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The Most Useful Daily Use Hindi Words With English Meaning 6

  1. Daily use Hindi words with English meaning: The term “Namaste” is commonly used as a greeting, meaning “hello” or “welcome” in English.
  2. Daily word meaning English to Hindi: When translating from English to Hindi, the word “meaning” is equivalent to “arth” in Hindi.
  3. Basic English words Hindi meaning: “Water” in English translates to “paani” in Hindi, a fundamental word used in daily conversations.
  4. Basic English words with Hindi meaning: The English word “sun” is synonymous with “surya” in Hindi, representing the shining celestial body.
  5. Daily English words with Hindi meaning list: A comprehensive list might include “good” (accha), “bad” (bura), and “beautiful” (sundar) among daily-use English words with Hindi meanings.
  6. Daily use English to Hindi words: “Please” in English corresponds to “kripya” in Hindi, a polite term frequently used in requests or expressions of courtesy.
  7. Daily used English words with meaning in Hindi: The word “thank you” in English translates to “dhanyavaad” in Hindi, expressing gratitude and appreciation.
  8. 100 daily use English words with Hindi meaning: Among the commonly used English words, “house” is translated to “ghar” in Hindi.
  9. Basic English words Hindi meaning: In Hindi, “food” is expressed as “khana,” a fundamental term used daily.
5001खुद – Selvesessential beings or personalities of people – लोगों के आवश्यक प्राणी या व्यक्तित्वThe two children seem to always find their selves in trouble when they spend too much time together.
5002गुणवत्ता – Qualitya standard that is used to measure how good or bad something is – एक मानक जिसका उपयोग यह मापने के लिए किया जाता है कि कोई चीज़ कितनी अच्छी या बुरी हैA quality test was performed to see how safe the drinking water is in this area.
5003सलाह – Advicean opinion recommended or offered, as worthy to be followed; counsel – एक राय की सिफारिश या पेशकश की गई, जो पालन करने योग्य हो; वकीलBeatrice hates to take advice from anyone, which is why she is doomed to fail in everything that she does.
5004यमक – Puna joke that makes use of one word with multiple meanings or words that sound the same but have different meanings – एक चुटकुला जिसमें एक शब्द का कई अर्थों में उपयोग किया जाता है या ऐसे शब्द जो सुनने में एक जैसे लगते हैं लेकिन उनके अर्थ अलग-अलग होते हैंAn example of a pun is ‘a bicycle can’t stand on its own because it’s two-tired,’ a joke that makes me groan every time I hear it.
5005बाग़ी – Recusantsomeone who declines to obey authority – कोई व्यक्ति जो अधिकार का पालन करने से इनकार करता हैWhen the recusant would not give details of the whereabout of her child, the judge ordered the woman to jail.
5006लायक़ – Tenableable to be protected or maintained – संरक्षित या बनाए रखने में सक्षमIf the student maintains a certain grade point average, then the scholarship is tenable for four years.
5007बहुमत – Majoritythe greater percentage of the whole – कुल का अधिक प्रतिशतWinners of talent shows like American Idol are decided by a majority vote.
5008नामुकम्मल – Snippyused to describe rude behavior or communication that is brief or curt – अशिष्ट व्यवहार या संचार का वर्णन करने के लिए उपयोग किया जाता है जो संक्षिप्त या संक्षिप्त होता हैLydia’s snippy attitude when answering the phone caused customers to complain about her rudeness to the manager.
5009निवेश – Investedput one’s money, time, or resources into in hopes of a return – रिटर्न की उम्मीद में अपना पैसा, समय या संसाधन लगानाElijah invested several thousand dollars in the stock market, hoping that he would get a significant return.
5010निरस्त करें $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push([“8f1244f6-5306-4bbe-9562-fc5ef7966ac2”]); }) पिछला शब्द अगला शब्द – Abort   $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push([“8f1244f6-5306-4bbe-9562-fc5ef7966ac2”]); }) Prev Word Next Wordto stop something from happening any longer; to discontinue – किसी चीज़ को अब और घटित होने से रोकना; बंद करनाThe law allows women to abort an early-stage pregnancy.
5011तकिया – Cushiona plush pillow or pad that is used for sleeping, sitting or support – एक आलीशान तकिया या पैड जिसका उपयोग सोने, बैठने या सहारा देने के लिए किया जाता हैReplacing the rocking chair’s cushion helped the nursing mother be more comfortable while feeding her newborn.
5012विशेषज्ञता – Expertisethe knowledge held by one who is an expert in something – किसी ऐसे व्यक्ति के पास मौजूद ज्ञान जो किसी चीज़ में विशेषज्ञ होKurt’s computer expertise earned him a high-paying job.
5013एमेरिटस – Emeritusretaining a title of honor after retirement – सेवानिवृत्ति के बाद सम्मान की उपाधि बरकरार रखनाBarack Obama is the emeritus President of the United States.
5014आशा से – Admittedlycertainly; definitely – निश्चित रूप से; निश्चित रूप सेThe joke was admittedly risky but the crowd didn’t seem to mind much.
5015टीका – Vaccinea special substance that is made of a weakened virus or disease that is used to prevent them from getting the actual illness – एक विशेष पदार्थ जो कमजोर वायरस या बीमारी से बना होता है जिसका उपयोग उन्हें वास्तविक बीमारी से बचाने के लिए किया जाता हैThe very first vaccine was created by a scientist looking for a substance that would prevent people from getting smallpox.
5016पलकें झपकाईं – Blinkedclosed one’s eyes for a moment, usually involuntarily – एक पल के लिए अपनी आँखें बंद कर लीं, आमतौर पर अनजाने मेंTia blinked in the bright sunlight, blinded momentarily by the bright rays.
5017लाइमरेंस – Limerencethe overwhelming need to be with or receive similar feelings from another person that manifests in physical trembling and pain when the other person is not around. Beyond simple infatuation or lust – किसी अन्य व्यक्ति के साथ रहने या उससे समान भावनाएं प्राप्त करने की अत्यधिक आवश्यकता जो शारीरिक कंपकंपी और दर्द में प्रकट होती है जब दूसरा व्यक्ति आसपास नहीं होता है। साधारण मोह या वासना से परेWhen Romeo first laid eyes on Juliet, he was struck with such limerence that his need for her became like a drug that could only be satisfied by returned feelings.
5018पैक्ड – Packedcrowded; overfilled – भीड़-भाड़ वाला; जरूरत से ज्यादा भर गयाThe concert hall was a packed house, causing some ticket holders to be turned away at the door.
5019टर्नकी – Turnkeyrelated to the provision of a service or product that can be used immediately – किसी सेवा या उत्पाद के प्रावधान से संबंधित जिसका तुरंत उपयोग किया जा सकता हैGeneral stores are turnkey enterprises, specializing in selling goods that can be used immediately, from clothes to electronics and food.
5020फोड़ना – Burstto explode suddenly – अचानक विस्फोट होनाRocks falling down during the landslide burst apart, breaking into a million pieces.
5021जल्द – Exigentdemanding or pressing – माँगना या दबाव डालनाMy dad has always been an exigent man, asking ridiculous things of me that I’m not capable of doing.
5022गैर प्रकटीकरण – Nondisclosurenot telling or exposing information – जानकारी न बताना या उजागर न करनाAs a nondisclosure state, New Mexico has laws that do not allow the price paid for a property to be revealed publicly.
5023तरह तरह का – Multifoldnumerous; varied – बहुत; विभिन्नInterest in the robotics competition was multifold, with many different groups applying for entry.
5024कलँगी – Panachea showy self-assured manner or style – एक दिखावटी आत्मविश्वासी ढंग या शैलीAs a master chef, Gordon executes each dish with panache.
5025अवेकन – Awakento wake up from sleep – नींद से जागनाBecause the ringer was off on Clint’s phone, the alarm wasn’t able to awaken him this morning.
5026प्रचलन – Voguea trend or largely admired fad – एक प्रवृत्ति या बड़े पैमाने पर प्रशंसित सनकWhen the most popular girl in school wore her hair differently, a new vogue took place the next day when everyone was wear that same hairstyle.
5027टुकड़े टुकड़े में – Laminateto cover a flat surface (especially paper) with a layer of plastic for protection – सुरक्षा के लिए समतल सतह (विशेषकर कागज) को प्लास्टिक की परत से ढकनाIt is quite common to laminate important documents, like IDs and driver’s licenses, so they aren’t damaged.
5028विशाल – Giganticreally big in size – वास्तव में आकार में बड़ाThe gigantic elephant is the largest land animal on earth.
5029सूक्ष्मता – Subtletythe quality or state of being so delicate or precise that it is difficult to analyze or describe – इतनी नाजुक या सटीक होने की गुणवत्ता या अवस्था कि इसका विश्लेषण या वर्णन करना मुश्किल हैThe subtlety of the light perfume made it just delicate enough for everyday wear.
5030श्रुतिमधुर – Euphonious(of a sound or noise) pleasing to the ear – (किसी ध्वनि या शोर का) कान को प्रसन्न करने वालाWind chimes are one of the most euphonious sounds I can think of, and they always make me think of peaceful times.
5031काटना – Obliterateto destroy – ध्वंस करनाThe dictator’s army is going to obliterate the rebel’s small village in less than five minutes.
5032लेना – Taketo grab or seize something from its place – किसी चीज को उसके स्थान से छीनना या जब्त करनाWhen we take candy from the jar, my mom hears me and tells me to put it back.
5033कदम रखा – Steppedmoved one’s feet in an up and down motion in order to walk – चलने के लिए अपने पैरों को ऊपर-नीचे हिलानाThe scared woman stepped quickly, hurrying out of the dark alleyway and into the busy street.
5034सदृश्य – Akinsimilar in nature – प्रकृति में समानFor Elizabeth, divorcing her ninth husband was akin to throwing out old shoes and buying a new pair.
5035नेविगेट – Navigateto direct a route – एक मार्ग निर्देशित करने के लिएChristopher Columbus would navigate his ship across the Atlantic Ocean to an unknown land.
5036बाल खड़े – Bristleto display indications of being angry – क्रोधित होने के संकेत प्रदर्शित करनाAn honest man will bristle at the suggestion of taking something that doesn’t belong to him.
5037सहलाना – Raspan unpleasant sound, such as a rough surface being rubbed – एक अप्रिय ध्वनि, जैसे किसी खुरदरी सतह को रगड़नाThe nasal rasp of the woman’s voice irritated those listening to her speak.
5038मरणासन्न – Moribundbeing in the state of dying – मरने की स्थिति में होनाBecause the wounded man has lost a great deal of blood, he is moribund and probably will not make it through the night.
5039एथेन्स् का दुर्ग – Acropolisa stronghold or sanctuary used for defensive and religious purposes in ancient Grecian cities – प्राचीन यूनानी शहरों में रक्षात्मक और धार्मिक उद्देश्यों के लिए उपयोग किया जाने वाला एक गढ़ या अभयारण्यIn the middle of the city, an acropolis of stone walls was erected to act as a shelter during times of war.
5040टर्की – Turkeya large, North American game bird that is bald with red wattles and is served on Holidays such as Thanksgiving and Christmas – एक बड़ा, उत्तरी अमेरिकी खेल पक्षी जो लाल बालों से गंजा होता है और थैंक्सगिविंग और क्रिसमस जैसी छुट्टियों पर परोसा जाता हैThe only time my family gets to eat delicious turkey meat is on special occasions.
5041प्रचार – Declareto make an official statement – एक आधिकारिक बयान देने के लिएPeople speculate the candidate will declare an end to his campaign because of the massive drop in his poll numbers.
5042बलवान – Sinewypowerful and sturdy – शक्तिशाली और मजबूतThree sinewy men were able to lift the tree off the car.
5043डाक-घर की मुहर लगाना – Postmarkan official stamp that gives the time, place, and date of a package’s posting – एक आधिकारिक मोहर जो पैकेज की पोस्टिंग का समय, स्थान और तारीख बताती हैA postmark on a package will tell you where it was shipped from.
5044उज्ज्वल – Lambentrefers to the glowing and flickering of a fire – आग की चमक और टिमटिमाहट को संदर्भित करता हैA lambent glow flickered from the low burning campfire.
5045औजार – Toola device or implement that is used to accomplish a task or function more easily – एक उपकरण या कार्यान्वयन जिसका उपयोग किसी कार्य या कार्य को अधिक आसानी से पूरा करने के लिए किया जाता हैWhile there are many ways you can put a nail into a piece of wood, it is far easier to do it with an appropriate tool like a hammer.
5046कड़वा बनाना – Embitterto make someone resentful or bitter – किसी को नाराज या कड़वा बनानाThe overwhelming defeat our team faced during the game served to embitter every single one of us.
5047विषैला – Venomousof animals, especially snakes, or their parts secreting venom; capable of injecting venom by means of a bite or sting – जानवरों का, विशेषकर साँपों का, या उनके ज़हर स्रावित करने वाले अंगों का; काटने या डंक द्वारा जहर इंजेक्ट करने में सक्षमThe park ranger warned the campers to watch out for venomous snakes.
5048इल्लुमिनाति – Illuminatia group of people, especially a secret society, claiming to possess special enlightenment or knowledge – लोगों का एक समूह, विशेष रूप से एक गुप्त समाज, जो विशेष ज्ञान या ज्ञान रखने का दावा करता हैThe Illuminati met in a secret room, discussing the path to enlightenment and ways to separate themselves from organized religion.
5049हिम्मतवाला – Adventuresomeadventurous or prone to going on adventures – साहसी या रोमांच पर जाने की प्रवृत्ति वालाMy adventuresome friend is constantly looking for ways to explore new places, see new things, and meet new people.
5050भविष्यव्दाणी – Bodebeing a predictor of a specific result or outcome – किसी विशिष्ट परिणाम या नतीजे का भविष्यवक्ता होनाThe harsh reviews do not bode kindly on the playwright’s latest stage production.
5051निशानेबाज़ी – Marksmanshipthe skill or ability to shoot at a target accurately – किसी लक्ष्य पर सटीक निशाना लगाने की कुशलता या क्षमताKnown for her marksmanship, Annie Oakley of the Wild West won her first shooting contest when she was just eight years old.
5052जिंजर – Zingera surprising or shocking piece of news – कोई आश्चर्यजनक या चौंका देने वाली खबरThe writer included a zinger to surprise the reader at the end of the novel.
5053धोखा देना – Deceiveto mislead or trick – गुमराह करना या बरगलानाThe married man tried to deceive the women at the bar by taking off his wedding band.
5054पत्र – Epistlea formal printed communication; a written note or letter – एक औपचारिक मुद्रित संचार; एक लिखित नोट या पत्रThe epistle from the court ordered me to appear as a possible juror.
5055पूरा खुलासा – Full disclosureprinciple under which all material facts regarding a case or event must be revealed or released – सिद्धांत जिसके तहत किसी मामले या घटना से संबंधित सभी भौतिक तथ्य प्रकट या जारी किए जाने चाहिएBecause of full disclosure policy, the doctor had to inform the patient of all of the medicine’s risks.
5056स्पष्टवादिता – Candorthe state or quality of being frank, open, and sincere in speech or expression – भाषण या अभिव्यक्ति में स्पष्ट, खुला और ईमानदार होने की अवस्था या गुणBecause the realtor was an honest woman, she replied with candor about the damage to the house.
5057पेस्केटेरियन – Pescatariana vegetarian who does eat fish – एक शाकाहारी जो मछली खाता हैSince the restaurant only served salmon other than its beef and pork dishes, the pescatarian ordered the Salmon meal.
5058सरोगेट – Surrogatea substitute (usually of a person, position or role) – एक विकल्प (आमतौर पर किसी व्यक्ति, पद या भूमिका का)Because the couple was unable to conceive, they decided to have a surrogate carry their child.
5059सवैदा – Ayea synonym for yes that is used to express agreement or approval – हाँ का पर्यायवाची शब्द जिसका प्रयोग सहमति या अनुमोदन व्यक्त करने के लिए किया जाता हैThe senator signaled his aye vote by raising his hand.
5060मोलिकता – Originalitythe uniqueness or being first for something – किसी चीज़ के लिए विशिष्टता या प्रथम होनाDue to the originality of the chef’s creations, the judges had never tasted anything like this dish before.
5061आदर्श – Paradigma typical example or model of something – किसी चीज़ का एक विशिष्ट उदाहरण या मॉडलHandsome, intelligent, and kind, Trent is the paradigm of the perfect man.
5062ताना – Persiflagedialogue that is joking and playful – संवाद जो मज़ाकिया और चंचल हैSince you used persiflage, I knew you were joking about my appearance.
5063ज़िम्मेदारी – Responsibilitythe condition of being accountable for something – किसी चीज़ के लिए जवाबदेह होने की स्थितिDue to the lighting store having so many breakable items, parents must take responsibility if their children break something.
5064परिवर्णी शब्द – Acronyma term created out of the first letters of a multi-word phrase – बहु-शब्द वाक्यांश के पहले अक्षरों से बना एक शब्दIn history class, the students learned the acronym NATO stands for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
5065रोका – Preventedstopped from happening or occurring – घटित होने या घटित होने से रुका हुआAn outbreak of the deadly disease was prevented when the government quarantined the infected people.
5066ब्लॉग – Blogto add updated information to an online website (blog) that contains personal opinions and comments – किसी ऑनलाइन वेबसाइट (ब्लॉग) में अद्यतन जानकारी जोड़ने के लिए जिसमें व्यक्तिगत राय और टिप्पणियाँ होंLisa likes to blog about cooking, so most of the content she adds to her website is recipes.
5067घमंडी – Domineeringbossy – गौTurned off by her date’s controlling and domineering attitude, the offended woman motioned for the check.
5068प्रसिद्ध – Famouswell-known; famed – प्रसिद्ध; प्रसिद्धThe chef became so famous for her meals that she was given her own cooking show.
5069गंभीर – Sobersober means solemn, serious, and sensitive – सोबर का अर्थ है गंभीर, गंभीर और संवेदनशीलAfter the scary accident, I was puzzled by the driver’s sober demeanor.
5070जिम्मेदार – Responsiblehaving control and authority over something while being accountable for its protection or outcome – किसी चीज़ पर नियंत्रण और अधिकार रखते हुए उसकी सुरक्षा या परिणाम के लिए जवाबदेह होनाElizabeth is responsible for cooking Christmas dinner and I am in charge of the decorations.
5071अकल्पनीय – Unperceivednot noticed or recognized by the senses (sight, smell, taste, touch, hearing.) – इंद्रियों (दृष्टि, गंध, स्वाद, स्पर्श, श्रवण) द्वारा देखा या पहचाना नहीं गया।The smell of the fire blazing through their home went unperceived by the sleeping family.
5072फै़शनवाला – Modishfashionable or stylish in a modern way – आधुनिक तरीके से फैशनेबल या स्टाइलिशThe contemporary art lover prefers modish pieces over traditional pieces from the past.
5073परिस्थिति का शिकार – Victim of circumstancea person who has suffered at the hands of someone else or a situation that is out of their control – वह व्यक्ति जो किसी अन्य के हाथों पीड़ित हुआ हो या ऐसी स्थिति जो उसके नियंत्रण से बाहर होA victim of circumstance, the murder target was simply at the wrong place at the wrong time.
5074पुन: भेज – Resentto express displeasure for – के लिए नाराजगी व्यक्त करने के लिएRather than resent others for having what you desire, work hard to get what you want.
5075बातूनी – Talkativesomeone who likes to speak a great deal – कोई ऐसा व्यक्ति जिसे बोलना बहुत पसंद होJessica’s best friend was extremely talkative and rarely paused to catch her breath between sentences.
5076भुगतान – Paymentthe amount paid or installment of something owed – भुगतान की गई राशि या किसी बकाया चीज़ की किस्तI only owe one more payment on my car loan, and then my debt will be paid in full.
5077चमक – Sheena quality of things with a smooth and shiny surface – चिकनी और चमकदार सतह वाली चीज़ों की गुणवत्ताI didn’t want the counter to have a shiny look, so I covered it with a paint with less sheen.
5078सदमा – Traumaa deeply distressing experience than can cause someone long term emotional pain – यह एक अत्यंत कष्टकारी अनुभव है जो किसी को दीर्घकालिक भावनात्मक पीड़ा पहुंचा सकता हैThe trauma of living in a concentration camp was a suffering that the survivors couldn’t get over easily.
5079सामयिक – Topicalup to date and relevant to current events – अद्यतित और समसामयिक घटनाओं के लिए प्रासंगिकPolice shootings of unarmed citizens is a topical issue that is relevant to communities around the country in 2018.
5080प्लेसमेंट – Placementlocation for an assignment – किसी असाइनमेंट के लिए स्थानSally’s next placement for her sales project was in Minneapolis for her to sell the company’s products for the next ten weeks.
5081तीक्ष्णता – Acutenesssharpness; insight – तीक्ष्णता; अंतर्दृष्टिThe boy’s acuteness made him an excellent chess player.
5082राग – Melodya simple tune that sounds harmoniously – एक सरल धुन जो सुरीली लगती हैWhen the singer sang the song, her voice belted out the beautiful lyrics against the backdrop of the melody.
5083दया – Pitysorrow or sympathy – दुःख या सहानुभूतिI feel pity for the homeless people who don’t have a warm place to sleep in the winter.
5084गोलमोल बातें करना – Equivocatingusing vague information to avoid answering a question truthfully – किसी प्रश्न का सच्चाई से उत्तर देने से बचने के लिए अस्पष्ट जानकारी का उपयोग करनाInstead of answering the question truthfully, the equivocating press secretary began to talk in circles.
5085मुक्त इच्छा – Freewillthe ability to act freely and at one’s own discretion – स्वतंत्र रूप से और अपने विवेक से कार्य करने की क्षमताFreewill donations were given by those wanting to contribute to the fund from the bottoms of their own hearts.
5086अस्थिर – Unstintinggenerously giving – उदारतापूर्वक दे रहा हूँThe man showed his unstinting support of the business by writing several checks during hard times.
5087झाड़ी – Thicketa very dense group of trees or bushes – पेड़ों या झाड़ियों का बहुत घना समूहMoving through the dense thicket, the explorers could barely see through the trees.
5088युद्ध – Wara state of conflict between two countries or groups of people – दो देशों या लोगों के समूहों के बीच संघर्ष की स्थितिAfter our country was attacked with a missile, we decided to go to war against our enemy.
5089गैर जिम्मेदार – Irresponsibledescribes someone that does not show a sense of responsibility or obligation – किसी ऐसे व्यक्ति का वर्णन करता है जो जिम्मेदारी या दायित्व की भावना नहीं दिखाता हैMy irresponsible cousin has a ton of homework to do, but he has decided to sleep in late and play games instead of doing it.
5090ओर्वेलियाई – Orwelliana dystopian, imperfect world under a supposedly perfect guise – एक तथाकथित आदर्श आड़ में एक मनहूस, अपूर्ण दुनियाIn an Orwellian society, a world that is supposed to be perfect is actually horrendous and corrupt.
5091सूक्ष्मता – Thoroughnessgreat care or attention to detail when doing something – कुछ करते समय विस्तार पर बहुत अधिक ध्यान या ध्यान देनाBecause the job is delicate, I had to complete it with great thoroughness to ensure that I did it correctly.
5092अनुकूलित करें – Customizeto adapt something to fit the needs – आवश्यकताओं के अनुरूप किसी चीज़ को अनुकूलित करनाSince the standard cabinets would not fit into the new house, the company decided to customize the cabinets to fit into that space.
5093खंडन – Refuteto prove wrong by argument or evidence – तर्क या साक्ष्य द्वारा ग़लत साबित करनाThe evidence provided by the prosecutor will refute the defendant’s claim of innocence.
5094सुलगता हुआ – Smolderto burn with no flame and little smoke; to have strong restrained feelings – बिना किसी लौ और थोड़े धुएँ के जलना; मजबूत संयमित भावनाएँ रखनाAfter we extinguished the bonfire, it continued to smolder for a long time.
5095एस्टाउन्डिंग – AstoundingSurprising; Amazing – चौंका देने वाला; अद्भुतKanye West’s astounding 53 million dollar debt took the world by surprise when the numbers were leaked.
5096रोग – Ailmenta minor illness or sickness – कोई छोटी-मोटी बीमारी या बीमारीThe boy faked an ailment so that he could stay home and not go to school.
5097दावे – Professto make claims about yourself that other people do not believe – अपने बारे में ऐसे दावे करना जिन पर दूसरे लोग विश्वास नहीं करतेAlthough Mitch wrote a ballad to profess his love for Cara, he knew his words would not be taken seriously.
5098कपड़ा – Habilimentclothing – कपड़ेUnlike my sister, who cares about fashion, my habiliment is always focused on what makes me the most comfortable.
5099प्रीतिकर – Endearingbringing forth feelings of love and affection – प्यार और स्नेह की भावनाओं को सामने लानाAt the beginning of their relationship, the enamored teens would write endearing love notes to each other every day.
5100स्थान लेने योग्य – Replaceableexpendable; consumable – खर्च करने योग्य; उपभोज्यThankfully, the parts on the broken washing machine are easily replaceable and won’t require a repairman.
5101परिणत – Transmuteto change or alter appearance or form – रूप या रूप बदलना या परिवर्तित करनाAfter years of therapy, the woman was able to transmute her negative thoughts into positive ones.
5102सैलाब किया हुआ – Waterloggedsaturated or full with water – पानी से संतृप्त या भरा हुआHaving crashed into the river, the waterlogged car would have to be pulled out by a tow truck.
5103हठी – Obdurateunmoved by persuasion, pity, or tender feelings; stubborn – अनुनय, दया, या कोमल भावनाओं से अप्रभावित; जिद्दीAlthough the hurricane was rapidly coming their way, the townspeople were obdurate and did not leave their homes.
5104पेट – Tummythe stomach or belly area – पेट या उदर क्षेत्रBecause he was so hungry, the homeless man’s tummy growled and roared loudly.
5105आवर्धक – Magnifyto boost or enhance something, making it appear larger – किसी चीज़ को बढ़ाना या बढ़ाना, जिससे वह बड़ी दिखाई देMy sister is an exaggerator who likes to magnify even the smallest symptoms when she is sick.
5106अविवेकी – Inconsideratenot considerate of others, thoughtless – दूसरों का विचार न करना, विचारहीनIt is inconsiderate to leave a mess for someone else to clean up.
5107साहुल – Plumbstraight and vertical – सीधा और ऊर्ध्वाधरWhen cutting her client’s hair into a bob, Missy made sure it was plumb all the way across.
5108डरा हुआ – Scaredfearful or frightened – डरा हुआ या डरा हुआMy dog is scared of thunder, often hiding in his bed when there is a thunderstorm going on.
5109थोड़ा सा – Dashto run somewhere in a hurry – जल्दी से कहीं भागनाTristan was able to dash through the crowd, moving so quickly that she wasn’t late for her meeting.
5110नाराज – Incenseddisplaying or feeling strong anger – तीव्र क्रोध प्रदर्शित करना या महसूस करनाThe incensed customer demanded a refund for the torn dress.
5111अपने आप को – Yourselfa word used by a speaker or writer to refer to the person being addressed as the object of the verb – किसी वक्ता या लेखक द्वारा क्रिया की वस्तु के रूप में संबोधित किए जाने वाले व्यक्ति को संदर्भित करने के लिए उपयोग किया जाने वाला शब्दThe speaker that it is important to do most of the work yourself instead of hiring someone else.
5112बाप का नाम – Patronymicpertaining to the father’s or male relative’s name – पिता या पुरुष रिश्तेदार के नाम से संबंधितAfter many arguments, the expecting couple finally decided to use a patronymic name which made her husband happy.
5113उलझन में – Skepticalhaving reservations or doubts about something – किसी चीज़ के बारे में आपत्ति या संदेह होनाAlthough the car salesman assured us that the used SUV wasn’t a lemon, my skeptical mother was hesitant to believe him.
5114अभिशप्त – Banefuldestructive or harmful – विनाशकारी या हानिकारकIf not cooked properly, the fish can be baneful to humans.
5115पेशी – Sinewsturdy tissue that links bones to muscles; also referred to as a tendon – मजबूत ऊतक जो हड्डियों को मांसपेशियों से जोड़ता है; इसे कण्डरा भी कहा जाता हैBy injuring your Achilles tendon, you’ve injured a sinew in your leg that links the muscles of your calf to your heel.
5116विभाजित करना – Divideto split or separate something into two or more parts or groups – किसी चीज़ को दो या दो से अधिक भागों या समूहों में बाँटना या अलग करनाI am in love with books and have to divide my day into house chores, time to write and time to read.
5117मेहमाननवाज़ – Hospitablewelcoming and warm to visitors – आगंतुकों का स्वागत और गर्मजोशी से स्वागत करनाThe hospitable host of the bed and breakfast opens the front door for each of her guests.
5118बदला हुआ – Changedaltered; made different – परिवर्तित; अलग बनायाAlthough she changed her original classes to a few different courses, the student still wasn’t happy with her altered schedule.
5119आमना-सामना – Confrontationthe act of confronting or challenging another especially face to face – किसी दूसरे का विशेष रूप से आमने-सामने सामना करने या चुनौती देने की क्रियाShe had a heated confrontation with her parents over homework.
5120अधिकारी – Entitledto give an individual rights or privileges – किसी व्यक्तिगत अधिकार या विशेषाधिकार देनाThe rich girl thought she was entitled to break the law without consequences.
5121प्रतिबद्ध – Committo make one’s self obliged to do something or bound to a promise – अपने आप को कुछ करने के लिए बाध्य करना या किसी वादे के लिए बाध्य करनाThe man regretted his decision to commit himself to marriage and wished he had never taken his vows.
5122रूले – Roulettea gambling game in which players bet on which compartment of a revolving wheel that a small ball will land in – एक जुआ खेल जिसमें खिलाड़ी शर्त लगाते हैं कि घूमने वाले पहिये के किस डिब्बे में एक छोटी गेंद गिरेगीAs the ball spun around the roulette wheel, the gamblers bet on which number it would land in.
5123शाहबलूत – Chestnuta hard brown nut with a glossy covering that can be roasted and eaten – चमकदार आवरण वाला एक सख्त भूरे रंग का अखरोट जिसे भूनकर खाया जा सकता हैAs they roasted their last chestnut by the open fire, the couple began to snuggle and nibble on the remaining nuts.
5124पुनर्जन्म – Reincarnationthe act of being reborn in a new form or body – नये रूप या शरीर में पुनर्जन्म होने की क्रिया या भावIf you accept the idea of reincarnation, you believe a person’s spirit will leave its deceased form and step into a living vessel.
5125गुप्त – Secretivedescribes someone who hides their intentions, thoughts, and actions from other people – किसी ऐसे व्यक्ति का वर्णन करता है जो अपने इरादों, विचारों और कार्यों को अन्य लोगों से छुपाता हैSecretive sorority sisters whispered in the hallway about new pledges and upcoming events.
5126सजावटी – Ornamentalserving or intended as an ornament or decoration – आभूषण या सजावट के रूप में सेवा या इरादाThe metal eagle on the front of my Dad’s car is ornamental, not serving any purpose but looking pretty nice.
5127उत्तेजित होना – Undulatemove with a smooth wavelike motion – एक सहज तरंग जैसी गति के साथ आगे बढ़ेंThe dancers’ movements were arranged so that they seemed to undulate like dolphins with the music.
5128पूरा करना – Satiateto satisfy fully – पूरी तरह से संतुष्ट करने के लिएHopefully this feast I am preparing will satiate your hunger.
5129मंज़ूर किया गया – Grantedallowed; approved – अनुमत; अनुमतThe prison warden granted the inmate a furlough, allowing him to leave the jail for a weekend when his mother died.
5130समीप – Nighnear in place, time, or relationship – स्थान, समय या रिश्ते में निकटAs midnight drew nigh, Cinderella realized that she would have to leave the ball and hurry home.
5131नियमितता – Regularitypredictability; constancy – पूर्वानुमेयता; भक्तिThe king’s regularity made him an easy assassination target for cutthroats who could predict his whereabouts.
5132दृष्टि – Visionthe ability to see – देखने की क्षमताGlasses help my vision improve and allow me to see far away.
5133झपटना – Grabto take hold of something – किसी चीज़ पर कब्ज़ा करनाFalling from the cliff, the mountain climber tried to grab the ledge but had not grip.
5134अवहेलना – OverrideTo use one’s authority to cancel or overrule the action or decision of another – किसी दूसरे के कार्य या निर्णय को रद्द या अस्वीकार करने के लिए अपने अधिकार का उपयोग करनाA manager is needed to override the transaction if the clerk makes a mistake.
5135आपत्ति करनेवाला – Protesteran activist or picketer – एक कार्यकर्ता या धरना देने वालाOutside of the chicken factory, a protester from PETA marched with signs yelling for these chickens to be treated humanely.
5136ज़हरज्ञान – Toxicologythe scientific study of fatal substances – घातक पदार्थों का वैज्ञानिक अध्ययनA few months after the autopsy, the toxicology report showed that the deceased woman had large amounts of cyanide in her system.
5137संतुलित – Balancedstable; equalized – स्थिर; EqualizedBecky’s balanced diet consisted of equal portions of meat, veggies, and fruits.
5138श्यानता – Viscositythe thickness of a liquid or its resistance to movement – किसी तरल पदार्थ की मोटाई या उसकी गति के प्रति प्रतिरोधThe syrup flows slowly from the bottle because of its viscosity.
5139अणु – Moleculea group of atoms that are bonded together – परमाणुओं का एक समूह जो एक साथ बंधे होते हैंWhen two atoms join together, a small molecule is created.
5140अंदर – Withininside of – का भीतरWhen the target is within striking distance, we will pull the trigger.
5141लाला लल्ला लोरी – Lullabya gentle song sang quietly to put a child to sleep – एक बच्चे को सुलाने के लिए चुपचाप गाया गया एक सौम्य गीतThe infant’s mother sang her Hush Little Baby every night, so it quickly became the child’s favorite lullaby.
5142शामिल – Encompassesto include or comprise something – किसी चीज़ को शामिल करना या समाविष्ट करनाEmily’s job encompasses a wide range of tasks and responsibilities.
5143अभारग्रस्त – Unencumberedfree of to move forward or advance – आगे बढ़ने या आगे बढ़ने के लिए स्वतंत्रBecause she had her official transcripts, the woman was unencumbered to move on to any college she wanted.
5144लक्ष्यहीन – Aimlessworthless or purposeless – बेकार या उद्देश्यहीनThe irresponsible and careless adult was living an aimless life by living at home with his parents without trying to get a job.
5145प्रबंधित – Managedwas in charge of; oversaw – का प्रभारी था; का निरीक्षण कियाTerrence managed several different departments in the company, supervising over 100s of employees over the years.
5146प्रभावित – Impressionableswayed easily – आसानी से बह गएIt was easy for the older boys to convince the impressionable young boy to shoplift.
5147गरीब – Impoverishedwiped out financially; poor – आर्थिक रूप से नष्ट हो गया; गरीबThe impoverished girl knew she did not have enough money to attend college.
5148ध्यान दिए बगैर – Regardlessdespite the circumstance or conditions – परिस्थिति या शर्तों के बावजूदRegardless of the weather, I plan on having my birthday party outside tomorrow.
5149नौसिखिए – Noviceinexperienced – अनुभवहीनThe bike race is only for novice riders who have never participated in a professional race.
5150आलूबुखारा – Pluman oval-shaped reddish-purple colored fruit – एक अंडाकार आकार का लाल-बैंगनी रंग का फलWhen I ate a plum, the maroon colored skin stained my fingers.
5151वज़न – Weightthe heaviness of something, specifically its mass – किसी चीज़ का भारीपन, विशेषकर उसका द्रव्यमानAfter losing weight, I could fit into a much smaller swim suit.
5152सराहनीय – Meritoriousdeserving of rewards or praise – पुरस्कार या प्रशंसा का पात्रOf all his achievements, winning the gold medal was definitely his most meritorious.
5153गढ़ना – Concoctto make something using cleverness or ability – चतुराई या योग्यता से कुछ बनानाMy mother is a talented chef who can concoct a gourmet meal out of sandwich meats.
5154लाड़ प्यार करना – Coddleto treat gently or with great care – धीरे से या बहुत सावधानी से व्यवहार करनाThe babysitter realized that she couldn’t coddle the children because they started to ignore her commands.
5155संकेत – Signto write or inscribe something – कुछ लिखना या अंकित करनाTo buy the home, the couple had to sign their names in pen on several pieces of paper.
5156सामान्य – Normalizeto adhere to the common or regular ways – सामान्य या नियमित तरीकों का पालन करनाSince breastfeeding is a natural process for infants, many people feel the need to normalize the act of breastfeeding in public.
5157गुमनामी – Anonymitythe condition of having one’s identity unknown – किसी की पहचान अज्ञात होने की स्थितिFor anonymity, the famous actress wore dark glasses and a baseball cap while walking in the park.
5158अभूतपूर्व – Unprecedentedpreviously never experienced or seen – पहले कभी अनुभव नहीं किया या देखा नहींBefore the storm, there was an unprecedented demand for food supplies that left many stores empty.
5159मरणोत्तर गित – Liturgypreset practices that are carried out during a religious service or event – पूर्व निर्धारित प्रथाएँ जो किसी धार्मिक सेवा या कार्यक्रम के दौरान की जाती हैंThe priest has performed the baptismal liturgy over five hundred times.
5160वर्जित – Contrabanditems that are illegally transported – वे वस्तुएँ जिनका अवैध रूप से परिवहन किया जाता हैThe inmate’s wife was arrested for trying to bring contraband into the jail.
5161फूँक मारना – Blowa setback or misfortune – एक झटका या दुर्भाग्यThe loss of her job during layoffs came as huge blow to the seasoned employee.
5162इंटरमेश – Intermesh(Two or more things) to join together and interlock – (दो या दो से अधिक चीजें) आपस में जुड़ना और गूंथनाThe DJ was able to intermesh the two songs into an upbeat mix that had the crowd pumped.
5163बूढ़ा – Senileconfused or memory loss as a result of old age – बुढ़ापे के परिणामस्वरूप भ्रमित होना या स्मृति हानि होनाI think my Grandma is going senile because she keeps forgetting her daughter’s name.
5164एक्रोस्टिक – Acrostica poem or puzzle in which the first letters of each line spell out the word or phrase – एक कविता या पहेली जिसमें प्रत्येक पंक्ति के पहले अक्षर शब्द या वाक्यांश का उच्चारण करते हैंThe poet made an acrostic in which the letters of all five lines spelled out the word “fear.”
5165साल में दो बार का – Biannualoccuring twice a year – साल में दो बार होता हैEvery six months, you should see the dentist for a biannual cleaning of your teeth.
5166घोषणापत्र – Manifestoa public statement reflecting the philosophy of a person or group – किसी व्यक्ति या समूह के दर्शन को प्रतिबिंबित करने वाला सार्वजनिक वक्तव्यIn his manifesto, the presidential candidate described himself as the only person who could make the country great again.
5167रिपब्लिकन – Republicana person advocating or supporting republican government; a member or supporter of the Republican Party – गणतांत्रिक सरकार की वकालत या समर्थन करने वाला व्यक्ति; रिपब्लिकन पार्टी का सदस्य या समर्थकRepublican voters advocate for higher military spending and involvement in foreign affairs to promote peace.
5168मुताबिक़ – Congruousin agreement – समझौते मेंExpecting her mother to be congruous with her plans to move out, the young woman was shocked when she disapproved
5169जब्त – Seizedto be forcibly taken or grabbed – बलपूर्वक उठाया या पकड़ा जानाThe soldiers stormed into the building and seized all of the supplies they wanted, subduing anyone that got in the way.
5170संग्रहणीय – Collectiblean item that has value as part of a set – एक वस्तु जिसका एक सेट के हिस्से के रूप में मूल्य होता हैBaseball cards are a collectible item that many people seek to own complete sets of.
5171भ्रम – Confusionthe state of uncertainty and not understanding what is going on – अनिश्चितता की स्थिति और समझ नहीं आ रहा कि क्या हो रहा हैAs a way to avoid confusion while traveling, Johnny made sure to write down clear directions.
5172तबाह – Decimateto destroy or greatly decrease in size or number – आकार या संख्या को नष्ट करना या बहुत कम करनाIt is likely the category five hurricane will decimate the small beach town.
5173निकालना – Excludeto eliminate or reject – ख़त्म करना या अस्वीकार करनाIf an African American citizen tried to vote in the 1950s, the workers would exclude him based on his race.
5174वर्तमान – Extantstill around; not extinct – अभी भी आस – पास है; विलुप्त नहींThe extant writings of the ancient philosopher are still quite popular with philosophy students.
5175देदीप्यमान – Refulgentgleaming; shining excessively bright – चमचमाता हुआ; अत्यधिक चमकीला होनाWhen the beauty queen accepted her crown, she had a refulgent smile on her face.
5176नियमित रूप से – Regularlyfrequently; often – बार-बार; अक्सरThe movie buff regularly went to shows by herself, enjoying the weekly popcorn almost as much as the films.
5177सारा क्रोध – All the rageof current or latest fashion – वर्तमान या नवीनतम फैशन काBubble jackets were all the rage last year, but this year, furry coats are in style.
5178धन्यवाद – Thanksgivingdemonstration of appreciation – प्रशंसा का प्रदर्शनOnce the adrenalin junkie survived the vicious shark attack, he truly felt thanksgiving for his own life as he swore he would never do anything life-threatening again.
5179प्रोटीन – Proteina needed nutrient found in certain foods (meat, milk, eggs, and beans) that is made up of many amino acids joined together – कुछ खाद्य पदार्थों (मांस, दूध, अंडे और फलियाँ) में पाया जाने वाला एक आवश्यक पोषक तत्व जो एक साथ मिलकर कई अमीनो एसिड से बना होता हैSeveral protein shakes on the market claim to have enough nutrients to build muscle with little exercise.
5180खिलाड़ी – Frolicsomeplayful and fun loving – चंचल और आनंदप्रियThe playful professor set a frolicsome tone for the entire class period.
5181छोटा सा जंगल – Undergrowthplants, sprouts and bushes that develop beneath the primary taller foliage in a woodland – पौधे, अंकुर और झाड़ियाँ जो किसी जंगल में प्राथमिक लम्बे पत्तों के नीचे उगते हैंWhile the trees hovered overhead, only the hikers walking on the floor of the Amazon Rainforest could observe the undergrowth growing close to the ground.
5182दबाव – Coercionusing threats or force to get someone to do something – किसी से कुछ करवाने के लिए धमकी या बल का प्रयोग करनाI refuse to employ coercion, because I believe it is wrong to make people do things they don’t want to by force.
5183सूचक – Pointera small hint or piece of advice – एक छोटा सा संकेत या सलाहThe ransom note left behind by the kidnappers was the only pointer offering any hint to where the girl might be located.
5184गायब – Disappearto vanish; to cease to be visible – गायब हो; दिखाई देना बंद हो जानाWith a blink of an eye, the magician was able to make the rabbit disappear from his hat.
5185धूप वाला – Sunnybrightly illuminated by light from the sun – सूर्य के प्रकाश से उज्ज्वल रूप से प्रकाशितA sunny day will ensure that everything is bright and cheerful.
5186आलीशान – Plushanything that is soft, comfortable, or luxurious – कोई भी चीज़ जो नरम, आरामदायक या शानदार होTaking a seat in the hotel lobby’s plush armchair, the tired traveler knew it would be impossible to stay awake much longer.
5187scofflaw – Scofflawsomeone who ignores their legal duty – कोई व्यक्ति जो अपने कानूनी कर्तव्य की उपेक्षा करता हैIf you skip out on jury duty, you are a scofflaw and should be ashamed of yourself.
5188हड़पना – Usurpto take over; to seize or use something without authority – कब्जे में लेने के लिए; बिना अधिकार के किसी चीज़ को जब्त करना या उपयोग करनाSince Lisa could not attend the dance, Marie had plans to usurp the title of homecoming queen.
5189उठना – Ariseto get up from a seated or laying position – बैठने या लेटने की स्थिति से उठनाOnce the small children saw the sun peak through their windows, they would arise and go downstairs on Christmas day.
5190अतिरिक्त संवेदी – Extrasensoryperception or awareness in which information is gained through other means than the normal senses or experience – धारणा या जागरूकता जिसमें जानकारी सामान्य इंद्रियों या अनुभव के अलावा अन्य माध्यमों से प्राप्त की जाती हैBecause of her extrasensory skills, the psychic is able to sense things about people she has never met.
5191यात्रा – Toura fun trip with several detailed stops – कई विस्तृत पड़ावों के साथ एक मज़ेदार यात्राWhen the cruise ship passengers’ tour stopped by the local pub, winery and museum, many people were amazed at the sights.
5192काल्पनिक – Contrivedunnatural or fabricated – अप्राकृतिक या मनगढ़ंतDuring the family photo, the unhappy teenage girl wore a contrived smile on her face.
5193देश-द्रोही – Recreantunfaithful or disloyal to a duty, belief, or cause – किसी कर्तव्य, विश्वास या कारण के प्रति विश्वासघाती या विश्वासघातीI was dishonorably discharged from the armed forces for my recreant behavior.
5194आधुनिकतम – State Of The Artat the highest level of development; cutting-edge – विकास के उच्चतम स्तर पर; अग्रणीMy parents bought me a used desktop computer when I wanted a brand new, state of the art laptop.
5195बदल गया – Turnedmoved or rotated something into a different position – किसी चीज़ को अलग स्थिति में ले जाना या घुमानाThe driver turned the car around and started heading east once she realized she was going in the wrong direction.
5196बहाने का – Feignedfaked – झूठाI could not help but judge the soccer player that had feigned an injury just to penalize the opposing team.
5197सुसुरेंट – Susurranta soft or quiet sound – एक नरम या शांत ध्वनिThe tiny mouse made a susurrant noise as it scampered across the floor.
5198अनौपचारिक – Casualrelaxed, easygoing, and informal – आरामदेह, सहज और अनौपचारिकTyrone dresses in a casual way to work, despite the fact that everyone else in the company wears a suit and tie.
5199ऊंचा नीचा – Uneventfulboring; ordinary – उबाऊ; साधारणMy uneventful weekend was filled with nothing but yawns and the flipping of channels on the T.V.
5200खुले विचारों वाला – Open-mindedbeing willing to accept others’ thoughts and beliefs – दूसरों के विचारों और विश्वासों को स्वीकार करने के लिए तैयार रहनाSeveral open-minded people agreed with the farfetched idea that the world is round.
5201उंगलियों को पार कर – Fingers crossedan idiom meaning to be desiring and likely that something will happen – एक मुहावरा जिसका अर्थ है कुछ घटित होने की इच्छा करना और संभावना रखना“I kept my fingers crossed that I got an A on the test after studying for it every day,” the student said.
5202एकॉर्ड – Accordagreement or concurrence of opinion – सहमति या राय की सहमतिThe entire table was in accord that mozzarella sticks would be the appetizer.
5203कवक – Fungia type of organism that is mostly known for including mushrooms – एक प्रकार का जीव जो अधिकतर मशरूम सहित जाने के लिए जाना जाता हैAnalyzing the fungi in science class allowed the students to determine that the plants all produced spores and fed on natural material.
5204पीला पड़ – Contortedtwisted in a forceful manner – जोरदार तरीके से घुमाया गयाThe python contorted around its intended victim.
5205लगाव – Attachmentan extra piece added to something else – किसी और चीज़ में जोड़ा गया एक अतिरिक्त टुकड़ाNew iPhones come with an attachment that allows you to connect headphones into the phone’s charging port.
5206विधर्म – Heresydeviation from a widely held belief or practice – व्यापक रूप से प्रचलित विश्वास या अभ्यास से विचलनHeresy in our church has led to a huge disagreement between members of our congregation.
5207उलटना – Keel overto fall down suddenly – अचानक गिर जानाNo one expected the health fanatic to keel over dead from a heart attack at the age of 50.
5208अग्रभूमि – Foregroundthe area within a picture or photograph that is nearest to the viewer – किसी चित्र या फ़ोटोग्राफ़ के भीतर का वह क्षेत्र जो देखने वाले के सबसे निकट होता हैAn eye popping foreground will draw more viewers to your painting.
5209अटलता – Persistencethe ability to continue on with something in spite of difficulty or opposition – कठिनाई या विरोध के बावजूद किसी चीज़ को जारी रखने की क्षमताHis persistence at practicing paid off when he made every free throw shot during the game.
5210उत्पादक – Productivedoing or achieving a lot – बहुत कुछ करना या हासिल करनाAs productive members of society, the couple were always trying to help others.
5211छीन – Snatchto grab something quickly – किसी चीज़ को जल्दी से हथियानाI tried to snatch up my most precious belongings before I ran to safety, but the smoke from the fire proved too much for my lungs.
5212यक़ीन – Cogencythe state of being clear and coherent in a way that is likely to persuade others – इस तरह से स्पष्ट और सुसंगत होने की स्थिति जिससे दूसरों को समझाने की संभावना होThe attorney argues with a cogency that could convince any jury of his client’s innocence.
5213क्रिक – Cricka stiff feeling in the neck or the back – गर्दन या पीठ में अकड़न महसूस होनाAfter holding his cell phone to his neck for several hours, the gabbing golfer felt a crick in his neck.
5214कगार – Brinkthe very edge or border – एकदम किनारा या सीमाA few years ago, the economy was on the brink of collapse due to inflation and several other factors.
5215परिश्रम कार्य – Moilto work hard – कड़ी मेहनत करने के लिएAs they continued to moil in the field, the slaves became exhausted from the amount of work expected of them.
5216मारे गए – Killedcaused the death or end of something – किसी चीज़ की मृत्यु या अंत का कारण बनाThe hunter aimed his rifle and prepared to shoot and kill the deer roaming through the forest.
5217टाइटैनिक – Titanicextremely large – बहुत ही बड़ाGodzilla is a monster of titanic proportions, dwarfing even buildings as he rampages throughout the city.
5218सूदखोरी – Usurythe act of lending money at ridiculously excessive rates of interest – अत्यधिक ब्याज दरों पर धन उधार देने की क्रियाAlthough Jim did not want to pay the interest rate attached to the loan shark’s usury, he needed money to pay for his kid’s surgery.
5219विलक्षण – Prodigiousvery large in size, force, or extent; enormous – आकार, बल या विस्तार में बहुत बड़ा; विशालSince Stan’s car accident, he has been taking prodigious amounts of pain pills.
5220उल्लसित – Jubilantfilled with joy – खुशी से भराI am jubilant to learn that my sister is finally having a baby.
5221पैबंद – Patchto conceal and protect a little piece of cloth or other material over a gap – किसी अंतराल पर कपड़े या अन्य सामग्री के एक छोटे से टुकड़े को छुपाने और सुरक्षित रखने के लिएMothers usually have to patch their little boys’ pants because they frequently play so rough outside with their friends.
5222तलाशी करना – Prowlto move around quietly in a place trying not to be heard or seen – किसी स्थान पर चुपचाप घूमना और ऐसा प्रयास करना कि कोई सुना या देखा न जा सकेI called the police when I noticed a masked man prowl through the neighborhood.
5223मांड़ – Gruela thin, runny version of porridge made by boiling oats in water or milk that is usually considered unpleasant – जई को पानी या दूध में उबालकर बनाया गया दलिया का पतला, पतला संस्करण जिसे आमतौर पर अप्रिय माना जाता हैThough it looked disgusting, the starving man knew better than to pass up a bowl of gruel.
5224विपुलता – Plenitudeabundance, plenty – प्रचुरता, प्रचुरताThanksgiving dinner is not complete without a plenitude of food to feast on.
5225आसान करना – Facilitateto make something occur or less difficult – किसी चीज़ को घटित करना या कम कठिन बनानाThe translator will facilitate the conversation between the immigrant and the attorney.
5226सदस्यता – Mentorshipthe guidance provided by a person who is experienced or knowledgeable (a mentor) – किसी अनुभवी या जानकार व्यक्ति (एक गुरु) द्वारा प्रदान किया गया मार्गदर्शनPerry has decided to start a mentorship program so he could teach young boys in the neighborhood to play basketball.
5227दोषी ठहराना – Impeachto charge a public official with a crime – किसी सरकारी अधिकारी पर अपराध का आरोप लगानाWithout sufficient evidence, you cannot hope to impeach a public official.
5228जलवायु – Climaticassociated with climate – जलवायु से सम्बंधितThe climatic change could cause us to cancel our cookout.
5229पहले बन – Predateto exist at an earlier time at something else – किसी और चीज़ पर पहले के समय में मौजूद होनाA wood frame house and small school building predate all of the brick structures that were built later on.
5230माया – Delusiona false idea or a belief that is not true – एक मिथ्या विचार या विश्वास जो सत्य नहीं हैIt was heartbreaking to witness my ailing grandmother’s delusion that her deceased husband was alive.
5231घाट – Piera tall and long dock for boats or people that extends out several yards into a body of water – नावों या लोगों के लिए एक लंबा और लंबा गोदी जो पानी के शरीर में कई गज तक फैला होता हैStanding on the pier, the couple watched the surfers tackle the large waves as water crashed along the pier’s wooden posts.
5232मम्प्सिमस – Mumpsimusa person who clings to a tradition or custom that is practiced even though it has been prove to be irrational – वह व्यक्ति जो प्रचलित परंपरा या रीति-रिवाज से जुड़ा रहता है, भले ही वह तर्कहीन साबित हुआ होThe mumpsimus continued to mispronounce the word ‘library’ even when he was corrected several times.
5233हिदायत – Instructto tell someone or teach someone to do something – किसी को कुछ बताना या सिखानाYou could hear the loud military leader instruct his troop on where to march from the other side of the hill.
5234अड़ोस-पड़ोस – Neighborhoodan area where people live close together – वह क्षेत्र जहाँ लोग एक साथ निकट रहते होंThe single woman became frightened when a prowler was spotted in her neighborhood looking in everyone’s houses.
5235खींचना – Stretchto straighten something to its full length – किसी चीज़ को उसकी पूरी लंबाई तक सीधा करनाIf you stretch your hands up into the sky, you will relieve some of the pressure you have in your body.
5236चलना – Locomoteto move from one place to another – एक स्थान से दूसरे स्थान पर जानाWe can locomote to the next town by car, train, boat or just plain old walking.
5237सेंसरशिप – Censorshipthe practice of removing content viewed as inappropriate – अनुपयुक्त समझी जाने वाली सामग्री को हटाने की प्रथाCensorship has allowed the government to prevent the media from airing criticisms of its leadership.
5238जन्मजात – Congenitalexisting since birth – जन्म से विद्यमान हैDue to a congenital heart condition that ran in their family, the parents were worried about their unborn child.
5239गुज़ारना – Pass Awayto die, generally of natural causes – आम तौर पर प्राकृतिक कारणों से मरनाMy son asked why his grandfather had to pass away, but all I could tell him was that it had been the ninety year old man’s time to go.
5240यशस्वी – Gloriousmagnificent; wonderful – शानदार; आश्चर्यजनकKara stared up at the glorious sunset, amazed by how beautiful the setting sun looked over the mountains.
5241निवासियों – Inhabitantspeople or animals who live in a place – एक स्थान पर रहने वाले लोग या जानवरBeing well aware of the ragged hole in the ground, the homeowners worried about the inhabitants of it being a poisonous snake.
5242अनुभवी – Veteranone who has a lot of experience in a particular field or position – वह व्यक्ति जिसके पास किसी विशेष क्षेत्र या पद पर बहुत अधिक अनुभव होThe military veteran has served in the U.S. Army for more than twenty years.
5243जहाज़ को संभालने का ढांचा – Gridirona field for football, marked with regularly spaced parallel lines – फ़ुटबॉल के लिए एक मैदान, जो नियमित रूप से दूरी वाली समानांतर रेखाओं से चिह्नित होता हैWe played a gridiron game on a typical American football field with lines and goal posts.
5244ख़राब – Deformto distort something’s shape – किसी चीज़ का आकार बिगाड़नाSoft metals like tin are easy to deform when struck with a heavy object.
5245चौंका – Startledto be alarmed or frightened by something sudden – अचानक किसी बात से चिंतित या भयभीत होनाA deer will be startled if you get too close to it.
5246पुण्यमय – Sacrosancttoo important or respected to be criticized or changed – आलोचना या परिवर्तन के लिए बहुत महत्वपूर्ण या सम्मानितThe award-winning filmmaker felt his movies were too sacrosanct to be criticized by the media.
5247अनपेक्षित – Unforeseenunexpected; sudden – अप्रत्याशित; अचानकAn unforeseen storm approached and surprised the weathermen who had not called for rain.
5248छलाँग – Leapto spring or jump up into the air quickly – तेजी से उछलना या हवा में उछलनाSpiderman made a huge leap over the wall and continued on his chase.
5249अधिकांश – Mostalmost all; a majority – लगभग सभी; बहुसंख्यकMost of the time it is sunny in southern California, but every now and then it rains.
5250संयोजन – Combinationthe result of the grouping together of several different things – कई अलग-अलग चीजों को एक साथ समूहित करने का परिणामThe kids like to eat pizza that has a large combination of different toppings.
5251एलर्जी – Allergensomething that leads to an allergic reaction – कुछ ऐसा जो एलर्जी प्रतिक्रिया की ओर ले जाता हैPollen is a common allergen for people because the yellow dust causes them to get cold-like symptoms.
5252एयरोनॉटिक्स – Aeronauticsthe science of flight – उड़ान का विज्ञानA Boeing 727 was donated to the college’s aeronautics program for further flight studies.
5253तीव्र – Swiftfast or rapid – तेज़ या तेजThe roadrunner is a swift animal capable of running very fast.
5254माल की फ़सल – Cash cropa crop produced to be sold, not to be used for personal use – बेचने के लिए पैदा की गई फसल, न कि निजी उपयोग के लिए इस्तेमाल की जाने वाली फसलMarijuana is one of the leading cash crops in the U.S., with millions of sales each year.
5255शमन करना – Mollifyto soothe in temper or disposition – गुस्से या स्वभाव को शांत करनाI am hoping the hot tea and crackers will mollify my husband and help him relax.
5256विचित्र – Piedpied means having two or more different colors – चितकबरे का मतलब है दो या दो से अधिक अलग-अलग रंगों का होनाThe young children rode the tan and brown pied colored pony at the birthday party.
5257कवरेज – Coveragethe handling or reporting of an issue by the media – मीडिया द्वारा किसी मुद्दे को संभालना या रिपोर्टिंग करनाBecause there wasn’t much news coverage of the issue, protestors began to riot in the streets.
5258हानिकर – Adversenegative, harmful, or unpleasant – नकारात्मक, हानिकारक, या अप्रियJim’s adverse reaction to the drug was so intense that we rushed him to the hospital.
5259नाबदान – Cesspoola circumstance or place that is corrupt and/or filthy – ऐसी परिस्थिति या स्थान जो भ्रष्ट और/या गंदा हैBecause the bar is filled with drug addicts and killers, it’s a real cesspool.
5260हथकड़ी – Manaclean item that functions as a control or restraint – एक वस्तु जो नियंत्रण या संयम के रूप में कार्य करती हैThe manacle will keep the dog from leaving the front yard.
5261क्षुब्ध – Perturbedworried or disturbed by something – किसी बात से चिंतित या परेशान होनाThere is nothing that makes me more perturbed than being stuck on an airplane with a screaming baby.
5262अक्षम्य – Inexcusabletoo bad to be justified or tolerated – इतना बुरा कि उसे उचित ठहराया या सहन नहीं किया जा सकताWhen her best friend started dating her ex boyfriend, she knew their friendship was over because that kind of betrayal was inexcusable.
5263धोखाधड़ी – Shenanigansactions or behaviors that are dishonest, immoral, or stupid – ऐसे कार्य या व्यवहार जो बेईमान, अनैतिक या मूर्खतापूर्ण होंBecause my meal is taking forever to be prepared, I’m certain the kitchen staff is fooling around and engaging in shenanigans.
5264निर्वाचक – Electorsomeone who is allowed to cast their ballot during an election – कोई व्यक्ति जिसे चुनाव के दौरान अपना मत डालने की अनुमति होBefore traveling to the voting booth, the elector researched information about each candidate to determine the most qualified person for the job.
5265अपूरणीय – Irreparablenot capable of being fixed – ठीक होने में सक्षम नहींSince the damage to my car is irreparable, I need to buy a new vehicle.
5266हार्डवेयर – Hardwaretools or machine parts – उपकरण या मशीन के पुर्जेA coupon for the local hardware store advertised buy one, get one free on all hammers.
5267ग़ैर-लाभकारी – Nonprofitreferring to an organization or process that is not designed primarily for making money – किसी ऐसे संगठन या प्रक्रिया का जिक्र करना जो मुख्य रूप से पैसा कमाने के लिए नहीं बनाया गया हैCharities are nonprofit organizations that exist for a reason that does not include making money for its own members and success.
5268सही – Correctto fix an error or something that is inaccurate – किसी त्रुटि या किसी ऐसी चीज़ को ठीक करना जो ग़लत होThe teacher will allow the students to correct any of the problems they solved wrongly on Friday’s test.
5269घमंडी – Stiff-neckedpridefully stubborn and inflexible – गर्व से जिद्दी और अनम्यKnown as a stickler in the business world, the stiff-necked banker is inflexible when it comes to lending policies.
5270आदमी – Manan adult male – एक वयस्क पुरुषThe only man in the class, Thomas felt a little awkward taking a sewing course with a bunch of women.
5271वेलोसिरैप्टर – Velociraptora small dromaeosaurid dinosaur of the late Cretaceous period. – स्वर्गीय क्रेटेशियस काल का एक छोटा ड्रोमेयोसॉरिड डायनासोर।Known as a speedy thief, the Velociraptor was one of the swiftest dinosaurs ever to walk this planet.
5272रोग – Maladyan illness – एक रोगBecause she is a hypochondriac, my sister has one malady after another.
5273उन्माद – Frenzywildly excited or out-of-control behavior – अत्यधिक उत्तेजित या नियंत्रण से बाहर व्यवहारDistraught by the death of his wife, the man attacked in frenzy.
5274आश्चर्यचकित – Astonishedgreatly surprised or amazed – बहुत आश्चर्यचकित या चकित होनाAfter weeks of studying the Civil War, Kevin was astonished with his below average grade on his history test.
5275बिल्कुल – Absolutelywith no limitation, restriction, or caveat – बिना किसी सीमा, प्रतिबंध या चेतावनी केMy cousin is absolutely convinced that there are aliens out there, even though we have no concrete evidence to back up such a notion.
5276स्वच्छंद – Opinionatedvery certain of one’s views or opinions – किसी के विचार या राय के बारे में बहुत निश्चित होनाBecause Tessa is so opinionated, she disregards the opinions of other people in favor of her own views.
5277घाटी – Basina kitchen sink – एक रसोई सिंकMy grandparents told us to wash up in the basin before suppertime.
5278बुर्ज – Bastionan individual or object dedicated to a belief or idea – किसी विश्वास या विचार के प्रति समर्पित कोई व्यक्ति या वस्तुIn the film, the princess believed the wise old man was her last bastion of hope.
5279शून्यता – Emptinessthe state of containing nothing – कुछ भी न रखने की अवस्थाAfter all of her children left home, the mother felt a sense of emptiness in her lonely heart.
5280देशव्यापी – Ubiquitousexisting or being everywhere at the same time – एक ही समय में सर्वत्र विद्यमान या विद्यमान होनाWhen I was a kid, I thought my parents were ubiquitous because it seemed as if they knew everything I did.
5281चौकस – Circumspectto think carefully before doing or saying anything, in order to avoid risks or consequences; cautious – जोखिमों या परिणामों से बचने के लिए कुछ भी करने या कहने से पहले सावधानी से सोचना; सावधानIn this day and age, you need to be circumspect about giving out too much personal information on the internet.
5282भूल – Mistakingconfusing – भ्रामकMistaking the salt for sugar seemed to ruin my cookies which caused everyone to refuse them.
5283चुप्पा – Tight-lippedreluctant to speak or give information – बोलने या जानकारी देने में अनिच्छुकEven during the trial, the uncooperative defendant remained tight-lipped about his part in the crime.
5284परिणाम – Corollarya natural consequence, or a result that naturally follows – एक स्वाभाविक परिणाम, या एक परिणाम जो स्वाभाविक रूप से आता हैOnce the divorce was finalized, Jo had to deal with the corollary of depression and self-doubt that followed.
5285मासूम – Pitiabledeserving pity or sympathy – दया या सहानुभूति का पात्रEven though Mary lost her job, I don’t find it to be pitiable because she has already found a better one.
5286अलगाव की भावना – Alienationthe process of excluding something or someone – किसी चीज़ या व्यक्ति को बाहर करने की प्रक्रियाThe alienation of the new kid at school was thanks to the popular kids treating her like an outcast.
5287डिबग – Debugthe process of identifying and removing errors from something, especially electronics – किसी चीज़, विशेषकर इलेक्ट्रॉनिक्स में त्रुटियों को पहचानने और दूर करने की प्रक्रियाA specialist was called out to debug the school’s software and to get things up and running again.
5288खेल दिखानेवाले की विद्या – Showmanshipthe ability to entertain people with skill or talent – कौशल या प्रतिभा से लोगों का मनोरंजन करने की क्षमताKnown for his showmanship, the magician put on quite a show while dramatically juggling flaming swords.
5289भार – Encumbranceburden or hindrance – बोझ या बाधाIf it weren’t for the encumbrance of procrastination, I would be a productivity machine!
5290कूबड़ा – Hunka large piece or chunk of something, especially food – किसी चीज़ का बड़ा टुकड़ा या टुकड़ा, विशेषकर भोजनGnawing on another massive hunk of pizza, the hungry football player devoured slice after slice.
5291लड़का – Blokea British term referring to a man – एक ब्रिटिश शब्द जो किसी व्यक्ति को संदर्भित करता हैThat bloke Harry is always at the bar, seemingly never interested in anything other than getting drunk.
5292आशा व्यक्त की – Hopedwanted; wished for – वांछित; के लिए कामना कीThe little girl hoped she would get a pony for her birthday, but mother wouldn’t grant her that wish.
5293चमकना – Glistento shine – चमकने के लिएRays began to glisten off the Hudson Bay as the morning sun rose over the water.
5294धमकी के साथ – Threateninglydone in a hostile or intimidating manner – शत्रुतापूर्ण या डराने-धमकाने वाले तरीके से किया गयाThe bully raised his fist at the boy threateningly and made him give up his lunch money.
5295आदी – Accustomedfamiliar with; used to – परिचित; अभ्यस्तThe wealthy woman wasn’t accustomed to preparing her own food, so she had a hard time finding her way around the kitchen.
5296पुष्प गुच्छ – Bouqueta creative arrangement of flowers – फूलों की एक रचनात्मक व्यवस्थाOur local florist created a lovely bridal bouquet of red and white flowers for my daughter’s wedding.
5297बाद का विचार – Afterthoughtsomething you think of or mention later because it was not included beforehand – कुछ ऐसा जिसके बारे में आप बाद में सोचते हैं या उल्लेख करते हैं क्योंकि यह पहले से शामिल नहीं थाOften considered as an afterthought, Nick realized that he was not valued by the basketball team.
5298उत्पन्न – Posedpretended to be – होने का बहाना कियाThe crook posed as a police officer and was able to escape from jail by wearing the disguise.
5299आरंभ – Commenceto get under way – रास्ते पर आने के लिएSince the meeting will commence at three o’clock exactly, do not be late!
5300हिलकोरे – Dimplea small, natural indention in some part of the human body, especially the cheek – मानव शरीर के किसी भाग, विशेषकर गाल पर एक छोटा, प्राकृतिक निशानWhen she smiles, a small dimple shows in the middle of Grace’s cheek.
5301लिंगौ भाषा – Lingolanguage peculiar to a particular group or region – किसी विशेष समूह या क्षेत्र की विशिष्ट भाषाThe rookie nurse was unsure how to respond to the doctor since she was unfamiliar with the medical lingo he was using in his question.
5302उत्सुकता – Fervencystrong emotion – प्रबल भावनाSeeing her first child immediately after birth brought about the mother’s fervency by joyful tears flowing down her face.
5303घटाना – Diminishto become smaller or lessen – छोटा होना या कम होनाThe medicine caused my headache to diminish.
5304रोकना – Inhibitto hinder or restrain something from happening – किसी चीज़ को घटित होने से रोकना या रोकनाRoadblocks and checkpoints were put in place to inhibit drunk drivers from being able to cruise through the streets intoxicated.
5305रेफ़रल – Referralthe an act of sending someone to a person or place where what is needed can be obtained – किसी को किसी व्यक्ति या स्थान पर भेजने की क्रिया जहां आवश्यक वस्तु प्राप्त की जा सकेThe doctor’s office sent a referral to the surgeon so that the patient could see the specialist.
5306bacchanalian – Bacchanalianrelating to or given to reveling and drunkenness – मौज-मस्ती और नशे से संबंधित या दिया गयाBy the time the bacchanalian party ended, everyone was vomiting up their alcohol.
5307पठार – Plateaua time or point where no advancement is made – वह समय या बिंदु जहाँ कोई उन्नति न हुई होSince my weight loss has hit a plateau, I need to increase my workout to start losing weight again.
5308शान – Grandeurthe state of being magnificent or overwhelmingly impressive – शानदार या अत्यधिक प्रभावशाली होने की अवस्था या भावDuring the tour, the grandeur of the royal palace left me speechless.
5309चैनलिंग – Channelingthe process of moving or guiding something in a particular direction – किसी चीज़ को किसी विशेष दिशा में ले जाने या निर्देशित करने की प्रक्रियाThe psychic specializes in channeling the dead and claims she can bring forward our dearly departed grandmother.
5310तेजतर्रार – Hawkishaggressive and forceful rather than compromising when it comes to discussion, especially in politics – जब चर्चा की बात आती है, खासकर राजनीति में, तो समझौता करने के बजाय आक्रामक और सशक्तHawkish and aggressive, the senator has a reputation for pushing his own agenda rather than working with others.
5311आग्रह करना – Insistto demand something in a forceful way – किसी चीज़ की ज़बरदस्ती मांग करनाKaden’s pushy parents insist that he go to law school even though he really wants to be a nurse.
5312शुरू करो – Take upto become interested in something – किसी चीज़ में दिलचस्पी लेनाDenise wanted to take up playing the piano, but she couldn’t find anyone to teach her how to play.
5313मोहक – Temptingappealing and able to attract someone, especially to something that is wrong – आकर्षक और किसी को आकर्षित करने में सक्षम, विशेषकर उस चीज़ की ओर जो गलत हैIt might be tempting to cheat on your exam, but if you get caught it will cost you double the money.
5314राशि – Amountedtotaled up to; was in all – कुल मिलाकर; सबमें थाThe total dinner bill amounted to $75.45 and was split by the four guests.
5315ख़ुश करना – Exhilarateto make an individual extremely happy – किसी व्यक्ति को अत्यधिक खुश करने के लिएAchieving my weight loss goal is sure to exhilarate me.
5316परिभाषा – Definitionthe meaning of a word – एक शब्द का अर्थBefore spelling the word, the spelling bee contestant asked for an explanation of the definition.
5317सांसारिक – MundaneBoring, dull, and uninteresting – उबाऊ, नीरस और अरुचिकरThough dishwashing is often seen as a mundane chore, listening to music makes it much more bearable.
5318अनाथ – Forlornlonely and miserable – अकेला और दुखीThe forlorn man was so sad he thought about killing himself.
5319कोलोनिक – Colonicrelated to the colon (large intestine) – बृहदांत्र (बड़ी आंत) से संबंधितAfter the age of fifty, those with a risk of colon cancer should get a test to check out their colonic health.
5320बहुत – Terriblyextremely; very – अत्यंत; बहुतInterstate traffic was terribly backed up, coming to a standstill that lasted for hours.
5321चारा – Lureto tempt a person or an animal into going somewhere else – किसी व्यक्ति या जानवर को कहीं और जाने के लिए प्रलोभित करनाThe hunter used apples to lure the deer out into the clearing.
5322टिप्पणी की – Remarkedthe act of having commented on something – किसी बात पर टिप्पणी करने की क्रिया या भावHanna remarked that my decision to do a belly flop was stupid, and I have to agree with her assessment.
5323असमर्थ – Unableincapable; not able – असमर्थ; सक्षम नहींThe principal was unable to attend the meeting and sent two of her teachers instead.
5324वोल्ट चेहरा – Volte facea complete rotation of 180 degrees about something – किसी चीज़ के बारे में 180 डिग्री का पूर्ण घूर्णनSarah was yelling for a long time at her sister, but she did a volte face and is now kind and sweet to her sister.
5325संलग्न – Appendattach; affix – संलग्न करना; प्रत्ययThe charm bracelet had acquired so many charms that Stacey had a hard time finding space to append her newest one.
5326मंसूख़ – Nullifymake of no use or value; cancel out – जिसका कोई उपयोग या मूल्य न हो; रद्द करHopefully the coffee will nullify the drowsy effects of the medication and allow me to stay awake.
5327संबद्ध – Regardto hold (a person or thing) in respect or admiration – (किसी व्यक्ति या वस्तु को) सम्मान या प्रशंसा की दृष्टि से रखनाAlthough I don’t always show it, I regard my mother-in-law as a woman of wisdom.
5328तनाव – Tensionunrest that creates opposition within or between groups or persons – अशांति जो समूहों या व्यक्तियों के भीतर या उनके बीच विरोध पैदा करती हैThe mediation was filled with tension as the husband and wife argued over the terms of their divorce.
5329ऑक्सीजन – Oxygenis a nonflammable gas with no smell or color – यह एक गैर ज्वलनशील गैस है जिसमें कोई गंध या रंग नहीं होता हैMountain climbers often carry oxygen bottles on high altitude climbs to prevent hypoxia, a rapid condition which weakens your body.
5330डोल्टिश – Doltishidiotic; stupid – मूर्खतापूर्ण; मूर्खPeter couldn’t believe that such a doltish argument had kept his siblings from speaking for so many years.
5331नियुक्त करना – Appointto assign a responsibility, job, or role to someone – किसी को जिम्मेदारी, नौकरी या भूमिका सौंपनाAfter the scandal broke, the CIA was quick to appoint a new director with no ties to the former director who was now heading to jail.
5332शौकिया – Amateurperson who engages in a particular activity without pursuing it professionally – वह व्यक्ति जो किसी विशेष गतिविधि को व्यावसायिक रूप से अपनाए बिना उसमें संलग्न होता हैEven though I am an amateur singer, I hope to make a career out of it one day.
5333मजाक उड़ाया – Scoffedlaughed at with disdain or scorn – तिरस्कार या हिकारत से हँसाThe billionaire heiress scoffed at the idea of eating a peanut butter sandwich.
5334अनावृत करना – Exposeto reveal or uncover something – किसी चीज़ को प्रकट या उजागर करनाThe blackmailer threatened to expose the politician’s love child.
5335अयोग्य – Inapplicablenot relevant or able to be used in this particular situation – इस विशेष स्थिति में प्रासंगिक या उपयोग करने योग्य नहीं हैThe teacher explained that the word ‘children’ is an inapplicable example because it does not follow the usual spelling rules.
5336युक्तिसंगत – Rationalizeto justify negative behavior – नकारात्मक व्यवहार को उचित ठहराने के लिएWhen he could not rationalize why he stayed out past curfew, the teen’s parents took his car for a month.
5337क्षमायाचना – Apologyan expression of regret; remorse – खेद की अभिव्यक्ति; आत्मा ग्लानिThe Congressman has made mistakes, as he himself acknowledged during a televised apology last weekend.
5338व्यवस्थित – Orderlyhaving a neat and organized system – एक साफ-सुथरी और व्यवस्थित प्रणाली होनाOrderly gardens surrounded by fences were lined in meticulous rows.
5339चक्करदार – Circuitousnot said or done simply or clearly – केवल या स्पष्ट रूप से कहा या किया नहीं गयाWhile John said his directions would get us home quickly, his route actually took us on a more circuitous path that led us miles out of the way.
5340अदालती – Magisterialoverbearing and domineering – दबंग और दबंगWhen my magisterial mother-in-law came over to our house, she insisted that I raise my children exactly how she wanted me to.
5341जूं – Lousean immobile insect that extracts blood from humans or animals – एक गतिहीन कीट जो मनुष्यों या जानवरों का खून निकालता हैOnce the child began to scratch her head, a louse was found attached to a follicle of her hair.
5342आइडॉलन – Eidolonan idealized individual – एक आदर्श व्यक्तिGeorge Washington is an eidolon to the American people, someone who represents more of an ideal than a once living person.
5343गैलन – Gallona fluid measurement that equates to sixteen pints – एक द्रव माप जो सोलह पिंट के बराबर होता हैThe mother knew she would need to buy a gallon of milk in order for her family of four to have enough milk for the week.
5344कलाप्रवीण – Virtuositygreat skill in music or another artform – संगीत या किसी अन्य कला में महान कौशलFull of ambition and virtuosity, the young jazz musician plays as much as possible to increase her skills.
5345भारोत्तोलन – Weightliftinga sport or activity in which one lifts heavy weights or barbells – एक खेल या गतिविधि जिसमें कोई भारी वजन या बारबेल उठाता हैBecause he enjoys weightlifting, the bodybuilder spends a majority of his gym time lifting heavy barbells while doing squats.
5346देखना – Viewto look at something – किसी चीज़ को देखनाWe decided to view several pieces of art before buying a painting.
5347अनिद्रा – Insomniaa condition in which one has trouble sleeping regularly – ऐसी स्थिति जिसमें व्यक्ति को नियमित रूप से सोने में परेशानी होती हैIf you are afflicted with insomnia you are unable to go to sleep on a regular basis, which will often make you tired in the morning.
5348चुनौतीपूर्ण – Challengingdifficult; testing – कठिन; परिक्षणThe exam was so challenging that only 2 out of 20 test takers passed on the first try.
5349मंच – Daisan elevated platform used as a stage – मंच के रूप में उपयोग किया जाने वाला एक ऊंचा मंचThe mayor and the governor will sit on the dais until it is time for them to speak.
5350थोड़ा अम्ल – Acidulousharsh in manner or flavor – ढंग या स्वाद में कठोरThe acidulous drink burned my tongue.
5351परिहार – Avoidancethe act of staying away from someone or something – किसी व्यक्ति या वस्तु से दूर रहने की क्रिया या भावThe procrastinator’s therapist tried to explain that avoidance of a task doesn’t make it disappear.
5352निपुण – Adroitclever or skillful – चतुर या कुशलThe child was an adroit pianist at an early age.
5353सम्मान – Respectingregarding; concerning – के बारे में; विषय मेंRight after buying the junk car, Max began having regrets respecting the vehicle.
5354भेंट – Trysta secret meeting planned for intimate purposes – अंतरंग उद्देश्यों के लिए एक गुप्त बैठक की योजना बनाई गईThe lovers meet at a sleazy motel when they want to have a tryst.
5355पदावनति – Downgradingreducing something to a lower rank, level, or grade – किसी चीज़ को निम्न रैंक, स्तर या ग्रेड तक कम करनाSince he no longer needs the program for school, the student is thinking of downgrading his account to the free version.
5356एफ़िसिओनाडो – Aficionadoan expert or enthusiast who is extremely knowledgeable about a subject or activity – एक विशेषज्ञ या उत्साही जो किसी विषय या गतिविधि के बारे में अत्यधिक जानकार हैA wine tasting aficionado, Lynn is convinced that no one has sampled as many different types of vino as she has.
5357अनाड़ी – Artlesssimple and natural – सरल और प्राकृतिकWith her artless look, the girl next door looked beautiful even though she had no make-up on and didn’t style her hair.
5358झूलता हुआ – Flaccidshort on force or strength – बल या ताकत में कमीThe flaccid wind did not stir the chimes on the front porch.
5359इसका – Itsrelated to something that was mentioned previously – किसी ऐसी चीज़ से संबंधित जिसका पहले उल्लेख किया गया थाAfter three days, the sick dog was allowed to leave its crate.
5360विकृत – Distortedunclear; vague – अस्पष्ट; अस्पष्टThe police could barely make out the suspect’s face on the fuzzy picture since the image was severely distorted.
5361साइलो – Siloa farm tower used to store grain – एक फार्म टॉवर जिसका उपयोग अनाज भंडारण के लिए किया जाता हैWheat is placed in a drying silo before it is sold in the farmer’s market.
5362अस्तित्व में – Existedwas; lived – था; रहते थेAlthough there is no proof that King Arthur actually existed, many people believe the monarch lived.
5363जलडाकू – Filibustera delaying tactic; a long speech given in order to delay progress or the making of a decision – देरी करने की रणनीति; प्रगति या निर्णय लेने में देरी करने के लिए दिया गया लंबा भाषणThe senator will filibuster to prevent a vote on the bill.
5364परिवहन – Freightitems transported by truck, train, airplane, or ship – ट्रक, ट्रेन, हवाई जहाज़ या जहाज़ द्वारा परिवहन की जाने वाली वस्तुएँThe train is packed with freight that will be delivered to the depot this evening.
5365प्रवेश – Entryan act of going or coming in – अंदर जाने या आने की क्रिया या भावEntry into the school is not allowed after 5 pm unless you have a staff member with you.
5366पेशेवर – Professionala person that is considered a qualified expert in a particular field or skill – वह व्यक्ति जिसे किसी विशेष क्षेत्र या कौशल में योग्य विशेषज्ञ माना जाता हैA professional carpenter was hired to build the cabinets inside the new house.
5367असंतुष्ट – Unsatisfiednot pleased or happy with something – किसी बात से प्रसन्न या ख़ुश न होनाThe editor was unsatisfied with the writer’s work and asked her to make several changes.
5368सशक्तिकरण – Empowerto grant authority or power to act in a certain way – एक निश्चित तरीके से कार्य करने का अधिकार या शक्ति प्रदान करनाA good manager never fails to empower his employees with the ability to meet the needs of the customer.
5369रथी – Hearsea vehicle that transports a coffin to a funeral – एक वाहन जो किसी अंतिम संस्कार के लिए ताबूत ले जाता हैA black hearse awaited the casket after the funeral closing.
5370मनगढ़ंत – Figmentsomething that is believed to be real but only exists in imagination – कुछ ऐसा जो वास्तविक माना जाता है लेकिन केवल कल्पना में मौजूद हैMy young daughter claims to have a unicorn as a best friend, but such a thing is clearly a figment of her imagination.
5371स्कैलावाग – Scalawagan individual who causes trouble – एक व्यक्ति जो परेशानी का कारण बनता हैLate last night, the neighborhood scalawag decorated the school with toilet paper.
5372स्नातक – Graduationthe act of receiving an academic diploma or degree – अकादमिक डिप्लोमा या डिग्री प्राप्त करने का कार्यBefore graduation, I took pictures with proud family members who had come to watch me receive my diploma.
5373ओपस्कुल – Opusculean insignificant literary, art, or musical work – एक महत्वहीन साहित्यिक, कला या संगीत कार्यAlthough Shakespeare had many famous plays, the opuscule one performed by the cast was a little-known.
5374उदासी से – Dismallydreadfully; in a miserable way – भयानक रूप से; दयनीय तरीके सेPerforming dismally, the sad clown’s gloomy demeanor caused the crowd to boo him.
5375क्षय – Decayto rot or break down – सड़ना या टूटनाFrank loves to impress everyone with his knowledge of the rise and decay of the Roman Empire.
5376अदालत में तलब करना – Citeto use the words of another – दूसरे के शब्दों का प्रयोग करनाWhen the politician accepts his party’s presidential nomination, he will more than likely cite a former president in his speech.
5377बहुभाषी – Polyglotan individual who is capable of using and understanding numerous languages – एक व्यक्ति जो अनेक भाषाओं का उपयोग करने और समझने में सक्षम हैBecause my sister is a polyglot, she was hired as a language translator for the United Nations.
5378अस्वीकार करना – Abnegateto refuse something that you actually need or want – किसी ऐसी चीज़ को अस्वीकार करना जिसकी आपको वास्तव में आवश्यकता है या आप चाहते हैंThe athlete decided to abnegate the unhealthy snack even though she really wanted to have a bite.
5379उपनिवेशवादी – Colonista founder of a colony; a person who settles in a new colony – एक कॉलोनी का संस्थापक; एक व्यक्ति जो एक नई कॉलोनी में बसता हैA simple colonist alerted the citizens with the oncoming British soldiers, and he became known as Paul Revere.
5380इजाफा – Upticka small increase in something – किसी चीज़ में थोड़ी वृद्धिAn uptick in demand for popsicles on the hot summer day allowed the ice cream stand to sell a little more than usual.
5381घटना – Phenomenathings (or events) that exist and can be taken in by the senses (seen, tasted, touched, etc.) – चीज़ें (या घटनाएँ) जो अस्तित्व में हैं और जिन्हें इंद्रियों द्वारा ग्रहण किया जा सकता है (देखा, चखा, छुआ आदि)Weather and fog are natural phenomena that can be both measured and understood through science.
5382लोगोफ़ाइल – Logophilea lover of words – शब्दों का प्रेमीShakespeare was such a logophile that he took the words he already loved and crafted them into new ones.
5383कष्ट – Miserya state of suffering – पीड़ा की एक अवस्थाLiving in a state of misery, the refugees suffered greatly because of their country’s war.
5384पहचानकर्ता – Identifiersomeone or something that classifies or singles out something else – कोई व्यक्ति या कोई चीज़ जो किसी और चीज़ को वर्गीकृत या अलग करती हैSally was placed in the witness relocation program because “Blue Eyes” McKenzie knew she was his identifier as the person who committed the murder.
5385सड़ा हुआ – Putridrotting, rotten, being in a state of putrefaction – सड़ा हुआ, सड़ा हुआ, सड़न की अवस्था में होनाDealing with dead bodies, he encountered plenty of putrid odors.
5386विश्वकोश – Encyclopediaa book or book set that gives information on many different subjects – एक पुस्तक या पुस्तक सेट जो कई अलग-अलग विषयों पर जानकारी देता हैThe traveling salesman tried to convince the librarian to buy an encyclopedia set with hundreds of different topics inside.
5387सरहदी सिपाही – FrontiersmanA man living in unsettled country (a frontier) – अशांत देश (सीमांत) में रहने वाला एक आदमीThe frontiersman made his living raising cattle in the vast open plains of Oregon country.
5388नाइलीज़्म – Nihilismthe idea that societal rules are worthless and should be eliminated – यह विचार कि सामाजिक नियम बेकार हैं और उन्हें ख़त्म किया जाना चाहिएThe rebels urged the people to grab hold of nihilism and remove all government officials from office.
5389मताधिकार देना – Enfranchiseto extend privileges or rights – विशेषाधिकारों या अधिकारों का विस्तार करनाOne purpose of the immigration bill is to enfranchise citizenship to people who are willing to make a commitment to this country.
5390प्रस्तुत – Submittedpresented or proposed something to another person – किसी अन्य व्यक्ति को कुछ प्रस्तुत या प्रस्तावित करनाThe taxpayer submitted several forms to the IRS and waited for them to review them.
5391नील – Contusiona bruise caused when blood vessels are damaged or broken as the result of a blow to the skin – त्वचा पर आघात के परिणामस्वरूप रक्त वाहिकाएं क्षतिग्रस्त या टूट जाने पर लगने वाली चोटAshley walked into a pole while texting, leaving herself with a purple contusion that swole up like a golf ball.
5392पूरक – Supplementarysomething that is added to something else – वह चीज़ जो किसी और चीज़ में जोड़ी जाती हैThis income is supplementary to my regular job, and I enjoy the chance to earn extra money.
5393पहले से शर्त करना – Bespokeindividually or custom made – व्यक्तिगत रूप से या कस्टम बनाया गयाHer bicycle was made bespoke, with attention to every detail.
5394लाइलाज – Incurablenot having the ability to be remedied or healed – उपचार या उपचार करने की क्षमता न होनाWhen Sally found out she had an incurable and terminal disease, her family decided to help her do everything on her bucket list before she died.
5395ईर्ष्या – Enviouswanting something someone else has – किसी और के पास कुछ चाहनाThe child was envious of his friends who had received money to buy ice cream.
5396सत्कार करना – Dignifyto make something seem worthy and impressive – किसी चीज़ को योग्य और प्रभावशाली बनानाThe new dance coach tried to dignify the team’s outfits by replacing the super-sexy ones with some that she saw as more fitting.
5397ध्यान केंद्रित करना – Concentrateto focus all of your attention or mental effort to the thing you are doing – अपना सारा ध्यान या मानसिक प्रयास उस चीज़ पर केंद्रित करना जो आप कर रहे हैंWith his sister’s music blaring in the background, it was impossible for Dante to concentrate on his piano lesson.
5398सत्यापन – Verificationthe process of confirming the truth or validity of a claim/document – किसी दावे/दस्तावेज़ की सत्यता या वैधता की पुष्टि करने की प्रक्रियाThe university waited for verification of the student’s SAT scores and final GPA before admitting her for fall semester.
5399व्यवस्थापत्र – Fiata commanding order – एक आदेशात्मक आदेशThe dictator rules his country by fiat and expects everyone to obey his orders.
5400उपद्रवी – Turbulentbeing in a wild or disordered state – जंगली या अव्यवस्थित अवस्था में होनाWhen the protestors began to outnumber the police standing outside city hall, the environment became turbulent.
5401झंकार – Jangleto make a noise like metal hitting metal – धातु के धातु से टकराने जैसी ध्वनि उत्पन्न करनाMaking his keys jangle in his hand as he walked, the happy-go-lucky man rattled them with a huge smile.
5402सहयोग – Collaborateto labor with individuals or a single person to complete a task – किसी कार्य को पूरा करने के लिए व्यक्तियों या अकेले व्यक्ति के साथ श्रम करनाThe software engineers will collaborate on the project to make sure it is available to the customer on the agreed upon date.
5403शत्रुता – Hostilityanimosity or aggression opposition – शत्रुता या आक्रामकता विरोधThere was serious hostility between the Colonists and the Native Americans due to their conflicting interests in North America.
5404वीरतापूर्ण – Valorousbrave – बहादुरIn many fairy tales, knights are valorous warriors who enter into not battle with nothing but bravery and a sharp sword.
5405अलग – Differentanother; separate – एक और; अलगYou should take a different path home since your usual route is blocked by traffic.
5406उत्पीड़न – Persecutiona campaign designed to harm someone because of a cultural, sexual, religious, or racial difference – सांस्कृतिक, लैंगिक, धार्मिक या नस्लीय मतभेद के कारण किसी को नुकसान पहुँचाने के लिए बनाया गया अभियानIn some religious communities, homosexuals are still subject to persecution.
5407सचाई – Veritythe condition of being real or true – वास्तविक या सत्य होने की अवस्था या भावIt was obvious from the jurors’ looks of disbelief they doubted the verity of the testimony given by the witness.
5408असंभावना से – Impossiblyin a way that is unnecessary or ridiculously extreme – एक तरह से जो अनावश्यक या हास्यास्पद रूप से अतिवादी हैBecause the line to get into the restaurant was impossibly long, the couple decided to eat at a different café.
5409अभेद्य – Unhurtnot hurt, injured, or damaged in any way – किसी भी तरह से चोट, चोट या क्षतिग्रस्त नहींAlthough the toddler was unhurt, the fall down the stairs scared his parents.
5410मुँह – Moutha mouth is the opening at the lower part of the face – मुँह चेहरे के निचले हिस्से में खुला हुआ भाग हैYour hands could be contaminated so please don’t touch your mouth until you wash them.
5411ट्च – Touchérecognition given when someone makes a clever statement or when a fencer hits his target – मान्यता तब मिलती है जब कोई चतुराईपूर्ण बयान देता है या जब कोई तलवारबाज अपने लक्ष्य पर निशाना साधता हैSince we rarely make contact with each other in our beginning fencing class, we hardly ever get to hear anyone say, “Touché.”
5412असंबद्ध – Unconnectednot joined or linked to anything – किसी भी चीज़ से जुड़ा या जुड़ा हुआ नहींBecause the television cord was unconnected to the power source, the unplugged TV wouldn’t turn on.
5413गहरे रंग का – Floridto have a red or rosy complexion – लाल या गुलाबी रंग होनाThe police officer was florid after being held up by a six-year old boy with a water pistol.
5414पन्नी – Foilto stop something bad from occurring – किसी बुरी चीज़ को घटित होने से रोकनाFortunately, the police were able to foil the kidnapper’s plan.
5415अधिभार – Overloadto put too much weight or stress on something – किसी बात पर बहुत अधिक भार या तनाव डालनाThe elevator is only supposed to hold six average people, so allowing ten onboard would definitely overload it.
5416असहयोगी – Uncooperativeunwilling to help or compromise – मदद करने या समझौता करने को तैयार नहींThe police pushed witnesses to talk about what they saw at the crime scene, but most were uncooperative and refused to speak.
5417परिश्रमी – Assiduousshowing hard work and care that is brought about by attention to detail – कड़ी मेहनत और देखभाल दिखा रहा है जो विस्तार पर ध्यान देने से आती हैThat was very assiduous of you to finish those financial reports weeks ahead of schedule.
5418गोद में जा बैठना – Genuflectto show great respect or devotion – अत्यधिक सम्मान या भक्ति प्रदर्शित करनाAfter Ted’s funeral, hundreds of people went by his house to genuflect to his widow.
5419रोने वाले – Weepytearful or prone to crying – अश्रुपूर्ण या रोने की प्रवृत्ति वालाCory really hates when people get weepy, but only because it makes him feel awkward and he doesn’t know how to respond to crying.
5420विभाजित करनेवाला – Distributiverelated to the act of giving or spreading out – देने या फैलाने की क्रिया से संबंधितThe distributive center is in charge of getting all of the products made at the factory out and into the stores.
5421कब्ज़ा होना – Occupiedlived in or used by someone – किसी में रहता था या उसके द्वारा उपयोग किया जाता थाHilda and her mother occupied one of the upper bedrooms while her younger sisters shared a room in the basement.
5422व्यवसायी – Laborioussomething requiring much physical or mental effort – कुछ ऐसा जिसके लिए बहुत अधिक शारीरिक या मानसिक प्रयास की आवश्यकता होWhen you just start exercising it may seem laborious, but over time it gets easier.
5423स्थापित करना – Installto put something in position so that it can be used – किसी चीज़ को उस स्थान पर रखना जिससे उसका उपयोग किया जा सकेThe electrician will install our new stove today so that my mother can cook dinner tonight.
5424श्राइव – Shriveto gain absolution for ones sins – अपने पापों से मुक्ति पाने के लिएAfter months of feeling guilty about the lies she told, the woman decided to shrive at the local cathedral.
5425मुखाकृति – Faciesa body of rock with specified characteristics – निर्दिष्ट विशेषताओं वाली चट्टान का एक पिंडAccording to the biologist, Sedimentary facies are rocks that are distinct from adjacent sediments.
5426अनुपस्थित – Absentnot present; not in a place one is expected to be – नहीं होना; उस स्थान पर नहीं जहाँ किसी के होने की आशा की जाती हैThe absent father never came to his kids’ school events or picked them up for a weekend visit.
5427परंपरा – Traditiona cultural custom, ritual, or practice – एक सांस्कृतिक रीति-रिवाज, अनुष्ठान या प्रथाMembers of the Dani tribe of Indonesia have a strange tradition of cutting off parts of their fingers when a loved one dies.
5428मचान – Scaffoldinga system of temporary structures that hold laborers while they work on a building – अस्थायी संरचनाओं की एक प्रणाली जो किसी इमारत पर काम करते समय मजदूरों को रखती हैThree stories of scaffolding towered over the side of the building while the final coat of paint was being spread.
5429अर्थ – Connotationsuggested or implied meaning – सुझाया गया या निहित अर्थEven though skinny technically means the same thing as slender, it has a connotation that is less favorable.
5430परिस्थिति – Circumstancea particular incident that influences another event – एक विशेष घटना जो दूसरी घटना को प्रभावित करती हैUnder no circumstance will I allow my daughter to go to a party that is not supervised by an adult.
5431वायु-सेवन – Airingto make known by announcing or directly presenting – घोषणा करके या सीधे प्रस्तुत करके अवगत करानाMost people would be embarrassed after the airing of their “dirty laundry” because no one wants people to know their shameful private business.
5432रंगीन मिजाज – Dandyquality of being really great or awesome – वास्तव में महान या अद्भुत होने की गुणवत्ताThey played a dandy game of golf and finished with almost perfect scores.
5433विरोधात्मक – Antitheticalin direct contrast to an idea; in opposition of – एक विचार के बिल्कुल विपरीत; के विरोध मेंBefore the women’s rights movement, most men were antithetical about the idea of women being their equals.
5434घृणा – Despiseto look upon with disdain – तिरस्कार की दृष्टि से देखनाBecause I despise the taste of white milk, I never drink it.
5435जीवविज्ञान – Biologystudy of living matter – जीवित पदार्थ का अध्ययनIn biology class, we studied the human body and how it works.
5436जलता हुआ – Ablazeburning fiercely; in a blaze; on fire – भयंकर रूप से जलना; एक ज्वाला में; जलता हुआThe cops threw Jack to the ground and arrested him after he set the American flag ablaze.
5437बेचैन – Bothersomecausing bother or irritability – परेशानी या चिड़चिड़ापन पैदा करनाLiving close to the airport, the constant aircraft noise is particularly bothersome when I’m trying to sleep.
5438मुहाना – Estuarya costal area where a river and an ocean meet – एक तटीय क्षेत्र जहाँ एक नदी और एक महासागर मिलते हैंThe Lakonee River and the Atlantic Ocean form an estuary not far from our home.
5439लंगड़ा – Limplacking stiffness or firmness, as of substance, fiber, structure, or bodily frame – पदार्थ, फाइबर, संरचना, या शारीरिक ढांचे के रूप में कठोरता या दृढ़ता का अभावHaving forgotten to water it in weeks, the stalk of the plant was not limp and brittle.
5440ग्रिड – Gridan object containing spaced bars that are parallel to or cross each other – एक वस्तु जिसमें दूरी वाली पट्टियाँ होती हैं जो एक दूसरे के समानांतर होती हैं या एक दूसरे को काटती हैंWhen pressed down, the grid created perfect parallel lines across the waffles.
5441तत्काल – Urgentlyin a way that requires quick action – एक तरह से जिसके लिए त्वरित कार्रवाई की आवश्यकता होती हैThe telegram was sent urgently to quickly warn the other ship of the iceberg.
5442खाद्य – Comestiblean item of food – भोजन की एक वस्तुAn Italian based comestible, pizza is one of my all-time favorite foods.
5443ऑल्टर – Alterto change in some way – किसी तरह से बदलने के लिएThe Photoshop expert can alter the picture to make people think you spent your vacation on the beach.
5444बेहद – Vastlyto a huge or immense extent – बहुत बड़े या अपार सीमा तकAlthough humans and chimpanzees are related, they’re vastly different in appearance and mannerisms.
5445धर्म – Religiona faith or belief system, often revolving around a higher power – एक आस्था या विश्वास प्रणाली, जो अक्सर एक उच्च शक्ति के इर्द-गिर्द घूमती हैThe woman wasn’t a fan of organized religion, but she did believe that a higher power has a plan for us all.
5446verklempt – Verklemptoverwhelmed by emotion – भावना से अभिभूतAfter her father’s death, the verklempt woman cried herself to self every night.
5447कट्टरपंथी – Hardlineunwilling to change one’s position or stance on something – किसी चीज़ पर अपनी स्थिति या रुख बदलने की अनिच्छाTaking a hardline approach, the parents refused to let their children date no matter how much they begged.
5448प्रेरणास्रोत – Role modela person who others look to as an example or inspiration – ऐसा व्यक्ति जिसे अन्य लोग एक उदाहरण या प्रेरणा के रूप में देखते हैंOprah is a role model to many young women who are wanting to be in the entertainment business.
5449मोटाई – Thicknessdepth; wideness – गहराई; व्यापकताThe thickness of the river made it difficult for the pioneers to wade across.
5450दंड देना – Penalizeto suffer from a punishing consequence – दंडनीय परिणाम भुगतनाThe referee decided to penalize the home soccer team when they continued to break the rules.
5451रास्ता – Trackto follow or trail a person or thing – किसी व्यक्ति या वस्तु का अनुसरण या पीछा करनाA GPS system was used to track the stolen vehicle and return it to its rightful owner.
5452मांसल – Muscularhaving well-developed muscles – अच्छी तरह से विकसित मांसपेशियाँ होनाMuscular body builders paraded the stage, showing off their brawn to the judges.
5453आदर्श – Idealperfect; model – उत्तम; नमूनाThe ideal environment for the polar bear is somewhere with cold temperatures and plentiful amounts of ice.
5454साहुल – Plumbto explore or delve into – अन्वेषण या गहराई में जानाUsing the Internet, you can easily plumb your essay topic before writing the paper.
5455महत्वाकांक्षा – Ambitiona desire to accomplish (complete) a task – किसी कार्य को पूरा करने की इच्छाDespite his old age, Frank has a very strong ambition to climb Mount Everest.
5456मनोरमता – Comelinessattractiveness; beauty – आकर्षण; सुंदरताThe vain woman’s mother kept insisting that comeliness is in the eye of the beholder, but the daughter insisted a good plastic surgeon is key.
5457मान जाओ ना – Wheedleto try and persuade using flattery – चापलूसी का उपयोग करके मनाने की कोशिश करनाAfter Bill forgot his wedding anniversary, he attempted to wheedle his way back into his wife’s heart by surprising her with a romantic getaway.
5458भरपाई – Overcompensateto take extreme measures to correct a perceived weakness, error, or problem – किसी कथित कमजोरी, त्रुटि या समस्या को ठीक करने के लिए अत्यधिक उपाय करनाThe young mother tried to overcompensate for her lack of experience through buying her child lots of expensive gifts.
5459अपराध यात्रा – Guilt-tripan occurrence of believing your guilty of something not justified by reality – किसी ऐसी चीज़ के लिए खुद को दोषी मानने की घटना जो वास्तविकता से उचित नहीं हैI wish my parents would stop laying a guilt-trip on me for not going to college.
5460इमला – Orthographythe aspect of language that is associated with spelling – भाषा का वह पहलू जो वर्तनी से जुड़ा हैWhile the punctuation in the paper was fine, the writing contained many misspellings that revealed a weakness in orthography.
5461जोड़ना – Connectto bring or link two or more things together – दो या दो से अधिक चीजों को एक साथ लाना या जोड़नाBecause the airport is so expansive, a train is used to link each of the distant terminals to one another.
5462वीरतापूर्ण – Gallivantingto roam from place to place for pleasure or excitement – आनंद या उत्साह के लिए एक स्थान से दूसरे स्थान पर घूमनाThe mischievous wanderer was gallivanting around town in search of something to entertain himself, paying no heed to those around him.
5463स्वीकार किया – Concededyielded; surrendered – उपज; आत्मसमर्पण कर दियाThe repo man went to get the car in question, and the owner surprisingly conceded it without a fight.
5464प्रेरणा – Motivea reason; motivation – एक कारण; प्रेरणाAlthough he had no motive to commit the crime, police were sure that the suspect was innocent.
5465उपयोगी – Utilebeneficial and useful – लाभकारी एवं उपयोगीLearning Latin in high school would be utile for those entering the health care field due to many medical terms being in Latin.
5466रोष – Furyintense anger or rage – तीव्र क्रोध या रोषWith all of its fury, the volcano erupted over the mountainside and covered all life with its ferocity.
5467एकदम भूल जाइए – Perishpass away; rot or decay – गुज़ारना; सड़ना या क्षय होनाWithout enough lifejackets, someone might perish at sea.
5468म्याऊँ – Purra low vibrating sound, usually made by a cat or a vehicle – धीमी कंपन वाली ध्वनि, जो आमतौर पर बिल्ली या वाहन द्वारा बनाई जाती हैLetting out a low purr, the cat let her owner know that she enjoyed being petted.
5469कुरूपतावाद – Malapropisma comical misuse of a word that resembles another term in sound – किसी शब्द का हास्यास्पद दुरुपयोग जो ध्वनि में किसी अन्य शब्द जैसा दिखता हैIn class, everyone laughed at Bill’s malapropism when he complained about electrical votes instead of electoral votes.
5470व्यर्थ – Vainlywithout success – बिना सफलता केAfter staying up late to watch horror films with her friends, Aria vainly tried to fall asleep but was haunted by the bloody scenes from the movie.
5471पिरामिड – Pyramida structure with sloping sides that meets at the top and sits on a triangular or square base – झुकी हुई भुजाओं वाली एक संरचना जो शीर्ष पर मिलती है और त्रिकोणीय या चौकोर आधार पर बैठती हैA pyramid of delicious cupcakes was positioned on the triangular display.
5472कैसर – Quasaran incredibly distant celestial object made of a vivid mass of light and energy – प्रकाश और ऊर्जा के ज्वलंत द्रव्यमान से बनी एक अविश्वसनीय रूप से दूर की खगोलीय वस्तुA quasar is a cosmic entity that is filled with energy.
5473भीषण – Horrificto be dreadful and eerie – भयानक और डरावने होनाSeveral people died including three small children in the horrific car accident that occurred last night.
5474पावती – Acknowledgmentthe act of recognizing or admitting the truth of something – किसी बात की सच्चाई को पहचानने या स्वीकार करने की क्रियाThere is great acknowledgment in America that minimum wage levels are too low.
5475इलाका – Territoryan area or zone – एक क्षेत्र या जोनDrug dealers on the northside would kill any rival gang member who tried to come into their territory.
5476लोच – Elasticityflexibility or stretchiness – लचीलापन या खिंचावThe skin’s elasticity (or lack of) determines if a woman will get stretch marks while pregnant.
5477एकत्रित होना – Conjoinunite; combine – एकजुट होना; मिलानाWith only one set of handcuffs, the officer had to conjoin the two suspects.
5478उत्परिवर्ती – Mutantmutant means something that had transformed into something other than it was – उत्परिवर्ती का अर्थ है कोई ऐसी चीज़ जो अपने स्वरूप से भिन्न किसी चीज़ में परिवर्तित हो गई होThe radioactive spill caused a small dog to transform into a giant three-headed mutant.
5479प्रभाव – Impacthave a strong effect on someone or something – किसी व्यक्ति या वस्तु पर गहरा प्रभाव डालनाRising pollution and increased burning of fossil fuels has had a huge impact on global warming.
5480प्रचुर करना – Luxuriateto take pleasure in something – किसी चीज़ का आनंद लेनाAfter a long day, all Amber wanted to do was luxuriate in a soothing bubble bath.
5481अपस्फीति – Deflationthe act of decreasing or reducing something – किसी चीज को कम या कम करने की क्रिया या भावAn open hole in the truck’s tire caused deflation and left it sitting on flat.
5482सड़न – Decompositionthe state or process of decaying or rotting – सड़ने या सड़ने की अवस्था या प्रक्रियाWe learned that decomposition is the process of breaking down organic substances into simpler forms of matter.
5483बासना – Tarrycovered in tar or a tar like substance – टार या टार जैसे पदार्थ से ढका हुआThe tires of the vehicle were tarry from all the sticky mud it drove through, making it difficult to wash off even with a hose.
5484रवाना हुए – Sailedtraveled by water – पानी से यात्रा कीThe explorers sailed across the Atlantic Ocean looking for new land to start a colony on.
5485गुप्त – Concealedhid; disguised or covered – छिपा हुआ; छिपा हुआ या ढका हुआThe teenager concealed her acne with makeup that was heavy enough to hide the bumps.
5486अच्छे शब्द – Bon mota clever or witty remark – एक चतुर या मजाकिया टिप्पणीElise laughed at her husband’s bon mot as she did all of his clever jokes.
5487अनिच्छा – Reluctanceunwillingness to do something – कुछ करने की अनिच्छाWhile Ben agreed to take out the trash, his reluctance to do so was obvious by how long he delayed actually doing it.
5488उठाया – Raisedelevated to a higher place or position – किसी ऊँचे स्थान या पद पर आसीन होनाMother raised the window slightly so that smoke from her burning pie could escape out of the kitchen.
5489तरफ़ चलना – Sidleto move in a discreet manner, often by walking sideways – विवेकपूर्ण तरीके से चलना, अक्सर बग़ल में चलनाMembers of the rescue team will sidle around the building to avoid being seen by the kidnappers.
5490निष्कर्ष निकाला – Concludeddecided; determined – फैसला किया; दृढ़ निश्चय वालाAfter hearing all of the evidence against the defendant, the jurors concluded that he was guilty.
5491संवेदनशील – Predisposedto be inclined to act in a certain way or have a certain condition – एक निश्चित तरीके से कार्य करने के लिए इच्छुक होना या एक निश्चित स्थिति होनाBecause of my passion for athletics, I am predisposed to playing a variety of sports.
5492बक्शीश – Bonussomething extra or more that is added – कुछ अतिरिक्त या अधिक जो जोड़ा गया होWhen Christmas arrives, you will receive a large cash bonus for all your hard work.
5493लहज़ा – Accenta distinctive pronunciation of language often associated by nationality or culture – भाषा का एक विशिष्ट उच्चारण जो अक्सर राष्ट्रीयता या संस्कृति से जुड़ा होता हैIf you ever meet someone from another country, you will likely note that they have an accent when they speak your language.
5494विश्वास – Trustfirm belief in the reliability or truth of something or someone – किसी चीज़ या व्यक्ति की विश्वसनीयता या सच्चाई में दृढ़ विश्वासIf there is one person I know I can trust to do what is best for me no matter what, it’s my mother.
5495देश-भक्त – Patriota person who shows allegiance to his or her country by supporting and defending it – एक व्यक्ति जो अपने देश का समर्थन और बचाव करके उसके प्रति निष्ठा दिखाता हैWhen Great Britain raised the taxes, the patriot decided to fight the British and push for becoming our own nation.
5496देवता-सदृश पूजा करना – Deifyto worship someone, treating them as if they were a God – किसी की पूजा करना, उसके साथ ऐसा व्यवहार करना जैसे कि वह भगवान होThe people seemed to deify their leader, worshiping him as if he was the Earth’s creator.
5497प्रणाली – Systema set of different small parts that work together to create a larger complex whole – विभिन्न छोटे भागों का एक सेट जो एक साथ मिलकर एक बड़ा जटिल संपूर्ण निर्माण करता हैA country’s transportation system is made up of many small parts, including roads, ports, railways, and airports.
5498मतदाताओं – Electoratebody of people who are entitled to vote – उन लोगों का समूह जो वोट देने के हकदार हैंThis year the electorate includes many first-time voters.
5499सत्य – TRUEreal and genuine – असली और असलीAmber’s true hair color is red, but she likes to dye it blonde in the summer.
5500शब्दकोष – Glossarya list that gives definitions of the tough or unusual words found inside book – एक सूची जो पुस्तक के अंदर पाए जाने वाले कठिन या असामान्य शब्दों की परिभाषा देती हैIn the back of the chef guide there was a glossary that explained some of the unique cooking terms.
5501डरना – Afraidscared or frightened – डरा हुआ या डरा हुआThe toddler is afraid of the dark and will not sleep without a nightlight.
5502अवरोध्य – Opposablecapable of facing and touching the other digits on the same hand – एक ही हाथ पर अन्य अंकों का सामना करने और छूने में सक्षमLike humans, chimps have fully opposable thumbs and are able to grip things using facing fingers.
5503टंबलिंग – Tumblingto lose control and fall down quickly – नियंत्रण खोना और तेजी से गिरनाJack tripped over Jill, and both of the clumsy children came tumbling down the hill.
5504समाह्वान करना – Convoketo call together or summon a meeting – एक साथ बुलाना या बैठक बुलानाThe chairman decided to convoke a meeting to discuss the company’s budget issue.
5505लूटना – Ransacka frantic hunt for an item that leaves chaos and/or damage in its wake – किसी ऐसी वस्तु की उन्मत्त खोज जो अराजकता और/या क्षति छोड़ती हैThe thieves continued to ransack the house until they came across the shoebox stuffed with money.
5506व्हिम्सी – Whimsythe quality of being amazing or fantastic – अद्भुत या शानदार होने का गुणSkydiving was an experience filled with whimsy, bringing an exhilarating rush of fun and excitement into my life even if it was only for a few moments.
5507व्यापार – Tradeto swap or exchange – अदला-बदली या अदला-बदली करनाBefore money was used to buy things, Native Americans would trade shells and other objects to get the things they needed.
5508छोटा – Smallof lesser size than normal – सामान्य से कम आकार काThe skinny girl ordered a very small dress to wear to the dance.
5509कमज़ोर – Fragileweak; easily damaged – कमज़ोर; आसानी से क्षतिग्रस्तAfter leaving the mental hospital, my daughter was in a fragile emotional state.
5510सनक – Crazea temporary passion or infatuation; trend – एक अस्थायी जुनून या मोह; रुझानThe Pokemon Go craze that once swept the country has slowed down as gamers wait for newer versions.
5511बेढब – Amorphoushaving no clear shape or form – जिसका कोई स्पष्ट आकार या रूप न होBecause the painting was amorphous, I had no idea what it represented.
5512पूरी भावना – Passionatelyto be done with great feeling and reaction – महान भावना एवं प्रतिक्रिया के साथ किया जाना चाहिएAfter acquiring her great singing gig, Annette sang passionately to the large audience in the Grand Theater.
5513छानबीन करने लगते – Scourto scrub hard – जोर से रगड़नाMy mother made us scour the bathroom before our guests arrived.
5514विचार करें – Ponderto think about something seriously – किसी बात पर गंभीरता से सोचनाBecause my father debates every decision, he will ponder before deciding if I can take part in my friend’s mixed gender sleepover.
5515ट्राइथलॉन – Triathlonan athletic event that includes three separate events (usually running, cycling, and swimming) – एक एथलेटिक इवेंट जिसमें तीन अलग-अलग इवेंट शामिल होते हैं (आमतौर पर दौड़ना, साइकिल चलाना और तैराकी)The third event of the triathlon was difficult for the athlete since she was already tired from cycling and running.
5516गला घोंटने का काम – Strangulationthe act of being strangled or strangling – गला घोंटने या गला घोंटने की क्रिया या भावWith no weapon available to him, the desperate warrior wrapped his hands around his opponent’s neck and finished him with strangulation.
5517विनम्र – Humblenot thinking of yourself as better than other people, or of low social, administrative, or political rank – स्वयं को अन्य लोगों से बेहतर, या निम्न सामाजिक, प्रशासनिक या राजनीतिक स्तर का न समझनाAfter twenty years as a humble worker, he finally got the opportunity to lead.
5518डोपामाइन – Dopaminea brain chemical (neurotransmitter) that regulates movement and emotion – एक मस्तिष्क रसायन (न्यूरोट्रांसमीटर) जो गति और भावना को नियंत्रित करता हैAddiction affects the brain, causing feel-good dopamine and other neurotransmitters to be released when drugs are used.
5519टीला – Moundan elevated heap or pile – ऊँचा ढेर या ढेरRolling down the steep mound, the children laughed as they turned over on the dirt.
5520कलह – Dissensiona disagreement that leads to arguing and discord – एक असहमति जो बहस और कलह को जन्म देती हैDissension was growing between the two political parties as more scandals came out through the media.
5521अंधराष्ट्रीवादी – Chauvinistsomeone who displays extreme or aggressive support for something – कोई व्यक्ति जो किसी चीज़ के लिए अत्यधिक या आक्रामक समर्थन प्रदर्शित करता हैSome people consider my sister to be a chauvinist when it comes to feminism, as she gets both angry and irritated when someone opposes her point of view.
5522प्रवासी – Expatriatean individual who does not reside in his native nation or birthplace – एक व्यक्ति जो अपने मूल राष्ट्र या जन्मस्थान में नहीं रहता हैMy uncle is an expatriate who left the country of his birth to live in France.
5523स्वामित्व – Ownedto be utterly defeated – पूरी तरह से पराजित होनाWe totally owned the opposing team with an amazing score of twenty-eight to zero.
5524धोखा देना – Betrayexpose (one’s country, a group, or a person) to danger by treacherously giving information to an enemy – किसी शत्रु को विश्वासघाती रूप से जानकारी देकर (किसी के देश, समूह या व्यक्ति को) खतरे में डालनाHarry decided to betray his country and spy for the enemy, despite all that America had done for him.
5525संधिपत्र – Capitulationact of giving up or giving in – त्यागने या समर्पण करने की क्रियाWaving a white flag in the air was the enemy’s way of announcing their capitulation.
5526गलत साबित करना – Rebutto deny something by giving reasons it cannot be true – किसी बात को कारण बताकर नकारना सत्य नहीं हो सकताThe defense attorney tried hard to rebut the prosecutor’s accusation about the defendant.
5527असामान्य – Unwontedsomething not seen often; not ordinary – कुछ ऐसा जो अक्सर नहीं देखा जाता; साधारण नहीं हैSince Bill rarely came to church, even the priest was shocked by his unwonted appearance at the service.
5528प्रचुरता – Profusionbeing in great abundance – बहुत प्रचुर मात्रा में होनाIn the summer, my dog is always covered with a profusion of fleas.
5529उखड़ना – Rendto rip apart with violence or force – हिंसा या बल से टुकड़े-टुकड़े करनाThe hungry dog is going to rend the steak into pieces.
5530बोधगम्य – Conceivablecapable of being conceived or imagined; possible; credible; thinkable. – कल्पना या कल्पना करने में सक्षम; संभव; विश्वसनीय; विचारणीय.It is quite conceivable that in 100 years from now, the world will be an unrecognizable place, due to the rapid advancements in technology.
5531के अनुसार – According toas stated by or in – जैसा कि या में बताया गया हैAccording to the newspaper, the murder suspect was captured and is being held in the local jail.
5532प्रशंसा – Kudospraise for one’s accomplishments – किसी की उपलब्धियों के लिए प्रशंसाAlthough the movie director received kudos from the critics, the public hated the film.
5533वहन – Affordhave enough money to pay for something – किसी चीज़ का भुगतान करने के लिए पर्याप्त धन होनाThe bum claimed he couldn’t pay his bills, but always found a way to afford cigarettes and booze.
5534फाड़ना – Ripto tear or pull something quickly – किसी चीज को तेजी से फाड़ना या खींचनाIf you quickly rip off the band-aid, it won’t hurt as bad as if you pull it slowly.
5535कैडेंट – Cadentpossessing a balanced musical pace – संतुलित संगीत गति रखने वालाWhile reciting the cadent poem, the words flowed smoothly and methodically.
5536शेष – Remainderan amount that is extra – एक राशि जो अतिरिक्त हैAfter dividing 3 into 25, the remainder to the math problem is one because 3 goes into 25 eight times with 1 left over.
5537विषमता – Asymmetrylack of equivalence or balance (symmetry) between parts – भागों के बीच तुल्यता या संतुलन (समरूपता) का अभावThe slight asymmetry of the woman’s face made it seem like one of her eyes was wider than the other.
5538भाईचारा बनाना – Fraternizeto associate with other people in a pleasant manner – अन्य लोगों के साथ सुखद तरीके से जुड़नाWhile our boss treats us well, he will never come to our social events and fraternize.
5539समाज जिस में माता गृहस्थी की स्वामिनी समझी जाती है – Matriarchya family unit, group, or administration managed by a single woman or a team of women – एक परिवार इकाई, समूह, या प्रशासन जिसे एक महिला या महिलाओं की एक टीम द्वारा प्रबंधित किया जाता हैThe tribe of female warriors has always been ruled by a matriarchy.
5540गढ़ा – Wroughtprepared in some manner, usually by hammering or applying another type of pressure – किसी तरह से तैयार किया जाता है, आमतौर पर हथौड़े से मारकर या किसी अन्य प्रकार का दबाव डालकरAs we stared at the wrought iron gate, we could not help but wonder about the craftsman who had created the masterpiece.
5541प्रकृति – Naturethe world of the environment of plants and animals – पौधों और जानवरों के पर्यावरण की दुनियाThe refreshing nature hike was just what I needed to become energized and happy.
5542प्रमुख – Flagshipthe best or most important thing produced by a company – किसी कंपनी द्वारा उत्पादित सबसे अच्छी या सबसे महत्वपूर्ण चीज़The chain’s flagship store sells more hamburgers than any other location.
5543उपाय – Expedientsuitable to the circumstances; appropriate – परिस्थितियों के अनुकूल; उपयुक्तGiven the fact the police will be looking for us soon, it is expedient we leave this apartment quickly!
5544टॉस – Tossto throw something lightly or casually – किसी चीज़ को हल्के से या लापरवाही से फेंकनाI didn’t want to break my phone, so I decided to toss it on my bed rather than throw it.
5545वेतन – Wagemoney that is paid by an employer to an employee in exchange for work – वह धन जो नियोक्ता द्वारा किसी कर्मचारी को काम के बदले में दिया जाता हैFlipping burgers and making no more than minimum wage, Samantha sought after a higher paying job to support her family.
5546प्रबल इच्छा – Urgeto strongly persuade – दृढ़ता से मनानाEven though my wife hates crowded events, I tried to urge her to go to the career fair because it would help her get a job.
5547पैराडिग्मैटिक – Paradigmaticassociated with a standard model or example – एक मानक मॉडल या उदाहरण से संबद्धIf you want to see a paradigmatic icon of music, you should attend Sir Elton’s concert.
5548अनैतिक – Libertinesomeone who ignores moral values – कोई व्यक्ति जो नैतिक मूल्यों की उपेक्षा करता होMy Uncle Charles is a libertine who lives with his four girlfriends.
5549प्रशंसापूर्वक – Admiringlyfavorably or approvingly – अनुकूल या अनुमोदनपूर्वकKevin looked admiringly at his uncle who had just rescued a young girl from a fire on his first day on the job as a firefighter.
5550टीम वर्क – Teamworka group of people who work together towards a mutual goal – लोगों का एक समूह जो एक पारस्परिक लक्ष्य के लिए मिलकर काम करते हैंGroup sports rely on teamwork to win the game.
5551पकाने की – Meringuea pie topping that is browned after being made from beaten egg whites and sugar – एक पाई टॉपिंग जिसे फेंटे हुए अंडे की सफेदी और चीनी से बनाने के बाद भूरा किया जाता हैEdith whipped up a meringue to be added to the list of sweet and light treats.
5552जूड़ी – Aguea fever that causes you to shake, sweat and feel cold – ऐसा बुखार जिसके कारण आपको कंपकंपी आती है, पसीना आता है और ठंड लगती हैDr. Frank determined that his patient acquired ague based on the symptoms but, he realized it was not malaria because the patient had not visited tropical areas lately.
5553सरलता – Ingenuitythe capacity to find solutions for tough problems – कठिन समस्याओं का समाधान खोजने की क्षमताWhen Jack fixed the jeep, his friends were impressed with his mechanical ingenuity.
5554साथी – Comradeone who shares an experience or duty – वह जो अनुभव या कर्तव्य साझा करता होPolice officers came from across the country to gather at the funeral of their comrade.
5555अवनति – Demoteto lower someone’s rank – किसी का पद कम करनाThe decision to demote the officer to a lower rank was based on his inability to perform on the field.
5556खिलखिलाकर हंसना – Guffawa noisy spurt of laughter – हँसी का शोरगुलAfter the comedian told a funny joke, he was pleased to receive a large guffaw from the audience.
5557रिसना – Leakan unintended hole or crack that allows contents (usually liquid) to escape – एक अनपेक्षित छेद या दरार जो सामग्री (आमतौर पर तरल) को बाहर निकलने की अनुमति देती हैA leak in the roof allowed water to seep from the top of the roof and down through the ceiling.
5558demonize – Demonizeto portray something or someone as evil or wicked – किसी चीज़ या व्यक्ति को दुष्ट या दुष्ट के रूप में चित्रित करनाIn divorce court, the bitter wife tried to demonize her ex and pain him in a bad light to the judge.
5559खाड़ी – Bayan inlet by the sea where the land curves inward – समुद्र के किनारे एक प्रवेश द्वार जहाँ भूमि अंदर की ओर मुड़ती हैOtis Redding was sitting on the dock of the bay, watching the tide roll away.
5560चुनना – Cullto take from a unit or group – किसी इकाई या समूह से लेनाBefore we take the pecans to market, we cull the damaged ones that cannot be sold.
5561बीच – Midstthe time when something is taking place – वह समय जब कुछ घटित हो रहा होSince I had not studied for the exam, I was happy when the fire alarm went off in the midst of the test.
5562मूर्खता – Absurditythe quality of being ridiculous – हास्यास्पद होने का गुणTo believe that the earth is flat is an absurdity.
5563हिम दरार – Crevassea deep crack in the earth or a glacier – धरती में गहरी दरार या ग्लेशियरThe hiker tripped and fell into a deep mountain crevasse and had to be pulled out by a rescue team.
5564महानतम – Greatestlargest in size, number, or degree – आकार, संख्या या डिग्री में सबसे बड़ाThe mastiff was the greatest of all the dogs at the park.
5565छोड़ना – Quitto leave a place or stop doing a task – कोई स्थान छोड़ देना या कोई कार्य करना बंद कर देनाThe teacher wanted to quit her job, but she has to find another one first.
5566जलविभाजन – Watersheda turning point or milestone – एक महत्वपूर्ण मोड़ या मील का पत्थरWinning Teacher of the Year was a watershed moment in my career.
5567जैसे भी – Anyhowanyway; in any case – फिर भी; किसी भी स्थिति मेंThe doctor told the patient not to go back to work for six weeks, but she went anyhow.
5568भड़कीलापन – Flamboyancethe tendency to attract attention due to one’s eccentricity – किसी की विलक्षणता के कारण ध्यान आकर्षित करने की प्रवृत्तिIngrid entered the room with flamboyance and flair, playing music and wearing sparkling clothes to call attention to herself.
5569शोक – Elegiaccommunicating mourning or sorrow – शोक या दुःख का संचार करनाThe elegiac poem brought everyone to tears during the funeral.
5570वृत्त का चतुर्थ भाग – Quadrantone section of something that is divided into four parts – किसी चीज़ का एक खंड जो चार भागों में विभाजित हैDuring the hurricane, the low-lying fourth quadrant of the city was hit much harder than the other three areas.
5571भविष्य में – Hereafterusually signifies a change or transition that will be the norm from this point on – आमतौर पर एक परिवर्तन या संक्रमण का प्रतीक है जो इस बिंदु से आदर्श होगाMichael started to cry at the funeral when he realized that he would hereafter never taste his grandmother’s cookies or feel her hugs again.
5572मायावी – Charlatana person who falsely pretends to know or be something in order to deceive people – वह व्यक्ति जो लोगों को धोखा देने के लिए कुछ जानने या होने का झूठा दिखावा करता हैThe charlatan pretended to be a doctor so he could go into the hospital and steal prescription drugs.
5573अप्रिय – Unpleasantunsavory, distasteful, or disgusting – अरुचिकर, अरुचिकर, या घृणितThe unpleasant smell of rotten eggs crept out of the trash and hit my nose like a ton of bricks.
5574शारीरिक – Physicalityinvolvement of a lot of physical contact – बहुत अधिक शारीरिक संपर्क का शामिल होनाThe physicality of the football game made the players at risk for injury.
5575छोड़ देना – Abandonto stop caring and leave or to desert – परवाह करना बंद कर देना और चले जाना या वीरान हो जानाSince the young girl was unable to care for the newborn, she decided to abandon the child at a fire station.
5576घटित होना – Occurto take place; happen – होने के लिये; होनाThere was no way to predict when the earthquake would occur, but scientists were certain it would happen.
5577नौसेना – Navya country’s armed service using ships and boats – जहाजों और नावों का उपयोग करने वाली देश की सशस्त्र सेवाDuring the war, the ships from the country’s navy were sent out to defend against the attack on their land.
5578जी जान से – Wholeheartedlyfully; without reserve – पूरी तरह से; बिना रिजर्व केAlthough Hazel is halfhearted about our relationship, I am in it wholeheartedly, without any reservations.
5579जहाज़ के बाहर – Overboardto do something to the extreme – चरम सीमा तक कुछ करनाMy mother always goes overboard with Christmas decorations, hanging lights and garland on every inch of the house.
5580लिपिक – Clericalof or relating to clerks or their work; office tasks – या क्लर्कों या उनके काम से संबंधित; कार्यालय के कार्यThe Department of Driver Services says clerical and administrative errors led to the mistake that landed a man in jail.
5581कुछ – Fewreferring to a small number or amount – एक छोटी संख्या या राशि का जिक्रWith only five people, the few of us will likely not succeed here.
5582आरंभ – Rudimentthe start or beginning of a concept or plan – किसी अवधारणा या योजना की शुरुआत या शुरुआतMy friend’s addiction to my chocolate cupcakes was the rudiment of my successful bakery.
5583एकपदीय – Monosyllabicshort responses, consisting of only one syllable – संक्षिप्त प्रतिक्रियाएँ, जिनमें केवल एक शब्दांश शामिल हैAncient Chinese words were monosyllabic and easily pronounced since they were so short.
5584गढ़ना – Excogitateto study something intently and carefully – किसी चीज़ का ध्यानपूर्वक और ध्यानपूर्वक अध्ययन करनाThe attorney took several days to excogitate the case documents so that he would be prepared for court.
5585ख़ौफ़ में डालना – Terrifyto scare someone or something – किसी को या किसी वस्तु को डरानाDuring Halloween, masked adults will hop out in monster costumes and terrify the people around them.
5586एक्सिस – Axisan imaginary line about which a body rotates – एक काल्पनिक रेखा जिसके चारों ओर कोई पिंड घूमता हैTilting on its axis, the Earth is constantly rotating.
5587क्रीड़ा करना – Friskto pass your hands over someone’s body in search of drugs or other weapons – नशीली दवाओं या अन्य हथियारों की तलाश में किसी के शरीर पर अपना हाथ फेरनाStop and frisk policies allow police to approach pedestrians and search them without cause.
5588अधिकारों का विभाजन – Separation of Powersthe political system in which the power of the government is split into different branches to avoid consolidation – वह राजनीतिक व्यवस्था जिसमें एकीकरण से बचने के लिए सरकार की शक्ति को विभिन्न शाखाओं में विभाजित किया जाता हैThe separation of powers in the American government divides the power of between three different branches.
5589बिलकुल नहीं – Nowisein no way – किसी तरह भी नहींHer speech dragged on forever and made the audience lose interest since she is nowise providing important information to them.
5590अतिदुष्ट – Flagitiousto act in an evil way – बुरे तरीके से कार्य करनाEvery student would avoid walking near the flagitious bully due to his abusive words and violent actions.
5591सड़क के किनारे का – Roadsideedge next to or the shoulder of a road – सड़क के बगल या कंधे का किनाराThe family parked their car in the grass next to the highway and laid out a blanket for the family’s roadside picnic.
5592रेंजर – Rangera person whose job it is to take care of a forest or a large park – एक व्यक्ति जिसका काम किसी जंगल या बड़े पार्क की देखभाल करना हैAs a warden of the forest, it is the responsibility of the ranger to oversee parks and other outdoor public places.
5593अभियोगात्मक भाषण – Diatribeabusive speech or of – अभद्र भाषा या काBecause Sheila was unhappy with the administration, she launched a lengthy diatribe against the board during lunch.
5594सहानुभूति रखते हे – Sympathizeto share in feeling with another person, usually in a positive light – किसी अन्य व्यक्ति के साथ भावनाएँ साझा करना, आमतौर पर सकारात्मक दृष्टि सेIt’s difficult to sympathize with a negative people who will do nothing to help themselves.
5595उत्सुक – Keenstrong or highly developed – मजबूत या अत्यधिक विकसितHis keen sense of observation allowed him to notice that his keys were not where he had left them.
5596मायावी – Elusivedifficult to find, catch, or achieve – खोजना, पकड़ना या हासिल करना कठिनThe police are finding it difficult to catch the elusive bank robber.
5597रागामफिन – Ragamuffina person, typically a child, in ragged, dirty clothes – मैले-कुचैले, गंदे कपड़ों में एक व्यक्ति, आमतौर पर एक बच्चाThe poor girl was always dressed like a ragamuffin, wearing clothes that were too big and dirty to match.
5598घंटा – Houra period of time that equals 60 minutes – समय की एक अवधि जो 60 मिनट के बराबर होती हैIn an hour the clock hand will move from the number 11 to the number 12.
5599बदनाम करना – Traduceto harm someone’s reputation by speaking of them in a negative manner – किसी के बारे में नकारात्मक बातें करके उसकी प्रतिष्ठा को नुकसान पहुँचानाThe crooked politician paid a newspaper editor to traduce his rivals.
5600आंसू – Tearto rip something apart with brute force – किसी चीज़ को क्रूर बल से तोड़नाI tear apart my test in frustration because I got a low grade on it, but unfortunately it doesn’t change anything.
5601निराश्रय – Defenselesspowerless; vulnerable – शक्तिहीन; असुरक्षितThe defenseless cows had no way to protect themselves from the coyotes looming nearby.
5602अलिंद – Atriuma very large room, usually in the center of a home or building, that is open to the ceiling and often has a glass roof – एक बहुत बड़ा कमरा, आमतौर पर घर या इमारत के केंद्र में, जो छत की ओर खुला होता है और अक्सर इसकी छत कांच की होती हैHouses of ancient Rome are famous for their atrium and open-roofed hall designs.
5603कानून बनाना – Legislateto pass laws – कानून पारित करने के लिएAdultery is wrong, but we don’t try to legislate laws against it.
5604बुद्धिहीन – Witlessvery stupid or foolish – बहुत मूर्ख या मूर्खThe witless criminal decided that for his first heist, he would attempt to rob a gun store that had many armed people in it.
5605साइड बार – Sidebara short conversation during the court case with the lawyers and judge without the jury hearing it – अदालती मामले के दौरान जूरी की सुनवाई के बिना वकीलों और जज के साथ एक छोटी सी बातचीतDuring the sidebar, the prosecutor whispered to the judge his reasoning for needing to include the evidence followed by the defense’s argument against it.
5606झूठा साक्ष्य – Perjurygiving false testimony after swearing to state the truth – सच बोलने की शपथ खाकर झूठी गवाही देनाDuring his testimony, Jim committed perjury when he misled the court about his wife’s whereabouts.
5607बिगड़ना – Irruptto enter or burst in suddenly – अचानक प्रवेश करना या फट जानाThe scorned woman decided to irrupt through the doors during the wedding and make a scene in front of all the guests.
5608गति – Motionthe process of moving – चलने की प्रक्रियाPutting the ball into motion, the pitcher prayed that the batter would not make contact.
5609हानिरहित – Harmlesssomething that is safe and unlikely to cause harm or hurt – कुछ ऐसा जो सुरक्षित है और जिससे नुकसान या चोट लगने की संभावना नहीं हैEveryone was shocked that the harmless old man was actually a jujitsu master.
5610कब्ज़ा – Possessionthe state of having or owning something – किसी चीज़ के होने या स्वामित्व में होने की अवस्था या भावWith the gold in our possession, my cronies and I will be rich enough to buy anything we want to.
5611संदेह – Mistrusta feeling of doubt or suspicion – संदेह या सन्देह की भावनाAfter Kurt was severely bitten by a dog, he developed a mistrust of most animals.
5612वेट्रेस – Waitressa restaurant server that waits on guests, bringing them food and drinks – एक रेस्तरां सर्वर जो मेहमानों की प्रतीक्षा करता है, उनके लिए भोजन और पेय लाता हैThe waitress went from table to table, asking the diners what kinds of drinks and appetizers they wanted to eat.
5613धो सकते हैं – Washableable to be washed or cleaned – धोने या साफ करने में सक्षमThe washable paint was easily wiped off the floor.
5614प्रसार – Diffusionspreading something from one place to another – किसी चीज़ को एक स्थान से दूसरे स्थान तक फैलानाDiffusion of the lemon and lime in the air caused a citrusy aroma to move throughout the house.
5615बाद करना – Litigateto participate in legal actions – कानूनी कार्रवाइयों में भाग लेने के लिएAfter not reaching an agreement, the two parties decided to go to court to litigate the settlement.
5616सौंपना – Entrustto trust to the care of – की देखभाल पर भरोसा करनाJerome was shocked that I would entrust money into the hands of a teenager who was known to be thief.
5617अतिथि – Guesta person invited to visit someone’s home or to attend an event – किसी के घर जाने या किसी कार्यक्रम में शामिल होने के लिए आमंत्रित किया गया व्यक्तिEach guest was sent an invitation to let them know what time to arrive at the party.
5618दहन – Combustionthe process of burning – जलाने की प्रक्रियाThe combustion of leaves can lead to a forest fire if not handled properly.
5619पूर्वज – Forbearto not engage in something; to refrain – किसी चीज़ में संलग्न न होना; परहेज करनाSince Catie did not have a date for the prom, she chose to forbear attending the event.
5620चकाचौंध – Dazzleto shine or sparkle – चमकना या चमकनाThe spellbound campers watched the sparkling stars dazzle as they danced in the night sky.
5621नष्ट होते – Witheringshriveling or fading away – सिकुड़ना या लुप्त होनाAfter a few days of being removed from the garden and placed in the vase, the withering roses began to fade away.
5622एहोय – Ahoya greeting yelled to someone far away – किसी दूर स्थित व्यक्ति को चिल्लाकर अभिवादन करना“Ahoy! Please come aboard!” the pirate hollered to the unknowing merchants who were enticed to come onto the boat.
5623मानसिक – Noeticof or pertaining to the mind or intellect – मन या बुद्धि से संबंधित या उससे संबंधितIn the debate between the two top teams, it became apparent of the leader’s noetic capabilities to describe the history and reasoning behind their debating topic.
5624चलती – Movingputting something in motion – किसी चीज़ को गति में लानाWeaving in and out of traffic, the moving vehicles made their way past the construction zone and onto the freeway.
5625मौलिक विचार – Brainchildan invention or innovation considered someone’s personal achievement – किसी आविष्कार या नवप्रवर्तन को किसी की व्यक्तिगत उपलब्धि माना जाता हैThis painting is the brainchild of my best friend, an aspiring painter who worked on it for months.
5626मज़बूती – Underpinninga solid level of foundation laid below a building to support it – किसी इमारत को सहारा देने के लिए उसके नीचे रखी गई ठोस स्तर की नींवThe construction team added underpinning at the bottom of the trailer to shelter the mobile home’s pipes from cold weather.
5627सामंती – Feudalrelating to the feudal system of England in which kings and lords ran the land – इंग्लैंड की सामंती व्यवस्था से संबंधित जिसमें राजा और सामंत भूमि चलाते थेFeudal landowners let the peasants stay on the land as long as they worked.
5628गोधूलि के क्षेत्र – Twilight zonean area where two different ways of life or states of existence meet – वह क्षेत्र जहां जीवन के दो अलग-अलग तरीके या अस्तित्व की स्थितियां मिलती हैंWhen moving from Louisiana to California, the southern girl felt as if she was in a twilight zone.
5629बायोप्सी – Biopsythe act of removing and examining cells, fluids, or tissue to identify medical conditions – चिकित्सीय स्थितियों की पहचान करने के लिए कोशिकाओं, तरल पदार्थों या ऊतकों को हटाने और उनकी जांच करने का कार्यThe doctor is going to perform a tissue biopsy to see if cancer is present in my lungs.
5630उदासी से – Moroselyin an unhappy manner – दुखी तरीके सेThe dog stared morosely at the front door while waiting for its owner to return.
5631प्रस्ताव – Offerto present something to another person for them to have or use – किसी अन्य व्यक्ति को उनके पास रखने या उपयोग करने के लिए कोई चीज़ भेंट करनाBenita plans to offer her brother a thousand dollars as payment for the old truck he is selling.
5632प्रतिपूर्ति करना – Reimburseto give back what has been given, used, or damaged – जो दिया गया है, उपयोग किया गया है, या क्षतिग्रस्त किया गया है उसे वापस देनाTo make the trip more affordable, my company is going to reimburse me for all expenses.
5633आत्मीयता – Intimacya close and affectionate personal relationship with someone – किसी के साथ घनिष्ठ और स्नेहपूर्ण व्यक्तिगत संबंधIn an act of intimacy, Romeo kissed Juliet one last time before the poison was poured.
5634अधिपति – Overlorda feudal ruler (lord) during the Medieval period – मध्यकालीन काल का एक सामंती शासक (स्वामी)।A high ranking overlord, the Monarch was in charge of the entire region and ruled the feudal kingdom with an iron fist.
5635खोजो – Findto locate or uncover something that was missing or unpredicted – किसी ऐसी चीज़ का पता लगाना या उजागर करना जो गुम या अप्रत्याशित थीEven if a man can’t find his destination, he will never consult a map nor ask for directions.
5636स्वदेशी – Indigencea state of extreme poverty and lack of resources – अत्यधिक गरीबी और संसाधनों की कमी की स्थितिLiving in a state of indigence, the destitute family had no heat or running water in their one-bedroom shack.
5637पेडीक्योर – Pedicurea cosmetic treatment of the feet, toes, and toenails – पैरों, पंजों और पैर के नाखूनों का कॉस्मेटिक उपचारBecause her feet were rough and crusty, the woman decided to treat herself to a soothing pedicure at the local spa.
5638गुण – Attributea characteristic of something – किसी चीज़ की एक विशेषताIf you want to be a nurse, being compassionate is one attribute you should have.
5639शहीद – Martyrone who surrenders something of tremendous value for a cause – वह जो किसी उद्देश्य के लिए अत्यधिक मूल्यवान वस्तु का समर्पण करता हैThe soldier became a martyr when he threw himself on the live grenade to save his squad.
5640रबी – Rabbia religious scholar that teaches Jewish law – एक धार्मिक विद्वान जो यहूदी कानून पढ़ाता हैAs an assistant rabbi, the man was responsible for helping with the b’nai mitzvah program and teaching coming of age rituals to Jewish boys.
5641पुष्प-योनि – Pistilthe feminine parts of a flower, consisting of the stigma, ovary, and style that are responsible for producing seeds – एक फूल के स्त्री भाग, जिसमें वर्तिकाग्र, अंडाशय और शैली शामिल होते हैं जो बीज पैदा करने के लिए जिम्मेदार होते हैंSimilar to humans, flower seeds are formed in the pistil of a female flower.
5642शुद्धता – Accuracythe state of being correct or precise – सही या सटीक होने की अवस्था या भावThe archer’s accuracy is spot on and he always hits his target.
5643तिरछे – Obliquelydiagonally; slantwise – तिरछे; झुका हुआThe slantwise shingles ran obliquely across the top of the roof.
5644क्षमाशील – Apologeticremorseful; sorry for committing a wrong – पछतावा; ग़लती करने के लिए क्षमा करेंThough she pretended to be apologetic, Lesley wasn’t really sorry for the things she had done wrong.
5645हाइपोट्रॉफी – Hypotrophygradual degeneration of an organ or tissue caused by a loss of cells – कोशिकाओं की हानि के कारण किसी अंग या ऊतक का क्रमिक अध:पतनAlthough hypotrophy involves the degeneration of tissue, it is a key part of building body muscle.
5646मॉड्यूलर – Modularto be built as an evenly sectioned component – एक समान रूप से खंडित घटक के रूप में बनाया जाना हैSince the office was built with modular cubicles, no one’s office was any bigger or better than anyone else’s.
5647लड़ाई – Wrangleto bicker or dispute – झगड़ना या विवाद करनाI had to wrangle with my parents for permission to take their car out for a drive.
5648तपाना – Inureto become immune to unpleasant events or situations – अप्रिय घटनाओं या स्थितियों से प्रतिरक्षित होनाRaising three dramatic daughters will inure you to temper tantrums.
5649सचिव – Secretaryan office assistant, usually in charge of records – एक कार्यालय सहायक, जो आमतौर पर अभिलेखों का प्रभारी होता हैTrying to impress the new secretary caused the office manager to spill coffee all over himself during the briefing.
5650अस्थिर – Flukyachieved primarily by chance or luck – मुख्य रूप से संयोग या भाग्य से प्राप्त किया गयाWinning the lottery is a fluky goal that you can’t really improve your chances of accomplishing through skill or talent.
5651सह – संबंध – Correlationa relationship between two items that are connected in some way – दो वस्तुओं के बीच का संबंध जो किसी तरह से जुड़ा हुआ हैOf course there is a correlation between cold temperatures and high heating bills.
5652अनजान – Unbeknownstwithout an individual’s knowledge – किसी व्यक्ति की जानकारी के बिनाUnbeknownst to Natasha, Kurt saw his mistress three times a week.
5653सिलना – Sewto create or repair by making stitches with a needle and thread – सुई और धागे से टाँके बनाकर बनाना या मरम्मत करनाThe cut on her cheek was so deep that the doctor had to sew a few stitches to mend it together.
5654बिना चमक का – Lusterlessdull; not shiny – उदासीन; चमकदार नहींAfter taking the lusterless ring to the jewelry shop, the once dull piece was now bright and shiny.
5655बेदाग – Flawlessfaultless and pure – दोषरहित और शुद्धThe model’s flawless face showed off the make-up well because her skin was smooth and all one color.
5656अभिलाषा – Appetencethe state or action of desiring or craving – इच्छा या लालसा की अवस्था या क्रियाAfter seeing how well her sister was doing with her cosmetic business, Kelly developed an appetence to sell makeup, too.
5657अकथनीय – Unaccountableunexplainable; mysterious – अस्पष्ट; रहस्यमयThinking back over the strange and unaccountable event, the dinner guest wondered how the host made the glass float in midair.
5658संस्थान – Institutionan organization created for a specific purpose such as religion or education – धर्म या शिक्षा जैसे किसी विशिष्ट उद्देश्य के लिए बनाया गया संगठनA university is an educational institution that is designed to provide the necessary knowledge for people to gain a career in the field of their choice.
5659पूर्वाग्रह – Prejudicehatred directed at a particular culture or group or at a specific individual – किसी विशेष संस्कृति या समूह या किसी विशिष्ट व्यक्ति पर निर्देशित घृणाJane’s prejudice led her to dislike Mary simply because of the color of her skin.
5660स्तब्ध – Taken abacksurprised or shocked – आश्चर्यचकित या स्तब्धThe customer was taken aback by the high price of the spa services.
5661हाइबरनेट – Hibernatean adaptation of some animals that allows them to spend the winter in an inactive state – कुछ जानवरों का एक अनुकूलन जो उन्हें निष्क्रिय अवस्था में सर्दी बिताने की अनुमति देता हैSnoozing deep inside the cave, the bear continued to hibernate all winter long.
5662फ्लैप – Flapa projecting or hanging piece usually attached to something on one side and often intended to protect or cover – एक उभरा हुआ या लटका हुआ टुकड़ा जो आमतौर पर एक तरफ किसी चीज से जुड़ा होता है और अक्सर सुरक्षा या ढकने के लिए होता हैBefore mailing the package, the sender pulled the envelope’s patch down and sealed it.
5663यथार्थवादी – Realista person who accepts the true nature of a situation rather than an idealized version – एक व्यक्ति जो आदर्श संस्करण के बजाय किसी स्थिति की वास्तविक प्रकृति को स्वीकार करता हैAs a realist, the Prima prides herself on being a rational thinker that can solve any problem that arrives.
5664आत्मीयता – Subjectivityinfluenced by personal beliefs/opinions and not by fact – व्यक्तिगत विश्वासों/रायों से प्रभावित, तथ्य से नहींThe researchers try not to allow subjectivity to influence their results, so they keep their personal opinions out of the experiments.
5665सहगामी – Concomitanthappening at the same time as something else – उसी समय कुछ और घटित हो रहा हैBecause the contractor and decorator agreed to concomitant work schedules in the final stages of construction, the house was ready to show well ahead of time.
5666षडयंत्रकारी – Schemingmaking underhanded or sneaky plans – गुप्त या गुप्त योजनाएँ बनानाMyra suspected that the whispering children where probably scheming and planning a weekend sleepover.
5667घायल – Woundedto be inflicted with a wound; to be injured – घाव दिया जाना; घायल होने के लिएThe wounded man had a large hole in his side, likely caused by a bullet fired at him by our bitter enemies.
5668मुद्रावाद – Monetarismthe control of the money supply by raising or lowering it based upon inflation – मुद्रास्फीति के आधार पर मुद्रा आपूर्ति को बढ़ाकर या घटाकर उसका नियंत्रणWhen items become more expensive every year, monetarism plays a part in the amount of money involved in purchasing and selling goods.
5669छरहरा – Slimslight or unlikely; slender or thin – मामूली या असंभावित; पतला या पतलाAfter the terrible car accident, the driver only had a slim chance with about a 10% survival rate since he incurred extensive brain damage.
5670प्लंबर – Plumbera person who installs and repairs water supply and sanitation pipes – एक व्यक्ति जो जल आपूर्ति और स्वच्छता पाइप स्थापित और मरम्मत करता हैA plumber specializes in installing and maintaining systems used for water, sewage, and drainage.
5671दंडनीय – Punishabledescribes and action or offense that one deserves punishment or penalty for committing – उस कार्य या अपराध का वर्णन करता है जिसे करने के लिए कोई व्यक्ति सज़ा या दंड का पात्र हैThe student’s actions were punishable by suspension, but the principal decided to give them a warning instead.
5672बातचीत – Parleyconversation between enemies or rivals – शत्रुओं या प्रतिद्वंद्वियों के बीच बातचीतThe end result of the parley between the two world leaders was a productive trade agreement.
5673शव का – Cadaveroussimilar in appearance to a corpse; pale and skinny – दिखने में लाश के समान; पीला और पतलाWhen I looked at the cadaverous cat who was dying of starvation, I couldn’t stop the tears from falling.
5674कौआ – Rookto cheat or trick someone – किसी को धोखा देना या धोखा देनाThe con artist makes a living with his attempts to rook people out of their hard-earned money.
5675श्रुतिमधुरता – Euphonya pleasing sound in regards to word tone – शब्द स्वर के संबंध में एक सुखद ध्वनिThe love-struck boy thought the sound of his girlfriend’s name was the sweetest euphony he had ever heard.
5676उत्कृष्ट – Transcendentsurpassing the ordinary; exceptional – सामान्य से बढ़कर; असाधारणTo many, a god is a transcendent being who has powers that exceed those of mere mortals.
5677थका हुआ नहीं – Unexhaustednot fully used or consumed – पूरी तरह से उपयोग या उपभोग नहीं किया गया“The resources for help are unexhausted because you have not tried everything for your drug help like contacting the rehab center,” the mother told her addicted son.
5678वंशज – Descendantdescending from a biological ancestor – एक जैविक पूर्वज से उतरनाAs a descendant of Abraham Lincoln, I feel the need to act in a noble way that would make my forbearer proud.
5679आग फेंकने की तोप – Flamethrowera device/weapon that sprays out burning fuel – एक उपकरण/हथियार जो जलता हुआ ईंधन छिड़कता हैDuring the World War II battle, the soldier used his flamethrower to project a long stream of fire at his enemies.
5680संकेत – Indicationsign; signal – संकेत; संकेतThere was no indication that a break-in had occurred other than the broken window at the back of the house.
5681बचाव – Parrya shielding or defensive maneuver used for protection – सुरक्षा के लिए इस्तेमाल किया जाने वाला एक परिरक्षण या रक्षात्मक पैंतरेबाज़ीShe put on her sunglasses to parry his probing eyes.
5682बोझ – Burdena heavy load – एक भारी बोझFinding he had cancer, he tried to shoulder the burden alone and keep the news from his friends.
5683फाट – Phatexcellent or exceptional – उत्कृष्ट या असाधारणI have no idea what my Uncle meant when he said that song was phat, but he sounded pleased so I guess he was praising it.
5684मूंड़ना – Cozento trick or fool someone by telling lies – झूठ बोलकर किसी को धोखा देना या मूर्ख बनानाThe smooth-talking salesman was able to cozen money out of the unsuspecting woman who agreed to buy the junk vehicle.
5685सुचना – Declaimto say something in a loud, passionate way – किसी बात को ऊँचे, जोशीले ढंग से कहनाThe love-struck newlywed would declaim his love for his bride on the peak of the highest mountain top.
5686आदी बनाना – Accustomto make familiar by use – प्रयोग द्वारा परिचित करानाI blinked repeatedly, trying to accustom my eyes to the bright light from the sun.
5687तेज़ – Rapidmoving swiftly – तेजी से आगे बढ़ रहा हैThank you for your rapid response to my question.
5688रंग ढंग। – Mannerismscommon gestures and behaviors from a person or thing – किसी व्यक्ति या वस्तु के सामान्य हावभाव और व्यवहारIt was easy to spot my mother due to the mannerisms of her strut, and her hand gestures gave her away.
5689उचित – Judiciousshowing intelligence and good judgment – बुद्धिमत्ता और अच्छा निर्णय दिखानाBecause of the doctor’s experience, he was a judicious fellow who was well-respected by his colleagues.
5690घटक – Ingredientany food or substance used to create a particular dish – कोई भोजन या पदार्थ जिसका उपयोग किसी विशेष व्यंजन को बनाने में किया जाता हैIn my opinion, butter is an absolutely vital ingredient to great popcorn, it just doesn’t taste right without it.
5691अनुमान से सिद्ध – Presumptiverelating to presumption; presumed without further information – अनुमान से संबंधित; अधिक जानकारी के बिना अनुमान लगाया गयाIt is presumptive to jump to a conclusion without knowing all of the facts or aspects of the situation.
5692अवशोषित – Absorbedto be taken in, generally in reference to energy or liquid – आम तौर पर ऊर्जा या तरल के संदर्भ में लिया जानाThe small amount of water was completely absorbed by the sponge I was using to clean the kitchen counters.
5693अशिष्ट – Lewdsexually promiscuous, rude, indecent – यौन रूप से कामुक, असभ्य, अशोभनीयJason is a lustful individual who is capable of the most lewd behavior.
5694स्वर – Vocalspeaking loudly and freely about something – किसी चीज़ के बारे में ज़ोर से और खुलकर बोलनाThe woman was very vocal about racial issues and wouldn’t backdown when questioned by the media.
5695ढलान – Slopea surface that has one end that is higher than the other – ऐसी सतह जिसका एक सिरा दूसरे से ऊँचा होThe children slid their sled from the top of the hill to the bottom, laughing as they zoomed down the slope.
5696प्रभाव – Impressionan imitation of a person or thing – किसी व्यक्ति या वस्तु की नकलSaturday Night Live actors gave a spot-on impression of the presidential candidate.
5697वास्तव में – Indeedwithout doubt – बेशकIndeed Miss Universe is beautiful.
5698बयान करना – Explicateto describe something in a lot of detail – किसी चीज़ का बहुत विस्तार से वर्णन करनाIt took the chemist a long time to explicate the chemical process to the group of financial investors.
5699मंडराना – Hoverto remain near a place or individual – किसी स्थान या व्यक्ति के निकट रहनाBecause I was sick a lot when I was a child, my mother would always hover over me.
5700क्रॉसबॉडी – Crossbodydesigned to wear across the body, usually from shoulder to hip – पूरे शरीर में पहनने के लिए डिज़ाइन किया गया है, आमतौर पर कंधे से कूल्हे तकPutting her crossbody purse across her small frame, the woman prepared to hike up the mountain.
5701बेतुका – Absurdridiculous, silly, foolish – हास्यास्पद, मूर्खतापूर्ण, मूर्खतापूर्णSpending the week in jail for stealing a loaf of bread is an absurd punishment for such a minor crime.
5702स्थगित – Adjournto suspend or conclude an event – किसी कार्यक्रम को स्थगित या समाप्त करनाAfter church services adjourn at one o’clock, we will have our monthly picnic.
5703अंडे से निकलना – Hatcha small opening in a wall, roof, or floor – दीवार, छत या फर्श में एक छोटा सा छेदShip workers opened the hatch and climbed down into the cargo hold area.
5704सज्जन – Gentlemanan honorable man who is courteous, especially to women – एक सम्माननीय पुरुष जो विनम्र है, विशेषकर महिलाओं के प्रतिOpening the door for the struggling woman, the gentleman tipped his hat and gave a welcoming smile.
5705कृपालु – Condescendingshowing that you are more important than others – यह दर्शाना कि आप दूसरों से अधिक महत्वपूर्ण हैंRick said this condescending remark at work today: “I’m better than all of you!”
5706क्रूसिबल – Cruciblea tough trial or test – एक कठिन परीक्षण या परीक्षाFinding a nice affordable apartment is quite a crucible in this expensive town.
5707वास्तविकता पर नहीं आशाओं के आधार पर कामना करना – Wishful thinkingthoughts of an unlikely future event that you wish were possible but isn’t likely – किसी असंभावित भविष्य की घटना के बारे में विचार जो आप चाहते हैं कि संभव हो लेकिन संभव नहीं हैNan knew that winning the lottery was wishful thinking, but she still liked to dream it could come true.
5708क्षीण – Emaciatedabnormally thin or weak, especially because of illness or a lack of food – असामान्य रूप से पतला या कमज़ोर, विशेषकर बीमारी या भोजन की कमी के कारणBecause some sick animals refuse to eat, many of them become emaciated.
5709आक्रमण करना – Attackaggressive or violent action – आक्रामक या हिंसक कार्रवाईThe attack took place in the middle of the street and frightened many people watching the fight.
5710हरताल – Arsenica very harmful substance that kills people and animals that ingest it – एक बहुत ही हानिकारक पदार्थ जो इसे खाने वाले लोगों और जानवरों को मार देता हैThe husband was accused of sprinkling arsenic on his wife’s food in an effort to kill her.
5711प्रतिशोध – Vendettaa series of actions taken to get back at or harm someone – किसी से बदला लेने या उसे नुकसान पहुँचाने के लिए की गई कार्रवाइयों की एक शृंखलाThe candidate’s vendetta against his challenger led him to question the man’s character.
5712शूरता – Valianceexceptional or heroic courage – असाधारण या वीरतापूर्ण साहसWithout great valiance, one cannot be considered a hero, as he is not courageous enough to face unbeatable odds.
5713पसंद किया – Likedenjoyed; was fond of – आनंद लिया; का शौकिन थाMelissa liked chocolate cake while his sister was more fond of plain vanilla.
5714रखनेवाला – Conservatorsomeone responsible for the repair and preservation of works of art – कला के कार्यों की मरम्मत और संरक्षण के लिए जिम्मेदार कोई व्यक्तिMr. Hange is a conservator that is currently trying to repair a famous painting that was damaged in the past.
5715कुटिल – Shiftydeceitful or dishonest in behavior or speech – व्यवहार या वाणी में धोखेबाज या बेईमानThe shifty wolf was able to sneak into the chicken coop by dressing up as the farmer.
5716मापदंड – Criteriona standard upon which individuals and things can be measured – एक मानक जिस पर व्यक्तियों और वस्तुओं को मापा जा सकता हैThe main criterion for joining the country club is one’s ability to pay the sizable annual fee.
5717टॉर्क़ेड – Torquedextremely angry. enraged – बहुत ही नाराज़। ख़फ़ाLarry was torqued by the fact that his girlfriend had cheated on him, so he broke up with her immediately.
5718अक्षय निधि – Endowmentincome or property that is given to someone – आय या संपत्ति जो किसी को दी गई होIn an effort to assist my son as he buys his first home, I provided him with a significant monetary endowment.
5719निर्माण किया – Erectedconstructed a structure – एक संरचना का निर्माण कियाThe Mother Russia Statue was erected in 1967, making it the tallest in the world.
5720नौकरी दिलाने वाले – Headhuntinga job in which one is responsible for finding workers to fill open positions by recruiting them from other companies – एक नौकरी जिसमें किसी व्यक्ति को अन्य कंपनियों से भर्ती करके रिक्त पदों को भरने के लिए श्रमिकों को ढूंढना जिम्मेदार होता हैThe recruiter prided himself on being excellent at headhunting since he could fill executive positions in less than 48 hours.
5721पीट – Peatremnants of vegetables that are used to enrich soil – सब्जियों के अवशेष जिनका उपयोग मिट्टी को समृद्ध करने के लिए किया जाता हैOnce the gardener spread peat into the clay dirt, it only took a matter of days before the plants began to grow.
5722स्पर्शरेखा – Tangenta line of thought that is off topic – विचार की एक पंक्ति जो विषय से परे हैWhen my uncle is drunk, he will talk about one subject for a moment and then go off on a tangent about a completely different topic.
5723फर्ल्ड – Furledto gather into a compact roll and bind securely – एक कॉम्पैक्ट रोल में इकट्ठा करने और सुरक्षित रूप से बांधने के लिएAfter removing the flag from the pole, the soldier furled it into a tight roll and placed it in a special case.
5724जिद करना – Importuneto request (someone) pressingly and persistently for or to do something – (किसी से) दबावपूर्वक और लगातार कुछ करने या करने का अनुरोध करनाEven after I had politely declined and shut the door, I could hear the salesman continuing to importune me to let him demonstrate the expensive vacuum cleaner.
5725दीप्तिमान – Radiantshining with happiness – खुशी से चमक रहा हैThe bride looked radiant as she walked down the aisle.
5726गलियारे – Corridora hallway that leads into rooms or other divided areas – एक दालान जो कमरों या अन्य विभाजित क्षेत्रों की ओर जाता हैLooking for our mother’s room, we walked down the hospital corridor.
5727मधमक्खियों के पालने का स्थान – Apiarya place where bees and hives are kept – वह स्थान जहाँ मधुमक्खियों और छत्तों को रखा जाता हैAlthough he spent many hours daily in the apiary, he was seldom stung by a bee.
5728घिरा – Landlockedcompletely surrounded by land – पूरी तरह से भूमि से घिरा हुआMany landlocked countries in Africa lack the natural resources needed to sustain a stable economy.
5729ट्रे – Traya shallow and flat container with a rim typically used for carrying food – किनारे वाला एक उथला और सपाट कंटेनर जो आमतौर पर भोजन ले जाने के लिए उपयोग किया जाता हैMost school cafeteria’s hand out a tray for you to put your food on, though it is sometimes questionable if they are clean or not.
5730आकर्षक – Handsomeattractive with masculine features – मर्दाना विशेषताओं के साथ आकर्षकThe handsome prince attracted fair maidens from every nearby kingdom.
5731चपटी – Flattenedpressed down and made flat – नीचे दबाया और चपटा कर दियाThe chef flattened the fluffy pancake until it was paper thin.
5732pratfall – Pratfalla humiliating mistake – एक अपमानजनक गलतीAfter dropping all of the dishes, the embarrassed waitress learned that some teens had recorded the embarrassing pratfall.
5733संकोच – Hesitationa delay due uncertainty – अनिश्चितता के कारण देरीJumping in without hesitation, the swimmer quickly plunged into the pool.
5734कहना – Tellto communicate information or facts – सूचना या तथ्य संप्रेषित करनाRay’s teacher asked him to tell the answer to the class, but she froze up when trying to relay the information.
5735अवधि – Periodthe range of time when something happens – समय की वह सीमा जब कुछ घटित होता हैIt was reported on the news that eight people were killed by gun violence over a period of three days.
5736चुपके – Mutelysilently; without speaking – दिल ही दिल में; बिना कहेThe shy wallflower stood mutely in a corner during the junior high dance.
5737निर्दिष्ट – Referredpassed a matter or task on to someone else – कोई मामला या कार्य किसी दूसरे को सौंपनाThe lawyer doesn’t handle matters of divorce, so he referred his client to a family law attorney he knows.
5738पैदल चलनेवाला – Footmana male servant or domestic worker – एक पुरुष नौकर या घरेलू कामगारThe wealthy traveler beckoned for his footman to help him down from his carriage and another servant to bring him his coat.
5739पर्व – Fiestaa festival or celebration – एक त्यौहार या उत्सवDuring the country’s anniversary of its independence, the citizens held a fiesta to commemorate the event with a big parade.
5740चिढ़ाना – Rileto anger or irritate someone – किसी को क्रोधित या परेशान करनाSince she’s already irritable, it doesn’t take much to rile up the moody teen.
5741dandelion – Dandeliona common small, bright yellow/white wildflower that has a lot of long, thin petals arranged in a circular pattern – एक सामान्य छोटा, चमकीला पीला/सफ़ेद जंगली फूल जिसमें गोलाकार पैटर्न में बहुत सारी लंबी, पतली पंखुड़ियाँ व्यवस्थित होती हैंA common weed, the yellow dandelion’s circular flower has one of the longest flowering seasons of any plant.
5742प्रचंड – Fervidmarked by great passion or zeal – अत्यधिक जोश या उत्साह से चिह्नितThe politician spoke with a fervid intensity that made people want to vote for him.
5743गाद – Siltfine deposits of silt or clay that are carried by moving water or wind and settle at the bottom of a river – गाद या मिट्टी का बारीक जमाव जो चलते पानी या हवा द्वारा बहकर नदी के तल में जमा हो जाता हैLarger than clay but smaller than sand, pieces of silt are moved by the fast-moving Mississippi and settle at the bottom of its river banks.
5744टोका – Accostedforcefully confronted – जबरदस्ती सामना कियाWhen the man accosted me with a gun, I quickly handed over my purse.
5745रैली – Rallyto come together in support – समर्थन में एक साथ आने के लिएSoldiers in the regime would rally around one another after every completed mission.
5746हज़ार – Thousanda number equal to ten hundreds – दस सैकड़ा के बराबर एक संख्याSince the jacket cost a thousand dollars, I had to take really good care of it due to its expensive price.
5747ज़नोफोबिक – Xenophobicbeing afraid or strongly disliking outsiders or unknown people – डरना या बाहरी लोगों या अनजान लोगों को सख्त नापसंद करनाMany xenophobic people are against the building of the border wall because of their hatred toward immigrants.
5748दुलकी चाल – Trotto take on a quick pace – त्वरित गति लेने के लिएThe horse picked up his pace until he moved at a quick trot.
5749इस्तीफा दे दिया – Resignedto leave one’s position without being asked – बिना पूछे अपना पद छोड़नाAfter a scandal emerged about his extramarital affair, the pastor resigned from his church.
5750आधुनिकता – Modernitythe quality of being current or contemporary – वर्तमान या समसामयिक होने का गुणThe modernity of the Titanic caused many to believe that its technological advancement made it unsinkable.
5751विरोध – Oppositiona challenger or an opposing opinion – एक चुनौती देने वाला या विरोधी रायThe politician’s opposition claims he has a history of sexually harassing women.
5752क्लॉचर – Cloturethe act of ending a debate or discussion with a request for a vote – वोट के अनुरोध के साथ किसी बहस या चर्चा को समाप्त करने का कार्यAlthough the senator knew he could lose the vote, he demanded cloture of the debate so the votes could be cast.
5753नाव को उलटना – Capsizeto tip over and possibly sink – पलट जाना और संभवतः डूब जानाWhen the enormous wave crashed into the ship, it began to capsize to the left and almost tilted over.
5754फारुचे – Farouchewildly fierce while remaining unapproachable by others – दूसरों के लिए अप्राप्य रहते हुए भी अत्यधिक उग्रThe farouche canine growled and snarled as he backed away from those trying to capture it.
5755नंगा – Nakedwithout clothes; uncovered – बिना कपड़ो के; खुलाThe naked baby was clothed with a diaper and gown before being given to his parents.
5756भोर के पहले का – Predawnhappening before the sun comes up (dawn) – सूरज उगने से पहले (भोर) घटित होनाThe joggers always take a predawn run so that they can avoid the heat of the morning sun.
5757उदास – Sulkywithdrawn and moody – पीछे हटने वाला और मूडीLook at Beth, she has that same sulky resentful expression on her face as usual.
5758उपखंड – Subdivisiona secondary division. A division of a division – एक द्वितीयक प्रभाग. एक प्रभाग का एक प्रभागThe military has many divisions, and each of those divisions has a subdivision that is a smaller branch of the main force.
5759कभी-कभार – Rarelynot often; seldom – प्रायः नहीं; कभी-कभीI rarely use my home office but end up working from my couch instead.
5760आज्ञसूचक – Peremptoryused to describe an order, command, etc., that you must obey without any questions or excuses – इसका उपयोग किसी आदेश, आदेश आदि का वर्णन करने के लिए किया जाता है, जिसका आपको बिना किसी प्रश्न या बहाने के पालन करना चाहिएIn a peremptory tone, the flight attendant told the passenger to either fasten his seatbelt or get off the plane.
5761उड़ाऊता – Improvidencebeing careless or negligent – असावधान या लापरवाह होनाThe judge was angered by the improvidence of the father when he had neither paid his child support in years nor seen his children.
5762नतीजा – Outcomean action that takes place after a triggering event – एक क्रिया जो किसी ट्रिगरिंग घटना के बाद होती हैWhen the jury filed back into the courtroom, the outcome of the trial was delivered to the packed courtroom.
5763धन – Lucremoney or profit gained illegally or immorally – अवैध या अनैतिक तरीके से कमाया गया धन या लाभGangsters searched the house for hidden lucre but they only found a measly hundred dollars.
5764जलना – Kindlingtinder – tinderKindling was gathered to start a fire close to the campsite.
5765पता लगाने – Ascertainingfinding something out with certainty, usually through experimentation or examination – आमतौर पर प्रयोग या परीक्षण के माध्यम से निश्चितता के साथ कुछ पता लगानाThe insurance adjuster’s deeper reviewing of the accident report has helped them in ascertaining the true cause of the car crash.
5766मज़बूत – Robuststrong and healthy – मजबूत और स्वस्थIn order to be a fireman, one needs to be robust because fighting fires is a very difficult job.
5767प्रचुर – Amplean abundant amount – प्रचुर मात्रा मेंBecause the house has an ample amount of space, it will be perfect for our large family.
5768बाधा – Hindrancea person or thing that hinders – वह व्यक्ति या वस्तु जो बाधा डालती होMy youngest sister is always more of a hindrance than a help when she tries to assist me with a task.
5769प्रिय – Fondhaving a liking for – पसंद होनाPossessing a love for animals, the girl was fond of everything from horses to insects.
5770अनिवार्य रूप से – Necessarilyautomatically; certainly – खुद ब खुद; निश्चित रूप सेPutting down that you are a felon won’t necessarily stop you from getting the job, but it probably won’t help either.
5771अवज्ञा का – Uncontrollableoverpowering and unmanageable – अत्यधिक शक्तिशाली और असहनीयThe principal was required to help the new teacher with her uncontrollable classroom as the students threw spit wads and constantly talked.
5772आत्म – संयम – Self-controlthe ability to manage one’s own desires and behavior – अपनी इच्छाओं और व्यवहार को प्रबंधित करने की क्षमताSheryl wanted to eat another donut but used self-control instead.
5773वार्लिट – Varleta servant that often works as an attendant – एक नौकर जो अक्सर परिचारक के रूप में काम करता हैThe wealthy family hired a varlet to answer the door and usher in guests whenever they hosted important events.
5774पूरक – Complementa part that makes something perfect or complete – वह भाग जो किसी चीज़ को परिपूर्ण या पूर्ण बनाता हैKetchup is a must-have complement for French fries.
5775स्थापित – Foundedstarted; established – शुरू कर दिया; स्थापितDebbie founded an outreach that helped the homeless find shelter and a hot meal.
5776क्षतिग्रस्त – Damagedbroken or otherwise injured – टूटा हुआ या अन्यथा घायलThe damaged television couldn’t be fixed, so Mrs. Shepard was forced to buy a new one.
5777असली – Realgenuine and authentic – वास्तविक और प्रामाणिकThe woman in the market is selling real designer purses and not the knockoff versions.
5778निगम – Corporationa large business that under the law has the rights and duties of an individual – एक बड़ा व्यवसाय जिसमें कानून के तहत एक व्यक्ति के अधिकार और कर्तव्य होते हैंCorporation tax cuts meant that the business could save money on levies and put it back into the company.
5779विधिपूर्वक – Methodicallyin a way that is very careful and orderly – एक तरह से जो बहुत सावधान और व्यवस्थित हैThe detective searched through the evidence methodically, making sure to examine every piece for potential clues carefully.
5780परिवर्तन – Diversiona distraction or turning from another activity – किसी अन्य गतिविधि से ध्यान भटकाना या मुड़नाSoldiers often use a diversion tactic, like a small attack away from their target, to sneak up on the enemy.
5781खटखटाना – Rapa sharp knock or blow made quickly – तेजी से किया गया तेज़ प्रहार या झटकाA sharp rap at the door startled the nervous housewife who wasn’t expecting any visitors.
5782कल्पना – Conceivedimagined; visualized – कल्पना की गई; कल्पनाThe idea for the voice app was conceived while the inventor’s father was in the hospital.
5783छोटी सी – Trifleto handle with disrespect or in a discourteous manner – अनादर या असभ्य तरीके से व्यवहार करनाJack was angered by his ex-wife’s attempt to trifle with him in front of their children.
5784insouciant – Insouciantnot concerned about anything; carefree – किसी बात की चिंता नहीं; लापरवाहThe insouciant mother did not blink an eye when her son complained of a tummy ache.
5785फ़ारेनहाइट – Fahrenheita temperature scale in which 32 degrees is the standard for freezing and 212 degrees is the boiling point – एक तापमान पैमाना जिसमें 32 डिग्री जमने का मानक है और 212 डिग्री क्वथनांक हैIf you crank the heat up to 212 degrees Fahrenheit, the water in the pot will begin to boil.
5786आम माफ़ी – Amnestya formal pardon or reprieve given to one who has committed a criminal or political offense – किसी आपराधिक या राजनीतिक अपराध करने वाले को दी गई औपचारिक क्षमा या राहतAlthough Bill Smith was sentenced to life in prison in 1998, he was later released after receiving amnesty from the president.
5787रहते थे – Livedmade one’s home in a particular place/environment – किसी विशेष स्थान/वातावरण में अपना घर बनानाJess has lived in several different countries, but she enjoyed staying in France the best.
5788किराये का – Mercenarymotivated by private gain, regardless of ethics or laws; greedy – नैतिकता या कानूनों की परवाह किए बिना, निजी लाभ से प्रेरित; लालचीAccording to the newspaper, the man hired a mercenary to kill his ex-wife.
5789घनत्व – Densityhow compact or concrete something is – कोई चीज़ कितनी सघन या ठोस हैThe high density city has a lot of people jampacked into one space.
5790जब तक – Unlessused to show an exception – अपवाद दिखाने के लिए उपयोग किया जाता हैUnless you turn in your homework, you will not pass this course.
5791गति – Tempothe rate or speed of music or some other activity – संगीत या किसी अन्य गतिविधि की गति या गतिSpeeding up the tempo, the street musician attracted patients by playing his song faster and faster.
5792बदकिस्मत – Unluckyhaving or bringing bad luck or fortune – दुर्भाग्य या भाग्य का होना या लानाFriday the 13th is said to be an unlucky day that brings bad fortune.
5793कुसमय – Timelessclassic, lasting through the ages – क्लासिक, युगों तक चलने वालाThe timeless movie was popular in past generations and with current moviegoers.
5794कविता – Poetrya literary work that uses style and rhythm to express feelings – एक साहित्यिक कृति जो भावनाओं को व्यक्त करने के लिए शैली और लय का उपयोग करती हैDr. Seuss’s books are some of the best current examples of rhyming poetry.
5795समझना – Comprehendto mentally grasp the meaning or reason behind something – किसी चीज़ के पीछे के अर्थ या कारण को मानसिक रूप से समझनाSince the text was written in a foreign language, I could not comprehend its meaning.
5796मृदु – Flabbysoft and loose (fleshy) – नरम और ढीला (मांसल)As he worked out day after day, the overweight man’s flabby skin became taut and tight.
5797रूखा – Curtblunt to the point of being impolite – असभ्य होने की हद तक कुंदThe service agent was fired after he was overheard treating customers in a curt manner.
5798मोनोसैकेराइड – Monosaccharidesugar that is in its simplest form – चीनी जो अपने सरलतम रूप में हैIf I wanted something sweet, Weight Watchers recommended eating monosaccharide which is found in fruits.
5799चौराहा – Intersectiona place where two or more paths meet, typically in reference to roads – वह स्थान जहाँ दो या दो से अधिक रास्ते मिलते हैं, आमतौर पर सड़कों के संदर्भ मेंBecause two different roads meet at this intersection, they form a cross that provides four different directions for a driver to travel.
5800धड़कना – Pulsateto expand and contract rhythmically; to throb or beat – लयबद्ध रूप से विस्तार और संकुचन करना; पीटना या पीटनाEvery time Patricia saw her crush pass her in the hallway, her heart would rapidly pulsate as she would stare at him.
5801संचित करना – Garnerto collect or accumulate – एकत्र करना या जमा करनाThe teacher allowed us to put up posters to garner interest in our club fundraiser.
5802समान – Similaralike or close to the same – एक जैसा या एक जैसाWhile the two brothers are not identical twins, they are so similar in looks and personality that I still cannot tell them apart.
5803वाक्य-विस्तार – Periphrasisa manner of speaking that uses more words than necessary to evoke a certain meaning – बोलने का एक तरीका जिसमें एक निश्चित अर्थ निकालने के लिए आवश्यकता से अधिक शब्दों का उपयोग किया जाता हैTo get out of talking about a taboo subject, the speaker used periphrasis and rambled on and on rather poetically about other things.
5804इंद्रजाल – Conjurationa magic spell – एक जादू मंत्रThe witch’s conjuration led to many demons being released on Halloween.
5805समीक्षित – Reviewedto be examined or assessed – जांच या मूल्यांकन किया जानाA student’s performance is regularly reviewed and presented to their parents in the form of a report card.
5806पर्यटन – Rambleto talk aimlessly – लक्ष्यहीन बातें करनाBecause my math professor tends to ramble on, I often fall asleep in class.
5807गीला हो जाना – Dampento make something slightly wet – किसी चीज़ को थोड़ा गीला करनाIt rained just enough to dampen the ground, but the grass dried up quickly.
5808स्वीकृत – Avowedhaving been asserted or admitted – दावा या स्वीकार किया गया होAn avowed racist, there is no doubt the KKK member hates minorities.
5809टेढ़ा – Awryaway from the appropriate, planned, or expected course – उचित, नियोजित या अपेक्षित पाठ्यक्रम से दूरAfter we hit the deer, our road trip seemed to go awry and off course.
5810पहला और महत्वपूर्ण – First and foremostpredominantly and mainly – मुख्य रूप से और मुख्य रूप सेFirst and foremost, security guards are required to make sure everyone is safe during a bank robber before trying to subdue the robber.
5811शर्मिंदा – Ashamedembarrassed because of one’s own actions – अपने ही कार्यों के कारण शर्मिंदा होना पड़ता हैAshamed of the lies she told her husband, the cheating wife hung her head in shame.
5812कूबड़ – Huncha feeling or guess based on intuition and not fact – एक भावना या अनुमान जो तथ्य पर नहीं बल्कि अंतर्ज्ञान पर आधारित हैAllie had a hunch that C was the answer, so she guessed on the test.
5813परोपकारी – Benevolentwilling to help, do good, and be generous towards people – मदद करने, अच्छा करने और लोगों के प्रति उदार रहने को तैयारHolding the door open for Marie was very benevolent of you.
5814बहकाना – Misguideto lead someone astray or in the wrong direction – किसी को भटकाना या गलत दिशा में ले जानाLying to the detectives, the suspect tried to misguide the officers and get them off of his trail.
5815चालान – Invoicean itemized statement of items or work done with their charges for these; bill – वस्तुओं या उनके शुल्क के साथ किए गए कार्यों का एक क्रमबद्ध विवरण; बिलParents appreciated not having monthly tuition payments altered, and the invoice provided clear documentation of the expenses incurred throughout the year.
5816प्रतिकृति – Facsimilea copy or reproduction – एक प्रतिलिपि या पुनरुत्पादनHe offered a facsimile of the original painting for a much discounted price.
5817दिल का – Cardiacrelating to the heart – हृदय से संबंधितCardiac arrest, or a sudden stop of the heart, is caused by irregular electrical impulses that make the ventricles of the heart quiver instead of pumping blood.
5818फास्फेट – Phosphatea fizzy drink containing water, sweet liquid and an acid – एक फ़िज़ी पेय जिसमें पानी, मीठा तरल और एक अम्ल होता हैIn the mid-1900s, many customers would order phosphate sodas because they wanted a bubbly drink.
5819पोर्टफोलियो – Portfolioa collection of work – कार्य का एक संग्रहThe photographer has an impressive portfolio that holds an assortment of images he has taken in his career.
5820उत्साह – Rapturea mood of great joy or love – अत्यधिक आनंद या प्रेम की मनोदशाJohn is a spiritual man who claims he experienced rapture during his baptism.
5821परवाह – Caredtended to; took care of needs – प्रवृत्त; जरूरतों का ख्याल रखाThe children cared for their pet dog and cat by feeding them and giving them water.
5822कार्रवाई – Crackdownimmediate stern measures; increased enforcement – तत्काल कठोर उपाय; प्रवर्तन में वृद्धिPolice are hailing raids as part of a national crackdown on illegal drugs a success.
5823प्राथमिकता – Priorityof utmost importance – अत्यंत महत्वपूर्णBecause spending time with his wife is a priority, George rarely works on the weekends.
5824घबड़ा देना – Perturbto upset a person – किसी व्यक्ति को परेशान करनाThe troublesome lad does everything he can to perturb the girl sitting in front of him.
5825मेटास्टेसिस – Metastasizeto spread or grow to other sites – अन्य साइटों पर फैलना या बढ़नाThe idea of revolution began to metastasize and spread like wildfire from Moscow to the impoverished Russian countryside.
5826निरर्थक – Absquatulateto depart hurriedly – जल्दी से प्रस्थान करनाBefore the thief could absquatulate with the diamonds, he was surrounded by police officers.
5827ऊँचा स्वर – Loudproducing a lot of sound or noise – बहुत अधिक ध्वनि या शोर उत्पन्न करनाThe thunder made a loud boom right as the powerful lightning struck the tree.
5828सरस – Piquantappealing or delightful – आकर्षक या आनंददायकWe were thrilled when we arrived at the piquant bed and breakfast on our honeymoon night.
5829पहले का – Previousexisting or coming before something/someone else – किसी चीज़/किसी और से पहले विद्यमान या आने वालाDaniel’s previous business partner stole money, making it hard for him to trust anyone in the future.
5830स्वीकार किया – Admittedallowed or permitted someone to enter a certain place or take part in a specific activity – किसी को किसी निश्चित स्थान में प्रवेश करने या किसी विशिष्ट गतिविधि में भाग लेने की अनुमति देना या अनुमति देनाSeveral children have been admitted to the local hospital with fevers and flu-like symptoms.
5831फिसल गया – Slippedfell down, usually by slipping on something wet – गिर गया, आमतौर पर किसी गीली चीज़ पर फिसलने सेThe worker forgot to put up the wet floor sign, causing a customer to slip and fall to the ground.
5832राज्यपाल – Governora person who is the leader of the government of a state – वह व्यक्ति जो किसी राज्य की सरकार का नेता होThough he talked a good talk, the governor of Louisiana was clueless on how to balance a budget and left the state bankrupt.
5833अवसाद – Lassitudetiredness and a lack of energy – थकान और ऊर्जा की कमीAfter the long race, Jack experienced a feeling of lassitude.
5834घबड़ाया हुआ – Dazedunable to think properly, confused – ठीक से सोचने में असमर्थ, भ्रमितIt was difficult to tell if I was injured after the car accident, because I was so dazed that I couldn’t focus on anything at all.
5835पुलिंदा – Sheafany collection of things bound together; a bundle – एक साथ बंधी चीज़ों का कोई संग्रह; पोटलीAs he procrastinated, the accountant’s papers piled higher and higher in a sheaf that seemed to never end.
5836बहरहाल – Nonethelesseven so or nevertheless – फिर भी या फिर भीEven though the donation was small, it was, nonetheless, a contribution for a worthy cause.
5837निरीक्षण – Observeto watch cautiously and seriously – सावधानीपूर्वक और गंभीरता से देखना“If you observe anything suspicious,” said the school’s security officer, “you must report it to the office immediately for the safety of the school.
5838कार्य नीति – Work ethica moral belief in the importance of hard work – कड़ी मेहनत के महत्व में एक नैतिक विश्वासBecause she has such a strong work ethic, Heather goes to work consistently and never turns down extra shifts.
5839शेपशिफ्टर – Shapeshiftera person or being that can change their body’s form at will – ऐसा व्यक्ति या प्राणी जो इच्छानुसार अपने शरीर का रूप बदल सकता हैDracula, a brilliant shapeshifter, is best known for changing into a bat but he can also turn into fog.
5840नीचा दिखा – Demeaningcausing someone to lose dignity or feel less respected – जिसके कारण किसी की गरिमा कम हो रही है या उसे कम सम्मान महसूस हो रहा हैThe manager dismissed Brenda’s ideas in a demeaning tone that made her feel like the stupidest person in the room.
5841परिचित – Familiarizeto make, or become familiar with something or someone – किसी चीज़ या व्यक्ति से परिचित होना या बनानाHaving just moved in, I walked around to familiarize myself with the neighborhood.
5842अनुशासनहीन – Undisciplineduncontrolled or disorderly – अनियंत्रित या अव्यवस्थितI see it as being sloppy and undisciplined when a student doesn’t study before exam day.
5843उपसंकृति – Subculturea smaller cultural group within a larger one that usually holds different core beliefs than the larger culture – एक बड़े समूह के भीतर एक छोटा सांस्कृतिक समूह जो आमतौर पर बड़ी संस्कृति की तुलना में अलग-अलग मूल मान्यताएँ रखता हैThe Jewish community in New York is a subculture of the city’s primary culture.
5844कोलाहल – Babela confused mixture of sounds and voices – ध्वनियों और आवाज़ों का एक भ्रमित मिश्रणThe children filled the classroom with babel, leaving the teacher overwhelmed at the sound of so many voices at once.
5845उतरना – Discolorto change or lose color – रंग बदलना या खोनाWashing light laundry with dark may cause your clothes to discolor, completely ruining them.
5846शुरू में – Initiallyat the beginning – शुरू मेंNewly hired employees are trained for three days, initially, then given their own register serving customers.
5847ओय वे – Oy Veya Yiddish phrase expressing dismay or exasperation – निराशा या हताशा व्यक्त करने वाला एक यहूदी वाक्यांशI’m an hour late for work and I still cannot find my car keys. Oy Vey.
5848कौशल – Skilla particular ability or expertise – एक विशेष योग्यता या विशेषज्ञताThe woman’s writing skill helped her stand out amongst all the other writers in the field.
5849निर्विवाद – Unquestionablesomething that cannot be questioned, debated, or disbelieved – कुछ ऐसा जिस पर सवाल नहीं उठाया जा सकता, बहस नहीं की जा सकती या अविश्वास नहीं किया जा सकताThe unquestionable truth, while I hate to admit it, is that Brock is almost a foot taller than me, as everyone can plainly see.
5850फल भोगने – Usufructa law legal right by one person over the property of another – एक व्यक्ति द्वारा दूसरे की संपत्ति पर कानूनी अधिकारThe man’s will gives his wife a 30 year usufruct, but after that the house would go to his children.
5851मुड़ – Twistedabnormal or warped – असामान्य या विकृतThe twisted mind of serial killer is something a normal person cannot and should not ever understand.
5852पार्स – Parsedeconstruct a sentence or word and explain its parts – किसी वाक्य या शब्द का विखंडन करना और उसके भागों की व्याख्या करनाIn order to diagram sentences, the students were required to parse the sentence into the correct parts of speech.
5853मिला हुआ – Contiguousused to describe things that touch each other or are next to each other – उन चीज़ों का वर्णन करने के लिए उपयोग किया जाता है जो एक दूसरे को छूती हैं या एक दूसरे के बगल में हैंSusan chose her condominium because she loved the fact its layout included a large playroom for her growing family.
5854इंसाफ – Rectitudebehavior that is correct and moral – आचरण जो सही और नैतिक होJake’s rectitude prevented him from lying to the police about his actions.
5855मालकिन – Missusa man’s wife – एक आदमी की पत्नीThe husband wanted to buy the new car but decided he should ask the missus before making a major purchase.
5856कुख्यात – Notoriousknown for unpopular or unflattering reasons – अलोकप्रिय या अप्रिय कारणों से जाना जाता हैThe singer is notorious for wearing clothes that are way too revealing.
5857फोटो – Photographa picture taken with a camera usually so the event can be remembered later – आमतौर पर कैमरे से ली गई तस्वीर ताकि घटना को बाद में याद रखा जा सकेAs we walked down the aisle, I took a photograph using my cell phone of the famous celebrity so I could have a memento of the occasion.
5858ब्रोबडिंगनागियन – Brobdingnagiangigantic; huge – विशाल; विशालThe brobdingnagian hamburger was so large that it would not fit inside my mouth for a bite.
5859जिद्दी – Obstinatestubbornly refusing to change one’s opinion or action; very difficult to change or persuade; refusing to obey – किसी की राय या कार्रवाई को बदलने से हठपूर्वक इनकार करना; बदलना या मनाना बहुत कठिन है; आज्ञा मानने से इंकार करनाAlthough the little boy knew he was wrong, he was too obstinate to apologize to his parents.
5860कार्यान्वित – Implementedput into action, effect, or practice – क्रिया, प्रभाव या व्यवहार में लानाBecause his previous marketing plan wasn’t working, the small business owner implemented a new way to bring in customers.
5861समीक्षा – Reviewto reread or go through the material or text again – सामग्री या पाठ को दोबारा पढ़ना या पढ़नाSince Caroline missed several days of school due to sickness, she would need to review her history notes for tomorrow’s test.
5862बरोन – Barona male member of the lowest rank of English nobility – अंग्रेजी कुलीन वर्ग के सबसे निचले पद का एक पुरुष सदस्यIn old England, a baron may have been of a higher rank than the peasantry, but he was still beneath a duke.
5863दासत्व – Serfdomthe state of being a medieval peasant who was forced to work on a manor – एक मध्ययुगीन किसान होने की अवस्था जिसे जागीर में काम करने के लिए मजबूर किया गया थाFeudal serfdom was similar to later century slavery in that serfs were not allowed to leave the manor in which they lived and worked.
5864पिग्गीबैक – Piggybackto carry someone on your back or shoulders – किसी को अपनी पीठ या कंधों पर ले जानाBecause it rained a lot today, my dad gave me a piggyback ride to the car so I wouldn’t get my new shoes wet and muddy.
5865मोहित – Entrancedcaptivated by something – किसी चीज़ से मोहित होनाThe dog was entranced by the squirrel and wouldn’t come in the house to eat.
5866राजा – Kingthe ruler of an empire or kingdom – किसी साम्राज्य या राज्य का शासकAs king of the monarchy, the ruler was in a powerful position and made decisions for thousands of people.
5867व्यवसायिक – Zippybright or lively – उज्ज्वल या जीवंतThe zippy students decided to throw a part for their teacher’s seventieth birthday, much to her great surprise.
5868सुधार – Reformto make changes in something by removing or correcting faults, problems – किसी चीज़ के दोषों, समस्याओं को दूर करके या सुधारकर उसमें परिवर्तन करनाThe school board was voting on reform that would change the grading system in the district.
5869बिल्ली का कंसर्ट – Caterwaula shrill wailing or screeching noise – चीखने-चिल्लाने या चीखने-चिल्लाने की तीखी आवाजThe caterwaul the cats outside were making grated on my ears and made me wish I had earplugs.
5870अस्थायी – Temporarynot permanent; existing only for a period or periods of time – यह स्थिर नही है; केवल एक अवधि या अवधियों के लिए विद्यमानMarc was informed that his job was temporary and that when the summer was over he would need to look elsewhere.
5871झगड़ा – Feuda state of long-standing mutual hostility – लंबे समय से चली आ रही आपसी शत्रुता की स्थितिAt first, Hanna tried to talk things out in a friendly way, but the guy wouldn’t listen and a bitter feud broke out.
5872समझदार – Saneof sound mind and sensible – स्वस्थ दिमाग और समझदार काWearing earplugs was the only way for the worker to stay sane in the noisy boiler room.
5873लैंडफिल – Landfilla place where waste is buried underground – वह स्थान जहाँ कूड़ा जमीन के अंदर दबा दिया जाता हैAll trash placed in the city’s dumpster was buried deep in the landfill.
5874बेईमान – Impiouslacking reverence or respect, especially towards a god – श्रद्धा या आदर की कमी, विशेषकर किसी देवता के प्रतिHis lack of protocol in the church caused him to gain a reputation for being impious.
5875खुलने और बंधनेवाला – Collapsibleable to be broken down into a smaller size – जिसे छोटे आकार में तोड़ा जा सकेLast December, we bought a collapsible Christmas tree that can be easily folded and unfolded for simple storage.
5876छिपा हुआ – Tuckedpushed or folded the edges of something inward – किसी चीज़ के किनारों को अंदर की ओर धकेलना या मोड़नाThe maid quickly tucked in the sheets and made up the bed before moving on to the next project.
5877तामसिक – Vengefulsomeone who is consumed by or actively seeking revenge for a wrong doing – कोई ऐसा व्यक्ति जो किसी गलत कार्य से त्रस्त हो या सक्रिय रूप से उसका बदला लेना चाहता होThe Count of Monte Cristo follows a vengeful Edmond Dantes on his quest to destroy the lives of those who had him falsely imprisoned.
5878विन्यास – Configurationthe formation or structure of something – किसी चीज का गठन या संरचनाOnly a computer expert could look inside a computer and could understand the configuration of the wires that follow a certain pattern.
5879उछालना – Hurlto fling or toss something powerfully – किसी चीज़ को ज़ोर से उछालना या उछालनाWhen Sarah teased her little brother, he took the book in his hand and decided to hurl it at her breaking her nose.
5880प्रणालीगत – Systemicrelating to parts that combine forming an entity affecting an entire group or entity – उन हिस्सों से संबंधित जो मिलकर एक इकाई बनाते हैं जो पूरे समूह या इकाई को प्रभावित करते हैंSystemic violence in war-torn countries not only affects the region being targeted, but all of the outlying regions as well.
5881स्पष्ट करने – Disambiguateto show the differences between two or more meanings clearly – दो या दो से अधिक अर्थों के बीच के अंतर को स्पष्ट रूप से दिखानाPunctuation in a sentence helps one disambiguate the meaning of each phrase.
5882बिजलीघर – Powerhousea person, place, or thing with a great deal of strength or energy – कोई व्यक्ति, स्थान या वस्तु जिसमें बहुत अधिक शक्ति या ऊर्जा होA musical powerhouse, the singer belted out her tune with great forte.
5883विनम्रतापूर्वक – Humblymodestly and simply – विनम्रतापूर्वक और सरलता सेMy sister humbly accepted blame and apologized quickly because she knew she did wrong.
5884उदास होते हुए – Ruefullyin a way that expresses regret – एक तरह से जो खेद व्यक्त करता हैThe little boys ruefully apologized for breaking the window.
5885येन – Yenthe basic unit of money used in Japan – जापान में उपयोग की जाने वाली मुद्रा की मूल इकाईThe yen is the currency of Japan and is the most valued money unit after the dollar and the euro.
5886अकाल – Deartha scarcity or lack of something – किसी चीज़ की कमी या अभावBecause there was a dearth of evidence, the district attorney had to drop the charges.
5887नियतिवाद – Fatalisma theory that a person’s fate is powerless to change and is already established – एक सिद्धांत कि किसी व्यक्ति का भाग्य बदलने में असमर्थ है और पहले से ही स्थापित हैSince the serial killer was not afraid of his execution due to his belief in fatalism, the man realized that his path to heaven was already determined.
5888प्रतिकूल – Aversivecausing strong dislike and avoidance – तीव्र नापसंदगी और परहेज पैदा करनाBecause she likes neutral colors and modern décor, anything colorful or showy is aversive to the designer.
5889निशान – Notcha deep cut into a surface – किसी सतह पर गहरा कटावEvery year, Grandpa carves a notch in the wooden post to record just how tall Jason has grown.
5890विषयांतर – Digressiona temporary departure from the norm – आदर्श से एक अस्थायी विचलनThe fight between the two students was an unwelcome digression in the teacher’s organized classroom.
5891शरारती – Mischievousbadly behaved; naughty – बुरा बर्ताव किया गया; नटखटGarry’s dog is very mischievous so don’t be thrown off by its cute smile.
5892दृढ़ – Tenaciousnot readily letting go of or giving up – आसानी से हार न मानना या छोड़ना नहींEven though Jackson was smaller than his other teammates, his tenacious attitude allowed him to accomplish as much as they did.
5893अस्थिर – Mercurialprone to sudden or unpredictable changes – अचानक या अप्रत्याशित परिवर्तन की संभावनाBecause Mary is taking a new medication, her moods have become quite mercurial and change with the wind.
5894स्वादिष्ट – Deliquesceto melt and disappear – पिघलना और गायब हो जानाI bet the sidewalk is so hot that the ice cube will deliquesce the moment it touches it.
5895हार्डबॉल – Hardballto act or work aggressively, competitively, or ruthlessly, as in business or politics – व्यवसाय या राजनीति की तरह आक्रामक, प्रतिस्पर्धी या निर्दयी ढंग से कार्य करना या काम करनाThe ruthless mobster is known for playing hardball and will do anything to make sure he doesn’t lose control of his gang.
5896पट्टा – Leaseto grant or be granted property by way of a contract in return for periodic payments – आवधिक भुगतान के बदले अनुबंध के माध्यम से संपत्ति प्रदान करना या प्रदान किया जानाBecause no one is living in their grandmother’s home, the family has decided to lease it out to a renter for 900 dollars a month.
5897खंगालना – Swilla large mouthful of drink – पेय का एक बड़ा कौरThe thirsty man filled his entire mouth with a swill of water and guzzled it down as quickly as he could.
5898कपटी – Prudeone who is easily offended or shocked by rude things – जो असभ्य बातों से आसानी से आहत या चौंक जाता हैWe thought our teacher a prude when she made girls and boys sit on separate sides of the bus.
5899प्रज्वलित करना – Kindleto motivate or inspire – प्रेरित या प्रेरित करनाThe mother hoped the prison inmate’s speech would kindle her son to change his rebellious ways.
5900कुकर्म – Misdeedsomething that should not have been done – कुछ ऐसा जो नहीं किया जाना चाहिए थाGina will have to serve some jail time for her misdeed.
5901छूना – Touchthe act of coming in close contact with something – किसी चीज के निकट संपर्क में आने की क्रिया या भावIf the toddler decides to touch the hot stove, it will burn his hand.
5902बत्तख – Goosea silly or goofy person – मूर्ख या नासमझ व्यक्तिTrey is known for being a silly goose who always tries to make people laugh and giggle.
5903किराये पर लेनेवाला – Rentersomeone who pays money to live in a house or apartment that someone else owns – कोई व्यक्ति जो किसी और के स्वामित्व वाले घर या अपार्टमेंट में रहने के लिए पैसे देता हैThe landlord is looking for a renter who needs a place to stay and doesn’t mind paying a five-hundred-dollar deposit.
5904कोवे – Coveya small flock of birds – पक्षियों का एक छोटा झुंडThe hunter attempted to scare a covey of birds out of the brush they were nesting in, but the loud air horn he used served only to deafen his own ears.
5905शुष्कता – Ariditylong term lack of rainfall or moisture – लंबे समय तक वर्षा या नमी की कमीThe aridity of the soil was not ideal for planting.
5906अनुशंसा करना – Recommendto suggest or advise – सुझाव या सलाह देनाWe do not recommend going to the restaurant if you are in a rush since the service is rather slow.
5907लेबल – Labelto put a small tag or ticket on something as a way to identify something about it – किसी चीज़ के बारे में किसी चीज़ की पहचान करने के तरीके के रूप में उस पर एक छोटा सा टैग या टिकट लगानाBefore we sell these items at the garage sale, we will need to label each one with a price tag.
5908स्पष्ट – Categoricalstated in a definite manner – एक निश्चित तरीके से कहा गया हैMy father’s categorical denial let me know there was no need to ask again.
5909रोशनी – Fluorescencethe ability of something to give off light because it has absorbed light – किसी चीज़ की प्रकाश छोड़ने की क्षमता क्योंकि उसने प्रकाश को अवशोषित कर लिया हैWhen exposed to a blacklight, scorpions give off a vibrant, green-blue fluorescence that is much brighter than its usual dark hue.
5910सिलसिलेवार – Sequentconsecutive or something that is next – लगातार या ऐसा कुछ जो अगला होWhen the old woman finished her transaction with the bank teller, the sequent person in line was waved up to the next teller.
5911अधिनायकवादी – Totalitarianassociated with a system of governance in which the government controls everything – शासन की एक ऐसी प्रणाली से जुड़ा है जिसमें सरकार सब कुछ नियंत्रित करती हैSome people feel the government is trying to take our civilian rights and turn our nation into a totalitarian state.
5912अजान – Nescienceunawareness or ignorance – अनभिज्ञता या अज्ञानताIn court the judge explained nescience of the laws was not an acceptable defense for criminal behavior.
5913आय – Incomemoney that is earned/brought in monthly – वह धन जो मासिक रूप से कमाया/लाया जाता हैAfter losing his job, Mr. Davis had to find a new way to get income flowing in every month.
5914अनुचर – Retainera thing that holds something else in place – वह चीज़ जो किसी और चीज़ को अपनी जगह पर रखती हैThe musician used a retainer to hold his guitar string in place.
5915इरादा – Intentiona course of action that a person intends to follow – कार्रवाई का एक तरीका जिसका पालन कोई व्यक्ति करना चाहता हैAlex said that his intention is to marry Rachel.
5916आमोद-प्रमोद – Gaietycelebration; partying – उत्सव; पार्टीThe gaiety is in honor of the principal’s retirement.
5917चंचलता – Fidgetto make continuous, small movements that annoy other people – निरंतर, छोटी-छोटी हरकतें करना जो अन्य लोगों को परेशान करती हैंBecause he has ADHD, the squirming boy can’t help but fidget in his classroom seat.
5918लाभप्रद – Lucrativeproducing wealth; profitable – धन पैदा करना; लाभदायकThe wealthy businessman was constantly on the lookout for lucrative ventures that would help him become even wealthier.
5919आभासी रूप से – Virtuallynearly; almost – लगभग; लगभगVirtually no one went to the party other than a few freshmen who didn’t have anything else to do.
5920बच्चू – Chapof the skin become cracked, rough, or sore, typically through exposure to cold weather; a cracked or sore patch on the skin – आमतौर पर ठंडे मौसम के संपर्क में आने से त्वचा फट जाती है, खुरदरी हो जाती है या घाव हो जाती है; त्वचा पर फटा हुआ या पीड़ादायक धब्बाShe always carried extra lip balm in her purse during cold weather because the frigid air made her lips chap.
5921बरोक – Baroquehaving a great deal of decorative embellishment; also referring to a time period in which heavy ornamentation was used in design, music, and art – बहुत अधिक सजावटी अलंकरण होना; यह उस समयावधि का भी जिक्र करता है जिसमें डिजाइन, संगीत और कला में भारी अलंकरण का उपयोग किया जाता थाThe elaborate architecture of the baroque dwelling seemed out of place in the neighborhood of simply-designed homes.
5922स्नेह – Affectiona feeling of love or strong attachment – प्यार या मजबूत लगाव की भावनाRick expressed deep affection for his wife at their fortieth anniversary party.
5923आसानी से धोखा खानेवाला – Gullibleeasily fooled or cheated – आसानी से मूर्ख बनाया या धोखा दिया जा सकता हैThe gullible woman gave all her money to a fake charity.
5924वैकल्पिक – Alternatewhen one thing comes after another; fluctuate – जब एक चीज़ के बाद दूसरी चीज़ आती है; उतार चढ़ावInstead of choosing one pain reliever, Judy decided to alternate between Aspirin and Tylenol.
5925सवाल – Questionto interrogate or cross-examine someone while looking for answers – उत्तर तलाशते समय किसी से पूछताछ या जिरह करनाPolice continued to question the suspect in an attempt to get him to confess to the crime.
5926माँ – Motherthe female biological parent of a child – एक बच्चे की महिला जैविक माता-पिताEvery mother wants their daughter to grow up to be just like them in every aspect.
5927मातृभाषा – Vernaculareveryday language; the way people really talk with each other – रोजमर्रा की भाषा; जिस तरह से लोग वास्तव में एक दूसरे से बात करते हैंHis vernacular identified him as a Frenchman.
5928परम सुख – Beatitudeutmost bliss and happiness – परम आनंद और खुशीHer beatitude was sparked when her boyfriend proposed.
5929जल्दी – Quickmoving fast or doing something in a short timeframe – तेजी से आगे बढ़ना या कम समय सीमा में कुछ करनाThe rabbit was much too quick for my large dog to catch him, darting away and into a small crevice.
5930बातें – Dictatesgives orders, telling someone what they must do – आदेश देता है, किसी को बताता है कि उन्हें क्या करना चाहिएAlthough the commander dictates what the troops do during battle, he does ask for their opinions when coming up with strategy.
5931अब – Nowhappening presently – वर्तमान में हो रहा हैSince the final exam for my English Literature class is in thirty minutes, I need to study now for it.
5932समरूपता – Symmetrybalanced amounts of features to the main body or shape – मुख्य भाग या आकार में संतुलित मात्रा में विशेषताएँThe perfect symmetry of the body parts increased the sculpture’s realistic appearance.
5933राख – Cindera small, glowing piece of partly burnt coal or wood – आंशिक रूप से जले हुए कोयले या लकड़ी का एक छोटा, चमकता हुआ टुकड़ाOne glowing cinder was all that remained of the once burning fire.
5934त्याग किया हुआ – Derelictin bad shape as a result of neglect – उपेक्षा के कारण बुरी स्थिति में हैOut of fear for my safety, I chose not to walk inside of the derelict barn.
5935पूरब – Orientto push in the direction of a goal – किसी लक्ष्य की दिशा में आगे बढ़नाDuring the staff meeting supervisors will orient team members to their monthly objectives.
5936सुस्त – Laggardan individual or group that falls behind others – एक व्यक्ति या समूह जो दूसरों से पीछे रह जाता हैIn the race, James was the laggard who finished in last place.
5937वैमनस्य – Distastedislike or mild disdain for something – किसी चीज़ के प्रति नापसंदगी या हल्का तिरस्कारEver since I was a child, I always had a great distaste for bananas, as I cannot stand their texture or their taste.
5938पेशा – Vocationthe job a person holds or would like to hold – वह नौकरी जो कोई व्यक्ति धारण करता है या करना चाहता हैAt an early age, Frank knew his chosen vocation was to be a priest so he could minister to others.
5939गढ़ने – Distillto extract out the essential meaning or most important pieces of something – किसी चीज़ का आवश्यक अर्थ या सबसे महत्वपूर्ण अंश निकालनाThough he didn’t know some of the words, the reader was able to distill most of what the author was saying.
5940खून – Bloodred liquid that circulates through the body bringing oxygen to the cells and getting rid of carbon dioxide – लाल तरल पदार्थ जो शरीर में घूमता है और कोशिकाओं तक ऑक्सीजन पहुंचाता है और कार्बन डाइऑक्साइड से छुटकारा दिलाता हैBecause his heart wasn’t pumping enough blood, the cardiac patient became extremely sick.
5941अपनाना – Siphonto draw off liquid by means of a tube – एक ट्यूब के माध्यम से तरल पदार्थ निकालनाThe sneaky thief used a long tube to siphon the gasoline from the woman’s vehicle and put it into his own.
5942मुंह बनाना – Grimacea facial expression that usually indicates strong dislike or pain – चेहरे की एक अभिव्यक्ति जो आमतौर पर तीव्र नापसंदगी या दर्द का संकेत देती हैAfter he ate my spinach casserole, my husband had a grimace of disgust on his face.
5943कुरूप – Misshapenaltered or damaged so that it no longer resembles its original form – बदल दिया गया या क्षतिग्रस्त कर दिया गया ताकि यह अब अपने मूल स्वरूप जैसा न रह जाएThe shopper picked up the misshapen apple, noted it’s bruised skin and tossed it back in the basket.
5944संरचनावाद – Structuralisma scientific branch related to why humans believe they act the way they do – एक वैज्ञानिक शाखा जो इस बात से संबंधित है कि मनुष्य क्यों मानते हैं कि वे वैसे ही कार्य करते हैं जैसे वे करते हैंAnalyzing the structuralism of the characters in a novel will allow students to think critically about the protagonist and antagonist.
5945विज्ञान-संबंधी – Collegiateassociated with college life – कॉलेज जीवन से जुड़ेThe collegiate party was filled with students from the local university.
5946प्राकृतिक कानून – Natural Lawmorals considered unchanging for all mankind – नैतिकता को समस्त मानव जाति के लिए अपरिवर्तनीय माना जाता हैRegardless of the era or the society, it has almost always been considered a Natural Law that murder is wrong.
5947करघा – Loomto impend; to threaten or hang over – आसन्न करना; धमकी देना या लटकानाWhen the storm begins to loom over the horizon, we will head back to the car.
5948पोलिअनैश – Pollyannaishdescribes a cheerful person who naively tries to find the good in everything – एक हँसमुख व्यक्ति का वर्णन करता है जो भोलेपन से हर चीज़ में अच्छाई खोजने की कोशिश करता हैWishful thinking and Pollyannaish daydreaming left the trusting girl constantly disappointed.
5949अर्थ विज्ञान – Semanticsthe message or meaning behind a term, phrase, or sentence – किसी शब्द, वाक्यांश या वाक्य के पीछे का संदेश या अर्थWhen you made a profanity-filled rant about me, the semantics were pretty clear.
5950पूर्व दर्शन – Previewan advance showing of scenes to advertise an upcoming show or movie – किसी आगामी शो या फिल्म का विज्ञापन करने के लिए दृश्यों का अग्रिम प्रदर्शनThe preview of the soon to be released Black Panther movie reveals action pack scenes leaving a promising movie.
5951विच्छेदन – Dissectiona detailed analysis in which things are separated – एक विस्तृत विश्लेषण जिसमें चीज़ों को अलग किया जाता हैDuring the dissection of the poem, the teacher explained the meaning of the sonnet line by line.
5952एकता का अभाव – Disunitydisagreement or conflict in a group – किसी समूह में असहमति या संघर्षThe disunity on our team all started when some of our members began to dislike the leader.
5953शर्बत – Sherbeta creamy dessert similar to ice cream and sorbet that is usually made with milk, fruit juice, gelatin, and egg whites – आइसक्रीम और शर्बत के समान एक मलाईदार मिठाई जो आमतौर पर दूध, फलों के रस, जिलेटिन और अंडे की सफेदी से बनाई जाती हैThe ice cream shop is now serving creamy orange sherbet alongside its other sweet treats.
5954अप्रिय – Disagreeablenot nice, pleasant, or enjoyable in nature – प्रकृति में अच्छा, सुखद या मनोरंजक नहींMark is an overly disagreeable man, often patronizing others and just outright antagonizing the people he doesn’t like.
5955कानूनी जांच – Inquestthe process in which a court of law or a coroner investigates the circumstances of a person’s death – वह प्रक्रिया जिसमें अदालत या कोरोनर किसी व्यक्ति की मृत्यु की परिस्थितियों की जांच करता हैThe judge ordered an inquest after several family members requested their loved one’s death be investigated further.
5956ऊपर की ओर – Uphilldifficult; hard – कठिन; मुश्किलBeating the undefeated team was an uphill battle, but the underdogs were able to secure the difficult win by never giving up.
5957रोना – Blubberto talk while crying – रोते हुए बात करनाThe weeping toddler would blubber her response to her mom when asked if she was sorry for slapping his brother.
5958दफ़नाना – Buryto cover completely, typically with dirt or some other earthy substance as an act of hiding or putting to rest – छिपाने या आराम देने की क्रिया के रूप में, आमतौर पर गंदगी या किसी अन्य मिट्टी के पदार्थ से पूरी तरह से ढक देनाDogs like to bury their bones and toys in the yard.
5959परिपूर्ण – Plenaryattended by all members of a group – एक समूह के सभी सदस्यों ने भाग लियाAt the plenary meeting, all shareholders can vote on the proposal.
5960सहकर्मी – Colleaguesomeone who shares the interests or work of another – कोई व्यक्ति जो दूसरे के हितों या कार्य को साझा करता होIt would be great if my colleague came to work on time so I would not have to answer her phone calls.
5961सिर काटना – Decapitateto cut off the head of a person or animal – किसी व्यक्ति या जानवर का सिर काट देनाThe queen ordered her minions to decapitate the head of her enemy using a sharp guillotine.
5962वामावर्त – Counterclockwiseto go or move in a left-handed circular direction – बायीं ओर गोलाकार दिशा में जाना या चलनाOn the round game board, I moved my game piece counterclockwise beginning near the left-side of the board.
5963निकासी – Withdrawalthe removal or cancellation of something – किसी चीज़ को हटाना या रद्द करनाWithdrawal of the soldiers happened after the commander gave the order to pull out all troops.
5964संगीत के – Musicallyrelating to music – संगीत से संबंधितBeing musically inclined, the dwarves liked to whistle a tune while they worked in the mines.
5965थकावट – Wearinesstiredness; exhaustion – थकान; थकावटAfter several days of no sleep weariness began to creep up on the workaholic.
5966त्वचा विज्ञान – Dermatologythe health division involving skin and its problems – त्वचा और उसकी समस्याओं से संबंधित स्वास्थ्य प्रभागInstead of seeing my general practitioner, I knew I needed someone who practiced dermatology to treat my skin rash.
5967कम – Lessento decrease or reduce – घटाना या घटानाThe aspirin helped to lessen my headache.
5968फुसलाना – Ensnareto catch something in a trap – किसी चीज़ को जाल में फँसानाThe hunter’s plan to ensnare the rabbit was cut short by a storm.
5969फटकार – Rebuketo criticize sharply or a sharp criticism – तीखी आलोचना करना या तीखी आलोचना करनाGood parents praise their children more than they rebuke them.
5970प्रत्यक्ष – Outrightto do something completely or instantly – किसी कार्य को पूर्णतः या तुरन्त करनाKathy responded outright to the question that the teacher was asking even though the teacher asked the students to quietly write down their answers.
5971कुटी – Grottoa small cave or cavern with attractive features – आकर्षक विशेषताओं वाली एक छोटी गुफा या खोहMy best friend and I took a two hour adventure tour into a grotto which we could climb and crawl within it using supplied gear.
5972पकड़वाने – Apprehendingcatching or seizing someone – किसी को पकड़ना या जब्त करनाThe overweight police officer had trouble apprehending the suspect since he wasn’t quick enough to catch him during the foot chase.
5973ऑटोमोटिव – Automotivepertaining to a car or other powered automobile – कार या अन्य चालित ऑटोमोबाइल से संबंधितAfter wrecking my car at the intersection, I took my damaged Honda Accord to the automotive center for repairs.
5974आवरण – Veila head covering that may or may not cover the whole face that is often associated with religious or cultural customs – ऐसा सिर ढंकना जो पूरे चेहरे को ढक सकता है या नहीं भी, जो अक्सर धार्मिक या सांस्कृतिक रीति-रिवाजों से जुड़ा होता हैOn her royal wedding day, Princess Diana wore a simple silk veil that perfectly complemented her elaborate gown.
5975गैस का तीव्र प्रकाश – Limelightthe focus of public attention – जनता का ध्यान केन्द्रित करनाThe celebrity never liked the limelight, so he kept his personal business to himself and out of the tabloids.
5976रचनात्मक – Constructivecarefully considered and meant to be helpful – सावधानीपूर्वक विचार किया गया और इसका उद्देश्य सहायक होना थाThe judge’s comments were very constructive to the young singer.
5977जलीय – Aquaticassociated with water, often living in or taking place in water – पानी से जुड़ा हुआ, अक्सर पानी में रहने वाला या रहने वालाAll aquatic activities will take place in the indoor pool.
5978अभेद्य – Impermeablenot allowing substances to pass through – पदार्थों को गुजरने नहीं देनाThe impermeable rain coat kept water from ruining the woman’s cashmere sweater.
5979फ़ुट्ज़ – Futzto waste time or idly deal with a task – समय बर्बाद करना या किसी कार्य को आलस्य से निपटानाThe student knew that she should focus on her studies but decided to futz around for most of the afternoon.
5980अनुतापी – Penitentfeeling grief for a previous offense or sin – पिछले अपराध या पाप के लिए दुःख महसूस करनाThe penitent husband spends days at his wife’s grave because he regrets not spending more time with her.
5981घुमावदार – Meanderingfollowing a winding course – एक घुमावदार पाठ्यक्रम का अनुसरण करते हुएThe bloodhound was meandering through the woods, following the haphazard trail left by its prey.
5982गड्ढे – Potholesdeep holes in a roads surface that are formed by weather or traffic – सड़क की सतह पर गहरे गड्ढे जो मौसम या यातायात के कारण बनते हैंDeep, rounded potholes filled the gravel road, making it hard for vehicles to drive on the route.
5983जुझारूपन – Militancethe characteristic of having aggression or combativeness as an organization – एक संगठन के रूप में आक्रामकता या जुझारूपन रखने की विशेषताThe militance of our country is so great that we would rather invade and conquer other countries rather than trade with them.
5984साबर – Suedeleather whose surface has been made slightly rough so that it is soft but not shiny – चमड़ा जिसकी सतह को थोड़ा खुरदुरा बनाया गया है ताकि वह मुलायम हो लेकिन चमकदार न होBecause his blue suede shoes are made from a softer type of leather, they can easily be ruined in the rain.
5985अनुरूप – Compliantobserving the requirements and rules – आवश्यकताओं और नियमों का पालन करनाThe teacher was shocked when her normally rebellious class became compliant.
5986प्रवेश करना – Pierceto make a hole in something with a sharp object – किसी नुकीली चीज से किसी चीज में छेद करनाThe native used a spear to pierce the fish swimming in the stream.
5987पांव के तलवों पर मार लगाना – Bastinadoa form of torture that involves beating the soles of a person’s feet with a cane – यातना का एक रूप जिसमें किसी व्यक्ति के पैरों के तलवों को बेंत से पीटना शामिल हैThe ruler ordered a bastinado for the thieves so that the soles of their feet could be beaten for their crimes.
5988व्यापक – Pervasivecapable of affecting or influencing everything – हर चीज़ को प्रभावित या प्रभावित करने में सक्षमThe media’s pervasive coverage of the epidemic has most of the country living in fear.
5989ट्रक – Trucka large motor vehicle that has a bed and is used to transport things – एक बड़ा मोटर वाहन जिसमें एक बिस्तर होता है और चीजों के परिवहन के लिए उपयोग किया जाता हैThe back of the truck was filled with dirt before the farmer drove the vehicle back to the ranch.
5990मिलान – Collationa collection of sheets of a report, book, etc., in the correct order – किसी रिपोर्ट, पुस्तक आदि की शीटों का सही क्रम में संग्रहThe accountant’s collation of this week’s numbers was listed from the smallest amount spent to the largest debit.
5991सैडल – Saddlea leather covered seat used to ride an animal – किसी जानवर की सवारी के लिए चमड़े से ढकी हुई सीटPlacing a saddle on the horses back, the cowboy prepared for his long journey.
5992पुनः जागृति – Reawakeningthe renewal of a feeling or interest in something – किसी चीज़ में भावना या रुचि का नवीनीकरणOnce he was treated for depression, the patient experienced an emotional reawakening and began to enjoy life again.
5993प्रोत्साहित करना – Encourageto give support and hope to someone in an effort to build their confidence – किसी का आत्मविश्वास बढ़ाने के प्रयास में उसे समर्थन और आशा देनाTrying to encourage his troops to press on, the leader gave a moving speech to the discouraged men.
5994रंगहीनता – Albinisman inherited condition that one is born with that involves lack of color in the pigment that colors hair, skin, and eyes – एक विरासत में मिली स्थिति जिसके साथ कोई व्यक्ति पैदा होता है, उसमें बालों, त्वचा और आंखों को रंगने वाले रंगद्रव्य में रंग की कमी शामिल होती हैThe couple’s baby was born with albinism and had hair that was as white as snow.
5995आर-पार – Acrossfrom one side to another – एक तरफ से दूसरी तरफSwimming across the wide river left the stranded paddler gasping for air.
5996प्रकार में – In-kindgoods and services provided instead of money – पैसे के बदले प्रदान की गई वस्तुएँ और सेवाएँAlthough they couldn’t pay them with money, the teachers provided in-kind redemptions for parents who helped out in their classrooms.
5997उताने पड़ जाना – Grovelto be kind to someone in order to gain something – कुछ पाने के लिए किसी के प्रति दयालु होनाThe dog was willing to grovel for the biscuit.
5998परमानंद – Jubilanceshowing great joy, excitement, or triumph – अत्यधिक खुशी, उत्साह या विजय प्रदर्शित करनाThe young child couldn’t keep the jubilance off their face as they opened their Christmas presents.
5999तीव्रता – Severitythe state of being strong and intense – मजबूत और तीव्र होने की अवस्था या भावThe severity of the bomb threat resulted in two students being expelled from school and placed in a juvenile detention center.
6000भाजक – Divisorin mathematics, a numeral that divides into another numeral – गणित में, एक अंक जो दूसरे अंक में विभाजित होता हैYou will divide the divisor into the dividend, so you will divide 3 into 15 to get 5.
  1. Question: How do I greet someone in Hindi?

    • Answer: The common greeting in Hindi is “Namaste,” which translates to “hello” or “welcome” in English.
  2. Question: What is the Hindi equivalent for the English word “meaning”?

    • Answer: The Hindi equivalent for “meaning” is “arth.”
  3. Question: Can you provide examples of basic English words with Hindi meanings?

    • Answer: Certainly! “Water” in English is “paani” in Hindi, and “sun” in English is “surya” in Hindi.
  4. Question: How can I politely make a request in Hindi?

    • Answer: In Hindi, you can use “kripya” to say “please” when making requests or expressing politeness.
  5. Question: What are some commonly used English words with Hindi meanings?

    • Answer: Common words include “good” (accha), “bad” (bura), and “beautiful” (sundar) among others.
  6. Question: How do I say “thank you” in Hindi?

    • Answer: The expression “thank you” in English is translated to “dhanyavaad” in Hindi.
  7. Question: Can you provide an example of a daily-use English word with its Hindi meaning?

    • Answer: Certainly! “House” in English translates to “ghar” in Hindi.
  8. Question: Is there a list of 100 daily use English words with Hindi meanings?

    • Answer: While not listed here, numerous resources provide extensive lists of common English words with their Hindi equivalents.
  9. Question: What is the Hindi word for “food”?

    • Answer: In Hindi, “food” is expressed as “khana,” a term used in daily conversations.

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