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1000 The Most Useful Present Perfect Continuous Tense Examples.

  1. Present perfect continuous tense examples: We’ve been reading about this tense for hours, hoping to finally understand it!
  2. Perfect continuous tense sentences: While present perfect continuous examples highlight ongoing actions, the regular present perfect focuses on completed ones.
  3. Present perfect continuous sentence: He has been working on that project since last week, and seems close to finishing it.
  4. 100 sentences of present perfect continuous tense: Although creating 100 sentences might be overkill, understanding a few good examples is key.
  5. Example for present perfect continuous: She has been feeling under the weather lately, so cancel the party if needed.
  6. Present perfect continuous tense examples: Here are some more examples to help you master this tense: “They’ve been playing tennis for two hours,” “Has she been waiting long?”
  7. Present perfect continuous: This tense allows you to emphasize the duration or recent completion of actions, giving your writing a dynamic feel. For more CLICK HERE to download our app.
351 Repel has been keeping insects away. Repel hasn’t been keeping insects away. Has Repel been keeping insects away?
352 Waist has been defining the hourglass figure. Waist hasn’t been defining the hourglass figure. Has Waist been defining the hourglass figure?
353 Rural has been showcasing the beauty of the countryside. Rural hasn’t been showcasing the beauty of the countryside. Has Rural been showcasing the beauty of the countryside?
354 Rinse has been cleaning the stains effectively. Rinse hasn’t been cleaning the stains effectively. Has Rinse been cleaning the stains effectively?
355 Mulct has been imposing fines on rule violators. Mulct hasn’t been imposing fines on rule violators. Has Mulct been imposing fines on rule violators?
356 Colon has been serving as a punctuation mark. Colon hasn’t been serving as a punctuation mark. Has Colon been serving as a punctuation mark?
357 Prude has been maintaining a reserved demeanor. Prude hasn’t been maintaining a reserved demeanor. Has Prude been maintaining a reserved demeanor?
358 Legal has been upholding the principles of justice. Legal hasn’t been upholding the principles of justice. Has Legal been upholding the principles of justice?
359 Whiff has been carrying a pleasant aroma. Whiff hasn’t been carrying a pleasant aroma. Has Whiff been carrying a pleasant aroma?
360 Salve has been soothing the skin. Salve hasn’t been soothing the skin. Has Salve been soothing the skin?
361 Clash has been creating discord among the members. Clash hasn’t been creating discord among the members. Has Clash been creating discord among the members?
362 Embed has been incorporating new features. Embed hasn’t been incorporating new features. Has Embed been incorporating new features?
363 Tepid has been lukewarm for a while. Tepid hasn’t been lukewarm for a while. Has Tepid been lukewarm for a while?
364 Jolly has been spreading joy to everyone around. Jolly hasn’t been spreading joy to everyone around. Has Jolly been spreading joy to everyone around?
365 Women have been excelling in various fields. Women haven’t been excelling in various fields. Have Women been excelling in various fields?
366 Widow has been grieving the loss for months. Widow hasn’t been grieving the loss for months. Has Widow been grieving the loss for months?
367 Tithe has been contributing to the church regularly. Tithe hasn’t been contributing to the church regularly. Has Tithe been contributing to the church regularly?
368 Vouch has been supporting the authenticity of the claim. Vouch hasn’t been supporting the authenticity of the claim. Has Vouch been supporting the authenticity of the claim?
369 Niche has been filling a unique market demand. Niche hasn’t been filling a unique market demand. Has Niche been filling a unique market demand?
370 Broil has been cooking at high temperatures. Broil hasn’t been cooking at high temperatures. Has Broil been cooking at high temperatures?
371 Bless has been showering blessings upon us. Bless hasn’t been showering blessings upon us. Has Bless been showering blessings upon us?
372 Plush has been providing luxurious comfort. Plush hasn’t been providing luxurious comfort. Has Plush been providing luxurious comfort?
373 Dense has been packing tightly in the container. Dense hasn’t been packing tightly in the container. Has Dense been packing tightly in the container?
374 Hairy has been causing discomfort due to its texture. Hairy hasn’t been causing discomfort due to its texture. Has Hairy been causing discomfort due to its texture?
375 Trice has been occurring in a split second. Trice hasn’t been occurring in a split second. Has Trice been occurring in a split second?
376 Surge has been rising steadily. Surge hasn’t been rising steadily. Has Surge been rising steadily?
377 Manly has been displaying traditional masculine traits. Manly hasn’t been displaying traditional masculine traits. Has Manly been displaying traditional masculine traits?
378 Pshaw has been expressing mild disbelief. Pshaw hasn’t been expressing mild disbelief. Has Pshaw been expressing mild disbelief?
379 Nabob has been accumulating wealth over the years. Nabob hasn’t been accumulating wealth over the years. Has Nabob been accumulating wealth over the years?
380 Queue has been forming outside the venue. Queue hasn’t been forming outside the venue. Has Queue been forming outside the venue?
381 Color has been brightening up the canvas. Color hasn’t been brightening up the canvas. Has Color been brightening up the canvas?
382 Swarm has been buzzing around the garden. Swarm hasn’t been buzzing around the garden. Has Swarm been buzzing around the garden?
383 Quite has been prevailing in the serene atmosphere. Quite hasn’t been prevailing in the serene atmosphere. Has Quite been prevailing in the serene atmosphere?
384 Equal has been treating everyone fairly. Equal hasn’t been treating everyone fairly. Has Equal been treating everyone fairly?
385 Smack has been hitting the target accurately. Smack hasn’t been hitting the target accurately. Has Smack been hitting the target accurately?
386 Relic has been preserving historical artifacts. Relic hasn’t been preserving historical artifacts. Has Relic been preserving historical artifacts?
387 Elfin has been enchanting with its magical presence. Elfin hasn’t been enchanting with its magical presence. Has Elfin been enchanting with its magical presence?
388 Phase has been transitioning smoothly. Phase hasn’t been transitioning smoothly. Has Phase been transitioning smoothly?
389 Shill has been promoting products enthusiastically. Shill hasn’t been promoting products enthusiastically. Has Shill been promoting products enthusiastically?
390 Vapid has been lacking excitement lately. Vapid hasn’t been lacking excitement lately. Has Vapid been lacking excitement lately?
391 Frail has been appearing delicate and weak. Frail hasn’t been appearing delicate and weak. Has Frail been appearing delicate and weak?
392 Ditto has been replicating the success formula. Ditto hasn’t been replicating the success formula. Has Ditto been replicating the success formula?
393 Snout has been protruding from the curious animal. Snout hasn’t been protruding from the curious animal. Has Snout been protruding from the curious animal?
394 Quest has been driving us towards our goals. Quest hasn’t been driving us towards our goals. Has Quest been driving us towards our goals?
395 Bound has been restricting movement. Bound hasn’t been restricting movement. Has Bound been restricting movement?
396 Hovel has been providing a humble shelter. Hovel hasn’t been providing a humble shelter. Has Hovel been providing a humble shelter?
397 Creak has been emanating from the old wooden door. Creak hasn’t been emanating from the old wooden door. Has Creak been emanating from the old wooden door?
398 Feign has been pretending to be indifferent. Feign hasn’t been pretending to be indifferent. Has Feign been pretending to be indifferent?
399 Hoary has been showing signs of age. Hoary hasn’t been showing signs of age. Has Hoary been showing signs of age?
400 Theme has been resonating throughout the story. Theme hasn’t been resonating throughout the story. Has Theme been resonating throughout the story?


1. Present perfect continuous tense examples?

Sure! Here are a few:

  • She has been studying all day, and her head is starting to spin.
  • They have been waiting for the bus for over an hour, feeling increasingly frustrated.
  • He has been working on his car all weekend, trying to fix it.

2. Perfect continuous tense sentences?

While technically “perfect continuous” isn’t the correct term, “present perfect continuous” sentences work like this:

  • She has been living in Paris for a year now, and she loves it.
  • We have been learning Spanish for several months, and we can finally hold basic conversations.
  • They have been arguing for hours, and it seems like they’re nowhere near a resolution.

3. Present perfect continuous sentence?

Need a specific example?

  • He has been feeling unwell since yesterday, so he’ll call in sick to work.

4. 100 sentences of present perfect continuous tense?

Creating 100 sentences might be overkill, but understanding the core structure will help you create your own. Remember, it’s about ongoing actions from the past to the present!

5. Example for present perfect continuous?

Here’s another one:

  • It has been raining heavily all night, so the roads might be flooded this morning.

6. Present perfect continuous vs. present perfect?

The key difference is the emphasis. Present perfect continuous highlights the duration of an action, while present perfect focuses on its completion.

  • Present perfect continuous: They have been working on their project for weeks. (Length of the action)
  • Present perfect: They have finished their project. (Completion of the action)

7. When to use the present perfect continuous?

Use it to describe:

  • Actions that started in the past and are still ongoing.
  • Actions that just finished but have a visible result in the present.
  • Recent, repeated actions that emphasize their duration.

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