यूटर, टेलीविजन आदि में बिजली के प्रवाह को नियंत्रित करता है।Passing the electronic signal, the transistor functioned perfectly and helped the energy flow.
9843हिमस्खलन – Avalanchean unexpected accumulation – एक अप्रत्याशित संचयDuring the power outage, our office faced an avalanche of distress calls.
9844बेईमान – Dishonestdeceitful. used to describe someone that lies – धोखेबाज़. किसी ऐसे व्यक्ति का वर्णन करने के लिए उपयोग किया जाता है जो झूठ बोलता हैThe dishonest salesman is trying to sell his goods for a price they are not worth.
9845भूमि के नीचे का मिट्टी का भाग – Subsoilthe dirt that lies right beneath the top layer of dirt – वह गंदगी जो गंदगी की सबसे ऊपरी परत के ठीक नीचे होती हैOur gardener dug up the grass and a pile of the dirt in order to expose the subsoil that contained more nutrients.
9846सुडौल – Goodlylarge in size or amount – आकार या मात्रा में बड़ाThe nearest grocery store is a goodly distance away from our farm, so the walk there takes a while.
9847मोजो – Mojomagical power; voodoo – जादुई शक्ति; जादूThe witch’s mojo was strong enough to make any man in the village fall head-over-heels for her.
9848शरारतपूर्ण – Villainoushaving evil or mean tendencies or actions – बुरी या नीच प्रवृत्ति या कार्य करनाAfter reading the first chapter, the villainous witch in the story was going to cause havoc for the protagonist.
9849खाल – Peltto beat or hit repeatedly – बार-बार मारना या मारनाWhen I looked up at the tree, a squirrel took an acorn and acted like it would pelt me with it.
9850मिलनसार – Accommodatinginclined to make happy or content – खुश या संतुष्ट करने के लिए इच्छुकThe accommodating hostess made sure everyone had enough to eat at the party.
9851बातूनी – Loquaciousa person that talks a lot; talkative – एक व्यक्ति जो बहुत बोलता है; बातूनीAfter drinking four beers, my normally quiet wife becomes quite loquacious.
9852पीछे हटाना – Repelto force a thing or person away – किसी वस्तु या व्यक्ति को जबरदस्ती दूर करनाHopefully the air freshener will repel the odor of the deceased rodent.
9853चुराया हुआ – Furtivemarked by quiet, caution, and secrecy – शांति, सावधानी और गोपनीयता द्वारा चिह्नितWhen the professor turned his back, the cheating student cast a furtive glance at his neighbor’s test paper.
9854हत्या – Assassinateto murder a famous or otherwise important person with a surprise attack – किसी प्रसिद्ध या अन्य महत्वपूर्ण व्यक्ति पर अचानक हमला करके उसकी हत्या करनाThe murder only spent a few hours planning the killing, but was able to assassinate the politician right outside his home.
9855बंदरगाह – Harboran area where an individual can find solace and security – एक ऐसा क्षेत्र जहां कोई व्यक्ति सांत्वना और सुरक्षा पा सकता हैDuring the tornado, we found safety in a harbor without windows.
9856प्रख्यात अनुक्षेत्र – Eminent domaina legal strategy that allows a federal or local government to seize private property for public use – एक कानूनी रणनीति जो संघीय या स्थानीय सरकार को सार्वजनिक उपयोग के लिए निजी संपत्ति जब्त करने की अनुमति देती हैAlthough the city officials cited eminent domain as their right to take the farmland, they still offered the owners a pretty penny for the seizure.
9857सेंकना – Toastto cook food by exposing it to radiant heat rather than a direct source – भोजन को प्रत्यक्ष स्रोत के बजाय तेज गर्मी में रखकर पकानाYou burn a marshmallow when you put in it the fire, but you toast it when you let the heat from the fire cook it for you.
9858प्रमुख – Dominantpresiding; controlling – अध्यक्षता करना; को नियंत्रित करनाAlthough there are some English speaker’s French is the dominant language in the country.
9859घृणा – Disgustextreme dislike – अत्यधिक नापसंदगीI felt a feeling of disgust after I took bite of the rotten sushi.
9860उपनगर – Suburbthe residential constructed areas located around a city – किसी शहर के चारों ओर स्थित आवासीय निर्मित क्षेत्रWhen Pamela became pregnant with her first child, a larger house in the suburb of Seattle seemed ideal for her growing family.
9861जी मिचलाना – Nauseaqueasiness which sometimes leads to throwing up – बेचैनी जिसके कारण कभी-कभी उल्टी भी हो जाती हैSpinning around in circles for thirty minutes made the girl have nausea in her stomach.
9862मंत्रमुग्ध – Enrapturedfilled with joy or pleasure – आनंद या खुशी से भरा हुआBecause I was marrying the man I loved, I was enraptured as I walked down the aisle.
9863थका हुआ – Tiredexhausted; in need of sleep – थका हुआ; नींद की जरूरत हैAfter going several days without rest, the tired surgeon fell asleep behind the wheel.
9864अभिशाप – Curseto make a statement that promises something bad or deadly will happen – ऐसा बयान देना जो वादा करता हो कि कुछ बुरा या घातक होगाThe evil witch placed a curse on the beautiful princess so that when she pricked her finger she would fall into a magical sleep.
9865वेस्टल – Vestalchaste, pure, virginal – पवित्र, शुद्ध, कुंवारीIn many religions, it is of utmost importance to remain godly, vestal, and chaste before marriage.
9866फीका – Fadea gradual decrease; dim movie clip or diminish sound – धीरे-धीरे कमी; मंद मूवी क्लिप या मंद ध्वनिI don’t care for the speed sensitive volume control feature on my car because the music will fade when I come to a complete stop.
9867घिसा हुआ – Abradedto produce damage or irritation by scraping, rubbing, or crushing – खुरचने, रगड़ने या कुचलने से क्षति या जलन पैदा करनाThe wool blanket abraded my legs and gave me a rash.
9868साफ – Tidyto be orderly and organized – व्यवस्थित एवं संगठित होनाShowing a tidy house to the potential buyers left a good impression with them as the house had been taken care of.
9869दिमाग – Mindto look after a person or thing – किसी व्यक्ति या वस्तु की देखभाल करनाIt was my turn to mind the store, so I stayed by myself at the bakery and helped customers who came in.
9870शर्म करो – Shamethe hot, nauseating feeling that comes with making a bad decision or of fool of yourself – वह गरम, मिचली वाली भावना जो कोई बुरा निर्णय लेने या स्वयं को मूर्ख बनाने से आती हैThe ballerina’s cheeks flushed with shame when she failed to land her jump during the dance recital.
9871मरम्मत करनेवाला – Locksmitha person whose job is to make and repair locks – वह व्यक्ति जिसका काम ताले बनाना और मरम्मत करना हैAn experienced locksmith for many years, Aaron could repair any type of lock that needed fixing.
9872संक्षेप करना – Abridgeto make shorter – छोटा करनाHis agent told him that he needed to abridge some of the content of his novel so that it would be under 400 pages.
9873अपवर्तन – Refractionthe twisting or bending of light as it travels from one agent to another agent – एक एजेंट से दूसरे एजेंट तक यात्रा करते समय प्रकाश का मुड़ना या झुकनाWe observed refraction when we turned our flashlights upon the cloudy lake.
9874सीधा – Rectilinearhaving many straight lines – बहुत सारी सीधी रेखाएँ होनाA street grid of rectilinear buildings showed the many straight lines that made up the structure.
9875पुनर्जीवित – Reinvigorateto revive or refresh – पुनर्जीवित या ताज़ा करनाA free luncheon was held for staff to reinvigorate moral and refresh company unity.
9876उत्पीड़न – Harassmentbehavior that is repeated and annoying or bothersome – ऐसा व्यवहार जो बार-बार दोहराया जाता है और कष्टप्रद या परेशान करने वाला होता हैSheila accused her boss of harassment after he continued to ask her out on dates.
9877घातक – Malignantcausing an extremely serious, possibly even fatal, issue – एक अत्यंत गंभीर, संभवतः घातक भी, समस्या पैदा कर रहा हैWhen the doctors discovered a malignant tumor in Sam’s brain, they told him he only had six months to live.
9878गूंजना – Resoundto be loud enough to echo – प्रतिध्वनि करने के लिए पर्याप्त तेज़ होनाThe speaker’s loud words resound at every large scale speaking event he takes on.
9879पराजय – Discomfiturea feeling of embarrassment or discomfort – शर्मिंदगी या असुविधा की भावनाAfter he lost the election to his rival, a sense of discomfiture crept over the now embarrassed politician.
9880इस के सिवा – Theretoto that; in that place – उस के लिए; उस स्थान परKendra made a huge pitcher of lemonade and added several cups of sugar thereto.
9881एहसास – Whiffa smell or aroma – एक गंध या सुगंधThe children came running as soon as they got a whiff of the fresh pizza.
9882विपुल – Profusein a large amount; abundant – बड़ी मात्रा में; प्रचुरJonathan has gained so much weight that even his doctor is concerned about his profuse growth.
9883उतरना – Descendto move down from a higher area – किसी ऊँचे क्षेत्र से नीचे की ओर जानाThe company will descend into bankruptcy if it cannot raise funds.
9884सुरक्षा – Protectionsomething used to protect or guard – रक्षा या रखवाली के लिए उपयोग की जाने वाली कोई चीज़A protection spell was cast by the good witch to shield all the people in the kingdom from evil.
9885जीर्ण-शीर्ण – Dilapidatedrundown; in bad shape – मंद होना; बुरी हालत मेंThe dilapidated house on our street is sure to lower the property values of the homes in our neighborhood.
9886आसन्न – Impendinggoing to occur; coming – घटित होने वाला है; आ रहाWhen I refused to pay the fake fortuneteller, she warned me of impending doom in my future.
9887पर हस्ताक्षर किए – Signedwrote one’s name on something – किसी चीज़ पर अपना नाम लिखाThe celebrity signed his name to the picture and gave the autograph to his fan.
9888संघर्ष – Tussleto struggle, wrestle, or fight with someone – संघर्ष करना, कुश्ती लड़ना या किसी से लड़नाThe children began to tussle over a toy, and the preschool teacher had to step in to break up the fight.
9889कानूनी बारीकियों – Legaleseterminology used in the legal industry – कानूनी उद्योग में प्रयुक्त शब्दावलीWhile listening to the conversation between the two lawyers, the teenager struggled to understand what they were saying due to their legalese.
9890विकसित होना – Developingemerging; increasing upward – उभर रहा है; ऊपर की ओर बढ़ रहा हैThe developing plants continued to grow out of the ground until they were over 14 inches tall.
9891झलक – Peepto look – देखने के लिएTake a peep inside the treasure chest to see what prizes you could earn for good behavior.
9892बैसाखी – Crutcha wooden or metal support placed under the shoulder to assist a disabled person – किसी विकलांग व्यक्ति की सहायता के लिए कंधे के नीचे रखा गया लकड़ी या धातु का सहाराThe crippled man walked with a crutch so that he could lean on it while moving down the street.
9893तोप – Cannona large, mounted gun that is used to fire heavy projectiles – एक बड़ी, लगी हुई बंदूक जिसका उपयोग भारी प्रक्षेप्य दागने के लिए किया जाता हैInvented in China during the 12th century, the first cannon was used along with gunpowder as a weapon of war.
9894चमत्कार – Marvelsomething or someone that triggers amazement – कुछ या कोई ऐसा व्यक्ति जो आश्चर्य उत्पन्न करता होMany scientists view the three-year-old boy with the extremely high IQ as a marvel.
9895आशुलिपि – Shorthandwriting in a shortened way so that characters and marks are used in substitution of words – संक्षिप्त रूप में लिखना ताकि शब्दों के स्थान पर वर्णों और चिह्नों का प्रयोग किया जा सकेMy lousy secretary couldn’t even take shorthand, so all of my correspondence was typed with missing sentences and phrases.
9896पिच – Pitchedthrew or tossed something with hands – किसी चीज़ को हाथ से फेंकना या फेंकनाThe baseball player pitched the ball, sending it sailing past the batter’s head.
9897बोधगम्य – Understandablesomething that is comprehensible, or able to be understood – कुछ ऐसा जो समझने योग्य हो, या समझने योग्य होBecause I am very good at math, the complicated nature of calculus is still understandable to me, even though it is not to my classmates.
9898विरोध – Protestan expression of disagreement or disapproval to something wrong or unfair – किसी गलत या अनुचित बात पर असहमति या अस्वीकृति की अभिव्यक्तिThe protest in Selma helped African Americans gain the freedom to exercise the right to vote.
9899युद्ध – Warfareinvolvement in the activities of armed conflict (war) – सशस्त्र संघर्ष (युद्ध) की गतिविधियों में भागीदारीThe country has a history of warfare and always seems to involve itself in armed conflicts.
9900चीरा – Incisiona surgical cut made in the skin – त्वचा में किया गया एक सर्जिकल कटIn order to extract the tumor, the surgeon will need to make an incision in the patient’s side so he can reach it.
9901राड़ – Cowardlyreferring to someone that has no courage or bravery – किसी ऐसे व्यक्ति का जिक्र करना जिसमें कोई साहस या बहादुरी नहीं हैThe cowardly Francisco abandoned his friend to his demise when the duo was ambushed by a group of bandits.
9902लोप – Annulmentthe act of voiding or annulling some type of legal agreement, especially a marriage – किसी प्रकार के कानूनी समझौते, विशेषकर विवाह को रद्द करने या रद्द करने का कार्यAfter being legally married just a few hours, the Vegas partiers went to a court seeking an annulment.
9903युग्मन – Couplingthe pairing of two or more things – दो या दो से अधिक चीजों का युग्म बनानाThe husband and wife seemed like a strange coupling since he was 6 foot tall and skinny and she was a chubby five-foot-one.
9904छोटा – Shortbrief or temporary; Lasting for a small period of time – संक्षिप्त या अस्थायी; थोड़े समय तक चलने वालाThe students were asked to attend a very short meeting to quickly discuss changes to next year’s classes.
9905झाग – Frothworthless or pointless ideas or discussion – बेकार या निरर्थक विचार या चर्चाThis conversation was filled with so much froth that even an hour later we discussed nothing important whatsoever.
9906खुर – Crackingvery impressive; excellent – बहुत प्रभावशाली; उत्कृष्टIf the bodybuilder wants to win the competition, he must make sure that his frame is in cracking shape.
9907संगीन – Bayoneta long knife attached to the end of a rifle – राइफल के सिरे से जुड़ा हुआ एक लंबा चाकूHe removed his bayonet from his rifle, and was using it as a combat knife now, since a rifle would be too cumbersome.
9908मोटर यात्री – Motoristone who travels by motorized vehicle – वह जो मोटर चालित वाहन से यात्रा करता होAfter being t-boned by another motorist, the driver was taken out of his truck and rushed to the hospital.
9909ऊबा हुआ – Boredhaving nothing of interest to do – करने के लिए कोई रुचिकर चीज़ नहीं हैBecause he was so bored and had nothing to do, Jeff ended up falling asleep on the couch.
9910प्रक्रिया – Processa procedure or set of actions that is followed step-by-step – एक प्रक्रिया या क्रियाओं का समूह जिसका चरण-दर-चरण पालन किया जाता हैDuring his math class, Cam’s teacher taught him a step-by-step process for completing each problem.
9911पुनस्र्त्थानशील – Resurgentincreasing or reviving after a period of little activity, popularity, or occurrence – थोड़ी सी गतिविधि, लोकप्रियता या घटना की अवधि के बाद बढ़ना या पुनर्जीवित होनाThe publisher believed that vampire novels would be a resurgent trend this year.
9912उपहार – Gratuitya monetary tip given in gratitude of service provided – प्रदान की गई सेवा के आभार स्वरूप दी गई एक आर्थिक टिपI refuse to leave a gratuity when I receive bad service at a restaurant.
9913रोग का बहाना करना – Malingerto pretend to be sick or injured in order to avoid doing work – काम करने से बचने के लिए बीमार या घायल होने का नाटक करनाBecause Tom was known for trying to malinger out of chores, nobody believed his story about a sore throat.
9914प्रलाप – Ravingsirrational statements that have no meaning – तर्कहीन बयान जिनका कोई अर्थ नहीं हैThe ravings of a madwoman, the writing in the notebook made no logical sense.
9915थका देना – Tireto grow bored of or exhaust the patience of – ऊब जाना या धैर्य ख़त्म हो जानाThe child was quick to tire of his toy and he moved on to something else to entertain himself with.
9916अखंड – Monolithiclarge in size and challenging to alter – आकार में बड़ा और परिवर्तन करना चुनौतीपूर्णUnfortunately there was no way to make the monolithic project smaller.
9917छोटा – Piddlingpiddling means useless petty and trivial – पिडलिंग का अर्थ है बेकार क्षुद्र और तुच्छI am tired of your petty piddling questions that have nothing to do with the issue at hand.
9918किसी न किसी प्रकार – Slovenlyhaving a dirty appearance – गंदा दिखनाThe man’s slovenly dress was a result of him being homeless for a month.
9919हिनहिनाहट – Snickerto let out a half-suppressed laugh in a disrespectful way – असम्मानजनक तरीके से आधी दबी हुई हंसी छोड़नाThe judges tried not to snicker at the beauty queen’s misguided rant about how world hunger affects Americans the most.
9920असैनिक – Civilianperson who is not an active member of the armed forces; non-military person – वह व्यक्ति जो सशस्त्र बलों का सक्रिय सदस्य नहीं है; गैर-सैन्य व्यक्तिThe undercover agent dresses in civilian clothes.
9921झूलने – Danglinghanging loosely – ढीला लटका हुआThe model’s dangling chandelier earrings hung almost to her shoulders.
9922भिन्न – Dissimilarnot alike; having nothing in common – एक जैसे नहीं; कुछ भी समान नहीं होनाAlthough they have the same parents, the brother and sister are dissimilar in look and personality.
9923विज्ञापन – Advertisementa paid announcement that tries to persuade people to buy a product or service – एक सशुल्क घोषणा जो लोगों को किसी उत्पाद या सेवा को खरीदने के लिए प्रेरित करने का प्रयास करती हैMcDonald’s newest television advertisement was targeted at young children who like prizes better than food.
9924अतिशयोक्तिपूर्ण – Exaggeratedoverstated or made something more than what it really is – जो कुछ वास्तव में है उससे अधिक बढ़ा-चढ़ा कर बताया गया या बनाया गयाThe fisherman always exaggerated how heavy his catch was, boasting about a 200-pound carp that was really 20 pounds.
9925कोसेट – Cossetto treat like a pet; to overly indulge – एक पालतू जानवर की तरह व्यवहार करना; अत्यधिक भोग करनाFrom buying expensive toys to boxing vegetable-free lunches, the mother would cosset to her child’s every whim.
9926आकस्मिक रूप से घटने – Plummetto drop abruptly – अचानक गिरनाWhen the housing bubble burst, many people saw their property values plummet.
9927थंक – Thunka word used to describe the sound of a heavy object hitting something else – एक शब्द जिसका प्रयोग किसी भारी वस्तु के किसी अन्य वस्तु से टकराने की ध्वनि का वर्णन करने के लिए किया जाता हैSettling down with a thunk, the sunken ship hit the bottom of the ocean floor.
9928विध्वंस करना – Destructto deliberately cause damage to something – जानबूझकर किसी चीज को नुकसान पहुंचानाA self-destruct button serves the sole purpose of obliterating your own base or structure.
9929मेहराब – Archa semi-circle shape, like an inverted “U” – एक अर्धवृत्ताकार आकृति, जैसे उलटा “U”Write the letter U upside down to best visualize an arch.
9930अनुकरण – Emulateto imitate and copy; strive to equal or excel – नकल करना और नकल करना; बराबर या उत्कृष्टता प्राप्त करने का प्रयास करेंAspiring to become a good cook, Kate will emulate the recipes and cooking techniques of chef Emeril.
9931टेलिकिनेज़ीस – Telekinesisthe ability to move objects with the power of one’s mind – अपने मन की शक्ति से वस्तुओं को हिलाने की क्षमताUsing telekinesis, the spiritual lady transferred the pencil to the desk.
9932उपशमन – Abatementreduction or weakening or something – कमी या कमज़ोर होना या कुछ औरNatalie longed for the abatement of the screaming rock music from her brother’s band so she could focus on her homework.
9933पार – Traverseto travel a rough path – कठिन रास्ते पर यात्रा करनाTo get to the highest mountain peak in the world, we will have to traverse a very rocky path.
9934पूर्वानुभव – Foretastea sample of something one will have or endure later – किसी चीज़ का एक नमूना जो किसी के पास बाद में होगा या सहना होगाThe rain was just a foretaste of the approaching hurricane.
9935यौगिक – Derivativean object or idea that is produced from something else – कोई वस्तु या विचार जो किसी अन्य चीज़ से उत्पन्न हुआ होThe new antibiotic is listed as a derivative of penicillin because it was produced from a penicillin base.
9936चहलक़दमी – Strollan aimless or casual walk – लक्ष्यहीन या आकस्मिक सैरOn lazy Sundays, the family likes to take a leisurely stroll in the park.
9937अभियांत्रिकी – Engineeringbranch of science concerned with the design and manufacture of machines or structures – मशीनों या संरचनाओं के डिजाइन और निर्माण से संबंधित विज्ञान की शाखाIf you hope to one day be someone that creates new weapons and tools for the military, you will need a degree in engineering at the very least.
9938पूर्वबोध – Precognitionprior knowledge of an event before it happens – किसी घटना के घटित होने से पहले उसका पूर्व ज्ञानPrecognition and clairvoyance helped the psychic tell the future.
9939चयनित – Selectedchose; picked out – चुना; चुना गयाThe choir teacher selected a few special vocalists, cherry-picked to sing solos during the festival.
9940आकस्मिक – Accidentalsomething happening unplanned or unforeseen – कुछ अनियोजित या अप्रत्याशित घटित हो रहा हैSince the boy wasn’t looking, stepping on his friend’s foot was an accidental occurrence.
9941प्रमुख कमांडर – Commander-in-chiefthe supreme commander in a country’s armed forces – किसी देश के सशस्त्र बलों में सर्वोच्च कमांडरThe President of the United States is the Commander-in-chief of its armed forces, the supreme commander above all others.
9942काकीस्टोक्रेसी – Kakistocracya government run by the worst, least qualified people – सबसे खराब, कम योग्य लोगों द्वारा चलाई जाने वाली सरकारIn a way, a dictatorship run by a corrupt and villainous leader is a kakisocracy run by the worst possible person.
9943बचानेवाला – Recoverablethe ability to retrieve something back that was once occupied – किसी चीज़ को वापस पाने की क्षमता जो एक बार कब्ज़ा कर ली गई थीAfter the jewelry was stolen from the hotel’s safe, securing the doors so no one could leave the hotel made it more likely for the jewelry to be recoverable.
9944अभूतपूर्व – Groundbreakingnew and original in an innovative and inventive way – नवोन्मेषी और आविष्कारी तरीके से नया और मौलिकThe metal shovel was a groundbreaking invention since it made manual work much more manageable.
9945सहनशीलता – Tolerationthe process or act of tolerating something – किसी बात को सहन करने की प्रक्रिया या क्रियाReligious toleration in America is one of its most admirable qualities, as you can practice any religion you want here without persecution.
9946टलना – Eludeto avoid something or someone – किसी चीज़ या व्यक्ति से बचनाThe criminal was able to elude the police in the crowded mall.
9947सांवलापन – Swarthinessof a dark color or complexion – गहरे रंग या वर्ण काDark-eyed and brown-haired, Jordan gets her swarthiness from her mother who also had chestnut irises and locks.
9948छिपाने की जगह – Stashto store something in a safe and secret place for future use – भविष्य में उपयोग के लिए किसी चीज़ को सुरक्षित और गुप्त स्थान पर संग्रहीत करनाLindsey uses an old shoe box to stash all of her photos.
9949संदेह – Boggleto baffle or confuse someone’s mind – किसी के मन को भ्रमित या भ्रमित करनाDifficult math equations and tricky logic questions were enough to boggle the minds of the students.
9950अपमानजनक – Outrageousshockingly distasteful or terrible – चौंकाने वाला अरुचिकर या भयानकMy stern mother does not tolerate outrageous behavior at the dinner table.
9951आसंजन – Adhesiona substance’s ability to attach to another substance – किसी पदार्थ की दूसरे पदार्थ से जुड़ने की क्षमताFor sturdier adhesion, apply hot glue to the sequins prior to attaching them to the leotard.
9952रंग – Complexionthe tone and look of the skin of someone’s face – किसी के चेहरे की त्वचा का रंग और रूपHer smooth complexion made the model irresistible to every cosmetic company who saw her face.
9953सितारा मछली – Trickledownrefers to situations in which something that starts in the high parts of a system spreads to the lower parts – उन स्थितियों को संदर्भित करता है जिनमें सिस्टम के ऊंचे हिस्सों में शुरू होने वाली कोई चीज़ निचले हिस्सों तक फैलती हैBecause of the trickledown process, some car features that were once only found in high-end vehicles are now standard.
9954चलाया हुआ – Controllableable to be controlled; manageable – नियंत्रित करने में सक्षम; प्रबंधनीय 
9955लिस्टिंग – Listingan entry in a larger list or catalog – किसी बड़ी सूची या कैटलॉग में एक प्रविष्टिAnother three bedroom, two bath listing was added to the relator’s catalog of homes to sell.
9956दोलनशील – Oscitantyawning in a lazy, sluggish way – आलसी, सुस्त तरीके से जम्हाई लेनाThe oscitant traveler gaped his mouth open with a big yawn as he sluggishly continued on his ten-hour drive.
9957दस्त – Diarrheaa gastrointestinal disorder characterized by frequent and very fluid or watery bowel movements – एक गैस्ट्रोइंटेस्टाइनल विकार जिसमें बार-बार और बहुत अधिक तरल या पानी जैसा मल त्याग होता हैTammy wasn’t able to go to school after being up all night with severe diarrhea and a high fever.
9958सनकी – Crotchetygrouchy – चिड़चिड़ाAngry about being placed in the nursing home, the crotchety man chased his nurses with his cane.
9959जरूरत से ज्यादा – Overdoseto take an excessively dangerous amount of something, usually a drug or medication – किसी चीज़ का अत्यधिक खतरनाक मात्रा में सेवन करना, आमतौर पर कोई दवा या दवाAlthough she didn’t mean to overdose on Tylenol, the patient ended up in the hospital after taking a deadly amount.
9960रेनेसां – Renascencethe revival or rebirth of something – किसी चीज़ का पुनरुद्धार या पुनर्जन्मThere seemed to be a renascence of poetry in the city, with people beginning to read it again and even performing it at live shows.
9961ज़्यादा बुरा – Worsea comparative term meaning more difficult or unpleasant than before – एक तुलनात्मक शब्द जिसका अर्थ पहले से अधिक कठिन या अप्रिय हैSoda is much worse for your health than water or healthy juices.
9962अनुकूलित – Adaptedto be modified or changed to suit a new purpose – किसी नये उद्देश्य के अनुरूप संशोधित या परिवर्तित किया जानाMany animals in the wild have adapted to their environment over time, developing useful attributes for survival.
9963उपयोग – Useto utilize or make employ something for a purpose – किसी उद्देश्य के लिए किसी चीज़ का उपयोग करना या नियोजित करनाThe carpenter was able to use a saw to cut the boards.
9964धोया – Washedcleaned thoroughly – अच्छी तरह से साफ कियाThe maid washed the dishes thoroughly, scrubbing them firmly before rinsing them off.
9965उपाख्यान – Anecdotea brief, often funny, telling of something that happened – जो कुछ घटित हुआ उसके बारे में संक्षिप्त, अक्सर मज़ेदार, बतानाJillian’s anecdote about her crowded flight made us all laugh.
9966दुर्गंध – Noisomedisgusting in smell – गंध में घृणितThe dog’s noisome odor is making me physically ill.
9967हो रहा – Happeningtaking place; occurring – जगह लेना; घटनेवालाThe birthday party is happening on the same day as my sister’s wedding, so I won’t be able to attend.
9968हाथ नीचे करो – Hands downeasily; without question – आसानी से; बिना सवाल केWe thought our team would win the game hands down, but it was much harder than expected.
9969कृति – Masterpiecean outstanding work or skill – एक उत्कृष्ट कार्य या कौशलStaring at the blank canvas, the artist pondered how he could turn this slate into a world-renowned masterpiece.
9970दुहराव – Repetitionthe action of repeating something – किसी बात को दोहराने की क्रिया या भावRepetition of mantra invigorated the crowd, leading them to chant “we the people” over and over again.
9971निकाल देना – Eliminationthe complete destruction or annihilation of something – किसी चीज़ का पूर्ण विनाश या विनाशBecause our enemy does not take prisoners, we will face total elimination if we even think of surrendering to them.
9972घमंडी – Superciliousbehaving in a way that suggests you think that you are superior to others – इस तरह से व्यवहार करना जिससे पता चलता है कि आप सोचते हैं कि आप दूसरों से श्रेष्ठ हैंLynda is so supercilious that she refuses to friend anyone outside her race.
9973लज्जाजनक – Ingloriousshameful or dishonorable – शर्मनाक या अपमानजनकIt’s a shame that the thieving CEO gave up his career for an inglorious life of crime.
9974प्रहार – Thumpto tap something hard – किसी चीज को जोर से थपथपानाMany shoppers will thump a watermelon to see if it is ripe while grocery shopping in the produce section of the store.
9975शालीनता – Complacencya feeling of self-satisfaction that makes one unaware of one’s environment – आत्म-संतुष्टि की भावना जो व्यक्ति को अपने परिवेश से अनजान बनाती हैBecause of the complacency of the guards, enemy spies were able to sneak into the castle.
9976वमनजनक – Nauseousa sick queasy feeling – एक बीमार बेचैनी की भावनाDue to Kate’s nauseous feeling during the past few mornings, it became obvious that she was pregnant.
9977देहात – Puebloa series of clay or stone homes of many stories built by Native Americans and organized into a settlement – मूल अमेरिकियों द्वारा निर्मित और एक बस्ती में व्यवस्थित कई मंजिलों के मिट्टी या पत्थर के घरों की एक श्रृंखलाThe beautiful burnt orange colors of the houses that made up the pueblo of the tribe dazzled tourists.
9978भयंकर – Horridcausing horror or dread – आतंक या खौफ पैदा करनाI was jolted out of my sleep because of a horrid dream that left me sweating profusely.
9979पर बल दिया – Stressedgave emphasis or importance to – पर जोर या महत्व दियाThe teacher stressed the importance of studying for the test, but few of the kids took her seriously.
9980भेष – Guisethe way that someone or something appears to people – जिस तरह से कोई व्यक्ति या वस्तु लोगों को दिखाई देती हैUnder the guise of a police officer, the crook walked into the bank and easily robbed the tellers.
9981अभिनय करना – Enactto authorize as a law or decree – एक कानून या डिक्री के रूप में अधिकृत करनाCongress hopes to enact a law that will increase the consequences of drunk driving.
9982न्याय हित – Justifiedright; correct – सही; सहीThe judge found that the homeowner was justified in shooting the robber who broke into his home.
9983दिल से – Heartilyin a jovial and cheerful way – हर्षित और प्रसन्न तरीके सेSanta laughed heartily as he smiled at the children with his rosy-red cheeks.
9984खोदना – Excavateto dig a pit or empty space – गड्ढा या ख़ाली जगह खोदनाFirst, the construction workers had to excavate a large opening in the dirt to create the foundation for the pipes and wires that would be housed underneath the structure.
9985लींचपीण – Linchpina person/thing vital to holding something together – किसी चीज़ को एक साथ रखने के लिए महत्वपूर्ण व्यक्ति/वस्तुBrushing and flossing your teeth on a regular basis is the linchpin of good oral hygiene.
9986ऋण – Minuswith the subtraction of – के घटाव के साथAmber ordered a burger minus the lettuce and tomato since she didn’t care for vegetables very much.
9987मंदी – Slumpto fall suddenly of prices, values, and sales – कीमतों, मूल्यों और बिक्री में अचानक गिरावट आनाAfter a successful mowing season, winter caused service calls to slump.
9988अहंकारपूर्ण – Egocentricself-centered; not concerned about other individuals – आत्म केन्द्रित; अन्य व्यक्तियों के बारे में चिंतित नहींThe egocentric man never remembered his wife’s birthday but got angry when she forgot his.
9989पहुँच गया – Reachedmade it to a destination, level, or goal – इसे एक गंतव्य, स्तर या लक्ष्य तक पहुंचायाRight before the driver reached her exit, a car accident brought all traffic to a halt.
9990प्रचलित – Prevailinggaining control or influence over – नियंत्रण या प्रभाव प्राप्त करनाBecause logic was prevailing over his emotions, the betrayed husband didn’t lose his temper when he caught his wife having an affair.
9991उत्कट – Ferventexhibiting or marked by great intensity of feeling – भावना की अत्यधिक तीव्रता को प्रदर्शित करना या चिह्नित करनाJack’s fervent love for Kelly encouraged him to tattoo her name on his back.
9992प्रशंसा – Complimenta few words of praise: saying that someone or something is good in some way – प्रशंसा के कुछ शब्द: यह कहना कि कोई व्यक्ति या वस्तु किसी न किसी तरह से अच्छी हैI just wanted to compliment you for the wonderful speech you gave tonight.
9993लकड़ी से मारना – Fustigateto criticize someone harshly – किसी की कठोर आलोचना करनाThe abusive husband tends to fustigate his wife, beating her down emotionally with his cruel name-calling.
9994घिनौना – Disgustingrevolting or sickening – विद्रोह करने वाला या कुत्सित करने वालाChewing with your mouth open is a disgusting habit which may cause people to turn away from you.
9995लय – TimbreThe quality of a sound aside from its volume and pitch. – किसी ध्वनि की मात्रा और पिच के अलावा उसकी गुणवत्ता।The opera star’s timbre was rich and filled with vibrato.
9996साख – Credentialsattributes that show a person’s or organization’s experience, skill, achievement, or value – वे विशेषताएँ जो किसी व्यक्ति या संगठन के अनुभव, कौशल, उपलब्धि या मूल्य को दर्शाती हैंThe man’s credentials label him as a millionaire despite his untidy appearance.
9997पोलिस – Polisa city state in ancient Greece – प्राचीन ग्रीस में एक नगर राज्यAthens was the most famous polis in Greece and is known as the birthplace of democratic government.
9998उत्पत्ति – Genesisthe point at which something comes into existence; the beginning – वह बिंदु जिस पर कोई चीज़ अस्तित्व में आती है; शुरुआतGenesis is the first chapter of the Bible’s Old Testament.
9999अनुशंसित – Recommendedadvised or suggested something or someone as deserving of being chosen – किसी चीज़ या किसी व्यक्ति को चुने जाने के योग्य होने की सलाह देना या सुझाव देनाThe lawyer recommended that his client take a plea deal, but the man didn’t want to take his advice.
10000फेफड़े – Pulmonaryrelated to lungs – फेफड़ों से संबंधितAnother way of saying “pulmonary disease” is “lung disease.”
  1. Question: How do I greet someone in Hindi?

    • Answer: The common greeting in Hindi is “Namaste,” which translates to “hello” or “welcome” in English.
  2. Question: What is the Hindi equivalent for the English word “meaning”?

    • Answer: The Hindi equivalent for “meaning” is “arth.”
  3. Question: Can you provide examples of basic English words with Hindi meanings?

    • Answer: Certainly! “Water” in English is “paani” in Hindi, and “sun” in English is “surya” in Hindi.
  4. Question: How can I politely make a request in Hindi?

    • Answer: In Hindi, you can use “kripya” to say “please” when making requests or expressing politeness.
  5. Question: What are some commonly used English words with Hindi meanings?

    • Answer: Common words include “good” (accha), “bad” (bura), and “beautiful” (sundar) among others.
  6. Question: How do I say “thank you” in Hindi?

    • Answer: The expression “thank you” in English is translated to “dhanyavaad” in Hindi.
  7. Question: Can you provide an example of a daily-use English word with its Hindi meaning?

    • Answer: Certainly! “House” in English translates to “ghar” in Hindi.
  8. Question: Is there a list of 100 daily use English words with Hindi meanings?

    • Answer: While not listed here, numerous resources provide extensive lists of common English words with their Hindi equivalents.
  9. Question: What is the Hindi word for “food”?

    • Answer: In Hindi, “food” is expressed as “khana,” a term used in daily conversations.

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