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Learn English Homophones. The Most Useful Homophone Words With Meaning & Examples.

Understanding homophones is crucial in grasping the nuances of the English language. These words, often confusing and commonly misspelled, sound alike but have different meanings and spellings. Homophones, like “there,” “their,” and “they’re,” serve as prime examples. These homophones possess distinct meanings; “there” indicates a place, “their” signifies possession, and “they’re” is a contraction for “they are.”

Navigating through these homophone words often becomes an exercise in attention to detail. Learners might encounter challenges in distinguishing between these homophones and meanings due to their subtle variations. Such confusing words in English can trip up even the most adept writers and lead to common misspelled words in writing.

To enhance clarity, practice exercises focusing on homophones are beneficial. These exercises serve as a practical tool for reinforcing the correct usage of these homophones and identifying commonly misspelled words. Understanding these nuances not only refines language skills but also improves communication, ensuring the accurate conveyance of ideas despite the intricacies of homophones in English.

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Accept Accept: To willingly receive or agree to something that is offered or presented. It implies agreement or approval of what is being received. Except Except: Except means excluding or leaving out something/someone from a specified group or action. Examples & Exercise
Acclamation Acclamation: A loud, enthusiastic expression of approval, praise, or support, often demonstrated by a crowd or a group of people. Acclimation Acclimation: Acclimation refers to the process of adapting or adjusting to a new environment, situation, or condition. Examples & Exercise
Acts Acts: Deeds or actions performed by individuals or groups, often with intent or purpose, and may carry legal, moral, or social significance. Ax Ax: An ax is a tool used for chopping wood, typically having a sharp-edged metal blade attached to a handle. Examples & Exercise
Adds Adds: To combine or join something to increase the total, often referring to putting together elements or numbers to create a larger sum or whole. Adz Adz: An adz is a cutting tool with a curved blade used for shaping wood by chipping or carving. Examples & Exercise
Adherence Adherence: The act of sticking firmly to a particular belief, rule, principle, or practice. It signifies dedication or commitment to something. Adherents Adherents: Adherents are individuals who support or follow a particular person, group, or cause. Examples & Exercise
Adolescence Adolescence: The transitional phase between childhood and adulthood, marked by physical, psychological, and social changes as individuals mature into adults. Adolescents Adolescents: Adolescents are young individuals typically in the age range between childhood and adulthood, usually referring to teenagers. Examples & Exercise
Aeration Aeration: The process of introducing air or oxygen into a substance or environment, typically to improve its quality or to support biological processes. Erration Erration: Erration doesn’t have a standard definition. It might be a term related to errors or deviation, but its use is not common. Examples & Exercise
Aerie Aerie: A large nest of a bird of prey, usually built on a cliff, high location, or within a tree, used for nesting, resting, and raising young. Airy Airy: Airy describes something that is spacious, light, or breezy. Examples & Exercise
Affect Affect: To produce a change, influence, or have an impact on something or someone. It refers to the ability to cause emotions or feelings. Effect Effect: Effect refers to the result or outcome of an action, event, or cause. Examples & Exercise
Aid Aid: Assistance or support provided to someone in need, whether in the form of resources, help, or intervention to alleviate difficulties. Aide Aide: An aide is an assistant or helper who supports another person, usually in an official capacity. Examples & Exercise
Ail Ail: To cause physical or emotional pain, discomfort, or trouble, often associated with illness, distress, or hardship. Ale Ale: Ale is a type of alcoholic beverage brewed from malted barley, typically with a bitter taste. Examples & Exercise
Air Air: The invisible mixture of gases that surrounds the Earth, primarily composed of nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, and other elements. Heir Heir: An heir is a person who inherits or is entitled to receive property, title, or wealth from someone, usually a deceased relative. Examples & Exercise
Aisle Aisle: A passageway between rows of seats, shelves, or other structures, especially in a church, theater, or store, allowing movement between them. Isle Isle: Isle refers to a small island, especially one located off the coast. Examples & Exercise
All All: The whole amount, extent, or quantity of something without exception, including everything or everyone involved. Awl Awl: An awl is a small, pointed tool used for making holes in materials like wood or leather. Examples & Exercise
Allowed Allowed: Permitted or given authorization to do something, often after meeting certain conditions or receiving approval. Aloud Aloud: Aloud means speaking audibly or out loud, as opposed to silently or quietly. Examples & Exercise
Allude Allude: To suggest or indirectly refer to something, often by mentioning it without explicitly stating or discussing it. Elude Elude: Elude means to escape or evade something skillfully, typically by being elusive or difficult to catch or understand. Examples & Exercise
Altar Altar: A raised structure used for religious or spiritual purposes, often as a place for offerings, sacrifices, prayers, or ceremonies. Alter Alter: To alter is to change or modify something, usually making amendments or adjustments. Examples & Exercise
Appose Appose: To place things together or side by side, often for comparison, contrast, or juxtaposition. Oppose Oppose: To oppose means to resist, disagree with, or take a contrary stance against something or someone. Examples & Exercise
Arc Arc: A curved line or part of a circle, often used in geometry or as a metaphor for a continuous curve or shape. Ark Ark: An ark is a large boat or vessel, often associated with the biblical story of Noah’s Ark. Examples & Exercise
Are Are: Present tense form of the verb “to be,” used with second person singular or plural subjects. Our Our: Our is a possessive pronoun used to indicate possession by multiple people. Examples & Exercise
Ascent Ascent: The act of rising, climbing, or moving upwards, often referring to physical elevation or advancement. Assent Assent: Assent is agreement or approval given to a proposal, idea, or action. Examples & Exercise
Ate Ate: The past tense of the verb “to eat,” indicating the action of consuming food in the past. Eight Eight: Eight is the numerical value representing the number occurring after seven and before nine, or the digit “8.” Examples & Exercise
Away Away: Not present in a particular place; gone elsewhere, indicating absence or distance from a specific location. Aweigh Aweigh: Aweigh is a term associated with the raising of an anchor on a ship, signifying that it has just begun to be raised off the sea bottom. Examples & Exercise
Aye Aye: Yes or an affirmative response, often used to express agreement or consent, particularly in voting or decision-making. I I: I is the singular first-person pronoun used to refer to oneself. Examples & Exercise
Bade Bade: The past tense of the verb “to bid,” referring to commanding, ordering, or saying farewell. Bayed Bayed: Bayed refers to the vocalization of a dog, usually a howling or barking sound, often associated with hunting. Examples & Exercise
Bail Bail: To release a person from legal custody by providing security or financial guarantee to appear in court. Bale Bale: A bale is a compressed bundle or package of goods, usually wrapped in cloth or tied with cords. Examples & Exercise
Bait Bait: Food or substance used to entice fish, animals, or people, often used in fishing or trapping. Bate Bate: Bate means to moderate or restrain one’s emotions or actions, especially in response to something provocative or irritating. Examples & Exercise
Bald Bald: Having little or no hair on the scalp, often referred to as the absence of hair or a thin covering of hair. Bawled Bawled: Bawled describes crying or shouting loudly and uncontrollably. Examples & Exercise
Ball Ball: A spherical or round object used in various sports, games, or as a plaything, typically made of rubber, leather, or other materials. Bawl Bawl: To bawl means to cry or shout loudly, often in a distressing manner. Examples & Exercise
Band Band: A strip or piece of material used for tying, binding, or fastening objects together, or a musical group or ensemble. Banned Banned: Banned refers to something that has been officially prohibited or forbidden by authority. Examples & Exercise
Bard Bard: A poet or a singer of epic poems, often associated with historical tales or mythologies. Barred Barred: Barred means to prevent entry or passage, often by using a barrier or obstruction. It can also refer to being excluded from a place or an event. Examples & Exercise
Bare Bare: Uncovered, naked, or exposed; lacking any covering or protection. Bear Bear: Bear refers to a large mammal with shaggy fur, typically found in various habitats worldwide. It can also mean to endure, carry, or support a weight or responsibility. Examples & Exercise
Baron Baron: A nobleman of varying rank, historically ranked below a viscount and above a baronet, possessing land or wealth. Barren Barren: Barren describes land that is infertile and lacks vegetation. It can also refer to a situation or a person unable to produce offspring or ideas. Examples & Exercise
Base Base: The bottom or foundation of something, the fundamental support or starting point. Bass Bass: Bass denotes the lowest range of musical notes or the lowest-pitched instrument in a musical arrangement. It also refers to a species of fish. Examples & Exercise
Based Based: Founded or established on a particular basis or centered around a specific concept or idea. Baste Baste: Baste means to moisten food while cooking by spooning liquid or fat over it. It can also mean to sew loosely with large stitches. Examples & Exercise
Bazaar Bazaar: A marketplace or a street of shops and stalls where goods are sold or exchanged, often associated with Middle Eastern or Asian regions. Bizarre Bizarre: Bizarre refers to something strikingly unconventional, odd, or peculiar, often in a surprising or unexpected manner. Examples & Exercise
Be Be: To exist or live, indicating the state of being or presence. Bee Bee: A bee is a flying insect known for pollinating flowers and producing honey within a hive. Examples & Exercise
Beach Beach: A sandy or pebbly area along the shore of a body of water, often used for recreation or relaxation. Beech Beech: Beech refers to a type of tree that bears smooth gray bark and produces small edible nuts. Examples & Exercise
Bean Bean: The edible seed or pod of various plants, commonly used as a food source. Been Been: Been is the past participle of the verb “be,” indicating a state or condition that existed in the past. Examples & Exercise
Beat Beat: To strike or hit repeatedly, often with a rhythm or at regular intervals. Beet Beet: Beet is a vegetable with a bulbous root that is often used in cooking or juicing. Examples & Exercise
Been Been: The past participle of the verb “to be,” indicating existence or occurrence in the past. Bin Bin: Bin refers to a container or receptacle used for storing or holding items, often seen in various sizes and materials. Examples & Exercise
Beer Beer: An alcoholic beverage made from fermented grains, typically barley, flavored with hops. Bier Bier: A bier is a platform or frame used for carrying a coffin or a corpse during a funeral or burial ceremony. Examples & Exercise
Bell Bell: A hollow, typically cup-shaped object that produces a ringing sound when struck or when a clapper inside hits its sides. Belle Belle: Belle refers to a beautiful or attractive woman, often associated with grace and charm. Examples & Exercise
Berry Berry: A small, pulpy, often edible fruit, typically colorful and containing seeds. Bury Bury: Bury means to inter or place something or someone in the ground, often in a grave. Examples & Exercise
Berth Berth: A place to sleep, a bed or a space to accommodate someone, often used in the context of ships or trains. Birth Birth: Birth refers to the emergence or beginning of a new life, often associated with the delivery of a baby. Examples & Exercise
Better Better: To improve or surpass something in quality, condition, or performance. Bettor Bettor: A bettor is someone who places bets or wagers, typically in gambling or betting activities. Examples & Exercise
Bight Bight: A curve or bend in a coastline, a loop or bend in a rope or cable. Bite Bite: Bite is the action of using the teeth to grip, cut, or chew something. It can also refer to the wound caused by such an action. Examples & Exercise
Billed Billed: Describes something that has been charged or invoiced, typically in reference to payment or services. Build Build: Build means to construct, create, or assemble something, often referring to the process of making or forming. Examples & Exercise
Bird Bird: A warm-blooded vertebrate with feathers, beaked jaws, laying hard-shelled eggs, and capable of flight. Burred Burred: Burred describes something rough or jagged, often with small, stiff, or prickly projections. Examples & Exercise
Blew Blew: The past tense of the verb “to blow,” indicating the movement of air or creating a gust. Blue Blue: Blue is a color often associated with the hue of the sky or the sea. It can also denote a feeling of sadness or melancholy. Examples & Exercise
Boar Boar: A male pig, specifically referring to a wild pig or the male of certain species. Bore Bore: Bore means to drill a hole or to pierce through something using a rotating tool. Examples & Exercise
Board Board: A flat piece of wood or other hard material, often used for construction or as a surface for activities. Bored Bored: Bored describes a feeling of tedium, lack of interest, or weariness due to lack of stimulation or excitement. Examples & Exercise
Boarder Boarder: A person who pays for meals and lodging in someone else’s home, often as a tenant or paying guest. Border Border: Border refers to the outer edge or boundary that separates one area or country from another. Examples & Exercise
Bode Bode: To be an omen or indication of a future event, often suggesting a particular outcome or impending situation. Bowed Bowed: Bowed describes something that is bent or curved, often under pressure or strain. Examples & Exercise
Bold Bold: Having courage, confidence, or a fearless nature; not hesitating to take risks or make decisions. Bowled Bowled: Bowled refers to the act of rolling a ball towards a target, especially in games like bowling. Examples & Exercise
Bolder Bolder: More daring or courageous than something else, showing greater confidence or willingness to take risks. Boulder Boulder: A boulder is a large rock or stone, often found in natural landscapes like rivers, mountains, or beaches. Examples & Exercise
Bole Bole: The trunk of a tree, specifically referring to the main stem or central axis. Bowl Bowl: A bowl is a round, open container used for holding liquids, food, or other items. Examples & Exercise
Boos Boos: To jeer or express disapproval by making loud, scornful sounds, typically in a group. Booze Booze: Booze is a colloquial term for alcoholic drinks or liquor. Examples & Exercise
Bough Bough: A main branch of a tree, especially one of the larger or thicker branches. Bow Bow: Bow refers to bending the upper part of the body as a gesture of respect or as an action used in archery. Examples & Exercise
Boy Boy: A male child or a young man, usually referring to someone who hasn’t reached adulthood yet. Buoy Buoy: A buoy is a floating marker, often anchored in water, used as a navigational aid or to indicate hazards or boundaries. Examples & Exercise
Braid Braid: A complex pattern or structure created by intertwining three or more strands of hair, yarn, or other materials. Brayed Brayed: To bray is the harsh, loud cry of a donkey or a similar sound produced by another animal or even a person imitating this sound. It’s typically a raucous, loud, and somewhat unpleasant noise. Examples & Exercise
Braise/Braize Braise/Braize: A cooking method that involves browning meat or vegetables in fat, then cooking slowly in a covered pot with a small amount of liquid. Braze Braze: Braze refers to the process of joining metals together using a molten filler metal, often with a lower melting point than the metals being joined. It involves heating the metals and then allowing the filler metal to flow between the pieces, forming a bond upon cooling. Examples & Exercise
Brake Brake: A device used to slow down or stop a vehicle’s motion, typically by friction or pressure on the wheels. Break Break: Break signifies to separate into pieces suddenly or forcefully. It can also mean to interrupt or cause discontinuity in an action, process, or condition. Examples & Exercise
Breach Breach: A break or violation of a law, rule, agreement, or standard, often resulting in an infringement or disruption. Breech Breech: Breech refers to the part of a firearm behind the barrel where the ammunition is loaded. It can also denote the hind part of something, like a ship. Examples & Exercise
Bread Bread: A staple food made from flour, water, and yeast or other leavening agents, baked until firm. Bred Bred: Bred refers to the past tense and past participle of the verb “breed,” which means to reproduce or generate offspring, especially through controlled mating. Examples & Exercise
Brewed Brewed: The past tense of the verb “brew,” referring to the process of making beer, tea, coffee, or other drinks by soaking, boiling, and fermenting. Brood Brood: Brood signifies a group of young animals hatched or born at the same time, or it can refer to a person’s offspring. It can also mean to worry persistently or to dwell on negative thoughts. Examples & Exercise
Brews Brews: Plural form of “brew,” denoting various types of beverages made by brewing. Bruise Bruise: A bruise is a discoloration of the skin caused by trauma, usually without breaking the skin, resulting in localized damage to the blood vessels and tissues. Examples & Exercise
Bridal Bridal: Relating to a wedding or marriage ceremony, often associated with the bride or the act of getting married. Bridle Bridle: A bridle is a headgear used to control a horse, typically consisting of straps that fit around the head and a bit to control the animal. Examples & Exercise
Burro Burro: A small donkey, often used for carrying loads or as a working animal in certain regions. Burrow Burrow: Burrow refers to a hole or tunnel dug into the ground by certain animals as a dwelling or for protection. Examples & Exercise
Bus Bus: A large motor vehicle designed to carry passengers, usually along fixed routes or for long-distance travel. Buss Buss: Buss is an archaic term for a kiss or an affectionate touching of the lips in a friendly or romantic manner. Examples & Exercise
Bused Bused: The past tense of the verb “bus,” referring to the action of transporting people by bus. Bust Bust: Bust can refer to a sculpture depicting a person’s head, shoulders, and chest, or it can mean the act of breaking or splitting something, often abruptly. Examples & Exercise
But But: A conjunction used to indicate a contrast or exception to what has been mentioned. Butt Butt: A butt can refer to the thicker end or the stub of something. It’s also a slang term for a cigarette or a target for shooting practice. Examples & Exercise
Buy Buy: To acquire something by paying for it, often involving a transaction or exchange of money. Bye Bye: Bye refers to the privilege or position of being exempted from a tournament’s preliminary rounds. Examples & Exercise
Cache Cache: A hidden or concealed collection of items or provisions, often stored for future use or protection. Cash Cash: Cash denotes money in the form of coins or banknotes, especially in hand or readily available for transactions. Examples & Exercise
Callous Callous: Having an insensitive or hardened attitude or behavior, lacking empathy or sympathy towards others. Callus Callus: A callus is a thickened or hardened area of skin, often developed due to repeated friction, pressure, or irritation. Examples & Exercise
Can’T Can’t: The contraction of “cannot,” indicating the inability or impossibility of doing something. Cant Cant: Cant can refer to a slope or tilt, especially in a structure. It can also denote insincere or hypocritical talk. Examples & Exercise
Cannon Cannon: A large, heavy piece of artillery, typically mounted on wheels, used in warfare to fire projectiles. Canon Canon: Canon can refer to a set of established principles or standards. In literature, it signifies a body of works considered genuine or authoritative. Examples & Exercise
Canter Canter: A three-beat gait of a horse or similar animal, faster than a trot but slower than a gallop. Cantor Cantor: A cantor is a singer, especially one who leads liturgical music in a church or synagogue. Examples & Exercise
Carat Carat: A unit of weight for precious stones, especially diamonds, equivalent to 200 milligrams. Carrot Carrot: A carrot is a long, orange vegetable with a tapered shape, often used in cooking and known for its high beta-carotene content. Examples & Exercise
Caries Caries: The medical term for tooth decay or cavities caused by bacterial infection and destruction of tooth enamel. Carries Carries: Carries is the third-person singular form of the verb “carry,” meaning to transport or support the weight of something. Examples & Exercise
Cast Cast: To throw something forcefully, or the actors selected for a performance, or a rigid support, such as plaster, used to immobilize a broken limb. Caste Caste: Caste refers to a social class or system based on heredity and often linked to occupation or rank. Examples & Exercise
Cede Cede: To surrender or give up control or territory, often by formal agreement or treaty. Seed Seed: Seed refers to the reproductive part of a flowering plant that can grow into a new plant under suitable conditions. Examples & Exercise
Cell Cell: The smallest structural and functional unit of an organism, typically microscopic and capable of independent existence. Sell Sell: Sell refers to the act of exchanging goods or services for money or other goods. Examples & Exercise
Cellar Cellar: An underground room or storage area, often used for preserving food or storing wine. Seller Seller: A seller is a person or entity who offers goods or services for sale. Examples & Exercise
Censor Censor: To suppress or restrict certain parts of a book, film, or other media, typically due to objectionable content. Sensor Sensor: A sensor is a device that detects or measures physical properties and transmits data about them. Examples & Exercise
Cent Cent: A monetary unit equal to one-hundredth of the basic currency unit, used in many countries as a subunit of currency. Sent Sent: Sent is the past tense and past participle of the verb “send,” meaning to cause something to go or be conveyed to a destination. Examples & Exercise
Cents Cents: The plural form of “cent,” representing multiple units of the basic currency. Sense Sense: Sense refers to the faculties of perception and understanding. It can also mean sound judgment or awareness. Examples & Exercise
Cereal Cereal: A grass cultivated for its edible grains, commonly used for breakfast foods like wheat, oats, or corn. Serial Serial: Serial refers to something that occurs in a series or sequence, often denoting a narrative or a set of events presented in parts. Examples & Exercise
Cession Cession: The act of giving up or surrendering territory, rights, or authority to another entity, often by treaty or agreement. Session Session: A session is a meeting or period of time allocated for a specific activity or purpose. Examples & Exercise
Chaise Chaise: A horse-drawn carriage with a convertible hood, usually used for leisurely rides or transportation in the past. Chase Chase: Chase refers to the pursuit of someone or something in order to catch or capture them. It can also mean to decorate or finish metalwork by engraving or embossing it. Examples & Exercise
Chalk Chalk: A soft, white, porous limestone or a stick of this material used for writing or drawing, especially on chalkboards. Chock Chock: A chock is a wedge or block placed against a wheel or rounded object to prevent it from rolling or moving. Examples & Exercise
Chance Chance: The occurrence or happening of events without apparent cause, often associated with luck or random occurrence. Chants Chants: Chants are rhythmic and repetitive vocal utterances, often sung or spoken during religious or ceremonial practices. Examples & Exercise
Chased Chased: The past tense of the verb “chase,” meaning to pursue or follow someone or something in order to catch or overtake. Chaste Chaste: Chaste describes someone or something that abstains from extraneous or inappropriate indulgence, often associated with purity or modesty. Examples & Exercise
Cheap Cheap: Of low cost or relatively inexpensive, often implying a lower quality or lesser value. Cheep Cheep: Cheep refers to a short, high-pitched sound typically made by small birds or sometimes used informally to describe a brief, high-pitched sound. Examples & Exercise
Chews Chews: The plural form of “chew,” the action of biting and grinding food in the mouth with teeth. Choose Choose: Choose means to select or pick something from a range of options after consideration. Examples & Exercise
Chic Chic: Stylish, elegant, or fashionable in a sophisticated way, often associated with trends in fashion or design. Sheik Sheik: Sheik is an alternate spelling of “sheikh,” an honorific title in Arabic culture that signifies a respected or noble leader. Examples & Exercise
Choir Choir: A group of singers or musical performers who perform together, typically under the direction of a conductor. Quire Quire: A quire is a unit of measurement in papermaking, usually consisting of 24 or 25 sheets of paper. Examples & Exercise
Chord Chord: A group of three or more musical notes played together, creating harmony or a pleasing sound. Cored Cored: Cored refers to the process of removing the central part or core from something, often a fruit, vegetable, or geological formation. Examples & Exercise
Chute Chute: A sloping channel or passage used for conveying objects or materials downward, often with a controlled descent. Shoot Shoot: Shoot refers to the act of propelling something forward with force, such as a projectile, or the rapid growth of a plant. Examples & Exercise
Cite Cite: To quote or refer to a source, authority, or example to support an argument or statement. Site Site: Site denotes a location, especially a place where something significant happens or where construction or an event occurs. Examples & Exercise
Clause Clause: A distinct section or provision within a legal document, contract, or law that addresses a specific point or condition. Claws Claws: Claws are sharp, curved nails found on the toes or paws of some animals, typically used for gripping or catching prey. Examples & Exercise
Click Click: A sharp, short sound produced by a device or mechanism, often by pressing a button or operating a switch. Clique Clique: A clique refers to a small, exclusive group of people with shared interests or purposes, often seen as excluding others. Examples & Exercise
Close Close: To shut, fasten, or bring something to an end or completion; near or nearby in proximity. Clothes Clothes: Clothes are garments or items worn to cover or protect the body, providing warmth, modesty, or fashion. Examples & Exercise
Coal Coal: A combustible black or dark-brown rock, often used as fuel for heating or generating electricity. Cole Cole: Cole is another term for cabbage or certain leafy vegetables. Examples & Exercise
Coaled Coaled: The past tense of “coal,” referring to the action of supplying with coal or stocking coal. Cold Cold: Cold describes a low temperature or the absence of warmth. Examples & Exercise
Coarse Coarse: Rough or harsh in texture, quality, or manners; lacking refinement or finesse. Course Course: Course can mean a direction or path, a series of educational lessons, or the progression of events over time. Examples & Exercise
Coated Coated: Covered or protected with a layer or thin film, often applied to improve durability or appearance. Coded Coded: Coded refers to something written or represented in a specific system or language, often requiring a key or decoding process to understand. Examples & Exercise
Cocks Cocks: Plural of “cock,” referring to the male of certain birds or the valve control on a faucet. Cox Cox: Cox can refer to a person who steers a rowing boat or a coxswain, especially in a competitive crew. Examples & Exercise
Complement Complement: Something that completes or makes perfect, often referring to things that enhance each other when combined. Compliment Compliment: A compliment is a polite expression of praise or admiration given to someone for their qualities, actions, or achievements. Examples & Exercise
Contingence Contingence: A possible event or circumstance that may or may not occur, often requiring preparation or consideration. Contingents Contingents: Contingents refer to groups or units of people organized for a specific purpose or as part of a larger body. Examples & Exercise
Coo Coo: The soft, murmuring sound made by doves, pigeons, or some other birds, often as a sign of contentment or affection. Coup Coup: A coup can refer to a sudden and often violent seizure of power or control, typically within a government or organization. Examples & Exercise
Coop Coop: An enclosed space or enclosure, typically for confining poultry or small animals. Coupe Coupe: A coupe is a car body style with a fixed roof, two doors, and a sloping rear. Examples & Exercise
Correspondence Correspondence: Communication or exchange of letters, emails, or messages between people or entities. Correspondents Correspondents: Correspondents are individuals who report news or events for a newspaper, television, or other media outlets. Examples & Exercise
Cosign Cosign: To sign a document jointly with someone else, often assuming responsibility or guaranteeing the validity of the document. Cosine Cosine: Cosine is a trigonometric function used in mathematics that represents the ratio of the adjacent side to the hypotenuse in a right-angled triangle. Examples & Exercise
Council Council: A group of people appointed or elected to make decisions or provide advice on particular matters. Counsel Counsel: Counsel refers to advice or guidance given to someone, often by a professional or an experienced individual. Examples & Exercise
Councilor Councilor: A member of a council, often referring to someone elected or appointed to serve on a governing body. Counselor Counselor: A counselor is a person trained to provide guidance, support, or advice, especially in a therapeutic or educational context. Examples & Exercise
Creak Creak: A harsh, high-pitched sound, often produced by something moving slowly or by a rusty or strained mechanism. Creek Creek: A creek is a narrow inlet or a small stream of water, often found in hilly or wooded landscapes. Examples & Exercise
Crewed Crewed: The past tense of “crew,” referring to the action of working as a member of a team, especially on a ship or plane. Crude Crude: Crude describes something in an unrefined or natural state, lacking sophistication or finesse. Examples & Exercise
Crews Crews: Plural form of “crew,” denoting groups of people working together or a team of workers or performers. Cruise Cruise: Cruise denotes a voyage or journey undertaken for pleasure, often on a ship or boat. Examples & Exercise
Cue Cue: A signal or prompt for action or speech, often used in theater or performance as a guide for actors or performers. Queue Queue: Queue refers to a line or sequence of people or things waiting their turn or arranged in a specific order. It can also refer to a data structure in computing. Examples & Exercise
Currant Currant: Small, seedless berries used in cooking, baking, or eaten as dried fruit, available in red, black, or white varieties. Current Current: Current refers to the flow of a liquid, like water or electricity, or it can denote the prevalent state or trend in a particular situation or context. Examples & Exercise
Curser Curser: One who uses foul or profane language to wish harm or express strong disapproval toward someone or something. Cursor Cursor: A cursor is a graphical representation, often an arrow or a blinking line, on a computer screen that shows the position where text will be inserted or where an action will take place. Examples & Exercise
Dam Dam: A barrier built across a river or stream to control and confine water, often used for generating electricity or preventing floods. Damn Damn: Damn is a strong exclamation often expressing frustration, anger, or strong disapproval. It can also mean to condemn or curse someone or something. Examples & Exercise
Dane Dane: A native or inhabitant of Denmark, relating to the people, language, or culture of Denmark. Deign Deign: Deign means to do something that one considers beneath their dignity or to condescend to perform a task that is seen as unworthy. Examples & Exercise
Days Days: The plural of “day,” denoting a period of 24 hours or the time between sunrise and sunset. Daze Daze: Daze refers to a state of confusion, bewilderment, or disorientation, often caused by shock, surprise, or fatigue. Examples & Exercise
Dear Dear: Loved or cherished; highly valued emotionally or sentimentally. Deer Deer: Deer are graceful, hoofed mammals belonging to the family Cervidae, known for their slender legs and antlers in males. Examples & Exercise
Dense Dense: Having parts that are closely packed together, often implying a lack of space or air. Dents Dents: Dents are depressions or marks caused by pressure or an impact on a surface, often altering its smoothness or appearance. Examples & Exercise
Dependence Dependence: Reliance or being influenced by something or someone, often referring to a state of relying on others or a substance. Dependents Dependents: Dependents are individuals, usually family members, who rely on someone else for financial support or care. Examples & Exercise
Dew Dew: Moisture that forms on surfaces during the night, particularly when atmospheric moisture condenses. Due Due: Due refers to something owed or expected, such as a payment, obligation, or rightful entitlement. Examples & Exercise
Die Die: A small cube with numbered sides used in games of chance or as a gambling device. Dye Dye: Dye is a substance used to impart color to something, typically fabric or hair, by soaking or treating it. Examples & Exercise
Dire Dire: Extremely serious or urgent, often indicating a grave or dreadful situation. Dyer Dyer: A dyer is a person who works with dyes, coloring materials, or fabrics to produce colored or dyed products. Examples & Exercise
Discreet Discreet: Showing prudence, caution, or tact in one’s actions or speech to avoid causing offense or revealing information. Discrete Discrete: Discrete describes something that is distinct, separate, or individually identifiable, often in contrast to something continuous or connected. Examples & Exercise
Doe Doe: A female deer or other similar animals, specifically in reference to their gender. Dough Dough: Dough is a mixture of flour, water, and other ingredients used as a base for baking bread, cakes, or pastries. Examples & Exercise
Does Does: The plural form of “doe,” referring to multiple female deer or similar animals. Doze Doze: To doze means to sleep lightly or to be in a drowsy or half-asleep state. Examples & Exercise
Done Done: Completed, finished, or carried out; past participle of the verb “do.” Dun Dun: Dun can refer to a dull grayish-brown color or to repeatedly ask someone for payment of a debt. Examples & Exercise
Dual Dual: Relating to, composed of, or involving two parts or elements. Duel Duel: A duel is a formal or arranged combat between two individuals, often using weapons, to settle a dispute or defend honor. Examples & Exercise
Ducked Ducked: The past tense of the verb “duck,” referring to the action of quickly lowering one’s head or body to avoid something. Duct Duct: A duct is a tube or passageway that allows air, liquids, or other substances to flow through or be channeled from one place to another. Examples & Exercise
Earn Earn: To obtain money or compensation for work, services, or activities performed. Urn Urn: An urn is a decorative vase or container, often used for holding ashes after cremation or for decorative purposes. Examples & Exercise
Either Either: Indicating a choice between two alternatives or possibilities. Ether Ether: Ether can refer to a clear, colorless liquid used as an anesthetic or to the upper regions of space beyond the Earth’s atmosphere. Examples & Exercise
Emigrant Emigrant: A person who leaves their own country to settle permanently in another; someone who migrates from their homeland. Immigrant Immigrant: An immigrant is a person who permanently moves to a different country or region from their homeland to settle there. Examples & Exercise
Ensure Ensure: To make sure or guarantee that something will happen or be maintained. Insure Insure: Insure means to provide financial protection or coverage against potential loss or damage by purchasing insurance. Examples & Exercise
Eutopia Eutopia: A misspelling of “Utopia,” a place or state of ideal perfection, often used to describe an ideal society. Utopia Utopia: Utopia is an imagined or idealized place or state of perfection, often referring to an ideal society or community. Examples & Exercise
Ewe Ewe: A female sheep, often used in reference to the female gender of various animals. You You: You is a pronoun used to refer to the person or persons being addressed or spoken about. Examples & Exercise
Eyed Eyed: The past tense of the verb “eye,” referring to the act of looking at or observing something closely. I’D I’d: I’d is a contraction for “I had” or “I would.” Examples & Exercise
Fain Fain: Willingly or gladly; with pleasure or delight. Feign Feign: Feign means to pretend or fake a particular attitude, feeling, or action. Examples & Exercise
Faint Faint: Lacking in strength or brightness, barely perceptible, or feeling lightheaded or dizzy. Feint Feint: A feint is a deceptive or misleading movement or action used to distract an opponent, especially in sports or combat. Examples & Exercise
Fair Fair: Just or impartial; following the rules or principles of justice. Fare Fare: Fare refers to the cost or price of transportation, such as a ticket for travel. Examples & Exercise
Fairy Fairy: A mythical being or supernatural creature often depicted as small, magical, and having wings. Ferry Ferry: A ferry is a boat or ship used to transport people, vehicles, or goods across a body of water. Examples & Exercise
Fate Fate: A predetermined course of events that is thought to be beyond human control; destiny or fortune. Fete Fete: A fete is a festive celebration or event, often held outdoors with various amusements and activities. Examples & Exercise
Faze Faze: To disturb, disconcert, or unsettle someone momentarily. Phase Phase: Phase refers to a distinct stage or step in a process or sequence, or it can denote a particular aspect or period in something’s development. Examples & Exercise
Feat Feat: An achievement or remarkable act that demonstrates skill, ability, or strength. Feet Feet: Feet are the anatomical structures at the end of the legs in humans and many animals, used for standing, walking, and running. They typically consist of toes and a sole. Examples & Exercise
Feudal Feudal: Relating to the system of land ownership and social hierarchy prevalent in medieval Europe, where lords granted land to vassals in exchange for loyalty and service. Futile Futile: Futile describes something that is pointless, ineffective, or incapable of achieving its intended purpose. Examples & Exercise
Find Find: To discover or come across something that was previously unknown or lost. Fined Fined: Fined refers to the act of imposing a monetary penalty or punishment for a violation or offense. Examples & Exercise
Finish Finish: To bring something to an end or complete a task, often referring to the final stage of a process or activity. Finnish Finnish: Finnish refers to the people, language, or things related to Finland, a country in Northern Europe. Examples & Exercise
Fir Fir: A type of tall, evergreen tree characterized by needle-like leaves and producing cones, often used in construction or as Christmas trees. Fur Fur: Fur is the thick, soft hair covering the skin of animals, especially mammals, used for warmth or as a protective layer. Examples & Exercise
Flair Flair: Natural talent, ability, or style, particularly in artistic or creative endeavors. Flare Flare: Flare can mean a sudden and brief burst of light or fire, or it can refer to a sudden and intense outbreak of emotion or activity. Examples & Exercise
Flea Flea: A small, wingless insect that feeds on the blood of mammals and birds, known for its jumping abilities. Flee Flee: Flee means to run away or escape from a place or situation, often to avoid danger or harm. Examples & Exercise
Flecks Flecks: Small spots or marks, often referring to tiny particles or fragments. Flex Flex: Flex means to bend or contract a part of the body, typically a muscle, or it can mean to exhibit adaptability or versatility. Examples & Exercise
Flew Flew: The past tense of the verb “fly,” indicating the action of moving through the air using wings or an aircraft. Flue Flue: A flue is a duct, pipe, or chimney that allows gases, smoke, or air to escape from a furnace, fireplace, or stove. Examples & Exercise
Flour Flour: Finely ground powder made from grains, especially wheat, used in baking or cooking. Flower Flower: A flower is the reproductive part of a plant, often brightly colored and fragrant, used in reproduction and typically seen as a symbol of beauty. Examples & Exercise
Foaled Foaled: The past tense of the verb “foal,” referring to the action of a horse giving birth. Fold Fold: Fold refers to the action of bending or doubling something over itself, creating layers or creases. Examples & Exercise
For For: In favor of or in support of something; indicating purpose or intended recipient. Four Four: Four is the numerical digit representing the quantity after three and before five. Examples & Exercise
Forego Forego: To go before or precede something; to relinquish or give up something. Forgo Forgo: Forgo means to voluntarily give up or abstain from something, especially something desired or valued. Examples & Exercise
Foreword Foreword: An introductory section of a book or document, typically written by someone other than the author. Forward Forward: Forward refers to the direction ahead or toward the front and can also mean sending something on or ahead to a destination. Examples & Exercise
Forth Forth: Forward or onward in direction; outward movement or progression. Fourth Fourth: Fourth denotes something that comes after the third in a series, ranking, or sequence. Examples & Exercise
Foul Foul: Offensive, unpleasant, or morally objectionable; also used in sports to describe rule violations. Fowl Fowl: Fowl refers to domesticated birds kept for their eggs, meat, or feathers, including chickens, ducks, and geese. Examples & Exercise
Frees Frees: The plural form of “free,” denoting multiple instances of something being released or liberated. Frieze Frieze: A frieze is a decorative horizontal band or ornamentation, often found in architecture or art. Examples & Exercise
Friar Friar: A member of certain religious orders, especially in Christianity, who lives a communal life and takes vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience. Fryer Fryer: A fryer is a cooking appliance or container used for frying food. Examples & Exercise
Gage Gage: A pledge or token offered as a guarantee or security, often used in archaic or legal contexts. Gauge Gauge: A gauge is an instrument or device used for measuring, indicating, or assessing something, such as size, pressure, or quantity. Examples & Exercise
Gait Gait: The manner or style of walking or moving on foot, often referring to a particular pattern or rhythm. Gate Gate: A gate is a movable barrier, typically hinged or sliding, used to control access to an enclosed area or passage. Examples & Exercise
Gel Gel: A semi-solid or jelly-like substance; also used figuratively to describe a situation coming together or becoming coherent. Jell Jell: Jell means to solidify or become firm, often referring to a gel-like substance setting. Examples & Exercise
Gene Gene: A unit of heredity passed from parents to offspring, responsible for traits and characteristics. Jean Jean: Jean is a strong, durable fabric woven from cotton and used to make clothing, especially denim. Examples & Exercise
Gild Gild: To cover something with a thin layer of gold or something of a golden color; also used figuratively to enhance or embellish. Guild Guild: A guild is an association or organization of people with shared interests or professions, often formed for mutual aid or protection. Examples & Exercise
Gneiss Gneiss: A type of metamorphic rock characterized by distinct bands or layers of minerals. Nice Nice: Nice can mean pleasant, agreeable, or satisfactory, or it can refer to showing delicate or precise behavior. Examples & Exercise
Gored Gored: Injured or pierced by a horn or tusk, typically of an animal. Gourd Gourd: A gourd is a fleshy, typically hard-skinned fruit with seeds and pulp inside, often used for decoration or as containers when dried. Examples & Exercise
Grade Grade: A level or position in a scale or hierarchy; also used to indicate the quality or rank of something. Grayed Grayed: Grayed refers to the process or state of becoming gray or turning grayish in color. Examples & Exercise
Grate Grate: To shred, rub, or scrape something against a rough surface, often used in cooking. Great Great: Great refers to something large in size, significant in degree, or impressive in quality. Examples & Exercise
Grays/Greys Grays/Greys: The plural form of “gray,” referring to the color between black and white. Graze Graze: Graze means to feed on grass or plants, usually for animals, by grazing or browsing. Examples & Exercise
Grisly Grisly: Gruesome, horrifying, or causing horror or disgust. Grizzly Grizzly: Grizzly can refer to a type of bear with gray or brown-tipped fur or describe something streaked with gray or flecked with darker color. Examples & Exercise
Groan Groan: A deep, mournful sound expressing pain, discomfort, or displeasure. Grown Grown: Grown refers to the past participle of grow, indicating the process or result of increasing in size, developing, or maturing. Examples & Exercise
Guessed Guessed: The past tense of “guess,” to arrive at an answer or conclusion based on intuition, estimation, or incomplete information. Guest Guest:A guest is a person who is invited to or allowed into someone’s home, social event, or establishment. Examples & Exercise
Guide Guide: A person or thing that shows the way or directs others, providing assistance or information to reach a destination or accomplish a task. Guyed Guyed:Guyed refers to the act of securing or supporting something using ropes or cables, often to stabilize or hold it in place. Examples & Exercise
Guise Guise: An external appearance or manner that conceals the true nature of something; a deceptive form or aspect. Guys Guys:Guys is a casual term often used informally to refer to a group of people, regardless of gender. It can also refer to ropes, wires, or rods used for support or tension. Examples & Exercise
Hail Hail: Frozen raindrops that fall in showers during thunderstorms, or to greet or acknowledge enthusiastically. Hale Hale:Hale describes someone who is strong, robust, and healthy, especially in old age. Examples & Exercise
Hair Hair: The fine, thread-like strands that grow from the skin, covering the body in humans and many animals. Hare Hare:A hare is a fast-running mammal similar to a rabbit but typically larger and with longer ears and legs. Examples & Exercise
Hairy Hairy: Covered with or having an abundance of hair, often used figuratively to describe something difficult or tangled. Harry Harry:To harry means to persistently harass, pester, or trouble someone or something. Examples & Exercise
Hall Hall: A large room or building used for public gatherings, events, or as an entrance to a building. Haul Haul:Haul refers to the act of pulling or dragging something heavy or unwieldy with effort. Examples & Exercise
Halve Halve: To divide something into two equal parts or halves. Have Have:Have is a verb indicating possession or ownership of something, or it can express actions, experiences, or states. Examples & Exercise
Hangar Hangar: A large structure or building used for housing and servicing aircraft. Hanger Hanger:A hanger is a device used for hanging or supporting clothing, typically shaped like a hook. Examples & Exercise
Hay Hay: Dried grass or other plants used as animal fodder or for bedding. Hey Hey:Hey is an informal greeting used to attract someone’s attention or express surprise, joy, or other emotions. Examples & Exercise
Hays Hays: The plural form of “hay,” indicating multiple instances of dried grass or fodder. Haze Haze:Haze refers to a slight obscuration of the atmosphere, often due to dust, smoke, or vapor, reducing visibility. Examples & Exercise
He’D He’d: A contraction of “he had” or “he would,” combining the pronoun “he” with the verbs “had” or “would.” Heed Heed:To heed means to pay attention to or take notice of something, often advice, warnings, or instructions. Examples & Exercise
He’Ll He’ll: A contraction of “he will,” combining the pronoun “he” with the auxiliary verb “will.” Heel Heel:Heel refers to the back part of the foot below the ankle or the lower rear part of a shoe or boot. Examples & Exercise
Hear Hear: To perceive or become aware of sound through the ears. Here Here:Here refers to the present location or position, indicating nearby or this place. Examples & Exercise
Heard Heard: The past tense of the verb “hear,” indicating the action of perceiving sound through the ears in the past. Herd Herd:A herd is a group of animals, especially hoofed mammals, that live, move, or feed together. Examples & Exercise
Heated Heated: Made or become hot or warmer; also used figuratively to describe intense emotions or discussions. Heeded Heeded:Heeded is the past tense and past participle of heed, meaning to have paid attention to or taken notice of something. Examples & Exercise
Hew Hew: To cut or shape something, especially wood or stone, using a tool such as an axe or chisel. Hue Hue:Hue refers to a shade or tone of color, particularly in a gradation or range of colors. Examples & Exercise
Hi Hi: Informal shortening of “hello,” used as a greeting or to attract someone’s attention. High High:High describes something at a great distance above the ground or a point of reference, or it can relate to being elevated in position or value. Examples & Exercise
Higher Higher: Referring to something that is elevated or at an increased level or rank. Hire Hire:To hire means to employ or engage someone’s services in return for payment. Examples & Exercise
Him Him: The objective form of the pronoun “he,” used as the direct or indirect object of a verb. Hymn Hymn:A hymn is a religious song or poem typically praising or expressing devotion to a deity or religious principles. Examples & Exercise
Ho Ho: An interjection used to attract attention, express surprise, or urge silence. Hoe Hoe:A hoe is a gardening tool with a long handle and a flat blade used for cultivating soil or weeding. Examples & Exercise
Hoar Hoar: A white or grayish frost that forms by the freezing of dew. Whore Whore:A whore is an offensive term for a person who engages in sexual activity for payment. Examples & Exercise
Hoard Hoard: To accumulate or store large amounts of something, often valuable items or possessions. Horde Horde:A horde is a large group, crowd, or mass of people or things, often moving together. Examples & Exercise
Hoarse Hoarse: Having a rough or harsh voice, often due to throat irritation or strain. Horse Horse:A horse is a large four-legged mammal commonly used for riding, racing, or work. Examples & Exercise
Hoes Hoes: Plural of “hoe,” a gardening tool used for cultivating soil or removing weeds. Hose Hose:Hose refers to a flexible tube typically made of rubber or plastic, used for conveying fluids or water. Examples & Exercise
Hold Hold: To grasp or grip something firmly; also used to indicate possession or control. Holed Holed:Holed refers to having made or found a hole or been placed in a hole, often used metaphorically. Examples & Exercise
Hole Hole: An opening or hollow space in a surface or object. Whole Whole:Whole means complete or entire, lacking no part or element. Examples & Exercise
Holey Holey: Having holes or perforations; containing or marked by openings. Wholly Wholly:Wholly means entirely or completely, without exception or division. Examples & Exercise
Hostel Hostel: An inexpensive lodging place providing accommodation, often for travelers or students. Hostile Hostile:Hostile describes a state or situation characterized by enmity, aggression, or opposition. Examples & Exercise
Hour Hour: A unit of time equal to 60 minutes, used to measure periods during the day or night. Our Our:Our is a possessive determiner indicating something belonging to us, used to show possession by a group or entity. Examples & Exercise
Idle Idle: Not engaged in work, activity, or purpose; inactive or unemployed. Idol Idol: Object of worship; revered figure or representation. Examples & Exercise
Immanent Immanent: Existing or operating within; inherent or intrinsic, often used in philosophical or theological contexts to describe a divine presence within the material world. Imminent Imminent: Something about to happen or occur soon. Examples & Exercise
In In: Expressing inclusion or being within a space, limits, or circumstances. Inn Inn: Establishment providing lodging or accommodations. Examples & Exercise
Incidence Incidence: The occurrence or frequency of something, especially an event, incident, or phenomenon within a specific period or context. Incidents Incidents: Specific occurrences or events. Examples & Exercise
Incite Incite: To encourage, provoke, or urge someone to act, typically in a negative or inflammatory manner. Insight Insight: A deep understanding or perception. Examples & Exercise
Instance Instance: An occurrence or specific example of something, often used to illustrate a general rule or principle. Instants Instants: Very brief or short moments in time. Examples & Exercise
Intense Intense: Extremely strong, concentrated, or profound in degree, force, or emotion. Intents Intents: Purposeful aims or objectives. Examples & Exercise
Intension Intension: In logic and linguistics, the set of attributes or qualities associated with a term or concept, representing its inherent meaning. Intention Intention: Planned or intended purpose. Examples & Exercise
It’S It’s: A contraction of “it is” or “it has,” combining the pronoun “it” with the verbs “is” or “has.” Its Its: Possessive form of the pronoun ‘it.’ Examples & Exercise
Jam Jam: A sweet, spreadable fruit preserve or a situation of congestion or difficulty, often in traffic or a tight space. Jamb Jamb: Sidepost of a doorway or window frame. Examples & Exercise
Knave Knave: A deceitful or dishonest person; a rogue or untrustworthy individual, especially in historical usage. Nave Nave: Central area of a church. Examples & Exercise
Knead Knead: To work and press on dough or a similar substance with the hands to mix and soften it. Need Need: Essential requirement or necessity. Examples & Exercise
Knew Knew: The past tense of the verb “know,” indicating awareness or familiarity with something in the past. New New: Recently introduced or not previously known. Examples & Exercise
Knight Knight: A historical title given to a man granted an honorary title of knighthood, often for military service. Night Night: Period of darkness between sunset and sunrise. Examples & Exercise
Knit Knit: To create fabric by interlacing yarn or thread using needles or a machine. Nit Nit: Egg of a louse or similar parasitic insect. Examples & Exercise
Knot Knot: A fastening made by tying or intertwining rope, cord, or thread in a particular way. Not Not: A word used to negate or express negation. Examples & Exercise
Know Know: To possess information or awareness about something; to understand or be familiar with. No No: Negative response or denial. Examples & Exercise
Knows Knows: The third-person singular form of “know,” indicating awareness or familiarity with something. Nose Nose: Organ used for smelling and breathing. Examples & Exercise
Lacks Lacks: To be without something that is needed or expected; to be deficient or missing. Lax Lax: Not strict or stringent; relaxed in manner. Examples & Exercise
Lade Lade: To load or fill a container, especially a ship, with goods or cargo. Laid Laid: Placed down or positioned. Examples & Exercise
Lain Lain: The past participle of the verb “lie,” meaning to be situated or reclined in a horizontal position. Lane Lane: Narrow road or passage. Examples & Exercise
Lair Lair: A den or shelter, often used by wild animals as a resting or dwelling place. Layer Layer: Sheet or covering laid over something. Examples & Exercise
Lam Lam: To flee or escape, often hastily or in an attempt to avoid capture. Lamb Lamb: Young sheep or its meat. Examples & Exercise
Laps Laps: The plural form of “lap,” indicating multiple instances of a complete circuit or journey around a track or course. Lapse Lapse: Temporary failure or cessation. Examples & Exercise
Lay Lay: To place or set something down in a horizontal position; also, the past tense of the verb “lie” when used to describe placement. Lei Lei: Garland or wreath, often made of flowers. Examples & Exercise
Lays Lays: The plural form of “lay,” referring to multiple instances of placing or setting something down horizontally. Laze Laze: Act of idling or being lazy. Examples & Exercise
Leach Leach: To remove substances from a material by dissolving them through the action of a liquid. Leech Leech: Bloodsucking worm or parasite. Examples & Exercise
Lead Lead: To guide or direct a group or individual; also, a heavy metal element (Pb) with various uses. Led Led: Guided, directed, or past tense of ‘lead.’ Examples & Exercise
Leak Leak: To allow liquid or gas to escape through an unintended opening or crack. Leek Leek: Vegetable similar to onion or garlic. Examples & Exercise
Lean Lean: To incline or bend in a particular direction; lacking excess fat, often referring to a person or animal’s physique. Lien Lien: Legal claim on property due to debt or obligation. Examples & Exercise
Leant Leant: The past tense and past participle of “lean,” to incline or rest against something for support or balance. Lent Lent: Christian observance period before Easter. Examples & Exercise
Leased Leased: Past tense and past participle of “lease,” the action of renting or granting the use of property, typically under a contract or agreement. Least Least: The smallest or minimum in amount or extent. Examples & Exercise
Lends Lends: The third-person singular present tense of “lend,” to allow someone to use or borrow something temporarily. Lens Lens: Optical device for focusing or refracting light. Examples & Exercise
Lessen Lessen: To make something smaller, reduce in amount, degree, or intensity. Lesson Lesson: Instruction or teaching on a specific subject. Examples & Exercise
Lesser Lesser: Comparative form of “less,” indicating something of smaller size, importance, or significance compared to another. Lessor Lessor: Person who leases property or goods. Examples & Exercise
Let’S Let’s: Contraction of “let us,” used to suggest or invite joint action or participation. Lets Lets: Allows or permits to happen. Examples & Exercise
Levee Levee: An embankment or wall built along a river to prevent flooding or a formal reception or assembly. Levy Levy: Imposes or collects taxes or fees. Examples & Exercise
Liar Liar: A person who tells lies or untruths, someone who deceives or misleads others. Lyre Lyre: Stringed musical instrument resembling a small harp. Examples & Exercise
Lichen Lichen: A composite organism consisting of a fungus and an alga or cyanobacterium living in a symbiotic relationship, often found on rocks or trees. Liken Li­ken: To compare or draw similarities between things. Examples & Exercise
Lickerish Lickerish: Having a greedy or eager desire, especially for indulgence in food or pleasure. Licorice Licorice: Plant with a distinctive sweet-flavored root. Examples & Exercise
Lie Lie: To be in or assume a horizontal or resting position; also, to make an untrue statement with the intent to deceive. Lye Lye: Alkaline substance used in soap-making. Examples & Exercise
Links Links: Plural form of “link,” connections or relationships between people, things, or ideas. Lynx Lynx: Wildcat known for its sharp vision. Examples & Exercise
Lo Lo: A Scottish term used to call attention or to emphasize a statement, similar to “look” or “behold.” Low Low: Positioned close to the ground or below average height. Examples & Exercise
Load Load: A quantity of something that is carried or borne, especially a burden or weight. Lode Lode: Rich vein of mineral ore in a rock. Examples & Exercise
Loan Loan: An amount of money or item borrowed temporarily with the agreement of repayment, often with interest. Lone Lone: Solitary or without company. Examples & Exercise
Loch Loch: A Scottish or Irish word for a lake or an arm of the sea, often used in the names of bodies of water. Lock Lock: Mechanism to fasten or secure something. Examples & Exercise
Locks Locks: Plural of “lock,” a mechanism for securing something, typically a door or container. Lox Lox: Brined salmon fillet typically used in cuisine. Examples & Exercise
Loop Loop: A shape formed by a curve or line that bends around and crosses itself, often used in knots or fastening. Loupe Loupe: Small magnifying glass used by jewelers or watchmakers. Examples & Exercise
Loos Loos: Plural of “loo,” a British term for a toilet or restroom. Lose Lose: Cease to have, be deprived of something. Examples & Exercise
Lose Lose: To cease to possess or retain something, to misplace or be deprived of something. Loose Loose: Not firmly fixed or constrained. Examples & Exercise
Made Made: The past tense and past participle of “make,” indicating the creation or construction of something. Maid Maid: Female domestic worker or housekeeper. Examples & Exercise
Mail Mail: Letters, packages, or parcels sent or delivered by postal or courier services. Male Male: Masculine or relating to the male gender. Examples & Exercise
Main Main: Principal, chief, or most important; also, referring to a physical location or significant part. Mane Mane: Long hair on the neck of certain animals. Examples & Exercise
Maize Maize: Another term for corn, a cereal grain commonly used for food or livestock feed. Maze Maze: Confusing network of pathways or puzzles. Examples & Exercise
Mall Mall: A large covered shopping area or pedestrian walkway lined with shops and stores. Maul Maul: Heavy hammer-like tool or to handle roughly. Examples & Exercise
Manner Manner: The way in which something is done or happens; also, a person’s behavior or attitude towards others. Manor Manor: Large estate or country house with lands. Examples & Exercise
Marshal Marshal: To arrange or organize something, typically a large group of people or things, in an orderly manner. Martial Martial: Relating to war, combat, or the military. Examples & Exercise
Massed Massed: Gathered or assembled together in a large group or quantity. Mast Mast: Tall vertical pole on a ship or boat. Examples & Exercise
Mat Mat: A piece of material placed on a floor or other surface to protect it, provide comfort, or decorate. Matte Matte: Surface finish without shine or gloss. Examples & Exercise
Mean Mean: To intend or signify; also, to have as a consequence or result, or to be characterized by a particular quality or attitude. Mien Mien: A person’s demeanor or appearance expressing personality. Examples & Exercise
Meat Meat: The flesh of an animal, typically used as food, especially when prepared for consumption. Mete Mete: To distribute or allot something as in measure or proportion. Examples & Exercise
Medal Medal: A flat piece of metal, often in the form of a disc, awarded as an honor or recognition for achievements or accomplishments. Mettle Mettle: Strength of character or resilience in facing challenges. Examples & Exercise
Might Might: The power, strength, or capability to do something; physical or moral strength. Mite Mite: A very small amount or insect belonging to the arachnid family. Examples & Exercise
Mince Mince: To cut or chop food, especially meat, into very small pieces; also, to phrase something carefully or euphemistically. Mints Mints: Facilities for producing coins or creates something new. Examples & Exercise
Mind Mind: The element of a person that enables them to be aware of their world, think, reason, and feel; also, to pay attention to or be concerned about something. Mined Mined: Extracted minerals or dug into the ground to obtain resources. Examples & Exercise
Miner Miner: A person who works in a mine, extracting valuable minerals or ores from underground. Minor Minor: Underage or lesser in size, importance, or degree. Examples & Exercise
Missed Missed: The past tense of “miss,” to fail to hit, reach, catch, or experience something expected or desired. Mist Mist: Fine water droplets suspended in the air or an act of misunderstanding. Examples & Exercise
Moat Moat: A deep, wide trench, often filled with water, typically surrounding a fortified structure, such as a castle, for defensive purposes. Mote Mote: Tiny speck or particle, often seen in a sunbeam. Examples & Exercise
Mood Mood: A person’s emotional state or frame of mind, influencing their thoughts, feelings, and actions. Mooed Mooed: The sound made by a cow. Examples & Exercise
Moor Moor: An expanse of open, often marshy, and uncultivated land, typically covered with heather or similar vegetation. More More: Greater quantity or additional in number or extent. Examples & Exercise
Morning Morning: The early part of the day, from dawn until noon or midday. Mourning Mourning: Period of grief or sorrow after a loss or death. Examples & Exercise
Muscle Muscle: A tissue composed of cells capable of contracting to produce bodily movement or maintain posture. Mussel Mussel: Edible shellfish found in freshwater or seawater. Examples & Exercise
Mussed Mussed: Untidy or disarranged in appearance, typically concerning hair or clothing. Must Must: Necessary or required by circumstances. Examples & Exercise
Naval Naval: Relating to the navy or maritime affairs; also, pertaining to the navel or belly button. Navel Navel: The central point of the abdomen or belly button. Examples & Exercise
Nay Nay: A word used to deny or disagree with a statement or proposal; also, a negative vote or response. Neigh Neigh: The sound made by a horse. Examples & Exercise
Nicks Nicks: Small cuts or notches on the surface of something caused by a sharp object. Nix Nix: To reject or veto something, indicating refusal. Examples & Exercise
None None: Not any amount or quantity of something; zero or no one of a specified group. Nun Nun: A woman belonging to a religious community, often living in a convent. Examples & Exercise
Oar Oar: A long pole with a flat blade at one end, used for rowing or steering a boat through water. Ore Ore: Naturally occurring mineral from which metal is extracted. Examples & Exercise
Ode Ode: A lyrical poem typically expressing fervent emotion or praise, often addressed to a particular subject. Owed Owed: To be under an obligation to pay or repay something. Examples & Exercise
Oh Oh: An exclamation used to express various emotions, such as surprise, realization, or disappointment. Owe Owe: To be required to pay or return something. Examples & Exercise
Once Once: On one occasion; at a particular moment in the past. Wants Wants: Desires or lacks something required or desired. Examples & Exercise
One One: The number 1; also, used to refer to a single individual or thing. Won Won: Past tense of “win,” achieved victory or succeeded. Examples & Exercise
Oohs Oohs: A plural form of “ooh,” an exclamation expressing admiration, pleasure, or surprise. Ooze Ooze: Slowly flow or seep out, often a thick liquid. Examples & Exercise
Overseas Overseas: In or to a foreign country or countries, often across the sea or ocean. Oversees Oversees: Supervises or manages activities or people. Examples & Exercise
Paced Paced: Walked with measured steps in a particular direction or pattern. Paste Paste: A thick, soft, and wet substance or to adhere using paste. Examples & Exercise
Packed Packed: Filled or arranged things tightly in a container or space. Pact Pact: Formal agreement or covenant between parties. Examples & Exercise
Pail Pail: A cylindrical container with a handle, typically used for carrying liquids or loose materials. Pale Pale: Light in color, lacking intensity, or an enclosed area. Examples & Exercise
Pain Pain: Physical discomfort or suffering caused by injury or illness; also, mental or emotional distress. Pane Pane: A single sheet of glass within a window frame. Examples & Exercise
Pair Pair: Two corresponding items, often used or seen together. Pear Pear: Fruit with a rounded shape, typically green or yellow. Examples & Exercise
Palate Palate: The roof of the mouth; also, a person’s sense of taste or the range of tastes that a person enjoys. Pallet Pallet: Platform for storing or transporting goods, often wooden. Examples & Exercise
Parish Parish: A territorial district within a diocese, often served by a church and administered by a priest or minister. Perish Perish: To die or cease to exist, often due to decay or destruction. Examples & Exercise
Passed Passed: The past tense of “pass,” meaning to move past something, proceed, or go by. Past Past: The time or events that have occurred before the present. Examples & Exercise
Patience Patience: The capacity to endure waiting, delay, or difficulty without becoming annoyed or upset. Patients Patients: Individuals receiving medical treatment or those enduring situations without frustration. Examples & Exercise
Pause Pause: A temporary stop or break in activity, speech, or movement. Paws Paws: The feet of certain animals like cats or dogs, often padded. Examples & Exercise
Peace Peace: A state of tranquility, freedom from disturbance, or absence of conflict. Piece Piece: A portion or part of something, often separated from a whole. Examples & Exercise
Peak Peak: The pointed top of a mountain or hill; also, the highest point of something, such as achievement or performance. Pique Pique: A feeling of resentment or irritation, often due to wounded pride. Examples & Exercise
Peal Peal: A loud ringing sound, especially of bells; also, a loud burst of noise or laughter. Peel Peel: To remove the outer layer of something like fruit or vegetables. Examples & Exercise
Pearl Pearl: A hard, lustrous spherical object produced within the shell of a mollusk, highly valued as a gem. Purl Purl: A knitting stitch or a gentle murmuring sound of flowing water. Examples & Exercise
Pedal Pedal: A foot-operated lever or control, especially one used in vehicles or musical instruments. Petal Petal: The colorful part of a flower that attracts pollinators. Examples & Exercise
Peer Peer: To look keenly or with difficulty at something; also, a person of the same age, social position, or ability as another. Pier Pier: A raised structure in water to facilitate docking or fishing. Examples & Exercise
Penance Penance: Voluntary self-punishment or a religious sacrament performed as a sign of repentance or atonement for sins. Pennants Pennants: Small flags often used for decoration or as emblems. Examples & Exercise
Per Per: Used to express a rate, ratio, or frequency; also, in accordance with or as directed by. Purr Purr: A low, continuous sound made by a contented cat. Examples & Exercise
Pi Pi: A mathematical constant representing the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter, approximately 3.14159. Pie Pie: A baked dish with a sweet or savory filling. Examples & Exercise
Plain Plain: An area of flat, open land; also, simple or unadorned without decoration or complexity. Plane Plane: A flat or level surface, or an aircraft. Examples & Exercise
Plainer Plainer: More simple or unadorned than something else; lacking embellishments. Planer Planer: A tool used in woodworking to create smooth surfaces. Examples & Exercise
Plait Plait: A braid or twist, especially made of hair or fabric. Plate Plate: A flat dish for serving food or a thin, flat sheet of metal. Examples & Exercise
Pleas Pleas: Requests or appeals made in a court of law or other formal proceedings. Please Please: To give satisfaction or pleasure; used to make a polite request. Examples & Exercise
Pole Pole: A long, slender, usually cylindrical object, often used for support or as a structural element. Poll Poll: A survey of public opinion or the process of voting. Examples & Exercise
Poor Poor: Lacking wealth, possessions, or resources; also, of low quality or standard. Pour Pour: To cause a liquid to flow in a steady stream. Examples & Exercise
Populace Populace: The general public or population of a country or area. Populous Populous: Having a large population or densely populated. Examples & Exercise
Praise Praise: To express approval, admiration, or commendation for someone or something. Preys Preys: Animals hunted and consumed by other animals. Examples & Exercise
Pray Pray: To address a deity or higher power with devoutness, often through words or thoughts. Prey Prey: An animal hunted or captured by another for food. Examples & Exercise
Precedence Precedence: Priority or the condition of being considered more important or urgent than something else. Precedents Precedents: Past actions or legal cases used as examples for future decisions. Examples & Exercise
Premier Premier: First in importance, order, or position; also, a prime minister or head of government. Premiere Premiere: The first public showing or performance of something. Examples & Exercise
Presence Presence: The state of being in a particular place or the existence of someone or something. Presents Presents: Gifts or existing at the current moment. Examples & Exercise
Pride Pride: A feeling of satisfaction or self-respect derived from one’s achievements, possessions, or qualities. Pried Pried: Forced something open or obtained information by persistent questioning. Examples & Exercise
Prier Prier: Someone who pries, investigates, or inquires persistently into private matters. Prior Prior: Existing or occurring before in time or order. Examples & Exercise
Pries Pries: The third-person singular present tense of “pry,” to inquire or meddle intrusively into something. Prize Prize: A reward or something won in competition. Examples & Exercise
Prince Prince: A male royal heir or a member of a royal family, typically ranking below a king and above a duke. Prints Prints: Reproductions or impressions of images or text. Examples & Exercise
Principal Principal: The main or most important person or thing; also, the head of a school or an organization. Principle Principle: A fundamental truth or a code of conduct guiding behavior. Examples & Exercise
Profit Profit: The financial gain or advantage obtained from a business or investment, usually after expenses. Prophet Prophet: A person who foretells or predicts future events, often with divine guidance. Examples & Exercise
Rack Rack: A framework or structure with bars, hooks, or shelves used for holding or storing items. Wrack Wrack: Destruction or wreckage, usually caused by storms or disasters. Examples & Exercise
Raid Raid: A sudden attack, invasion, or surprise assault, especially to obtain something or cause damage. Rayed Rayed: Spread out from a central point like rays of light. Examples & Exercise
Rail Rail: A horizontal bar or support, often used as a barrier or for support in transportation, such as a train rail. Rale Rale: An abnormal respiratory sound often indicative of illness. Examples & Exercise
Rain Rain: Moisture condensed from the atmosphere and falling in droplets; precipitation in the form of water droplets. Rein Rein: A strap or rope attached to a bridle used to control a horse. Examples & Exercise
Raise Raise: To lift or move something to a higher position or elevate it; also, to increase in amount, level, or intensity. Raze Raze: To completely destroy or level something to the ground. Examples & Exercise
Rap Rap: A quick, sharp blow or knock; also, a form of rhythmic music often characterized by spoken lyrics. Wrap Wrap: To cover or enclose something by winding or folding. Examples & Exercise
Rapt Rapt: Completely fascinated or absorbed by something, deeply engrossed or attentive. Wrapped Wrapped: Past tense of ‘wrap’; covered or enclosed by winding or folding. Examples & Exercise
Re-Cover Re-cover: To regain or restore something that was lost or taken away; also, to cover something again. Recover Recover: To regain something lost or improve from an illness or setback. Examples & Exercise
Re-Lay Re-lay: To lay or place something down again, often referring to arranging or positioning items anew. Relay Relay: To pass something along or transmit, often from one person to another. Examples & Exercise
Read Read: To look at and comprehend written or printed words; also, to interpret or understand the meaning of something. Red Red: The color of blood or the color at the end of the visible spectrum. Examples & Exercise
Read Read: To look at and comprehend written or printed words; also, to interpret or understand the meaning of something. Reed Reed: A tall, slender plant used for making thatch or music instruments. Examples & Exercise
Real Real: Genuine or authentic, existing in fact and not merely as a concept or idea. Riel Riel: The currency of Cambodia. Examples & Exercise
Recede Recede: To move back or retreat, especially referring to a body of water moving away from the land. Reseed Reseed: To plant seeds again or replenish a seed supply. Examples & Exercise
Reek Reek: To emit a strong, unpleasant odor or smell, often suggesting something foul or intense. Wreak Wreak: To cause harm or damage, usually related to negative consequences. Examples & Exercise
Residence Residence: A place where one lives; a dwelling or abode, usually a person’s home or habitual residence. Residents Residents: People who live in a particular place. Examples & Exercise
Rest Rest: To relax, take repose, or be still after exertion or labor; also, a pause or cessation from activity. Wrest Wrest: To forcibly pull or take something away from someone. Examples & Exercise
Retch Retch: To make efforts to vomit or feel nauseated, often accompanied by gagging or spasms in the throat. Wretch Wretch: A miserable or unfortunate person. Examples & Exercise
Rhyme Rhyme: Correspondence of sounds at the ends of words or lines in a poem or song; also, a verse with such correspondence. Rime Rime: A thin coating of ice that forms on surfaces, often in freezing conditions. Examples & Exercise
Right Right: In accordance with what is just, good, or morally correct; also, the opposite of left. Write Write: To put thoughts, ideas, or information on paper. Examples & Exercise
Ring Ring: A circular band, often made of metal, worn as an ornament on a finger; also, a sound or tone produced by a bell or similar object. Wring Wring: To squeeze or twist something forcibly, often to extract liquid. Examples & Exercise
Ringer Ringer: Someone or something that closely resembles another, often used in an attempt to deceive. Wringer Wringer: A device or person that squeezes or extracts water from clothes or objects. Examples & Exercise
Rise Rise: To move upward or ascend from a lower position; also, an increase in elevation, height, or position. Ryes Ryes: Plural of ‘rye,’ a type of grain or a whiskey made from this grain. Examples & Exercise
Road Road: A paved or unpaved route or way for travel, usually used by vehicles, pedestrians, or animals. Rowed Rowed: Past tense of ‘row’; propelled a boat using oars. Examples & Exercise
Roe Roe: The eggs or spawn of fish, especially those of the female fish. Row Row: A line of objects, people, or vessels placed next to each other. Examples & Exercise
Roil Roil: To stir up or agitate something, especially water or a liquid, making it muddy or cloudy. Royal Royal: Related to a king, queen, or royal family, or something with regal attributes. Examples & Exercise
Role Role: A character or part played by a person or thing in a particular situation or activity. Roll Roll: To move by turning over and over or to list items in sequence. Examples & Exercise
Roomer Roomer: A person who rents a room, especially in someone else’s house. Rumor Rumor: Unverified information or gossip circulated among people. Examples & Exercise
Root Root: The underground part of a plant that typically absorbs water and nutrients; also, the origin or basis of something. Route Route: A path or direction for traveling from one place to another. Examples & Exercise
Rose Rose: A type of flower known for its fragrant and colorful blooms; also, the past tense of “rise.” Rows Rows: Plural of ‘row’; lines of things arranged side by side. Examples & Exercise
Rote Rote: A mechanical or habitual repetition of something, often without deep understanding or comprehension; learning by repetition. Wrote Wrote: Past tense of ‘write’; created or composed using letters or symbols. Examples & Exercise
Rude Rude: Displaying a lack of manners, civility, or consideration for others; also, rough or harsh in manner or appearance. Rued Rued: Regretted or felt remorse about something. Examples & Exercise
Rues Rues: The third-person singular present tense of “rue,” meaning to regret or feel remorse about something. Ruse Ruse: A trick or deceitful strategy used to deceive or manipulate. Examples & Exercise
Rung Rung: A horizontal support or crosspiece forming a step on a ladder; also, the past participle of “ring,” as in to sound a bell. Wrung Wrung: Squeezed or twisted forcefully to extract moisture. Examples & Exercise
Rye Rye: A type of grain, often used for making bread or whiskey, characterized by its hardiness and distinct flavor. Wry Wry: Twisted or humorous in a way that suggests irony or dry humor. Examples & Exercise
Sail Sail: A piece of fabric attached to a mast or spar that catches the wind and propels a boat or ship. Sale Sale: An event or instance of selling goods or services at reduced prices. Examples & Exercise
Scene Scene: A place or setting where a particular event occurs or an incident takes place; also, a part of a play, movie, or story. Seen Seen: Past participle of ‘see’; perceived or observed by the eyes or mind. Examples & Exercise
Sea Sea: A large body of saltwater that covers much of the Earth’s surface; also, a specific part of an ocean or a large lake. See See: To perceive with the eyes or understand something. Examples & Exercise
Seam Seam: The line or junction where two materials or fabrics are joined together, often by sewing or stitching. Seem Seem: To give the impression of being or appearing in a particular way. Examples & Exercise
Sear Sear: To burn or scorch the surface of something, usually with intense heat. Seer Seer: A person who foretells events or sees into the future. Examples & Exercise
Seas Seas: The plural form of “sea,” referring to multiple large bodies of saltwater. Seize Seize: To grab or take hold of something suddenly and forcefully. Examples & Exercise
Sects Sects: Groups or organizations within a larger religious or philosophical system that have their own distinct beliefs or practices. Sex Sex: The biological characteristics that define male or female organisms. Examples & Exercise
Sew Sew: To join or attach things together using a needle and thread. Sow Sow: To plant seeds in the ground for growth. Examples & Exercise
Shake Shake: To move quickly back and forth or up and down; also, to tremble or quiver. Sheik Sheik: A leader in a Muslim community or an Arab chief. Examples & Exercise
Shear Shear: To cut or remove something by applying force or sharp implements, especially in a straight line. Sheer Sheer: Absolute or steep, often used to describe cliffs or fabric. Examples & Exercise
Shoe Shoe: A covering for the foot, typically made of leather or other durable material and worn for protection or fashion. Shoo Shoo: To urge or drive away something, often by waving one’s hands. Examples & Exercise
Sic Sic: A Latin term used in writing to indicate that a quoted word or passage appears exactly as it does in the original source, including any errors or unusual spelling. Sick Sick: Ill or unwell, physically or mentally. Examples & Exercise
Sics Sics: The third-person singular present tense of “sic,” meaning to incite a dog or other animal to attack. Six Six: The number after five and before seven. Examples & Exercise
Side Side: The outer surface or edge of something; also, a region or aspect of a situation or argument. Sighed Sighed: Breathed out audibly to express tiredness, relief, or frustration. Examples & Exercise
Sighs Sighs: The plural form of “sigh,” an audible exhalation expressing relief, sorrow, exhaustion, or similar emotions. Size Size: The dimensions or proportions of something. Examples & Exercise
Sign Sign: An object, gesture, or action conveying a meaning, direction, or information. Sine Sine: In trigonometry, a mathematical function related to angles in a right triangle. Examples & Exercise
Slay Slay: To kill someone or something in a violent manner, especially in battle or combat. Sleigh Sleigh: A vehicle typically pulled by animals, especially used in snow. Examples & Exercise
Sleight Sleight: Skillful or dexterous use of one’s hands or mind, especially in performing tricks or illusions. Slight Slight: To insult or disregard someone or something. Examples & Exercise
Slew Slew: A large number or quantity of something; also, the past tense of “slay,” meaning killed. Slough Slough: A swampy or marshy area, or to shed skin or cast off something unwanted. Examples & Exercise
Soar Soar: To fly or rise high in the air, usually without visible effort; also, to increase rapidly in a positive way. Sore Sore: Painful or tender, often related to an injury or irritation. Examples & Exercise
Soared Soared: The past tense of “soar,” indicating the action of flying or rising high. Sword Sword: A weapon with a long metal blade and handle used for cutting or thrusting. Examples & Exercise
Sold Sold: The past tense of “sell,” meaning to transfer ownership of something in exchange for money. Soled Soled: Provided with a sole, especially the bottom part of a shoe. Examples & Exercise
Sole Sole: The undersurface of a person’s foot or the bottom part of a shoe; also, the only one of its kind. Soul Soul: The spiritual or immaterial essence of a person. Examples & Exercise
Some Some: An unspecified or certain amount, degree, or quantity of something. Sum Sum: The total or aggregate of multiple numbers or parts. Examples & Exercise
Son Son: A male child in relation to his parents. Sun Sun: The star at the center of our solar system, which provides light and heat to Earth. Examples & Exercise
Stair Stair: A series of steps or flights that lead from one level or floor to another within a building or structure. Stare Stare: To gaze intently or fixedly at something or someone. Examples & Exercise
Stake Stake: A pointed stick or post, often driven into the ground, used as a marker, support, or boundary. Steak Steak: A slice of meat, usually beef, suitable for grilling or frying. Examples & Exercise
Stationary Stationary: Not moving or in a fixed position; immobile or static, as opposed to “stationery,” which refers to writing materials. Stationery Stationery: Writing materials like paper, pens, and envelopes. Examples & Exercise
Steal Steal: To take something without permission or unlawfully; also, to move quietly or surreptitiously. Steel Steel: A strong, hard metal made mainly of iron and carbon. Examples & Exercise
Step Step: A movement made by lifting one foot and putting it down in a different place; also, a particular phase or stage in a process. Steppe Steppe: A vast grassland characterized by few trees. Examples & Exercise
Storey Storey: A level or floor in a building; often used interchangeably with “story” in American English. Story Story: A narrative or account of events, whether real or fictional. Examples & Exercise
Straight Straight: Extending in one direction without curving or bending; also, honest or direct in one’s actions or intentions. Strait Strait: A narrow passage of water connecting two larger bodies of water. Examples & Exercise
Suite Suite: A set of connected rooms, typically in a hotel or office building, designed for a specific use or purpose. Sweet Sweet: Having a sugary taste or being pleasant, kind, or affectionate. Examples & Exercise
Summary Summary: A concise and condensed overview or abstract of the main points or events; a brief summary. Summery Summery: Relating to or characteristic of summer. Examples & Exercise
Tacked Tacked: The past tense of “tack,” meaning to fasten or attach something with small nails or stitches. Tact Tact: Sensitivity in dealing with others to avoid offense or distress. Examples & Exercise
Tacks Tacks: Plural of “tack,” small nails or sharp-pointed pins used to fasten or attach things. Tax Tax: A financial charge imposed by the government on income, goods, or services. Examples & Exercise
Tail Tail: The hindmost part of an animal’s body, extending beyond the trunk; also, the rear part of an object. Tale Tale: A story, especially one that’s fictitious or passed down through generations. Examples & Exercise
Taper Taper: To gradually become thinner or narrower towards one end; also, a slender candle. Tapir Tapir: A large, herbivorous mammal with a short, prehensile trunk. Examples & Exercise
Tarry Tarry: To delay or linger in a place; also, to remain or stay in one location. Terry Terry: A type of cloth with loops that make it absorbent and soft. Examples & Exercise
Taught Taught: The past tense and past participle of “teach,” meaning to impart knowledge or information to someone. Taut Taut: Stretched or pulled tight, often referring to tension in something. Examples & Exercise
Tea Tea: An aromatic beverage made by steeping dried leaves of the tea plant in hot water; also, a meal in the late afternoon or early evening. Tee Tee: A support used to elevate a golf ball before it’s struck. Examples & Exercise
Team Team: A group of people working together cooperatively to achieve a common goal or objective. Teem Teem: To be full of or abound with something, like people or animals. Examples & Exercise
Tears Tears: Drops of salty liquid produced by the eyes, usually as a result of strong emotion or irritation. Tiers Tiers: Rows or levels arranged one above the other. Examples & Exercise
Teas Teas: Plural of “tea,” referring to various types or servings of the beverage. Tees Tees: Plural of “tee,” the support for a golf ball. Examples & Exercise
Tense Tense: Stretched tight or strained; also, a form of a verb that indicates the time, state, or action of an event. Tents Tents: Temporary shelters usually made of fabric or canvas. Examples & Exercise
Than Than: Used in comparisons to introduce the second element of a comparison. Then Then: At that time or afterward. Examples & Exercise
There There: In, at, or to that place or position. They’Re They’re: Contraction for “they are.” Examples & Exercise
Threw Threw: The past tense of “throw,” meaning to propel something with force through the air. Through Through: Moving in one side and out of the other, or finished or completed. Examples & Exercise
Throne Throne: A ceremonial chair or seat occupied by a monarch or ruler; also, a position of power or authority. Thrown Thrown: Past participle of “throw,” meaning to propel something with force. Examples & Exercise
Thyme Thyme: A fragrant herb with small aromatic leaves used in cooking or as a medicinal plant. Time Time: The indefinite continued progress of existence and events. Examples & Exercise
Tide Tide: The regular rise and fall of the sea level caused by gravitational forces, usually referring to high and low tides. Tied Tied: Connected or fastened with a knot or bond. Examples & Exercise
Tier Tier: A row or level of a series of things placed one above the other. Tire Tire: A rubber covering around a wheel or a feeling of exhaustion. Examples & Exercise
Tighten Tighten: To make something tighter or more secure by reducing slack or looseness. Titan Titan: A person or thing of enormous strength, influence, or importance. Examples & Exercise
To To: Expressing motion in the direction of something or someone; also, used to indicate purpose or intention. Two Two: The number following one and preceding three. Examples & Exercise
Toad Toad: A tailless amphibian with a stout body and short legs, often characterized by rough, warty skin. Towed Towed: Past tense of “tow,” pulling something behind using a rope or chain. Examples & Exercise
Toe Toe: One of the digits at the extremity of the human foot, often distinguished from the other toes by its position. Tow Tow: To pull something behind a vehicle or another object. Examples & Exercise
Told Told: The past tense of “tell,” conveying information or narrating something to someone. Tolled Tolled: Rang a bell or sounded a bell, often for the time or to signal something. Examples & Exercise
Tracked Tracked: The past tense of “track,” following or monitoring the movements or path of something or someone. Tract Tract: An area of land or a written work discussing a particular subject. Examples & Exercise
Tray Tray: A flat, shallow container or plate with raised edges, used for holding or carrying items like food or drinks. Trey Trey: A card with a value of three in certain card games. Examples & Exercise
Udder Udder: The mammary gland or organ of a female mammal, especially a cow, that produces milk. Utter Utter: To speak or express something verbally. Examples & Exercise
Vain Vain: Having or displaying an excessively high opinion of oneself, often coupled with a desire for attention or admiration. Vein Vein: Blood vessels that carry blood to the heart, or a streak or pattern. Examples & Exercise
Vale Vale: A valley, often a long, narrow one, situated between hills or mountains. Veil Veil: A piece of fabric worn to cover the face or head, often for religious or ceremonial purposes. Examples & Exercise
Vial Vial: A small glass or plastic container, typically cylindrical, used for holding liquids, especially medicines or chemicals. Vile Vile: Extremely unpleasant or morally wrong. Examples & Exercise
Vice Vice: Immoral or wicked behavior or habits; also, a clamp or device used for holding things firmly in place. Vise Vise: A mechanical device used to hold an object tightly in place. Examples & Exercise
Wade Wade: To walk with effort through water or another liquid or soft substance. Weighed Weighed: Determined the weight of something or considered something carefully. Examples & Exercise
Wail Wail: To cry out loudly or express grief, pain, or distress through loud, mournful sounds. Whale Whale: A large marine mammal. Examples & Exercise
Waist Waist: The narrow part of the body between the ribs and hips, often considered the midpoint. Waste Waste: Material that is no longer needed or wanted. Examples & Exercise
Wait Wait: To stay in a place or delay action until something expected happens or someone arrives. Weight Weight: The amount that something weighs or importance attached to something. Examples & Exercise
Waive Waive: To refrain from insisting on or demanding something; to give up a right or claim voluntarily. Wave Wave: A long body of water curling into an arched form and breaking on the shore. Examples & Exercise
Waiver Waiver: A document or formal statement in which someone relinquishes a right or claim, often signed voluntarily. Waver Waver: To hesitate or be indecisive. Examples & Exercise
War War: Armed conflict or fighting between nations, groups, or individuals. Wore Wore: Past tense of “wear,” meaning to have clothing or an accessory on one’s body. Examples & Exercise
Ward Ward: A person, typically a child, who is under the care or guardianship of another person or institution. Warred Warred: Engaged in conflict or warfare. Examples & Exercise
Ware Ware: A specific type of merchandise or goods; also, pottery or objects made from fired clay. Where Where: Asking about a specific location or indicating a place. Examples & Exercise
Warn Warn: To inform or give advance notice of potential danger, trouble, or problems. Worn Worn: Past participle of “wear,” indicating something that has been used over time. Examples & Exercise
Wax Wax: A substance that is pliable when heated and hard when cooled; also, to increase gradually in size, intensity, or amount. Whacks Whacks: To strike something forcefully or suddenly. Examples & Exercise
Way Way: A method, manner, or mode of doing something; also, a route or path to travel from one place to another. Whey Whey: The watery part of milk separated from the curds, often used in cheese-making. Examples & Exercise
We We: The plural form of the pronoun “I,” used to refer to oneself and others. Wee Wee: Small or tiny. Examples & Exercise
We’D We’d: The contraction of “we had” or “we would.” Weed Weed: To remove unwanted plants or vegetation. Examples & Exercise
We’Ll We’ll: The contraction of “we will.” Wheel Wheel: A circular object that rotates on an axle. Examples & Exercise
We’Re We’re: The contraction of “we are.” Weir Weir: A low dam built across a river to control the flow of water. Examples & Exercise
We’Re We’ve: The contraction of “we have.” Whir Whir: A buzzing or whizzing sound. Examples & Exercise
We’Ve We’ve: The contraction of “we have.” Weave Weave: To create fabric by interlacing threads. Examples & Exercise
Weak Weak: Lacking in strength or vigor; not strong physically or mentally. Week Week: A period of seven days. Examples & Exercise
Wean Wean: To gradually accustom an infant or young mammal to food other than its mother’s milk; also, to detach or withdraw someone from a habit or dependency. Ween Ween: To suppose or think. Examples & Exercise
Wearer Wearer: A person who wears or puts on clothing, accessories, or any specific item. Where’Re Where’re: Contraction for “where are,” indicating a location or position. Examples & Exercise
Weather Weather: The state of the atmosphere at a particular place and time, including temperature, precipitation, humidity, wind, and atmospheric pressure. Whether Whether: Used to introduce a choice between alternatives. Examples & Exercise
Wee Wee: Very small in size or amount; tiny or diminutive. Whee Whee: An exclamation or sound expressing excitement or amusement. Examples & Exercise
Wet Wet: Covered or saturated with water or another liquid; not dry. Whet Whet: To sharpen or stimulate one’s appetite or curiosity. Examples & Exercise
Wheeled Wheeled: Equipped with wheels; having the ability to move or be moved on wheels. Wield Wield: To hold or use a weapon or tool effectively. Examples & Exercise
Which Which: Referring to a specific thing or things out of a set or group. Witch Witch: A person believed to have magical powers. Examples & Exercise
While While: A period or duration of time; also, during the time that or at the same time as. Wile Wile: A trick or strategy used to deceive or manipulate someone. Examples & Exercise
Whiled Whiled: The past tense of “while,” meaning to spend time in a specified manner. Wild Wild: Not domesticated or under human control. Examples & Exercise
Whine Whine: To make a high-pitched, complaining, or grating sound, often expressing dissatisfaction or discomfort. Wine Wine: An alcoholic beverage made from fermented grapes. Examples & Exercise
Whined Whined: The past tense of “whine,” indicating the act of making a high-pitched, complaining noise. Wined Wined: Past tense of “wine,” the act of drinking wine. Examples & Exercise
Whirled Whirled: Moved or caused to move rapidly around in a circle or spin. World World: The earth and all life on it. Examples & Exercise
Whit Whit: A tiny or scarcely detectable amount; a particle or bit. Wit Wit: Intelligence or mental sharpness. Examples & Exercise
White White: The color or hue of snow or milk, characterized by the absence of color. Wight Wight: A person or creature, often referring to the undead or supernatural. Examples & Exercise
Whither Whither: To what place or state; a term used to inquire about a destination or direction. Wither Wither: To shrivel or dry up, often due to lack of moisture. Examples & Exercise
Who’S Who’s: The contraction of “who is” or “who has.” Whose Whose: Possessive form of “who,” indicating ownership. Examples & Exercise
Whoa Whoa: An exclamation used to command a stop or slow down to a person or animal. Woe Woe: Great sorrow or distress. Examples & Exercise
Wood Wood: The hard fibrous material that makes up the trunk and branches of a tree; also, a type of forest or wooded area. Would Would: Past tense of “will,” used to indicate a conditional action or preference. Examples & Exercise
Yack Yack: To talk incessantly, often in a trivial or tiresome manner; also spelled “yak.” Yak Yak: A large domesticated bovine found in the Himalayas. Examples & Exercise
Yoke Yoke: A wooden crosspiece that is fastened over the necks of two animals, usually oxen, enabling them to pull together. Yolk Yolk: The yellow part of an egg. Examples & Exercise
Yore Yore: Times long past; days gone by; the distant past, often considered as a period of nostalgia. Your Your: Possessive form of “you,” indicating ownership. Examples & Exercise
You’Ll You’ll: The contraction of “you will.” Yule Yule: A festive season around Christmas. Examples & Exercise
Aahed Aahed: The past tense of “aah,” used to express surprise, pleasure, or relief. Odd Odd: Not divisible by two, unusual or strange. Examples & Exercise
Adieu Adieu: A French term used to express farewell or goodbye, especially in a more formal or ceremonious manner. Ado Ado: Fuss or trouble, often in a fuss about something trivial. Examples & Exercise
Ant Ant: A small insect typically living in organized colonies and characterized by a slender body and six legs. Aunt Aunt: Sister of one’s parent. Examples & Exercise
Aural Aural: Relating to the sense of hearing or the ear; auditory. Oral Oral: Relating to spoken language or mouth-to-mouth. Examples & Exercise
Marry Marry: An exclamation used to express surprise, excitement, or emphasis, often informal. Merry Merry: Cheerful or festive. Examples & Exercise
Rout Rout: A disorderly retreat or defeat; also, a large and noisy group of people. Route Route: A way or course taken to reach a destination. Examples & Exercise
Seated Seated: Positioned or placed in a seated position; also, provided with seats or accommodations. Seeded Seeded: Having seeds or the action of planting seeds. Examples & Exercise
Shone Shone: The past tense of “shine,” emitting or reflecting light; also, to excel or be outstanding. Shown Shown: Past participle of “show,” displaying or presenting something. Examples & Exercise
Tidal Tidal: Relating to or affected by tides; also, characterized by fluctuations or changes resembling tides. Title Title: A name or heading given to something. Examples & Exercise
Trader Trader: A trader is someone who buys and sells financial assets or goods in markets, aiming to make a profit from price changes. Traitor Traitor: A person who betrays someone or something. Examples & Exercise
Vary Vary: To vary means to change or differ, showing differences in quality, quantity, or nature over time or in different circumstances. Very Very : is an adverb used to emphasize the degree or extent of something. Examples & Exercise

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