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The Most Useful Basic English & Simple English Sentences Part 10

Largest Collection of Basic English Sentences and Simple English Sentences. Don’t wait for a second. Start Learning today.

4501 It looks like rain. We had better shut the windows.
4502 It looks like rain. You had better take an umbrella with you.
4503 The rain laid the dust.
4504 The leaves look fresh in the rain.
4505 I was late because of the rain.
4506 You may go cycling if it doesn’t rain.
4507 Whether it will rain or not, the game is going to be held.
4508 Because of rain, we couldn’t go to the beach.
4509 It began to rain cats and dogs.
4510 The rain began to turn into snow.
4511 The rain changed to snow.
4512 We had hoped that the rain would stop before noon.
4513 I wish it would stop raining.
4514 At any rate, I can go out when it stops raining.
4515 It rained for three days on end.
4516 Whether it rains or not, I won’t change my plan.
4517 When it rains, it pours.
4518 He won’t come if it rains.
4519 I’ll stay if it rains.
4520 The rain will revive this tree.
4521 I’ll take in the washing before it rains.
4522 I have a hunch that it will rain.
4523 Every time it rains, the roof leaks.
4524 When it rains, she feels blue.
4525 When it rains, she takes the bus.
4526 Take your umbrella with you in case it rains.
4527 I took my umbrella for fear of rain.
4528 You’d better take your umbrella, just in case it rains.
4529 Take an umbrella with you in case it should rain.
4530 Remember to take your umbrella, in case it rains.
4531 Is it going to rain?
4532 It may rain.
4533 We had not gone so far when it started to rain.
4534 It is going to rain.
4535 Let’s go back before it begins to rain.
4536 It began to rain and she got wet.
4537 I think it’s going to rain.
4538 It looks like rain. You had better take in the washing.
4539 But for the rain, we would have had a pleasant journey.
4540 Absence of rain caused the plants to die.
4541 Unless it rains, the game will be held on Sunday.
4542 Rain doesn’t depress people who like reading.
4543 The rain didn’t stop them from doing their job.
4544 I took shelter under my friend’s umbrella.
4545 It was raining, and Joe’s long hair was completely wet by the time he got home.
4546 Avoid crossing this street when it is raining.
4547 If it were not raining, I would go fishing.
4548 I stayed indoors because it rained.
4549 The weather being rainy, the baseball game was cancelled.
4550 I took a taxi because it was raining.
4551 Though it was raining, she went out.
4552 It was raining.
4553 The rain made the autumn day dismal.
4554 Plants grow quickly after rain.
4555 I always wear boots when it rains or snows.
4556 If it rains, we will put off our practice match.
4557 Since it was raining, we stayed at home.
4558 The rain compelled us to put off the gathering.
4559 The picnic was held in the gym on account of the rain.
4560 Since it rained, I did not go.
4561 It was raining hard, but she insisted on going for a drive.
4562 It rained heavily, and consequently the baseball game was called off.
4563 It is raining hard.
4564 I wish the rain would stop.
4565 Let’s play baseball when the rain stops.
4566 Wait till the rain stops.
4567 It rained so hard that we decided to visit him some other time.
4568 I only hope that the rain holds off for a few hours more.
4569 The rain is raining all around.
4570 When the rain stops, we’ll go for a walk.
4571 It rained five days on end.
4572 The rain lasted three days.
4573 Feathers are peculiar to birds.
4574 A crow is as black as coal.
4575 I found a bird whose wing was severely damaged.
4576 Space travel was thought to be impossible.
4577 Space travel will be commonplace some time in the future.
4578 The spaceship is out of orbit around the moon.
4579 The space ship will get to the moon soon.
4580 If it is seen from a spaceship, the earth looks blue.
4581 There is no air in space.
4582 The origin of the universe will probably never be explained.
4583 I am seeking the path to the end of the universe.
4584 I am invited to the end of the universe.
4585 There are countless heavenly bodies in space.
4586 There are innumerable stars in the universe.
4587 There is no limit to the universe.
4588 There are millions of stars in the universe.
4589 There are many galaxies in the universe.
4590 I can’t lift my right arm.
4591 I think my right arm is broken.
4592 I can’t bend my right arm.
4593 I’m afraid I dislocated my right arm.
4594 Something has happened to my right eye.
4595 My right foot is sleeping.
4596 The building on the right side is a school.
4597 My upper right wisdom tooth hurts.
4598 My right hand is numb.
4599 Pus is coming out of my right ear.
4600 Turn to the right.
4601 Lie on your right side.
4602 Turning to the right, you will find the city hall in front of you.
4603 Turning to the right, you will see a white tower.
4604 Take the road on the right.
4605 If you turn right, you will see a big building.
4606 Always give way to traffic coming from the right.
4607 The hermit lived in a wooden hut.
4608 You are a snake!
4609 Don’t speak badly of him in his absence.
4610 I’ll explain how to take this medicine.
4611 I would like to order drinks now.
4612 Each individual paid 7000 dollars.
4613 One can drink too much, but one never drinks enough.
4614 I got along so well with the guy sitting next to me at the pub that we ended up drinking together till dawn.
4615 The drawer is stuffed full of odds and ends.
4616 I forgot to lock the drawer.
4617 I persuaded him to give up the idea.
4618 When was printing invented?
4619 Lightning is usually followed by thunder.
4620 Lightning is an electrical phenomenon.
4621 The lightning flashed.
4622 The flash of lightning precedes the sound of thunder.
4623 The rice crop is already in.
4624 An illustration may make the point clear.
4625 I’ll let you know in a day or so.
4626 I suppose I’ll be in trouble if I don’t stay up all night to cram for the examination.
4627 At a glance, he knew that the child was hungry.
4628 She attracted me at first sight.
4629 I recognized her at first glance.
4630 An arrow passed through the hawk.
4631 One is red and the other is white.
4632 On one hand he praised my report, but on the other hand he criticized it.
4633 On one hand he is kind, but on the other hand he is lazy.
4634 On the one hand, you are wrong, but on the other hand, I can’t blame you for that.
4635 The first step is as good as half over.
4636 A single step, and you will fall over the cliff.
4637 A minute has sixty seconds.
4638 What do you say to taking a rest?
4639 I partly agree with you.
4640 Some hospitals hand out free samples of baby milk.
4641 Some babies learn to swim even before they are one year old.
4642 Some newspapers distorted the news.
4643 A cat ran across the street.
4644 I got up early in order to catch the first train.
4645 The best thing to do is to ask an expert to repair it.
4646 The youngest boy dropped behind the other hikers.
4647 The boy who writes best wins the prize.
4648 The eldest sister acted for the mother.
4649 How much is the most expensive car?
4650 Where’s the nearest travel agency?
4651 Where’s the nearest drugstore?
4652 Where’s the nearest museum?
4653 Where is the nearest bank?
4654 Where’s the nearest art gallery?
4655 Where is the nearest lost and found?
4656 Can you tell me where the nearest hotel service phone is?
4657 Where’s the nearest department store?
4658 I’d like to know the phone number of the nearest American Express office.
4659 I was beside myself with jealousy when my youngest sister rose in the world.
4660 My youngest brother was brought up by our grandmother.
4661 I’d like the most inexpensive room you have for four nights.
4662 You can hear English on Channel 1, and Japanese on Channel 7.
4663 I wonder whether man could live with only two hours’ sleep a night.
4664 I read the whole book in one evening.
4665 Generally speaking, New Zealanders are taller than Japanese.
4666 Generally speaking, men are taller than women.
4667 Generally speaking, Westerners don’t eat fish raw.
4668 Generally speaking, women live longer than men by almost ten years.
4669 Generally speaking, Americans like coffee.
4670 Generally speaking, history repeats itself.
4671 Generally speaking, boys like girls with long hair.
4672 Generally speaking, men are physically stronger than women.
4673 The public is the best judge.
4674 The people at large are hoping for great changes in the light of the present situation.
4675 In general, Japanese are hardworking.
4676 In general, young people dislike formality.
4677 In general, it may be said that he is a genius in music.
4678 In general, communication between doctors and their patients is the most important part of medical treatment.
4679 I feel like having a drink.
4680 Please give me a cup of milk.
4681 Let me buy you a drink.
4682 Want a drink?
4683 After a year’s practice, she plays the piano after a fashion.
4684 There are four seasons in a year.
4685 You can’t stay in here all day.
4686 There is nothing like a glass of beer after a whole day’s work.
4687 It was fine all day.
4688 It rained continuously all day.
4689 It rained hard all day.
4690 I had to stay in bed all day.
4691 I sit in front of a computer screen all day, so I get pretty heavily bombarded by electro-magnetic waves.
4692 Do you mind if I take a day off?
4693 Every day of thy life is a page in thy history.
4694 A shit a day keeps the doctor away.
4695 A day has twenty-four hours.
4696 The day is almost over.
4697 At the end of a working day, everybody is in a hurry to get home.
4698 Out of the frying pan and into the fire.
4699 Are you sure you’ve never met him?
4700 I haven’t met him even once.
4701 I can’t do two things at a time.
4702 How many books can I take out at one time?
4703 Do one thing at a time.
4704 You must not eat too much food at one time.
4705 What’s done cannot be undone.
4706 Rome was not built in a day.
4707 What is he mad at, I wonder?
4708 Can his story be true?
4709 Who ever can it be?
4710 What on earth is the problem?
4711 Who’s going to clear up all this mess?
4712 Why on earth are you here?
4713 How in the world did you do it?
4714 Whatever is that noise?
4715 What was it that you gave him?
4716 What the devil are you doing?
4717 Where on earth did you meet him?
4718 How on earth did you know that?
4719 Let’s take a break.
4720 Is it about ten million yen?
4721 Study hard, and you’ll succeed.
4722 Study hard, or you’ll fail the exam.
4723 Work hard, and your salary will be raised by degrees.
4724 You won’t succeed unless you work hard.
4725 He worked hard.
4726 If he tries hard, he will succeed.
4727 That might be the most painful experience in my life.
4728 You’ll be able to speak English better if you practice hard.
4729 Only after a century and a half of confusion was the royal authority restored.
4730 The worm turns.
4731 Nothing is so pleasant as traveling alone.
4732 All but one were present.
4733 Left alone, the little girl began to cry.
4734 One stayed and the other went away.
4735 I dislike being alone.
4736 An old man broke into our conversation.
4737 A man drew near.
4738 A girl approached the king from among the crowd.
4739 A woman appeared from behind a tree.
4740 Leave me alone.
4741 Left alone, he began to read a book.
4742 I like to travel by myself.
4743 Nothing is so pleasant as travelling alone.
4744 Is it dangerous to take a subway alone?
4745 Instead of going myself, I sent a messenger.
4746 I’d rather stay home than go alone.
4747 Let me go alone.
4748 I don’t want to go alone.
4749 She allowed him to go alone.
4750 It was careless of her to go out alone.
4751 You cannot lift the piano alone.
4752 Can you move this desk by yourself?
4753 Did you come here alone?
4754 One person more or less doesn’t make much difference.
4755 The admission is ten dollars a person.
4756 It’s good to be able to concentrate single-mindedly on your work, but you’re completely ignoring the people around you.
4757 It won’t hurt you to skip one meal.
4758 Take me with you.
4759 Won’t you come with me?
4760 Come with me, will you?
4761 Would you play with me?
4762 Come along with me and go fishing.
4763 Do you mind if I join your trip to the country?
4764 What do you say to dining out together?
4765 Do you want to come along?
4766 Would you like to go see a movie with me?
4767 Hard work has brought him success.
4768 With great effort he climbed up the tree.
4769 A moment’s hesitation may cost a pilot his life.
4770 I was in the hospital for a week.
4771 We plan to stay a week.
4772 I will give you back the CD in a week.
4773 We are able to deliver within a week.
4774 I’ll finish the work in a week or less.
4775 There are seven days in a week.
4776 He took a week off.
4777 You can read ten books in a week? Don’t you mean in a month?
4778 It’s a temporary condition.
4779 I waited for an hour, but he didn’t appear.
4780 I met her an hour ago.
4781 It stopped snowing an hour ago.
4782 I’ve been waiting for you for over an hour.
4783 I’ll be back within an hour.
4784 Will you lend me your bicycle for an hour?
4785 He who steals a pin will steal an ox.
4786 I can’t afford $40 for one book!
4787 It has been raining since the day before yesterday, but it may clear up this afternoon.
4788 It has been raining on and off since the day before yesterday.
4789 I received your letter the day before yesterday.
4790 The amount of paper produced by a country is closely related to its cultural standards.
4791 The party set out for Kobe.
4792 The party started soon after his arrival.
4793 The leader of the party is a famous scientist.
4794 Can I have a bite?
4795 He didn’t say a word.
4796 In a word, he is a coward.
4797 In a word, I think he’s a fool.
4798 We have snow in January.
4799 I’m taking an exam in January.
4800 Please sing a song.
4801 I want to sing a song.
4802 Let’s take a rest.
4803 The family had a hard time after the war.
4804 Except for Tom, the family was all watching TV in silence.
4805 He is the black sheep of the family.
4806 I went to the South Pacific for a summer of romantic adventure.
4807 I don’t like being made a fool of.
4808 I’ll tell you a story.
4809 I’ll give you a piece of good advice.
4810 May I ask a favor of you?
4811 An idea occurred to me.
4812 To know a language is one thing, and to teach it is another.
4813 Would you do me a favor?
4814 I have a favor to ask of you.
4815 Not a drop of rain fell for a month, so they had to dig a well.
4816 I feel exactly the same as Mr Isoda.
4817 Mr Iuchi has no one to fall back on.
4818 Inoue doesn’t like computers.
4819 There was no water in the well.
4820 The well ran dry.
4821 Do you have medical insurance?
4822 Please call me a doctor.
4823 Shall I go for the doctor?
4824 Send for the doctor.
4825 You’d better send for a doctor.
4826 The doctor bent over the sick boy.
4827 So the doctor started to examine her.
4828 The doctor ordered her to go on a strict diet.
4829 The doctor persuaded him to give up smoking.
4830 The doctor cured him of his illness.
4831 The doctor cured him of his cancer.
4832 The doctor gave him the medicine.
4833 The doctor advised him to stop working too much.
4834 The doctor advised him to keep away from drinking.
4835 The doctor told him to give up smoking and drinking.
4836 The doctor advised him to give up smoking.
4837 The doctor felt my pulse.
4838 The doctor examined my throat.
4839 The doctor advised me not to eat too much.
4840 The doctor advised my father to give up smoking.
4841 The doctor advised me to take up some sport to stay in shape.
4842 The doctor advised me to stop smoking.
4843 The doctor didn’t allow me to go out.
4844 The doctor advised me to give up smoking.
4845 The doctor ordered me to stay in bed.
4846 The doctor continued to observe the patient’s behavior.
4847 The doctor placed a stethoscope on the patient’s chest.
4848 The doctor informed his patient of the name of his disease.
4849 The doctor has ordered the patient to abstain from wine.
4850 What’d the doctor say?
4851 My doctor advised me to give up smoking.
4852 The doctor advised Mr White not to smoke too much.
4853 The doctor arrived in time to save her.
4854 What did he say?
4855 The doctor thought the patient’s pulse was rather rapid.
4856 The doctor is looking for medicine that is effective for this illness.
4857 The doctor recommended that you should give up smoking.
4858 The doctor insisted that he stay in bed.
4859 The doctor used X-rays to examine my stomach.
4860 All the doctor’s efforts were in vain and the man soon died.
4861 I wish I had followed the doctor’s advice.
4862 A doctor’s instruments must be kept absolutely clean.
4863 We sent for a doctor.
4864 Did you see a doctor?
4865 It is necessary that you see a doctor.
4866 You had better see a doctor; it may not be just a cold.
4867 You’d better consult your doctor.
4868 Go and see the doctor.
4869 You had better see the doctor.
4870 You ought to see a doctor.
4871 I think you should see a doctor.
4872 You must see a doctor.
4873 Let’s send for the doctor.
4874 The doctor says she suffers from rheumatism.
4875 Did you go to the doctor?
4876 Any doctor will tell you to quit smoking.
4877 Doctors and nurses must preserve life at all costs.
4878 Doctors should keep abreast with all the latest developments in medicine.
4879 I think he is a doctor.
4880 He lay in agony until the doctor arrived.
4881 She had been ill for a week when the doctor was sent for.
4882 Doctors refused to perform a second operation.
4883 The doctor reassured me about my father’s condition.
4884 The doctor advised that she take a holiday.
4885 I’m thinking of going to Germany to study medicine.
4886 Where is the lost and found?
4887 I’m sorry to say, but the service isn’t very good.
4888 Wrong.
4889 No, no, no!
4890 The difference is this: he works harder than you.
4891 Please get dressed.
4892 It is hard for an empty sack to stand straight.
4893 Food, clothing and shelter are the basis of life.
4894 I got a stomach tumor and had to have it operated on.
4895 My stomach hurts.
4896 Do you feel any pain in your stomach?
4897 My stomach is rumbling.
4898 Immigrants streamed into the land.
4899 Is everything all right?
4900 The streets are filled with an air of exoticism.
4901 The rate of exchange is 145 yen to the dollar.
4902 He who can, does. He who cannot, teaches.
4903 It is under the chair.
4904 Two seats were vacant.
4905 It is difficult to convey the meaning exactly.
4906 I’m catching on.
4907 I lost consciousness.
4908 She is unconscious.
4909 We use words in order to communicate.
4910 Opinion is ultimately determined by the feelings, and not by the intellect.
4911 Anyone with an opinion please raise their hand.
4912 You don’t say.
4913 The committee elected him chairperson.
4914 The committee is discussing social welfare.
4915 The committee meets twice a month.
4916 The committee consists of twelve members.
4917 The committee will meet next Friday.
4918 All the members of the committee hate one another.
4919 The committee are all present.
4920 The great critic and the poet are traveling together.
4921 Every great writer seems to have been interested in English.
4922 A great scholar is not necessarily a good teacher.
4923 Great men are not always wise.
4924 On your marks, get set, go!
4925 Does Mr Ito teach history?
4926 Mr Ito is a highly educated man.
4927 We’ve been friends ever since.
4928 A hideous monster used to live there.
4929 There was a tall tree in front of my house.
4930 I’m not as rich as I was.
4931 He said he had been to Hawaii before.
4932 I used to play with my sister in the park.
4933 It used to be thought that the earth was flat.
4934 You used to smoke, didn’t you?
4935 There used to be a church here.
4936 There used to be a green field here; now there’s a supermarket.
4937 People used to travel on foot.
4938 I was bored because I had seen the movie before.
4939 There used to be a big pond around here.
4940 There used to be an old temple here.
4941 I’ve always wanted to meet you.
4942 Haven’t we met before?
4943 Have we met before?
4944 Not having seen her before, I did not know her.
4945 I’ve been to Hokkaido before.
4946 Is that all?
4947 I may have seen that film before, but I can hardly remember it.
4948 The following persons passed the examination.
4949 It was a dark night.
4950 The darkness has not overcome it.
4951 Darkness is the absence of light.
4952 Our guide misinformed us about the location of the hotel.
4953 Could you send me a brochure?
4954 Where is the information counter?
4955 This book is surprisingly easy to read, isn’t it?
4956 I have no plans whatever.
4957 Sure enough, the ghost appeared on the balcony.
4958 As was to be expected, he took the first place.
4959 I don’t mind your groping in the dark for a solution, but I wish you’d come to a decision.
4960 Something was stirring in the dark.
4961 I was afraid of getting lost in the dark.
4962 It is too dark to play outside.
4963 It is too dark to see clearly.
4964 It’s too dark to play outside.
4965 I will return to the house before dark.
4966 I want to reach the hotel before it gets dark.
4967 Come home before dark.
4968 We are likely to get there before dark.
4969 It is getting darker. It may rain soon.
4970 It is getting dark. Let’s go home.
4971 Don’t let her go out after dark.
4972 Don’t go out after dark.
4973 I don’t like to go out after dark.
4974 Don’t walk alone after dark.
4975 Not seeing anything in the dark, we couldn’t move.
4976 What are you looking for in the dark room?
4977 Watch your step in dark alleys.
4978 He lost his sense of direction in the dark woods.
4979 Dark clouds are a sign of rain.
4980 Don’t read books in a dark place.
4981 Buy cheap and waste your money.
4982 Everybody speaks very highly of Ando.
4983 You may injure yourself if you don’t follow safety procedures.
4984 For safety purposes, remove the plastic casing before use.
4985 Excessive concern with safety can be dangerous.
4986 You should stay in bed.
4987 At ease.
4988 Do you know of any inexpensive stores?
4989 Send it to me as a compressed file.
4990 Let’s shake hands and be friends.
4991 Keep away from bad company.
4992 Try to avoid bad company.
4993 I feel as if I’ve woken up from a nightmare.
4994 Speak of the devil and he is sure to appear.
4995 It is not easy to get rid of bad habits.
4996 Due to bad weather, the plane was late.
4997 I couldn’t go out on account of the bad weather.
4998 The bad weather frustrated our plans.
4999 Father was in a bad mood since he couldn’t play golf because of bad weather.
5000 Farmers suffered crop losses from poor weather.

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