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The Most Important Jumbled Sentence Exercise Part 29

When dealing with jumbled sentences, it’s essential to correct the sentence structure for better understanding. Phrase correction in English involves rearranging or fixing misplaced words to form coherent sentences. Identifying jumbled words within a sentence is crucial for accurate communication. Correcting sentences in English requires attention to grammar, syntax, and word order to convey the intended meaning effectively. Through practice and understanding of sentence structure, one can improve their ability to correct sentences and phrases in English, ensuring clarity and coherence in communication. For Mose Such Questions CLICK HERE to download the app.


2801 before.   said   he’s   Tom   that   Boston   been   to
2802 do   said   he’s   Tom   that   not   been   told   that.
2803 that   said   been   Tom   he’s   do   told   to   again.
2804 weight.   said   been   Tom   he’s   lose   trying   to
2805 time.   said   been   Tom   he’s   some   waiting   for
2806 said   he’s   Tom   that   cautiously   optimistic.
2807 that.   said   he’s   Tom   that   do   determined   to
2808 times.   said   done   Tom   he’s   three   that   only
2809 times.   said   he’s   Tom   that   three   done   that
2810 do   said   glad   Tom   he’s   could   that   he   that.
2811 hurt.   said   glad   Tom   he’s   wasn’t   that   Mary
2812 back.   said   glad   Tom   he’s   you’re   that   that
2813 hurt.   said   glad   Tom   he’s   weren’t   that   you
2814 do   said   he   Tom   that   to   was   planning   that.
2815 go,   said   he   Tom   that   to   was   planning   too.
2816 was   said   was   Tom   he   that   sick,   lie.   but   a
2817 thing.   said   was   Tom   he   same   wondering   the
2818 was   said   he   Tom   that   I   thought   that   lazy.
2819 insincere.   said   he   Tom   that   was   thought   I
2820 was   said   he   Tom   that   I   thought   that   dead.
2821 that.   said   suspected   Tom   he   do   Mary   would
2822 said   thought   Tom   he   unconcerned.   I   seemed
2823 insincere.   said   thought   Tom   he   was   that   I
2824 wait.   said   thought   Tom   he   would   that   Mary
2825 his   said   he   Tom   that   clear   wants   to   name.
2826 schedule.   said   was   Tom   he   behind   a   little
2827 done   said   was   Tom   he   he’d   glad   that   that.
2828 could   said   he   Tom   that   you   knew   that   win.
2829 the   said   he   Tom   that   won   hoped   Mary   race.
2830 the   said   he   Tom   that   win   hoped   he’d   race.
2831 the   said   hoped   Tom   he   win   that   he’d   race.
2832 the   said   hoped   Tom   he   won   that   Mary   race.
2833 soon.   said   he   Tom   that   happen   hopes   it’ll
2834 do   said   he   Tom   that   to   isn’t   likely   that.
2835 money.   said   he   Tom   that   much   isn’t   making
2836 going.   said   he   Tom   that   on   isn’t   planning
2837 do   said   isn’t   Tom   he   to   very   likely   that.
2838 in   said   he   Tom   that   gun   keeps   home.   a   his
2839 speak.   said   he   Tom   that   to   felt   compelled
2840 his   said   he   Tom   that   about   felt   good   win.
2841 drunk.   said   he   Tom   that   getting   felt   like
2842 to   said   he   Tom   that   pressure   felt   no   win.
2843 said   he   Tom   that   humiliated.   felt   utterly
2844 worry   said   he   Tom   that   to   didn’t   want   me.
2845 wanted.   said   didn’t   Tom   he   Mary   know   what
2846 else.   said   he   Tom   that   anybody   didn’t   see
2847 said   didn’t   Tom   he   happened.   think   really
2848 here.   said   he   Tom   that   anyone   didn’t   know
2849 phone.   said   a   Tom   that   the   woman   answered
2850 to   said   is   Tom   Boston   place   a   nice   visit.
2851 option.   said   doing   Tom   that   an   that   isn’t
2852 said   doing   Tom   that   frustrating.   that   was
2853 fun.   said   doing   Tom   that   much   that   wasn’t
2854 good   said   that   Tom   doing   a   would   be   idea.
2855 fun.   said   that   Tom   doing   much   wouldn’t   be
2856 swim.   said   everyone   Tom   that   can   he   knows
2857 me   admit   did   I   I   told   what   do.   to   Tom   not
2858 do   admitted   I   I   that   to   didn’t   want   that.
2859 to   admitted   I   I   that   what   didn’t   know   do.
2860 can   said   he   Tom   that   Mary   hopes   that   win.
2861 wrong?   you   to   Are   ready   you’re   admit   that
2862 that.   refused   admit   Tom   to   done   that   he’d
2863 was   is   going   Tom   never   he   to   admit   wrong.
2864 man.   Tom’s   admit   Even   enemies   just   he’s   a
2865 was   didn’t   to   I   want   I   admit   that   scared.
2866 of   must   that   I   admit   heard   I’ve   never   it.
2867 good   all   Tom   Let’s   admit   pretty   is   a   guy.
2868 failure.   hard   admit   It’s   to   a   that   you’re
2869 admits   the   Tom   that   perfect.   system   isn’t
2870 do   admitted   didn’t   Tom   he   to   know   how   it.
2871 admitted   had   Tom   he   murder.   committed   the
2872 that.   admitted   he   Tom   that   doing   had   help
2873 bike.   admitted   he   Tom   that   the   had   stolen
2874 mistake.   just   that   Tom   admitted   a   he   made
2875 has   he   Tom   admitted   bicycle.   stole   Mary’s
2876 did   admitted   was   Tom   he   who   the   one   that.
2877 night.   has   he   Tom   admitted   that   was   there
2878 do   admitted   I   I   that   to   was   tempted   that.
2879 done   admitted   was   I   I   who’d   the   one   that.
2880 wrong.   admitted   what   Tom   that   was   he   said
2881 my   doubt   will   I   you   with   be   happy   report.
2882 there.   seriously   that   I   doubt   be   Tom   will
2883 upset.   doubt   seriously   I   very   be   Tom   will
2884 ready.   doubt   seriously   I   very   be   Tom   will
2885 early.   doubt   seriously   I   very   be   Tom   will
2886 awake.   doubt   seriously   I   very   be   Tom   will
2887 angry.   doubt   seriously   I   very   be   Tom   will
2888 alone.   doubt   seriously   I   very   be   Tom   will
2889 soon.   doubt   Tom   I   that   anytime   will   leave
2890 that   doubt   Tom   I   that   do   will   ever   again.
2891 do   doubt   Tom   I   that   to   really   needs   that.
2892 gullible.   doubt   Tom   I   that   that   is   really
2893 doubt   there’s   I   that   me.   anyone   following
2894 herself.   doubts   can   Tom   Mary   of   take   care
2895 Australia.   don’t   you   I   think   to   should   go
2896 Australia.   don’t   I   I   think   in   know   anyone
2897 interested.   doubt   much   I   very   be   Tom   will
2898 in   last   I   The   time   was   saw   Tom   Australia.
2899 in   didn’t   I   I   say   live   used   to   Australia.
2900 in   it   Tom   Is   TRUE   live   used   to   Australia?


2801 Tom said that he’s been to Boston before.
2802 Tom said that he’s been told not do that.
2803 Tom said he’s been told to do that again.
2804 Tom said he’s been trying to lose weight.
2805 Tom said he’s been waiting for some time.
2806 Tom said that he’s cautiously optimistic.
2807 Tom said that he’s determined to do that.
2808 Tom said he’s done that only three times.
2809 Tom said that he’s done that three times.
2810 Tom said he’s glad that he could do that.
2811 Tom said he’s glad that Mary wasn’t hurt.
2812 Tom said he’s glad that that you’re back.
2813 Tom said he’s glad that you weren’t hurt.
2814 Tom said that he was planning to do that.
2815 Tom said that he was planning to go, too.
2816 Tom said he was sick, but that was a lie.
2817 Tom said he was wondering the same thing.
2818 Tom said that he thought that I was lazy.
2819 Tom said that he thought I was insincere.
2820 Tom said that he thought that I was dead.
2821 Tom said he suspected Mary would do that.
2822 Tom said he thought I seemed unconcerned.
2823 Tom said he thought that I was insincere.
2824 Tom said he thought that Mary would wait.
2825 Tom said that he wants to clear his name.
2826 Tom said he was a little behind schedule.
2827 Tom said he was glad that he’d done that.
2828 Tom said that he knew that you could win.
2829 Tom said that he hoped Mary won the race.
2830 Tom said that he hoped he’d win the race.
2831 Tom said he hoped that he’d win the race.
2832 Tom said he hoped that Mary won the race.
2833 Tom said that he hopes it’ll happen soon.
2834 Tom said that he isn’t likely to do that.
2835 Tom said that he isn’t making much money.
2836 Tom said that he isn’t planning on going.
2837 Tom said he isn’t very likely to do that.
2838 Tom said that he keeps a gun in his home.
2839 Tom said that he felt compelled to speak.
2840 Tom said that he felt good about his win.
2841 Tom said that he felt like getting drunk.
2842 Tom said that he felt no pressure to win.
2843 Tom said that he felt utterly humiliated.
2844 Tom said that he didn’t want to worry me.
2845 Tom said he didn’t know what Mary wanted.
2846 Tom said that he didn’t see anybody else.
2847 Tom said he didn’t think really happened.
2848 Tom said that he didn’t know anyone here.
2849 Tom said that a woman answered the phone.
2850 Tom said Boston is a nice place to visit.
2851 Tom said that doing that isn’t an option.
2852 Tom said that doing that was frustrating.
2853 Tom said that doing that wasn’t much fun.
2854 Tom said doing that would be a good idea.
2855 Tom said doing that wouldn’t be much fun.
2856 Tom said that everyone he knows can swim.
2857 I admit I did what Tom told me not to do.
2858 I admitted that I didn’t want to do that.
2859 I admitted that I didn’t know what to do.
2860 Tom said that he hopes that Mary can win.
2861 Are you ready to admit that you’re wrong?
2862 Tom refused to admit that he’d done that.
2863 Tom is never going to admit he was wrong.
2864 Even Tom’s enemies admit he’s a just man.
2865 I didn’t want to admit that I was scared.
2866 I must admit that I’ve never heard of it.
2867 Let’s all admit Tom is a pretty good guy.
2868 It’s hard to admit that you’re a failure.
2869 Tom admits that the system isn’t perfect.
2870 Tom admitted he didn’t know how to do it.
2871 Tom admitted he had committed the murder.
2872 Tom admitted that he had help doing that.
2873 Tom admitted that he had stolen the bike.
2874 Tom just admitted that he made a mistake.
2875 Tom has admitted he stole Mary’s bicycle.
2876 Tom admitted he was the one who did that.
2877 Tom has admitted he was there that night.
2878 I admitted that I was tempted to do that.
2879 I admitted I was the one who’d done that.
2880 Tom admitted that what he said was wrong.
2881 I doubt you will be happy with my report.
2882 I seriously doubt that Tom will be there.
2883 I doubt very seriously Tom will be upset.
2884 I doubt very seriously Tom will be ready.
2885 I doubt very seriously Tom will be early.
2886 I doubt very seriously Tom will be awake.
2887 I doubt very seriously Tom will be angry.
2888 I doubt very seriously Tom will be alone.
2889 I doubt that Tom will leave anytime soon.
2890 I doubt that Tom will ever do that again.
2891 I doubt that Tom really needs to do that.
2892 I doubt that Tom is really that gullible.
2893 I doubt that there’s anyone following me.
2894 Tom doubts Mary can take care of herself.
2895 I don’t think you should go to Australia.
2896 I don’t think I know anyone in Australia.
2897 I doubt very much Tom will be interested.
2898 The last time I saw Tom was in Australia.
2899 I didn’t say I used to live in Australia.
2900 Is it true Tom used to live in Australia?


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