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The Most Useful Simple Future Tense Exercise With 400 Questions. Part 5

Embarking on a language learning journey often involves mastering various grammatical structures, and the simple future tense exercise is a fundamental component of this process. Our carefully curated resources include a dedicated future simple exercise, a comprehensive exercise for simple future tense, and an insightful future simple tense worksheet. Within these materials, learners encounter thought-provoking simple future tense questions that guide them through the intricacies of constructing sentences in the future tense. For those delving into the realm of French language acquisition, we offer specialized French future simple exercises (futur simple exercises French) tailored to enhance proficiency. The holistic approach extends to incorporating the passive voice future simple within the exercises, providing learners with a well-rounded understanding of this grammatical concept. Whether you choose to utilize the future simple worksheet independently or as a supplement to classroom learning, our resources are designed to nurture a comprehensive grasp of the simple future tense. For more such Exercises CLICK HERE to download our app.


201 Do you believe he will __________ at the joke? a) lead b) lean c) leap
202 Will she __________ the book? a) learn b) leave c) lend
203 I wonder if he will __________ a hand. a) lie b) lift c) light
204 Will you __________ the room? a) lie b) like c) listen
205 Do you think they will __________ to the music? a) look b) lose c) love
206 Will he __________ the car keys? a) maintain b) make c) manage
207 I wonder if she will __________ the situation. a) matter b) mean c) measure
208 Will they __________ the deadline? a) meet b) melt c) mention
209 Do you believe he will __________ his decision? a) might b) mind c) miss
210 Will she __________ the opportunity? a) mix b) mow c) must
211 I wonder if he will __________ about it. a) nag b) nourish c) nudge
212 Will you __________ the conversation? a) navigate b) name c) neglect
213 Do you think they will __________ the plan? a) nurture b) notify c) narrate
214 Will he __________ you beforehand? a) necessitate b) observe c) obtain
215 I wonder if she will __________ information. a) occur b) offer c) open
216 Will they __________ the presentation? a) operate b) order c) organize
217 Do you believe he will __________ to the situation? a) ought to b) overcome c) overtake
218 Will she __________ the debt? a) own b) paint c) participate
219 I wonder if he will __________ the payment. a) peel b) perform c) persuade
220 Will you __________ the oranges? a) pinch b) plan c) play
221 Do you think they will __________ the event? a) point b) possess c) postpone
222 Will he __________ his promise? a) pour b) participate c) pay
223 I wonder if she will __________ the apples. a) peel b) perform c) persuade
224 Will they __________ in the play? a) pinch b) plan c) play
225 Do you believe he will __________ the meeting? a) point b) possess c) postpone
226 Will she __________ her plans? a) postpone b) pour c) participate
227 I wonder if he will __________ the proposal. a) pour b) participate c) pay
228 Will you __________ the vegetables? a) pour b) participate c) pay
229 Do you think they will __________ their responsibilities? a) persuade b) pinch c) plan
230 Will he __________ the piano? a) play b) point c) possess
231 I wonder if she will __________ the possession. a) postpone b) pour c) participate
232 Will they __________ their vacation? a) pour b) participate c) pay
233 Do you believe he will __________ his promise? a) pinch b) plan c) play
234 Will she __________ the piano? a) point b) possess c) postpone
235 I wonder if he will __________ his plans. a) postpone b) pour c) participate
236 Will you __________ the vegetables? a) pour b) participate c) pay
237 Do you think they will __________ their responsibilities? a) persuade b) pinch c) plan
238 Will he __________ the piano? a) play b) point c) possess
239 I wonder if she will __________ the possession. a) postpone b) pour c) participate
240 Will they __________ their vacation? a) pour b) participate c) pay
241 Do you believe he will __________ his promise? a) pinch b) plan c) play
242 Will she __________ the piano? a) point b) possess c) postpone
243 I wonder if he will __________ his plans. a) postpone b) pour c) participate
244 Will you __________ before the game? a) quack b) quit c) quell
245 Do you believe he will __________ the exam? a) quest b) quake c) qualify
246 Will they __________ the challenge? a) react b) read c) realize
247 Do you think she will __________ her mistake? a) recall b) receive c) recollect
248 Will he __________ the message? a) recommend b) reduce c) refer
249 I wonder if she will __________ the information. a) reflect b) refuse c) regret
250 Will you __________ the story? a) relate b) relax c) relieve
b) lean 201
a) learn 202
b) lift 203
a) lie 204
a) look 205
b) make 206
a) matter 207
a) meet 208
b) mind 209
c) must 210
a) nag 211
a) navigate 212
b) notify 213
a) necessitate 214
b) offer 215
c) organize 216
a) ought to 217
a) own 218
b) perform 219
a) pinch 220
a) point 221
c) pay 222
a) peel 223
c) play 224
b) possess 225
a) postpone 226
b) participate 227
a) pour 228
c) plan 229
a) play 230
b) pour 231
c) pay 232
c) play 233
b) possess 234
a) postpone 235
a) pour 236
c) plan 237
a) play 238
b) pour 239
c) pay 240
c) play 241
b) possess 242
a) postpone 243
b) quit 244
c) qualify 245
a) react 246
a) recall 247
c) refer 248
a) reflect 249
a) relate 250


  1. What is a simple future tense exercise?

    • A simple future tense exercise is a linguistic activity designed to help learners practice and reinforce their understanding of constructing sentences using the future simple tense.
  2. Where can I find exercises for simple future tense?

    • You can find exercises for simple future tense in textbooks, online educational platforms, or language learning websites that offer dedicated resources for grammar practice.
  3. Do you have a future simple tense worksheet available for download?

    • Yes, we provide a future simple tense worksheet that includes a variety of questions and prompts to enhance your skills in using the future simple tense.
  4. How can I improve my skills in constructing future simple questions?

    • Our exercise for simple future tense includes a specific section focusing on constructing future simple questions, providing targeted practice to enhance your question-forming abilities.
  5. Are there any French future simple exercises available?

    • Yes, we offer specialized French future simple exercises (futur simple exercises French) for those learning the French language, tailored to reinforce their grasp of the futur simple.
  6. Is the passive voice covered in the future simple exercise?

    • Absolutely, our future simple exercise incorporates the passive voice future simple, offering a well-rounded approach to mastering this grammatical structure.
  7. Can I use the future simple worksheet as a standalone learning resource?

    • Yes, the future simple worksheet is designed to be a versatile resource, suitable for both classroom use and independent learning to enhance your proficiency in the simple future tense.
  8. How do I approach simple future tense questions?

    • The simple future tense questions in our exercise are crafted to guide you through the process of constructing sentences, providing a structured approach to mastering this aspect of grammar.
  9. Is the future simple exercise suitable for learners of different levels?

    • Yes, our future simple exercise caters to learners of various levels, offering a diverse range of activities to accommodate different learning styles and skill levels.
  10. Can I use the future simple tense worksheet for self-assessment?

    • Certainly, the future simple tense worksheet serves as an excellent tool for self-assessment, allowing you to gauge your understanding and progress in using the future simple tense.

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