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The Most Practical English Correct The Sentences Exercise Part 13

  1. I always rely on an online sentence correction tool to enhance my writing.
  2. An English sentence corrector is crucial for refining language skills.
  3. Accurate English phrase correction is key to effective communication.
  4. Could you please correct your sentence before submitting the document?
  5. Let me help you correct these sentences to meet language standards.
  6. Looking for an online solution to English correct the sentences? Explore various available tools!
  7. Utilize tools for English grammar correction to improve overall writing proficiency.
  8. The teacher recommended regular practice of English correct the sentences exercises.
601 Correct The Given Sentences –  Where to go and what to see were my primary concerns.
602 Correct The Given Sentences –  What made you think my favorite color was green?
603 Correct The Given Sentences –  The handle came away from door when I grasped it.
604 Correct The Given Sentences –  Who is the man sitting at other end of the table?
605 Correct The Given Sentences –  I’ll arrange for someone to pick you up at your home.
606 Correct The Given Sentences –  Put out cigarette. Smoking’s not permitted here.
607 Correct The Given Sentences –  For instance, bowing is peculiar us, the Japanese.
608 Correct The Given Sentences –  It was a purchase which he could not possibly afford.
609 Correct The Given Sentences –  The story reminds me an experience I had long ago.
610 Correct The Given Sentences –  The old man is wise and knows many things about life.
611 Correct The Given Sentences –  The mother was still grieving over her child’s death.
612 Correct The Given Sentences –  The document was distributed all department heads.
613 Correct The Given Sentences –  Those animals can be seen in Northern Hemisphere.
614 Correct The Given Sentences –  Seen from plane, the island looks very beautiful.
615 Correct The Given Sentences –  The airfield on island is now covered with weeds.
616 Correct The Given Sentences –  It is well known that city has high crime rate.
617 Correct The Given Sentences –  First, I’m going to do outline of my new website.
618 Correct The Given Sentences –  Hey, I may have no money, but I still have pride.
619 Correct The Given Sentences –  I would like to give him present for his birthday.
620 Correct The Given Sentences –  Don’t stay in bed, unless you can make money in bed.
621 Correct The Given Sentences –  What happened? There’s water all over apartment.
622 Correct The Given Sentences –  Do you think mankind will someday colonize Moon?
623 Correct The Given Sentences –  Look carefully. I’m going to show you how done.
624 Correct The Given Sentences –  People should understand that world is changing.
625 Correct The Given Sentences –  Ah! If I were rich, I’d buy myself house in Spain.
626 Correct The Given Sentences –  You should have told him about it while he was here.
627 Correct The Given Sentences –  I hope you can come up with better plan than this.
628 Correct The Given Sentences –  Could you lend me bicycle for couple of days?
629 Correct The Given Sentences –  I couldn’t call you; telephone was out of order.
630 Correct The Given Sentences –  I hope you have brains enough to see difference.
631 Correct The Given Sentences –  I think I might join you, but I haven’t decided yet.
632 Correct The Given Sentences –  I think it’s pity you could not come to our party.
633 Correct The Given Sentences –  It is important for you to learn foreign language.
634 Correct The Given Sentences –  Arriving at airport, I saw plane taking off.
635 Correct The Given Sentences –  If it were not for air and water, we could not live.
636 Correct The Given Sentences –  You’ll have to get off at bank and take A52.
637 Correct The Given Sentences –  Interest rates will rise due to monetary tightening.
638 Correct The Given Sentences –  To my surprise, there were no people in village.
639 Correct The Given Sentences –  My driving instructor says I should be more patient.
640 Correct The Given Sentences –  The instructor advised me to get exercise every day.
641 Correct The Given Sentences –  The lamp on desk had out-of-kilter lampshade.
642 Correct The Given Sentences –  You must perform all assignments in timely manner.
643 Correct The Given Sentences –  The students noted down every word teacher said.
644 Correct The Given Sentences –  On leaving school, she got married to her classmate.
645 Correct The Given Sentences –  We made pact that we wouldn’t abandon one another.
646 Correct The Given Sentences –  It was clear that Hanako did not wish to marry Taro.
647 Correct The Given Sentences –  There is not much doubt about cause of fire.
648 Correct The Given Sentences –  My wife often rings me up, while she travels abroad.
649 Correct The Given Sentences –  Observe his facial reaction when we mention price.
650 Correct The Given Sentences –  No matter what happens, I will never change my mind.
601 Missing “to” before “what.” Where to go and what to see were my primary concerns.
602 Missing “that” after “think.” What made you think that my favorite color was green?
603 Missing “the” before “door.” The handle came away from the door when I grasped it.
604 Missing “the” before “other” and “the” before “table.” Who is the man sitting at the other end of the table?
605 Missing “from” after “up.” I’ll arrange for someone to pick you up from your home.
606 Missing “your” before “cigarette.” Put out your cigarette. Smoking’s not permitted here.
607 Missing “to” after “peculiar” and “to” after “bowing.” For instance, bowing is peculiar to us, the Japanese.
608 Missing “that” after “purchase.” It was a purchase that he could not possibly afford.
609 Missing “of” after “reminds me.” The story reminds me of an experience I had long ago.
610 Missing “a” before “wise.” The old man is a wise and knows many things about life.
611 Missing “for” after “grieving.” The mother was still grieving for her child’s death.
612 Missing “to” before “all.” The document was distributed to all department heads.
613 Missing “the” before “Northern.” Those animals can be seen in the Northern Hemisphere.
614 Missing “a” before “plane.” Seen from a plane, the island looks very beautiful.
615 Missing “the” before “island.” and “the” before “airfield.” The airfield on the island is now covered with weeds.
616 Missing “the” before “city.” and “a” before “high.” It is well known that the city has a high crime rate.
617 Missing “an” before “outline.” First, I’m going to do an outline of my new website.
618 Missing “my” before “pride.” Hey, I may have no money, but I still have my pride.
619 Missing “a” before “present.” I would like to give him a present for his birthday.
620 Missing “the” before “bed.” Don’t stay in the bed, unless you can make money in bed.
621 Missing “the” before “apartment.” What happened? There’s water all over the apartment.
622 Missing “the” before “Moon.” Do you think mankind will someday colonize the Moon?
623 Missing “it’s” after “how.” Look carefully. I’m going to show you how it’s done.
624 Missing “the” before “world.” People should understand that the world is changing.
625 Missing “a” before “house.” Ah! If I were rich, I’d buy myself a house in Spain.
626 Missing “that” after “told.” You should have told him about it while he was here.
627 Missing “a” before “better.” I hope you can come up with a better plan than this.
628 Missing “a” before “bicycle” and “a” before “couple.” Could you lend me a bicycle for a couple of days?
629 Missing “the” before “telephone.” I couldn’t call you; the telephone was out of order.
630 Missing “the” before “difference.” I hope you have brains enough to see the difference.
631 Missing “the” before “you.” I think I might join you, but I haven’t decided yet.
632 Missing “a” before “pity.” I think it’s a pity you could not come to our party.
633 Missing “a” before “foreign.” and “the” before “language.” It is important for you to learn a foreign language.
634 Missing “the” before “airport.” Arriving at the airport, I saw the plane taking off.
635 Missing “the” before “air” and “the” before “water.” If it were not for the air and the water, we could not live.
636 Missing “the” before “bank” and “the” before “A52.” You’ll have to get off at the bank and take the A52.
637 Missing “the” before “interest rates.” Interest rates will rise due to the monetary tightening.
638 Missing “the” before “village.” To my surprise, there were no people in the village.
639 Missing “a” before “more.” My driving instructor says I should be a more patient.
640 Missing “an” before “exercise.” The instructor advised me to get an exercise every day.
641 Missing “the” before “desk” and “an” before “out-of-kilter.” The lamp on the desk had an out-of-kilter lampshade.
642 Missing “a” before “timely.” You must perform all assignments in a timely manner.
643 Missing “the” before “teacher.” The students noted down every word the teacher said.
644 Missing “the” before “school.” On leaving the school, she got married to her classmate.
645 Missing “a” before “pact.” We made a pact that we wouldn’t abandon one another.
646 Missing “that” after “clear.” It was clear that Hanako did not wish to marry Taro.
647 Missing “the” before “cause.” There is not much doubt about the cause of the fire.
648 Missing “from” after “rings me up.” My wife often rings me up from, while she travels abroad.
649 Missing “the” before “price.” Observe his facial reaction when we mention the price.
650 Missing “the” before “mind.” No matter what happens, I will never change my mind.

Q1: What benefits does an online sentence correction tool offer?

A1: An online sentence correction tool helps improve writing by identifying and fixing grammatical errors for enhanced clarity.

Q2: How does an English sentence corrector contribute to language refinement?

A2: An English sentence corrector plays a crucial role in refining language skills by identifying and rectifying errors in sentence structure and grammar.

Q3: Why is accurate English phrase correction essential in communication?

A3: Accurate English phrase correction is essential to ensure clear and effective communication by eliminating ambiguity and improving sentence structure.

Q4: How can one effectively correct your sentence without external tools?

A4: To correct your sentence effectively, review your writing for grammatical errors and seek feedback from peers or mentors.

Q5: What is the significance of correcting these sentences?

A5: Correcting these sentences is important to ensure that writing meets language standards, improving readability and overall quality.

Q6: Are there dedicated online platforms for English correct the sentences?

A6: Yes, various online platforms are specifically designed to assist users in English correct the sentences exercises, offering valuable support in language improvement.

Q7: How does English grammar correction contribute to writing proficiency?

A7: English grammar correction is crucial for enhancing writing proficiency by identifying and rectifying grammatical errors, improving sentence structure, and ensuring clarity in expression.

Q8: What advice did the teacher provide for those practicing English correct the sentences exercises?

A8: The teacher recommended consistent practice of English correct the sentences exercises as an effective method for honing language skills and reinforcing grammatical concepts.

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