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The Most Useful Basic English & Simple English Sentences Part 5

Largest Collection of Basic English Sentences and Simple English Sentences. Don’t wait for a second. Start Learning today.

2001 Money does not grow on trees.
2002 I will give you the money tomorrow.
2003 Gold is more precious than iron.
2004 Money is a good servant, but a bad master.
2005 Gold is similar in color to brass.
2006 Was the money actually paid?
2007 Gold is heavier than silver.
2008 Keep the money in a safe place.
2009 I have no money, but I have dreams.
2010 Money is welcome everywhere.
2011 There is a lot of money.
2012 I have some money with me.
2013 Gold is more precious than any other metal.
2014 I feel the want of money.
2015 The price of gold fluctuates daily.
2016 Money doesn’t grow on trees, you know.
2017 Money and I are strangers; in other words, I am poor.
2018 Money cannot compensate for life.
2019 Money cannot buy happiness.
2020 Money can’t buy happiness.
2021 Gold will not buy everything.
2022 Too much money?
2023 Money talks.
2024 Little money, few friends.
2025 Money is not everything.
2026 Some of the money was stolen.
2027 Money enables you to buy anything.
2028 If I were rich, I would do so. As it is, I can do nothing.
2029 Many local traditions have fallen into decay in recent years.
2030 In recent years, science has made remarkable progress.
2031 Recent advances in medicine are remarkable.
2032 Let’s take a short cut.
2033 The art of modern warfare does not necessarily require soldiers to be armed to the teeth to be effective as combatants.
2034 Modern technology gives us many new things.
2035 The whole neighborhood mourned his death.
2036 There was a big fire in my neighborhood.
2037 A fire broke out near my house.
2038 Young people wear their hair long these days.
2039 Nowadays we are apt to forget the benefits of nature.
2040 Travelling is easy these days.
2041 Few people visit me these days.
2042 There aren’t many good tunes coming out nowadays.
2043 I have not heard from her recently.
2044 Nowadays his father goes to work by car.
2045 I have seen little of him lately.
2046 Prices are high these days.
2047 Meat is very expensive nowadays.
2048 What kind of songs are popular these days?
2049 There is a hospital nearby.
2050 There is a shopping area nearby.
2051 Although her house is nearby, I seldom see her.
2052 There is a flower shop near by.
2053 Is there a McDonald’s near here?
2054 I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon.
2055 In the near future, space travel will no longer be just a dream.
2056 There will be an energy crisis in the near future.
2057 Will there be an earthquake in the near future?
2058 In the near future, we will be able to put an end to AIDS.
2059 These problems will be solved in the near future.
2060 I’ll get in touch with you soon.
2061 I hope it won’t be long before I hear from her.
2062 This city will suffer from an acute water shortage unless it rains soon.
2063 I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.
2064 You’ll be hearing from us soon.
2065 I’ll come and see you one of these days.
2066 I’m thinking of visiting you one of these days.
2067 An emergency may occur at any time.
2068 What number should I call in case of an emergency?
2069 In case of emergency, call 119.
2070 In case of an emergency, dial 110.
2071 My muscles have become soft.
2072 I asked for a seat in the non-smoking section.
2073 I advise you to stop smoking.
2074 It is difficult to give up smoking.
2075 Hard work has made Japan what it is today.
2076 Smoking on duty is not allowed.
2077 Hard work is the price of success.
2078 Hard work is the main element of success.
2079 His diligence earned him success.
2080 In the end, the diligent person succeeds.
2081 Some boys are diligent, others are idle.
2082 His diligence and good conduct earned him the scholarship.
2083 Hard work has brought him where he is.
2084 Diligence may compensate for lack of experience.
2085 Slight inattention can cause a great disaster.
2086 I gave him what little money I had.
2087 Tears came into my eyes when I was chopping onions.
2088 Don’t go to extremes. To be moderate is important in anything.
2089 Turn on your back.
2090 I was too astonished to speak.
2091 Her eyes become round in surprise.
2092 To my surprise, she was alive.
2093 To my surprise, there were no people in the village.
2094 What a surprise!
2095 I found, to my surprise, that she was dead.
2096 To our surprise, he was defeated in the match.
2097 To my surprise, they ate the meat raw.
2098 To my great surprise, we won!
2099 To my surprise, the door was unlocked.
2100 To my surprise, he got married to a very beautiful actress.
2101 To my dismay, my wallet was gone.
2102 To our surprise, Tom came to our party with Mary.
2103 Hasn’t he looked at himself in a mirror?
2104 Don’t break a mirror.
2105 A mirror reflects light.
2106 He is not just interested, he’s crazy about it.
2107 The excitement reached its peak.
2108 I was so excited that I could not fall asleep.
2109 Don’t scare me like that!
2110 I have heartburn.
2111 It was a heartbreaking story.
2112 I feel like vomiting.
2113 I could not speak a word, for my heart was full.
2114 Enter by the narrow gate.
2115 Look out for the wild dog!
2116 Are you mad?
2117 Tom started the engine.
2118 Mr Hashimoto is known to everyone.
2119 As he crossed the bridge, he looked down at the stream.
2120 I’ll go with you as far as the bridge.
2121 Bridges are burning and chances are few.
2122 The bridge is being repainted.
2123 The bridge was carried away by the flood.
2124 The bridge was washed away by the flood.
2125 The bridge is made of stone.
2126 The bridge is safe; you can drive across.
2127 Do you know the man standing on the bridge?
2128 It was dark under the bridge.
2129 My driving instructor says I should be more patient.
2130 The professor scolded John for skipping class.
2131 Our professor promised to hold off on the final exam for another week.
2132 Keep your classroom clean.
2133 The classroom was full of pupils.
2134 It is the students’ duty to clean their classrooms.
2135 There is a tall man in the classroom.
2136 Take off your hat when you enter a classroom.
2137 I wish our classroom were air-conditioned.
2138 You must not make noises in the classroom.
2139 Get out of the classroom.
2140 The teachers are trying to motivate their students.
2141 Teachers shouldn’t fall back on their authority.
2142 Teachers should give their children faith that tomorrow will be brighter and happier.
2143 Teachers must understand children.
2144 Teachers should treat all their students impartially.
2145 A teacher should never make fun of a pupil who makes a mistake.
2146 I have been a teacher for 15 years.
2147 When the teacher is very strict, the students must mind their P’s and Q’s.
2148 The instructor advised me to get exercise every day.
2149 The church is on the hill overlooking the city.
2150 Churches are designated on the map with crosses.
2151 The church is surrounded by woods and lakes.
2152 The church is decorated with flowers for the wedding.
2153 The clock in the church tower struck nine.
2154 There is usually an organ in a church.
2155 Churches were erected all over the island.
2156 The educational system is in transition.
2157 Education is one of the most essential aspects of life.
2158 Education does not consist simply in learning a lot of facts.
2159 Education aims to develop potential abilities.
2160 Education is a critical element.
2161 Education must not be limited to our youth, but it must be a continuing process through our entire lives.
2162 Education doesn’t consist of learning a lot of facts.
2163 Teaching is learning.
2164 Teaching demands a lot of patience.
2165 Oh! Show it to me please.
2166 Kyoko went away, humming a song.
2167 Dinosaurs are now extinct.
2168 Fear always springs from ignorance.
2169 Fear robbed him of speech.
2170 His legs were trembling from fear.
2171 Sorry, but can you show me the way to the next village?
2172 I am very sorry, but I must cancel our appointment for February 27.
2173 I’m afraid you have to work overtime.
2174 Fear crept into my heart and settled there.
2175 It’s awfully cold today.
2176 It’s awfully cold this evening.
2177 A terrible fate awaited him.
2178 Would you mind opening the window?
2179 Please make certain your seat belt is fastened.
2180 Don’t be afraid.
2181 It will be fine weather tomorrow, perhaps.
2182 I am afraid to jump over the ditch.
2183 The bold man glanced at the gangster with hatred and contempt.
2184 There’s nothing to be afraid of.
2185 The strong wind died away at night.
2186 Strong winds stripped the tree of its leaves.
2187 The strong wind indicates that a storm is coming.
2188 Tall buildings may sway in a strong wind.
2189 The thieves knocked off another bank today in a daytime robbery.
2190 The burglar locked the couple in the basement.
2191 The robber bashed her head in.
2192 The burglar broke into the post office in broad daylight.
2193 The robber aimed his gun at the police officer.
2194 The burglar shut the child in the closet.
2195 A burglar broke into the bank last night.
2196 The strong must help the weak.
2197 The strong should take care of the weak.
2198 A strong wind was blowing.
2199 A strong wind is blowing and I can’t walk fast.
2200 A strong wind arose.
2201 A strong wind blew all day long.
2202 The hot sun baked the ground dry.
2203 The strong east wind lashed at our faces.
2204 It is hard to wake up without a strong cup of coffee.
2205 There is very little probability of an agreement being reached.
2206 The fingerprints left on the weapon correspond with the suspect’s.
2207 A republic is a nation whose head is not a king or queen, but a president.
2208 I obtained the painting at an auction.
2209 I just lost at the races so I’m flat broke.
2210 The competition has become fierce.
2211 He came in fifth in the race.
2212 Competition is not bad in itself.
2213 How did you get to the stadium?
2214 Your name was given to us by Mr. Hayashi of Keiyo Steel Corporation.
2215 Do you have a map of the city of Kyoto?
2216 You should visit Kyoto.
2217 Kyoto is worth visiting.
2218 Kyoto is not as large as Osaka.
2219 Kyoto is famous for its old temples.
2220 Kyoto was the former capital of Japan.
2221 How do you like Kyoto?
2222 Kyoto is visited by many people every year.
2223 Summers are very hot in Kyoto.
2224 There are many famous old buildings in Kyoto.
2225 A heavy snow fell in Kyoto for the first time in ages.
2226 There are many places to visit in Kyoto.
2227 Have you been to Kyoto?
2228 There are many sights to see in Kyoto.
2229 Fishing is one of the most popular hobbies.
2230 Fishing just isn’t my line.
2231 I prefer staying home to going fishing.
2232 How is it going in the fish market?
2233 Eating fish is good for your health.
2234 They sell fish and meat.
2235 Fish cannot live out of water.
2236 Do you like fish?
2237 Fish live in the sea.
2238 There are as good fish in the sea as ever came out of it.
2239 Do you think fish can hear?
2240 I got a fish bone stuck in my throat.
2241 Air is to us what water is to fish.
2242 How often do you feed the fish?
2243 I seasoned the fish with salt and pepper.
2244 Fish and red wine don’t go together.
2245 Fish and meat are both nourishing, but the latter is more expensive than the former.
2246 Eat not only fish, but also meat.
2247 I can no more swim than a fish can walk.
2248 I’m allergic to fish.
2249 Two dogs fight for a bone, and the third runs away with it.
2250 You can’t enter the building without a permit.
2251 You can’t enter here unless you have a pass.
2252 You mustn’t enter this room without permission.
2253 You cannot take a picture in the theater without permission.
2254 We talked quite frankly.
2255 The living room adjoins the dining room.
2256 I had a stroke last year.
2257 I put on a little weight last year.
2258 I lost my wife last year.
2259 The crops failed last year.
2260 We had a lot of snow last year.
2261 We had a lot of rain last year.
2262 We had a mild winter last year.
2263 There was a lot of snow last winter.
2264 I took a cooking class last spring and learned to bake bread.
2265 Last summer I traveled to Italy.
2266 We had a good deal of rain last summer.
2267 I grew tomatoes last year and they were very good.
2268 He began to work for that company last year.
2269 Out of sight out of mind. When you’re separated you lose touch.
2270 My sister married a high school teacher last June.
2271 Won’t you have another glass of milk?
2272 I bought two bottles of milk.
2273 The milk froze and became solid.
2274 Milk is a popular beverage.
2275 Milk boils at a higher temperature than water.
2276 Milk makes us strong.
2277 Milk easily turns sour.
2278 Milk is made into butter and cheese.
2279 There’s only a little milk left.
2280 Milk can be made into butter, cheese, and many other things.
2281 The milk turned sour.
2282 The milk was diluted with water.
2283 The milk has gone bad.
2284 The milk has turned sour.
2285 You must buy milk, eggs, butter, and so on.
2286 Beef, please.
2287 I raise cattle.
2288 Cattle feed on grass.
2289 Cows give us milk.
2290 Cows provide us with milk.
2291 The cow supplies us with milk.
2292 Cows supply us with milk.
2293 A cow gives us milk.
2294 Cows are sacred to Hindus.
2295 Yoke the oxen to the plow.
2296 Cows are eating grass in the meadow.
2297 The cows are eating grass.
2298 I ran into an old friend.
2299 My old friend dropped in at my house.
2300 You can’t teach an old dog new tricks.
2301 Wages vary in relation to the age of the worker.
2302 Pay will be based on experience and educational background.
2303 In terms of salary, that job is fantastic.
2304 Aside from his salary, he receives money from investments.
2305 His low salary prevents him from buying the house.
2306 Do you have lunch at school?
2307 The printer needs paper.
2308 The waiter brought a new plate.
2309 Waiter, please bring me some water.
2310 His classmates’ jeers reduced him to tears.
2311 Necessity is the mother of invention.
2312 Ultimately, space flight will be beneficial to all mankind.
2313 One third of the earth’s surface is desert.
2314 Crying is an expression of grief.
2315 Misfortunes never come singly.
2316 Rub salt in the wound.
2317 I can’t help crying.
2318 I don’t know whether to cry or to laugh.
2319 There is only one day left, whether we like it or not.
2320 It’s hard to handle crying babies.
2321 Don’t shout at the crying child. It only adds fuel to the fire.
2322 Ask, and it shall be given you.
2323 Call an ambulance.
2324 Please send an ambulance.
2325 Do you need an ambulance?
2326 Urgent business prevented him from coming.
2327 A sudden illness prevented him from going there.
2328 The express train does not stop between Shibuya and Naka-Meguro.
2329 The express train is an hour faster than the local.
2330 The express train went by so fast that we hardly saw it.
2331 How much is the express?
2332 I need medical help.
2333 Please hurry, it’s urgent.
2334 I burst into tears.
2335 I’m sorry we gave you such short notice of our visit.
2336 I’ve suddenly started to gain weight.
2337 Suddenly, it rained.
2338 Don’t brake suddenly.
2339 If we hurry, we’ll make it.
2340 If you hurry up, you will be in time.
2341 I think we’ll make it if we hurry.
2342 Hurry up, and you’ll catch the bus.
2343 Hurry up, and you’ll be in time for school.
2344 Hurry up. You’ll be late for school.
2345 Hurry up, or you will miss the train.
2346 Hurry up, or you will miss the last train.
2347 Hurry up, or you will be late for the last train.
2348 There seems no need to hurry.
2349 You don’t have to hurry.
2350 We didn’t need to hurry.
2351 Let’s hurry up.
2352 Hurry up, or you’ll be late for school.
2353 Hurry up, or you will be late.
2354 Hurry up, or you won’t catch up with him.
2355 Hurry up, or you’ll miss the bus.
2356 Hurry up, or we’ll miss the train.
2357 Hurry up, or you’ll miss your plane.
2358 Hurry up, or you’ll miss the train.
2359 Make haste, or you will be late.
2360 Hurry up, or you’ll be late.
2361 Hurry up, or you will miss the bus.
2362 You must hurry up, or you will miss the express.
2363 Unless you hurry, you will be late for school.
2364 Hurry, or you’ll miss the train.
2365 Hurry up, otherwise you’ll be late for lunch.
2366 You’ll miss the train if you don’t hurry.
2367 There’s enough time for a quick snack.
2368 Having been written in haste, the book has a lot of errors.
2369 As it was written in haste, the book has many faults.
2370 I must hurry to class.
2371 Let’s finish up in a hurry.
2372 It is better to take your time than to hurry and make mistakes.
2373 Hurry along or you’ll be late.
2374 There is no need to draw a hasty conclusion.
2375 I hurried home.
2376 Haste makes waste.
2377 Hurry up, Tom.
2378 Please hurry.
2379 Are you in a hurry?
2380 In the palace live the king and the queen.
2381 I will help you all I can.
2382 You just need a good rest.
2383 Enjoy your holidays.
2384 It will do you good to have a holiday.
2385 Did you enjoy your holiday?
2386 Take a rest.
2387 The closing of school was due to the heavy snow.
2388 Let’s take a break for coffee.
2389 I spent idle days during the vacation.
2390 During the vacation, I read the entire works of Milton.
2391 During the vacation my sister and I stayed at a small village at the foot of Mt. Fuji.
2392 The number of students who travel abroad for vacation is increasing.
2393 Please cut your vacation short and return.
2394 If you don’t take a vacation, you’ll collapse.
2395 Enjoy your vacation.
2396 How did you spend your vacation?
2397 Where do you suppose you’ll spend your vacation?
2398 The vacation is close to an end.
2399 Where are you going on vacation?
2400 How was your vacation?
2401 How did you enjoy your vacation?
2402 My vacation went by quickly.
2403 Tell me what you did on your holidays.
2404 Have you made up your mind where to go for the holidays?
2405 Who is absent?
2406 Stand at ease!
2407 I did nothing during the holidays.
2408 Do you feel like resting?
2409 Too long a holiday makes one reluctant to start work again.
2410 I’m dying to see Kumiko.
2411 The hill was all covered with snow.
2412 You see a white building at the foot of the hill.
2413 The building on the hill is our school.
2414 Look at that tower standing on the hill.
2415 Look at that building standing on the hill.
2416 A beautiful church stands on the hill.
2417 The house which stands on the hill is very old.
2418 Are there oak trees on the hill?
2419 There is a large house on the hill.
2420 His house was in sight from the top of the hill.
2421 A beautiful valley lies behind the hill.
2422 At the foot of the hill is a beautiful lake.
2423 Lots of low trees grow on the hill.
2424 We can get a beautiful view of the sea from the hill.
2425 My neck snapped when I did a headstand.
2426 Paradoxically, he is right.
2427 She carries on smiling even in the face of adversity.
2428 The footnotes are at the bottom of the page.
2429 Footnotes are notes at the foot of a page.
2430 The visitor sat across from me.
2431 Guests arrived by twos and threes.
2432 The guests are all gone.
2433 The customer did not come.
2434 Customers stopped coming to our shop.
2435 You should prepare a room for the visitor.
2436 She was pleased to be treated as a guest.
2437 When the visitor entered the room, we stood to greet him.
2438 As I entered the café, I found two young men watching a wrestling match on television.
2439 As I entered a tearoom, I found two young men watching a wrestling match on television.
2440 I asked for a seat in the smoking section.
2441 Smoking or non-smoking?
2442 Could we have a table in the smoking section?
2443 I gave up smoking and I feel like a new man.
2444 The doctor told me to give up smoking.
2445 Please refrain from smoking.
2446 Smoking may be harmful to his heart.
2447 Smoking has an ill effect upon health.
2448 Smoking is harmful to health.
2449 Smoking affects our health.
2450 Smoking will do you a lot of harm.
2451 Smoking is bad for you.
2452 The habit of smoking is very difficult to get rid of.
2453 I wish I could break the habit of smoking.
2454 Short-term effects of smoking include unfitness, wheezing, a general vulnerability to illness, bad breath, bad skin and so on.
2455 Is there a link between smoking and lung cancer?
2456 It is a fact that smoking is a danger to health.
2457 Smoking or health, the choice is yours.
2458 Mr Yoshida is too severe with his children.
2459 Chrysanthemums smell sweet.
2460 Let’s carry on the discussion.
2461 He is second to none when it comes to debating.
2462 The argument ended in a fight.
2463 Let’s not argue for the sake of arguing.
2464 It is hardly worth discussing.
2465 After they argued, they didn’t speak to each other for a week.
2466 The chairman put forward an important plan at the meeting.
2467 Please address the chair!
2468 The bill was eviscerated before being passed by the legislature.
2469 It’s a sop to Congress.
2470 The bill was passed by an overwhelming majority.
2471 My sister-in-law had four children in five years.
2472 You must do your duty.
2473 My brother-in-law is ready to lose his temper at trifles.
2474 There is no room for doubt.
2475 Without a doubt!
2476 Engineers are crazy about solar energy.
2477 The ceremony began with his speech.
2478 What is the difference between imitation and real diamonds?
2479 Beware of imitations.
2480 When the cat is away, the mice will play.
2481 Even the hard-hearted can be moved to tears.
2482 Because of the famine, the cattle starved to death.
2483 All that glitters is not gold.
2484 Time to get up.
2485 It is too early to get up.
2486 Get up!
2487 What is done cannot be undone.
2488 You are beautiful.
2489 You’re her daughters.
2490 You are human.
2491 You like rain, don’t you?
2492 You are doctors.
2493 I’ll always love you, no matter what happens.
2494 You are much too kind to me.
2495 You have a telephone.
2496 You study Chinese history.
2497 You are my best friend.
2498 You tried.
2499 You like elephants.
2500 You have three cars.

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