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1000 The Most Useful Present Perfect Continuous Tense Examples.

  1. Present perfect continuous tense examples: We’ve been reading about this tense for hours, hoping to finally understand it!
  2. Perfect continuous tense sentences: While present perfect continuous examples highlight ongoing actions, the regular present perfect focuses on completed ones.
  3. Present perfect continuous sentence: He has been working on that project since last week, and seems close to finishing it.
  4. 100 sentences of present perfect continuous tense: Although creating 100 sentences might be overkill, understanding a few good examples is key.
  5. Example for present perfect continuous: She has been feeling under the weather lately, so cancel the party if needed.
  6. Present perfect continuous tense examples: Here are some more examples to help you master this tense: “They’ve been playing tennis for two hours,” “Has she been waiting long?”
  7. Present perfect continuous: This tense allows you to emphasize the duration or recent completion of actions, giving your writing a dynamic feel. For more CLICK HERE to download our app.
101 She has been wholesomely embracing the changes. We haven’t been crowning anyone as the leader yet. Have they been caring for the plants in the garden?
102 I have been bidding adieu to the old habits. The gully hasn’t been flooding after the rain. Have you been shalling your responsibilities at work?
103 He has been cobring the details for the presentation. I haven’t been alone during this challenging time. Have we been loved and appreciated for our efforts?
104 The room has been feeling empty without the furniture. They haven’t been grailing for the Holy Grail. Have you been thickening the sauce for the pasta?
105 We have been trucking the goods to various locations. The sleepy cat hasn’t been moving a lot lately. Have they been chuting down the waterfall in excitement?
106 She has been hutching rabbits for a long time. We haven’t been vividly describing the scenery. Have you been arising early to catch the sunrise?
107 The students have been getting testy before the exams. I haven’t been grafting new plants in the garden. Have they been crazing for new fashion trends lately?
108 The driver has been carrying heavy loads all day. We haven’t been amplifying the sound for the concert. Have you been usurping the authority without permission?
109 They have been trying different recipes for dinner. The buxom woman hasn’t been dancing in public. Have we been depoting the supplies in the warehouse?
110 The scarecrow has been strawing in the field. The lobbyists haven’t been shocking the audience. Have you been spreading rumors about the upcoming event?
111 He has been tutoring pupils in math. The valet hasn’t been habiting the parking lot. Have they been gooey and sticky after the rain?
112 I have been demurring from making hasty decisions. We haven’t been swashing the deck on the ship. Have you been hitching a ride with strangers lately?
113 The knight has been armoring up for the battle. I haven’t been voguing in front of the mirror. Have they been shoaling in the shallow waters?
114 The comedian has been telling bawdy jokes on stage. I haven’t been stuck in traffic for a long time. Have you been wielding the sword with precision?
115 They have been clanging the bells in the church. We haven’t been shrugging off responsibilities. Have you been standing in the lobby for too long?
116 She has been frothing the milk for the coffee. I haven’t been hardying the plants in the garden. Have we been fakiring about our achievements?
117 The archer has been aiming at the target consistently. We haven’t been ashen after the long journey. Have they been stocking up on supplies for the winter?
118 The businessman has been ambiting for greater success. I haven’t been gutsying up for the challenge. Have you been burnt out after working long hours?
119 They have been fixing the issues in the software. I haven’t been grasping the concept fully. Have we been mistying the knots in the rope?
120 She has been querying the database for relevant information. We haven’t been watching the clock for too long. Have you been nervously awaiting the test results?
121 We have been attending class regularly this semester. You haven’t been joining us for the study sessions. Have they been existing in this neighborhood for long?
122 He has been talking to that bloke for a while now. The bird hasn’t been chirping in the morning. Have you been feeling bleak about the future?
123 They have been staving off the hunger with snacks. The manager hasn’t been boasting about his achievements. Have we been achieving zilch despite our efforts?
124 I have been feeling stony and emotionless lately. They haven’t been sighting any rare birds in the area. Have you been guiling people with your charm recently?
125 She has been showcasing her skills in various facets. We haven’t been godly in our behavior towards others. Have they been trashing the old files in the office?
126 They have been enjoying the vista from the mountaintop. I haven’t been torching the old documents as instructed. Have you been hovering around the new project lately?
127 I have been feeling a bit loony after the long day. They haven’t been suing anyone for copyright infringement. Have we been ozoning the air properly in the room?
128 He has been validating his ideas through research. I haven’t been reifying the abstract concepts. Have you been swiftly completing your tasks on time?
129 They have been blocking the access to unauthorized users. I haven’t been cockying about my achievements. Have we been feeling a bit cocky after the recent success?
130 I have been daffying around the garden. I haven’t been writing for a while. Have you been puppying since morning?
131 While jogging, she has been thinking about her goals. They haven’t been pranking each other recently. Have we been dazing off during the meeting?
132 The puppy has been gleaming in the sunlight. We haven’t been gathering data for the research. Have they been singeing the edges of the paper?
133 He has been thorning the roses in the garden. The skirt hasn’t been sloshing in the rain. Have you been starting your day with a healthy breakfast?
134 The athlete has been dodging obstacles in the race. They haven’t been layering the clothes properly. Have we been hoarding unnecessary items in the closet?
135 She has been positively asserting her opinions. I haven’t been stomping my feet in frustration. Have you been ferlying over the recent changes?
136 The storyteller has been grioting tales of ancient times. They haven’t been writing basal theories recently. Have we been feigning ignorance about the situation?
137 The hiker has been routing through the dense forest. I haven’t been broadening my knowledge lately. Have they been shunting unnecessary tasks to others?
138 He has been experiencing agony after the accident. The cat hasn’t been gussying up for a while. Have you been valving the pipes regularly?
139 The chef has been crusting the pie with perfection. We haven’t been naive about the potential risks. Have they been lilacing the garden with colorful flowers?
140 The artist has been layering the colors on the canvas. They haven’t been house hunting for a new place. Have we been primping before the important meeting?
141 She has been adopting a go-to attitude in challenging times. I haven’t been likening the new colleague to someone else. Have you been croning melodious tunes in the shower?
142 We have been dodging the raindrops with our umbrellas. They haven’t been feeling weary after the long journey. Have they been eluding the difficult questions in class?
143 He has been unfit for the strenuous workout routine. We haven’t been brash about our achievements lately. Have you been gazing at the stars in the night sky?
144 The comedian has been hokeying around with funny antics. They haven’t been flecking paint on the canvas. Have we been monde-ing around the city for exploration?
145 The weightlifter has been hoisting heavy weights. I haven’t been clerking at the office since Monday. Have they been credoing the company values effectively?
146 She has been toxic to the team’s morale. The ducks haven’t been goosing around the pond. Have you been shackling the doors securely at night?
147 The gardener has been crocking the plants for nutrients. We haven’t been sieging the castle in the game. Have they been uniting people for a common cause?
148 They have been retching due to the unpleasant smell. I haven’t been exalting my achievements publicly. Have you been copse-ing the trees for better growth?
149 The students have been recapping the lessons for the exam. We haven’t been wavering in our decisions lately. Have they been moulding clay for the art project?
150 She has been calculating the ratio for the experiment. The shield hasn’t been providing adequate aegis. Have you been recapping the important points in the book?


1. Present perfect continuous tense examples?

Sure! Here are a few:

  • She has been studying all day, and her head is starting to spin.
  • They have been waiting for the bus for over an hour, feeling increasingly frustrated.
  • He has been working on his car all weekend, trying to fix it.

2. Perfect continuous tense sentences?

While technically “perfect continuous” isn’t the correct term, “present perfect continuous” sentences work like this:

  • She has been living in Paris for a year now, and she loves it.
  • We have been learning Spanish for several months, and we can finally hold basic conversations.
  • They have been arguing for hours, and it seems like they’re nowhere near a resolution.

3. Present perfect continuous sentence?

Need a specific example?

  • He has been feeling unwell since yesterday, so he’ll call in sick to work.

4. 100 sentences of present perfect continuous tense?

Creating 100 sentences might be overkill, but understanding the core structure will help you create your own. Remember, it’s about ongoing actions from the past to the present!

5. Example for present perfect continuous?

Here’s another one:

  • It has been raining heavily all night, so the roads might be flooded this morning.

6. Present perfect continuous vs. present perfect?

The key difference is the emphasis. Present perfect continuous highlights the duration of an action, while present perfect focuses on its completion.

  • Present perfect continuous: They have been working on their project for weeks. (Length of the action)
  • Present perfect: They have finished their project. (Completion of the action)

7. When to use the present perfect continuous?

Use it to describe:

  • Actions that started in the past and are still ongoing.
  • Actions that just finished but have a visible result in the present.
  • Recent, repeated actions that emphasize their duration.

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