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Correct the Sentence Exercise: A Simple Way to Improve Your Writing. Part 3

Do You know you can Improve Your Writing very easily. We have more than 5000 Correct the Sentence exercise questions with answers. In each part, we will share 100 questions with answers. If you want all questions at one place you can download our app from Google Play Store. CLICK HERE to download our app.

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201 But you ______ me to give him. (ask)
202 You ____________any capital into the concern. (bring)
203 They ____________to your style of beauty. (become)
204 He____________for love of you. (eat)
205 You know you______the truth. (speak)
206 The house , but a picture was made of it before it was destroyed. (now/stand)
207 We______you to a pastime. (call)
208 I______of any one else. (think)
209 The two sides______about the same thing. (talk)
210 I______his part against you. (take)
211 It______my promise to tell you. (break)
212 I______any fault with him. (find)
213 It______her a fair show. (give)
214 He______around without his coat. (run)
215 I discover he______to me. (listen)
216 But you______back to London? (go)
217 I______him to change it. (ask)
218 It______for one in my position to make speeches at length; but there is another subject upon which I feel that I ought to say a word. (very/become)
219 He , he is running, and he has gone into the corn. (fly)
220 You______the importance of these figures. (perceive)
221 It’s a good thing he______ . (run away)
222 But we ____________with our reading. (get on)
223 But you ____________fair with me. (play)
224 It______to overhear too much. (always/cheer)
225 I______a compliment from you. (seek)
226 Our economy______older and weaker; it’s getting younger and stronger. (get)
227 It______upon you in any way. (bind)
228 I______of her own death. (think)
229 We______of this liberty. (now/speak)
230 There is never a moment when the new dawn______over the earth, and never a moment when the sunset ceases to die. (break)
231 And you______to my needs. (attend)
232 Here as elsewhere he______any new idea. (originate)
233 It______by a fellow as he ought to do. (stand)
234 I______back to the office. (go)
235 You are sure you______it? (enjoy)
236 You______for an hour yet. (go)
237 I______you to tell me. (ask)
238 You______now with his mind. (deal)
239 You______your life for nothing. (give away)
240 But it ; it is not the laughter of the mind. (illuminate)
241 She ____________at the chain. (even/tug)
242 We ____________a history of the Inquisition. (write)
243 I______to you without thought. (speak)
244 For some reason she______it. (get)
245 I______any fault with your daughter. (find)
246 He , luckily, at least only minor discomforts. (suffer)
247 I______you to believe it. (ask)
248 It______property from its true owner for public use. (take)
249 You______of yourself, I know. (think)
250 But we______into the garden. (go)
251 But I______against the turf. (preach)
252 But I______for a week yet. (go)
253 I______of her, but of you. (talk)
254 I______to write that character well. (pretend)
255 She______any one this morning. (see)
256 But I______on your account. (stay)
257 You______treat to a beggar. (stand)
258 You______properly to your mother. (behave)
259 The peasant declares that he will come, and it seems to me that he______me, and that he intents to come. (deceive)
260 He still carries the marks of his box on the ear, and he______himself any bad luck! (wish)
261 This sketch has several blemishes in it; for instance, the wagon ____________as fast as the horse is. (travel)
262 You______a line of steamships. (run)
263 We are getting used to all these things, but we______used to carrying our own soap. (get)
264 I______about knowledge, you understand. (talk)
265 Indeed, it is a question if the exclusive reign of this orthodox beauty______its last quarter. (approach)
266 You______it rightly, and I’d best be gone, and leave you to think it over. (take)
267 She’s always going out to meet things; and then when they______for her, she thinks they’re nowhere. (there/wait)
268 This latter name is well given; for I defy any one at first to feel certain that a small dog______somewhere in the forest. (yelp)
269 She______her heart about Charlie. (break)
270 I______you to collect them. (ask)
271 We ; you have locked the door. (come in)
272 It is a most expert traveller, turning a little wheel a-tiptoe wherever the wind lets it rest, and speeding on those pretty points when it . (fly)
273 I______at them for these things. (laugh)
274 The mutiny______standards and precedents. (violate)
275 He______back into the country, therefore, just yet. (go)
276 We______off the old faiths. (kill)
277 Fact is I______very well. (feel)
278 I______you to be my mistress. (ask)
279 I swear I______of myself. (think)
280 We______their work for his children. (find)
281 I______of medicine or morality; I am talking of pleasure. (talk)
282 I judge by absence of news that the enemy______or pressing up to the Susquehanna. (cross)
283 When I , I am reading; I cannot sit and think. (walk)
284 But it______that will do it. (wish)
285 No; it______to the law. (accord)
286 You______for the pleasure of hunting but just to kill. (hunt)
287 He______any chances this time. (take)
288 You______of the impropriety of it. (think)
289 Surely he______home with her! (go)
290 But I______of the feminine organism just now. (speak)
291 I______you to give up your life. (ask)
292 But I______to the exceptional instance here and there. (refer)
293 Do you insinuate that we______in the proprietor’s best interests? (act)
294 But if it , don’t. (become)
295 We______a book upon primitive psychology. (write)
296 He______in love with you, is he, dear? (fall)
297 I______a book on roses. (write)
298 I______at the hotel now. (stay)
299 You don’t seem to understand that I______you away. (send)
300 Now it is clear and positive that if the Sabbath______on any other people than the Jews, by the same rule not one of the commandments is binding on any other people, who dare take such infidel ground? (bind)

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201 But you aren’t asking me to give him. (ask)
202 You aren’t bringing any capital into the concern. (bring)
203 They aren’t becoming to your style of beauty. (become)
204 He isn’t eating for love of you. (eat)
205 You know you aren’t speaking the truth. (speak)
206 The house isn’t now standing, but a picture was made of it before it was destroyed. (now/stand)
207 We aren’t calling you to a pastime. (call)
208 I am not thinking of any one else. (think)
209 The two sides aren’t talking about the same thing. (talk)
210 I am not taking his part against you. (take)
211 It isn’t breaking my promise to tell you. (break)
212 I am not finding any fault with him. (find)
213 It isn’t giving her a fair show. (give)
214 He isn’t running around without his coat. (run)
215 I discover he isn’t listening to me. (listen)
216 But you aren’t going back to London? (go)
217 I am not asking him to change it. (ask)
218 It isn’t very becoming for one in my position to make speeches at length; but there is another subject upon which I feel that I ought to say a word. (very/become)
219 He isn’t flying, he is running, and he has gone into the corn. (fly)
220 You aren’t perceiving the importance of these figures. (perceive)
221 It’s a good thing he isn’t running away. (run away)
222 But we aren’t getting on with our reading. (get on)
223 But you aren’t playing fair with me. (play)
224 It isn’t always cheering to overhear too much. (always/cheer)
225 I am not seeking a compliment from you. (seek)
226 Our economy isn’t getting older and weaker; it’s getting younger and stronger. (get)
227 It isn’t binding upon you in any way. (bind)
228 I am not thinking of her own death. (think)
229 We aren’t now speaking of this liberty. (now/speak)
230 There is never a moment when the new dawn isn’t breaking over the earth, and never a moment when the sunset ceases to die. (break)
231 And you aren’t attending to my needs. (attend)
232 Here as elsewhere he isn’t originating any new idea. (originate)
233 It isn’t standing by a fellow as he ought to do. (stand)
234 I am not going back to the office. (go)
235 You are sure you aren’t enjoying it? (enjoy)
236 You aren’t going for an hour yet. (go)
237 I am not asking you to tell me. (ask)
238 You aren’t dealing now with his mind. (deal)
239 You aren’t giving away your life for nothing. (give away)
240 But it isn’t illuminating; it is not the laughter of the mind. (illuminate)
241 She isn’t even tugging at the chain. (even/tug)
242 We aren’t writing a history of the Inquisition. (write)
243 I am not speaking to you without thought. (speak)
244 For some reason she isn’t getting it. (get)
245 I am not finding any fault with your daughter. (find)
246 He isn’t suffering, luckily, at least only minor discomforts. (suffer)
247 I am not asking you to believe it. (ask)
248 It isn’t taking property from its true owner for public use. (take)
249 You aren’t thinking of yourself, I know. (think)
250 But we aren’t going into the garden. (go)
251 But I am not preaching against the turf. (preach)
252 But I am not going for a week yet. (go)
253 I am not talking of her, but of you. (talk)
254 I am not pretending to write that character well. (pretend)
255 She isn’t seeing any one this morning. (see)
256 But I am not staying on your account. (stay)
257 You aren’t standing treat to a beggar. (stand)
258 You aren’t behaving properly to your mother. (behave)
259 The peasant declares that he will come, and it seems to me that he isn’t deceiving me, and that he intents to come. (deceive)
260 He still carries the marks of his box on the ear, and he isn’t wishing himself any bad luck! (wish)
261 This sketch has several blemishes in it; for instance, the wagon isn’t traveling as fast as the horse is. (travel)
262 You aren’t running a line of steamships. (run)
263 We are getting used to all these things, but we aren’t getting used to carrying our own soap. (get)
264 I am not talking about knowledge, you understand. (talk)
265 Indeed, it is a question if the exclusive reign of this orthodox beauty isn’t approaching its last quarter. (approach)
266 You aren’t taking it rightly, and I’d best be gone, and leave you to think it over. (take)
267 She’s always going out to meet things; and then when they aren’t there waiting for her, she thinks they’re nowhere. (there/wait)
268 This latter name is well given; for I defy any one at first to feel certain that a small dog isn’t yelping somewhere in the forest. (yelp)
269 She isn’t breaking her heart about Charlie. (break)
270 I am not asking you to collect them. (ask)
271 We aren’t coming in; you have locked the door. (come in)
272 It is a most expert traveller, turning a little wheel a-tiptoe wherever the wind lets it rest, and speeding on those pretty points when it isn’t flying. (fly)
273 I am not laughing at them for these things. (laugh)
274 The mutiny isn’t violating standards and precedents. (violate)
275 He isn’t going back into the country, therefore, just yet. (go)
276 We aren’t killing off the old faiths. (kill)
277 Fact is I am not feeling very well. (feel)
278 I am not asking you to be my mistress. (ask)
279 I swear I am not thinking of myself. (think)
280 We aren’t finding their work for his children. (find)
281 I am not talking of medicine or morality; I am talking of pleasure. (talk)
282 I judge by absence of news that the enemy isn’t crossing or pressing up to the Susquehanna. (cross)
283 When I am not walking, I am reading; I cannot sit and think. (walk)
284 But it isn’t wishing that will do it. (wish)
285 No; it isn’t according to the law. (accord)
286 You aren’t hunting for the pleasure of hunting but just to kill. (hunt)
287 He isn’t taking any chances this time. (take)
288 You aren’t thinking of the impropriety of it. (think)
289 Surely he isn’t going home with her! (go)
290 But I am not speaking of the feminine organism just now. (speak)
291 I am not asking you to give up your life. (ask)
292 But I am not referring to the exceptional instance here and there. (refer)
293 Do you insinuate that we aren’t acting in the proprietor’s best interests? (act)
294 But if it isn’t becoming, don’t. (become)
295 We aren’t writing a book upon primitive psychology. (write)
296 He isn’t falling in love with you, is he, dear? (fall)
297 I am not writing a book on roses. (write)
298 I am not staying at the hotel now. (stay)
299 You don’t seem to understand that I am not sending you away. (send)
300 Now it is clear and positive that if the Sabbath isn’t binding on any other people than the Jews, by the same rule not one of the commandments is binding on any other people, who dare take such infidel ground? (bind)

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