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1000 The Most Useful Present Perfect Continuous Tense Examples.

  1. Present perfect continuous tense examples: We’ve been reading about this tense for hours, hoping to finally understand it!
  2. Perfect continuous tense sentences: While present perfect continuous examples highlight ongoing actions, the regular present perfect focuses on completed ones.
  3. Present perfect continuous sentence: He has been working on that project since last week, and seems close to finishing it.
  4. 100 sentences of present perfect continuous tense: Although creating 100 sentences might be overkill, understanding a few good examples is key.
  5. Example for present perfect continuous: She has been feeling under the weather lately, so cancel the party if needed.
  6. Present perfect continuous tense examples: Here are some more examples to help you master this tense: “They’ve been playing tennis for two hours,” “Has she been waiting long?”
  7. Present perfect continuous: This tense allows you to emphasize the duration or recent completion of actions, giving your writing a dynamic feel. For more CLICK HERE to download our app.
251 Saber has been gleaming in the moonlight. Saber hasn’t been gleaming in the moonlight. Has Saber been gleaming in the moonlight?
252 Parry has been deflecting the opponent’s attacks. Parry hasn’t been deflecting the opponent’s attacks. Has Parry been deflecting the opponent’s attacks?
253 Prate has been annoying everyone with chatter. Prate hasn’t been annoying everyone with chatter. Has Prate been annoying everyone with chatter?
254 Cells have been multiplying rapidly. Cells haven’t been multiplying rapidly. Have Cells been multiplying rapidly?
255 Probe has been investigating the mysterious case. Probe hasn’t been investigating the mysterious case. Has Probe been investigating the mysterious case?
256 Kempt has been maintaining a tidy appearance. Kempt hasn’t been maintaining a tidy appearance. Has Kempt been maintaining a tidy appearance?
257 Whine has been irritating the neighbors. Whine hasn’t been irritating the neighbors. Has Whine been irritating the neighbors?
258 Vowel has been creating harmonious sounds. Vowel hasn’t been creating harmonious sounds. Has Vowel been creating harmonious sounds?
259 Queer has been challenging societal norms. Queer hasn’t been challenging societal norms. Has Queer been challenging societal norms?
260 Allot has been distributing resources evenly. Allot hasn’t been distributing resources evenly. Has Allot been distributing resources evenly?
261 Blast has been echoing through the canyon. Blast hasn’t been echoing through the canyon. Has Blast been echoing through the canyon?
262 Goner has been losing its charm over time. Goner hasn’t been losing its charm over time. Has Goner been losing its charm over time?
263 Fjord has been carving its way through the landscape. Fjord hasn’t been carving its way through the landscape. Has Fjord been carving its way through the landscape?
264 Sappy has been evoking sentimental feelings. Sappy hasn’t been evoking sentimental feelings. Has Sappy been evoking sentimental feelings?
265 Purge has been eliminating unnecessary items. Purge hasn’t been eliminating unnecessary items. Has Purge been eliminating unnecessary items?
266 Sober has been influencing our decision-making. Sober hasn’t been influencing our decision-making. Has Sober been influencing our decision-making?
267 Funny has been making us laugh uncontrollably. Funny hasn’t been making us laugh uncontrollably. Has Funny been making us laugh uncontrollably?
268 Stern has been maintaining a serious demeanor. Stern hasn’t been maintaining a serious demeanor. Has Stern been maintaining a serious demeanor?
269 Agent has been conducting covert operations. Agent hasn’t been conducting covert operations. Has Agent been conducting covert operations?
270 Steed has been galloping across the meadow. Steed hasn’t been galloping across the meadow. Has Steed been galloping across the meadow?
271 Whale has been migrating long distances. Whale hasn’t been migrating long distances. Has Whale been migrating long distances?
272 Gawky has been tripping over its own feet. Gawky hasn’t been tripping over its own feet. Has Gawky been tripping over its own feet?
273 Crook has been lurking in the shadows. Crook hasn’t been lurking in the shadows. Has Crook been lurking in the shadows?
274 Posse has been patrolling the streets. Posse hasn’t been patrolling the streets. Has Posse been patrolling the streets?
275 Digit has been transforming data into insights. Digit hasn’t been transforming data into insights. Has Digit been transforming data into insights?
276 Irked has been annoying us for quite some time. Irked hasn’t been annoying us for quite some time. Has Irked been annoying us for quite some time?
277 Sting has been causing discomfort. Sting hasn’t been causing discomfort. Has Sting been causing discomfort?
278 Kayak has been gliding smoothly on the water. Kayak hasn’t been gliding smoothly on the water. Has Kayak been gliding smoothly on the water?
279 Buyer has been making significant purchases. Buyer hasn’t been making significant purchases. Has Buyer been making significant purchases?
280 Tramp has been wandering the streets aimlessly. Tramp hasn’t been wandering the streets aimlessly. Has Tramp been wandering the streets aimlessly?
281 Refer has been pointing us in the right direction. Refer hasn’t been pointing us in the right direction. Has Refer been pointing us in the right direction?
282 Trend has been influencing fashion choices. Trend hasn’t been influencing fashion choices. Has Trend been influencing fashion choices?
283 Azure has been coloring the sky in the evening. Azure hasn’t been coloring the sky in the evening. Has Azure been coloring the sky in the evening?
284 Aloof has been maintaining a distant demeanor. Aloof hasn’t been maintaining a distant demeanor. Has Aloof been maintaining a distant demeanor?
285 Shove has been pushing objects out of the way. Shove hasn’t been pushing objects out of the way. Has Shove been pushing objects out of the way?
286 Skulk has been hiding in the shadows. Skulk hasn’t been hiding in the shadows. Has Skulk been hiding in the shadows?
287 Youth has been embracing new opportunities. Youth hasn’t been embracing new opportunities. Has Youth been embracing new opportunities?
288 Agile has been adapting to changing circumstances. Agile hasn’t been adapting to changing circumstances. Has Agile been adapting to changing circumstances?
289 Fined has been penalizing those who break the rules. Fined hasn’t been penalizing those who break the rules. Has Fined been penalizing those who break the rules?
290 Slice has been cutting through the toughest materials. Slice hasn’t been cutting through the toughest materials. Has Slice been cutting through the toughest materials?
291 Pedal has been powering the bicycle smoothly. Pedal hasn’t been powering the bicycle smoothly. Has Pedal been powering the bicycle smoothly?
292 Barge has been moving through the water forcefully. Barge hasn’t been moving through the water forcefully. Has Barge been moving through the water forcefully?
293 Abaft has been located at the rear of the ship. Abaft hasn’t been located at the rear of the ship. Has Abaft been located at the rear of the ship?
294 Irony has been adding a humorous twist to the story. Irony hasn’t been adding a humorous twist to the story. Has Irony been adding a humorous twist to the story?
295 Hubby has been helping with household chores. Hubby hasn’t been helping with household chores. Has Hubby been helping with household chores?
296 Suite has been providing luxurious accommodations. Suite hasn’t been providing luxurious accommodations. Has Suite been providing luxurious accommodations?
297 Cling has been holding onto memories. Cling hasn’t been holding onto memories. Has Cling been holding onto memories?
298 Inert has been remaining motionless for hours. Inert hasn’t been remaining motionless for hours. Has Inert been remaining motionless for hours?
299 Plead has been begging for forgiveness. Plead hasn’t been begging for forgiveness. Has Plead been begging for forgiveness?
300 Plead has been begging for mercy. Plead hasn’t been begging for mercy. Has Plead been begging for mercy?


1. Present perfect continuous tense examples?

Sure! Here are a few:

  • She has been studying all day, and her head is starting to spin.
  • They have been waiting for the bus for over an hour, feeling increasingly frustrated.
  • He has been working on his car all weekend, trying to fix it.

2. Perfect continuous tense sentences?

While technically “perfect continuous” isn’t the correct term, “present perfect continuous” sentences work like this:

  • She has been living in Paris for a year now, and she loves it.
  • We have been learning Spanish for several months, and we can finally hold basic conversations.
  • They have been arguing for hours, and it seems like they’re nowhere near a resolution.

3. Present perfect continuous sentence?

Need a specific example?

  • He has been feeling unwell since yesterday, so he’ll call in sick to work.

4. 100 sentences of present perfect continuous tense?

Creating 100 sentences might be overkill, but understanding the core structure will help you create your own. Remember, it’s about ongoing actions from the past to the present!

5. Example for present perfect continuous?

Here’s another one:

  • It has been raining heavily all night, so the roads might be flooded this morning.

6. Present perfect continuous vs. present perfect?

The key difference is the emphasis. Present perfect continuous highlights the duration of an action, while present perfect focuses on its completion.

  • Present perfect continuous: They have been working on their project for weeks. (Length of the action)
  • Present perfect: They have finished their project. (Completion of the action)

7. When to use the present perfect continuous?

Use it to describe:

  • Actions that started in the past and are still ongoing.
  • Actions that just finished but have a visible result in the present.
  • Recent, repeated actions that emphasize their duration.

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