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The Best English Reading Paragraphs. Part – 17

  1. Engaging in English reading paragraphs is essential for language development and comprehension skills.
  2. Improving English comprehension paragraphs helps individuals grasp complex ideas and enhances their overall understanding of the language.
  3. Diverse reading comprehension passages offer varied content, enabling readers to explore different topics and expand their knowledge.
  4. Practice with a specific paragraph for reading practice contributes to honing one’s ability to extract information efficiently.
  5. Regular exposure to reading comprehension paragraphs is vital for academic and professional success, fostering critical thinking and analytical skills.
  6. The importance of reading paragraph lies in its role as a fundamental building block for effective communication and information processing.
  7. Consistent reading paragraph practice is recommended for those aiming to enhance their reading speed and comprehension accuracy.
  8. For individuals preparing for language proficiency exams like IELTS, mastering IELTS reading paragraphs is crucial for success.
  9. Reading a paragraph in English daily is a simple yet effective habit to develop and maintain language proficiency.
  10. Emphasizing the importance of reading paragraph in educational settings contributes to a well-rounded academic experience.
  11. The cumulative effect of dedicated practice with english reading paragraphs results in improved language skills and a broader intellectual horizon.
Two thousand five was a year with several important developments in the world of development.  Among them were the decisions made in July at the Group of Eight meeting in Scotland.
Leaders of the G-Eight nations agreed to increase development aid.  They also agreed to cancel debts owed to international lenders by some of the world’s poorest nations.  Others could have their debts forgiven in the future.
Two thousand five was also a year for dealing with the effects of nature at its most unforgiving.  In October, an earthquake killed more than eighty thousand in Pakistan and Pakistani-administered Kashmir.  And December marked one year since the Indian Ocean tsunami that killed more than two hundred thousand people.
In both cases, the world looked to the United Nations for help.  The United Nations celebrated its sixtieth anniversary in two thousand five.  Secretary General Kofi Annan presented a major reform plan in March.  He proposed a bigger Security Council.  But he called for a smaller and more effective group to replace the U.N. human rights commission.
The plan also included ideas for dealing with terrorism and for establishing new rules on when to use military force.  World leaders discussed the proposals when they met in New York in September.
At the same time, Bill Clinton held his own conference in New York.  The former president raised more than one thousand million dollars to fight poverty and other world problems.
Finally, in December, the World Trade Organization reached a compromise agreement in Hong Kong.  Ministers from the one hundred forty-nine member group argued over farm protections.  Outside, protesters fought with police.
Wealthy countries agreed on two thousand thirteen as the end date for export assistance to their farmers.  They also agreed on other steps to increase trade with the world’s poorest nations.
Critics, however, said the results in Hong Kong left much to be desired.  The World Trade Organization aims to complete negotiations on a wider agreement in two thousand six.
The World Bank has been among those pushing for free trade as a way to pull millions of people out of poverty.  But a new study by economists at the bank says trade reforms would help some countries more quickly than others.


DevelopmentProgress, AdvancementRegression, StagnationThe process of growing or improving; a new and advanced product or ideaTwo thousand five witnessed several important developments, including increased development aid and debt cancellation decisions at the G-Eight meeting.
DecisionResolution, DeterminationHesitation, IndecisionA conclusion or resolution reached after careful considerationLeaders at the G-Eight meeting made decisions to increase development aid and cancel debts owed by the world’s poorest nations.
ForgivenessPardon, AbsolutionRetribution, VengeanceThe action or process of forgiving or being forgivenThe G-Eight leaders agreed to forgive debts owed to international lenders by some of the world’s poorest nations.
UnforgivingRuthless, MercilessCompassionate, ForgivingNot willing to forgive or show mercyThe world dealt with the effects of nature at its most unforgiving, such as the earthquake in Pakistan and the Indian Ocean tsunami.
AnniversaryCommemoration, CelebrationForgetfulness, NeglectThe yearly recurrence of the date of a past eventDecember marked the one-year anniversary of the Indian Ocean tsunami, which killed over two hundred thousand people.
ReformImprovement, AmendmentDeterioration, RegressionThe action or process of making changes to improve a system, organization, or lawSecretary General Kofi Annan presented a major reform plan for the United Nations in March, including changes in the Security Council and human rights commission.
ProposalSuggestion, RecommendationRejection, DisapprovalA plan or suggestion put forward for consideration or discussionKofi Annan proposed a reform plan for the United Nations, which included changes in the Security Council and human rights commission.
TerrorismExtremism, ViolencePeace, HarmonyThe unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aimsKofi Annan’s reform plan included ideas for dealing with terrorism and establishing new rules on when to use military force.
AnniversaryCommemoration, CelebrationForgetfulness, NeglectThe yearly recurrence of the date of a past eventThe United Nations celebrated its sixtieth anniversary in two thousand five.
CompromiseAgreement, SettlementDisagreement, IntransigenceAn agreement or settlement of a dispute that is reached by each side making concessionsIn December, the World Trade Organization reached a compromise agreement in Hong Kong, addressing issues related to farm protections.
ProtesterDemonstrator, ActivistSupporter, AdvocateA person who publicly demonstrates strong objection to somethingOutside the World Trade Organization meeting in Hong Kong, protesters fought with police over farm protections and trade issues.
CriticOpponent, AdversarySupporter, AdvocateA person who expresses disapproval or judgmentCritics argued that the results of the World Trade Organization meeting in Hong Kong left much to be desired, lacking significant progress.
NegotiationDiscussion, BargainingRefusal, RejectionThe action or process of talking about or discussing terms of an agreement, settlement, or resolutionWorld leaders discussed Kofi Annan’s reform proposals when they met in New York in September.
AssistanceHelp, SupportHindrance, ObstructionThe action of helping or supporting someone or somethingWealthy countries agreed on 2013 as the end date for export assistance to their farmers, aiming to increase trade with the world’s poorest nations.
ExportShipment, SellingImport, BuyingSend (goods or services) to another country for saleWealthy countries agreed on a timeline for the end of export assistance to their farmers during the World Trade Organization meeting in Hong Kong.
ProtestDemonstration, RevoltAgreement, AcquiescenceA statement or action expressing disapproval of or objection to somethingOutside the World Trade Organization meeting in Hong Kong, protesters voiced their objections and clashed with police.
RegulationOversight, ControlAnarchy, DisorderA rule or directive made and maintained by an authoritySome lawmakers and industry experts suggest changes to streamline market policing and enhance regulatory efficiency.
OversightSupervision, InspectionNeglect, InattentionThe action of overseeing something or someone; the fact of being responsible for an activity or processThe National Association of Securities Dealers supervises investment traders and trading companies, ensuring compliance with rules.
SimplifyStreamline, ClarifyComplicate, ConfuseMake (something) simpler or easier to doLawmakers and the Securities Industry Association suggest changes to simplify market policing and improve regulatory efficiency.
Economic reformsRestructuring, RenovationStagnation, RegressionChanges introduced to improve the economic health and performance of a country or regionThe World Bank has been pushing for free trade as a way to lift millions of people out of poverty, but a new study raises questions about the effectiveness of trade reforms.
Free tradeOpen trade, Unrestricted tradeProtectionism, Trade barriersInternational trade left to its natural course without tariffs, quotas, or other restrictionsThe World Bank advocates for free trade as a means to alleviate poverty and promote economic development in various countries.
PovertyDestitution, IndigenceWealth, AffluenceThe state of being extremely poorThe World Bank believes that trade reforms can help lift millions of people out of poverty, although the effectiveness may vary among different countries.
ReformsChanges, TransformationsStagnation, Status quoThe action or process of making changes in something in order to improve itA study by economists at the World Bank questions the speed at which trade reforms would help different countries, suggesting variations in their effectiveness.

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