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The Most Useful Daily Use Hindi Words With English Meaning 2

  1. Daily use Hindi words with English meaning: The term “Namaste” is commonly used as a greeting, meaning “hello” or “welcome” in English.
  2. Daily word meaning English to Hindi: When translating from English to Hindi, the word “meaning” is equivalent to “arth” in Hindi.
  3. Basic English words Hindi meaning: “Water” in English translates to “paani” in Hindi, a fundamental word used in daily conversations.
  4. Basic English words with Hindi meaning: The English word “sun” is synonymous with “surya” in Hindi, representing the shining celestial body.
  5. Daily English words with Hindi meaning list: A comprehensive list might include “good” (accha), “bad” (bura), and “beautiful” (sundar) among daily-use English words with Hindi meanings.
  6. Daily use English to Hindi words: “Please” in English corresponds to “kripya” in Hindi, a polite term frequently used in requests or expressions of courtesy.
  7. Daily used English words with meaning in Hindi: The word “thank you” in English translates to “dhanyavaad” in Hindi, expressing gratitude and appreciation.
  8. 100 daily use English words with Hindi meaning: Among the commonly used English words, “house” is translated to “ghar” in Hindi.
  9. Basic English words Hindi meaning: In Hindi, “food” is expressed as “khana,” a fundamental term used daily.
1001 क्लंकर – Clunker a vehicle or machine that is old and run down – कोई वाहन या मशीन जो पुरानी हो और खराब हो गई हो After buying the clunker, the owner quickly realized what a piece of junk the vehicle was.
1002 ममीकरण – Mummification the process of embalming and wrapping a dead body – शव को लेप लगाने और लपेटने की प्रक्रिया Ancient Egyptians used mummification as a way to preserve the bodies of their ancestors.
1003 बेलनाकार – Cylindrical shaped like a cylinder with two straight sides and circles on each end – इसका आकार एक बेलन जैसा है जिसके दो सीधे किनारे और प्रत्येक सिरे पर वृत्त हैं The rounded-end Pringles can has a cylindrical shape that is different from another chip packaging.
1004 विरासत – Inheritance things (money or property) you receive when someone dies – चीजें (धन या संपत्ति) जो आपको किसी के मरने पर मिलती हैं Katrina had to go to the lawyer’s office to find out about her inheritance after her brother died.
1005 प्रोस्ट्रेट – Prostrate in a flat position where a person’s face is turned downward – समतल स्थिति में जहां व्यक्ति का चेहरा नीचे की ओर होता है When Jill discovered her husband had left her, she fell prostrate on the couch and buried her face against the cushions.
1006 निराशाजनक – Dismal gloomy; not happy or cheerful – उदास; खुश या प्रफुल्लित नहीं When I saw the doctor’s dismal face, I knew the news was not going to be good.
1007 दिशा सूचक यंत्र – Compass a round, arrowed device that always points north and is used to find direction – एक गोल, तीर वाला उपकरण जो हमेशा उत्तर की ओर इशारा करता है और दिशा जानने के लिए उपयोग किया जाता है Explorers used the compass to find their way to the island.
1008 आलस – Indolence laziness; lack of activity – आलस्य; गतिविधि की कमी Sleeping on the couch all day long, the couch potato’s indolence kept her from living life.
1009 सरगना – Kingpin the leader or chief person in an organization – किसी संगठन का नेता या मुख्य व्यक्ति Once the gang’s kingpin was killed in a police shootout, the organization had to look for another leader.
1010 जटिल – Subtle hard to notice or see – ध्यान देना या देखना कठिन In the game, people are asked to identify the subtle differences between the similar pictures.
1011 आदमख़ोर – Ogre a man-eating giant found in fairytales and legends – परियों की कहानियों और किंवदंतियों में पाया जाने वाला एक नरभक्षी विशालकाय प्राणी The ogre tossed the sailors into the river, devouring the ones he thought would be most tasty.
1012 सराहने योग्य – Laudatory giving praise – प्रशंसा कर रहा हूँ The laudatory announcement praised the team’s efforts during the championship game.
1013 भुरभुरा – Frabjous delightful; full of joy – रमणीय; खुशी से भरा Singing a frabjous song, the joyful group hoped that their music would spread happiness to all who listened.
1014 नाभि – Navel bellybutton – बेली बटन Drawing in her navel, the pudgy woman tried to make her stomach look thinner in the mirror.
1015 अनुचित – Undue at a level that is extreme, not needed – ऐसे स्तर पर जो अत्यधिक है, जिसकी आवश्यकता नहीं है The daredevil likes to take undue risks and keeps himself in trouble.
1016 हाइड्रोलिक – Hydraulic activated, transported, or influenced by water – पानी से सक्रिय, परिवहन या प्रभावित The workers used hydraulic power to pressure wash the house.
1017 प्रेम प्रसंगयुक्त – Romantic behavior or items that represent a sign of love and/or affection – व्यवहार या वस्तुएँ जो प्यार और/या स्नेह का संकेत दर्शाती हैं Sending a romantic letter to his crush was the guy’s latest effort to gain the woman’s heart.
1018 बंधा हुआ – Moored to secure a boat to a dock or to an anchor by a cord, cable or chain – नाव को गोदी या लंगर तक रस्सी, केबल या चेन से सुरक्षित करना Fisherman will usually double check to make sure their boat is moored in their marina so it won’t drift away.
1019 सांसारिकता – Worldliness concern with physical and material gain rather than spirituality – आध्यात्मिकता के बजाय शारीरिक और भौतिक लाभ की चिंता Ben is well-known for his worldliness, often talking about how money is the most important thing in life.
1020 धनी – Affluent wealthy, rich – अमीर धनी Only affluent families could afford the top-dollar price tags attached to the homes in that neighborhood.
1021 रहनेवाला – Roomer a person who rents a room in another person’s home – एक व्यक्ति जो दूसरे व्यक्ति के घर में एक कमरा किराए पर लेता है An ad was placed in the paper by someone looking for a roomer to rent out one bedroom in their four-bedroom home.
1022 अनुपातीकरण – Ratiocination the method of precise thinking – सटीक सोच की विधि The detective used his ratiocination to determine the killer’s identity.
1023 मौका – Chance a possibility or likelihood – एक सम्भावना या संभावना There is always a chance that the baker will run out of donuts, but the likelihood is much higher on Mondays.
1024 कॉरडरॉय – Corduroy heavy fabric with vertical ribs – ऊर्ध्वाधर पसलियों के साथ भारी कपड़ा I like rubbing my fingers across the ribs of my corduroy pants.
1025 कार्मिक – Personnel employees or workforce of a company – किसी कंपनी के कर्मचारी या कार्यबल All building personnel were evacuated after a gas leak occurred close to the home office.
1026 आलीशान – Sesquipedalian a very long word – बहुत लंबा शब्द है The word sesquipedalian defines itself by the amount of syllables it possesses.
1027 स्थापित – Established referring to something that has existed for a long time and is therefore recognized – किसी ऐसी चीज़ का जिक्र करना जो लंबे समय से अस्तित्व में है और इसलिए मान्यता प्राप्त है Italy has long been established as a country of good food, probably thanks to their donation of pizza and pasta to the world cuisine.
1028 क्षमता – Capacity the total amount an object can hold – किसी वस्तु द्वारा धारण की जा सकने वाली कुल राशि The water bottle’s capacity is thirty-two ounces.
1029 सुनो – Hear to receive information about; to come to learn of – के बारे में जानकारी प्राप्त करने के लिए; जानने के लिए आना While talking with an old classmate, I was delighted to hear she was coming to our class reunion.
1030 बढ़ावा देना – Pander to spoil a person by giving him his desires, usually something immoral or illegal – किसी व्यक्ति को उसकी इच्छाएँ देकर बिगाड़ना, आमतौर पर कुछ अनैतिक या अवैध In some cases, corrupt lobbyists pander to politicians by giving them cash bribes.
1031 केंद्र – Focus to pay attention to or study something closely – किसी चीज़ पर ध्यान देना या उसका बारीकी से अध्ययन करना If students focus during class, they should easily be able to pass their tests.
1032 निवेश – Investment the use of money, time, or effort to make a profit or result – लाभ या परिणाम प्राप्त करने के लिए धन, समय या प्रयास का उपयोग The decline of sales made Jack feel nervous about his hefty investment in the store.
1033 समाचार प्रसारण – Newscast a news broadcast – एक समाचार प्रसारण Expressing their condolences beforehand, reporters on the ten o’clock newscast confirmed that remains of the missing scuba diver had been discovered.
1034 minimalist – Minimalist simple; plain – सरल; मैदान The old-timer preferred to keep a minimalist phone that had all the necessary functions without the extra bells and whistles.
1035 खच्चर – Mule a carrier of things for someone else – किसी और के लिए चीज़ों का वाहक As a mule for the drug cartel, the shady man was paid to carry narcotics into the United States.
1036 मध्यम – Moderately fairly; reasonably – अच्छी तरह से; यथोचित A string of moderately priced homes hit the market at the same time, creating a positive buyer’s market.
1037 फ़्लिबर्टिगिबेट – Flibbertigibbet a flighty individual who talks a great deal about nothing – एक उड़ता हुआ व्यक्ति जो बिना किसी बात के बहुत अधिक बातें करता है It was my misfortune to be stuck next to a chatty flibbertigibbet during the bus ride home.
1038 संप्रदायवादी – Dissenter a person who objects or does not conform – वह व्यक्ति जो आपत्ति करता है या उसके अनुरूप नहीं है On Hot Bench, Judge Acker was the dissenter in the case because she did not agree with Judge DiMango’s or Judge Corriero’s decision to award the plaintiff the money she sought.
1039 अलमारी – Cabinet a cupboard with drawers or doors that are used to store household items – दराज या दरवाज़ों वाली एक अलमारी जिसका उपयोग घरेलू सामान रखने के लिए किया जाता है All of the dishes should be washed and dried before being placed into the cabinet.
1040 गोलमोल – Equivocal not clear or certain – स्पष्ट या निश्चित नहीं Since the defendant’s alibi is equivocal, the jury will disregard it almost instantly.
1041 अभेद्य – Invulnerable not capable of being damaged or injured – क्षतिग्रस्त या घायल होने में सक्षम नहीं The police officer knew he could die any day because he was not invulnerable.
1042 नामांकित – Named called; labeled – बुलाया; लेबल The Dean family named their dog Iris, even though the kids wanted to call the puppy Snowball.
1043 कुलमाता – Matriarch a woman who leads a tribe or family – एक महिला जो किसी जनजाति या परिवार का नेतृत्व करती है My mother is the family matriarch who has the final say in household affairs.
1044 स्टंप – Stump the leftover base of a tree after it has been cut down – किसी पेड़ को काटने के बाद उसका बचा हुआ आधार After Hurricane Matthew swept through the coastal towns, each tree was snapped leaving behind a small stump.
1045 प्रहार – Dint as a result of, by way of – परिणामस्वरूप, के माध्यम से The candidate seems to have more influence by dint of money and not actual speaking ability.
1046 योग्य होना – Deserve to be worthy or fit for something, often a reward or punishment – किसी चीज़ के लिए योग्य या योग्य होना, अक्सर पुरस्कार या सज़ा The students deserve an A for the amazing project they made out of popsicle sticks.
1047 आर्क – Arc to move with a curving trajectory – एक घुमावदार प्रक्षेपवक्र के साथ आगे बढ़ना When hitting it with the club, the golfer was able to arc the ball into a perfect curve.
1048 कोड़ा – Whip to beat or thrash – मारना या पीटना Every time the trainer would whip the horse, the mare hid from the beating.
1049 पुनर्ग्रहण – Recapture to catch or capture again, especially something that has escaped – दोबारा पकड़ना या पकड़ना, विशेषकर कोई ऐसी चीज़ जो बच गई हो Armed police are searching the riverbank in an attempt to recapture the felon who escaped from the nearby prison.
1050 मृत – Defunct no longer in use – इेस्तेमाल में नहीं है Though the car was defunct, he knew that with the right parts and some hard work he could restore it.
1051 सत्र – Session a period of time designated for a specific purpose – किसी विशिष्ट उद्देश्य के लिए निर्दिष्ट समय की अवधि During the brief session, the committee members voted to increase funding for infrastructure.
1052 फ़ायदा – Benefit a payment, advantage, or gift – एक भुगतान, लाभ, या उपहार Since I get sick a lot, my health insurance is one work-related benefit I really appreciate.
1053 वाहन – Vehicle a mechanical vessel used to transport someone or something – किसी व्यक्ति या वस्तु को ले जाने के लिए उपयोग किया जाने वाला एक यांत्रिक जहाज The little boy looked out the airport window at the vehicles lining the runway and gaped at the gargantuan metal wings on the airplanes.
1054 बहुत ज्यादा धूप – Sun-kissed having plenty of bright sunlight – भरपूर तेज धूप होना After laying out on the beach all day, Breanna’s sun-kissed skin was more bronze than it was white.
1055 जीविका – Living alive; Not dead – जीवित; मरा नहीं Several different types of living creatures make their homes in the pond next door.
1056 कबीला – Coven a secret gathering of individuals, especially witches – व्यक्तियों, विशेषकर चुड़ैलों का एक गुप्त जमावड़ा A coven of witches met at midnight so they could discuss which spells and potions they would use on their neighbors.
1057 बिनती करना – Deprecate to criticize or express disapproval – आलोचना करना या अस्वीकृति व्यक्त करना Unfortunately my mother-in-law’s urge to deprecate me is stronger than her urge to inspire me.
1058 अवनति – Demote to lower the rank or position of something – किसी चीज़ का पद या पद कम करना Once McDonald’s stopped selling their Szechuan sauce, I had no choice but to demote it in my list of fast food joints.
1059 Deus पूर्व machina – Deus ex Machina describes a situation in which a hopeless scenario is resolved by an unexpected and highly fortunate power or event, usually as a poor plot device in writing – ऐसी स्थिति का वर्णन करता है जिसमें एक निराशाजनक परिदृश्य को एक अप्रत्याशित और अत्यधिक भाग्यशाली शक्ति या घटना द्वारा हल किया जाता है, आमतौर पर लिखित रूप में एक खराब कथानक उपकरण के रूप में The hero was cornered by the enemy and essentially defeated, but he was saved by a Deus ex Machina when he magically acquired a new power to defeat his enemies seemingly for no reason.
1060 Emacity – Emacity the compulsive love for and desire to obtain, purchase, or spend money on items – वस्तुओं के प्रति बाध्यकारी प्रेम और उन्हें प्राप्त करने, खरीदने या उन पर पैसा खर्च करने की इच्छा For Claudia, her emacity was an addiction that forced her to buy hundreds of dollars worth of items she did not need.
1061 पेट – Abdominal related to the abdomen/stomach, or the part between the thorax and the pelvis – पेट/पेट, या वक्ष और श्रोणि के बीच के भाग से संबंधित My severe abdominal pains sent me to the hospital where I learned that it was nothing more than trapped gas.
1062 जब तक – Until before (a specified time) – पहले (एक निर्दिष्ट समय) I cannot go home from the hospital until my doctor gives the okay.
1063 स्तंभ – Column a-pillar or post that stands upright and is shaped like a cylinder – एक खंभा या खंभा जो सीधा खड़ा होता है और सिलेंडर के आकार का होता है Each column of the tall plantation home had lights wrapped around its cylindrical form.
1064 परिदृश्य – Scenario a situation that could possibly happen – ऐसी स्थिति जो संभवतः घटित हो सकती है Before we launch our product, we need to have a solution for every scenario that could arise.
1065 प्रयोग – Exercised used or applied – प्रयुक्त या प्रयोग किया हुआ The right to own a firearm is exercised by many families in the United States, though the right is controversial itself.
1066 शापित – Damned doomed, especially to a life in hell – विशेष रूप से नरक में जीवन बिताने के लिए अभिशप्त The pastor urged the sinners to repent so that they wouldn’t be damned to a life of eternal Hell.
1067 लगातार – Unflagging tireless and persistent – अथक और लगातार The persistent reporter was unflagging and refused to give up on the story.
1068 आयोजन – Event an occasion or happening taking place that may be important – कोई ऐसा अवसर या घटना घटित होना जो महत्वपूर्ण हो The Special Olympics is an event for disabled athletes where each year they come together to compete in sporting games.
1069 गुगली – Googly rolling in an unfocused way – अनफोकस्ड तरीके से घूमना Googly and rolling around, the girl’s eyes continued to pitch as she had a seizure.
1070 जाहिर तौर पर – Evidentiary based on factual evidence – तथ्यात्मक साक्ष्यों के आधार पर The evidentiary hearing included presenting of the state’s evidence and testimony from everyone who was a witness to the crime.
1071 tachycardia – Tachycardia a term used to describe abnormally fast heart rates – असामान्य रूप से तेज़ हृदय गति का वर्णन करने के लिए इस्तेमाल किया जाने वाला शब्द The doctor told him he had Tachycardia because his heart was beating much faster than most do, and he would need to be careful about getting too excited.
1072 नक्कलहेड – Knucklehead a person who is stupid and hard-headed – एक व्यक्ति जो मूर्ख और कठोर स्वभाव का है The knucklehead constantly makes stupid decisions, like stealing cars and robbing banks.
1073 प्रमाणित – Certify to guarantee that something is true in an official way – यह गारंटी देने के लिए कि कोई चीज़ आधिकारिक तरीके से सच है A piece of paper was issued to certify the diamond was real.
1074 बंद – Discontinue to stop doing or making something – कुछ करना या बनाना बंद करना Nike decided to discontinue the new brand of shoes when sales didn’t reach expected levels.
1075 कुछ ही समय – Shortly soon or in a short time – जल्दी या थोड़े समय में I will meet with each of you shortly, so you won’t be waiting on me for very long.
1076 अखाड़ा – Arena a level area with raised seating where large crowds watch sports games or other performances – ऊंचे बैठने की जगह वाला एक समतल क्षेत्र जहां बड़ी भीड़ खेल खेल या अन्य प्रदर्शन देखती है When entering the arena, the two boxers snarled at each other and prepared from the fierce battle as excited fans watched.
1077 व्यवधान – Interruption the action of cutting in or disturbing something already happening – पहले से हो रही किसी चीज़ को काटने या परेशान करने की क्रिया The birth of her first child posed a slight interruption in Halle’s acting career, but she went back to work after a year off.
1078 बेहूदा – Inane lacking sense; stupid – समझ की कमी; मूर्ख When my sisters and I get together, we tend to do inane things like dressing up as cartoon characters.
1079 घटाना – Curtail to limit something – किसी चीज़ को सीमित करना Until the celebrity’s stalker is caught, we will curtail her public appearances.
1080 डोनीब्रुक – Donnybrook a public brawl; heated argument – एक सार्वजनिक विवाद; गरम बहस During the donnybrook, each side of the argument tried to throw the other under the bus.
1081 विचित्र – Bizarre highly unusual – अत्यधिक असामान्य To my conservative grandmother, wearing an earring on your bottom lip is a bizarre thing to do.
1082 दुर्ग – Palladium a platinum type metal that is a light silvery color and is flexible enough to be shaped – एक प्लैटिनम प्रकार की धातु जो हल्के चांदी के रंग की होती है और आकार देने के लिए पर्याप्त लचीली होती है Due to its mobility, the electrical engineer used palladium to form it into the necessary shape so that it could be used as part in the electronic device.
1083 बुलफ़ाइटिंग – Bullfighting the sport of baiting and killing a bull as a public spectacle in an outdoor arena – किसी बाहरी मैदान में सार्वजनिक तमाशे के रूप में बैल को काटने और मारने का खेल Waving the red cape at the steor, the Matador captured the attention of the bullfighting arena crowd.
1084 बाइओडिग्रेड्डबल – Biodegradable having the ability to decompose organically without leaving an imprint on its surroundings – अपने परिवेश पर कोई छाप छोड़े बिना जैविक रूप से विघटित होने की क्षमता होना We avoid using foam plates because they aren’t biodegradable and as such will remain at the dump for hundreds of years.
1085 तहबंद – Apron a garment that covers the front part of the waist and chest and worn to protect the clothing of the wearer – एक परिधान जो कमर और छाती के अगले हिस्से को ढकता है और पहनने वाले के कपड़ों की सुरक्षा के लिए पहना जाता है Before rolling out the messy dough, the pastry chef put a white apron around his waist.
1086 गरम – Torrid extremely sweltering and dry – अत्यधिक गर्मीयुक्त और शुष्क During these torrid temperatures, it is best we stay indoors and consume lots of fluids.
1087 लड़ा – Fought to strongly work for or against someone or something – किसी व्यक्ति या वस्तु के पक्ष या विपक्ष में दृढ़तापूर्वक कार्य करना The Indians fought to keep their land, but ended up losing the battle.
1088 सैनिक शासन – Militarism an ideology which claims that the military is the foundation of a society’s security, and thereby its most important aspect – एक विचारधारा जो दावा करती है कि सेना किसी समाज की सुरक्षा की नींव है, और इस प्रकार इसका सबसे महत्वपूर्ण पहलू है Because he was a veteran, many of his political ideals followed a form of militarism.
1089 स्तुति करना – Eulogize to praise, celebrate or pay homage to (someone) – (किसी की) प्रशंसा करना, जश्न मनाना या श्रद्धांजलि देना Donald wiped away a tear as he began to eulogize his brother.
1090 पौष्टिक – Wholesome considered ethical or of good moral standing – नैतिक या अच्छी नैतिक स्थिति वाला माना जाता है Though he put on a wholesome persona, the mayor was really a gambler who stole money from the city.
1091 मरम्मत – Upkeep the process of keeping something in good condition – किसी चीज़ को अच्छी स्थिति में रखने की प्रक्रिया Because our yard requires so much upkeep, we hired a landscaping company to keep it pretty.
1092 लहर – Surf to ride waves on a surfboard – सर्फ़बोर्ड पर लहरों की सवारी करना I am excited to visit Malibu, California and take surf lessons to learn how to ride the waves.
1093 चला – Walked moved by lifting one’s feet up and down while going forward – आगे बढ़ते समय अपने पैरों को ऊपर-नीचे उठाकर चलना The baby walked for the first time on her birthday, taking a few steps toward her mother.
1094 जत्था – Cohort a group of people supporting the same thing or person – एक ही चीज़ या व्यक्ति का समर्थन करने वाले लोगों का समूह The Millennial generation is the largest cohort in US history.
1095 आंतरिक भाग – Interior having to do with the inner part of something – किसी चीज़ के आंतरिक भाग से संबंध रखना A fire in the interior of a car spreads quickly to the trunk.
1096 टैंकर – Tanker a vehicle used to transport gas or liquids in bulk – एक वाहन जिसका उपयोग बड़ी मात्रा में गैस या तरल पदार्थ के परिवहन के लिए किया जाता है The gas tanker held hundreds of gallons of fuel that supplied a substantial portion of South Florida.
1097 उत्कृष्ट – Excellent wonderful and superb – अद्भुत और शानदार After studying a few hours for his math test, the boy was proud for making an excellent grade of an A+ on his test.
1098 ध्रुवीकरण – Polarization the act of separating or making people split into two groups with opposite opinions or positions – विपरीत राय या स्थिति वाले लोगों को दो समूहों में अलग करने या विभाजित करने का कार्य Polarization between the husband and wife’s financial spending was caused by differences in opinion on saving.
1099 रक्तहीनता से पीड़ित – Anemic exhausted; weak – थका हुआ; कमज़ोर If I appear anemic, it’s because I haven’t eaten in a couple of days.
1100 प्रस्ताव – Proposal a plan or suggestion – एक योजना या सुझाव A proposal to increase property taxes has been strongly opposed by homeowners.
1101 याचिका – Petition an official document that makes a request and is signed by supporters – एक आधिकारिक दस्तावेज़ जो अनुरोध करता है और समर्थकों द्वारा हस्ताक्षरित होता है A nonviolent way to protest a law is by signing a petition requesting the annulment of the law.
1102 अलौकिक – Eldritch creepy and peculiar in an unnatural way – अप्राकृतिक तरीके से डरावना और अनोखा Thunderous storms and a dark starless night created the perfect scene for watching the eldritch movie.
1103 मतभेद – Dissonance a lack of agreement; generally between what one believes and how one acts – सहमति की कमी; आम तौर पर कोई क्या मानता है और कैसे कार्य करता है, के बीच His cruel abuse showed a dissonance with his loving words.
1104 परीक्षण – Trial a court hearing held to decide if an accused person is guilty or innocent – यह तय करने के लिए अदालत में सुनवाई होती है कि कोई आरोपी व्यक्ति दोषी है या निर्दोष Students in the criminal justice course took part in a make believe trial in which some were attorneys and others jurors.
1105 संप्रदायवादी – Separatist of the belief in full separation of a group from a larger whole (usually based on race, religion, culture, or ethnicity.) – किसी समूह को बड़े समूह से पूरी तरह अलग करने में विश्वास (आमतौर पर नस्ल, धर्म, संस्कृति या जातीयता पर आधारित)। Separatist forces in the state worked to keep Muslims and Christians in different areas.
1106 ओब्सीडियन – Obsidian a dark black rock created from cooled lava with relatively no crystals in it – ठंडे लावा से निर्मित एक गहरे काले रंग की चट्टान जिसमें अपेक्षाकृत कोई क्रिस्टल नहीं होता Since the obsidian was easy to break, pieces of it were carved to make knives used in surgical procedures.
1107 मतदान – Poll a survey of people’s opinions or choices regarding a certain subject. – किसी निश्चित विषय के संबंध में लोगों की राय या पसंद का सर्वेक्षण। The United States uses a poll to determine which politicians their citizens vote for.
1108 चार्ट – Chart to record information – जानकारी रिकार्ड करने के लिए The nurse used pen and paper to chart all of the patient’s vital signs for the night.
1109 श्रमसाध्य – Painstaking performed with a great deal of attention – बहुत ध्यान से किया गया Even though the rebuilding of the old farmhouse was going to be a painstaking job, I could not wait to begin work on my new home.
1110 सांठगांठ – Conniving discreetly working to complete a dishonest task – किसी बेईमान काम को पूरा करने के लिए विवेकपूर्वक काम करना Alan’s wife is a conniving woman who only married him for his money.
1111 संभावना – Possibility something that has the potential to occur or is likely to happen – कुछ ऐसा जिसके घटित होने की संभावना हो या होने की संभावना हो There is a possibility that school will be cancelled if it snows hard enough.
1112 राजकुमारी – Princess the daughter of a king or queen – किसी राजा या रानी की बेटी After her parents died, princess Elsa prepared to take the throne and rule as Queen of Arendelle.
1113 एकत्र किया हुआ – Collected gathered; assembled – एकत्रित; इकट्ठा Before the campers started a fire, they collected several piles of firewood to burn.
1114 डिस्क्रिप्टर – Descriptor a word or term used to describe something – किसी चीज़ का वर्णन करने के लिए इस्तेमाल किया जाने वाला शब्द या शब्द I always found it odd that the most common descriptor used to refer to an orange is also orange.
1115 जबड़ा – Jawbone the skull area below the mouth – मुंह के नीचे खोपड़ी का क्षेत्र During the fight, the young many broke his jawbone after the other man hit him on the lower side of his face.
1116 कार्बन चक्र – Carbon cycle an exchange of carbon in the Earth’s atmosphere – पृथ्वी के वायुमंडल में कार्बन का आदान-प्रदान After learning about the carbon cycle in science class, the students were able to analyze the carbon’s influence on the biosphere, hydrosphere and geosphere.
1117 अग्रिम – Advance before; ahead of time – पहले; समय से पहले The concert goers bought their tickets in advance so they wouldn’t end up with terrible seats.
1118 प्रभुत्व – Supremacy having supreme power and influence – सर्वोच्च शक्ति और प्रभाव होना The president has been able to assert his ultimate supremacy over the prime minister.
1119 गरम देशों में दोपहर की अल्प निद्रा – Siesta an afternoon nap that is usually associated with Mexico or Latin countries – दोपहर की झपकी जो आमतौर पर मेक्सिको या लैटिन देशों से जुड़ी होती है Preparing for a quick siesta, the sleepy man rubbed his eyes and reclined his chair.
1120 भाग्य तुम्हारे साथ हो – Break a leg a theatrical phrase used to tell performers good luck before their performance – एक नाटकीय वाक्यांश जिसका प्रयोग कलाकारों को उनके प्रदर्शन से पहले शुभकामनाएं देने के लिए किया जाता है “Break a leg,” Tammy shouted as her daughter got ready to take the stage for her final scene.
1121 मुल – Mull to think about something deeply and for a long period of time – किसी चीज़ के बारे में गहराई से और लंबे समय तक सोचना As she continued to mull over the long list of potential performers, the entertainment director wondered if she should just feature someone internally.
1122 प्रांतीय – Provincial unsophisticated, not polished – अपरिष्कृत, परिष्कृत नहीं Even though James had travelled all over the world, he still wore clothing which was quite provincial and outdated.
1123 निंदा करना – Reviling criticizing in an abusive or angrily insulting manner – अपमानजनक या गुस्से में अपमानजनक तरीके से आलोचना करना Drunk and high, the abusive addict spent his days cursing and reviling his wife and children.
1124 मामला – Matter a substance or object that occupies physical space – कोई पदार्थ या वस्तु जो भौतिक स्थान घेरती है The matter changed from a solid to a liquid form when it was placed in the sun to melt.
1125 गिर जाना – Collapse to fall down suddenly due to pressure – दबाव के कारण अचानक गिर जाना The reasons for the sudden collapse of the Mayan civilization is still unknown.
1126 उन्मूलन करना – Eradicate to completely destroy; to put an end to – पूरी तरह से नष्ट करना; ख़त्म करना The murderer conceived a sinister plot to systematically eradicate the any witnesses to his foul deed.
1127 रास – Promontory a high point of rock or land that juts into a source of water – चट्टान या भूमि का एक ऊँचा बिंदु जो पानी के स्रोत में समा जाता है If we take one more step off the mountain’s promontory, we will fall into the ocean.
1128 समय – Juncture an important point in a process or activity – किसी प्रक्रिया या गतिविधि में एक महत्वपूर्ण बिंदु At this juncture, we are unable to continue with the project because of a lack of funding.
1129 से मिलता-जुलता – Resembling having features or qualities that look like something else – ऐसी विशेषताएं या गुण होना जो किसी और चीज़ की तरह दिखते हों A plane resembling the one that Amelia Earhart flew is housed in the local aviation museum.
1130 नॉनगोन – Nonagon a nine sided polygon – एक नौ भुजाओं वाला बहुभुज The pocket watch was a nonagon, with nine sides around the brass edge.
1131 अलग – Segregate to place apart because of real or perceived differences – वास्तविक या कथित मतभेदों के कारण अलग रखना Airlines segregate passengers into economy and first class so they can charge higher ticket prices for premium seats.
1132 शीत युद्ध – Cold War a constant nonviolent state of hostility between the Soviet Union and the United States that began shortly after World War II – सोवियत संघ और संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका के बीच शत्रुता की एक निरंतर अहिंसक स्थिति जो द्वितीय विश्व युद्ध के तुरंत बाद शुरू हुई For many, the growth of weapons of mass destruction was the most worrying part of the cold war between the Soviet Union and the U.S.
1133 अव्यक्त – Abstruse difficult to understand – समझने में कठिन Some of the classic novels are too abstruse for beginning readers to understand.
1134 निरपेक्ष – Irrespective without regard for conditions, circumstances, or consequences; regardless of – स्थितियों, परिस्थितियों या परिणामों की परवाह किए बिना; निम्न पर ध्यान दिए बगैर Our accountant explained that we would receive the tax credit irrespective of our income level.
1135 अंतिम – Ultimate the best achievable – सर्वोत्तम प्राप्य The scholar’s ultimate goal was to get his research published in a medical journal.
1136 पक्षपात – Favoritism showing partiality and preferential treatment – पक्षपात और तरजीही व्यवहार दिखा रहा है Showing favoritism between her children caused the mother’s oldest son to resent her.
1137 नाशपाती – Pear a sweet firm fruit that has a thinner top with a bowl-like base – एक मीठा दृढ़ फल जिसका शीर्ष पतला और आधार कटोरे जैसा होता है Chef Henry cut up a pear, banana, apple and peach so that he could make a fruit salad for the guests.
1138 रेन – Wren a small brown bird – एक छोटा भूरा पक्षी The Wren is a small brown bird commonly found in the New World with a high pitched and endearing chirp.
1139 दया आ गई थी – Pitied to have feelings of sadness or sorrow for others – दूसरों के प्रति दुःख या दुःख की भावना रखना Even though he was a Union soldier, the private pitied the confederate homeowners who lost everything during the war.
1140 नमक हराम – Treacherous unsafe – असुरक्षित Drivers are asked to stay home and avoid the treacherous icy roads.
1141 रोना – Lachrymose easily brought to tears – आसानी से आंसू ला दिए After her husband died, my aunt became a lachrymose woman who couldn’t stop crying.
1142 वमनकारी – Nauseating sickening and repulsive – कुत्सित और प्रतिकारक After eating the moldy fruit, the child had a nauseating feeling in her stomach resulting in her throwing up.
1143 अकादमी – Academy a school or place of training in which some special art is taught – वह विद्यालय या प्रशिक्षण स्थान जिसमें कोई विशेष कला सिखाई जाती है The military academy trains up to 2,000 officer cadets each year.
1144 चिता – Pyre a pile of flammable materials, often used for burning bodies – ज्वलनशील पदार्थों का ढेर, जिसका उपयोग अक्सर शव जलाने के लिए किया जाता है Over the pyre of wood in the backyard, we roasted marshmallows and hot dogs.
1145 शब्दकोश – Lexicon terminology geared to a particular topic or specific group of people – किसी विशेष विषय या लोगों के विशिष्ट समूह के लिए तैयार शब्दावली In the first year of law school, we learned a large number of words that became the basics of our legal lexicon.
1146 भ्रूभंग – Frown to show irritation or worry by bringing your eyebrows together and making a scowling face – अपनी भौंहों को एक साथ लाकर और तमतमाता हुआ चेहरा बनाकर जलन या चिंता दिखाना The angry toddler will turn her mouth into a frown and pout if her mother tells her no.
1147 प्रधान आधार – Pivot to turn or rotate on a fixed point – किसी निश्चित बिंदु पर घूमना या घूमना During the recital, the ballerinas pivot on their tiptoes simultaneously to the speed of the music.
1148 उत्सुकतापूर्वक – Avidly in an excited or enthusiastic manner – उत्साहित या उत्साही ढंग से Airport police became suspicious of a passenger after one of the drug dogs avidly sniffed his carry-on bag.
1149 अवरोधित – Blocked obstructed or congested – बाधित या भीड़भाड़ वाला The hallways at school are often blocked by throngs of friends walking side by side instead of in a line.
1150 बदमाश – Hoodlum a person who engages in crime and violence – एक व्यक्ति जो अपराध और हिंसा में लिप्त है The ringleader of the teen gang was hoodlum from the southside who had a knack for stealing cars.
1151 कांग्रेस – Congressional relating to congress – कांग्रेस से संबंधित A congressional convention was held to discuss federal policies.
1152 वेदना – Pang an abrupt yet intense spasm of distress or pain – संकट या दर्द की अचानक लेकिन तीव्र ऐंठन When the bullet entered Rick’s stomach, it sent a pang of agony through his body.
1153 शानदार – Magnificent superb or outstanding – शानदार या उत्कृष्ट With a beautiful bride, delicious cake and fun reception, the guests commented about what a magnificent wedding this was.
1154 पुनः खोजना – Rediscover to discover something again – फिर से कुछ खोजने के लिए Kiran believes Atlantis is a real place, and his life’s dream is to rediscover the lost city and learn its secrets.
1155 अनैतिक – Unethical not having morals or honorable principles – नैतिकता या सम्मानजनक सिद्धांत नहीं होना Unethical office practices caused the bad doctor to lose his job at the hospital.
1156 बहाना – Pretext a fake excuse or reason – एक नकली बहाना या कारण Under pretext of being a police officer, the gang member gained entry into the rival gang leader’s apartment.
1157 उपहास – Ridicule derision; mocking or humiliating words or behavior – उपहास; शब्दों या व्यवहार का मज़ाक उड़ाना या अपमानजनक होना After spilling coffee on his shirt, he knew his co-workers would ridicule him.
1158 स्लेक – Slake slake means to quench or satisfy one’s thirst – स्लेक का अर्थ है किसी की प्यास बुझाना या संतुष्ट करना This electrolyte water should help slake the runners’ thirst during the marathon.
1159 चुनौतीः – Challenged to be invited to partake in a contest – किसी प्रतियोगिता में भाग लेने के लिए आमंत्रित किया जाना The nobleman challenged his rival to a duel, in which they would determine who was better with a sword.
1160 जर्जर – Shabby in poor condition because of age or wear – उम्र या टूट-फूट के कारण खराब स्थिति में The college student’s apartment wasn’t what I would call chic, but it wasn’t shabby either.
1161 झुका हुआ – Jilted to be rejected by a lover – किसी प्रेमी द्वारा अस्वीकार किया जाना The young man was constantly trying to earn the approval of his girlfriend, but he was always jilted by her.
1162 पूर्वज्ञान – Prevision a prediction about a future event – भविष्य की किसी घटना के बारे में भविष्यवाणी I visited a fortune teller to see what prevision she would have, but her prediction never came true anyway.
1163 रखा हे – Placed positioned; situated – तैनात; स्थित The poker player placed his final cards face-up and waited for the others to lay theirs down.
1164 चिकना – Lubricate to apply oil to a surface in order to reduce friction – घर्षण को कम करने के लिए किसी सतह पर तेल लगाना Finding a product to lubricate the door was the only way to stop the annoying squeaking.
1165 गोंद – Adhesive sticky – चिपचिपा Mom does not like to use Elmer’s glue because she claims that our project requires a stronger adhesive.
1166 आवेग – Paroxysm an unexpected outburst of emotion – भावना का अप्रत्याशित विस्फोट Since Jason is normally quiet, he shocked everyone when he made a loud paroxysm in response to being fired.
1167 पंपास – Pampas treeless plains in South America – दक्षिण अमेरिका में वृक्षविहीन मैदान The pampas is extremely hot because the treeless terrain is under the equator.
1168 वाहिकासंकीर्णन – Vasoconstriction the shrinking of blood vessels that often inhibits proper circulation and increases blood pressure – रक्त वाहिकाओं का सिकुड़ना जो अक्सर उचित परिसंचरण को बाधित करता है और रक्तचाप बढ़ाता है In blistering cold environments, vasoconstriction of the veins causes blood flow to move to the center of the body and reduces odds of freezing to death.
1169 सम्मान – Deference courteous regard for people’s feelings; respect – लोगों की भावनाओं के प्रति विनम्र सम्मान; आदर Kyle decided to shave off his mohawk in deference to his Grandmother.
1170 वित्त – Finance to pay for something or provide monetary support for it – किसी चीज़ का भुगतान करना या उसके लिए आर्थिक सहायता प्रदान करना A politician that is truly interested in a particular cause will finance that cause with their own money.
1171 लंच – Luncheon a planned proper function for business or pleasure involving eating – खाने-पीने से संबंधित व्यवसाय या आनंद के लिए एक नियोजित उचित समारोह Since the luncheon was cancelled, I was saddened that I would not get to visit with my friends and I would have to fix a sandwich at home.
1172 बढ़ाना – Roundup to gather people or animals together – लोगों या जानवरों को एक साथ इकट्ठा करना When it was time to eat lunch, Mrs. Hall had to roundup all of the children and brought them into the school cafeteria.
1173 पाइनिंग – Pining to yearn or long for something or someone – किसी चीज़ या किसी व्यक्ति के लिए लालसा या लालसा करना While her husband was deployed overseas, Melia was missing and pining for him until he came home.
1174 sawtooth – Sawtooth shaped like the teeth of a saw – आरी के दाँतों के आकार का The crocodile’s sawtooth teeth could easily chew through flesh and bone in a single chomp.
1175 पराया – Estranged distant; no longer chummy with – दूरस्थ; अब कोई झगड़ा नहीं Although Beth had been estranged from her father for years, she came to visit him when she learned he was dying.
1176 प्रक्रिया – Procedure a surgical or medical treatment – एक शल्य चिकित्सा या चिकित्सा उपचार Many anxious brides choose the weight loss procedure despite its surgical risks.
1177 तत्परता – Assiduity with strong focus and determination – मजबूत फोकस और दृढ़ संकल्प के साथ Because Bill knew he had to pass all his classes to graduate, he studied for his final exams with assiduity.
1178 अंकगणित – Arithmetic a branch of mathematics that deals with real numbers by adding, multiplying, etc. – गणित की एक शाखा जो वास्तविक संख्याओं को जोड़ने, गुणा करने आदि से संबंधित है। During math class, the teacher showed the students how to solve arithmetic problems without a calculator.
1179 परिणामवाद – Consequentialism the idea that the value of an action is based solely upon the results of that action – यह विचार कि किसी कार्य का मूल्य पूरी तरह से उस कार्य के परिणामों पर आधारित होता है Based on consequentialism, my boss did not care if his workers had to work 36 hours straight just so that the work would be done efficiently.
1180 त्यागना – Abjure to give up a belief or an activity – किसी विश्वास या गतिविधि को छोड़ना After the tyrant took over the country, the citizens had to abjure their political beliefs.
1181 तख्तापलट – Coup the quick action of taking power or a surprise victory – सत्ता हासिल करने की त्वरित कार्रवाई या आश्चर्यजनक जीत When the coup failed, the dictator killed all the rebels who tried to remove him from power.
1182 अपेक्षाकृत – Relatively to a certain degree or in comparison to another thing – एक निश्चित सीमा तक या किसी अन्य चीज़ की तुलना में Since the building was built two years ago, it is still relatively new.
1183 शांति – Serenity untroubled, calm, and peaceful – अशांत, शांत और शांत For the outdoorsman, there is no way to experience serenity better than enjoying nature.
1184 निकाला गया – Removed took away from a specific position or place – किसी विशिष्ट पद या स्थान से दूर ले जाया गया The dentist removed several teeth from the patient’s mouth to fix the overcrowding.
1185 विनीत – Unobtrusive not obvious – स्वाभाविक नहीं The reclusive man wanted to be buried in an unobtrusive area of the cemetery so people would not walk around his grave.
1186 अत्यंत – Immoderate excessive – अत्यधिक An immoderate amount of compliments was dished out towards the employer so that it seemed like the employee was simply trying to get a raise instead of speaking honestly.
1187 हल्का – Mild moderate; not severe or extreme – मध्यम; गंभीर या अत्यधिक नहीं A mild storm system moved through the area, causing some downed limbs but very little overall damage.
1188 जी उठने – Resurrection the act of bringing a person who died back alive again – मर गये व्यक्ति को पुनः जीवित करने का कार्य People believe that Christianity evolved from the resurrection of Christ’s body from the Earth.
1189 पान – Potation the act of drinking a beverage, usually alcohol – कोई पेय पदार्थ पीने की क्रिया, आमतौर पर शराब As a recovering alcoholic, Jim decided to refrain from potation.
1190 ज़ेरिक – Xeric an area or climate that gets a very low volume of water and is often extremely dry – ऐसा क्षेत्र या जलवायु जिसमें बहुत कम मात्रा में पानी मिलता है और जो अक्सर अत्यधिक शुष्क होता है The xeric environment of the desert makes it difficult for plants that require a substantial amount of water to grow.
1191 प्रतीक – Emblem a representative symbol, such as a trademark or logo – एक प्रतिनिधि प्रतीक, जैसे ट्रेडमार्क या लोगो The show requires everyone to wear a shirt that sports the emblem of their company so that people can network more effectively.
1192 आर-पार – Athwart diagonally; crossways – तिरछे; क्रॉसवे Because the boy thinks it’s cool to wear his hat athwart on his head, he often wears his cap sideways.
1193 जिसमें कुछ तत्व न हो – Unsubstantial lacking firmness or strength – दृढ़ता या शक्ति का अभाव It wasn’t until he fell from the cliff that the rock climber realized his unsubstantial rope was too thin for the climb.
1194 निस्र्त्साहित – Disincentive a factor that discourages people from acting or doing something – एक ऐसा कारक जो लोगों को कार्य करने या कुछ करने से हतोत्साहित करता है Punishments serve as a disincentive, attempting to deter people from doing things they shouldn’t.
1195 आतंकवादी – Militant prone to engage in conflict for a belief or cause – किसी विश्वास या कारण के लिए संघर्ष में शामिल होने की संभावना The gang members assumed a militant posture when they saw another gang approaching their turf.
1196 बढ़ – Heighten to raise something or make it higher (to lift) – किसी चीज़ को उठाना या ऊंचा करना (उठाना) The short model uses really tall heels to heighten herself for the runway.
1197 जाला – Trammel to restrain or restrict one’s freedom – किसी की स्वतंत्रता को रोकना या प्रतिबंधित करना The parents were careful not to trammel their son’s dreams of being a dancer even though he had no rhythm.
1198 चुनता – Chooses refers to the act of making a decision or selection – निर्णय लेने या चयन करने की क्रिया को संदर्भित करता है She chooses to be flexible and adaptable, rather than being rigid and inflexible.
1199 दूर तक शब्द ले जाने का एक प्रकार का यंत्र – Megaphone a cone-shaped device used to make the voice of the person speaking through it louder – एक शंकु के आकार का उपकरण जिसके माध्यम से बोलने वाले व्यक्ति की आवाज़ तेज़ हो जाती है Using the megaphone to amplify her voice, the cheerleader shouted several chants to the pumped up crowd.
1200 स्वास्थ्य – Fitness a state of healthy physical condition – स्वस्थ शारीरिक स्थिति की अवस्था Fitness is an important part of your life, making sure your body stays healthy so you can live a longer and happier life.
1201 विश्लेषण – Analysis the breaking down of something complex into smaller elements so it can be evaluated – किसी जटिल चीज़ को छोटे तत्वों में तोड़ना ताकि उसका मूल्यांकन किया जा सके The sheriff was impatient as he waited for the analysis of the fingerprints.
1202 संप्रदाय – Sect a small religious or political group that separates from a larger group. Sects have many of the same beliefs and practices as the original group, but often have some different doctrines – एक छोटा धार्मिक या राजनीतिक समूह जो एक बड़े समूह से अलग हो जाता है। संप्रदायों में मूल समूह के समान कई मान्यताएं और प्रथाएं होती हैं, लेकिन अक्सर कुछ अलग सिद्धांत होते हैं Our family are Mormons, which is a sect of Christianity.
1203 रोगसूचक – Symptomatic showing symptoms – लक्षण दिख रहे हैं Although he managed a C, his slipping grades were symptomatic of a much bigger problem.
1204 मानव जाति विज्ञान – Ethnology a science that deals with the study of people and their different societies and cultures – एक विज्ञान जो लोगों और उनके विभिन्न समाजों और संस्कृतियों के अध्ययन से संबंधित है The scientist went into the field of ethnology so that he could study different Asian cultures.
1205 ईमानदार – Sincere genuine; meaning what one says or does; honest – असली; जिसका अर्थ है कि कोई क्या कहता या करता है; ईमानदार The judge agreed to lighten Howie’s sentence, if he made a sincere effort to improve his behavior.
1206 धरन – Joist a wooden or metal beam that serves as a support for the ceiling or floor – एक लकड़ी या धातु की बीम जो छत या फर्श के लिए समर्थन के रूप में कार्य करती है Chipotle has an industrial décor that enables guests to see the long metal joist that runs across the ceiling and supports the roof.
1207 पुनर्वास – Rehabilitate to bring back to a healthy or useful state – स्वस्थ या उपयोगी अवस्था में वापस लाना The image consultant believes she can rehabilitate the reputation of the disgraced politician.
1208 ओनोफाइल – Oenophile a connoisseur or person who loves wine – एक पारखी या व्यक्ति जिसे शराब पसंद है Swishing the Pinot Nior around in her mouth, the oenophile savored the taste of the red wine.
1209 संदेशवाहक – Courier an individual who delivers packages or messages – एक व्यक्ति जो पैकेज या संदेश वितरित करता है The courier should have the package to you within an hour.
1210 क्रुद्ध करना – Enrage to fill with rage; to make furious – क्रोध से भरना; क्रोधित करना Plans to build a new baseball park may enrage the nearby homeowners with traffic and noise concerns.
1211 धोखा – Cheat to secretly break a rule intended to keep things fair – चीज़ों को निष्पक्ष बनाए रखने के उद्देश्य से किसी नियम को गुप्त रूप से तोड़ना You are not supposed to use your phone during a test, but Lisa decided she would rather cheat than fail.
1212 असभ्य – Barbaric uncivilized; rude – असभ्य; अशिष्ट Because the barbaric moviegoer shouted and threw popcorn at other guests, he was asked to leave.
1213 हज – Hajj islamic pilgrimage to Mecca – मक्का की इस्लामी तीर्थयात्रा The faithful Muslims embarked on their spiritual hajj to Mecca.
1214 कुलपति का – Patriarchal related to a system that is run or ruled by men – ऐसी व्यवस्था से संबंधित जो पुरुषों द्वारा चलाई या शासित होती है Many ancient societies were patriarchal in nature, having predominantly male leaders in both the military and politics.
1215 प्रचुर – Plentiful a huge amount – बड़ी रकम There was a plentiful amount of food at the family reunion.
1216 फिसलन – Slippage the sliding or sinking of something – किसी चीज का फिसलना या डूबना Due to the slippage of sales from last quarter to this quarter, the company had to do something to get the sales back up.
1217 अधिव्यय – Overspent to pay or make purchases than what is practical – व्यावहारिक सीमा से अधिक भुगतान करना या खरीदारी करना “We overspent on Christmas presents this year because we were supposed to only spend $500 total and we spent $5,000,” the mother told her husband.
1218 गूढ़ता – Intricacy the condition of being complex or extremely detailed – जटिल या अत्यंत विस्तृत होने की अवस्था या भाव The autistic boy found it easy to grasp the intricacy of the thousand-piece puzzle.
1219 ऑपरोज़ – Operose to be done strenuously and laboriously – कठिन और परिश्रमपूर्वक किया जाना चाहिए Once the spoiled teenager was sent to work in the fields, she learned the responsibility and diligence after the first day of operose work.
1220 माँग – Demand to command or insist that someone do something – किसी को कुछ करने के लिए आदेश देना या आग्रह करना The teachers demand that we do our homework, so we make sure to complete it on time.
1221 भुखमरी – Starvation extreme hunger to the point of being life threatening – जीवन के लिए खतरा होने की हद तक अत्यधिक भूख लगना During the Irish famine, many citizens were dying from starvation because no crops were growing in the fields.
1222 जुरासिक – Jurassic a geologic period that occurred over 150 million years ago and is marked by the presence of dinosaurs and the first appearance of birds – एक भूगर्भिक काल जो 150 मिलियन वर्ष पहले हुआ था और जो डायनासोर की उपस्थिति और पक्षियों की पहली उपस्थिति से चिह्नित है During the Jurassic period, humans didn’t exist, and dinosaurs ruled the earth.
1223 रैंक और फ़ाइल – Rank and file the recruited members of a group not including the appointed or elected officers or leaders – किसी समूह के भर्ती किए गए सदस्य जिनमें नियुक्त या निर्वाचित अधिकारी या नेता शामिल नहीं हैं Once the rank and file members gathered together in line, the lieutenant and other sergeants conducted their drills.
1224 असावधान – Unwary not cautious or aware of danger – खतरे के प्रति सतर्क या जागरूक नहीं होना Although he should have been afraid of the wolf, the third pig seemed unwary.
1225 सामाजिक निर्माण – Social construct an ideal or system that exists only because humans have put it in place – एक आदर्श या व्यवस्था जो केवल इसलिए अस्तित्व में है क्योंकि मनुष्य ने इसे स्थापित किया है The notion that women were incapable of performing some of the same jobs as men was a social construct, with no real basis in reality.
1226 अहंकारी – Cocky arrogant and conceited – अभिमानी और अभिमानी The cocky boxer wasn’t as arrogant after he was knocked out in the first round.
1227 शांत – Quiet calm with little or no noise – कम या बिना शोर के शांत Moving into a quiet neighborhood, the couple was glad to be able to sleep peacefully at night.
1228 ताकत – Strength the state or quality of being strong – मजबूत होने की अवस्था या गुण Her emotional strength was evident when she was able to perform at the concert after her father suddenly passed away.
1229 अधीन – Possessed akin to being controlled by an evil spirit; often to refer to a frenzied person – किसी दुष्ट आत्मा द्वारा नियंत्रित होने के समान; अक्सर एक उन्मादी व्यक्ति को संदर्भित करने के लिए Enraged, Luke attacked his brother as if he were possessed, swinging his fists at him wildly.
1230 उपशाखा – Ramification a change that makes a situation more complicated – एक परिवर्तन जो किसी स्थिति को और अधिक जटिल बना देता है Jason was shocked when he learned the ramification of his cheating was immediate expulsion from the university.
1231 जला – Burnt seared; scorched – झुलसा हुआ; सूखा हुआ My siblings think it is disgusting that I prefer my meat burnt and overcooked on the grill.
1232 हन्की डोरि – Hunky-dory absolutely pleased and content – बिल्कुल प्रसन्न और संतुष्ट Everything was hunky-dory at the wedding with the bride, groom, families and friends watching the ceremony on their perfect day.
1233 गिर्जे का चौकीदार – Beadle a British term used to refer to a leader of a church who assists the minister or priest in his duties – एक ब्रिटिश शब्द जिसका उपयोग चर्च के एक नेता को संदर्भित करने के लिए किया जाता है जो मंत्री या पुजारी को उनके कर्तव्यों में सहायता करता है When Mr. Peterson worked as the church’s beadle, he ran most of the fundraising events for the minister.
1234 सांकेतिकता – Semiotics the study of signs and symbols, especially as means of language or communication – संकेतों और प्रतीकों का अध्ययन, विशेषकर भाषा या संचार के साधन के रूप में The semiotics of his body language revealed he was lying.
1235 काटा हुआ – Chopped cut up into small pieces – छोटे-छोटे टुकड़ों में काट लें The chef chopped the ham up into cubes using a sharp knife from his kitchen.
1236 इसके विपरीत – Conversely on the other side or hand – दूसरी तरफ या हाथ पर The trip wasn’t all good, and conversely, it wasn’t all bad.
1237 बचाव – Rescue to save someone or something from a dangerous situation – किसी को या किसी चीज को खतरनाक स्थिति से बचाने के लिए A swift moving river with flooding all around made it difficult for the search party to rescue the stranded dog.
1238 कोलाहल करते हुए खेलना – Romp to play in an excited and energetic way – उत्साहित और ऊर्जावान तरीके से खेलना Our playful pups romp and frolic around the yard every time we take them outside.
1239 लज्जाजनक – Scandalous an action or event that is considered outrageous or indecent – कोई कार्य या घटना जिसे अपमानजनक या अशोभनीय माना जाता है Senator Sill refused to answer the reporter’s question about his scandalous behavior last month.
1240 हुक्मनामा – Decree an official order issued by a legal authority – एक कानूनी प्राधिकारी द्वारा जारी किया गया एक आधिकारिक आदेश The queen issued a royal decree which stopped people from visiting the royal gardens during the holidays.
1241 स्किटर्ड – Skittered glided or skipped lightly over the surface of something – किसी चीज़ की सतह पर हल्के से सरकना या उछलना As the rain beat down on the highway, a car skittered across the slick road and careened down the hill.
1242 चिकित्सकीय – Dental relating to the teeth – दांतों से संबंधित The dental office is running a special where you get a free teeth cleaning and 20 percent off any other tooth-related services.
1243 किनारे – Sidelines situation where one is witnessing an activity and not joining in – ऐसी स्थिति जहां कोई व्यक्ति किसी गतिविधि को देख रहा है और उसमें शामिल नहीं हो रहा है My sister and I sat on the sidelines of our parents’ arguments because we wanted to know what they were saying without giving our opinions.
1244 पतला – Slender slim; lean – छरहरा; दुबला Tall and slender, the model’s thin legs were one of her best assets.
1245 अराजनैतिक – Apolitical not interested in political topics or events – राजनीतिक विषयों या घटनाओं में रुचि नहीं Because he is apolitical, the celebrity refuses to give an opinion on anything going on in the White House.
1246 मदहोश – Plastered to have covered a surface with labels, pictures, etc – किसी सतह को लेबल, चित्र आदि से ढक देना The conspiracy theorist had plastered newspaper clippings all over his wall, in an attempt to somewhat organize his evidence.
1247 गुमराह – Misled tricked; deceived – बरगलाया; धोखा By giving false statements to the police, the informant misled people into thinking an innocent man had killed someone.
1248 वित्त पोषण – Financed supported with money – पैसे से समर्थन किया The investor financed many different projects including the opening of an ice cream parlor and a seafood business.
1249 जोर – Aloud clearly out loud – स्पष्ट रूप से ज़ोर से The teacher had the students read the story aloud so that everyone would hear the story being spoken.
1250 साबुत – Whole the entire thing – पूरी बात Walter was so hungry that he was able to devour a whole box of pizza without leaving one slice.
1251 आवाज़ का उतार-चढ़ाव – Pitch the degree of highness or lowness used in a musical performance – किसी संगीत प्रदर्शन में प्रयुक्त उच्चता या निम्नता की डिग्री The range of her pitch was high in some parts of the song and low in others.
1252 नवीकरण – Renew to restart or repeat – पुनः आरंभ करना या दोहराना Earlier in the month, the decision was made not to renew the plumber’s contract and to go with a new handyman.
1253 शामियाना – Awning an overhang usually attached to a building that is used to block inclement weather conditions like snow, rain, or excessive sunlight – आमतौर पर किसी इमारत से जुड़ा एक ओवरहैंग जिसका उपयोग बर्फ, बारिश या अत्यधिक धूप जैसी खराब मौसम की स्थिति को रोकने के लिए किया जाता है They dashed under an awning to escape the sudden downpour.
1254 ओले के साथ वर्षा – Sleet rain and snow mixed – बारिश और बर्फ मिश्रित The combination of snow and rain in the form of sleet rained down on the driver’s windshield.
1255 डर – Fear an uncomfortable feeling triggered by thinking that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat – यह सोचकर उत्पन्न होने वाली असहज भावना कि कोई व्यक्ति या वस्तु खतरनाक है, जिससे दर्द होने की संभावना है, या खतरा है Despite my fear of heights, I climbed the mountain.
1256 आश्वस्त – Reassure to say or do something to remove fear or doubt – भय या संदेह को दूर करने के लिए कुछ कहना या करना The husband tried to reassure his wife that he loved her no matter what.
1257 भुरभुरा – Crumbly fragile; easily breakable – कमज़ोर; आसानी से टूटने योग्य Every time she tried to take a bite, the crumbly cake fell off of her fork.
1258 प्रतिभू – Surety money or something valuable given as collateral – संपार्श्विक के रूप में दिया गया धन या कोई मूल्यवान वस्तु I gave Gabby my favorite brand name watch as surety that I would repay her for the money I borrowed.
1259 कैंसर विज्ञान – Oncology the examination and analysis of cancer – कैंसर की जांच और विश्लेषण After detecting a tumor in the man’s brain, his family physician knew to refer him to a specialist of oncology.
1260 इस बात से नाराज – Miffed to be irritated and upset – चिढ़ना और परेशान होना When the paperboy continued to throw the newspaper into the puddle of water, the owner was miffed at the thoughtless boy.
1261 इसके अतिरिक्त – Moreover further – आगे For many small companies, moreover, the ability to purchase cash is limited.
1262 तत्त्वावधान – Auspices guidance and support – मार्गदर्शन और समर्थन Under the auspices of their commander-in-chief, the troops crossed the border into the war zone.
1263 आविष्कार करना – Invent create, conceive or originate – बनाना, कल्पना करना या उत्पन्न करना Benjamin Franklin did invent electricity using his kite and key experiment even though many people credit Thomas Edison’s development of the light bulb.
1264 स्मरण – Flashback part of a story or life that reveals something that happened previously – किसी कहानी या जीवन का वह भाग जो पहले घटी किसी बात का खुलासा करता हो We learned about the main character’s childhood through a long flashback.
1265 पोर्टेबल – Portable able to be carried or easily moved – ले जाने या आसानी से ले जाने में सक्षम We always pack a portable disposable grill before heading out on a trip because it’s the easiest way to cook on the road.
1266 पत्थर की दीवार – Stonewall to delay or block something a conversation by refusing to answer questions or respond – किसी प्रश्न का उत्तर देने या उत्तर देने से इंकार करके बातचीत में देरी करना या उसे अवरुद्ध करना The suspect continued to stonewall the investigation, refusing to answer any questions that the detective asked about the crime.
1267 चुंबकीय – Magnetic attractive; alluring – आकर्षक; मनोहर With a magnetic smile, the singer captivated the crowd with his crooning.
1268 स्वतंत्रता – Liberty the freedom to do and act as one pleases – अपनी इच्छानुसार कार्य करने की स्वतंत्रता Fighting for their liberty, the men could not wait to be free from the King of England.
1269 चप्पा चप्पा छान मारना – Rummage to look for something by searching through the contents in an area – किसी क्षेत्र में सामग्री के माध्यम से खोज कर कुछ खोजना The dog will rummage through the garbage for food when it gets hungry.
1270 फुर्तीली – Agile able to move fast and easily – तेजी से और आसानी से चलने में सक्षम Because he practiced parkour, he was an extremely agile athlete.
1271 चमड़े का कारख़ाना – Tannery a place that makes leather from animal skins – वह स्थान जहाँ जानवरों की खाल से चमड़ा बनाया जाता है During colonial times, many hunters would sell their captures to a tannery so that the tanner could take them and turn them into coats and outerwear.
1272 बेशरम – Unscrupulous unconcerned about doing what is right – जो सही है उसे करने के प्रति बेपरवाह The unscrupulous teacher offered to raise her student’s grade if he gave her one hundred dollars.
1273 सूजा हुआ – Swollen enlarged; puffed up – बढ़ा हुआ; फूला हुआ Putting ice on her swollen ankle, the woman hoped the pack would help the swelling go down.
1274 टर्बाइन – Turbine an engine that provides power because a wheel or a rotor is continually turning due to pressure from fast moving liquid – एक इंजन जो शक्ति प्रदान करता है क्योंकि तेज गति से चलने वाले तरल पदार्थ के दबाव के कारण एक पहिया या रोटर लगातार घूमता रहता है The turbine used water and a rotor to power the boat down the mighty Mississippi.
1275 आना-जाना – Commute to travel to and from work on a regular basis, typically from home – नियमित आधार पर काम पर आना-जाना, आमतौर पर घर से My commute takes me about twenty minutes every day, so if I want to arrive to work on time I have to wake up at least forty minutes before I have to be there.
1276 दबाने – Suppress to prevent or restrain action or emotion – क्रिया या भावना को रोकने या नियंत्रित करने के लिए Jim had to suppress a smile during the serious speech his father was giving so he didn’t irritate him.
1277 मुर्दा घर – Morgue a building or room where dead bodies are kept before their proper burial or cremation – वह भवन या कमरा जहाँ शवों को उचित दफ़न या दाह-संस्कार से पहले रखा जाता है After the fatal accident, the deceased victim was removed from the vehicle and taken to the morgue until the autopsy took place.
1278 अनियमित – Erratic unpredictable – अप्रत्याशित When the police officer saw the man driving in an erratic manner, he pulled him over to question him.
1279 प्रतिनिधित्व – Representation a person or group that speaks or makes decisions on your behalf – एक व्यक्ति या समूह जो आपकी ओर से बोलता है या निर्णय लेता है My parents were my representation of support at my marriage ceremony.
1280 जुटाकर – Scintillating remarkably witty – उल्लेखनीय रूप से मजाकिया The host’s scintillating conversations with celebrities have earned her numerous awards.
1281 स्थायी – Lasting enduring over a period of time – कुछ समय तक टिकना Meg thought her marriage would be a lasting relationship, but it ended just as quickly as it began.
1282 चक्कर – Dizzy having a sensation of whirling, with a tendency to fall; unbalanced or lightheaded – चक्कर आने की अनुभूति होना, गिरने की प्रवृत्ति के साथ; असंतुलित या हल्का-फुल्का During recess, Lizzy would often close her eyes and spin until she was too dizzy to stand.
1283 नसों की दुर्बलता का बीमार – Neurasthenic a now obsolete psychiatric symptom that is more commonly known as chronic fatigue syndrome and is characterized by extreme mental and physical exhaustion – एक अब अप्रचलित मनोरोग लक्षण जिसे आमतौर पर क्रोनिक थकान सिंड्रोम के रूप में जाना जाता है और अत्यधिक मानसिक और शारीरिक थकावट की विशेषता है Early 19th century insane asylums were filled with people showing neurasthenic symptoms, simply exhausted and in need of rest.
1284 तैरना – Float to stay atop of water in a resting or moving way – आराम करते हुए या चलते हुए पानी के ऊपर रहना Once the sink was filled with water, the soap would float across from one side to the other.
1285 स्लीपवॉक – Sleepwalk to walk around and sometimes perform other actions while asleep – इधर-उधर घूमना और कभी-कभी सोते समय अन्य क्रियाएं करना Phillip decided to lock up the cabinets before bed so he wouldn’t sleepwalk into the kitchen and eat up all the food.
1286 तिकोना कपड़ा – Gore blood that is from an injured person – वह खून जो किसी घायल व्यक्ति का है The movie was pretty good even though it had too many blood and gore scenes for my taste.
1287 प्रक्षेपवक्र – Trajectory a course or route taken – लिया गया मार्ग या मार्ग If the missile alters the trajectory of just one of the planets, the two bodies will not collide.
1288 त्रस्त – Stricken the act of being struck down with something, whether it be disease, illness, or emotion – किसी चीज़ से प्रभावित होने की क्रिया, चाहे वह बीमारी हो, रोग हो, या भावना हो During the middle ages, entire families were stricken with the plague.
1289 डीज़ल – Diesel an internal combustion engine in which heat produced by the compression of air in the cylinder is used to ignite the fuel – एक आंतरिक दहन इंजन जिसमें सिलेंडर में हवा के संपीड़न से उत्पन्न गर्मी का उपयोग ईंधन को प्रज्वलित करने के लिए किया जाता है Diesel fuel is different than regular gasoline because fuel is injected into compressed air, whereas with gasoline, fuel and air are mixed and then compressed.
1290 दुष्ट – Vicious violent, destructive and cruel – हिंसक, विनाशकारी और क्रूर Mark is a vicious person who will spends years plotting how to take revenge on people that hurt him in any way.
1291 विविसेपुलचर – Vivisepulture the process of putting someone in the ground while still alive – किसी को जीवित रहते हुए जमीन में गाड़ने की प्रक्रिया After digging up the body in the backyard, it became apparent the man died of suffocation from the heavy dirt due to the criminal’s vivisepulture.
1292 बिंदु – Point a spiky and tight edge – एक नुकीला और कड़ा किनारा Chef Henry used the point of a knife to tear a small hole in the plastic bag so that he could get inside it.
1293 हतोत्साहित – Discouraged having lost confidence or hope – आत्मविश्वास या आशा खो देना The two dogs became discouraged from the dog biscuit rolling under the couch.
1294 व्यस्त समय – Rush hour the time each day when traffic is the heaviest – प्रत्येक दिन वह समय जब यातायात सबसे अधिक होता है Rush hour traffic was so congested that it took us an hour to drive ten miles down the road.
1295 विलुप्ति – Disappearance circumstances when a person or thing can no longer be accounted for since it has not been seen or heard from for a period of time – ऐसी परिस्थितियाँ जब किसी व्यक्ति या वस्तु का अब हिसाब-किताब नहीं किया जा सकता क्योंकि उसे कुछ समय से देखा या सुना नहीं गया है After the disappearance of Elizabeth Smart, it would take nine months for her to be found by rescuers.
1296 हैंगर – Hangar a place where aircraft are kept when not in use – वह स्थान जहाँ उपयोग में न होने पर विमान रखे जाते हैं Because the hangar was damaged during the storm, we had to place the airplane in a local barn.
1297 संगीतकार – Musician someone who plays a musical instrument – कोई व्यक्ति जो संगीत वाद्ययंत्र बजाता हो Each musician took the stage and began to play the instruments in unison.
1298 बकवास – Crapulous very drunk or intoxicated – बहुत नशे में या नशे में The crapulous teenagers stumbled around the party spilling whiskey from their red solo cups.
1299 तानाशाह – Tyrant an individual who governs unfairly and brutally – एक व्यक्ति जो अनुचित और क्रूरतापूर्वक शासन करता है Growing up I considered my stepmother to be a tyrant because she punished me without cause.
1300 ख़ुदपसंद – Huffy acting in a way that shows irritation or agitation about something one is upset about – इस तरह से व्यवहार करना जिससे कोई व्यक्ति जिस बात से परेशान है, उसके प्रति चिड़चिड़ापन या क्षोभ प्रकट हो Behaving quite huffy, the sulky wife continued to pout about her husband’s refusal to buy her a new car.
1301 उभयचर – Amphibian an animal or vehicle that can function both on land and in water – एक जानवर या वाहन जो जमीन और पानी दोनों पर काम कर सकता है The military developed an amphibian tank that can float in shallow water but also drive along the beach.
1302 अलौकिक – Superhuman possessing qualities beyond that of the average human – औसत मानव से कहीं अधिक गुण रखने वाला The man possessed superhuman strength, being able to lift six hundred pounds.
1303 आभूषण – Ornament a decoration added onto something else to make it more beautiful – इसे और अधिक सुंदर बनाने के लिए किसी अन्य चीज़ पर सजावट जोड़ी गई The 3-year-old child hung the blue sparkling globe on the Christmas tree because it was his favorite ornament.
1304 दिखाना – Exhibit to purposefully show or reveal something – जानबूझकर कुछ दिखाना या प्रकट करना Since the students want to impress their teacher, they exhibit perfect behavior in their class.
1305 ताला – Lock to fasten or secure something or an object used to do the same – ऐसा करने के लिए उपयोग की जाने वाली किसी चीज़ या वस्तु को बांधना या सुरक्षित करना Deidra forgot to lock her car up, and her wallet ended up being stolen out of it.
1306 विलुप्त – Extinct no longer active or in existence – अब सक्रिय या अस्तित्व में नहीं है Even though dinosaurs are extinct, people can learn more about them by visiting a museum.
1307 आधार – Mainstay a thing that something or someone depends on – ऐसी चीज़ जिस पर कोई चीज़ या कोई व्यक्ति निर्भर करता है Coupons are a mainstay for the couple since they depend on them to reduce their grocery bill every week.
1308 गैर सोच – Non-thinking having no thoughts – कोई विचार न होना While the girl was totally asleep in class, her non-thinking methods was a waste of time for both her and the teacher.
1309 हैंडलिंग – Handling the act of taking or holding something in the hands – किसी चीज को हाथ में लेने या पकड़ने की क्रिया या भाव The farmhands were cautioned about handling the chicken’s fragile eggs since they could easily be broken if dropped.
1310 प्रचलित होना – Prevail to beat in a difficult contest or battle – किसी कठिन प्रतियोगिता या युद्ध में हराना Even though our troops are tired and hungry, we will prevail against the enemy!
1311 अंतिम – Eventual happening at some later time or after a number of things have happened – किसी बाद के समय में या कई चीज़ें घटित होने के बाद घटित होना Due to the many incidents caused by the soldier, this led to an eventual discharge from the army.
1312 अधिक बढ़ा हुआ – Overage an excess or surplus by which a sum of money is greater than previously estimated – वह आधिक्य या अधिशेष जिससे कोई धनराशि पहले के अनुमान से अधिक हो The teacher used real money to show students how to calculate an overage or excess funds.
1313 पिचर – Carafe a large pitcher or container used to hold a beverage or wine – एक बड़ा घड़ा या कंटेनर जिसका उपयोग पेय पदार्थ या वाइन रखने के लिए किया जाता है Since we were drinking glass after glass of the Dom Perignon, we decided to ask the waiter to leave the carafe of the wine at the table since we still wanted more.
1314 उखड़ना – Disband to separate or disperse permanently – स्थायी रूप से अलग या बिखर जाना When the Musketeers did disband, there was very little safety in France because the men could only be productive as a group.
1315 अवसर – Occasion a particular and significant event or incident – एक विशेष और महत्वपूर्ण घटना या घटना “This isn’t just any anniversary,” said the grandson, “it is a special occasion for Grandma and Grandpa to celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary.
1316 नास्तिकता – Impiety lack of respect for God – भगवान के प्रति सम्मान की कमी Speaking with impiety of holy things was a crime in the city-state, but few were ever prosecuted.
1317 गला फाड़ना – Vociferate to shout, argue, or otherwise speak loudly or aggressively – चिल्लाना, बहस करना, या अन्यथा ज़ोर से या आक्रामक तरीके से बोलना The man decided to vociferate with his wife because the two of them were having an argument and only shouting could apparently get his point across.
1318 संगीन – Bayou slow-moving creek or swamp – धीमी गति से बहने वाली खाड़ी या दलदल My cousin wanted to swim in the bayou until I mentioned that there were alligators in the water.
1319 जिले – Dis to insult or disrespect someone – किसी का अपमान या अनादर करना Your attempts to dis me by talking about my bad grades isn’t really going to work.
1320 बीज – Seed reproductive grains of a plant that are used to grow another plant – एक पौधे के प्रजनन दाने जिनका उपयोग दूसरे पौधे को उगाने के लिए किया जाता है Covering the field with netting stopped the birds from eating the seed from the rows.
1321 नीचा होना – Lowdown cruel and mean – क्रूर और मतलबी Leroy was a lowdown, dirty rascal who loved to trick elderly women into giving him all of their cash.
1322 घिनौना – Execrable extremely bad or unpleasant – अत्यंत बुरा या अप्रिय When Matt accidentally found himself on a racist website, he was outraged by all the execrable comments that had been posted on it.
1323 मूसल – Pestle handheld tool used to grind or crush substances up – पदार्थों को पीसने या कुचलने के लिए इस्तेमाल किया जाने वाला हाथ में पकड़ा जाने वाला उपकरण In order to get the dog to take his medicine, the owner had to crush the pill with a pestle.
1324 चित्रमाला – Panorama a picture of a long scene or place – किसी लम्बे दृश्य या स्थान का चित्र Hot air balloon tours allow risk-takers to see a panorama of the city below while being thousands of feet up in the air.
1325 मैसेंजर – Messenger someone who delivers a message (communicates) to someone else – वह व्यक्ति जो किसी अन्य को संदेश भेजता है (संप्रेषित करता है)। The messenger pigeon was used to deliver small, secret notes to people on the other side of the city.
1326 सामग्री – Content in a peaceful, happy state – शांतिपूर्ण, खुशहाल स्थिति में Though the steak wasn’t perfect, the satisfied customer was content with his meal.
1327 अवलोकन – Overview a general review or summation of something – किसी चीज़ की सामान्य समीक्षा या सारांश Because we needed to get the plan down quickly, our leader gave us a quick overview instead of a detailed plan.
1328 अवहेलना करना – Contravene to act against a rule or law – किसी नियम या कानून के विरुद्ध कार्य करना Because your actions contravene school policy, you’re being suspended for ten days.
1329 बुरा अनुभव – Nightmare a very terrifying or upsetting situation – बहुत भयावह या परेशान करने वाली स्थिति The bride’s dream wedding quickly turned into a nightmare after the groom ran away from the altar.
1330 चेक किए गए – Checked made sure of; confirmed or verified – सुनिश्चित किया गया; पुष्टि या सत्यापित The teacher checked to make sure that all of the students did their homework before giving them a treat.
1331 निर्देश दिए – Instructed told or showed what to do – बताया या दिखाया कि क्या करना है The police officer instructed the drunk driver to come out of the truck with his hands up.
1332 वफादार – Loyalist someone who supports their ruler or government, especially during a revolution – कोई व्यक्ति जो अपने शासक या सरकार का समर्थन करता है, विशेषकर क्रांति के दौरान John is a tea party loyalist who is very outspoken about the evils of the Democratic party in the United States.
1333 अनिवार्य – Unavoidable required; necessary – आवश्यक; ज़रूरी Training for the run is unavoidable since my current runtime is thirty seconds over goal.
1334 कब्जा – Capture to catch something – कुछ पकड़ने के लिए The video camera was able to capture images of the thieves stealing money from the store’s safe.
1335 अनिश्चित – Imprecise lacking exactness or accuracy – सटीकता या परिशुद्धता का अभाव The imprecise archer didn’t manage to land a bullseye with a single arrow throughout the whole tournament.
1336 प्रतीक्षारत – Waitressing acting as a restaurant server, waiting on guests by bringing them food and drinks – एक रेस्तरां सर्वर के रूप में कार्य करना, मेहमानों के लिए भोजन और पेय लाकर उनकी प्रतीक्षा करना Waitressing on the weekends, Wanda is able to earn extra cash delivering drinks and salads to customers’ tables.
1337 सिरा – Pinhead someone with low intelligence; implying that a small head results in a small brain – कम बुद्धि वाला कोई व्यक्ति; तात्पर्य यह है कि छोटे सिर का परिणाम छोटा मस्तिष्क होता है Even though Carter is extremely smart, he can be a real pinhead when it comes to flirting with girls his age.
1338 जल्दी से – Quickly at a rapid speed; fastly – तीव्र गति से; तेजी Speeding quickly down the highway, the distracted driver missed a curve and careened off of the mountainside.
1339 पोइंटे – Pointe a ballet position or dance performed on the tips of the toes – पैर की उंगलियों पर किया जाने वाला बैले पोजीशन या नृत्य The ballet audition consisted of a simple class without pointe work or dances that required being on one’s toes.
1340 वीभत्स – Loathsome extremely offensive – अत्यंत आक्रामक Everyone avoided Jason because of his loathsome personality.
1341 असिस्टेड – Assisted helped; aided – मदद की; एडेड The kindergarten teacher assisted the children with tying their shoes and opening their milk cartons.
1342 कफ़न – Shroud an object that conceals something or someone – वह वस्तु जो किसी चीज़ या व्यक्ति को छुपाती हो The celebrity covers her head and face with a shroud to conceal her identity when she goes out in public.
1343 प्रचार – Propagate to share broadly – व्यापक रूप से साझा करने के लिए The political candidate hopes to propagate his vision to potential voters.
1344 कसाई – Butcher a person’s whose job it is to cut up/carve meat – एक व्यक्ति जिसका काम मांस काटना/तराशना है The butcher chopped the meat with his heavy blade and then prepared to package the chicken for sale.
1345 विविध – Diverse composed of different people or features – विभिन्न लोगों या विशेषताओं से बना हुआ The restaurant has a diverse menu that includes entrees from all over the world.
1346 उपहार – Keepsake a small item or souvenir that is kept as a reminder of a person or event – एक छोटी वस्तु या स्मारिका जो किसी व्यक्ति या घटना की याद के रूप में रखी जाती है Wanda bought a small trinket from the gift shop as a memento of her trip to Paris.
1347 गपशप – Gab to talk and chat for a long period of time – लंबे समय तक बात करना और बातचीत करना The chatty sisters loved to gab about old times when they talked over coffee.
1348 गुणवत्ता नियंत्रण – Quality control a system for maintaining a desired level of quality in an existing product or service – किसी मौजूदा उत्पाद या सेवा में गुणवत्ता का वांछित स्तर बनाए रखने की एक प्रणाली The quality control officer oversees making sure all of the products going out are in adequate condition.
1349 पत्तन – Port a harbor where boats dock – एक बंदरगाह जहाँ नावें रुकती हैं That is a popular port where merchandise can enter or leave.
1350 चुराना – Purloin to take another’s belongings without permission – बिना अनुमति के दूसरे का सामान लेना Because Eddie tried to purloin the woman’s purse, he spent the night in jail.
1351 मूर्ख हो जाना – Dote to be excessively fond of – अत्यधिक शौकीन होना My grandmother loves to dote on her grandchildren and sends us many gifts.
1352 विलिवॉ – Williwaw a suddenly violent, gust of cold wind blowing down from mountain coast towards the sea – पहाड़ी तट से समुद्र की ओर अचानक तेज़, ठंडी हवा का झोंका बह रहा है A strong williwaw blew in from the coast and shipwrecked a vessel trying to make its way around the Cape Horn.
1353 रुकावट – Barrier an obstacle that blocks access – एक बाधा जो पहुंच को अवरुद्ध करती है Not having transportation was a barrier to the girl enrolling in college courses.
1354 थर्मल – Thermal heat related – गर्मी संबंधी Venturing out into the thermal pool, the swimmer let out a sigh of relief as the hot water eased her aching back.
1355 श्लोक में – Inverse contrasting in influence or direction – प्रभाव या दिशा में विरोधाभास When you read a palindrome in reverse, there is no inverse interpretation so the word will read the same.
1356 निश्चिंत रहें – Rest assured to rest easy about something because it is guaranteed – किसी चीज़ के बारे में निश्चिंत होना क्योंकि इसकी गारंटी है The mother can rest assured that her children will be in the best possible care while she’s away on business.
1357 भयभीत – Fearful experiencing a feeling of fear – भय की भावना का अनुभव करना Fearful of airplane rides, the terrified passenger braced herself for takeoff.
1358 हताश – Frustrate to disappoint or upset – निराश या परेशान करना The toddler was unaware how he would frustrate the family cat every time he pulled its tail.
1359 बेचैन – Uneasy nervous; worried or overly anxious – घबराया हुआ; चिंतित या अत्यधिक चिंतित I always feel uneasy when I am in a dark building alone.
1360 जिसकी पर्याप्त – Amply fully; abundantly – पूरी तरह से; बहुतायत से In successful years, the program was amply funded, but this year, we barely have enough money to keep the doors open.
1361 गंदी पुराने ढंग की औरत – Frump an unattractive woman who dresses in an old-fashioned, shabby way – एक अनाकर्षक महिला जो पुराने ज़माने के, मैले-कुचैले कपड़े पहनती है The old-school teacher dressed like a frump, always showing up in over-sized clothing and no makeup.
1362 methodological – Methodological related to a system of ways of doing, teaching, or studying something – किसी चीज़ को करने, पढ़ाने या अध्ययन करने के तरीकों की एक प्रणाली से संबंधित The scientist always takes the same methodological approach when conducting an organized experiment.
1363 लादेन – Laden weighed down by a large amount – बड़ी मात्रा में वजन कम किया गया The party table is laden with assorted snacks and beverages.
1364 आधारभूत – Baseline a minimum starting point – एक न्यूनतम प्रारंभिक बिंदु The children will take a baseline test to determine which skills they have and which are missing.
1365 घाट – Wharf a platform built on or along water where ships can load/unload goods or passengers – पानी पर या उसके किनारे बना हुआ एक प्लेटफार्म जहां जहाज माल या यात्रियों को लाद/उतार सकते हैं A large wharf was built on the bay next to the shipbuilding facility.
1366 अनुभूति – Cognition the mental courses by which one obtains knowledge through experiences and thoughts – मानसिक पाठ्यक्रम जिसके द्वारा व्यक्ति अनुभवों और विचारों के माध्यम से ज्ञान प्राप्त करता है In the car accident, Steve acquired a head injury that affected his cognition and prevented him from learning new things.
1367 आगे – Beyond past a specified point – एक निर्दिष्ट बिंदु से आगे The prisoners couldn’t see beyond the barbed wire fence that surrounded their compound.
1368 सुझाव दिया – Suggested proposed; submitted for consideration – प्रस्तावित; विचारार्थ प्रस्तुत किया गया The tour guide suggested that the visitors eat at a specific restaurant since it was his favorite.
1369 दयालुता – Kindness the attribute of friendliness, generosity, charity, or other features that are considered kind – मित्रता, उदारता, दान, या अन्य विशेषताओं का गुण जिन्हें दयालु माना जाता है We prefer to treat people with kindness most of the time, but if someone is cruel to us we find it easy to be cruel in kind.
1370 साँड़ का – Bovine uninteresting and sluggish – अरुचिकर और सुस्त When my daughter does not want to do something, she always completes the task in a bovine manner.
1371 सर्वेक्षक – Surveyor a person that analyzes a geographical area – वह व्यक्ति जो किसी भौगोलिक क्षेत्र का विश्लेषण करता है The surveyor was tasked with finding suitable land for a new settlement.
1372 गैलरी – Gallery a room or building that is used for showing works of art, sometimes so they can be sold – एक कमरा या इमारत जिसका उपयोग कला के कार्यों को प्रदर्शित करने के लिए किया जाता है, कभी-कभी ताकि उन्हें बेचा जा सके The up-and-coming artist filled the gallery with her paintings and sculptures right before her grand opening event.
1373 अंतड़ियों – Entrails the internal organs of an animal, especially the intestines – किसी जानवर के आंतरिक अंग, विशेषकर आंतें In some foreign countries, the wormy entrails of an animal are considered a delicacy.
1374 बहकानेवाला – Disorienting confusing – भ्रामक It’s disorienting to see folks completely disregard traffic laws and speed limits.
1375 हाय – Woe grief or sorrow – दुःख या दुख My daughter experienced such woe when her boyfriend dumped her.
1376 अध्यापक – Teacher a person that instructs others – वह व्यक्ति जो दूसरों को निर्देश देता है The science teacher imparted his knowledge of scallops onto his students, a subject that he knew a lot more about than them.
1377 पार्क किए गए – Parked indicating a vehicle that has been halted, generally for some time – एक वाहन को इंगित करना जो आम तौर पर कुछ समय के लिए रुका हुआ है With little reason to leave the house, my car has been parked in the driveway for over a week.
1378 परित्यक्त – Waif a very skinny and lanky girl or young woman – बहुत दुबली-पतली लड़की या जवान औरत After noticing the female waif begging for food on the streets of India, it became apparent to the tourists that it had been a long time since she had a proper meal.
1379 शालीन – Decent modest or proper – मामूली या उचित Searching for a decent prom dress was difficult since most of the gowns showed way too much skin.
1380 साबित कर देना – Vindicate to clear from an accusation, suspicion or criticism – किसी आरोप, संदेह या आलोचना से मुक्ति पाना Although the new evidence seems to vindicate the defendant of the breaking and entering charges, there is still the matter of the assault.
1381 नमूना – Pattern a decorative design or motif – एक सजावटी डिज़ाइन या रूपांकन The seamstress sewed an interesting pattern on the back of the model’s dress.
1382 बहिष्कार करना – Estrange to cause a person to be alienated from a group, a friend, or family member – किसी व्यक्ति को किसी समूह, मित्र या परिवार के सदस्य से अलग कर देना Norma’s depression often causes her to estrange herself from her coworkers by eating lunch alone in her cubicle.
1383 खिलना – Bloom to produce flowers or open up – फूल पैदा करना या खोलना During the spring months, the sprouts begin to bloom into budding flowers.
1384 निराशावाद – Pessimism the habit of always seeing things in the worst light – चीज़ों को हमेशा ख़राब नज़रिए से देखने की आदत Ruby’s pessimism convinced her she was too old to go back to school.
1385 मुहासेवाला – Blotchy covered with areas of discoloration – मलिनकिरण के क्षेत्रों से ढका हुआ Because she never used sunscreen blotchy areas of freckles plastered the swimmer’s once normal skin.
1386 कपटपूर्ण – Tortuous containing coils, turns and curves – कुंडलियाँ, घुमाव और वक्र युक्त When the tortuous snake moved across the Sahara Desert, his body made an S-shape in the sand.
1387 बस्ता – Knapsack a bag strapped on the back that is used for carrying supplies or personal belongings – पीठ पर बंधा हुआ एक बैग जिसका उपयोग आपूर्ति या व्यक्तिगत सामान ले जाने के लिए किया जाता है The hunter always kept a knapsack with fresh water and a compass in case he was to get lost.
1388 हँसोड़पन – भावना – Sense of humor having the skill to notice wit and funniness – बुद्धि और मज़ाकियापन पर ध्यान देने का कौशल होना With John’s good sense of humor, he was able to make us laugh all night long with his hilarious stories and jokes.
1389 आदत – Knack a natural ability – एक प्राकृतिक क्षमता Cooking from scratch with no recipe was a knack for Rosie and her mother.
1390 टकराव – Conflict a situation in which at least two forces are opposing one another – ऐसी स्थिति जिसमें कम से कम दो ताकतें एक दूसरे का विरोध कर रही हों World War Two was the largest conflict in human history, costing millions of lives across the globe.
1391 पोशाक – Attire one’s dress or clothes – किसी की पोशाक या वस्त्र The high school prom required formal attire, but no one was allowed to rent a limousine.
1392 नीचे – Underneath situated directly below – सीधे नीचे स्थित है The titanic was buried underneath the ocean’s surface for several decades.
1393 बेचना – Undersell to sell something at a lower price than a competitor – किसी चीज़ को प्रतिस्पर्धी से कम कीमत पर बेचना It is hard for a mom and pop store to undersell Walmart since retail chains can get bulk products at a much lower price.
1394 लुटेरा – Looter a person who steals goods from a place, especially during a riot or war – वह व्यक्ति जो किसी स्थान से सामान चुराता है, विशेषकर दंगे या युद्ध के दौरान During the LA riots, a looter entered downtown shops and stole thousands of dollars of merchandise.
1395 सबफ़्रीज़िंग – Subfreezing temperature that is colder than the freezing level – तापमान जो हिमांक स्तर से अधिक ठंडा हो Due to the polar vortex, subfreezing temperatures are expected so everyone should drip their faucets at night so their pipes won’t freeze.
1396 रहस्यपूर्ण – Mystique the aura of intrigue that surrounds a person or thing – साज़िश की आभा जो किसी व्यक्ति या वस्तु को घेरे रहती है The maiden has a mystique that fascinates men of all ages.
1397 पुनर्मिलन – Reunite come together or cause to come together again after a period of separation or disunity – अलगाव या अलगाव की अवधि के बाद एक साथ आना या फिर से एक साथ आने का कारण बनना Because the best friends were all attending different universities, they planned to reunite at their favorite coffee shop in four years.
1398 दिया – Gave to have supplied something to someone or something to own or have – किसी को कुछ प्रदान करना या कोई वस्तु अपने पास रखना या रखना During the court hearing, Judge Judy determined that the Plaintiff gave the money as a gift and it would not have to be returned.
1399 जेस्ट – Jest words that are spoken as humor – वे शब्द जो हास्य के रूप में बोले जाते हैं When confronted by the teacher, the student said his words were in jest and not meant to be taken seriously.
1400 एक और – Another one more; an additional – और एक; अतिरिक्त Mia wants to have another baby, but her husband is happy with the two children they already have.
1401 पूँछ – Tail a typically flexible appendage that extends from hindmost part of an animal – एक आम तौर पर लचीला उपांग जो किसी जानवर के पिछले भाग से फैला होता है The skunk blended in so well with the pitch black night that the campers would have stepped on it if not for the bright, white stripe on its tail.
1402 सुनिश्चित करना – Ensure make sure or certain – सुनिश्चित या निश्चित करना To ensure the safety of children, it is recommended that babies sleep on their back in their crib.
1403 अत्यल्प आकार का प्राणी – Minim a single drop of liquid – तरल की एक बूंद While they were surrounded by the ocean, the wayward sailors could not drink a minim of it safely.
1404 आनंद – Enjoyment a feeling of happiness or pleasure gained from an event or activity – किसी घटना या गतिविधि से प्राप्त खुशी या आनंद की अनुभूति Enjoyment of an ice cream cone is one of my favorite summer activities.
1405 अप्रसिद्ध – Unpopular disliked or not accepted by most people – अधिकांश लोगों द्वारा नापसंद या अस्वीकार्य Unpopular at school, the shy and lonely girl, didn’t have any friends to sit with at lunch.
1406 पूर्वव्याप्त – Prepossessing being appealing to others – दूसरों के लिए आकर्षक होना The female fans went wild when the prepossessing actor walked into the theater.
1407 चिपचिपा – Viscous having the characteristics of being sticky and/or thick and slow to move – चिपचिपा और/या गाढ़ा होने और चलने में धीमा होने की विशेषताएं होना It seemed to take forever for the viscous cough medicine to come out of the bottle.
1408 सोच के लिए भोजन – Food for thought something that is extremely contemplated – कुछ ऐसा जो अत्यंत चिंतनीय है Since the couple’s house was about to go into foreclosure, every option to save their house was food for thought for them.
1409 अस्तित्व – Existence something determined to be real – कुछ वास्तविक होने के लिए दृढ़ संकल्पित है Skeptics finally believed in the existence of ghosts once the paranormal activities were detected in their house.
1410 प्यास – Thirst to desire or crave – इच्छा करना या लालसा करना Lots of water was needed to quench the dying man’s thirst for water.
1411 प्रतिपादित – Predicated founded upon a belief or argument – किसी विश्वास या तर्क पर आधारित My decision to move to Paris was predicated on the belief I had a job opportunity waiting for me.
1412 कमी – Diminution a lessening or reduction – कम होना या कम होना The diminution of military troops will leave our country more vulnerable to invasion.
1413 टील – Teal a dark green-blue color – गहरा हरा-नीला रंग The water at my favorite beach is not quite blue or green, but rather a dark blend I’d call teal.
1414 बुमेर – Boomer something large or notable for its time period – अपने समयावधि के लिए कोई बड़ी या उल्लेखनीय चीज़ A boomer, the movie is one of the most well-known comedies of this century.
1415 बेटा-संबंधी – Filial pertaining to a son or daughter – पुत्र या पुत्री से संबंधित Frank has a filial affection for the uncle who raised him.
1416 ग्रामीण क्षेत्र – Countryside the land and scenery of a rural area – ग्रामीण क्षेत्र की भूमि और दृश्य Having left the city behind, our road trip took us into the countryside, where farms, fields, and herds were plentiful.
1417 प्रकट करना – Reveal to expose – बेनकाब करने के लिए Several people would reveal the truth of the car accident when they decided to testify as to what they saw that day.
1418 प्रभावित – Influenced persuaded; Impacted one’s behavior or thoughts – मना लिया; किसी के व्यवहार या विचार पर प्रभाव डालना Judie influenced her friend to join her weight loss program by showing her pictures of her own success.
1419 विनाशक – Subversive intended to destroy the power or influence of a government or an established belief – किसी सरकार या स्थापित विश्वास की शक्ति या प्रभाव को नष्ट करने का इरादा The group published a subversive magazine that contained nothing but negative articles about the current government.
1420 अमृत – Elixir a substance or liquid which is believed to cure illness and give eternal life – ऐसा पदार्थ या तरल जिसके बारे में माना जाता है कि यह बीमारी को ठीक करता है और अनन्त जीवन देता है The salesman was selling an elixir that he said would protect us all from the plague.
1421 बराबर – Equal being the same in size, amount, or degree – आकार, मात्रा या डिग्री में समान होना You should add an equal amount of water and paint to the bowl get the right mixture.
1422 घर के बाहर रहने से खिन्न – Homesickness a feeling of sadness and longing for one’s home when one is away – जब कोई दूर होता है तो उदासी की भावना और अपने घर के लिए लालसा Homesickness filled the college freshman’s mind and left her longing for her home while in her dorm.
1423 इन्सोम्नियाक – Insomniac a person who is regularly unable to sleep – एक व्यक्ति जो नियमित रूप से सोने में असमर्थ है As an insomniac, it takes me nearly two hours to go to sleep almost every night, making me even more exhausted in the mornings.
1424 ध्यान दिया – Noticed observed; became aware of – देखा; के बारे में जागरूक हो गया The detective never noticed the shoe prints in the mud, this oversight leading to the case never being solved.
1425 नीचा दिखाना – Demean to make someone feel inferior – किसी को हीन महसूस कराना The school bully tried to demean the poor girl by making fun of her used clothes on social media.
1426 मूर्ख बनाना – Stupefy to astonish to the point that a person’s thinking ability is decreased – आश्चर्य की बात तो यह है कि व्यक्ति की सोचने-समझने की क्षमता कम हो जाती है Seeing the naked woman was enough to stupefy the bus driver and cause him to drive off the road.
1427 बैश $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push([“8f1244f6-5306-4bbe-9562-fc5ef7966ac2”]); }) पिछला शब्द अगला शब्द – Bash   $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push([“8f1244f6-5306-4bbe-9562-fc5ef7966ac2”]); }) Prev Word Next Word to strike someone or something with extreme force – किसी व्यक्ति या वस्तु पर अत्यधिक बल से प्रहार करना I wear protective face gear so that the baseball does not bash me in the face.
1428 पहिले से ग्रहण करना – Forestall to stop something from happening – किसी चीज़ को घटित होने से रोकना To forestall the bank from foreclosing on his home, Jack sold all of his personal belongings to catch up on his mortgage payments.
1429 बहुमुखी प्रतिभा – Versatility the ability to adapt to new situations – नई परिस्थितियों के अनुकूल ढलने की क्षमता Because of its design, the European longsword had enough versatility to cut, stab, and bludgeon its many foes.
1430 उप शून्य – Sub-zero registering or recording lower than zero on the Fahrenheit temperature scale – फ़ारेनहाइट तापमान पैमाने पर शून्य से कम दर्ज करना या दर्ज करना The sub-zero temperatures in Antarctica make it impossible for anyone to live on the freezing continent.
1431 शाल – Shawl a wool garment worn by women to cover their head or shoulders – महिलाओं द्वारा सिर या कंधों को ढकने के लिए पहना जाने वाला ऊनी वस्त्र Placing the shawl over her head, Little Red Riding Hood stepped out of the cottage and headed towards the woods.
1432 दुस्र्पयोग करना – Misuse to mistreat or abuse – दुर्व्यवहार या दुर्व्यवहार करना Naughty children may misuse toys that don’t belong to them by breaking them or throwing them across the room.
1433 हर जगह – Everywhere all places or directions – सभी स्थान या दिशाएँ Wanda looked everywhere for her missing pet, but couldn’t find the puppy in any of the places she looked.
1434 बीजान्टिन – Byzantine complex; hard to comprehend – जटिल; समझना कठिन है Because the plot was revealed in a byzantine manner, it was difficult to understand.
1435 नाकाबंदी – Blockade something used to block access to a certain area – किसी निश्चित क्षेत्र तक पहुंच को अवरुद्ध करने के लिए उपयोग की जाने वाली कोई चीज़ The bank robbers used furniture as a blockade to prevent the police from quietly entering the building.
1436 कुपोषित – Malnourished suffering from a deficiency of proper nourishment – उचित पोषण की कमी से पीड़ित Because the homeless man was malnourished, I gave him money for a decent meal.
1437 अप्रिय – Vexing bothering; annoying – परेशान करना; कष्टप्रद Alison’s stressful work situation was vexing her, so she called to her mother to vent.
1438 पाला हुआ – Domesticated tamed or trained over time to be kept as a pet or on a farm vs. in the wild – पालतू जानवर के रूप में या खेत में बनाम जंगल में रखने के लिए समय के साथ पाला या प्रशिक्षित किया जाता है Because he was domesticated at birth, the tiger was more like a house cat than a wild feline.
1439 कूटनीतिक – Diplomatic describes a way of dealing with people that are polite and tactful – लोगों के साथ विनम्र और व्यवहारकुशल व्यवहार करने के तरीके का वर्णन करता है The US once had diplomatic relations with China, but lately, talks between the two nations have been strained.
1440 अथक – Tireless determined and unrelenting – दृढ़ निश्चयी और अटल While bouncing around, the tireless toddler seemed like he could continue to run around without stopping all day.
1441 सिकुड़ना – Shrink to lessen in size or stature – आकार या कद में कमी होना In order to shrink my debt with the bank, I had to double my mortgage payments each month.
1442 स्टाइलिश – Stylish in trend with current fashion styles – वर्तमान फैशन शैलियों के साथ चलन में है The stylish student was selected to model clothing during the school fashion show.
1443 संचयी – Cumulative growing as a result of additions – परिवर्धन के परिणामस्वरूप बढ़ रहा है The student’s cumulative grade for four years of high school is eighty-nine.
1444 मर्द का – Virile having the characteristics of a man; masculine – मनुष्य के लक्षण होना; मदार्ना The woman’s virile singing voice made her sound like a manly baritone.
1445 अनुमान लगाना – Peculate to take money that belongs to others, usually a business or public agency – वह पैसा लेना जो दूसरों का है, आमतौर पर किसी व्यवसाय या सार्वजनिक एजेंसी का Because Adam needed money to pay his bills, it was hard for him to fight the temptation to peculate funds from the bank.
1446 उलझन – Swelter to suffer terribly from intense heat – तीव्र गर्मी से अत्यधिक कष्ट सहना The beachgoers began to swelter in the afternoon sun.
1447 कमाई करें – Monetize the process of converting something into money – किसी चीज़ को पैसे में बदलने की प्रक्रिया Website builders are looking for new ways to monetize their sites outside of normal advertisements.
1448 अपहरण – Abduct to grab an individual by trickery or force – छल या बल से किसी व्यक्ति को हथियाना The kidnappers planned to abduct the millionaire’s daughter.
1449 उपयुक्त – Applicable suitable for application, relevant – आवेदन के लिए उपयुक्त, प्रासंगिक The judge said that New Jersey law was not applicable in this case because the crime took place in Delaware and that the criminal had not driven over state lines.
1450 प्रतिबंधित – Banned to be officially prohibited by someone in charge – किसी प्रभारी द्वारा आधिकारिक तौर पर प्रतिबंधित किया जाना Matthias was banned from the bar, but he won’t tell us why they prohibited him from entering.
1451 पुन: उभरने – Reemergence the act of appearing or coming into sight once more – एक बार फिर प्रकट होने या सामने आने की क्रिया या भाव After beefing up its marketing, the failing business began to thrive and saw a reemergence of sales.
1452 तीव्र इच्छा – Craving an intense, almost irresistible urge for something. – किसी चीज़ के लिए तीव्र, लगभग अप्रतिरोध्य इच्छा। After a long day at work, John had a craving for a cold beer.
1453 चपल – Puckish playful in a mischievous way – शरारती तरीके से चंचल A practical joker, the puckish boy was always trying to pull a prank on his unsuspecting parents.
1454 ख्यात – Putative assumed to be as such – ऐसा माना जाता है Even though there has not been a DNA test, everyone accepts Jason as the girl’s putative father.
1455 नोटरीकृत करें – Notarize to show something is legitimate by having it verified by a licensed person – किसी चीज़ को किसी लाइसेंस प्राप्त व्यक्ति द्वारा सत्यापित करके दिखाना वैध है Amanda has the authorization to notarize the letter you need for court.
1456 सवारी डिब्बा – Carriage a buggy-like means of transportation with four wheels which usually transports people and is pulled by horses – चार पहियों वाला एक छोटी गाड़ी जैसा परिवहन साधन जो आमतौर पर लोगों को ले जाता है और घोड़ों द्वारा खींचा जाता है With each clomp of the ponies’ hooves and swish of the wheels on the road, the passengers knew that this carriage would get them to their destination.
1457 अनाकर्षक – Unappealing not inviting; not attractive – आमंत्रित नहीं करना; आकर्षक नहीं है The disgusted homeowners quickly repainted the unappealing lime green walls and pulled up the ugly blue carpet.
1458 ब्लंडरबस – Blunderbuss an awkward individual – एक अजीब व्यक्ति Jared is a blunderbuss who cannot walk in a straight line even when he is sober.
1459 नियमविरूद्ध – Anomalous unordinary, unusual, or distinctly different from the norm – असाधारण, असामान्य, या आदर्श से स्पष्ट रूप से भिन्न The scientists at the weather station were extremely worried about the anomalous readings they were getting from their instruments, as they were far beyond the norm.
1460 परिचयात्मक – Introductory coming before something else – किसी और चीज़ से पहले आना The essay’s introductory paragraph was written to explain to the reader what would come in the sections that followed.
1461 ऐंठन – Convulsion a sudden and uncontrollable movement of the body – शरीर की अचानक और अनियंत्रित गति The man was wracked with a convulsion when his Parkinson’s kicked in, causing him to shake uncontrollably.
1462 होना – Be to stay or remain – रहना या रहना I will only be happy as long as I am eating chocolate every day and never have to go back to work.
1463 लालची – Rapacious aggressively greedy – आक्रामक रूप से लालची Because of its rapacious appetite, the shark is often considered to be more of an eating machine than a living creature.
1464 अत्तार – Apothecary a person who makes and provides/sells drugs and/or medicines – एक व्यक्ति जो दवाएं और/या दवाइयाँ बनाता और उपलब्ध कराता/बेचता है When she realized that she was sick, the young woman sought the assistance of the local apothecary.
1465 निहाई – Anvil a heavy iron block – लोहे का एक भारी ब्लॉक A heavy anvil almost fell on Wiley Coyote’s head, but he dodged the iron block just in time.
1466 कमजोर – Weakened become less strong or powerful – कम मजबूत या शक्तिशाली हो जाना Because he hasn’t worked out in a few months, the bodybuilder’s once bulging muscles have weakened to mush.
1467 फिर से शुरू करना – Recommence to continue or start again – जारी रखना या फिर से शुरू करना The construction will recommence after the hurricane leaves the area.
1468 अवरोध पैदा करना – Block to stop or prevent something from happening – किसी चीज़ को घटित होने से रोकना या रोकना Police tried to block the drunk driver from plowing through the crowd but weren’t able to prevent the fatal accident.
1469 खेत – Farm a ranch for raising animals or harvesting crops – जानवरों को पालने या फसल काटने के लिए एक खेत My neighbor’s farm covers a hundred acres and is used for cultivating corn and soybeans to sell at the market.
1470 अयोग्यता – Incongruity incompatibility – असंगति The incongruity between an American power cord and a Swedish power outlet means you can’t charge your devices.
1471 तीव्रता से – Intensely very strongly, in an extreme way – बहुत मजबूती से, चरम तरीके से Staring intensely at the mirror, the woman couldn’t figure out how she’d managed to put on so much weight.
1472 मातृवंशीय – Matrilineal associated with the female line of the family – परिवार की महिला वंश से संबद्ध Since my mother and two of my sisters have died from cancer, I can only assume the disease is matrilineal.
1473 मंच – Munch to chew or crunch on food – भोजन को चबाना या कुरकुराना Even when I’m not starving, I find myself wanting to munch on candy and other sweets.
1474 ठोस – Concerted in group agreement; working as a team – समूह समझौते में; एक टीम के रूप में काम कर रहे हैं A concerted effort from community residents led to the formation of an effective neighborhood watch.
1475 उत्प्रेरित – Catalyze to bring about a change – बदलाव लाने के लिए Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. used sit-ins and marches to catalyze laws in the US.
1476 खुलासा – Disclosure the act of revealing something; making known – कुछ प्रकट करने की क्रिया; ज्ञात कराना There is urgency in the plaintiff gaining full disclosure of all relevant documents.
1477 ख़मीर – Leaven to add a substance such as flour to bread in an attempt to make it rise while baking – पकाते समय रोटी को ऊपर उठाने के प्रयास में उसमें आटा जैसा कोई पदार्थ मिलाना Yeast has active ingredients that allow it to leaven otherwise flat dough.
1478 मूस – Moose a big animal belonging to the deer family that has hanging fur from his neck plus large antlers – हिरण परिवार से संबंधित एक बड़ा जानवर जिसकी गर्दन से बाल लटकते हैं और सींग बड़े होते हैं To show off their kill, the hunter mounted the head of the moose on his wall.
1479 संयुक्त – Combined added separate things together to make a whole – एक समग्र बनाने के लिए अलग-अलग चीज़ों को एक साथ जोड़ा The chef combined several ingredients in a big pot, making a vegetable medley.
1480 प्रसिद्ध – Legendary very well known or famous – बहुत प्रसिद्ध या प्रसिद्ध Simon is legendary for his ability to play chess blindfolded.
1481 शकुन कहना – Forebode to predict or foretell something – किसी बात की भविष्यवाणी या भविष्यवाणी करना The oracle forebode the coming of the warrior that would be strong enough to save the entire city.
1482 मनोरंजन – Amusement fun or entertainment – मौज-मस्ती या मनोरंजन Some cruel children hurt animals for amusement, but their actions rarely go unpunished, so they don’t enjoy it for long.
1483 बेपनाह – Unguarded unprotected or vulnerable to attack – असुरक्षित या आक्रमण के प्रति संवेदनशील Because the president’s security team left him unguarded, assassins saw this as a perfect opportunity to sneak up and take a shot.
1484 काटा हुआ – Incisive clear and direct; sharp – स्पष्ट और प्रत्यक्ष; तीखा The teacher’s incisive tone made it clear that she was done playing games.
1485 मूर्ख – Gawk to stare stupidly – मूर्खतापूर्वक घूरना People always gawk at us because we have seven children in our family.
1486 प्राणपोषक – Exhilarating producing intense feelings of joy or excitement – खुशी या उत्साह की तीव्र भावनाएँ उत्पन्न करना When I won ten million dollars in the lottery, it was the most exhilarating moment in my life.
1487 विचार करना – Consider to deliberate or ponder about something cautiously – किसी बात पर सावधानी से विचार करना या विचार करना The avid reader would consider purchasing the next book in the series even though she was broke and the book was expensive.
1488 शानदार – Illustrious respectable because of one’s accomplishments – अपनी उपलब्धियों के कारण सम्माननीय The leader of the country will recognize the illustrious scientist in a private ceremony.
1489 खारिज करना – Discard to throw something away because it is considered not valuable or needed – किसी चीज़ को फेंक देना क्योंकि उसे मूल्यवान या आवश्यक नहीं माना जाता है Since I decided to discard all of my previous emails, I did not have the evidence stating that I loaned the woman money due to her admission in a June email.
1490 प्रस्ताव – Prologue an introduction that usually precedes a novel or play – एक परिचय जो आमतौर पर किसी उपन्यास या नाटक से पहले होता है The play’s prologue provides the audience members with insight into what they are about to watch.
1491 सताया हुआ – Victimized treated cruelly or unfairly – क्रूर या अनुचित व्यवहार किया गया Because he was victimized by bullies on the bus, the scared boy did not want to go to school in the morning.
1492 गुप्त रूप से बताना – Confide to share information in secret – गुप्त रूप से जानकारी साझा करना I often confide my secrets to my best friend because I know she will not tell them to anyone.
1493 उल्लू – Dolt a stupid or idiotic person – मूर्ख या मूर्ख व्यक्ति Although her IQ is very high, the woman’s career as a cashier led others to believe she was a dolt.
1494 छिन्न – Incised cut carefully with a sharp tool – किसी तेज़ औज़ार से सावधानीपूर्वक काटें Using a scalpel, the surgeon incised the woman’s stomach and removed the tumor from her body.
1495 प्रकृति – Ethos principles by which an individual or group lives – वे सिद्धांत जिनके द्वारा कोई व्यक्ति या समूह जीवन जीता है Doctors are supposed to practice under ethos in which they put their patients’ health before financial compensation.
1496 इकट्ठा – Assemble to put together – एक साथ रखने के लिए The chef needed to assemble the ingredients for the meal.
1497 लपेटना – Wrap to conceal something in paper or soft fabric – कागज या मुलायम कपड़े में कुछ छिपाना Since I bought her birthday present, I had to wrap it in wrapping paper so the boy could tear open the paper to reveal the present.
1498 डील-डौल – Stature a level of prestige earned for a deed or achievement – किसी कार्य या उपलब्धि के लिए अर्जित प्रतिष्ठा का स्तर As a five-time Grammy winner, Aretha has a huge stature in the music community.
1499 समीरिक – Breezy pleasantly windy – सुखद हवा The breezy, gentle wind made it seem like a picnic would be a good idea, so I gathered the family for an excursion.
1500 चिकित्सक – Doctor a person who uses medicine to treat people’s health issues – एक व्यक्ति जो लोगों की स्वास्थ्य समस्याओं के इलाज के लिए दवा का उपयोग करता है The doctor will see several sick patients at his clinic before lunchtime.
1501 भरना – Stow to pack or store away – पैक करना या संग्रहित करना Since summer is upon us, it is now time to stow away our winter clothes in the attic.
1502 कॉर्डिलेरा – Cordillera a series of mountain ranges that run parallel and serve as the main mountain range of a continent – पर्वत श्रृंखलाओं की एक श्रृंखला जो समानांतर चलती है और एक महाद्वीप की मुख्य पर्वत श्रृंखला के रूप में काम करती है In North America, the Rocky Mountains and the Sierra Nevada range make up a cordillera that stretches through the west.
1503 रसिया – Epicure a person who takes particular pleasure in fine food and drink – एक व्यक्ति जो बढ़िया भोजन और पेय का विशेष आनंद लेता है Even though Marie claims to be an epicure, she is not one because she will eat anything served to her.
1504 मनहूसियत – Wretchedness an unhappy state of mental or physical suffering – मानसिक या शारीरिक पीड़ा की दुखी स्थिति After the hurricane tore the city apart, the once happy citizens were overtaken by desolation and wretchedness.
1505 दरिंदा – Predator an organism that preys on other creatures – एक जीव जो दूसरे प्राणियों का शिकार करता है A child predator recently tried to lure my daughter away from the park.
1506 खदेड़ना – Repulse to repel or drive back – पीछे हटाना या खदेड़ना Because of his rude behavior that would repulse many people, he was without close friends.
1507 धीरे-धीरे – Creeping happening or moving slowly or gradually – धीरे-धीरे या धीरे-धीरे घटित होना या बढ़ना Creeping vines grew up the side of the wall gradually over several months.
1508 बेजोड़ – Unmatched referring to something that has no equal – किसी ऐसी चीज़ का जिक्र करना जिसकी कोई बराबरी नहीं है The duelist’s skills were unmatched, with no one being able to beat him in a sword fight in the last twenty years.
1509 मठ – Cloister to isolate from others – दूसरों से अलग होना Although the girl was quite shy, she tried hard to not cloister herself in the corner at parties.
1510 सरल – Ingenious extremely intelligent; related to stroke of genius – अत्यंत बुद्धिमान; प्रतिभा के आघात से संबंधित With how skilled my chess opponent was, it would take an ingenious strategy to defeat him, and a fair amount of luck.
1511 लोट लगाते – Wallow to indulge in one’s emotions – किसी की भावनाओं में लिप्त होना Ever since April lost her job, she has done nothing but wallow in self-pity.
1512 चापलूस – Sycophant a person who tries to get what they want by excessively praising or complimenting someone in order to make them feel attractive or important – एक व्यक्ति जो किसी को आकर्षक या महत्वपूर्ण महसूस कराने के लिए अत्यधिक प्रशंसा या प्रशंसा करके जो चाहता है उसे पाने की कोशिश करता है Because she always kisses up to the teacher, Janice is considered the sycophant in first period.
1513 सजाया हुआ – Festooned decorated with hanging trimmings, especially items displayed in a curvy manner – लटकती सजावट से सजाया गया, विशेष रूप से सुडौल तरीके से प्रदर्शित वस्तुओं को The wedding gazebo was festooned with curvy strings of white roses.
1514 शेव – Shave to cut one’s hair from their face – किसी के चेहरे से बाल काटना Ethan’s beard has reached grand wizard level proportions, and he should probably shave if he wants to get a date anytime soon.
1515 गाढ़ा – Concentric sharing an axis or center – एक अक्ष या केंद्र साझा करना The two circles are concentric because they share a center location.
1516 अयोग्य – Undeserving not worthy or deserving of receiving something beneficial – कोई लाभकारी चीज़ पाने के योग्य या पात्र नहीं A rude and ungrateful child is undeserving of gifts from his family, but he’ll often get them anyway.
1517 बहाना करना – Feign to fake or pretend to be affected by something – किसी चीज़ से प्रभावित होने का दिखावा करना या दिखावा करना If you feign sick at work a lot, no one will believe you when you’re truly ill.
1518 झुण्ड में रहनेवाला – Gregarious fond of the company of others; sociable. – दूसरों की संगति का शौकीन; मिलनसार. When you walk in a room, you radiate gregarious energy, surely to brighten all gloomy souls.
1519 महारानी – Empress a female ruler of an empire – एक साम्राज्य की एक महिला शासक Because the emperor was killed in battle, the empress rose up and began to govern the monarch in her husband’s place.
1520 अभिभावक – Guardian someone who is legally responsible for another person such as a child whose parents have died – कोई व्यक्ति जो किसी अन्य व्यक्ति के लिए कानूनी रूप से जिम्मेदार है जैसे कि एक बच्चा जिसके माता-पिता की मृत्यु हो गई है After my brother, a single father of two boys was sent to prison for twenty years, I became the guardian of my nephews.
1521 लकड़ी – Lumber raw cut timber beams – कच्ची कटी हुई लकड़ी की बीमें Environmentalists protested the lumberjacks’ actions because they were chopping down all the trees for their lumber.
1522 डूब – Sunk the act of being submerged beneath something, typically water – किसी चीज़ के नीचे, आमतौर पर पानी में डूबे होने की क्रिया The ship sunk beneath the waves of the ocean.
1523 अति व्यस्तता – Preoccupation distraction – व्याकुलता After many nights away from home, the workaholic’s preoccupation with his career began to take a toll on his marriage.
1524 ज्वलनशील – Inflammable capable of burning; easily set on fire – जलाने में सक्षम; आसानी से आग लगा देना Once drenched in lighter fluid, the inflammable charcoal bricks ignited in fire when the match touched the first brick.
1525 द्विरूपता – Dimorphism the state of having two different characteristics or shapes – दो भिन्न विशेषताओं या आकृतियों का होने की अवस्था या भाव Even though both birds were considered to be parrots, their dimorphism showed that one was gray and the other was very colorful.
1526 का उल्लंघन – Infringe to trespass upon something – किसी चीज़ पर अतिक्रमण करना Having that much work to do at home will only infringe upon my time with my family.
1527 जंभाई – Gape to stare at someone with your mouth wide open – किसी को मुँह खोलकर घूरना The men are sure to gape when they see Teresa in her tiny shorts.
1528 डरो – Fess up to tell the truth – सच बोलने के लिए After hours of being questioned by the police, the exhausted suspect decided to fess up and tell the detectives about his role in the crime.
1529 काल्पनिक – Fictitious not real; imaginary; made up – वास्तविक नहीं; काल्पनिक; बना हुआ I always use a fictitious name when submitting comments online, to maintain my privacy.
1530 यकीन दिलाना – Make-believe pretend; imaginary – बहाना करना; काल्पनिक Mother always tells us make-believe stories about witches, fairies, and fire-eating dragons.
1531 स्टॉम्प – Stomp to march harshly usually due to being emotional – आमतौर पर भावुक होने के कारण कठोर मार्च करना Seeing the cockroach scurry across the kitchen floor, the teenage boy decided to stomp on it.
1532 procedurally – Procedurally to be done in a certain routine or method – किसी निश्चित दिनचर्या या विधि से किया जाना Because young students need structure, the teacher procedurally conducts her day so students always know what to do in class.
1533 टुकड़े टुकड़े कर दिया – Ragged tattered and worn – फटा हुआ और घिसा हुआ An old, ragged flag showed its tattered stripes as it ripped back and forth in the wind.
1534 अंतर्निहित – Inherent existing in something as a permanent, essential, or characteristic attribute – किसी चीज़ में स्थायी, आवश्यक या विशिष्ट गुण के रूप में विद्यमान होना Most mothers have an inherent need to protect their children.
1535 खिचड़ी – Gallimaufry a confused mess of things – चीज़ों की एक उलझी हुई गड़बड़ी The excuses of the young children was a gallimaufry of nonsense, each of them saying something different that made no sense.
1536 पेटू – Voracious having a large appetite; greedy – बड़ी भूख लगना; लालची The football player was a voracious eater who easily consumed two chickens during one meal.
1537 अभियोग – Recrimination an accusation made against an accuser – किसी अभियोक्ता के विरुद्ध लगाया गया आरोप When the politician heard of his rival’s accusation, he made a recrimination as a form of retaliation.
1538 पुनर्मूल्यांकन – Reevaluate to look at something again to assess it or appraise it’s worth properly – किसी चीज़ का मूल्यांकन करने या उसके मूल्य का उचित मूल्यांकन करने के लिए उसे दोबारा देखना The claims adjuster has to reevaluate the car’s value to see if It is worth fixing.
1539 भूल-चूक – Unconformity a geological occurrence in which there is erosion of rock and then new sedimentary rock is deposited on top – एक भूवैज्ञानिक घटना जिसमें चट्टान का क्षरण होता है और फिर ऊपर नई तलछटी चट्टान जमा हो जाती है The geologist explained that an unconformity shows the time during which no sediments were well-kept in an area.
1540 बोली – Dialect the way a section of a country speaks the language using some different words and pronunciations – जिस तरह से किसी देश का एक वर्ग कुछ अलग-अलग शब्दों और उच्चारणों का उपयोग करके भाषा बोलता है With her southern dialect, the young woman’s way of addressing her friends was by saying “ya’ll.”
1541 साशय – Sashay to walk in a way that attracts attention – इस तरह से चलना जो ध्यान आकर्षित करे Several high fashion models sashay down the runway by swinging their arms and their hips to the rhythm of the music.
1542 थेर्मग्रफ़ – Thermograph a recording thermometer that registers the temperature it measures – एक रिकॉर्डिंग थर्मामीटर जो उसके द्वारा मापे गए तापमान को पंजीकृत करता है The self-registering thermograph printed a graph showing the daily temperatures for the month of May.
1543 प्रशिक्षित – Trained taught a lesson or skill ;gave knowledge or instruction – कोई पाठ या कौशल सिखाया; ज्ञान या निर्देश दिया The coach trained the point guard to handle the ball much better than he did when he first joined the team.
1544 ऋणी – Obliging accommodating; willing to be of assistance – मिलनसार; सहायता के लिए इच्छुक The obliging clerk was pleased to answer my numerous questions about the store.
1545 रोना – Bemoan to express displeasure – नाराजगी व्यक्त करने के लिए As a military wife, I bemoan our country’s involvement in yet another war.
1546 संभावित रूप से – Potently having great influence or effect over or on something – किसी चीज़ पर या उस पर बहुत अधिक प्रभाव या प्रभाव डालना The poison of a Taipan snake is so potently lethal that it could kill twelve people.
1547 बेवक़ूफ़ – Brainless stupid; having no intelligence – मूर्ख; कोई बुद्धि न होना The brainless bimbo is known for her good looks, but can barely read or write.
1548 अडिग – Unswerving unchanging; constant – अपरिवर्तनीय; स्थिर After 30 years of marriage, the husband’s unswerving love for his wife has never changed.
1549 संबंधित – Belong be the property of – की संपत्ति हो The dogs wear tags that show what families they belong to.
1550 शक – Distrust doubt in the ability to trust someone or something – किसी व्यक्ति या वस्तु पर भरोसा करने की क्षमता में संदेह I have always had a strong distrust for politicians, as they never seem to follow through on the promises they make to the public.
1551 बड़ा – Big of considerable size, extent, or intensity – काफी आकार, विस्तार या तीव्रता का Sometimes the world felt so big and she was just a tiny speck on the surface of the planet.
1552 परिशिष्ट भाग – Postscript an extra remark or at the end of a letter or email signified by the initials P.S. – एक अतिरिक्त टिप्पणी या किसी पत्र या ईमेल के अंत में प्रारंभिक PS द्वारा दर्शाया गया Many people use a postscript in a letter when they forgot to write something in the body of the letter.
1553 की सराहना की – Appreciated to be fully understood or grasped – पूरी तरह से समझा या समझा जाना The majesty of our universe will probably never be fully appreciated by us humans, as we’ll never see all of it.
1554 हकलाहट – Impedimenta oversized gear that makes it awkward to carry – बड़े आकार का गियर जो इसे ले जाने में असुविधाजनक बनाता है While boarding the small airplane, I held up the line of people going to their seats as I tried to shove my impedimenta for my skiing trip into the small overhead bin.
1555 भाग – Part a piece or section of something – किसी चीज़ का टुकड़ा या भाग Most of the cake was eaten at dinner, but a part of it was wrapped and saved for tomorrow.
1556 अंतर्मुखी – Introvert one who concentrates on his own life and shows little interest in socializing – जो अपने जीवन पर ध्यान केंद्रित करता है और सामाजिक मेलजोल में बहुत कम रुचि दिखाता है Because I am an introvert, I rarely go to parties.
1557 सैन्य – Military the armed forces of a country – किसी देश की सशस्त्र सेनाएँ Without a military, a country cannot wage war with another for lack of soldiers and weapons to wage it with.
1558 पेरिस्कोप – Periscope a viewing instrument, in the shape of a tube comprised of mirrors and lenses, that allows a viewer to obtain a clear field of sight – दर्पण और लेंस से युक्त ट्यूब के आकार का एक देखने का उपकरण, जो दर्शक को दृष्टि का स्पष्ट क्षेत्र प्राप्त करने की अनुमति देता है Although the soldier was positioned in a ditch, he was able to use a periscope to observe the enemy camp above ground.
1559 दुर्व्यवहार करना – Abuse to treat a person or animal in a cruel or mean way – किसी व्यक्ति या जानवर के साथ क्रूर या घटिया व्यवहार करना Mean little Griffin used to abuse his dog by kicking and hitting him when his parents weren’t looking.
1560 रहमदिल – Pitiful producing pity – दया उत्पन्न करना As soon as Kate heard the stray cat’s pitiful cries, she took fresh water and food outside.
1561 आधा भाग – Moiety half of something or an equal portion of – किसी चीज़ का आधा या बराबर भाग If the medicine makes you feel drowsy, you should only take a moiety of the dosage before going to work and the other half when you get home.
1562 बिदाई – Farewell goodbye to one who is departing – जो जा रहा है उसे अलविदा Tearful onlookers waved farewell to the departing soldiers heading to Afghanistan.
1563 उल्टी – Vomit to eject/throw up food and other matter from the stomach through the mouth – मुंह के माध्यम से पेट से भोजन और अन्य पदार्थ को बाहर निकालना/बाहर निकालना Feeling sick to her stomach, the nauseous woman tried not to vomit all over the floor.
1564 कोंचना – Impale to pierce with something sharp – किसी नुकीली चीज से छेदना During the horror movie, the knife would impale the girl through the heart killing her instantly.
1565 बेरंग – Bleak devoid of enthusiasm or life – उत्साह या जीवन से रहित At the funeral, the widow looked bleak and lost.
1566 पीप – Purulent consisting of or discharging pus – मवाद से युक्त या स्रावित होना The patient’s purulent nasal discharge is full of pus, so the doctor knows that an infection is likely.
1567 घिसा – Threadbare pertaining to something that is worn out or ragged – किसी ऐसी चीज़ से संबंधित जो घिसी-पिटी या फटी हुई हो After living in the woods for a week without supplies, my threadbare clothing was not protecting me from the elements.
1568 पूरा करना – Make-up cosmetics that are applied to the face to enhance one’s beauty (i.e., lipstick, eye shadow) – सौंदर्य प्रसाधन जो किसी की सुंदरता बढ़ाने के लिए चेहरे पर लगाए जाते हैं (जैसे, लिपस्टिक, आई शैडो) Amber isn’t allowed to wear make-up, not even lip gloss since her parents think cosmetics shouldn’t be worn by teenagers.
1569 मुक्ति – Absolution setting free from guilt, sin or penalty; forgiveness of an offense – दोष, पाप या दंड से मुक्त होना; किसी अपराध की क्षमा The killer got on his knees and begged for absolution at his execution.
1570 के बारे में – Regarding concerning; involving – संबंधित; को शामिल The lawyer sent a letter to the court regarding the case and asked that the client’s next hearing be reset.
1571 जंग – Rust corrosion or oxidation that occurs when certain types of metals get wet – संक्षारण या ऑक्सीकरण जो तब होता है जब कुछ प्रकार की धातुएँ गीली हो जाती हैं Because the child left his bike in the rain, orange rust covered his metal chain.
1572 अकेला छोड़ दो – Leave alone to refrain from contacting or bothering another person – किसी अन्य व्यक्ति से संपर्क करने या परेशान करने से बचना The teacher told Todd to leave alone Lexi and never to bother her again while she’s working.
1573 औसत दर्जे का – Mediocre average; not great or extraordinary – औसत; महान या असाधारण नहीं Because Janice does not apply herself in school, she is a mediocre student.
1574 झिझक – Wince to make a tensing movement as a result of distress or pain – संकट या दर्द के परिणामस्वरूप तनावपूर्ण हरकत करना The electric shock made the dog wince.
1575 खोपरा – Copra dried coconut kernels or meat that produces coconut oil – सूखे नारियल की गिरी या मांस जिससे नारियल का तेल बनता है Because coconut oil is found inside the copra, the meat of the coconut isn’t discarded after use.
1576 उल्टी ओर – Flipside the opposite, usually less popular side of something – किसी चीज़ का विपरीत, आमतौर पर कम लोकप्रिय पक्ष Gina doesn’t like taking the math class, but on the flipside, she couldn’t graduate without the course.
1577 ग्रोन – Grown the state of being already aged or progressing to a later level in development; finished growing – पहले से ही वृद्ध होने या विकास के बाद के स्तर पर आगे बढ़ने की अवस्था; बढ़ना समाप्त हो गया Oranges are grown year round in Florida.
1578 निष्ठुर – Pitiless ruthless, unmerciful, and without remorse – निर्दयी, निर्दयी और पश्चाताप रहित The judge was pitiless when sentencing the murderer to the death penalty.
1579 विद्रोही – Mutinous not following orders; rebelling against authority – आदेशों का पालन नहीं करना; सत्ता के विरुद्ध विद्रोह The mutinous student would not obey his teacher’s directions.
1580 टीम – Team a group of people that work together to achieve a common goal – लोगों का एक समूह जो एक समान लक्ष्य को प्राप्त करने के लिए मिलकर काम करता है A group of Navy Seals is a special team in the U.S. military, and they work together to complete special missions.
1581 असंतोषजनक – Unsatisfactory not satisfying or good enough – संतोषजनक या पर्याप्त अच्छा नहीं An unsatisfactory number of people signed up for the play so it had to be cancelled.
1582 मांग की – Demanded commanded or insisted that someone do something – किसी को कुछ करने के लिए आदेश देना या जोर देना The upset customer demanded to see the manager after the clerk was rude to her at the counter.
1583 निष्कासन – Eviction the act of removing someone, usually a tenant from a property – किसी संपत्ति से किसी को, आमतौर पर किरायेदार को हटाने का कार्य The landlord was forced to file an eviction lawsuit in court after the tenants were three months behind in rent and refused to pay.
1584 दूरस्थ – Distant far enough away to be out of immediate reach – इतनी दूर कि तत्काल पहुंच से बाहर हो I wanted to change the channel, but the remote was just distant enough that I would have to get up to grab it, and I didn’t want to move.
1585 प्रचुरता – Abundance a large quantity; many – एक बड़ी मात्रा; अनेक  
1586 उपभोजित – Expendable not necessary – आवश्यक नहीं The pawn is expendable in a game of chess.
1587 मज्जा – Pith spongy tissue in animals and plants – जानवरों और पौधों में स्पंजी ऊतक The heart of a watermelon is the best part because he pith tastes the best.
1588 असहमत – Disagree to hold or express a different opinion – भिन्न राय रखना या व्यक्त करना Kim and Emma disagree about which movie they should see, so they may go bowling instead.
1589 काल्पनिक – Fanciful imaginative or unreal – कल्पनाशील या अवास्तविक Because she had a wild imagination, she loved to create fanciful stories in her spare time.
1590 जटिलता – Complexity the state of being difficult or complicated – कठिन या जटिल होने की अवस्था या भाव Joshua became quite nervous when he noticed the complexity of the math problems on his final exam.
1591 पूर्व प्रतिबन्ध – Prior restraint government action that prohibits speech or another expression before the speech happens – सरकारी कार्रवाई जो भाषण होने से पहले भाषण या अन्य अभिव्यक्ति पर रोक लगाती है The Constitution frowns on prior restraint and allows people to criticize the government without being punished for it.
1592 मुंहतोड़ – Befitting suitable – उपयुक्त Many people do not believe short dresses are befitting for women over the age of forty.
1593 आनंदित – Delighted greatly pleased – बहुत प्रसन्न We were truly delighted to see our grandparents at the family reunion this year.
1594 सहायक – Auxiliary a group or team that provides assistance – एक समूह या टीम जो सहायता प्रदान करती है When my grandmother retired, she joined the hospital auxiliary team that visited lonely patients.
1595 ठीक इसी प्रकार से – Ditto a word or mark used to agree with something said or to avoid repeating something – कही गई बात से सहमत होने या किसी बात को दोहराने से बचने के लिए इस्तेमाल किया जाने वाला शब्द या चिह्न “Ditto,” said Alex when agreeing with his friend that strawberry pie is the best kind.
1596 formaldehyde – Formaldehyde a strong gas that is clear frequently transformed into a liquid is used as an antiseptic or sterilizer – एक मजबूत गैस जो बार-बार तरल में परिवर्तित हो जाती है, उसे एंटीसेप्टिक या स्टरलाइज़र के रूप में उपयोग किया जाता है Many of the dead bodies at the medical school were stored in a bathtub of formaldehyde to preserve them for future dissections.
1597 निराशा – Despondency a condition in which one has no hope – ऐसी स्थिति जिसमें किसी को कोई आशा नहीं रहती My therapist is helping me deal with the despondency I feel when I recall my abusive childhood.
1598 किसी स्थिति में रखना – Posit to offer as a suggestion – एक सुझाव के रूप में पेश करने के लिए Since no other venue is available, I will posit my condominium as a place for the company holiday party.
1599 सुस्त – Lethargic feeling sluggish or lacking energy – सुस्ती या ऊर्जा की कमी महसूस होना During the hottest days of summer I feel so lethargic that all I want to do is drink iced tea and paint.
1600 आलसी – Varmint someone or something that is bothersome and unwanted – कोई व्यक्ति या ऐसी चीज़ जो परेशान करने वाली और अवांछित हो Even though the varmint was the teenage girl’s little brother, she wanted nothing to do with that brat.
1601 थकाने वाला – Tiresome causing one to feel annoyed or bored – जिसके कारण व्यक्ति चिड़चिड़ा या ऊबा हुआ महसूस करता है Fed up with their tiresome interruptions, the professor warned his students they would all fail if they did not stop.
1602 कण्डरा एड़ी – Achilles Heel a crippling weakness in an otherwise impenetrable object – अन्यथा अभेद्य वस्तु में एक दुर्बल कमजोरी Our base seems nearly impenetrable, but our lack of a missile defense system is our Achilles Heel.
1603 मिथ्या – Fib to tell a lie or an untruth – झूठ या झूठ बोलना The toddler told a fib when she lied about not cracking the eggs on the kitchen floors.
1604 बेहोशी – Swoon to faint or lose consciousness from extreme emotion – अत्यधिक भावुकता के कारण बेहोश हो जाना या चेतना खो देना Aaron would not consider going to medical school, for fear that he would swoon at the sight of blood.
1605 रसायन बनानेवाला – Alchemist a person who transforms materials and objects through a seemingly magical process – एक व्यक्ति जो एक प्रतीत होने वाली जादुई प्रक्रिया के माध्यम से सामग्रियों और वस्तुओं को बदल देता है It was believed in medieval times than an alchemist could transform lead into gold through a magic process.
1606 हरावल – Avant-garde cutting-edge; trendy – अग्रणी; फैशनेबल The elderly poet was confused by the youth’s avant-garde style of writing.
1607 संचालित – Conducted managed; handled – प्रबंधित; संभाला In charge for several weeks, the detective conducted an investigation to figure out who had committed the crime.
1608 चुगली – Backbite to speak negatively or maliciously about someone who is not present to defend themselves – किसी ऐसे व्यक्ति के बारे में नकारात्मक या दुर्भावनापूर्ण ढंग से बोलना जो अपना बचाव करने के लिए मौजूद नहीं है The teenage girls tend to backbite each other and talk mess when they’re with their other friends.
1609 कर लगाना – Taxation the process of levying taxes – कर लगाने की प्रक्रिया The Revolutionary War was waged for many reasons, but one of the causes that ignited the conflict included unfair taxation in which Americans had to pay money to the Crown without representation.
1610 जानेमन – Sweetheart a person with whom someone is having a romantic relationship – वह व्यक्ति जिसके साथ किसी का रोमांटिक रिश्ता हो Bill bought his sweetheart chocolate for Valentine’s Day and topped the candy off with a bouquet of red roses.
1611 एलर्जी – Allergy sensitivity or the response from someone’s body to something like pollen or another substance – पराग या किसी अन्य पदार्थ जैसी किसी चीज़ के प्रति संवेदनशीलता या किसी के शरीर की प्रतिक्रिया Tiffany’s allergy to pollen required her to mainly stay indoors during the spring or risk having watery eyes and a cough.
1612 चमकदार – Pyrotechnic related to the manufacture or use of fireworks – आतिशबाजी के निर्माण या उपयोग से संबंधित The rock concert’s finale included a pyrotechnic lightshow that lit up the night sky.
1613 चौंका देने वाला – Shocking causing a feeling of surprise and alarm – आश्चर्य और चिंता की भावना पैदा करना The young woman’s sudden death was shocking to her family since she wasn’t even sick.
1614 आधे साल का – Semiannual Happening twice a year – साल में दो बार हो रहा है Semiannual fishing tournaments are held in both March and July.
1615 ईसाई धर्म – Christianity the religion that uses the Bible as its scared book and is based on the person and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth – वह धर्म जो बाइबिल को अपनी डरावनी किताब के रूप में उपयोग करता है और नाज़रेथ के यीशु के व्यक्ति और शिक्षाओं पर आधारित है Although they are both monotheistic religions, few view Christianity as a cult religion like they do Islam.
1616 दान करें – Donate to give away something of value to support or contribute to a charity or good cause – किसी दान या अच्छे उद्देश्य के समर्थन या योगदान के लिए कुछ मूल्यवान देना When I donate my clothing and household items to Goodwill, I will be able to claim a deduction on my taxes.
1617 आयुवादी – Ageist a person who judges or discriminates against others because of their age – ऐसा व्यक्ति जो दूसरों को उनकी उम्र के आधार पर आंकता है या उनके साथ भेदभाव करता है The ageist employer never hired anyone over 50 since he believes that all older workers are lazy.
1618 मस्सा – Wart a small, hard, benign growth on the skin, caused by a virus – त्वचा पर एक छोटी, कठोर, सौम्य वृद्धि, जो वायरस के कारण होती है The haggard old woman had a hairy wart on her nose that scared all of the children away on Halloween.
1619 अचानक – Suddenly rapidly or without warning – तेजी से या बिना किसी चेतावनी के When I stared out the window, I noticed the tornado suddenly approaching our farm with intense force.
1620 जिम्मेदार ठहराया – Attributed to be regarded as a characteristic part of something or someone – किसी चीज़ या व्यक्ति का विशिष्ट भाग माना जाना We attributed Mark’s decision to his foolishness, but it turned out he had touch the hornet’s nest out of arrogance in relation to a dare.
1621 असाधारण – Extraordinaire someone or something that is outstanding or remarkable – कोई व्यक्ति या वस्तु जो उत्कृष्ट या उल्लेखनीय हो That man is an extraordinaire, being someone that goes on remarkable adventures with his ludicrous amounts of cash.
1622 राक्षसी – Demonic to act or be controlled by a wicked spirit usually causing evil – किसी दुष्ट आत्मा द्वारा कार्य करना या नियंत्रित होना जो आमतौर पर बुराई का कारण बनती है As the priest entered the room to conduct the exorcism, he truly felt the demonic presence creating an eerie feeling.
1623 अशिष्टता – Impolitely doing something rudely or without manners – अशिष्टतापूर्वक या बिना शिष्टाचार के कुछ करना Lucas impolitely burped at the table during dinner and failed to excuse himself.
1624 पुष्टि करना – Ratify to officially go on the record as approving something – आधिकारिक तौर पर किसी चीज़ को मंजूरी देने के रूप में रिकॉर्ड पर जाना Unfortunately, half of the legislators refuse to ratify a bill that would increase funding for public schools.
1625 उबा हुआ – Blase indifferent because of frequent exposure – बार-बार संपर्क में आने के कारण उदासीन After going on eight cruises, I am blasé about the whole cruising experience.
1626 कास्ट अवे – Castaway a person who has been shipwrecked and stranded in an isolated place – एक व्यक्ति जिसका जहाज टूट गया हो और एक सुनसान जगह पर फँस गया हो After he and his crew washed up on a secluded shore, the castaway looked for a way to start a fire and build a shelter.
1627 रौंदे – Trample to crush, disfigure, maim, etc., by walking or running over something – किसी चीज पर चलकर या दौड़कर कुचलना, विकृत करना, अपंग करना आदि The girl walked lightly through the garden, carefully watching her feet so that she didn’t trample the beautiful flowers.
1628 जमाना – Freeze to stop a process or person in its tracks – किसी प्रक्रिया या व्यक्ति को उसके रास्ते में रोकना The criminal was forced to freeze when the police officers leveled their firearms at him in the alley he had run in to.
1629 कपटी – Disingenuous not candid or sincere; generally by pretending one knows less than one actually does – स्पष्टवादी या ईमानदार नहीं; आम तौर पर यह दिखावा करने से कि कोई वास्तव में जितना जानता है उससे कम जानता है Because the public viewed the politician’s speech as disingenuous, they did not vote for him.
1630 अवहेलना – Defy to challenge, or test a person or idea – किसी व्यक्ति या विचार को चुनौती देना या परीक्षण करना Mischievous elementary boys decided to defy the recess rules and sneak over the fence.
1631 गलती – Error a mistake or blunder – एक गलती या भूल When the mother accused her son of stealing her money, it was an error on the mother’s part because the daughter actually stole the money.
1632 अंतरराष्ट्रीय – International of or having to do with more than one nation – एक से अधिक राष्ट्रों से संबंध रखने वाला या उनसे संबंध रखने वाला The international chess competition was especially difficult because professional players from all over the world were in participation.
1633 टाइकून – Tycoon a person of great wealth or power in a particular industry – किसी विशेष उद्योग में अत्यधिक धन या शक्ति वाला व्यक्ति The tycoon built his fortune building railroads across the United States.
1634 भंग किया हुआ – Disembodied without a body or physical presence – बिना किसी शरीर या भौतिक उपस्थिति के As I walked in the store, I was welcomed by the disembodied voice of a person I couldn’t see.
1635 शब्द बोलने का ढ़ंग – Pronouncing using one’s voice to say a word in a certain way – किसी शब्द को एक निश्चित तरीके से कहने के लिए अपनी आवाज़ का उपयोग करना Some of the students are good at pronouncing Spanish words while others have trouble rolling their ‘r’s.’
1636 पूर्ववृत्ति – Predisposition the circumstance of being vulnerable to a particular thing – किसी विशेष चीज़ के प्रति संवेदनशील होने की स्थिति Because my mother suffered from depression, I have a genetic predisposition to the condition.
1637 पड़ोसी – Neighbor a person who resides nearby – एक व्यक्ति जो पास में रहता है While baking a cake, I needed to ask my neighbor for sugar since I had just run out.
1638 होना – Happen to occur – होने के लिये The king wanted to take on a second wife, but the queen would never allow that to happen.
1639 ऑर्गैस्टिक – Orgastic having a great pleasure of emotion – भावना का बहुत आनंद आ रहा है With orgastic shock, I realized that I had just won the lottery and started to jump up and down for joy.
1640 टूट – फूट – Break down the act of taking something apart to make it smaller and easier to transport of put away – किसी चीज़ को छोटा करने और दूर ले जाने में आसान बनाने के लिए उसे अलग करने की क्रिया A team of workers began to break down the movie set for the next scene.
1641 क्षत-विक्षत – Mauled attacked and mangled – हमला किया और तोड़-फोड़ की Because it seemed friendly, neighbors were surprise to hear the dog had mauled a pedestrian.
1642 चिल्लाना – Exclaim to speak spontaneously and with strong feeling – अनायास और मजबूत भावना के साथ बोलना When I exclaim, “BINGO”, I hope it is for the largest prize.
1643 जनसाधारण – Hoi polloi a Greek saying that is used by the wealthy to refer to common people – एक यूनानी कहावत जिसका प्रयोग अमीर लोग आम लोगों को संदर्भित करने के लिए करते हैं The city’s officials allow the ultra-wealthy, but not the hoi polloi inside their homes.
1644 अधिकता – Much a great amount – एक बड़ी रकम Much of the island is completely covered by forests, with only a few areas being developed.
1645 मोड़ – Flexion bending a limb – एक अंग झुकाना Ankle flexion before running can help strengthen the muscles and make the sprint for more manageable.
1646 नामांकन – Enroll to sign-up for something – किसी चीज़ के लिए साइन-अप करना If you want to enroll your child in swim lessons, you must fill out a form and pay a 100-dollar deposit.
1647 अपमानित करना – Scandalize to shock someone by doing something horrifying or immoral – कोई भयावह या अनैतिक कार्य करके किसी को चौंकाना The nun’s marriage to the priest was enough news to scandalize the entire town.
1648 जोर से झटका – Blowhard an arrogant person who boasts obnoxiously – एक अभिमानी व्यक्ति जो घृणित रूप से डींगें हांकता है The self-promoting blowhard talked about his own accomplishments until his guests were bored to tears.
1649 मुक्ति – Emancipation the act or process of freeing someone legally or socially – किसी को कानूनी या सामाजिक रूप से मुक्त करने की क्रिया या प्रक्रिया Many slaves became sharecroppers and never left the plantation after emancipation.
1650 निष्क्रिय – Inactive not active, lazy or idle – सक्रिय, आलसी या निष्क्रिय नहीं Inactive people do not get enough exercise to stay healthy.
1651 रज़ामंदी – Acquiescence reluctant acceptance of something without argument or protest – बिना तर्क या विरोध के किसी बात को स्वीकार करने में अनिच्छा Although she didn’t want to wash the dishes, the obedient girl began to run the water in silent acquiescence.
1652 जीभ में गाल – Tongue-in-cheek meant as amusing and not in a serious manner – इसका अभिप्राय मनोरंजक था न कि गंभीर After waiting in line for over an hour, I did not appreciate the clerk’s tongue-in-cheek comment about annoying customers.
1653 अभिकर्मक – Reagent a reactive mixture that is used for examining and studying – एक प्रतिक्रियाशील मिश्रण जिसका उपयोग परीक्षण और अध्ययन के लिए किया जाता है Rusting occurred when the reagent of sodium chloride or salt reacts with iron.
1654 हिस्से – Portion a part of a whole – संपूर्ण का एक भाग Since Teresa is trying to eat healthy, she will sample a very small portion of my home made brownies.
1655 इंफ्लुएंजा – Influenza a contagious viral infection that attacks your lungs (also called the flu) – एक संक्रामक वायरल संक्रमण जो आपके फेफड़ों पर हमला करता है (जिसे फ़्लू भी कहा जाता है) Because it is such a dangerous respiratory illness, many people have died from influenza.
1656 सहनशीलता – Forbearance the act of not enforcing a claim or action – किसी दावे या कार्रवाई को लागू न करने का कार्य The forbearance will allow Jeff to delay his jail time until after his mother dies.
1657 आवश्यक – Essential absolutely necessary; extremely important – बिल्कुल जरूरी; अत्यंत महत्वपूर्ण Air and water are essential for human life.
1658 आत्म deprecating – Self-deprecating negatively critical of oneself; underrating oneself – स्वयं के प्रति नकारात्मक रूप से आलोचनात्मक; अपने आप को कम आंकना Kevin felt sorry for his friend due to the friend’s self-deprecating vocalization of always insulting himself.
1659 अपराधी – Felon a person who has been convicted of a serious crime (a felony) – एक व्यक्ति जिसे किसी गंभीर अपराध (एक घोर अपराध) का दोषी ठहराया गया है After leaving prison, the felon entered a half-way house that helps criminals turn their lives around.
1660 सफ़र का अनुराग – Wanderlust a deep urge to travel – यात्रा करने की गहरी इच्छा Even though I had sprained my ankle, I could not resist my wanderlust and used crutches to walk to the beach with my friends.
1661 सर्व-भूत – Omnipresent able to be everywhere at one time – एक समय में हर जगह होने में सक्षम The soccer coach described his star player as being omnipresent, all over the field at once.
1662 बहुत बड़ा – Hulking very large or heavy – बहुत बड़ा या भारी A hulking figure hid in the shadows, scaring passersby with his large frame.
1663 लॉल – Loll to act in a leisurely manner – इत्मीनान से कार्य करना If I was rich, I could loll on the couch instead of going to work each day.
1664 का उल्लंघन – Violate to break or fail to comply with a rule or formal agreement – किसी नियम या औपचारिक समझौते को तोड़ना या उसका पालन करने में असफल होना The driver continued to violate the speed limits as he raced his car down the city streets.
1665 कार्यसूची – Agenda a list of matters to be discussed at a meeting – बैठक में चर्चा किये जाने वाले विषयों की सूची Without a clear agenda for what is to be accomplished I feel that the meeting will be a waste of time.
1666 eutrophication – Eutrophication the process of intense vegetation growth in a body of water caused by massive nutrient inflow from runoff – अपवाह से बड़े पैमाने पर पोषक तत्वों के प्रवाह के कारण जल निकाय में तीव्र वनस्पति विकास की प्रक्रिया The eutrophication process kills most animals in a body of water because all of the plants that grow there steal all of the oxygen.
1667 पाठशाला – Seminary a theological school that prepares students to become priests and pastors – एक धार्मिक विद्यालय जो छात्रों को पुजारी और पादरी बनने के लिए तैयार करता है The seminary’s academic courses range between traditional theology classes and practical internships.
1668 निश्चित – Definitively absolutely and conclusively, ultimately in a way that won’t be changed – पूर्णतः और निर्णायक रूप से, अंततः इस तरह से कि बदला नहीं जाएगा The teacher asked students to definitively prove their opinions by underlining where the got their answers from in the text.
1669 क्रॉसपैच – Crosspatch a grump or grouchy person – क्रोधी या क्रोधी व्यक्ति As the crosspatch grumbled and insulted anyone who walked by, many people avoided the old man.
1670 चुप – Untold too much/many to be counted or measured – गिनने या मापने के लिए बहुत अधिक/बहुत अधिक After untold rounds of failed conversations, the couple decided to stop discussing their problems and get a divorce.
1671 किबिट्ज़ – Kibitz to sit in on a conversation or event and offer unsolicited advice – किसी बातचीत या कार्यक्रम में बैठना और अनचाही सलाह देना Watching the men play roulette, a passerby began to kibitz and tell the gamblers where to place their bets.
1672 कुचल – Trodden heavily walked upon – जोर से चला गया This road is heavily trodden, being walked by dozens of people every day and trampling the dirt into the ground.
1673 वापस धक्का देना – Pushback a negative response to a change or plan – किसी परिवर्तन या योजना के प्रति नकारात्मक प्रतिक्रिया Afraid of pushback from angry customers, the airline decided to remove the hidden baggage fees.
1674 पदच्युत – Depone to swear in a court that the testimony, statement, or evidence given is the absolute truth – अदालत में शपथ लेना कि दी गई गवाही, बयान या सबूत पूर्ण सत्य है Witnesses to a crime are asked to depone in front of a judge and jury that their statement is true.
1675 सविस्तार वर्णन करना – Bandy to exchange words back and forth – आगे-पीछे शब्दों का आदान-प्रदान करना In the gym, the two weightlifters bandy about which of them is the stronger athlete.
1676 फिजूलखर्ची – Extravagant excessive; exceeding normal bounds – अत्यधिक; सामान्य सीमा से अधिक Rick spent nearly a year’s salary on the extravagant engagement ring.
1677 प्रचार – Pervasion the process of spreading through something – किसी चीज़ के माध्यम से फैलने की प्रक्रिया The pervasion of pop music in popular culture began several decades ago, though many would say its spread through society started with singers like Michael Jackson.
1678 अगस्त – August much-admired and respected – बहुत प्रशंसित और सम्मानित Everyone wanted the chance to dine with the august president.
1679 गुँथा हुआ आटा – Dough informally used to refer to money – अनौपचारिक रूप से पैसे को संदर्भित करने के लिए उपयोग किया जाता है We’re going to need a lot of dough if we want to afford an exotic car like that one, especially in such a nice color.
1680 तत्काल – Promptly in a quick manner – त्वरित तरीके से Fortunately, the paramedics arrived promptly and were able to save my father.
1681 जिंक्स $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push([“8f1244f6-5306-4bbe-9562-fc5ef7966ac2”]); }) पिछला शब्द अगला शब्द – Jinx   $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push([“8f1244f6-5306-4bbe-9562-fc5ef7966ac2”]); }) Prev Word Next Word a person or thing supposed to bring bad luck – कोई व्यक्ति या वस्तु जो दुर्भाग्य लाने वाली हो I lied on my resume and fear this big mistake could jinx my chances of snaring a great job.
1682 kinesthetic – Kinesthetic describes learning that occurs through body movement or position – सीखने का वर्णन करता है जो शरीर की गति या स्थिति के माध्यम से होता है Kinesthetic learners need lots of hands on opportunities to accurately grasp subject matter.
1683 कोष – Coffers the funds reserved for an organization or institution – किसी संगठन या संस्था के लिए आरक्षित धनराशि Because the shelter’s coffers are running empty, a fundraiser event will be held at the beginning of the month.
1684 सीखा – Learned gained knowledge or wisdom from studying or experience – अध्ययन या अनुभव से ज्ञान या बुद्धि प्राप्त की The little girl learned to speak Spanish by listening to her grandmother talk to her grandpa.
1685 बेबदलता से – Invariably always – हमेशा Max was a little too handy with the snooze button on his alarm clock, so he was invariably late for work every day.
1686 बचकाना – Childish exhibiting behavior typical of a child – एक बच्चे के विशिष्ट व्यवहार को प्रदर्शित करना It would be Ok for Jack to act so childish, if only he weren’t thirty-seven years old.
1687 पुरातत्त्व – Archaeology the study of the past by excavation and analysis of its material remains – उत्खनन द्वारा अतीत का अध्ययन और उसके भौतिक अवशेषों का विश्लेषण Thanks to the efforts of archaeology, excavators were able to discovered a new species of dinosaur.
1688 असुविधाजनक – Uncomfortable not at ease or relaxed – आराम या आराम से नहीं An uncomfortable feeling crept over the woman as she walked alone in the dark alley.
1689 अत्यंत अप्रिय – Gut-wrenching causing great mental or emotional pain – अत्यधिक मानसिक या भावनात्मक पीड़ा पहुँचाना Titanic was a gut-wrenching film that made me so emotional, I cried.
1690 पागल कर देना – Dement someone who is enduring a form of dementia or senility – कोई व्यक्ति जो किसी प्रकार के मनोभ्रंश या बुढ़ापे से पीड़ित है I was saddened as my elderly mom became a dement when she kept forgetting words and even her family members’ names.
1691 पुनर्वित्त – Refinance to finance something a second time, usually at a lower rate – किसी चीज़ को दूसरी बार वित्तपोषित करना, आमतौर पर कम दर पर Rather than pay off their loan, some people choose to refinance it, allowing it to go longer and at a possibly lower rate.
1692 शादी – Wedding a marriage ceremony – एक विवाह समारोह During the wedding, the bride and groom both said “I do.”
1693 अनिच्छुक – Reluctant unwilling; not wanting to take some action – अनिच्छुक; कुछ कार्रवाई नहीं करना चाहते Though he was reluctant to try the sushi, the man found it to be quite delicious.
1694 आरोप है – Allege to claim without evidence – बिना सबूत के दावा करना In the lawsuit, the parents allege the school system failed to protect their daughter from bullies.
1695 RSVP – RSVP to reply to a social request – किसी सामाजिक अनुरोध का उत्तर देने के लिए Since we had nothing to do next Friday night, we decided to RSVP to the party by calling our friends and letting them know we would be there.
1696 डूब – Submerge to sink out of sight – दृष्टि से ओझल हो जाना To test how long I could go without breathing, I decided to submerge my head into a bucket full of water.
1697 चाल – Gait manner of walking – चलने का ढंग As he strode through the hallway, everyone could tell by his gait that he was wealthy.
1698 हक्का-बक्का करना – Perplex to puzzle or confuse – पहेली बनाना या भ्रमित करना According to the book reviewer, the author’s puzzling writing style will perplex many readers.
1699 देहाती – Rustic having a country or simple style – देहाती या साधारण शैली वाला The rustic cabin was filled with hand carved furniture.
1700 परिधीय – Peripheral relating to minor matters – छोटे-मोटे मामलों से संबंधित The boss is too concerned about peripheral issues that do not matter to notice our sales are at an all-time low.
1701 दुविधा – Ambivalence mixed feelings or emotions – मिश्रित भावनाएँ या भावनाएँ Even though the new job meant more money, Tad felt a great deal of ambivalence about accepting the position.
1702 तबाह – Ruined damaged; destroyed – क्षतिग्रस्त; नष्ट किया हुआ The tornado ruined several homes in the area by ripping their roofs and siding off.
1703 लटकन – Pendant a pendant a piece of jewelry worn around the neck – एक पेंडेंट गले में पहना जाने वाला आभूषण का एक टुकड़ा The teenager had a rose gold pendant around her neck with a chain that hung low.
1704 फ़ायदा – Advantage a condition or circumstance that gives someone a greater chance of success – ऐसी स्थिति या परिस्थिति जो किसी को सफलता की अधिक संभावना देती है The thief took advantage of the light security on New Year’s Eve to empty every cash register in the mall.
1705 विलापी – Querulous full of complaints; complaining – शिकायतों से भरा हुआ; उपालंभ देना Forgive me for sounding querulous, but there is a bug in my soup.
1706 भोजन की थोड़ी मात्रा – Modicum a small portion – एक छोटा सा भाग When Jane wore the short dress to the funeral, she proved she did not have a modicum of decency.
1707 टिमटिमाना – Shimmer to twinkle and shimmer with a soft light – हल्की रोशनी के साथ टिमटिमाना और झिलमिलाना Silver spray paint helped the candidate’s signs shimmer and stand out in the school hallway.
1708 झगड़ना – Quarrel a verbal disagreement that is usually noisy – एक मौखिक असहमति जो आमतौर पर शोरगुल वाली होती है The quarrel my husband and I had was so loud it woke our children.
1709 आह्वान करना – Clarion call a sound demand for an action to occur – किसी कार्रवाई के घटित होने की ध्वनिपूर्ण मांग Citizens made a clarion call at the city council meeting to clean up the drugs in their neighborhood by harshly insisting on a change.
1710 प्रारंभिक प्रयास – Stepping stone something that helps one progress to the next level – कुछ ऐसा जो किसी को अगले स्तर तक आगे बढ़ने में मदद करता है Shawn saw this entry level job as a stepping stone to a more rewarding career.
1711 डरावना – Frightening scary or intimidating – डरावना या भयभीत करने वाला The snarling maw of an angry wolf can be quite frightening even to experienced and skilled warriors.
1712 मेज़बान – Host a person who receives or entertains guests – वह व्यक्ति जो मेहमानों का स्वागत करता है या उनका मनोरंजन करता है The host met the restaurant diners at the door and seated them at the nearest table.
1713 लुप्त हो जाना – Evaporate to vaporize or dissolve – वाष्पित होना या घुलना After boiling two cups of water for a long time, it would evaporate over time producing steam without having any water left.
1714 स्वरोच्चारण – Accentuation the action of emphasizing something or making it more noticeable – किसी बात पर जोर देने या उसे अधिक ध्यान देने योग्य बनाने की क्रिया People from the southern US are known for the accentuation of certain vowels since they stretch them out longer than most people do.
1715 वेदी – Altar a raised platform where prayers and sacrifices are offered to religious deities – एक ऊँचा मंच जहाँ धार्मिक देवताओं को प्रार्थनाएँ और बलि दी जाती है The pastor called those needing prayer to come to kneel at the church’s altar.
1716 मार्गदर्शक – Guide to show people around a place and offer information – लोगों को किसी स्थान के आसपास दिखाना और जानकारी प्रदान करना During a recent College campus tour, the guide led the prospective college students around the institution learning about the programs offered.
1717 विरासत में मिला – Inherited derived or gained genetically from one’s parents – किसी के माता-पिता से आनुवंशिक रूप से प्राप्त या प्राप्त किया हुआ I think it is fairly obvious that Mark inherited his stubbornness from his equally stubborn father.
1718 निशान – Scar to permanently wound something or leave a permanent mark on it – किसी चीज़ को स्थायी रूप से घाव करना या उस पर स्थायी निशान छोड़ना The gash I received on my leg during the war will scar me for life, healing but always leaving a mark on my skin.
1719 दान – Charity the voluntary giving of money or assistance to those in need – जरूरतमंद लोगों को स्वैच्छिक रूप से धन या सहायता देना A charity run is being held to raise funds for the city’s homeless population.
1720 आधुनिक – Modern taking place during the current times – वर्तमान समय में हो रहा है Using modern warfare, the number of casualties in war has decreased through the use of drones and other high tech equipment.
1721 अनुस्मरण – Recollection memory of something – किसी चीज़ की स्मृति The sleepwalker had no recollection of eating in the middle of the night, but the video clearly showed her snacking on a donut.
1722 तड़पना – Dither to hesitate or be indecisive – संकोच करना या अनिर्णय करना Terry tends to dither when someone asks him where to have lunch, as he is never able to decide on a restaurant.
1723 विस्फोट – Explosion a violent blowing apart or bursting caused by a chemical change – किसी रासायनिक परिवर्तन के कारण होने वाला तीव्र विस्फोट या विस्फोट The dynamite detonated, causing an earth shattering explosion across the city.
1724 अनुस्मारक – Reminder an object or cue that causes a person to remember something – कोई वस्तु या संकेत जिसके कारण व्यक्ति को कोई बात याद आती है The tarnished engagement ring was just another reminder of a marriage gone wrong.
1725 भट्ठी – Furnace a piece of equipment used to heat an area in a house or building – किसी घर या इमारत के किसी क्षेत्र को गर्म करने के लिए उपयोग किया जाने वाला उपकरण का एक टुकड़ा A broken furnace proved to be an annoyance for the family when there was no heat in the house until it was fixed.
1726 शोगुन – Shogun a postmodern military ruler of Japan who was just under the emperor – जापान का एक उत्तर आधुनिक सैन्य शासक जो सम्राट के अधीन था In the 15th century, the shogun controlled both the military and finances of Japan.
1727 खुलासा – Revealing disclosing or making something known – किसी बात का खुलासा करना या ज्ञात कराना The politician was angry at the magazine for revealing his secret affair to the world and decided to sue them for invading his privacy.
1728 उगाही – Levy to impose (a tax or fine) – (कर या जुर्माना) लगाना All countries that I am aware of maintain that the government has a right to levy taxes on its citizens.
1729 हसिडिक – Hasidic relating to a conservative form of Judaism that began in 18th century Europe – यहूदी धर्म के एक रूढ़िवादी रूप से संबंधित है जो 18वीं शताब्दी में यूरोप में शुरू हुआ था Hasidic boys of the Jewish faith visited the synagogue to worship and pray.
1730 खुलापन – Openness the act of being exposed – उजागर होने की क्रिया Most people today want an openness in the house so that the living room, dining room and kitchen are unrestricted from each other.
1731 तपती – Sweltering extremely hot or humid – अत्यधिक गर्म या आर्द्र It didn’t take long for the children’s’ ice cream cones to melt under the sweltering summer sun.
1732 सामयिक – Periodic occurring regularly or at specific intervals of time – नियमित रूप से या समय के विशिष्ट अंतराल पर घटित होना The parole officer shows up at the woman’s home for periodic checks every month.
1733 नजर – Glanced looked at quickly – जल्दी से देखा The student glanced at the study guide a few times, but he didn’t take the time to really study.
1734 नजरअंदाज कर दिया – Neglected failed to take care of – देखभाल करने में विफल Because the gardener neglected the plants for several weeks, most of them withered up and died.
1735 अनुमान – Judgmental overly critical or disapproving – अत्यधिक आलोचनात्मक या अस्वीकृत The judgmental pastor criticized the people for their sins but did the same things behind closed doors.
1736 निंदक – Cynic a person who believes that humans are only motivated by selfishness and their own interests – एक व्यक्ति जो मानता है कि मनुष्य केवल स्वार्थ और अपने हितों से प्रेरित हैं Being a cynic, the husband had a hard time believing his wife was faithful to him.
1737 काला सूची में डालना – Blacklist to put a person or company’s name on a list of things that are not acceptable and should be boycotted – किसी व्यक्ति या कंपनी का नाम उन चीजों की सूची में डालना जो स्वीकार्य नहीं हैं और उनका बहिष्कार किया जाना चाहिए The producer threatened to blacklist the actor and stop him from ever working in Hollywood again.
1738 अलग से – Separately occurring on an individual basis – व्यक्तिगत आधार पर घटित होना The manager interviewed each candidate separately in an effort to determine who would be the best fit for the position.
1739 सरगर्मी – Stirring mixing or blending something by moving the ingredients around – सामग्री को इधर-उधर घुमाकर किसी चीज को मिलाना या मिश्रण करना Stan spent several minutes stirring his hot coffee with a metal spoon until it was mixed with the creamer.
1740 आयोजन – Organize to arrange for – की व्यवस्था करना The president of the PTA will organize a fundraiser and are in need of volunteers for this next event.
1741 अलगाववाद – Separatism to become independent by splitting from the mother country – मातृभूमि से अलग होकर स्वतंत्र होना Immediately before the Civil War, South Carolina declared its separatism from the United States by stating that it was not part of the Union anymore.
1742 सकारात्मक – Positive absolutely certain of something – किसी चीज़ के बारे में बिल्कुल निश्चित Jeff was positive he scored an A on his test because he studied the material for eight hours.
1743 ध्यान में रखते – Cognizance to have awareness or knowledge of something – किसी चीज़ के प्रति जागरूकता या ज्ञान होना Any cognizance about a crime should be reported to the police.
1744 कार्टेल – Cartel group of businesses or nations that collude to fix prices – व्यवसायों या राष्ट्रों का समूह जो कीमतें तय करने के लिए मिलीभगत करते हैं Oil conglomerates run a cartel to keep prices high.
1745 बिना सुविधा – Unaccommodating unwilling to help or provide assistance – मदद करने या सहायता प्रदान करने को तैयार नहीं Although he could have helped the tourists get to their next destination, the unaccommodating taxi driver refused to be helpful.
1746 ख्यात – Reputedly supposedly, according to what people say – कथित तौर पर, लोग जो कहते हैं उसके अनुसार Kim is reputedly a millionaire, but no one in town has seen actual proof of her net worth.
1747 कल्पना – Fancy to want to do something – कुछ करना चाहते हैं We fancy a trip to the islands, but our budget won’t allow it.
1748 अनुरूप – Commensurate in proportion; equal – ठीक अनुपात में; बराबर You will get a salary increase commensurate with your additional responsibilities and work.
1749 अविभाज्य – Undivided complete; not broken into parts – पूरा; भागों में टूटा हुआ नहीं The clingy toddler wanted her mother’s undivided attention and became angry when mom played with the other children.
1750 एकतरफा – Lopsided uneven or unbalanced – असमान या असंतुलित Not realizing the table was lopsided, the patron placed his drink on it and water went everywhere!
1751 कुड़कुड़ाना – Cackle laugh resembling the cry of a hen or goose – मुर्गी या हंस के रोने जैसी हँसी The comedian makes me laugh so hard I cackle like a witch!
1752 पहले – Heretofore previously; before now – पहले; अब से पहले The investment has produced amazing profits that were heretofore unimaginable.
1753 अभिनय करना – Perform to carry out or fulfill a task – किसी कार्य को पूरा करना या पूरा करना The doctor will perform an exam on the patient and report back with the results.
1754 अत्यधिक – Immense of a gigantic size – विशाल आकार का The museum was so immense it took us two days to make our way through it.
1755 झुंड – Herd a cluster of individuals or animals who share something in common – व्यक्तियों या जानवरों का समूह जो कुछ साझा करते हैं A herd of children ran across the field in search of Easter eggs.
1756 उपहास – Scoff to sneer or laugh with scorn – तिरस्कारपूर्वक उपहास करना या हँसना The rude little rich girl thought it was fun to scoff at the poor children at her school.
1757 किशोरावस्था – Adolescence the time period when a young person becomes a grownup – वह समयावधि जब एक युवा व्यक्ति वयस्क हो जाता है When children reach the period of adolescence, they crave freedom to make their own choices.
1758 ज्ञानमीमांसा – Epistemic of or relating to knowledge or cognition; cognitive – या ज्ञान या अनुभूति से संबंधित; संज्ञानात्मक As human beings, it is very important to be aware of our epistemic limitations.
1759 उल्लंघन करना – Transgress to act in violation of some law – किसी कानून का उल्लंघन करते हुए कार्य करना People who transgress the boundaries of social etiquette will be politely turned away at the door.
1760 आपराधिक – Criminal A person that commits a crime acts that are against the law – कोई व्यक्ति जो अपराध करता है वह कानून के विरुद्ध कार्य करता है The criminal had a long rap sheet with several past theft charges.
1761 विरक्ति – Ennui boredom arising from a lack of interest or activity – रुचि या गतिविधि की कमी से उत्पन्न होने वाली बोरियत Ennui crept up in the heart of the lonely child who had nothing better to do than to take a nap.
1762 हालांकि – Although even though; even if – चाहे; भले ही Although the teacher enjoys playing outside with the students, the class is much too busy to go out this week.
1763 आशावान – Hopeful believing a positive result will occur – विश्वास है कि सकारात्मक परिणाम आएगा Danielle is hopeful she’ll get a good job after she graduates from college.
1764 सविनय अवज्ञा – Civil disobedience a nonaggressive way of refusing to comply with the laws in order to protest against something – किसी चीज़ का विरोध करने के लिए कानूनों का पालन करने से इनकार करने का एक गैर-आक्रामक तरीका During the Civil Rights Movement, sit-ins and boycotts were the main actions of Martin Luther King Jr.’s civil disobedience.
1765 उपजलीय – Subaquatic to be completely below water – पूरी तरह से पानी के नीचे होना After living a subaquatic life, the animal would struggle to survive on land since it is used to the ocean.
1766 विकसित – Developed to cause something to become bigger or stronger – किसी चीज़ को बड़ा या मजबूत बनाने के लिए प्रेरित करना Andrea developed her acting skill through local classes before she was good enough to get a leading role.
1767 शहर – Town a little place similar to a city – शहर के समान एक छोटी सी जगह Leadership in the town had dwindled to just a few officials since the population had decreased in size since many people had moved to the big city.
1768 निरंतर – Sustained maintained; continued – बनाए रखा; जारी The celebrity sustained a normal life after he became famous, refusing to allow money or notoriety change him.
1769 खुदी हुई – Carved cut into with a knife – चाकू से काटें Using a sharp kitchen knife, the chef carved the turkey into thin slices.
1770 समस्यात्मक – Problematic challenging; difficult – चुनौतीपूर्ण; कठिन Finding enough volunteers to work at the shelter can be problematic since it’s not a paying job.
1771 चिल्लाना – Cry shed tears, especially as an expression of distress or pain – आँसू बहाना, विशेषकर संकट या दर्द की अभिव्यक्ति के रूप में She struggled not to cry at her aunt’s funeral, but she couldn’t hold back the tears.
1772 पालना पोसना – Upbringing one’s childhood background – किसी की बचपन की पृष्ठभूमि The thief didn’t have the best upbringing and many of his bad habits date back to his childhood.
1773 काउंटर तर्क – Counterargument a claim or reason given following the opposition’s statement – विपक्ष के बयान के बाद दिया गया दावा या कारण During the lawyer’s counterargument, she explained that her client was innocent of the crime claimed by the prosecutor because there was no evidence of his guilt.
1774 पुरजोश – Poetic Related to or used in poetry (a rhythmic style of writing) – कविता से संबंधित या उसमें प्रयुक्त (लेखन की एक लयबद्ध शैली) The song’s rhyming lyrics had a poetic style and feel to them.
1775 धज्जी – Snip to cut something with a small, quick stroke – किसी चीज़ को छोटे, त्वरित झटके से काटना If you snip the suckers off of the bush too quickly, the blossoms will never appear.
1776 स्र्खाई – Curtness the quality of appearing rudely blunt and brief – अशिष्टतापूर्वक कुंद और संक्षिप्त दिखने का गुण The curtness in the customer’s voice let the mechanic know instantly that she did not approve of the price.
1777 घुन – Mite a little or slightly – थोड़ा या थोड़ा सा The man was acting a mite suspicious, enough that the cops stopped him to find out what he was up to.
1778 विशेषता – Characteristic trait – प्रवृत्ति The only characteristic the man got from his father was his dark eyes.
1779 बाधा – Obstacle anything that impedes or stops something from advancing or developing – कुछ भी जो किसी चीज़ को आगे बढ़ने या विकसित होने से रोकता या रोकता है Having a bankruptcy in my background would be a difficult obstacle to overcome in financing a new house.
1780 चौकन्ना – Watchful alert; on the lookout – चेतावनी; खोज कर रहा है The watchful security guard is always on the lookout for danger.
1781 सुधार – Tweak to adjust something to make it better – किसी चीज़ को बेहतर बनाने के लिए उसे समायोजित करना Since the chef burned the brownies the last time she made them, she decided to tweak the recipe by only baking them for 20 minutes instead of 30 minutes.
1782 उग्रवाद – Extremism the state of having opinions or beliefs that seem extreme or unreasonable to others – ऐसी राय या विश्वास रखने की अवस्था जो दूसरों को अत्यधिक या अनुचित लगती हो Known for religious extremism, the church group holds dangerous beliefs that often lead to violence.
1783 शरीर क्रिया विज्ञान – Physiology a branch of biology that deals with the functions and activities of living things – जीव विज्ञान की एक शाखा जो जीवित चीजों के कार्यों और गतिविधियों से संबंधित है While studying the physiology of the brain, the medical students learned about the different lobes and their functions.
1784 जूलुस – Cortege an individual’s entourage or a grave procession – किसी व्यक्ति का दल या कब्र जुलूस A cortege of vehicles followed the hearse into the cemetery.
1785 योग्य – Worthy deserving respect, praise, or attention – सम्मान, प्रशंसा या ध्यान के योग्य All the talented artists were worthy of the prize, but only one received the award.
1786 मुफ़ीद – Eleemosynary relating to charity – दान से संबंधित After the hurricane, the Red Cross was accepting eleemosynary help from surrounding communities.
1787 कुंडी लगा दी – Latched to lock something securely after closing it – किसी चीज़ को बंद करने के बाद उसे सुरक्षित रूप से बंद करना After hearing a weird sound outside, Tara got out of bed and latched the door to make sure no prowler could get into her house.
1788 प्रतिपादक – Exponent an individual who champions a certain principle or cause; an advocate – एक व्यक्ति जो किसी निश्चित सिद्धांत या कारण का समर्थन करता है; एक वकील Once homeless Janice is now a successful businesswoman and exponent for ending homelessness.
1789 मध्यकालीन – Medieval relating to the Middle Ages – मध्य युग से संबंधित Medieval feasts were thrown for royalty and nobles during the Middle Ages.
1790 प्रतिकूल – Unfavorable poor or bad – गरीब या बुरा The odds of us being able to go to the ballgame are unfavorable since the weatherman is calling for heavy rain.
1791 उत्तरदायी – Responsive approachable and receptive to ideas, indications or propositions – विचारों, संकेतों या प्रस्तावों के प्रति स्वीकार्य और ग्रहणशील Since the new employee was responsive to change, her boss appreciated her flexibility.
1792 संचय – Accumulation an amount of something that has been collected – किसी चीज़ की वह मात्रा जो एकत्र की गई हो The weatherman is calling for at least six inches of snow accumulation, but we won’t know the actual amount of buildup on the ground until morning.
1793 अंधविश्वास – Superstition believing in imaginary things – काल्पनिक बातों पर विश्वास करना He thought that crossing his fingers would bring him good luck, but now he knows it was a superstition.
1794 देख-भाल – Reconnoiter to survey a place or situation for planning purposes – योजना प्रयोजनों के लिए किसी स्थान या स्थिति का सर्वेक्षण करना Before the event, we will reconnoiter the venue so we can design the evening’s seating arrangements.
1795 आड़ में – Alee situated on the side of a ship that is protected from the wind – एक जहाज के किनारे पर स्थित है जो हवा से सुरक्षित है The sailors stood alee, situating themselves on the side of the boat with fewer gusts of wind.
1796 लालची – Avaricious desirous of wealth or advancement – धन या उन्नति की चाह रखने वाला Since Tiffany was an avaricious reader, her reading level was at 12th grade level even though she was still in 4th grade.
1797 पीत पत्रकारिता – Yellow Journalism fake news that is not based on fact but exaggerations – फर्जी खबरें जो तथ्य पर नहीं बल्कि अतिशयोक्ति पर आधारित हैं The paper published a piece of yellow journalism that was nothing but exaggerated facts.
1798 मार्मिकता – Poignance the quality of evoking great sadness or regret – अत्यधिक दुःख या पछतावा उत्पन्न करने का गुण At a funeral, the speaker usually tries to give a speech with great poignance regarding the deceased.
1799 छिटपुट – Sundry a group of unrelated things – असंबद्ध चीजों का एक समूह Because I was unsure of the San Francisco weather, I packed a sundry of clothing items to wear.
1800 रंगीन – Coloured another form of the word colored, meaning tinted or died a certain hue – रंगीन शब्द का दूसरा रूप, जिसका अर्थ है एक निश्चित रंग में रंगा हुआ या मर जाना The blue coloured blanket was dyed the perfect shade for the baby boy.
1801 ऐच्छिक – Gratuitous uncalled for; unwarranted; unnecessary – अयोग्य के लिए; अनुचित; अनावश्यक Even though I had been looking forward to seeing the movie, I walked out of the theater after thirty minutes because of so much gratuitous foul language.
1802 क्रायोजेनिक – Cryogenic a branch of physics that deals with very low temperatures – भौतिकी की एक शाखा जो बहुत कम तापमान से संबंधित है Some proponents of cryogenics believe that the very low temperatures may allow those frozen through physics to live eternally.
1803 एक साथ वृद्धि – Accretion act of increasing by natural growth – प्राकृतिक वृद्धि द्वारा बढ़ने की क्रिया The accretion of traffic accidents and drunk driving was attributed to the opening of the new downtown mall.
1804 पात्रता – Worthiness having qualities that are desired to fit into a specific group or category – ऐसे गुण होना जो किसी विशिष्ट समूह या श्रेणी में फिट होने के लिए वांछित हों The Royal family interviews all potential matches for worthiness before the prince is allowed to date.
1805 अनुभवहीन – Callow immature, lacking in life experience – अपरिपक्व, जीवन के अनुभव की कमी Since the callow baker was new to cake decorating, she did not know how to properly frost the multi-layer cake.
1806 दिल दहलानेवाला – Bloodcurdling causing terror or horror – आतंक या आतंक पैदा करना Letting out a bloodcurdling scream, the actress tried to fake the response of someone really in danger of being killed by an ax murderer.
1807 अकेलापन – Loneliness an emotion or feeling of solitude, in which one laments a lack of company – एकांत की भावना या भावना, जिसमें कोई व्यक्ति संगति की कमी पर शोक मनाता है His day is marked by loneliness, without the company of any friends or family to make him smile or laugh.
1808 कंटिया – Barb a sharp pointy wire that projects out from a longer wire or hook – एक तेज़ नुकीला तार जो लंबे तार या हुक से निकलता है When my shirt got snagged on the barb of the wire, it ripped a hole in it as I pulled away from the fence.
1809 अनाथ – Orphan a parentless child – एक माता-पिता विहीन बच्चा When Steve’s parents died in the automobile accident, he became an orphan and went to live with friends.
1810 नीचता – Baseness a shortage of positive qualities – सकारात्मक गुणों की कमी As a teenager, Bill’s baseness was seen in the numerous ways in which he bullied his peers.
1811 अप्रत्याशित – Unexpected not predicted or foreseen – भविष्यवाणी या अनुमान नहीं लगाया गया We prepared for almost every natural disaster that could occur, but the arrival of a meteor was still unexpected.
1812 अस्पष्ट – Ambiguous confusing; difficult to understand – भ्रमित करने वाला; समझने में कठिन Ambiguous classroom rules like ‘Be responsible.’ deprive students of what the rule specifically requires.
1813 आक्षेप – Arraignment to take before a judge based on charges brought against the person – व्यक्ति के विरुद्ध लगाए गए आरोपों के आधार पर न्यायाधीश के समक्ष ले जाना The community was relieved when the gang members were arrested and brought in for an arraignment.
1814 कपटी – Insidious something that is slowly and secretly causing harm – कुछ ऐसा जो धीरे-धीरे और गुप्त रूप से नुकसान पहुंचा रहा हो The insidious playboy planned to con the heiress out of her fortune.
1815 स्नान – Ablution the act of washing or cleansing – धोने या साफ़ करने की क्रिया या भाव Sylvia has a rare condition that makes her break out in a rash if she gets water on her skin, so her morning ablution consists of using cleansing cream and tissue.
1816 बौछाड़ – Scurry to move rapidly using small steps – छोटे कदमों का उपयोग करके तेजी से आगे बढ़ना The mouse tried to scurry under the door.
1817 मुद्रण – Printing using a machine and ink to transfer images or words onto paper – छवियों या शब्दों को कागज पर स्थानांतरित करने के लिए मशीन और स्याही का उपयोग करना The attorney’s assistant spent her afternoon printing reports and filing each newly produced paper in a file folder.
1818 चूक – Gaffe an obvious error or mistake – एक स्पष्ट त्रुटि या गलती Because of the quarterback’s gaffe, our team lost the big game.
1819 कंठ – Scrag a bony or scrawny person or animal – हड्डीदार या दुबला-पतला व्यक्ति या जानवर Starving in the streets, the bony scrag begged for food from those passing by her famished body.
1820 बिजली चमकना – Lightning a flash of bright light in the sky produced by electricity moving between clouds – आकाश में बादलों के बीच बिजली के घूमने से उत्पन्न तेज़ रोशनी की चमक Lightning coming out of the clouds struck a tree nearby with a loud bang.
1821 ताला – Lock to secure something so it can’t be opened except with a key or other method – किसी चीज़ को सुरक्षित करना ताकि उसे चाबी या अन्य विधि के अलावा खोला न जा सके When my parents were young, they never had to lock their front doors because that was a safer time back then.
1822 मारो – Beat to strike something with force – किसी चीज़ पर ज़ोर से प्रहार करना The bully beat up the smaller boy on the playground, punching him in his face over and over again.
1823 अनुकूल – Suited right or appropriate for a person or situation – किसी व्यक्ति या स्थिति के लिए सही या उपयुक्त Warm soup is well suited for feeding those with colds because it often provides them with a sense of comfort and warmth.
1824 आस-पास मुड़ना – About-face the act of turning and facing an opposite direction – विपरीत दिशा में मुड़ने और सामना करने की क्रिया In a stunning about-face, the career criminal turned his life around and got a legal job.
1825 गठित – Constituted equaled or added up to – बराबर या जोड़ा हुआ Mothers constituted a considerable portion of the parents at the dance recital, but there were a few dads there as well.
1826 घुँघराले – Curly having a curled or coiled shape – घुंघराले या कुंडलित आकार वाला Heather hated her curly hair and tried to flatiron her wavy locks straight every night.
1827 नोटेशन – Notation a few words written to explain something, usually as a note – किसी चीज़ को समझाने के लिए लिखे गए कुछ शब्द, आमतौर पर एक नोट के रूप में My professor placed a notation at the bottom of my test paper indicating that he was not pleased with my progress.
1828 विकट – Grim dreary; miserable – नीरस; दुखी The soldiers were grim after losing many of their comrades in battle.
1829 चाहिए – Ought must or should – चाहिए या होना चाहिए After being insulted for the tenth time that day, the store clerk thought there ought to be a law against rudeness.
1830 उत्साही – Ardent feeling great passion, or felt very passionately – अत्यधिक जोश महसूस करना, या बहुत जोश से महसूस करना When the rock star checks his mail, he almost always finds one or two bizarre gifts from some of his ardent fans.
1831 झंकार – Chime ringing or tone making component of a device – किसी उपकरण का बजने या स्वर बनाने वाला घटक I enabled the chime mode on my watch so it will sound a long beep each hour.
1832 वनों की कटाई – Deforestation the process of a forested area being deprived of foliage, usually as a result of resource gathering – आमतौर पर संसाधन जुटाने के परिणामस्वरूप किसी वन क्षेत्र के पत्ते विहीन होने की प्रक्रिया The Amazon is gradually suffering from deforestation, thanks to all of the trees that are being cut down there for lumber.
1833 चयापचय करना – Metabolize to break down food in the body so it can be used for energy – शरीर में भोजन को तोड़ने के लिए ताकि इसका उपयोग ऊर्जा के लिए किया जा सके His body didn’t metabolize iron normally, so he took an iron supplement daily.
1834 मूर्ख – Ill-Advised inadvisable, foolish, or unwise – अनुचित, मूर्ख, या नासमझ I think you would be ill-advised to go sky diving without a parachute, but if you don’t believe me I won’t have a chance to say I told you so.
1835 लाइसेंस – Licensed having official permission to do something – कुछ करने की आधिकारिक अनुमति होना The licensed truck driver had to pass a physical and written test to keep his official permit.
1836 मरम्मत – Restoration the act of making something back to what it was – किसी चीज़ को वापस उसी स्थिति में लाने की क्रिया जो वह थी Television programs are making money by having people conduct a restoration of a house as a DIY project.
1837 विलेली – Vilely in an evil or wicked way – बुरे या दुष्ट तरीके से Facebook is a place where hateful people can vilely vent their opinions and not be punished for it.
1838 बाहरी – External the exterior or outside of something – किसी चीज का बाहरी या बाहरी भाग When the two children continued to physically fight, this external conflict would cause their parents to get tired of hearing the bickering.
1839 समानता – Commonality the condition of sharing certain characteristics – कुछ विशेषताओं को साझा करने की स्थिति The twins have only one commonality; they both have bright red hair.
1840 बुढ़िया – Matron an older, serious-minded married woman who usually has a high social position – एक वृद्ध, गंभीर सोच वाली विवाहित महिला जिसकी आमतौर पर उच्च सामाजिक स्थिति होती है The matron was highly regarded for her philanthropic endeavors in her community.
1841 स्थिर – Constant nonstop; ceaseless; for a long duration – बिना रुके; अनवरत; लंबी अवधि के लिए The Earth is in constant motion as it spins on its axis.
1842 अनुकूलतम – Optimum the best condition – सर्वोत्तम स्थिति It takes Jared an hour to drive to work even in optimum traffic conditions.
1843 असंयमी – Intemperate having problems with exercising control – व्यायाम पर नियंत्रण रखने में समस्या होना When Barbara drinks, she becomes intemperate and cannot regulate her actions.
1844 भाई – Brother a male child of one’s own parents – अपने ही माता-पिता की संतान I am an only child for now, but my parents are going to adopt a boy, so soon I will have a little brother as well.
1845 धब्बा – Smudge a smeared mark on the surface of something – किसी चीज़ की सतह पर फैला हुआ निशान Wiping her eyes while crying, the bride tried hard not to leave a smudge from her makeup.
1846 स्मिज – Smidge a very small amount or part – बहुत छोटी मात्रा या भाग Make sure to only add a smidge of sage to your recipe since even a small bit of the seasoning can be overpowering.
1847 संवारता – Tinkering attempting to fix something without the required knowledge or skill – आवश्यक ज्ञान या कौशल के बिना किसी चीज़ को ठीक करने का प्रयास करना I spent hours tinkering with my car trying to find out what was wrong with it, but I failed to accomplish anything at all.
1848 आवृत्ति – Frequency the amount of times something takes place in a certain period of time – किसी निश्चित समयावधि में कोई चीज़ कितनी बार घटित होती है Due to the increase in the frequency of his sneezing, the man knew he was probably getting a cold since most people don’t sneeze that many times naturally in the span of a few minutes.
1849 अनुभागीय – Sectional pertaining to a specific section or segment of a larger group – किसी बड़े समूह के किसी विशिष्ट वर्ग या खंड से संबंधित The U.S. Civil War was a sectional dispute, with the country being divided almost in half.
1850 पपड़ी – Scab a dry protective crust that forms over a cut or wound during healing – एक सूखी सुरक्षात्मक परत जो घाव भरने के दौरान कट या घाव पर बनती है A scab formed around the little girl’s scraped knee several days after she hurt it on the sidewalk.
1851 वक्ष – Thorax the chest, or part of the anatomy that is located between the neck and the abdomen – छाती, या शरीर रचना का वह भाग जो गर्दन और पेट के बीच स्थित होता है Lying between the neck and abdomen, the man’s thorax was the main place cancer had evaded.
1852 फिटिंग – Fitting suitable or appropriate – उपयुक्त या उचित The fashionable bride selected a form-fitting dress that hugged her body like a glove.
1853 जब्ती – Seizure a sudden bout of illness, usually a stroke or epileptic attack in which one loses control of their body – अचानक बीमारी का दौरा, आमतौर पर स्ट्रोक या मिर्गी का दौरा जिसमें व्यक्ति अपने शरीर पर नियंत्रण खो देता है By the way Bill was convulsing on the floor with seemingly no control or intent, it was safe to assume that he was having a seizure.
1854 जनजातीय – Tribal relating to an ethnic group of people that live together as a nation (a tribe) – लोगों के एक जातीय समूह से संबंधित जो एक राष्ट्र (एक जनजाति) के रूप में एक साथ रहते हैं The tribal council held a meeting to see who would be elected as the next chief of the tribe.
1855 एक प्रकार का सेब – Pippin an apple – एक सेब We made a fruit cobbler with my favorite dessert apple, the pippin.
1856 मतदाता – Voter a person who casts a vote in an election – वह व्यक्ति जो चुनाव में वोट डालता है Casting his ballot at the election precinct, the voter was confident in his selection for a new county mayor.
1857 लगातार – Consecutive following, in succession, without interruption – अनुसरण करना, क्रम से, बिना किसी रुकावट के I’d like to book a hotel room for two consecutive days, starting on Friday, January 12th and ending on Saturday, January 13th.
1858 अस्वीकार – Abnegation the act of rejecting or refusing something – किसी चीज़ को अस्वीकार या अस्वीकार करने की क्रिया Her abnegation of ice cream and cookies is due to her Olympic team training.
1859 ताना – Quip a clever statement – एक चतुर बयान I punched my brother when he made a quip about my hair.
1860 कानूनी – Legal allowable according to the law – कानून के अनुसार स्वीकार्य Although it isn’t legal for minors to gamble, kids are allowed at the bingo hall as long as they aren’t betting.
1861 कलात्मक – Artistic having or revealing creative skill – रचनात्मक कौशल का होना या प्रकट होना Ways to be artistic include writing, painting, drawing, singing, playing an instrument, and doing arts and crafts.
1862 सहज ज्ञान युक्त – Intuitive being able to sense or understand things with little or no information – कम या बिना जानकारी के चीजों को समझने या समझने में सक्षम होना The intuitive police officer could tell the woman was trying to hide something from him.
1863 अटक गया – Stuck to be incapable of being changed or repositioned – परिवर्तित या पुनः स्थापित होने में असमर्थ होना While walking along Main Street, my foot got stuck when I stepped into a fresh piece of gum on the sidewalk.
1864 प्रमुख रूप से – Primarily mainly, for the most part – मुख्य रूप से, अधिकांश भाग के लिए The couple primarily resides in Minnesota, but they spend a few months out of the year in Florida.
1865 अधिकारों का विधेयक – Bill of Rights the first ten amendments of the Constitution that guarantee the rights of the people of the United States – संविधान के पहले दस संशोधन जो संयुक्त राज्य के लोगों के अधिकारों की गारंटी देते हैं The Bill of Rights was added to the U.S. Constitution to insure certain freedoms and rights to the citizens of America.
1866 रुकना – Stoppage an instance of something being halted – किसी चीज़ के रुकने का उदाहरण The stoppage on the highway was caused by a traffic accident that kept everyone from moving forward and getting to work.
1867 चिथड़ेपोश – Tatterdemalion someone dressed in ragged or torn clothing – किसी ने मैले-कुचैले या फटे हुए कपड़े पहने हुए हैं With the dirty and torn clothes he was wearing, the homeless man was a tatterdemalion compared to his nicer dressed counterparts.
1868 फंसा हुआ – Puzzled confused; perplexed – अस्पष्ट; विकल Footprints in the snow puzzled the hunters who mistakenly assumed they were alone in the forest.
1869 डेम्यो – Daimyo ancient Japanese feudal lords who the samurai served under – प्राचीन जापानी सामंत जिनके अधीन समुराई सेवा करते थे The descendent of an ancient daimyo, the Japanese boy was proud that to come from a powerful, land-owning family.
1870 सामान्य – Normal standard or usual/typical – मानक या सामान्य/विशिष्ट The patient’s test results came back normal and with no issues.
1871 व्यवहारवाद – Pragmatism the ways of being sensible and reasonable – समझदार और उचित होने के तरीके Doing your homework every night and studying for tests are showing pragmatism towards someone’s education.
1872 ठीक घड़ी – Chronometer an instrument designed to keep time with great accuracy, especially when at sea – एक उपकरण जिसे विशेष रूप से समुद्र में समय को अत्यधिक सटीकता के साथ रखने के लिए डिज़ाइन किया गया है The chronometer was designed to help sailors more accurately determine longitude.
1873 गहराई – Profundity words that express deep reflection or insight – ऐसे शब्द जो गहन चिंतन या अंतर्दृष्टि व्यक्त करते हैं Even though Chuck thought he was making some deep statements, he was too drunk to express any profundity.
1874 तेज़ी – Swiftness the quality or characteristic of speed – गति की गुणवत्ता या विशेषता A Cheetah has great swiftness for hunting its prey.
1875 आगे बढ़ना – Outdo exceed or surpass – पार करना या पार करना Mrs. Patterson loved Dennis since he was an overachiever and would outdo all the other students in class.
1876 कार्य नीति – Work ethic a belief in the moral benefit and importance of work – नैतिक लाभ और कार्य के महत्व में विश्वास Because of his strong work ethic, the man was known as a hard worker throughout.
1877 जातिवाद – Racism prejudice and discriminatory actions towards others because of their ethnicity – उनकी जातीयता के कारण दूसरों के प्रति पूर्वाग्रह और भेदभावपूर्ण कार्य Racism during the Jim Crow era led to African Americans being banned from most public places.
1878 दुर्गंन्धयुक्त – Fusty smelling stale, stuffy, or damp – बासी, भरी हुई या नम गंध आना The fusty cupboard smelled stale and damp after years of not being opened.
1879 सेवक – Menial relating to tasks normally performed by a servant – सामान्यतः एक नौकर द्वारा किये जाने वाले कार्यों से संबंधित Everyone was surprised to see the company president doing menial labor he could easily pass on to one of his employees.
1880 मंडप – Pavilion a constructed shelter used for certain reasons – एक निर्मित आश्रय जिसका उपयोग कुछ कारणों से किया जाता है As the torrential downpour interrupted our picnic, the family sought shelter at the pavilion nearby.
1881 श्रुत – Well-Known famous; popular – प्रसिद्ध; लोकप्रिय Because he was well-known, the celebrity can’t go out in public without being noticed.
1882 अंतर्राज्यीय – Intrastate an American term that describes something happening within a state or one area – एक अमेरिकी शब्द जो किसी राज्य या एक क्षेत्र के भीतर होने वाली किसी घटना का वर्णन करता है The intrastate highway will not take you over state lines.
1883 संकलन – Compilation a collection – संग्रह A compilation of family photos was on display all across the living room wall.
1884 उपमहाद्वीप – Subcontinent a recognizable area within a continent – किसी महाद्वीप के भीतर एक पहचानने योग्य क्षेत्र Many monsoons and severe weather plagues many countries in the subcontinent of Southeast Asia.
1885 पूंजीपति – Bourgeois characteristic of the social middle class or relating to one who likes to put on airs – सामाजिक मध्यम वर्ग की विशेषता या उस व्यक्ति से संबंधित जो प्रसारण करना पसंद करता है In America, the traditional bourgeois family consists of two parents, two children, and a family pet.
1886 उठा देना – Nullification the action of making something ineffective or null – किसी चीज़ को अप्रभावी या शून्य बनाने की क्रिया The referee’s nullification of the touchdown cost the home team the game.
1887 दृष्टांत – Exemplification the act of providing a sample, illustration or instance – एक नमूना, चित्रण या उदाहरण प्रदान करने का कार्य Lieutenant Sanders was an exemplification for the younger soldiers because he had rescued twenty troops during an attack.
1888 ऊपरवाला – Upstanding honest; respectable – ईमानदार; सम्मानित Known as an upstanding gentleman, many people were shocked that Bill Cosby would be convicted of such terrible crimes against women.
1889 डिज़्नीफाई – Disneyfy to make a place or product more marketable by removing anything that would be considered distasteful or offensive at the expense of culture and history – संस्कृति और इतिहास की कीमत पर अरुचिकर या आपत्तिजनक मानी जाने वाली किसी भी चीज़ को हटाकर किसी स्थान या उत्पाद को अधिक विपणन योग्य बनाना Although it used to be a racy establishment, the owners have decided to disneyfy the bar and make it family friendly.
1890 फिर से संगठित – Reconstruct to rebuild or renovate – पुनर्निर्माण या नवीनीकरण करना Piecing together the night’s events, the detectives tried to reconstruct what really happened.
1891 प्रसुप्त – Dormant not doing anything at this time – इस समय कुछ नहीं कर रहा हूं Since the volcano is dormant right now, you do not have to be concerned about it erupting.
1892 लोग – People referred to persons or individuals together or as one group – व्यक्तियों या व्यक्तियों को एक साथ या एक समूह के रूप में संदर्भित किया जाता है When Kevin walked into the stadium, there were so many people cheering the team on while eating popcorn.
1893 बेहोशी – Syncope loss of consciousness when blood flow is unable to reach the brain to faint – चेतना की हानि जब रक्त प्रवाह मस्तिष्क तक पहुंचने में असमर्थ हो जाता है तो बेहोश हो जाना The swimmer held her breath for too long and experienced syncope.
1894 पंडित – Savant one who knows a great deal about a specific topic – जो किसी विशिष्ट विषय के बारे में बहुत कुछ जानता हो Although Jason is mildly retarded, he is also a chess savant who is considered to be one of the best players in the world.
1895 राहगीर – Passerby a person who happens to be walking by something – वह व्यक्ति जो किसी चीज़ के सहारे चल रहा हो Thankfully, a passerby spotted the raging fire and called 911.
1896 सुपरकैलिफ्रैगिलिस्टिकएक्सपियालिडोसियस – Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious incredible; extremely pleasing – अविश्वसनीय; अत्यंत सुखदायक Because the dinner at the restaurant was supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, I cannot wait to return for my next meal.
1897 गरमागरम – Vivacious to be bubbly and energetic – चुलबुला और ऊर्जावान होना When the vivacious child came through the school’s door on her first day of kindergarten, she spoke with every student and volunteered to do every activity.
1898 चौड़ा – Broad wide in extent or scope – विस्तार या दायरे में व्यापक There was broad agreement on the issue of equal pay for women.
1899 दिल तोड़ने – Heartbreaker a person, story, or event that causes extreme emotional distress or hurt – कोई व्यक्ति, कहानी या घटना जो अत्यधिक भावनात्मक संकट या चोट पहुँचाती है The final second lost during the final game was a heartbreaker for the previously undefeated basketball team.
1900 आरोप – Accusation a charge or claim against someone in which they are accused of doing something wrong or illegal – किसी के विरुद्ध कोई आरोप या दावा जिसमें उन पर कुछ गलत या गैरकानूनी काम करने का आरोप लगाया जाता है The defendant denied the accusation and held firm that he was not guilty.
1901 चतुर – Wily sneaky and calculating – डरपोक और हिसाब-किताब करने वाला The wily cartoon character was always thinking of ways to steal food.
1902 मौन – Silence complete absence of noise or sound – शोर या ध्वनि का पूर्ण अभाव Silence swept over the crowd once talkative crowd, as the speaker prepared to announce the winner.
1903 शुष्क अतर – Potpourri a collection of various things – विभिन्न चीजों का संग्रह New York City is a potpourri of various nationalities and religions.
1904 शांतिप्रिय – Peaceable tending to be free from disagreement and fighting – असहमति और लड़ाई से मुक्त रहने की प्रवृत्ति During the riots, a girl handed over a flower to one of the armed policemen as a peaceable gesture towards the enemy.
1905 जहान – Macrocosm a large unit or system that contains many smaller bodies – एक बड़ी इकाई या प्रणाली जिसमें कई छोटे निकाय होते हैं The global company was a macrocosm headquartered in New York City with smaller entities all over the globe.
1906 प्यासा – Thirsty to be slightly dehydrated or dry – थोड़ा निर्जलित या सूखा होना After running a few miles in the hot sun, the runner became thirsty and grabbed a cup of water from a volunteer during the marathon.
1907 अप्रभावी – Ineffectual incapable of generating the sought after effects – वांछित प्रभाव उत्पन्न करने में असमर्थ Once I realized the medicine was ineffectual, I stopped taking it.
1908 परिश्रमी – Diligent careful in carrying out tasks and duties – कार्यों और कर्तव्यों को पूरा करने में सावधानी बरतें The teacher believes the diligent students will check their answers.
1909 Lagniappe – Lagniappe a small gift given to a customer when purchasing something – कुछ खरीदते समय ग्राहक को दिया जाने वाला एक छोटा सा उपहार As a lagniappe, the department store offered free popcorn and drinks to all its customers.
1910 लैस – Equip to supply someone or something with the necessary items for a specific purpose – किसी विशिष्ट उद्देश्य के लिए किसी व्यक्ति या वस्तु को आवश्यक वस्तुएँ प्रदान करना If you plan on rock climbing, you should probably equip yourself with a harness and the other safety gear needed to stay safe.
1911 बेवफ़ाई – Infidelity the act of being unfaithful to your intimate partner – अपने अंतरंग साथी के प्रति बेवफा होने का कार्य My husband’s infidelity with another woman led me to file for divorce.
1912 वाल्व – Valve a typically cylindrical device that can be opened and closed that is used to direct the flow of liquid or air – एक आम तौर पर बेलनाकार उपकरण जिसे खोला और बंद किया जा सकता है जिसका उपयोग तरल या हवा के प्रवाह को निर्देशित करने के लिए किया जाता है The firefighters connected the hose to the fire hydrant and opened the valve to release the water.
1913 उच्चारण – Pronounced easily noticed; striking – आसानी से देखा जा सकता है; प्रहार Known around the West as “big nose Kate,” Kate Elder’s pronounced snout was one of her most defining features.
1914 प्रचार – Publicity public attention, or something that is within the public eye – जनता का ध्यान, या कुछ ऐसा जो जनता की नज़र में हो If you want more publicity as an author, you will need to work with good publishers to get your name out there for everyone to see.
1915 मिश्रण – Mixture an item made by blending different substances together – विभिन्न पदार्थों को एक साथ मिलाकर बनाई गई वस्तु A mixture of vodka and orange juice is referred to as a screwdriver.
1916 इतिवृत्त – Chronicle a report that describes events in the order in which they occurred – एक रिपोर्ट जो घटनाओं का उनके घटित होने के क्रम में वर्णन करती है When the detective read the chronicle of the attack, he knew how and when the victim died.
1917 रेलगाड़ी – Train to teach or coach – पढ़ाना या प्रशिक्षित करना Some workers have been asked to train the newcomers on how to use the machines.
1918 परिणाम – Consequence something that occurs as a result of an action – कुछ ऐसा जो किसी क्रिया के परिणामस्वरूप घटित होता है My daughter’s consequence for breaking curfew was a loss of her mobile phone privileges for two weeks.
1919 ऋणदाता – Lender one who gives a loan of money to another – वह जो दूसरे को धन उधार देता हो “My mortgage lender requires me to pay $718 per month on my loan or my house might go into foreclosure,” the woman explained to her younger sister.
1920 उदार – Generous displaying a willingness to give more than is expected – अपेक्षा से अधिक देने की इच्छा प्रदर्शित करना The generous old woman decided to donate twenty five dollars to our organization even though we only asked for ten.
1921 निवृत्त करना – Expiate to make up for something – किसी चीज़ की भरपाई करना To expiate for breaking his neighbor’s window, John shoveled snow for three months.
1922 आडंबरपूर्ण – Grandiloquent prone to using sophisticated language in order to impress people – लोगों को प्रभावित करने के लिए परिष्कृत भाषा का प्रयोग करने की प्रवृत्ति रखते हैं Even though Rick did not understand the grandiloquent words, he still used them to impress his wealthy friends.
1923 पुनर्विचार करना – Reconsider to think again or reassess – दोबारा सोचना या पुनर्मूल्यांकन करना The woman hoped her husband would reconsider his decision to divorce her after a nice weekend in Maine.
1924 प्रसार – Proliferation rapid increase in the number or amount of something – किसी चीज की संख्या या मात्रा में तेजी से वृद्धि The doctor explained that proliferation of the cancer cells shows that the cancer is spreading more rapidly than expected.
1925 सेप्पुकू – Seppuku ritual suicide by disembowelment with a sword, formerly practiced in ancient Japan – तलवार से अंग विच्छेद करके आत्महत्या की रस्म, जो पहले प्राचीन जापान में प्रचलित थी If a samurai was defeated in an honorable duel against an opponent, he may choose to commit seppuku on himself as an alternative to the disgrace of defeat.
1926 सिकोड़ी – Frowned made a scowling face to show anger or disappointment – क्रोध या निराशा दिखाने के लिए तमतमाता हुआ चेहरा बनाया The angry girl refused to smile and frowned for every picture her mother took.
1927 रूखापन – Acrimony a sharp and bitter hatred – एक तीखी और कड़वी नफरत Her acrimony for her neighbors manifests itself with shouting and stomping.
1928 विरोधाभास – Paradox a person, thing, or situation that is strange because they have features or qualities that do not normally exist together – कोई व्यक्ति, वस्तु या स्थिति जो अजीब है क्योंकि उनमें ऐसी विशेषताएं या गुण हैं जो आम तौर पर एक साथ मौजूद नहीं होते हैं In a strange paradox, the medicine made Heather sick before it made her better.
1929 खिलाना – Feed to eat or provide food for someone else to eat – किसी और को खाने के लिए खाना खिलाना या उपलब्ध कराना My grandparents were kind enough to feed me and my cousins when we came over to visit, since we hadn’t eaten dinner yet.
1930 पराजयवादी – Defeatist a person who expects or is excessively ready to accept failure – ऐसा व्यक्ति जो असफलता की आशा करता है या उसे स्वीकार करने के लिए अत्यधिक तैयार है A defeatist at heart, the coach didn’t really believe in his team, so he didn’t even push them to go for the win.
1931 अफवाह – Rumor a circulating story or tale that is probably not true – एक प्रचलित कहानी या कहानी जो संभवतः सच नहीं है Allie was embarrassed by the nasty rumor and swore that she wasn’t dating two boys at the same time.
1932 याद दिलानेवाला – Evocation the act of bringing in or recalling a feeling or memory – किसी भावना या स्मृति को लाने या याद करने की क्रिया The vivid evocation of the beach made me feel like I was actually laying on the shore.
1933 आरोप – Accusation a charge or claim that someone has done something illegal or wrong – यह आरोप या दावा कि किसी ने कुछ अवैध या गलत किया है An accusation of murder was made against the man, but there was no evidence to prove he killed his friend.
1934 शक्ति प्रदान करना – Potentiate to increase the power or effect of something, especially medicine – किसी चीज़, विशेषकर औषधि की शक्ति या प्रभाव को बढ़ाना The two medicines prescribed by the doctor tend to potentiate each other and are stronger together than if taken separately.
1935 टर्जसेंट – Turgescent becoming swollen or distended – सूज जाना या फूल जाना After crying for several hours, the widow’s eyes grew puffy and turgescent to the point that she could barely open them.
1936 क्विडनंक – Quidnunc a busybody who always wants to know other people’s business – एक व्यस्त व्यक्ति जो हमेशा दूसरे लोगों के व्यवसाय को जानना चाहता है The town’s biggest quidnunc, Nancy loved to gossip about other people’s personal lives.
1937 मायावी – Elusion the act of escaping or hiding from someone – किसी से भागने या छिपने की क्रिया My cat’s successful elusion is kind of irritating, since I can’t bathe her if I can’t find her around the house.
1938 ख़ूबसूरती – Pulchritude physical beauty – शारीरिक सुंदरता Because we all know that beauty is only skin deep, you should always look beneath the pulchritude on the outside to see what’s going on in a person’s heart and soul.
1939 सम्पर्क-वर्जित – Incommunicado not in a position where one can communicate with other individuals – ऐसी स्थिति में नहीं जहां कोई अन्य व्यक्तियों के साथ संवाद कर सके During our honeymoon, my husband and I will be incommunicado.
1940 बेमायर – Bemire coated or dirtied by dirt or mud – गंदगी या कीचड़ से लेपित या गंदा किया हुआ The young child seemed unaware that trampling through the big mud puddles with her new shoes would bemire them from the puddles’ muck.
1941 चालाक – Crafty cunning and tricky – चालाक और चालाक The crafty wolf was able to trick Little Red Riding Hood into thinking he was Grandmother.
1942 पागल – Crazy suffering from a mental illness or insane – मानसिक रोग से पीड़ित या पागल Because he talks to birds, everyone assumes the homeless man is crazy.
1943 सब मिलाकर – By and large generally; more often than not – आम तौर पर; अधिक से अधिक A new parenting study showed that by and large, there are more stay at home mothers than there are at home dads.
1944 अरबस्क – Arabesque a graceful, Arabian design usually seen in metal, ceramic, or stone that resembles vines and leaves – एक सुंदर, अरबी डिज़ाइन जो आमतौर पर धातु, चीनी मिट्टी या पत्थर में देखा जाता है जो लताओं और पत्तियों जैसा दिखता है Arabesque gates with curving iron doors guarded the entrance into the garden.
1945 सरलता – Ingénue an unsophisticated young woman or girl; a naïve female – एक अपरिष्कृत युवा महिला या लड़की; एक भोली भाली महिला Because the ingénue was incredibly naïve, she believed she would become a movie star as soon as she arrived in Hollywood.
1946 कुलीन – Patrician relating to an individual born into a lofty position or an aristocratic family – किसी ऊंचे पद या कुलीन परिवार में जन्मे व्यक्ति से संबंधित Marcus was born into a patrician family of great wealth.
1947 लूटेरा – Marauder an individual who is constantly looking for something to steal – एक व्यक्ति जो चोरी करने के लिए लगातार कुछ न कुछ ढूंढ रहा है The marauder uses his quick hands to rob people on public buses.
1948 राज-प्रतिनिधि – Regent someone who is selected to control a country due to the king’s lack of ability based on his young age or not having the ability to do so – वह व्यक्ति जिसे राजा की कम उम्र के आधार पर क्षमता की कमी या ऐसा करने की क्षमता न होने के कारण किसी देश पर नियंत्रण करने के लिए चुना जाता है Even though the king turned eighteen, he still referred to the regent in establishing laws for his country.
1949 सभ्यता – Civilization a society that is developed and productive in its resource usage – एक ऐसा समाज जो अपने संसाधनों के उपयोग में विकसित और उत्पादक है The student was thrilled when her professor invited her to join the team that was digging to unearth an early civilization.
1950 पर्याप्त – Sufficient enough; plenty of – पर्याप्त; बहुतायत With careful planning, they had a sufficient amount of food to survive for an entire month.
1951 प्रवृत्त – Prone inclined to act a certain way – एक निश्चित तरीके से कार्य करने के लिए इच्छुक Jack is prone to be quite talkative after he has consumed several beers.
1952 डिपो – Depot a storehouse or warehouse where large quantities of food or supplies are stored – एक भंडारगृह या गोदाम जहां बड़ी मात्रा में भोजन या आपूर्ति संग्रहीत की जाती है Tons of pallets with bulk supplies were sent to the depot to be hoarded for winter.
1953 अलगाव की भावना – Alienation a state of being cut off or separate from a person or group of people – किसी व्यक्ति या लोगों के समूह से कटे या अलग होने की अवस्था The abusive husband’s alienation of his wife caused her to have no contact with her family and friends, often for months at a time.
1954 बड़बड़ाहट – Murmur to express something in a soft tone or a soft sound, often comforting in nature – किसी बात को नरम स्वर या नरम ध्वनि में व्यक्त करना, जो अक्सर प्रकृति में आरामदायक होती है The twins will often murmur to each other to keep their thoughts private.
1955 पैरानॉयड – Paranoid having a mental illness that has strong unrealistic suspiciousness and delusions – एक ऐसी मानसिक बीमारी होना जिसमें तीव्र अवास्तविक संदेह और भ्रम हो Schizophrenic patients will often become paranoid and think that everyone is out to get them.
1956 संवहनी – Vascular a system that transports fluids through a living creature – एक प्रणाली जो जीवित प्राणी के माध्यम से तरल पदार्थ का परिवहन करती है The vascular system is more commonly known as the circulatory system.
1957 Knit – Knit to closely join or combine things/people together – चीजों/लोगों को एक साथ निकटता से जोड़ना या जोड़ना The bride and groom hope that their marriage would knit their families together and end the feud once and for all.
1958 असभ्य – Surly ill-tempered and irritable – गुस्सैल और चिड़चिड़ा The surly man was yelling at the waitress because he didn’t get the right order from the restaurant.
1959 ख़ाकी – Grizzly a type of brown bear that is extremely large and lives in North America – भूरे भालू की एक प्रजाति जो बहुत बड़ी होती है और उत्तरी अमेरिका में रहती है The grizzly bear came into the clearing on its hind legs and roared at the hunters making a run for their truck.
1960 विन्सिबल – Vincible able to be overcome or defeated – परास्त या पराजित होने में सक्षम Although we thought they were vinicble, it turned out that the tribe could not be defeated.
1961 भाषाशास्त्र – Philology the study of historical prose, poetry and linguistic fields – ऐतिहासिक गद्य, कविता और भाषाई क्षेत्रों का अध्ययन After taking my courses in Philology, Literature, Western Civilization and Poetry, I was ready to get my English and History degrees.
1962 बेड़ी – Shackle anything that hinders an individual from doing what he or she wants to do – कुछ भी जो किसी व्यक्ति को वह करने से रोकता है जो वह करना चाहता है The comedian referred to his wife as the shackle that prevented him from being with his dream girl.
1963 अपरिपक्व – Unqualified not having the proper qualities to fulfill a goal or position – किसी लक्ष्य या पद को पूरा करने के लिए उचित गुणों का न होना Considering that Paul has only just now joined the military, he is unqualified to take command of more experienced soldiers.
1964 प्रचुर – Copious large in number or quantity – संख्या या परिमाण में बड़ा To avoid having a hangover, do not drink a copious amount of alcohol.
1965 का वादा – Promising showing signs of future or success or that a situation will turn out positively – भविष्य या सफलता के संकेत दिखाना या कोई स्थिति सकारात्मक रूप से बदल जाएगी Before he injured his knee, the star quarterback was thought to have a promising career in the NFL.
1966 बरामदा – Veranda a covered area outside a house, usually a large porch – घर के बाहर एक ढका हुआ क्षेत्र, आमतौर पर एक बड़ा बरामदा Old southern ladies sit in rocking chairs on the veranda outside their front door and drink sweet tea.
1967 पूर्व छात्रों – Alumni men and women who have graduated from a certain school or university – वे पुरुष और महिलाएं जिन्होंने किसी निश्चित स्कूल या विश्वविद्यालय से स्नातक किया है A homecoming event for Riverdale high school alumni was held, but only a few of the graduated members showed up.
1968 नैतिकतावादी – Puritan a group of strict religious people who came to America in the 16th century – कट्टर धार्मिक लोगों का एक समूह जो 16वीं शताब्दी में अमेरिका आया था Worship was a significant daily aspect in the life of a Puritan with most of their time being devoted to church.
1969 हिनहिनाना – Neigh the sound a horse makes – वह ध्वनि जो घोड़ा निकालता है Whenever anyone would get close to the fence, the horse would neigh to get the attention of its master.
1970 अधिकतम – Maximum the highest amount possible – उच्चतम संभव राशि After the opening of Pandora at Disney World, the park was forced to closed their doors because they had reached the maximum number of guests allowed in the park at one time.
1971 पैंजिया – Pangaea the name of the ancient super-continent that incorporated all of the earth – उस प्राचीन महाद्वीप का नाम जिसमें सारी पृथ्वी सम्मिलित थी Pangaea existed when all of the Earth’s continents were one big continent.
1972 पागलों – Hysterically done with uncontrolled or extreme emotions – अनियंत्रित या अत्यधिक भावनाओं के साथ किया गया Out of the blue, the insane woman began to cackle hysterically.
1973 ढालना – Mold a frame used to form something using pressure – दबाव का उपयोग करके किसी चीज़ को बनाने के लिए उपयोग किया जाने वाला फ़्रेम Each floral mold was used to create cookies that were in a flowerlike shape.
1974 वित्तीय – Financial related to money matters – धन संबंधी मामलों से संबंधित Because of financial problems, the struggling family can no longer waste money on things like going out to eat or to the movies.
1975 गले लगाना – Cuddle to embrace affectionately – स्नेहपूर्वक गले लगाना Wishing she could cuddle him in her arms, the working mother thought about her newborn the whole time she was at the conference.
1976 क्लैम – Clam a type of mollusk that lives in water and has two shells that are hinged together – एक प्रकार का मोलस्क जो पानी में रहता है और उसके दो खोल एक-दूसरे से जुड़े होते हैं The clam was tightly closed, so I knew it was still alive.
1977 ठीक इसी प्रकार से – Ditto that which was stated before, the aforesaid, the above, the same, likewise – जो पहले कहा गया था, पूर्वोक्त, ऊपर, वही, वैसे ही When I took notes for class, I used ditto marks to show repetition.
1978 उल्लिखित करना – Set Forth to begin a trip or journey – कोई यात्रा या यात्रा शुरू करना The heroes would set forth for the lands beyond their realm as soon as they had gathered the supplies they would need.
1979 व्यावसायिकता – Professionalism having and showing competence and skill of a trained specialist – एक प्रशिक्षित विशेषज्ञ की योग्यता और कौशल का होना और प्रदर्शित होना When the nurse cursed at her patient and gave the wrong medication to him, everyone questioned her professionalism.
1980 सूली पर चढ़ाया – Crucifixion an execution by being nailed or tied to an upright cross and left to hang there until dead – कीलों से ठोंककर या सीधे क्रॉस से बाँधकर मृत्युदंड देना और मरने तक वहीं लटके रहना The most famous crucifixion in Christianity included Jesus on a cross with a criminal on either side of him.
1981 गायब हुआ – Disappeared went missing; could no longer be seen or found – गुम गया; अब न तो देखा जा सकता है और न ही पाया जा सकता है Grandmother’s necklace disappeared last week, and no one has seen it since.
1982 शुद्ध बल – Net Force the total amount of force exerted on an object – किसी वस्तु पर लगाए गए बल की कुल मात्रा If you are pushing a cart and there is no resistance, the force you are exerting on that cart is the net force.
1983 मुखर – Vociferous making a loud outcry – जोर से चिल्लाना The protestors were vociferous as they screamed outside of the government building.
1984 वैम – Wham a strike of great force – महान शक्ति का प्रहार The angry wife slammed the door behind her with a satisfying wham.
1985 खोजी कुत्ता – Sleuth a detective or investigator who solves mysteries – एक जासूस या अन्वेषक जो रहस्यों को सुलझाता है Making a name for himself as a hard-hitting detective, the sleuth prides himself on being able to solve cold cases.
1986 मेंढक – Toad a contemptible or otherwise hated individual – एक घृणित या अन्यथा नफरत करने वाला व्यक्ति The traitor Benedict Arnold was a toad through and through, and us true Americans really hate him.
1987 कृदंत – Participle a word formed from a verb that functions as an adjective – क्रिया से बना एक शब्द जो विशेषण के रूप में कार्य करता है In the sentence “The man was happy to see the rising sun,” rising serves as a participle.
1988 कार्यान्वित करना – Carry Out to do something – कुछ करने के लिए I expect all of the men under my command to carry out my orders without dissent or hesitation, acting immediately and without remorse.
1989 एकांतप्रिय – Uncommunicative unwilling to talk or communicate – बात करने या संवाद करने को तैयार नहीं The young boy was found wandering by the police, but he was uncommunicative and wouldn’t respond to questions.
1990 दिशानिर्देश – Guideline official advise or instructions that suggests how something should be done – आधिकारिक सलाह या निर्देश जो सुझाव देते हैं कि कुछ कैसे किया जाना चाहिए A new guideline has been issued to all staff and teachers on what to do if an unknown person enters the school.
1991 चौखट – Jamb a post that forms the side part or upright of a door frame or window frame – एक खंभा जो दरवाजे के फ्रेम या खिड़की के फ्रेम का पार्श्व भाग या सीधा बनता है Because the door jamb was bowed during the break-in, the frame will need to be replaced right away.
1992 अनुशासनात्मक सज़ा – Chastisement the act of scolding or verbally punishing someone – किसी को डांटने या मौखिक रूप से दंडित करने की क्रिया The teacher continued the chastisement of her students, fussing about their bad behavior and rebuking their laziness.
1993 कमज़ोर दिल का आदमी – Weakling a coward who is too afraid and weak – एक कायर जो बहुत डरा हुआ और कमज़ोर है Considered a weakling by his family, Linden wanted to prove that he could stand up for himself and put his cowardly ways behind him.
1994 ढीला – Loose not firmly or tightly in place – मजबूती से या कस कर जगह पर नहीं My pants were a bit loose around my waist, so I needed to find a belt to hold them up before I left the house.
1995 निलंबित – Suspended hung in the air by something – किसी चीज़ से हवा में लटका हुआ We suspended the box in the air by attaching a rope to it and pulling it over a branch.
1996 विषय – Theme a certain topic, idea or subject – एक निश्चित विषय, विचार या विषय This year’s theme at the annual Behavioral Conference in Austin, Texas is cyberbullying since this has become such a major problem recently.
1997 तुलना – Compared measured or judged against something else – किसी और चीज़ के विरुद्ध मापा या आंका गया The frugal shopper compared the prices of the two brands of orange juice to see which one was a better deal.
1998 मुरझाया हुआ – Languorous lazy and lethargic – आलसी और सुस्त The languorous teenager would rather lay in bed playing video games than actually do something constructive.
1999 बेरहम – Merciless cruel and without mercy or pity – क्रूर और दया या दया से रहित The merciless dictator killed everyone that went against his regime.
2000 अज्ञान – Ignorance lack of knowledge; unawareness – ज्ञान की कमी; बेहोशी The woman’s ignorance regarding Hispanic culture led her to assume that everyone who speaks Spanish is Mexican.
  1. Question: How do I greet someone in Hindi?

    • Answer: The common greeting in Hindi is “Namaste,” which translates to “hello” or “welcome” in English.
  2. Question: What is the Hindi equivalent for the English word “meaning”?

    • Answer: The Hindi equivalent for “meaning” is “arth.”
  3. Question: Can you provide examples of basic English words with Hindi meanings?

    • Answer: Certainly! “Water” in English is “paani” in Hindi, and “sun” in English is “surya” in Hindi.
  4. Question: How can I politely make a request in Hindi?

    • Answer: In Hindi, you can use “kripya” to say “please” when making requests or expressing politeness.
  5. Question: What are some commonly used English words with Hindi meanings?

    • Answer: Common words include “good” (accha), “bad” (bura), and “beautiful” (sundar) among others.
  6. Question: How do I say “thank you” in Hindi?

    • Answer: The expression “thank you” in English is translated to “dhanyavaad” in Hindi.
  7. Question: Can you provide an example of a daily-use English word with its Hindi meaning?

    • Answer: Certainly! “House” in English translates to “ghar” in Hindi.
  8. Question: Is there a list of 100 daily use English words with Hindi meanings?

    • Answer: While not listed here, numerous resources provide extensive lists of common English words with their Hindi equivalents.
  9. Question: What is the Hindi word for “food”?

    • Answer: In Hindi, “food” is expressed as “khana,” a term used in daily conversations.

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