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The Best English Reading Paragraphs. Part – 18

  1. Engaging in English reading paragraphs is essential for language development and comprehension skills.
  2. Improving English comprehension paragraphs helps individuals grasp complex ideas and enhances their overall understanding of the language.
  3. Diverse reading comprehension passages offer varied content, enabling readers to explore different topics and expand their knowledge.
  4. Practice with a specific paragraph for reading practice contributes to honing one’s ability to extract information efficiently.
  5. Regular exposure to reading comprehension paragraphs is vital for academic and professional success, fostering critical thinking and analytical skills.
  6. The importance of reading paragraph lies in its role as a fundamental building block for effective communication and information processing.
  7. Consistent reading paragraph practice is recommended for those aiming to enhance their reading speed and comprehension accuracy.
  8. For individuals preparing for language proficiency exams like IELTS, mastering IELTS reading paragraphs is crucial for success.
  9. Reading a paragraph in English daily is a simple yet effective habit to develop and maintain language proficiency.
  10. Emphasizing the importance of reading paragraph in educational settings contributes to a well-rounded academic experience.
  11. The cumulative effect of dedicated practice with english reading paragraphs results in improved language skills and a broader intellectual horizon.
Cleft lip is a medical condition that can be easily corrected.  The cleft is a separation in the lip of the mouth.  Cleft palate is a separation in the top of the mouth or the soft tissue at the back.
Clefts usually develop in the early weeks of pregnancy.  Males have the condition more often than females.  And it is more common in some groups, including Asian and Latin American children.
Researchers believe the condition involves genetic and environmental causes.  Things like sickness, smoking or drug use, including alcohol use, during pregnancy may increase the risk.
A simple operation can repair the problem.  Doctors say that without treatment, children in developing nations are more likely to suffer a life of poor nutrition and social rejection.
The Smile Train is an organization based in the United States.  It provides local doctors in developing countries with training and equipment to perform cleft operations.  The Smile Train has established programs in more than fifty countries.
Last month, it announced plans to expand its program in China.  The group currently works with one hundred thirty-five hospitals there.  It plans to double that number over the next eighteen months.  Former President George H.W. Bush is one of the supporters of the group.  He was at the announcement in Beijing.
The Smile Train began in nineteen ninety-nine.  Each year it provides free cleft operations to more than one hundred forty-five thousand children around the world.  Local doctors do the operations, which take as little as forty-five minutes.
The Smile Train says the operations cost an average of about two hundred fifty dollars to perform.  The group collects money through gifts to pay for them.  A spokeswoman says one hundred percent of all the money given is used to help children.  She says supporters pay the program costs.
Internet users can learn more details at smiletrain-dot-o-r-g.
The Web site lists a new telephone number for poor Chinese families to call to sign up for a free cleft operation.  The group says it guarantees that every poor child in China who needs cleft surgery can receive it for free at one of the hospitals in the program.


Cleft lipHarelip, Lip fissureNormal lip, Unblemished lipA separation or gap in the upper lip, often present from birthCleft lip is a medical condition that can be corrected through a simple operation, usually performed in early childhood.
Cleft palatePalatal fissure, Palatal cleftWhole palate, UnimpairedA gap or opening in the roof of the mouth, caused by the failure of the palate to close during the early developmentCleft palate is another condition that may require a surgical procedure to correct, and it can affect a child’s ability to eat and speak.
DevelopmentProgress, AdvancementRegression, StagnationThe process of growing or improvingThe Smile Train organization aims to support the development of local doctors in developing countries to perform cleft operations.
NutritionNourishment, Dietary intakeMalnutrition, StarvationThe process of providing or obtaining the food necessary for health and growthWithout treatment, children with cleft conditions in developing nations are more likely to suffer from poor nutrition.
RejectionRepudiation, ExclusionAcceptance, InclusionThe action of pushing someone or something awayUntreated cleft conditions may lead to social rejection, affecting the child’s quality of life.
OperationSurgical procedure, Medical surgeryInaction, IdlenessA medical procedure performed to treat a condition or diseaseThe Smile Train provides local doctors with training and equipment to perform cleft operations in developing countries.
ExpansionGrowth, IncreaseContraction, ReductionThe action of becoming larger or more extensiveThe Smile Train announced plans to expand its cleft surgery program in China, doubling the number of hospitals it works with.
AnnouncementDeclaration, ProclamationConcealment, SilenceA public or formal statement declaring a fact, decision, or intentionFormer President George H.W. Bush was present at the announcement of the Smile Train’s plans to expand its program in China.
SupporterAdvocate, BackerOpponent, CriticA person who approves of and encourages someone or somethingFormer President George H.W. Bush is one of the supporters of the Smile Train organization.
Operation costSurgical expense, Treatment costSavings, EconomyThe total expenses associated with a medical procedureThe Smile Train reports that the average cost of cleft operations is about two hundred fifty dollars.
CollectionGathering, AccumulationDistribution, DispersalThe action or process of collecting somethingThe Smile Train collects money through gifts to fund free cleft operations for children around the world.
GuaranteeAssurance, PledgeUncertainty, DoubtA formal promise or assuranceThe Smile Train guarantees that every poor child in China who needs cleft surgery can receive it for free through its program.
Web siteWebsite, Online platformOffline platform, Physical siteA location connected to the internet that maintains one or more pages on the World Wide WebInternet users can learn more details about the Smile Train’s mission and programs on its official website at smiletrain.org.

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