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The Most Important Jumbled Sentence Exercise Part 6

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501 change.   doesn’t   to   Tom   seem   to   be   willing
502 seemed   be   Tom   to   compromise.   unwilling   to
503 going.   says   is   Tom   Mary   on   still   planning
504 tomorrow.   says   is   Tom   Mary   go   planning   to
505 says   planning   Tom   he’s   tomorrow.   on   going
506 anymore.   says   not   Tom   he’s   go   planning   to
507 he   says   plans   Tom   he   where   on   staying   is.
508 this   says   doesn’t   Tom   he   go   plan   to   week.
509 home   says   didn’t   Tom   he   go   plan   to   early.
510 he   said   planned   Tom   he   where   to   stay   was.
511 himself.   isn’t   to   Tom   planning   by   do   that
512 isn’t   on   Tom   planning   anymore.   doing   that
513 is   planning   Tom   definitely   that.   on   doing
514 yet.   hasn’t   to   Tom   talked   that   Mary   about
515 that.   hasn’t   talked   Tom   yet   about   to   Mary
516 that.   doesn’t   anyone   Tom   trust   do   else   to
517 Mary   can   that   Tom   do   than   way   better   can.
518 bread.   bought   but   Tom   eggs,   buy   forgot   to
519 in   asked   if   Tom   me   sugar   I   tea.   wanted   my
520 much   of   plan   None   us   here   to   stay   longer.
521 himself?   Tom   on   Is   planning   by   doing   that
522 you.   still   on   I’m   planning   for   doing   that
523 I   not   rich   I’m   as   thinks   as   everybody   am.
524 Tom.   better   riding   I’m   at   than   a   unicycle
525 would’ve   if   I   succeeded   harder.   I’d   tried
526 I   wouldn’t   Tom   I   let   if   do   you.   that   were
527 do   wonder   Tom   I   why   to   was   planning   that.
528 do   wonder   we’d   I   whether   to   be   able   that.
529 that.   wonder   we   I   whether   do   really   could
530 to   wonder   we   I   if   anything   could   do   help.
531 him.   wonder   Tom’s   I   if   help   friends   would
532 to   wonder   Tom   I   if   able   would   that.   be   do
533 truth.   wonder   Tom   I   whether   the   will   tell
534 to   wonder   Tom   I   if   talk   will   really   Mary.
535 us.   wonder   Tom   I   whether   help   will   really
536 to   wonder   Tom   I   if   go   will   really   Boston.
537 that.   wonder   Tom   I   whether   do   will   really
538 tonight.   wonder   Tom   I   if   come   will   really
539 all   wonder   Tom   I   if   be   will   really   right.
540 home.   wonder   Tom   I   whether   come   will   ever
541 today.   wonder   Tom   I   whether   school   was   at
542 party.   wonder   Tom   I   whether   Mary’s   was   at
543 do   wonder   Tom   I   whether   to   was   able   that.
544 to   wonder   Tom   I   if   not   told   that.   Mary   do
545 to   wonder   Tom   I   if   need   thinks   that.   I   do
546 to   wonder   Tom   I   if   have   thinks   that.   I   do
547 did.   wonder   Tom   I   whether   he   regrets   what
548 do   wonder   Tom   I   if   to   really   wanted   that.
549 do   wonder   Tom   I   if   to   really   needed   that.
550 wonder   Tom   I   whether   Boston.   really   likes
551 wonder   Tom   I   whether   French.   really   knows
552 that.   wonder   Tom   I   if   doing   really   enjoys
553 to   wonder   Tom   I   if   able   might   me.   be   help
554 did.   wonder   Tom   I   whether   Mary   knows   what
555 doing   wonder   Tom   I   if   is   knows   Mary   that.
556 that.   wonder   Tom   I   whether   did   knows   Mary
557 to   wonder   Tom   I   if   had   knew   that.   Mary   do
558 to   wonder   Tom   I   if   needed   knew   that.   I   do
559 for   wonder   Tom   I   if   waiting   is   really   us.
560 wonder   Tom   I   whether   unmarried.   is   really
561 wonder   Tom   I   whether   satisfied.   is   really
562 Boston.   wonder   Tom   I   whether   in   is   really
563 that   wonder   Tom   I   if   doing   is   really   now.
564 wonder   Tom   I   whether   dangerous.   is   really
565 old   wonder   Tom   I   if   as   is   Mary.   really   as
566 right.   wonder   Tom   I   whether   all   is   really
567 to   wonder   Tom   I   if   Mary   has   that.   told   do
568 said   wonder   Tom   I   if   he   did   do.   what   he’d
569 night.   wonder   Tom   I   whether   last   did   that
570 well   wonder   Tom   I   if   as   can   Mary.   sing   as
571 wonder   this   I   whether   drinkable.   water   is
572 good.   wonder   this   I   whether   still   milk   is
573 wonder   that   I   whether   again.   could   happen
574 planets.   wonder   life   I   if   other   exists   on
575 that   wonder   it’s   I   whether   do   OK   to   here.
576 tomorrow.   wonder   it’ll   I   if   hot   really   be
577 that.   wonder   I’m   I   whether   do   supposed   to
578 do   wonder   I’m   I   if   to   strong   enough   that.
579 that.   wonder   I’ll   I   if   doing   really   enjoy
580 do   wonder   I’ll   I   whether   to   be   able   that.
581 that.   wonder   I   I   whether   do   really   should
582 do   wonder   I   I   whether   to   really   had   that.
583 do   wonder   Tom   I   when   to   is   planning   that.
584 well   wonder   Tom   I   if   as   can   Mary.   swim   as
585 by   won’t   you   I   allow   that   to   do   yourself.
586 as   wish   had   I   I   friends   as   does.   many   Tom
587 I   wasn’t   to   I   able   much   eat   to.   as   wanted
588 I   wasn’t   to   I   able   much   buy   to.   as   wanted
589 wasn’t   tried   do   I   to   I   that,   to.   but   able
590 French.   told   I   I   everyone   learn   wanted   to
591 win   think   will   I   Tom   to   be   able   tomorrow.
592 does.   think   snores   I   Tom   Mary   louder   than
593 does.   speak   much   I   French   Tom   better   than
594 that   promise   I   I   you   do   won’t   ever   again.
595 from   might   to   I   try   hatchet   borrow   a   Tom.
596 do   knew   wouldn’t   I   you   to   allow   Tom   that.
597 that.   knew   wasn’t   I   Tom   doing   planning   on
598 that.   hope   not   I   you’re   doing   planning   on
599 as   haven’t   in   I   lived   long   Boston   as   Tom.
600 Boston.   don’t   Tom   I   think   in   knows   anyone


501 Tom doesn’t seem to be willing to change.
502 Tom seemed to be unwilling to compromise.
503 Tom says Mary is still planning on going.
504 Tom says Mary is planning to go tomorrow.
505 Tom says he’s planning on going tomorrow.
506 Tom says he’s not planning to go anymore.
507 Tom says he plans on staying where he is.
508 Tom says he doesn’t plan to go this week.
509 Tom says he didn’t plan to go home early.
510 Tom said he planned to stay where he was.
511 Tom isn’t planning to do that by himself.
512 Tom isn’t planning on doing that anymore.
513 Tom is definitely planning on doing that.
514 Tom hasn’t talked to Mary about that yet.
515 Tom hasn’t yet talked to Mary about that.
516 Tom doesn’t trust anyone else to do that.
517 Tom can do that way better than Mary can.
518 Tom bought eggs, but forgot to buy bread.
519 Tom asked me if I wanted sugar in my tea.
520 None of us plan to stay here much longer.
521 Is Tom planning on doing that by himself?
522 I’m still planning on doing that for you.
523 I’m not as rich as everybody thinks I am.
524 I’m better at riding a unicycle than Tom.
525 I would’ve succeeded if I’d tried harder.
526 I wouldn’t let Tom do that if I were you.
527 I wonder why Tom was planning to do that.
528 I wonder whether we’d be able to do that.
529 I wonder whether we really could do that.
530 I wonder if we could do anything to help.
531 I wonder if Tom’s friends would help him.
532 I wonder if Tom would be able to do that.
533 I wonder whether Tom will tell the truth.
534 I wonder if Tom will really talk to Mary.
535 I wonder whether Tom will really help us.
536 I wonder if Tom will really go to Boston.
537 I wonder whether Tom will really do that.
538 I wonder if Tom will really come tonight.
539 I wonder if Tom will really be all right.
540 I wonder whether Tom will ever come home.
541 I wonder whether Tom was at school today.
542 I wonder whether Tom was at Mary’s party.
543 I wonder whether Tom was able to do that.
544 I wonder if Tom told Mary not to do that.
545 I wonder if Tom thinks I need to do that.
546 I wonder if Tom thinks I have to do that.
547 I wonder whether Tom regrets what he did.
548 I wonder if Tom really wanted to do that.
549 I wonder if Tom really needed to do that.
550 I wonder whether Tom really likes Boston.
551 I wonder whether Tom really knows French.
552 I wonder if Tom really enjoys doing that.
553 I wonder if Tom might be able to help me.
554 I wonder whether Tom knows what Mary did.
555 I wonder if Tom knows Mary is doing that.
556 I wonder whether Tom knows Mary did that.
557 I wonder if Tom knew Mary had to do that.
558 I wonder if Tom knew I needed to do that.
559 I wonder if Tom is really waiting for us.
560 I wonder whether Tom is really unmarried.
561 I wonder whether Tom is really satisfied.
562 I wonder whether Tom is really in Boston.
563 I wonder if Tom is really doing that now.
564 I wonder whether Tom is really dangerous.
565 I wonder if Tom is really as old as Mary.
566 I wonder whether Tom is really all right.
567 I wonder if Tom has told Mary to do that.
568 I wonder if Tom did what he said he’d do.
569 I wonder whether Tom did that last night.
570 I wonder if Tom can sing as well as Mary.
571 I wonder whether this water is drinkable.
572 I wonder whether this milk is still good.
573 I wonder whether that could happen again.
574 I wonder if life exists on other planets.
575 I wonder whether it’s OK to do that here.
576 I wonder if it’ll really be hot tomorrow.
577 I wonder whether I’m supposed to do that.
578 I wonder if I’m strong enough to do that.
579 I wonder if I’ll really enjoy doing that.
580 I wonder whether I’ll be able to do that.
581 I wonder whether I really should do that.
582 I wonder whether I really had to do that.
583 I wonder when Tom is planning to do that.
584 I wonder if Tom can swim as well as Mary.
585 I won’t allow you to do that by yourself.
586 I wish I had as many friends as Tom does.
587 I wasn’t able to eat as much I wanted to.
588 I wasn’t able to buy as much I wanted to.
589 I tried to do that, but I wasn’t able to.
590 I told everyone I wanted to learn French.
591 I think Tom will be able to win tomorrow.
592 I think Tom snores louder than Mary does.
593 I speak French much better than Tom does.
594 I promise you I won’t ever do that again.
595 I might try to borrow a hatchet from Tom.
596 I knew you wouldn’t allow Tom to do that.
597 I knew Tom wasn’t planning on doing that.
598 I hope you’re not planning on doing that.
599 I haven’t lived in Boston as long as Tom.
600 I don’t think Tom knows anyone in Boston.

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