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The Most Useful Daily Use Hindi Words With English Meaning 9

  1. Daily use Hindi words with English meaning: The term “Namaste” is commonly used as a greeting, meaning “hello” or “welcome” in English.
  2. Daily word meaning English to Hindi: When translating from English to Hindi, the word “meaning” is equivalent to “arth” in Hindi.
  3. Basic English words Hindi meaning: “Water” in English translates to “paani” in Hindi, a fundamental word used in daily conversations.
  4. Basic English words with Hindi meaning: The English word “sun” is synonymous with “surya” in Hindi, representing the shining celestial body.
  5. Daily English words with Hindi meaning list: A comprehensive list might include “good” (accha), “bad” (bura), and “beautiful” (sundar) among daily-use English words with Hindi meanings.
  6. Daily use English to Hindi words: “Please” in English corresponds to “kripya” in Hindi, a polite term frequently used in requests or expressions of courtesy.
  7. Daily used English words with meaning in Hindi: The word “thank you” in English translates to “dhanyavaad” in Hindi, expressing gratitude and appreciation.
  8. 100 daily use English words with Hindi meaning: Among the commonly used English words, “house” is translated to “ghar” in Hindi.
  9. Basic English words Hindi meaning: In Hindi, “food” is expressed as “khana,” a fundamental term used daily.
8001अंधे की तरह खोजना – Gropeto feel around blindly for something – किसी चीज़ के लिए आँख मूँदकर महसूस करनाThe homeowner began to grope around in the dark in search of a flashlight or candle.
8002जागीरदार – Liegean individual who is loyal to a person of rank, usually related to the Medieval time period – एक व्यक्ति जो किसी प्रतिष्ठित व्यक्ति के प्रति वफादार होता है, आमतौर पर मध्यकालीन समय अवधि से संबंधित होता हैThe liege was willing to give his life for his king.
8003बनाए रखा – Retainedkept or held – रखा या रखा हुआThe homeowners made some changes to the century-old house, but it retained most of its antique charm.
8004निषेध करना – Debarto formally refuse or not allow a person to do something – किसी व्यक्ति को औपचारिक रूप से कुछ करने से मना करना या न करने देनाOnce the scandal was broken about the principal, the superintendent decided to debar the principal from entering the school.
8005व्याख्या – Interpretationa person’s view of something – किसी चीज़ के प्रति व्यक्ति का दृष्टिकोणMy interpretation of the portrait is much different than the artist’s vision.
8006मध्याह्न – Meridianan imaginary line that passes from the North Pole to the South Pole – एक काल्पनिक रेखा जो उत्तरी ध्रुव से दक्षिणी ध्रुव तक जाती हैThe equator and the prime meridian are imaginary lines used to find longitude and latitude on a map.
8007कैरेल – Carrella small individual study area in a library – पुस्तकालय में एक छोटा सा व्यक्तिगत अध्ययन क्षेत्रSitting alone in the small carrell, the studying student used the quietness of the library to his advantage.
8008हाइब्रिड – Hybridmade of mixed components – मिश्रित घटकों से बना हैThe hybrid fruit is a product of an orange and a tangerine.
8009संगत – Correspondingcomparable or equivalent – तुलनीय या समतुल्यThe corresponding word for ‘one’ in Spanish is ‘uno,’ and for two the Spanish word is dos.
8010डायग्नोस्टिक – Diagnosticused for figuring out what is wrong or needed – इसका उपयोग यह पता लगाने के लिए किया जाता है कि क्या गलत है या क्या आवश्यक हैMs. Taylor used the pretest as a diagnostic tool in order to determine which facts her students already knew about the Civil War so that she would not teach that information again.
8011कसाईखाना – Butcherya business that specializes in the slaughtering and processing of animals for meat – एक व्यवसाय जो मांस के लिए जानवरों के वध और प्रसंस्करण में माहिर हैThe butchery had a wide selection of meats for sale.
8012जताना – Evinceto show or express clearly; to make plain – स्पष्ट रूप से दिखाना या व्यक्त करना; सादा बनानाAlthough they evince an appearance of stability, I’ve heard that their marriage is beginning to crumble.
8013स्थानांतरित कर दिया – Shiftedto be moved to a new location – किसी नये स्थान पर स्थानांतरित किया जाना हैThe dragon’s tail shifted several feet as it lay among the castle’s ruins, but thankfully it was still asleep.
8014डेसिबल – Decibela common measure of sound intensity – ध्वनि की तीव्रता का एक सामान्य मापThe low decibel of the sound indicated that the noise could not have been louder than a low humming.
8015दृढ़ रहो – Asseverateto state in a definite manner – एक निश्चित तरीके से बतानाIf John does not asseverate his love for me, I will not marry him.
8016सुजाना – Primpto spend time improving one’s appearance (often in front of a mirror) – अपनी शक्ल-सूरत सुधारने में समय बिताना (अक्सर दर्पण के सामने)Before Sarah’s date, she stood in the mirror to primp her hair.
8017टुकड़ा – Snippeta small piece of something – किसी चीज़ का छोटा सा टुकड़ाA snippet of the code was placed on the screen for viewers to copy down.
8018पीड़ा – Anguishextreme suffering or grief – अत्यधिक कष्ट या दुःखWhen my husband died, the anguish I felt was nearly unbearable.
8019बुलबुल – Nightingalea small, brown European bird that is most notable for the singing of the male at night in mating season – एक छोटा, भूरा यूरोपीय पक्षी जो संभोग के मौसम में रात में नर के गायन के लिए सबसे उल्लेखनीय हैMany times of birds are known for their singing, but the Nightingale is a little odd in that nearly all of their singers are male.
8020समापन – Cessationthe termination of something – किसी चीज़ का ख़त्म होनाThe arrival of several police cruisers brought a quick cessation to the gang fight.
8021अविचलित – Imperturbablenot disturbed or excited easily – आसानी से परेशान या उत्तेजित नहीं होनाThe imperturbable actress carried on with her performance even when her costar forgot his lines.
8022अउ रिवॉयर – Au revoiran expression used to bid someone goodbye until you see them again – एक अभिव्यक्ति जिसका प्रयोग किसी को तब तक अलविदा कहने के लिए किया जाता है जब तक आप उसे दोबारा न देख लेंWhen departing for his business trip, Father bid the children au revoir and promised to bring them gifts.
8023खपरैल का छत – Tilingcovering a surface with square tiles – किसी सतह को चौकोर टाइलों से ढंकनाGetting rid of the dingy carpet and tiling the living room floor with ceramic squares made the space look cleaner.
8024कंगाल – Paupera person who lives in poverty – एक व्यक्ति जो गरीबी में रहता हैThe pauper had no money and slept under a bridge.
8025अप्रभावी – Inefficientnot performing to ability or productivity – क्षमता या उत्पादकता के अनुरूप प्रदर्शन नहीं करनाThe inefficient bridge needed extensive work before it would be cleared for travel.
8026छड़ी – Ramroda metal bar that is used to push explosive material down into the barrel of some old-fashioned guns – एक धातु की पट्टी जिसका उपयोग विस्फोटक सामग्री को कुछ पुराने जमाने की बंदूकों की बैरल में डालने के लिए किया जाता हैA cleaning jag is added to the end of the ramrod to make cleansing of the gun barrel easier.
8027ठाठ का – Swankysomething that is stylishly expensive – कुछ ऐसा जो स्टाइलिश रूप से महंगा हैThis car is really swanky, but even though it is pretty stylish I cannot afford it because of how luxurious it is.
8028छोटी नावों का बेड़ा – Flotillaa group of ships or boats – जहाज़ों या नावों का समूहWith the flotilla stocked with supplies, the ships set sail and headed towards the New World.
8029तिकड़ी – Trioa group of three people or things – तीन व्यक्तियों या वस्तुओं का समूहOf the trio, Bruce was the one that rose to fame and eventually broke off from the other two.
8030घिनौनाता – Odiumloathing for a thing or person deemed to be despicable – घृणित समझी जाने वाली किसी वस्तु या व्यक्ति से घृणा करनाAfter getting out of prison, the child molester still had to deal with odium from his neighbors.
8031विदेशी चीज़ें को अभिलाषा – Xenomaniaan extreme attachment or attraction to foreign things (i.e., countries, cultures, customs.) – विदेशी चीज़ों (यानी, देशों, संस्कृतियों, रीति-रिवाजों) के प्रति अत्यधिक लगाव या आकर्षण।Because of her Xenomania, the globetrotter traveled around the world, embracing the customs of the countries she visited.
8032किनारा – Confinesboundaries or limits of a space – किसी स्थान की सीमाएँ या सीमाएँIt did not take the dog long to escape the confines of the backyard.
8033निपुण – Dexteroushaving or showing great skill or cleverness – बड़ी कुशलता या चतुरता का होना या प्रदर्शित होनाSince I do not often use my left hand, I am not dexterous when I use it for writing.
8034सर्व-ज्ञानी – Omnisciencethe state of having knowledge of everything – हर चीज़ का ज्ञान होने की अवस्था या भावBecause he believes in God’s omniscience, the child is sure that his creator is aware of everything he does all day.
8035फटना – Implodeto explode inward – भीतर की ओर फूटनाEveryone was shocked to see the loving couple’s relationship implode and end in divorce.
8036बहिन – Sissysomeone that is regarded as cowardly – कोई ऐसा व्यक्ति जिसे कायर माना जाता हैIsaac is considered a sissy since he was unwilling to fight a bully even to protect his sister.
8037निर्वासित – Banishedsent one away or forced one to leave a place – किसी को दूर भेज दिया या किसी को जगह छोड़ने के लिए मजबूर कर दियाSince they didn’t support the regime, the family was banished from their country and forced to leave.
8038व्याकुल – Undeterredcontinuing to do something even in the face of obstacles or setbacks – बाधाओं या असफलताओं के बावजूद भी कुछ करते रहनाUndeterred by the evidence stacked against his client, the attorney continued to look evidence pointing to the real killer.
8039राजनीतिक दल – Political Partya group of politicians that have joined together because they adhere to the same ideals and beliefs – राजनेताओं का एक समूह जो एक साथ शामिल हो गए हैं क्योंकि वे समान आदर्शों और विश्वासों का पालन करते हैंThe Democrats are a political party in the United States government system, though they have tough opposition in the form of the Republican Party.
8040कूदना शुरू करो – Jumpstartto start something quickly by providing it with extra help – किसी कार्य को अतिरिक्त सहायता प्रदान करके शीघ्रता से प्रारंभ करनाTo jumpstart his understanding of the math concepts, Felipe hired an algebra guru to tutor him before his classes start.
8041पुराना – Oldhaving lived or existed for many years – कई वर्षों से जीवित या अस्तित्व में रहा होThe old bottle of wine tasted better than the Vino that was a few years younger.
8042मां – Mummute; silent – आवाज़ बंद करना; चुपचापStaying mum for the time being, the man thought it best he not discuss his plans with anyone else.
8043खेदजनक – Maddeningextremely annoying or frustrating – अत्यंत कष्टप्रद या निराशाजनकBecause she finds babysitting maddening, the irritable teenager refuses to watch her siblings for more than an hour.
8044संदेह – Hesitancythe state of being indecisive – अनिर्णय की स्थितिBecause of the mayor’s hesitancy, the order to evacuate wasn’t issued until the water began to flood the city.
8045बाल विहार – Kindergartena class for children between the ages of four and six that prepares them for the first grade of school – चार से छह वर्ष की आयु के बच्चों के लिए एक कक्षा जो उन्हें स्कूल की पहली कक्षा के लिए तैयार करती हैOn the first day of kindergarten, the five-year-old said hello to her new teacher and sat at a small table with her classmates.
8046लापरवाही से काम करनेवाला – Potboilera book or other artistic work that is usually of inferior quality and only used to pay expenses until quality work is produced – एक किताब या अन्य कलात्मक कार्य जो आमतौर पर निम्न गुणवत्ता का होता है और केवल गुणवत्तापूर्ण कार्य तैयार होने तक खर्च का भुगतान करने के लिए उपयोग किया जाता हैWith rent and insurance payments due, the starving artist threw together a potboiler painting to use as a quick sale.
8047उपद्रवी – Rowdywild in a loud or typically obnoxious manner – ज़ोर से या आम तौर पर अप्रिय तरीके से जंगलीThe rowdy patrons at the bar were loud and especially irritating in their words, making the night less enjoyable for everyone present.
8048अवैध – Bootlegmade or distributed illegally – अवैध रूप से बनाया या वितरित किया गयाIn the old days, people would pirate games online and burn them onto a disc to make bootleg copies of it.
8049स्रैण – Effeminateexhibiting behaviors that are considered feminine – ऐसे व्यवहार प्रदर्शित करना जिन्हें स्त्रैण माना जाता हैThe man’s shoulder length hair made him appear effeminate.
8050लंगर – Anchora person or mainstay that can be relied on for support or security – एक व्यक्ति या मुख्य आधार जिस पर समर्थन या सुरक्षा के लिए भरोसा किया जा सकता हैChicken is the chef’s anchor ingredient when he can’t come up with any creative dishes.
8051आशा – Hopea feeling of optimistic desire for something to happen – कुछ घटित होने की आशावादी इच्छा की भावनाEven though it looked like the team would lose, the fan held onto hope that they might make a comeback.
8052मूर्खता – Moronicfoolish or stupid – मूर्ख या मूर्खThe man’s moronic statements made no sense to anyone listening to his rant.
8053माथा – Prowthe front part of a boat or ship – नाव या जहाज का अगला भागOn the prow of ancient ships, the Chinese would pain eyes to protect sailors from evil and lead them through the darkness.
8054हौसला – Pathosa feeling of sympathy or pity – सहानुभूति या दया की भावनाThe pathos of the movie caused me to leave the theater with tears in my eyes.
8055नाज़ुक – Brittleeasy to break – तोड़ना आसानMargaret uses tons of products to stop her brittle hair from breaking.
8056व्यवस्थितता – Methodicalnesscharacterized by being orderly and meticulous – व्यवस्थित और सावधानीपूर्वक होने की विशेषताOrderly by nature, the neat-freak’s methodicalness led him to organize everything in his house by shape and color.
8057ग़द्दार – Quislinga traitor who helps an enemy that has taken control of his or her country – एक गद्दार जो एक ऐसे दुश्मन की मदद करता है जिसने उसके देश पर कब्ज़ा कर लिया हैThe quisling was a traitor who helped the British when they came to try and take over his country.
8058प्रायश्चित करना – Atonementthe act of making amends against a wrongdoing – किसी गलत काम के विरुद्ध संशोधन करने की क्रियाDue to the atonement of Sally’s father prior to his death, she felt good forgiving him about his abuse during her childhood.
8059Dachshund – Dachshunda breed of dog also referred to as a “weenie dog” because of its short legs and long body – कुत्ते की एक नस्ल को उसके छोटे पैरों और लंबे शरीर के कारण “वेनी कुत्ता” भी कहा जाता हैThe long-bodied dachshund wagged its tail as it stretched out in the noon-day sun.
8060प्रसिद्ध हो जाना – Ravelto untangle or unravel and object or situation – किसी वस्तु या स्थिति को सुलझाना या सुलझानाAs more and more facts came to light, the truth about who murdered the butler began to ravel.
8061शवरक्षालेप करना – Embalmto protect a dead body from rot by inserting it with a chemical compound – किसी मृत शरीर में रासायनिक यौगिक डालकर उसे सड़ने से बचानाIn ancient Egypt, people would embalm the bodies of famous leaders by removing the organs and fluids before wrapping it in cloth.
8062पंजीकरण – Registrationenrollment; sign-up – उपस्थिति पंजी; साइन अप करेंA fifty-dollar registration fee was required when enrolling in summer dance classes.
8063अंतर्निहित – Implicitunderstood though not clearly or directly stated – यद्यपि स्पष्ट रूप से या सीधे तौर पर नहीं कहा गया है, फिर भी समझा गयाAlthough you never stated I could use your car, your permission was implicit when you handed me your car keys.
8064तनी – Stretchedexaggerated; inflated – अतिशयोक्तिपूर्ण; फुलायाPinocchio stretched the truth over and over, lying about every little thing.
8065धिक्कारना – Pshawan exclamation used to show disbelief or irritation – अविश्वास या चिड़चिड़ापन दिखाने के लिए प्रयुक्त विस्मयादिबोधकPshaw, you had better run if there really is a bear in your tent!
8066इच्छा – Willingnesshappily prepared and wanting to do something – खुशी से तैयार हूं और कुछ करना चाहता हूंThe young woman’s willingness to give an impromptu speech since their speaker didn’t show was very much appreciated by those who planned the event.
8067गुरुत्वाकर्षण – Gravitythe force that attracts objects towards the center of the Earth – वह बल जो वस्तुओं को पृथ्वी के केंद्र की ओर आकर्षित करता हैNewton discovered the force of gravity when an apple was pulled down from the tree he was sitting under.
8068चलचित्र – Moviea recording of movie images that tells a story – फिल्म छवियों की एक रिकॉर्डिंग जो एक कहानी बताती हैThe movie theater plays several new films a week while retiring older ones.
8069विचित्र – Checkeredhaving a pattern of alternating squares, usually with two colors – आमतौर पर दो रंगों के साथ, वैकल्पिक वर्गों का एक पैटर्न होता हैThe children used a red and black checkered gameboard and rounded pieces to play checkers before dinner.
8070धूर्त छिछोरा – Shilly shallyin an uncertain or wavering way – अनिश्चित या ढुलमुल तरीके सेWhen the teacher stumped the student with a difficult question, she spoke shilly shally since she didn’t know the answer.
8071विषयगत – Thematicpertaining to a certain topic, idea or matter – किसी निश्चित विषय, विचार या मामले से संबंधितMs. Taylor taught all of her subjects in her 4th grade class using a thematic unit about careers.
8072निम्नीकरण – Degradationthe situation of being diminished in standing – खड़े होने में कमी होने की स्थितिThe women were tortured and endured degradation while they were held hostage for three years.
8073एक प्रकार का बंदर – Simianof or pertaining to monkeys or apes – बंदरों या वानरों से संबंधित या उनसे संबंधितThe actor mimicked simian movements for his role in Planet of the Apes.
8074अपरिपक्व – Immureto lock up behind walls – दीवारों के पीछे बंद करनाCaught robbing a bank, Jason knew the police would immure him in a jail cell for an extended period of time.
8075अभियान – Expeditiona trip taken for a specific reason – किसी विशेष कारण से की गई यात्राIn the television series, the spaceship set off on a ten-year expedition to explore new planets and meet new life forms.
8076मुट्ठी – Handfula small amount – एक छोटी राशिA handful of parents showed up to the midday meeting while the rest chose to come at night.
8077विरोध किया – Protestedopposed; objected – विरोध किया; आपत्ति कीMany vocal voters protested the bill and told their senator that they didn’t approve of it.
8078यद्यपि – Inasmuchseeing as; since – के रूप में देख; तब सेInasmuch you rarely watch television, there is no reason for you to keep paying for cable.
8079नख़रेबाज़ – Mincingdainty and refined, especially in the way that one walks – सुंदर और परिष्कृत, विशेष रूप से जिस तरह से कोई चलता हैThe woman spoke to her precious pup in a sweet and mincing voice.
8080अपकेंद्रित्र – Centrifugea piece of machinery that spins rapidly in order to create a force which separates substances – मशीनरी का एक टुकड़ा जो पदार्थों को अलग करने वाली शक्ति उत्पन्न करने के लिए तेजी से घूमता हैIn the nuclear plants, scientists take every precaution as they separate uranium in a centrifuge.
8081मंत्र – Chantrhythmic speaking or singing of words or sounds – शब्दों या ध्वनियों का लयबद्ध बोलना या गाना“USA! USA! USA!” is a chant you hear from Americans at some political rallies or sports events.
8082हार्डनिंग – Hardeningbecoming hard or solidified – कठोर या ठोस हो जानाEating foods that are high in fat can cause hardening of arteries that were once soft and open.
8083घपला – Snafua confused and chaotic state – एक भ्रमित और अराजक स्थितिWhat was supposed to be a wonderful winter wedding quickly turned into a circus-like snafu when the groom failed to show.
8084लॉकडाउन – Lockdowna situation in which people are not allowed to enter or leave a building or area freely – ऐसी स्थिति जिसमें लोगों को किसी इमारत या क्षेत्र में स्वतंत्र रूप से प्रवेश करने या छोड़ने की अनुमति नहीं हैThe prison inmates were placed on lockdown and weren’t allowed to leave their cells.
8085गंवार – Booran insensitive or inconsiderate individual – एक असंवेदनशील या अविवेकी व्यक्तिJack was such a boor he would not even hold a door for his mother.
8086रखरखाव – Maintenancework performed on a system in order to keep it operating as intended – किसी सिस्टम को उसके उद्देश्य के अनुसार संचालित रखने के लिए उस पर किया गया कार्यBecause the sewer system is such an important part of the city’s infrastructure, we have to conduct maintenance on it every few weeks to make sure everything is running properly.
8087पूरा – Fulfillto carry out – बाहर ले जाने के लिएThe salesman was dismissed because he did not fulfill the required quota.
8088गुणात्मक – Qualitativeassociated with type or quality – प्रकार या गुणवत्ता से संबंधितThe qualitative study will reveal the elements present in the compound.
8089आपे से बाहर – Amuckto behave in a wild, unruly way – जंगली, अनियंत्रित तरीके से व्यवहार करनाBecause his parents do not discipline him, the wild toddler is free to run amuck all over the house.
8090दिल – Heartthe organ in your chest that pumps blood through your veins and arteries – आपकी छाती में वह अंग जो आपकी नसों और धमनियों के माध्यम से रक्त पंप करता हैThe doctor used a tool to listen to the patient’s beating heart.
8091व्यामोह – Stupora condition in which it is difficult to think – ऐसी स्थिति जिसमें सोचना कठिन होIn his drunken stupor, Mitch was unable to locate his car in the parking lot.
8092विंगर – Wingeran attacking player that is on the wing in certain sports – एक आक्रमणकारी खिलाड़ी जो कुछ खेलों में शीर्ष पर होता हैThe championship soccer winger stayed on the outside and attacked any incoming players.
8093बदमाश – Reprobatea wicked or evil person – दुष्ट या दुष्ट व्यक्तिWhile Janice pretended to be a good girl, she was really a reprobate who would do anything to get what she wanted.
8094ज्ञापन – Memoa written message, especially in business – एक लिखित संदेश, विशेषकर व्यवसाय मेंThe manager of the finance department sent a memo out to employees telling them when the next meeting would be held.
8095टोकरी – Hamperto delay progress – प्रगति में देरी करने के लिएThis awful traffic is definitely going to hamper our trip to the beach.
8096साँस छोड़ना – Exhalationthe process of releasing air from your lungs – आपके फेफड़ों से हवा छोड़ने की प्रक्रियाAfter puffing on a cigarette, the inconsiderate man’s exhalation of the second-hand smoke created a hazard for anyone standing near him.
8097डांटना – Chidetell somebody off; scold – किसी को बताओ; डांटनाI don’t want the boss to chide me for being late again, so I’m setting the alarm for a half hour earlier.
8098आम आदमी – Laypersonsomeone who is not an expert or doesn’t have detailed knowledge of a subject – कोई ऐसा व्यक्ति जो विशेषज्ञ नहीं है या जिसे किसी विषय का विस्तृत ज्ञान नहीं हैThe doctor had difficulty speaking like a layperson and usually spoke in medical terms that were way above his patients’ heads.
8099आक्रमण करना – Inveighto criticize someone or something very strongly – किसी व्यक्ति या वस्तु की बहुत कड़ी आलोचना करनाBecause one politician chose to inveigh on the subject of immigration for an hour, the debate went on all afternoon.
8100दखल – Meddlingunwanted interference or interruptions – अवांछित हस्तक्षेप या रुकावटThe evil mastermind would have succeeded with his dangerous plan, were it not for the meddling of the rebel army that opposed him.
8101टुंड्रा – Tundraa huge artic biome that is flat and without trees – एक विशाल कलात्मक बायोम जो समतल और पेड़ों से रहित हैWhile trees don’t grow in a tundra, certain plants do thrive in this biome.
8102मज्जा – Marrowthe center soft part of the bone that produces blood cells – हड्डी का मध्य नरम भाग जो रक्त कोशिकाओं का निर्माण करता हैWhen the bone broke, it exposed the marrow to the germs which might have led to an infection.
8103पार – Outgrownthe state of having grown beyond something – किसी चीज़ से आगे बढ़ने की अवस्था या भावMy mom always said the biggest hassle about raising children was the fact that we had outgrown our clothes every few years.
8104इनाम – Regaliaspecial clothes and decorations, used at official ceremonies or occasions – आधिकारिक समारोहों या अवसरों पर उपयोग किए जाने वाले विशेष कपड़े और सजावटThe Veterans Day parade included many members of the military in their regalia.
8105घसीटा हुआ – Bedraggledmessy and filthy – गन्दा और गन्दाThe neglected puppy was bedraggled and near-death.
8106अनुकरण करना – Apea large primate, such as a gorilla, that lacks a tail – एक बड़ा प्राइमेट, जैसे गोरिल्ला, जिसमें पूँछ नहीं होतीBeating on his chest, the ape showed dominance over all the other gorillas in the forest.
8107सावधानी – Warinessthe state of being cautious about things that could be dangerous or problematic – उन चीजों के प्रति सतर्क रहने की अवस्था जो खतरनाक या समस्याग्रस्त हो सकती हैंBecause of her wariness around strangers, Jazz is reluctant to talk to people she doesn’t know.
8108पहला संशोधन – First amendmentthe right in the US Bill of Rights that allows for freedom of religion, assembly, press, petition and speech – अमेरिकी अधिकार विधेयक में वह अधिकार जो धर्म, सभा, प्रेस, याचिका और भाषण की स्वतंत्रता की अनुमति देता हैPeople still can’t yell “fire” in a crowded theater even though they have first amendment rights because their words might cause injury.
8109मना किया – Forbadeprevented from doing something – कुछ करने से रोकाBecause I was a teenager, my mother forbade me to date my neighbor who was in his senior year of college.
8110छुटकारा – Riddancethe action of getting rid of an undesirable thing or person – किसी अवांछनीय वस्तु या व्यक्ति से छुटकारा पाने की क्रियाGood riddance is a phrase often used to describe a person’s joy after an unwanted individual leaves a place or situation.
8111व्यापक – Ambientproducing a mood or effect by being present – उपस्थित रहकर मनोदशा या प्रभाव उत्पन्न करनाThe ambient music in the store made people feel good about shopping.
8112आलोचना – Criticismthe expression of disapproval and judgement of someone or something – किसी व्यक्ति या वस्तु की अस्वीकृति और निर्णय की अभिव्यक्तिNia’s father’s negative criticism of her work made her consider giving up painting all together.
8113परत – Liningan additional layer attached to something, usually to make it better – किसी चीज़ से जुड़ी एक अतिरिक्त परत, आमतौर पर उसे बेहतर बनाने के लिएThe thin lining of the raincoat was slick enough to stop the rain from reaching the inside of the jacket.
8114याद करना – Rememberto put an idea, thought or image back into your mind – किसी विचार, विचार या छवि को वापस अपने दिमाग में डालनाOn Memorial Day, many people will attend concerts and parades in order to remember the soldiers who died for their country.
8115सम्मान – Accoladean acknowledgement or an award – एक पावती या एक पुरस्कारWhen the police officer was offered the plaque, he refused to accept an accolade for doing his job.
8116कंडीशनर – Conditionersomething used to improve one’s current condition – किसी की वर्तमान स्थिति को सुधारने के लिए उपयोग की जाने वाली कोई चीज़Marie searched the supermarket shelves for a hair conditioner that would help her dry and brittle locks become softer.
8117युवती – Damsela young, unmarried woman – एक युवा, अविवाहित महिलाSeeing the damsel in distress, the knight swooped in and saved her from the fire-breathing dragon.
8118आबादी वाले – Populoushighly populated – अत्यधिक आबादीThe populous city contained residents of every ethnicity.
8119शोक – Condolencea show of sympathy or comfort – सहानुभूति या आराम का प्रदर्शनI offered my neighbor my condolence when I heard of his mother’s death.
8120निहित – Containedincluded; held – सम्मिलित; आयोजितThe moving box contained most of the kitchen items and also held a few tools from the shed.
8121भड़काऊ – Inflammatoryhaving or relating to the irritation or swelling on or in the body – शरीर पर या शरीर में जलन या सूजन होना या उससे संबंधित होनाThe elderly Mr. Thompson’s inflammatory arthritis could be detected by others due to his slow, painful walk and bloated knees.
8122लपेटना – Swaddleto wrap something up tightly – किसी चीज़ को कसकर लपेटनाNurses swaddle the newborn babies tightly in blankets to calm them down.
8123पेड़ लगाना – Plantationa large area where crops are grown – एक बड़ा क्षेत्र जहाँ फसलें उगाई जाती हैंThe slaves labored on the cotton plantation while their owner enjoyed a life of leisure.
8124एक प्रकार का जहाज़ – Smackto hit something or someone quickly with an object or the palm – किसी वस्तु या व्यक्ति पर किसी वस्तु या हथेली से तेजी से प्रहार करनाThe angry woman tried to smack her husband in the face, but he dodged the blow.
8125कटघरा – Palisadeposts usually made out of wood that form a fenced-in area – खंभे आमतौर पर लकड़ी से बने होते हैं जो एक बाड़ वाले क्षेत्र का निर्माण करते हैंAs news of the Union troops marching closer to their town, the citizens built a palisade around their houses in order to defend themselves if troops attacked.
8126चिढ़ – Irritationfeeling bother or annoyed by something that is time consuming or particularly frustrating – किसी ऐसी चीज़ से परेशानी या झुंझलाहट महसूस करना जिसमें समय लगता है या विशेष रूप से निराशा होती हैJulia’s irritation with her best friend only grew because she kept making the same mistakes and completely ignoring Julia’s advice.
8127मुश्किल – Trickyto be complicated or complex – जटिल या पेचीदा होनाSince the science textbook was tricky to understand, Bobby’s father had to read the book and help him figure out the science concepts.
8128टाइपो – Typoa mistake made when typing something – कुछ टाइप करते समय हुई गलतीThe pharmacist made a typo, so the drug instructions read “take before ded” instead of “take before bed.”
8129आज – Todayat the present time – वर्तमान समय मेंI have a doctor’s appointment at two-o’clock today and will take a cab to the clinic.
8130स्वच्छता – Sanitationthe process of maintaining cleanliness – स्वच्छता बनाए रखने की प्रक्रियाUnfortunately, the sanitation crew wakes me up every Saturday from a sound sleep to take our trash from the driveway.
8131पुरातन – Immemorialvery old; ancient – बहुत पुराना; प्राचीनSince time immemorial, the Chinese have been using ancient herbs to create medicine.
8132पैशाचिक – Diabolicalvery evil – बहुत बुराThe evil mastermind created a diabolical plan to take over the world.
8133प्रयोग करना – Use upto consume or drain all of something – किसी चीज़ का पूरा उपभोग या ख़त्म करनाMy sister sucks up so much shampoo; she can use up a whole bottle in a week.
8134समर्थन किया – Endorsedsorted; advocated for – क्रमबद्ध; की वकालत कीThe former governor publicly endorsed a new candidate, stating on air that he would vote for her himself.
8135जोरदार तरीके से डुबोना – Slam-dunkan expression that means to achieve or accomplish something easily – एक अभिव्यक्ति जिसका अर्थ है किसी चीज़ को आसानी से प्राप्त करना या पूरा करनाAlthough he thought the exam might be hard, the pleasantly surprised student considered it a slam-dunk.
8136प्रतिपादन – Renderinga work of art or performance that represents something – कला या प्रदर्शन का एक कार्य जो किसी चीज़ का प्रतिनिधित्व करता हैThe artist’s rendering of the Golden Gate Bridge looked like a mirror image of the actual structure.
8137मेज़ – Tablea piece of furniture with a flat top and four legs that are used for eating, writing, or working – सपाट शीर्ष और चार पैरों वाला फर्नीचर का एक टुकड़ा जिसका उपयोग खाने, लिखने या काम करने के लिए किया जाता हैThe child placed his plate on the top of the table and sat down in a chair to eat his meal.
8138उत्तम दर्जे का – Classyelegant and refined in look in style – शैली में सुंदर और परिष्कृतDressed in a classy ensemble, the stylish model made her way down the runway.
8139गुंजयमान – Resonantcontinuing to sound; echoing – ध्वनि जारी रखना; गूंजThe resonant sound in the amphitheater travels to every seat in the house.
8140हठी – Strong-willedstubborn and determined to do something even if others advise against it – कुछ करने के लिए जिद्दी और कृतसंकल्प, भले ही अन्य लोग इसके विरुद्ध सलाह देंThe strong-willed toddler refused to brush his teeth or go to bed even when his mother threatened him with time-out.
8141उबाल आना – Perka bonus or incentive – एक बोनस या प्रोत्साहनSince the perk to working at the restaurant was the free meals, the young man decided to take this job.
8142गुस्से – Angsta mood associated with intense worry and unhappiness – तीव्र चिंता और अप्रसन्नता से जुड़ी मनोदशाA day before the fight, the inexperienced boxer was plagued with angst about losing his first match.
8143रुके – Stayedremained in a set place – एक निर्धारित स्थान पर बने रहेThe couple stayed in their hotel room most of their vacation since it rained the entire weekend.
8144उठना – Riseto move in an upward direction – ऊपर की दिशा में बढ़नाAfter a few minutes in the oven, the cake batter began to rise toward the top of the pan.
8145अविश्वसनीय रूप से – Incrediblyvery; extremely – बहुत; अत्यंतThe puny teenager found it incredibly difficult to pick up the heavy barbell from the floor.
8146उपनाम – Surnamethe last name one shares with his or her family – वह अंतिम नाम जो कोई व्यक्ति अपने परिवार के साथ साझा करता हैHis last name wasn’t very common in the area, and only a few other families shared his surname.
8147कुकर्मी – Evildoera person who does wicked and evil things – वह व्यक्ति जो दुष्ट और बुरे कार्य करता होAs an evildoer, the wicked witch spent most of her day mixing up powerful potions and sinister spells.
8148अशिष्ट – Vulgarwithout taste; inappropriate – बिना स्वाद के; अनुचितThe first time a student uses vulgar language in class he is given an afterschool detention.
8149निंयत्रण रखना – Curbsomething that holds back or limits – कुछ ऐसा जो रोकता या सीमित करता होPopping a small piece of candy into your mouth would curb your hunger but only temporarily.
8150अवमानना – Contemptthe feeling of intense dislike and a lack of respect for someone/something – तीव्र नापसंदगी की भावना और किसी/किसी चीज़ के प्रति सम्मान की कमीBecause Abby came from a wealthy family, it was not surprising she looked at homeless people with contempt.
8151टाइरैड – Tiradea long and angry speech – एक लंबा और क्रोधपूर्ण भाषणBecause Carrie is normally a laidback person, she shocked everyone with her tirade.
8152वचन – Plighta dire or unfortunate situation – कोई विकट या दुर्भाग्यपूर्ण स्थितिBecause he was homeless and penniless, Jason’s plight was a miserable one.
8153ट्यूशन – Tuitionthe money it costs to take classes at a college, school or university – किसी कॉलेज, स्कूल या विश्वविद्यालय में कक्षाएं लेने के लिए जो पैसा खर्च होता हैAfter being in a dead-end job for several years, I looked into increasing my education but was saddened by the expensive tuition costs.
8154मूल्यांकन – Appraisalan opinion or estimated value – एक राय या अनुमानित मूल्यThough my car was in good condition, the appraisal of my vehicle came back with a below trade-in value.
8155निर्गत होना – Emanateto come out from a source – किसी स्रोत से बाहर आनाHopefully, the fun memories of the weekend will emanate throughout the office and give all the employees a positive outlook this week.
8156उत्पादन – Manufactureto create items on a massive scale – बड़े पैमाने पर आइटम बनाने के लिएThe company is relocating production to Asia because it is cheaper to manufacture products overseas.
8157अराजकतावादी – Anarchista person who acts against the orders of a ruling body – वह व्यक्ति जो सत्ताधारी निकाय के आदेशों के विरुद्ध कार्य करता हैAs an anarchist, Jim is always pointing out the flaws of the government.
8158बक – Buckmale deer or antelope – नर हिरण या मृगSeeing the buck emerge from the clearing, the hunter aimed his rifle and prepared to take his shot at the massive deer.
8159मतिक्षीणता – Dotagea period of advanced age in which an individual starts to lose his judgment and his ability to perform cognitive tasks – उन्नत उम्र की वह अवधि जिसमें व्यक्ति अपनी निर्णय क्षमता और संज्ञानात्मक कार्यों को करने की क्षमता खोना शुरू कर देता हैAs my grandmother got into her dotage, she started to forget small things like her dog’s name and her address.
8160आशावादी – Optimistone who always has a positive outlook – जो सदैव सकारात्मक दृष्टिकोण रखता होAs an optimist, I always believe tomorrow will be better than today.
8161असमर्थनीय – Indefensibleunable to defend oneself from assault or confrontation – हमले या टकराव से स्वयं का बचाव करने में असमर्थPlease be careful having aggressive dogs around babies because babies are so indefensible if they were attacked.
8162हिंसा – Violencethe use of physical force to harm someone – किसी को हानि पहुँचाने के लिए शारीरिक बल का प्रयोगThe violence continued as more and more protestors were beaten by police in the streets.
8163बदमाश – Blackguardto abuse or put someone down verbally – किसी को मौखिक रूप से गाली देना या नीचा दिखानाValerie’s abusive father continued to blackguard her, calling her terrible names every time he was drunk.
8164शासन – Ruledgoverned or exercised power over – शासित या सत्ता का प्रयोग करनाThe queen ruled the kingdom when her husband died, taking control of everything in the land.
8165बॉन यात्रा – Bon Voyagea phrase used to wish a traveler a pleasant journey – एक वाक्यांश जिसका प्रयोग किसी यात्री की सुखद यात्रा की कामना के लिए किया जाता है“Bon voyage,” Elizabeth called as her neighbor’s bored the ship for America.
8166संबंधित – Concernedworried or anxious – चिंतित या चिंतितI am concerned for my brother, who went out into the storm nearly an hour ago and has yet to return.
8167विदा का – Valedictorya big goodbye/farewell speech/announcement – एक बड़ा अलविदा/विदाई भाषण/घोषणाBefore the president leaves the White House forever, he makes a valedictory that is broadcasted on all major television networks.
8168योगवाहिता – Synergismelements that when combined make them more potent or increase effectiveness – ऐसे तत्व जो संयुक्त होने पर उन्हें अधिक शक्तिशाली बनाते हैं या प्रभावशीलता बढ़ाते हैंDoctors employ the concept of synergism when prescribing new medications that they believe would be more effective when used in tandem.
8169मुंशी – Scribea person who writes for a living – एक व्यक्ति जो जीविकोपार्जन के लिए लिखता हैIn the old days, uneducated people would often hire a scribe to write down their family histories.
8170वर्जित – Barredbanned; prohibited – प्रतिबंधित; निषिद्धAfter being caught stealing from Walmart, the petty thieves were barred from ever entering the store again.
8171पदार्थ – Substancea material or matter that takes up space – वह सामग्री या पदार्थ जो जगह घेरता हैFloyd realized that he must have stepped into a gooey substance on the garage floor before he tracked it through the house.
8172अभिनिषेध करना – Abrogateto abolish; to do away with – समाप्त करना; को हटा देने के लिएThe Supreme Court can abrogate laws deemed unconstitutional.
8173ि यात्मक – Proceduralin a routine or ceremonial way – नियमित या औपचारिक तरीके सेBy initiating a procedural workshop, all of the participants knew what to expect next since every event could be predicted.
8174प्याला – Porringera small bowl, typically with a handle, used for soup, stew, or similar dishes – एक छोटा कटोरा, आमतौर पर एक हैंडल के साथ, जिसका उपयोग सूप, स्टू या इसी तरह के व्यंजनों के लिए किया जाता हैThis evening, we will have a porringer of tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches.
8175प्लग – Plugan obstruction blocking something – किसी चीज़ को रोकने वाली रुकावटHe used a cork to plug the bottle.
8176पूरा हुआ – Unscatheduntouched or not damaged – अछूता या क्षतिग्रस्त नहींDespite the vase’s tumble from the shelf, it is unscathed.
8177बैटरी – Batterya collection of related things – संबंधित चीज़ों का संग्रहThe patient went through a battery of physical tests, but the doctor wasn’t able to figure out what was making him sick.
8178उजाड़ – Desolateempty; without life – खाली; बिना जीवन केSince the anchor stores closed, the shopping center has become a desolate wasteland.
8179असहायता – Helpfulnessthe giving of help or assistance – सहायता या सहायता देनाGail’s helpfulness when assisting her teacher earned her a class helper award.
8180ख़ैरात करना – Dolemoney paid by the government to the unemployed – बेरोजगारों को सरकार द्वारा भुगतान किया गया पैसाDo any of these people have jobs or are they all freeloading on the public dole?
8181लीटोटा – Litotesis a literary term for a figure of speech that uses negative terms to express a positive statement – भाषण के अलंकार के लिए एक साहित्यिक शब्द है जो सकारात्मक कथन को व्यक्त करने के लिए नकारात्मक शब्दों का उपयोग करता हैThe Japanese woman used litotes to phrase her true thoughts in a nice way.
8182एकरंगा – Monochromaticdull in color – रंग में फीकाThe bride wanted her wedding color scheme to be monochromatic, with no bright colors to take the attention off of her dress.
8183नियमित – Steadyfirmly fixed and not moving (or shaking) – मजबूती से स्थिर है और हिल नहीं रहा है (या हिल नहीं रहा है)The golfer kept his club steady and still until he was ready to swing it toward the ball.
8184प्रक्षेप्य – Projectilesomething that will be or has been expelled from some object – कोई ऐसी चीज़ जो किसी वस्तु से निकाली गई होगी या निकाली गई होगीThe projectile went from the prisoner’s mouth and onto the guard’s face.
8185केरातिन – Keratina strong natural protein that is the base of hair, nails, hoofs, and horns – एक मजबूत प्राकृतिक प्रोटीन जो बालों, नाखूनों, खुरों और सींगों का आधार हैAlthough other proteins are found in skin cells, keratin makes up a large percentage of these tissues.
8186बांटना – Apportionto distribute in a fair way – निष्पक्ष तरीके से वितरण करनाAt the center, we apportion afternoon snacks so that all children get at least one juice and one snack.
8187साजिश रचने – Conspiringto secretly plan or plot together to do something that is usually illegal or harmful; it often involves two or more people who work together to achieve a shared goal – कुछ ऐसा करने के लिए गुप्त रूप से योजना बनाना या एक साथ साजिश करना जो आमतौर पर अवैध या हानिकारक है; इसमें अक्सर दो या दो से अधिक लोग शामिल होते हैं जो एक साझा लक्ष्य को प्राप्त करने के लिए मिलकर काम करते हैंConspiring to commit a crime can also result in additional charges, such as conspiracy to commit fraud or conspiracy to commit murder.
8188पूर्वनियति – Predestinationthe doctrine that everything has been foreordained by a God or by fate – यह सिद्धांत कि सब कुछ ईश्वर या भाग्य द्वारा पूर्वनिर्धारित किया गया हैThe priest believed in predestination and never worried about things that were to come.
8189आत्मतुष्ट – Self-righteousbelieving that you are better, superior, and more moral than other people – यह विश्वास करना कि आप अन्य लोगों की तुलना में बेहतर, श्रेष्ठ और अधिक नैतिक हैंWith a self-righteous outlook, the snobby lady looked down on others from her moral high ground.
8190असमानता – Inequalityan unfair, not equal, state – एक अनुचित, समान नहीं, राज्यAlthough the gap is closing, there is still inequality between pay for men and women.
8191उल्लासमय – Lightheartedhappy in a very carefree and not serious way – बहुत ही लापरवाह तरीके से और गंभीर तरीके से खुश नहींThe comic’s upbeat performance included lighthearted jokes that made the crowd happy.
8192विचार – Contemplatingcarefully thinking about something – किसी चीज़ के बारे में ध्यानपूर्वक सोचनाAfter seeing his girlfriend’s offensive text, he was contemplating a breakup.
8193लम्बा – Prolongextend; lengthen – बढ़ाना; लंबाThe teacher decided to prolong the test, giving the student 15 more minutes to finish the exam.
8194स्पज्या का – Tangentialnot directly related to something – किसी चीज़ से सीधे तौर पर संबंधित नहींI hardly ever learn anything in my history class because my teacher always rambles off on a tangential topic that has nothing to do with history.
8195कृपापात्र – Minionan individual who obeys the commands of another person – एक व्यक्ति जो दूसरे व्यक्ति की आज्ञाओं का पालन करता हैAs the manager’s minion, Gail does all of his personal errands.
8196प्रमुख – Prominentshowing distinction above others in a specific area – किसी विशिष्ट क्षेत्र में दूसरों से ऊपर विशिष्टता प्रदर्शित करनाThere is a six-month waiting list to see the most prominent psychiatrist in the city.
8197दृढ़ विश्वास – Convictiona firmly held belief or opinion – दृढ़तापूर्वक धारण किया हुआ विश्वास या रायThe more you speak with conviction, the more your audience will value what you have to say.
8198सहमत होना – Concurto agree with something – किसी बात से सहमत होनाWith no other facts on hand, I can only concur with your statement.
8199नशा – Intoxicationthe state of being influenced by alcohol or drugs to the point that it impairs physical or mental control – शराब या नशीली दवाओं से इस हद तक प्रभावित होने की अवस्था कि यह शारीरिक या मानसिक नियंत्रण को ख़राब कर देSlurring his words and reeking of alcohol, the drunk driver was taken to jail on intoxication charges.
8200फैशनेबल – Fashionablepopular; stylish – लोकप्रिय; स्टाइलिशIt took much persuading to convince my aunt that her bell-bottom jeans and platform shoes are no longer fashionable.
8201अच्छी तरह से – Nicelysuitably; adequately – उपयुक्त रूप से; पर्याप्त रूप सेThe colors of the tenant’s new furniture blends in nicely with the apartments neutral walls.
8202नकली – Simulatedintended as an imitation of another thing – किसी अन्य चीज़ की नकल के रूप में इरादाTofu is often used as a simulated dish, copying the flavors of other foods like meat without actually being meat.
8203शुरुआत के लिए – For startersto start with; first of all – साथ शुरू करने के लिए; सबसे पहलेWe will order lots of food, but for starters, we asked for chips and salsa.
8204चालबाज – Trickstera person who scams or misleads – वह व्यक्ति जो घोटाला करता है या गुमराह करता हैTimmy was the trickster in the class because he was always hiding students’ pencils and books from them.
8205गड़बड़ी – Jumblea typically messy pile of things – चीज़ों का आम तौर पर गन्दा ढेरMost teenage boys leave their things in a messy jumble, making their rooms look more like disaster areas than places of clean habitation.
8206पक्षपातपूर्ण – Partisanprejudiced in favor of a particular cause – किसी विशेष कारण के पक्ष में पूर्वाग्रह से ग्रस्त होनाBecause of your partisan views, you are unwilling to look at other options.
8207पृथक्करण – Segregationsetting apart or separation – अलग करना या अलग करनाFeminists complain about segregation between men and women in the workplace.
8208माइटोकॉन्ड्रिया – Mitochondriaan organelle found inside a cell that produces energy – कोशिका के अंदर पाया जाने वाला एक अंगक जो ऊर्जा उत्पन्न करता हैAs the powerhouse of animal cells, mitochondria are responsible for making energy-packed proteins.
8209सुगंधित – Odorousgiving off a strong scent – तेज़ गंध छोड़नाThe odorous smell of tobacco filled the crowded room.
8210अति आवश्यक – Urgentvery important and needing immediate attention – बहुत महत्वपूर्ण और तत्काल ध्यान देने की आवश्यकता हैThe bill collector left an urgent message in hopes that the debtor would call her back right away.
8211दृढ़ – Steadfastfaithful to a person, belief, or goal – किसी व्यक्ति, विश्वास या लक्ष्य के प्रति वफादारMy mother really loved my father and remained steadfast to her marriage vows even after my father died.
8212फेंक – Throwto toss or heave – उछालना या उछालनाPlease throw the torn clothing in the trash and toss the stained things in there too.
8213अतिरंजना करना – Exaggerateto make something seem better, larger, or more important than it actually is – किसी चीज़ को वास्तव में उससे बेहतर, बड़ा या अधिक महत्वपूर्ण दिखानाThe arrogant businessman liked to exaggerate his net worth and make it seem like had a lot more money than what was in the bank.
8214निर्लज्ज – Immodestlacking modesty and decency – शील और शालीनता का अभावHer immodest nature of thinking everyone was beneath her created an unfriendly atmosphere for her.
8215समवयस्क – Coevalsimilar in age or length of time – उम्र या समय की लंबाई में समानOnce Jenny and I realized our parties were coeval, I decided to host my event on another day.
8216स्व संदेह – Self-doubtlack of confidence in oneself and abilities – स्वयं और क्षमताओं पर विश्वास की कमीFull of self-doubt, the insecure singer didn’t think she was good enough to sing in public.
8217दीर्घ काल तक रहना – Lingerto stay in a situation or place – किसी स्थिति या स्थान पर रहनाAfter school some students always linger around the building to talk to their friends.
8218क्रमश – Respectivelyin the order given – दिए गए क्रम मेंEach recipient was called up to receive their award, respectively.
8219गवारा नहीं – Unacceptablenot allowable or welcome – स्वीकार्य या स्वागतयोग्य नहींCursing inside the church is unacceptable and will not be tolerated by the priest.
8220त्याग – Renounceto formally reject something or someone – किसी चीज़ या व्यक्ति को औपचारिक रूप से अस्वीकार करनाWhen Hector tried to renounce his membership in the gang, the group’s leader threatened him.
8221ज़ीरक्सा – Xeroxa photocopy or reproduction of something – किसी चीज़ की फोटोकॉपी या प्रतिलिपिThe xerox machine in the office is broken and can’t be used to make photocopies.
8222भेस – Disguiseto alter the appearance of a thing or person – किसी वस्तु या व्यक्ति का रूप बदलनाMaybe we can disguise the car damage by repainting the scratched area.
8223ताक में रहना – Waylayto actively block an individual’s path in order to interrogate, detain, etc. – पूछताछ करने, हिरासत में लेने आदि के लिए किसी व्यक्ति का रास्ता सक्रिय रूप से अवरुद्ध करना।Reporters attempted to waylay the celebrity at the airport and bombard him with questions, but his security team intervened.
8224प्रचार – Hypeto promote or publicize something – किसी चीज़ का प्रचार या प्रचार करनाAs a way to hype up his popularity, the high school student spread a rumor that he was the best kisser.
8225जुर्म – Recidivismthe act of repeatedly committing crimes – बार-बार अपराध करने की क्रियाIn the state, the rate of recidivism has decreased as noted by the fact fewer criminals are returning to prison.
8226निगल जाना – Engulfto totally surround or cover – पूरी तरह से घेरना या ढकनाThe lava will begin to engulf the abandoned city in six hours.
8227कड़ाही – Pana metal or iron pan used for cooking – खाना पकाने के लिए इस्तेमाल किया जाने वाला धातु या लोहे का पैनCover and slow cook the brisket in the large roasting pan for six hours at 275 degrees.
8228दौड़ना – Runningthe action of moving quickly, usually fast on foot – तेजी से चलने की क्रिया, आमतौर पर तेजी से पैदल चलनाThe marathon sprinter spends all of his evenings running in preparation for his next big race.
8229आपातकाल – Emergencya situation which poses an immediate risk and requires urgent attention – ऐसी स्थिति जो तत्काल जोखिम पैदा करती है और उस पर तत्काल ध्यान देने की आवश्यकता हैThe family gathered into the hospital’s waiting room when my grandfather needed an emergency surgery to remove a blood clot from his brain.
8230ज़ाफ़्टिग – Zaftighaving a full rounded figure – पूर्ण गोलाकार आकृति वालाMarilyn Monroe’s zaftig figure made her one of the most famous curvy actresses.
8231दुराराध्य – Fastidiousconcerned about accuracy and detail; hard to please – सटीकता और विवरण के बारे में चिंतित; खुश करना मुश्किल हैMy mother was a fastidious woman who always had a complaint on her lips.
8232टेप – Tappedknocked on something lightly – किसी चीज़ पर हल्के से दस्तक देनाThe salesman tapped on the door and hoped that someone would answer his knock.
8233वेब भोजन – Food weba network of food chains or feeding relationships through which energy and nutrients are passed on – खाद्य श्रृंखलाओं या आहार संबंधों का एक नेटवर्क जिसके माध्यम से ऊर्जा और पोषक तत्वों का संचार होता हैThe teacher had the students draw out a food web showing which animals the fox ate and which animals ate the fox.
8234मूसल – Flailto move uncontrollably in the air – हवा में अनियंत्रित रूप से घूमनाWhen Pete’s daughter ran out into the middle of the street, he had to flail his arms to get the cars to stop.
8235दोपहर – Afternoonthe time from noon until the evening when the sun starts to set – दोपहर से शाम तक का समय जब सूरज डूबने लगता हैThe lazy couch potato likes to sleep until the afternoon and does not get out of bed until one or two.
8236सस्ती – Hokeytoo emotional or artificial to be believed – इतना भावनात्मक या कृत्रिम जिस पर विश्वास नहीं किया जा सकताAll though it had a feel-good message, the Hallmark movie was much too hokey and cheesy for us to enjoy.
8237उद्देश्य – Objectivethat which is sought; a particular task or goal – जो खोजा गया है; कोई विशेष कार्य या लक्ष्यThe objective of my resume is to obtain a position in the company’s quality assurance department.
8238फ़ायर – Volleya strike or kick of the ball made before it touches the ground during a sporting event or game – किसी खेल आयोजन या खेल के दौरान जमीन को छूने से पहले गेंद पर किया गया प्रहार या किकThe volleyball player attempted to volley the ball past the net, but the other team blocked the strike.
8239बाधा – Impedimentsomething that interferes with a person’s ability to complete a task – कुछ ऐसा जो किसी व्यक्ति की कार्य को पूरा करने की क्षमता में हस्तक्षेप करता हैMy broken wrist is the impediment preventing me from finishing my new novel.
8240दलाल – Brokera person who buys and sells assets for others – वह व्यक्ति जो दूसरों के लिए संपत्ति खरीदता और बेचता हैThe mortgage broker was able to negotiate a favorable loan for the potential buyers.
8241शर्मनाक – Shamefulcausing disgrace or embarrassment – अपमान या शर्मिंदगी का कारण बननाDumping 18 billion gallons of highly toxic chemicals into the Ecuadorean Amazon was one of the many shameful things that Chevron has done.
8242जोर से दबाया गया – Hard-pressedhaving a lot of difficulties accomplishing something especially because of lack of time or resources – विशेष रूप से समय या संसाधनों की कमी के कारण किसी चीज़ को पूरा करने में बहुत सारी कठिनाइयाँ आ रही हैंThe company was hard-pressed to prove it should be granted the contract since it didn’t have any other clients on the hook.
8243ट्रिब्यून – Tribunean official in ancient Rome chosen by the plebeians to protect their interests – प्राचीन रोम में जनसाधारण द्वारा अपने हितों की रक्षा के लिए चुना गया एक अधिकारीAs a military tribune, the commander was elected by the Romans to protect their city-states from invasion.
8244प्रत्यावर्तन – Recursionthe repeated and sequential use of a linguistic element – किसी भाषाई तत्व का बार-बार और अनुक्रमिक उपयोगIf you have just mentioned that your relative is your great-great-grandmother, you have made use of linguistic recursion.
8245विनाश – Subversionthe act of trying to destroy a government or system – किसी सरकार या व्यवस्था को नष्ट करने की कोशिश करने की क्रियाPolice officers were dispatched to the streets in an attempt to stop the subversion carried out by the rioting crowd.
8246प्रोत्साहन – Encouragementwords or actions that offer support or confidence to another person – ऐसे शब्द या कार्य जो किसी अन्य व्यक्ति को समर्थन या विश्वास प्रदान करते हैंOffering encouragement to her son, Rhonda tried to convince Eli to try out for the basketball team once again.
8247कथित – Purportedclaimed that something was true without proof – दावा किया गया कि बिना सबूत के कुछ सच थाThe purported rumors were proven untrue, and the man who made the allegations against the celebrity was asked to apologize.
8248जनसंख्या घनत्व – Population Densitythe number of people living in each unit of an area, such as a square mile – किसी क्षेत्र की प्रत्येक इकाई, जैसे एक वर्ग मील, में रहने वाले लोगों की संख्याThe population of the town is forty thousand, but the population density of the town is only seven hundred people per square mile.
8249जश्न – Euphoricintensely excited or happy – अत्यधिक उत्साहित या खुशBecause he had been expecting a low grade, Kurt was euphoric to find out that he had done much better on his test than he had predicted.
8250पुनर्जीवित – Resuscitateto bring someone or something back to an active state – किसी व्यक्ति या वस्तु को सक्रिय अवस्था में वापस लानाAlthough we tried, we could not resuscitate the puppy who got hit by the speeding car.
8251पेस्ट करें – Pastea substance that is thick but moist and is usually made by mixing dry ingredients with a liquid – एक पदार्थ जो गाढ़ा लेकिन नम होता है और आमतौर पर किसी तरल पदार्थ के साथ सूखी सामग्री को मिलाकर बनाया जाता हैMixing the flour with a bit of water, the chef created a thick paste to serve as the base of her recipe.
8252उपरिकेंद्र – Epicentercentral point of something – किसी चीज़ का केंद्रीय बिंदुBecause Dan was unlucky enough to be standing on the epicenter of an enormous earthquake, he was killed on the spot.
8253बर्तन – Utensila tool with a particular use, especially in a kitchen or house – एक विशेष उपयोग वाला उपकरण, विशेषकर रसोई या घर मेंThe only thing needed to seal the deal is a writing utensil to sign the check.
8254व्याख्या – Interpretto clarify something so it can be understood – किसी बात को स्पष्ट करना ताकि उसे समझा जा सकेThe police officer could not interpret the deaf woman’s gestures.
8255शैतान लड़की – Madcapmusingly quirky or eccentric – मनमोहक रूप से विचित्र या विलक्षणMr. Livingstone is definitely a madcap, but his crazy rambling about magic and fairies isn’t hurting anyone.
8256मटकी – Pitchera large container with a handle and a spout used for holding liquid – एक हैंडल और टोंटी वाला एक बड़ा कंटेनर जिसका उपयोग तरल पदार्थ रखने के लिए किया जाता हैBecause mine is the best, Mom asked me to make a pitcher of sweet tea to serve our guests.
8257मुश्किल से – Hardlybarely – मुश्किल सेThe hermit hardly leaves his home anymore, preferring to stay inside his quaint quarters.
8258ऋणदाता – Creditorone to whom something is owed – जिस पर कुछ बकाया होAs a creditor, my landlord can evict me if I don’t pay my rent.
8259कृश – Gauntextremely skinny, typically because of illness or starvation – अत्यधिक पतला, आमतौर पर बीमारी या भूख के कारणAfter being held in a dark basement for three months, the prisoner was gaunt and weak.
8260गोलमोल बात कहना – Equivocateto deceive or mislead someone using unclear language – अस्पष्ट भाषा का प्रयोग करके किसी को धोखा देना या गुमराह करनाThe crooked salesman went out of his way to equivocate the sales terms to the elderly couple.
8261भूमिगत – Subterraneanbeneath the ground or surface – ज़मीन या सतह के नीचेYou can access the subterranean rail system by riding the escalator underground.
8262अस्वीकृत करें – Disavowrefuse to own; reject – स्वामित्व से इंकार; अस्वीकार करनाWhen news of the band’s breakup surfaced, the manager had to disavow any part in the undoing.
8263अलौकिक – Preternaturalso unusual that it does not seem natural or normal – इतना असामान्य कि यह स्वाभाविक या सामान्य नहीं लगताSeeing a penguin in the desert seemed very preternatural to the amazed onlookers.
8264चुटकी – Pinchto tightly grip using a finger and thumb – उंगली और अंगूठे का उपयोग करके कसकर पकड़नाSince his body fat percentage is six percent, you can’t pinch an inch from his waist.
8265का सामना करना पड़ा – Faceddealt with; handled – के साथ निपटा; संभालाBecause he was born with no legs, the disabled boy faced many difficulties when it came to moving around.
8266अभियोग – Plainta legal complaint against someone made to the court – किसी के विरुद्ध न्यायालय में की गई कानूनी शिकायतOnce I submitted my complaint and was filed, the judge entered the plaint in the court record.
8267कोलाहल – Hubbuba loud disturbance coming from a number of sources – कई स्रोतों से आने वाली तेज़ गड़बड़ीIf you don’t like the hubbub of noisy drunks and loud televisions, avoid the pub around the corner.
8268भावी पीढ़ी – Posterityall future generations – आने वाली सभी पीढ़ियाँWe bury time capsules for ourselves and for posterity.
8269जिसे उपयुक्त – Aptlyin a fitting way – उचित तरीके सेWhen my aunt labels my moody uncle as grumpy, she aptly refers to him.
8270नियुक्ति – Assignationan appointment or date to meet someone in secret, typically between lovers – गुप्त रूप से किसी से मिलने की नियुक्ति या तारीख, आमतौर पर प्रेमियों के बीचI had an assignation with my girlfriend yesterday, the two of us sneaking out into town so our parents wouldn’t know what we were doing.
8271जेन – Zenfeeling extremely relaxed, peaceful, and free of worries – अत्यंत आराम, शांतिपूर्ण और चिंताओं से मुक्त महसूस कर रहा हूँShe turned towards Zen to help her relieve the stress in her life.
8272परेशान करनेवाला – Officiousoffensively intrusive or interfering – आक्रामक रूप से घुसपैठ करने वाला या हस्तक्षेप करने वालाBecause Cory is the boss’s son, he thinks he can stick his officious nose into everybody’s business without fear of consequences.
8273codependent – Codependentattached to another person and reliant on them, usually emotionally or in an unhealthy way – किसी अन्य व्यक्ति से जुड़ा हुआ और उन पर निर्भर, आमतौर पर भावनात्मक रूप से या अस्वस्थ तरीके सेBecause he is so codependent on his caregivers, the sick man looks to them to meet all of his needs.
8274चमत्कार – Miraclean extraordinary event that occurs through divine intervention by God – एक असाधारण घटना जो ईश्वर के दिव्य हस्तक्षेप से घटित होती हैAfter twenty years of infertility, the birth of the couple’s first child was seen as a divine miracle.
8275कामदेव – Cupidchild with bow and arrow as representation of love – प्रेम के प्रतीक के रूप में धनुष और बाण वाला बच्चाCupid is believed to shoot love arrows at single men and women on Valentine’s Day.
8276स्थायी – Indissolubleindestructible; not possible to dissolve, disintegrate or break-up – अविनाशी; घुलना, विघटित होना या टूटना संभव नहीं हैThe bond between the sisters was indissoluble as they were rarely apart.
8277अनैतिक – Frailweak and delicate – कमजोर और नाजुकListening to his father’s frail voice as he laid on his death bed, Victor became overwhelmed with emotion.
8278पैजामा – Trousersanother word for pants – पैंट के लिए दूसरा शब्दI need a new pair of trousers because I accidentally tore a hole in my old pair when I fell earlier.
8279धड़कना – Palpitateto thump or throb intensely – जोर से थपथपाना या थपथपानाWhen the music at the concert started to palpitate, it caused my head to hurt.
8280मनोदशा – Mooddisposition; temperament – स्वभाव; स्वभावThe worker was so exhausted and irritable that literally anything could cause her mood to plummet.
8281षिटनीयर – Chiffoniera tall chest of drawers, often with a mirror on top – दराजों का एक लंबा संदूक, जिसके शीर्ष पर अक्सर एक दर्पण होता हैPlacing one hand on the wooden chiffonier, Elizabeth admired herself in the dresser’s mirror as she combed her hair with the other.
8282निवास करना – Inhabitto live or reside in some place – किसी स्थान पर रहना या निवास करनाWhile we renovated our home, we would need to inhabit our summer cabin.
8283संक्षेप में लिख देना – Jotto quickly write something – जल्दी से कुछ लिखनाWithin every student is the ingrained notion to jot their name on every single paper they turn in for class.
8284सिंचाई – Irrigationa process of providing water by artificial means – कृत्रिम तरीकों से पानी उपलब्ध कराने की एक प्रक्रियाWith our new irrigation system, we will be able to make plants thrive even in dry terrains.
8285न्युरोटिक – Neuroticoverly anxious; unstable – अत्यधिक चिंतित; अस्थिरSally is a neurotic person who is often moody.
8286उभार – Cuspa point in time that marks the beginning of a change or a transition – समय में एक बिंदु जो परिवर्तन या परिवर्तन की शुरुआत का प्रतीक हैAfter many experiments, the scientists were already on the cusp of a breakthrough cure.
8287व्यंग्य – Vitriolmean-spirited and venomous criticism or talk – मतलबी और विषैली आलोचना या बातDuring the town-meeting, angry citizens met the mayor spewing vitriol.
8288धोखा देना – Bamboozleto cheat or deceive another person – किसी दूसरे व्यक्ति को धोखा देना या धोखा देनाThe waiter tried to bamboozle me into giving him extra money by saying the tip had not been included in the check.
8289मीनार – Towera soaring but slender structure – एक ऊंची लेकिन पतली संरचनाWith the clock tower in the middle of the town square, everyone would have to look up the brick thin building to the sky to see the time.
8290सत्य के प्रति निष्ठा – Fidelityfaithfulness to one’s duties; accuracy, or exact correspondence to some given quality or fact – अपने कर्तव्यों के प्रति निष्ठा; सटीकता, या किसी दिए गए गुणवत्ता या तथ्य से सटीक मेलAfter his arrest for fraud, the fidelity of all the reports he had turned in came into question.
8291ढेर – Heapa group of things placed in a pile – ढेर में रखी वस्तुओं का समूहA heap of clothes cluttered the bathroom floor.
8292गांव का – Hillbillya primitive rural person who lives in or around the mountains – एक आदिम ग्रामीण व्यक्ति जो पहाड़ों में या उसके आसपास रहता हैWe expected to see a hillbilly because we were traveling to the Appalachian Mountains and understood people who lived there had never experienced the rest of the world.
8293अनौपचारिक – Informalcasual and relaxed – आकस्मिक और आरामदेहThe informal dinner only required that you wear casual clothing and not fancy attire.
8294व्यवहार किया – Behavedacting in a certain way – एक निश्चित तरीके से कार्य करनाThe boys always behaved like angels at school but ran wild as soon as they got home.
8295नाटा – Stockysturdy and solid shape usually in humans or animals – आमतौर पर मनुष्यों या जानवरों में मजबूत और ठोस आकारWith a stocky frame, her blind date was rather short but it looked like he could bench press over 200 pounds.
8296पीला – Wispa small and thin amount of something, generally capable of being carried by the wind – किसी चीज़ की छोटी और पतली मात्रा, जो आमतौर पर हवा द्वारा ले जाने में सक्षम होती हैWith the fuel for the fire all but burnt away, there was nothing left but a wisp of smoke and scraps of ash floating on the breeze.
8297सिर घुमानेवाला – Vertiginoussuffering from dizziness – चक्कर आने से पीड़ितAfter she hit her head, Molly became increasingly vertiginous, lightheaded, and lost her balance.
8298मृत – Diedreferring to an organism that has stopped living – एक ऐसे जीव का जिक्र जिसने जीना बंद कर दिया हैIt’s saddening that my dog died last month, and I don’t have the heart to get a new one since it wouldn’t be the same.
8299ऐलूरोफाइल – Ailurophilea person who loves cats – एक व्यक्ति जो बिल्लियों से प्यार करता हैThe neighborhood children only saw the ailurophile as a nutty cat lady.
8300अभियोग लगाना – Indictto formally charge someone with a serious crime – औपचारिक रूप से किसी पर गंभीर अपराध का आरोप लगानाThe district attorney decided to indict the suspect for the murder, charging him only after his bloody fingerprints were found at the crime scene.
8301मर्दानगी – Machismoexaggerated masculine pride – अतिरंजित मर्दाना अभिमानA machismo makeover was just what the man needed to increase his masculinity.
8302निंदा – Denunciationan announcement or statement that is shared openly to criticize a thing or a person – एक घोषणा या बयान जो किसी चीज़ या व्यक्ति की आलोचना करने के लिए खुलेआम साझा किया जाता हैWhen the teacher made a denunciation of the school superintendent, she was quickly fired.
8303विलाप – Lamentto express sorrow or regret; to mourn aloud – दुख या अफसोस व्यक्त करना; ज़ोर से विलाप करनाI deeply lament the lost opportunity to reconnect with my grandmother before she died.
8304रात का – Nocturnaltaking place at night – रात में हो रहा हैBats are nocturnal creatures because they tend to be more active during the night hours.
8305आत्मीय – Kindredrelated in thought or genetically – विचार से या आनुवंशिक रूप से संबंधितMy best friend is my kindred spirit who usually identifies with all the crazy things I say.
8306बाढ़ – Inundatedoverwhelmed or swamped with things to be dealt with – निपटाने योग्य चीज़ों से अभिभूत या दबा हुआOnce their cleaning video went viral, the now trending company was inundated with thousands of product orders.
8307सकल घरेलू उत्पाद – Gross domestic productthe monetary value of all the finished goods and services produced that is used to gauge the health of a country’s economy – उत्पादित सभी तैयार वस्तुओं और सेवाओं का मौद्रिक मूल्य जिसका उपयोग किसी देश की अर्थव्यवस्था के स्वास्थ्य को मापने के लिए किया जाता हैIf gross domestic product is rising, our economy is in good shape because our goods and services are becoming worth more money.
8308लाल – Scarleta bright red color – एक चमकीला लाल रंगBecause she loves the color red, Tammy wears a scarlet dress to every event she attends.
8309निंदात्मक – Slanderous(of a statement) false but still damaging to a person’s good reputation – (एक बयान का) झूठ है लेकिन फिर भी किसी व्यक्ति की अच्छी प्रतिष्ठा के लिए हानिकारक हैThe newspaper’s slanderous statements about the celebrity caused people to think that she was a drug addict when she had never even used meth.
8310ऊपर की ओर – Upwardmoving towards a higher place – किसी ऊँचे स्थान की ओर बढ़नाWe continued to climb upward, only stopping when we reached the building’s top floor.
8311व्यतीत – LapseA temporary failure; a slip – एक अस्थायी विफलता; एक पर्चीWithout sleep, you are likely to have a lapse in reason, being unable to think clearly.
8312करिश्माई – Charismatichaving a convincing charm that inspires others to believe what you say – एक दृढ़ आकर्षण होना जो दूसरों को आपकी बात पर विश्वास करने के लिए प्रेरित करता हैThe charismatic cult leader convinced his followers he was the only path to heaven.
8313तुच्छ – Triflinghaving little value or importance – जिसका कम मूल्य या महत्व होMy time is too valuable to spend on trifling matters that have little worth.
8314वर्षण – Precipitationwater that falls to the earth, especially in the form of rain or snow – वह जल जो पृथ्वी पर गिरता है, विशेषकर वर्षा या बर्फ के रूप मेंPrecipitation levels in the desert are very low since it doesn’t rain much there.
8315घृणा – Repulsiona feeling of intense disgust or dislike – तीव्र घृणा या नापसंदगी की भावनाJudy’s serious repulsion for snakes caused her to shudder at the mention of a reptile.
8316अतिसतर्कता – Hypervigilancea state of extreme awareness of something – किसी चीज़ के प्रति अत्यधिक जागरूकता की स्थितिDue to the trauma he had suffered in the past, Ashton’s hypervigilance always had him on alert for people with ill intentions.
8317लविश – Lavishluxurious or elegant – आलीशान या सुरुचिपूर्णEvery room in the five-star hotel was filled with lavish furnishings.
8318रूपरेखा – Outlineouter edge of lines of a person, item or thing – किसी व्यक्ति, वस्तु या चीज़ की रेखाओं का बाहरी किनाराSo that the text box would be noticeable on the poster, I decided to outline the box with a dark black marker.
8319निष्क्रियता – Quiescencea period of time when things are quietly inactive or dormant – समय की वह अवधि जब चीजें चुपचाप निष्क्रिय या सुप्त होती हैंAlthough the inactive volcano has been in a state of quiescence for quite some time, it could erupt again very soon.
8320अनुबंध – Contracta written or spoken agreement – एक लिखित या मौखिक समझौताAfter signing the rental contract, the tenants quickly regretted the agreement.
8321पछतावा – Repentancefeeling of regret or remorse – अफ़सोस या पछतावे की भावनाThe man’s repentance was short-lived when he continued to steal.
8322फोरक्लोजर – Foreclosurea legal process in which a lender takes the property belonging to a borrower, who has stopped making payments to the lender – एक कानूनी प्रक्रिया जिसमें एक ऋणदाता उस उधारकर्ता से संबंधित संपत्ति लेता है, जिसने ऋणदाता को भुगतान करना बंद कर दिया हैBefore filing for foreclosure, the lender gave the debtor one last chance to settle the debt.
8323थका हुआ – Exhaustedto be very tired having little to no energy – बहुत कम या बिल्कुल भी ऊर्जा न होने के कारण बहुत थक जानाAfter the colicky baby arrived, the new parents became exhausted from lack of sleep.
8324राक्षस – Monstera made-up huge, dreadful animal or beast – बना हुआ विशाल, भयानक जानवर या जानवरWhen Mary Shelley created her tall, scary monster, it became known as Frankenstein.
8325जारी – Floatedrested or hovered on top of the surface – सतह के ऊपर टिका हुआ या मँडरा हुआAmy floated on a raft in the pool, quietly resting on top of the crystal clear water.
8326पूजा – Worshipto express honor and respect for someone or something, especially a deity – किसी व्यक्ति या वस्तु, विशेषकर किसी देवता के प्रति सम्मान और आदर व्यक्त करनाIn that country, many people worship carved objects in the way that others show respect to a god.
8327सकारात्मक कार्रवाई – Affirmative actionan effort to improve the educational and employment opportunities for women and minorities by preventing discrimination – भेदभाव को रोककर महिलाओं और अल्पसंख्यकों के लिए शैक्षिक और रोजगार के अवसरों में सुधार करने का प्रयासAffirmative action procedures were explained to the staff so that they knew to recruit more minority workers.
8328क्षमता – Efficiencythe state of being efficient and proficient – कुशल और दक्ष होने की अवस्था या भावThe cleaning efficiency of the washing machine decreases when too many items are added at once.
8329संक्षिप्त किए गए – Collapsedfalling down or giving away – गिरना या देनाFollowing the massive earthquake, our house collapsed, crashing down into a pile of uninhabitable rubble.
8330प्राचीन – Oldenrelated to earlier times – पहले के समय से संबंधितIn the olden days, people had to travel by horse instead of car, which must have taken a long time.
8331उदास होना – Yearnto have a deep desire for something or someone – किसी चीज़ या व्यक्ति के प्रति गहरी इच्छा होनाWhen my sister was pregnant, all she did was yearn for chocolate ice cream and French fries.
8332भेदक – Perceptivevery aware and sensitive to events around them – अपने आस-पास की घटनाओं के प्रति बहुत जागरूक और संवेदनशीलAs the experienced shoplifter swiped a necklace from the open case in the jewelry store, the perceptive owner of the store realized what he did.
8333रहस्यवाद – Mysticismthe idea divine truth can be found through profound meditation – ईश्वरीय सत्य का विचार गहन ध्यान के माध्यम से पाया जा सकता हैThe cult leader emphasized mysticism through meditation as the only means of entering heaven.
8334हेलियोलैट्री – Heliolatryworship of the sun – सूर्य की पूजाThe sunbather’s heliolatry caused her to spend countless hours soaking up rays under the sun she seemed to worship.
8335PARTITION – Partitiona divider that breaks up an area – एक विभाजक जो एक क्षेत्र को तोड़ता हैWe will use a partition to divide our living area into a living space and a workspace.
8336करेगा – Shallan alternative for the word ‘will’ that tells what someone will do – ‘इच्छा’ शब्द का एक विकल्प जो बताता है कि कोई क्या करेगाWe shall go to breakfast at 8:00, if our cab arrives in time.
8337अच्छा लगना – Cherishto treasure or deeply care for something – किसी चीज़ को संजोकर रखना या उसकी गहराई से देखभाल करनाI will forever cherish the teddy bear my late grandfather had given to me.
8338प्रतिकार करना – Retaliateto respond to an attack in some way – किसी हमले का किसी तरह से जवाब देनाAlthough Larry wants to retaliate against the man who killed his wife, he is going to wait for the court to administer justice.
8339सुस्वादु – Lusciousextremely appealing in smell, taste, or appearance – गंध, स्वाद या दिखने में बेहद आकर्षकI wanted to take a bite of the luscious apple.
8340आच्छादन – Vesturea robe or garment used as clothing – वस्त्र के रूप में प्रयोग किया जाने वाला वस्त्र या परिधानAfter putting on his special vesture, the priest straightened the robed and prepared to walk into the temple.
8341विश्लेषक – Analysta qualified person who can decipher data – एक योग्य व्यक्ति जो डेटा को समझ सकता हैThe company called for a business analyst to help plan the budget for next year.
8342चमकदार – Brightvery smart; intelligent – बहुत होशियार; बुद्धिमानThe bright child is much smarter than the other children in her classroom.
8343हैरत में डाला हुआ – Flabbergastedoverwhelmed by amazement – आश्चर्य से अभिभूतAs a single mother on a tight budget, I am flabbergasted by the huge cost of video games.
8344बीनना – Gleanto gather information in pieces – टुकड़ों में जानकारी इकट्ठा करनाFrom several library resources, Sara was able to glean enough information to write her research paper.
8345औसत दर्जे का – Medialsituated in the middle of something – किसी चीज़ के मध्य में स्थित होनाWith three people standing in a line, the person in the middle of the line has a medial position.
8346प्रतिभार – Counterbalanceto oppose or balance something with another thing of equal weight or force – किसी चीज़ का समान वज़न या बल वाली किसी अन्य चीज़ का विरोध करना या संतुलित करनाA pulley system was used by the movers to counterbalance the weight of the furniture during delivery.
8347अलंकरण – Adornmentan ornament or decoration that adds attractiveness – एक आभूषण या सजावट जो आकर्षण बढ़ाती हैThe plain tree need an adornment, so a silver star was added to the top.
8348लंबा – Prolongedlengthened in time; extended; drawn out – समय में लम्बा होना; विस्तारित; बाहर खींचोThe meeting was prolonged because we were waiting for our boss to arrive.
8349मुश्किल – Troublean act or action that causes a disturbance or alteration to a typically calm or normal setting – एक कार्य या कार्रवाई जो आम तौर पर शांत या सामान्य सेटिंग में गड़बड़ी या परिवर्तन का कारण बनती हैWhen people started rioting in the streets, the government knew that trouble was on the horizon.
8350अकुशल – Inartfulclumsily stating something that could be true – अनाड़ीपन से कुछ ऐसा कहना जो सच हो सकता हैA tongue-tied salesman described his product in an inartful way which confused the customer at first but then realized what he was saying was true.
8351जबकि – Whilea period of time – समय की अवधिWe went to the park for a little while and afterwards ventured to the ice cream shop.
8352बुलंद – Stentorianincredibly loud – अविश्वसनीय रूप से तेज़The stentorian music was so loud it made my head hurt.
8353हाथ की सफ़ाई – Sleight of handdeceptive tricks that usually require quick hand movements – भ्रामक तरकीबें जिनमें आमतौर पर त्वरित हाथ हिलाने की आवश्यकता होती हैUsing sleight of hand, the magician was able to trick audience members into thinking the coin had disappeared.
8354गदर – Mutinyan organized revolt against those in power – सत्ता में बैठे लोगों के खिलाफ एक संगठित विद्रोहDissatisfied voters will mutiny against the current president by voting for whoever runs against him in the next election.
8355चक्कर – Giddydisplaying immense happiness – अपार ख़ुशी प्रदर्शित कर रहा हूँAn overindulgence in alcohol made Edith feel giddy enough to dance on the dinner table.
8356मेलेनिन – Melaninthe pigment that gives human skin, hair, and eyes their color – वह वर्णक जो मानव त्वचा, बाल और आँखों को उनका रंग देता हैBecause Anna’s skin has less melanin than her tan sister, she is much more fair-complected.
8357अपव्यय – Extravagancea lack of control in spending money – पैसा खर्च करने में नियंत्रण की कमीYuria’s extravagance was made clear by the gold trim on the rims of her tires, expensive and totally unnecessary.
8358संतुष्ट करना – Propitiateto make things right by doing something that is requested – अनुरोधित कुछ करके चीज़ों को सही बनानाOnly an idiot believes he can propitiate his way into heaven by giving the church all of his money.
8359धड़ – Torsopart of the body from the neck down excluding the limbs – अंगों को छोड़कर गर्दन से नीचे तक शरीर का भागSince the man’s t-shirt and shorts covered his torso, he decided to get a tattoo so no one could see it through his clothes.
8360खुराक – Dosea measured amount of a medicine or drug – किसी दवा या औषधि की मापी गई मात्राThe doctor lowered the dose of the patient’s medication so that he wouldn’t be so dependent on the drugs.
8361आधार – Fulcrumthe thing or individual upon which everything depends – वह वस्तु या व्यक्ति जिस पर सब कुछ निर्भर होThe factory is the fulcrum of our town because most of our citizens work there.
8362पत्थर की पटिया – Slaba slab is a large, thick piece of wood, concrete, or stone – स्लैब लकड़ी, कंक्रीट या पत्थर का एक बड़ा, मोटा टुकड़ा होता हैThe newlyweds went to the home improvement store to narrow down their favorite stone slab for their new home.
8363प्रयोगात्मक – Experimentalsomething new that is still in the trial stages – कुछ नया जो अभी भी परीक्षण चरण में हैExperimental trials provided encouraging results related to new chemotherapy options for cancer patients.
8364बहुतायत – Plethoraan excess of – की अधिकताI don’t see why my mother wants more shoes when she already has a plethora of them.
8365पुनरावृत्ति – Recurrencethe instance of something occurring (happening again) – किसी चीज़ के घटित होने का उदाहरण (फिर से घटित होना)Because she had breast cancer at a young age, Mary is at risk for a recurrence and must be checked for tumors yearly.
8366बेधड़क – Daftstupid, ridiculous, or silly – मूर्खतापूर्ण, हास्यास्पद, या मूर्खतापूर्णThe daft article is full of errors, and does not belong in our journal.
8367उद्देश्यपूर्ण – Purposefulto do something for a reason – किसी कारण से कुछ करनाTo avoid germs, it is purposeful for all students to wash their hands thoroughly before touching anything in the classroom.
8368किसी न किसी तरह – Slapdashdone quickly without consideration for accuracy – सटीकता पर विचार किए बिना शीघ्रता से किया गयाBecause I gave my mother very little notice, she had to plan a slapdash wedding ceremony for me.
8369पीढ़ी – Generationa generation is all the people in a group or country who are of a similar age – एक पीढ़ी एक समूह या देश के सभी लोग हैं जो समान उम्र के हैंThis generation of students doesn’t seem to care about school as much as their parents.
8370संग्रहित – Storedstowed away; kept for later – सजा कर रखा; बाद के लिए रखा गयाMost of grandpa’s old junk is stored away in his storage shed, but some is kept in the barn.
8371विद्रोह – Rebellionan attempt to replace one form of government with another or an organized act of defiance against authority – सरकार के एक रूप को दूसरे रूप में प्रतिस्थापित करने का प्रयास या प्राधिकार के विरुद्ध अवज्ञा का एक संगठित कार्यBecause many workers feel they are underpaid, they sometimes participate in acts of rebellion like organized “no shows”.
8372वसंती – Vernalfresh or youthful or immature attributes – ताज़ा या युवा या अपरिपक्व गुणThe elderly woman had not been vernal for some time, but whenever her favorite song came on she felt as young and lively as when she was a teenager.
8373फुटपाथ – Pavementa smooth concrete surface – एक चिकनी ठोस सतहSince the cement had not dried yet, the pavement was roped off so no one would walk on it.
8374चित्रमय तसवीर – Tableaua dramatic image, sometimes a reenactment of a historical scene – एक नाटकीय छवि, कभी-कभी किसी ऐतिहासिक दृश्य की पुनर्रचनाThe tableau of the troops crossing the river is one of the most famous paintings in the world.
8375चमक – Shineto give off bright light – तेज रोशनी देने के लिएA lone light did not shine bright enough for us to see what was going on underneath the dim carport.
8376मंगल ग्रह का निवासी – Martiana science fiction creature that is believed to have come from Mars – एक विज्ञान कथा प्राणी जिसके बारे में माना जाता है कि वह मंगल ग्रह से आया हैWhen the spacecraft landed on Mars, the camera captured a picture of a shadowy, manlike martian.
8377वि – Vieto take part in a contest or competition – किसी प्रतियोगिता या प्रतियोगिता में भाग लेनाIn the championship game, the two teams will vie for the national title.
8378सीमांत – Frontieran area that has not been fully explored – एक ऐसा क्षेत्र जिसकी पूरी तरह से खोज नहीं की गई हैThe science fiction program begins with a description of space as the final frontier.
8379बिना पहले सोचे हुए – Impromptuwithout preparation – बिना तैयारी केI’m not sure how many people will be able to attend the impromptu party.
8380पंचांग – Almanacan annual calendar with important events and astronomical data – महत्वपूर्ण घटनाओं और खगोलीय डेटा के साथ एक वार्षिक कैलेंडरAn almanac is not really different from most other calendars, but it also has a great deal of other information in it, like astronomical data needed for farming.
8381भंवर – Maelstroma situation in which there is great confusion, violence, and destruction, or a very powerful whirlpool – ऐसी स्थिति जिसमें बहुत अधिक भ्रम, हिंसा और विनाश हो, या बहुत शक्तिशाली भँवर होFollowing the divorce, Judy was beset by such a maelstrom of emotions that she decided to talk to a counselor.
8382उत्तरजीविता – Survivalthe state or act of continuing to live or exist despite difficult or dangerous circumstances – कठिन या खतरनाक परिस्थितियों के बावजूद जीवित रहने या मौजूद रहने की अवस्था या कार्यThe best way to achieve survival in the wilderness is to come prepared for danger and adversity.
8383दूल्हा – Grooma man who is getting married – एक आदमी जिसकी शादी हो रही हैSmiling at the altar, the groom looked down the aisle at his bride-to-be standing at her father’s side.
8384लूट-पाट – Depredationdamage or destruction – क्षति या विनाशThe graffiti artist was arrested because he participated in the depredation of city property.
8385कीनिंग – Keeningwailing or crying with grief – दु:ख से विलाप करना या रोनाThe keening mother could not believe that her child was gone, even though the officers that had found his body told her so through her tears.
8386मेरा – Mineto dig deep holes in search of something valuable – किसी मूल्यवान वस्तु की तलाश में गहरे गड्ढे खोदनाMany of those who went to California in the 1800s were there to mine for gold and dig for other precious metals.
8387प्रेरणा – Motivationthe drive someone has for conducting himself or herself in a certain way – किसी के पास खुद को एक निश्चित तरीके से संचालित करने की प्रेरणाUsually the only motivation for teenagers going to school is to socialize with their friends.
8388सामयिक – Opportuneat a useful or convenient moment – किसी उपयोगी या सुविधाजनक क्षण परWith all of the mobile applications being sold for millions of dollars, now is an opportune time to become a mobile developer.
8389तर्कसम्मत संदेह – Reasonable Doubtreferring to evidence in court that can be doubted or suspected – अदालत में ऐसे सबूतों का जिक्र करना जिन पर संदेह या संदेह किया जा सकता हैIf the police find a knife with the criminal’s DNA on the handle and the victim’s blood on the blade, that evidence will be beyond reasonable doubt.
8390दिमाग – Mindedlooked after; took care of – देखभाल करना; का ख्याल रखेंThe nanny minded all of the children, taking care of them while their mother and father worked at the bank.
8391पेटेंट – Patentedpertaining to a product, service or invention that has been issued a government document limiting others from reproducing it – किसी उत्पाद, सेवा या आविष्कार से संबंधित जिसे एक सरकारी दस्तावेज़ जारी किया गया है जो दूसरों को इसे पुन: प्रस्तुत करने से प्रतिबंधित करता हैTheir patented cordless vacuum cleaner made millions of dollar for the Sands family since their company made the only cordless type.
8392चातुर्य – Tactthe ability to say or do things in such a way that doesn’t upset or offend anyone – चीजों को इस तरह से कहने या करने की क्षमता जिससे कोई परेशान या आहत न होBecause he lacks discretion and tact, most of the things my brother says comes off as offensive.
8393अध्ययनशील – Studiousfocused on learning and studying – सीखने और अध्ययन पर ध्यान केंद्रित कियाThe studious girl dreams of being the valedictorian of her class.
8394वही – Sameidentical – समानIt’s strange to think that the mountains we see today are the same mountains people saw a thousand years ago.
8395व्हिटल – Whittleto reduce or gradually eliminate something – किसी चीज़ को धीरे-धीरे कम करना या ख़त्म करनाHer patience began to whittle when the students would not stop talking.
8396प्रेरित – Stimulatedmotivated or encouraged – प्रेरित या प्रोत्साहित किया हुआThe interesting article stimulated the readers’ curiosity and kept her wanting to know more.
8397पासंग – Equipoisea state of balance; equilibrium – संतुलन की स्थिति; संतुलनAs she stacked the cans into a pyramid, the stocker was precise in order to ensure equipoise and stop the cans from crashing down.
8398मोक्ष – Salvationa thing that rescues a person or object from a dangerous situation – वह चीज़ जो किसी व्यक्ति या वस्तु को खतरनाक स्थिति से बचाती हैWhen the shipwreck survivor located a box of food, he knew he’d found his salvation.
8399प्रतियोगिता – Competitiona challenge for an award or prize – किसी पुरस्कार या पुरस्कार के लिए एक चुनौतीWhen the spelling competition concludes, a prize will be given to the best speller.
8400मिलाना – Blenda mixture of two or more things – दो या दो से अधिक चीजों का मिश्रणI plan on breaking up with my girlfriend because our views on important issues do not blend well together.
8401गठबंधन – Coalitiona group formed to gain an advantage – लाभ प्राप्त करने के लिए बनाया गया एक समूहA coalition of downtown business owners has created a marketing plan to bring more shoppers into the downtown area.
8402आकर्षक – Catchylikely to attract attention or interest – ध्यान या रुचि आकर्षित करने की संभावनाThe show’s catchy theme song made the television program memorable for everyone who watched it.
8403बड़ा पैर – Bigfoota large, hairy, apelike creature resembling a yeti, supposedly found in northwestern America – यति जैसा दिखने वाला एक बड़ा, बालों वाला, वानर जैसा प्राणी, माना जाता है कि यह उत्तर-पश्चिमी अमेरिका में पाया जाता हैThe Washington campers thought that they saw Bigfoot roaming through the forest, but it was just a hairy lumberjack and not Sasquatch.
8404दिख – Visiblyclearly; noticeably – स्पष्ट रूप से; काफ़ीAlthough her husband’s weight gain was visibly clear, the wife pretended not to notice.
8405कारण – Sakedone for a reason, explanation, or advantage – किसी कारण, स्पष्टीकरण या लाभ के लिए किया गयाThe mother sacrificed her livelihood and lifestyle by devoting all of her time and energy for the sake of her children.
8406बोलचाल की भाषा – Slanga form of informal language – अनौपचारिक भाषा का एक रूपThe children used slang as a secret language, not realizing their parents had cracked their codes long ago.
8407प्रकाश की किरण – Gleamto shine brightly – चमकने के लिएAfter they were waxed, the building’s floors seemed to gleam with brightness.
8408भक्ति – Devotionloyalty, dedication and commitment – निष्ठा, समर्पण और प्रतिबद्धताSteve’s devotion to his country was evident when he joined the military.
8409समझ – Sensethe bodies ability to experience sight, sound, touch, taste, or smell – शरीर की दृष्टि, ध्वनि, स्पर्श, स्वाद या गंध का अनुभव करने की क्षमताWhen Beethoven started composing music his sense of hearing was poor and got worse until he was completely deaf.
8410अपील किए गए – Appealedto have made a serious or urgent request – कोई गंभीर या अत्यावश्यक अनुरोध करनाThe mother appealed to the jury, begging them not to convict her allegedly innocent son.
8411उपयोगकर्ता – Usera person who operates or has the right to enjoy something – वह व्यक्ति जो किसी चीज़ का संचालन करता है या उसका आनंद लेने का अधिकार रखता हैNetflix has considered allowing only one user to login at a time as a way to stop paying customers from sharing their subscriptions with others.
8412दुलार – Caressto touch or kiss lovingly – प्यार से छूना या चूमनाThe cat hated being petted, even when the baby tried to caress him gently, he would dart off.
8413खाड़ी – Lagoonan area of sea water separated from the sea by a reef – समुद्री जल का वह क्षेत्र जो चट्टान द्वारा समुद्र से अलग हो जाता हैThe shallow, blue lagoon was full of tropical fish that drifted past the reef.
8414निशान – Marka small area on a surface that is stained or discolored – किसी सतह पर एक छोटा सा क्षेत्र जो दागदार या बदरंग होThe red mark on the white carpet came from lipstick being smeared into the material.
8415यौन-संबंध – Shaga type of carpet with a rough texture – खुरदरी बनावट वाला एक प्रकार का कालीनThe shag rug was spread out on the floor so that the couple wouldn’t have to walk on cold tile during the winter time.
8416जलयात्रा – Voyagean account of a trip especially one made in a boat – विशेष रूप से नाव में की गई यात्रा का विवरणDuring the seven-day voyage, the ship traveled to three different countries.
8417हल किया – Resolvedfixed; corrected – तय; संशोधितThe couple was able to talk out their problems and resolved the issues before going to bed.
8418प्रतिरक्षा – Immuneexempt or protected from something unpleasant – किसी अप्रिय चीज़ से छूट या सुरक्षाSince I have been a teacher, I have not been sick one day due to being immune from most childhood sicknesses after countless exposure.
8419स्लमलोर्ड – Slumlorda landlord of property in a slum – एक झुग्गी बस्ती में संपत्ति का जमींदारThe slumlord would often take advantage of his residents by charging high prices, since they couldn’t go anywhere else.
8420tinder – Tindera very flammable substance adaptable for use as kindling – जलाने के लिए उपयोग में लाया जाने वाला अत्यंत ज्वलनशील पदार्थLighting the tinder and wood, the camper prepared for an overnight stay at the campground.
8421खर-पतवार – Weeda wild plant growing where it is not wanted – एक जंगली पौधा जो वहाँ उग रहा है जहाँ इसकी आवश्यकता नहीं हैOne stubborn weed was left in the flower bed, returning every time it was pulled up.
8422असमान – Unalikediffering from each other or dissimilar – एक दूसरे से भिन्न या असमानAlthough they are twins, the sisters are opposites and couldn’t be more unalike.
8423बंधन – Nexusthe focal place or point – केन्द्र स्थान या बिन्दुThe school cafeteria is the nexus of student activity.
8424रिट – Writthe power to enforce submission and compliance – अधीनता और अनुपालन को लागू करने की शक्तिIt is beyond the writ of adults to punish children that are not their own for misbehavior regardless of how bad it is.
8425चंचल – Flightyfickle or unpredictable – चंचल या अप्रत्याशितAnimals that are used to being hunted, such as rabbits and deer, are usually very flighty and quick to flee.
8426डेरपी – Derpyfoolish, stupidly silly – मूर्ख, मूर्खतापूर्ण मूर्खThe derpy driver raced through the crowd stupidly, not caring who he put in danger.
8427प्रेरणादायक – Inspiringmorale-raising or empowering – मनोबल बढ़ाने वाला या सशक्त बनाने वालाOur leader’s inspiring speech filled us with enough passion and drive to finish our project a full two days ahead of schedule.
8428शिष्टता – Decencythe attribute of being proper – उचित होने का गुणMy neighbor has no sense of decency and often walks around naked in his backyard.
8429आन्तरिक मन मुटाव – Internal conflicta struggle within the mind that results from having two opposing desires – मन के भीतर एक संघर्ष जो दो विपरीत इच्छाओं के होने से उत्पन्न होता हैWanting to get a divorce created an internal conflict for Dave since he also didn’t want to hurt his wife.
8430कोहरे वाला – Foggystunned or confused; slow to react – स्तब्ध या भ्रमित; प्रतिक्रिया करने में धीमाAshley was a little foggy after waking up from a deep sleep not realizing at first where she was.
8431अदर्शन – Invisibilitythe inability to be seen – देखने में असमर्थताDonning an invisibility cloak, the shadowy figure was able to sneak through the crowd without being seen at all.
8432पक्षी स्नान – Birdbatha small basin filled with water that birds can bathe in – पानी से भरा एक छोटा बेसिन जिसमें पक्षी स्नान कर सकेंInside the garden, a rainwater-filled basin served as a birdbath for the bluebirds.
8433ऑस्टियोपोरोसिस – Osteoporosisbone disease – हड्डी रोगBob was diagnosed with osteoporosis because his leg bones were brittle and weak.
8434मलहम – Ointmenta cream rubbed on the skin for medicinal purposes – औषधीय प्रयोजनों के लिए त्वचा पर मलने वाली क्रीमAntibiotic ointment was applied to the wound to keep bacteria at bay.
8435दोहराएं – Iterateto verbalize or say – मौखिक रूप से कहना या कहनाI had to iterate my answer for the mathematical problem a second time because my partner did not hear me the first time.
8436बसेरा – Roostwhere animals gather at night to sleep or rest, similar to nesting – जहां जानवर रात में सोने या आराम करने के लिए इकट्ठा होते हैं, घोंसले के समानThe bats roost in the dark corner of an abandoned barn.
8437अपघर्षक – Abrasiveunlikeable; nasty – अवांछनीय; बहुत खराबBecause of Kurt’s abrasive personality, most people try to avoid him at work.
8438सरकारी – Governmentalrelating to the leadership of a nation – किसी राष्ट्र के नेतृत्व से संबंधितThe FBI is a governmental agency, working for the people in charge of the United States.
8439ट्रान्सेंडैंटल – Transcendentalsupernatural or beyond the human experience – अलौकिक या मानवीय अनुभव से परेJesus and Buddha are both transcendental heroes whose experiences go past a simply human one.
8440साबर – Suedea tough raw hide or buckskin fabric that is soft to the touch – एक सख्त कच्ची खाल या हिरन की खाल का कपड़ा जो छूने पर मुलायम होता हैIn order to appear as a cowboy, I put on my stiff suede jacket, tall ten-gallon hat and spurred boots.
8441अज्ञेयवाद का – Agnosticsomeone who believes there is no way to know if God does or does not exist – कोई ऐसा व्यक्ति जो मानता है कि यह जानने का कोई तरीका नहीं है कि ईश्वर का अस्तित्व है या नहींAs an agnostic, Devin questioned whether there is any proof that a God created the universe.
8442रक्तपात – Bloodshedcarnage and a massacre where lots of human lives were lost during a violent event – नरसंहार और नरसंहार जहां एक हिंसक घटना के दौरान बहुत से मानव जीवन खो गए थेAfter days of rioting in the streets of Los Angeles, people were angered at the bloodshed of ten lives lost in the aftermath.
8443धीमा – Dilatoryintended to cause delay – विलम्ब उत्पन्न करने का इरादा हैUnhappy with her job, the secretary performed every task at a dilatory speed.
8444क़ब्र का पत्थर – Headstonea slab of stone set up at the head of a grave, typically inscribed with the name of the person buried below – कब्र के शीर्ष पर स्थापित पत्थर की एक पटिया, जिस पर आमतौर पर नीचे दफ़नाए गए व्यक्ति का नाम अंकित होता हैBecause the family members of the deceased couldn’t afford a headstone for their loved one, only a small cross marks the man’s gravesite.
8445रोष – Indignitya situation or event that makes an individual feel embarrassment – ऐसी स्थिति या घटना जो किसी व्यक्ति को शर्मिंदगी महसूस कराती हैI felt as though I suffered a huge indignity when my ex husband brought his young girlfriend to my birthday party.
8446दंतकथा – Legenda very famous person who is well-known – एक बहुत प्रसिद्ध व्यक्ति जो सुविख्यात हैThe rock legend sold out shows during his 40th anniversary farewell tour.
8447बदली का – Murkydark and gloomy – अंधेरा और उदासYou will need a flashlight to explore the murky cave.
8448बचपन $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push([“8f1244f6-5306-4bbe-9562-fc5ef7966ac2”]); }) पिछला शब्द अगला शब्द – Childhood   $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push([“8f1244f6-5306-4bbe-9562-fc5ef7966ac2”]); }) Prev Word Next Wordthe time during which one is a child, from between infancy and puberty – वह समय जिसके दौरान कोई बच्चा होता है, शैशवावस्था और यौवन के बीच काMy stepmother is a mean woman who likes to insult little kids because she had a miserable childhood herself.
8449इंजेक्षन – Injectto introduce something new to a situation – किसी स्थिति में कुछ नया पेश करनाMy boss likes to inject humor when talking with his staff which makes us feel comfortable around him.
8450प्रभा – Glimmera faint or unsteady light – एक फीकी या अस्थिर रोशनीOnly a small glimmer of sunlight shone through the darkening shades, but it was bright enough to wake Corley from her sleep.
8451नया – Innovateto bring about something new – कुछ नया लाने के लिएIt will be hard for you to keep your job at the technology company if you cannot innovate amazing mobile applications.
8452असामयिक $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push([“8f1244f6-5306-4bbe-9562-fc5ef7966ac2”]); }) पिछला शब्द अगला शब्द – Untimely   $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push([“8f1244f6-5306-4bbe-9562-fc5ef7966ac2”]); }) Prev Word Next Wordtaking place at an unsuitable time – अनुपयुक्त समय पर हो रहा हैThe president’s untimely death has thrown the country into chaos.
8453पूजा – Worshipto show respect and honor something and hold it as sacred – किसी चीज़ का आदर और सम्मान करना और उसे पवित्र माननाThe Clines goes to church every Sunday to worship with family and friends.
8454euthanize – Euthanizeto put a living being to sleep in a humane way – किसी जीवित प्राणी को मानवीय तरीके से सुलानाAfter our dog was run over by a car, the vet had to euthanize it to put it out of its misery.
8455टिके रहते हुए – Enduringlasting for an extended period – विस्तारित अवधि तक चलने वालाThe warm weather lover has trouble enduring the cold, even after several years living up north.
8456मनमाना – Licentiouslacking moral discipline or ignoring legal restraint, especially in sexual conduct – नैतिक अनुशासन की कमी या कानूनी संयम की अनदेखी, विशेषकर यौन आचरण मेंIt is assumed that pagan festivals once involved many licentious activities, including a number of sexual games.
8457मिटा देना – Quashto put an end to something – किसी चीज़ को ख़त्म करनाRefusing to give in to the toddler’s demands, the exasperated mother was hell-bent on coming up with a plan to quash the tantrums.
8458आयात – Importto bring in from a foreign country – किसी विदेशी देश से लानाDue to the high tariffs placed on goods, the company decided to buy the raw materials in the United States instead of deciding to import them.
8459स्वांग रचना – Dissembleto disguise or conceal behind a false appearance – मिथ्या दिखावे के पीछे छिपाना या छिपानाHer plan was to dissemble her intentions from her husband so she could successfully plan him a surprise party.
8460अंशदान – Subscriptiona payment to acquire or take part in something – किसी चीज़ को प्राप्त करने या उसमें भाग लेने के लिए किया जाने वाला भुगतानFor Mother’s Day, I decided to give my mother a magazine subscription for Southern Living since she likes to garden.
8461लेन-देन – Transactionthe act of exchanging something for something else, whether it be an idea, goods, money, labor, or alliances – किसी चीज़ को किसी और चीज़ से बदलने की क्रिया, चाहे वह विचार हो, सामान हो, पैसा हो, श्रम हो या गठबंधन होThe cashier asked the customer if she wanted a receipt for her transaction.
8462छोटा सोफ़ा – Setteea seat or bench with a back and armrests – पीठ और आर्मरेस्ट वाली सीट या बेंचYou might not want to purchase a white fabric settee if you have children because the furniture would get dirty and difficult to maintain.
8463असामयिक – Precocioushaving mature qualities at an unusually early age – असामान्य रूप से कम उम्र में परिपक्व गुण होनाMy precocious little girl thinks she knows everything there is to know about life.
8464सजीव – Saucyrude and cocky, usually in a lively way – अशिष्ट और अहंकारी, आमतौर पर जीवंत तरीके सेWith a saucy attitude, the waitress was able to engage and irritate customers at the same time.
8465झुठलाना – Belieto give a false impression of – गलत धारणा देनाJanice hoped her smile would belie the sadness she felt.
8466नियम के अनुसार – Prescriptivedescribing precisely what must happen, especially by giving an instruction/rule – सटीक रूप से वर्णन करना कि क्या होना चाहिए, विशेष रूप से एक निर्देश/नियम देकरThe prescriptive video showed nursing students exactly how to take blood from a patient.
8467कलम – Lopto cut something off – किसी चीज़ को काटनाThe landscaper used a hedge trimmer to lop down the grass several inches.
8468दीवाना – Loonya crazy person – एक पागल व्यक्तिAunt Hannah is often considered the family loony, as she is constantly rambling on about alien abductions and government conspiracies.
8469वीरता से – Bravelyin a way that is daring and shows courage – एक तरह से जो साहसी है और साहस दिखाता हैKatniss bravely stepped into the arena as tribute and fearlessly prepared to give her life so that her younger sister would be saved.
8470साज़िश – Intriguea complex scheme devised to gain something in a sneaky way – गुप्त तरीके से कुछ हासिल करने के लिए तैयार की गई एक जटिल योजनाThe intrigue surrounding the latest political scandal has created some interesting tabloid articles.
8471कमी – Shortfalla failure to get an expected return – अपेक्षित रिटर्न प्राप्त करने में विफलताBecause of fewer donations this year, the charity is facing a million-dollar shortfall.
8472सिद्ध किया हुआ। – Provenshown or demonstrated – दिखाया या प्रदर्शित किया गयाBy showing up on time every day for a year, the worker had proven dependability.
8473काम – Workedused body and/or mind to complete a task (especially for pay) – किसी कार्य को पूरा करने के लिए शरीर और/या दिमाग का उपयोग किया गया (विशेषकर वेतन के लिए)Ted has worked for the school system for the past thirty years but is retiring from his job today.
8474क़ैद कर देना – Incarcerateto lock a person up as a consequence for his or her actions – किसी व्यक्ति को उसके कार्यों के परिणामस्वरूप बंद करनाThe police are going to incarcerate the teen who keeps committing acts of violence.
8475दोष निकालना – Animadvertto criticize or condemn – आलोचना या निंदा करनाThe council will no doubt animadvert your decision today.
8476प्रदर्शन – Performancean activity that a person or group does – एक गतिविधि जो कोई व्यक्ति या समूह करता हैThe baseball player’s performance was a lot better this game than the last time he played.
8477प्रमत्त – Tipsyjust slightly drunk – बस थोड़ा नशे में हूंBecause my wife has a low tolerance for alcohol, she gets a little tipsy after just one glass of wine.
8478टेलिमीटर – Telemeteran instrument used for measuring the distance of an object from an observer – किसी पर्यवेक्षक से किसी वस्तु की दूरी मापने के लिए उपयोग किया जाने वाला उपकरणThe hands of a telemeter can tell you how far away an approaching thunderstorm is at the moment.
8479दुर्भाग्य – Misfortunean unfortunate event – एक दुर्भाग्यपूर्ण घटनाA misfortune caused Bill to miss his own birthday party.
8480व्यर्थ – Meaninglesshaving no value or worth, pointless – जिसका कोई मूल्य या मूल्य न हो, व्यर्थTrying to empty the ocean by using a bucket to take water out of it is an entirely meaningless task that will never accomplish anything.
8481छीन – Strippedto remove something – किसी चीज़ को हटानाThe maid stripped the bed of the dirty sheets and replaced them with clean ones.
8482मध्य – Interstitialsituated in interstices (small spaces) – अंतरालों (छोटी जगहों) में स्थितBecause they are so tiny, the interstitial animals can live in the spaces between small grains of sand.
8483रंडी – Harlota prostitute – एक वेश्याThe seductive harlot pretended to sell wares in the market, but everyone knew she sold much more than rugs.
8484अभिमानी – Arrogantone who rudely acts as though he is better than other people – जो अशिष्टता से ऐसा व्यवहार करता है मानो वह अन्य लोगों से बेहतर हैThe arrogant young man quickly discounted his friends’ suggestions.
8485सफेद कॉलर अपराधी – White-collar crimesnonviolent, money motivated crimes that are committed by professionals or businesses – अहिंसक, धन से प्रेरित अपराध जो पेशेवरों या व्यवसायों द्वारा किए जाते हैंThe banker was arrested for stealing from his company and was charged with several white-collar crimes.
8486पीत पत्रकारिता – Yellow Journalismjournalism that exaggerates distorts or exploits the news to attract readers – वह पत्रकारिता जो पाठकों को आकर्षित करने के लिए समाचार को बढ़ा-चढ़ाकर पेश करती है, विकृत करती है या उसका शोषण करती हैIn the 1800s, Spain and the US were pushed into war because of yellow journalism that exaggerated the facts.
8487ताबूत बनानेवाला – Morticianthe person who is in charge of a funeral including preparing the deceased body – वह व्यक्ति जो मृतक के शरीर को तैयार करने सहित अंतिम संस्कार का प्रभारी हैOften viewed as a scary job, the mortician actually performs a service that is needed by the community.
8488आकांक्षी – Aspiranta person or group that strives to achieve something, take on a certain career, or follow a particular path – एक व्यक्ति या समूह जो कुछ हासिल करने, एक निश्चित करियर अपनाने या किसी विशेष मार्ग पर चलने का प्रयास करता हैThough she didn’t possess much natural talent, the aspirant practice dancing every single day in hopes that she would be good enough to become a professional dancer.
8489अंतर्राष्ट्रीयवाद – Internationalismthe principle of cooperation among nations – राष्ट्रों के बीच सहयोग का सिद्धांतAlthough the ruler was against internationalism, most of the citizens felt that the country should be open to close relations to other nations.
8490रसायनिक बदलाव – Chemical changean element is completely changed into another element through a chemical reaction – रासायनिक प्रतिक्रिया के माध्यम से एक तत्व पूरी तरह से दूसरे तत्व में बदल जाता हैScientists will often mix an acid with sodium hydroxide in a science lab resulting in a chemical change of table salt.
8491घबराहट – Agitationa stirring up or arousing; disturbance of tranquility – उत्तेजित या उत्तेजित करने वाला; शांति में खललThe father of one made no attempt to hide his agitation while viewing his son’s failing report card.
8492राहत – Reliefassistance; help – सहायता; मददMedicated anti-itch cream is the only thing that seems to give my ant bites any relief.
8493आदर लायक़ – Estimableworthy of respect and praise – सम्मान और प्रशंसा के योग्यOur estimable professor is constantly being recognized for his cancer research.
8494खरोंच – Scuffto scrape or scratch – कुरेदना या खरोंचनाBecause he tends to scuff the front of his shoes when he walks, there are always scratch mrks on the toes of the toddler’s sneakers.
8495थेअक्रसी – Theocracya form of government in which the religious officials are the leaders – सरकार का एक रूप जिसमें धार्मिक अधिकारी नेता होते हैंIn theocracy, the rulers of a country make laws based on religious ideas.
8496क्रूरता – Savageryan exploit involving brutality and viciousness – क्रूरता और दुष्टता से जुड़ा एक कारनामाJudge Watson handed the defendants the maximum sentence under Virginia law due to the savagery of the crimes.
8497अप्रचलित – Obsoleteno longer of use – अब उपयोग का नहींMany people believe the Internet has made the postal service obsolete.
8498आजकल – Nowadayscurrently – वर्तमान में“Cursing is so common nowadays,” said Grandpa, “because we never would have said anything impolite in public when I was your age.”
8499बीमारी – Illnessa disease or sickness of the body – शरीर का कोई रोग या बीमारीAfter coming down with a strange illness, the sick girl could no longer walk or talk.
8500चिरस्थायी – Perenniallasting or remaining active throughout the year, or all the time – पूरे वर्ष या हर समय स्थायी या सक्रिय रहनाEvery election seems to continue to deal with the same perennial issues that have been the focus of all the previous elections.
8501किसका – Whosebelonging to or associated with which person – किस व्यक्ति से संबंधित या उससे जुड़ा हुआ हैWhose car is parked in the driveway, Tammy or Jackson?
8502समवर्ती शक्तियां – Concurrent powersgoverning powers that are shared by both two different divisions – शासकीय शक्तियां जो दो अलग-अलग प्रभागों द्वारा साझा की जाती हैंThe agencies have concurrent powers and share spending responsibilities 50/50.
8503समझ – Senseto feel or know something – किसी चीज़ को महसूस करना या जाननाAlthough she couldn’t see the man hiding in the shadows, June could sense that someone was there.
8504मौलिक – Primalbasic; instinctive – बुनियादी; स्वाभाविकThe dog’s primal instincts allow it to hunt out prey easily.
8505की अपेक्षा – Ratherquite; to a slight degree – अत्यंत; थोड़ी सी हद तकIt is rather cold outside, so I should wear a jacket when heading to work.
8506नर्सिंग – Nursinga profession in which one cares for people who are sick or dying – एक ऐसा पेशा जिसमें व्यक्ति बीमार या मर रहे लोगों की देखभाल करता हैKita decided to go into nursing because she loves taking care of people and doesn’t mind blood or bodily fluids.
8507फटा – Crackedbroke or damaged in a way that the object is showing lines or a split – इस तरह टूटा या क्षतिग्रस्त हुआ कि वस्तु पर रेखाएं या विभाजन दिख रहा होA rock hit the driver’s windshield and cracked it in a star-shape split.
8508विख्यात मन – Masterminda brilliant thinker who uses one’s intellect to put together plans or projects – एक प्रतिभाशाली विचारक जो योजनाओं या परियोजनाओं को एक साथ रखने के लिए अपनी बुद्धि का उपयोग करता हैThough Joe was the mastermind behind the bridge’s design, his boss took all the credit for the architect’s magnificent blueprints.
8509लकड़ी का – Ligneouswoody; looking like wood. – वुडी; लकड़ी की तरह लग रहा है.The ligneous chest of drawers looked like it was made of solid wood but was really particle board.
8510नाम से लैस किया – Headedled; controlled or was in charge of – नेतृत्व किया; नियंत्रित या प्रभारी थाMr. Milo headed up the prom committee while his wife took charge of the preparations for the spring fling.
8511क्रिम्प – Crimpto compress (something) into small folds or ridges – (किसी चीज़ को) छोटी-छोटी तहों या लकीरों में दबानाThe baker used her fingers to crimp the sides of the pie crust into small folds before placing it in the oven.
8512सामयिकता – Timelinessthe act of something happening at an appropriate period or instant – किसी उचित अवधि या तत्काल पर कुछ घटित होने की क्रिया या भावDue to the timeliness of the child’s birth, the teacher was able to have her baby in the summer and not miss any work.
8513पलटना – Flipto turnover or cause something to turnover suddenly – किसी चीज़ को अचानक घुमा देना या घुमा देनाWaiting on her stylist, the woman began to flip through a book in search of the perfect cut.
8514स्ट्रक्चर्ड – Structuredarranged in an organized fashion – व्यवस्थित ढंग से व्यवस्थित किया गयाStructured society has an obvious chain of leadership and many rules to keep the population in check.
8515छींकना – Snivelingwhining while in tears – रोते हुए रोनाThe little boy was sniveling as he begged his mother not to punish him.
8516संपत्ति – Propertypossessions owned by a person or a business – किसी व्यक्ति या व्यवसाय के स्वामित्व वाली संपत्तिLockers are provided for all the swimmers to put their personal property in while at the waterpark.
8517इलेक्ट्रोलाइट – Electrolytea liquid that contains ions and conducts electricity – एक तरल जिसमें आयन होते हैं और बिजली का संचालन करते हैंEach electrolyte in the body is responsible for balancing the fluids between intra and extra cellular environments.
8518उत्पादकता – Productivitya measure for how efficiently well something is working – कोई चीज़ कितनी कुशलता से काम कर रही है इसका मापBecause the machines keep malfunctioning, the company’s production productivity has gone way down.
8519मूढ़ – Besottedstrongly infatuated or obsessed – अत्यधिक मुग्ध या आसक्तLaura is besotted with her husband to the point that become frantic when he comes home late from work.
8520शब्द पहेली – Charadea sham or farce – एक दिखावा या प्रहसनKeeping up the charade, my family continued to pretend that they weren’t going to throw my little sister a surprise party.
8521हाल चाल – Well-beingrefers to one’s health or safety – किसी के स्वास्थ्य या सुरक्षा को संदर्भित करता हैConcerned about his mother’s wellbeing, the son took her to the doctor for a check-up.
8522हल्का करने वाली – Extenuatingto lessen the seriousness of a wrong act – किसी गलत कार्य की गंभीरता को कम करने के लिएThe court reduced the criminal’s sentence because of extenuating circumstances.
8523मौलिक – Seminalimportant and highly influential on later developments – बाद के विकास पर महत्वपूर्ण और अत्यधिक प्रभावशालीSteve Jobs’ inventions were seminal in the world of technology.
8524सौभाग्य से – Fortunatelyluckily – किस्मत सेFortunately, I swerved out of the lane before a car came barreling down the one way.
8525कतरे – Detritusthe litter that remains after something has been completed, used, or demolished – वह कूड़ा जो किसी चीज़ के पूरा होने, उपयोग होने या ध्वस्त होने के बाद बच जाता हैPlease sweep up the wood shavings and other detritus after you finish building your bookcase.
8526पतन – Waneto gradually decrease in value or intensity – मूल्य या तीव्रता में धीरे-धीरे कमी आनाWhen the investigators ran out of leads, the intensity of the murder investigation started to wane.
8527निगलना – Swallowto allow something to pass down the throat – किसी चीज़ को गले से नीचे जाने देनाYou must swallow your food to consume it.
8528procrastinate – Procrastinateto put off until another time – किसी और समय तक के लिए टालनाMy project is late because I constantly procrastinate.
8529अन्तिम स्थिति – Finalitya final or unchangeable condition – एक अंतिम या अपरिवर्तनीय स्थितिI could not stop crying when I realized graduation was the finality of my high school life.
8530संगुटिका – Conglomeratea big corporation composed of several small firms that operate as a single business – कई छोटी कंपनियों से बना एक बड़ा निगम जो एकल व्यवसाय के रूप में कार्य करता हैThe billionaire’s conglomerate includes restaurants, convenience stores, and a chain of hotels.
8531जंगलीपन – Savagelyto do something brutally and viciously – क्रूरतापूर्वक और दुष्टतापूर्वक कुछ करनाWhen the dog incessantly barked, the hot-tempered man savagely beat the dog resulting in a bloody mess.
8532पाव रोटी – Loafto lie around doing nothing – बिना कुछ किये पड़े रहनाThe lazy couch potato would much rather loaf around than actually work a job.
8533पूर्वानुमान – Foreseeto anticipate; to predict – पहले से सोच रखना; भविष्यवाणी करनाDue to her psychic ability, the woman could foresee the accident at the nuclear power plant but knew no one would believe her.
8534प्लावित कर देना – Waterlogsoaked or drenched with water – पानी से भिगोया या भिगोया हुआAfter getting off the Splash Mountain ride, it is apparent to the observers near the ride that it did waterlog the riders.
8535नित्य – Sempiternaleverlasting; having no start or no end – चिरस्थायी; जिसका कोई प्रारंभ या कोई अंत न होThe girl’s parents tried to explain that images you put online are sempiternal and can last forever.
8536प्रभावकारिता – Efficacythe power to produce a desired effect – वांछित प्रभाव उत्पन्न करने की शक्तिFortunately, the medicine had the efficacy to reduce the amount of pain John was feeling.
8537साहसी – Adventurousdaring; brave – साहसी; बहादुरBold and adventurous, the dare devil was always looking for a new exploit to undertake.
8538तुच्छ – Insignificantnot important or negligible – महत्वपूर्ण या नगण्य नहींAn ant may be insignificant by itself, but an entire army of ants can terrorize the entirety of the Amazon rainforest.
8539प्रवीण – Proficientable to do something very well – कुछ बहुत अच्छा करने में सक्षमBecause Kurt is a proficient programmer, he earns a high salary for his work.
8540जोड़ना – Additionadding or inclusion of something extra – कुछ अतिरिक्त जोड़ना या सम्मिलित करनाIn addition to pizza they requested, the couple ordered a side of wings and some cheese sticks.
8541शाम – Eveningthe period in a day that starts around 6 pm and ends at bedtime – दिन की वह अवधि जो शाम 6 बजे के आसपास शुरू होती है और सोते समय समाप्त होती हैThe tight-knit family enjoys having dinner together in the evening time after everyone has made it home from work.
8542फ़ोटोबॉम्ब – Photobombto spoil one’s picture by suddenly placing oneself in front of the camera – अपने आप को अचानक कैमरे के सामने रखकर किसी की तस्वीर ख़राब करनाMr. Curtis likes to jump in front of students’ cameras and photobomb those trying to take selfies during class.
8543भीषण – Gruesometriggering disgust or horror – घृणा या भय उत्पन्न करनाThe scary movie was filled with lots of gruesome scenes that made my stomach queasy.
8544तुच्छ – Shoddynot done or made well – ठीक से नहीं किया गया या बनाया गयाThe shoddy porch collapsed one day after it was built.
8545निवास स्थान – Residencea place where someone lives – वह स्थान जहाँ कोई रहता होPainting the residence and repairing the floors will increase the home’s value significantly.
8546आज्ञाकारिता – Obediencebehavior that is meets the demands of others – ऐसा व्यवहार जो दूसरों की मांगों को पूरा करता होEven the city’s best obedience trainer could not gain control of the unruly pup.
8547संदर्भ – Referencementioning or alluding to something while speaking or writing – बोलते या लिखते समय किसी बात का उल्लेख या संकेत करनाReference to a bomb in the shady email set all of the security members on high alert.
8548क्रोध – Wrathintense anger – तीव्र क्रोधIn mythology mortals generally feared the wrath of the powerful gods.
8549कानून – Enactmentthe process of passing a law – एक कानून पारित करने की प्रक्रियाThe enactment of the 13th amendment made slavery illegal in the United States.
8550टकरा जाना – Crashto collide into something – किसी चीज़ से टकरानाBy hitting his breaks a few seconds before he was going to crash into the back of another car, the driver was able to avoid a collision.
8551गैसीय – Gaseousrelated to or existing as gas – गैस से संबंधित या विद्यमानThe broken machine is leaking fuel, letting off a gaseous odor into the air.
8552पाइपलाइन – Pipelinea long pipe, usually underground, for transporting oil and gas – तेल और गैस के परिवहन के लिए आमतौर पर भूमिगत एक लंबा पाइपInstalling the underground pipeline created hundreds of jobs in the community.
8553अवतारवाद – Anthropomorphismgiving human traits to objects and living creatures that are not human – उन वस्तुओं और जीवित प्राणियों को मानवीय गुण देना जो मानव नहीं हैंThe author uses anthropomorphism to give human personalities to her animal characters.
8554साख – Credibilityreputation impacting one’s ability to be trustworthy – प्रतिष्ठा किसी के भरोसेमंद होने की क्षमता को प्रभावित करती हैThe failure to report the allegations undermined the credibility of the witnesses to the extent they should not be believed.
8555प्रवासी – Overseasacross a sea to a foreign country; abroad – समुद्र पार किसी विदेशी देश में; विदेशThe latest figures show the numbers of overseas tourists are still falling.
8556सुधारना – Rectifyto correct an issue – किसी समस्या को ठीक करने के लिएThe puzzled doctor could not identify the proper medicine to rectify his patient’s medical condition.
8557एकत्रित – Collectingbringing or gathering together – एक साथ लाना या इकट्ठा करनाThe campers have begun collecting sticks and throwing them into a massive pile for tonight’s fire.
8558श्रेणी – Rangean assortment of things that are of the same general type – चीज़ों का वर्गीकरण जो एक ही सामान्य प्रकार के होंA range of emotions filled the heart of the woman who had recently lost her husband and given birth to their child.
8559सुरक्षा कम होना – Fail-safea design feature that is devised so that if one part of a machine, plan, etc. fails, the whole thing doesn’t fail – एक डिज़ाइन सुविधा जो तैयार की गई है ताकि यदि मशीन, योजना आदि का एक हिस्सा विफल हो जाए, तो पूरी चीज़ विफल न होThe school put a two-part, fail-safe plan in place so that no students would get left behind in the case of a fire.
8560प्रवीणता – Proficiencyhaving the knowhow or ability in a topic or subject – किसी विषय या विषय में जानकारी या क्षमता होनाIn Algebra class, the proficiency of all of the students were attributed to a great teacher and dedicated students.
8561सत्यापित – Verifiedsubject to positive confirmation – सकारात्मक पुष्टि के अधीनMy surveillance camera verified you hit my car!
8562सामंजस्य – Unisonthe condition of being in agreement or occurring at the same time – एक ही समय में सहमत होने या घटित होने की अवस्था या भावBecause the singers sung in unison, it sounded like only one person was performing.
8563नबी – Propheta person who speaks for God, or someone who can predict what will happen in the future – एक व्यक्ति जो ईश्वर के लिए बोलता है, या कोई ऐसा व्यक्ति जो भविष्यवाणी कर सकता है कि भविष्य में क्या होगाIn the bible, Noah was a prophet who warned the people that God would bring a flood to wipe out humanity because of all of their thievery and deceit.
8564रूक्ष – Scabrouslewd and obscene – भद्दा और अश्लीलThe scabrous magazine was regarded as a lecherous and vulgar publication.
8565उतरन – Fripperysomething that is showy or gaudy to the point of appearing silly or unnecessary – कुछ ऐसा जो दिखावटी या भड़कीला हो इस हद तक कि वह मूर्खतापूर्ण या अनावश्यक प्रतीत होSkipping out on the frippery, the engaged couple decided to spend their money on a new home instead of a showy wedding.
8566पैतृक – Paternalof or pertaining to one’s father – या किसी के पिता से संबंधितAbigail’s paternal grandfather was born in Johnstown, Pennsylvania.
8567कारक – Factoran element that contributes to a circumstance or situation – वह तत्व जो किसी परिस्थिति या स्थिति में योगदान देता हैThe high fuel consumption is the main factor that deters me from buying the vehicle.
8568फोर्कलिफ्ट – Forklifta truck-like device with two long spikes used for picking up and moving heavy things – भारी वस्तुओं को उठाने और ले जाने के लिए दो लंबी कीलों वाला एक ट्रक जैसा उपकरणUsing the forklift, the construction worker used the gears to move the prongs under and heavy box to a higher shelf.
8569निजीकरण – Privatizeto transfer something from public to private ownership – किसी चीज़ को सार्वजनिक से निजी स्वामित्व में स्थानांतरित करनाI think it is immoral to privatize education, because it then becomes a matter of profit for the owner instead of a service by the government.
8570सामना – Confronteddealt with directly – सीधे तौर पर निपटाThe police officer confronted the thief and ordered him to drop the stolen goods.
8571अभिनय करना – Impersonateto deliberately act or appear like someone else – जानबूझकर किसी और की तरह कार्य करना या दिखनाMost people try to impersonate Elvis Presley by wearing a sparkling jumpsuit, dark sunglasses, and jet black hair, in addition to singing one of his songs.
8572जॉकी – Jockeyone who rides racehorses competitively – वह जो प्रतिस्पर्धात्मक रूप से घुड़दौड़ के घोड़ों की सवारी करता हैJockeys must be brave to ride horses at high speeds in such tight quarters.
8573चितकबरा – Dapplemarked with spots or round patches – धब्बों या गोल धब्बों से चिह्नितThe dapple pony had several light-colored spots on his dark body.
8574जेब – Pocketa small pouch sewn in someone’s clothing – किसी के कपड़े में सिलने वाली छोटी थैलीA few hours after the little boy put the candy bar in his pocket, a melted chocolate stain could be seen on the front of his pants.
8575तार – Telegrama message or information sent by telegraph – टेलीग्राफ द्वारा भेजा गया संदेश या सूचनाBefore telephones, people’s messages had to be sent in the form of a telegram and printed out.
8576भूलभुलैया – Labyrintha complex, irregular network of pathways; a maze – रास्तों का एक जटिल, अनियमित नेटवर्क; एक भूलभुलैयाAt the farm, I found it very easy to get lost in the labyrinth of corn stalks.
8577खंड-खंड करना – Dismemberto cut off the limbs of a person or animal – किसी व्यक्ति या जानवर के अंग काट देनाShockingly, the serial killer would dismember is his victim’s arms and legs.
8578चिल्लाया – Screamedlet out a loud, high-pitched cry – जोर से, ऊंचे स्वर में चिल्लाओAs the roller coaster picked up speed, the terrified riders screamed at the top of their lungs.
8579सुधार – Reformationthe act, or process of making changes in something by removing or correcting faults, problems – किसी चीज़ में दोषों, समस्याओं को दूर या सुधारकर परिवर्तन करने की क्रिया या प्रक्रियाThe city’s reformation of the bill allowed the citizens to have designated street parking.
8580शौर्य – Gallantrycourtesy or chivalry to ladies – महिलाओं के प्रति शिष्टाचार या शिष्टताBy holding open the car door and pulling out his date’s seat at dinner, the woman was impressed by her blind date’s gallantry.
8581अनुमान – Presumeto suppose something to be true without proof – बिना प्रमाण के किसी बात को सत्य मान लेनाThe professor was quick to presume that the student did not do his homework since he hadn’t all year.
8582सौंटर्ड – Saunteredstrolled at a unhurried pace – इत्मीनान से टहलेThe teenage boy sauntered through the school as though he did not have a care in the world.
8583समझदारी से – Sensiblyin a way that is practical or rational – एक तरह से जो व्यावहारिक या तर्कसंगत होSarah spends her money sensibly and doesn’t blow it on frivolous purchases or things she doesn’t need.
8584उपपट्टा – Subcontractto hire a person or company who is not employed with the company to work on a project for the company – किसी ऐसे व्यक्ति या कंपनी को कंपनी के लिए किसी प्रोजेक्ट पर काम करने के लिए नियुक्त करना जो कंपनी में कार्यरत नहीं हैSince the carpentry company could not paint the wooden furniture, they decided to subcontract the painting work to a local painter.
8585स्वाभाविक प्रवृत्ति – Instinctan innate ability that allows an individual or animal to respond without actively making a decision – एक जन्मजात क्षमता जो किसी व्यक्ति या जानवर को सक्रिय रूप से निर्णय लिए बिना प्रतिक्रिया देने की अनुमति देती हैThe bear’s maternal instinct made her fight to the death to save her cub.
8586समाजीकरण – Socializationthe process of talking to or doing activities with others – दूसरों से बात करने या उनके साथ गतिविधियाँ करने की प्रक्रियाSocialization with humans was difficult for the rescue pup since he had been abused in the past.
8587नेत्र-विशेषज्ञ – Oculistan out-of-date term which refers to either an ophthalmologist or optometrist – एक पुराना शब्द जो किसी नेत्र रोग विशेषज्ञ या ऑप्टोमेट्रिस्ट को संदर्भित करता हैThe oculist gave me a prescription for new eyeglasses.
8588मस्त – Masta tall post attached to a ship that holds sails – जहाज़ से जुड़ा हुआ एक ऊँचा खंभा जिस पर पाल लगे होते हैंThe mast had a sail attached and was used to guide the boat.
8589विरोधी – Conflictingcontradictory; inconsistent – विरोधाभासी; असंगतLaughing while she cried, the woman had conflicting emotions about her daughter leaving for college.
8590विजयोल्लास – Triumpha final success or victory – अंतिम सफलता या जीतSurviving brain cancer is Mark’s biggest triumph in life.
8591हरजाना – Amendsto fix a mistake that you made or to make a bad situation better; to make right – आपके द्वारा की गई किसी गलती को सुधारने के लिए या किसी बुरी स्थिति को बेहतर बनाने के लिए; सही करने के लिएIn an effort to make amends with his girlfriend after cancelling their dinner, he brought her a dozen roses.
8592हेवन – Havena location that offers security – एक स्थान जो सुरक्षा प्रदान करता हैSafe Haven is the local shelter that offers housing and counseling for abused women.
8593जानवर – Beasta large, dangerous animal – एक बड़ा, खतरनाक जानवरThe giant beast appeared from behind the cliff and growled a fearsome snarl at the children looking for berries.
8594आवारागर्दी – Loiteringwaiting in a place with no real purpose, especially when illegal – बिना किसी वास्तविक उद्देश्य के किसी स्थान पर प्रतीक्षा करना, विशेषकर तब जब अवैध होThe ‘No Loitering’ sign was placed in the parking lot to stop teenage kids from hanging around outside the building.
8595मल्लाह का काम – Seafaringsailing through waters on a regular basis – नियमित आधार पर जल में नौकायन करनाSeafaring merchants during the Renaissance would often travel throughout Europe and Asia to bring new inaccessible products to foreign customers.
8596आकस्मिक – Emergentin the process of emerging, of coming into being or prominence – उभरने, अस्तित्व में आने या प्रमुखता से आने की प्रक्रिया मेंThe emergent young singer may not be famous yet, but his great talent points to a future in show business.
8597होइटसर – Howitzera smaller tank with many tires and a long barreled angled gun protruding out usually used in battle – कई टायरों वाला एक छोटा टैंक और बाहर की ओर निकली हुई एक लंबी बैरल वाली कोणीय बंदूक जो आमतौर पर युद्ध में उपयोग की जाती हैAs the battle ensued, a howitzer crawled by pointing its deadly artillery in the direction of the enemy in order to completely annihilate the snipers in the house.
8598अंतरराज्यीय – Interstatean American term related to events or roads that occur between states – राज्यों के बीच होने वाली घटनाओं या सड़कों से संबंधित एक अमेरिकी शब्दI-75 is a highway that runs through several states.
8599अनुग्रह – Complaisancewilling compliance or agreement – इच्छुक अनुपालन या समझौताComplaisance is in your best interests if a firefighter is telling you to leave a burning building.
8600लचीला – Stretchyslightly elastic in a way that allows for easy stretching – इस तरह से थोड़ा लचीला कि आसानी से खींचा जा सकेThe woman’s leggings are made of stretchy fabric that allow them to be more forgiving than blue jeans.
8601मरहम का – Unctuousnot expressing true feelings; pretending to display true feelings – सच्ची भावनाएँ व्यक्त न करना; सच्ची भावनाएँ प्रदर्शित करने का दिखावा करनाHis impression of the president was unctuous and poorly done.
8602बर्खास्त – Sackedfired; dismissed, especially from a job – निकाल दिया गया; बर्खास्त, विशेषकर नौकरी सेAfter he caught the worker stealing from the warehouse, the manager sacked him and sent him home.
8603झटका – Joltingshocking or startling – चौंका देने वाला या चौंका देने वालाThe jolting sensation of falling will often startle awake a sleeping person, because the body truly believes that it is falling for a brief moment.
8604अहसास – Epiphanya moment when you suddenly realize or understand something important – वह क्षण जब आपको अचानक किसी महत्वपूर्ण बात का एहसास या समझ आता हैJust as I was about to fail the exam, I had an epiphany and remembered some of the facts I had learned.
8605थोक – Bulkthe larger part of something – किसी चीज़ का बड़ा हिस्साThe bulk of the leftover food will go to the food pantry, but some will have to be thrown away.
8606उदर – Ventralrefers to the underside of a plant or animal; close to the abdomen – किसी पौधे या जानवर के निचले हिस्से को संदर्भित करता है; पेट के करीबFrom the cruise ship, we spotted the ventral side of a large migrating whale.
8607इस्तेमाल किया गया – Usedhaving already been owned or handled – पहले से ही स्वामित्व में या संभाला जा चुका हैBecause she couldn’t afford a brand new vehicle, Hazel purchased a pre-owned one from the used car lot.
8608मिथ्या – Pseudosomeone or something fake trying to come off as the real thing – कोई व्यक्ति या वस्तु नकली है और असली चीज़ के रूप में सामने आने की कोशिश कर रही हैBecause the app was riddled with bugs, it was clear to us that the app was written by a pseudo programmer.
8609विकलांग – Handicappedhaving a condition that restricts one’s ability to function – ऐसी स्थिति होना जो किसी की कार्य करने की क्षमता को प्रतिबंधित करती होHaving lost his legs in the war, my father is unfortunately handicapped and requires a wheelchair to move about.
8610छत – Raftersinternal beams extending from the eaves to the peak of a building’s roof – किसी भवन की छत के छज्जों से शिखर तक फैली हुई आंतरिक बीमेंThe cluttered garage was packed all the way up to the rafters, with boxes sitting on some of the top beams.
8611ज़रा सी बात – Minutiaetiny unimportant details – छोटे महत्वहीन विवरणThe students ignored their teacher as she told them minutiae about her boring life.
8612गुमान – Vaingloryextreme pride in ones work that can be excessive and showy – अपने काम पर अत्यधिक गर्व करना जो अत्यधिक और दिखावटी हो सकता हैThe student was filled with such vainglory over his Harvard admission that he made several copies of his acceptance letter and sent them to all of his relatives.
8613बहुतायत – Satietythe state of being satisfied or full after consuming food – भोजन करने के बाद संतुष्ट या तृप्त होने की अवस्था या भावSarah reached satiety and felt content after tasting every item on the buffet.
8614रहस्य – Mysteryan event or situation that is hard to explain – कोई घटना या स्थिति जिसकी व्याख्या करना कठिन होNancy Drew was able to solve the murder mystery by following several clues.
8615रोबदार – Overbearingoverly bossy, domineering, or arrogant – अत्यधिक दबंग, दबंग या अहंकारीDebra has a tendency to act in an overbearing and domineering way which tends to turn Ted off.
8616पढ़ाना – Teachthe act of passing on knowledge to another – ज्ञान को दूसरे तक पहुँचाने की क्रियाIt’s Mr. Kim’s job to teach the students the complicated aspects of math, but most of the students have a hard time understanding it all.
8617अफसोस की बात है – Sadlyunfortunately and regrettably – दुर्भाग्य से और अफ़सोस की बात हैI pretended to react sadly to the news of my husband’s departure, but I was really overjoyed.
8618दुर्बल – Debilitatedmade someone weak or without strength – किसी को कमजोर या शक्तिहीन बना दियाMuscular dystrophy debilitated the once robust athlete and left him unable to walk without assistance.
8619असंबद्ध – Desultorynot having a plan or purpose – कोई योजना या उद्देश्य न होनाDisgusted by his last place finish, the runner moved in a desultory manner towards the yellow ribbon.
8620कुंद – Bluntvery direct in one’s words, usually in a negative manner and in a rude way – किसी के शब्दों में बहुत सीधे, आमतौर पर नकारात्मक तरीके से और असभ्य तरीके सेMy aunt is quite blunt so it was no surprise when she gave her opinions on the unsightly décor.
8621नाकड़ा – Polypa cluster of benign cells that forms a small bundle and extends from organs, tissues, etc., on living organisms – सौम्य कोशिकाओं का एक समूह जो एक छोटा बंडल बनाता है और जीवित जीवों पर अंगों, ऊतकों आदि से फैलता हैWhen the young singer found out she had polyps on her vocal cords, she knew she would have to get surgery and her hopes of going on tour were obliterated.
8622आरोपित हो गया – Deep-rooteddeeply implanted or established – गहराई से प्रत्यारोपित या स्थापित किया हुआThe woman’s deep-rooted hatred for her neighbor had started when she was just a child.
8623हंचेस – HaunchesHindquarters; Hips, buttocks, and upper thighs of a human or animal – मुख्यालय; मनुष्य या जानवर के कूल्हे, नितंब और ऊपरी जांघेंSitting upon his haunches, the horse neighed and whinnied.
8624घरेलू – Domesticrelating to the family or home – परिवार या घर से संबंधितBecause he hit his wife and children, Carl was arrested for domestic assault.
8625मूंड़ना – Fleecea soft, warm fabric with a texture similar to sheep’s wool that is used as a lining material – भेड़ के ऊन जैसी बनावट वाला एक नरम, गर्म कपड़ा जिसका उपयोग अस्तर सामग्री के रूप में किया जाता हैThe fuzzy fleece jacket kept the camper warm on the cold winter night.
8626अल्पकालिक – Ephemerallasting for a brief period of time – थोड़े समय के लिए रहता हैUnlike graffiti, sidewalk chalk art is ephemeral because it will wash away in the rain.
8627सफाई – Cleaningthe process of removing dirt, dust, and other unwanted substances from a surface or object – किसी सतह या वस्तु से गंदगी, धूल और अन्य अवांछित पदार्थ हटाने की प्रक्रियाDespite her busy schedule, Lucy manages to find time for regular cleaning and organization.
8628देवशान – Afflatusa skill or gift that seems to be given by a God or higher power – एक कौशल या उपहार जो ईश्वर या उच्च शक्ति द्वारा दिया गया प्रतीत होता हैThe dancer was struck with afflatus and moved like she was gifted with skills from the gods.
8629पसंद – Likingtaste or fondness – स्वाद या शौकNina has a liking for bright orange clothes, something I really can’t understand no matter how hard I try.
8630विवाह – Matrimonythe state of being married – विवाहित होने की अवस्था या भावThe man and woman are in a state of holy matrimony, being not just a man and woman but a husband and wife.
8631रन बनाए – Scoredgained ( a point, goal, etc.), especially in a competition – विशेष रूप से किसी प्रतियोगिता में प्राप्त (एक अंक, लक्ष्य, आदि)।The football player scored three touchdowns in one game, helping his team win over their rivals.
8632हवा की ओर – Leewaydegree or amount of freedom or flexibility; room – स्वतंत्रता या लचीलेपन की डिग्री या मात्रा; कमराMy boss grants me leeway to make my own decisions.
8633हिम्मत – Daredchallenged or faced something dangerous – चुनौती दी गई या किसी खतरनाक चीज़ का सामना किया गयाAmelia Earhart dared to fly around the globe, a feat that many men were afraid to take on.
8634बुज़ुर्ग – Elderlyaged – वृद्धThe precious elderly couple interlaced their fingers, and they walked leisurely through the park.
8635ज़ब्त करना – Confiscateto take for a specific reason – किसी विशेष कारण से लेनाThe bar owner will confiscate your keys if you are too drunk to drive.
8636टालमटोल करना – Objurgateto admonish or yell firmly at someone or something – किसी को या किसी चीज को दृढ़ता से डांटना या चिल्लानाAfter the toddler had a temper tantrum in the store, the angry mother would objurgate her son in his face for ten minutes.
8637रात को उड़ें – Fly-by-nightunreliable or untrustworthy, particularly in business matters – अविश्वसनीय या अविश्वसनीय, विशेषकर व्यावसायिक मामलों मेंThere are many fly-by-night providers of goods on the internet, so buying products online only from reputable websites is probably a good idea.
8638सुनिश्चित – Ensuresa verb that means to make certain that something will happen or be the case – एक क्रिया जिसका अर्थ यह सुनिश्चित करना है कि कुछ घटित होगा या वैसा ही होगाBenjamin ensures that all equipment is properly calibrated and in good working condition before each use.
8639वैक्यूम – Vacuumto suck up dirt and other debris from a surface (usually carpet) using a household device with the same name – इसी नाम के एक घरेलू उपकरण का उपयोग करके सतह (आमतौर पर कालीन) से गंदगी और अन्य मलबे को सोखनाIt took the party planner an hour to vacuum all the confetti littering the dance floor.
8640ठसाठस भरा हुआ – Crammedpacked into a tight space – एक तंग जगह में पैक किया गयाThe cheap travelers crammed all of their belongings into one small suitcase so that they wouldn’t have to pay for a second bag.
8641परिश्रावक – Stethoscopea medical tool that allows a practitioner to listen to body sounds, usually noises from the lungs and heart – एक चिकित्सा उपकरण जो चिकित्सक को शरीर की आवाज़ें सुनने की अनुमति देता है, आमतौर पर फेफड़ों और हृदय से आने वाली आवाज़ेंWith the aid of a stethoscope, the physician listened to the old man’s heart.
8642आशावाद – Optimismhopefulness about things to come – आने वाली चीज़ों के बारे में आशाGail’s optimism allows her to believe anything is possible.
8643पुनरभिविन्यास – Reorientationthe process of changing something direction or focus – किसी चीज़ की दिशा या फोकस बदलने की प्रक्रियाWith the joining of a new pastor, the church’s beliefs and rule system underwent a reorientation.
8644कृषि – Agriculturethe discipline of farming – खेती का अनुशासनThe state manages a department of agriculture which provides support to farmers.
8645चूर-चूर हो – Shatteredbroke into many pieces – कई टुकड़ों में टूट गयाOnlookers gasped as the urn dropped to the floor and shattered into dozens pieces.
8646पालतू – Petan animal that is loved and cared for in the home as a companion – एक जानवर जिसे घर में एक साथी की तरह प्यार किया जाता है और उसकी देखभाल की जाती हैAlicia wanted to buy a puppy from the pet store, but her mother didn’t think she was ready to take care of an animal full-time.
8647उठना – Getupan outfit or ensemble – एक पोशाक या पहनावाThe actor dressed in a cowboy getup and prepared to play his role as a sharpshooter from the Wild Wild West.
8648मसाला – Condimenta sauce such as mustard or ketchup that adds flavor to food – सरसों या केचप जैसी चटनी जो भोजन में स्वाद जोड़ती हैCondiment packets were handed out to every person who wanted ketchup on their hotdog.
8649संवेदनशील – Sentientbeing able to feel or sense things – चीजों को महसूस करने या महसूस करने में सक्षम होनाHumans are not the only sentient beings, elephants are very emotional and perceptive mammals as well.
8650प्रतिबंध लगाना – Circumscribeto limit the range or scope of something to a particular degree – किसी चीज़ की सीमा या दायरे को किसी विशेष सीमा तक सीमित करनाWhen my husband drinks too much, I hide his car keys to circumscribe his capacity to drive.
8651कूक – Kooka harmless crazy person – एक हानिरहित पागल व्यक्तिWe labeled Mr. Merrow as an old kook because he would always rant about alien abductions and government conspiracies.
8652उनकी कुशलता – Bravuragreat skill, energy, and enthusiasm in doing something – कुछ करने में महान कौशल, ऊर्जा और उत्साहThe director was asking us for more bravura in the scene because it lacked life.
8653भाप बनकर उड़ जाना – Transpireto occur or take place – घटित होना या घटित होनाThe police sat in their cruiser and waited for a criminal act to transpire.
8654थकाऊ – Exhaustingmaking one feel physically or mentally tired – किसी को शारीरिक या मानसिक रूप से थका हुआ महसूस करानाAfter working an exhausting 16-hour shift, the dog-tired police officer kicked off the boots and crashed on the couch.
8655चिढ़ – Chagrina feeling of being frustrated or annoyed because of failure or disappointment – असफलता या निराशा के कारण निराश या नाराज़ होने की भावनाTo her chagrin, Jill placed second in the beauty pageant.
8656द्रोह – Disloyaltybetrayal or deceit of someone that trusts you – किसी ऐसे व्यक्ति के साथ विश्वासघात या धोखा जो आप पर भरोसा करता हैThe disloyalty of Benedict Arnold during the Revolutionary War has made him one of history’s most infamous traitors.
8657योजना – Planto come up with a course of action – कार्रवाई की दिशा तय करनाTia’s plan for losing weight included avoiding sweets and bread as well as exercising five days a week.
8658बगीचा – Gardena piece of ground, often near a house, used for growing flowers, fruit, or vegetables – ज़मीन का एक टुकड़ा, अक्सर घर के पास, फूल, फल या सब्जियाँ उगाने के लिए उपयोग किया जाता हैThe chef had a large herb garden in his backyard so that he always had fresh spices available.
8659अप्रत्यक्ष – Unobservednot seen; overlooked – नहीं देखा; अनदेखीThe robbers went unobserved through the forest, never being spotted by the frantic search party.
8660बेफिक्र – Unperturbednot concerned, worried, or disturbed – चिंतित, चिंतित या परेशान नहींThe unperturbed husband did not seem to care about his cheating wife or her string of affairs.
8661विलोपन – Deletionthe obliteration or omission of information – जानकारी का विलोपन या लोपOnce I noticed the deletion of the file on the computer, I worried because I knew I could never get the file back.
8662बेच देना – Vendto offer small items especially food for sale from a machine or small cart – किसी मशीन या छोटी गाड़ी से बिक्री के लिए छोटी वस्तुएँ विशेषकर भोजन की पेशकश करनाThe kiosks are used to vend movies to people looking for an interesting flick to watch.
8663शपथ – Oatha solemn promise – एक गंभीर वादाJurors convicted the man of lying during trial while under oath.
8664विचारशून्य – Incuriousuninterested; unconcerned – अनिच्छुक; उदासीनI was surprised that my parents were so incurious in this semesters grades since they usually pester me about my scores.
8665घुमंतू – Migratorymoving from one location to another at regular times of the year – वर्ष के नियमित समय पर एक स्थान से दूसरे स्थान पर जानाBecause they fly south for the winter, geese are considered migratory birds.
8666सामाजिक रूप से – Sociallyrelating to society or a social situation with others – समाज या दूसरों के साथ सामाजिक स्थिति से संबंधितBeing socially awkward around the opposite sex kept the science teacher from getting a date.
8667पोशाक – Raimentgarments – गारमेंट्सThe shelter provides housing, food, and raiment for people in need.
8668नींद में चलनेवाला – Nightwalkera person who roams around at night, especially with the intention of doing something illegal – एक व्यक्ति जो रात में घूमता है, विशेष रूप से कुछ अवैध करने के इरादे सेThe murder victim turned nightwalker roamed the dark and deserted streets after being bitten by the vampire.
8669समानता – Analogya comparison to show similarity between two things – दो चीज़ों के बीच समानता दिखाने के लिए तुलनाIn her analogy, the poet compared love to an endless well.
8670लीब्रेट्टो – Librettothe words or lyrics of an opera or musical play – किसी ओपेरा या संगीत नाटक के शब्द या गीतAfter many months of work, the libretto was finally completed and would be performed soon.
8671घबराया हुआ – Nervousoverly worried or anxious – अत्यधिक चिंतित या चिंतित होनाAlthough she has performed in front of crowds many times, the songstress is always nervous and anxious right before taking the stage.
8672भड़कानेवाला व्यक्ति – InstigatorA person who causes something usually bad to happen – वह व्यक्ति जो आमतौर पर कुछ बुरा घटित होने का कारण बनता हैAlthough he wasn’t involved in the actual fight, Ed was the instigator that got the whole thing started.
8673पुरा होना। – Completedfinished; finalized – खत्म; अंतिम रूप दियाThe student completed his math homework but still needs to finish writing his paper.
8674बैर – Ill willwishing someone harm – किसी का अहित चाहनाDespite the fact that William cheated on her, Briana wished him no ill will.
8675में भाग लेने – Attendingto be present or joining an event or happening – किसी घटना या घटना में उपस्थित होना या शामिल होनाSarah was so excited to be invited to the prom by a senior at school that she told everyone that she would be attending prom as a freshman.
8676आनंद – Hilarityloud laughter or fun – ज़ोर से हँसना या मज़ाक करनाThe hilarity of the comedy show was interrupted by a brawl in the audience.
8677हेबेटुडिनस – Hebetudinousmentally dull or sluggish – मानसिक रूप से सुस्त या सुस्तThe hebetudinous student seemed lethargic when it came to his studies and refused to put any effort towards his studies.
8678निकम्मा – Picayuneinsignificant; small – नगण्य; छोटाWhile twenty dollars may seem like a picayune sum to you, it is a fortune to a starving person.
8679सैलून – Salona lovely room usually in the front part of a house used for welcoming and amusing visitors – आम तौर पर घर के सामने के हिस्से में एक सुंदर कमरा होता है जिसका उपयोग आगंतुकों के स्वागत और मनोरंजन के लिए किया जाता हैAfter purchasing the mansion, the homeowners first decorated the salon since that is the place their friends would most likely be entertained.
8680संचालन, पतवार – Helma position of leadership or control – नेतृत्व या नियंत्रण की स्थितिEver since the CEO has taken the helm of the company, sales have risen dramatically.
8681चिड़चिड़ा – Irascibleeasily made angry – आसानी से क्रोधित हो जाते हैंIt does not take much to aggravate my irascible neighbor who is annoyed by any little noise.
8682समाज से बाहर निकालना – Ostracizeexclude someone – किसी को बाहर करनाAs a teacher, your job is not to ostracize your students but to show them support so they can become contributing members of society.
8683हिरन – Reindeera deer with long antlers that lives in the Arctic tundra of Europe, Asia, and North America – लंबे सींगों वाला एक हिरण जो यूरोप, एशिया और उत्तरी अमेरिका के आर्कटिक टुंड्रा में रहता हैThe man traveled across the northeast, herding nomadic reindeer in the arctic.
8684पत्थर की बनी हुई कब्र – Sarcophagusa stone coffin from ancient time – प्राचीन काल का एक पत्थर का ताबूतPeering into the sarcophagus, the archeologist’s eyes lit up when he saw the intact remains.
8685बक – Jiveslang talk that is meaningless and dishonest – गंदी बातें जो अर्थहीन और बेईमानी हैThe conman tried to use his jive talk to trick people into giving him money.
8686शकीली – Shakilyunsteadily; wobblingly – अस्थिर रूप से; डगमगाते हुएTaking the stage and slowly speaking into the mic, the nervous valedictorian shakily addressed his classmates.
8687लक्कड़ – Chumpan easy target for deception – धोखे का एक आसान लक्ष्यThe nerdy and awkward boy was such a chump to think that the beautiful girl wanted to date him when she was just using him.
8688मानसिक संतुलन – Composurepeace of mind – मन की शांतिWhen Jane’s wedding dress ripped, she kept her composure and walked down the aisle with her head held high.
8689विवरण – Detailinclude all the facts completely about something – किसी चीज़ के बारे में सभी तथ्यों को पूरी तरह शामिल करना 
8690प्रकाशित करना – Divulgeto make something known – किसी बात को ज्ञात करानाDoctors must be careful to not divulge confidential information about their patients.
8691प्रोटोन – Protona particle that is part of the nucleus of an atom and has a positive charge – एक कण जो परमाणु के नाभिक का हिस्सा होता है और उस पर धनात्मक आवेश होता हैA hydrogen atom consists of just one very small positively charged proton.
8692असर डालनेवाला मनुष्य – Mugwumpa term for 1884 Republicans who voted for the Democratic candidate (Grover Cleveland) over their own party candidate who they viewed as corrup – 1884 रिपब्लिकन के लिए एक शब्द जिन्होंने अपनी ही पार्टी के उम्मीदवार के बजाय डेमोक्रेटिक उम्मीदवार (ग्रोवर क्लीवलैंड) को वोट दिया, जिसे वे भ्रष्ट मानते थेIndependent and liberal, the mugwump refused to vote Republican in the 1884 election and submitted his ballot for Cleveland instead.
8693छाती – Busta sculpture or statue of a person’s head, shoulders, or chest – किसी व्यक्ति के सिर, कंधे या छाती की मूर्ति या प्रतिमाThe artist created the bust to show how beautiful the woman’s face was.
8694अल्प – Scantyless than what is needed – जितनी जरूरत है उससे कमSince the airline lost two of my bags, I have scanty clothing for my vacation.
8695मांद – Burrowto dig in order to make a hole or tunnel – गड्ढा या सुरंग बनाने के लिए खोदनाThe rabbit tried to burrow himself down in the ground so that the fox wouldn’t catch him.
8696टीका – Commentarydescriptive remarks based on someone’s viewpoint – किसी के दृष्टिकोण पर आधारित वर्णनात्मक टिप्पणियाँEvery commentary that was made after the woman’s speech was positive since she spoke so eloquently.
8697दंड – Penaltya penalty is punishment for violating a rule or law – जुर्माना किसी नियम या कानून का उल्लंघन करने पर दी जाने वाली सज़ा हैThe player caused the team to receive a five-yard penalty for unsportsmanlike conduct.
8698शिष्ट – Decorousproper in behavior – व्यवहार में उचितFollowing a decorous dress code that respects the sensitivity and modesty of others is required at the school.
8699साफ़-जाहिर – Undisputedcertain; definite – निश्चित; निश्चितThe vote count was undisputed until several people came forward saying the machines had been rigged.
8700पूछताछ – Enquireto ask about something in order to gain information – जानकारी प्राप्त करने के लिए किसी चीज़ के बारे में पूछनाJacob called the number in the classified ad to enquire about the job opening the company had listed.
8701झपकी – Napto sleep for a short period, usually during the day – थोड़े समय के लिए सोना, आमतौर पर दिन के दौरानThe nanny laid the cranky toddler down for a nap and then worked on folding clothes and doing chores while the little one rested.
8702विकल्प चुना – Optedmade a choice from various options – विभिन्न विकल्पों में से एक विकल्प चुनाThe customer opted out of the extra insurance purchase and decided to stick with the most basic coverage.
8703वेयरवोल्फ – Werewolfa person believed to change into a wolf some of the time, especially at night when there is a full moon – ऐसा माना जाता है कि एक व्यक्ति कुछ समय के लिए भेड़िये में बदल जाता है, विशेषकर रात में जब पूर्णिमा होती हैAlthough Jacob appeared to be a normal teenager during the way, he morphed into a howling werewolf once the sun went down.
8704पेय – Beveragea drink, usually referring to soda or something with alcohol – एक पेय, आमतौर पर सोडा या शराब के साथ कुछ का जिक्र होता हैThe quick-moving waitress took everyone’s beverage order and brought back their drinks within a minute.
8705लड़ाका – Termagantan argumentative female – एक तर्कशील महिलाMark didn’t realize he’d married a termagant until his wife started to nag him daily.
8706अक्सर – Oftenfrequently and regularly – बार-बार और नियमित रूप सेI often go to McDonalds which is about six out of the seven days each week.
8707तथापि – Howeveron the opposite side – सामने की तरफJanice gave me an interesting excuse for coming home late; however, I think she left the truth out of her story.
8708भीड़ – Moban unruly, generally violent crowd of people intent on destruction or harm – लोगों की एक अनियंत्रित, आम तौर पर हिंसक भीड़ जो विनाश या नुकसान पहुंचाने का इरादा रखती हैThe police had to bring out riot shields to hold back the unruly mob of people that were trying to push them back.
8709झुंड – Swarma large group of flying insects – उड़ने वाले कीड़ों का एक बड़ा समूहYou should run if you encounter a swarm of mosquitos.
8710धुरा – Axlea rod or spindle (either fixed or rotating) passing through the center of a wheel or group of wheels – एक छड़ या धुरी (या तो स्थिर या घूमने वाली) जो किसी पहिये या पहियों के समूह के केंद्र से होकर गुजरती हैThe axle of a car holds the wheels together on both ends of the car, and if it is broken you will be unable to drive.
8711शटर – Shuttera device that opens and closes to expose the film in a camera – एक उपकरण जो कैमरे में फिल्म को प्रदर्शित करने के लिए खुलता और बंद होता हैBecause the shutter closed too soon, overexposure occurred and the picture was ruined.
8712क्षणभंगुरता – Ephemerathings that are important or useful for only a short time – ऐसी चीजें जो थोड़े समय के लिए ही महत्वपूर्ण या उपयोगी होंNot many of the mock up album covers or other miscellaneous ephemera from the Hittsville studio is still around today.
8713फूलना – Bloviateto talk for a long time, typically about nothing important – लंबे समय तक बात करना, आमतौर पर किसी भी महत्वपूर्ण विषय पर नहींI hate talking to Ricky because he likes to bloviate so much in our conversations, going on for twenty minutes about anything and everything.
8714आग लगानेवाला – Incendiaryexplosive – विस्फोटकBecause Dad had come home in one of his incendiary moods, we kids hid in our rooms to avoid causing him to blow up.
8715एपिकुरे – Epicureanpursuing pleasure, especially in reference to food or comfort – आनंद का पीछा करना, विशेषकर भोजन या आराम के संदर्भ मेंThe epicurean billionaire lives in a mansion ten stories high, with a team of cooks slaving in his kitchen.
8716बर्बाद – Wastedused carelessly or ineffectively – लापरवाही से या अप्रभावी ढंग से उपयोग किया गयाThe student wasted his study time playing video games, so he wasn’t prepared for today’s exam.
8717कामुक – Lascivioushaving or showing strong sexual desire – तीव्र यौन इच्छा होना या प्रदर्शित होनाAfter running naked through the field, he was arrested for lewd and lascivious behavior.
8718पुल – Viaducta bridge or overpass that carries a road or railroad track over something (i.e. a canyon, valley.) – एक पुल या ओवरपास जो सड़क या रेलमार्ग को किसी चीज़ (यानी घाटी, घाटी) पर ले जाता है।As the viaduct started to collapse, stranded drivers on the bridge began to panic.
8719गलीचा – Ruga small fabric mat used to cover part of the floor – फर्श के एक हिस्से को ढकने के लिए इस्तेमाल की जाने वाली छोटी कपड़े की चटाई“Wipe your feet on the rug,” the mother told her muddy son as he entered the foyer of their house.
8720समर्पित – Devotedto dedicate one’s self to something, remaining loyal and unwavering – अपने आप को किसी चीज़ के प्रति समर्पित करना, वफादार और अटल रहनाThe scientist devoted himself to his research, rarely coming out of his lab until after dark.
8721कार्डियलजी – Cardiologythe health division involving the heart and its problems – हृदय और उसकी समस्याओं से संबंधित स्वास्थ्य प्रभागSince Paul’s father died of a heart attack, Paul decided to specialize in cardiology while in medical school.
8722वुस्सी – Wussya person who is weak and afraid – ऐसा व्यक्ति जो कमज़ोर और डरा हुआ होA wussy when it comes to heights, Elaina is afraid of anything that takes her more than a foot off the ground.
8723स्थानिक – Endemicnative to a specific area or group of individuals – किसी विशिष्ट क्षेत्र या व्यक्तियों के समूह का मूल निवासीThe poisonous snake must have come from another country because it is not endemic to our nation.
8724कट्टरवाद – Fundamentalisma strict organization that follows their spiritual beliefs – एक सख्त संगठन जो उनकी आध्यात्मिक मान्यताओं का पालन करता हैTheir fundamentalism required that the followers attend church daily or face severe consequences.
8725शरारत – Mischiefplayful wrongdoing or troublemaking – चंचल गलत काम या परेशानी पैदा करनाThe teacher would not put up with any more mischief, which is why he started assigning detentions.
8726किराया – Farethe fee an individual is charged in order to be transported somewhere – वह शुल्क जो किसी व्यक्ति से कहीं ले जाने के लिए लिया जाता हैThe man stowed away on the ship because he could not afford the cruise fare.
8727बेपरवाह – Remisslacking care or attention to duty; negligent – कर्तव्य के प्रति देखभाल या ध्यान की कमी; लापरवाहIf I let you go without food, I would be remiss in my responsibilities as a parent.
8728सुपुर्द करना – Consignto pass something to another individual so the item can be sold – किसी चीज़ को दूसरे व्यक्ति को देना ताकि वह वस्तु बेची जा सकेTo make extra money, some women in my neighborhood consign their used baby garments to a clothing store.
8729दिलेर – Venturoustending to take risks or daring experiences – जोखिम लेने की प्रवृत्ति या साहसिक अनुभवA venturous daredevil, Emily loved doing thrill-seeking activities on vacation including swimming with sharks.
8730आधारशिला – Cornerstonea key part of something – किसी चीज़ का मुख्य भागKeith’s belief in Christ is the cornerstone of all his successful relationships.
8731संयमी – Abstemiousmarked by moderation and holding back on indulgence – संयम और भोग पर रोक लगाने से चिह्नितGerald was abstemious at dinner and only ate a little of the food on his plate.
8732अनलोड – Unloadto unpack or drop off – खोलना या छोड़नाMovers helped me unload my furniture and even aided me in putting the beds back together.
8733समान होना – Comportto fit with or act in a certain fashion – एक निश्चित ढंग से फिट होना या कार्य करनाBecause the children do not comport well in a formal dining atmosphere, we have placed them at a kids’ table in the kitchen.
8734ख़राब करना – Exacerbateto increase the severity or worsen – गंभीरता बढ़ाना या बिगड़नाCora chose to exacerbate the argument by throwing a lamp at Mark’s head.
8735कंटुमेलियस – Contumeliousinsulting; Showing a lack of respect or rudeness – अपमानजनक; सम्मान की कमी या अशिष्टता दिखानाOffended by her niece’s contumelious behavior, Linda decided not to invite her back over until she learned some manners.
8736जन्मजात – Inbornexisting from birth; natural – जन्म से विद्यमान; प्राकृतिकThe ballerina had an inborn ability for dance and was able to perform difficult moves from near birth.
8737फ्लॉप – Flopto drop down in a hefty and wobbly way – भारी और डगमगाते हुए नीचे गिरनाAfter a long day at work, the girls flop down on the sofa and won’t move for an hour.
8738अनुरूपता – Congruencebeing in harmony with something else in such a way that it fits together perfectly – किसी अन्य चीज़ के साथ इस तरह सामंजस्य बिठाना कि वह एक साथ पूरी तरह फिट हो जाएBecause he doesn’t act in congruence with what he says, the lying husband disappoints his wife on a daily basis.
8739थका हुआ – Crocknonsense – बकवासMy older brother constantly claims that the moon landing was a bunch of crock, but personally I think he is just paranoid.
8740बेरहम – Mercilesswithout mercy. ruthless and unforgiving – बिना दया के। निर्दयी और अक्षम्यThe merciless sun of the desert will quickly drain all travelers of both water and will, ensuring a painful demise if one does not enter its sands prepared.
8741ख़ुश हो जाओ – Rejoicedisplay or show feelings of great joy – अत्यधिक आनंद की भावनाएँ प्रदर्शित करना या प्रदर्शित करनाThe children will rejoice after they open their holiday gifts.
8742विमुख – Alienateto make an individual feel unwanted or removed from a group or relationship – किसी व्यक्ति को किसी समूह या रिश्ते से अवांछित या हटा दिया गया महसूस करानाTeachers will alienate their students if they talk down to them.
8743पिता का वध – Patricidethe action taken when an individual ends the life of his or her father – जब कोई व्यक्ति अपने पिता की जीवन लीला समाप्त कर लेता है तो की जाने वाली कार्रवाईPeter was arrested for patricide after killing his father.
8744बकवास – Bunkumsomething that is foolish, ridiculous, and makes no sense – कुछ ऐसा जो मूर्खतापूर्ण, हास्यास्पद है और जिसका कोई मतलब नहीं हैThe doomsday extremist spouted bunkum about how the world would end in seven days when the ozone layer spontaneously combusted.
8745घेरा बन्द – Off-guardunprepared and unready – अप्रस्तुत और तैयार नहींThe other vehicle caught the driver off-guard and blindsided him as It slammed into the side of the truck.
8746कौगर – Cougaran older woman who prefers to date much younger men – एक बड़ी उम्र की महिला जो बहुत छोटे पुरुषों के साथ डेट करना पसंद करती हैCougar dating sites hook older women up with much younger men.
8747छंटनी – Layoffa suspension of work duties because the company doesn’t have enough business or money – कंपनी के पास पर्याप्त व्यवसाय या पैसा नहीं होने के कारण कार्य कर्तव्यों का निलंबनWhen the toy store chain shut down, they sent layoff notices all over the country to the now out-of-work employees.
8748प्रदर्शनी – Expositionthe action of putting something out to public view; for example, in a display or show – किसी चीज़ को जनता के सामने रखने की क्रिया; उदाहरण के लिए, किसी डिस्प्ले या शो मेंWe attended a Business to Business exposition, where exhibitors displayed their products and services to attract other companies.
8749कंपनी – Companya person or group of people seen as pleasant or enjoyable to be around – कोई व्यक्ति या लोगों का समूह जिसके आस-पास रहना सुखद या मनोरंजक माना जाता हैMy brother has always been exceptionally good company, since we are around the same age and grew up spending time together.
8750मलमूत्र – Excrementfeces expelled through the body after digestion – पाचन के बाद मल शरीर से बाहर निकल जाता हैCleaning up the patient’s excrement out of the bedpan was not the highlight of the nurse’s day.
8751ईमानदार – Incorruptiblehaving integrity that cannot be corrupted – ऐसी अखंडता होना जिसे भ्रष्ट नहीं किया जा सकेThe incorruptible jury member refused to be pressured into voting not guilty by the defendant’s family members.
8752प्राणी – Creaturea living being, especially an animal – एक जीवित प्राणी, विशेषकर एक जानवरThe lion is the only creature inside the zoo enclosure, but other animals are in cages around it.
8753दोषी ठहराना – Inculpateto incriminate or accuse someone of doing something – किसी को कुछ करने के लिए दोषी ठहराना या उस पर आरोप लगानाEvidence was used to inculpate the suspects and lead to their eventual conviction.
8754ग्रहण करना – Outshineto surpass someone or something in ability or achievement – योग्यता या उपलब्धि में किसी व्यक्ति या चीज़ से आगे निकलनाThe cheerleading squad is very competitive, so all of the girls on the team try to outshine each other.
8755शीर्ष के – Top-notchof the best quality possible – सर्वोत्तम संभव गुणवत्ता काBetty has decided to higher a top-notch lawyer with many years of experience to handle her divorce case.
8756टर्मिनल – Terminala computer device that returns information to user input – एक कंप्यूटर उपकरण जो उपयोगकर्ता इनपुट पर जानकारी लौटाता हैA computer laptop or desktop is essentially a terminal, storing information and giving that information to the user when it is requested.
8757ज़रूरत होना – Requireto expect or insist on – अपेक्षा करना या आग्रह करनाThe only thing that I require out of my children is that they do their chores and homework without being told.
8758प्रफुल्ल – Friskyfull of playful and lively energy – चंचल और जीवंत ऊर्जा से भरपूरOur frisky little terrier is always running after something in the yard.
8759परम सुख – Felicitya state of happiness – ख़ुशी की एक अवस्थाWhen my mother watched me graduate, she had such a look of felicity on her face.
8760सामी – Ferrulea flat ruler or rod with a widened end, formerly used for punishing children – चौड़े सिरे वाला एक सपाट शासक या छड़ी, जिसका उपयोग पहले बच्चों को दंडित करने के लिए किया जाता थाAlthough none of the other teachers used rulers to beat children, Principal Trunchbull loved to hit them with a ferrule.
8761ट्रान्सकांटिनेंटल – Transcontinentalextending or crossing a continent – किसी महाद्वीप का विस्तार या उसे पार करनाThe first transcontinental telegraph connected an existing network in the east of the U.S. to a smaller network in California.
8762विडंबना यह है कि – Paradoxicallyin a manner that is contradictory – एक तरह से जो विरोधाभासी हैParadoxically, the economy is improving although many families complain about the poverty in which they live.
8763प्रश्नवाचक – Interrogativeshowing that a question is being asked – दिखा रहा है कि एक प्रश्न पूछा जा रहा हैThe reporter’s interrogative style helped her get useful information about the people she questioned.
8764सुरम्य – Picturesquehaving the attributes of a painting or picture – किसी पेंटिंग या चित्र के गुण होनाThe picturesque postcard made me dream I was on the beach.
8765सुंदरता – Lovelinessthe characteristic of being lovely or otherwise desirable – सुंदर या अन्यथा वांछनीय होने की विशेषताThe sunset at dusk is truly lovely, a spectacle that no one should miss out on if they want to appreciate the beauty of nature.
8766उपकरण – Apparatusthe tools, equipment, and machinery you use for particular purposes – उपकरण, उपकरण और मशीनरी जो आप विशेष उद्देश्यों के लिए उपयोग करते हैंThe firefighter donned a breathing apparatus before entering the blaze, to search for people trapped in the inferno.
8767भावना – Indoctrinationthe process of teaching or brainwashing a person into believing something without question – किसी व्यक्ति को बिना किसी प्रश्न के किसी बात पर विश्वास करने के लिए सिखाने या उसका ब्रेनवॉश करने की प्रक्रियाA few men in the city resisted communist indoctrination efforts, but most were programmed to side with the government.
8768चुस्ती – Saucinesssomething said rudely or in an ill-mannered way – कोई बात अशिष्टतापूर्वक या अभद्र तरीके से कही गई होAs a result of the sauciness in his voice, the teacher sent the teenager to the principal’s office.
8769दांपत्य – Weddedmarried – विवाहितThe woman wedded her longtime boyfriend in a private ceremony on the beach.
8770प्रतिभाशाली – Giftedhaving a special talent or ability – किसी विशेष प्रतिभा या योग्यता का होनाFrom an early age, the gifted child was able to sing with perfect pitch.
8771सर्व-भक्षक – Omnivorouseating both plants and animals – पौधों और जानवरों दोनों को खानाBecause my rabbit only eats plants, it is not omnivorous.
8772नाभिकीय – Nuclearpertaining to an atomic binding that can be dangerous – परमाणु बंधन से संबंधित जो खतरनाक हो सकता हैAfter North Korea was found making nuclear weapons which scared the rest of the world that a disaster might take place.
8773बाह्य वायुमंडल – Thermospherethe outermost layer of the earth’s atmosphere that is characterized by steadily increasing temperature with height – पृथ्वी के वायुमंडल की सबसे बाहरी परत जिसकी विशेषता ऊंचाई के साथ तापमान में लगातार वृद्धि हैAs the outside layer of the earth’s surface, the temperature of thermosphere really depends on the position of the sun.
8774नायिका – Heroinea female hero or protagonist – एक महिला नायक या नायिकाThis story focuses on a young girl, making her the heroine that will embark on an epic journey and save the day.
8775चुनना – Chooseto select – चयन करनाYou can choose one main course meal and also select a dessert.
8776पोल्ट्रून – Poltroonone who acts in a cowardly manner – जो कायरतापूर्ण कार्य करता हैThe poltroon was the coward who sent an anonymous hate letter to the president.
8777अनुपालन – Conformitythe condition of being like everything or everyone else – हर चीज़ या हर किसी की तरह होने की स्थितिJared did not fit in well in the private school because he rebelled against the conformity of having to dress like everyone else.
8778छुआ – Toucheddeeply moved emotionally – भावनात्मक रूप से बहुत प्रभावित हुआThe widow was touched by the thoughtful gift that her coworkers sent in the wake of her husband’s death.
8779साहस – Boldnessbeing courageous or daring – साहसी या साहसी होनाAttempting to answer every question in front of his snickering peers even though the teenage boy was wrong some of the time revealed his boldness to the class.
8780चलाना – Transactthe act of completing an action where one or more sides benefit; typically applies to sales – किसी कार्य को पूरा करने की क्रिया जहां एक या अधिक पक्षों को लाभ होता है; आम तौर पर बिक्री पर लागू होता हैBank tellers transact withdrawals and deposits daily.
8781स्टाइलिश – Stygiandark, gloomy – अंधेरा, उदासThe stygian cave led to an underground river which frightened the explorers.
8782निन्दालेख – Lampoona written attack or other work ridiculing a person, group, or institution – किसी व्यक्ति, समूह या संस्था का उपहास करने वाला लिखित हमला या अन्य कार्यBecause Freddy posted an uncomplimentary lampoon of his boss on his Facebook page, he soon found himself looking for new employment.
8783समसामयिक – Contemporaneoustaking place during the same period of time – उसी समयावधि के दौरान घटित हो रहा हैThe dancers have practiced for months to get their movements in sync and contemporaneous.
8784संरक्षित – Reserveto book or retain – बुक करना या बनाए रखनाMy father used his veteran’s status to reserve a hotel room at a discounted price.
8785थकाऊ – Tediousboring; annoying because it is long or slow – उबाऊ; कष्टप्रद क्योंकि यह लंबा या धीमा हैWatching paint dry seems tedious.
8786झिझक – Hesitatedpaused before saying or doing something – कुछ कहने या करने से पहले रुका हुआUnsure if he should take the shot or not, the basketball player hesitated before eventually sending the ball sailing through the net.
8787दखल अंदाजी – Interferencea disruption between two or more things that most likely causes the action to stop – दो या दो से अधिक चीज़ों के बीच व्यवधान जिसके कारण संभवतः कार्रवाई रुक जाती हैI didn’t know if Ms. Smith would believe my excuse, but I really couldn’t access the internet since there was an interference with the connection.
8788रूमिनेट – Ruminateto think deeply about something – किसी चीज़ के बारे में गहराई से सोचनाAlthough I knew I cared deeply for Henry, I still had to ruminate on his marriage proposal for a while.
8789भव्यता – Magniloquenceuse of grand or wordy speech to say something simple – किसी सरल बात को कहने के लिए भव्य या शब्दाडंबरपूर्ण भाषण का उपयोगThe orator’s display of magniloquence confused the listeners.
8790फैलाने – Disperseto spread out – बाहर प्रसार करने के लिएAs soon as the last bell rings, students disperse out of the building and head to their buses.
8791अपवित्रीकरण – Sacrilegethe corruption of something considered holy – पवित्र मानी जाने वाली किसी चीज़ का भ्रष्टाचारIt is considered an act of sacrilege for anyone to touch the sacred statue.
8792नवयुग का – Renascentbecoming popular again – फिर से लोकप्रिय हो रहा हूँThe renascent team was becoming more and more popular with every step they took towards the playoffs.
8793सबऑडिशन – Subauditionan indirect indication or hint – अप्रत्यक्ष संकेत या इशाराWhen my mom asked me when I was going to clean my room, I realized her subaudition of the question was telling me to clean my room now.
8794सूक्ति – Epigraphan inscription or dedication that has been engraved on a statue or building – एक शिलालेख या समर्पण जो किसी मूर्ति या भवन पर उकेरा गया होOne of the explorer’s quotes was used as an epigraph on the school building named after him.
8795धर्मादेश – Commandmenta divine rule handed down by God – ईश्वर द्वारा प्रदत्त एक दिव्य नियमBecause he didn’t fall the commandment ordained by God, the sinner was sentenced to death.
8796पदाधिकारी – Functionarya public servant who does specific tasks for his or her job – एक लोक सेवक जो अपनी नौकरी के लिए विशिष्ट कार्य करता हैTraining is mandatory for any functionary to complete the duties of his or her job.
8797अस्तव्यस्त – Messyuntidy; disordered – गन्दा; बेक़ायदाMessy and disheveled, the disordered dining room had dirty dishes and dust piled to the ceiling.
8798पूरा – Caterto provide food professionally for a special occasion – किसी विशेष अवसर के लिए पेशेवर रूप से भोजन उपलब्ध करानाWe cater lunches for groups of 20 or more.
8799उदासी – Doldrumsa state in which an individual is very sad and has no interest in anything – ऐसी अवस्था जिसमें व्यक्ति बहुत दुखी होता है और उसे किसी भी चीज़ में कोई दिलचस्पी नहीं होती हैThe psychiatrist said the antidepressant might help me come out of the doldrums so I can enjoy my life again.
8800ब्लीड – Bleedto lose blood from an injury – किसी चोट से खून बहनाIf you cut your skin deeply enough, it is guaranteed that you will begin to bleed.
8801बदनामी – Infamythe condition of being known for something unpleasant or bad – किसी अप्रिय या बुरी बात के लिए जाने जाने की अवस्थाIn hopes of gaining infamy, the troubled youth brought a gun to school.
8802हाथापाई – Meleea brawl, riot or fight – झगड़ा, दंगा या लड़ाईI hate to go shopping during the holiday season because it feels like a melee with everyone pushing and shoving in the aisles.
8803फाली – Pommelthe rounded knob on a horse’s saddle that a rider grips with one hand – घोड़े की काठी पर लगी गोल घुंडी जिसे सवार एक हाथ से पकड़ता हैHolding on to the saddle’s pommel, the rider tried desperately to keep himself from falling off of the bucking horse.
8804श्रवण – Auditoryof or pertaining to hearing – सुनने का या उससे संबंधितMany people are auditory learners who learn best through hearing.
8805बड़बड़ाना – Gabblerapid and generally unintelligible speech – तेज़ और आम तौर पर समझ से बाहर होने वाला भाषणThe man’s hastily spoken words came out as little more than a gabble to the ears of both me and my spouse.
8806केले – Bananaswild; out of control – जंगली; नियंत्रण से बाहरAs the band took the stage, the crazy crowd went bananas with excitement.
8807मुश्किल – Harddifficult – कठिनThe hard math equation stumped not only the calculus student but also the professor.
8808लकड़ी का – Woodenmade of wood from a tree – एक पेड़ की लकड़ी से बना हुआThe carpenter built a wooden cabin from oak trees that he chopped down in the forest.
8809डाह – Virulencethe ability of a microorganism or bacteria to produce disease – किसी सूक्ष्मजीव या जीवाणु की रोग उत्पन्न करने की क्षमताThe virulence of the microbes seemed to increase with time, producing more disease with time.
8810गैर सरकारी – Nongovernmentallacking a connection to a government – सरकार से संबंध का अभावSince the company was owned by an individual citizen, her nongovernmental status meant she did not have to follow federal guidelines.
8811फार्मेसी – Pharmacydrugstore or a place that sells medicines legally – दवा की दुकान या वह स्थान जो कानूनी रूप से दवाएँ बेचता हैAt the pharmacy, Molly wanted to purchase the best cough medicine since her son had a bad cough.
8812वफादार – Faithfulto be loyal to someone or something – किसी व्यक्ति या वस्तु के प्रति वफादार होनाAfter being caught in a small lie, the citizens remained faithful to the mayor since he had done so much good for their town and they could forgive a small lie.
8813अपूरणीय – Irrefragablenot able to be disputed or contested – विवादित या विवादित होने में सक्षम नहींDuring the trial, the bank teller’s irrefragable evidence couldn’t be contested by any other witnesses.
8814फैसला किया – Decidedmade a final decision or plan of action – अंतिम निर्णय या कार्ययोजना बनाईThe couple decided to get married in Las Vegas after knowing each other for just one day.
8815दुष्कर्म – Misdemeanora minor crime – एक छोटा सा अपराधAfter driving her vehicle on a suspended license, the woman was slapped by the court with a misdemeanor requiring her to pay a fine and spend the night in jail.
8816चमक – Radianceglowing brightness – चमकती चमकPure radiance shined through the water as the sun’s rays caused the waves to glisten.
8817अभाज्य – Indivisibleunited; inseparable – एकजुट; अवियोज्यThough some try to forget it, topic of slavery is indivisible from the story of our country’s history.
8818अपोडिक्टिक – Apodicticunquestionably true or certain – निर्विवाद रूप से सत्य या निश्चितAfter spending 16 years teaching English, I had an apodictic assurance that I could pass an adolescent literature class.
8819गुस्ताख़ – Impertinentbehaving without proper respect; rude – उचित सम्मान के बिना व्यवहार करना; अशिष्टWhile he never intended his remark to be impertinent, he found that a lot of people had been offended by what he said.
8820कैसीनो – Casinoa place where a person goes to play games or gamble money – वह स्थान जहाँ कोई व्यक्ति खेल खेलने या जुआ खेलने जाता हैCard dealers at the casino can get some of the big spenders to keep playing even after they’ve lost several thousand dollars.
8821ठंड – Laggingfalling behind or failing to keep the pace when compared to others – दूसरों की तुलना में पिछड़ जाना या गति बनाए रखने में असफल होनाLagging behind after sevearl laps, the race car driver’s mechanicall issues shifted him to 20th place.
8822महक – Scenta distinctive, often pleasant smell – एक विशिष्ट, अक्सर सुखद गंधI could not identify the sweet scent that lead me into my Grandma’s kitchen until I walked in to discover her baking bread.
8823बुद्धि – Nouspractical reasoning; Common sense – व्यावहारिक तर्क; व्यावहारिक बुद्धिProblem solving involves more than a high IQ, nous and practical reasoning are also required.
8824प्रेरणा – Motivereason; purpose – कारण; उद्देश्यWith several clogged arteries, the unhealthy man had a serious motive to lose weight and get fit.
8825दाग – Blotto dab at a spot or stain in order to remove it – किसी स्थान या दाग को हटाने के लिए उस पर थपथपानाAfter dripping spaghetti sauce on her dress, the woman took a napkin and began to blot the stain.
8826छुट्टी – Leaveto depart or exit – प्रस्थान या बाहर निकलनाThe family will leave their house and drive one hundred miles away to their vacation spot at the beach.
8827अस्थिर – Unstableunsteady or wobbly – अस्थिर या डगमगाता हुआAfter years of wear and tear, the rocky table finally collapsed onto the floor.
8828चिकित्सक – Physiciana physician is a doctor – एक चिकित्सक एक डॉक्टर हैThe orthopedic physician repairs broken bones.
8829तेज़ी से – Sharplyintensely; suddenly – तीव्रता से; अचानकBreathing in sharply, the man prepared to ask his girlfriend for her hand in marriage.
8830पता लगाने का – Unearthlyout of this world; Supernatural – इस दुनिया से बाहर; अलौकिकThe actor wore unearthly makeup that helped him look the part during his cameo as an alien in a sci-fi flick.
8831जोखिम – Riska probability or chance of danger or hazard – खतरे या खतरे की संभावना या संभावनाAfter smoking for 30 years, the risk that the man would acquire lung cancer was high since smoking had blackened his lungs.
8832मूर्ख बनाना – Stultifyto cripple or weaken; deprive of strength – अपंग या कमजोर करना; शक्ति से वंचित करनाEating pizza right before a workout will definitely work to stultify your efforts.
8833कंपन – Vibrationshaking; back and forth movement – कंपन; आगे और पीछे की गतिThe vibration of the earthquake shook the city for several minutes.
8834मध्यम – ModerateAn average amount – एक औसत राशिThe girl’s mild to moderate asthma did not affect her in the way it does a person with severe breathing problems.
8835समर्पित – Devoteto give all or most of one’s resources to one person or activity – अपने सभी या अधिकांश संसाधनों को एक व्यक्ति या गतिविधि को देनाJessica liked to devote most of her free time to feeding the homeless in her community.
8836रवाना होना – Departto leave; exit – छोड़ जाना; बाहर निकलनाThe train will depart from the station at exactly twelve o’clock.
8837राशिफल – Horoscopea forecast of a person’s future based on the alignment of stars and planets during their birth – किसी व्यक्ति के जन्म के दौरान सितारों और ग्रहों की स्थिति के आधार पर उसके भविष्य का पूर्वानुमान लगाया जाता हैI’ve personally never put any stock in horoscopes, as I don’t see how the positions of celestial bodies could have anything to do with my future.
8838एक आयामी – One-dimensionalsuperficial; lacking depth – सतही; गहराई का अभावAfter several dates with the shallow woman, Leo decided he couldn’t date someone so one-dimensional.
8839टीका – Exegesisdetailed explanation of a written passage – एक लिखित अनुच्छेद की विस्तृत व्याख्याThe student’s exegesis of the novel was one of the best summaries the professor had ever read.
8840ढलान – Escarpmentlong, steep cliff – लंबी, खड़ी चट्टानSledding down the steep escarpment proved to be a hair-raising event.
8841परहेज़ – Abstinencethe act of not taking part in something – किसी चीज़ में भाग न लेने की क्रिया या भावAccording to my religion, one should refrain from having sex and practice abstinence until marriage.
8842घूस देना – Gratifyto satisfy or make content – संतुष्ट करना या संतुष्ट करनाHopefully the chocolate bar will gratify my desire for something sweet.
8843वनस्पति-विज्ञानिक – Botanistan expert in or student of the scientific study of plants – पौधों के वैज्ञानिक अध्ययन का विशेषज्ञ या छात्रThe botanist who specializes in photosynthesis is studying how certain flowers make their own food.
8844पूरा – CompeteTo try to win something such as a prize or award – कोई पुरस्कार या पुरस्कार जैसी कोई चीज़ जीतने का प्रयास करनाOn Friday, our team will compete in a race against a neighboring school.
8845राष्ट्रमंडल – Commonwealthan independent country, community or state – एक स्वतंत्र देश, समुदाय या राज्यAccording to census records her home state is the fastest growing commonwealth in the nation.
8846रद्द करना – Defeasancethe action of rendering something null and void – किसी चीज़ को शून्य और शून्य प्रदान करने की क्रियाThe bank’s defeasance made the check invalid, so it could no longer be cashed for money.
8847अविश्वासी – Untrustingsuspicious and guarded, especially when it comes to trusting or confiding in others – संदिग्ध और सतर्क, खासकर जब बात दूसरों पर भरोसा करने या भरोसा करने की आती हैParanoid and untrusting, Charlie believes that the government is out to get us and wants to steal our DNA.
8848प्रतिक्रिया – Counteractact against or in opposition to something – किसी चीज़ के विरुद्ध या विरोध में कार्य करनाTo counteract the violence in the community, the police increased the number of footmen on patrol.
8849अशांति – Unresta state of uneasiness, restlessness, or agitation – बेचैनी, बेचैनी या उत्तेजना की स्थितिUnrest in the country began to grow after the leader began to censor what the newspapers could publish.
8850मिथ्या – Mendaciouslying; not telling the truth – झूठ बोलना; सच नहीं बोल रहा हूँA product claiming to help you get ripped abs in a few hours is mendacious advertising.
8851आपदा – Calamitya situation that results in extreme suffering – ऐसी स्थिति जिसके परिणामस्वरूप अत्यधिक पीड़ा होती हैThe approaching hurricane is sure to be a calamity that will affect the lives of millions.
8852अहंकार – Egosomeone’s feeling of their self-worth – किसी को अपने आत्म-सम्मान की अनुभूतिRecently acquiring employment at the world-renowned doctor’s office definitely boosted the employee’s ego since this was the best job she ever had.
8853पुनरुत्पादक – Rebarbativeunpleasant and unattractive – अप्रिय और अनाकर्षकMost people find the designer’s style both rebarbative and unattractive, but there are a few people who like his products.
8854तिरछा – Askewtilted to one side; in a crooked position – एक तरफ झुका हुआ; टेढ़ी स्थिति मेंI’ve tried straightening out the poster three times, but it still looks askew.
8855उच्चारित करना – Enunciateto clearly state – स्पष्ट रूप से बतानाWhen Will was intoxicated, he was hard to understand because he did not enunciate his statements.
8856धारी – Streaka line of substance that is distinct from the whole. Can be dirt, color, or some other source – पदार्थ की एक पंक्ति जो संपूर्ण से भिन्न होती है। गंदगी, रंग या कोई अन्य स्रोत हो सकता हैIn an iconic scene in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, Ron Weasley has a streak of dirt on his cheek.
8857अननुपातिक – Unpropitiousnot favorable of likely to produce a good result – अच्छे परिणाम आने की संभावना अनुकूल नहीं हैThe candidate’s unpropitious speak is unlikely to win him any votes.
8858शून्य – Nilnothing, zero, nonexistent – कुछ भी नहीं, शून्य, अस्तित्वहीनWith only five of us and over a hundred of the enemy, our chances of emerging victorious in this battle are nil.
8859सिल्हूट – Silhouettea black outline of the shape of a person or thing – किसी व्यक्ति या वस्तु के आकार की काली रूपरेखाThe silhouette in my locket is an outline of my mother.
8860चिंताग्रस्त – Pensiveexpressing or revealing sad thoughtfulness – दुखद विचारशीलता व्यक्त करना या प्रकट करनाAfter losing his job, Alex became more pensive than ever.
8861किसी विशेष बात की झक – Monomaniaa mental illness characterized by excessive obsessive or concentration on a single thing or idea – किसी एक चीज़ या विचार पर अत्यधिक जुनूनी या एकाग्रता की विशेषता वाली मानसिक बीमारीSuffering from monomania, the woman was convinced that the Mexican pop star was in love with her even though they had never met.
8862अनुभव – Experiencedhaving knowledge or skill in a certain area – किसी निश्चित क्षेत्र में ज्ञान या कौशल होनाAs an experienced math teacher, the twenty-year veteran knew all there was to know about algebra.
8863लॉज – Lodgeto firmly fix something in a place – किसी चीज को किसी स्थान पर मजबूती से स्थापित करनाBecause the girl didn’t chew her food well enough, a piece of apple was able to lodge in her throat.
8864फ्लोरोसेंट – Fluorescentvery bright and easy to see – बहुत उज्ज्वल और देखने में आसानAttracted to the fluorescent light, a swarm of bugs congregated around the porch.
8865विस्फोट – Detonateto ignite or blow up – प्रज्वलित या उड़ा देनाWhen the terrorists began to detonate each bomb, many people heard the loud noise and ran for their lives.
8866पानी में तैरनेवाले जहाज़ के टुकड़े – Flotsamobjects or individuals that are considered to be of no worth – ऐसी वस्तुएँ या व्यक्ति जिनका कोई मूल्य नहीं समझा जाता हैAccording to the old saying, one man’s flotsam is another man’s treasure.
8867दुर्व्यवहार – Abusedmistreated; harmed – दुर्व्यवहार किया गया; नुकसान पहुंचायाThe cruel man abused his wife and his children, cursing and beating them every time he drank.
8868अभद्र – Discourteousrude; impolite – अशिष्ट; असभ्यAlthough she considers herself a straight-shooter, my aunt’s blunt tone often comes across as rude and discourteous.
8869विशिष्ट – Distinguisheddescribing something that is noteworthy or otherwise significant for some reason – किसी ऐसी चीज़ का वर्णन करना जो उल्लेखनीय है या किसी कारण से महत्वपूर्ण हैThe General is a distinguished officer, having performed admirably in two wars and being directly responsible for victory in three major battles.
8870निषेधाज्ञा – Injunctionan court order which demands that something must or must not be done – एक अदालती आदेश जो मांग करता है कि कुछ किया जाना चाहिए या नहीं किया जाना चाहिएBecause he had witnessed the murder, the man received an injunction to testify in court.
8871उसांस – Heaveto use a lot of effort while moving something – किसी चीज़ को हिलाने में बहुत अधिक प्रयास करनाA half-court heave of the ball ended in a surprising buzzer beater win for the underdogs.
8872चमकीला – Flashyshowy and wanting to show off one’s wealth/skills in an obnoxious way – दिखावटी और अपने धन/कौशल को अप्रिय तरीके से प्रदर्शित करना चाहते हैंThe rap mogul was flashy with his money and showed off his wealth through blinged-out jewelry and expensive cars.
8873समय नष्ट करना – Dawdleto waste time by moving slowly – धीरे-धीरे चलकर समय बर्बाद करनाIf I do not monitor my daughter in the mall, she will dawdle there all day long.
8874प्राचीन – Ancientreferring to something that is extremely old or something that happened long ago – किसी ऐसी चीज़ का जिक्र करना जो बहुत पुरानी हो या जो बहुत पहले घटित हुई होTo the boy, his grandfather was nearly ancient at eighty years of age.
8875रद्द करना – Cancelto decide or announce that something planned in advance will no longer take place – यह निर्णय लेना या घोषणा करना कि पहले से नियोजित कोई चीज़ अब नहीं होगीBecause her husband wasn’t feeling well, Brenda decided to cancel their dinner reservations at the fancy restaurant.
8876कार्क – Carkto worry anxiously about something – किसी बात को लेकर उत्सुकता से चिंता करनाWith no jobs and tons of debt, the anxious couple continued to cark about how they would pay their bills.
8877सहायक नदी – Tributarya stream of water that enters into a larger body of water – पानी की एक धारा जो पानी के बड़े भंडार में प्रवेश करती हैAs it flowed into the river, the tributary provided fresh water for the village.
8878ठंडे बस्ते में – Back burnera condition of being temporarily delayed or of low priority – अस्थायी रूप से विलंबित होने या कम प्राथमिकता होने की स्थितिAfter she lost her job, all of Briana’s summer plans were placed on the back burner.
8879अभिमान – Hubrisan excess of confidence; having too much pride and personal worth – आत्मविश्वास की अधिकता; बहुत अधिक गर्व और व्यक्तिगत मूल्य होनाThe leader of the cult had so much hubris he believed the government would never be able to capture him.
8880प्रकृतिवादी – Naturalistsomeone who studies life and nature – कोई है जो जीवन और प्रकृति का अध्ययन करता हैWhile wandering in the forest, a naturalist was walking a trail to determine if there were any new birds in the area.
8881एस्क्रो – Escrowmoney or something of value held in trust by a third party for two other parties in a contract – किसी अनुबंध में दो अन्य पक्षों के लिए किसी तीसरे पक्ष द्वारा ट्रस्ट में रखा गया धन या कोई मूल्यवान वस्तुWhen my parents died, I inherited money that will be in escrow until I turn twenty-one years old.
8882परागन – Pollinationpollen movement from one part of the flower to another part – फूल के एक भाग से दूसरे भाग तक पराग का संचलनIn order for a plant or flower to produce seeds, pollination must occur between two flowers.
8883नमकहरामी – Perfidybehavior that shows that someone cannot be trusted – ऐसा व्यवहार जो दर्शाता है कि किसी पर भरोसा नहीं किया जा सकताBecause my husband’s perfidy hurt me terribly, I served him with divorce papers.
8884विचित्र – Quaintappearing old-fashioned in an appealing way – आकर्षक तरीके से पुराने ज़माने का दिखनाMy grandmother’s quaint home is filled with knick-knacks from her childhood.
8885आराम – Relaxingdoing things that lessen tension and anxiety and increase feelings of calmness or peace – ऐसे काम करना जिससे तनाव और चिंता कम हो और शांति या सुकून की भावना बढ़ेLaying peacefully in his bed with a good book is one of the most relaxing activities of the man’s week.
8886बड़ा घूँट – Swiga large gulp of a liquid – किसी तरल पदार्थ का एक बड़ा घूंटEven though I hate the taste of alcohol, my father convinced me to take a swig of the stuff on New Year’s.
8887निस्सारता – Vacuityemptiness or blankness, often used to criticize someone or something because of lack – ख़ालीपन या ख़ालीपन, अक्सर अभाव के कारण किसी व्यक्ति या चीज़ की आलोचना करने के लिए उपयोग किया जाता हैThe Scarecrow’s vacuity led most people to assume that he didn’t have a brain.
8888क्रमाकुंचन – Peristalsisrhythmic, wave-like contraction of the digestive tract that forces food through it – पाचन तंत्र का लयबद्ध, लहर जैसा संकुचन जो भोजन को इसके माध्यम से धकेलता हैMuscular peristalsis helps keep food moving downward through wavelike contractions.
8889व्यर्थ – Unusablebroken or unable to be used – टूटा हुआ या उपयोग करने में असमर्थBecause it is unusable, the chef decided to throw the broken mixer into the trash can.
8890घोषित – Declaredstated openly; professed to others – खुलेआम कहा गया; दूसरों को प्रगट किया गयाThe president declared a state of emergency after a hurricane hit the east coast.
8891विनम्रतापूर्वक – Humblyacting or doing something modestly or respectfully – विनम्रतापूर्वक या सम्मानपूर्वक कार्य करना या कुछ करनाThe boy scout humbly helped the woman across the road, but he didn’t want any praise for doing so.
8892स्व का आश्वासन दिया – Self-assuredshowing confidence in one’s self and your own abilities/skills – स्वयं पर और अपनी योग्यताओं/कौशलों पर विश्वास दिखानाConfident and self-assured, there is nothing the man thought he couldn’t accomplish.
8893विवेकपूर्ण – Prudentmarked by wisdom or sound judgment – बुद्धि या ठोस निर्णय द्वारा चिह्नितIt is not prudent to go swimming during a hurricane.
8894सारस – StorkA large wading bird with long legs and a long beak of the family Ciconiidae – सिकोनीडे परिवार का एक बड़ा पक्षी, जिसके लंबे पैर और लंबी चोंच होती हैWaddling near the ocean, a stork reached down and grabbed a fish swimming close to the shore.
8895मूर्ख युवा – Greenhorna person that is a beginner or new to an activity – वह व्यक्ति जो किसी गतिविधि में शुरुआती या नया हैVeteran bingo players noticed that the greenhorn could not keep up with the fast caller.
8896शामिल करना – Includeto make something part of a greater whole – किसी चीज़ को एक बड़े संपूर्ण का हिस्सा बनानाWe wanted to include the new transfer student, so we invited him to sit with us at lunch on his first day.
8897समानता – Similaritya likeness or resemblance – एक समानता या समानताThe similarity in grandfather and grandson’s looks are uncanny, as most would not be able to tell their pictures apart.
8898ट्रेन दुर्घटना – Trainwrecka disastrous or devastating situation that ends in ruin – एक विनाशकारी या विनाशकारी स्थिति जिसका अंत बर्बादी में होता हैThis football season was an utter trainwreck and ended disastrously for the losing team.
8899उत्तेजना – Excitementfull of delight – आनंद से भरपूरExcitement on a child’s face when she comes downstairs on Christmas morning to see all her presents is priceless.
8900भौतिक विज्ञानी – Physicista physicist is one who is an expert in physics – भौतिक विज्ञानी वह है जो भौतिकी में विशेषज्ञ हैThe thermometer was invented by a German physicist named Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit.
8901वयस्क – Adulta person who has reached the age of maturity – एक व्यक्ति जो परिपक्वता की उम्र तक पहुंच गया हैChildren must be accompanied by an adult to watch a rated R movie because the adult is not a minor anymore.
8902अपराधी ठहराया हुआ – Convicteddeclared guilty of a criminal offense by a judge or jury – किसी न्यायाधीश या जूरी द्वारा किसी आपराधिक अपराध का दोषी घोषित किया गयाThe judges convicted Sunry of a serious crime, sentencing him to life in prison as punishment.
8903उपलब्धि – Accomplishmenta goal or success that is achieved because of hard work – वह लक्ष्य या सफलता जो कड़ी मेहनत के कारण प्राप्त होती हैBeing the first one in my family to graduate from college is an accomplishment that I’m very proud of.
8904कोलीवॉबल्स – Collywobblesa feeling of fear or nervousness – डर या घबराहट की भावनाFeeling collywobbles in her tummy, the nervous singer shook as she took the stage.
8905नामजद – Nominateto elect someone as a potential candidate for a position – किसी पद के लिए संभावित उम्मीदवार के रूप में किसी को चुननाThough Nick is already running for class President, I am going to nominate my friend Vicky as well, as I believe she has a shot at winning.
8906ज़ोर से फैंकना – Hurtlemove at a rapid pace in a wild manner – जंगली तरीके से तीव्र गति से आगे बढ़ेंThe force of the truck caused the car to hurtle over the bridge.
8907altimeter – Altimeteran instrument used in an aircraft to measure altitude/the distance above sea or land – समुद्र या ज़मीन से ऊंचाई/दूरी मापने के लिए विमान में इस्तेमाल किया जाने वाला एक उपकरणAn aneroid barometer is an altimeter that is used to detect drops in atmospheric pressure inside an airplane.
8908साथ लगा हुआ। – Adjoiningnext to or joined with something else – किसी अन्य वस्तु के निकट या उसके साथ जुड़ा हुआThe travelers requested adjoining rooms so that they would be beside each other.
8909कर्फ़्यू – Curfewan order which forbids people to be out on the streets after dark – एक आदेश जो लोगों को अंधेरा होने के बाद सड़कों पर निकलने से रोकता हैThe coach imposed a curfew on his players because their late night parties were affecting their games.
8910गुज़रना – Undergoto experience or be subjected to something, generally unpleasant – किसी ऐसी चीज़ का अनुभव करना या उसके अधीन होना, जो आम तौर पर अप्रिय होThe world’s most elite soldiers must undergo the most extreme and grueling training programs in the military.
8911पैडल – Pedalto move a bicycle by operating the controls – नियंत्रणों को संचालित करके साइकिल को चलानाIn Germany, many people pedal to work and school because the bicycle is the common way of transportation.
8912रेशा – Filamenta thread or strand usually found within plants or animals – एक धागा या कतरा जो आमतौर पर पौधों या जानवरों के भीतर पाया जाता हैEach skinny and long filament in the center of the flower held each of the small circular anthems which produces pollen.
8913लापरवाह – Carefreeeasygoing and relaxed – सहज और तनावमुक्तThe carefree beach-bum skated through life without a worry or care.
8914लचीलापन – Resiliencethe capability to recover quickly from difficulties or hardships – कठिनाइयों या कष्टों से शीघ्रता से उबरने की क्षमताThe orphan’s life is marked with resilience as she has always been able to bounce back from any difficulty she has faced.
8915थोड़े दिन की छुट्टी – Furlougha vacation or period of absence from work – काम से छुट्टी या अनुपस्थिति की अवधिTo save money, the county will give teachers a two-day furlough this year.
8916अनुमान करनेवाला – Divinera fortune teller who claims to be able to tell the future through divination – एक भविष्यवक्ता जो भविष्यवाणी के माध्यम से भविष्य बताने में सक्षम होने का दावा करता हैA diviner was hired to stare into her crystal ball and tell the fortunes of party-goers.
8917बदलाव – Makeovera set of changes that are intended to make a person or place more attractive – परिवर्तनों का एक समूह जिसका उद्देश्य किसी व्यक्ति या स्थान को अधिक आकर्षक बनाना हैDepartment store staff gives potential customers a full-face makeover as a way to sell their cosmetic products.
8918मरम्मत – Reparationsomething done or paid in expiation of a wrong – किसी गलती के प्रायश्चित के रूप में किया गया कोई कार्य या भुगतानAlec tried to make reparation for the hurt feelings he had caused, but Emily wasn’t having any of it.
8919निषेधात्मक – Prohibitivetending to prohibit, preclude, or disallow – निषेध करने, रोकने या अस्वीकार करने की प्रवृत्तिThe park association was prohibitive of bringing glass on the beach.
8920आप्रवासी – Immigranta person who comes to a country from another country in order to permanently settle there – वह व्यक्ति जो किसी दूसरे देश से स्थायी रूप से बसने के लिए किसी देश में आता हैSince my grandfather was an immigrant from Sweden, he brought his Swedish culture and traditions to the United States with him.
8921निष्पक्ष – Impartialto not offer influence to any side – किसी भी पक्ष पर प्रभाव न डालनाSince the judge is related to the defendant, it is not possible for him to be impartial during the trial.
8922स्तुतिपाठ – Panegyrica speech or written composition used to pay tribute to a person, place, or thing – किसी व्यक्ति, स्थान या चीज़ को श्रद्धांजलि देने के लिए इस्तेमाल किया जाने वाला भाषण या लिखित रचनाAfter the princess died a popular singer wrote a panegyric to honor her life.
8923इस प्रकार – As suchusing the exact meaning of the word or phrase – शब्द या वाक्यांश के सटीक अर्थ का उपयोग करनाBecause choosing a wedding date was an important decision for the couple, they took their time and treated it as such.
8924तबदीली – Revulsionan abrupt sense of disgust – घृणा की अचानक भावनाWhen I saw my wife’s killer enter the courtroom, I felt revulsion and anger.
8925विनाश – Destructiondemolition and damage – तोड़फोड़ और क्षतिAfter the tornado struck the small town, the destruction became evident with the houses being flattened to the ground.
8926फ़रोख़्त का – Vendiblehaving the ability to be sold – बेचने की क्षमता होनाSeveral sites like Pinterest offer many vendible craft ideas that retirees and craftspeople can do to make money for their crafts.
8927मसीहा – Messiahone who is thought to be the savior of a certain group – जिसे एक निश्चित समूह का रक्षक माना जाता हैMany of the politician’s followers see him as a messiah who will fix all of their problems.
8928टूनिकेट – Tourniqueta medical apparatus that is tied around a limb to cut off the blood flow – एक चिकित्सा उपकरण जो रक्त प्रवाह को रोकने के लिए एक अंग के चारों ओर बांधा जाता हैWhen the soldier’s leg was ripped off, a medic had to apply a tourniquet around the top part of his thigh so he would not bleed to death.
8929प्रकृतिवाद – Naturalismpertaining to the physical environment and landscapes – भौतिक पर्यावरण और परिदृश्य से संबंधितEveryone asked the landscape designer any questions about plants since he was an expert in naturalism.
8930एक्रोफोबिया – Acrophobiaan unusual dread of elevated places – ऊँचे स्थानों का एक असामान्य भयBecause I have acrophobia, I never ride anything other than the Ferris wheel at the amusement park.
8931उभयलिंगी – Androgynouspartly female and partly male in appearance – दिखने में आंशिक रूप से महिला और आंशिक रूप से पुरुषAs an androgynous, Patrick’s gender will remain uncertain indefinitely.
8932परतदार – Flabfat on a person’s body that is soft and loose – किसी व्यक्ति के शरीर पर वसा जो नरम और ढीली होती हैEating donuts and drinking soda all day caused the couch potato to add a pound of flab to his already heavy frame.
8933संरक्षण – Guardianshipa situation involving the defense or security of something or someone – किसी चीज़ या व्यक्ति की रक्षा या सुरक्षा से जुड़ी स्थितिAuntie Em and Uncle Henry took guardianship of Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz because Dorothy was still a child and needed parent figures.
8934पंखहीन – Unfledgedinexperienced; naïve – अनुभवहीन; अनुभवहीनThe unfledged nurse had very little experience in hospice care.
8935कवच – Shieldto protect a person or thing from something dangerous or unpleasant – किसी व्यक्ति या वस्तु को किसी खतरनाक या अप्रिय चीज़ से बचानाMy mother uses sunglasses to shield her sensitive eyes from the sun’s bright rays.
8936रोक देना – Occludeto close up or block off – बंद करना या बंद करनाThe police officers have blocked off the road to occlude the bomb from the public.
8937दिखावा – Pretensea claim that is not real – एक दावा जो वास्तविक नहीं हैUnder the pretense of being helpful, the sneaky insurance salesman sold the woman a policy that provided her with few benefits.
8938बातचीत के जरिए – Negotiatedtalked about something until a deal was reached – किसी बात पर तब तक बात करते रहे जब तक कोई समझौता नहीं हो गयाThe lawyer negotiated a settlement with the other attorney; the two finally reach an agreement on how much money the client would receive.
8939खुरदुरा – Coarselacking taste or sophistication – स्वाद या परिष्कार की कमीThe coarse young man was not sure which fork to use during the appetizer portion of the meal.
8940बेपरवाह – Nonchalantrelaxed and calm in a way that shows you do not care or are not worried about anything – एक तरह से तनावमुक्त और शांत रहें जिससे पता चलता है कि आपको किसी बात की परवाह नहीं है या आप किसी चीज़ के बारे में चिंतित नहीं हैंSurprisingly, the woman was nonchalant about her husband’s death.
8941क्षणसाथी – Transitorynot permanent; temporary – यह स्थिर नही है; अस्थायीUnfortunately, the homeless people can only stay in the transitory shelter for a short period of time.
8942मंच – Foruma meeting or other place where people can discuss a problem or situation – एक बैठक या अन्य स्थान जहाँ लोग किसी समस्या या स्थिति पर चर्चा कर सकेंAs a member of the forum, Tessa got to speak up about the water issues plaguing the city.
8943असली दुनिया – Real-worldreality – वास्तविकताOnce Steven got a real-world job instead of working for his family whenever he wanted to, Steven would have to put in 40-hour weeks for average pay.
8944अति सूक्ष्म अंतर – Nuancea subtle distinction or variation – एक सूक्ष्म भेद या भिन्नताPlease be quiet so I can hear every nuance of the song!
8945बासी – Rancidbeing foul in taste or smell – स्वाद या गंध में दुर्गंध होनाThe oil went rancid because it was overly exposed to sunlight.
8946नैसयेर – Naysayera pessimist or cynic who almost always says no – एक निराशावादी या निंदक जो लगभग हमेशा ना कहता है“Nothing ever works and I hate everything we do here,” the naysayer stated which did not surprise anyone.
8947सरगम – Gamutan entire range – एक संपूर्ण रेंजThe company has a gamut of products ranging from infant toys to electrical wall outlets.
8948गंदा – Bawdyindecent; obscene – अशोभनीय; अश्लील बनाThe church is certainly not the place for your bawdy remarks.
8949परिचारक – Waitera man whose job is to serve customers at their tables in a restaurant – एक आदमी जिसका काम किसी रेस्तरां में ग्राहकों को उनकी मेज पर सेवा देना हैThe waiter filled the patrons’ water glasses with his pitcher and prepared to take their dinner order on his notepad.
8950स्पष्ट – Self-evidentobvious and clear; not needing any explanation – स्पष्ट और स्पष्ट; किसी स्पष्टीकरण की आवश्यकता नहीं हैThe teacher’s instructions were self-evident, so no students asked any questions about the assignment.
8951धर्मपथ से हटनेवाला – Aberrantstraying from the normal or right way – सामान्य या सही रास्ते से भटक जानाJohn’s aberrant behavior is going to get him in a lot of trouble one of these days.
8952पारदर्शी – Translucentpartially transparent – आंशिक रूप से पारदर्शीBecause Jenna is a proper young lady, she wore a sheath under her translucent wedding dress.
8953बुद्धिमान – Intelligentsmart; knowledgeable – बुद्धिमान; जानकारJason is the most intelligent student in class and always seems to know the right answer.
8954हास्य – Comedicamusing or funny – मनोरंजक या हास्यास्पदThe comedic value of my friend Tristan is pretty low, since his jokes are lame and he never says anything witty.
8955चमक – Nimbusa dark grey rain cloud – एक गहरे भूरे रंग का वर्षा बादलLooking up at the dark nimbus, Hector wondered how long it would be before it started to rain.
8956राजा – Rajahan Indian king or prince – एक भारतीय राजा या राजकुमारThe film describes the life of an Indian rajah who gave up the throne for love.
8957प्रभावशाली – Imposingnoticeable because of size, appearance, or sense of importance – आकार, रूप, या महत्व की भावना के कारण ध्यान देने योग्यStanding over nine feet tall, the giant was an imposing presence that captured everyone’s attention.
8958अनिच्छित – Unwittingignorant or unaware – अज्ञानी या अनजानThe unwitting buyer has no clue what her interest rate is or how long she will have to pay on the loan.
8959शिकन – Wrinklea slight line or fold, especially in skin or fabric – एक हल्की सी रेखा या तह, विशेषकर त्वचा या कपड़े मेंThe maid used the steaming hot iron to smooth each wrinkle on her boss’s shirt.
8960कानून – Enactmentratification or the process of passing legislation (a law) – अनुसमर्थन या कानून पारित करने की प्रक्रिया (एक कानून)Enactment of the Thirteenth Amendment caused slave owners around the country to become enraged at the government.
8961जानना – Knowto understand or be aware of – समझना या जागरूक होनाThe only thing I know about the area is that there is a park close to the river.
8962बिगड़ना – Deteriorateto lessen in value or ability – मूल्य या क्षमता में कमी होनाSince Jan stopped attending piano practice, her playing skill has started to deteriorate.
8963हांफी – Gaspa short, sudden intake of breath – एक छोटी, अचानक साँस लेनाSeeing her father standing at the arrival gate, the soldier’s daughter let out a deep gasp.
8964उपयोगिता – Utilityuseful and able to perform several different functions – उपयोगी और कई अलग-अलग कार्य करने में सक्षमThe utility vehicle was designed to carry loads more efficiently than other types of trucks.
8965कल – Tomorrowthe day after the present day – वर्तमान दिन के बाद का दिनWe cannot go to the movie today, so we will have to go tomorrow when we have some free time.
8966ज़िंदादिल – Blithesomecheerful and lighthearted – प्रसन्नचित्त और प्रसन्नचित्तThe magician practices blithesome magic that is lighthearted enough to make almost anyone smile.
8967बांधने की रस्सी – Tetherto hold something in place while still allowing movement – गति की अनुमति देते हुए किसी चीज़ को अपनी जगह पर रखनाBefore the cowboy settles down for the evening, he will tether the horses around a tree.
8968कौतुहल – Suspensea feeling of anticipation or anxiety over what may happen – क्या हो सकता है इस पर प्रत्याशा या चिंता की भावनाMovies use cliffhangers to make sure their audience feels suspense over what is going to happen next.
8969चुना – Chosethe act of having chosen something – कुछ चुनने की क्रिया या भावMordred of the Round Table chose to betray his Lord, King Arthur, rather than serve him faithfully.
8970शापित – Accursedunder a curse; doomed – एक अभिशाप के तहत; अपराधीAccursed by the black widow, it seemed that the doomed man would never be free of the spell.
8971मल्टीमीडिया – Multimediatechnology that uses a variety of different types of media (sound, audio, video, etc.) to express ideas – वह तकनीक जो विचारों को व्यक्त करने के लिए विभिन्न प्रकार के मीडिया (ध्वनि, ऑडियो, वीडियो, आदि) का उपयोग करती हैThe multimedia presentation showed the audience images of what the Titanic looked like while playing clips of actual interviews.
8972तालक – Talcuma mineral-rich substance often in the form of a powder that has many everyday uses – एक खनिज-समृद्ध पदार्थ जो अक्सर पाउडर के रूप में होता है जिसके कई दैनिक उपयोग होते हैंThe mineral-rich talcum powder is a soothing mosturizer for those who suffer from skin conditions like eczema.
8973लिखना – Inscribeto write on an object – किसी वस्तु पर लिखनाJake asked the jeweler to inscribe a beautiful message on the engagement ring.
8974उत्साहित – Upbeatpositive; cheerful – सकारात्मक; हंसमुखThe cheerleader’s upbeat attitude got the crowd excited.
8975संभवत: – Possiblyindicative of doubt or uncertainty regarding a situation – किसी स्थिति के संबंध में संदेह या अनिश्चितता का सूचकWe could possibly be the only sentient race in the universe, but there’s no way to know for sure.
8976ग्रिंच – Grinchsomeone known for being cruel and a grouch – कोई व्यक्ति क्रूर और क्रोधी होने के लिए जाना जाता हैMy grandfather the grinch throws insults at people most of the time or complains the rest of the time.
8977बाड़ – Fencesomeone who hides or buys and resell the stolen goods for profit – कोई व्यक्ति जो लाभ के लिए चुराए गए सामान को छुपाता है या खरीदता है और दोबारा बेचता हैMy brother was charged for being a fence when he was caught trying to sell stolen merchandise at the Flea market.
8978गपशप – Jabberto talk rapidly, indistinctly, or unintelligibly; to utter gibberish or nonsense – तेजी से, अस्पष्ट रूप से, या अनजाने में बात करना; निरर्थक या निरर्थक बातें करनाI get nervous when my sister begins to jabber about all the nonsense that happens in her world.
8979विडंबना – Ironya state of affairs that is contrary to what is expected and is therefore amusing. – ऐसी स्थिति जो अपेक्षा के विपरीत है और इसलिए मनोरंजक है।The irony of the situation is that Frank wanted to scare his little sister, but she ended up scaring him instead.
8980हस्तांतरण – Transmissiona message sent through a transmitting device, such as a satellite or radio – किसी संचारण उपकरण, जैसे उपग्रह या रेडियो, के माध्यम से भेजा गया संदेशThe radio transmission came through on our end loud and clear, allowing us to hear the President’s speech.
8981ऊपर – Aloftin the air or sky – हवा या आकाश मेंWhen the hot air balloon was aloft, they could see everything on the horizon.
8982वसीयत में देना – Bequeathto give or leave by will – इच्छानुसार देना या छोड़नाSince my father and I had often worked together on his classic car, I was not surprised to learn his will included his desire to bequeath me the vehicle.
8983ब्लिप – Blipan unexpected and minor deviation from the norm – आदर्श से अप्रत्याशित और मामूली विचलनWe usually ride to school with our mom, but there was a blip in the routine the day we had to take the bus instead.
8984विकार – Conjugationthe process of changing a verb’s form to show person, tense, number, etc – व्यक्ति, काल, संख्या आदि दर्शाने के लिए क्रिया के रूप को बदलने की प्रक्रियाIn this form of conjugation, the word ‘help’ changes to ‘helped’ to show the past tense.
8985जमा करना – Submissionan item brought forth before or to a group of people – लोगों के समूह के समक्ष या सामने लाई गई कोई वस्तुAfter my submission of the monthly reports to my boss, I returned several phone calls.
8986रिकॉर्डिंग – Recordingsounds that have been stored electronically, on disk, on tape, etc – ध्वनियाँ जो डिस्क, टेप आदि पर इलेक्ट्रॉनिक रूप से संग्रहीत की गई हैंThe judge heard a voice recording of the suspect admitting that he committed the murder.
8987पिल्ला – Whelpa way to refer to a young man, generally in a disrespectful way – किसी युवा व्यक्ति को आम तौर पर अपमानजनक तरीके से संदर्भित करने का एक तरीकाNormally I’d tell my twelve year old son to stop being so excitable, but the whelp is still young, so I’ll let it slide.
8988निराकार – Incorporeallacking form or substance – रूप या पदार्थ का अभावMost believe the soul to be incorporeal, as it can exist without a physical shell.
8989आसव – Infusionthe act of adding one thing to something else in order to make it stronger or more successful – किसी चीज़ को मजबूत या अधिक सफल बनाने के लिए उसमें एक चीज़ जोड़ने की क्रियाThe secret to great sweet tea is the infusion of black and orange pekoe teas into the hot water.
8990मुक्ति – Deliveranceusually asked or prayed help or saving from a dangerous situation – आमतौर पर किसी खतरनाक स्थिति से मदद या बचाव के लिए कहा या प्रार्थना की जाती हैThe woman prayed for deliverance from her rude mother in law.
8991आचरण – Demeanoran individual’s displayed behavior – किसी व्यक्ति का प्रदर्शित व्यवहारJack’s disruptive demeanor got him kicked out of school for a week.
8992चालाक – Slicksmooth and glossy (usually of a surface) – चिकनी और चमकदार (आमतौर पर एक सतह की)Rain caused the road to become wet and many cars to skid across the slick surface.
8993आदर्शलोक – Utopiaa perfect world – एक आदर्श दुनियाIn Jane’s utopia, everyone would wait on her and call her Princess Jane.
8994घनीय – Cubicala small section of a larger room that is partitioned off – एक बड़े कमरे का एक छोटा सा भाग जो विभाजित किया गया हैSitting in his dismal office cubical, the customer service representative answered endless phone calls from angry customers.
8995मध्यस्थ – Mediatorone that serves as a go-between during a dispute – वह जो किसी विवाद के दौरान बीच-बचाव का काम करता होA mediator was needed to help the divorcing couple come to an agreement.
8996उधार – Borrowedused something that is someone else’s and then gave it back – किसी ऐसी चीज़ का उपयोग करना जो किसी और की है और फिर उसे वापस दे देनाLindsey borrowed her brother’s cell phone charger but can’t return it because she lost it in her room.
8997रोशन – Illuminateto bring attention to or shine light upon – ध्यान आकर्षित करना या प्रकाश डालनाHopefully the justice department’s investigation will illuminate the police corruption in the small town.
8998एलील – Allelean alternative pattern of a gene that results in a variation of a trait – जीन का एक वैकल्पिक पैटर्न जिसके परिणामस्वरूप किसी लक्षण में भिन्नता होती हैThe dominant allele is the one that determines a physical characteristic or trait.
8999क्रांतिकारी बदलाव – Revolutionizeto transform or change something completely – किसी चीज़ को पूरी तरह बदल देना या बदल देनाWhen the famous celebrity changed her hair, she was able to revolutionize a new hairstyle causing many teenage girls to now wear their hair short.
9000प्रतिबिंबित होना – Reflectto deeply or carefully think about something – किसी बात के बारे में गहराई से या ध्यान से सोचनाBefore choosing a vacation spot, the family decided to reflect upon their choices.
  1. Question: How do I greet someone in Hindi?

    • Answer: The common greeting in Hindi is “Namaste,” which translates to “hello” or “welcome” in English.
  2. Question: What is the Hindi equivalent for the English word “meaning”?

    • Answer: The Hindi equivalent for “meaning” is “arth.”
  3. Question: Can you provide examples of basic English words with Hindi meanings?

    • Answer: Certainly! “Water” in English is “paani” in Hindi, and “sun” in English is “surya” in Hindi.
  4. Question: How can I politely make a request in Hindi?

    • Answer: In Hindi, you can use “kripya” to say “please” when making requests or expressing politeness.
  5. Question: What are some commonly used English words with Hindi meanings?

    • Answer: Common words include “good” (accha), “bad” (bura), and “beautiful” (sundar) among others.
  6. Question: How do I say “thank you” in Hindi?

    • Answer: The expression “thank you” in English is translated to “dhanyavaad” in Hindi.
  7. Question: Can you provide an example of a daily-use English word with its Hindi meaning?

    • Answer: Certainly! “House” in English translates to “ghar” in Hindi.
  8. Question: Is there a list of 100 daily use English words with Hindi meanings?

    • Answer: While not listed here, numerous resources provide extensive lists of common English words with their Hindi equivalents.
  9. Question: What is the Hindi word for “food”?

    • Answer: In Hindi, “food” is expressed as “khana,” a term used in daily conversations.

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